My Best Friend's BabeSis -- Me! free porn video

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My Best Friend's BabeSis -- Me! (A Part 5 take-off based on "My Best Friend's Sister," by Insomniac) By Dee Eon (This is a quickie tale I ran off on a whim because Insomniac's series strikes a fancy in me, so don't expect perfection! Note: Please read Insomniac's "My Best Friend's Sister" all the way to Part 5 first! I tried to contact Insomniac for comments but no go e-mail, so respectfully names were changed to similar-sounding ones but the characters are the same.) *** My door knocked. "Beth?" For a weird moment something deep soft and vulnerable my cotton mauve nightshirt's bodice tweaked with a breathless pound then flitted away. It was strange yet somehow delicious at the same time and it's wake left me feeling that I was walking on the clouds or how it felt doing my last touchdown. With a bounce to my fluffy rabbit slippers I swung open the door and suddenly a funny almost giddy shyness rushed me under Tim's gleaming smile. For a moment I felt a wild crazy impulse to actually jump up and hug him tight like a giant teddy bear... "Just wanna see how you're doing, Beth," he said in that half-courteous way that brothers didn't address sisters with, and that warmed me double because it meant that he still saw someone behind my doe-large coffee- brown eyes other than a bratty kid sister. "I'm feeling great! I mean, I'm coming along alright," I said, sheepishly muting my delight while feeling weirdly choked up with gratitude and newfound regard. "Thanks again for saving me from that jerk, Tim. You probably saved my life -- or at least from a brain concussion." "Er, well, that's what big brothers are for, right?" he modestly said, somehow seeming shy doing it. "You're more than just a brother to me, Tim! Way more!" I effused, again trying to keep down that queer giddy appreciation. He chuckled for a moment then his head jerked up a funny way. "How do you mean?" I reined in my anxious blurt; "We -- well, we're best buddies... or we used to be," I ruefully remarked. "We don't get to talk much together anymore, like how we used to kid around and stuff, you know?" Tim gazed at me like I was a Martian then turned aside. "We're not the same anymore. You're not the same anymore. What we used to do and have is done and gone." A surge of reasonless dismay rushed me; "But it doesn't have to be, Tim! Yes, I'm Beth now and I feel more settled into being a girl everyday, but my mind's still basically Jay's. I still think like I used to, pretty much -- I hope." "Do you feel the same way?" Tim asked as though really wanting to know something subtle going on with me. "Feel? Like about what?" "About -- things. People. Anything." "Well... I haven't really dwelled about it that much." "Do you feel -- girly?" "Well, isn't that what I am?" I quipped with a smile then mused. "No... not really, though I know I'm doing girly-things without knowing it, like sitting with my knees together and running with arms waving and stuff. Also, seems like I kinda like cute animals a little more and soft things feel nicer and better, like my bed and these cute nightgowns, and wearing pink isn't all that big a deal to me anymore either--" I caught his mild smirk and I blushed some. "Yeah, it's little changes like that happening to me that I almost miss, but I gotta think hard back to tell how I really felt about it before. It's kinda like I still have little leftovers of Bethanny's habits or something affecting me, but at least I'm still myself enough to tell how I feel 'bout things now isn't always like the real me once did." "But the way you -- you feel about -- people. Has that changed any?" "No, not really all that much," I admitted and somehow his seemed to fall remorseful. "Er, maybe that's not entirely true. Like, it seems like it's a little harder for me to get angry at people, and somehow martial art and shoot-em-up video games and movies and TV feel a little lame to me." "Lame?" "Maybe that's the wrong word. They're not as interesting to me anymore, maybe. Like, when I had to fight Jack, I really hated it. I mean, I know I had to do it to save myself, but... it wasn't like I was itching to trash him or anything like I remember how I liked to fight when I was my old self. I... don't really like fighting all that much. Even when I remember football, there's something about slamming into other guys and shoving and punching and pushing and mowing over them that doesn't feel... doesn't feel... nice. I know that sounds sissy..." "You're getting soft," Tim stated in an odd, almost hopeful way. "Well, what do you expect, having your mind steeped a girl's skull swimming in girl-mones and stuff!" I replied with gallows humor and a sigh. "I used to wonder whether I could ever cope with this little girl thing. Whether I still had enough of the old Jay in me to cling to with the wild hope that I might savage something from my former life if some miracle or spell ever ended this bad dream. Now it looks like I'll be changing into a girl without even knowing it. I mean last night I happened to flick to the Playboy channel on cable and seeing all those bunnies didn't stroke me hard worth a damn! I still remember how they used to, but now, they're just girls in skimpy outfits to me... if you understand what I mean. That should've scared the piss outta me, but it only felt -- troubling, that's all. Man, losing your balls sucks shit, believe it!" Tim winced like what I said was too risque for any little girl to be uttering. "Do you still want to be a guy again?" he asked almost with a muted curiosity bordering urgency. "Sure! I'm not that fairy far gone yet! Just because I'm getting a little used to being locked up inside a kid chick doesn't mean I like it. Sometimes I can feel the girl inside this body creeping up behind me like a sneaky shadow, just waiting to take over again. It's scary, yet in a funny way it's almost like a relief. Like how dying patients in pain hope to never wake up one night. If I'm not careful, I could wake up happy as a peach that I'm finally all girl top to toe and Jay was just a bad dream. So I have to keep reminding myself who I used to be -- who I really am all the time. In fact, if I concentrate being my real self enough I could even squash all of Bethanny's girly moves and habits. I figure that I could still hang on being me -- the real me for a while if I can just keep myself from going along with the program, you know? Getting prissy with my hair and face and wearing dresses and sitting around with Jessica's girl talk shit. I mean, if people thought I was a tomboy I could stay myself even like this for a couple of years till some kind of magic something turned up to make me normal again." Tim looked like I was a heretic. "Mean, you're not even going to give it a chance? Being a girl?" "Not if there's one for me to change back." "Suppose there isn't? Suppose there ain't no way to turn back?" "Don't say that! There's gotta be a way! Someone made that friggin' magic wristband doohickey that caused this whole mess, right? Who's to say that that was the only one? And since there really was such a thing, it means that all these tales and stories about witches and wizards and sorcerer and magicians are all true -- at least some of them! And one of them might know a way to change me back!" "So what you gonna do? Put a 'witches wanted' ad in the paper?" "Maybe. And maybe I'll look for them myself." "You're just a kid. You wouldn't last a week out there." "I'm seventeen where it counts." "You're crazy! Why you trying to fight it? You're a girl now, so why don't you just accept it? Come on, can't be all that bad! Half the people in the world are females and they seem to mind it too much!" he lamely chuckled which melted under my smirking stare. "Come-on, Beth--! " "Is Mom -- your mother putting you up to this? She can't wait for me to forget myself and become her old Bethanny again!" "No! I'm putting myself up to this! Jay, maybe there are some things we just can't win! If you keep holding out like this you're gonna drive yourself nuts!" "Tim, sometimes you can be a real jerk," I curtly said, very disappointed then almost instantly sorry. "Look Tim, I'd rather be alone right now." "So what you gonna do? Be a shut in for the rest of your life? Mope around to be what you're never gonna be again?" "Trying's and flunking's way better than just packing it in and be a friggin' girl forever!" "Better than being miserable all the time. Besides, there's nothing you can do about it." "Well I'm gonna try! I might be a girl but I'm no wimp! I still remember what I was -- a fighter and a jock -- and I'm gonna fight like Jesus to get myself back!" "Back to what? Your body's rotting away six feet under with my sister's bashed brains, remember? Jay, I really think you ought think about this." I tartly snorted, feeling bitter and betrayed by the most unexpected source. Didn't he understand my feelings? "Why should you care? You hardly talk to me and mess around with me like we used to do. You don't know how important talking with someone like you my own age is instead of talking baby-talk with a tribe of little girls! Your mom's only happy seeing me watch kiddie shows and playing Barbie. She frowns if I talk my real age to her! I'm a grown jock like you, damnit! I'm into NHL and WWF, but now it's like you're pushing me into the Girl Scouts! We're still buddies, aren't we?" Tim paused then rose. "Jay, I'm trying not to just be a big brother to you, but you're making it real hard. Why don't you think over what you're asking me to do now? You're my kid sister now. What would all the guys think -- heck, what would all the babes think if they saw me being best friends with my little sister, huh?" For a moment I felt slighted, as though he was being disloyal and ungrateful of our former rapport, but his words started sinking in and humbling me. Soberly, I nodded, and feeling a dead weight sagging deep my chest I sank on the corner of my bed and, totally out of my control I felt myself tearing up like a lost waif. "You -- You-- You're right, Tim. I... I'm sorry. I--I just didn't think... I--I feel so... so..." I felt that flush of hopeless weakness wash over me; I hated that meek girly feeling but I was caught up in its turbid tide and all I could do was ride it out like a surfer or be tumbled totally senseless like by boiling breakers at a beach. I felt the bed sag and strong linebacker arms hooked around and braced my small slim shoulders. "Hey, hey, it's okay, champ!" Tim perkily gibed, "I'm the asshole, not caring about what you're going through. Look, I'll try and spend more time with you on the sly, okay? We can do Gameboy and maybe slam dunk some in the backyard, okay? We can do video games together, like Helo - - er, like -- Mario, yea. That's not so violent right?" My misty eyes cup canted up at him, and for some weird inappropriate reason I thought he'd the kindest most caring eyes in the world. The turbid wash inside me seemed to just evaporate like magic. "Really??" "Sure, why not?" He said, grinning a grin that buoyed my heart. Suddenly it felt like we were buddy-buddy again, knocking shoulders just like old times and a smile mustered to my lips and twinkled my eyes, and