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You know that queasy tingle you get in your stomach whenever you're around someone you like? No? Well, it makes you go crazily nervous and not to mention horny as fuck. Well, that's how I feel anyway. It's a feeling that I can't control. At least I have an excuse for it, though, since I'm a teenager and I always seem to be craving something or having random mood swings all the time.
"Anyway, I've been having this queasy feeling in my stomach every time I'm around someone I like," I whisper to Mr. Brooke. I was only telling him this because I've known him since I was in fifth grade. I trust him enough to tell him anything I might be having problems with. Besides, he knows my parents perfectly well and I have a class with him. "And I can't control it," I choke. My nipples harden every time I think of sex and my whole body gets goosebumps. Just like it was getting them right now.
"You're a teenager. It's perfectly normal," he writes the objectives of the class on the white board, not looking at me. I knew this made him feel uncomfortable. To be honest, it made ME feel uncomfortable to talk about it. But he offered to help me with whatever I needed and this was something I needed help with.
"I get goosebumps," I mumble. He looks at me then. His eyes take in my arms, legs, chest. I saw this as something normal. Well, at the moment anyway. He was just checking, right? I closed my legs, shifting uncomfortably under his heavy, calculating gaze. I looked at his brown-hazel eyes, noticing how round his eyes were and how perfect the squared contour of his face was. The round chin made him look so much better and those peachy, puffy lips of his were to die for. I sighed before I gulped. "Again, it's perfectly normal. Unless you've had sex with anyone, which you shouldn't be having in the first place."
I stay silent. I almost HAD sex with someone once. But it was more because he kept insisting and me, having no power of will, almost submitted to that guy's (ex boyfriend) constant groping.
I quickly notice how Mr. Brooke was looking at me through his eyeslashes. "Tell me you haven't had sex with anyone," he turns so we're both facing each other. He was worried—a good thing, I guess. I swallow the huge lump that had formed in my throat, smiling unevenly and nervously.
"'Course not." I take in a deep breath. All the nerves in my body were going off. I was tingling all over and throbbing with arousal—specially my breast and my pelvis. "But I almost did. I'm too submissive," I admit. This seems to make him pause and think about it. Was it me or was he nervous?
My eyes took in his tall, straight posture. The well-toned arms that seemed to be too big for that long-sleeved work shirt he wore. His khakis were a perfect fit, though. That I loved. "You're amazing," I whisper too low for him to hear.
He looks at me weirdly. And I smile, genuinely. My breathing was becoming too erratic; too uneven. I was freaking out. I could feel my face expression breaking into a terrible, worried frown.
Oh, god, I was having a panic attack. Immediately, he notices this. I look at the door to see if it was open but I remembered that I had locked it and pulled down the blinds when I came into his classroom earlier. "I don't want to feel this way anymore," I whisper, feeling my eyes getting wet and going wide as I stared at him. "It's too horrible," I say.
"Shhh," he grabs my hand and brings me in for a hug. My arms lay flat on his hard, yet comfortable chest as I lay my head there. "You'll be okay. It'll pass," but it wouldn't pass. At least not until I got what I needed. He holds the back of my head and takes in a deep breath, kissing the top of my head. I cried for a bit as he kept comforting me. I was scared of these feelings. I felt dirty but I liked it too much to make them stop. I was afraid that if I didn't get SOME sort of comfort soon, I wouldn't be able to control myself afterwards and probably do something stupid like fuck the next guy who appeared in front of me. I guess that's what I did, in a way, later on.
I was about to pull away, feeling better, when I noticed something quite odd. With his free hand, he was making small circles on the uncovered part of my back—the lower part—and he was caressing my hair with the other one. It felt nice. I couldn't deny that. Heck, it felt amazing but that wasn't the only thing I felt, though. I felt something poking my stomach. Something hard but soft at the same time. I quickly pulled away from him after that, blushing uncontrollably.
"I shoul-... Umm..I should go. You're not making this any better," I mumble, not meeting his gaze. "Thanks," I grabbed my purse quickly, forgetting my jacket in the process, and left out the door. I stormed past all the freshman on the floor without looking back. Had I done that? Me? Why didn't I confront him about it? I liked him, so why didn't I?
Oh, right. Part of me remembered that he was married with a daughter. That was the sane part of me. But the other part didn't give a fuck, the other part just wanted to fuck every hot guy that got in front of me.That was the part that wasn't so sane. I guess those were my hormones.
I quickly make my way down to the first floor and into the parking area. I spot my Prius and get in, immediately turning on the ignition before pulling out of the school parking lot. My phone begins to go off as soon as I was as far away as I could get from the school. I take my phone out and set it to silent mode, already knowing who it is.

