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Vi träffades nere i stan en vå kramades och gav oss en het gick till ett kaffe och beställde kaffe med bulle..
Jag satt sidan om dig..tog min hand och smekte utanför dina byxor..den reagerade snabbt..jag log..
Du sa att den hade längtat efter mina smekningar...då viskade jag till dig att jag inte hade några trosor på mig..
Du flämtade och sa..du då åker vi bums jag svarade..nää det gör vi inte och började smeka dig igen..jag log..
Du tog din hand under min kjol och vandrade uppåt och jag stretade så du kunde känna hur våt jag var...
Du viskade i mitt öra..Mmm..den vill jag smaka på och pulla den så det går för dig...jag svarade..Mmmm det skulle vara nice men inte än..
Vi drack upp vårt kaffe och åt våra bullar och sedan sa går vi till bilen och åker hem..du bodde utanför stan så det skulle ta lite tid att komma hem till dig..
Medan du körde smekte jag dig..på låren..kuken som var hård innanför dina byxor..du ska till mig att sluta för du kunde inte koncentrera dig på körningen..
Jag öppnade mina blus så du kunde se mina bröst..du såg att mina bröstvårtor vara mycket styva..
Plötsligt blev det kö på vägen så vi fick krypa oss fram..du började bli all irriterad att vi hade bara 10minuters väg från ditt hem..
Jag log för mig själv..och började lite med att smeka mina brö bara lite så att du fick höra att jag stönade lite...du såg på mig och sa..
gör inte så det ska jag göra...jag vi står ju fast och jag är kåt...log jag...
det tog 20minuter innan vi kunde köra och du körde så fort för att komma hem..
vi kom knappt innanför dörren förrän du pressade upp mig utterdörren och tog mig där hårt och vi kom samtidigt..
Du sa..du retade mig så jag blev tokig sedan log du..
Jag log jag med...

Jag gick till sovrummet och tog av mig alla plagg jag hade..och la mig på sängen...jag började smeka mig själv...du tog av dina kläder med..
du kom närmare mig men då sa jag..stanna där...och börjar smeka mig med mina bröst..mage och lår..sedan kom jag fram till dig och tog din kuk i handen..
förde den till min fitta och började dra ditt ollon på min klitoris och sedan mellan min fitt-öppningen..det kännes så skönt att känna den göra så..jag gjorde så några gånger..
men sedan släppte jag din kuk och började smeka min fitta..den var mycket våt..jag tog ett finger in..sedan två och sedan tre..mmm..skööönt..

Jag smyger fram till dig och tar din kuk i min mun..börjar suga och slicka lite först..sedan efter ett litet tag så ser jag upp till dig och säger..vill du ha en 69:a???
du svarade..Ja det vill jag...jag ber dig lägga dig på rygg..jag tar in din kuk igen i min mun medan du slickar mina fitta och klitoris.. din tunga gör så skönt för mig..jag tar lite hårdare med min mun när jag suger dig..mmmm du smakar så underbart...din kuk glider ut och in i mun mun..sedan tar jag tungan mot ditt ollon och rullar den runt..runt om ditt ollon.mmmm...sedan tar jag och suger in lite nätt dina pung-kulor..sedan fortsätter jag jag suga din kuk..du stönar och säger att jag ska sluta för annars går det för dig..

Jag reser mig upp och låter dig slicka min fitta riktigt blött..ååååååå...helt underbart...
jag tar och grenslar över dig så kan jag rida dig... tar sakta in ditt ollon..sedan sluter fittan ditt ollon..jag stannar upp...ser på dig och lutar mig fram så att du får mina bröst på ditt ansikte..sedan sakta mycket sakta går jag ner så jag sluter hela din 20cm långa kuk i min fitta..ååååååå..du tar och smeker mina bröst och klämmer dom..du tar den ena bröstvårtan i din mun..mmmmm..jag roterar runt..runt...runt.. innan jag tar och rider dig sakta kan riktigt höra klapp..klapp när din kuk går ut och in i mig så våt är jag..jag stönar och vill att du ska bita lite nätt i bröstvårtan medan jag rider dig all fortare och fortare..Åhhhhhh..snart går det för mig...så jag stannar upp...jag vänder på mig så jag har ryggen mot dig..och fortsätter och rider dig du stönar högt och säger att du kommer snart...rider dig allt fortare och stönar att jag kommer nuuuuu..ååååååå kommer samtidigt och jag sjunker åt sidan om dig och skakar i hela kroppen...MMmm..HELT tar och ligger oss i sked en stund och somnar till en stund...
Jag vaknar och se på dig med ett stort leende..tänk att du gör mig så härlig kåt och glad..jag går ut och tar en dusch och sedan går jag in i sängen igen...ser på dig när du sover så lugnt med ett leende på dina läppar...vad ska vi göra nu..jag tänker då på att du sa att du tycker om att ha olja-sex..det är ju en bra frågan är om du har massor av det hemma..Du vaknar sakta upp från dig dröm som du har och ser på mig..du säger tack det var underbart..jag svarade tack själv och ler...du ser lite på mig och säger har du duschat? jag svarar ja det har jag gjort..du ler och säger då ska du med göra det..

