Schooled free porn video

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The last days of spring semester were impossible to manage. Between grading final essays and exams, delivering lectures and setting up a curriculum for the summer students, the able-bodied members of the faculty were tortured by a constant parade of freshly tanned skin, ripened breasts and an intoxicating spirit of freedom that seeped through every fold of the campus fabric.

Hopelessly distracted by the sexual shopping mall the campus became, I was forced to employ a monklike focus to these days. From my car to the office, I would drop my eyes to the sidewalk, looking up only long enough to avoid collisions with students and the occasional colleague. Through the halls, my downward stare would continue until I was safely deposited behind my floor to ceiling metal door. Once there, I could, for the most part, think about poorly structured paragraphs, unsupported arguments and the pros and cons of giving Student X a B+ or an A-.

In my fifth year as a professor, I had reached the final day of this annual hell when there was a light rap on my door. My thoughts had just turned to beating the rush hour traffic home for a sunset run and I was pissed to be delayed. Getting up from my desk, I remembered that officially, these were my office hours. That time professors set aside each week for “one on ones” with their students. Like most of my colleagues, my office hours were dominated by butt kissers and grade whiners. It was a professional obligation I despised.

Opening the door, I braced myself for an onslaught of complaint: “I was sick when I took it” “The question wasn’t clear” “If I don’t get a C in your course, I’m going to lose my financial aid.” Shameless in pursuit of a desired result without the required effort to produce it, I was always dismissive of these last-minute pleaders seeking an alternative reality to the coursework they didn’t do.

“Yes?” I asked in my best “What the fuck?” tone. My eyes trained downward, I wasn’t interested in even looking at who had found their way to my office.

“Hello, Professor, we came to keep you company.”

Before me stood two of my coed students. Their faces were familiar but the smiles they offered and the outfits they wore made them contextually hard to place. After months of seeing them bundled up to fight the New England chill, these little, asexual, sweatpants wearing things had blossomed into sex flowers.

Roberta had been to see me once before. Dark skinned with eyes to match, she’d puckered her thick, heartshaped lips in a very sweet way when I’d denied her request to make a late change to her paper topic. That day, a down coat had covered her all the way to the instep of her snowboots. Now, on the cusp of my summer vacation, she stood in the doorway wearing a thin white button-down over a blue and white polka dot bikini; a khaki miniskirt cut off the very tops of her hairless brown legs.

By her side, sporting a straw-blonde pony and dancing green eyes was Jessica. In class, Jessica would always start scribbling furiously in her notebook whenever I looked up at her from the lectern. For one whole session I’d made a game of it, punctuating my thoughts with a glance her way and chuckling as her head bent down in response. It had given me an immature thrill to dictate her actions, hardly professorial but thrilling just the same.

Standing close to her tanner, taller friend, she still had trouble looking at me but her shyness offered me an irresistible opportunity to let my eyes wander over the full wide mounds straining against her dress.

As one of the younger faculty members, I worked hard every semester to create a shell of authority around myself to dissuade students from becoming too familiar with me. I was a serious academic with several papers published and a book in the works. It was my firm belief that to live on too friendly of terms with students invited ruin of one kind or another. Having said this, I am human and though I maintained my distance, a large part of me longed to connect with the young men and women in my class on a more intimate level. If nothing else, I wanted to know that I was at least admired.

“Well, that’s very nice of you,” I said, “come on in.” I stood aside from the door and breathed in the deliciousness of their youth. A gentle zephyr tinged with shampoo, soft perfume and a little weed (I thought) followed them into my office. As they sat in the two chairs in front of my desk, I noted a silent giggle between the two of them. Jessica had a couple of hives on her neck and a pinkish burn to her ears. She was no more comfortable in my office than she’d been in my class.

Roberta, on the other hand, was at complete ease. Just a sophomore, it was a cinch to imagine her a decade removed from this scene, working in the entertainment industry as an up and coming agent, which she’d told me was her desire. She was a prepossessed young woman, decided in what she wanted and unabashed in asking for it.

Sitting on the other side of my desk, I closed the exam booklet I’d been grading and looked across at them. Jessica quickly turned to study the calendar on the wall while her friend met my gaze with calculating ebony eyes. A streak of golden hair framed the right side of her face in a most becoming way. My eyes must have lingered too long because she noticed, smiled at my appreciation and tucked the bottle blonde strand behind her heavily jeweled ear.

“Certainly, you’ve got better things to do than keep me company,” I said, “What can I do for you?” My manner was studiously septic.