I go into my house. I had decided to just skip the whole school day. It wouldn't affect my record, so it was okay. I lay down on the leather sofa, looking up at the ceiling in the process. I felt weird and dirty, still. I wondered how HE had felt.
Ugh. Just remembering what happened made me tingle with arousal all over. My whole body felt weird, like jelly. Was this how every girl felt? I doubted it. Without knowing it, my hand had slipped down into my shorts as well as my panties. I was wet—really, REALLY wet. I let my middle finger stimulate my clitoris. Almost immediately I felt like smiling and closing my eyes in pleasure. It felt good. It felt real good. I sighed as it began to tickle but the sense of pleasure was still there. The small nub grew a bit bigger, making me gasp as I stimulated it. It was sending small shocks of ecstasy all over me.
"Oh," I mumbled, feeling myself throb once again. I imagined Mr. Brooke on top of me, or at least his hands, were touching me. I imagined his long, nimble finger was doing what I was doing to my clitoris. I imagined him bringing me closer and closer to my orgasm. I imagined his hand squeezing my left breast the way I was doing it right then. I moaned again. The ardor grew stronger as I kept flicking my clit faster and faster.
"Shit," I shrieked, knowing how close I was to having my orgasm. I wet my finger several more times so I had better access to my small, hard nub. That's when I started to tingle all over with pleasure. My back started to arch and my legs began to twitch. Out of pure instinct, I closed my eyes and arched my back, spreading my legs out further as I felt my orgasm hit me like a big tidal wave of ecstasy.
"Oh, fuck yes," I mumbled in a hazy, high state. I bit my lower lip. After my orgasm subsided, I stopped feeling up my clit. It was hard to stimulate it, anyway, since it was so hard. The pleasure was too much for me to bear and it felt as though I was going to pee. That was definitely something I didn't want to do. I felt sticky and tired. I was still horny, though. That wouldn't change any time soon.

