Girl you re a natural
- 3 years ago
- 36
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Hayley estaba en pie frente a la mesa del sal?n central, ahora vac?o. Disimulaba su enfado mientras volv?a a ojear la copia de la ?ltima oferta. Se esforzaba por mantener porte elegante a pesar de todo. Incluso quer?a dar cierto aire de superioridad. Era una mujer hermosa. Tal vez no uno de esos bellezones que sal?an en revistas y pel?culas. Su imagen era m?s real, m?s natural. Sus ojos marr?n claro, grandes y bonitos. La melena casta?a oscura llegaba hasta mitad de la espalda. No era completamente lisa si no que pose?a algunas ondulaciones. Adem?s, Hayley siempre ten?a cuidado de ir bien peinada. En esta ocasi?n llevaba toda la cabellera por el lado izquierdo, dejando ver por completo la mejilla derecha, de aspecto fino, delicado, cubierta solo con un poco de maquillaje. Tambi?n dejaba a la vista la oreja, adornada con un elegante pendiente en forma de aro dorado, m?s grueso en la parte inferior que en la superior. Sus labios eran carnosos, sensuales, maquillados de color rosa suave.
Si su rostro era agradable, su cuerpo tampoco dejaba nada que desear. De nuevo, era muy distinta a esas escu?lidas modelos. Su cuerpo ten?a curvas. No, no le sobraba un solo kilo, todo lo contrario. Ten?a una figura saludable, voluptuosa. Tal vez le habr?a venido bien ser un poco m?s alta. Sus caderas eran gruesas. Acababan en un hermoso trasero redondeando y firme, sin excesos. Era la cl?sica figura de reloj de arena, o lo habr?a sido de ser sus pechos algo m?s peque?os. Eran grandes. Muchos habr?an dicho que eran, de hecho, demasiado grandes. Al ser una mujer joven a?n no hab?an cedido por completo a la fuerza de la gravedad. Unos pocos los considerar?an casi vulgares. Otros los apreciar?an como un magn?fico tesoro de la naturaleza, dignos de ser admirados ahora, en su plenitud. Aunque la misma Hayley no acaba de estar contenta con ellos. Demasiado grandes.
La mujer se enfundaba en un ce?ido traje azul que marcaba sus sensuales formas. El escote de cuello de barco, dejaba ver parte de los hombros, la clav?cula, y el propio cuello de Hayley. Escond?a los pechos, forzando a volar la imaginaci?n de quien la mirase. La parte baja ca?a un poco por encima de las rodillas, mostrando unas piernas bonitas cubiertas por pantis negros. Los zapatos, por supuesto, iban a juego con el vestido. De color azul oscuro, con tac?n de la altura justa. Consegu?an que su due?a pareciese unos cent?metros m?s alta, y sobre todo, la hac?an contonear las caderas sensualmente al andar.
Generalmente Hayley se mostraba con gesto agradable, quiz?s un poco altivo en ocasiones, pero su sonrisa era c?lida y bonita a la vez. Ahora solo mostraba media de esa sonrisa. Los labios le temblaban espor?dicamente al apretarlos por la rabia. S?, hac?a su mejor esfuerzo por demostrar que controlaba la situaci?n, as? lo cre?a, pero el asunto comenzaba a cansarla.
Frente a ella un tipo de apariencia normal. La apariencia m?s normal del mundo. De haber sido las cosas distintas, alguien podr?a haber preguntado a la mujer por la descripci?n de aquel hombre y ella habr?a respondido poco m?s que, "moreno, vestido con traje negro, camisa blanca, y corbata azul". Tambi?n podr?a haber a?adido que estaba en forma y que sus ojos eran marrones, pero sobretodo fr?os. Nada m?s.
No era este hombre, quien se hab?a presentado como Bob, el causante de su ira. Tan solo era el mensajero. Aquel problema ten?a otro monde. Rick Maretti.
Hayley hab?a heredado el hotel de su padre, fallecido a?os atr?s. Al principio le hab?a costado llevarlo todo. Era tan joven cuando se vio dirigi?ndolo? Sin embargo no se hab?a hundido. Hab?a tomado las riendas. Hab?a aceptado el consejo de sus empleados, hab?a trabajado hasta el agotamiento, y hace un par de a?os hab?a conseguido volver a hacerlo rentable. Ten?a mucho a su favor. Un emplazamiento perfecto casi en el centro de la ciudad, unas instalaciones no muy grandes pero s? confortables y elegantes. Una clientela fiel. Cr?ticas positivas en gu?as y p?ginas web. Hombres que volv?an solo por tener la ocasi?n de verla de nuevo y fantasear con ella una vez m?s. A?n as? su esfuerzo hab?a sido el factor m?s determinante.
Hac?a un par de meses hab?a llegado Maretti. Hab?a comprado los edificios de un par de manzanas a la redonda. Quer?a construir uno de esos mega centros comerciales. El Hotel de Hayley estaba justo en mitad del supuesto proyecto. La oferta hab?a sido generosa, muy generosa. Ella simplemente no quer?a vender. Ya ten?a dinero y el hotel lo era todo en su vida. El ?nico recuerdo de sus padres.
Rechazar la oferta fue sencillo. Los siguientes meses no tanto. Primero aument? la delincuencia en el vecindario. Hayley reaccion? contratando seguridad privada y elevando un par de cartas al ayuntamiento, despu?s de enviar una copia a los peri?dicos, claro. Siguieron un par de robos, nada serio. No hab?an funcionado. La ?ltima jugarreta hab?a sido un soborno al inspector de sanidad. Por eso estaba cerrado el hotel. Acababa de exterminar unas ratas que en realidad nunca estuvieron all?. Otro inspector llegar?a al d?a siguiente para certificar que todo estaba correcto.
A pesar de cada triunfo, empezaba a estar m?s que harta.
