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I am employed as a science teacher for fifth and sixth grade students. Thirty two and divorced for a few years with no k**s. Dating has been fun for someone my age. Females always seem willing to get bedded after the first or second date. Some of my flings have been with younger single teachers. There has been a couple with married teachers. The married ones happened while working on joint projects for the school system.

There are also girls in my classes that seem to flaunt their sexuality. Our school has a very lenient dress code. The school board for the county thinks there does not need to be a dress code for elementary students. My classes have female students in all stages of puberty. Some have developed breasts and nice asses. Others have breasts and no asses and some the other way around. I have some who have not started puberty. Some have flat breasts and no ass formation.

This brings me to the next part. PTA parent teacher conferences are something I deplore. You always have parents who think their c***d can do no wrong. They can’t be a C or D student in my class when they get A and B’s in other classes. Usually it is because they fail to do their homework assignments and goof off in class. This explanation never satisfies the parents. The parents of students getting A and B’s always talk about how much their k**s enjoy my class. It is just part of being a teacher.

I had two girls who were not doing well in one of my classes. One was Sherry and the other was April. On our first PTA night of the year; both sets of parents asked about tutoring for their c***d. I told them that as long as they applied their selves to the tutoring; I would be willing to help out. I agreed to do Sherry Tuesday nights and April on Thursdays. Both sets of parents asked that the tutoring be done in their homes so they could ensure their c***d was doing all that I ask of them.

I had April third period and Sherry fourth period. The next day; Sherry sat on the front row. This was a marked change as she was a back row sitter. I was sitting at my desk going over items with the class. I noticed Sherry was wearing a dress and had her head down writing notes as I talked. This was a definite improvement. I continued for the next few minutes and then asked them to read the next chapter during the rest of the class. I watched to make sure they were indeed reading. Sherry was reading. While looking at her I noticed her legs had parted and I was viewing all the way to her white panties. I looked away and looked over the rest of the class. My gaze returned to Sherry and she had propped her book up and slid forward in her chair. This did nothing but expose more of her panties to me. Class ended.
It was Tuesday and I was to go to Sherry’s house. I get their around seven and her mother shows me into the dinning room. Sherry was already their with her science book ready to study. Mary, her mother, said she would be in the den or on the patio if we needed anything. I stand about 6’ 2” and Sherry couldn't be more than 4’ 6”. I am in shorts and a tee shirt. Sherry is in very short shorts and a top. As we are going over things; as she leans forward, her top falls from her neck line and I am looking down her top at her bare breasts. While they are just nubbins, the nipples are very erect. The hour passes quickly. At the end; Sherry puts her hand on my bare leg and thanks me for tutoring her. I tell her the pleasure was mine and we would do it again next week. By now I am semi erect from looking at her nubbins for an hour. Standing up she hugs me. My semi erection hits above her waist as we hug. She looks up at me, smiles and tells me this is fun. We go tell her mother that I am leaving and will see her next Tuesday.

Wednesday in class I am treated to another viewing of Sherry’s panties. Thinking about her hand on my leg and the showing of her panties again makes me semi hard. I tell myself that it just because I haven’t dated for a couple of weeks and am slightly horny.

Thursday in class Sherry has on another dress. I notice as she enters my room. I smile at her and she smiles back and winks her eye. Class gets underway and I am looking around the classroom. My eyes end up on Sherry. She is sitting with her legs crossed. As my eyes end up on her; she smiles and uncrosses her legs. She has no panties on. I am looking at her nearly hairless pussy. I sit down in my chair as I feel my penis rising. I sit there staring at her lovely pussy. Sherry just smiles and keeps winking her eye at me. Class finally ends and Sherry comes to my desk. As she is standing beside me; I tell her she needs to wear her panties in class. She grins and tells me no one can see her but me and she knows I like it and points to bulge in my pants. She turns to leave and tells me she looks forward to Tuesday night.

My tutoring with April Thursday night goes well. Both her parents are home and both sit with us as we go over things. As I leave I think to myself that these parents are involved and want the best for their daughter.