“Seriously, we just wanted to say ‘Hi’”

“Really? There’s not a grade change we’re looking for? A recommendation, maybe? A few of my final thoughts on Fitzgerald’s contribution to the American cultural forum?”

At this, they both indulged me with a chuckle. Jessica almost lifted her eyes to mine but couldn’t quite get there. She diverted back to Roberta.

This was an unusual encounter, like nothing I’d experienced in my past. I could not read their intention and their attractiveness was dangerous. I longed to be on my way; physically and mentally, the semester had been draining.

They said nothing and neither did I. I didn’t have the patience for small talk and I really didn’t like where my mind was heading as they sat before me. Roberta’s skin was almost pornographic in its volume and tone; it rippled with her movement and came to rest like a sheet of silk. Beside her, Jessica was the virginal archetype of Victorian literature, pale and soft in the most inviting ways. She had a crush on me, I was sure, and while in most instances, I would have appreciated this and given gentle but unreciprocated care to her feelings, now it only made me mad. Mad at myself more than anything, here I was on the cusp of three months of freedom and these two were pinning me down, raking their claws over my desire.

“What of it, Jessica? You’ve come to keep me company? You haven’t looked me in the eye all semester.” My question had no humor in it but Jessica laughed nonetheless. The tender freckles across her nose and cheekbones were all that saved her face from going completely panic-button red. Her face dropped downward and her embarrassment poured over her neck and shoulders, a stark contrast to the sparkling white of her dress. She giggled breathlessly and I concluded that indeed, that was marijuana I had detected upon their arrival.

I looked over at Roberta. Her mocha-colored lips were stretched across the brilliance of her teeth; she licked them both and raised her eyebrows, at a loss herself to respond to her friend’s behavior. Then, without warning, she too slouched in her chair and burst into a fit of laughter. As she did, her skirt began to ride up her muscular thighs. To my disbelief, joy and panic, the khaki material didn’t stop its bunching movement until it had slid all the way over her hips. There, to my long, chaste eyes was her smooth, naked pussy. For several deep laughs, she was totally exposed, her knees opening and closing with her amusement. I looked away, trying to do the right thing but had to look back.

“Oopsie.” Roberta regained her composure long enough to pull her skirt down and look across the desk at me with daring eyes. There was no shame in them. It was clear; she knew the power that she held between those thighs and I could feel the rush it gave her to lord it over me. My cock pressed hard and hot along my thigh.

“Look, girls,” I was scrambling here; the image of that little snatch was enough to send me to some very dark places that, outside of that particular moment, I had no desire to go. My career was on the line. “It’s very nice of you to drop in but I really have to be getting home.”

Jessica’s head shot up in alarm. For the first time in four months, those delightful emerald eyes locked on to mine. “Are you serious?” There was something so sincere in her tone, it almost felt like heartache.

“Yes, ‘home.’ You know, I’ve got to run, make dinner…” For emphasis, I held up the blue book I had been correcting, “grade exams.”

As enticing as the two of them were, I was convinced this little visit was some stoner dare they had forced each other into. Perhaps there was a whole group of similarly dressed undergrads waiting back in the dorm room, laughing at the future stories their friends would bring back from Professor Blackburn’s office. A striving intellectual, I believed I was getting punk’d.

For a breathless few moments, the late spring air hung between us undisturbed. Roberta looked at me as though she were sizing up a slave at auction. She knew what was racing through my mind and I was certain she was scheming how best to use it for advantage, but for what, I did not know.  It was unnerving to see the machinations of her mind work so hard while I could not help but fixate on the image her parted thighs had granted me. Though I worshipped the power of the mind, I could barely control the physical longing that image had stirred. Roberta’s gaze was too much for me and so I turned to Jessica, hoping that, from her, I could expect a full and hasty retreat. But I was mistaken.

Her soft pink mouth was half open, her green eyes pooling with emotion. She rubbed one of them fiercely as if to make some unnamed pain go away, then turned to Roberta as though to say something but no words came. She just stared, her mouth still open. I was at a loss as to what these two girls expected of me. I was desperate to be free of them.

“What if we did want to get our grades changed? What could we do?” Roberta’s silliness was far gone; I was dealing with the future agent. It pissed me off that my time had been wasted, my fragilities toyed with. This wasn’t about me, of course; it was about their greedy, little needs.

“There’s nothing to do. I’ve handed them in.” I spit the words out.

