La Seduzione Di Sofia free porn video

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Mentre cammina verso di me, prova a sistemarsi il costume che le onde del mare gli avevano fatto leggermente calare. Quei pochi secondi del suo gesto sono davvero da Film erotico, soprattutto perché in quei pochi attimi riesco a vedere il suo piccolo seno bianco ed una parte del basso ventre anch'esso per nulla abbronzato. Quel contrasto gli donava una carica sessuale che mi stava facendo morire.
Sofia é assolutamente una bellissima ragazza, ma quando si é giovani, molto giovani, belle lo sono un po' tutte e reinterpretando un vecchio proverbio, potrei dire che "giovinezza uguale mezza bellezza". Ma lei carina lo é decisamente, fisico minuto, gambe snelle, altezza sopra la media, capelli lisci molto lunghi ed un viso delicato che arrossiva per qualunque banalità dicessi. Unica "pecca", se così vogliamo chiamarla e comunque mi piaceva anche per questo, un seno appunto poco sviluppato, acerbo, che a vista potrei dire sembrasse una seconda scarsa, ma questo la rendeva ancora più sexy di quanto già non fosse!
Ovviamente non fui l'unico a notarla tra i ragazzi, o meglio, loro erano dei ragazzi, io ero un uomo che poteva essere il padre di Sofia vista l'enorme differenza di età. Ma questo non mi pesava minimamente, fortunatamente i miei anni me li porto bene e lei non dovevo sposarmela, in altri termini miravo ovviamente solo al sesso. Ma la strada verso la sua fica non era delle più semplici vista la giovane concorrenza maschile e soprattutto con Valeria che mi metteva il bastone tra le ruote capendo che puntavo più a Sofia piuttosto che a lei. Valeria infatti ha sempre avuto un debole per me e non l'ha mai nascosto, non che sia brutta, anzi... in tutta obiettività anche lei é tutta da scopare, ma non é il mio tipo, quindi non ho mai investito troppo tempo per cercare di portarmela a letto. Con lei, a parte quella volta in auto, dove presi dall'euforia e con la complicità di una birra di troppo lasciai che mi facesse una sega, non ci é mai stato nulla oltre quel lavoro di mano. Ma come ho già detto, Valeria non ha mai nascosto di volere molto di più da me ed in quel campeggio, vedendo che avevo solo occhi per la sua cugina più piccola, non ci stava che la mettessi in secondo piano.
Tutto é iniziato a Settembre dell'anno scorso, quando abbiamo organizzato io e lei quell'ultima settimana di vacanze che chiudeva l'estate. Niente di speciale, sette giorni al mare in un campeggio modesto della costa Laziale con pochi amici in comune, ed ovviamente la cugina Sofia. Siamo partiti leggeri, due tende stile Canadese, un paio di cambi per la sera e tutta la voglia di goderci quelle ultime giornate di sole. Arrivati al campeggio, sistemiamo le nostre tende sull'area che ci viene assegnata e decidiamo subito di fare il primo bagno, ed i primi segnali che Valeria stava tramando qualcosa si palesano subito:
«Chase... ci cambiamo il costume insieme per fare più in fretta? Così dopo entra Sofia da sola nella nostra tenda...» mi domanda Valeria mentre si toglie la maglietta rimanendo con il reggiseno intimo.
«Andate prima voi, io sistemo ancora un paio di cose qui...» gli rispondo mentre la osservo entrare nella tenda con Sofia.
Valeria, come ho già detto, non é male fisicamente, totalmente differente dalla cugina ma pur sempre scopabilissima: più robusta rispetto alla cugina, stessa altezza, mora anche lei, ma con due tette veramente enormi, ed a detta di voci "di corridoio" molto veloce e disinibita sotto le coperte. Di norma non credo alle chiacchiere, ma dopo quella volta che mi masturbò in auto lasciandosi coprire di sborra la maglietta senza troppi complimenti, non faccio fatica a credere alla sua "fama" di grande scopatrice. Ma io ormai avevo occhi solo per la cuginetta Sofia, senza considerare che per esperienza personale fare sesso con una come Valeria, poteva significare firmare un contratto da scopamici dal quale difficilmente potevo uscirne in tempi brevi. Ed io non volevo legarmi a nessuno, non ancora almeno. E poi da quando si lasciò scappare in quel pub di fronte ad una birra, poco prima di partire per la vacanza, che la cugina fosse ancora vergine, la voglia di scopare Sofia diventò il mio chiodo fisso!