A few hours later, by the time school was over, I'm up in my room's bathroom taking a shower when all of a sudden, I hear a doorbell. It couldn't be my parents because they had their own key and, besides, they were celebrating their anniversary by going away for a week to Paris (Horny, corny bastards.) I slid the glass door open and grabbed the towel to pat my hair so it wasn't too wet. I quickly wrapped the towel around my body and headed downstairs to open the door.
I took a deep, nervous breath as I saw who it was. "Are your parents home?" is the very first thing he asks.
"You shouldn't be here, Mr. Brooke. You could get in trouble," I frown. He walks in without asking if he can. Totally insulting but it was fine by me.
"I want to give you something," he whispers.
I look around, not getting why he was whispering. "It's okay, we're alone."
He sighed in relief. "You forgot your jacket," he says, trying to switch the subject.
"I know," I chew on my lower lip. Awkward silence followed. In that short moment, he kept staring at me as though I was guilty of something. But there also was a mischief in his eyes that he wouldn't show in his facial expression.
"Here," he handed it to me. I reach for the leather jacket. Our fingers brushed. And I was turned on. "Gee," I mumble, not meeting his gaze. "Thanks," I say, being sarcastic. Of course, he wouldn't want to talk about earlier. Heck, he didn't want to talk of any of the similar things that have happened earlier between the both of us. Not the constant eye staring, not the chest staring, not the staring of lips, not the flirting that we both took for granted as well as a joke.
"I guess I should go," he starts.
"Yeah, you really should." I purse my lips. He brushes past me. I look down at the floor. Ugh. What if we could only do something just once? I felt the urge to ask him, but it wouldn't be wise to—he had a wife and I had a boyfriend of almost a year.
I gulped.
"Hey, Lauren?" asks Mr. Brooke.
I turn, "You should really deal with that problem of yours. You might become addicted to sex later on," he said, a smirk on his face. I knew then that he wanted to... Oh, for god's sake, who cared if he was married or not?
I walked closer towards him and said, "Maybe you should help me with that," flirting right back. He walked closer to me until we were a few inches away from each other.
"Maybe I should," he whispers, holding my waist and leaning down as though to kiss me. Now, I know that we were crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed and that we shouldn't be doing any of these things in the first place, but god help me, I have been too horny lately and this couldn't be stopped. Not even if the both of us wanted to. His lips came closer and closer to mine. Just when I thought that he'd kiss me, he turned me around quite abruptly. My towel loosened and I had to hold it in place.
"What the—" he interrupted me.
"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?" His hands trace the curves on my waist and hips, making their way down to my legs as he holds me around the waist with one hand. "It's quite annoying—having to watch you with every guy, listening to you bragging about them, but not me, never me," he whispers in my ear.
"Mr. Brooke, I—"
"Don't talk," he says, biting my earlobe and raising my towel up higher than what it already was. I felt a cool breeze hit my ass cheeks and then my slender legs. I gulped and closed my legs tight.
As I keep wondering about what he was doing and try to put my towel down, he keeps touching any naked part of me. Yes, that includes my ass. "Oh," I gasp, putting my hands on his legs so I could somehow push him away. I was getting so damn horny and wet. "Stop it," I breathe out, not really meaning it.
"You're still a virgin, right?" his voice had mischief written all over it. And I liked it. It made me throb with arousal. It made my nipples sensible and vulnerable to anything that might touch or brush against them. And right then I felt cold air hit my breast and soon his big hands. I felt my nipples being pinched by his fingers. He pinched them, squeezed them, rolled them. His kisses went down along my neck, his mouth sucking wherever he could. I threw my head back against him and exposed my neck to more of his lips.
Too soon I felt my knees weaken and a sweet, tickling pleasure that meant I was having an orgasm. I placed my hand on the back of his head. I could feel his cock in between my ass. I grind my ass against it out of pure curiosity. It felt hard. The contour was quite soft, though. It also felt big. It twitched as I kept grinding myself against it.
All of a sudden, I felt my towel being yanked away and his fingers probing my private area. "You're going too fast," I say, breathless. I could feel his fingers touching me. I was very aware of what he was doing to me. All of this seemed to be going so fast. "Oh, right there," I moaned as he touched my engorged clit. I was feeling so sensible.
"Come here," he whispered, bringing me over to the couch by turning me around and making me wrap my arms and legs around his neck and waist.
He lay me down and made his way down my stomach. "What are you do—" I yelped as soon as I felt his tongue part my labia. I trembled. "Oh, sweet Jesus." His tongue poked at my clit, just below where I usually stimulate it, under the hood. I let out a shaky breath. One of his hands comes up to touch my perky breast. And I feel my whole body go ablaze in a way it never had before. I knew right then and there that I was experiencing the best pleasure I can ever get from oral. My toes curled as the sole of my feet tingled with excitement.
"Fuck!" I shrieked, wiggling from the strong sensation that kept hitting my throbbing pussy. "That feels so good, Mr. Brooke," my back arched and I threw my head back. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear him. "Shit, shit, shit!" I felt like I was going to pee any second now.
I never did.
Instead, a deliciously fresh feeling that spread throughout my body until I was moaning loud with pleasure came off of this. "Yeah!" I gasped, holding the back of his head as my orgasm subsided.
I quickly let go of his head, blushing, as I realized what had just happened. "I'm Sorry," I say.
"Don't be," He whispers before getting on top of me, straddling me, and kissing me on the lips. His lips tasted of me and it only tuned me on more. He sat up quickly. I did too. We both began to remove his clothe as fast as we could. I kept messing up, though, because I was so nervous that I might do something wrong.
Finally, we got his coat and shirt off. I started to carefully pull down his zipper because I noticed the big bulge in his pants. "Is it going to hurt?" I ask, looking up at him with wide, wondering eyes. We stopped. My hand lay on his cock (this made me blush) and my other one traced his stomach. We were frozen.
"You were serious?" he asks.
"About what?" I ask, confused. My eyes drift off to the bulging rod in his pants. I felt the impulse to do something I've always wanted to do then. I reached into his pants and boxers. I grabbed his cock. At first I didn't know what to do but then I took it out. God, it was beautiful. Perfectly straight, hard, long, and soft with bulging veins standing out just under it. His testicles were quite round and clung perfectly close to his cock. It wasn't circumcised (yes, I know what that is!) which, not knowing why, I liked. Slowly, I wrapped my hand at the base of his shaft and squeezed. He moaned a little, which meant that I was doing something right.
"Not being a virgin," he says, distractedly, brushing my hair back behind my ears. I grab his cock just under the corona and pulled the skin back to reveal the spongy head. It was shaped like the top of a mushroom except for the little hole at top, which parted a little.
"I wouldn't lie to you about such a thing," it was the honest truth. "Can I lick it?" I ask all innocently, biting my lower lip as I stared with lust at his cock before looking up at him.
"Yes," he says through a very tight voice. So I do so. But first I kissed it because it seemed to be so precious. It twitched in my hands and I giggled.
"It's so warm and hard," I whisper, wonderstruck. "I just love it," I lick it. I really don't know how this is supposed to be done at all but I did like it. I just licked that little hole that was atop his penis and then under the corona and all around the head, hoping I was doing it right.. What I really enjoyed, though, was the genuine, natural smell of of his cock and the salty taste of his skin. I rubbed it against my cheeks. "Can I take it into my mouth? It's so big, though. Do you think it'll fit?"
