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Vi träffades nere i stan en vå kramades och gav oss en het gick till ett kaffe och beställde kaffe med bulle..
Jag satt sidan om dig..tog min hand och smekte utanför dina byxor..den reagerade snabbt..jag log..
Du sa att den hade längtat efter mina smekningar...då viskade jag till dig att jag inte hade några trosor på mig..
Du flämtade och sa..du då åker vi bums jag svarade..nää det gör vi inte och började smeka dig igen..jag log..
Du tog din hand under min kjol och vandrade uppåt och jag stretade så du kunde känna hur våt jag var...
Du viskade i mitt öra..Mmm..den vill jag smaka på och pulla den så det går för dig...jag svarade..Mmmm det skulle vara nice men inte än..
Vi drack upp vårt kaffe och åt våra bullar och sedan sa går vi till bilen och åker hem..du bodde utanför stan så det skulle ta lite tid att komma hem till dig..
Medan du körde smekte jag dig..på låren..kuken som var hård innanför dina byxor..du ska till mig att sluta för du kunde inte koncentrera dig på körningen..
Jag öppnade mina blus så du kunde se mina bröst..du såg att mina bröstvårtor vara mycket styva..
Plötsligt blev det kö på vägen så vi fick krypa oss fram..du började bli all irriterad att vi hade bara 10minuters väg från ditt hem..
Jag log för mig själv..och började lite med att smeka mina brö bara lite så att du fick höra att jag stönade lite...du såg på mig och sa..
gör inte så det ska jag göra...jag vi står ju fast och jag är kåt...log jag...
det tog 20minuter innan vi kunde köra och du körde så fort för att komma hem..
vi kom knappt innanför dörren förrän du pressade upp mig utterdörren och tog mig där hårt och vi kom samtidigt..
Du sa..du retade mig så jag blev tokig sedan log du..
Jag log jag med...

Jag gick till sovrummet och tog av mig alla plagg jag hade..och la mig på sängen...jag började smeka mig själv...du tog av dina kläder med..
du kom närmare mig men då sa jag..stanna där...och börjar smeka mig med mina bröst..mage och lår..sedan kom jag fram till dig och tog din kuk i handen..
förde den till min fitta och började dra ditt ollon på min klitoris och sedan mellan min fitt-öppningen..det kännes så skönt att känna den göra så..jag gjorde så några gånger..
men sedan släppte jag din kuk och började smeka min fitta..den var mycket våt..jag tog ett finger in..sedan två och sedan tre..mmm..skööönt..

Jag smyger fram till dig och tar din kuk i min mun..börjar suga och slicka lite först..sedan efter ett litet tag så ser jag upp till dig och säger..vill du ha en 69:a???
du svarade..Ja det vill jag...jag ber dig lägga dig på rygg..jag tar in din kuk igen i min mun medan du slickar mina fitta och klitoris.. din tunga gör så skönt för mig..jag tar lite hårdare med min mun när jag suger dig..mmmm du smakar så underbart...din kuk glider ut och in i mun mun..sedan tar jag tungan mot ditt ollon och rullar den runt..runt om ditt ollon.mmmm...sedan tar jag och suger in lite nätt dina pung-kulor..sedan fortsätter jag jag suga din kuk..du stönar och säger att jag ska sluta för annars går det för dig..

Jag reser mig upp och låter dig slicka min fitta riktigt blött..ååååååå...helt underbart...
jag tar och grenslar över dig så kan jag rida dig... tar sakta in ditt ollon..sedan sluter fittan ditt ollon..jag stannar upp...ser på dig och lutar mig fram så att du får mina bröst på ditt ansikte..sedan sakta mycket sakta går jag ner så jag sluter hela din 20cm långa kuk i min fitta..ååååååå..du tar och smeker mina bröst och klämmer dom..du tar den ena bröstvårtan i din mun..mmmmm..jag roterar runt..runt...runt.. innan jag tar och rider dig sakta kan riktigt höra klapp..klapp när din kuk går ut och in i mig så våt är jag..jag stönar och vill att du ska bita lite nätt i bröstvårtan medan jag rider dig all fortare och fortare..Åhhhhhh..snart går det för mig...så jag stannar upp...jag vänder på mig så jag har ryggen mot dig..och fortsätter och rider dig du stönar högt och säger att du kommer snart...rider dig allt fortare och stönar att jag kommer nuuuuu..ååååååå kommer samtidigt och jag sjunker åt sidan om dig och skakar i hela kroppen...MMmm..HELT tar och ligger oss i sked en stund och somnar till en stund...
Jag vaknar och se på dig med ett stort leende..tänk att du gör mig så härlig kåt och glad..jag går ut och tar en dusch och sedan går jag in i sängen igen...ser på dig när du sover så lugnt med ett leende på dina läppar...vad ska vi göra nu..jag tänker då på att du sa att du tycker om att ha olja-sex..det är ju en bra frågan är om du har massor av det hemma..Du vaknar sakta upp från dig dröm som du har och ser på mig..du säger tack det var underbart..jag svarade tack själv och ler...du ser lite på mig och säger har du duschat? jag svarar ja det har jag gjort..du ler och säger då ska du med göra det..