Bob era el ?ltimo enviado de Maretti. Hab?a algo distinto en ?l, algo que no gustaba a Hayley. Claro estaba que lo hab?an enviado por resultar m?s amenazante, y lo hab?an hecho sin previo aviso. Se hab?a presentado all? hac?a una hora, cuando ella revisaba los ?ltimos detalles antes de la reapertura. Le hab?a dejado pasar con dos intenciones. En primer lugar, tratar de hacerle comprender que no iba a vender. Incluso si se arruinaba y deb?a cerrar el hotel, no vender?a el terreno. Toda la campa?a en su contra era in?til. La segunda era demostrar que no pod?an asustarla. A ella no.
Tampoco pod?an comprarla. La oferta era estratosf?rica para el valor real del terreno. Aceptando ya no necesitar?a trabajar nunca m?s. Daba igual. Era cuesti?n de convicciones. Tras unos segundos pensando volvi? a esbozar una bonita sonrisa cargada de seguridad, con algo de arrogancia.
-Bob? - esper? por si el hombre completaba el nombre con un apellido.
-Bob est? bien - respondi? ?l secamente.
-Bob. No voy a vender. Este hotel es mi vida. Es m?o. No voy a desprenderme de ?l. Espero haberlo dejado claro de una vez.
?l ni se inmut?. Su actitud molestaba a Hayley. Era como mirar una foto, siempre el mismo rostro impasible.
-Mi cliente cree que realmente deber?a reconsiderar la oferta. Este barrio es peligroso.
Hayley sinti? una nueva oleada de ira. Aquel tipo iba a su hotel, su hogar, armado ?nicamente con una carpeta llena de documentos y un malet?n a?n cerrado. No conforme con insistir, la amenazaba. Cerr? las manos, de dedos delgados, formando peque?os pu?os que ocultaban la cara manicura y el esmalte rojo. Control? la ira. Ese hombre deb?a pretender hacerla enfadar. No quer?a darle ese placer. Recuper? la sonrisa por en?sima vez.
-He vivido aqu? desde siempre. Sabr? arregl?rmelas, gracias.
-Mi cliente tambi?n me ha pedido que la advierta. Esta es la ?ltima oferta. Por eso voy a repetirla una vez m?s. Si ahora me dice que no, ya no habr? marcha atr?s. No habr? m?s ofertas ni oportunidades. ?No va a reconsiderar la oferta?
-Me alegra que por fin sea la ?ltima vez. - Respondi? entre aliviada y enfadada. - La respuesta es no.
Volvi? a sonre?r, victoriosa. No hab?an podido con ella. Maretti iba a recibir una lecci?n de humildad. Dio la vuelta para regresar a su despacho a realizar una ?ltima revisi?n antes de ir a casa a dormir.
-Espero que sepa encontrar la salida.
-En realidad, a?n no me voy.
Hayley se detuvo, nuevamente enfada. Gir? para volver a dar la cara a aquel pesado. Al hacerlo lo encontr? a poco menos de un metro de distancia.
Bob lanz? una patada baja, lo que un luchador llamar?a "low kick" contra la pierna de Hayley, impactando en plena corva izquierda. Mientras emit?a un peque?o chillido de dolor, su pierna ced?a, dobl?ndose y estando apunto de hacerla caer al suelo.
Bob no esper?. Su v?ctima no era una oponente en ning?n sentido de la palabra, pero ?l siempre se comportaba como si realmente pudiesen o supiesen defenderse. Un profesional no acepta m?rgenes de error. Lanz? un gancho que golpe? a la mujer en la mejilla izquierda, causando una peque?a herida en el rostro y haci?ndola sangrar por la boca al morderse el labio. Agarr? entonces con ambas manos la cabeza, tirando hacia abajo para ganar fuerza al conectar un rodillazo en el est?mago. Hayley, aturdida y sin poder cargar peso en la pierna izquierda, cay? hacia atr?s, volcando y rompiendo una mesa al chocarse con ella.
Aturdida, moviendo la cabeza de lado a lado sin ser del todo consciente de los ?ltimos acontecimientos, no lo not? cuando Bob la agarr? de ambas piernas y tir? hacia s? para quitarla de los restos de la mesa. Empez? a patalear un poco cuando not? que alguien le separaba las piernas. M?s por reflejo que por intenci?n, lanz? un par de golpes con las manos. Bob reaccion? desviando f?cilmente los f?tiles ataques. Agarr? la cabeza de ella con ambas manos, y golpe? el cr?neo contra el suelo un par de veces. No la dej? inconsciente, solo demasiado aturdida.
Una vez arrebatada toda lucha de la pobre Hayley, Bob le separ? las piernas y se arrodill? entre ellas. Subi? el vestido rasg?ndolo un poco por el tir?n. No se molest? en bajarle los pantis, los raj? a tirones por la zona genital. Se encontr? con unas bonitas bragas de encaje, tambi?n negras, que pronto rompi? c?mo hab?a hecho con los pantis. Ten?a delante una vagina preciosa, de labios rosados, prietos, con solo un poco de pelo justo por encima. No esperaba menos de una mujer tan cuidadosa.
Abri? la cremallera de los pantalones y, tras solo unos segundos, asomaba una enorme erecci?n. Seguramente era la m?s grande que ella hubiese visto en persona, pero a?n no era consciente de su entorno. Solo reaccion? cuando el pene invasor la penetr? de golpe, sin lubricaci?n alguna. Un gemido de dolor escap? de los labios de la joven. Comenz? a mover la cabeza de un lado a otro mientras repet?a "no". Todo su cuerpo se agitaba mientras las primeras l?grimas comenzaban a recorrer las mejillas directamente hacia el suelo. A?n mareada, le cost? poner las manos en el pecho de su agresor, tratando de quit?rselo de encima. No habr?a tenido fuerza suficiente encontr?ndose centrada y en plena forma. Tras ser vapuleada y sin ver n?tidamente, fue un esfuerzo completamente in?til. Bob respondi? agarrando ambas manos con la zurda para ubicarlas sobre la cabeza de la joven. Durante unos instantes, Bob sigui? posey?ndola as?, disfrutando del espect?culo de los pechos botando bajo el cada vez m?s desali?ado vestido azul. Agarr? el escote con la diestra.