He grunted as soon as I finished that sentence. It's not like I was that innocent—was I? I blushed, unable to do anything else but squeeze it slightly and stroke it slowly with my hand. I kept peeling back the skin on the head of his cock while looking up at him. "You can try," he whispered. But before I did anything, he grabbed the back of my head, leaned down, and placed his soft, puffy lips against mine. I kissed him right back. His hands roamed down to my breast and squeezed slightly. This made me moan and tremble all over. "I want to make love to you," he whispers. "So bad."
I squeeze his cock, smiling, throbbing with excitement. "I really like you," I whisper back. I proceed to give him a peck on the lips before crouching slightly to take his cock into my mouth. Of course I was careful not to let my teeth sc**** against it as I knew how sensible this big guy was. At first I started out sucking slowly, bobbing my head from side to side slightly. But then I did it a bit fast since his constant grunting and hair grabbing told me he liked it just the way I was doing it. As one of my hands traced his legs and butt—his well tones ass, might I add—my other one stroked his cock whenever my mouth wasn't all over it. I did try to lick as much of it as I could and to take as much of it as I could.
"Keep sucking it," he groans. His grip on my hair tightens as his hips thrust forward and then back. I could take this for a few seconds but then my air supply went down, making me choke and push him away. He wouldn't stop, though. "Mmm!" I choked and my eyes started to tear up. It was like I couldn't get him off and he wouldn't listen nor pay attention to me. His cock kept hitting the back of my throat. I gripped his ass with either of my hands to get my point through but he wasn't paying attention. He started grunting louder and louder until he buried his his cock in my mouth and a warm, gooey, sweet liquid spilled into me. He gave a few more thrusts before pulling out to let me breathe. I immediately held my throat and swallowed his sperm.
I coughed loudly a few times before hitting him hard across the chest. "You asshole!" I choke out, standing up to breathe a bit better.
He grabs me around the waist and turns me so I can face him. He wipes the corner of my lips and my chin. "Sorry," he looked guilty. "No one had ever done that. I'm sorry," he hugged me tight then. I felt the warmth of his chest against my cheek and how fast his heart was beating. "It was amazing," he whispers. I felt his cock poking my stomach yet again. "I really liked it."
"It was my first time, though," I frown. He smiled then and kissed me. His hands held my neck. I sat back on the couch dragging him along with me. He paused slightly to remove his pants and boxer before getting on top of me as I lay down with my head on the arm rest. "Are you—"
"Just fuck me for god's sake!" I mumbled, too horny to say no. He gulped.
"I've never really taken a girl's—"
"Just do it. I can be strong for the both of us," I teased him. A total lie. I wasn't even strong enough for myself. How was I going to be strong enough for the both of us? Of course I was being sarcastic when I said that. He reached down to grab his cock as I spread my legs out for him.
"Is your hymen in tact?"
"Yeah," I say, nervous but still going strong. "Will it hurt?"
He didn't reply to my question at all. He just placed his head on top of mine so I could have a place to rest my head on and somewhere to bite (I would do that.) That's when I felt it. As soon as I finished that thought, I felt a hard, painful sting down in between my legs as he broke through my hymen. "Shit, Lauren," I bury my face in his chest, closing my legs tight around his waist. My pussy kept clamping down on his cock as he penetrated me, which I guess made it better for him. He kept slowly penetrating me until all of him was inside of me. All of him. Well—most of him because I could barely feel his testicles.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," I kept breathing out even though I wasn't. It felt like he was going to tear me up in half. It was odd though because I kept feeling his cock throbbing inside of me, twitching—or was it me? He began to pull back slowly—not all of him—before pushing right back in. "You're too big," I shriek.
"I'm sorry... But you're so tight," he sounded helpless. "You're so small," he still sounded helpless. He also sounded like he was in a deep state of nirvana. He placed his hands under my knees and raised my legs a little so that he could get on his knees. My pussy walls clamped down on his cock again as he kept thrusting in and out of me. His breathing was becoming heavy and his thrusting a bit faster.
He leaned down again ad let go of my legs. I positioned them at either side of him. I felt him go faster and faster as soon as he saw my discomfort and pain was subsiding.
"Oh!" I kept gasping. I knew that to him it sounded quite innocent and sweet (he told me this) but to me it just showed how into this I was getting. It felt good. It felt... It felt... "Amazing," I whisper. Pain got mixed with something that I now like to call pleasure. And soon I felt my whole body getting hot and my pelvis getting in sync with his thrusting. "Oh, yeah," I cooed. "That feels good," I bit down on my lower lip hard so I wouldn't moan. But my breathing did get heavy.
I felt his cock thrusting deep into me every single second. "I want harder," I moaned while holding on to his arms. "Mr. Brooke, I—oh!" I moaned, my body tingling with excitement and pleasure. I was so wet already and getting aroused some more just made me feel a whole lot better.
"Shh," he had trouble getting that simple little thing out. "You'll make me cum too soon," he said as his arms went down under me and over my shoulders to get a better grip on me. I arched my back slightly. Without saying anything at all he started to go as hard and as fast as he could. I felt the back wall of my cervix being poked at constantly, making me moan and hiss things that I wasn't used to saying. "Oh god," the feeling was becoming unbearable. It was hurting me and I liked it. I liked the way he pushed forward as fast and as hard as he could. "S-stop it, p-p-please," my whole body was burning with pleasure and my pussy was throbbing with that feeling of almost there (orgasm nearing) while my breast kept brushing against his warm skin—all of this put together made me shudder with wave after wave of pleasure and ecstasy.
"Just take it like a big girl," he grunted, not showing any sort of compassion at all. He just kept fucking me and fucking me until he was sure I was really enjoying what he was doing to me. And I did. I enjoyed every second that he was with me and every single thing that he was doing to me. I enjoyed his big cock, his passionate kisses, and the way he was fucking me without stopping. "Harder," I moaned, wanting more. Always wanting more.
"Faster," I breathed every time he slowed down. I loved the feeling it was producing deep inside of me—like something was passionately, and pleasurably burning "I'm going to come," I moaned out loud. "Oh, it hurts too good!" I couldn't seem to stop talking. My whole body was on fire. I dug my nails into his skin before I felt my pussy tightening around his cock. It suddenly felt like I could let go of that feeling that was locked up earlier—that feeling that became too strong and felt as though I was about to pee. "I love your cock! Aah!" I buried my head on his chest once again as I orgasmed yet again.
"So close, just a few more thrusts," he hisses into my ear. I could tell he was getting tired because of his erratic breathing and the way he was sweating. But he kept going strong nonetheless. As soon as I stopped having my orgasm, he started to have his. He didn't stop his thrusting, though. He just kept on going hard and fast, grunting all the way, until he was done spurting his seed into me. We both hung on to each other, letting our breathing slow down before he so carefully pulled out of me. I moaned.
"Must we stop?"
"Your parents will be home any minute, I'm sure."
"Anniversary," I remind him. He hadn't been around in a long time. He looked at me and took a deep breath.
"Right," he grabs my legs and places them over his, coming closer to me this way. He leaned down to kiss my stomach.
"I feel amazing," I say, smiling. "Though I feel your sperm traveling down my butt," I giggle, making him laugh. I remember something then that I really didn't want to. The mood in the room suddenly changed. I couldn't quite meet his eyes so I turned to my side, closing my eyes in the process.
"What's wrong," he caresses my legs, making me get goosebumps.
I take in a deep, shaky breath. "I'm not on the pill," I whisper. His grip on my leg tightened—everything froze and I knew that we were in big fucking trouble.

