Wartime Comfort House Diary Day 19 Aussie Beauty
- 3 years ago
- 39
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Isabel quietly held his hand as they approached the Hawks Well theatre. Brandon looked down at her, felt her stiffening by his side.
There, in a spare room, the auditions were being held for the music concert. It was an annual concert, kind of a platform for the local kids. He had performed there someday, so had Mark, Ben, and Kyle.
It was the last week of auditions. Isabel had made up her mind just in time.
‘Okay?’ he asked gently, squeezing her hand. She shook her head. He held her close, put an arm around her shoulders.
‘We’re there,’ he whispered encouragingly. ‘Myself and Mark. You aren’t alone.’
‘I’ll be alone in that room, though,’ she spoke in a small voice.
‘We’ll be right outside, watching you.’ He held her hand again, felt how cold it was even though she had the gloves on. ‘Will you be okay?’
He wasn’t sure of it himself. Isabel hadn’t sung in very long. She didn’t have anything to do with music anymore. All the tragedies in her life had suppressed her voice. Music required emotion. Isabel didn’t show any of it any longer.
It was only because of their insistence that she had finally agreed to sing.
‘I’m afraid.’ She looked up at him. The black cardigan made her skin look paler, her hair all over the place because of the breeze. ‘I don’t know anybody there.’
‘You don’t have to. Just sing. That’s all.’ He hugged her tight, stroked her upper arms through the wool. ‘You can do it.’
‘I’m not sure…’ She bit her lip.
‘I am. You’ll do great.’ He tugged at her hand. ‘Come on. You’re the first one today.’
Brandon asked some people there when the auditions for the day would begin. They were asked to wait awhile. Mark had been loitering around with some friends, and came up to them when he saw them waiting. Brandon laughed with him, tried to get Isabel to relax. But she remained slumped in the seat, not looking up, not talking to anyone.
When Isabel was called in, Brandon started to feel his own nerves. They hugged her, wished her the best, and saw her till the door. Brandon wanted to be there with her inside, but he wasn’t allowed.
So he and Mark waited outside, watching through the small gap in the door.
Isabel walked in slowly, barely looking anywhere. The room wasn’t unfamiliar to Brandon. He’d hung out there more times than he cared to count, auditioned there for many concerts and musicals. But to Isabel it was unfamiliar ground. Her body language proved it.
‘So, Miss Standish, what are you singing for us today?’ One of the three selectors, whose name Brandon just couldn’t remember at the moment, asked her. Isabel looked up, glanced at the three strange people alternatively.
‘A-Amazing Grace,’ she replied, her gloved hands in fists by her side. Brandon shoved his hands inside his pockets, trying to warm them up.
‘Okay, so are you ready?’ The other selector, a woman, asked her now. She nodded rather reluctantly.
‘Please begin,’ she was given the green signal by the three people in front of her. Isabel shifted uncomfortably on her feet, her body stiffening. Her scared eyes moved around the room, lips bitten, fingers fidgeting uneasily.
‘Please begin, Miss Standish.’ She was prodded again by the selectors. Brandon and Mark exchanged glances, watched Isabel start to tremble. Brandon’s heart ached at the sight. She didn’t look one bit like the classically trained mezzo-soprano that she was.
‘Shit. Brandy, she’s a mess,’ Mark whispered to him. Brandon pressed his hand to his mouth. He wanted to step inside and bring her away from the room. Had just taken a step forward when Isabel turned and came running out, with the selectors calling after her.
‘Izzi!’ He and Mark called out in unison. ‘Wait! Izzi!’
They ran after her, but she was too fast. She was already out on the road, still running, when they saw her.
‘Izzi!’ Mark called out. Brandon held his arm.
‘I’ll take her home,’ he told him. ‘I’ll handle her.’
‘Sure?’ Mark chewed his lip, worried. Brandon nodded, beginning to run down the trail Isabel had just taken.
Isabel had sat down on the steps of a house when Brandon finally caught up with her. He stopped to catch his breath, then slowly went over to her side.