“You could still change them. They haven’t gone out”

Exasperated: “Look, Roberta, you got a B- and Miss Jessica here is bringing home a B+. Nothing’s going to change that.”

Relieved to be off the professionally lethal E-ride of an imagined/wanted sexual encounter, I couldn’t help but feel foolish. My mind and discipline had been shattered by two twenty-year olds. The pulsing menace of my sex part eased, I sat back, knowing this familiar territory of grade negotiation; this visit would soon be over.

“What if Jessica sucked you off, would that make a difference?”

Had she kicked me in the solar plexus, I would have been less incapacitated. I knew I should respond negatively, immediately and with all the authority I could command but for once in my life, I could not speak. I could not move. I could not fathom the boldness of this kid; she seemed so comfortable with the offer, I wondered for a moment if she’d made it before.

Jessica’s head was bowed, her eyes on her hands, folded in her lap. She looked so demure, surely, she wanted no part of her friend’s suggestion.

One of my colleagues walked down the hall outside. If they only knew what was going on behind my door.

“C’mon, Jess. Why don’t you get going? This is a really bad scene. You and Roberta should go.” My voice was low, sincere.

“I don’t want to go.”

I could barely hear her. There was a tremor in her voice, her fingers played with her thumbs, her nipples jutted out like deadly thimbles.

“It was her idea,” Roberta said flatly.

“For a grade?” I was dumbfounded.

Jessica shook her head but said nothing. Roberta smiled. I looked between the two of them. And as I did, my walnut skinned tormentor slowly started to ease herself down in her chair. Again, the skirt slid almost menacingly up her thighs. I tried to look away from what would be revealed but I wound up locking eyes with Roberta. When I did, she looked down at her cunt, inviting me to do the same.

It was perfection: tenderly swollen, her dark lips subtly flared. Behind them I caught a hint of the pink inner sanctum they protected. At the top of her masterpiece stood the erect nub of her clitoris, a keystone to the forbidden entryway.

My cock strained against my jeans. The head on fire, my shaft throbbing, I felt a sticky bit of cum smear my stomach. Deliberate and cruel as a spoiled child, Roberta slid two fingers over the length of her pussy, top to bottom and back again. Over her clit, she massaged it with languorous circles, the movement pulling her lips apart and revealing the increasing wetness within.

Like a surgical patient fighting the inevitable effect of anesthetic, I tried to keep my wits. Fixing my eyes on the indifferent gray paint of my door, I weakly said they should go. The vulnerability in my voice mocked the authority I pretended. A respected professor I was not. Instead, I’d been unmasked as just another overcharged dick, impotent to change the professionally fatal course plotted by this somebody’s daughter.

Letting out a luxurious sigh, Roberta settled even further into her chair. “We’re not going anywhere, Professor Blackburn. This feels way too good.” Her right shoulder flipped forward and two fingers dove inside her. A sharp exhale hissed through her immaculate teeth and brought me out of my chair. No longer hidden by the desk, my arousal was painful and obvious.

“Jessica really wants to suck that.”

The gravity of her friend’s show had completely erased the presence of Jessica from my mind. I turned to her now. She had untied the straps of her dress from behind her neck. With both hands, she cupped the fullness of her freckle-dusted breasts, lifting them up, a tantalizing landmine of an offering. Our eyes met again, for just the second time in a semester. As lurid as the scene was in the chair next to her, Jessica’s gaze promised something more than lust. She smiled, a quiet dreamy smile and then half-closed her eyes as she gave her plump nipples a deliberate squeeze.

Thick legged, I walked next to Jessica’s chair, undid my jeans, pushing the metal buttons through their holes and freed myself. Stiff in the late afternoon sun, my erection pumped up and down, untouched but fueled by the images before it.

Working steadily, Roberta’s hand was slick with the response to her touch. Two fingers no longer satisfied her; she threw her leg over the back of the chair and pushed all but her thumb inside.

“Come on, Professor. Let her suck it.”

Well aware that the power in the room was held by a girl fifteen years my junior, I had no answer but to obey.  Turning to my student with the straw-colored hair, my hardness danced before her, a thread of cum dangling from the head. Jessica let a deep breath fill her lungs, sumptuously lifting her wide breasts. She looked into my eyes as soft, shaking hands traveled across my ass cheeks. Coming to a stop as they met at the divide, her nails pricked my skin and she pulled me towards her face.

“I’ve really wanted to do this.”