-No? - grit? ella, cada vez m?s centrada. - ?Noooo!
Bob tir? con fuerza. El sonido de tela rompi?ndose inund? el sal?n por unos instantes. Los grandes pechos de Hayley solo estaban cubiertos ahora por un sujetador, tambi?n de encaje negro, sin tirantes. Los dej? as? por ahora.
Hayley casi hab?a vuelto en s? del todo. Volvi? a gritar. Bob le tap? la boca con la mano derecha. No es que los gritos supusiesen un problema, nadie la oir?a fuera del hotel, pero su experiencia le dec?a que as? sus v?ctimas se sent?an m?s indefensas. Eso le gustaba. La mirada de terror de Hayley fue suficiente recompensa.
Las embestidas aceleraron, indicando la inminente eyaculaci?n. Bob se dej? ir, llenando la vagina de la chica. No le importaban mucho las pruebas. No estaba fichado, no hab?a muestras con las que comparar, ni ADN ni huellas. Solo un mont?n de casos sin resolver, todos catalogados como "agresor desconocido". Ahora a?adir?an un nuevo nombre al expediente. En realidad ven?a bien, con v?ctimas tan dispares nunca pensar?an en un profesional.
Una vez qued? libre, Hayley se encogi? sobre s? misma, en posici?n fetal sobre el costado derecho.. La rodilla le dol?a much?simo, al igual que la espalda, la mejilla, y la cabeza. Se sent?a sucia y humillada. Intent? recomponer el vestido con la mano izquierda mientras, instintivamente, llev? la derecha a la zona genital que le dol?a y escoc?a a partes iguales. Solo ten?a fuerzas para llorar. Y llor?, perdiendo la noci?n del tiempo.
Bob volvi? a acercarse. Ella lo escuch?. No se atrevi? a mirarle.
-?Firmar?! - dijo entre sollozos - lo que quieras.
Bob sonri?. Este era de sus momentos preferidos en cada trabajo. No serv?a cualquiera. Solo lo disfrutaba cuando se trataba de esta clase de mujer. Fuerte, guapa, con personalidad. Una que realmente tuviese algo antes de quebrarla.
La agarr? por el pelo. Pr?cticamente la levanto en peso mientras Hayley segu?a llorando y gritando.
-?No!, ?Para!, ?Voy a firmar!.
Sin hacer caso, Bob agarr? lo que quedaba de vestido y empez? a tirar. Hayley ten?a problemas para mantenerse en pie. La pierna izquierda a?n no respond?a bien y ella segu?a algo mareada. A?n as? trat? de agarrar la tela mientras su agresor la arrancaba de varios tirones. Tembl?, se agit?, y resisti? cuanto pudo cuando ?l arranco el sujetador. Los pechos quedaron por fin al aire. Not? fri? en los pezones, redondos, casi de color caramelo. Por supuesto no estaban erectos, ni lo iban a estar. .
Mientras segu?a sosteni?ndola por el pelo con la mano izquierda, Bob comenz? a jugar con las tetas. All? no hab?a sitio para la delicadeza. Los apret?, los estruj?, los lami?, los retorci?, e incluso mordi? con fuerza dejando la marca de los dientes. Los gritos no cesaron en ning?n momento. Al final la solt? para ver su obra.
Hayley se sostuvo en pie con dificultad. Intent? tapar los pechos con el brazo derecho, labor harto complicada, mientras cubr?a su sexo con la mano izquierda. Estaba en pie vestida ?nicamente con unos pantis desgarrados y los zapatos, llorando mientras pugnaba por no volver a caer al suelo.
Bob volvi? a acercarse y agarrarla por el pelo. La conduc?a hacia la pared de la izquierda, adornada con un gran espejo que la recorr?a por completo.
-?Basta! - gritaba ella entre sollozos. - ?Ya basta!
No hubo respuesta. La hizo inclinarse hacia delante cerca de uno de los c?modos sof?s del sal?n. Hayley apoy? los brazos r?pidamente para no caer, quedando frente al espejo. Pudo ver sus enormes pechos colgando. Contempl? a Bob agarrando el pene, listo para penetrarla de nuevo, desde atr?s en esta ocasi?n. Ella cerr? los ojos e hizo el firme prop?sito de no gritar m?s. Estuvo a punto de fallar casi al instante, pero no fue as?. Apret? los dientes, cerr? los ojos con fuerza, y tan solo se le escaparon algunos gemidos de dolor cuando la penetraci?n era especialmente fuerte.
Bob miraba el espejo. Estaba mesmerizado. Al principio tambi?n hab?a dudado sobre si aquellas tetas no eran un poco demasiado grandes. Al verlas balancearse sin control, chocando una con otra, sufriendo ondulaciones al agitarse, sali? de dudas. Tal vez no era su tipo de mujer ideal, pero desde luego representaba un aut?ntico espect?culo.
Hayley prob? a agarrar los brazos del sof? para paliar el dolor. No sirvi?. Apretaba cualquier cosa al alcance de sus manos. Buscaba a tientas algo a lo que aferrarse. Nada serv?a. Le pareci? permanecer as?, montada como un animal, durante horas. Al final, por segunda vez en la noche, not? el semen de aquel desalmado llen?ndola.
Cuando acab? la solt?, dej?ndola caer sobre el sof?. El torso qued? sobre el asiento mientras las piernas colgaban hacia el suelo, apoy?ndose con las rodillas en ?l. No le quedaban fuerzas ni voluntad para intentar levantarse. A?n as? gir? la cabeza cuando escuch? pasos a su espalda. Vio al violador agarrando la pata de la mesa que hab?an roto durante la "pelea". Sinti? m?s p?nico del que jam?s hab?a cre?do posible. Trat? de ponerse en pie apoy?ndose en las manos, pero recibi? un fuerte golpe en el h?gado. El dolor casi la paralizaba, aunque consigui? incorporarse e incluso dar la vuelta. Sin tiempo para m?s, fue incapaz de protegerse ante un segundo golpe con la punta de la pata, a modo de estocada, directamente contra el est?mago. Volvi? a caer al sof?, esta vez boca arriba.