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Hai friends.. ela unnaru… nenu gurthunnana… nenu Renu… ( ) nannu kalisaaru kada adenandi baboo naa experience read chesaru kada ippudu malli mee munduku maro koththa anubhavam tho.. Anand annayya tho naa first experience tharuvatha sex lo naa view total ga change ayipoyindi. Now I love sex. Irrespective of any one… magaalllu koda anthe… andamaina adapilla correct proportions tho eduraithe eppudu padesi dobbudama ani eduru choostuntaru.. anni varusalu marachi potaru. Ee experience alaanti oka...

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Tinkle BellChapter 19

I felt the warmth of sunlight on my face coming through the small porthole in our cabin. The moment I did I popped open my eyes sitting up. "Oh good! You're up! I was just coming to get you!" Bella said. She was standing in the doorway of the cabin ... naked. "What?" She then asked looking at me. She looked down at herself searching for something, then back at me again. "What?" She said again. "Jesus David, you look like you've seen a ghost! What's wrong?" "Nothing," I said...

1 year ago
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The Big Tease

I can't believe this day has finally arrived; the nerves are building in the pit of my stomach. We have been planning this date for a while now. Online, I have had the confidence to be as seductive as I want to be, but real life? This is a different matter. I'm naturally a shy girl, but I am determined to overcome this.To help me achieve this, I choose my most seductive outfit. I want to look my best for our first meeting. Our plan is to meet at a busy Irish bar in town. I have previously...

Straight Sex
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Holly Bounces Back

I lifted my gaze from the bottom of my fifth empty glass to see what was going on around me in the pub. My eyes didn’t really focus though. I was thinking about what had happened earlier that day. I had walked to my boyfriend’s house to wish him a happy birthday. I had a ‘special’ surprise present for him, if you get what I mean. But when I got there, some blonde chick had beat me to it. They were hard at it when I went through the door to his bedroom. I had creamed as many curses at him as...

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MasterPC The Eclectics EditionChapter 9

Tiffany - At the Airport There she is. "Hello, Katt. Welcome to North Carolina." "Hi, Tiffany. You look beautiful, as always," Kira replied. "Thank you. You still look great too," I commented. "No I don't, but thanks anyway," she replied. Well, her complex is still there. It's a shame she feels so bad about herself... "Come on, the car's this way," I told her. "You didn't bring anything else, did you?" "Nope. Just my notebook with some of my programs," she...

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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 5

I woke up to the feeling of a cock entering my vagina. My initial thought was that it was Aryn’s but something was different, I wasn’t getting stretched as much. I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Chuck who was fucking me. I relaxed and enjoyed it. The woman who was laying in front of me turned over and I saw that it was Mary. “Morning little girl, how are you?” “Fine, umph,, thank, umph, you, umph.” “Good little girl, for someone so young and small you did very well last...

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Another Star Wars Scenario

Another Star Wars Scenario by shalimar Finally, Luke Skywaker was captured and brought to the Emperor in loose chains. "Luke, we have ways to deal with rebels like you so you won't ever be a problem again," the Emperor told his prisoner. "Let me show you." From a side door came this beautiful young woman. She appeared to be a little younger than Skywalker. "Her pheromones have been enhanced," the Emperor explained. "May I?" she asked the Emperor. "By all...

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Joeys King For An Hour

Joey's King For An Hour(Mf)The elevator doors opened and Joey stepped in, wearing workout clothes and sunglasses."All the luggage in the car?" she asked me."We're ready to leave whenever you want.""Good." she said, then turned to the mirror and took a selfie. Friends only

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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part VIII

Lunch was relaxed and leisurely. Seafood, salad and sandwiches washed down with champagne. We looked over the screenshots taken a couple of times. Paulo suggested taking some of Sue and him fucking but she shook her head. “I would feel safer doing a movie and having the memory stick afterwards,” she told him.Paulo nodded his agreement to that and told us that he had done four so far with visiting couples and that two of them had left him with copies. “Sometimes I’ll view them over again and...

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The flight had no Oxygen Part 2

I had been dying to fuck this woman soon as I laid my eyes on her. She had this look about her where you know she was ripe for the taking and I will have my fill I thought. I lifted her up so she was facing the small mirror and her beautiful small feet perched on the sink basin. With that I ripped off her nylons and started to rub her pubis gently through the satin fabric slowly, then suddenly hard and fast. She moaned in excitement of my fingers rubbing the soft delicate skin of her folds. I...

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Hollywood DreamsChapter 27

I was awakened by Caroline kissing my ear. "Time to wake up sleepyhead" she whispered. She was standing over me wearing a short, sexy silk robe that barely reached her stocking tops. Her nipples were hard points, straining the soft material. She smelled so delicious, straight from the shower, and her perfume was freshly applied. My cock stiffened. I threw back the covers and grabbed her and pulled her into bed. She giggled as she felt my hard cock, pressed against her firm belly. "You are...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 35 Karin Part II

June/July 1980, Stockholm, Sweden Karin looked confused for a moment. Then I saw understanding in her eyes. Then her eyes went wide in realization of the implication of what I had just said. “But Steve, you can’t make love with your sister!” “Karin, not only can I, I feel that I have to. I don’t think I have a choice. Until I do, I have no future.” “Steve, listen to what you are saying! And what about her? What is she going to say?” “She wants it,” I said. “She’s wanted it since she was...