Undertiden tänker jag på vad man ska ha sex någonstans..minns att du tyckte om att ha sex utomhus med..det är en bra ide tänker jag...jag frågar dig om du vill åka på en picknick..Du nickar och säger..det kan vi göra..Bra svarade vill jag med ha så vi får ta en filt med oss och blinkar till dig..
Du visste vart du ville vara och ha bara njuter av att hålla hand medan du kör..solen skiner och det är varmt ser en skog och kör in i går ut och gör i ordning våra pick nick... vi åt lite och sedan börjar jag krypa mot dig för att ge dig en kyss..du svarar med att smeka min rumpa och vandrar vidare mot innanlåret..jag tar ut din kuk som nu är hård igen och börjar slicka dig från ollonet och ner till roten och upp igen..gör samma ska några gånger..sedan tar jag in ollonet bara i min mun och roterar min tunga runt..runt ditt ollon..du har nu hittat min klitoris och börjar smeka med sakta..sakta rörelser..jag stönar till och bara älskar din behandling med mig...Jag börjar suga dig hård och då stönar du till med och jag bara njuter av att jag gör skönt för dig...jag säger att nu vill jag att du tar mig bakifrån och ställer mig på alla fyra och väntar på att du ska komma in i mig..
Jag känner att du tar in ditt ollon i mig stannar..och kört in hela din 20cm långa kuk hårt in i mig..du knullat mig hårt säger att jag ska knåda mitt ena bröst hårt och knipa på mina bröstvårta och det gör jag..Gud vad skönt det är när du knullar mig hårt...sedan stannar du och säger att jag ska ställa mig vid trädet och puta ut med min rumpa så du kan ta mig där..och det gör jag..jag stönar och nästan skriker ut all kåthet så att alla kan höra men det bryr jag mig inte om..jag är bara där med dig och jag hör bara din och min röst som stönar och skriker ut när vi kommer i en härlig orgasm..

Vi åker sedan ner till havet och badar och svalkar av oss innan vi gör en resa hem till dig igen..
Vi gör lite mat och sitter och njuter av varandra när vi äter..och då frågar dig när vi står och diskar om du vill ha olja-sex med mig..du säger gärna det älskar jag att göra..
jag frågar dig om du har mycket olja hemma och det hade du köpt..jag ler och säger att då gör vi det...
Vi klär oss nakna och jag vill börja smörja in dig för du är en lång kille..och jag häller ut från din hals och masserar in oljan från halsen..bröstet...magen...dina lår och kuk..sedan dina axlar..armar och din rumpa...jag ta extra långt tid när jag masserar in oljan igen på din kuk och din pung..du blundar och stönar lite svagt..jag ger dig en het kyss och viskar sedan lite svagt i ditt öra..vill du massera in oljan på mig nu...du nickar och tar oljan och häller ut det på mina bröst och masserar in det sedan min mage..lår och min fitta och bara smeker som du aldrig gjort förut..dina händer gör mig så het och kåt..du ger mig en kyss och frågar om jag vill ligga ner..och det vill jag..våra kroppar glider så lätt mot varandra så vi nästan trillar ner från sängen...jag säger då till dig..lägg din kuk mellan mina bröst så får den ha det skönt en stund där..du lägger din kuk emellan brösten medan jag tar mina händer och bäddar in den där och sedan börjar du bröst knulla mig...du stönar och säger att det är så skönt..jag tar ut min tunga så var gång den ditt ollon kommer till mitt ansikte så slickar jag gör så i några minuter sedan vill du ligga ner på din rygg och jag lägger mig ovanpå dig och bara glider fram och tillbaka..retar dig lite med att din kuk inte riktigt kommer in i min våta när den väl kommer helt in så vill du att jag ska böja mig mot dig och bara vara stilla..du börjar knulla mig och jag vill motjocka men du säger att jag ska låta bli..
Jag kysste dig djupt och vi stönar vill du att jag ska ställa mig och att du ska sätta dig på en stol och där ska jag rida dig och det gör jag så gärna..jag tar ut mina ben över
armstöden och sjunker ner och sedan upp igen..upp..ner..upp..ner...du ställer dig upp med mig i din famn och går mot hörna av rummet och knullar mig när jag hänger med ryggen mot hö stönar och du är helt vild och tar mig hårt igen...du lägger mig sedan ner på golvet och jag har fortfarande mina ben åt sidan och du tar mig hårt på kommer i en stor orgasm igen..du sjunker ner mot mig..och ger mig en kyss och jag bevarar den med ömhet och säger tack..du ler och säger tack själv 6y...

