Cape Ann Caper
- 2 years ago
- 32
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A woman is alone.
She is in the sun room of her home, but there is no sun. It is late in the evening and the sun room has been converted to an exercise salon. She lies on her back on a mat on the hardwood floor.
Her breath is rapid and labored. Perspiration trickles from her brow, running down her temples despite the chill of the air conditioning that shields the summer heat. The moisture stains through her exercise outfit, a tight second skin that covers her from ankle to shoulder. It has been a hard workout—they always seem to be hard these days—so she knows that the effort is worthwhile and accepts it is as a necessary regimen.
The exercise bicycle, on which it all started, glowers at her in silence from its station in the corner. It reminds her that she can't lie on her mat all night—as much as the proposition is inviting. She sighs, then curls to a sitting position, and then hops to her bare feet.
She glances at the clock: eleven-fifteen. There is just enough time for a hot bath and then to bed. A busy day awaits her in the morning. She flips off the light switch as she leaves her salon and the house is dark, save the night light at the top of the stairs. She pads her way to the beacon, careful to avoid bumping into the furniture. It is a practiced routine, so she maneuvers with ease.
She mounts the stairs one-by-one feeling stiffness already in her arms and legs, a by-product of her workout. As she ages she pushes the severity of the sessions forward in notches. It is the only way to stay ahead of the calendar.
"It's worth it," she reminds—or convinces—herself as she scales the final stair.
If only she could entice herself to accept that elegant slide into matronhood, she could dispense with the nightly torture. There are times that the proposition is inviting. That, however, is not what she has chosen for herself, comfortable as it might be. At times, it seems like it might have been a more dignified way to pass the years. The moment of second-guessing is long past.
The bath will help.
She is in her bathroom. A bottle of purple-colored crystals is on the shelf near the bathtub. She pours out a handful into her palm then sprinkles them into the hot water filling the tub. Perfume rises with the steam from the gathering suds. She replaces the stopper in the bottle, returns it to its place then takes in a deep breath and enjoys the scent. Enjoying little pleasures, she reminds herself, is an art-form. All—large and small—pleasures are meant to be savored, each in its turn. She is an artist.
There was a time when a shower would be all she needed after a workout. These days she allows herself the luxury of the bath. It is an earned perquisite, credited in bits by a-thousand-times-a-thousand late-night sessions. It is more than pleasure. It serves a purpose—a massage for stretched muscles and ligaments, boiling away any hardness.
"I am a bottle of wine."
Like a choice vintage, she has attained bouquet and complexity without allowing the body or character to turn to vinegar. She pours herself out with care, revealing some of the secrets she has attained, guarding others. Who will be her sommelier? It is a fortunate man who lifts the glass with the wisdom of one who appreciates fine wine. In such a case the wine gives more—much more. There is an infinity of secrets to escape the bottle and a man might revel as he captures them all.
Or, so the man thinks; the woman knows that each new experience yields knowledge and knowledge is the genesis of secrets. They are created in progression, not in discrete quantities. There will always be new secrets.
A wry smile signals her assent as she ponders her metaphor and pours another capful of perfumed salts into the water.
"I am a bottle of wine," she confirms.
Waiting for the bathtub to fill provides an opportunity for inspection. Mirrors line the bathroom walls. It is a not a moment for untruths. She nods a quick approval, but recants it right away. It is wise to use care before pronouncing.
She stands up straight before the mirror—arms at her side, facing her would-be accuser. She drinks in the sight before the rising steam is able to mask the details. A smile of satisfaction is allowed. Time continues abated.
She is slender, as she has always been. The skin is smooth without telltale cellulite bumps. The surrounding mirrors give a view of the back of her. The shape is as it should be—round and firm. She looks again to the front. Her exercise regimen has rewarded her.
She wonders if her chestnut hair could use a coloring. She looks close. It's alright. She winds a practiced loop and secures it above the nape of her neck with a band from the counter. Another deep breath and she watches her breasts rise and then descend as she exhales. She gives a final nod, and this time she means it.
"Not bad—if I do say so, myself!"
The tub is full. Perfumed steam fills the room. She turns off the water, steps into the tub full of hot water and suds, anticipating the pleasure of it all. She plunges her body to full immersion.
She cups her hands and draws hot water to her chest and over her sculpted shoulders, letting her breasts feel the warmth. She draws a long, slow breath so that the perfume can invade her nostrils. Her hands are still at her breasts and she lifts them. The undersides feel the warmth, too. Thumbs course over the nipples. It feels good. She slides her body forward so to be yet lower in the water. The hot water pours over her, submerging her body to the neckline.
