Autumn On Cape Cod free porn video

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The first month of fall on Cape Cod hosted by Debra, his only aunt and her husband Gene had come as one of those invitations only a newt would decline, so Danny Fellows quit his job as a financial consultant and headed for the US, figuring to stay in for six months — spending the other five months wandering around.

Entry was no problem because although he was a New Zealand national his parents were American, his mom had traveled to Debra’s home then in San Francisco to ensure Victoria was born in America. His mom arrived four days to spare and the expected ‘Victoria’ turned out to be a Daniel (Danny) — Victoria came along eighteen months later. Twenty-seven years of mainly good times went by and the cheerful young man with passions running deep left for his third visit to the US but this was his first to the east coast.

To Danny’s dismay, within two hours of checking into his LA hotel he received an urgent phone call.

‘Hi Danny, it’s Aunt Debra. How are you?’


‘Well don’t go chasing young women all hours and your tiredness will magically disappear,’ she cackled. ‘Listen, could you postpone you visit for a couple of months? Gene’s sister in England has died so we’re going for the funeral and plan to stay a few weeks roaming around. Sorry to drop this on you dear but deaths rarely are convenient.’

‘I’m in LA, arrived less than three hours ago.’

‘Oh my, what do you want to do?’

‘Stay at your summer house as arranged — I won’t wreck it.’

It was arranged that the visit should proceed, the door keys would be left with the neighbors, the Blake’s. He was told Charlotte Blake would be asked to keep an eye on him.

The flight from Boston in the 9-seater Cessna of about thirty minutes filled Danny with a sense of holiday adventure because it was low flying and so a scenic, particularly when the elbow-shaped Cape Cod came into view. He was surprised at the great length of the cape, The plane landed at the very tip and it was a short ride to his destination of Provincetown, known as the landing place of the Pilgrims in 1620, Nowadays it’s famous as a popular summer resort and for trips out for whale watching.

Danny knocked at the address of the Blake’s in the short street between the arterial Bradford Street and main seafront commercial thoroughfare thoughtfully named Commercial Street. A disheveled young woman of about twenty-two answered the door giving him anything but a welcoming smile,’Yes.’

‘Charlotte Black?’

‘It’s Blake – no, my mother and father are visiting friends in Barnstable.’

‘I’m Danny Fellows, Debra Shirley’s nephew. I’m here to pick up the key to her house.’

The young woman disappeared for thirty seconds without a word, returned with the keys which she handed to Danny and closed the door, again without speaking.

‘Rude bitch,’ he muttered, leaving the house, which showed need of some repairs, and repainting and turning into the smart three-level house next-door where Uncle Gene obvious kept well up with maintenance. It was painted white with blue trim and flair in design gave it character not matched by other elderly dwellings in the street. His aunt and uncle lived there five to six months of the year and the other months lived in their retirement apartment in Florida. He unlocked the door muttering ‘Rude bitch’ again.

A stack of notes awaited him on the kitchen table. Danny found beer in the fridge so uncapped a bottle and sucking his wet lunch began reading. The first was a note from Debra welcoming him, saying he was lucky arriving in early fall, as the summer crush would be over. If he saw men walking round arm-in-arm or women behaving amorously he was not to worry — there was nothing wrong with the water, Provincetown had acquired the tag of a top holiday destination for gay men and lesbian women. ‘We conventional couples have learned to live with it.’

Gene had written out a pile of instructions regarding the operation and maintenance of various amenities including air-conditioning, boiler, securing the house, the bicycles and recommended places for eating and shopping.

Gene wrote: ‘Replace everything you use’ while Debra had scrawled under that, ‘You just use anything you wish, you’re our guest’. Some houses were virtually touching and some did so there were no side views, the backyard was small and uninteresting as was the property behind it. Debra had left a note pinned to the bed in the master bedroom — ‘Sleep here Danny’. It had an en suite that probably was once a study as it had a second door out to the passage. Narrow stairs led to the loft which was essentially a storage area but there was a sofa and coffee table at one end at the floor to ceiling windows and he found out why — it was higher than neighboring buildings so there were great views along Commercial Street and out into Cape Cod Bay. A note on the table from Debra stated: ‘View great sunsets and boating activity from here.’