‘Hey.’ He put a hand on her knee. She didn’t look up. Brandon moved her hair back, lifted her face. Saw what he had not seen in months: tears.
Brandon’s mouth fell open as he stared into her moist eyes, her lips quivering, hands trembling. He held her in his arms, felt her entire body shaking in his embrace. He didn’t know the right reaction. On the one hand, he was relieved to find her showing emotions again. But on the other, it broke his heart to see her cry.
He stroked her head, cradled her in his arms, tried to stop the trembling. Passersby looked at them, a couple of them even stopped to ask if everything was okay. He managed to get her to her feet, then hailed a passing taxi. Isabel only cried silently and trembled in his arms all the way.
He took her to his house, sneaked her in through the back door, and took her upstairs to his room. Isabel was still shedding tears, months of suppressed emotions finally finding an outlet. She sat on his bed, still trembling. Neither of them had spoken a word yet.
Brandon wrapped her in his arms again, marvelling at the way she almost melted against his body. He buried his face in her hair, smelled the fading shampoo. When Isabel looked up, her face was drenched in tears, her eyes red and puffy, lips still quivering.
‘There was a concert in school,’ she spoke brokenly, her head low, eyes wide and scared. ‘I asked for £40, the participation fee.’ She looked at his face, horror in her eyes. Then she tugged the sleeves of her cardigan to reveal a deep, reddish-black scar on her right arm. Brandon flinched, his breath catching.
‘I got this that night,’ she murmured, her eyes dropping close, tears streaming down her cheeks. Brandon pulled her close again, kissing her face, trying to comfort her somehow. Isabel was open with him. But there were still parts of her she wasn’t comfortable showing. And that included her body. She was particularly guarding of her upper body, where, he knew, the nastiest scars were. He’d seen most of her other scars— on her legs, her neck, parts of her face.
But every time he saw another scar, his horror just increased. He wondered if no part of her body was unscathed.
‘Don’t…’ he kissed the top of her head, feeling his voice choke. ‘Don’t remember those times, please.’
‘They don’t leave me.’ She clutched his arms, lips trembling helplessly. ‘Every time I close my eyes, I can see their faces, feel the pain…’ She looked up, hands still gripping his arms. ‘I can still feel the wounds.’
She looked down at the scar on her arm. ‘I can tell you the story behind each of these scars,’ she mumbled. Brandon shook his head.
‘Please don’t do this to yourself,’ he whispered.
‘They did this to me!’ She cried, letting go of him. ‘Those people! My parents! They did this to me. They ruined me. What was my fault? Tell me!’
‘Izzi—’ He reached for her, but she pulled back.
‘I don’t want to live, can’t you see?’ She shouted again, rising from bed. ‘I’ve nothing to live for. I have no one. Nobody likes me. Everyone looks at me like I’m the one at fault. I don’t belong here. I don’t belong anywhere.’
Brandon rose from bed, pulled her close. She was still trembling, fresh tears still forming and streaming down. She crumbled when he held her, her voice dropping.
‘I’m not happy,’ she sobbed against his chest. ‘I don’t want to live.’
‘Shh. Don’t say that.’ He stroked her head, her back, wondered if he should have locked the door of the room, in case she wanted to run again. But he realised he need not when she put her arms around him, sobbing bitterly.
‘They asked me for descriptions,’
she croaked. Brandon figured the ‘they’ here meant either the court or the police, or both. ‘What did they want me to describe? How I’d be seized by the hair and wrenched up in the air, kicked in the stomach, and thrown against the wall? How I’d curl up in a ball under the bed trying to protect myself, crying and begging to be left alone? How I had difficulty keeping clothes on because the wounds hurt everywhere? Or—’
‘Izzi.’ He couldn’t hear anymore. Her scars spoke loud enough. He didn’t need the back-story. Didn’t want her to keep reliving her past.