suddenly his eyes seemed to widen back at me and they felt like caves of soft warm darkness for me to cuddle inside tiny and safe and cared for within my best friend's soul. It was a weird wild notion, devoid of reason or bias or sense, and I must've looked dreamy-eyed or something to him because his eyes seemed intensely curious and awed before abruptly blinking aback and sheepishly breaking off. "What -- what's the matter?" I asked with a puzzled soft voice suddenly feeling kicked out from a warm cabin in a winter forest. Tim seemed to lamely chuckle, as though waving off a wild troubling thought with white lies, yet was still in a hidden way still uneasily fascinated by me. "Er... nothing... I mean... er, you know, I-- we, I never thought of it hard before, but er -- er -- you look a lot like that little girl from 'Universal Soldier,' you know?" I felt my face flush and shyly brushed silky tendrils from my cheek. "Naw, I don't look that!" "No -- cuter!" Tim laughed like a jabbing tease and my mild smirk blushed again. "Well, you are -- and that's a compliment, Beth. Look, like, I'm sorry if I've been ignoring you, you know? I'll make it up to you, okay?" "You're going to read me bedtime stories." "Better. Come on over with me to my game at Johnson. You know, against Bayside." A queer ruefulness washed over me as I shook my head. "I can't go back there, Tim. It'd be like -- like visiting my grave. My old stomping grounds, my make-out hang-outs when I used to be someone special -- a real dude." "Then I'll play for the both of us -- old buddy!" "I--I don't think so." "Hey, maybe you can't come out the field with me anymore, but I can use a cute lil' cheerleader on the sidelines!" "'Cute'??" I blurted in dismay at the sissy label. "Well, you're a girl now, aren't you? A little chick, right?" "I try not to think of myself like that." "Well, there's nothing wrong with you rooting me on; I mean, I can use all the soul boosting I can against those Bayside baboons!" "Uh..." "You're not going to let me down, are you?" he chuckled and squeezed my shoulders again and it felt so -- so warm and fuzzy being mashed against his shoulder so. He was so strong! "A cheerleader??" I swallowed my pride with honey. "Aw... aw... alright." "Good girl!" he cried with final squeeze then jumped for the door. "See you in ten!" "Er, better make that fifteen. I gotta figure out what to wear," I said, feel strangely shy and excited as he winked and left me eerily thrilled. I still felt the pressure of his arms hugging me making me feel so secure and safe. Just like how he rescued me from a skull concussion weeks ago. I owed Tim so much, I could never repay him. Most guys likely would've just thrown up their arms and left me stranded in kiddie land playing tea with Barbie by myself. I really appreciated that regard, that consideration. Tim's really sticking with me when he doesn't have to, and in turn I was seeing a more caring and tender side to him I never saw before. It was nice and gracious and protective, and I felt myself tinkle at the notion. Yes. I need to show him just how much I care, how much I appreciate him... So how do I go about looking "cute"? I looked over Bethanny in my mirror and dolled her up with my imagination into what some moms and neighbors thought made a cute little girl then forced myself into her closet and eyed over garments that in another life earned my indifference if not scorn. What was funny was that I didn't feel like I was picking out garments for myself but for Tim -- or rather, something to please Tim. I cared that much, and somehow, as preferred by my ego as they were, jeans and sweatshirts didn't fit the bill. Somehow weren't -- weren't winsome enough for a cheerleader look. I might really be guy but neither did I want to be taken for a tomboy sis to my best friend. I want to be special and make him smile and make him forget old Bethanny. Forget Bethanny. Yes, it was weird and nebulous notion, but it felt like that was my main drive and target in this house now for reasons still vague but deliciously compelling. Besides, somehow, in ways impossible as a guy, I had to repay him for caring and saving me so. I just had to! Most of the few dresses hopeful Mrs. Tyler bought Bethanny went unworn -- after all, denim and ultra-casual was the style of modern kids today, but after checking the closet and raiding a few dressers I laid out on the bed a cotton teal jumper with a full pleated skirt and a canary blouse and lemon socks with frilly cuffs and brown penny loafers. I winced even as I gave them a semi-critical stand-offish nod; 'Yea, sissy as hell but they just might pull it off', I thought, and after my struggling male ego held its collective nose as I clumsily donned the alien garment, I checked myself in the closet mirror and saw cute looking Bethanny mildly nod with a terse shrug. Not bad. I torqued my hips some and the skirt with its crisply stiff underslip gently swirled, its hem nearly floating out a foot or so beyond my knees. Not quite cheerleader but at least something full and swirly- like their uniforms. Besides Tim likes chicks who wear skirts instead of jeans because it shows off their legs. Well, I might only be a kid but mine weren't all that bad! In fact with a little nips and tucks, Beth could be a cute little looker if she wanted to. I mean, if I wanted to. For some crazy reason I giggled with a coy thrill. Yea, I make a cute pint-sized cheerleader for my best buddy pal! He'll be so proud of me again! I took a comb and whipped my light brown hair "Farrah" fluffy like how Tim liked his dates to look then I paused with a wild whim at all the junior vanity cosmetics decked Bethanny's dresser. A feathery wisp of crazy temptations wonders flitted my male ego, which bridled it off. No way! Can't go that route! I might be caged in a kid chick's bod, but I'm not ready to turn in my macho membership yet! Damn! This freaking bod's 'mones and girly juices' gonna turn me sissy yet! When I skipped downstairs Mrs. Tyler's jaw dropped. "Hi," I said. "Bethanny! Is that you??" "It's for Tim," I nimbly half-lied, "I -- just want to make him look good at the game." "Well, I'm sure he'll appreciate your support! The old Beth only prissed up like that when we be bribed her dress-up to when her grandparents came by!" For a moment I wanted to correct her; remind her that I was really a guy inside, not her lost daughter, but I could see the sparkle of pleasure in her eyes at something she never saw before so I stilled my pride to let her bask in the joy of her illusion. Tim came downstairs in full football regalia and helmet in arm and whistled and grinned. "Not bad, Beth! Not bad at all!" I blushed. "I just want to make you look good, Tim." "Good? You might end up making all the chicks jealous!" Ohhhhhh! That just flooded my chest with warm honey that buoyed me on a wave crest of giddiness! I had to fight down the thrill and happiness bubbling inside me as I skipped alongside my super very best buddy along a very familiar route. Returning to my "old" high school brought back sobering pines and memories. Even more than back home I felt like I was in the land of the giants because I once roamed and cavorted in these hallways and passages at an eye level almost two feet over my present head. As we came out the gym exit to the school field I spotted old buddies and chicks I once spent chilly nights with behind bushes and in the rear seat of borrowed cars. Chicks I'll never ball again. Unbelievable! I used to score chicks and touchdowns here, but now I'm not just in kiddie school but the ultimate Queen! Heck, how could fate be so cruel?? "Yo, Tim!!" called a hulky dude while Tim found me a front bleacher seat and I felt an irresistible pang of camaraderie as he and Tim did high fives. "Yo, Frankie!!" I cheerfully cried out, half-turning my back to him and sticking out my open palm, but when it wasn't slapped I turned to face my team captain's puzzled face. I felt a hot blush and sank into my seat. Tim lamely chuckled. "Er, she's just joshing around. Beth's really excited about us winning." "Yea? Since when?" Frankie wryly uttered since Bethanny's dim regard of football and all the time Tim spent playing it hadn't exactly been glowing. "I--I'm really trying to--to like it, Frankie," I said with a contrite mousy voice, lifting my eyes up at him. "I--I'm trying to grow up. I-- really am." "Er, Jay was teaching her all about the game before he -- you know," Tim said with feigned reverence. "He -- uh, really impressed her, you know?" A look of critical amusement passed Frankie's face. "Yea? Well, I guess your looks ain't the only things' that's changed!" he said, slapping Tim's shoulder as a signal as he bounced out the field. Tim sighed. "Sorry," I meekly said and Tim mildly smiled. "No, I think he appreciates you being here. Kinda like a homage to Jay -- er, you." "Sounds like I'm ready dead and buried," I glumly said and Tim said nothing, but instead gently petted my arm and donned his helmet and went out to play. To see the teams huddle then line then scramble for ball, blocking and tumbling then the whistle, gathering off the grass and doing it all over like a giant chess game teether-tottering between goal posts brought back all too fresh memories and I imaged I was sitting on the bench, waiting for my turn to dash out and crunch some nuts and shoulders to jump and snatch the pigskin in mid-trajectory and stomping over heads and bodies for the touchdown-- Oh, those were the days! Huh? Wait! Tim caught the ball! Awesome! Run, Timmy run! Yea! Run! Run!! Run! Jump over that guy! Yea, now weave! Excellent Tim! Go-go- go!! Ten years to go! Go-go-go--Touchdown!! Whoopee!!! "Little girl, you tryin' to cause an earthquake??" called someone behind me and I blinked and turned to see my bleacher section all staring down and chuckling at me. I had been hopping down and rooting, my full skirt flouncing and bouncing like a little cheerleader and didn't even know it! I blushed and sheepishly sank into my seat. Geese! Was I flashing my damn panties too? How'd I lose my head like that?? After the game on the way home I couldn't help chatter and compliment Tim on his great moves. To me he'd done everything perfectly! I always knew Tim was a top athlete, but it felt like I was taking a whole fresh appreciation of him. All of him in little ways that were at once surprising and subtle. "Geese, Beth, you're like a eager reporter at a Super Bowl game!" he clucked in a flattered way then he stopped and looked at me funny. "What?" I asked and he seemed to smile as though fascinated by something. "You're skipping like a kid in Disney World!" "Skipping??" Geese, but I was! Like a real fairy fag... only I didn't feel so, Just -- so elated. I stopped and forced my stride into a macho march next my pal. "Er, I was just -- just trying to do a -- a victory dance, that's all." "But we lost!" "Yea, but -- not because of you. You were just -- just -- wonderful!" I said, feeling weird thrill doing it as though I never realized just how macho he was, especially since lost any manhood to compete with him by, and it seemed as though I saw Tim carrying on my torch for the both of us. He was my last true link to my former existence and I owed him so very much for keeping