Autumn in the Forest
- 2 years ago
- 40
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I actually slept like a log that night. I don't think I moved once my head hit the pillow. In my screwed up point of view, things were much clearer on Friday morning. Well, at least my course of action was clear. The drama in my life was still mud. So, I focused on that clear path.
Kristin sashayed up to me, as usual. However, she hesitated before taking my arm, as if assessing my mood. I noticed her hesitation, so for the first time, I actually took the initiative. I wrapped my arm around her waist and let my hand rest on the swell of her perfectly round ass. "Hey, sexy," I said with my lazy half-grin. When she looked me in the eyes, I waggled my brows at her. A radiant smile lit up her face, and she snaked her arm around my waist. We walked the length of the hall that way, with Jeff and Fuzz trailing along behind us.
Kristin flitted from one inane topic to another. I listened enough to comment appropriately. When we got to the end of the hall, where we would split up, she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek.
"See you later, stud," she purred into my ear. Then giggling, she sauntered down the hallway, giving her hips an extra swing as she went. She caught up with some of her friends, and the trio whispered and giggled their way into the classroom.
"I hate you," Fuzz grunted, clearly in awe at my good fortune.
"Welcome back to the land of the living, Brod," Jeff said as he turned me toward our class.
I left the house before Mom got home that night. I didn't even know when she planned on coming home. Did she have a date? Did she plan on working late? Truthfully, I wasn't interested in seeing her at the moment, so I didn't really give a shit.
It royally sucked that I wasn't old enough to drive, but Cassie lived only a couple of miles from my house. So I hoofed it. The night had a chill to it, but I was comfortable in my jeans, t-shirt and jacket. By the time I turned up the walk of Cassie's house, my cheeks were a little numb. I surveyed the scene. There were maybe 10 cars in the driveway and along the curb on the street. I could hear music pumping out of the house. I took a deep breath and knocked.
For all my bravado that day at school, I was still pretty nervous. This party was likely to be all upperclassmen. I might be the only sophomore in the whole place. I'd never been invited to party of this magnitude. Based on what Kristin chattered on about, some the most popular juniors and seniors would be here.
I don't know how long I stood there, but no one came to the door. I tried the knob. Of course, it was unlocked. I mentally chided myself for being such a dork, and then stepped into the house. The first thing I noticed was that things were pretty subdued. Yeah, the music was loud—hip hop, not really my cup of tea—and there was loud conversation and laughing from various corners of the house. I guess I kind of expected 'Animal House'. Most everyone was holding a plastic cup filled with what I guessed was beer, but they weren't out of control.
I recognized lots of the kids, but since they were mostly seniors and juniors, with a few recent graduates thrown in, I'd never really talked to any of them at school. I tried to be as cool as possible as I walked past the small cliques of kids. Some of the guys gave me 'the nod', which I returned. Some of the girls blatantly ogled me as I walked by. But other than that, everyone pretty much ignored me.
Eventually, I made it into the main party room and looked around. There was a stereo set up in the corner surrounded by a group of three or four guys flipping through CDs. Across the room was a Rubbermaid trashcan filled with ice and a keg. A line of kids stood there waiting to refill their cups. I was beginning to feel really out of place when I noticed Cassie sitting quietly on the raised hearth of her fireplace. She had one leg crossed over the other with her elbow resting on her knee, her elevated foot bobbing to the beat of the music. She had a cup sitting next to her. Her expression seemed almost ... bored.
After a few moments, she noticed me and gave me a genuine smile. She mouthed 'Welcome' to me, which made me smile and blush for some reason. I began to move towards her, the only truly friendly face I saw.
"Hellllloooo, stud!"
I turned and smiled at the owner of the melodic voice behind me. "Hey, Kristin," I answered.
She beamed radiantly at me. I did a quick scan of her. She was holding a plastic cup with one hand far enough away from her body to avoid spilling on it. I don't blame her. You wouldn't want to mar perfection. She wore a very tight tube top that accentuated her nice rack. Her stomach was firm, the skin flawless with the exception of the navel piercing she proudly sported. She had on a very tight, very short skirt.
She reached up with her free hand to hug my neck. So I leaned a little to give her access. I wrapped my arms loosely around her waist, still feeling uncomfortable by her newfound interest in me. She pressed her glistening lips against the side of my mouth. I could really smell the alcohol on her breath. She flicked the tip of her tongue against the corner of my mouth, which caused me to tense and her to giggle. I stood back up and she curled her arm through mine.
"Glad you FINALLY made it," she said in mock exasperation even as she giggled. "Now we can really get this party started." She giggled again.