-?No! , ?No!, ?No!, ?No! - Trat? de gritar, aunque el golpe la hab?a dejado con poco aire. - Te lo suplico - hablaba entre sollozos. - Firmar?. Har? lo que quieras. Yo? yo? - adem?s de llorar, se sonroj? de verg?enza ante su propia oferta antes si quiera de realizarla - dejar? que me? me?
-Folles - la interrumpi? Bob, a?n armado con la pata de la mesa. - Dilo.
-Dejar? que? - cerr? los ojos. Se hizo a la idea. Pod?a soportar la humillaci?n. - Dejar? que me folles. - las palabras salieron de la boca con asco, con la derrota marcada en el timbre de voz. - c?mo tu quieras.
Bob sonri?. Sinti? otra erecci?n de camino. La hab?a quebrado totalmente.
-Te dije - continu? a rega?adientes, lamentando no tomarla otra vez - que si te negabas no habr?a marcha atr?s. - Alz? la pata de nuevo.
-?No!, ?Por fav?!, ?Ahhh!
Hayley grit? de dolor cuando un nuevo golpe interrumpi? sus palabras. El impacto le rompi? la clav?cula derecha, clavando el hueso contra los m?sculos. La agresi?n ya no par?. Hayley intent? defenderse poniendo los brazos y las piernas delante. Escuch? claramente el chasquido cuando los huesos del antebrazo izquierdo se rompieron. Sinti? la rodilla "buena" salirse de su sitio. Pronto ya no pod?a protegerse de ning?n modo. Eso no detuvo la paliza. El est?mago, los ri?ones, de nuevo el h?gado. Los enormes pechos se convirtieron en el blanco estrella. Eran f?ciles de alcanzar y los gritos de dolor alcanzaban cotas exquisitas para Bob. El estern?n, adem?s de algunas costillas y la cadera, tambi?n se quebraron. El agresor qued? agotado de tantos golpes, deteni?ndose para recuperar el aliento.
Hayley era un desastre. Una burla de la mujer joven y hermosa que hab?a sido hace tan solo unas horas. Estaba llena de moratones, de cortes, de ara?azos. Ten?a varias hemorragias internas, ?rganos reventados. Una costilla se hab?a clavado en el pulm?n, haci?ndola toser sangre adem?s de provocar un sufrimiento horrible cada vez que respiraba. Sent?a tanto dolor que era incapaz de controlar una serie de continuos espasmos. Se hab?a meado encima, manchando los caros pantis que luc?a en las piernas. Ten?a varios hilillos de sangre que descend?an desde boca y nariz tanto hacia el cuello y el pecho como hacia los lados de la cabeza, manch?ndole el pelo con una mezcla de sangre y saliva. No lo sab?a, o no lo pod?a aceptar, pero ya no ten?a salvaci?n posible. Tan solo el rostro hab?a quedado a salvo del brutal asalto, da?ado ?nicamente por el gancho con el que la hab?a atacado al principio, antes de la primera violaci?n. Ahora todo aquel horror le parec?a insignificante en comparaci?n.
-A? ayuda. - Intent? alzar el brazo en un gesto de s?plica, pero este se torc?a innaturalmente un poco por encima de la mu?eca. - M? me? m?dico.
Bob sonri?. Estaba claro que Hayley se aferraba la vida. No pudo evitar comprobar hasta qu? punto. Subi? al sof?, arrodill?ndose junto a ella. Acerc? el pene a los labios de su v?ctima. No necesit? m?s. Hayley, con el dolor y el miedo forz?ndola a superar la humillaci?n del momento, abri? la boca. Acarici? el glande con la lengua sin mucha maestr?a. Jam?s le hab?a gustado dar sexo oral. Empez? a mover el cuello para bombear con la cabeza. La clav?cula rota le mataba al hacerlo. Nuevas l?grimas de dolor empa?aron su hermoso rostro. Bob, algo decepcionado con el ritmo, aunque satisfecho con el esfuerzo, agarr? la cabeza con ambas manos para empezar a masturbarse usando la boca de la pobre mujer como juguete sexual. Adem?s ?l mov?a las caderas adelante y atr?s. Desde luego no fue la mejor mamada de la historia, no a nivel de ejecuci?n, pero Bob estaba tan excitado que not? en seguida la tercera corrida de la noche. Le sac? el miembro de la boca, manteniendo la cabeza levantada con la mano izquierda, mientras se acababa de masturbar con la derecha. Eyaculo por todo el rostro, salpicando tambi?n la melena casta?a que luego utiliz? para limpiarse. Las manchas de sangre se mezclaban en algunos puntos con las de semen, creando una mezcla ros?cea que a Hayley le pareci? muy mal oliente.
-No puedo creerlo- Dijo Bob mientras se repon?a. - Te mato y, adem?s de la paga que me van a dar, c?mo agradecimiento vas y me la chupas. - Sonri? - Nunca hubiese dicho al verte que eras tan puta.
Hayley abri? los ojos como platos, pr?cticamente el ?nico movimiento del que era capaz, e intent? rogar otra vez. Bob agarr? la pata y la golpe? con fuerza en la frente. Tal fue el golpe que la madera se parti? en dos. Us? lo que quedaba para seguir golpeando la cabeza, de frente y por los lados. Cuando acab?, hab?a destrozado por completo un ojo, roto la nariz, y arrancado algunos dientes. Nada de eso era lo peor. Hab?a destrozado la parte superior del cr?neo, llenando de sangre el pelo adem?s del sof?. En realidad hab?a salpicado bastante por los alrededores. Adem?s, pod?an verse trozos de hueso e incluso un poco de materia gris. Claro que de gris ten?a solo el nombre, estaba tan enrojecida como todo lo dem?s. Bob se pregunt? qui?n encontrar?a el cad?ver. Tendr?a que leer los peri?dicos del d?a siguiente.