In the garden shed he found two near-new mountain bikes and grinned because he knew from pre-visit reading there were great bike trails on the peninsula. Debra’s note read: ‘Try to lure Chelsea Blake out for a bike ride, she’s recovering from a near rape. Watch Charlotte — she has a reputation for being amorous with a penchant for young men’.

Later when out for a stroll to look over the township Danny optimistically purchased some condoms in case Charlotte took a fancy to him – ‘If I could be so lucky,’ he grinned but he wasn’t worried. During his arrival and brief walk he’d already noticed the females seemed to outnumber the males. When having coffee on the waterfront he received several stares and even soft smiles from women.

Back at the house Danny started to read a ‘Things to Do around Provincetown’ and he dozed off, only to be awoken by somebody thumping on the door. He opened it and a woman virtually pushed her way in. She turned and said, ‘Ohmigod.’



The woman was looking at a closed cropped blond guy with tight natural curls, about 6ft two in height with pale blue eyes, square jaw below the friendly smile and a body that appeared to be in peak condition.

She stepped forward and kissed him on the mouth, pushing her chest against him harder than necessary, he thought, to ensure he felt her big tits. ‘Hello — I’m Charlotte,’ said the attractive forty-two or perhaps forty-three year old devoid of make up, even lipstick, with a bit of a belly and a dress far too short for her age but her pins appeared great.

‘P-pleased to meet you,’ Danny said, stepping back and feeling trapped, although the door was still open.

‘Welcome to our little patch Danny. Dinner will be at 7:00 — no need to dress or bring anything. My husband’s name is John and our daughter Chelsea lives with us but has become a recluse, doing little but read and paint. John and I hope your presence will help bring her out of her shell. Three guys took to her on the beach last summer when it was still light but a couple of gays who heard her screams came to her rescue — thank God. So be prepared for strange behavior but she does answer when spoken to. I think I’m going to like you, I mean really like you.’

Right, I have condoms. Danny thought that but actually said, ‘It’s lovely meeting you Charlotte — I hope to see a lot of you.’

She looked bemused and went to say something but thought better of it. ‘Till seven then, you have a cute accent.’

Charlotte answered the door knock, kissed Danny and placed his left hand on her breast. ‘Oh, goodness me what am I doing,’ she whispered, removing his hand. ‘My thoughts are racing away on me.’

Dark-hair John was slim, friendly and worked in coastal marine inspection based back towards the more populous centers of the cape. He poured Charlotte a gin and tonic and he and Danny choose beer, they most listened to Charlotte until Chelsea arrived at 7:25 to assist her mom serve.

‘This is lo
vely,’ Danny said as Charlotte handed him his plate of fish pie and greens.

‘There’s more or leave some if it’s too much,’ she said with the openness of old-fashion hospitality.

Glancing at the younger woman he said, ‘I met you this morning. I wasn’t aware your name was Chelsea.’


‘Will you walk though the town with me tomorrow pointing out places of interest?’

Charlotte and John exchanged alarmed looks and there was no immediate answer.

‘You’ll be safe with me.’

‘Not tomorrow — next day if that’s okay?’

‘Yes, I’m here to relax rather than to rush into everything.’

She looked up from her plate. ‘Do you like art?’

Charlotte and John looked at their daughter in surprise.

‘Yes, my preferences are portraits and landscapes. Do you paint?’

‘Yes, but only portraits and landscapes.’

Danny was aware Charlotte was struggling to contain herself and hoped she wouldn’t butt in, she didn’t but it appeared to be a struggle.

‘My understanding is they are different disciplines, you must have the right type of mind that gives you the required flexibility.’

‘I’m only average but improving — come see examples of my work,’ Chelsea said standing and walking from the table.

Danny looked at Charlotte who was smiling hugely, she waved him off and he excused himself and strode after Chelsea. She gathered up her long skirt to negotiate the stairs and he could see she had her mom’s great lower legs. Danny assumed under those voluptuous clothes lay a flat belly and a great pair of tits, she didn’t look over-weight.

‘I was almost raped last summer.’

‘I know, Aunt Debra told me and asked me to try to coax life back into you.’

Chelsea was silent for a moment and then, ‘You call a spade a spade.’