Efter ett tag så går vi tillsammans till duschen och tvättar av oss all olja och sedan lägger vi oss i sängen och somnar med våra armar om varandra för nu är det natt...

Jag hoppas att du tycker om berättelsen jag har skrivit..:)


In English...

We met downtown on a spring day .. we hugged and gave us a hot kiss .. we went to a coffee and ordered coffee and bun ..
I sat beside you .. took my hand and stroked off your pants .. it reacted quickly .. I smiled ..
You said it had longed for my caresses ... then I whispered to you that I had no panties on me ..
You gasped and said .. you when we go home bums ... but I answered .. no we do not and began to caress you again .. I smiled ..
You took your hand under my skirt and walked up and I struggled so you could feel how wet I was ...
You whispered in my ear .. Mmm .. I want it to taste and finger it as it goes for you ... I said .. Mmmm it would be nice but not yet ..
We drank our coffee and ate our buns and then I said .. now we go to the car and go home .. you lived outside of town so it would take some time to get home to you ..
While driving, I caressed you .. thighs .. my cock was hard inside your pants .. you are going to stop me because you could not concentrate on driving ..
I stopped .. but opened my blouse so that you could see my breasts .. you saw that my nipples to be very stiff ..
Suddenly there was a queue on the road so we had to crawl our way .. you were getting all annoyed that we had only 10-minute away from your home ..
I smiled to myself .. and started a little to rub my breasts .. but just a little so you heard that I groaned a little ... You looked at me and said ..
do not do it I'll do ... I said .. but we are the firm and I'm horny ... I smiled ...
it took 20minuter before we could run and you ran so fast to get home ..
We barely got inside the door until you pressed me up otter door and took me there hard and fast .. but we came at the same time ..
You said .. you teased me so I went crazy then you smile ..
I smiled I ...

I went to the bedroom and took off all my clothes I had .. and lay down on the bed ... I started stroking myself ... You took off your clothes with ..
you came closer to me, but then I said .. stay there ... and starts caressing me with my boobs .. stomach and thighs .. then I came up to you and took your cock in your hand ..
brought it to my pussy and began to pull your cock on my clit and then between my cunt-opening .. it is felt so nice to feel it do so .. I did so a few times ..
but then I let your cock and started stroking my pussy .. it was very wet .. I took a finger in. .. then two and then three .. mmm .. gooood ..

I sneak up to you and takes your cock in my mouth .. begins to suck and lick a bit first .. then after a while I see up to you and say .. do you want a 69 a??
you answered .. Yes, I do ... I'm asking you to lie on your back .. I take your cock back in my mouth while you lick my pussy and clit .. your tongue makes so nice to me .. I'll take a little bit harder with my mouth when I suck you .. mmmm you taste so wonderful ... your cock sliding in and out of the mouth mouth .. then I'll take your tongue against your cock and rolls it around .. around your acorns...mmmm ... then I'll start drawing in some pretty your scrotum-balls .. then I continue, I suck your dick .. you groan and say that I should stop or else are you doing ..

I get up and let you lick my pussy really wet .. AAAAAAA ... absolutely wonderful ...
I take and straddles over you so I can ride you ... will slow your acorns .. then closes pussy your cock .. I stay up ... look at you and lean forward so you get my boobs in your face .. then slowly very slowly, I go down, I close all your 20cm long cock in my pussy .. AAAAAAA .. you and caress my breasts and squeezing them .. you take one nipple in your mouth .. mmmmm .. I rotate around .. around ... around .. before I take and ride slowly up .. down .. up .. down ... you can really hear the clap .. clap when your dick goes in and out of me so wet I am .. I groan and want you to biting little pretty in the nipple while I ride you all faster and faster .. ahhhhhh .. soon go there for me ... so I stop ... I turn on me so I have your back to you .. and continue and ride up You moan loudly and say you will soon ... you ride faster and faster, moaning that I will nuuuuu .. AAAAAAA ... yessssssssssssss ... we will at the same time and I fall to the side of you and shakes the whole body ... MMmm .. FULLY Wonderful ... we take and accommodated us in the spoon for a while and go to sleep for a while ...
I wake up and look at you with a big smile .. imagine you make me so horny lovely and happy .. I go out and take a shower and then I go into the bed again ... look at you when you are sleeping so calmly with a smile on your lips ... what should we do now .. I am thinking that you said you like to have oil-sex .. it's a good idea .. but the question is if you have lots of it at home .. You wake up slowly from you dream that you have and look at me .. you say thank you, it was wonderful .. I said thank you and smile ... you look a little at me and says, you showered? I answer yes, I have done .. you smile and say, then you should do with it ..