"Sounds good," I replied, trying to keep my eyes focused on her face and off her body.
Well on her way to being drunk, she giggled again, then turned me towards the keg. "Com'n, you need to catch up."
I glanced back at Cassie, who merely shook her head, a bemused expression on her face.
I'm not sure how I got from Point A to Point S, because things were pretty cloudy from the time Kristin handed me my first cup of beer to the time I found myself sitting on the couch with the wiggling senior straddling my lap and trying her best to shove her tongue down my throat. I'm pretty sure part of my forgetfulness has to do with the volume of beer I took into my body. I should have paced myself better, being as it was only the second time I'd ever ingested alcohol. Whatever the cause of my current predicament, I was enjoying it immensely. My lips were swollen and bruised from the amount of kissy face Kristin had engaged me in. She apparently couldn't get enough to satisfy her hunger, which I didn't mind because ... DAMN, this girl could kiss!
I pulled away from her at one point to catch my breath, and she continued to trail wet kisses down my jaw line and onto my neck. I took a deep breath and cast a dazed look around the room. We weren't the only ones making out, not by a long shot. Seems many of the kids had paired up and found things to do with their mouths besides talk and drink. Still, most everyone had enough sense to leave the general populace if they wanted to take things to a higher level. As I peered through my drunken fog, the most explicit act I saw involved a guy sucking on the bare tit of a good-looking brunette. All I could see was her shirt bunched up over her boob and his face nuzzling the pale flesh. They were actually fairly discreet. Well, as discreet as you can be making out with a naked boob in public. They eventually headed up the stairs to find some privacy. I mentally cheered on my fellow horny male. You go, man! Make us proud!
Kristin bit my earlobe, which caused me to wince. My attention was brought back to the hard-bodied girl on my lap as she ground her crotch onto my rising erection. I took a moment to wonder how the hell I was only semi-hard, but eventually gave credit to the alcohol for dulling my senses. However, her grinding crotch was doing its best to rectify the situation. I felt my cock swelling in my jeans, and soon my panting breaths joined hers. Her frantic lips moved back to my face, and after a few more minutes of swapping spit, she pulled back to look at me with extreme lust in her eyes.
"Let's go upstairs," she husked. Before I could respond, she was off my lap and was eagerly pulling me off the couch and through the living room towards the stairs. Part of me marveled at how in control she was of her movements and her speech. She'd probably had twice the alcohol I had, yet I could barely stand, and I certainly didn't trust myself to speak.
Before I knew it she pushed me into an empty bedroom and shut the door behind us. I turned to face her, trying to think of something to say. The look in her eye told me she didn't want to talk. She was on me in a flash trying to get my t-shirt over my head while she did her best to explore every line, ridge and bulge on my chest and stomach. When it became apparent that I wasn't going to be much help with my shirt, she growled and, like an animal, started clawing at my belt instead.
At first my mind seemed to step to the side and just watch, like a scientific observer, enjoying the scene of Drunk Girl A trying to strip Drunk Boy 1. However, something in me flipped when she got my belt and jeans undone and began shoving everything down my legs.
"Kristin," I slurred. "Kris, wait."
I tried to pull away from her by backing up, but my pants were already down mid-thigh. Couple that with my legs hitting the bed in my current inebriated state, and I did the Nestea plunge back onto the bed.
She gasped and then giggled as my stiff erection bobbed and swayed above me.
"Yessss," she hissed. She had her top and skirt off before I could even rise up onto my elbows. I watched as she stepped out of her skirt, leaving her clad only in her panties, her beautiful breasts like plush pillows. Pillows that seemed to vibrate with excitement. I almost decided to just go with it and enjoy it.
My next series of rapid-fire thoughts ran the gamut. Kristin Franz was fucking gorgeous and she obviously wanted to have sex with me and it would be so fucking awesome to say that I bedded Kristin Fuckin' Franz, the captain of the cheerleading squad, and would we get to do this again when I wasn't drunk so I could remember what it was like to shag her, and did I mention she was fucking gorgeous and all I really wanted to do was have sex with her but not date her because I wasn't nearly as attracted to her as I was Mia or Shay or even Cassie because in reality she was a shallow bitch who was likely using me as a diversion until The Huge Walking Dick got back together with her.
Or something like that.