He took her back to bed, made her sit, soothed her until the trembling had begun to go away. He moved her hair out of her face, wiped off the tears with his hands.
His phone rang. It was Mark. Brandon told him that he’d brought her to his house and that she was okay. Isabel moved slightly away from him, wiped her nose with the sleeve of her cardigan, then began to cough. He gave her some water, smiled when she finally relaxed. For those long minutes that she remained silent, Brandon just sat beside her, holding her hand, giving her space.
‘I’m sorry I couldn’t do it.’ When she finally spoke, her voice was broken. ‘I shouldn’t have agreed to go in the first place.’
‘Don’t be so hard on yourself,’ he put an arm around her shoulders. ‘It’s okay.’
‘It’s not. I made a fool of myself.’
‘You were just unprepared. My mistake. You needed more practice.’
‘It wouldn’t have helped.’ She shrugged, turning her face away. ‘I don’t have that thing in me.’
‘What thing?’
She looked at him, her eyes big and round. ‘X factor.’
Brandon gaped at her, and then unable to help it, he burst out laughing. Isabel frowned, but when he finally managed to calm the fit of laughter, he found her smiling. For the first time in months.
Oh god. He felt like his heart would burst out of his chest. There were too many things happening at once.
‘Feeling better?’ He asked. The frozen figurine that they’d known for the last six months had finally, finally come back to life.
Isabel shrugged. ‘Would you care if I’d died?’ she asked. Brandon frowned, his smile fading.
‘What kind of question is that?’ he said. ‘I just asked you to not say such things.’
‘Just wondering,’ she calmly answered. ‘Would anybody care if I’d died?’
‘You’d wanted to die. So why wonder if anybody would care?’
She didn’t reply, only played with the tips of her gloves. Brandon put a finger under her chin, turned her face towards him.
‘Because you hadn’t wanted to die,’ he said slowly. ‘You’d only wanted an escape from all this.’
Isabel hung her head low, bit her lip, fresh tears sprouting in her eyes. ‘I never know what to do,’ she croaked, reached up to wipe off the tears. ‘I feel so helpless, so…’ she made a vague gesture with her hands, searching for the right word. ‘…stifled,’ she said. ‘I want to feel better. I want to be normal, but…’
She swallowed audibly, sniffed back the tears. ‘I don’t know what to do.’
‘You don’t have to do anything.’ Brandon hugged her, let her hide her face in his chest. ‘Just be good to yourself. And don’t look back.’
‘There’s nothing to look forward to either,’ she mumbled.
‘There is. Your future. Our future.’
She looked at his face, surprised.
‘You really aren’t dating someone else?’ she asked quietly. Brandon smiled.
‘You think I’ll ever find anyone better than you?’
‘You will, if you look around.’
‘I don’t want to. I can barely take my eyes off you.’
Isabel smiled, teeth biting her lower lip. Then she closed her eyes, looking tired. He didn’t ask, but he knew she had spent the other night worrying about the audition.
‘Izzi, I love you,’ he sighed. ‘I know we have a long way to go, but I see my future with you. I…’ He tenderly brushed a finger across her cheek, smiling. ‘I want to spend my life with you. No matter where I go or what I become in life, you’ll always be the girl I want. And Louis is great at making up garbage about everyone, so think twice before believing something you read about us.’
He shook his head, his face saddening. ‘I’m sorry, this is going to be hard for you,’ he held her hands in his. ‘But I’m always with you. I’ll keep you safe, protect you always. I’ll never let any harm come to you.’
Isabel nodded. ‘When you can do so much for me, I can also do this much for you. I’m proud of you.’
‘And you’re my pride, baby,’ he said. ‘And to answer your question, neither I nor Ben would be in the band today had anything happened to you. I can’t speak for anybody else, but I care about you infinitely. If you’d only seen our condition while you were battling for life, you wouldn’t have to wonder if we care.’ He leaned back in bed, took her along with him. ‘I’d never seen Emily cry or break down. I wonder if anybody ever had, she’s always so strong, at least in public. But while you were in hospital, she never made any attempt to hide her tears.’