Monday and Tuesday Sherry is in shorts and a top. I am grateful. Tuesday night I arrive about seven again. Mary greets me at the door. She tells me Sherry is in the dinning room and that Bob, her husband is upstairs asleep. She explains that Bob works shift work and goes in at eleven tonight. She then tells me she will be in the basement ironing if we need her. She heads off down the stairs and I go into the dinning room. Sherry is sitting there in a yellow sun dress. The hem line comes to about mid thigh and neck line low. I start by asking her if she thinks this is helping her. She tells me that it is. I tell her that there will be a test Friday and then we will know how she is really doing. She gets up and moves her chair right beside mine and then sits down. I can’t help but wonder if she is wearing panties under her dress. The thought that she may not be causes my penis to jerk. As we are going over items, she leans forward and I discover her nubbins are uncovered and her nipples are very erect again. My penis twitches again. As we discuss things she is doing excellent. I complement her about her progress and as I do; I pat her on her thigh. Her skin is so soft to the touch. I leave my hand on her thigh and she places her hands over mine. As we talk she tells me how much fun this is and slides my hand higher. She lets go of my hand and reaches a hand over to my leg. As we talk I rub my hand softly on her thigh and slightly squeeze. I have been a teacher for 10 years and never had anything like this happened. Sure I had seen and heard about it and we were warned consonantly about it in teacher meetings. I always thought we teachers had the resolve to keep our hands to ourselves but now my mind was saying something else. Sherry leans up and whispers in my ear that she wants to see mine. I tell we can’t do that. I could lose me job and never teach again. She whispers again that she won’t tell anyone and she just wants to see it. My mind is reeling. What can it hurt if she only sees? After all she has seen the movie about sex they show all the girls in elementary school. We have studied mating habits in science. My penis wins out. I tell her to pull down the zipper if she wants to see but only if she agrees it is between just us two. She grins and moves to pull down the zipper. As she does my pinkie finger is up against her pussy lips. Once again she has no panties on. She pulls out my penis and holds it in her hand. She looks it over and then tells me she has never seen one up close before. I now cup her pussy as she holds my penis. She looks at me and smiles and whispers how good that feels. Her pussy is wet with anticipation. Her face is right up against my penis as she looks it over. Pre-cum is forming. She asks what that is and I tell her. Some is running down on her hand. I move my hand from her pussy and tell her that is enough. She pulls her hand away and I put it up. Sherry then wants to know if I need to make it shot sperm. I told her yes but not here. I look at the clock and it is 10 after eight. I tell her I need to go as my hour is up.

I hear footsteps. I close the book and tell Sherry I need to leave. Mary enters the room and asks how things went to night. Sherry says they went wonderful. Mary smiles and says she has never seen Sherry apply herself like she is now. I tell Mary she is doing much better in class also. I get invited to stay for some coffee and cake. I accept. Mary goes to fix it. Sherry takes my hand and tells me to put it up her dress again. Without thinking I do as she asks. Her little pussy is still wet. I rub her little clitoris and she leans up against me. I pull my hand away and tell her no more. She pulls her dress down just before her mother re-enters the room.

Thursday night at April’s just her mother is in the room with us. Kathy, her mother, tells me that Bob is working out of town for a couple of weeks. As we get into tutoring, Kathy moves her chair around to sit beside me. April is on the other side of me. Kathy puts her hand on my shoulder and moves to see what April and I are going over. As we continue, Kathy manages to shift and now her boob is pressing into my side. After about half and hour, April excuses herself to go to the rest room. Kathy sits back down in her chair and proceeds to tell me how much better April seems to enjoy my class. We talk until April reenters the room. When the hour is up, April says she needs to study for a test and leaves the room. I stand up to put up my stuff and prepare to leave. Kathy tells me she is having a birthday party for April on Saturday. It is just for her friends and they had a swimming pool out back. It was just to be a swimming party and a cook out. I ask how may would be there and was told 10 to 15 she thought. I agreed to help out.