Meanwhile, I think of what to have sex somewhere .. remember you thought about having sex outdoors with .. it's a good idea, I think ... I ask you if you want to go on a picnic .. You nod and say .. we can do that .. Good I answered six .. I want to be so we'll take a blanket with us and flashes to you ..
You knew where you wanted to be and have sex .. we just enjoy holding hands while running .. the sun is shining and it's hot out there ... we see a forest and run into it .. we go out and do the order our picnic ... we ate a bit and then I start crawling towards you to give you a kiss .. you respond to caress my butt and walk on to the topside .. I take your cock is now hard again and begins to lick you from head of the penis and down to the root and back up again .. doing the same to a few times .. then I take the glans only in my mouth and my tongue rotates around .. around your cock .. you have now found my clit and starts fondling with slow .. slow motion .. I groan and just love your treatment with me ... I'm starting to suck you hard and then moaning you with and I just enjoy that I do good for you ... I say that now I want you to take me behind and set me on all fours and waiting for you to come inside me ..
I know that you take your cock in me stop .. and run into your whole 20cm long hard cock into me .. you fucked me hard telling me to knead my one breast hard and pinch my nipple and I do. . God, how good it is when you fuck me hard ... then stops you and says I should imagine the tree and the bulge in my ass so you can take me there .. and I do .. I groan and almost shout out all the horniness so that everyone can hear but I do not care about .. I'm just there with you and I hear only your and my voice moans and screams when we get in a glorious orgasm ..

We then go down to the sea and swim and cooling off before we make a trip home to you again ..
We are doing some food and sitting and enjoying each other when we eat .. and then ask you when we stand and disks if you want oil sex with me .. you say love it, I love to do ..
I ask you if you have a lot of oil at home and it was purchased .. I smile and say that we do it ...
We dress naked and I wanna rub you because you are a tall guy .. and I pour out from your neck and rub the oil from the neck .. chest ... stomach ... your thighs and cock .. then your shoulders .. arms and your butt ... I take an extra long time when I rub the oil again on your cock and your balls .. you close your eyes and groan a bit weak .. I give you a hot kiss and whisper then a little weak in your ear .. do you want to rub oil on me now ... you nods and takes oil and pours it out on my chest and rub it in then my stomach .. thighs and my pussy and just caress you've never done before .. your hands makes me so hot and horny .. you give me a kiss and asks if I want to lie down .. and I want .. our bodies glide easily against each other so we almost fall from the bed ... I says to you .. put your cock between my breasts so it may be a good time for a while there .. you put your cock in between her breasts while I take my hands and embed it there and then begin chest fuck me ... you groan and say it's so nice .. I take out my tongue, it was once the acorns your will to my face as I lick the glans .. we do so for a few minutes then you want to lie down on your back and I lie on top of you and only moves back and forth .. tease you a little with your dick does not really come into my wet pussy ... but once it is completely set, you want me to bend towards you and just be quiet .. you start fucking me and I want motjocka but you tell me to help ..
I kissed you deeply and we groan up .. now you want me to ask me and you to sit on a chair, and where should I ride you and it makes me so happy .. I take out my leg over
armrests and falls down and then back up .. up .. down .. up .. down ... you stand up with me in your arms and walk towards the corner of the room and fuck me when I hang with my back to the corner .. we groan and you are totally wild and take me hard again ... you add me then down at the floor and I still have my legs to the side and you take me hard on the floor ... we will be in a great orgasm again .. you drops down to me .. and give me a kiss and I keep it with tenderness and says thanks .. you smile and say thanks 6y ...

After a while, we go together to the shower and washes of us all the oil, and then we put ourselves in bed and fall asleep with our arms around each other for now it's night ...

I hope you enjoy the story I have written .. :)

Christel ..

