- 3 years ago
- 19
- 0
The Westchester Academy believed in keeping a low profile. So low, in fact, that we drove right past the place twice without seeing the unmarked drive that looked more like an alley than the entrance to a boarding school. As we turned in, we saw that hidden behind the street-side screen of trees and hedge was a very tall brick fence with a coil of barbed-wire on top.
"They're serious about their privacy and their security," I observed as Neeka drove the geriatric government car along the overgrown driveway.
Even without the damn motorcycle, she'd still insisted on taking over the driving. Not that I'd especially wanted to do it. It was nice to just be able to ride and look out the window. It was why she'd wanted to be the one behind the wheel that got my panties in a twist.
That's speaking figuratively, of course. I rarely wear panties. Or a bra. Or more clothes than I absolutely have to. It's not that I'm an exhibitionist – I mean yeah, I am – but my primary superheroine ability is to Change into scary stuff. Usually it's creatures out of myth, because they have a track record of being scary and why re-invent the wheel, you know?
It started with just designs on my skin, but then I got better and better at it until now I can alter my body in ways that make clothes superfluous. Being encumbered with them is also a problem when I have to Change in a hurry. Not to mention the problem of what to do with the clothes while I was wearing different skin and bones. A werewolf running around with a garment bag over her shoulder loses a bit of credibility, you know? Cuts down on the shock value quite a bit.
So I was wearing a pair of S-Mart lime-green running-shorts that kept trying to fall off my scrawny butt, and a man's white 3X t-shirt that I'd managed to cut off just a bit too short. If you think this sounds like I don't care what I wear, you'd be wrong. I care, but I've learned the hard way that my clothes are usually the first casualty in any crisis situation. Wearing nice things would just mean more grief over leaving them behind somewhere or having to tear them to shreds trying to get them off in a blazing great hurry. The fanny-pack around my waist held the stuff I really needed when the proverbial stuff hit the proverbial fan: a bullet-resistant catsuit, some throwing stars, a few snack bars and a wallet full of IDs proclaiming me to be an agent of every part of the government but the IRS.
Neeka didn't used to have problems with clothes. She could wear jeans and any top she wanted, because all she had to do was pull on her leather coat, her chauffeur's cap, and her sunglasses and she was ready to rock as her superheroine alter-ego, Ace of Diamonds.
I was getting more than a little amusement out of seeing her wrestle with her new wardrobe problems. Problems she was having because of her latest fashion accessory – an artificial two-foot-long, quite-realistic horse-tail. Yes, it goes just where you think it does. Which limits what she can wear with it, and where. Today she was sans-tailpiece. She'd compensated by putting her gorgeous red hair up in a tight pony-tail that flounced whenever she turned her head.
I tried wearing my hair like that once when my hair was long enough to manage it. It looked more like a blond puffball than a ponytail. That was before I'd settled on a short, bushy do as being more suitable for me. More practical too. My hair doesn't obey me like my live cells do. I can grow it or get rid of it, but I can't style it just by thinking about it. There is usually a catch with special abilities.
"I want to get there sometime today," she'd said from the driver's seat when I came back from 'visiting the facility' at a gas station. "You drive like you expect the road to open up in front of you any second."
"It could!"
"Even in Florida, the risk of sinkholes suddenly appearing in the road is not that great."
"Many of them are two hundred feet across. I found maps on the Internet! And people do too drive right into them! Check out YouTube."
We had been watching the news about the latest earthquakes in California. I'd said something about the ground staying put under our feet in Florida. It was Neeka who pointed out that we had our own geological hazard: sinkholes. I'd gone and looked it up. Now I couldn't get it out of my head. There were hundreds of the things! And the speculation from geologists was that people were making them worse by trying to move water around to make more dry spots in a state that only has two kinds of ground: beach and swamp.
We stopped in front of a tall wrought-iron gate that someone decided to improve by painting it a pale salmon color. Neeka reached out of the driver's window and pressed the button on a weathered speaker-box.
"Can I help you?"
"Visitors for Jeff Greenberg."
"Name please."
I leaned across and shouted at the box, "Samantha Draco. Just tell him it's Sam."
"Just a minute, please."
It was just about that long before we heard another peep out of the speaker.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Draco. Your name is not on the list of approved visitors."
"Approved? List? Who approved this list of yours? Since when does..."
At that point the man in the back seat leaned forward and spoke up in a voice that could make experienced soldiers snap to attention.
"This is official business. We need to speak to your Director. Open the gate."
The sound the gate made while creaking open made me think it hadn't been used in months. For that to be the case, two things had to be true. There was a service entrance around the block, and the place had very few visitors.
"Thanks, Colonel," Neeka said.
I should have been grateful too. Colonel Brock was simply doing the job that one of his subordinates usually handled – interceding in situations that might cause me to express my displeasure in inappropriate ways. Like ripping the speaker-box off it's pole, kicking in the gate, and going in search of whoever we'd been talking to and shoving their little box up their fat...
His tone was utterly flat and devoid of inflection, yet it brought my escalating anger to a screeching halt. Brock could do that because I respected him more than just about anyone. I might have the freaky powers and the fancy costume, but as far as I was concerned, he was the real hero of our little group. He'd walked the walk and done the deeds and had the medals, citations ... and scars to prove it. He could make me toe the line with a word ... usually.
With my mouth clamped shut and a guilty look on my face, I glanced back at Brock. He didn't look happy. Which, for Brock, meant he was even more mightily-pissed than I'd been on the way to being. I suspected it was because he wasn't any happier than I was to hear that the students at this boarding school had their visitors screened. I wondered if they could even get away with doing that kind of thing at prisons and if not, what did that say about Jeff's school.