He looked down at her face, brushed her nose with a finger. ‘And you still doubt we care?’ he raised his eyebrows.
Isabel sat up, gathered her hands in her lap. ‘I’m sorry I put all of you through this,’ she said. ‘I just…didn’t know how to get out of the bottomless pit I seemed to be in.’
‘We know. You don’t have to explain.’ He quickly kissed her forehead. ‘Now, we go downstairs and eat something, then we’re back to business. Okay?’
She shook her head. ‘I can’t do this.’
‘Izzi, you just need some more preparation, that’s all,’ he tried to make her understand. ‘Don’t give up on yourself, please. I’ll help you.’
‘Just watching me sing isn’t called helping.’ She crossed her arms. ‘I require your active participation.’
He raised an eyebrow. ‘What do you mean?’
She smiled quietly, crept closer, and planted a kiss on his cheek. ‘I love you,’ she whispered. ‘Now come on, I’m hungry.’
‘Stop bouncing, Brandy. Dammit!’ Nathan exclaimed exasperatedly. ‘I can’t fix your collar if you don’t stand still.’
‘I can’t wait to see Izzi,’ Brandon kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other, his hands crumpling the necktie. ‘Can you imagine the town will hear her sing for the first time today? I bet she’ll be beautiful.’
He turned on his toe, heading towards the ladies dressing room. Nathan grabbed the end of his coat.
‘This is a concert, for god’s sake,’ he reminded him, snatching the tie out of his hands and beginning to fasten it around his neck. ‘You’re not getting married.’
Brandon rolled his eyes, standing still for a moment as Nathan checked his hair and his suit. Then he was bouncing like a rubber ball again.
‘Hey lads!’ Mark barged into the room. ‘Guess who I saw in the audience?’
Brandon and Nathan looked at him expectantly.
‘Gillian,’ he said, nudging Nathan in the ribs.
‘What?’ Nathan stared with wide eyes. ‘She’s here?’
‘I saw her beside your mam,’ Mark explained, ‘They’re chatting.’
‘Holy shit!’ Nathan laughed, had just proceeded to head out when he noticed Brandon’s absence. ‘Where’s Brandy?’
Mark looked around, found no one, because Brandon had already headed out of the dressing room, eyes still impatient to catch a glimpse of his love. The penultimate performance was going on at the moment. Isabel was the closing act. God, it had been crazy to get her accommodated at the show after how she’d fared that first time, but they’d managed.
Loud cheering filled the hall when the ongoing performance ended. The stage went dark for some time and then the spotlight came on, the emcee walking to the front of the stage.
They’d had it all planned. Mark and Nathan came out of the dressing room to see if things were going according to plan. Brandon had finally stopped bouncing and was fidgeting with his tie.
‘There. All done.’ Mairead appeared beside him, her
hands smeared in makeup. ‘She looks gorgeous!’ she giggled.
‘Wh–where’s she?’ Brandon looked around him. Mairead pulled a face at him.
‘She’s right where she has to be,’ she explained. ‘You look nice, by the way.’
‘You remember what you have to do, right?’ Mark whispered to him. ‘You’re supposed to walk on to stage singing and take your place beside her. Oh.’ He disappeared, returned with a microphone. ‘Here,’ he handed it to him.
‘Presenting the surprise performance of tonight!’ the emcee said, drawing loud claps from the audience. ‘We know you’ve been waiting for this,’ he quipped, leaving the stage, as it went dark again.
Brandon’s heart was in his mouth. He just hoped she wouldn’t mess up again like that day. He looked up, said a silent prayer.
And then, there it was. The opening notes of the piano, expertly delivered by Ben. Followed by the guitar, deftly performed by Kyle. And then the flute.
With each note of the music, the lights started coming on, bathing the stage in a soft halo.
And then the voice. And the face.
