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" Lois Comes Home Early " with Lois, Reese, Malcolm, and Dewey

The favourite past time of the boys after they come home from school is watching television. Malcolm, Reese, and Dewey glue their eyes to the TV screen and their asses to the couch wasting the time away with Cartoon Network and Monster Trucks. As a responsible and good mother I wished they'd quietly read books or at least clean around the house. Well that afternoon I had a plan which would make sure that my lovely k**s (yes, even Reese) clean the house to a sparkle and prepare a dinner worthy to gorge upon. As a modern m,o,m, I knew they'd do anything for a quick buck and do their chores when threatened to be grounded for a week with no media entertainment. However I needed a cheap solution and one which does not require physical force and getting riled. As a woman I knew exactly what that solution was. Hal my hubby was neglecting his conjugal rights. And there are two things I really love - taking a long, bubbly, flower-scented baths and a,n,a,l stimulation. My fingers, small dildos, and assorted veggies all give my great pleasure. My mind had planned everything and I was hopping to enjoy my evening without having to do anything at all.

Get your lazy bottoms of my couch! You can't spend the entire day playing video games. [Lois]
Just watch us do it, m,o,m,. [Reese]
Yeah, we're done with school so now we can do whatever we like. [Malcolm]
m,o,m,m,y I'm hungry, what's for dinner? [Dewey]
Nothing is, Dewey honey. You'll have to make something for yourselves. [Lois]
Now listen to me you damn k**s. Tonight I'm going to kick back and relax.
I am going to take a hot steamy bath and when I return to the living room, I want you to have licked the house clean and made a tasty lasagne. [Lois]

There was sudden deafening silence, as if time had stood still. A mere m,o,m,ent afterwards, all three ungrateful dummies started laughing like crazy. They were whole heartedly laughing and rolling on the floor as if they had heard a Steve Martin joke from the 80s. I had to act fast or else I would have lost it and beat their asses in a row. I was still wearing my job's tasteless blueish uniform with buttons on the backside and hemline slightly above the knee. I decided to very slowly pull up my dress, my hands sliding lethargically from my knee caps, firmly pushing my palms upwards. When I was finished my legs had a pink tint caused by my fingernails scratching my tender flesh. My skirt was up, Malcolm was looking at me like science experiment about to go wrong, Dewey's eyes appeared dilated and large like headlights and Reese had the delightful smirk of teenage boy that had just groped a schoolgirl from his class. They were not laughing any more, their sight was fixated on their moommy's white cottons with girly patterns on the edges and pale yellow stain on the front. I am not going to lie, it was a very warm day and sweat covered my body from head to toes. Knowing full well what would really get their attention, I called up to Reese.

- Reese, come here right away! Good, now I want you to knee down and put your hands behind your back. [Lois]

He was obeying my order without even thinking of a sneering comment or annoying response. The poor boy was dumb as rock but this situation really took him off guard. The rest of the boys were immobile, testosterone flooding their bodies.

- Now close your eyes, put your face against m,u,m,'s dirty panties, and take a good sniff. Now I want you to tell my whether you like it or love it? [Lois]

I should have known better than to trust Reese for a foreplay. He swiftly straightened his hands, grabbed my ass cheeks as if holding for dear life, and jabbed his whole face in my private parts, breading heavily and licking my sweat and pee soiled underwear. The family's brainiac Malcolm had probably lost all the blood in his frontal lobe, with little left for his sight, rhinesthesia, and penis. Dewey looked like he had seen a ghost. Most certainly not like Casper but like naked Princess Leia hologram projection. Most evident by the fact that he was stroking his tiny pee-pee. My slap wasn't hard, I didn't want to make Reese cry, just take his mind away from the sweet smell of my pussy. He now lay on his side on the floor.

m,o,m,! Why did you hit me so hard. [Reese]
Did I tell you to grab my ass like that you little punk? I don't think so! [Lois]
But it smelled so good. I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted! [Reese]
Well if you don't want another smack across the face, you'd better join your brothers on the couch. [Lois]