It is good therapy. She closes her eyes and searches for that dreamy state that closes her mind to all but the sensations surrounding her. She knows it will come to her if she just waits for it.
"Relax," she whispers.
The feeling is approaching.
Her indulgence will be short-lived. When the water cools it will be time for bed. There is more to life than the culture of one's self. A desk full of work awaits in her office in the morning. Tomorrow is Friday. She tries to never leave unfinished work for Monday. Yes, it will be a quick bath and then to bed.
"Relax," she repeats.
That dreamy state is close at hand.
The phone rings.
It shakes her from her trance. It isn't fair; the hot bath was supposed to be her reward. She sits up with a start, glances at the clock: eleven-thirty-five.
"Who could that be?" she asks herself.
She reaches back to the little shelf and picks up the phone as it rings again. She steals a glance at the caller-ID. It brings forth a little chuckle of pleasure.
"Who indeed!"
She presses the "Talk" button.
"Caroline, it's me," a far-off voice announces.
"And who is 'me'?" she demands in a soft voice. Her voice is always soft.
"It's me—Roger," the voice insists. "C'mon, Caroline, don't play games!"
"What games, Roger?" she laughs, "I haven't spoken to you for so long, I nearly forgot what you sound like."
Her retort brings an audible sigh from him and then a quick response.
"I know—I know; Caroline," pleads the caller. "But I'm going to make it all that up to you this weekend."
"A single weekend," she pouts, "to make up for all..."
"Okay, I admit it," he begs, "it's only a start, but this will be special."
A pause takes hold of the moment.
"What did you have in mind?" she purrs. When he doesn't answer she provides the reply.
"Never mind; I always know what you have in mind. Anyway, I thought you were in Frankfurt. I couldn't possible break away..."
"I am in Frankfurt, but not for long," he corrects. "The buyout talks broke down. No one was ready. The Germans have to crunch their numbers over the weekend and we'll get back together on Monday morning. I'll have nothing to do until they're done."
"So, you want me to provide you with something to do?"
"Everyone thinks I'm going to Paris for the weekend."
"Paris?" she answers. "I can't make it to Paris, either. I'm..."
"I said 'everyone thinks I'm off to Paris'. I'm catching the early-bird to New York. I'm already booked. I'll be checking out of the hotel right after I hang up this call. After that, I'll get a taxi to the airport. I'll be landing in Newark at four this afternoon—or tomorrow afternoon to you."
She sighs into the phone.
"But, Roger," she protests, "I had plans. I can't just take off without..."
"Do you still have the key to the corporate retreat on Cape May that I gave you last year?" he asks before she can think of an answer.
"Roger, I can't just play hooky from work on the spur of the moment. I have a presentation on Monday to get ready. It's a very important fund-raising project and..."
"Just take a half day," he insists. "—and the weekend, of course. You'll figure out a way."
"Yes, but..."
"Good!" he pronounces. "Drive down to the Cape tomorrow afternoon and open up the beach house. I'll rent a car at the airport and meet you there."
"Cape May?"
"Yes! I've got it all figured out. It will be just the two of us for the whole weekend," he promises. "Then I have to fly back to Frankfurt on Sunday night. Do you still have that key I gave you?"
"Yes," she replies. "Yes, I think so."
"Good. Why don't you take the afternoon off and open the place up? I'll be landing at Newark at four. I'll rent a car and meet you there."
She remembers the neglected keychain forgotten in the back of her dresser drawer along with the password for the security system.
"It's all arranged, Caroline. Don't say no," he pleads. "It's for the weekend and we'll have the whole place to ourselves. No one will know we're there."
"Nobody—absolutely?" she queries. "Are you certain?"
"Well, just my secretary. She reserved it. But, her lips are sealed."
"That's someone, Roger. You'll know that we'll be found out."
"I promise! No one will find us. We'll be alone."
"I don't believe it," she scoffs, "but that's your problem."
She grimaces as she ponders how he has called her late at night and disrupted what she'd planned with such care. Then she thinks about her workout session and her aching muscles, and asks herself a question.
"If not for a few stolen weekends such as these, what are those workouts for?"
"Okay, Roger," she concedes. "It won't be easy to break away, but I'll manage it"
"That's my girl," he crows in triumph. "I knew I could count on you. This will be great."
"No one will know," she confirms, "absolutely no one?"