I don't know if it was thinking about Mia and Shay or the thought of Mike "The Huge Walking Dick" Vincent beating the shit out of me or thinking about what Mom said about the intimacy being about more than just sex, but whatever it was brought me back to some semblance of rationality. All I know is when Kristin threw her sexy body on top of me I was ready to fuck her senseless. My eyes rolled into the back of my head when she fisted my cock in her tiny hand. Then I felt the moist heat as she seated my cockhead just between her puffy pussy lips and made ready to impale her lush body on me. Momentarily, I wondered where, when and how she got her panties off. It was frustrating feeling so out of control.
Then I snapped, and with a growl, I mustered the wherewithal to grab her by the waist and flip her over at the same time, causing her to whimper in frustration while effectively putting me in control of the situation. That control involved leaning forward with my hands firmly pinning her arms, and my body positioned so my hips were WELL back and away from her. Granted, a big lunge forward would bury my erection into her willing and wonderfully inviting pussy, but I wasn't going to go lunging anywhere close to that trap. I looked down as she thrust her hips towards me trying to unsuccessfully impale herself with my cock. I almost laughed out loud. What a sight we must have been! I'm on top of her with my pants and underwear down around my knees. She's stark naked with her legs open and hips bucking as if ready to accept my sexual offering. She whined some unintelligible words as I shook my head to try and clear my alcohol-induced fog.
Suddenly the door burst open with a crash. I whipped my head around to see The Huge Walking Dick standing in the doorway. He didn't look very happy. A tiny blonde girl was pulling on his arm spewing expletives at him and telling him to get the fuck out of her house. She stopped talking when she saw me and Kristin past his big hulking shape. The two of them looked at us. We looked back at them. Time stood still.
Then Kristin whimpered, and all hell broke loose.
Kristin suddenly became a victim. "Oh, God, Mike! Help me! He ... he was going to make me fuck him even though I told him no!"
I suddenly became impotent, my erection disappearing instantly. "Uuuh..." was all I could stammer.
Before I could do anything else, Mike was in the room with his massive fists clenching in front of him. I tried to back off of Kristin, but my clothes restricted my legs and all I could do was roll off both her and the side of the bed. In one lunge Mike was around the bed and looming over me. Just before his meaty fist came crashing down, I saw Cassie's panicked face as she helplessly wrapped her hands around his forearm.
Cassie tried to intervene, bless her heart, but a split second later my face met his fist with a sickening THWACK. Everything went black.
I opened my eyes. At least I think I did. Everything was still black. I was way too disoriented to know for sure. I was in a bed, but I didn't think it was mine. I was naked, but my head was still fuzzy, so I don't remember getting that way, at least not completely. I was lying on my back, which had stiffened up. I tried to move, but every body part refused to cooperate. My head was POUNDING. My arm was asleep. I couldn't remember how I hurt my head, but I knew why my arm was snoozing. There was someone pressed up against my side using my upper arm and shoulder as a pillow. I wiggled my fingers. At least I think I did.
I may not have been able to feel my arm, but I could certainly feel my bedmate's body molded against mine. This bedmate was female, evidenced by the satin-covered breasts squished against my side and the long hair that fanned from my face to my chest. Her skin was soft, warm and smooth, and she smelled sweet like flowers.
I didn't know who she was, but a series of faces flashed through my mind, and all of them put a pleasing feeling in my chest. Mia ... Shay ... Mom...
Mom? Where the hell did that come from? Oh well. Her image still made my heart happy. I closed my eyes. At least I think I did, and then I drifted off again.
I opened my eyes. At least one of them. Something was wrong. No matter how hard I tried, the second eye would NOT open. Not only that, but everything was sideways, so my open eye wasn't working right, either. Curtains don't hang horizontally, and I'm pretty sure those papers and books would slide off that desk if it was really turned on its side.
I felt a soft caress slowly down my arm, stopping at my wrist and then reversing directions. Damn that felt good. I lay still just enjoying the sensations and took stock of my situation. OK. I was lying on my side in a bed that WASN'T mine, and I was naked. What were my last thoughts from the night before? The party. Kristin and I sucking face. She wanted to get busy, and almost got me there. What happened next? Think ... think ... damn, that caress was so distracting ... No! Focus, Brown. Focus. Why wouldn't my eye open? I focused on that failing part of my body and realized there was a dull throb behind that eye and all around it, even down into my cheek. Feels almost like I got hit in the face.
OH SHIT! Kristin and ... and Mike. She said I tried to make her have sex with me. Then his big fist ... I tensed as I imagined the fist hitting my face again. I pressed my hand against my eye and winced. Shit! That fucking hurt!
"Shh ... It's OK." The voice came from behind me, very close to my ear. A soft, soothing, feminine voice. Then a soft body pressed lightly against my back. Those soft pillowy breasts were mashed between us again. I don't think they were covered this time.