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Under my Fathers nose

**This is the third installment of what may just become a longer series. So far it's been received well and the constructive wheels in my head are turning.**Part 1: http://xhamster.com/user/barelylegalfan/posts/25847.htmlPart 2: http://xhamster.com/user/barelylegalfan/posts/25563.htmlIt was Sunday and time for the weekly yard mowing. I was surprised my Dad didn't tell me to go mow, maybe he wanted the exorcise. Whatever his reason was, I was glad because it had to be 94 outside and very high...

3 years ago
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Sex With Friend8217s Sister82308230

Hello frnds mai iss ka regular reader hu maine yha sabhi story padhi hai. Isly maine socha kyu na aapna b experience aap sabke sath share karu koi b girl bhabhi ya aunty agr mujhe baat karna ya milna chahe toh mail me at gmail.com… y story meri aur mere frnd k bhen ki hai..aapne baare mai toh bataya hi nhi frnds mera naam shlok hai mai delhi ncr mai rhta hu height 5’10 hai ab story mai aata hu…… Y story last year ki hai jb mai garmiyon ki chuttiyon mai roz aane frnd k ghar milne jata tha uske...

3 years ago
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Meri Bhen Ki Chadi Jawani Padi Bahari 8211 Part I

Hi mein Karan Mittal apni kahani leke apke samne hajir hu. Meri umar 20saal hai meri hyt 6f eet haimein engg kar raha hu. Mere ghar me meri mom dad aur ek choti bhen hai. Mein padhai ki wajah se ghar se alag rehta hu aur har mahine ghar jata hu. Ye baat jab ki hai jab mein apne ghar gaya aur mujhe waha ye pata laga ki meri bhen ne boyfriend banaya hai. Aur is baat ke mere dad against the to mene apni sis Radha ko bhaut danta. Lekin usko meri girlfriends ke bare me pata tha to usne bhi palat ke...

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CumBang Misty Stone 04222022

Traffic school can be so boring. That’s why they invented comedy traffic school. If you gotta go do the time you might as well be entertained. Well for this lucky class of traffic offenders they hit the jackpot when they got Misty Stone as their instructor. She too has to spend a Saturday for 8 hours of monotonous driving rules. Seeing that she has a class solely made up of men she would much rather spend it sucking dick. The men all take turns coming up and having their dongs sucked and...

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Bearly even a hunter

Slowly peering over the rock, the dull glow of the setting sun provided poor visibility for the hunter, he saw shadows all around him and heard more noises than just wet snapping of branches under heavy bear paws. Trying to focus on the bear's shadow and sounds, blocking out all else, he moved into a somewhat open space with a clear view of the shadow, he raised his rifle, and with the head of the grizzly shadow caught in its crosshairs he fired. But instead of a thud of bear corps hitting...

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My Wifes First Time Threesome Pt2

In less than a minute, his dick got firm and hard. Now she could only go down on him a little over half way. He had to be at least 8 or nine inches long. It was his thickness and girth that surprised me and my wife. He was as wide as a beer can. My wife’s fingers couldn’t wrap all the way around his dick. Suddenly Joey reached under my wife’s chest and started groping and squeezing her tits. Heidi loves having her tits rubbed down, so I wasn’t surprised by her reaction. She was in...

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GangbangCreampie Tiffany B G133

We’re back for the fuckin’ fillin’ and feedin’ of Tiffany B! We have Tiffany in our new and improved grey room. She’s on ol’ faithful, our trusty pedestal, she’s surrounded by #Cocksmen and she’s ready to take all their loads. Before the guys get her totally inCUMpacitated.. Buzz mentions a little trick she should show them. She takes out her tit, gives it a nice little squeeze and wouldn’t you know it we get a little baby leche....

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Brazilian Fantasy

Brazilian Fantasy by Unknown Revised Part 1 Stevie sighed as he settled into his seat on the Varig jet parked at the metro airport in Sao Paulo. Tonight he would be in Rio and would have four entire days to relax and recuperate. As he closed his eyes and settled back, he felt someone sliding into the seat next to him. As he looked over, he was stunned, an absolutely knockout girl looked back at him, high Mayan Cheekbones, full lips, and from what he could see a terrific...

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Sex Club Adventures

Walking into the sex club that night, there was no mistaking where we were. The lights were turned down low and bass-heavy music pulsed insistently from the sound system. Colored lights gently strobed the crowd. There were dozens of shined up, hungry looking men, each one coupled with a woman dressed in something you would normally only see in the bedroom. Porno movies played silently throughout the room. We took our drinks and sat down beneath a screen, watching as a lithe blonde slid a large,...

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After joining my parents aunt and cousin and his wife sexually on Thanksgiving we seek others to join us

After my incredible discovery; finding out at Thanksgiving that my parents were having sex with my aunt and dad’s cousin and his wife and them including me – after my horrible divorce – in their fun times, life couldn’t be any better. My parents Bob and Sharon 71 and 68 my aunt Doris 66, my cousin Frank 67 and his wife Sue 64 have been getting naked and having all kinds of wonderful sex about 3 nights a week in all different combos and since our first encounter on...