"Stop worrying, Caroline. Just drive down and get the place opened up. Gotta run! See you in a few hours."
She hangs up the phone and sighs. Her bath has chilled and she barely had a chance to enjoy it. She thinks about filling the bathtub again.
"No, I can't. There is no time."
There is an overnight bag to pack, and she will need to go to the office even earlier than usual. She had made her plans so carefully and they have come apart because of a phone call as she was dreaming in her well-deserved bath...
"Why did I let him talk me into this?"
It is a question without an answer, and what would be the point of trying to find an answer? She always lets him talk her into his little adventures. His career is so important. What of hers? She's not a VP of "something-or-other" from a New York firm—so what? Her work at the university is important, too. Sometimes, she believes it is more important that his work.
"What's the point—it's done!"
She glances down and realizes that her overnight bag is nearly packed and she didn't even realize that she's been working away at it while she scolded herself for so easily giving in to him.
"I've done this so many times I can do it without thinking," she realizes.
She must get some sleep now. It will be an early day—and a late night if she is any judge of what to expect at the Cap May beach house.
She slips into bed and thinks about the day to come. She thinks about her workout, ninety minutes in the past. At least, she'll look good in her bathing suit, and Roger will be sure to notice that.
"Maybe, if there were no workouts I could follow through with my own plans," she muses.
It's an interesting question that she ponders as she reaches over to set the alarm an hour earlier than normal. The question is on her lips as she drifts from drowsiness to sleep, along with wondering over how much opportunity she'll have to wear her new bathing suit.
"Probably not much chance if no one knows we're there."
It is her final thought before she is sound asleep. It leaves the trace of a faint smile on her lips. Perhaps the thought carries her through the night, blotting out all her reasons to be unhappy.
It has been a long drive from Princeton, and not a very pleasant one at that. It is a Friday afternoon, the weather hot along with the tempers of the herd retreating down the Jersey Pike from the City. Why couldn't they stay in Princeton for the weekend instead?
It was an uncomfortable getaway in the office, as well, but she knew that no one would say 'no'. They never have, and all know she'll work extra hard on Monday to make up for the lost time. Monday—Roger will be back in Germany and she will be back at her desk. She will have done her duty for one and set about to complete her obligation to the other.
"Who owes me?" she asks herself as she waits at a light.
She has to get her attitude sorted out. Roger will only be with her for a too-short weekend. An unadjusted attitude would ruin it all. Special weekends are a rare commodity. A repeat performance is not always assured.
"Now where is that turn?"
She searches for the right turn that will put her on Sunset Blvd. That is the road to Cape May Point and then to the Corporate Retreat on Delaware Bay. She has only been there a few times and she doesn't want to miss it.
"Ah! There it is."
It's good that she's found it so easily. She has a lot to do and Roger won't be far behind her. There is a grocery store on the way. She decides to buy some supplies so they won't have to waste time with that chore later. Roger will want something to eat after his long flight. His drive from Newark Airport will be nearly as long as hers has been.
"We can't let Roger go hungry!"
Her sarcastic inner thought reminds her that her attitude is slipping again. She brushes the private complaint aside as she the car rolls to a stop in the driveway of beach house. As she walks from the car to the front door she searches through her purse for the keychain retrieved from the back of her dresser drawer the night before and the attached tag that has the code for the security pad.
There is a warm summer wind blowing her hair and it distracts from her search through her purse. She glances up from her task for a second and gazes out to the golden beach stretching out in front of the house and the sun's rays bouncing off the blue-green water of the Bay.
Even though the shoreline is a hundred yards away, she can hear the waves lapping at the breakwater and the gulls screaming as they search for food. The hint of an on-shore beach breeze cools her face.
"It really is nice here," she admits to herself.
She wonders if, perhaps, Roger deserves a pardon for his compulsive demand. Rather than ponder the question she resumes her search and finds the key. She opens the door to the beach house and punches the numbered buttons on the keypad to disarm the security system. The entryway leads to the kitchen and she stows the food and supplies she has purchased in the refrigerator and cupboards.
The bedrooms and baths are on the second floor. She decides to unpack a little later. The downstairs is an open layout. Just beyond the kitchen is a living room area with casual, but expensive furnishings. Beyond that is the spa area with its hot-tub sunken into the tan-orange terra cotta tile. The pool is just beyond the French doors that lead to the outside and the ocean-front.
She smiles to herself that it's somehow necessary to have a swimming pool with such a beautiful beach and inviting ocean to swim in. She shrugs her shoulders and turns to go back outside and retrieve her overnight cases.