Hab?a terminado el trabajo. En unos d?as Maretti enviar?a a uno de sus sicarios a pagarle. Habr?a una investigaci?n en la que Maretti ser?a el primer sospechoso, claro, pero no encontrar?an nada. El dinero saldr?a de los negocios sucios de su cliente. Efectivo, imposible de trazar. Las caracter?sticas del crimen encajar?an con las de muchos otros a lo largo del pa?s. De hecho Bob, estaba seguro, deb?a ser considerado un simple asesino en serie. El t?rmino pod?a ser correcto, pues era un soci?pata, pero hab?a encontrado una forma de encauzar ese peque?o problemilla. Solucionar problemas. Mir? su ?ltima obra. No sinti? ning?n remordimiento a pesar del estado en que hab?a dejado a Hayley. Era incapaz de tales sentimientos, y la l?gica le dec?a que, despu?s de todo, le hab?a dado la oportunidad de salvarse. Por eso le llamaban en el mundillo "solucionador" en lugar de asesino a sueldo. Simplemente solucionaba problemas, solo que muchas veces lo hac?a asesinando. Ten?a el trabajo de sus sue?os.
Era el momento de largarse. Consigo llevaba la satisfacci?n de un trabajo bien hecho.
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TabooHello friends This is Rakesh . I am 20 years old now and doing my from a government college in Odisha . This incident took place 2 years back during my Winter Vacation . We had a Maid named Shanti . She was around 40 years old that time and her stats are 34-30-34 , which i came to know later . She used to come at evening . As it was winter and it get dark early so she used to stay back at our house sometimes . Her children were around 19-20 years , so not much of a prob to stay . It was...
Mary sighed, her breath warming Clarice's open quim; the former housekeeper relished the rewards of power. True, she serviced Clarice like a paid whore, but others, her underlings - worshiped her a similar way. Soft lips closed around the tip of each of her ample breasts, and a most delightful nibbling brought her nubbin close to spending. She even celebrated the writhing tongue that probed her trembling buttocks, darting insistently across her darkened rosebud. Dashwood gazed on, his...
My aunt raised me since my parents die. I was very young when the house was destroyed, and I was spaired. Morning came and I slid out of bed. I went to the bathroom for my shower. Turning on the water, waiting for it to warm, I took off my night gown and dirty panties, placing them in the dirty hamper. Stepping into the water, I let it run over my head and washing my face and neck. I reach for the loofah and pour body wash on it. Washing my arms and my breasts, the roughness stimulate my...
This week we pulled up on this beautiful chick named Fiona. She was on her way to Sunday brunch with her friends. However, we made sure that she cancelled those plans right away because we had to make sure to do anything to get her to hop on. We offered her a bunch of money and little by little she began to open up. Little did we know, this chick was a low key freak. Because once we got down to it, she even demanded to eat Duncan’s ass. With the right amount of dough, she was down for anything....
xmoviesforyouThe next few days after my gang bang were full of thoughts of just what I had actually done being fucked my cocks in all holes and being rough fucked in a way that just make we want more. I had told James that I didn’t want to repeat this too often but honestly I was ready early the next week for what ever might come my way.Tuesday evening I again stood outside the front door my fuck buddy wondering what awaited his slut. I didn’t even need to knock as James opened door and invited me in out...
It was early Friday afternoon on a hot summer's day.I was stuck at the office, meeting after meeting as usual. Meanwhile, my girlfriend, Jess, had taken the day off to just relax and have a bit of a breather from work herself. The last few weeks had been quite busy for both of us. I was about to enter my next meeting and decided to quickly go to the bathroom before it kicked off, when my phone buzzed in my pocket.It was from Jess.I've got a Tinder match babe.I felt blood rushing to my cock as I...
CuckoldJune 30, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written on July 2, 2017] I woke to the feeling that I was being watched. I gathered my wits, thinking about where I was, and when. Oh, yeah. My face must have lit up, but I know that I felt myself grinning like an idiot. I turned my head to face Rhee’s side of the bed ... Wait a minute. When did that happen, that Rhee has an official side of my ... our? ... bed? Anyway, I turned toward her and discovered a grin that could not have been less goofy than...
Laura finally had enough of the pain. Time was supposed to make it go away. Other sexual encounters were supposed to supersede this constant, gnawing agony of loss, provide distraction, excite new sexual desires to supplant the ones you could never again satisfy. Nothing worked. The pain did not vanish; it continued, it grew, it throbbed, it roiled in her gut, it lacerated her sleep. If I don't talk to her, I'll die, she realized. Not literally, of course. But pine away. I have to... I...
You died. Game over, or so you thought. You don't remember exactly how you died, but it probably wasn't that awe-inspiring of a death anyways. Knowing your luck, you probably got ran over by a tractor or something lame while trying to save a little girl. What matters is that you didn't stay dead, or rather you were reborn. Whoever ran upstairs might have pitied you, or maybe they just wanted to stir the pot a bit by allowing you to come back and give things a second go. For now let's call the...
Driving Wife & her date to Lover ParkI was now sitting in car, I had blouse of my wife Meenakshi in my hand, I smelled it, I was enjoying with her blouse & her boyfriend was enjoying with her boob inside the bungalow. I looked at her blouse, it was four button blouse out of which three button was broken. Pizza guy was right. I was feeling erect but at same time husband within me was jealous. Boobs which was mine from my college days was now in someone else hand. My wife Meenakshi was...
Hello, guys, I am from Mumbai. My name is Sid. I would love to share one of my best sex experiences with you all. So coming to the story. It was Friday night and I was completely exhausted at the end of the day and needed a couple of drinks to get relaxed. So I went to a pub around my place – a really good place to hang out. I ordered my drinks and was chilling at my table. I saw two hot young ladies were sitting by my table and having their piece of the good times. As I was sitting alone I...
I drove my dad’s old car- which sucked because he had cheap taste. It was a dented, light blue Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera, only about a thousand years old. He said owning an official ‘Piece of Crap’ first car built character, and he often pontificated how high school kids driving brand new sports cars and SUVs could only grow up to be major league assholes. Of course, I knew from firsthand experience that most of those kids would never grow up, and most of them were already assholes. It was...