Once past the gate, we drove around a circular driveway to a short block of visitor's parking spots on the far side. All of them were empty at the moment. Neeka pulled the car into one and a man walked over to meet us.
The impression I got was more of an orderly/guard in a mental hospital's disturbed ward than someone I'd expect to see working at a boarding school. Around early middle-age, he had a wide face under a sandy-blond buzz-cut that looked too small for his head. The skin of his face was deeply-seamed, as though he'd spent a lot of time in the sun. He wore white slacks and a white jacket over a white t-shirt and white canvas shoes. He was broad-shouldered and his arms hung away from his sides like a body-builder after a couple of sets with free-weights. Like a lot of guys tend to do, he had to be spending more time working his arms than his abs, because while his shoulders were great, his gut was threatening to overflow his waistband. He reminded me of a retired wrestler who tried to stay in shape, but couldn't control his appetite.
His reaction to us was predictable. Neeka rated a good once-over. I got the usual down-up-long-pause look as he took note of my most notable feature – my double-H-cup boobs. When Brock pried himself out of the back seat of the antique Ford sedan, the man got that serious look that guys give other guys that they perceive as a potential threat, which for some guys is pretty much anyone they aren't sure they can beat-up. The man tried to suck up his gut, which was futile. Then he clenched his fists and his jaw.
Brock didn't react to any of this. He was a professional and from what I'd seen, pros only played games with each other and never when they were on the clock.
I smiled at the male-dominance display. Actually trying to pick a fight with Brock wouldn't have ended well for the orderly. If Brock hadn't slapped him silly, Neeka would have kicked him in the knee and followed-up on two vital points before he landed on the asphalt. I would have gone the direct route and used his scrotum for a punching bag. None of which was anything close to what any of us could have done to him if we'd seen him as a real threat. In that case, Brock would have snapped his neck, Neeka would have put a bullet in his ear, and I would have torn him in half – vertically.
My amused smirk distracted him from further chest-beating. He interpreted it as a friendly expression and permission to look at my chest once more.
"I'll take you to Doctor Bargrave," he said when he'd got his eyes full.
The place was not what I expected after seeing the fence and the gate. It was nicely-landscaped, with single story buildings around a central rectangle. The buildings were painted pastel shades of lime green and yellow from the same sickly palette as the gate. Two of the largest buildings had doors at regular intervals. It looked very much like an old motor-court that had been renovated and re-purposed. The central grassy area had probably been a pool that had been filled-in.
The man led us to one of the two visible buildings that looked like they had been built in the last thirty years. As he approached the door, he took a card from his jacket pocket and held it up to a small panel beside the door. There was a click as the lock opened and he politely held the door for us to walk through.
The temperature inside was considerably cooler. I wouldn't have said it was chilly, but I saw Neeka try to rub the gooseflesh off her arms, and my top got a smidge tighter as a couple of spots crinkled-up.
The man led us down a short hallway and opened a door before stepping back and pointing inside.
"Please wait in here. Doctor Bargrave will be with you shortly." It sounded like a well-rehearsed line. It also sounded exactly like what you'd hear in a doctor's office.
The office was full of wood. Large wood desk, wall covered with wood bookcases, wood table and chairs, and wood paneling on the walls. It was like being inside a tree.
"Someone needs a new decorator," Neeka said.
I nodded. "Looks like he got it at the Oak Factory Warehouse clearance sale."
Neeka laughed. The Oak Factory was one of those places back home that were perpetually going out of business. They'd had to replace their outside banner twice that I knew of.
He had the obligatory array of document-frames hung on his wall. All gothic-typefaced with gold-foil stick-on medallions. I scanned them to see what his credentials were. Most were for just going to seminars but his diploma was up there too.
"He's not a medical doctor," I said. "His doctorate is in Education."
"We have a nurse-practitioner on staff to take care of the students medical needs," a balding, middle-aged man announced as he walked into the room. "I'm Wilson Bargrave."
The tweed coat he wore looked terribly impractical for the season, or even the latitude. The air-conditioning was the only thing that could have made it bearable for him to wear that. It had to be an affectation, like all the wood in his office. Bargrave was trying to instill confidence. I thought he was overdoing it, but maybe that's what worked for him.
He shut the door behind him and gestured at the table and chairs. "Please do sit down"
Bargrave looked at the three of us in turn, then he smiled and said, "I hope you won't think me rude if I ask to see some identification?"
The implication was clear and completely understandable. Guys in suits wouldn't have been asked for ID. Neither would anyone in uniform. We were none of the above. One obviously military type looking uncomfortable in a polo shirt and slacks. One stunning redhead in black jeans and a tank-top. And one short, busty blonde wearing the legal minimum in clothes. Claiming to be on 'official business'. I'd ask for ID too.
We handed them over. I checked to make sure I had the one that said DHS and not CDC or FEMA or something even less appropriate. Bargrave looked at each of them carefully then sat back, satisfied for the moment as to our authenticity, if not understanding just what our jobs were for the government.
"So, what brings you to the Westchester Academy?"
"We'd like to interview one of your students," Brock told him.
"Yes, I believe you asked for Jeff Greenberg. Why him? What has he done?"
"I'm not at liberty to discuss that. I can only say that it is a matter of national security."
Bargrave's eyebrows jerked upward, then down in a frown as the doubt crept onto his face.
"Feel free to confirm our credentials if you want," I said. "Call the Department. But I should warn you that one cop in Miami who checked on mine wound up on a speakerphone at the White House. Awk-ward!"