Her cell phone rings.
"Roger, where are you? You should be here by now."
"Newark Airport," is his answer. "Flight delayed. Immigration was a mess. I'm on the shuttle to the rental car now."
"That means you won't be here for two hours."
"More like two and a half."
"You should have called. I could have stayed at work longer," she scolds, although without conviction.
"Hey, don't you miss me?" he retorts. "Anyway, I'm doing the best I can."
"Of course, Roger. I'm sorry. Come as fast as you can."
"Two hours to myself," she muses.
A walk along the beach would be nice. The waters of Delaware Bay are so beautiful—the perfect setting to wind down after the nerve-wracking drive down on the New Jersey Pike.
"I'll let in some fresh air, get my luggage and put on my bathing suit."
She ventures past the confines of the kitchen. She halts at the opening to the living area and gasps.
"No one called the cleaning people!"
Indeed, they have not, for there are half-empty cocktail glasses and tumblers littering every coffee and end table, near every chair. The odor of stale tobacco smoke hangs in the air. The source is the used ashtrays in all corners of the room...
"What a mess!"
The peaceful stroll on the beach becomes a fading wish. She searches for cleaning supplies and the vacuum.
"Now he has me working as a scullery maid!" she scowls.
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IncestI had been going out with Bonnie Robinson for almost a year. She's seventeen, like me, and the youngest daughter of very devout Catholic parents of two older sisters, Debbie, eighteen, and Kati, twenty, and a brother, Kenny, who was nineteen. We were both in the high school band, she played clarinet and I played trumpet. On our first date, I had suggested that we kiss each other goodnight using the lip formations we each used with our band instruments. It was good for a laugh and it got me...
Disclaimer: If you are under age, not a fan of mind control, enslavement, and a bit of bimbofication, or otherwise not permitted to read ahead, this is your warning. All characters are 18 or older. ***************** I’d just like to say that the following story draws a lot of inspiration from the works of Handcuffgirl, Madam Kistulot, and Trilby Else, along with a slew of awesome authors I’ve read over the years. Thanks to all of them for all the great stories, and sorry in advance for what...
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Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality. by BinaryFellow Summary: Chris and Sarah are hired to test a new revolutionary virtual reality technology being developed that will one day change the world. It's all fun and games until Sarah takes things too far, and the technology malfunctions. Author's Note: This is my first story ever. Please leave honest & constructive feedback. Consider this an open universe. Anyone may write stories about other characters that...
Author's note to reader: This is a sequel to the multi- part, completed, story "Dreamscape". Knowledge of that story will make this a much more comfortable read. Beyond Dreamscape Part 1 by Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: Magic, Malevolence and Malarkey He looked at the face of his watch glowing dimly in the darkness: quarter to eleven. The snoring told Arnie Williamson the man who slept above him was finally asleep. The former bus driver moved quietly off his bunk...
I had always found Jack's wife sexy, the three of us had gone back many years, Jack and I had met whilst still in college and despite moving around about, we still kept in regular contact, hooking up for beers in town and occasional parties at each others houses.I am pretty sure Karen his partner knew I fancied her, if fact, I am pretty sure Jack knew and seemed pretty nonchalant about it, I had never made any secret of my thoughts, frequently making 'boorish' comments after a few drinks and...
Although we’re in the center of New York City there’s no mistaking the smell of Spring in the air. After walking and browsing at window displays in the West Village we come across a quaint Japanese restaurant were we decide to eat. The room is relatively empty, the lights are dim, and the plum wine is very, very sweet. Dinner is, of course, difficult. You’re wearing a sundress and I know you don’t have any underwear on. I’ve been hard since I laid my eyes on you. I begin to tell you how I’m...
Driving past the long winding roads into rural kampung areas of Pahang is so enjoyable because of the vast and wide array of interesting scenes of Malaysian life that we come across such as fruit sellers, village folk going about their daily chores like carrying a sack durians on their shoulders, quaint kampung houses with some very artistically designed and some designed very frugally and practical in nature.. as we drive along towards temerloh, we come across a stretch of road which is lined...
It is one of those evenings that you die to see somewhere in the open. Usually trapped inside the office or elsewhere, you never get the chance to be on a mountain top maybe or by the ocean seeing the sun setting in the horizon, staying with it as long as possible, nothing else than the ocean offering this chance. Look at it the last time I saw it kiss the surface of the ocean back in 97 and that too because I wanted to see the last sunset of the year on the beach. Watching the sun I notice you...