Dopo venti minuti stiamo già facendo la prima nuotata, la spiaggia é quasi deserta e sembra di essere in una di quelle isole abbandonate, anziché sulla costa in un modesto campeggio Laziale. Abbandono quasi subito il gruppo e provo a prendere un po' di sole mentre i miei amici continuano a nuotare. Poco dopo mi raggiunge la piccola Sofia coperta da un costume microscopico, ed io da fedele amante della topa me la squadro dall'alto al basso, cerco di capire la forma dei sui capezzoli acerbi e di scovare lo spacco della fica sotto la stoffa. Mi rendo conto che sto avendo un'erezione mentre lei si avvicina e prima che il mio cazzo spunti fuori dai boxer, mi metto a pancia in giù cercando di soffocare l'eccitazione. Ma mentre cammina verso di me, prova a sistemarsi il costume che le onde del mare gli avevano fatto leggermente calare. E quei micro secondi del suo gesto da Film erotico, non fanno che aumentare la mia eccitazione, soprattutto perché in quei pochi attimi riesco a vedere il suo piccolo seno bianco ed una parte del basso ventre anch'esso per nulla abbronzato. Quel contrasto gli donava una carica sessuale che mi stava facendo morire.
Poi Sofia si sdraia accanto a me ed iniziamo a parlare del più e del meno. "Ottimo" penso mentre parlo con lei di banalità, "così posso conoscerla un po' meglio e trovare uno spiraglio per entrare in confidenza" continuo a dire a me stesso mentre di tanto in tanto la sfioro con la mano cercando di entrare più in intimità. Ma l'occhio lungo di Valeria capisce subito le miei intenzioni, i miei sguardi erano solo per la cugina e lei lo aveva intuito, ed a quanto pare la cosa sembrava infastidirla.
«Allora... voi due asociali tornate a farci compagnia si o no?» urla Valeria agitando le braccia.
«Magari più tardi » gli rispondo velocemente per poi tornare a concentrarmi sulla cugina.
«Allora vengo a farvi compagnia...» conclude lei uscendo dall'acqua.
E come se la sua invasione non stesse già rovinando i miei piani scopaioli, Valeria alza la posta in gioco. Così mentre cammina verso di noi, si toglie il pezzo di sopra del costume liberando le sue enormi tette. Lo spettacolo é notevole, ed i nostri amici più giovani ancora in acqua fanno s**ttare un applauso in segno di approvazione. Ovviamente non posso non guardarla, quelle tette sballottate su e giù durante il suo cammino sono comunque invitanti, per non parlare delle sue areole decisamente pronunciate che meriterebbero essere baciate e succhiate per ore fino a fargli uscire quel nettare che solo due grossi meloni sanno darti. A completare l'opera, ed evidenziare il suo enorme seno già di per sé notevole, c'era la "non abbronzatura" che ricopriva le tette, segno evidente che Valeria non era solita mettersi con le bocce al vento, di conseguenza il suo seno era completamente bianco e risaltava ancora di più sul suo fisico abbronzatissimo.
«Ti crea disagio se rimango così?» mi chiede Valeria ormai di fronte a me.
«No, no... anzi, sei un bel vedere...» gli rispondo in tutta onestà.
«Davvero?» mi risponde sdraiandosi accanto a me toccandomi velocemente tra le gambe «eh si.. ti credo...» conclude sorridendo e ritirando velocemente la mano dal mio cazzo palesemente gonfio.
«Valeria... dai... smettila...» gli dico mentre la vedo sdraiarsi.
Non contenta della provocazione, continua il suo teatrino tirandosi fortemente su gli slip evidenziando lo spacco della fica, ed abbassando sempre più l'elastico per abbronzarsi il basso ventre. Ora il costume é ridotto talmente ai minimi termini che si riescono ad intravedere anche i peli pubici, aumentando la mia eccitazione già di per sé a livelli alti che mostra un evidente bozzo sotto il costume.
«Perché non prendi anche tu l'abbronzatura integrale e non ti togli i boxer che ti sono palesemente d'intralcio?» mi chiede Valeria alludendo alla mia erezione.
Non volendo mi aveva fornito su un piatto d'argento la possibilità di vedere nuda anche la cugina Sofia.
«Guarda che non ho problemi nel farlo...» gli dico mettendo le mani sui miei fianchi «...a condizione che si tolga la parte sopra anche Sofia» concludo lanciando uno sguardo alla cugina.
« Ma che c'entro? Ho solo sedici anni... e poi non ho nulla da mostrare...» risponde Sofia arrossendo.
«Perché a sedici anni le ragazzine non si mettono in topless? E poi guarda che non si tratta di mostrare, é solo per abbronzarsi completamente...» gli rispondo togliendomi i boxer e lasciando che il mio cazzo spunti fuori come un periscopio. Ora sento lo sguardo delle ragazze su di me, o meglio sul mio cazzo dritto e pulsante. resto qui:
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I sat there as still as a statue. “Jesus Christ Tony! Come on! I ain’t got all goddamn day!” I breathed in, ensuring to not exhale, forcing my beating heart to slow down with the lack of oxygen. When my borderline hyperventilation had been dutifully crushed before it had a chance to develop, I exhaled once again. “I am an adult woman. You are an adult man. What is the fucking big deal?” At this juncture Claire turned round and favoured me with a lizard-like flick of her tongue at me. ...