Undertiden tänker jag på vad man ska ha sex någonstans..minns att du tyckte om att ha sex utomhus med..det är en bra ide tänker jag...jag frågar dig om du vill åka på en picknick..Du nickar och säger..det kan vi göra..Bra svarade vill jag med ha så vi får ta en filt med oss och blinkar till dig..
Du visste vart du ville vara och ha bara njuter av att hålla hand medan du kör..solen skiner och det är varmt ser en skog och kör in i går ut och gör i ordning våra pick nick... vi åt lite och sedan börjar jag krypa mot dig för att ge dig en kyss..du svarar med att smeka min rumpa och vandrar vidare mot innanlåret..jag tar ut din kuk som nu är hård igen och börjar slicka dig från ollonet och ner till roten och upp igen..gör samma ska några gånger..sedan tar jag in ollonet bara i min mun och roterar min tunga runt..runt ditt ollon..du har nu hittat min klitoris och börjar smeka med sakta..sakta rörelser..jag stönar till och bara älskar din behandling med mig...Jag börjar suga dig hård och då stönar du till med och jag bara njuter av att jag gör skönt för dig...jag säger att nu vill jag att du tar mig bakifrån och ställer mig på alla fyra och väntar på att du ska komma in i mig..
Jag känner att du tar in ditt ollon i mig stannar..och kört in hela din 20cm långa kuk hårt in i mig..du knullat mig hårt säger att jag ska knåda mitt ena bröst hårt och knipa på mina bröstvårta och det gör jag..Gud vad skönt det är när du knullar mig hårt...sedan stannar du och säger att jag ska ställa mig vid trädet och puta ut med min rumpa så du kan ta mig där..och det gör jag..jag stönar och nästan skriker ut all kåthet så att alla kan höra men det bryr jag mig inte om..jag är bara där med dig och jag hör bara din och min röst som stönar och skriker ut när vi kommer i en härlig orgasm..

Vi åker sedan ner till havet och badar och svalkar av oss innan vi gör en resa hem till dig igen..
Vi gör lite mat och sitter och njuter av varandra när vi äter..och då frågar dig när vi står och diskar om du vill ha olja-sex med mig..du säger gärna det älskar jag att göra..
jag frågar dig om du har mycket olja hemma och det hade du köpt..jag ler och säger att då gör vi det...
Vi klär oss nakna och jag vill börja smörja in dig för du är en lång kille..och jag häller ut från din hals och masserar in oljan från halsen..bröstet...magen...dina lår och kuk..sedan dina axlar..armar och din rumpa...jag ta extra långt tid när jag masserar in oljan igen på din kuk och din pung..du blundar och stönar lite svagt..jag ger dig en het kyss och viskar sedan lite svagt i ditt öra..vill du massera in oljan på mig nu...du nickar och tar oljan och häller ut det på mina bröst och masserar in det sedan min mage..lår och min fitta och bara smeker som du aldrig gjort förut..dina händer gör mig så het och kåt..du ger mig en kyss och frågar om jag vill ligga ner..och det vill jag..våra kroppar glider så lätt mot varandra så vi nästan trillar ner från sängen...jag säger då till dig..lägg din kuk mellan mina bröst så får den ha det skönt en stund där..du lägger din kuk emellan brösten medan jag tar mina händer och bäddar in den där och sedan börjar du bröst knulla mig...du stönar och säger att det är så skönt..jag tar ut min tunga så var gång den ditt ollon kommer till mitt ansikte så slickar jag gör så i några minuter sedan vill du ligga ner på din rygg och jag lägger mig ovanpå dig och bara glider fram och tillbaka..retar dig lite med att din kuk inte riktigt kommer in i min våta när den väl kommer helt in så vill du att jag ska böja mig mot dig och bara vara stilla..du börjar knulla mig och jag vill motjocka men du säger att jag ska låta bli..
Jag kysste dig djupt och vi stönar vill du att jag ska ställa mig och att du ska sätta dig på en stol och där ska jag rida dig och det gör jag så gärna..jag tar ut mina ben över
armstöden och sjunker ner och sedan upp igen..upp..ner..upp..ner...du ställer dig upp med mig i din famn och går mot hörna av rummet och knullar mig när jag hänger med ryggen mot hö stönar och du är helt vild och tar mig hårt igen...du lägger mig sedan ner på golvet och jag har fortfarande mina ben åt sidan och du tar mig hårt på kommer i en stor orgasm igen..du sjunker ner mot mig..och ger mig en kyss och jag bevarar den med ömhet och säger tack..du ler och säger tack själv 6y...