Bargrave might not have believed me, but he decided not to take the dare. No doubt from a long habit of keeping a low profile. He held up his hands, palms-out.
"I will cooperate fully, of course. But I cannot imagine how one of my students could have done something to attract the attention of the Federal government. Unless this has something to do with him using the computer in the rec building? We have a program to filter their access, but they always seem to find a way around it. Jeff has been the instigator in a lot of that. I shouldn't be surprized that he's been looking at more than just pornography."
Which meant that when Jeff went over the wall to attend the FLASFOCON, he'd managed to get out and back without his absence being detected. Apparently that perimeter fence wasn't the deterrent to outside excursions that Bargrave believed it to be. It also meant their internal security was lax, as well.
Bargrave went to the door and stuck his head out. "Bert? Would you find Jeff Greenberg and bring him to my office? Thank you."
I was about to suggest that we could just as easily go to wherever Jeff was, but I didn't get my mouth open in time.
"Since this is obviously a sensitive matter, you'll want to meet with him privately, I'm sure," he said, walking back to his seat at the table. "Then there is the matter of the disturbance you would cause walking around the campus."
"Disturbance?" Brock asked.
"You must be aware of the special nature of our students? Outsiders tend to react badly when meeting them and this causes the students unnecessary emotional distress. For their own psychological well-being, we keep them ... well... cloistered. Visitors are limited to immediate family or to those they or the court nominates."
"Court?" I asked.
"Some of those in our care were placed here by court order because they had been abandoned as infants and no foster facility would accept them."
"Because they're freaks?" I asked, my heartbeat pounding in my ears as my anger rose.
"A harsh word. And one they have done nothing to deserve. They did not choose to become what they are. None of us has that ability."
I laughed. I couldn't help myself. It was just so ironic that he would say that.
"I'm sorry, did I say something humorous?" Bargrave's jaw was set. He'd been unhappy about me calling his students freaks. Laughing had really pissed him off.
The shoe was on the other foot now. I considered apologizing. Nah.
"You said none of us has the ability to become something other than what we are. You are wrong about that."
"No, Colonel. I think Dr. Bargrave is doing his best here. He deserves to know that while his students may be mutants, but they are not mistakes. They are just pilot-studies for evolutionary change. Rough drafts."
"Well, I suppose that is one way of looking at it," Bargrave allowed.
"You said 'freak' is a harsh word, doc. If so, then I should be the most offended by it. You see, I'm super-freak. I can change what I am. I'm The Dragon."
Now it was Bargrave's turn to laugh. A quick snort, anyway. He sucked it back and smiled condescendingly at me for making such a preposterous declaration. He waved a hand at Neeka and scoffed, "Then I suppose that makes her..."
His voice caught in his throat when he saw the look in her eyes. It was the same intensely-focused look she got just before she put a bullet through something.
" ... Ace," he finished softly. He looked at Brock for something. Support, confirmation, I couldn't tell. Brock is normally unreadable. Now he was professionally so. Mt. Rushmore is a study in emotion compared to Colonel Brock.
Bargrave looked back at me with a questioning gaze. I could hardly disappoint him. I held up my hand and scaled it from my elbow to my fingertips, finishing by extruding five gleaming three-inch long claws.
Bargrave swallowed hugely. I removed the scales and claws and put my hand back on the table.
"I apologize," he said.
"No, I should apologize. We almost got off on the wrong foot here and it's mostly my fault. Tell me something. Why do you have Mr. Muscle on your staff?"
"Who? Bert? He's invaluable. Some of our students are not very mobile. He helps them get to and from their wheelchairs. That sort of thing. He even bathes some of them. He can be a little over-protective at times. He knows how upsetting strangers can be for the students."
The next few minutes were a tad awkward as we waited for the unfairly-maligned Bert to appear. I wondered if I should apologize. Then I remembered him staring at my boobs and figured that we were even.
The sharp rap on the door was a great relief. Jeff himself opened it and I was so happy to see him that I kind of lost control. I mean to jump up to greet him, but it turned into more of a leap.
Jeff barely had time to call my name before I slammed into him and knocked him back into Bert. After that, it was me and Jeff wrapped around each other, rolling across Bargrave's lobby floor while locked in a tight hug that involved arms, legs, and a tail. We stopped with me on top and I pulled back just far enough to locate his mouth before planting a kiss that started off as enthusiastic and quickly segued into passionate. Before things got too far out of control, I broke for air.
"Mmmmwwwwaahh! Good to see you again, Jeff. How've you been?"
"I take it you two have met," Bargrave said, sternly. He'd twigged that Jeff had somehow been off the reservation for long enough to make my acquaintance and he wasn't thrilled about it.
"I'm happy to see you too, Sam. I'd just about decided that you weren't coming to see me."
Jeff was wearing his usual outfit of loose boxer shorts and open-toe slippers, neither of which was actually necessary. I didn't know why he wore the slippers. They were cut wide enough to let his two big middle toes poke out, but did nothing to disguise the fact that his feet were in no way human. I'd seen him climbing all over and through piles of debris without them, so I knew the pads on his feet were tough enough to make them unnecessary and they were probably just an affectation. In my opinion, his boxers weren't really essential, since Jeff's cock was, when flaccid, encased in a sheath and all of him was covered in black fur with a few white places. Of course the shorts also hid a substantial set of the hairiest balls you've ever seen, so perhaps they served to spare the sensibilities of those unable to appreciate such a fine pair. Overall, his manner of dress gave him a decidedly cartoonish appearance. I thought he was one pair of white gloves away from starring in a kids' TV show.