He complied reluctantly, dragging his feet, and massaging his face away from the heavy sting of my slap. Now I could clearly see they all had an erection. I pushed the left side of my cottons. Then I pushed down the right side. With one swift move I took my panties into my hand. Now they had a clear view of my bush. I was old fashioned and didn't bother to clean shave. Besides Hal preferred a walk in the park rather than ice skating if you catch my drift. It was glistening with sweat. Reese's face rubbing against my body, poking around with his nose, had certainly gotten me exited.

Now listed you little good for nothing turds! This is your incentive. Play with my panties, put them on your head, smell the front, the back, and the middle. If you want cum in them, I don't care. [Lois]
Now I am going to take a bath. I want to completely relax, soap, and rinse the perspiration off my body. Keep quiet, clean everything, and prepare the frozen lasagne. When I come back and see perfect results, I'll let you play with m,o,m,m,y in a way that you won't experience until your first drunken college party. [Lois]
Malcolm you should really make an effort because you're going to remain virgin for a long, long time! [Lois]

I pulled my uniform down and took to the stairs. I was taking my time because I knew my boys are going to look up my skirt and see more than a hairy exterior. I hurried towards the bathroom on the second floor of the house. I needed to drop the k**s of at the pool if you know what I mean. I slammed my sticky with sweat ass on the toilet. There was no effort needed, the release was quick,
pleasant, and effortless. It is true what people say peeing and shitting when you're full to the brim does make you feel pleasure comparable to sex. The fast food and frozen dinner meals had enlarged my ass. I was no more skinny and bonny just married wife. I was middle aged curvy mother of four, with round belly, medium fat breasts, and generally very soft to the touch due to the fat under my skin. I rose upright and proceeded to wipe my ass when I heard some ruckus down stairs. It was probably the boys cleaning up and messing up at the same time, I thought at the time. The white tissue was mostly clear, I guess it was one of those clean blessed dumps. I looked down to pull my panties up and realised that I had just showed my boys my hairy pussy and pleasantly round ass, promising them "fun times". I wasn't thinking straight, mother son sex in looked down upon in modern society. Sure I didn't want deformed k**s but hey Lot had sex with his two daughters in a cave to continue the Hebrew lineage after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The clamor was nearer this time making me forget about the Bible. I decided to flush the toilet and see what's happening with those darn sons of mine.

I hadn't the time to react, they had decided to surprise me first.

They busted the door open, storming in the small space there was in the rest room. Malcolm and Reese pinned me down to the toilet seat holding my arms with a tight grip and bending them. Then Dewey scurried in with duct tape roll in his small hands. I knew what was going to happen but my other two boys had more strength than expected. In a m,o,m,ent my arms were bound with several rounds of tape. The boys let me go and before I had the chance to scream or yell at them Dewey fetched my soiled panties. They were wet because of my previous excitement and the 100F heat outside. Now they were drenched in semen, big chunks of gooey, stinky, yellow liquid. They forcefully gagged me with them and secured them against my throat with even more duct tape. The smell and taste of fresh cum in the heat was nasty and I couldn't do anything else but to swallow the semen liquid not absorbed by my cotton undies.

Did you really think we'll do our chores, m,o,m,? [Reese]
Yeah, I mean we're k**s but we're not that stupid. [Malcolm]
m,o,m,m,y, my brothers told me to help them and we'll have the best your warm body can offer. [Dewey]
Mhmhm! [Lois]