I was brousing around in a porn shop last summer and it was quiet busy with a few customers and only one shop assistant. As I wondered around there was this young girl looking at the vibators and other things that girls like put in their pussy. I watched her fo a while and she seemed impatient that the assistant wouldn't come over and help her select something.I took the opportunity and moved over close to her and whispered to her that I could help her as my partner had some of these products...
I was out at a dance club with some friends on Saturday night. Clubbing isn’t really my scene though, and I soon found myself very bored. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was almost 1 o’clock in the morning. I was having an awful time, and if I didn’t leave then, I would miss the last subway train and have to take a $50 cab ride home. So I said goodbye to my friends, and caught the very last train home. The subway ride from the club was going to be around 40 minutes. At first, the car was...
The Courier Club was busy as they entered and grabbed the last free table near back. Glancing around, it was easy to spot the small handful of Lavender Town natives, as most of the other couriers seemed to be either hanging onto various souvenirs from the festival or were talking so loudly that their comments about Lavender's strangeness made them stand out. A small handful were also wearing extra layers of clothing and shivered as the front door opened and closed, sending in gusts of wind...
Roger Dreyfus had gained some weight since I last saw him a year earlier; so had Wilson Smith, the other co-founder of the business. "James! I'm so glad to see you again." Roger gave me a big hug. "Me too, Roger. You need some exercise." I laughed when I said it. I shook hands with Wilson and then introduced Jennifer to them. I could feel uneasiness and even signs of dislike on Jennifer's face when she saw Wilson paying attention to her face and body. Roger was married to a former...
You’re over the other side of the club, we’re pretending not to know each other, I can tell by the look in your eyes. We do this sometimes, pretend to be strangers and play these little games. I keep on catching you looking at me, just running your eyes up and down my body. I am so thankful for wearing these jeans. I pull my top up a little bit at the front showing a bit of my stomach to everyone. My eyes are trained on you, I see you lick your lips as my fingers graze over my stomach and dip...
Barry clapped his hand on my office door, snapping me out of my funk. “Conference call, five minutes.” He sauntered off, clueless to the divinely filthy thoughts he had interrupted. Nicole’s dress was off the second we had walked through the door. She ran to the living room and threw herself into my easy chair, spreading her legs wide. I fell to my knees in front of her in a worshipful pose of lascivious intent. I took things slower, making love to my daughter’s pussy with my mouth. I...
As it turns out there was a room above hers at the Extended Stay America in Mt Laurel Nj that was constantly being noisy, yelling, music etc. She finally couldnt take it anymore and went to the front desk to complain. This fell on deaf ears as the clerk basically blew her off. The next night, after returning to her room from her day out she heard the noise from upstairs again and couldnt take it. She put her shoes back on and went upstairs to tell them to knock it off. She said she passed a...
"YES!" The chemistry student pumped her fist, a blue concoction bubbling in a suspended beaker on the lab table below her. She smiled, her red, curly hair matted against her face, and set down her clipboard with a relaxed sigh. "Finally, I got it," she muttered in disbelief. "Everything else was easy, why did this one have to be so hard." She sighed again, then filled a vial with her creation and walked it to a locked cabinet nearby. Despite the fact that she wore a mask and goggles, as she put...
Mind ControlJune 10 Tomorrow comes and goes with no word from Leo. It’s not until six o’clock the following night that I start to get antsy. ‘Rai,’ Em punches my shoulder as she shoots me a dirty look, ‘Stop staring at your freaking phone and try to socialize.’ We’re out at a Lebanese restaurant having one of our mandatory program dinners. We’ve had one other since we’ve been in Dublin and they are beyond painful. It’s all polite inquiries from Joanna and Zayne about our writing and how we’re enjoying...
Might as well go see how Annie, Crystal and Trudy are doing in their PT sessions today. I found Trudy doing leg exercises with small ankle weights around her foot. Crystal looked like some sort of android from all the leads attached to her body as she rode an exercise bike. Annie was looking bored stiff as she relaxed in the quiet resting room until her next session. She gave me a huge smile as I helped her to her feet and went into one of the unused PT rooms. Once I was sure she had...
Sara’s eyes move downward, and it hits me. I'm naked. As I pull the cover across our exposed bodies, I ask, “Did you just look at my dick?”A smile appears on her face as she replies, “Maybe.”“Maybe is not an answer, Sara.”“Yes, I looked at it,” she answers with a sharp tone.“Why would you do that?”“Seriously, Dad?”“Yes, seriously.”Gathering the covers beneath her chin, Kim asks, “Why were you in the bathroom?”Sara focuses on Kim as she moves toward the bed. “You asked me to lay your white teddy...
IncestIt was a late summer evening the three of us sat in the secluded garden with a bottle of wine unwinding after Lyn and I both had a bad day . The garden was surrounded by an eight feet stone wall and was very private I noticed Lyn and Mom were not wearing their bra’s and the blouse’s were undone to the waist.It was the ideal time to ask if Mom would like to move in permanent basic I explained both Lyn and I thought a lot of her it also had a lot of advantages beside the sex. Even Lyn had...
Marie rested. Other than some very slow, gentle, simultaneous masturbation with Carol in the same room, it had been Marie's first orgasm in years. Carol and I sensed a new strength from her, even as she slept. When she opened her eyes, her old intensity came back. Carol poured coffee, as I served bread, cheese, and fruit. "You realize that it is not only that I am hungry for food, but my libido is awake as well? Amazing! "Carol, dear, I do use a lightweight vibrator that straps onto my...
Part 4 This story is going in a slightly different direction than the others went. It can stand alone, but it is very helpful to have read parts 1 through 3. Because of the lack of votes, views and comments, I’m taking it a new way. A short synopsis: Nick (Sketch) was in love with Cameron. She loved him too, but wouldn’t admit it out of fear of ruining their friendship. Nick slept with Tammy (blonde bombshell), then realized that he only wanted Cameron. They got together. They went to Nick’s...