The clothing thing was something we had in common. We both wore stuff not because we wanted to or needed to, but because some people would react badly if we didn't.
During our tumble across the floor, my top had ridden up and my bare nipples were luxuriating in Jeff's soft fur. It was more than a bit erotic and I could feel them swelling in response. I knew Jeff was having a similar reaction, because I was straddling his groin. If I didn't pull away soon, Bargrave was going to find out entirely too much about what had gone on between me and Jeff.
I rolled off of Jeff and tried to tug my top back into place without being too obvious about it. I could feel my nipples poking the fabric, so I knew it was probably too-little-too-late. Bargrave was kind enough not to look. Bert, however, was memorizing the displacement of each thread in my t-shirt. Although now that I knew where he was coming from, I felt more sanguine about him looking.
One effect of our little public display of affection was that neither Bert not Bargrave seemed to feel as protective as before. Neither gave us any trouble about excluding them from our meeting in Bargrave's office.
"Jeff," I began, doing the introductions while trying to ignore a tail wrapping around my calf, "this is Neeka, also known as Ace of Diamonds."
"Pleased to finally meet you," she said.
"'Wow'?" I asked him.
"Hush, Sam," Neeka said, "'Wow' is fine."
"I'm sorry," Jeff apologized. "I mean, 'wow, you're prettier than I imagined'."
Neeka leaned over and went to kiss Jeff on the cheek. She tried to maneuver around his whiskers and he 'helped' by turning so she got him on the lips instead. The kiss lasted several milliseconds longer than absolutely necessary.
"Wow," she said.
"Again with the 'wow'?"
Jeff smiled and licked his whiskers. Neeka watched his tongue closely. Jeff saw this and may have blushed terribly under all that fur. I couldn't really tell.
Before Neeka and Jeff could deepen their relationship any further, I pointed across the table.
"Jeff, this is Colonel Brock. He wants to ask you a few questions."
"Hello Colonel," Jeff said, offering his hand.
Brock didn't balk at being offered a hand that looked more like a paw. He took it and shook it.
I remember my first handshake with Brock. We'd had ourselves a nice contest to see who could squeeze the hardest. Brock didn't win, but he didn't lose either.
This time, things didn't go the way Brock expected either. When he squeezed, needle-sharp claws slid out of the tips of Jeff's fingers and poked his wrist. Startled, Brock let go. Three dots of blood welled up where Jeff's claws had broken the skin.
"Sorry, Colonel." Jeff said, unconvincingly.
Brock ignored the pricks and the blood as I was sure he would have ignored much worse injuries. He just let the blood drip onto the table until it stopped.
"I want you to understand that nothing we discuss is to leave this room," Brock told Jeff. "National security matters may be mentioned that you can't talk about with anyone. Is that perfectly clear?"
"Yessir!" Jeff was both excited and impressed at being sworn to secrecy like that. I could tell because his tail started twitching.
"Good. Because if you were to reveal any confidential information, you'd be taken away and held in a secure facility where you wouldn't be allowed contact with the outside world for a very long time."
I looked at Brock. He'd just described Jeff's whole life at the Westchester School. Had he just made a joke? Except for a slightly deeper frown, Brock was doing 'unreadable' better than usual.
Then I got it. I'd noticed the change in Colonel Brock's attitude at the front gate. I thought he'd been pissed at something and I was right. Brock was mad that Bargrave's "students" were here not because of anything they'd done, but simply because their parents or some court wanted them out of sight and out of mind. Brock was mad because their freedom had been taken away.
And that was my first glimpse into what made the Colonel tick. Right out of the blue, I'd learned what Brock considered precious and probably why he'd chosen the profession he had - freedom. And here in the very country he'd fought so hard for he'd found a bunch of people whose freedom had been taken away for no other reason than that they looked different.
I was seriously impressed that Brock could look at Jeff – who was unarguably more feline than human – and see a person who deserved the same basic human rights as anyone else. I think I'd never felt as proud of knowing Brock as I did in that moment.
Jeff didn't have the same insight into Brock's motivation, but he wasn't slow on the uptake. He'd noticed that what he was being threatened with was essentially the same life he'd been living up until now.
"I understand ... wait ... what ... how would that ... oh! You mean there's a way you might be able to get me out of here?"
"How old are you, son?"
"I turned 18 last month. My father sent me a card."
"Have you been found guilty of committing a crime?"
"Have you been declared mentally incompetent by a court of law?"
"Then you can walk out of here anytime you like and there is nothing those people can do to stop you." From the way he said 'those people', I could tell Brock didn't have the same charitable take on Bert and Dr. Bargrave that I did.
"But ... where would I go?"
Brock looked at me and nodded. I had a sudden sense of deja vu when I realized that the quick movement was the same signal he'd given David Solomon after meeting me for the first time. It meant Brock had made up his mind about Jeff and had no objection to his being recruited. Only this time, I was the one doing the recruiting. That meant Jeff would be joining my team, not Solomon's. It was a sneaky way of telling me I would be the one responsible for him.
"Jeff? Do you want to get out of here?" I asked.
"No, think about it. I mean are you willing to leave here for good? To go out there and make a life for yourself?"
Jeff sat silent for several seconds, then said, "Ever since I snuck out and went to that Con, I've been sort of sad. At first, I couldn't figure why. I mean, that was pretty much the high point of my life. I got to do something I'd always wanted to do. I got to be around a whole bunch of people who thought I was really cool and I got to meet girls and I got to ... well, I had a fantastic time. But ever since then I've felt worse than before. I think it's because I know what it can be like to be with people who don't think I'm a freak and don't keep reminding me that I need to hide away from normal people.