"What happened?" I managed to croak through my arid mouth. "Where am I?"
"You're in my bedroom, in my bed."
I tried to place the voice so I didn't have to turn around. Whose house would I be in if it wasn't mine? Well, Cassie's, of course. I breathed a little easier, until I remembered the confused almost horrified look on her face when she saw me over the top of her friend, positioned like I was getting ready to fuck her. I tensed again.
"What happened, Cassie?" I asked, my voice raspy.
She hesitated. I was ready to ask again, when she spoke. "Mike Vincent ... he, uh, he caught you with Kristin. And ... and he kind of flipped out. He hit you and knocked you out."
I knew all that already. I meant what happened after that. "Then what?" I asked.
"A couple of other guys dragged him out of the room. He made Kristin get dressed and then they left. I had those guys put you back on the bed and I started icing your face. I kept expecting you to wake up, and you did come around occasionally, but then you'd go right back to sleep. I guess maybe the alcohol was affecting you, too."
I didn't respond. Instead I just tried to work things over in my head. Not just last night, but everything about Kristin and her interest in me. I was confused, still not sure why the hell she had flirted so shamelessly with me, only to turn on me at the last moment. After a couple of minutes of silence, Cassie returned to caressing my arm. Her soft touch sent warm tingles all through me, which actually eased some of the discomfort in my face. Or maybe it just gave me a feeling to focus on other than pain. Feeling the tingles on my skin reminded me that I was naked. I was pretty sure that, just before I became acquainted with The Walking Dick's right fist, I wasn't naked.
"How did I get naked?"
Cassie's hand froze on my arm and I felt her stiffen. I turned a little so I could look back at her.
Her eyes opened wide. "Oh God, Brody! Your face looks awful!"
I tried to smile. "Gee, thanks."
"No, I mean, the swelling has gotten worse. Hold on. Let me get a new ice pack and some ibuprofen for you." She got up, and I instantly missed the warmth of her body so close to mine. I turned over on my back so I could really see her. She had her back to me as she slipped on an orange over-sized t-shirt that almost completely covered her tiny shorts. I saw just enough to know she was braless.
"Wait," I said to her. "How did I get naked?"
She turned to face me, and I noticed her blush, which kind of clashed with the orange shirt. "I, um, I took your clothes the rest of the way off." Then her face got this sort of sad expression. As she turned to exit the room, she muttered under her breath, "Looked like that was what you were wanting, anyway."
I kept looking at the doorway, even after she was gone. What was that supposed to mean? I again replayed the previous evening. More things were coming back to me. Kristin had tried to get my clothes off, but I was too drunk to help. And then before I could really stop her, she had shoved my jeans down to mid-thigh. Maybe that was what Cassie meant. I mean, I was passed out when she stripped me, so surely I didn't look like I was 'wanting' to be naked then.
After only a couple of minutes, she returned with a bag of frozen peas, a hand towel and a glass of water.
"Here, take these," she said, handing me the water and then dropping four pills from her hand into mine. As I took the pills, she wrapped the peas in the towel. Then she took the water from me and handed me the 'ice pack' she'd created. I laid back and put the pack on my face. She stood watching me with a peculiar expression on her face. "What happened last night between you and Kristin, Brody?"
I warred with myself. Should I tell her what really happened? I mean, she and Kristin were friends. While I was pretty sure that any chance of me and Kristin getting together was long gone, I still didn't wish to badmouth her to her friend. Besides, mom always taught me that what happens in an intimate setting between me and a girl had better stay between me and the girl.
"Why don't you ask Kristin? I'm sure she's ready with a good story." I surprised myself with the bitterness in my voice. Cassie's expression went hard.
"I want to hear the story from you."
"Why do you want to hear it at all? It's the type of story that gets the rumor mills turning."
Her expression softened. "It happened here, in my house. I want to know what happened in case somehow my parents get wind of it." Then she averted her eyes, retreating into her shy shell. "Plus, I ... I just need to know."
I debated what to say, but couldn't really figure out a way to say it that didn't sound like I was trashing on Kristin.
"You may not like what I have to say. It doesn't paint a pretty nice picture of your friend."
Her nose curled up, like she'd just smelled something rotten, but she didn't say anything.