that memory alive. He was my closest buddy and yes, even a kind of hero now. I didn't really know what I'd do without him relating to me, caring about me, being a brother and buddy to me now in strange bubbly ways that were confusing and alien yet delightfully enrapturing. I wonder, after knowing him for long, how I could've ever missed it. *** "Bethanny, stop gawking at your brother," Mrs. Tyler admonished while we were all watching TV and I blinked from my blank stare. Tim cast me a funny frown that made me blush and concentrate on my cheese macaroni, yet despite myself my pounding blouse keep shifting my awe to the corners of ears to bask in the glow of the husky hulk of my ultimate buddy. *** The same thing happened at breakfast and Mrs. Tyler's voice was much chastising. "Sorry," I sheepishly murmured into my corn flakes. "What's wrong with you, Beth?" Tim asked, as bemused as he was irritated. "You're making me feel like I got a pig up my nose!" "No, it's nothing like that, Tim! It's -- It's ---!!" some sensible corner of my mind bit my rattling tongue and I sank back into my chair and stared my cereal bowl, nonplussed by my weird warm enthuse for my best friend and also feeling something faceless but unspeakably damning about it. *** On Saturday I trailed Tim out as he joined his team in Jake's car for a cruise. He saw his friends chuckle and he turned around to see me with surprise. "What's up, Beth?" "Can't I just tag along??" I asked. Blushing, Tim stooped to eye-level. "Beth, I'm going out with the guys!" "I'll be quiet. You won't even know I'm there!" I almost whined and the team snickered "Beth, we'll talk about this later, okay?" "But--" I started to speak but he'd already hopped into the car and as they drove off I faintly heard someone say 'babysitter.' Something deep my chest crumpled as I watched the car turn a corner and disappear and as I turned it felt like ten miles to our doorstep. How could he just up and leave me like that? We were best buddies! Real best best buddies! I fought back a wild sniffle and trudged back inside. *** "Bethanny -- get your knees off the sofa and stop gawking out the window like that!" Mrs. Tyler chided behind me and startled, I blinked from my aimless daze out the vacant street. "I'm just -- peeking out the window for -- something." "You've been 'peeking' for over an hour, young lady." "A hour? No way! I just got here!" I sincerely said to her funny mild frown. "Is something the matter, Bethanny?" I shrugged and got up. "No. What's wrong? Nothing's wrong." "You feeling alright, huh?" "Already told you, I'm okay, alright?" "Don't use that tone of voice with me, young lady!" "Sorry. It's just... just... just that I'm a little... pissed at something, that's all." "Care to tell me?" she asked and I shook my head and sulked to my room and grabbed Teddy and perched him on my lap. "You're a real jerk, Timmy, know that?" I chided the bear. Geese! I was really annoyed at being brushed off by Tim like that! I mean it really hurt like a crimp deep my ribs. Didn't he know how much I deeply respected him? How much I admitted to admiring him? How much I -- I needed him? I mean, we were best buddies! We ought be hanging around together more, especially now that I needed a kindred to help me through all these changes. Tim was my anchor and even my -- yes, my hero! I'd go anywhere with him, do anything with him! I basked in the memory of his tight comfy hug yesterday. I never knew admiration could have such breathlessly giddy bounds. It was late when Tim returned and I beat him to opening the door, and for some reason I was all out of breath with bubbly anticipation. In fact, I felt so exuberant that I did a crazy impulsive thing. I jumped up to wrap my arms and legs around him. "Tim! You're back!!" "Er, yea, back," Tim almost stammered, hands instinctively propping my bottom as I hugged him for a few months then almost hastily the same hands reached for my tiny waist to draw me down. "Hey, what's up, Beth?" "Can we mess around tonight?" "What??" "You know, some Gameboy and knock back a couple of Mountain Dews and chips or something?" "Er, I'm kinda tired, Beth--" "Please? Just for a little while?" "Beth--" "Pleeeeeasssee??" I half-whined, my eyes pouring my plea into his and he paused, looked uncertain and sighed. "Alright, for a few minutes, but I gotta rest, okay?" "Okay! Thanks bro'!" I happily called as he slogged upstairs and Mrs. Tyler stepped out as though she'd been there all along, arms crossed. "You learn quick," she said in an oddly surprised yet admiring way. "Learned what?" "Getting your way with a man." "Tim's no man! He's my -- pal!" I asserted but she look peculiarly doubtful yet pleased. "Not even Bethanny -- my other Bethanny ever bothered tapping her feminine wiles like that. Just too tomboyish like most girls today." I smirked. "I don't got any feminine wiles -- or feminine anything!" "Don't be too sure, Bethanny. You're not Tim's kid pest anymore." *** "Beth, will you look at the screen instead of my mug??" "Huh, oh, sorry," I said, but too late because my X-Box race car crashed. Tim groaned and got off the sofa. "Game over. I'm hitting the sack." "Just another round, how 'bout it." "We did six and you blew each big time by the second lap. You never did anything like that before when you were Jay." I opened my mouth to tell him I still was Jay but somehow my tongue couldn't turn the words, so instead I just shyly giggled. "I'm just having a bad day, that's all." "Well, looked more to me like you were just doing the moves instead of doing the game, like you're losing it!" "That's horseshit! I'm not losing anything! Here, I'll show you! Boot up again!" "Good try, Beth, but I'm bushed okay?" he said and a mindless anxious spurt in me made me bounce before him. "Please, Tim, another game? Like old times, please?" "I don't think so, Beth," he muttered, the exasperation in his face triggering in me at first the dread that he'd get up and walk away the, as though subliminally reacting to that, something anxious and sly suddenly welled up in me. It was something that my guy mode would've ever conjured up, but like a wild whim of desperation it possessed me. I dolefully sighed and hung my game controller between my knees. "I--I guess you're right, Tim," I said with a near rueful sigh. "I--I guess I'm losing it. I can't seem to aim this thing the way I used to. It feels like I'm holding a shoe instead of a joystick. Remember how I used to lash out at the screen with it whenever I aimed and zipped a bogey? Now, I'm afraid it'll slip out of my hand and break the screen!" "Come-on, Beth! Thousands of kids use them without any problem!" "But it's hard to break old holding habits. Can I show you?" I asked like a silent pleading pout. Don't ask how or why I thought that was the way to act. "Sure," he sighed, and my teeth biting down my lower lip from a sly smile, I innocent moved before him and turned backed up between his gaping denim thighs as innocently as you please. I felt him stiffen a little as though from awkward surprise and I gathered that Tim and Bethanny didn't have much sibling contact. The sensation of Tim's sturdy knees bracketing my little cotton skirt rushed a weird excited thrill I could barely contain. Sure, after touchdowns we used to hug a lot like any victorious team, but this was different. Almost deliciously different. Boldly different. I felt like a soft tiny chick under the wings of a mother hawk. I could've berthed there all day and night feeling safe and cuddly -- As though spooked by my move, Tim shifted and jolted me from my momentary muse, and anxiously riding my wild whimsey to stop him from wholly backing away, my tiny left hand perched his right hand atop mine which was still grasping my controller. "See, watch!" I said with total convincing innocuousness, my hand leading his docile one like a pony leading its idle rider as I brandished my controller and trigger button at the game screen, and behind me I felt Tim relax and even lean up, his face lower over my right shoulder. "No wonder you're freaking! You're holding the grip too far back from the trigger!" "I always held it this back." "Sure, but your hand's smaller now so your finger's barely able to touch the trigger, see? Here, just relax your grip some. I'll show you how to adjust for that," he said, his huge warm hand shifting mine under it and with an eerie thrill I felt my hair brush his cheek as he crouched at my eye-level to the screen to guide me hand, all the while the near surrounding pressure of him beginning to elicit an almost suffocating sense of excitement and safety within me. I felt like tiny princess on the throne of my protector, his knees my armrests, his crotch my seat, and quite innocently I snuggled back further against him to bask his firm strong harbor. The sensation of peace and contentment overtook my senses and I closed my eyes and sighed to slyly indulge this awesome rapport. Then a funny thing happened. I vaguely heard a loud purr close by before I remembered the Tylers had no cat, then I sensed that it was vibrating from deep inside me, then I felt Tim shift behind me and I realized that my head must've been for a moment lolling on his shoulder as though I had dropped asleep or something. Tim's hand almost flung mine aside and he firmly though gently shoved me away from him and he bounced up, giving me a funny brief glare as though searching for some impish look in me and finding none, shook his head. "Tim--" "You just -- practice by yourself, Beth, okay?" he near-stammered. "But -- you were doing good showing me!" "Yea, well I don't need to be that good," he half-snickered and bounded for the stairs. "Tim, what's wrong? Tim??" "Bethanny--" Mrs. Tyler appeared, frowning. "Just leave him alone for now." "But I just want him to know that I -- I like his -- his company." "Oh, I think he's gotten the idea." "Why do you say it funny that way?" I asked but she only mulled me and sighed. "Go to bed, Bethanny. No argument. Go." Too perplexed to, I obeyed, and as I passed Tim's door I stopped and wondered what he was doing inside. Was he thinking of me? I felt that was important to know. I was about to knock before I heard his muffled laugh inside, like he was on the phone. Crestfallen, I went to my room and grabbed Teddy and admonished and praised Tim in effigy. *** "Where's Tim?" I asked coming down for breakfast. Mrs. Tyler turned from the dishes. "He left early. Football practice." "Without telling me? Where'd they go?" "You're here to help me with the basement today, young lady." My heart sank. How could've Tim just let me hang like that? I haunted my bedroom window and the living room one all day until my heart leaped at the sound of a car horn outside. Tim!!! I breathlessly tore downstairs and almost tore the front door off its hedges to greet my best most caring forever soulmate buddies when a sight totally took me aback. With Tim in the back seat -- on his lap for Pete's sake! -- was a fluffy blonde bimbo! At the same moment a stone sank deep my chest I felt the roots of my tresses bristling like cat fur. They were laughing and she looked so giggly and cheap! How could Tim lower himself so?? I was truly appalled and dismayed and just stood in the doorway watching them uncouple