‘What is there to hide? If I’m coming on too strong for you tell me to bugger off.’


‘Oh — it’s a New Zealand expression used to emphasis the request to go away.’

Thinking about that Chelsea said, ‘I don’t want you to go away.’

‘That’s fine — I’m here for a month. Just keep calm with me, tell me if I’m pushing you too hard and be open to gradual re-immersion.’

‘What’s that?’

Danny said she knew what he meant and she said shyly that yes, she did.

The upper floor comprised a storeroom, bathroom and a huge area with large end windows and skylights that was both her bedroom and studio. One wall was almost completely covered with framed paintings. There was an array — some much better than others.

Danny looked at them slowly and she stood beside him, not quite touching, looking at each painting as he viewed it, neither of them commenting until the inspection ended.

‘I call this display my development years, frankly some are quite awful. Now we shall look at paintings I have completed since last summer, I didn’t paint for two months after that shocking experience — just read and cried, refusing to go out. But one day I felt like resuming and began painting and knew I was painting much better, as if I’d matured.’

She placed a metal V-frame on her worktable that opened wide at the top and stepped back. It contained perhaps thirty-five paintings.

Danny went through them slowly, taking a little longer at a most beautiful profile of Aunt Debra. He continued through sunsets and seascapes and townscapes viewed from the windows of that room. Then he said ‘Wow!’

Chelsea was sitting on a stool beyond him. ‘My mom?’

He’d earlier looked at a full frontal of Charlotte, nude and hands up behind her head rolling her hair into a bun, he resisted licking his lips. ‘No, it’s you undressed at the window.’

‘Do you like it?’

‘Love it.’

‘Then keep it.’

‘Thank you but no — it’s too personal. Perhaps by the end of the month I may have changed my mind.’

He continued the inspection and one from the end said, ‘If this one is available I’d like it.’ It was a simple landscape of a view down sand hills to the beach and windless ocean with cotton-like white clouds in a blue sky. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

‘Pull it out, I’ll drop it in for framing when we walk through town the day after tomorrow. No — with you traveling you’d better have it contained in a tube. Technically it’s my best to date, I feel I’m stepping up to the next level — I painted it from memory.’

‘It is beautiful, I shall own it with the additional pride of knowing the artist.’

‘We must return to cold fish pie — thank you for your encouraging comments but you didn’t comment on that final painting.’

‘May I? I thought it was too personal.’

She didn’t reply. It was a painting of a woman’s breasts — close up from the neck down to include the navel.

‘Lovely and so natural — you have the uplift of youth so I knew they were not your mother’s. The coloring is fantastic and you have captured the right breast hanging lower which is quite common with a lot of women.’

‘You sound experienced.’

‘I have viewed a great many paintings over the years.’ This time her smile was a little more apparent as if she was beginning to bond slightly, well they had begun well at the table where she’s obviously had stepped up her inter-action, judging by the responses of her parents.

Charlotte jumped up and fetched their dinners from the oven warmer and then returned with a bottle of white wine and four glasses. ‘Chelsea?’

‘No thank you — don’t you remember I was near-drunk on that awful night.’

‘Pour her half a glass Charlotte,’ Danny said. ‘I’ll drink it if you don’t Chelsea.’

Chelsea sat with downcast eyes, not protesting.

Charlotte poured Danny a glass and topped up her and John’s glasses — obviously they’d gone through the first bottle.

‘Cheers,’ said John and the three of them lifted their glasses in salute.

‘If you feel comfortable join the toast a take a sip Chelsea.’

She gave a startled look at Danny for saying that and turned to look at the doorway.

‘You don’t have to flee,’ he said kindly. ‘Neither are you being compelled to drink a little wine. You just decided where you’d like to be. Think of your painting — you don’t move up a step unless the effort is made.’

She picked up her glass as said ‘cheers’.

‘Oh God,’ Charlotte said becoming emotional, wiping her eyes.

‘Chelsea would prefer no big deal is made about this.’

Chelsea shot Danny a grateful look and Charlotte sniffed, ‘Of course. The maximum temperature is expected to hover around to 70-72 deg. for the next few days and drop to around 59-60 deg. over night. This is the weather I love Danny,’ Charlotte said. ‘Although there are still plenty of visitors around and will to flock here until around the middle of next month, it’s nowhere as over-powering as the summer invasion.’