I wanted to say "Oh really! And what is that you little shit!?" but I was still gagged. There was silence before the storm as they say. My two older sons started to lick the two sides of my face while at the same time combing and pulling my hair roughly. Their style was sloppy and they were slobbering all over my face. You could tell they were passionate to savour their biological m,o,m,m,y's body because they were kissing and licking my cheeks, my nose, forehead, inside and around my ears, even my eye lids and brows. The little eye make-up I had was now smudged and running down my face due to the excess of saliva. Dewey was not wasting his time either. He was gently licking my feet. My toes and pinkies even in between. He was taking great care and was languidly caressing my calfs and quadriceps. I knew my older sons were rough boys but I was not expecting Dewey to be the one to say "let's make love" and mean it. Annoyed by Dewey's erotic technique they pushed him to the bathroom floor and started to pull my work uniform with anger. I was struggling to keep my balance as they tore the buttons on my dress. I fell on my left side with a thump. Struggling to take a breath through my nose I felt Reese's finger in my a,n,u,s. I wanted to scream, no woman wants to get fucked before she has taken a bath, especially in ass. My terror was inaudible because of my gag. I heard Reese's noisy spit and rub on his cock.

Now we're going to fuck the rest of the shit out of you, m,o,m,. [Reese]
I'll keep her steady, while you fuck her shit hole, Reese. [Malcolm]
All right then, help her up and position her for doggy style. [Reese]

Without any warning or further a,n,a,l foreplay, Reese jammed his stiff cock in my a,n,a,l opening. The pain was so intense, tears started flowing from my eyes. He was impetuous and fast paced. Within seconds the entire length of his penis was wedged inside my a,n,u,s. Using lots of energy he rammed his penis mercilessly in me. His balls flapping against my pussy making that familiar sound of sweat, flesh, and pounding coming together. Few minutes had passed which I hoped would have helped relax my rectum but with Reese's spit evaporated, his speed and vigour, the pain increased and my eye were blood shot from all the tears still streaming. I thought he would tear the tender flesh, it was so dry and painful. Before I could start crying again from the pain, he paused whilst his penis fully in me, grabbed my butt cheeks and spread them with such force I thought they were going to part.

Hey you losers, come and see how to gape a real woman's ass hole. [Reese]
Wow, Reese this looks so red, pink, and warm. Look at it. Look how it breathes with excitement. Do it again, I will make Dewey to stick his fist in there. Keep gaping her widely. [Malcolm]
Come here Dewey and put your fist in that lovely shit hole of m,o,m,'s. [Malcolm]
No! It probably hurts and it smells. [Dewey]
You're such a baby! Look and learn so you know how it's done. [Malcolm]

Malcolm's four fingers went into my a,n,a,l ca,n,a,l with no effort what so ever. Reese had gaped me so wide I felt open like a coffee cup. Malcolm continued to rummage in and out with 4 and later 5 fingers making my gape wider with every thrust. Suddenly he stopped. I sensed a shadow before me and opened my tearful eyes wide open. It was Reese who cum fountained all over my hair. He put his balls on my forehead and while rubbing them, milked the entire contents of his balls in my hair. Red hot with energy and sweat he helped me get up on my feet. Reese started to squish my tender full pearly white breasts with force like a crab. The pain moved from my ass to my breasts who were now getting sore to the touch.

Reese, stop fooling around and find things with significant girth so we can see how far we can stretch m,o,m,m,y's ass hole.
Prepare your ass for me mother! Oh, yes, tight grip, warmth and the smell of sweaty woman's ass. [Malcolm]

Reese stopped crushing and punching my tender breasts. I knew this was going to be worse because Malcolm didn't even bother to spit on his cock. He just inserted his cock in me struggling with his m,o,m,m,y's a,n,a,l muscles which were tight, dry, and tense. He won the struggle and was now fucking my arse with full force. Because of the brutal pushes he had to hold my belly so I wouldn't topple over and fall flat on my face. The pain was getting unbearable now and I had dried my tear reserve.