"If normal people think I'm weird, then that's their problem. I know there are people out there who will accept me for who I am and those are the people I want to have for friends."
"Have you thought about what you'd do on the outside?" I asked him.
"Maybe get a job at Disney World?"
That sounded better than joining a carnival's freak-show, but only by a matter of degree.
"Ever thought of saving the world?"
Jeff laughed, "That's your job!"
"I could use some help."
Jeff stopped laughing.
"When we were at the Con, you asked me if I thought of myself as a superhero. I'd had fantasies about that before, but I knew they were only fantasies. Then later, when I followed you I got the chance to help rescue those people and that was the best I'd ever felt about myself – ever. I will go wherever I have to and do whatever I need to so I can feel that way again."
That sounded more honest than some of the rationalizations I'd used for a lot of the stuff I'd done. Anyone who doesn't try to feed their ego probably doesn't have one. Mine is bigger than most, so I couldn't count that against him.
"It might be ... no, it will be dangerous," I assured him.
"OK." No bluster, no bravado, just 'OK'. That had to be the right answer to that one.
"You might get killed."
"Is what I'm doing here really living?"
That was the most brutally-honest thing I'd heard anyone say about themselves. It made Brock sit back in his chair and swallow a lump in his throat. When I saw that, I knew there was no way we could walk out of there without Jeff.
Neeka couldn't think of anything I hadn't already covered, so it looked like the interview portion of the meeting was over.
"OK, Jeff. Here's the deal. There are some very bad guys out there who want to hurt a lot of innocent people. In some cases, a whole lot of innocent people. Our job," and I waved a hand to include Brock in that, "is to stop them any way we can. Using any means necessary. Are you OK with that?"
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Posted: August 11, 2007 - 09:57:47 am I followed Pen into the dance hall. The joint was overflowing with women. I think nearly every dancer and bar girl in El Paso was in our ballroom that night. When I walked in the door, the women started clapping. I blushed, gave them a little wave and walked over to the small bandstand to join the Hombres. The cigar and cigarette smoke must have been thick in the room that night, because my eyes were starting to water. I wiped my eyes with the back of my...
When I was a radio deejay I used to get lots of chicks phone up and flirt with me, and some would visit me at the radio station when my workmates had gone home at night. It was great because I used to get lots of sex especially with teenage girls (I was only 19) who were infatuated with me. I fucked them everywhere in the building, but there was this one time I was feeling game and I asked one girl to suck me off while I was on air while I was reading out some community notices. As I turned on...
I've never said i was perfect and that i was one of those donna reed "yes dear" kinda girls, but after what happened to me last nite, i may consider it. Lately because of long hours worked by the old man, i havent been getting my daily fix. I am a little spoiled, and tend to get wonderfully fucked by husband 3-4 times a day, so when he can't, i admit i tandrum out like a little girl. last nite i was especially frustrated, and he was especially frustrated and tired, i know i should have been...
I feel his lips upon mine, his soft lips brushing gently against mine as it probes into my warm mouth with his moist, soft tongue. I feel the joy uprising in my once lonely soul as we kiss deeply and lovingly. I feel his arms warp around my cold, aching body, warming it up so much and make me feel safe and loved. I felt so comfortable within his welcoming warms, so loved.We finally parted our lips, I felt his lips gently kissing on my neck as I arch my head back, exposing my neck. As he gently...
Karin revived slowly. For long minutes she resisted the persistent call of awareness and laid there in blissful peace. But the call was too strong. So was her curiosity. She allowed each of her senses to engage one by one. Gradually, she became aware of her surroundings. The first thing she noticed was that she was no longer bound in any way and that all the pain seemed to be gone. She felt as if she was floating, kind of. Opening a wary eye, she saw she was in the large hot tub on her...
Introduction: The orgy after the party Kathy woke up naked with Steve and Cindy naked, on either side of her. Kathy covered in cum smiled as she remembered last night. Last night John and Kathy had a new years party with about 15 couples. It looked as if only two couples were left, Steve and Cindy and John and Kathy. Kathy heard the shower running so John must have been taking a shower. Kathy looked around and saw the double-headed dildo lying between Cindy and her. Kathy smiled when she...
BEING NAUGHTY FOR DADDY 3Lilly and JT bound of love and lust had been sealed. Their father daughter relationship was now on a new level. After hours of making love to his daughter, JT had a whole new out look on loving his daughter, Lilly.It was early morning and daddy and I had been watching JT take Lilly’s sweet body numerous times. Lilly had done for her father the same thing that I had did for daddy, after I returned home from college. The first time my daddy took my pussy the sex b**st...
Dave peered through the glass door into part of the core that was usually used by the younger school children in the Circle’s home-schooling program. He was surprised to see room full of college aged men and women peering at the teacher at the front of the class. The teacher was Marie Thereaux. The hieroglyphics on the white board behind her suggested that this was some kind of Anthropology course. He also spotted Barbara sitting in the back of the class in the last row of seats, and Kellie...
Case #7862668 – October 2nd, 3:45 PM. Suspects are a tall adolescent female and a middle aged female. They are mother and daughter. The Loss Prevention Officer suspects the younger suspect has been stealing items from the store. After a strip search, the stolen goods are found in her mothers bag. It is clear that the younger suspect placed the items there without her mothers knowledge. Nonetheless, possession of the stolen goods makes the older suspect an accessory to the crime. To avoid...
xmoviesforyouI really do enjoy my swing life style. Here is an example of one of those times. My lady has this friend, "G" and I wasn't to keen on her. But thank god she lives 4 hours away. I usually bail out on my lady's visits and she is cool with it. But then once my lady begged me to go with her on the next visit. I declined. A few days later she asked me again but said she would make it worth my while. Besides it was a huge cook out that we were going too. -fast forward to the weekend-My lady and I...