My heart was flopping in my throat, like a fish on a line, fighting desperately for release. Jessica took a long look at the physical commotion she and her friend had caused in me, and then like a kitten, she flicked out a pale, pink tongue and snared the dribble of semen that hung from me.

Rolling her eyes and smiling broadly, she looked back up. “Mmm.” The throbbing distension was buckling my knees; I had to be satisfied.

Her ponytail offered a too convenient handle. I grabbed it and firmly tugged her head back, to the point of discomfort. Through with being possessed by these two and having gone this far, I was desperate for the game to be on my terms. My free hand wrapped around the base of my erection and I squeezed it hard in an effort to stave off the threat of losing control too soon. Looking into those green eyes, the temperature in them changed from medium cool to burning. I saw some fear, which is what I wanted, a measure of respect back, the understanding that I was the teacher here, she was the student.

I pulled the back of her head roughly towards me and obediently she opened her lips, sucking in my entire length. Her throat closed around my head; a touch of saliva pushed at the corner of her mouth. Those green eyes did not leave mine. With practiced fluidity, she moved back and forth on me, teeth grazing the rim of my head as I threatened to escape the hot confines of her mouth.

“Fuck her pretty face, Professor.”

A jetstream of gasoline on a raging fire, Roberta was pumping her four fingers in and out of her pussy as fast as she could. Long legs obscenely spread, one over the chair back, one on my desk. She seemed even more inflamed by the scene than I was.

“Touch yourself, Jess,” she huffed, “I want to see you cum too.”

As told, Jessica stood up without losing her rhythm and yanked her dress up and around her waist. Lightly framed with a tiny brush of cornsilk, her privates were fat and rosy with pleasure. The tip of a middle finger quickly found her button and she pressed it without release.

“Oh my, God, yeah. That’s so fucking hot. Suck it, Jess. Suck it, Jessica!”

The last command all but shouted, Roberta convulsed with frightening power. Heart-shaped lips opened towards me, gorgeous brown, glistening in the dusky light. At last, her hand stopped its urgent movement, her knees slammed together and her head collapsed into the back of the chair. No longer a fiery temptress, I could, once again, see youth as the dominant feature of her pretty face.

A whimper brought me back to the girl devouring my blood-red dick. Her face flushed, tiny beads of sweat rimmed the crown of her head. She bounced on her chair, closing in on her own solution to this three-part equation. High on her ribcage, her tits swung, together and apart, robust with newness, fascinating to a man used to partners a dozen years her senior. I pressed my hands to them, stretching my fingers along their wide curve and compulsively pumped my hips faster and faster.

Her whimpering increased and her suction on my cock became almost too much to bear. Lifted onto my toes, I struggled to remain upright. The pleasure burned through me, every inch of my body aflame. Like a dragster, I’d been revved to the point of essential release; all I needed was the signal to “Go.”

If her mouth had not been full of me, Jessica’s climactic scream would have brought the campus police through my door. For several seconds, I watched in lurid amazement as her freckled shoulders shuddered again and again; her skin burned hot pink but her lips and tongue never lost control of their assignment.

Able to open her eyes once again, her look willed me to finish. Still clutching her tits, I threw my head back, her nails dug hard into my ass and with a final thrust I let loose with all my might. As she drank me in, her moan spurred me to another salvo, this one so complete it drove me to my knees, my head falling in her lap.

For a long moment, the three of us were motionless but for my ragged breathing. My jeans at my ankles, I knew my career could well be in ruins. That was an apocalyptic orgasm, I thought, welcome to the end.

Jessica’s fingers ran along the pulsing vein on the side of my forehead. I lifted my face up to meet her gaze; she smiled and said, “Thank you.” A professor’s fantasy come true, she was as sweet as she’d appeared.

“Was it worth an ‘A’?” Roberta had pulled her skirt down. And found something else to do with her hand. Something that scorched the tenderness I’d just felt for and from her friend.

With her arm outstretched, Roberta held in her hand a phone. She turned the display screen toward me and there I saw myself at the very moment of my satisfaction. Jessica’s face was in plain view, as was mine.

“Give us both As and this stays between us.” Roberta gave me that same smile I’d seen when I turned down her proposed change to her term paper. “Got it?”

Never having felt quite so owned, I pushed myself to my feet and pulled up my jeans.

“What do you have to say about this, Jessica?”

Returning her appearance to acceptability, she stopped tying her dress for a moment and without looking at me, said, “I definitely want an A.”

With that, Roberta crossed to the door and without looking back, walked out. Jessica, however, stopped before closing me in with myself and a future tortured by this blackmail.