I arrived about noon. I went into the back yard and there was only April and Kathy. The party was not to start until 1 PM. I had on shorts but I had a pair of trunks in the car just in case. April had a bikini on and her mother was one also. The others began to arrive. I moved the grill closer to the pool. I noticed there were only two boys and the rest were girls. Kathy told me the boys lived on the block and had grown up with April but the girls were all from school. I had every one of them in one of my classes. There was only one girl in a one piece swim suit. I cooked hot dogs and every one seemed to have a good time. The two boys left right after eating. Kathy told the girls they had to wait a while before going back into the pool since they had ate. Kathy and I cleaned up and then sat down at a table. As I looked over the girls, about half of them had the bottoms of their bikinis embedded in their pussy crack showing off real nice camel toes. I felt my penis jerk to life as I looked them over. Kathy asked if I wanted to swim with them. I lied and told her I had not brought any swim trunks. She informed me that I could wear a pair of Bob’s. It was hot and I could see she wasn't going to take no for an answer. I followed Kathy in the house and waited in the kitchen. From the kitchen I watched the girls and waited on Kathy to return. She tossed me Bob’s swim trunks and I went to the bath room to change. I looked at the trunks and they were my size on the tag. They were a pair of Speedos and much more body hugging than I would wear. I came out to look for Kathy but she had already returned to the pool. My dilemma was that I was already semi hard from watching the girls in their tight bottoms. My penis was very pronounced in these swim trunks. I went back to the bathroom and got a towel to wrap around me until I could find out if Bob had another pair.

I got to the pool and sat down beside Kathy. She asked if I was going to get in. I asked if Bob had another pair of trunks and was told he had taken two pair with him and that was the only pair left. I told her I didn't think I needed to get in the water with these on. Kathy wanted to know why and I told her they were too tight in the crotch and I didn't want to explain my bulge to the girls. She laughed and said that Bob never had that problem when he wore them. I told her that I needed to go back and put my shorts back on. She grabbed my arm and said that whatever I was afraid of the girls would be fine with. She went on that she had already told the girls I would be getting in with them. Kathy told me to stand up and face her and then open the towel so she could see what I was talking about before I got in with them. I did as she asked. She covered her mouth with her hand and told me to lean over to her. I did and she said the girls might ask questions later but I really needed to get in with them and she would deal with it later.

I dropped the towel and then dived into the water. The girls gathered around me and decided I needed to be dunked. As they began, I started picking them up and tossing them and they would swim back for more. I was dunked a couple of times as I fought them off. One girl got behind me and reached between my legs and groped my penis. Soon it became a game to get my penis in hand and get me to go under so they would release it. I began getting them between the legs as I tossed them. I finally called a time out and went to the shallow end of the pool to rest. I sat on the steps to relax. Finally April came up and sat beside me. She was smiling and she leaned over and whispered that all the girls were talking about what nice big one I had. I knew I was at least half hard. I whispered back that I knew they were grabbing it every chance they got. She put her head to mine and whispered to not move. Her hand went between my legs and got my penis in hand. With her head against mine she whispered that it was still growing. I told her I would not be able to get out of the pool if she didn't stop. She grinned and let go and went to the other girls. They were whispering to each other and I took the opportunity to get out. I sat next to Kathy and d****d the towel over me to hide my semi hard penis.

Kathy was grinning and told me that I was bigger than when I got in. I leaned over and told her that the girls thought it was fun to grab it and try to pull me under. We talked some more and then I got up to go change. When I had changed; Kathy told me that April could use some extra tutoring if I could work it into my schedule. I told her I was Sunday afternoon. She said that would be fine with her and to bring my trunks with me and we could all take a dip afterward.