3 years ago
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Using the ol bait and switch

My wife and I just celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary a few weeks ago. Truth be told our sex life is so incredibly boring. Boring I tell you beyond belief! I’m lucky if we have sex every other month if that and that is just to keep her off my back! I finally decided to find myself a fuck buddy online. After I checked a couple of sex personal sites online I finally found one that I felt comfortable with and placed an ad. I had to be really careful about putting a picture of myself on my...

3 years ago
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My Step Daughters

When I got remarried two years ago my new wife Jane came with two daughters, Sally is now eighteen and Mary nineteen, they moved in with me, as there was enough room for each of them to have their own room in my house. Both girls had long blonde hair, just like their mum and a figure to match, Sally had a trim body, flat stomach with 32b tits, a nice handful, and Mary a little plumper, like her mum, and her tits were a nice 36b, in fact, they were both very fuckable. I started to...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 34 More of Molly at the Rourks

Robert gently removed his massive prick from Molly's mouth and gave her a chance to recover from her choking spell. Then he picked her up and brought her over to the large sofa only a few feet removed from his wife, Rosa and Dutch, who now found themselves sprawled out in and beside the armchair that Molly had been sitting in earlier. Only now it was Alice's legs spread lewdly over the arms as Rosa, now on all fours, held Alice's cunt open and hungrily munched on her labia. It wasn't...

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Patriotic DutyPart 3 Undercover With Biggie Little

"The mailman left a package for you at the door today, Chrissy," said Todd, coming home from work. "I didn't order anything ... Oh wait, I am expecting a new outfit." "Anything special?" asked her husband, seeming completely disinterested, but making conversation. "Yes dear, it's my hooker outfit," she pictured herself saying. "Nothing special at all. Just a sweater." "That's nice," he mumbled. "What's for dinner?" "I have a roast in the oven." "Sounds good." Todd...

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A Genius in King Arthurs Court Ch 4

Ch. 4 – The Power Within Dave awoke to the gorgeous sight of Madeleine sleeping peacefully, her head on his chest. Her red hair was a tousled mess, but his heart fluttered at the vision in his arms nonetheless. Not wanting to disturb her, he saw his open backpack in the corner and used the levitation spell to float his copy of The Once and Future King over to him. He read for a bit in the dim morning light before feeling Madeleine stir against him. “Good morning,” he whispered, kissing...