‘Come over the hills, my bonny Irish lad, ‘Come over the hills to your darling You choose the road, love, and I’ll make the vow… And I’ll be your true love forever…’
Brandon stared with his mouth agape as the rich, mellifluous voice cloaked the packed theatre. He saw Emily wipe tears, his own mother staring on without realizing there were tears in her eyes. Beside him, Mairead was trying to stifle a sob by pressing her hands to her mouth.
Unbeknownst to him, Brandon’s eyes welled up, tears streamed down his cheeks. They hadn’t heard that voice in ages, so the sentiments were understandable. But Nathan’s mom, who was seeing Isabel for the first time, was also crying.
‘Red is the rose that in yonder garden grows, Fair is the lily of the valley… Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne, But my love is fairer than any…’
Mairead had started to cry by then. There were smiles on everyone’s faces and tears in their eyes by the time Brandon wiped off his own tears and made his way to the stage. Isabel looked at him, smiled quietly. He struggled to catch his breath.
She looked radiant in that blue long-sleeve gown that she’d bought with the prize money from the writing contest, her gloved hands holding the microphone with the adeptness of a trained singer. Mairead had put some makeup on her face to hide the dark circles and highlight her pretty puckers. And she had no other jewellery except the charm necklace he’d gifted her. It didn’t seem like she’d ever taken it off since he put it around her neck.
‘Down by Killarney’s green woods that we strayed, The moon and the stars they were shining… The moon shone its rays on her locks of golden hair, And she swore she’d be my love forever…’
He couldn’t help stare at her like a fool while he sang his part. He’d always wanted to sing a duet with her, but never thought it would come true like that, with almost half of the town at the theatre that evening. It meant more to him than any gig he’d ever do in his entire life.
His hand crept towards hers, held it with fingers entwined as they sang the chorus together. Isabel looked at him, smiled again with tears in her eyes.
‘Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne…’
Their held each other’s gaze, love flowing between them like electricity.
‘But my love is fairer than any…’
The hall erupted in a standing ovation, included those people who had so far only called Isabel names. There were the three selectors of the concert, looking happy and surprised that a girl so broken could also be so talented. Behind them, Ben and Kyle had also risen, clapping. Brandon led her to the front of the stage, took a bow together. And then, with the applause refusing to die, he pulled her close and kissed her. Felt tears against his face, not sure whose they were. He was too busy kissing Isabel, feeling their shared joy.
She seemed like a different person altogether. Not the Isabel who was emotionless till a few days ago. It was a like a new beginning.
The lights dimmed, but the applause still continued. Brandon looked at her face, tears wiping her mascara away. And then she laughed, putting her arms around him.
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Comfort in Her Time of NeedAuthor: voodoojoe{Disclaimer: Not to be read by anyone under 18, unless you’re a hot chick.In which case my address is:6669 NE 42nd St.Melbourne, FL (not really, but you can still drop by and see who lives there if you want).}The following is completely fictional. Any resemblance to reality is entirely coincidental. Contents of this story are merely creative license, not unlike a TV show or movie that uses real people in fictional settings and situations. However, if...
Comfort in Her Time of NeedAuthor: voodoojoe{Disclaimer: Not to be read by anyone under 18, unless you’re a hot chick.In which case my address is:6669 NE 42nd St.Melbourne, FL (not really, but you can still drop by and see who lives there if you want).}The following is completely fictional. Any resemblance to reality is entirely coincidental. Contents of this story are merely creative license, not unlike a TV show or movie that uses real people in fictional settings and situations. However, if...
After the Funeral As a cold rain fell Sharon Powers stood by her husband's grave trying to understand how this could be happening to her. She was still a young woman, not yet thirty in fact. How could God be so cruel as to take her husband from her. The muttered condolences from her husband's friends and coworkers meant nothing to her. Standing by her side was her thirteen year old son, Paul. The c***d of a wartime marriage he had been born when his mother was just sixteen. Now...