Sunday afternoon I arrive about 1:30 pm. April and I go into the den. Kathy is in the kitchen cleaning up from lunch and getting something together for supper. April and I delve into the lesson for Monday. As we are finishing up; April leans up and whispers for me to be quiet. I look at her and her hand grabs my limp penis through my shorts. I look at her and she is just smiling as she rubs on it through my shorts. Her eyes are twinkling as she releases my penis. I whisper to her that she can’t be doing that. She grins and tells me to wait until we are in the pool. I rest my hand on her leg above mid thigh and then slid it up to the edge of her short shorts. Her leg gets goose bumps. I gently squeeze and slid my hand along her inside thigh. April spreads her legs and whispers she is tingly all over. I hear footsteps and remove my hand. Kathy enters and asks how the lesson is going. We both tell her we are just finishing up. She then tells up to get ready for the pool. I get my trunks and head for the bathroom.

I return to the kitchen to discover that Kathy has not changed. She tells me that Sunday afternoon is when she goes to the store and that April and I can use the pool. She goes on that it will be about two hours before she returns. I tell her that I should leave since she will not be home. She tells me that there is no need for me to leave and April will be disappointed if I leave. She finally convinces me to stay as April comes into the room.

I watch as Kathy pulls out of the garage and leaves for the store. April grabs my hand pulls me to the back door. We go out to the pool and get in. Once in the water, April removes her bottoms and lays them on the side of the pool. She swims over to me and I tell her she needs to put her bottoms back on. She informs me that she swims naked all the time. I try to tell her she can’t do that with me here. Her mother could come back and both of us could be in trouble. April laughs and tells me her mother will be gone for at least two hours and maybe more. April takes my hand and tells me that she has seen the school movie about sex and from science classes she knows what goes where and why. She places my hand on one of her small breasts. I instinctively squeeze and then twist her hard nipple. April moans as I keep up the assault on her breast. I pull her up and push her top to the side and cover her breast with my mouth. I suck and nibble on her hard nipple as she keeps moaning. I let my hand cover her naked pussy and get her tiny clitoris between my fingers and twist and rub it. April starts shaking and moaning louder and then tenses up as her orgasm shakes her. When she relaxes, I pull my hand and mouth away from her body. She looks and me and tells me that was awesome and nothing like that had ever happened to her. I tell her she just had her first orgasm. She looks at me and asks if I shot sperm when I have one. I just nod my head. She reaches between my legs and gets my penis which is now fully erect. April tells me she wants to see. We go to the shallow end of the pool and she pulls my trunks down past my penis. As it springs free her mouth opens and no words escape. Her hand does not go around it. As she handles it; she tells me to make it shoot sperm. I know I won’t last long and tell her how to get me off. Her little hand slides up and down my shaft. As I look at her, boobs out from under her top, her pussy naked, I sense I am going to blow and tell her stand beside me. She moves and keeps jerking me off. I tense up and start shooting off. Sperm shots out and lands out in the water. Four big spurts and then the rest dribble out. As my penis softens, April starts talking about how awesome that was to watch. I tell her she can let go of my penis and she just looks down but keeps her hand on it.

I get out and check the time on my watch. Afraid of getting caught, I tell April she needs to put her bottoms back on before her mother comes home. She does and then comes to sit beside me. April talks about what happened and when we can do it again. I tell her she needs to keep her grades up so her parents know my tutoring is paying off. She then tells me at our next tutoring session she will hide some tissues in the dinning room. She moves over to my lounge chair, spreads her legs and sits on mine, facing me. April tells me that it really felt good when I sucked on her breast and played between her legs. She then tell me to do it again before her mother returns. She unties her bikini bottom and lets it fall from her onto the chair. It is almost hairless. I take her little clitoris between my thumb and finger and gently squeeze. April smiles and leans back to allow me more room with her pussy. I continue my assault on her clitoris and she begins to moan. I take my other hand and run a finger between her pussy lips. April moans real loud when I do this. Her face contorts and lets out an “OH SHIT” as she begins to quiver. I release her clitoris and bring my finger to my nose and sniff her sweet nectar. I then taste it. The sweetest pussy I had ever tasted. I heard a car and told her to get back in her bottoms.