Efter ett tag så går vi tillsammans till duschen och tvättar av oss all olja och sedan lägger vi oss i sängen och somnar med våra armar om varandra för nu är det natt...

Jag hoppas att du tycker om berättelsen jag har skrivit..:)


In English...

We met downtown on a spring day .. we hugged and gave us a hot kiss .. we went to a coffee and ordered coffee and bun ..
I sat beside you .. took my hand and stroked off your pants .. it reacted quickly .. I smiled ..
You said it had longed for my caresses ... then I whispered to you that I had no panties on me ..
You gasped and said .. you when we go home bums ... but I answered .. no we do not and began to caress you again .. I smiled ..
You took your hand under my skirt and walked up and I struggled so you could feel how wet I was ...
You whispered in my ear .. Mmm .. I want it to taste and finger it as it goes for you ... I said .. Mmmm it would be nice but not yet ..
We drank our coffee and ate our buns and then I said .. now we go to the car and go home .. you lived outside of town so it would take some time to get home to you ..
While driving, I caressed you .. thighs .. my cock was hard inside your pants .. you are going to stop me because you could not concentrate on driving ..
I stopped .. but opened my blouse so that you could see my breasts .. you saw that my nipples to be very stiff ..
Suddenly there was a queue on the road so we had to crawl our way .. you were getting all annoyed that we had only 10-minute away from your home ..
I smiled to myself .. and started a little to rub my breasts .. but just a little so you heard that I groaned a little ... You looked at me and said ..
do not do it I'll do ... I said .. but we are the firm and I'm horny ... I smiled ...
it took 20minuter before we could run and you ran so fast to get home ..
We barely got inside the door until you pressed me up otter door and took me there hard and fast .. but we came at the same time ..
You said .. you teased me so I went crazy then you smile ..
I smiled I ...

I went to the bedroom and took off all my clothes I had .. and lay down on the bed ... I started stroking myself ... You took off your clothes with ..
you came closer to me, but then I said .. stay there ... and starts caressing me with my boobs .. stomach and thighs .. then I came up to you and took your cock in your hand ..
brought it to my pussy and began to pull your cock on my clit and then between my cunt-opening .. it is felt so nice to feel it do so .. I did so a few times ..
but then I let your cock and started stroking my pussy .. it was very wet .. I took a finger in. .. then two and then three .. mmm .. gooood ..

I sneak up to you and takes your cock in my mouth .. begins to suck and lick a bit first .. then after a while I see up to you and say .. do you want a 69 a??
you answered .. Yes, I do ... I'm asking you to lie on your back .. I take your cock back in my mouth while you lick my pussy and clit .. your tongue makes so nice to me .. I'll take a little bit harder with my mouth when I suck you .. mmmm you taste so wonderful ... your cock sliding in and out of the mouth mouth .. then I'll take your tongue against your cock and rolls it around .. around your acorns...mmmm ... then I'll start drawing in some pretty your scrotum-balls .. then I continue, I suck your dick .. you groan and say that I should stop or else are you doing ..