My only company was my mom, who thinks that me listening to her complain is an actual conversation. Aside from that, I had a little brother, he was born 10 months before my father had passed away, which was just gut wrenching. Now, just to specify – he is my half brother. My dad remarried in 2013 and had him with my step-mom. Her name is Julia and at the time she was 37. My dad and Julia met when I was around 11 years old, back then they were just dating on and off, but I would see her...
It had been a shitty day from any point of view. It had started with a pop quiz in his mathematics class – a class he definitely did not enjoy – and it continued all through the morning classes. If that was not enough he had run into Reba Martin of all people, and she had the gall to dress him down for 'dumping poor Deirdre'. Once again, like so many times in the recent months, he had felt an unholy fury well up inside and his rather uncouth response had earned him a five-minute lecture on...
A short sketch Connie had been told what to expect. After all, she was the one who requested the device and laid out some of its specs. But for all her experiences as a enthusiast of odd bondage scenarios, she was still unprepared for the sight of the globe standing in the middle of the spacious empty hall. From a distance it looked something like a glistening ball bearing resting on a small dais. "Whoa. That's... strangely beautiful." As she drew nearer, she observed in its sheen her own...
The moment I entered the house, I could tell something wasn’t right. The lights were still off, sure, but every room in the house had a lit candle, which filled the house with an intoxicating scent. Those things must have contained pheromones of some sort, because my pants got tighter and tighter and my focus weakened a little. Once I confirmed that the areas were safe, I cautiously went upstairs. With each step, my heartbeat quickened and it got harder to move. Halfway up, I noticed something....
Dear DiaryMy name is Bethany Gardner and I am 55 years old. Exactly two months ago, my husband James died. We were married for 25 years and even though the worst days have passed, I still feel empty. I try to find solace in things I once enjoyed, like sitting in my beautiful big garden with a glass of white wine, reading his favourite books or spending time with my son, but nothing works. I have never felt so lonely. I feel so..."Hey Ms Gardner," a familiar voice calls from...
MILFThis school year I became a freshman in college. I was in a serious relationship with my boyfriend at the time and as months went by my need for sex intensified. I had a college dorm mate she was Brazilian and I am Mexican and Black. We both looked hot and exotic. I have olive colored skin about 5’4 ½ and 115 pounds I have 36c’s and a small waist and flowing black hair with brown eyes. She had tanned colored skin, about 5’8 and 125 pounds; she had 32 d tits and a curvy waist, black flowing hair...
I need to tell someone my story. With deep shame and confusion, I've sat down to write these words several times without success. Maybe this attempt will be the one. I'm hoping it will be cathartic as the events I describe are both troubling and arousing to me, though as you will read, I've become more accepting of what happened. I want to remain anonymous because my career is at risk from this becoming known. You can call me Peter, but that's obviously not my real name. I am a Catholic...
I did not give up my parenting responsibility. I had some long talks with Cassandra about responsibility and commitment. I reminded her that it was unlikely a person in her dating group would become a life mate. She listened patiently, but I suspected what I said went in one ear and out the other. When Brian Frost called to ask me to approve his choice of activity for their first official date after she turned sixteen, I grudgingly had to give him my respect. If he was just a Christian, the...
Long Gone Lonesome Blues Written and recorded by Hank Williams. Copyright, Acuff-Rose Music, Inc./Hiriam Music (BMI) Author's note: I was sipping on a scotch - Damn, I gotta stay away from that stuff - last night while working through my email. I was playing my Hank Williams playlist on iTunes, and one of the songs caught my ear. It was of course, "Long Gone Lonesome Blues." This is not as well known as many of his other songs but it has always been one of my favorites. Like many country...
Fear, confusion, panic . . . all those emotions and more overcame Jacinda Montenegro in a horrifying instant. She was frozen to the spot where she sat; she couldn’t move. She felt paralyzed, unable to budge, incapable of moving a muscle. Her eyes searched the room looking for something that might help her get out of her predicament, something that could rescue her from her dilemma. Finally, with little other option, she cried out, “HELLLPPPPP! Help me! HELP!” Khari Brevins, her...