I go to help Kathy with the groceries. As we are unloading she tells me April must have worn her skimpy bikini. I tell her that it was that. I then apologize and tell her I am just a man. She laughs and tells me if I wasn't impressed with her daughter, she would think something was wrong with me. I tell her that she caused my problem yesterday. She sets her bag down and thanks me saying her soon to be ex-husband had lost interest in sex with her. I ask about the first night I tutored and was told that was for show only. He had been sleeping the spare room until he can find something else. She finally tells me that is what is doing now. He was transferring to another unit out of town and moving. I ask if April knows yet and find out she does but doesn't talk about it. I offer my services if there is ever anything I can help her out with.

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After getting something to eat we sent another message to Liz giving her the news about Keelin. We left Eve out of it; I think she needed a little alone time. She did make an appearance later for dinner and seemed nearly normal. Well, not normal for Eve maybe; this was a nicer, more open Eve, pretty damn near pleasant to be with. Later that night Keelin and I were sleeping when I heard our door open. I keep the lights dimmed for now instead of having complete darkness so I saw it was...

3 years ago
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Not given a chance chapter 4

I then padded up behind her the site to much to resist as I dropped my pants rubbed my cock until it was hard grabbed her hips and pushed my cock all the way up her tight ass hole. Because she was sleeping her muscles were relaxed making my way into her easy enough. Just as my whole cock entered her ass she awoke with a scream her muscles immediately tightening around me making me moan in pleasure as she gasped as her sore ass was invaded yet again. I kept my cock all the way in her for...

2 years ago
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Masti Train Mei

Mera nam Ritesh hai, M/28/delhi, working in MNC Company, Love to enjoy my life with every bit of second. Mai Delhi mei rahta hoo aur 15 housewife ko chod chukka hoo aur we meri chudai se bahoot satisfy hoti hai kyunki mai chudai sirf chudai ke liye nahi karta balki pura satisfaction dena meri aadat hai.Sath hi 100% Secracy meri mai maintain karta hoo.Yadi aap call/phone talk/chat karna chahe to mujhe e-mail Karen, mai jawab dunga. Dosto aaj mai aapko ek aisi kahani bata raha hoo jo bilkul real...

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Copyright© I hugged the wall next to the apartment door, my pistol held tightly in my right hand against my chest. I made sure again that there was nobody in the seldom used corridor, then reached over and knocked on the door. I had surreptitiously watched my prey enter the apartment a half hour earlier. I heard footsteps approaching the door and then a pause. I could imagine that she was looking through the spy glass but seeing no one she opened the door a crack. Instantly I jumped and...

3 years ago
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A gay summer Holiday Part 11

Index: 11Getting the act together.After an early dinner at the local Chinees restaurant, Chris went to his cabin via the backstreets of town. The main street was completely full with tourists and locals who enjoyed the music festival.Chris took a cold shower, then dressed in a pair of black cargo pants and a white islander polo shirt. On the inside of the collar, it had the colors of the island flag. He pinned the special pin on it as well. The shirt was...

2 years ago
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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Thirty Four Servant & Lady 1 Ann had a delicious breakfast in the hotel dining room, sitting quietly thoughtful with Richard. "Ann dear, you seem of dour disposition today," he said. "Are you alright?" She smiled quickly and falsely. "I'm fine, thank you darling. Just considering what it will be like to be home. So much... has changed since I was there last." "Indeed it has my dear. You're soon to be married to the most eligible bachelor in England. Your life...

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Distant CousinsChapter 8

As the craft drifted out to sea. Jason asked Enoch where their next stop was to be. "Dover," Enoch said abruptly. "Dover?" Jason reacted. "What the hell made you think of Dover, Delaware? Has it anything to do with it being our first state?" The craft quickly gained speed and remained less than a hundred feet off the surface of the ocean, but it turned northeast, up the coast, not south! Eli was smiling, waiting for these two geniuses to figure it out, and Kelso caught on,...

2 years ago
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Welcome Home part one

Neal Cannon always seemed to be looking at me lustfully. He never said anything that might be construed as remotely sexual, but his look always made me feel like he was thinking about dragging me off somewhere and ravishing me. I’d seen that look in other men’s eyes on many occasions, and it always meant that I was either going to fuck or fight off their advances. With Neal though it always ended there. Just the look. My friend Francisca thought it was just wishful thinking on my part. She was...