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Why Men Are Better Than Women

Hi, there. Man do I have a story to share with you. My name is Kasik Malob. I am a tall, good-looking, forty-something black man of the Kazonga Tribe. Living in rural South Africa. I run a rather large farm and the many women who work there. Man’s word is law in my world. Life couldn’t be better, simply put. I’m making a lot of money while keeping them bitches working for me. The year is 2390 B.C. and in the kingdom where I live, life simply couldn’t be better. The other day I went to the...

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Taking CarmenChapter 2

Bill was sweating and hot and his cock felt like a steel bar, and he wasn't sure if he could last. Then he remembered his wife's advice and the image of a $10 000 Visa bill flashed through his mind, and that helped a little. He looked at Theresa over the girl's naked, squirming body, saw the excitement in the big green eyes, and waved his head toward his bag. "Get the camera. We want some pics of this." He tried to be deliberate and calm, but only with very limited success because...

2 years ago
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My Bitch revisited

I am 55 now. This all started after my girlfriend of 8 months,decided to move out without even saying anything to me. I think it was her Mother and younger sister that convenced he to leave. I was 52 at the time and she was 27.That happend on Jan 1st. 2010. I was really hurt by it and got into a drinking mode that had left me drunk every night. A real good brother owned a bar at the time,and this didnt help the situation any. But as the month was comming to a close, He decided to close down the...

1 year ago
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Fake Breakin Gay

When my apartment door burst open I was sitting at the computer in my underwear. Too late I realized that I’d stupidly left the door unlocked. Now there was a big, strange man standing in my hallway staring at me through a nylon mask. I could hear his heavy breathing. The flashbulb memory is burned into my brain. The man turned to lock the door and then stepped toward me. I was frozen, my heart pounding, but I managed to think, “Don’t faint, don’t faint...”“Hey, faggot,” the stranger growled....

4 years ago
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Summer at the Beach

Summer At The Beach By Ricky If you think students are the only people to greet the summer vacation with joy, you probably don't know any teachers. I love teaching computers as much as my wife Anna loves teaching art, but the second we finished grading the exam papers we packed the car and took off. We had rented a secluded cabin on the beach in Maine for the summer, and had no sooner settled in than we were enjoying the serenity and the incredible sea air with no neighbors in...

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The Drifter Ch 6

When I woke up, I wanted to make an early start, but was surprised that despite our tense situation, Carla slowly stroked my cock letting me know she had other ideas.“You really are insatiable aren't you?”“Yes, and I know you like that. You're already hard.”She crawled between my legs and started moving her tongue slowly up and down my hard cock, delicately licking, while her devilish blue eyes watched me writhing. She took my cock in her mouth and bobbed up and down, then swallowed, taking...

2 years ago
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Happy New Year

Chapter I I knew it was going to be a New Years eve/birthday celebration to remember. Brandon didn't feel cheated at having his birthday fall on New Years Eve; he made the most of it. He got to be a very important guest at the biggest parties of the year. He got to be the birthday boy. Brandon and I had gotten together when we met at a mutual friend's bbq about six months before his last birthday. Our relationship was sex charged from the instant we met. I was attracted to the boy with the...

3 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 106

While Sandra had first been surprised by Alena dragging her onto the dance floor, it didn't take too long to get comfortable with it. It was even fun, being naked on a dance floor; Sandra thought. At first, Sandra wanted to limit her dance moves, but when she started to notice the attention she attracted from all the other women around, she started to dance more seductively. Opening up her legs in ways that would show off her pussy to them, and making her breasts jiggle to attract even more...

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BiCurious Personal Ad

A story I wrote a few years ago and posted on Literotica. It's about 10% reality but mostly fantasy. Sorry it's so long - it was originally posted in 3 parts. Hope you like it.I was 26 years old, and living in an apartment, just getting my career going after spending time in graduate school. I had always considered myself straight. I was never what you'd calla "babe magnet" and I was never real good at picking up women, but I wouldn't say I was sexually deprived either. Through several one...

2 years ago
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Fucking Your Wife Ch8

Lying in his upper bunk in the stateroom Jeff decided to meet Audrey and Donald for dinner in the formal dining room after walking the deck and watching a movie in the ships auditorium. Theirs was an 8:00 seating and he got to their table first. The newly minted ‘collared” couple entered hand-in-hand and Donald held Audrey’s chair as he sat. Audrey wore a beautiful cocktail dress with a V-neckline and a low back. It was obvious to Jeff that she wore no bra and he wondered idly if she wore any...