I opened my eyes again. Being upright I could see myself and Malcolm in the bathroom mirror. He had the expression of a brute stabbing a victim. Vicious and mercilessly stabbing my aching rectum. We locked eyes in the mirror's reflection. Sweat beads all over his face. My face was covered in saliva, smudged eye make-up, duct tape across my mouth, messy hair tangled and matted full of semen. I guess that look really made his blood boil. Looking at me, cheap whore, he blasted his semen in spurs filling my ass hole full of cum so hot I felt like it was burning. Or it may have been my sore rectum passage. While still looking at each other (I with intense tired look on my face), he took off the duct tape and my panties out of my mouth. I was hoping he would kiss his mother, a martyr of carnal burning desire, caress my bright red battered boobs, and say Thank You m,u,m,.

Do you want to taste something delicious, m,o,m,m,y dearest? [Malcolm]
I promise you that you won't forget the taste for a long long time. [Malcolm]
Yes, that's right whore! Moan like my m,o,m,m,y. I can tell you don't like a,n,a,l and you don't like to be fisted dry. Here taste my hand and tell me how that makes you fee? [Malcolm]

My mouth was gaping wide open and I was breathing heavily due to the intense pain of his exploring fist up my shit hole. Tears started flowing again. His hand was in my mouth pushing and gripping my tongue. The taste of semen and the liquid leftovers of my poop was awful. I felt utterly disgusted. He kept smearing a combination of saliva, semen, and brown liquid all over my hair which now had dried cum and poop smell. Malcolm pushed me on the floor and used the duct tape leftovers to tie my legs so I could not move, only moan of desire.

Okay dummies, I've collected Dewey's toys. Let's bet which one goes in and which one is to big even for m,u,m,. [Reese]
Give Dewey the honer, it's his toys. What should we start with Dewey? [Malcolm]
I really want to see how many sharpies with can stick up mama's butt. [Dewey]

They dragged me across the hall to their bedroom. The room where they had grown from babies. Suckling on their mother's nipples and now playing with and stretching m,o,m,m,y's a,n,a,l. I was laid on my back on Malcolm's bed. My hands and legs tied strong. Looking at the ceiling with my legs folded and pointing upwards exposing my heavily gaped and sore m,u,m,my's a,n,a,l.

I don't remember a lot afterwards. However I distinctly remember that there was a certain warmth engulfing my entire body. Knowing that my sons are “playing” with their mother made me more happy than ever. I knew that my sons will not abandon me in the future and forget to call me when they leave the family nest. Their sexual fantasies about the vagina that brought them to this world will haunt them, when they are having sex with a girlfriend, wife, intern, or prostitute. After many years of sexual experience they will realise that the best sex is not with a lewd looking girl. The best intercourse is between a mother and her son because of the unconditional love and spiritual bound from birth. Love which has no rules, love which has no boundaries, only the most heaven like pure bliss of pleasure.

"Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another."
- Madonna

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Berth Sharing Led To Mutual Seduction

Hello everyone, my real name has Naga but chaitanya is a fake name I chose at random, this is my first story and this has happened during my journey from Hyderabad to Bangalore. Im 25 year old 5 ft 11in tall with well built body from a decent upper middle class family, a handsome structure with wide shoulders and I work in an IT company in Hyderabad as. This beautiful incident happened when I was going to Bangalore. I often travel to meet my people every month. Many girls said they like to rest...

1 year ago
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Pretty Baby Ch 06

The culmination of Alyssa’s journey. Part Six: The Price of Passion Gary was dead, and I had met the man who had killed him. Trying to return to a normal life after that, I felt, was nearly impossible. I withdrew from the semester, and even though it was too late to get any tuition back, I didn’t care. I could easily pay my father back, although he would wonder where the money came from. I went back home for a while, staying with my folks through the holidays. My brother Roger made a...

2 years ago
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family SLUT PT 3

My cousin from Pt 2 came back by and dropped off his 15 year old son.he jump out of the car came around and gave a hug and ran in the house.I told his father that my dad and brother was at the local Wateringhole (bar) in town.he said great I will go join them.(I was hoping he would join me and the 2-15 year olds)so i lifted my tank top up and put a tittie in his sure are going to miss some fun.Then turned around and lifted my short skirt to show him i was not wearing any panties. he...