I get up and let you lick my pussy really wet .. AAAAAAA ... absolutely wonderful ...
I take and straddles over you so I can ride you ... will slow your acorns .. then closes pussy your cock .. I stay up ... look at you and lean forward so you get my boobs in your face .. then slowly very slowly, I go down, I close all your 20cm long cock in my pussy .. AAAAAAA .. you and caress my breasts and squeezing them .. you take one nipple in your mouth .. mmmmm .. I rotate around .. around ... around .. before I take and ride slowly up .. down .. up .. down ... you can really hear the clap .. clap when your dick goes in and out of me so wet I am .. I groan and want you to biting little pretty in the nipple while I ride you all faster and faster .. ahhhhhh .. soon go there for me ... so I stop ... I turn on me so I have your back to you .. and continue and ride up You moan loudly and say you will soon ... you ride faster and faster, moaning that I will nuuuuu .. AAAAAAA ... yessssssssssssss ... we will at the same time and I fall to the side of you and shakes the whole body ... MMmm .. FULLY Wonderful ... we take and accommodated us in the spoon for a while and go to sleep for a while ...
I wake up and look at you with a big smile .. imagine you make me so horny lovely and happy .. I go out and take a shower and then I go into the bed again ... look at you when you are sleeping so calmly with a smile on your lips ... what should we do now .. I am thinking that you said you like to have oil-sex .. it's a good idea .. but the question is if you have lots of it at home .. You wake up slowly from you dream that you have and look at me .. you say thank you, it was wonderful .. I said thank you and smile ... you look a little at me and says, you showered? I answer yes, I have done .. you smile and say, then you should do with it ..

Meanwhile, I think of what to have sex somewhere .. remember you thought about having sex outdoors with .. it's a good idea, I think ... I ask you if you want to go on a picnic .. You nod and say .. we can do that .. Good I answered six .. I want to be so we'll take a blanket with us and flashes to you ..
You knew where you wanted to be and have sex .. we just enjoy holding hands while running .. the sun is shining and it's hot out there ... we see a forest and run into it .. we go out and do the order our picnic ... we ate a bit and then I start crawling towards you to give you a kiss .. you respond to caress my butt and walk on to the topside .. I take your cock is now hard again and begins to lick you from head of the penis and down to the root and back up again .. doing the same to a few times .. then I take the glans only in my mouth and my tongue rotates around .. around your cock .. you have now found my clit and starts fondling with slow .. slow motion .. I groan and just love your treatment with me ... I'm starting to suck you hard and then moaning you with and I just enjoy that I do good for you ... I say that now I want you to take me behind and set me on all fours and waiting for you to come inside me ..
I know that you take your cock in me stop .. and run into your whole 20cm long hard cock into me .. you fucked me hard telling me to knead my one breast hard and pinch my nipple and I do. . God, how good it is when you fuck me hard ... then stops you and says I should imagine the tree and the bulge in my ass so you can take me there .. and I do .. I groan and almost shout out all the horniness so that everyone can hear but I do not care about .. I'm just there with you and I hear only your and my voice moans and screams when we get in a glorious orgasm ..

We then go down to the sea and swim and cooling off before we make a trip home to you again ..
We are doing some food and sitting and enjoying each other when we eat .. and then ask you when we stand and disks if you want oil sex with me .. you say love it, I love to do ..
I ask you if you have a lot of oil at home and it was purchased .. I smile and say that we do it ...
We dress naked and I wanna rub you because you are a tall guy .. and I pour out from your neck and rub the oil from the neck .. chest ... stomach ... your thighs and cock .. then your shoulders .. arms and your butt ... I take an extra long time when I rub the oil again on your cock and your balls .. you close your eyes and groan a bit weak .. I give you a hot kiss and whisper then a little weak in your ear .. do you want to rub oil on me now ... you nods and takes oil and pours it out on my chest and rub it in then my stomach .. thighs and my pussy and just caress you've never done before .. your hands makes me so hot and horny .. you give me a kiss and asks if I want to lie down .. and I want .. our bodies glide easily against each other so we almost fall from the bed ... I says to you .. put your cock between my breasts so it may be a good time for a while there .. you put your cock in between her breasts while I take my hands and embed it there and then begin chest fuck me ... you groan and say it's so nice .. I take out my tongue, it was once the acorns your will to my face as I lick the glans .. we do so for a few minutes then you want to lie down on your back and I lie on top of you and only moves back and forth .. tease you a little with your dick does not really come into my wet pussy ... but once it is completely set, you want me to bend towards you and just be quiet .. you start fucking me and I want motjocka but you tell me to help ..
I kissed you deeply and we groan up .. now you want me to ask me and you to sit on a chair, and where should I ride you and it makes me so happy .. I take out my leg over
armrests and falls down and then back up .. up .. down .. up .. down ... you stand up with me in your arms and walk towards the corner of the room and fuck me when I hang with my back to the corner .. we groan and you are totally wild and take me hard again ... you add me then down at the floor and I still have my legs to the side and you take me hard on the floor ... we will be in a great orgasm again .. you drops down to me .. and give me a kiss and I keep it with tenderness and says thanks .. you smile and say thanks 6y ...