‘You’ve come at the best time of year, I love autumn too,’ Chelsea said. ‘Perhaps later in the week you’ll accompany me bike-riding and wait while I do some sketches.’

Her parents gulped at their wine, pretending nothing extraordinary was happening.

* * *

Danny returned from a long bike ride next day just before 1:00 and as he returned from putting the bike away Charlotte met him at the front door.

‘Hi, Danny. I’ve come over to make your bed and do some housekeeping.’

‘I made it before I went out.’

‘Would you like to mess it up again?’

Danny looked at Charlotte and she met his gaze.

‘I know I’m not completely unattractive to younger men,’ she said coolly. ‘I suspect you’re interested.’

Danny licked his lips before realizing what he was doing and then saw the look of triumph in her eyes. ‘I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it with you.’

‘Thank you,’ she said and added helpfully, ‘Well, unlock the door.’

She followed Danny in.

He expressed his misgivings. ‘Loo
k, if Chelsea finds out it could shatter the progress she is making.’

‘I won’t be telling her, will you?’


‘Well then, go have a shower while I make you a sandwich and fetch a cool drink. John took Chelsea for a regular appointment with a psychologist this morning and she’ll stay with friends and come home with him around 5:30. By then I’ll be home preparing dinner and everything will be normal. I have a liking for young men but promise I won’t hound you and if something should develop between you and Chelsea I’ll back right off.’

Danny mumbled he was off to shower. He showered quickly and returned to the kitchen where she was loading his food on to his plate. He wondered nervously how would they start — it seemed a waste of time for her to be watching him while he ate and drank, he didn’t have to worry. As he bit into the sandwich Charlotte dropped her shorts, removed her shirt and pulled out her heavy breasts and pushed the bra under them for support. She pulled Danny’s chair out and around, unzipped him and sank to her knees, after two or three licks she took in a real mouthful. He groaned in approval and reached for a plump breast and began working it.

Danny kidded himself she’d be too much for him, she was robust, sucking him right up to the hairs on his belly, her tongue wrapping around his dick as one hand stroked the lower half up and down and her other was rolling and squeezing his balls, he was relieved she didn’t have three hands otherwise his ass would have been a goner. She was sounding almost incomprehensible but he listened to try to make sense of it — ‘I want your dripping cock slammed right up my cunt and two fingers working my ass.’ He almost panicked, wondering if he should yank out his phone and call 999. But no, unless they judged it to be an emergency he’s be sent home in disgrace, declared being unfit to properly service an American women whose only crime was she loved to fuck young guys senseless.

Those wicked thoughts made him come in powerful squirts and Charlotte rolled her eyes as she failed to cope. Thick white cum flowed out of both corners of her mouth and she pulled away she groaned, ‘Jumping jackass jerk-offs.’


When she recovered she charged — ‘You big clown, you almost drowned me.’

He led her to the bedroom thinking if she played around she shouldn’t be sucking guys without a condom on.

‘I’m dripping on the polished floors,’ she complained, ignoring him. He replied she could mop the floors in the morning when she did the housework. ‘What do you charge?’

‘Nothing to you, Debra fixed it up. I work at the bank Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings so these puddles will stay until tomorrow afternoon.’

‘It’s okay, I know where the mop is kept,’ Danny grinned.

‘How do you want me?’

‘Kneeling as close to the edge of the bed as possible.’

‘Will this be an ass fuck?’

‘No-o-o, I’m a clean living New Zealand boy,’ he said solemnly, rolling on a lime green condom.

Danny rammed her oozing cunt, she squealed, yelling for him to stop. He tried doing that but she yelled why was he flagging. Eventually she bellowed like a cow with a veterinarian’ arm stuck into her ass and began heaving so Danny gratefully shot into his condom, relieved he hadn’t wilted before she did. For a woman who might not do any exercise, she had great stamina,

She collapsed on to her belly. ‘Gawd, that was a massive fuck — you contributed a bit as well.’

‘Have a nap, I’ll bring you coffee and a sandwich in fifteen minutes then it’s off home for you.’