Fear, confusion, panic ... all those emotions and more overcame Jacinda Montenegro in a horrifying instant. She was frozen to the spot where she sat; she couldn't move. She felt paralyzed, unable to budge, incapable of moving a muscle. Her eyes searched the room looking for something that might help her get out of her predicament, something that could rescue her from her dilemma. Finally, with little other option, she cried out, "HELLLPPPPP! Help me! HELP!" Khari Brevins, her boyfriend of...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis “ Remna The desert led right to the city. We marched out of the sand dunes towards the walls of Remna. The city looked almost the same shade as the world we...
This is the first story I wrote back in 2005, hope you enjoy, if it gets a good reception I will post others, I feel I have got better at writing them as time has gone on too.3Some suprise We have been out together for a great night on the drink and decide to go back to your place for a bit of fun, as we get to near the front door of your house, you shh me and say to keep the noise down as you have a friend staying over who has just split up with her boyfriend, giggling and not really being...
Brandon woke up the next morning to his legs being pulled rather hard. He groaned, dug his face out of the pillow, and looked down at his feet to find Ben trying to drag him out of bed. Benedict Malcolm Thomas Barrett. The prankster. One of his oldest friends. ‘Wake up, sleepyhead,’ he said, wrapping his fists around his ankles and pulling. Brandon grabbed the mattress, stopping himself from being dragged down the bed. ‘Where did you come from?’ He groaned again, tried to kick him but...
I was looking forward to the weekend. It had been a hard week at school. Finals week was hard enough, but in the middle of the week I caught my boyfriend Roy making out with another girl. I decided to meet him after one of his finals and as I headed to the building I saw him pressed up against some chick. I was angry, very angry. I walked up behind him, "Having fun?" He spun so fast he knocked the chick to the ground. "Michelle," he said. "What are you doing here?""Well," I replied. "I was...
Too Big for Comfort By: Fantasy Man He sat nervously in the waiting room at the clinic, waiting to see NurseVice. He had met her before and wondered if she suspected his obsession withher - those narrow sexy hips, that short white skirt and those unbelievablylarge breasts. The top two buttons of her stretched blouse were always undone,revealing a glimpse, though not unprofessional, of her deep cleavage. He was in for a full physical. He couldn't help but imagine her inspectinghis unnaturally...
Instead of wearing her traditional kimono, Miss Yamaha wore western style today. When she bowed as always, I couldn't help but noticed her cleavage from her low cut v-opening blouse. 'General Tanaka, good news. I made great progress. She has come around after I showed her the good life compared to the other servants. I told her she will serve the great General exclusively. I promise her lots of rewards if she learns fast and behaves as you expect. I let her watch how I comforted one of our...
I'm sorry I haven't been completing my diary very often recently. I've been very busy over the summer. First with Lucio, who I was really in love with, and then with a Japanese businessman who I met in Cebu. But I've lost touch with both of them now, and although I was upset at first, at least I now have some time to myself. I've also suffered a loss in the family recently and this has caused me a lot of heartache. My Aunt Natalie, who was only 44 years old, died quite suddenly in late...
You and your cousin Mark are walking home from school to his house. You get there; and mark pulls the key out of the bag to open the door. When he goes to insert the key his mom opens the door and says "Hi guys I'm home today, I hope you don't mind hanging out with me." Mark seems a bit upset, but you cheerfully reply "Oh we would love to spend a day with you Theresa." You have always had a crush for her; she is a gorgeous woman. She is about 5'4, long blonde hair, sexy green eyes, firm C-cup...
MatureINTRODUCTION The truth? My mom was kind of a slut. I had to grow up more to see it but she left my dad when I was young for another guy and had another girl by him. Then she had a slew of boyfriends which my older sister had caught fucking her on more than one occasion. She had moved us all out to Northern California and a year later I moved back in with my dad and only visited her in the Summer. My sisters and I had been through a lot, my older sister and I faded a lot of heat...