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Pleasure Cruise Part 4

Introduction: cheating, anal Pleasure Cruise – Part 4 Harry and Kathy saw the three waiting as soon as they got off the bus. They waved warmly and hurried to meet them. Harry and the two men shook hands and then Harry kissed Jeannie. He put both hands on her shoulders and held her at arms length. I like the dress, he said emphatically. I do too, she said. He smiled as his fingers gently toyed at the buttons holding the dress closed. He intentionally brushed his fingers across her stiff nipples...

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A Day at the Museum

I wrote this story for someone. I would love feedback to see if anyone is interested in me continuing the story. Thanks for the feedback! * It had been years since I had last been to Montreal. It has been one of my favorite cities since the first time I visited it more than 20 years ago. I had stayed away too long, and missed this beautiful city. It was July, and the weather was beautiful. The natives were complaining about the heat, but as a life-long resident of Florida, I was used to much...

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Hollywood After DarkChapter 1

"I see that there is evil And I know that there is good And the in-betweens I never understood" - Ben Folds Alex's Story: My name is Alexander Hilt. What I'm about to tell you is true. You may not want to believe it - not that I would blame you. You may say that it couldn't happen, that things aren't really like that. I promise you that by this tale's end, your mind will have changed - you will see that power and greed corrupt, that fame and beauty are fleeting and that love is...

4 years ago
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My neighbour is in his 70's but a fit old chap he's very friendly to both myself and my wife, his wife died about 6 years ago and as far as i'm aware he doesnt have any lady callers.His bedroom is the other side of our bedroom wall so i would imagine he has heard us fucking a number of times as my wife isnt the quietest when she is in the zone.Let me set the scene we had been out for a number of drinks at out local so she was not dressed up just jeans and a blouse i wasnt even sure if she had...

2 years ago
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Apple and Cinnamon

This morning I woke up my thoughts wasa mess and flying in all directions. She haunted me again, all through the night she was there pulling me deeper into her. She possessed my mind and I craved it …. It was a hot day when she walked into my life. I was busy with interviews and had a huge pile of applications to work through. The previous candidate was extremely beautiful she was an Indian women with light caramel coloured skin and incredible golden eyes. Her name was Dhanashree and I found...

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I Fucked My Mommy

She looked around. "I look for something here, looking like a hard penis..." Suddenly she looked at me and then she smiled and said, "The easiest possibility I didn't see!" I didn't know, what she wanted but then she removed the bedcover and said, "Remove your pajama trousers!"I was surprised. "Oh mom, I can't do this!"She smiled and said, "Oh baby, you are my son, i've seen you naked so often, stop making such a fuss!" I removed my pajama trousers and was lying half naked in my...

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Kitchen cleanup leads to the bedroom

I was at the counter doing dishes when I felt his hands slip around my waist. His lips touched the back of my neck. He pulled me against his chest and I leaned my head against his chest. I felt his dick get hard when I pushed my body against him. I shook the water off my hands and looked up at him and smiled."Hey Scott," I said sighing when his fingers pushed a curly blonde hair away from my face. His hands gently caressed my cheeks and he smiled when I smiled again. Scott slipped his hands...

Straight Sex
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An Unexpected Encounter

“I’ll be back in a bit. I forgot the wine,” Tom said as he grabbed his coat and headed for the door. “Okay. I’m gonna take a…” Diana stopped as she heard the door close behind him. She’d been cleaning all day, preparing for the themed dinner party set for the evening. She shrugged. “Oh well. I should be out before he gets home anyway,” she told herself. She checked to make sure the door was locked and jogged up the stairs. Her shirt was in her hand as she hit the top step, ready to throw...

3 years ago
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Two weeks with Horas Chapter 7

Sunday morning dawned. We had breakfast and Cathy feed and watered Horas. He wouldn’t have known soon he would be home with Leena. Cathy cuddled him. “One last time?” she asked as if my opinion held any wait. Still in her dressing gown she encouraged him to dive between her thighs. A task he seemed to enjoy. Having lapped away and made her cum she assumed and position, hands and knees on the floor with the robe pulled up. “Horas mount” she said and guided his into her soaked sex. “Oh good boy”...