4 years ago
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Summer School

"Are they talking about masturbation or oral sex?" Beth asked as the rest of the class giggled and gasped. "Well, it really does not specify what they mean." I replied, hoping to stop any more questions. "Lets see, there is anal sex, cunnilingus, blowjobs, hand jobs, and.." I cut her off in mid sentence with "Enough! You sit back down and stay after class!" I watched her sit down and caught Kay laughing about it. "Looks like Kay will stay after also." The rest of...

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MIL In Daughter8217s Shoe

I got nice response to my story : “Make me pregnant, Prakash”. I received lot of mails praising the story and feelings between two. (Link : Now I feel really obliged due to overwhelming response from my readers. I have so many emails to reply daily, so I keep giving just short messages. But your emails are always welcomed. Your detailed comments about the story give me chance to improve my work. Keep giving feed...

1 year ago
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Hannah Pt 2

Later that night they arrived at the restaurant and were shown to a table at the back. Tom had obviously been there before and seemed to know most of the waiting staff. Hannah looked at the attractive guy sitting opposite her. “Did you really like what I did earlier, I mean was I OK?” “It was great, you were great,” Tom smiled. “Wasn’t it a bit scary for you, you were completely helpless?” “Completely at your mercy, I know, that’s what made it so much fun,” he replied. Hannah looked a little...

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Two Wives 8211 Part 11 Marriage With MIL

Hello friends, this is Sam, and I am back with another part of the story. In this episode, read about the marriage between me and my mother-in-law. How we spent our first night and how it changed our lives forever with the new baby’s arrival. It was a new beginning for all of us, and we stayed together as a family Guruji gave an auspicious date for the marriage. It was after 10 days and the marriage preparations started. We tried to keep this as simple, secret as possible and the marriage would...

2 years ago
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A gay summer Holiday Part 13

Index: 13A little birthday boy, Big surprise.After a joined breakfast with all the volunteers, the group set out to finish the rebar work on the 6 larger cabins. And to finish up the brick outsides of the stairs up the dune. As usual, they had fun doing the hard work. Enjoying the experience and learning new tricks along the way. The builders could not understand why Chris did not want to fill the inside of the hollow stair walls with sand. Rather than...

1 year ago
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Friends Mom

I was supposed to meet Greg at his place, becuase we were going out to the local bar to celebrate his 21st. I knocked on the wooden door. The was a few faint sounds of footsteps then a door opened. A middle aged big breasts and a very apparent big rear stood at the door. "Oh Hi! You're here to see Greg right?" She said cheerfully. "Yes." I said, responding shyly. "Well come In, Greg Is just Started taking a shower." I walked into the house and as intructed, took a seat on the flower patterned...

Erotic Fiction
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The Templar Book

THE TEMPLAR BOOK By GENEVA In early 14th century France, as part of his plan for revenge on a rival family for the destruction of his own family, a young man tries to use a magic book saved from the destruction of the Knights Templar. There are some unexpected results. START The time is the early 1300's. I remember that afternoon when I met my uncle and this started. I was practicing close quarter fighting with my friend Jean. Both of us were armed with wooden swords, and...

3 years ago
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Andy TaylorChapter 12

It was Wednesday of the week following Kelly's disappearance and Andy was utterly beside herself with worry. It was the fourth day with still not a single word from Kelly, nor information of any kind about her whereabouts. By this time Andy was so keyed up she literally jumped when the phone rang with the characteristic ring indicating a call from the building's receptionist. Hoping for word about Kelly, Andy picked up the instrument before it rang for the second time. She was stunned to...

2 years ago
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The City Girl BluesChapter 4

She polished off the baked salmon and asparagus he’d cooked for her. There was definitely a chef behind that dark beard because the food was wonderful. She reached for her third hot roll, which he’d baked fresh just before leaving for the wedding. The outsides were firm, but they were still soft inside, and delicious. “I’m going to get fat if you feed me like this,” she said, leaning back in her chair. “You won’t get fat,” he said. “The way you’ll be working you can eat like that three...