and Tim waved his booby friends good-bye as they drove off. Tim was almost whistling coming up the walk, not even seeing me! "Who's the bimbo??" I sourly asked and he blinked as though some happy daze of his missed the crisp tone of my little voice. "Huh, oh, that's Karyn!" he cheerfully perked. "Ain't she nice?" "For a stairwell quickie maybe," I quipped and he frowned. "A little kid like you shouldn't be talking like that, Beth." "Freak! I scored as many chicks as you, dude, so I know bimbos -- and that's a bimbo!" "What's wrong; jealous of her boobs?" Tim cruelly quipped of my boyish chest. "Go back and play with Barbie, kiddo," he said, moving on past my dismay. "But what about our game?" "I don't do tea parties." "I mean our Gameboy tournament!" "Later!" he said with uncommitted finality slamming the door. Tim was leaving me! Dumping me! For a -- a bimbo!! It was just -- just devastating! Rushed by a senselessly vehement sense of rejection and I threw myself on my bed and soaked the pillows with tears till there was no water left to douse the fiery ire welling deep inside me. *** "You wanna do what?" Robyn asked and I innocently shrugged. "Jessica's having a dress-up party where you gotta come dressed like you're all grown up, like a costume party!" I nonchalantly lied. "I never heard of such." "Well, you're way older and not into kiddie stuff! I just wanna look a teenager, you know? Mom -- my real mom -- used to drag me along to my cousin's pageants to help root for her in the audience, and it was unreal seeing all those eight and nine year-old girls looking like mini babes from a high school prom." "Sure, with tons of makeup and fancy hairdos and expensive dresses most any kid could look like JonBenet, but are you sure?" "That's what I want -- er, need. I wanna look just like a regular teenage chick -- like sixteen? Er, oh yea, you gotta act all grown-up too. I figured you can -- er, teach me that kind of stuff since you're -- er, way older than me," I beguiled and complimented and she looked thoughtful and shrugged then brightened to a challenge like I was an overgrown Barbie doll ready for the races. *** I nervously left Robyn clucking at my make-over and waited in my room, every five minutes peeking out my window and chewing my new fake nails, my pounding padded chest jumping at every car passing the house before it settled down for me to continue to go over my moves and words for when I saw Tim. Saw Tim looking at me like this. My best of all buddies seeing me looking the ultimate... ultimate... Wait--! Geese, why am I doing all this?? To get my friend -- my very best pal back, of course, idiot! It was past twilight when I spotted Hank's convertible packed with dudes and their dudettes stop across the street, and from what I could see they'd already dropped Karyn off, thank God. With stealth haste, I rustled hurrying downstairs, nearly tripping three times before I made the back door and paused at the head of the driveway. Tim was still gabbing with his friends! Nervous, I paced in the dark outside the garage door until finally Tim waved and the others sped off. Oh God! Please make this work! I never schemed on a guy in my whole life, but everything hung on my flooring Tim dead and impressing him to making him see me as a peer instead of a little kid. Even if it shocks him at first! I mean, I was fresh seventeen years old! And if the only way Tim was gonna feel more at ease and level with me as a real friend was passing myself off as an older chick in his eyes, well my insanity deserved it! It's not like I feel hot and sissy to marry the guy for God's sake! He gives me warm bubbly feelings holding me and turns me delicious shy and breathless just looking at me, holding me, well so what! He's a great guy, sure, but to say that I feel about him in that same weak and soapy way girls do over rock stars is off the wall! Just dopey! I bit my waxy coral-glossed lower lip and tentatively my heels clicked out the driveway s from the shadows but Tim spotted me all the way from the street. "Who's that? Cindy??" he called, unsure, and in the storm of my mind I recalled one Cindy Miller who Tim used to go out with. She was a tiny petite bimbette with a pricey fashion sense. She left Tim for a dude who could better afford treating her things but he still had the hots for her. Did I look like Cindy in our dim driveway? "Cindy, that you?" Tim said with a hint of suave and hope in his voice and limbered step and as he approached me my padded bodice pounded. "Gee, Cindy I hadn't see you for a while! Nice looking! So how's things--huh??" He stopped in his tracks about twenty feet away, bewilderment in his voice. "You're not Cindy! Who are you??" he asked, puzzled yet no less pleased by good fortune. I started to open my mouth but he moved up then froze. "What the--?? Jesus H. Christ!" he blurted in appall and amazement, and suddenly I felt super foolish and sissy as his gawking eyes took in my full effect from my pompadour hairdo and earrings and string of pearls hanging in the breezy scalloped neckline of a tulle lavender flower girl dress nipped and tucked into a prom dress with its fake sock- stuffed bosom and sheer beige tights planted in two inch party pumps one size too loose. Tim stepped up closer, gawking at me like a Martian. "Holy shit..." he near whispered in shock and awe. I tried to open my mouth to utter my lines but like a overstretched rubber band snapping I lost my nerve. With a cry of dismay and humiliation I whirled and ran into the house and into the room, losing a pump all the way. I shut the door and sat on the bed, numb and foolish as hell. Maybe my stress and anxiety burned off the fem 'horms that had been soaking my brain because suddenly I felt more like old dude self than I had since the change, and that was just peachy! Of all the times to feel like a total dude again! All dolled-up into some pint-sized prom queen! I heard the door knock and my heart jumped with dismay and shame. "Beth, can I come in? Beth?" "Go away!" I cried, my high voice almost cracking. I just couldn't let him see me like this! I'd die!! "Beth, I'm not going to laugh, I just want to talk. Jay? Look, don't let me get a screw driver and open the door myself, Jay," he said like a last ditch hook to get me to move and numbly I got up and opened the door and almost shut my eyes returning to perch the side of the bed, feeling totally stupid, absolutely humiliated. I could hear Tim pace slightly as though taking in my appearance in from every angle, utterly captivated. "Knockout!" I soberly sighed. "Yea, pile on the fag." "No, I mean it!. You're really really 'nice'! I mean, er -- er -- awesome! You look almost totally fifteen all dolled up like that, Beth! Hardly even look yourself at all!" he exclaimed as though somehow fascinated and relieved the same time. "Like a JonBenet freak," I bitterly muttered. "Like I already am!" "You're no freak, Beth. Not to me. You make an awesome chick -- er, when you're really grown up! You know, I'm kinda glad." I lifted my head. "You are?" I asked and in some funny subtle way his expression seemed to stumble then recouped behind a propped grin. "Er, yea, at least you're starting to accept yourself now. Sure, you kinda overdid it a little, but it's -- nice that you're getting over it." I blinked, my abashment lifting to bewilderment, "Getting over it?" "Sure! Being a girl, but not a kid. I can relate to that." "You can?" "Sure! Simple psychology! You're trying to act your age as a girl instead of just a little kid! That's okay with me if it works for you. Just make sure mom doesn't catch you running around outside all decked out like that. She'll chain you to your bed!" he said with a funny admiring grin looking over me that suddenly went sheepish and he rose in an odd awkward way keeping his front from me as he moved for the door. "Er, I better go." "No, stay --please? Like the good old days?" "That's just it, Beth. It's not old times anymore. You're my kid sister, not a jock anymore. I just can't relate to a -- kid sister the same way." "But I'm more than any kid sister, Tim! We're pals! You're my friend! Closest friend! We're soulmates! We're knit together like these fingers! Pleeasse??" "No Beth--" "Pleeasee??..." My face cocked like a begging waif's while my eyes poured desperation and infinite regards into his eyes which seemed to widen if in surprise then a nonplused look that almost tore aside from facing me. "Tim??..." He almost muttered in admonishing me; "Beth, don't do that." "Do what?" He looked up me as though seeing someone else, seeing something at once fascinating and damning at the same time. "What you were just doing. Don't ever look like that again." "I was just asking you to stay." "I don't just mean that. I mean the way you were looking at me saying it. Just don't do that anymore -- to nobody, understand?" "But I didn't do anything!" I protested but he looked doubtful and double- timed to the door. "Tim? Tim? What did I do? Tim??" I leaped before him and he tried to shrug me off. "Tim -- wait! Please!" "Let go, Bethanny." "No! Not yet! There's something I have to tell you! Something I've never told anyone! I -- I tried to -- to kill myself." "Aw stop it!" "I mean it! A couple of times I went into the kitchen to take a knife and slit my wrist!" "You what??" he blurted, looking appalled and dubiously at any little girl even conceiving such thoughts. "It's true! I swear. It was so rough after the change. I was fighting to stay me while this -- this ghost Bethanny inside me tried to turn me around into a girl. Back then my boy side was way stronger than it's now, and I tried to fight back and push it out of my mind, but it kept coming back just as strong trying to change me! It was horrible, Tim! I felt that lost everything being me! It's like -- like if you were in car accident today and woke up in a hospital and found out that they cut your dick off, would you wanna live? Would any of you guys??" Tim looked mullful then a tweak of empathy crept into his face and voice. "I... I was gonna say that... that it's different. I mean, girls don't have any dicks to lose. Least real ones don't." He didn't understand! My legs seemed to collapse under me and I did a pratfall on the carpet, a dam of tears cracking to break. "Then I -- I lost you, Tim! I -- I really lost you! You were -- were the last thing that -- that made me feel like a guy, who helped me remember, who kept my spirit up, but now I've nothing else to hold on to! Jay's going fade away and Bethanny's going to shine over my grave." "Come-on, that's exaggerating--" "No, it's not! Everything that made me me will be gone, twisted into things and feelings and memories I never really had or felt. Worst than scooping out a piece of my brain, and worst even more worst -- I won't know any different! Jay will just be a bad dream to me -- if that, and you'll be able to relax knowing that you don't have to play pal with your sister anymore! Because -- because my mind... my -- soul will be - - be warped dead! Like my real body is rotting down that hole! You'll look in Beth's eyes but it won't be Jay anymore looking back but a sister we never had. You'll have your Beth back, all girl and prissy and cute and -- and --!" The dam broke and I uncontrollably