After a while, we go together to the shower and washes of us all the oil, and then we put ourselves in bed and fall asleep with our arms around each other for now it's night ...

I hope you enjoy the story I have written .. :)

Christel ..

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Initially you were not too thrilled with the idea of spending the day shopping. It was a Saturday, which of course meant football was on, and to make matters worse your favourite team was playing a critical match. I had made you promise me that you would come along though, and as usual you gave in with your usual charming good grace. I smiled to myself, you didn't know it yet, but I was planning a surprise for you. The shopping centre wasn't too crowded. We wandered around some of my favourite...

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Rude Games up in the woods

I can remember one summer holiday, I was with my friend Tanya it was a hot summers day and we were bored and looking for something to do. We noticed a group of boys, one of which I had the hots for he was about three years older than me, about sixteen I think.We got talking to the boys who's ages ranged from about eleven to sixteen, there was about six of them. They told us they had a den in the woods and asked if we would come up to see it, I said that I would, but Tanya said she had to go...

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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 9 Thursday School

I woke up this morning as soon as the alarm went off, and wasn't dreaming. Just as well, because the song playing was something about independent women and angels and some guy named Charlie. Hate to think what that would've had me dreaming. The tune was catchy, though. The group was called Destiny's Child, which is a good name. Bathroom, no trim today, shower, hair. Oh, I've been brushing my teeth every day, too, just been forgetting to mention it. I'm supposed to floss every day, too,...

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Derby Line Marriage Ch 27

Jovita and Hanna sat at a table with a book on Jewish law in front of each of them. Hanna was giving background for the text they were studying, but Jovita’s mind wasn’t focused on the lesson. Her eyes wandered to the stack of artwork in the corner of Hanna’s small apartment. Then they glanced out the window. The autumn weather was inviting, but Jovita was stuck inside learning with Hanna. Hanna touched the back of Jovita’s hand to emphasize a point. ‘So the 613 commandments were given by...

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Play time

“My little girl’s been bad, hasn’t she?” “Yes, Daddy, does this mean I’m going to be punished again?” she asked expectantly. “You know this hurts Daddy more than it does you. Now bend over, raise your skirt and pull down your panties. Daddy’s going to spank his baby to teach her a lesson.” She does as she’s told, bending over the bed and pulling her pleated plaid skirt up to her waist. She then reaches back and slowly pulls her white cotton panties over her ass, baring it to her Daddy, her...

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Oh!! Oh, gosh! Ms Carter! I didn’t know you were like this, that you wanted me like this, when you asked me to stay on late at the office tonight and help you with some work, just the two of us alone here in the building. You took me by surprise, when you pushed me backwards against your office wall, seizing my arms just below the shoulders and kissing me so firmly – when my lips parted in shock, your tongue thrust inside and licked all around my mouth. I feel shaky, my stomach is...

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Story Night

Billy sat uncomfortably on the settee facing Jake. Apart from the fact that he had only just met him, their meeting had also been thrust upon him by his wife Suzy. Having casually dropped it into the conversation at the end of dinner, she had given him only fifteen minutes notice before the doorbell rang and in stepped Jake. But that was Suzy all over, suddenly thrusting things upon people and catching them by surprise. If there was one thing she could not accuse him of after almost five years...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Madison Summers 06122021

Welcome 24-year-old Madison Summers to the Black Ambush condo and we aim to deliver what our name implies. So Madison is fresh off her first sex on camera over at ExCoGi and this proud slut just can’t get enough of what she thinks is another fun as fuck romping with “The Director” Jake Adams. I’m not sure who’s more excited? Is Jake more excited to get his hands all over our newbie and get his dick sucked by those perfect lips again? Or is it Madison who’s more excited to suck Jake’s dick again...

4 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 10 Second Dream

Holding my two vixens, I drifted off to dreamland. After everything that had happened that day, I welcomed the temporary oblivion. The torrent of images and memories that were a side-effect of my brain processing everything that had occurred was short lived. Much like the previous night, my dreams parted way for the approach of a visitor. I looked around and found nothing but infinite blackness. In all the stories I had read about such things, it was supposed to be a bad thing on the psyche...

3 years ago
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Purgatorys ChildrenChapter 4

Benni felt as if he had just laid his head down when a shout from the doorway awoke him. A seeker was waiting at the gate for "the documents man." Benni disengaged himself from the pleasant weight of Shasa, who wasn't his even if everyone else thought so. He tried to push the pleasure of the pressure of her frame from his thoughts as his den mate urged him to hurry. Pulling himself together, he took the packet from the seeker only to find a message from his master requesting his early...