There once was a boy named Carruthers Who was busily fucking his mother "I know it's a sin," He said, shoving it in, "But it's better than blowing my brother." I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Jim looked right at me and smiled the smile of the victor. Damn him. I could not believe what I was seeing was for real! It was nearly midnight and, as planned, Jim left his curtains open enough for me to peek in. It all felt like some type of dream; the gray night, the hazy sight...
Nathan Ken-Gi and I packed our day-packs and moved out on foot to recon the perimeter of CAR. The girls would stay at our camp and be ready to come to our aid with the horses if needed and call in the QRF should things really go bad. It took us three hours to circle the perimeter of CAR. We did not see anyone moving around and all the gates were open. It seemed like the whole Post was deserted. We all agreed that something was not right and felt we should wait until dark to move into CAR and...
Home visits are a must for an exchange program coach such as yourself. You think you already experienced everything there is in observing the house of potential exchange student-athletes, but nothing has prepared you for a situation involving a sexy blonde bombshell. Kiara Lord is the sister of the one you are scouting. She is a gorgeous hottie with big tits and a big ass. You appear at the house just as soon as Kiara finishes her workout. The naughty bunny can’t help but tease you and...
xmoviesforyouBUT “FANCY” WAS MY NAME I knew what I had to do but I made myself this solemn vow that I was going to be a lady someday, though I didn't know when or how. I couldn't see spending the rest of my life with my head hung down in shame. You know I might have been born just plain white trash, but “Fancy” was my name. From the song “Fancy” by Bobbie Gentry (1969) & Reba Mcintire (1991) Prologue (Here’s your one chance Fancy) Time: 1930s depression era Louisiana Place: One room...
I caught my mum kissing another man yesterday and I knew exactly hat I wanted from her, god this is going to be so much fun. I hate her so much, she treats me like shit, I wonder what she would feel if I made her eat her own shit off my dick, I laughed at all the things I would do to her in the coming weeks. CHAPTER ONE I walked into the bathroom knowing my daughter would be there; this is her first day of slave training and I intend to make her suffer. I watched her shower,...
Shopping I find my credit card has maxed and no more credit. I needed to pay the bill off and get my things. I figure a quick payment or two could be made having sex. I have laid down for a date or two and actually enjoyed it. I just worried asking guys me age and getting the label hooker. At the Mall I see old men walking and looking at me. My target for this, could be quick and who knows a tip. Walked up to the youngest of the men and he looked like grand pa. She smiled and ask if could help...
In the car home, I turned to Lisa, "What's going on?" She smiled. "What do you mean?" "You know full well what I mean." "Patience. Just have patience and all will turn out well." "Enough with the oblique comments. Tell me." I turned to Sandy, "What is going on? I've been manipulated long enough." She shrugged. "Ask Lisa. This is her show." "Very funny. I want to know, or this is over." Lisa rolled her eyes. "Oh god, she's at it again. Look, I'll tell you one thing and...
Sorry it’s been a while since I have written anything but iv been having college exams but I hope you enjoyed the pictures in the mean time sorry for cutting out my aunts face but I don’t want her to be recognized . Any way am going to tell you about another experience I had with my aunt. It was late in September 2011 and I was sat in the college library and felt my phone vibrate so I checked it and it was a message from my aunt and it said are you going to your cousin ? Birthday party tonight?...
Stella was slightly smashed, but there was a hot glow in her eyes and a dampness to her lush mouth. "Never thought I'd be discussing my husband's sexual prowess--or lack of same--with you, Regina. But here we sit, getting loaded and I'm not ripping your eyes out. In fact, I'm kind of tickled at the whole thing. I'm excited, too. It's all so wild and crazy." Regina reached out and touched her friend's hand. Stella's skin was like olive-colored velvet, that soft and smooth. She said,...
Coming out of the elevator Bunny was headed to her desk. She had been on the job for two weeks now and already exceeding everybody's expectations. Her big bust a couple of days ago was Bigzzy. He was a high roller mob boss extorting the casinos for protection money. When she got to her desk Yuri was already there. "Hey girl some hottie from room service was looking for you." Bunny just shook her head knowing it was Kevin. Looking over at Yuri she said "what happened to the...
Hi this is Amit again. I wanna share another interesting encounter of mine which is true and happened 2 years back. I’m 34, 5’10’’, wheatish, athletic built with attractive eyes. I live in the western suburbs of Mumbai in an apartment having plush interiors and cool sea breeze filling the rooms. I’m on the 12th floor and have a few friends and acquaintances in the society. Amongst them was a woman who was on the 6th floor, called Dr. Rekha, 40, fair, decent looking, average built, doctor by...
After lunch, since Heather was helping her mom with dinner, I went into town to buy condoms. Armed with a crisp twenty and a wad of nerves, I tied my bike to a lamppost down the street from the drugstore. I sat on a nearby bench for a while, wondering what the big deal was. There was none. I knew almost no one in Montauk. And so what if I was buying condoms? I looked a little older than fifteen, right? When I walked into the store, there were only a few people browsing. I found the area I...
“You owe me baby, your turn to watch me blow another man in a month’s time. Would you like to masturbate for me while you watch?” I tease as I kiss the sides of his cock. “Yes baby, you know I would, very much,” he mutters as I take his cock back into my mouth. That was a month ago just as I was about to blow my man Roger while Suzi watched. This Sunday at three Roger has organised another man for us. He told me Shane is a very attractive blond, bisexual model and fifteen years younger than us....
Hello, Everyone, My name is Rohit. I am an engineer by profession and struggling to be well settled. This sex story goes back when I was 18, and I lived in a small town in West Bengal. Our family moved to this town for our business. The colony we were living into had a bunch of rich families from a business background and since our family was new there everyone treated us with love and respect. I got admitted to a school where I did not have any friends. In our neighborhood, there was a family...