cried at my looming psychic death sentence. Vaguely I felt strong arms scoop under me and effortlessly lift me off the floor and cradled me up against his chest while a hand smoothed down my head, and even my coughing sobs subsided under the touch I felt that familiar swell of safeness and caring envelope me. Vaguely I heard a voice softly cooing assurances in my ear that only exasperated the muddle of churning feelings inside me as something else overtook my angst and despair. Feelings like heavy pangs of forbidden wistfulness welling from the cockles of my chest and flowering out to every fingertip and toe. My best and only other was cradling me in the nest of his strong arms and all my former male hang-ups of being so helpless and weak wafted to the still glow around us as I felt warm contentment swimming inside me bubbling over, and was unashamed and bold and anxious to erupt the unadmitted feelings I buried like a volcano. While Tim was still stroking my hair I lifted my head and gazed up his eyes and suddenly his seemed caught and trapped in them, and for long moments I didn't sense time or self or anything. Only Tim's eyes beholding me, wavering and quivering as though refocusing on me anew while buffeted by skittishness and wistfulness. I felt our mashed chest pounds syncing into mated thumps turning into musky throbs. I only knew Tim's sweet closeness and swaddling pressure and tender eyes; the greater universe didn't exist. Almost imperceptibly, I felt my cradle slowly rise to saw his perplexed yet somehow bold expression harden like his eyes were turning tables to tame mine and to my core I felt myself happily weaken and become clay in the mold of his arms. Some mindless instinct made my feathery eyelashes knit shut and slacked my jaw so that my lips partially went agape with pounding breathlessness as I felt my body rise further-- VROOOOMMMM!!!!! I felt my ascent freeze just shy his chin and my cradle shudder under the boom of some jerk's hot rod booming past out the window. I wasn't the only one startled, and to my sinking dismay I felt myself almost being dropped to the floor. "Fuck!!" Tim swore aloud, vehemently shaking his head and backing off from me like a big hot potato, nearly crashing through my door in wresting it open and vanishing, leaving me stunned and totally aswim in bewilderment and delicious wild wonder a few moments before my door opened again and my heart jumped as Mrs. Tyler came in. "My--my! This is quite a sneak preview! Looks like I'd better start saving for bars on the doors and windows after you turn twelve!" she quipped to my humbled blush aside and she sat next to me while I stared at my instinctively properly huddled beige-filmed lower thighs and knees. "It's--it's not what you think. Honest!" I stammered then failing to admit it though I sensed that her maternal instincts saw through me like glass, and shook my head. "I must be a fairy fag to be so crazy." "No. You were trying to win your best friend's attention back, though I don't think most sisters would take the rival route to curry favor with their brothers." I blushed. "It's -- not like that! I -- I just wanted to -- to make him pay more attention to me if he thought I was as old as he is again." "Hon, you're dressed to kill, not negotiate!" "Because I -- I know the kind of girl he has fantasies about. I just wanted to look so -- attractive to him that he'd over look that I'm a little girl." "Or his sister." "What do you mean?" I asked and she seemed to pause as thought tactfully measuring her words in a minefield. "After watching the way you've been acting... there's only one reason why you did this against your grain." "Why?" I asked, fascinated that she could know better than myself and she paused as though about to related a forbidden notion then faced me. "A very young girl acts moony-eyed and awkward toward another boy for only one reason, God forbid... you've got a crush on your own brother." I blinked aback. "A crush?? On Tim??" "I think you know I'm telling the truth, Beth. Part of it's gratitude for saving you from Jack and another part's your long lingering affection for him." "Affection?" I snorted yet wondered. "Well, in that so-called 'buddy bumping' way... but now that you're a girl, that the close friendship Jay had for Tim would only change into the type of feelings boys can't admit for another but girls could." "Are you saying that I -- I have the hots for my very best pal??" I blurted like scoffing at late news, yet that response felt almost guiltily hollow. "Not real love. Maybe puppy love, but the sentiment's as intense I suspect, and dangerous too." "Dangerous?" "Yes. As wild as it is in them, infatuation in very young girls is tempered by naivete and inexperience. You were once a seventeen-year- old young man, whose experiences and greater maturity now dwells the brain of a young girl with all its hormones and female wiring and inner instincts. An infatuated little girl wouldn't try to pass herself off as being older or the age of her crush, but you thought that you could get Tim to overlook your age by looking and acting older, didn't you?" "I... I... I didn't really mean... I mean, I--I didn't know I felt that -- that heavy about him. I don't even know how I really feel about him or me or anything! Honest!" "I believe you, hon. I think there's less romance than guile going on here; a desperate but innocent attempt to capture an admired friend's attention, but you have to start to handle your new instincts and impulses better now, Beth. It's bad enough you're underage looking like a tenth-grade glamour girl, but you're trying to vie for your own brother, and we simply can't have that." "But he's not my brother! Not really!" "But he is, Beth. In blood and law." "I -- I was just -- just... trying to be -- be friends again, honest." "You have to be a little sister, Beth. I mean really be a little sister know," she warned me with an ominous edge lowering her voice. "I saw Tim leaving your room, and saw the awed expression on his face. Saw his..." She paused, shifted. "I -- I trust Tim... but he's only still a child. A very mortal maturing child. And you just gave him a glimpse that not only does the Bethanny he grew up with no longer exists, but he's seen a very different young woman emerge from her person. An attractive girl-woman who hardly resembles his sister..." She paused, trying to be tactful. "Bethanny -- Jay, it's important that he only perceives you as a child, not a hidden nymph who can bloom into a bombshell with some clothes and cosmetics. Understand?" Nonplused, I only politely nodded. "I... I'll try, ma'am." "You have to better than try, Beth. A lot. Tim's not going to want to hang around a kid sister no matter how much you want his old friendship back, but if you don't look or act like one to him, both of you will have very slippery excuses to take this a very wrong way. Understand?" "I think so. Yes, ma'am," I said and she eyed me then soberly nodded and patted my knee and stood up and moved to the door then stopped. "I'll talk to Robyn to see that these precocious makeovers never happen again. In the meanwhile, Beth, I want you to start wearing pigtails and full dresses and jumpers and Maryjanes. Also, I want you to talk like Jessica and Bethanny's friends talk. I want you to emulate them to a 'T.' I want you looking like the child your calendar says. I want you to be all of nine because you're still closer to eight than ten. I want you to remind Tim of that. Of your truth. Understand?" I didn't like it but there was grim concern in her voice. "Yes, ma'am." "Good Bethanny. I'm trusting you now. A lot." she ominously voiced then left. I looked in the mirror and like I had after Robyn was through with me I beheld someone else. Bethanny dolled-up and painted up into a high school freshman's dream to he point I hardly resembled Bethanny at all. Even I was awed by my reflection, and that was with my guy mind steeped inside the tenderizing juices of a girl's brain. I wonder how Tim must've felt to see me so, the truth of age and affinity suspended like a fantasy. That funny way he left the room, keeping his back to me, almost a though he was hiding something shameful up front and-- It hit me like wonder and I burst out giggling. No! He was hiding a hard-on?? Over me?? But then, Mrs. Tyler said she noticed something odd besides his expression too when he left my room! Wow! I was giggling with flattery then faced the coy mini-chick in my mirror. Yea, I can imagine how Tim felt -- and what's worrying Mrs. Tyler. Imagine! I turned Tim stiff like his favorite babes did! What a concept! Was I really that hot? I tittered at the crazy vain notion of my new invisible powers over men. Of course, provoking that reaction from Tim wasn't really my intent, but the realization I had was awesome! In the driveway Tim was coming on to me like his chicks, not like some kid sister... and a few minutes ago he totally forgot I was his sister... and I forgot who I was in a very dangerous yet wonderful span of mindless breathless moments which I felt both shame and excitement just reflecting over. Tim's closeness had turned me into a meek vulnerable bunny as he carried me in his strong gentle arms yet I was happily amnesic of being a buddy dude of his, like it didn't matter another anymore. Only snuggling up in his care and protection forever did... A crush? On my best friend?? A guy?? But it must be so. I've never felt so head over heels over a dude before, God help me! Doing sissy things and acting crazy off-the-wall ways to gain his attention again, and in the process kindling awesome sensations inside me which I never dreamt having. Feelings still deliciously confusing and tingly and aching and cuddly and damning with brash sicko-fag impulses scathing my tattered male ego. But if that was the only way me and Tim were to start afresh with my weird situation, then let it be. There was nothing wrong with feeling for him so, and if I really was scheming like a jealous girl for him, well I'll just have to. Tim already showed I could override his brotherly scruples with a sister so I'll just have to do it again on the sly. I had the queer exciting smug feeling that Tim would do almost anything I asked once I was in "teen mode", so I'll help him get over any lingering hang-ups about knowing the new me. Mrs. Tyler's order that I step down and act like a kid from here on royally sucked. I'm not her daughter anymore -- or Tim's sister. And in a strange new coy giddy way I couldn't pin down, Timmy wasn't merely just a best buddy anymore. I peered the glamourous chickette in the mirror and she critically, almost cutely nodded;. They're right; she hardly looks Beth at all, being super dolled-up so! From "cute" to "nice", right? Yea, Tim's amnesic enchantment sure said it all! Karyn, hang it up girl! The chickette giggled victory along with me, feeling so sassy and sly! With feminine wiles? We giggled like scheming twins. Yea, a little makeup and junior threads could make Tim overlook a lot of things! Still, I gotta tone down her style some while pumping up a normal tiny teen look like lots of ultra-petite freshmen girls, and once I get the hang of strutting like one, my best and only other won't tell us any different. Or care... fin?