Wife Lovers
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Favors Small and GreatChapter 4

I was soon balls deep inside Rosa from behind, while Flora licked her ass with no pretense of shame or disgust. She had Rosa's cheeks pried apart and her tongue slid greedily along the crack of her cousin's butt, the reaction being almost immediate from the curvy Latina beneath me. Rosa was already soaking wet anyway, but now she gushed like Old Faithful, and then she tightened up on my poor cock until I had no choice but to explode far inside her sweet snatch. I stayed inside her, even so,...

2 years ago
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A desperate housewife

To the world looking in, Paige was a good girl with the perfect life. The only thing was Paige didn’t want to be a good wife and mother anymore. She wanted to be free, free to be herself. She wanted to be the Paige that still went to concerts and on random road trips. To go to a bar, and dance all night with whomever she wanted. Maybe even take someone home if she had the urge. PTA’s and Church bake sales were wonderful, but she needed more. ‘Are you going to let my dinner burn or are you...

1 year ago
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The SmallholderChapter 20

Saturday18th April 2009 1 am Siren. Dog barking in the kitchen. Bob missing. Joseph was on his feet almost before he was awake, struggling into his clothes as Angela began to wake. That fox again! He ran to the cupboard in the study and scanned the screens. It was not a fox. All the outside lights were activated. There were two men at the cages protecting the turbines. In the floodlights he could see them using heavy industrial cutters on the gates. He unlocked the gun cupboard and took...

1 year ago
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The Long Road

I love to watch my wife with other men,I've had this desire almost as long as I have known her. We were both teenagers & virgins on our first encounter so neither of us had ever had sex with anyone else. The desire to see her with other men all started for me one night on a date with her when we parked in a neighborhood park. We were in the back seat totally nude & enjoying each others bodies. Suddenly a light was being shone on us & the car door opened,we were startled & scared as we could see...

4 years ago
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Bath tub fun

The house is dark when you make it home. You climb the stairs and make your way to the bedroom. You can see that the bathroom light is on through the crack in the door. You step in to find me in a bubble bath. "Long day?" you ask. "The worst." You begin to undress as you continue to look me in the eye. You smile as you begin to remove your underwear and tell me to lean forward. You settle in behind me and pull me back on you. You start by rubbing my shoulders, then my arms finally reaching your...

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Complete Fun In The Park In Bangalore

Hello Everyone. I am Ravi staying in Bangalore. I want to keep writing all my stories here and share my fantasies with readers. I would request you to share your feedback on my email id ravi.fro For all pretty women in Bangalore, please feel free to contact me over my email. I assure you that confidentiality will be strictly maintained. This story is all about a long back while I was doing my project work in Bangalore. My classmate Meena (name changed for confidentiality) also came to Bangalore...

3 years ago
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I Love When He Calls Me sis

A sister lets her brother climb into her bed.* *I know this story is long, but I did it that way for myself and my own enjoyment. I also tried to make the "build up" as long as I possible could. It might seem more than a little bit excessive, but I loved writing it like this.We were driving slowly because of the snowy roads. Mom and Dad were in the front seat, and I was sitting in the back seat with my brother Tim. I hadn't seen him since he left for college in September and it was so wonderful...

4 years ago
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Imaginations Needs Expressions

After the daylong business when I retire at home after my dinner, I usually sit back to relax puffing few cigarettes keeping my laptop open before me and spend some time browsing and goggling. Usually, I go to news, and then some technology based information related to my business and at times when I feel loud shrieks of the silence of night I feel that silence speaks and it’s too loud to encourage you get out of your formal life. I ask what is it all about, and it says ” i am the instinct, the...

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truck stop sex xxxxxx

So it was dinner time and sucking cock ! it one of your five a day xxxxxx he had the most wonderful tasting cum I sucked him until he went limp then wiped my chin and licked clean my hand xxx got changed and went back to workI could not concentrate thinking of that or more cock xxxxx after work I got changed into my office slut look nice big tittys red lacy bra and thong tiny skirt smart jacket that did not cover my tittys very well platform killer heels and blonde wig xxx got to the truck stop...

2 years ago
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Meri Ma8217m Ki Tan Ki Pyas

Hellooo Dosto, Mera naam Tarun hain. App logo ne meri kahaniya padhi. app logo ko bahut pasand aayi. appke bahut saare mail bhi aaye mere pass. app logo ko bahut sukriya. Waise app sab logo ko meri age pata hain jo 23 yrs hain. Aur mein abhi IT company mein JOB kar rha hun. Chalo ab mein story pe aata hun. Mein ek bahut hi naam cheen company mien new IT Intern join hua tha. Us tym meri ek mentor thi Trupti Ma’m, jo shaddi shuda thi. Behad khubsurat thi. Unki age hain 36 yrs old. Unho ne figure...