4 years ago
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The WingmanChapter 8

Loren stepped into the kitchen. "I started the grill," he said. "Can you help Nicole with her homework while it catches?" "Yes. Who ever heard of homework in the second grade?" "I had homework in the second grade." "In France?" he asked. "No. Here -- in private school." "Well, I didn't, and I went to public school." "The teacher said, don't spend more than fifteen minutes on it." "The grill should be ready by then," he replied. "Explain to me again why we invited...

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EnslavedChapter 3

I had spent the rest of that weekend in a daze. Saturday afternoon when I got home, I immediately took off the clothes Gloria had sent me away in, and threw them into the garbage in the garage. I tried to sleep. Although I had not slept in a day and a half, I was still to upset. I wandered around the house, but couldn't seem to sit down. About 6:30 I ran some water for a bath. As I lay there I began to relax. When I moved I realized how sore I was. I think it was then that the shock wore off...

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Teenage interruption

My wife of twenty years Sonya and my 19 year old daughter Tania had left the house about thirty minutes ago for a whole day at the shops and the beauty parlour. I had planned to catch up on some of my latest porn downloads using my ultra big screen TV.I was sitting naked on the lounge chair watching a particularly great fuck movie. I’d lubed up my cock - it was long, hard, slippery and glistening as I wanked it slowly.My peace and quiet was suddenly interrupted by a frantic banging on the front...

2 years ago
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The Dating Agency

Mick pulled into the car parking area of the large shopping complex; even now he was doubtful that this rendezvous would take place, even though he had spoken to the woman the previous night. For ages he had tried a variety of dating agencies, but many he found were what you could call ‘smoke and mirrors’, in reality they didn’t exist. However, after a chat with an old associate who knew he was seeking a female companion had recommended the one that he now was involved with – ‘The Reliable...

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Garreg Fuck Monastery

“Greetings, Professor. Thank you so much for accepting a position here at Garreg Mach Monastery. Though I realize you had little choice, considering I threatened to have you stripped of your belongings and banned from the monastery if you refused.” Before you stands Lady Rhea, wearing her immaculate archbishop robes. Their fine silk is shaped tightly around her body, emphasizing her impressive bust, and very impressive hips. Really, those things look like they could commit some serious war...

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Carpet Cleaners Young Wife Part 3

Introduction: Yolanda finds out about sex toys, nasty mens lewd fetishes and gives her first blowjob. Jim discovers what her husband is doing with her panties and a lesbian takes her heart. Yolanda smiled mischievously at him as she slid the big 12 inch black cock slowly in and out of her mouth and then pulled it out with a plopping sound as he stood next to her. Dats a BIG cock! she giggled as a bit of drool ran out of her small mouth whose lips had just been stretched to the limit by the...

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Court Date

Aubrey James Phillips sat quietly in the municipal courtroom as he waited for his destiny to be decided. He had hired a lawyer to help get him off the charges he was facing. Court was slated to begin at 2:00 p.m. so he made sure he was in place at 1:15 p.m. Twenty minutes after he arrived wearing black slacks, a light blue button down shirt, a red tie, and black Stacy Adams, in walked an extremely attractive light-skinned woman. He stared at her, but not too hard. Typically, he liked...

3 years ago
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Seasonal Daughters Book 2Chapter 10

The ladies returned and their guys came over. All of us including March joined in the discussion about the wedding. April was happy. "We found dresses for all three of us." She grinned. "Mom will be wearing the longest skirt I seen her wear since she married!" Laura said, "I told her that this wedding is about her. Besides, I've already caught my man." She grinned at me and I grinned back. "Dad, would you escort my grandmothers and my mother down the aisle? Mom, I want you to stand...

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Boat trip in Miami

Collaboration with Beckie2309 I was laid quite contently on my bed, enjoying a mid-morning day dream with sun’s rays beaming through the window and penetrating through the closed roman blinds. I stretched across my bed enjoying the feel of my relaxed muscles. All was well until rather abruptly I heard repetitive thuds ascending up the staircase of my shared accommodation and suddenly my door flung open breaking me from my daydream. There stood my best friend Natalie, with a face splitting...