"OK. Yeah, we were making out pretty good, and we were both getting pretty turned on. But I guess I didn't really want to do anything with Kristin, at least not last night, when I was drunk at a party. I mean, I was drunk, she was drunk. I wanted it to be better, more memorable or something. Anyway, she talked me into this room and was all over me by the time the door closed. At first I was going along, but then I decided I didn't want to. That just made her more aggressive, because she practically started ripping my jeans and underwear down. Then I fell back on the bed. By the time the room stopped spinning she was naked on top of my trying to get my ... um ... trying to get me to screw her. I realized I didn't want it, so I told her to stop. She wouldn't, so I flipped her over and held her down, hoping I could calm her down. I'm pretty sure that's when Mike made his appearance."
I took a deep breath. I hadn't expected to spill it all out like that, but it just wouldn't stop.
Cassie just looked at me with a contemplative look. "Huh," was all she said. Not a question, but more like she had just learned something she was curious about, which I guess she did. It wasn't exactly the reaction I was expecting, and that just confused me.
"Cassie, why are you being so nice to me? I mean, it's basically my word against Kristin. I would just have assumed you would be angry at me for trying to force your friend to..."
"First of all," Cassie interrupted with a new heat in her voice. "Stop calling Kristin my friend. Our parents are friends, and when we moved back, my parents asked her parents if they'd have Kristin help me get back into the swing of things here. Secondly, I know Kristin well enough to know that there's no way that she wasn't at least an equally willing participant in whatever was going on with you two last night. And thirdly..." Her voice trailed off, only to return a few moments later with much less heat and considerably more reticence. "Thirdly, I was pretty sure that you'd never do that to a girl. You know, force her, I mean."
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By Jimmmy D. Tannia. I first met her at work. I worked at a pizza parler in New York, near my apartement. I won't give the address or the name, but it was a popular place for the kids to hang out. We both worked in the back, making pizza, cutting pizza, and all of those other little tasks people like us did. The first day I was there she trained me, showing me the ropes. She was about 5 foot tall; give or take, i never really asked, just guessing. She had the longest jet black hair i...
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Introduction This story came about through email exchanges between me and a woman I met through Literotica. We live about 1100 miles apart, have never physically met, and probably never will. We decided to write a fantasy together by exchanging emails. I wrote a section, then she responded, and this back-and-forth continued. Please excuse the frequent lack of explicit cues as to who is saying what. It was always clear to us, but you’ll have to figure it out for yourself. This entire story is...
Introduction This is the second of the four chapters of this story, and will read better if you start with the first chapter, which also explains how this story came about. —————————————— Part 6 I lay on the table for a few moments reflecting on what had just transpired. I was so aroused, my nipples hard, my pussy dripping. My mind was spinning. Victor’s response to my decision to have an undraped massage brought as many questions as it answered. As I thought about this, my hand travelled...
This may or may not follow on from the short story "Stuck in the middle with you". You don't need to read that first but it might help.Yet another weekend on her own, everyone else visiting other relatives whilst she had to stay at home and finish off some work. Work which had surprisingly taken a fraction of the time it should have now there were no other distractions to be had. So half a day into a weekend alone and she had nothing to do. Boredom, as it always does, had set in very quickly...
Ben and Dave were brothers who now co-owned their Dad's old hunting shack in northern Wisconson. Dad was gone, but the boys tried to get up there whenever they could. Both were all grown up, living in different towns and working very different jobs. Dave was married and had two sons, worked 9 to 5 at a legal firm, and had weekends off. Ben, 2 years older, was single, worked shift work at a manufacturing firm, and usually worked weekends. They tried to hunt together at least twice each...
PROLOGUE Autumn 1980. Me and Paul had been mates. Not best mates, but mates nonetheless, and good mates. I was 18 and worked in a bank. Paul was 20 and in the army, stationed mostly in Germany but also doing his stints in Northern Ireland. As such, we only met up when Paul was on leave, and trust me, a good time was always had on those rare occasions! The hangovers were not so good, but hey, we were young - we recovered quickly. But this story is not about Paul, I only mention...
"Mavis, do you feel like taking a side trip to the Falls?" It wasn't the hypnotic lure of Niagara Falls that made Bert suggest it. He'd seen them plenty of times. It was just that it had been a quiet ride in the car—a nervous kind of quiet. He thought it was a good way to stir up some conversation and jog the mood to something more vacation-worthy. He took his eye off the interstate traffic for a moment to glance at Mavis, silent in the passenger's seat, looking out her window. "Niagara...
It was one of those late September evenings of which we get one or two most years. The sun had shone all day, and the warmth remained even after the sun set Cheryl and I had arranged to meet at the Crown and Cushion, a small, intimate and very comfortable country inn just to the west of Fleet, where I was living at the time. As it was a Monday, I hoped that the Crown would not be too busy, and I was lucky. I could hear that there were quite a few in the Public Bar, but the Lounge we had to...