I’m Rahul, 29 years and my wife is Nisha, 26 years. We are a marred Indian couple, staying in India. We have been married for five years now and in those years sex has been mind blowing. Nisha loved to fuck, anytime and anywhere and she was never ever shy in admitting it. But, I was my desire to expose her in revealing clothes to other guys and also see her getting fucked. One day, I spoke this with her and after bit of hesitation, she agreed. But, she had a few conditions. One of her...
Emily sat at the table crying while she watched her husband and best friend walk from the restaurant quietly talking together. Pete had his arm around Vicky's shoulders as she leaned into his embrace. Ryan started after Pete, striding angrily. He was yelling about losing his business. After several steps he stopped. He looked so defeated and alone that, even in her sorrow, Emily felt her heart go out to him. She wanted to comfort him and make it all better. He turned and started back to the...
Seduced by Control I went to college far from home just to get away from it all. My highschool gf and I broke up at graduation because we knew we would grow apart.Plus, if I'm honest, I wanted new opportunities if you know what I mean.I'm not the most social person though, so I didn't manage to make manyfriends, and even with a part-time job I had a lot of free time. Andfree-time for a 18-year old means looking for sex, or masturbating. Iprobably jacked off too much. I didn't exactly get...
Hello babes and boys. This is Abhishek Singh 20 male from Delhi again. I’m back for all of you who have supported me for writing the stories and praising it to the core. The stories which I post here are not real. They are made by me for your enjoyment. “You are such a pig,” Kyla exclaimed as she shook her head at me. My sister’s cute little brunette friend was miffed at me for trying to hook the front of her halter-top in order to check out her lovely, perky breasts. “Aww, come on, don’t be...
June 14, 2007 11:27 a.m. Dear Diary, Sorry for missing entries for such a long period of time. The worst thing happened. After arriving safely (and horny) to camp two weeks ago, we all attended the usual introductory brief orientation in the cafeteria where we discovered who our roomies will be. One of the coaches began the roster. ‘In cabin 1, we have…’ I tuned her out as I focused on this beautiful black girl with incredibly large boobs, exposing her cleavage in this small v-neck tank top. I...
"We need to talk together about what to do and who, if anyone, we will permit to join us." We gathered Emma, April, and Jason and moved apart from the others. I then said, "We need to determine who, if anyone, we will allow to join us. The only guy I would consider is Steve. He stayed out of the confrontation and was trying to clear the stream and pond earlier." Nola then said, "I've talked to the girls. Joy and Lisa had joined in and held others down to get everybody to go along....
Set apart for their use below deck was a room of about ten-foot width and twenty-foot in length. That wasn't very spacious for a group of eight people and one dog. Of course the Princess let everyone know what she thought about their new quarters, until Roban threatened his show of power could be the public spanking of an insufferable nagging slave. Through the canvas they first had to listen to all kinds of taunts and comments about assumed or suggested activities and later to snoring and...
As usual my thanks go to LadyC and Techsan for their assistance in bringing this tale of woe to you. I’ve been somewhat delayed in posting this one because as I was writing it, I realised that I could take some of characters in this tale from ‘The Fall Guy’. Once that idea came into my head, I also realised that there were other characters I could use from, another story of mine that is still on the drawing board. There is no need to read the three stories in any specific order, but do I think...
Changing up pace, I dunno about you, but I have a lot of FxF or lesbian couples that I love or at least find appealing. So… I figured I’d make a story for all of them. Featuring lesbians/bi women from video games, movies, tv shows, cartoons and more. ENF, porn, and romance all in one. All characters must be 18+ (aged up) in ANY erotic settings. Please see Underage Sex rule for what is or isn’t allowed. Content will be moderated. Trusted authors who contribute will be added and responsible for...
LesbianMichelle was cruising down the highway with the top down on her car, singing at the top of her lungs to the feminist tone of the Beyonce hit song, Single Ladies. It was a song that she had recently adopted as her anthem after she left her boyfriend of three years. It was liberating to walk away from someone after years of on and off again chances, ultimately deciding not to waste anymore time on the relationship going nowhere. Since the break up Michelle resolved to take advantage of her single...
InterracialPassion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter ten Lee Marklin looked over at Carol Burke, his newly-appointed scrub nurse, who was sitting next to him in the sumptuous stretch limousine that was whisking them from the airport to the Las Vegas hotel where they’d be staying for the next week. In Lee’s opinion, Carol really looked good. She had on a blue shirt dress – she told him the color was called ‘Periwinkle blue’ – that had buttons all the way down the front, three-quarter...
My name does not matter this is the story of what happend to me. one night as i fell asleep i awoke or at least i thought i awoke. i was in a dark room the wall's were made of steel. then a man stepped out of the shadow's. hi there my name is ace im am the host of this show. i asked what show. the dream show called a b or c. i will give you a pick of three door's. door a door b or door c and you will enter that door. i asked what's behind the door's. well when you pick a door there could be...
FantasyI work in a small town in western Alberta Can. Every once in awhile truckdrivers have to go to city and get new equipment/big trucks to update the fleet. I was lucky to take one trip in a big truck.A screwup made the machine I was going to haul not ready till next A.M. Phone boss & get a room in nice place to stay with a lounge in it, park big truck & get cleaned up. Go downstairs to eat& have a beer. As I wait for my meal sipping on a beer in walks a MILF. OMG, LBD,nylons of some...