We hadn’t seen each other in almost a month and the thought of how good it was made me wet. As my flight landed I got butterflies in my stomach just thinking about him touching my body. I got my bag and smiled to myself thinking about the toy, lube and extra batteries I had brought per his request. I’m sure the TSA agents enjoyed going through my bag. Once I was on the shuttle I called to let him know I was on my way, I was early, I hoped that he would find it to be a nice surprise. The shuttle...
You are standing there in front of me. I always knew this moment would come and it finally has. You are more beautiful that your pictures could ever show in your button –up blouse and your jeans. The sweater you are wearing brings out the color of your eyes, almost making them glow as you look at me. The moonlight shining thru the window is the only light we have as I step toward you. I reach out to you and take your hand. Our fingers intertwine as I pull you gently toward me. My arms wrap...
After a few minutes of resting he got up and headed over to the table. I felt tingles in my pussy as I watched his firm ass and muscled legs walk away from me. It was then that I finally looked around me and took in the room. It was a nice hotel room with two queen beds and a big wall of windows. The furniture was that dark fake cherry but it went well with the pale yellow walls. I heard some ice rustling and turned to see him grinning at me while he worked on popping the cork off of a bottle...
This is the story about when I cheated on my husband. My name is Ellen and I’ve been married to my husband for twenty years. We were high school sweethearts. We even went to the same college. We were just so crazy for each other. We didn’t want to be apart. My husband had gone to college to become a lawyer, and I had gone to college to be a nurse. We both are very busy in our jobs, but we always found time for family vacations. When the girls were small, we always had date nights out. We both...
‘Okay, Danny,’ she said to me almost immediately, then paused momentarily to consider her next words. ‘Here’s the way I see it – 1) on one hand, we may ruin our relationship, which is doubtful, but remains a possibility, on the other hand, we may strengthen our relationship. Are we willing to risk it? I don’t know about you, but I am. Baby, I can see your point at being reluctant to risk our friendship, and I appreciate your unselfishness to point those risks out, but Danny, please consider...
Gi had a message waiting for her when she got out of the shower. She had set herself online just before going in and this early in the day hadn’t really expected to get anything. So it was quite the nice little surprise to find someone waiting for her. Standing at the end of her bed she let her body begin to air dry as she flicked open the request. It was from DaveyCrockett09, one of her regulars, and easily one of the most fun to talk to. She had always enjoyed a bit of roleplay here and...
Jill rolled over and as she awoke she was disappointed to find that she was the only occupant of the bed; she had gotten accustomed to, and relished the touch of her lover. She arose and took her beautiful naked self out to the living room to find Dave also without a stitch of clothing, standing at the massive windows sipping on a cup of coffee and just taking in the view of Chicago's lakefront. Jill quietly approached him from the rear and embraced him from the back pressing her sexy breasts...
CheatingThe administrative manager of Jill's employer, having been to a number of these educational conferences over the years had told her that, with the meetings running through Thursday and the closing banquet that evening, she should take the whole week. She told her husband that she would not be able to fly home until Saturday late morning, wanting to spend as much time as she could with Dave.With virtually everyone being a total stranger in this area of the country, the chances of someone...
CheatingThe next morning, Jill rose very early, utilized the fitness center, showered, primped, dressed and was out the door before Dave even stirred in the bed. She joined some colleagues, she knew only from trade publications, for breakfast, having introduced herself in the lobby. Soon she was off to a general session of the conference and then moving between breakout sessions for the remainder of the day. It proved to be a valuable experience both in terms of establishing contacts and adding to her...
CheatingJill Miller's eyes fluttered open, while she struggled to understand her surroundings. She lay naked in the middle of a king size bed with a sheet partially covering her sexy torso. She could hear water running in a bath tub. Her pussy felt well used and the residue of having been fucked still seeped from her vagina, with some remnants having dried on her upper thighs. The smell of lavender permeated the air as long shadows were cast across the room. “Oh my God,” she remembered. Everything was...
CheatingThis is the story about when I cheated on my husband. My name is Ellen and I've been married to my husband for twenty years. We were high school sweethearts. We even went to the same college. We were just so crazy for each other. We didn't want to be apart. My husband had gone to college to become a lawyer, and I had gone to college to be a nurse. We both are very busy in our jobs, but we always found time for family vacations. When the girls were small, we always had date nights out. We both...