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Afternoon Porno Matinee

Lately I've got into in a very aggresive mood for sex. Worse than any whore for money. My BF is wealthy, so I don't need to turn tricks for money. But I am a nymphomanic and have a strong need for sex. I think about it all the time. It turns me on to aggresively hookup for anonymous sex. I have been a slut like this since I was a teen. My need for sex has just gotten stronger and stronger. My BF and I are swingers. But lately, searching out sex with strangers on my own is very exciting. I just...

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A Demanding Stepsister III Taken To The Edge

Since Christine had first began this little game of 'tit-for-tat' between her and stepbrother Jack, starting with her forcing herself on him in order to make him fuck her.Then in return, Jack got his revenge when he forced Christine to be his little slut and do as he wanted; fully complying to his every demand.Christine returned home after high school with one of her best friends, Sara. She was pretty; long slender legs with hips that shook with every stride she walked and large breasts.Jack...

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Dulcie and DeliaChapter 3

Probably Bert Westwood and Delia Cooper were equally surprised at how well they adjusted to living in the same house. By Friday, when Delia was to accompany Dulcie to HMP Whitemoor, though it had only been a couple of days, Bert thought he'd miss her presence; she'd be away most of the day. Similarly, Delia had become quite an admirer of the old soldier. She ... who had never known anything more demanding or dangerous than those ... orgies ... listened as he spoke of the jungles of Borneo,...

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The Gamble

I sat and stared across the room at my son who sat with his head in his hands, his whole demeanour was one of defeat. He looked up at me with tears threatening to flow in his eyes, and then put his head back in his hands. "Tell me again what he said." I said softly with disbelief tingeing my voice. In a dull voice my 15-year-old son repeated what he'd told me no more than twenty minutes past. "Don said the only way to stop him bullying me was for you to beat his girlfriend in a...

1 year ago
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AddictedChapter 8 Infidelity Flashback 2

And that is how I cheated on my wife; for a third time. There I was sliding in to Elizabeth from the rear and I suddenly remembered a few years ago, when I cheated on Ann for the second time, the first since we had been married. Business was slow and out of the blue I got a call from a Sandy Bergman who was desperate to move to Phoenix, Arizona; an emergency move with everything happening at the last moment; the worst kind of move. My jobs were mostly small local stuff, maybe a really small...

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A Great First Meeting

One day after a long horny day at work I couldn’t wait to peel off my work clothes and become my sexy female self. Now I always wear panties I can’t stand men’s underwear anymore they just feel wrong, but like any girl when you want to feel extra sexy you have your special collection of lingerie. I couldn’t wait to get into one of my sexy sets, I poked around my drawers and settled on my violet lace and silk set. I love them, the panties are a high cut with this thin waist band that the expose...

1 year ago
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A Snowy Encounter

Just five or six miles more thought Angela. The huge snowflakes swirled over the bonnet and hit the windscreen, where it built up outside the area swept by the wipers. Twice before she had stopped to clear the screen as the wiper arc got smaller and smaller. The driver found herself mesmerized by the snow's movement, having difficulty in seeing beyond it. The speedometer informed her - 10 miles per hour. Face close to the windscreen she peered forward, it was difficult to see beyond the flying...

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Hot First Time Threesome

My first story, so don’t be rude. My name is James and this is how I lost my virginity. See admittedly at 17, I was expected to have had A LOT of sex. I am fairly tall, muscular, from (what my friends classed as obsessive) weight lifting, sandy blonde hair, decent smile and star of the rugby team. I also was in a very consistent relationship, with a girl called Emma, which we were ‘taking slowly’. I was at parties every other night and it was fun, but I just never had sex. The idea of a...

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Its My PartyChapter 103

Time: Thursday evening, October 14, 2019 10:29 PM GHT, eleven days after the death of Ricardo It was late, six hours after sundown, andFatimafelt as if she were floating on her bed. It was her first night to sleep with Mark and they had just finished a very energetic coupling. Mark was lying on his back and sighing andFatimawas by his side, her hand lazily playing with his nipples. A thin sheet of sweat covered them both. “Wow,” she whispered with a kiss. Mark turned slightly and grinned...

2 years ago
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In the Valley of the Amazons Ch 03

Hosi and David face new challenges, including a threat to their lives in the tribe. All characters are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people is strictly coincidental. ©2013 by Senorlongo ***** CHAPTER 1 ‘For a scientist, David you’re not very observant. We’re bringing back six new residents. I’m pregnant again!’ I looked into those beautiful pale green eyes and told her how much I loved her. I really did—I was the luckiest man in the world. I kissed her then leaned back as we took...