I sat in my den watching porn on my big screen when a pop up appeared. "Horny sluts in your area live on camera". I clicked on the link and a live sex screen appeared a young girls ass was being penetrated by a dildo and she was saying "Daddy fuck your little girls butt" … her butt filled the screen and her asshole willing accepted more of the shaft until she was fucking taking the full length in her butt hole. Kinky little cunt I thought as stroked my cock.After she squirted her juices all...
I hated having to get up after a good night's rest but I can't believe I finally got a job! What was even more unbelievable is I didn't have to spend money on work clothes. I managed to find a workplace that said I could work totally naked! And the strangest thing about it to me was ... I actually loved it! The only catch for me was, because I didn't live in Edenton, I had to wear something while traveling to work. So, after my morning shower, I found some sweatpants and a little t-shirt to...
Andrea,is a slightly stuck up teacher,she does not talk to strangers unless she has to,tall and slender with medium size firm breast,vegan diet and dally yoga keep her very fit.She is going to be my wife.After years of refusal she finally agreed to marry me,i can't wait to have sex with her,she is a virgin, at 24 she never had a boyfriend or anybody touching more then her arm,simply repulsing any physical contact.This was driving me mad with frustration but also with an immense desire for her...
Hi, guys, this is Krish. It is my first sex story, I am a big fan of Indian Sex Stories dot net. I was reading the stories from PUC. I am 23 old, 5.10″ in height with the gym body and 7.5-inch monster. Coming to the angel, her name is Ammu, she is an awesome sex bomb with the figure of 36-28-34. The sexiest part of her body was her boobs, So huge and juicy. She was living next to our house. This incident happened during my 1st year of BE. I was in the hostel during my BE and my home was changed...
I am regular reader of ISS and love to share my first extramarital experience with the other readers. First I want to tell few words about myself. I am a dark, average looking and medium built 26 years young man from decent family from Hyderabad. My name is Sumith and got married at 24.I am very shy in nature and even avoid talking with other ladies but dreaming about them. This incidence happened 1 week back while I was working in Hyderabad. and I sent my wife for her delivery.I loved my wife...
Introduction:Hello, this is my first submission. It was a story idea that came to me one day. I almost came in my pants writing it and I hope you all enjoy cumming to it ;). I always found the thought of masturbating with a member of the opposite sex really hot, so here's my fiction. Everyone in this story is completely fictional and not based on real people. Leave your feedback here, I'd really appreciate it, and please tell me if you want a sequel! I made a few edits after...
After a Christmas feast and some more waiting, the army set off in several columns towards Montgomery. Ab saw no Confederate soldiers attacking them, although he did hear some gunfire off to their left. Once, too, he saw some prisoners being marched along by infantry guards. When they got where they were headed and the battery dug in, they told him that it was Montgomery. He had seen Montgomery, and it didn’t look like Montgomery to him. What if all these smart generals were going to shell...
I had previously had a surprise visit at my home from a former student of mine, Kimberley. She was a stunning looking girl, almost eighteen, with a stunning ass and huge incredible boobs. My wife was out at the time.Kimberley had then proceeded to dress up in an incredibly tight, sexy schoolgirl uniform, attempting to seduce me. As, however, my wife could return at any time, I had arranged to visit Kimberley at her house a few weeks later, but got another surprise when I knocked on her door...I...
Straight SexIt was a hot Monday afternoon in late June at the university library and it was six years since Jack had been back to the university. The basement of the old library was nice and cool and smelled exactly as he remembered. As Jack wandered through the building, the old smells and sounds were like an old familiar friend and he opened his mind to the flood of great memories. He had taken classes off and on at the local extension university while he was teaching, but this summer he returned to his...
KATE AND I FLEW FIRST CLASS, non-stop from Seattle to Atlanta at Clarice’s insistence. We were treated like royalty and I even had a glass of wine. Kate declined. I don’t think they would have carded her. Clarice had told us we had an anonymous investor in our project. He was paying all expenses, first class everything, and for having the printing done. In return, he would receive print number one of each of our works. Clarice handed us a VISA cash card each and told us that we were to cover...
With an acknowledgement to Willie Nelson’s ‘I Just Dropped By’ for the idea (but not the detail, of course!) ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY ARE ABOVE THE AGE OF CONSENT FOR SEXUAL CONGRESS (18). * Gary had a busy afternoon contacting as many of his regulars as he could. Some grumbled at him a little but his relationship with almost all of them meant that they still finished each call on good terms. Before leaving time he called Molly again and requested a copy of his own existing contract....
Robert - Wednesday after lunch We finished our lunches a few minutes before the bell rang indicating that we would need to go to our first afternoon class. I remembered something I had thought about asking Patricia before all the excitement this morning. "Would you want to go out to eat with me after the game Saturday afternoon?" I asked Patricia. "Only if you will go with me to the football game." She replied. Now all I needed to do was think of someplace we could walk to. "Do you...
Introduction: for some reason it didnt post it all…sorry My day started out as usual with me waking up to ny lab pacing around my room. This was her choice way of waking me up. I groaned a little and got up to take hee outside. I came inside and stepped into the shower. I trembled a little as the warm water began to run over my body. My girlfriend and I had been on a break for the past three weeks due to some relationship problems and being as faithful as I am I hadnt done anything to...