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Kanes Cum Bucket Bitch ch 7

"Sorry, Kane." I frowned, which he understood. We had begun to develop a mutual language. Instead of freeing me from doubt, it made me fall deeper under his control. Ours was mostly a one-way form of communication. He growled briefly and nipped. The keys dropped to the carpet. I stood grimacing, rubbing my hand. He didn't understand that we needed groceries. He simply wouldn't let me go right then. I took off my longcoat and went to the office. He followed and plopped down in the...

1 year ago
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On the Plantation

Chapter 1 Abigail Hanford stared at her friend in disbelief. "But why, Christabel? How? Your parents wouldn't leave you here alone, they just wouldn't!" Christabel Jennings grinned smugly, and mischief glittered in her green eyes. "Daddy was supposed to come back from Atlanta this morning, so Mama took the early coach to go visit her cousin Etta. Only Daddy sent a message with yesterday's coach that he has to stay in Atlanta for three more days. I was outside when the messenger came,...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas is world famous for gambling. Secondly for all the various exhibitions, and thirdly for famous artist performances. And then the sex. Prostitution is forbidden within city limits, but in the local phone book you will find about 100 pages solely for “private dancers”. A euphemism for female entertainment anyway you like it. Just outside city limits, you will find the famous chicken farms, large legal brothels, where almost every sexual desire can be satisfied. Almost. There are...

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Hellen The New Office Girl

Hellen had only been working in my office for a few weeks now but I could sense that with our flirting and sexual innuendo’s it would end up going somewhere very soon.Hellen had join my company after us chatting online and being that she was bored of her job she was more than willing to move to a different part of the country and start a new life.Our conversions in work would always end up about the things that we like sex wise and I got more and more aroused about the things that Hellen wanted...

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The Giant and I celebrated our 6 month mark last night. Six months is huge for me. Six months is a milestone. I avoid commitments. I tense up when things get real. I build the walls up around me even thicker. I don’t admit feelings, I deny their existence. I don’t fall in love because I don’t want to feel the pain of being hurt. Six months is a long fucking time for me.He’s my Dom, my Daddy, my Sir, my boyfriend and my rock. He’s allowed me to feel and be me. He doesn’t judge me for my faults....

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Going Nova ch 2 Elsie

She slowly sat up. Her head felt like it was full of gauze, but not in the same way it had before; this time it was not delirious pleasure, just dreamy confusion. She groaned and began to sit up in bed, adjusting the lumpy, foreign pillow behind her. She looked around. This was not her bedroom. I’m in a hospital? she thought. Why am I in a hospital? Brie vaguely remembered the sensations she had felt, and that the world had gone dark around her. So, it must not have been a dream. Her cheeks...

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Cuckquean Fantasy Short Story Part 3

Hearing the sounds, clearly, of lovemaking coming from our bedroom--the thought of it being "our" bedroom breaking my heart but at the same time stimulating my mind and OMG, I'm dripping all over the floor as I crawl towards OUR bedroom where SHE is fucking my Master. I was hearing it...could I handle seeing it? I'm not I crawled into the room I could see Master forcefully fucking her, her legs up around his shoulders as He was taking her in the somewhat modified missionary position....

2 years ago
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Holy shit," was the only utterance from my wife as I now took the cock in my mouth with total abandon, letting it slide as far down as I could without gagging. I was demonstrating to Laurie just how good I was at sucking cock and if there had been any doubts, they were totally erased now."Like I said, I question whether he's bi or just out an out gay now," Steve teased. "He simply can't get enough of my cock. He loves sucking down my load and really begs to have his ass fucked," Steve...