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Best Friends Benefit from My Wifes Drunkenness

My name is Alex, and now at thirty years old, my wife, Hannah, and I are living with our four-year-old daughter in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’re still enjoying a cuckold lifestyle that started almost four years ago, and this story describes how it began.I was born and raised in the Tulsa suburbs, and met Hannah at The University of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City (OKC) in our senior year. She grew up in OKC and I didn’t know much about her when we met, other than being attracted to her bubbly, outgoing...

4 years ago
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Best Friends New Pleasure

Rachel jumped into the pool, feeling the cold water wrap around her body. Mark followed her in, diving deep into the water. He rose up to the top of the water, just as the volley ball flew into his head. Rachel sat there laughing, until Mark swam over to the ball, grabbing it, and flung it back at Rachel. She ducked out of the way and quickly swam for the ball to send it back at Mark. She grabbed the ball, turned to Mark, and began arch back to throw it. Mark paused. His eyes were fixated on...

First Time
4 years ago
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My friends mom wears my girlfriends panties

I’ve been friends with my mate practically all my life. I’m in my late 20s and we’ve known each other since day one, his family is almost like my family, they’ve took me in and looked after me any time I needed them and made me feel so welcome. Growing up I never really found my friends mom an attractive lady or had any sexual desires towards her however this all changed one day a few years back. His mom is a 65 year old woman, she doesn’t wear sexy clothes. She doesn’t know any skin, she...

3 years ago
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My friends mom wears my girlfriends panties

I’ve been friends with my mate practically all my life. I’m in my late 20s and we’ve known each other since day one, his family is almost like my family, they’ve took me in and looked after me any time I needed them and made me feel so welcome. Growing up I never really found my friends mom an attractive lady or had any sexual desires towards her however this all changed one day a few years back. His mom is a 65 year old woman, she doesn’t wear sexy clothes. She doesn’t know any skin, she...

2 years ago
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Bestiality Dreams Night 1 The Cat

It had been mere hours since the appearance of the first symptoms and already the family doctor had given orders restricting me to my bed. Under normal circumstances, I would have been thrilled at the thought of missing a few days of school, but, given my extreme fatigue, enjoying my time off was impossible. No matter what I did, be it watch TV or read a book, I kept nodding off. And it was still quite early. In a final attempt at resisting sleep’s inviting embrace, I did something I knew...