3 years ago
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Virginity Gone In Vain

Hi indian sex story readers, andaru bagunara nenu mi vinisha ni, nenu share cheskuna na last story ki response baga adirindi thankyou all. Chala mails vachayi kani konitki reply ichanu time saripoka. Nenu hyderabad lo untanu nadi last year graduation complete aiendi. Naku sex ante chala istam and na structure gurinchi chepkovali ante nenu chamanchaya colour lo unta height 5’7 inka 36-30-38. Pachiga chepali ante shruti hassan lanti boobs, iliana lanti todalu unayi Nanu contact avali anukunte na...

4 years ago
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Phone MailChapter 4

Lisa felt the fast-rising bubbles on her face as she tried to scream. What the fuck was happening? One second, Bill was behind her giving her a nice slow fuck and the next she felt her knees hitting the hard, concrete floor. Using the toilet seat to his advantage, he had her head trapped in the toilet bowl. With a firm grip of hair on the back of her head, he had her face fully submerged in the toilet water. Lisa tried desperately to grab something, anything that could help her push herself...

2 years ago
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Two StrikesChapter 11

They drove back through West Virginia, detouring southward around the mountains and heading for Philadelphia via Washington and Baltimore. "The Orioles are playing at home tomorrow night," Lois said. I figured we could drive to Baltimore and stop there tonight." "What do we do all day tomorrow in Baltimore?" "Sleep late, do a little sight-seeing, maybe take a nice afternoon nap, before the game." "You're not always going to have all this much free time for playing, are...

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The Photo Session

My third story. It got a bit shorter this time. As always,don’t be shy to criticise me in any way. Enjoy! My Name is Tom, I’m 35. I’m a professional porn and erotic photographer. I’ve taken sets of any kind of acts, straight sex, gay couples, lesbian couples, BDSM, whatever. Anything enhancing my already quite thick portfolio was great. My own favorite sets were straight sex, without any supposed-to-be-sexy or any fancy accessories, just the ‘classical’ fucking ceremony. I was no unknown...

1 year ago
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Hunter and the DancerChapter 22

Montreal was a real contrast. The outskirts, from the commercial port where we’d docked to the center city, was an industrial wasteland mixed with depressing, drab homes in characterless neighborhoods. The city center was charming and full of character, old buildings mixed with modern office blocks, broad avenues and quaint side streets, café, bistros, and restaurants giving the city a European feel. We had time for a delectable lunch of Nova Scotia lobster before catching the Greyhound bus....

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The Swap Ch 02

The order of my stories to read is: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, Case of the Executed Evangelist series. The Swap series Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are...

2 years ago
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JuniorChapter 14 A few days at home

Marcie was putting on a false front; I knew she was pissed at me. And if having one angry female wasn't bad enough, having two was worse. It was clear that Brenda was unhappy that she had to sit in the back seat. I believe Marcie was more hurt and confused than angry. It started the night before when she was undressing me. Once she got my clothes off and discovered my hard-on, she shed her nightgown and I must admit I was tempted. Marcie refused to accept my reasoning that having...

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I Caught Mother Masturbating

by MoondriftI came home early that day because of a canceled tutorial. Going straight to my room I dumped a couple of books and some notes I'd taken during a lecture on the desk and then wondered what to do.I could have got down to some studying, and had almost reluctantly made up my mind to do just that, when my attention was caught by a strange sound. At first I wasn't sure if it was inside or outside the house; it was a sort of whimpering sobbing sound.I listened for a while. It might have...

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The Stripper v2

I was nervous, as you would imagine, on my first night as a male stripper. Most men would have a knot in their stomach before taking their clothes off in front of a baying crowd of middle aged, cock starved chav women. I, however, had another worry. As it happened, I didn’t want to be a stripper, far from it, but my rent was due and I had spent all of my money on a new inflatable sex doll. This might sound a little frivolous, but her pussy was supposedly modelled on Spring Thomas. Unfortunately...

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Agents of Gor Part 5

Agents of Gor: Part 5 A Girl has a Bath and Meets a Stranger by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the...

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Jackie and her rent adventure

Jackie came home from a long day to see a note hanging from her front door. She walked into her apartment, sat her belongings on the table and then sat down on her couch to read the note. Inside the folded note read: Miss Jackie Quinn, it seems to appear you are three months behind on your rent. You will have thirty days to find a new place to live or to pay your rent. If you have any questions please feel free to call me or come to my office. Thank you, Henry Jansen.Jackie sighed and...

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