“You know, professor, I really did want to do that all semester.” Was this to be my consolation for having fucked up my career? She dropped her eyes to the floor and laughed a little, “I never paid such close attention in a class.”

The door closed and through its gray indifference, I could hear her laughing down the hall.


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When was the last time you made me cum? It has been such a busy week and my mind has been so full of work I can't quite remember. Was it Tuesday? Or, maybe...was it Wednesday? Yes, I think it was Wednesday. That's right. Wednesday we had lunch in my car. Wow. Today is Friday...only two days without your voice in my ear growling, "Cum for me darling," and I can't think straight. "Darn!" I burned my forehead with my flat iron. I can't even focus on what I'm doing and shouldn't be allowed to play...

2 years ago
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My Lovely JenniferChapter 4 Vacation In Las Vegas

Four months had passed since Jennifer had her fling with Gary. We had stopped discussing that subject about two and a half months ago. Now it was pretty much a distant memory. I still hadn't decided what I wanted from Jennifer. She stopped asking me about it and I didn't bring it up. It was July and time for a vacation. Jennifer and I talked about several possible places we could go and ended up deciding to take our vacation in Las Vegas. We had never been there and the airfare and hotel...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Bella Roland Pegging Birthday Surprise

Over and over again, tall, gorgeous brunette Bella Roland keeps getting rejected by her man, Johnny Hill. She wakes up horny and surprises him with her big pink strap-on, but he just can’t do this for her! Every single time she presents him with her big pink cock, he brushes her away. There’s no way he’s going to let her peg him! When Johnny realizes how much she wants to do this, he plans out a sexy little surprise for Bella’s Birthday. Will she accept his gift? Well, let’s just say that...

1 year ago
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A Young Girls Sexual Training Part 2

can do that". He stood there for a couple minutes, and we both kind of watched the PC monitor, but we really "out of it", but he broke the silence a bit by saying "get dressed". I got dressed, as he stood there, and after I was dressed, he led me out to the living room. He sat me on the couch and said "now we are going to take this to the next level". He then told me that I was to call Jason (still hung up on Jason was he), and ask him to come over to our place. I knew what he...

3 years ago
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Doug Takes total control

As I stepped out of the shower my daughter Kim and my nieces Shauna and Andrea stood there naked and with grins on their faces. I looked at them and asked why the grins on their faces. Kim said we were just thinking about what your day is going to be like. And I asked how it was going to be. Kim walked up close to me and started to apply lipstick to my lips as Shauna commented that today all of the men would be subject to Kim's father-in-laws (Doug) wishes. After Kim finished Andrea then...

2 years ago
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Magical Massage

My boyfriend had booked me in for an afternoon of pampering, no doubt looking to score some brownie points – or to cover himself for some as yet undiscovered misdemeanour. Whatever was behind the sudden generosity and thoughtfulness, a soothing massage and an indulgent morning of pampering was not to be refused. So off I went on Saturday morning, thinking I was ready for the day’s events. Little did I know what was in store for me. Body Beautiful was a fancy new place in town, which made me...

Quickie Sex
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Washed UpChapter 27

Cassie wanted to take a walk later that afternoon, but Sam and Delia said they wanted to help Maddy with supper. We started walking toward the corral and Cassie put her arm around me as we walked. I returned the favor and gave her a little squeeze. "Did the excitement earlier get you all fired up?" I asked her. "Yep. Why does something like that get my juices flowing? Am I some kind of pervert or something?" I had to laugh. "No, sweet love, I think what it is, is that our bodies...

2 years ago
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Motel Week Ending 2

*** Motel Week Ending 2 "What if you knocked up your sister?" That was the exact thought that had been on Newlyn's mind for the past two weeks. The thought permeated his entire being ever since they had left the motel. The family had been forced to into a motel for a week while the house was under repair. It was during this week Newlyn had shared a bed with his younger sister Juliana. It started as an accident and seriously bad judgment on his part that had then cascaded into the...

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Part 2 Sissy CD Tranny Prison style gangbang

While my nose was buried in his curly pubes, Anthony grabbed my head withboth hands and held it while he blasted offstreams of hot white man juice down my throat. He held me there Impaled,for about 45 seconds and I was beginningto really struggle for breath when at last he finally let up. I pushed offjust as the last spurt landed on my lips."Ahh, Fuck Yeah Bitch" he said as sucked air and licked my lips of the cumfor all to see, damn that tasted sweet.After that, all 7 of the remaining guys...