When he’d rolled on the condom Danny had thought of the consequences of fucking Charlotte, apart from the aspect of adultery there was the threat to his emerging relationship with Chelsea but Charlotte had assured him that with perfect management everything would be kept under wraps. The other thing was should he fuck Chelsea if the opportunity came up, when he knew he’d fucked her mom? That was too difficult for him to answer on the brink of pushing into pussy so he thought probably not, but then again perhaps why not so he licked the pussy being opened wide for him and sunk into it.

Charlotte looked out on to the street carefully before opening the door, there was nothing she could do about neighbors peeking through curtains. She said. ‘I’ll try to walk home with my legs fairly close together looking normal, rather than looking bow-legged.’ Stepping on to the porch she invited Danny to come to dinner.

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Autumn Clematis Ch 03

Introduction This is the third of four chapters in this story. The introduction to chapter 1 explains how this story came about. ————————————————- Part 10 I start the massage by spreading her legs and placing separate small bolsters under each ankle. ‘Are you comfortable Nina?’ ‘Yes, thank you Victor. I will tell you that I’m just a little bit nervous.’ ‘Just remember that you can stop me at any time. This is for your pleasure. I certainly don’t want to do anything that upsets you. ...

2 years ago
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Autumn Weekend

We begin our adventure quite early in the morning. Even though we agreed to head out midday things have worked out in our favor for once. We’ve been trying for months to get away like this and despite the many hiccups… it’s finally happening and you can’t wait any longer. As we begin our rapid paced ascent up into the higher elevations you’re more and more captivated by the scenery. You’ve seen the many pictures I’ve sent from my vacations but pictures truly don’t capture the true beauty up...

4 years ago
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Autumn Clematis Ch 04

I wait for Nina to emerge from the room. She’s been resting from her massage for quite a bit longer than usual. But of course the session was quite a bit longer than normal, and all the intense sensuality and intimate erotic touching and her orgasms might have overwhelmed her so that she needs more time to recover. I’m almost positive she enjoyed everything. But I could be wrong, perhaps she’s decided that she let me go too far and doesn’t know what to do and is afraid to come out. But the...

2 years ago
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Autumn Awakening

I look out the window as the sun sets behind the mountains. The cool air is causing the leaves to change, and the golden color glows in the evening light. I feel his stare before I hear his steps. He runs his hands along my arms, gently holding me in place as he sears a kiss into my shoulder. “You think too much.” I can hear his worry. And his intent of distracting me. I simply nod, my voice absent. “Let me help,” he whispers before brushing the hair off of my neck and running kisses from my...

3 years ago
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Autumn in Quebec

I always liked Quebec City. It truly is a beautiful town. It’s North America with French flair. Conversely, you could think of it as France sans the bad attitude. The Old Town, vieux-Quebec, feels like a town in the old continent, populated by nice Canadians. After you’ve been there a while, you understand why Quebecers want to preserve their culture, even to the extent of being treated differently than the rest of Canada. They are different, and they have plenty worth preserving. I’m sure...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Autumn Leaves

With a sudden jerk the train pulled out of the village of Unlle. I looked back at the glass and metal, bus shelter like, constructions that represented the railway station. Better than nothing, I thought, especially if it was raining. Functional without any character was the best description that came to mind. I looked around the crowded carriage. It was the usual mixture of Saturday morning passengers. An elderly couple sat in one corner reading their newspapers, his liberal Guardian...

3 years ago
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Cape Adventure Ch 03

Morning breaks, and the cool, wet cape air fills the house. Eric is the first to wake. Rubbing his eyes, he surveys the damage. Clothing strewn about, with towels all over, and their various toys and tool are lying across the floor. Next to him, Amber lays huddled in the blanket. She wakes slowly, as he stretches a bit. When he lies back down, she throws her arm over his chest and runs her hand along his body. Eric kisses her softly on the forehead and lays back. Her hand massages his pecks and...

4 years ago
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Cape Cod winter

Cape Cod Winter {Loosely based on a true story}I was invited to spend New Years week to my pals house down in a summer resort. His wife invited some of her friends. The first few nights was nice. I had my own bedroom but New Year weekend, the house had lots of folks. I was only single guy We went up to the local party town for NYE {New Years Eve} festivities. We had tickets to a buffet/dance party at this famous nightclub. Anything goes at this club. I rode with R. an d his wife J. and we met...