Gay MaleLauren Phillips is a pervert. A total “perv”! Just look. She’s in an adult bookstore smashing her clit to a DVD and hoping not to get caught! (Well…maybe she secretly wants to get caught?) Either way, the clerk does catch her…just like he catches all the perverts beating off in the store. (It’s a daily thing for him.) He demands Lauren leave the store, but she’s not having any of that! Not only is she going to stay, Lauren is going to the video arcade...
xmoviesforyouPart 2For the next week we fell into a sort of rhythm. Up early, feed the chickens, slop hogs and other farm chores then go back to the house for breakfast with grans. After breakfast she left for work and we went back to work. About three days after our encounter, after she left he said “come on Billy, let’s go down sand take a shower”. My stomach immediately started doing flip-flops and I knew something was going to happen.We headed downstairs and began to strip, I kept stealing glances at...
Sweet Sophia returns for some more hot fun and loves being on camera. There is just something so hot about knowing that you are being watched while fucking. Sophia gets Donnie Rocks cock all to herself and she can’t wait to feel that curvy dick fuck her little pussy hard. She teases her way out of her tight little panties shaking that ass right in your face to make sure your own cock is throbbing for her. Imagine getting to have that sexy ass sit on your face while your dick throat fucks...
xmoviesforyouHi, I'm Grant. I'm a 53 yr old IT professional who yesterday got to work with a new recruit. Felicity is a 22 yr old brunette with a slim body packed with sex appeal - a great ass and a set of outstanding tits - the type that don't sag, even when laying on her back (more on that soon). She has a beautiful face and smile, and an air of confidence about her. Let me tell you about yesterday... Felicity arrived at her desk about 8:30 AM - I'd been at work for about 30 minutes by that time. She...
Stopping in at our favorite watering hole for a night of unadulerated drinking and fun. We strolled into the dimly lit crowded bar and took our favorite stools in the darkest cornor against the wall. Unknowing to my husband, I was totally naked underneath my sleek black leather coat that covered just a bit more than my sexy ass, and even less of my full rounded melons. He loves showing off my ass, as I love flaunting it in extremely short skirts. I love short pencil tight skirts, so short that...
Wife LoversTerry had slept very uneasily throughout the entire night. She tossed andturned as the images of her nursing from Carmen's incredible breasts keptplaying in her head. Her pussy was flowing constantly keeping her pantiessoaked all night long. She woke up several times covered with perspirationonly to discover her hand stroking her pussy to another orgasm. Shecouldn't remember the last time she had been so horny and all the while shewas fantasizing about Carmen and Rosa two women nonetheless....
I’m a single Dad, amicably divorced, reasonably good-looking, and in pretty decent shape. I was at the public pool with my two boys, watching them jump off the diving board, shouting encouragement, providing them with an audience. The pool was very crowed, and it was a hot summer day. This is a college town, so there are lots of hot young girls walking around and sunbathing in bikinis and swimsuits. Beautiful bodies, cloudless blue sky, dappled sunlight playing on the bright surface of the...
The following is the chronological order of the original posting dates for the series “What A Neighborhood”: Part 1 01-12-2001 Part 2 05-07-2003 Part 3 05-14-2003 Part 4 12-07-2003 Part 5 04-24-2004 Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2015 for his expertise in re-editing and proofing. Zoey welcomes me, guiding me to the kitchen, the source of all of the mouth-watering aromas. Seating me at the kitchen table, she gives me a bird’s eye view of a fine women; she leaves for a minute and...
Chapter 1 I guess, first, I need to tell you something about my mother. Now, all I have to do is figure where to start. So, let’s see, my mom. Well, she’s blond, no, not natural, good figure which probably mostly means big boobs, what would be considered a ‘hot ticket’ in a man’s world. My mom was not shy around men. She was flirty and loved to party. My father divorced her when I was three and he came home early. Do I need to explain? Thought not. I really don’t see or hear from him much...
MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Location: file:///C:/23522904/Captured,Caged,MilkedandEnraged.htm Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Missy Bits Captured, Caged, Milked and Enraged (c) The Qmoq 2006 Warni= ng: This story features kidnapping, non-consensual sex, torture, lactation and brutal captivity scenes. It is based directly on an idea suggested in the forums by Slut4U: Hope you...
Story Twelve: Virgin Cherry Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The music pulsing through the house stirred the figure's ancient soul. Though the music was modern, made with electronics and possessing alien sounds, the beat it created was primal. Something passed down and down and down through the generations of men from dim antiquity. The figure wanted to dance. To revel in the music and to indulge in the hormones permeating the room. The...
It had been a hard day at work, so when she got home all she could think of was that maybe he would give her a back rub, she was very tense. All day long it had been her responsibility to make decision after decision, she was a very powerful business person, so the last thing she wanted to do was come home and make more decisions she just wanted to give that responsibility over to him. She knew that this was his poker night, but when she spoke to him on the phone he seemed very understanding,...
FetishThe Movie Theater By Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy my writings without recriminations. And remember, if you are reading stories at this or any other similar site there are many different sensual pressure points. So, if you don't like it, don't read it. Finally, this is hardcore fiction. )...
Dear Diary - I can't wait to see what she writes in her Journal after tonight. I never seen nothin like it. Bill got her so worried coz he said he was gonna tell Mom about what she was doin to me that she most begged him to fuck her. And he wuz the first one, too. She's twenty eight years old and she never had it before! But she sure liked it. I bet she wishes now that she hadn't waited so long. Only thing wrong is that I gotta wait til tomorrow to get it from him next and I'm so horny...
CLOSING THE GENDER GAP by Roy Del Frink Maxwell Parnell and his wife Samantha had yet another argument. "Sammie, why did you buy that piece of junk?" "It's not a piece of junk, dear. It's a beautiful little ruby ring I bought at the antiques store." "Well, I don't like it. It's dustier than an abandoned attic, the gem's been cracked twice, and the serpentine design is just butt-ugly! Why do you waste my money on that junk?" "YOUR money? Listen, dear, I slave all day...
The first night has past and it was a great one. I was waking up at around 12 pm. I slept in long since I did go to sleep late. I looked over to see if Jenny was still sleeping, but she was gone. I rolled out of my bed and took a long stretch. I looked out the window and saw the beautiful beach water, waving back and forth and the sun shining against it. I picked up my bags and looked for some fresh clothes. I grabbed some fresh underwear and my camo shorts then walked to...
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...