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The Girl with the Long Brown Hair

Girl Meets World - The Girl with the Long Brown Hair17-year-old Maya Hart has always been attracted to her best friend Riley Matthews. She was the most important part in her life. Maya loved how sweet, funny, adorable and innocent Riley is. The two have been best friends in a long time since they were five. She was happy that Riley is in her world because without Riley in her world, Maya would be lost.It was a normal Friday night in New York. The city lights were shining bright, the traffic is...

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family SECRETS PT 4

So i buried my dad last dad had painted this lawyers house and became very good friends.i now leaving the lawyers office a very wealthy dad set up a nice trust fund for our son and special account in my name to take care me.even after death he stilled love me and you wonder why i fell in love with my son is now 14 and we sleep together.we bend sleeping together every since he was baby.he would cry in the middle of the night i would take him out of the crib any put...

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The Hunting Trip Part III

Back at the cabin, Mike, John and I walk in to a warm crackling fire in the fireplace, dimmed lights, lit candles on the table, a bottle of wine and a platter of lobster and mussels. I look over at John, he looks just as shocked as I do. “Chris and Darryl are amazing people. How many people can say that their wife’s family helps to plan a romantic weekend for her husband and his mistress,” he laughs.I agree with him how nice it is, but how strange as well. The three of us sit at the table,...

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Andreas DilemmaChapter 2

The next three weeks followed the pattern of the first: Class on Tuesday, work on our paper on Thursday, and then dinner at Joey’s on Sunday after we did our final review. In between, Joey and I spoke on the phone a couple of times a week. I really enjoyed the time I spent with Joey and Sarah, it was a pleasant change of pace for me. Joey was unlike any young person I’d ever met. He was a very intelligent guy, but he had zero interest in college. He was very personable, but he did not...

1 year ago
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Consensual Mnage Event

I looked over my left shoulder and good looks slapped me in my face. He could have been Brad Pitt’s twin brother. He was about 6’2” with tan skinned and dark blond hair. He repeated his question, “May I join you tomorrow? You two had quite an orgasmic excursion.” Well damn. How could this man discern what was going on underneath our skirts? Let me deny his claims and dodge the embarrassment. I squinted my eyes a bit in an attempt to express stupid confusion and I said, “Excuse me, what did you...

2 years ago
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My First Affair Ch 4

Chapter Four:The date continues.Before Mike went to his bag, he turned to look at Jackie laying on the bed with her legs spread wide for him to look at her pussy.“Play with yourself, Kitten, but don’t you dare cum yet. I want you wet when I start to do to you what I have planned for tonight,” then he smiled at her as he raised an eyebrow at the same time.Jackie immediately inserted a finger inside herself and pulled on her clit with her other hand. This caused her to moan and wish Mike was...

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It took a while for my eyes to focus on the red dashed lines over the black backdrop. My phone buzzed again, lying next to the clock so that I still couldn’t make it out. As I reached for it, with my eyes blurry it felt like it was further away than normal. Inching over to it, I picked it up. My phone felt a little bigger in my hand.I was still having problems focusing in on anything. My head hurt, and my stomach felt all knotted up. I held the phone in my hand and gasped as I saw the hand...

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Fucked My Apartment8217s Girl 8211 Part II

Hi Friends I am back with the next part. That night I could not sleep and was feeling like fucking Mounika in all possible angles. I was thinking of her and masturbating, I was fantasizing of sucking her pussy and 69 position and many angels. That night I almost shagged 4 times thinking of her. Next day morning around 11 I got a call from Mounika. This time it was different number from a phone booth and she told sorry for leaving you like that yesterday. I told I don’t want your sorry and don’t...

4 years ago
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Desperate Days At Puddledrip Academy

Puddledrip Academy is a prestigious university located in Britain. All of the students come here to enhance their knowledge and develop their career opportunities. The university has been around since the 1700s and is constantly modernised to suit modern standards. Even the plumbing is updated regularly, ensuring that the pipes keep things flowing smoothly. However, this doesn't mean that things won't go wrong. It had been early morning at Puddledrip, and the maintenance staff were doing their...

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Final MissionChapter 4

The approach to the United States was rough. The weather was rainy and the seas were running high -- whitecaps disintegrating at the tops of 7 ft. swells. At 1,500 feet, the carrier's flight deck was one of the longest in the world. Approaching at 250 knots from 2,500 ft., the ship looked like a toy bouncing up and down in a swimming pool. On the glide path, the A-2 made a full throttle landing on the rolling deck; the arresting cables stopped the 35,000 lb., 150 mph airplane in less than 2...