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Kate and I Ch 4954

First off like to think sexnovella for being my editor 49. The walk to the elevator, and then to the rental, was very quiet. But throughout the whole time we held hands, and I could see that Kate was very flushed. After we got in the car, Kate decides to start up the conversation again, this time she’s the one that’s puzzled instead of me, ‘um, Aden, where are we going?’ ‘To be honest,’ I say truthfully, ‘I don’t know, and also I really don’t care either,’ I say, as continue to hold her...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 15

Oscar looked at his bank statement while Georgia smiled at the expression on his face. She said, “You have a year of military pay and two years of consulting fees in there. My sister negotiated a six-figure salary for you. I think you are still on the payroll. Didn’t you fill out your income taxes?” “Yeah, but...” “You didn’t think about the fact that you haven’t spent a dime of your own money in over three years,” Georgia said. “There’s over two hundred thousand dollars in here,” said...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 63 Land of the Rising Sun Part IX

July 11, 1994, Oguni, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan “«Ohayō gozaimas» (“good morning”), Sakurako-chan,” I said when she woke up on Monday morning. She smiled, lifted her head, and looked intently into my eyes. “I invite you to stay with me as much as you wish,” I continued, “and as much as your grandmother will allow.” “I will ask,” she said. “But we must also not dishonor Grandfather by being rude or disrespectful.” “I understand. Outside this room, we are simply the best of...

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Just got home

"Did you have a great time?" Jake's step mom, Jody asked as he flashed past her. Jake stared at Jody, he saw her through different eyes following the experience of the previous few days. He noticed her big boobs for the first time in his life. The contour of her body was very appealing to his new eye for the ladies, so appealing that he felt his cock start to stiffen. His dad placed a hand on his shoulder, "Welcome home bro, go have a shower" He did as he was told, and while in the...

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Making of a Family

Prologue James York was a tall, skinny, weak white teenager. His father worked hard as a distribution warehouse manager. His mother was a nurse who spent long hours working at a major hospital. The family lived in a modest four bedroom home in an upscale neighborhood in Winnisimmet, MA that their combined hard work enabled them to buy. James wasn't the best looking but he had an infections personality that made you instantly like him. He could tell what you were thinking and know...

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The CoachChapter 11

Not only does life go on but time passes by much too quickly was the thought Ted had. He was now fifty one years of age and in four more years would be eligible for the early retirement option. If he wanted to he could easily afford to retire right now from teaching because of the funds he received from Marcia’s passing which had successfully been invested in a rising stock market. The total value of his investments had doubled during the time he was in Florida. Ted however didn’t have any...

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A Weekend in the Mountains Day 3

Nathan’s Story After we had all agreed to swap partners for our last day on the mountain, I couldn’t help but steal another look at my wife. Though it was only going to be for 24 hours, it felt as if we were going to be parting for much longer. I couldn’t help but steal one final glance at her firm sexy body, and we quickly exchanged winks. Suddenly I was brought back to the real world by a sharp slap on my naked ass. Leslie said ‘Remember me? I thought we had a date.’ Then she turned her...

3 years ago
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Birthday Treat

"Happy birthday darling" I whisper in your ear adding a gently pouty kiss to your neck while running my hands across your bare shoulders and down across your chest. Reaching for my hand you pull me from behind you and down onto your lap holding me tight against your body nuzzling your head into my shoulder. "come with me" I suggest taking your hand and leading you from the lounger on the deck encouraging you inside. "you need to get ready for your surprise, it will be here soon." From...

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JulesJordan August Taylor Big Tit Slut Gets A Double Dicking With Deep Penetration

Voluptuous vixen August Taylor gets double teamed by Jules & Chris! August is looking super fine in her black lingerie with metal chains holding it together, thigh high heels, and a choker with a padlock on it. She runs her hands across her body as she shows off for the camera, pulling out, then putting back her huge tits in the process. We follow August as she wanders around the house, stretching and posing with what appears to be a butt plug already in her asshole. She makes her way...

4 years ago
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A Game of FootsieChapter 24

They say men rule the world. It’s a lie. I know for a fact that women rule. They’re sneaky, letting men rule only carefully selected aspects of life to keep us in ignorance. I know because three females conspired against me. Three females, despite my protestations, decided Sia and I should move into Alia’s house and live as a family despite Alia not wanting to get married. I objected, more than half-heartedly. I didn’t doubt my stamina, but honestly – keeping three females satisfied? It...

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Sunny TooChapter 3

Ophir: “You’re not a bad dad ... and I know bad dads. I saw them nearly every day after school.” “And?” “Girls who are terrified to walk out because Daddy is here to pick them up. Girls who stay in the bathrooms because Daddy is here waiting. Girls worried Mom will find out and blame their daughters for trying to steal their man. Girls who won’t invite their friends because Mom is working and Daddy is home ... usually sitting in his underwear watching porn on the Telly and drinking or...

2 years ago
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Sexy BFFs Chapter 10

Rose giggled and fed a piece of dark meat to Tory. Jenny almost creamed herself again as she watched Tory's long luscious tongue slide out of her wet mouth to lick its way up Rose's middle finger and curled the hot meat into her mouth. "Fuck!!", Rose moaned, "I'll never get enough of watching you lick up meat like that!!" The five girls burst out laughing and both Jenny and Gracie felt Missy's soft fingers glide up their soft creamy legs. Drinks were poured and five glasses clinked in...