It was late autumn and the bright chilly weather required warm sensible dress for a trip out to the Nature Park. So Jade, my young niece, climbed into the rugged 4 x 4 with me, wearing her long warm red coat; and what we planed to do was altogether bizarre. Jade’s parents at the time, were exceptionally busy in Washington preparing for the forthcoming election; so they had welcomed the idea of her visiting her Uncle Ben. In fact it had been a God-send as my life had become stale of...
She looks at me with love. Her deep blue eyes are a little unsure but she knows in her heart that there is no one but me. I glance back at her giving a small smile. She blushes for being caught staring at me, while a strand of her dark hair falls to her face. She looks down being embarrassed. I take her soft chin in my hand and gently tilt it up so her eyes match mine. I brush the soft hair away so I can look at her completely. We stare deeply into each other for a long time. I glance at the...
LesbianI quicklygrabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. Jason stood up to reach for the door but there was a quick knock and it swung open before he got to it. I flopped down onto the bed to make it look like nothing was going on. I tall man stepped into the room. “Hey dude mom and dad are…” He trailed off as he looked over and saw me. “Uhh, Greg this is Autumn. Autumn this is….” Jason tried to get out but Greg quickly interrupted him. “Why hello there doll face.” “Um, hi.” “May I ask why such a...
My father, the Great god Pan, told me once that I was not like his other progeny. Oh, I had the ears and tail of a horse, of course (whinny!) but I was different. I was a Greek satyr, not that bizarre creature the Romans would introduce to the world with goat horns and goat ears and goat legs. And I had the powers of a demigod. I would live almost forever, and I could see into the future, just a bit. Not everything. And I was just as lustful as my brothers and sisters, but I did not mate with...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI hate what I became. Some monster that I don’t even recognize anymore. I did it for the thrill. The love. The love of being the seducer of men who come to me for a good time. They would send me a message, begging me to help them and I would oblige. Every time. Don’t get me wrong. I was still a virgin. Just not when it came to my words. With my words I would undress myself and kneel in front of them naked. I would take their pants off and run my nails over their already hard dicks. In my i.m.s...
This story starts at the end of 10th grade. I was in a new school for the 5th time in 4 years. I was never one of those quiet new kids that sits in the corner and never makes any friends. I was loud and had an opinion that you were very likely to hear. I made friends and had guys that liked me (they always go for fresh meat) but I never really dated and didn’t have a best friend. I started in about mid-April. Having to start at a new school is bad. Having to start in April is shit. I remember...
As we sat, finishing our meal, you spoke. “That lunch was great!” “It really was, the food here is excellent,” I glanced at my watch “but it is almost four so we should probably get going.” “Yeah, speaking of time, why did we eat such a late lunch today” you asked. I simply smiled. “Because we won’t be back until late for dinner.” Approaching the exit, I opened the door to the restaurant. The sun shone in like a divine light illuminating the path to paradise, and paradise it was. As we...
He dragged me by the hair from the bathroom to the basement. I tried to keep up with him, but he was going too fast and was swinging me, so I kept slipping. So I was half-dragged down two flights of stairs naked, and thrown onto the basement floor. The heating vent was shut, so the basement was freezing cold, or at least it felt that way to me. The cold and the fear together combined to make me shake enough that I was feeling muscles twitch and jerk involuntarily all over my body, and I...
Mom was right in a way, though. Over the past year or so, Dad had been getting worse, I thought as I worked. He had developed a hair-trigger temper, and his punishments had gotten worse. He was also drinking more, so it was hard to tell which was causing which. Paul had been my safe haven for a little while, but once he returned to work, I could only manage to sneak away occasionally to be with him. On one level, I knew some of the things we did were wrong, but I loved the physical and...
The leaves are a golden yellow, the breeze is fresh and cool. The sky is a bright blue that is only seen the crisp mountain regions. Looking up through the trees, the sunlight plays with the leaves, creating dancing shadows on the forest floor, the smell intoxicating with dry leaves, fresh air and the scent of you. What an Adonis you are, standing there among the trees without your shirt, dark fur curling on your chest, muscles showing strong arms and shoulders, blue eyes reflecting the sky’s...
A seasonal Clef story Preface: (If you have read ‘Summer Nights’, you can bypass this.) Oswald MacDonald (call me Mac) met and fell for June Jones during a battle of the bands at Naked City nudist colony. His band, Slip Stream, won the contest and a recording contract. Her band, Jonesville, won nothing but got a lot of gigs from the publicity. Their romance flourished over the summer, but now that it is fall school and working with the bands is causing friction. **************** I knew it...