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Chating Ne Kiya Barbad

hello dosto, kese ho aap log, mera nam he samina or me UP ki rehne wali hu, mene iss ko karib 6month se padhna suru kiya he or mujhe iski stories kafi achi lagti he. isse padh kar mene socha kyo na me bhi apni life ki 1 gatna aap logo ke sath share karu. vese to yaha per jyada tar stories fake hi hoti he, per me jo aap ko suna ne ja rahi hu vo real he. or real story hone ki wajah se aap logo ko pasand na aaye lekin jo sach he wahi bata sakti hu jhot to nahi bol sakti……… agar aap logo ko pasand...

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The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K CAJUN HEAT Part 9

Hello, fair fans, and welcome to another one of my literary orgies of wild, unbridled sex. If you want to read more of my stuff after reading this, please visit my website. I reserve all commercial and all non-electronic rights to this work. If you are not permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please don't read it. So, without further ado, let's get on with the show. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: CAJUN HEAT ? by: Brett Lynn "Hey, show us your...

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Savita8217s Hot Photoshoot Comic Video

  // Savita’s boss, Mishraji, was very happy with her work. Now, Savita is looking for a promotion. So Mishraji gives her the responsibility of getting the photo shoot for the company. A world-famous photographer will be coming, and Savita has to take care of all his needs. Savita is desperate for promotion and wants to prove herself to her boss. But will she be able to pull off the photoshoot smoothly? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 26 – Sexy Photoshoot.   Liked...

1 year ago
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on my jack

on my jack jones againSome women are good at being alone. I would definitely be mistaken for one of them. I have lived the kind of laundry list of harrowing everyday pain women go through. I have endured the loneliness of a flooded flat, smear abnormalities, a broken heart and an empty bank account with all the grace of a feminist who knows that when it comes down to it, I cope without help. I am happy to pad around my flat in the red stockings and bra I purchased from Altrincham market for no...

4 years ago
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The Airport My love

You meet me at the airport right on time after my return flight from my vacation with my parents. I have school the next morning so I came back home earlier than they. Even though I had a great time vacationing with my parents I can hardly wait to see you. My eyes light up when I see you walking towards the gate to meet me. You look so sexy. I can feel my panties damp underneath the black mini skirt that I have on. I look into your eyes and see the same sparkle that I know I have in my own as...

Group Sex
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Doctor Pennai Chat Seithu Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil doctor college pennai eppadi chat seithu oothen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar akash vayathu 28 aagugirathu, enaku innum thirumanam seithu vaikamal irukiraargal. Thirumanam seithu vaikathathaal naan kama veri pidithu irunthen. Yaar kidaipaagal avargalai ookalam endru kathukondu irunthen, thianamum kama kathaigal padipen. Thinamum facebookil ilamaiyaana pengalaai usar seithukonde irupen aanal ithu naal...

1 year ago
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Mature Man fucks Teen Girls In The Press Box Adve

This was a true story that caused me to have a fascinating dream. It started off with a situation that happened to Mike and I guess it was buried deep in my subconscious and I had a dream about it in a scenerio type of form.Mike told me that during his evening football practice,(he is the coach)two young girls approached him. They were young and seemed to be harmless. They walked up and the first girl asked him if he had 5 dollars. Mike ansered back no and walked away. The girl approached him...

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HomelessChapter 11 When the going gets sore the sore go shopping

They have some incredible shops in Vegas and we had no trouble finding her clothes at the shops at Caesar's Palace. Nina was amazed at the shops. Needless to say, she'd never seen anything like that. She was also suitably amazed at the prices. When I bought her a short little black dress and heels, it came to almost $400 (cheap, in Vegas). We also went to a lingerie shop and I bought her a fairly tight fitting, sheer nightee. The dress and the nightee were actually quite similar to each...

1 year ago
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First Threesome for Karen

“Hello”, Karen said into the phone. “Hi Babe, what’s going on at your place?” I questioned. “Oh, nothing much… I’m just bored sitting here by myself. I was watching a really good show on TV but fell asleep. So you can see I am bored to death. I can’t wait to start working out again. I can almost hear the gym calling my name.” She said sounding sleepy. “The doctor said I could start back to work next week. I am feeling much better though.” Karen is an aerobics instructor at the...

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