The newlyweds slept in the next morning. In truth, they woke at their usual time and la talk to each other until Rebecka and May brought their breakfast. Catherine asked that they serve it in the sitting room. Then sighed and kissed Jake before she rose and a night gown and robe. She chided Jake about being lazy, until he told her he was just enjoying watching her dress. Put on a pair of small clothes and his robe and the two were given a peace while they ate. As May was clearing their dishes...
Hi dear horny readers of ISS club. I am Praveen , 38 male having a medium size business. I have been reading ISS stories for the past couple of years. I have had few sexual encounters and I take this opportunity to share it with you guys. You can reach me on : for any comments on how I narrated my true story.. As mentioned earlier, I have a medium size industry and this is located far from where my family lives. I visit my plant for 25 days and then go back home for 10-12 days. I have rented...
For the first time in history vampires were donating blood. "Okay, I get this whole plan about replacing the blood in the hospital with our blood. Hell, with the hospital's blood supply replacing it I can even understand why it's worth it. And now we're not supposed to kill humans but take them to the hospital after we drain them some. But I don't get how the doctors won't notice, why this won't turn people and why we're pumping humans full of vamp blood if not to turn them." "The hospital...
I am Sam, currently doing my Masters in the United States. I am 6’3” tall, athletic and have a wheatish complexion. I pride my 8” dick which is pretty big for an Indian guy. I love the US here and I have a roommate (a girl from Cali) who I fuck daily and we live happily as a couple. But, this is a story which happened for real and it was with a woman who helped me get all things secured for doing my Masters. I had plans to do Masters and I was an average student. I really had to get a good...
I'd been to McDill AFB many times. This time they put me up off base in a contract hotel. I got there early, so I had two days to kill. This place had everything, restaurant, bar with dance area, work out room, pool, Jacuzzi suites, which I was lucky enough to have one. I went to get some food & found the restaurant had a wide variation of choices. I hadn't had chicken parmesan in some time. I was enjoying my meal and my grey goose on ice when I noticed a guy a few tables away leaning back...
This is my first story, let me know what you think She restlessly turns in her sleep. A soft moan escapes her lips, her fingers tracing up her stomach to curve around her breast. A sigh breaks from her lips and she moves again… lost in her dream. ‘You know you want me.’ Her eyes widen at his voice. She turns, her eyes drawn to him, standing in the doorway to her room. ‘A.. a.. and your so sure of that, my lord?’ she stutters, cursing at her self for showing her vulnerability. He smiles...
Honey Hayes likes to keep herself nice and fit with her yoga routine. Recently, her mom has told her that her yoga shorts give her some serious camel toe. That gives Honey an idea. She sets up to do yoga in the kitchen and then stretches until her stepbrother, Jay Romero, joins her. When she sees Jay, Honey jumps up and asks him for some help. She explains what her mom has said, then asks if he can see it. When Jay claims there’s nothing there, Honey grabs his hand and puts it right on...
xmoviesforyouA Chastened, FL Tale Call them star-crossed lovers if you will, but Steve and Gabby had this on again, off again romance that left their friends and even closer friends baffled. Steve had presented Gabby with a knock your eye out engagement ring that cost him the price of a Dodge Viper two years earlier only to see Gabby storm off in a huff a month later without giving him or anyone else a reason. Six months later, at a Christmas party celebrating the holidays and the closing of Annie Get...
The employees’ share co-operative was announced to the staff and received a less than rapturous welcome when the figures were announced. Most of those eligible thought the sums involved were trivial; most of those excluded thought that all the staff should be eligible on the first day they joined the company. David was surprised when Colin asked him to meet him immediately when he walked into work two days after the announcement. “What’s the problem, Colin? Are the natives getting...
The door bell rang and I opened the door to find Willy standing there. "What the fuck do you want?" "To talk. To clear the air so to speak." "I don't need to hear anything that you have to say." "Maybe not, but I need to say it. It won't take long. May I come in?" I stared at her for several minutes (looking mostly at her throat and wanting to put my hands around it and squeeze as hard as I could) before stepping aside and letting her come in. She went straight for the kitchen...
The next morning, Dan called his bank manager and arranged to make four consecutive withdrawals of 500,000 dollars each day. He insisted the money had to be used, not new bills. The manager informed him that amount of money would be 5,000 100 bills and would take most of the day to collect. He had Tessa drive him to one of the local car rental agencies where a pickup truck was waiting for him. Dan stood in front of his sexy squad as several took his picture in his costume. Tracy had...
The steady drone of the big diesel for the last couple of hours has about made both of us drowsy. The traffic tonight has been sporadic, either light and moving along at 70, or heavy stop / go construction tie ups that really try a truck driver’s patience. The day is going to end soon, over 600 miles logged and we can retire for the night. It hasn’t been all that cool in the truck as the A/C has had problems keeping the temperature just “moderate” and not all that “cool”. Schedules and time...
Quickie SexAt age s*******n things felt very different in my family. My sister Jill was a year younger than myself and very cute. She had auburn colored shoulder length hair, just like our mom. Five years earlier my dad died leaving jus]t the three of us. As Jill's older brother I felt a responsibility to help and protect her. At the same time I had fantasies about how sexy and cute she was. She had a tight little body that I could not stop thinking about.When my dad died most of the mortgage on our house...
LIFE OUT OF JOINT by Crazy Baron Chapter 7/7 -- Epilogue and Author's Notes Synopsis: Whatever happened to Mr. Caldwell? ***** EPILOGUE "I've got to be going," I say as I give my mother a quick kiss on the cheek. "Duty calls." "Promise me you'll take care of yourself, dear," she responds. She has a warm smile on her lips but I can clearly sense that beneath her calm exterior she worries about me--as she does every time I go out at night. She is no longer openly anxious, let...