I always liked Quebec City. It truly is a beautiful town. It’s North America with French flair. Conversely, you could think of it as France sans the bad attitude. The Old Town, vieux-Quebec, feels like a town in the old continent, populated by nice Canadians. After you’ve been there a while, you understand why Quebecers want to preserve their culture, even to the extent of being treated differently than the rest of Canada. They are different, and they have plenty worth preserving. I’m sure...
My father, the Great god Pan, told me once that I was not like his other progeny. Oh, I had the ears and tail of a horse, of course (whinny!) but I was different. I was a Greek satyr, not that bizarre creature the Romans would introduce to the world with goat horns and goat ears and goat legs. And I had the powers of a demigod. I would live almost forever, and I could see into the future, just a bit. Not everything. And I was just as lustful as my brothers and sisters, but I did not mate with...
A Walk in the Park It was one of those soft, cool New York days that make everyone want to be outside, since such weather is so rare. Dave had decided on a sweater, though it wasn't absolutely necessary, but the last few blocks of his walk home would be on the lee side of Central Park, and the breeze might come up. Anyway, he loved wearing sweaters in the fall. The newspaper flew out of her hand just as he turned on forty ninth to walk over to fifth. It was almost a reflex action to take a...
Preface: (If you have read "Summer Nights", you can bypass this.) Oswald MacDonald (call me Mac) met and fell for June Jones during a battle of the bands at Naked City nudist colony. His band, Slip Stream, won the contest and a recording contract. Her band, Jonesville, won nothing but got a lot of gigs from the publicity. Their romance flourished over the summer, but now that it is fall school and working with the bands is causing friction. I knew it was too good to last. June was a...
It was a month before Nell rang. Ralph was delighted to hear her voice and said so. "Nell! How nice to hear you! Are you well?" "Yes thanks, fine. And you?" "Also, thanks." "How's your wife?" "No change really. The odd moment of lucidity but the gaps between are getting a bit longer." "Oh, Ralph, that's miserable for you both." "C'est la vie. Have you been up to anything exciting? Has your choir started to practise for your Christmas concert?" "Not yet. Next month...
Nell rang on New Year's Day to wish him a happy New Year. She told him that she had had to slap Matt down quite hard when he started once again on her moving whereupon he had gone into a sulk for a couple of hours. She had overheard Helen telling him forcefully to pull himself together. Ralph wondered whether he was ever going to meet Matt. He rather hoped not. Whereas before Christmas they had only contacted each other about once a month they found themselves doing so twice as often. It...
From Midbourne access to the south of the Plain was easy with very little riding on the road. Nell did not press him but did make Ralph trot and canter rather further than he had been able to in the paddock at home. She also for the first time made him gallop which he found most exhilarating and had to do some more. They were out for all of two hours and, despite feeling pleased with himself and having enjoyed the morning immensely, Ralph was whacked. He said so. "Shower!" ordered Nell....
They had lunch with Peter and Libby and the rapport between them and Nell was immediate. "We're all golfers so we must have game," cried Libby. "Bags Ralph for my partner!" "Not fair!" retorted Peter. "Oh!" exclaimed Nell looking crestfallen. "I was only referring to your hair," replied Peter quickly. "Oh well, in that case..." They managed a game before the wedding which reinforced the feelings Peter and Libby had for Nell. The latter had actually taken in Ralph's advice...
Life went happily on. Ralph and Nell played golf regularly. His long time playing partner and wife had moved during the summer. Ralph teased Nell that he only chose her to fill the gap. They rode and Ralph became a confident horseman and began to learn to jump. They continued to sing with their respective choirs working up to the Christmas concerts. They also went to concerts and the theatre from time to time. In some trepidation they invited all their children and families for Christmas....
When they arrived home Ollie picked up Tilda and gave her a protracted hug and a kiss. He then hugged Ralph. "Thank you, Dad," he said quietly. "I always knew you were pretty special but now I know you're very special." Ralph smiled and patted his back. Jenny was next. "Well done, Dad," she whispered in his ear as she hugged him. "Nell's so proud of you. Mum would have been too." "Mum wouldn't have had to contend with Matt," he whispered back. "Don't worry, my darling Dad....
My father had one real friend--Paul. Dad kept getting into fights—usually verbal--with most other men, but Paul worked with Dad, lived right around the block from us, and Paul was bigger, so those three reasons combined more often than not kept Dad in line when Paul was around. That didn’t mean that I didn’t still get slapped, hit, kicked, and yelled at, but it didn’t go on for hours if Paul was there. “Autumn!” Dad would yell when he and Paul would get home from work, “get your ass down...