3 years ago
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PennyChapter 3

Penny was still sleeping when I left the house in the morning. I thought about her and our marriage all the way to work. I kept going back to the ease with which Penny let every thing happen and wondering if that was the real Penny. In all of our years of marriage I'd never had any reason to doubt Penny. I'd never seen one thing to make me believe that she wasn't faithful. She had always been loving and affectionate so why was I thinking the thoughts of her that I was thinking? The answer...

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The Gang Bang Team

Chloe was quivering in excitement as she searched for her instructors. She had just turned 18, which meant she could now finally try out for the gang bang team. She was sopping wet through her sweatpants just thinking about it. She considered getting dressed in ragged short shorts and a low cut tank top which stopped just after the nipple, but she figured today would be a work out, so she wore a plain T and old sweats. They were so worn, they actually had a hole in the crotch and Chloe's pussy...

4 years ago
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A would be Heroine

The cold night air kisses my young porcelain skin as I silently make my way through the empty park. A tiny girl of only 18, scans the darkness before quickly making her way to the public restrooms. I've heard the rumors of the sex crazed packs of horny men that have been gang raping girls in the area. It's always been my fantasy to struggle against several large, horny men, while they violate me against my will. That is why I have chosen such a revealing outfit. A small white top with a...

2 years ago
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Bus Journery

This sexperience happened when I was going to Vijayawada from Hyderabad in a bus last december and it was night 10.00 when the bus started. As it was in the month of December the night was very cold and all the windows were closed in the bus. The bus was a two seater. A handsome young man in his twenties was sitting in the seat next to me. He was wearing a tight jeans and pull over. I was glancing at his huge bulge at the groin visible because of the tight jeans he wore and wanted to touch it....

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 23

Peter enjoyed Thursday’s early morning swim, taking this time alone to plan the day. The air hadn’t warmed yet and the water, though tepid, was refreshing as he floated idly awaiting Jennifer’s arrival. ‘Got cha!’ Peter heard the shriek as two soft hands sent him to the bottom. Spluttering and coughing he surfaced to see Jennifer’s face close to his. ‘Jennifer, I love you so damn much it hurts, but that won’t save you!’ and he dived to catch her. Lifting her high against his chest he growled,...

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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Getting to Know All About Us This is the true story of the best sex I ever had, more than four years ago, the hottest and sweetest love I ever had in my life….how we got to the most magical and wonderfully sexual day of my life – Nov. 10, 2008 –but it’s also the story of how almost a year after that, and after cementing our relationship in so many ways but most especially sexually, I totally messed it all up between us and we can never, will NEVER be in each other’s lives again.

4 years ago
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My Vacation with the Johnsons Charlies Adventures 3

Introduction: Charlie goes on vacation with Alison and Mr. Johnson, and Josh. Heres another part to Charlie and Mr. Johnsons adventures ,) like before, feel free to rate, review and PM me suggestions. It had been almost two months since Michael and I had had sex. We had continued having wonderful sex at least twice a week since then. Sneaking around Alison and doing it whatever chance we got. It was extremely exciting, and he was my first love. My crush had completely gone from being a mere...

1 year ago
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
2 years ago
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The Perfect Love Making 8211 Part 2

Hello all avid readers of Indian sex stories, this is Rushik from Hyderabad back again with the second part of the holiday which happened with Neetu and thanks to shejal,deva,niveditha,vinesh and tharun for your comments and compliments regarding the first part and any kind of chat or suggestions and counseling to people who are low in their life of any sex both male and female are welcome at We woke up from the afternoon nap and we got ready to take a walk on the beach. She had worn a red off...

1 year ago
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The Spa

The Spa By: Michael Alexander [email protected] Author's Note: This is story is radically different from the many othersthat I have written, and even radically different from those normally foundon the BDSM Library. There is no torture, no pain, no non-consensual sex, nobondage, and not even any spanking. This is merely an intense sexual experience,light in taste, and totally consensual. So why read it? Because I think thatalmost every man will tell you that this fantasy is one...