4 years ago
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Cape Cod Summer Based on a true story

I was 25 yo. I am about 5’9’ tall.160 lbs. My name is Kenny. I am straight in that I like girls...until that summer of love. My pal D. invited me to go work with him down Cape Cod {CC}for the spring / summer. He knew a few guys down there so off we went. My GF of 3 yrs had been cheating on me so she pretty much dumped me. It hurt butt I knew lots of hot babes go down {CC} in the summer. This older guy that he knew had a job at a motel. He was the ...

3 years ago
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Fun on Cape Ann

Chapter 1 I had been going out with Bonnie Robinson for almost a year. She's seventeen, like me, and the youngest daughter of very devout Catholic parents of two older sisters, Debbie, eighteen, and Kati, twenty, and a brother, Kenny, who was nineteen. We were both in the high school band, she played clarinet and I played trumpet. On our first date, I had suggested that we kiss each other goodnight using the lip formations we each used with our band instruments. It was good for a laugh and it...

3 years ago
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SuperSister 6 Hanging Up The Cape

Super-Sister #6: Hanging up the Cape? By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" From the diary of...

3 years ago
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At the cape

I can still remember the first time I got Kim to flash. We were on our honeymoon on Martha’s Vineyard at the Cape. We were at a place called Gay Head and were walking up to the overlook of the cliffs etc. A guy was walking towards us, (up an incline, looking down at us, so to speak). Kim and I had just been talking about the top she had on, and how much it turned me on. It was a white tank top laced up the front from the scoop neck down to the middle of her tits. She was also wearing a short,...

1 year ago
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Fun on Cape AnnChapter 1

I had been going out with Bonnie Robinson for almost a year. She's seventeen, like me, and the youngest daughter of very devout Catholic parents of two older sisters, Debbie, eighteen, and Kati, twenty, and a brother, Kenny, who was nineteen. We were both in the high school band, she played clarinet and I played trumpet. On our first date, I had suggested that we kiss each other goodnight using the lip formations we each used with our band instruments. It was good for a laugh and it got me...

2 years ago
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Autumn Winds

Friday morningAutumn has blown in with a vengeance early in the week.  Cold, squally winds and heavy cold showers are yellowing the leaves and ripping them from the trees to be trodden underfoot.My partner, Jen decides that walking to the station is no longer an option.  Normally she dons sneakers with her business suit and walks the fifteen minutes down the country lanes to catch her train.  She always says it’s quality thinking time to prepare for the day or week ahead.It amuses me to see her...

3 years ago
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Autumn in New York0

By Marc Rollins Tannia. I first met her at work. I worked at a pizza parler in New York, near my apartment. I won't give the address or the name, but it was a popular place for the kids to hang out. We both worked in the back, making pizza, cutting pizza, and all of those other little tasks people like us did. The first day I was there she trained me, showing me the ropes. She was about 5 foot tall; give or take, i never really asked, just guessing. She had the longest jet black hair i...

2 years ago
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Autumn in New York1

By Jimmmy D. Tannia. I first met her at work. I worked at a pizza parler in New York, near my apartement. I won't give the address or the name, but it was a popular place for the kids to hang out. We both worked in the back, making pizza, cutting pizza, and all of those other little tasks people like us did. The first day I was there she trained me, showing me the ropes. She was about 5 foot tall; give or take, i never really asked, just guessing. She had the longest jet black hair i...

2 years ago
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Autumn Clematis Ch 01

Introduction This story came about through email exchanges between me and a woman I met through Literotica. We live about 1100 miles apart, have never physically met, and probably never will. We decided to write a fantasy together by exchanging emails. I wrote a section, then she responded, and this back-and-forth continued. Please excuse the frequent lack of explicit cues as to who is saying what. It was always clear to us, but you’ll have to figure it out for yourself. This entire story is...