2 years ago
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sister Entered My Room

I was so horny that morning. I had just woke up and I had my morning wood. I pulled the covers away and began stroking my cock. My parents were at work and only my younger twenty year old sister was in the house somewhere. I try to be quiet when I stroke myself, but I must have been noisy.I heard a knock on the door and my sister Rachel burst into my room."Bobby, are you ok? Oh my God!"Rachel was staring directly down at my erect cock. There was no sense of trying to cover up."What do you...

4 years ago
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Vixxen 400

So why are we dumping these" A driver of the store "This is a pretty hot Fembot" The second driver looked at its pad "Well it AI became to real. She started getting a mind of her own. Disobeying orders it freaked the scientist out. Shame it was the best Fembot out there they say. It could morph it clothes to fit your fantasy. She knew every sex kill imaginble. She was very bendable and fast. She also could protect. She was skilled in 1000's of fighting skills. He body was perfect. She was...

3 years ago
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Your GroupaGuys Idea

The story of a group of guys and you as a ring leader has been lingering in my mind ... I keep going back to the Seattle hotel in my fantasies with you these days ... maybe because that's some of the greatest sex we have had. The image of that faceless Puerto Rican covered in tattoos and the other two ... a white guy of average build but young - maybe early twenties - and a black guy who has a chiseled figure ... it really doesn't matter what they look like but that they do what you say ......

3 years ago
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What happens in the dark part 2

The signs were there, and I’m not just talking about the signs of Damian being a vampire. Of course those were there too, his being so pale and his unnaturally flawless skin. It explains why I only saw him at night as well. But no, I’m not talking about those signs, I’m talking about the fact that it was so clear that he liked me, or in the least wanted to fuck me. I’m sure I knew I had to, I had never been one to ignore the obvious. No, I knew, I knew from that one night. I felt his teeth...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 1 Aldershot Sept 1987 Mandy Cindy and a funny story concerning Sandra

There is a shortage of cunt in Aldershot! Well at least of good quality cunt. The place has been a garrison town for hundreds of years and there are only two sorts of females in it. The first are the stuck up sort who wouldn't touch a squaddie with a barge pole and the others, who are not stuck up but poxed up, who you wouldn't want to touch with your barge pole. I'm being grossly unfair! I had been in a foul mood since the latest bust up with Miriam, and lack of nooky (sex!) was giving...

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Welcome Home Daddy A sissy fantasy

Oh Daddy That was so exciting for me to find the nipple clamps you told me to wear. It was painful at first, but then I thought of you coming home to find me wearing them made the pain lessen. I wanted to play with myself so much, but you had told me I was not to cum into you gave me permission, so I contented myself with bringing myself to the edge but not allowing myself to cum. It was agony, but a delicious, erotic, and sublime agony. I hear the door open and I quickly drop to my knees...

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Mom8217s In Charge

“Now you see that? You see how she swallows him all the way down to the balls and milks the shaft with her lips? That’s the way I want to see you this afternoon baby. I want to see you with a face full of dick and a happy cocksucker’s smile on your puckered pouty lips. Do you think you can do that for me? Can you be my little cocksucker?” “I guess so.” “That’s NOT what I want to hear dear, and you know it. Now try again. “Ok, I–...

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Twice LuckyChapter 14

They strolled on the beach for a few minutes before Jake took Angie into his arms for a kiss. She looked up, locked eyes with him, and quietly asked him to take her to the room and make love to her. Back at the room, Angie went to the bathroom while Jake lit the candles Vicki had left for him. When Angie came out, the romantic flickering of a half-dozen candles lit the room. Angie smiled her appreciation and threw herself into Jake’s arms. He kissed her and she returned the kiss with...

2 years ago
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My Uncle Mikes Magnificent Flag Pole

Like so many other women of today, I have a hidden sexual skeleton in my closet from when I was a lot younger. Although I must say that I am one of the lucky ones, who doesn't suffer due to it. I wasn't raped or treated badly at all. My first sexual experience as a freshman in high school with a male was quite pleasant, and so were the events after the first time. I was at that age when a girl starts experiencing many changes in her body and her mind. My breasts were developing and my...

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