TabooYou probably read through my earlier submission, “A fantastic, fulfilling fuck”. This story follows what happened when we met next. After meeting and what followed during our time together, we kept up our routine on sexting, sex chats, and video sex. We found ways to keep each other titillated: talking about how we’d have an early morning fuck or a quickie in the office parking lot or some action while flying or at the movies. A teasing picture or an audio clip here or there would make us...
Soon after my first sex experience (Public sex experience in train), I got a boyfriend, Karan. He was from Bangalore. His parents were out of India, so he rarely went to his hometown. We fucked whenever we got chance. When I was into my second year of college, friends and I moved to an apartment in a city. My boyfriend and his friends moved into an apartment two streets from ours. We met and fucked whenever friends were not there in either of the apartment. While living in the apartment, I got...
“Meet you in the bedroom” I say to you and open the bathroom door and walk out.You continue looking at your reflection in the mirror. White fluffy towel wrapped around your damp body. Your damp hair flowing past your shoulders. You’re getting older but you’re still so beautiful.You hear me mumbling something in the bedroom, as the cork from a Champagne bottle pops. You enter the bedroom and see me sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. Towel wrapped around my waist. Two glasses filled...
“I’m going to take a shower” I say to you “care to join me” I turn around to look at you and catch you looking at my ass with a smile your face. “Sure” you say, “start the water and come back here.” I go to the bathroom and am quite surprised by how big the bathtub is. I start the water and make sure it’s hot but not too hot, then go back to the bedroom where I find you laying on your belly propped up on your elbows. “Come to me Edward” you say “lay here for a moment.” I lay down on the bed...
"Okay, Danny," she said to me almost immediately, then paused momentarily to consider her next words. "Here's the way I see it - 1) on one hand, we may ruin our relationship, which is doubtful, but remains a possibility; on the other hand, we may strengthen our relationship. Are we willing to risk it? I don't know about you, but I am. Baby, I can see your point at being reluctant to risk our friendship, and I appreciate your unselfishness to point those risks out, but Danny, please consider...
Love StoriesThe Red Camaro pulled into the Applebee's lot in Kansas City. Nothing out of the ordinary about the scene as it was the same one that played out day after day. The dark haired woman driving seemed to be on a mission. She was dressed casually but still stylish. She exited the car and walked inside and got a booth. She was carrying a large Coach purse. Her makeup was barely noticeable as it was well applied. The college aged waitress came to take her order to which she requested an...
I have just landed in your again and staying in my room at the Conrad. It is a dark and stormy morning and you'd agreed to stop by on your way to work. I've just checked in and taken a shower after the long flight, unpacked my things and excited to be seeing you.You arrive at 7am under dark cloud with the rain sluicing down outside. I am waiting for you in the lobby. It is wet with rain and people shaking out their umbrellas. You have to be careful not to slip in your heels. You are wearing a...
I was invited out to a party one night by some old friends and decided to go even tho I would be attending alone. My latest beau and I had parted company about a month before but I was tired of staying home just because I didn’t have a date. When I arrived , I discovered that they had invited my ex-husband Stan as well. I think they expected us to both show up with someone else but interestingly enough, he was also by himself. I had to be honest as I thought he was looking pretty good. I had...
MatureHello guys, my name is Aashish Kalyan. I am from Thane, Maharashtra. I am 20 years old with a 6-inches tool. I am 6 ft 3 inches tall with an average built. Now, about the heroine of this story, Isha (name changed). She is 5’9 with a very well-toned body, and because she is a dancer her assets are well-maintained as well. Her stats are 34-28-30. She has milky, white skin and her wavy hair suit her really well. The story is a bit long guys, but I assure you it’s worth your...
This particular turn has ... had a sturdy guard rail ... and I knew where I was and knew the turn was coming. But ... there’s always a but ... the tire tracks in the snow left by the logging truck didn’t turn and I was confused. Log truck drivers travel this road at least twice a day and they know where they are. And of course it was slippery ... really slippery. When I realized that I was supposed to make a sharp left it was too late. I’ll admit I tried ... maybe I shouldn’t have ... but...
CORA What am I going to do? “Retain a lawyer, mom,” said David IV. “What?” “Retain a lawyer.” David said, “You asked me what you should do.” “Did I say that out loud?” “What?” “What am I going to do?” “Yup,” Dave IV said. “Yes, mom,” Beck said. Beck is actually Cherish Rebecca ... We had a brain fart when she was named. She was supposed to be Christopher Robin but she was a girl ... so ... The song Cherish sung by The Association had been popular during our “Hot Summer” as a couple....