3 years ago
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Autumn Clematis Ch 02

Introduction This is the second of the four chapters of this story, and will read better if you start with the first chapter, which also explains how this story came about. —————————————— Part 6 I lay on the table for a few moments reflecting on what had just transpired. I was so aroused, my nipples hard, my pussy dripping. My mind was spinning. Victor’s response to my decision to have an undraped massage brought as many questions as it answered. As I thought about this, my hand travelled...

3 years ago
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Autumn Leaves

This may or may not follow on from the short story "Stuck in the middle with you". You don't need to read that first but it might help.Yet another weekend on her own, everyone else visiting other relatives whilst she had to stay at home and finish off some work. Work which had surprisingly taken a fraction of the time it should have now there were no other distractions to be had. So half a day into a weekend alone and she had nothing to do. Boredom, as it always does, had set in very quickly...

4 years ago
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Ben and Dave were brothers who now co-owned their Dad's old hunting shack in northern Wisconson. Dad was gone, but the boys tried to get up there whenever they could. Both were all grown up, living in different towns and working very different jobs. Dave was married and had two sons, worked 9 to 5 at a legal firm, and had weekends off. Ben, 2 years older, was single, worked shift work at a manufacturing firm, and usually worked weekends. They tried to hunt together at least twice each...

3 years ago
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Autumn 1980

PROLOGUE Autumn 1980. Me and Paul had been mates. Not best mates, but mates nonetheless, and good mates. I was 18 and worked in a bank. Paul was 20 and in the army, stationed mostly in Germany but also doing his stints in Northern Ireland. As such, we only met up when Paul was on leave, and trust me, a good time was always had on those rare occasions! The hangovers were not so good, but hey, we were young - we recovered quickly. But this story is not about Paul, I only mention...

2 years ago
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Autumn Flowers Blooming

"Mavis, do you feel like taking a side trip to the Falls?" It wasn't the hypnotic lure of Niagara Falls that made Bert suggest it. He'd seen them plenty of times. It was just that it had been a quiet ride in the car—a nervous kind of quiet. He thought it was a good way to stir up some conversation and jog the mood to something more vacation-worthy. He took his eye off the interstate traffic for a moment to glance at Mavis, silent in the passenger's seat, looking out her window. "Niagara...

2 years ago
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Autumn Joy

It was one of those late September evenings of which we get one or two most years. The sun had shone all day, and the warmth remained even after the sun set Cheryl and I had arranged to meet at the Crown and Cushion, a small, intimate and very comfortable country inn just to the west of Fleet, where I was living at the time. As it was a Monday, I hoped that the Crown would not be too busy, and I was lucky. I could hear that there were quite a few in the Public Bar, but the Lounge we had to...

3 years ago
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Autumn in the Park

It was late autumn and the bright chilly weather required warm sensible dress for a trip out to the Nature Park. So Jade, my young niece, climbed into the rugged 4 x 4 with me, wearing her long warm red coat; and what we planed to do was altogether bizarre. Jade’s parents at the time, were exceptionally busy in Washington preparing for the forthcoming election; so they had welcomed the idea of her visiting her Uncle Ben. In fact it had been a God-send as my life had become stale of...

1 year ago
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Autumn Leaves

She looks at me with love. Her deep blue eyes are a little unsure but she knows in her heart that there is no one but me. I glance back at her giving a small smile. She blushes for being caught staring at me, while a strand of her dark hair falls to her face. She looks down being embarrassed. I take her soft chin in my hand and gently tilt it up so her eyes match mine. I brush the soft hair away so I can look at her completely. We stare deeply into each other for a long time. I glance at the...

4 years ago
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Autumns Love Story 2

I quicklygrabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. Jason stood up to reach for the door but there was a quick knock and it swung open before he got to it. I flopped down onto the bed to make it look like nothing was going on. I tall man stepped into the room. “Hey dude mom and dad are…” He trailed off as he looked over and saw me. “Uhh, Greg this is Autumn. Autumn this is….” Jason tried to get out but Greg quickly interrupted him. “Why hello there doll face.” “Um, hi.” “May I ask why such a...

2 years ago
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Capes and Crepes

Disclaimer: If you are under age, not a fan of mind control, enslavement, and a bit of bimbofication, or otherwise not permitted to read ahead, this is your warning. All characters are 18 or older. ***************** I’d just like to say that the following story draws a lot of inspiration from the works of Handcuffgirl, Madam Kistulot, and Trilby Else, along with a slew of awesome authors I’ve read over the years. Thanks to all of them for all the great stories, and sorry in advance for what...