2 years ago
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The presentation

(all characters are fictional. this is a work of fiction..etc etc)As Jo got ready she thought about her day ahead. It was going to be tough. A make or break pitch meeting. If they won it could mean the company kick on to a whole new level. If they lost… well she didn’t really want to contemplate that thought.She looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was very short, dark but she had noticed the odd fleck of grey. Nothing unusual for a woman of 38. She wore a white blouse, that covered a...

3 years ago
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Surprise at the library

The look on her face was priceless. That gorgeous mouthdropped open in shock before splitting into a beautiful grin that would have melted my heart, if the sight of her cleavage threatening to burst out of that white blouse hadn’t already affected another part of my anatomy. I had already been hard before arriving at the library. In fact that was the reason I was there, she had told me that she was going to spend the day there. I was too hard to focus at work, too hard to listen to endless...

3 years ago
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Down the street

Down the street lived a good friend and his mother. I walked over one cold and misty night to see him. He was gone so I pulled up a chair on his back patio and waited for him to get back. After awhile I saw his mother look at me through the window. She was a cute little redhead that was always a bit flirty and she never wore a bra or panties as I would come to find out.She came to the door and told me the her son would be home in a few minutes and offered to let me wait inside. As I said it was...

4 years ago
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He Set Up The Tents I Set Up The Surprise

  We love camping, though neither of us had been in the two years we had been together. We talked of it almost as often as how much we wanted our next couple, or single male, or single female. This summer I decided the time for talk was over. We had to do it! I made the reservations at a campsite about an hour away. I did all the shopping and preparing. We were doing it old school, tent, food from home, cooking over a campfire, the way camping should be done. Besides fishing, cooking, and...

Group Sex
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Mom Gets Gangbanged By College Seniors 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is Lingesh. This is the 2nd part of the story where and my sister. I hope you enjoy and please comment down. On the next day morning, I came out of my room and saw the home quiet. I went to the hall, but my mom wasn’t there. It was 8 A.M., So I went to my mom’s room and opened the door. She was sleeping in one corner of the bed. I went in closer and saw some pain killer tablets. So she took the medicines and was fast asleep. She was partially covered in a bedspread. I tried waking...

4 years ago
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All in the family 3

Of course when I first watched my brother jack off, nothing came out of his cock but as he got older, he could cum just like my dad. I knew that it really felt good when they would shoot their cum and I was jealous. But then my mom taught me how to masturbate and I found that girls could get that great feeling of orgasm too. At some point, our parents taught us about oral sex, which at first I thought was gross. The idea of taking my dad or my brother’s cock in my mouth was disgusting. They...

3 years ago
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Degraded Tenn Part 2

Three of the four guys that came for the gangbang were all large older black men, covered in tattoos and each one standing over six foot three and weighing well over two hundred pounds, the fourth black guy was the youngest at twenty three and only about five foot nine, and maybe one hundred & seventy pounds, but Tyler said he had the longest cock he had ever seen on a human. His name was Johnny, but in the joint his name was Long John Silver, because of his extra long cock and his silver...

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Klan8217s Woman

Tammi Buckner sighed and gazed at her reflection in the full-length mirror in the bedroom of her double- wide mobile home. The pretty blond 23-year-old turned this way and that, trying to look sexy in the long white robe and the pointed white hat. At length she puffed her cheeks and gave a snort of resignation. There was no way she was going to look good in the robes of the wife of the local grand dragon of the Knights of the KKK. Her husband, Mike, was still at work at...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the Neighborhood Part 3

After emptying my balls in Bobbi’s mouth and watching Terry fuck my wife, I wondered what was next. Terry said, “You think you have enough left to fuck Bobbi? I’m looking forward to this!” Bobbi patted the couch, turned to me and said, “Why don’t you lie down and get comfy.” It was more of an order than a suggestion, so I did, my erection getting harder by the moment. Bobbi walked over to Syd, taking her head in hands and planting a sloppy, cummy kiss on my wife’s lips. Syd reciprocated,...