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MY GirlFriend Fucks Another Guy PT3

The week after the party at Aaron's house Marta suggested we go out to dinner that Saturday night. I agreed and made reservations at a nice restaurant. I spent the morning worshipping between her legs and the afternoon cleaning the house and doing chores while she took my credit card and went to the spa for a mani/pedi and a blowout. Marta came back around 5 and I noticed she had some shopping bags with her."What's in the bag?" I asked."None of your business," Marta said with a devilish grin....

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Naughty Delhi Chick Gets Hot And Nasty Over Video Call

I had been over at a childhood friend’s house. A long time had passed since I’d seen her. She came bouncing down the stairs of her house and I couldn’t stop staring at her. Her tits bounced as she walked down the stairs. Her ass jiggled as she walked. She had really grown into a sexy piece of ass. The whole day was tough for me. Every time she touched me, my mind would go blank and I couldn’t concentrate. I pretended to still be a sweet innocent kid as I caressed and touched her soft body. She...

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Bus Me Mili Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, mera naam Vivek h aur meri umar 25 saal hai. Aur mujhe choot chatna hudd se zada pasand hai. Baat un dino ki hai jab main naya naya chennai aaya tha. Mujhe bhabhiyan bohot sexy lagti thi aur abhi bhi lagti hain. Main aksar yahan bus me travel kiya karta tha. Aur is baat k dhyan rakhta tha k bus me jam k bheed ho. Taki main uska faida utha k apni setting kar saku. Aisi hi ek bus me main ek baar vellore se chennai aa raha tha. Bus khacha khach bhari hui thi. Jaise taise main bus me...

4 years ago
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The TV Shoppe

If you meet a girl like Cynthia: sensuous, regal, sexually commanding, with a cruel sense of humor... the smart thing is to avoid her! And if you're dumb enough' to get engaged to her... as I did... you'd better not cross her or... But let me tell you what happened to me. The TV SHOPPE By c.c. It was a late Saturday morning in Autumn and Cynthia and I were downtown shopping for her wedding-night outfit, which she insisted on modeling for me in every store. Naturally this got me...

2 years ago
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Meeting Granny On A Plane to Vegas

I looked down and just could not believe my eyes!! There was this beautiful, petite 65 year old Granny licking the sperm off my dick. She glanced lovingly upwards as her tongue flicked up and down my cock gobbling up the last remnants of my seed. Then she lowered her head down my cock taking my whole shaft into her cum filled mouth. I just could not believe how this day had started. I was boarding my Vegas bound flight from Tucson and a petite, classy looking, silver blond, well dressed women...

3 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 49

Nothing much happened for the rest of the school year. I saw Bill in school, but we didn't speak. Kate stayed on her good behavior, pleasing both of my parents. Kate had never wanted to study ballet, preferring modern dance, jitterbug, or ballroom dancing, but when Agnes asked her to come to her advanced ballet classes just to work on her grace and smooth out her dance movements, Kate agreed to do it. She started taking two back to back advanced ballet classes each week from Agnes. Instead...

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Wife Loves BBC Now

My name is Dave and I am 36 years old. Deanna is my wife and she is 35. We have been married for 12 years and have two k**s, a 14 year old and a 9 year old. Deanna is 5'1" tall and weighs about 120 lbs. She has shoulder length reddish-brown hair, beautiful 36 C tits and a slim athletic body. She has always worked out and kept herself in tip-top shape. Many men and women have commented that they cannot believe that she has two c***dren, especially a teenager. I am 6"4" and weigh 235 lbs., very...

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Finally It Happened With Mom 8211 Part 1

Hello indian sex stories dot net, I’m Nelson from a small town of Kerala. I’m 21 years of age, done with college and now managing a shop owned by my family. We own a small piece of agricultural land too and dad works in a city a few hours of drive away. My mom Molly is 48 with quite a heavy body. She wears lungi-blouse at home which shows off her quite prominent boobs. It was all started when I was in the final year of college. I was felt seduced by mom many times, watching her ass away while...

1 year ago
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Fun with Mother In Law

100% fiction! My mother-in-law is sixty-three classy and very sexy with 34D breasts. She is also head of the HR department at her employer. She was divorced about a year after my marriage and her boyfriend passed about 5 years ago. We have always had good natured flirting between us, but as of late it has become more interesting. I was helping her redo the landscaping on her new house when I noticed every time she bent forward, her breasts were very exposed through the collar opening of her...