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Summers End A Loss Of Innocence Conclusion

Steven bent over to pick up the bottle of shampoo and suddenly stopped. His face slowly turned into a broad grin as he looked up at me. “What?” I asked. “What are you doing?” “Can I look at it?” Steven asked as his eyes scanned down my body. “At wh . . .” I suddenly stopped. “. . . ewww, no it’s ugly.” I darted my hands toward my pussy but Steven had other plans and caught my hands. “I’ve already looked and I don’t think it’s ugly at all. In fact I think your little pussy is adorable. Just...

First Time
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How TV Ginger was born

How did I get into all this TV stuff in the first place?I had been into crossdressing from an early age and realised I was attracted to men when I first went to an all-boys school. I didn't have my first experience while crossdressed until later in my teens. It was frightening but began a lifelong desire to be used by hung men.My best friend at that time lived on the other side of town in a large 3 storey Victorian terraced house. His parents were regular churchgoers and considered pillars of...

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Car Trouble

Beverly - I call her Bev - had been so sweet, I thought as I drove down the dark highway. Bev was the girl of my dreams, five foot six, one hundred and thirty-five pounds, long wavy ebony hair flowing down her backless sundress. She has high cheekbones, like she has some Indian blood, bright blue eyes and full red painted cupid-bow lips. I could feel myself getting hard in my slacks just thinking about her.I’m Aaron Markem and I’m twenty-two years old, six foot one, one hundred and ninety...

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MomsTeachSex Jamie Michelle Bareback With My Stepmom

Jamie Michelle is learning how to live with her new stepson, Ricky Spanish. It’s not that Ricky is bad or anything, but he has a lot of habits that Jamie wasn’t aware of. For example, while Jamie is putting Ricky’s laundry away, she finds a box of condoms. Right beside the box is a used condom. Ricky walks in just as Jamie is holding his condom up for a better look. Although Ricky is embarrassed, Jamie uses the opportunity for a heart to heart about how wild she was in...

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Rockys Kingdom Ch 09

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the ninth in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief – you could call him a pimp in other circumstances – of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

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The Fates

The Fates by Janet Stickney [email protected] The only way to overturn cruel Fates is to use the truth Destiny is fate aggravated by chance. That's what dad always said. As I dressed I knew that it was true. Why else would I be pulling on a skirt? I finished dressing, joined my mother for breakfast, and thought about how the fates had been so kind to me. My name was Jeff Grant. I'm 16 now, yet this all started when I was 15, just out of school for the summer. I...

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Grandma Lula

Our mom passed away when I was in high school. I was the second of four brothers in the family, and we were fortunate to have three of her sisters take turns helping out with the house work and cooking over the next three months. But they had their own families to tend to, so my grandma Lula came to stay with us for the long haul. She provided a motherly presence around the house, which helped to get all us boys back on track. Lula was 62-years old when she moved in. Since she had lived on a...

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Driving Lessons To The Neighbour

Hello to all the readers and this is my very first story on ISS and therefore, I would like to share my first sex experience with you all. Let me introduce myself to you all. My name is Daksh Oberoi, 24 years of age, working as a partner in a real estate company. I have actually joined my dad’s business after completing my studies. The incident I would like to share today happened to me when I was of 20 four years ago when I used to stay with my parents. Oh! I forgot to tell you that from last...

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Bookstore pickup

I'm a regular customer of a local sex store. They sell clothes, toys, etc. They also have a large video rental business. I'm there all the time. About a year ago, I was in there looking at the transexual and bi videos when I noticed a larger woman standing near me. I took a closer look and realized it she was not a genetic female. She was wearing a red silk blouse, black skirt, stockings and 3" heels. Damn she looked sexy.I stepped closer and and knelt down to look at the lower racks,...

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How I Lost My Virginity To My Subway Supervisor

He was an interesting guy to say the least, he was 26 y.o, he was I think around 5’9, slender, scruffy facial hair, wicked farmers tan, I thought he was cute and rugged looking but he was in a relationship so I never really tried to pursue anything serious. He was a rather compulsive liar, looking back at it but 16 y.o me ate that shit up. Like the “fact” that he used to be a model, modelled a 2 mil dollar watch, which was given to him, and then stolen out of his very cheap 1998 Honda Civic...

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How to get a Man

How to get a Man By C It's very simple. Set up an email account in a chosen name. Put up an ad online like this. Sexy TV wants to please - t4m - 30 Reply to: craigslistemail2@yahoo Date: 2007-01-29, 10:47AM PST I wear clothes like these for one reason. Excitement. I am making myself available for you, by you I mean decent, normal guys who are attracted to this. I put on very feminine items with a sexy edge to stimulate the senses. You have to have a place because I have...