2 years ago
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Dreamscape The Conclusion

Dreamscape Conclusion By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 5: Dream Walker Fear, confusion and fraud. These were the three words, which had dominated my existence since I died in a car accident. Through cosmic happenstance, I emerged from a coma in the body of Lucy Maya. My second chance at life, so to speak, was not one of wonderment at the miracle of being given another crack at life, as one would expect. Quite the opposite. I tip toed through this life fearful more people...

4 years ago
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Futurevision DreamScape Chris and Sarahs Shared Reality

Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality. by BinaryFellow Summary: Chris and Sarah are hired to test a new revolutionary virtual reality technology being developed that will one day change the world. It's all fun and games until Sarah takes things too far, and the technology malfunctions. Author's Note: This is my first story ever. Please leave honest & constructive feedback. Consider this an open universe. Anyone may write stories about other characters that...

3 years ago
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Autumn In Arcadia

My father, the Great god Pan, told me once that I was not like his other progeny. Oh, I had the ears and tail of a horse, of course (whinny!) but I was different. I was a Greek satyr, not that bizarre creature the Romans would introduce to the world with goat horns and goat ears and goat legs. And I had the powers of a demigod. I would live almost forever, and I could see into the future, just a bit. Not everything. And I was just as lustful as my brothers and sisters, but I did not mate with...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Beyond Dreamscape Part 1

Author's note to reader: This is a sequel to the multi- part, completed, story "Dreamscape". Knowledge of that story will make this a much more comfortable read. Beyond Dreamscape Part 1 by Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: Magic, Malevolence and Malarkey He looked at the face of his watch glowing dimly in the darkness: quarter to eleven. The snoring told Arnie Williamson the man who slept above him was finally asleep. The former bus driver moved quietly off his bunk...

3 years ago
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Autumns Over

I hate what I became. Some monster that I don’t even recognize anymore. I did it for the thrill. The love. The love of being the seducer of men who come to me for a good time. They would send me a message, begging me to help them and I would oblige. Every time. Don’t get me wrong. I was still a virgin. Just not when it came to my words. With my words I would undress myself and kneel in front of them naked. I would take their pants off and run my nails over their already hard dicks. In my i.m.s...

2 years ago
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Autumns Love Story

This story starts at the end of 10th grade. I was in a new school for the 5th time in 4 years. I was never one of those quiet new kids that sits in the corner and never makes any friends. I was loud and had an opinion that you were very likely to hear. I made friends and had guys that liked me (they always go for fresh meat) but I never really dated and didn’t have a best friend. I started in about mid-April. Having to start at a new school is bad. Having to start in April is shit. I remember...

2 years ago
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PREFACE "Why the jock strap over your jeans, Cindi?" "It's not a jock strap, Holly. It's supposed to be a codpiece. I'm making a statement." "I suppose you are. Any I idea what statement?" "That we don't have penis envy." "Penis envy?" "Here's what my psych text says. (I didn't sell it back because you see how I spilled coffee in it.) 'Freud believed that during development, girls switch the mother to the father as the love object, and also switch from...

3 years ago
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Caped Crusader

I had always found Jack's wife sexy, the three of us had gone back many years, Jack and I had met whilst still in college and despite moving around about, we still kept in regular contact, hooking up for beers in town and occasional parties at each others houses.I am pretty sure Karen his partner knew I fancied her, if fact, I am pretty sure Jack knew and seemed pretty nonchalant about it, I had never made any secret of my thoughts, frequently making 'boorish' comments after a few drinks and...

4 years ago
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E089 Sunday on the Cape

In the morning, Emma and Donald take their time in the shower, making sure each have been well soaped, washed, and specially cared for.  First, after lathering Donald’s member completely, Emma rinses it as she kneels before him and takes the glans into her mouth.  Donald was just starting to get hard, and the warmth of her mouth and tickle of her tongue along his slit makes his cock start to tremble. Emma takes the shaft into her hand and squeezes and jerks it as she takes more of him in to...

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