3 years ago
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On the Ice

A high school hockey game: that’s exactly where I wanted to be on my Saturday night. What a fantastic waste of my time. I was only there to film it for the crappy local news, that makes two things I didn’t care about. I would have thought that leaving that shit of a town for my college in a distant state would have freed me from everything associated with my old high school, but there I was, back in my hometown. Of course, it seemed as if no one shared my opinion. The bleachers were packed, the...

2 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 3 Halcyon

Arron had been walking for just over a week. He had left his advanced weapons, explosives and uniform under a low-level force field in the back of the cave, close to where he had been dropped. He wore the clothes of a Halcyon, a citizen of the country he had been assigned to. His identity was that of a junior army captain in the Eastern Division of the Halcyon Army. His papers showed that he originated in the north of the country and had joined the Army and purchased his commission as a...

3 years ago
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 27

Chapter Twenty-seven - Closing and Mandy Friday afternoon, Janine Winthrop, my real estate agent, called. "Dan?" she greeted me. "All set for tomorrow?" "Hi Janine," I returned her greeting. "Yeah. Just about. The movers will be here in about an hour to haul everything away. I'm going to check into a hotel tonight to sleep. And then for the next week I'm staying with a friend of Grace's." "Excellent!" she said. "Well, I was just checking. If there is anything I can do,...

1 year ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 41 Maa Aur Aunty Ne Ye Kya Kar Diya

Narrated by Rahul Hi dosto, main Rahul. Pichle baar to aplogo ne padha ki kaise Kavita aunty cream lagane ke chakkar mein meri halat kharab kar gayi. Yakeen nahi ho raha tha Kavita aunty mere lund aur ando ko sahla rahi thi cream lagane ke bahane. Yaar kya bataun, jism mein aisi aag lagi hui thi. Abhi aunty ke saath sex kar jaun par aage kaise badhu sochta raha. Kya pata shayad woh bas mamta ke bhaaw se sab ki aur main koi jaldbaazi nahi karna chahta tha. Par pahal to karni hi thi warna baat...

3 years ago
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An Incest Birthday Chapter 9

As usual, comments and honest opinions are greatly appreciated.If you didn't read the first parts you should, it will make more sense if you do.After everything that happened yesterday it’s no wonder I was having sex dreams all night. In the first one mom was riding my face and Rita sucked me off until I came, in the second Aunt Lisa was eating mom out while I was fucking her doggy, the third I was on top of mom pounding the hell out of her, and in the one I’m having now I’m having my world...

2 years ago
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A day of fundraising takes an odd turn. Toni yawned. She’d been standing in the sun for several hours now - it was the annual appeal, and her job was to approach cars, jingle her red cup, and ask for money. Fascinating stuff. It was a good cause though, and Toni had been doing it for years. Even now, when she had a day-job which earned her more in an hour than their daily targets with the appeal, she was still happy to help out. The exposure was important, and it served as a nice contrast to...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Karla Kush Deep Squirting Sex with Slutty Blonde Karla Kush

Karla Kush is a tantalizing seductress who genuinely enjoys riding a cock. This 100lb spinner will rock your world and your erection. She isn’t much of a tease though, she goes straight for what she wants. She strokes, gags, rides and receives dick as only a first-class slut can. She gets her pussy pounded until rains of semen down on her which is exactly what she loves. Enjoy seeing this sluty slim blonde shows you her tiny natural tits, rose tight pussy on a seductive light purple lingerie...

1 year ago
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Work Party

Their eyes met across the room, a glance perhaps, but one thing was for sure. she was beautiful. After several exchanges he finished his drink, avoiding fellow work colleagues as he ventured through the party, she saw him coming but pretended not to. He moved his mouth close to her ear, they met on the balcony, alone. The first exchange was confident exciting, a rush, a thrill. He took her and gazed into her eyes, smiled softly, she bit her lip knowing what she wanted to do, but could she? She...

Love Stories
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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 34

Sunday morning began with Vic tasting Sarah to climax while Nils's cock and Sarah's tongue brought Vic hers. He fucked Vic doggy style and came soon after his wife's throbbing pussy and balls coating spray allowed him permission to release his sperm into her fetus occupied womb. Afterwards the threesome shared the table with Joe and Mary, drinking coffee and enjoying cream cheese swathed bagels. Melissa and Sorry, wearing a light robe and a sheet respectively, joined Sarah a little later...

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