Autumn had been thinking about the toy she had seen while online shopping all day. And now that it was bedtime, she sure wished she had it already. Autumn had broken up with her boyfriend after finally realizing she was more “part-time pussy” than a full-time girlfriend. And while she was glad to be rid of the jerk, she was missing the cock that he brought with him. Tommy sported an eight-inch long, two-inch thick cock that Autumn had enjoyed filling her pussy ass and mouth, but it was the time...
ToysI quicklygrabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. Jason stood up to reach for the door but there was a quick knock and it swung open before he got to it. I flopped down onto the bed to make it look like nothing was going on. I tall man stepped into the room. “Hey dude mom and dad are…” He trailed off as he looked over and saw me. “Uhh, Greg this is Autumn. Autumn this is….” Jason tried to get out but Greg quickly interrupted him. “Why hello there doll face.” “Um, hi.” “May I ask why such a...
Love StoriesI hate what I became. Some monster that I don't even recognize anymore. I did it for the thrill. The love. The love of being the seducer of men who come to me for a good time. They would send me a message, begging me to help them and I would oblige. Every time. Don't get me wrong. I was still a virgin. Just not when it came to my words. With my words I would undress myself and kneel in front of them naked. I would take their pants off and run my nails over their already hard dicks. In my i.m.s...
First TimeThis story starts at the end of 10th grade. I was in a new school for the 5th time in 4 years. I was never one of those quiet new kids that sits in the corner and never makes any friends. I was loud and had an opinion that you were very likely to hear. I made friends and had guys that liked me (they always go for fresh meat) but I never really dated and didn’t have a best friend. I started in about mid-April. Having to start at a new school is bad. Having to start in April is shit. I remember...
Love StoriesSo how would this begin, so many different ways to unleash the wild and very scary obsession and love, almost endless passion that my, "NiNNa" Sarah Holmes, has for me before any other man. Well it would have to start way back, back in the time, I would say the year was 2003, the summer of the beginning of the true HipHop Evil Empire, that would be when my Musical business partners in crime Jimmy Iovine, Dr. Dre, Eminem, and 50 Cent, was controlling the Airwaves, music scene, and the entirety...
Anyone who regularly visits will probably know by now of my desire for Mrs.L to truly enjoy herself by exploring her sexuality and fantasies.So,when we moved to a new house and discovered that our neighbour would be a thirty-something bloke living on his own,it was only a matter of time before I gradually introduced him into our bedroom talk. Initially,any interest was denied but I couldn't fail to notice that when C's(the man in question) name was dropped into our pillow talk as I was gently...
Andrea the sexy five foot two blonde haired sub missive, had by now began to develop a trust and open relationship with her Master Ray, even to the point where she agreed to meet at a local coffee shop just before they closed at 8.00pm. She wore what he had directed her to wear, a front full button down Lacy effect dress with loose weave pattern which allowed her nipples to peek through, this dress stopped six inches above her knee and the main body of the lower skirt part was much more dense...
Don and Sue have been married almost three years. They got married when Don graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering and after Sue’s freshman year in college. Off and on, both Don and Sue jog a mile or two four or five days a week and sometimes enter 5K or 10K fun races. Don is 25, 5’11”, 160 lbs. He is a resident engineer for a large Architectural and Engineering Company. In high school and college, Don was shy and didn’t date much due to lack of confidence. His family was low income, but...
From bigbob1200 Amanda is taken to the Commmdant Prior: Foxy Knoxy Prior: Foxy Knoxy II Prior: Foxy Knoxy III Meredith’s Ordeal Begins Prior: Foxy Knoxy IV Prior: Foxy Knoxy V Prior: Foxy Knoxy VI Foxy in Prison, Fox Knoxy – Hard times in prison (Foxy Knoxy – Foreign Students Amanda and Meredith fight at their flat in a small Italian city. Amanda goes to the bar where she goes to the back room to entertain three men who are a little rough. Done with the men Amanda waits at the bar for...
Eating Pussy in the Kitchen “Twas the night before the wedding… The rehearsal dinner went just as we planned and only the overnight hours separated Liu and me from our wedding day. My best friend Melinda, Liu and I went to his place (soon to be our place) all smiles and laughter. The three of us stood in the kitchen, talking about the big day tomorrow. “I don’t believe you’re really going to go through with it, Kait,” Melinda said as if she was still in shock. “Yep, you heard mom at the...