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Summer time, sunset. Two of us naked at the beach, there is bottle of chilled white wine, two glasses, small wavelets splashing our legs, cocks and asses. You are drinking wine while I'm sucking your soft cock and I can feel how it is growing in my mouth. After some time you take my hand to slightly masturbate your cock and now you want to give me a head. I'm so happy to put my cock between your lips, but you are taking control, you are playing with my foreskin, kissing it, licking it, than you...

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The MILF next door parte uno Karen

This a story, fictional, nothing more! I have lived in the the out skirts of this big city for quite some time now. I do have a great relationship with most of my neighbors and the community in general. Across the street is the old grumpy George, he sits in his porch and drinks his coffee every morning looking at people gone by, always complaining about something. Next to him are the Rogers, nice f****y, and on the other side are the Smiths, and on my right side are the Ortegas, nice Mexican...

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1984Chapter 8

"Okay. Is everyone ready?" I said to my last Family Life class of the day. It was a warm July morning. "Yes," most of the students said. "What about my sperm?" I called out. "Yes!" the boys responded. "And my fertilizing sperm?" "I'm ready," Joey said. "What about my hardened skin around the egg?" "Yes," all the girls but one replied. "And my egg?" "You're a guy. You don't have eggs," Angela joked. She played the egg that would be fertilized. The couple of...

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Not Just for ChristmasChapter 10

Tom had kept in touch with Mike, and they had gone out some Fridays, but Mike rather cramped Tom's style since he didn't want to bed any girls and that was usually the purpose of Tom's Friday outings. It was the second Friday in September when Tom phoned Mike. The younger children were not visiting that weekend, Mike thought Ginny was going to a birthday party and Ryan was having a sleepover at a friend's house. "You've got to come out tonight," Tom told him eagerly. "I know where...

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Gavin and the Three Blondes

Introduction: Being seduced by his mature teacher was just the tip of a much larger iceberg… Another story that illustrates my own sexual attraction to my mother, this one deals with a teenage male, his mature female teacher, and her preteen daughters. Enjoy. 17 year old Gavin Ambrose struggled to keep quiet as he tightened his grip around his erect cock. The High School bathroom had become a recurring stage for his quick masturbatory sessions. Every Monday before 2nd period, every Wednesday...

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ElenaChapter 4

I was glad to see that Elena enjoyed the movie. During the dinner Elena kept on talking about it. Until half way through our meal a waitress came to ask us if we would like anything else. “I’d like a refill on my Sprite please.” I turned to Elena and asked, “Would you like anything?” She was looking at the waitress as she said, “Can I get something to carry this out? The meal is more than I can eat and I’d hate for it to go to waste. And could I get another Chocolate Milk please?” “That’ll...

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RansomeChapter 12 Shopping For A Live In Mistress

David suggested, “This is silly,” as Wendy was about to go to bed one evening in April after they had spent the evening on the sofa watching television while gently masturbating each other. “What is silly?” she asked. “Pleasuring each other but not sleeping together,” he said, and then hardening his voice to what she knew meant an order rather than a request, “If you get yourself on the pill it would be quite safe.” Her heart leapt at this and she replied, “I went on just after I started...

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State Secret of Sexy Sue

Sexy Sue, does she look too good to be true?Sexy Sue is incredibly pretty. The blonde beauty's boobs first thing which puzzled me.Too good to be real, was my first idea. I looked through all her galleries with photos.Puzzled by her lovely looks is only the sweet start of my bewilderment and seduction.I was amazed by her profile stating she works at high level at the Interior Ministry.I know that everyone with a public job only publishes photos of private parts, no facesI know pilots on long...

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Being submissive has never been a chore or a burden for me. I have always found that pleasing other people comes naturally to me and I do find it satisfying. This is probably what led me into the submissive lifestyle and I don’t mind that one bit. Having a dom to continually please and serve brings me joy and helps me relax from the stresses of my own life. Pleasing Jack was what I looked forward to most every evening, even if it wasn’t sexual. I always looked forward to his rewarding smiles...

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Little IndiansChapter 8 Cosy

Tsanja wiped herself off with her smalls, and gave Penn a perfunctory kiss on the cheek, as if she were embarrassed at the position in which she found herself. She soon looked like a priestess again, and Penn felt with some sadness that the moment had passed, and he wasn't sure if he would feel this close to her ever again. They both climbed out of the cave, and he walked her back to church with barely another word. The leaves on the old oak trees were turning to gold, and there was...

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The Private Massage With Rebecca Lenas Time Alone

After Rebecca left Mike and Lena stared at each other for the longest time before Mike finally suggested a shower. Lena slid off the table as Mike stood. She went to him and he wrapped her in his arms feeling her naked body against his.They walked into the bathroom to take their shower. Both were still feeling the glowing after-effects of their brief time with Rebecca. Mike took his time to lather, rub and wash Lena from head to toe. Then Lena did the same for Mike. Before long they were...

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The Morning After

I watched him sleeping peacefully in my bed, the sheets twisted in all kinds of ways, his brown hair tossed carelessly and his mouth slightly open. He was lying on his stomach clutching the pillow. I smiled thinking of the night before. Our bodies pressed tightly together on the dance floor, the excitement as his hand slid under my barely-there dress. No one could tell that his fingers were pushed deep in pussy and each grinding movement that looked like dancing was pushing them even deeper....

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