Group Sex
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Ankita8217s Seduction Of Mom And Dad

( I thank Ankita for sharing all the details and giving me the liberty to mould the story. Please send your comments and suggestions to or ) My brother Amit and I were returning back home on his bike after our fantastic group sex at my club. “Did you enjoy?” I asked him, pressing my boobs on his back and fondling his cock over his trousers. The streets were dark with poor street lighting. “Mind blowing. Who was the girl whom I fucked last? You know her cunt was full with sperm like a cup...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 7 A New Semester and a New Job Part II

January, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Thankfully, Wednesday wasn’t a tough day, and I was home by 2:30pm. I had quite a bit of reading to do, so I made a pot of tea and went to the ‘Indian’ room with my textbooks. About an hour later, Elyse joined me, and Julia came in shortly after her. My mind began to wander and I realized just how much I missed having Stephie around. There wasn’t much I could do about it now, except to adapt to the new reality. As much as I liked and wanted a constant...

1 year ago
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Mama finally got me

Note : This story is completely fictional! This story can finally be told, all the other participants are dead except me. Mamma has been dead for 6 mo. now. She asked me to tell this after they were all gone to show others that incest doesn't always bring someone to a bad end, as long as no one is forced or coerced. In fact, some of the best sex is right at home! My family has always been into sex, as long as I can remember. I poated a couple of stories about my 3 aunts, Carrie, Orra, and Edith...

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Nerd Vs Jock A Bets a Bet

I have always through of myself been a stud. It was nothing new to me, it was just who I was. I remember, when I was little I ran the playground. In middle school, I was the only one dating a girl in High School. And in High School, I dated the prom queen and was a star in 3 different sports. I got a full ride to college and beat out a senior college quarterback to become the starter. I also got his girlfriend who was by most people's estimation the prettiest girl on campus and that is where...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Riley Reid Aubrey Kate I Am Riley Episode 4

Filmmaker Evil Chris brings to life the onstage presence and off-stage reality of XXX superstar Riley Reid via his XXX documentary style — a hybrid of genuine journalism, behind-the-scenes access and a full, hardcore scene. Cameras capture scene planning and then petite, energetic Riley’s encounter with tall, beautiful TS luminary Aubrey Kate. At the studio, Riley finds legendary pornographer John Stagliano preparing to direct an ambitious spectacle, but leaving room for...

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Rain sex1

I am Hira, from Bangladesh and a regular reader of ISS. Average complexion. My age is 28, Height-5.8”, Weight 69kg, Healthy and Muscular Body.I am working a export import company as a marketing officer in Dhaka. This is a true story which I never express to anybody but ISS give the opportunity. I The incident happened late afternoon. After completed my Office I went regularly to near her (My colleague Shova) home by Rickshaw. She is married. Her boobs was sex bomb. Have a 2 years old baby. She...

1 year ago
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Mother and Son II The Next 12 Months

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.  The year 2002 finished well with Candice being born in November and Shaun (my husband) had no further overseas deployments in the army that year. Christmas came and went with Candice putting on weight and the centre of attention, followed by the New Year. Harrison (my son) commenced his final year at high school in February, 2003, in anticipation of going...

3 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Reluctant Groupie Part 2

Sweet college-girl Kareena's night out to see rock band The Devil's Rejects takes an unexpected turn, when she accompanies lead guitarist Jared to the battered tour van. Seduced to semi-nudity, she reaches that crucial moment in the evening - when she must face the throbbing source of Jared's powers...Jared pushed her away from him and lay back, grinning and expectant. His hand brushed the button of his jeans-front. They looked fit to pop, he was bulging so much.“Take a look.”She held her...

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