A Story within a Story A winter nighttime at their farm house in Sweden…. By D.R. Millennium: NC 17: Slash/Incest Disclaimer: I did not create and do not own any readily recognizable media characters. I have no agreement, legal or otherwise, with the creators or owners. This is purely for entertainment--I have not made, do not seek, and will not accept any profit for it. This story is in no way meant to reflect on the lives or life styles of the...
‘It does work sometimes’, my old school pal, Janice told me after she’d met this guy on a dating site 20 years her senior. And there was I asking her advice, telling her that I also had met John on a dating site, and although he was reluctant to want to meet me at first, he eventually submitted. I had chatted to several prospective guys who had backed away when I mentioned commitment. John was about 18 years older than me. Janice assured me that age doesn’t matter one iota. The important thing...
Raindrops pelting the dorm window and sliding along the pane in a zigzag pattern reminded Mindy of her own tears. The soft yellow glow of streetlights and the quietness of the midnight hour settled like an unwelcome burden. Wiping her eyes stopped the flow of tears but not the reason for them. Mindy’s first semester in college was turning out to be filled with emotional loneliness. She didn’t make the women’s soccer team and the lengthy email she got from Rob made it clear he had already found...
LesbianNo excuses but will lay out the groundwork. Have…I mean had been married a little bit over seventeen years. The bliss full years I could count on one hand. Still, we managed to produce two fine children. Both were born in the first couple of years of our marriage when the bliss was at it’s greatest. Sex was an every day looked forward to event. That changed. Could have been because of the demands two babies put on our relationship, but most likely it was our realization that we were...
Introduction: What am I to do? Ok, ok, OK! Totally over the top, deviant and &hellip,probably deserve any of the consequences. No excuses but will lay out the groundwork. Have&hellip,I mean had been married a little bit over seventeen years. The bliss full years I could count on one hand. Still, we managed to produce two fine children. Both were born in the first couple of years of our marriage when the bliss was at its greatest. Sex was an every day looked forward to event. That changed. ...
NOTE: Hey guys, this is my first story here, so please bear with me. Hopefully it forms a good base to continue from. Any feedback would be appreciated, and feel free to add a chapter. Enjoy. It was the announcement that shocked the nation. Interrupting the television premiere of the latest Marvel film, a news bulletin announced that scientists had discovered and clinically trialled a new technique to prevent Cervical Cancer and STDs that had a 100% success rate. Given the simple application...
Being a Autumn day , snow on the mountains, cold wind in the air, I decide to spend my day inside at the cinema. Buying a ticket for the morning screening of Red Sparrow , the usherette is dressed in trousers and blouse they emphasise the curves of her sexy body, the top undone buttons of her blouse reveals a hint of her cleavage. I am caught staring at her ample tits , when I look up the her smile shows she appreciates my attention. While I wait for the theatre to open I sit in a comfortable...
E R O T I S P H E R E By Kathy Core ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER This Edition: 1999 Copyright (c)1999 Kathy Core All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written or emailed permission of the copyright holder, Carrie Gore....
Hi everyone. I m tony cash a daily reader of ISS. I love stories here. Today I m posting my own story . This story involves myself, my cousin sister and my mami I.e. my mothers brother’s wife. Lets start the story . The story starts back when I was in 12th standard. I was at that time 18 years old and was happy with my life. I always wanted to fuck my mami since I was 13 and I knew everything abt sex. That day I was visiting my sister to take some notes. When I rang the bell my mami opened the...
"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...
Ethereamones By Mistress X, Co-authored by Sci-Fi Kara (Note: this is a rewrite of a draft I did several months ago; it involves the use of drugs which is not a subject I'm familiar with so please excuse any incongruities on that topic.) I was walking too my car in the darkness of the parking garage, a little stressed from the day but glad I was finally off from work. I slipped into the driver's seat, tossed my work ID into the back, and opened up the little compartment between the...