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Formerly Prom Night

The Oldsmobile sedan hurdled down the dark county road. The girls were late for their own prom, and were driving by themselves to the high school. Nina's boyfriend Chuck had never shown to pick her up, and since he was driving his dad's Caddy. He was supposed to pick up Allison (who was going stag) and Nina, and then on to the prom. Both of the 18-year-old girls were dressed to kill, Nina in a short, electric blue dress with black stockings and heels. And Allison in a low cut, strapless...

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Spank N Fuck

“That will be $300.00 and 20 strokes with the paddle,” the judge declared as I pled guilty to having lapsed vehicle registration and expired insurance. The Southern City Police Department’s “deterrence” policy now added bare bottom spankings for minor infractions. The highly controversial program, which was only in effect for two weeks, seemed to have an immediate positive impact, according to the news. I was about to find out first-hand what that impact would be for me. After paying my fine,...

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While in Jamaica Part 2

She reached her soft hand out and the bartender took it and they shook hands. It wasn’t the shy conservative Michelle I knew and married that so easily introduced herself to the bartender, but actually I loved it. She had opened up and relaxed more around men at my own encouraging. He came over and introduced himself to me as well. His name was James. We chatted the usual stuff, where you from? How long are you here for? She asked him where he lives and he told her, ‘About a quarter mile down...

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My first taste of cum and I love it

My wife and I have been married for a few years now and have been involved in the swinging lifestyle for the past few years. After a short break we swapped with some friends of ours and got back into wanting to swing. Since then we have been looking for a new guy to join us. I am straight so we had been looking for another straight male to basically add an extra cock for the wife to play with. My wife found a guy she was interested in and has been sexting, exchanging pics and videos, and...

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My Sister In Law Tuba

By : Kksheen Hi best wishes to all readers and thank you for your valuable replies for my last story titled Sex desire posited in the category couples. Once again I’m Sheen from Kashmir now at Mumbai, a horny guy. This is a hot encounter with my sis in law Tuba, who is big fan of me from my marriage day onwards. She is my wife’s cousin studying her MBA now and aged 24 years. She is as cute as my wife and blessed with good assets. She must be 5.5 in height and 55 kgs weight. Her measures would...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed TeenagersChapter 2

"You look positively radiant, Sandy!" Lucy said in a half-serious voice. "Country life certainly seems to agree with you!" Sandy blushed at her friend's statement. If Lucy only knew what had happened so suddenly on the beach this morning. Sandy hated to keep secrets from Lucy. They were such good friends that it didn't seem right somehow not to tell her about the older man who had so casually raped her this morning. But something in her confused mind told her to remain silent about...

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The Gigolo

Laura puckered her lips as she applied the eyeliner. For years she’d had no idea why she puckered up when she put on eyeliner until a friend had questioned her about it several months ago. It had taken her three weeks of casual pondering before she suddenly realized there was no real reason for it. Her mother had always pouted when she put on makeup and she had passed the habit onto her only daughter. Laura in turn had passed it onto her three daughters. Her long blonde hair was beginning to...

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Shadys Choose Your Own Adventure

This story is different from the ones you've probably been reading. In this story you will choose first your characters age, then appearance and finally where they will start their adventure on their quest to get laid as many times as possible. So lets get started.

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Maa er valobasa

It is great sensation to share my story with you When I was I born I was very innocent and I come from a small town in southern India. All my problem started when they started showing adult films in DD. This was before the entry of the cable television. I had a great interest in watching cricket matches once just after the cricket telecast got over the English movie started. It was about the Frankenstein monster and in that they showed the monster humping his masters wife. It got on to my...

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Tales From The Bar No3

Hi, my name’s Patricia but people usually call me Trish. You might remember me from the story that Maz told of her ‘fun night’ with that young tart, Naomi. At the time, she asked me to write about what happened to me, but I really didn’t want to. I felt that what had happened between me and Sandra was too private and intimate. It was only after I read her version that I felt I had to. I needed to redress the balance.Everybody goes on and on about how lovely and sweet and kind Sandra is, which...

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Satisfying A Widow Aunty As Gigolo

Hi friends, my name is rana and I am a good looking guy with a gym built body having a decent 6 inch thick black tool. I am 28 years old. I am a regular reader of  indian sex stories and this is my 1st story which is my real life experience. Actually I am a professional gigolo and I am a member of one of the top male escort club in india and mostly I have served and satisfied the needs of women of all age groups and providing services as they wish. I stay in kolkata. Today I am about to share...

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