1 year ago
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Bestiality Dreams Night 1 The Cat

Introduction: A young woman dreams of having sex with a cat! Modern medicine cannot explain what happened. Many doctors tried, but none could identify the ailment that afflicted me. Their only recourse was to identify my symptomsextreme fatigue and deliriumand suggest extensive bed rest and a high fluid intake. They were equally dumbfounded by my miraculous recovery. I remain similarly uncertain as to the nature of my peculiar illness, yet I will forever cherish the memories of those ten days I...

2 years ago
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Best Girlfriends Forever

Best Girlfriends Forever Chris falls in love with his new roommate Shannon, who is transgender. Shannon falls in love with Chris too, but she already has a boyfriend and instead wants to be 'best girlfriends forever'... * * * Chapter 1: "Just two more questions." "Sure," I responded cheerfully. It seemed like Shannon and I were connecting which was great because I desperately needed a cheap place to stay. And besides, who wouldn't want someone as cute and beautiful...

2 years ago
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Best Friends

Best Friends By Cassandra Morgan He was Simon. I was Garfunkel. He was Sundance. I was Butch. He was Barnum. I was Bailey. From the time Danny and I were 10 years old, we were peas in a pod, birds of a feather, brothers of different mothers. We were on the same soccer team, in the same boy scout group, in the same garage band. We went to school together.. We built a tree house together. We dated sisters. We shared a room at the same small college. Once, we both got into...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Forever Part Two of Thirteen

CHAPTER 3: Sammy was right; I did drink too much, but I didn’t give a damn. I needed to drink and to drink often. And why the hell not, John Daniels loved me. I wonder what they’d named the baby. I wondered if it were a boy or a girl. I guess it didn’t matter; I’d never be meeting it—him, her.It was strange it was. I couldn’t get the kid out of my mind. I couldn’t get the two of them out of my mind either. The way they’d done me. Was I jealous even after a year? I guess I was and bitter too. I...

Love Stories
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Best Friends ForeverPart Twelve of Thirteen

CHAPTER 23: I was literally shaking. I was terrified. The man strode in major concern in his look. “Jim, the nurse told me. Have you heard anything else?” said my ex-best friend.“No, no, not yet... Rodney...” I started, but paused. I really just didn’t know what to say. I knew what I wanted to say but not how to express it. I just started bawling like a baby.“Rod, she can’t die she just can’t. I mean she just can’t, Rodney. Rodney, don’t let her die,” I said not stuttering but barely coherent I...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Bestie Sex Is The Best Sex

Hello, friends, this is Krish again here with my new sex story, I am 22 slim looking guy with a good length of 7inch and from Vijayawada.This is my 2nd sex story.Please excuse me if there are any mistakes in my sex story. My first sex story is “Mutual seduction of cousins” (https:www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/mutual-seduction-cousins/) please read it from the above link and you are gonna love it definitely and also give me feedbacks on my email id: I just completed my engineering in another...

4 years ago
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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now. I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it’s thin enough that when my...

4 years ago
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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now.I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it's thin enough that when my...

Straight Sex
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Best Friends Forever Part One of Thirteen

Young people today have an acronym for it: BFF or best friends forever. But, as is often the case in the real world, “forever” is a word that has no substantive meaning. For me, James Clausen, and my best friend Rodney Pollard, both currently and commonly 27 years old, the acronym had, however, been meaningful since the second grade.Yes we were tight the two of us. And the nature of things being what they were, the gods seemed to making a point that the two of us would in fact be family to each...

4 years ago
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Best friends become more than best friends

My name is Amy, I have the best friend in the world and no I'm not talking about a woman. His name is Ryan and he listens to me, and spends a lot of time with me. I'm a brunette and I'm 5'10. He is a brunette too and is 6'1. So after being best friends for about 8 years, I thought there should be at least some sexual tension between us. That has not been the case though. We met in high school and now as we're both 26. We still hang out and party too. So I had to wonder if was ever interested in...

First Time
3 years ago
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Best Friends Foreverpart three of thirteen

PART THREE OF THIRTEENCHAPTER 5: He was in his office. It’d been a full year since the last he’d heard of his old friend. He didn’t dwell on it much, not anymore. That was something, thought Rodney Pollard. But at the moment he was on his mind, Jimmy was on his mind. One couldn’t save the world. And some things were written in the stars. It looked like his old bud was condemned to be part of that mass of humanity that would be living lives of quiet desperation—apologies to Thoreau.“Mister...

2 years ago
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Best Friends Forever IV SixtyNine

Best Friends Forever IV: Sixty-NineAlexa and Amanda had spent the night together in bed, after a wild first night of a little fingering in the pool naked, as well as her best friend tasting and eating Alexa's pussy also, to their first real experience of grinding their naked pussies together on a bed and having wonderful orgasms. The two fell asleep in each other's arms, as the night drew in.Alexa was the first to awaken, to the soft sounds of birds chirping their morning tune. As she opened...

2 years ago
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Best Friends

I pulled back and thought to myself, 'What the hell am I doing?' Instantly the little voice inside my head said, 'You know EXACTLY what you are doing.' I smiled, and ran my hands through Laurie's hair. I heard her make a little moan of pleasure as I pulled her back to me and I leaned in to kiss her again. When I first saw Laurie Duchow, it was early November just before the end of the football season. She was walking with one of my best friends and they stopped at my locker after school....

4 years ago
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Best Friends Become More

Introduction: Two girls stranded in a hotel during a storm on Nude Day…create their own Nude Day with shocking results. Best Friends Become More SUMMARY: Two girls stranded in a hotel during a storm on Nude Day…create their own Nude Day with shocking results. NOTE 1: Thanks to Estragon for copy-editing and catching a couple of plot flaws in the original draft and LaRascasse for plot suggestions. Best Friends Become More They saw What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas and Zoey argued the same...

1 year ago
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Best of Friends Now and Forever Ch 03

I’m really starting to like this writing thing. I do have finals and graduation coming up soon so my time for this is very limited. I will keep this up as I can. As I promised, here is the next installment. A big thanks to my editor, JohnnyMax, for his help and suggestions. ***************************** Years passed by, we saw other friends we had come and go. But one thing always remained the same, Alice and I. Ever since that day on the playground we have been inseparable. I found out...

4 years ago
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Best Friends Proposal

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional story. It was a perfect Saturday afternoon, a clear blue sky and the sun giving radiation for a perfect tan. Amanda was lounging by the pool with her best friend, Rachael. Amanda and Rachael have been friends for over seven years. They enjoyed their weekends at the pool either at Amanda Wilson’s home, or the pool at Rachael Hudson’s home. As...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Forever

Alexa always knew from an early age that she seemed a little different. Boys were never her thing, and she never had an interest in anyone who passed her by and offered a wink and a smile to try and sweep her off her feet. Her best friend Amanda, a beautiful blonde and very fit, grew up with Alexa and were best friends since early childhood. The two were pretty much virtually inseparable all the time. Even when at their own homes, they would chat for hours on the phone or skype with each other....

4 years ago
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Best Friends ForeverPart Ten of Thirteen

CHAPTER 19: “I found out today that he’s dating Denise’s sister,” said Rodney. “Denise told me. Cross your fingers.”“Really! Thank God,” said Claire. “Oh and consider them crossed!”“Yes, for damn sure,” he said.“Serious?” she said.“Who knows? Probably too soon. But, Denise says that they went out four days in a row last week, so ...” he said, leaving his words hanging in the air.“Oh man, maybe we caught a lucky break. She is pretty, very pretty. And, they do have you know what in common,” she...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Best Friends To Sex Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi. This is Dastan. The guy among the three best friends. I will share moments when I had sex with my female best friends, Vishakha and Razia. Of course, I have changed the names of the characters in my story because Razia also reads ISS. Nonetheless, she will know if she reads this story. Part 1: I have known Vishakha for the past 4 years. But we came closer to each other two years ago. She has a boyfriend and they are not exactly the best couple – one of the reasons we became close....

3 years ago
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Best Friends New Pleasure

Rachel jumped into the pool, feeling the cold water wrap around her body. Mark followed her in, diving deep into the water. He rose up to the top of the water, just as the volley ball flew into his head. Rachel sat there laughing, until Mark swam over to the ball, grabbing it, and flung it back at Rachel. She ducked out of the way and quickly swam for the ball to send it back at Mark. She grabbed the ball, turned to Mark, and began arch back to throw it. Mark paused. His eyes were fixated on...

2 years ago
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Best Friends

I really appreciate comments which make me a better writer. Please comment and Heart if you like it :) xoxox -BelleWomen are nothing like men (as if you needed me to tell you that.) But not just in anatomy or in any carnal way. Women are unlike men in how they think and how they react to stimulus. A woman discusses her friend's body, in a conversational way, "Your tits look so great in that dress, I wish my tits looked so nice in anything I own." I have never seen men discuss their anatomy in...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Share

             Lisa and Patrice are best friends, have been for years. They have shared there lives, family, friends, desires and feelings for quite some time now. But, Lisa was about to see how far Patrice was willing to go.                        Lisa sat nervously as she waited for Patrice to arrive. You see Lisa has kept an sexual relationship from her and to day she was going to tell her all about it. In fact she was going to ask her to join in, at...

4 years ago
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Best Friends

I first met Isabella at kindergarten and we quickly became best friends. Something about the cheeky glint in her just drew me to her. She was always the centre of everything, often getting into trouble, but she was so cheeky and cute she managed to get away with it. We spent every minute we could together, even getting to go on family holidays together. Our parents became great friends too. As Izzy grew older she became more beautiful with her long, shiny dark brunette hair and bright green...

2 years ago
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Besties with Bennies

I would like to enclose that this story is fictional but based off of true events. All characters are over the age of 18, and nothing written exploited any person/persons. I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear some constructive criticism from you. Thank you for your time. ***** It was just a casual night with Netflix and dinner… or so I thought. I invited Michael over after work so than we could hang out a little bit and catch up. We had both just graduated and hadn’t seen each other...

3 years ago
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Best friends mother

Best Friend Kinky Mother My name is Arthur and my best mate back then was Mike. We met in the early years of high school and became best friends. Often we would have sleep overs at each others houses. Our friendship continued after leaving school at 16, and we got a job working in a factory together.Every friday from age 18 we would 'clock off' from the factory and get ready to hit the towns nightlife. Payday was like Christmas every week for us young men still living with our parents.(In the...

2 years ago
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Best Friends

BEST FRIENDS by Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 1997 All rights reserved. No posting to any site without permission. When little Bert (for Bertrand, poor kid) was only in sixth grade, Carol moved into the house next door. Of course, as is usually the case, he didn't want to associate with her because she was a "girl" and boys didn't play with girls. However, Carol soon found that she liked Bert a lot and so she persisted in warming him to a friendship. It wasn't very long before they...

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Best Friends Girl Part 2

It has been just over six months now since Chris walked out. I would like to say it has been for the best and that we had worked things out. But that would be a lie. Chris moved back to Florida, for a while he had moved back in with his mom, but then he found a new girlfriend then moved out with her. Roxy, his ex girlfriend, moved out of the apartment two weeks after Chris had left. I see her now and then. She works at the rock place we had all went out to for dinner. It seems like only...

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Best Friends With Benefits 8211 First Try

This is a particular event I wanted to explain thoroughly. Even though I have written many stories in ISS platform this ,I have given my best effort for it. So let me introduce myself I am Hari and this story I intend to release as many parts. Basically I am a mallu and girls and ladies who are interested in chatting with me or even want to take it to the next level can contact me in the mail id and I will be always online in hangouts to chat. I assure you that our personal details will be...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Camping Trip Part 11

*NOTE* All characters depicted in this story are considered to be at least 18 years of age and older. So this story takes place a little over 20 years ago with two best friends since nursery school named Blake and Pete who were about to be out of school for the summer and couldn’t wait to be going with Blake’s family’s on their awesome annual camping trip...... But they had no idea just how awesome it was going to be. For the past 5 or 6 years, Pete had been going on these week long camping...

2 years ago
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Best Friends 3

Best Friends Chapter 3 Mike woke up the next morning thinking he had had a bad dream where he was caught by his Mom wearing girl's panties, Then, with a shudder, he realized that it wasn't a nightmare, but something that had actually happened the night before. Mike got dressed for school with trepidation. He was careful to put on his Jockey shorts, but he wished that he had a clean pair of panties to slip up his legs. In fact he wished that he could get dressed this morning in...

1 year ago
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Best Friends

Spells 'R Us: Best Friends By Bill Hart Nobody gave it a second thought, when Charles Morgan and Samuel Johnson decided to attend the same small college in the northern part of the state. Why should they? After all, the boys, known to all their friends as Charlie and Sam, were best friends. And had been ever since grammar school. They always used to say that nothing would ever come between them. And nothing ever had. Even girls hadn't come close to separating them. Charlie...

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Best Friends13

It was little more than an apron, a thin loop around her neck and a silken tie around her back the only fabric holding it to her lush form, her full soft breasts filled out the cups of the triple x maid outfit in a way that made her already thick nipples harden, the bulges of her nipples visible through the scandalously thin fabric. Tesla, by no accounts, was an ordinary woman. Standing at six foot one without heels when she chose to wear them she often dwarfed the boys around her, her...

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Best Friends15

Ashley was different that most girls; she was never as sexually inclined as early as the other girls her age. She knew what sex was and she knew that it felt good, but she never put enough thought in to realize that she could do it on her own. It took the help of a friend for her to find out. She had medium length brown hair, and slender body, and would often get a tan from a tanning bed. Her breasts were large enough to snuggly fit a smaller C cup bra. Ashley had a good looking body,...

3 years ago
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Best Friends12

“Totally, it’s paid for with cover charge, and it’s the only way to get the full Kaotyk experience!” “What if I don’t want the full Kayotyk experience?” “Ugh! It’s THE ONLY WAY TO GET INTO KAYOTYK” Impatient with our debate, The Bouncer gave us the take-it-or-leave-it look. Nervously, I dry-swallowed the purple pill and we were admitted (after opening our mouths and wiggling our tongue for The Bouncer). I’m Kayla, the nervous-wreck-unsure-about-all-this-Kayotyk-virgin. The person...

4 years ago
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Best Friends4

Anyway I went to pee and when I came back they were making out on the living room couch! I told ya they started dating pretty soon after school started but only Kris and I know about it. So I waited for a bit to let them come up for air and then I said "Sweet! Save some for me!" LOL You shoulda seen Stacy's face! She was SO embarrassed! I said "No big thing girl! We all made out lots this summer and more than that! You know I love you both and I'm happy you're together!" So she's...

1 year ago
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Best friends girl

I have known Rick since we were seven years old. We are completely different people but we have stayed best friends. Rick is smart and ambitious. He is handsome and good with the ladies. I have always envied his charm. He seems to attract women without even trying. I am more of a quiet person. I enjoy being alone with a book or a movie. I have accepted the fact that I will never be cool or part of the "in crowd." Still, Rick and I have always been tight. There is a bond between us that I don't...

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best friends share part 1

An Accident Chelsea and Tami were best friends and had been for as long as they could remember. They even lived next door to each other, which facilitated their various conspiracies against their fathers. After all, a girl who is being raised by a single father has to use various ruses to get her way. Dads just don"t understand like a mom would, or so the girls convinced each other when they were planning to get something or do something their fathers might not approve of. So Chelsea and...

4 years ago
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Best Friends Part 3

We had since found out that Tonya’s party was nothing more than a juvenile set up between her and Steve in an attempt to put a spotlight on Em and mine’s true relationship because too many kids had no idea if we were an actual couple or just really good friends. I guess it backfired on them. As it turns out, a stable and close friendship is curious gossip fodder for people who have nothing else better to think about. Who knew? Tonya was hell-bent on getting to the bottom of things. After the...

2 years ago
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Best of Friends Now and Forever Ch 0102

I am a long time reader of literotica. I’ve read many beautiful stories and felt many emotions as I have gone through them. Love, Loss, Happiness, Joy, Pain, Anger, Despair, all kinds of emotions and it just made me want to do something like it. This is my first attempt at writing a story. I plan on expanding on this. But I’d like to see what if people are interested first. This will be a love story that will expand until I can find an end to it. My inspiration was reading ‘Charles and...

3 years ago
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Best Friends

They were the Three Musketeers plus one, the Fearsome Foursome, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and maybe even more! The two couples were the best of friends and had known each other for almost ten years. Rick and Shane Vega were 33 and 32 respectively; both college graduates and even though they had been married since their senior year in college they were still madly in love. Robert and Kate Diggs were 35 and 32 respectively; also college graduates and also very deeply in love. Shane and...

4 years ago
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Best Friends ForeverChapter 24

I was exiting the chapel in my chair, and he came up to me. “James, how are you?” said Captain Traynor. “Good, Captain, good. You and Captain Dora?” I said. “Yes, also very good. A couple of your friends came by the other day,” he said. I looked him askance. “Sammy and Henry?” I said. The dynamic duo did know the Traynors of course. They’d each talked to them a number of times both together and individually over the last few years. But, I also knew that they hadn’t talked to them recently,...

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