El Solucionador free porn video

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Hayley estaba en pie frente a la mesa del sal?n central, ahora vac?o. Disimulaba su enfado mientras volv?a a ojear la copia de la ?ltima oferta. Se esforzaba por mantener porte elegante a pesar de todo. Incluso quer?a dar cierto aire de superioridad. Era una mujer hermosa. Tal vez no  uno de esos bellezones que sal?an en revistas y pel?culas. Su imagen era m?s real, m?s natural. Sus ojos marr?n claro, grandes y bonitos. La melena casta?a oscura llegaba hasta mitad de la espalda. No era completamente lisa si no que pose?a algunas ondulaciones. Adem?s, Hayley siempre ten?a cuidado de ir bien peinada. En esta ocasi?n llevaba toda la cabellera por el lado izquierdo, dejando ver por completo la mejilla derecha, de aspecto fino, delicado, cubierta solo con un poco de maquillaje. Tambi?n dejaba a la vista la oreja, adornada con un elegante pendiente en forma de aro dorado, m?s grueso en la parte inferior que en la superior. Sus labios eran carnosos, sensuales, maquillados de color rosa suave.

Si su rostro era agradable, su cuerpo tampoco dejaba nada que desear. De nuevo, era muy distinta a esas escu?lidas modelos. Su cuerpo ten?a curvas. No, no le sobraba un solo kilo, todo lo contrario. Ten?a una figura saludable, voluptuosa. Tal vez le habr?a venido bien ser un poco m?s alta. Sus caderas eran gruesas. Acababan en un hermoso trasero redondeando y firme, sin excesos. Era la cl?sica figura de reloj de arena, o lo habr?a sido de ser sus pechos algo m?s peque?os. Eran grandes. Muchos habr?an dicho que eran, de hecho, demasiado grandes. Al ser una mujer joven a?n no hab?an cedido por completo a la fuerza de la gravedad. Unos pocos los considerar?an casi vulgares. Otros los apreciar?an como un magn?fico tesoro de la naturaleza, dignos de ser admirados ahora, en su plenitud. Aunque la misma Hayley no acaba de estar contenta con ellos. Demasiado grandes.

La mujer se enfundaba en un ce?ido traje azul que marcaba sus sensuales formas. El escote de cuello de barco, dejaba ver parte de los hombros, la clav?cula, y el propio cuello de Hayley. Escond?a los pechos, forzando a volar la imaginaci?n de quien la mirase. La parte baja ca?a un poco por encima de las rodillas, mostrando unas piernas bonitas cubiertas por pantis negros. Los zapatos, por supuesto, iban a juego con el vestido. De color azul oscuro, con tac?n de la altura justa. Consegu?an que su due?a pareciese unos cent?metros m?s alta, y sobre todo, la hac?an contonear las caderas sensualmente al andar.

Generalmente Hayley se mostraba con gesto agradable, quiz?s un poco altivo en ocasiones, pero su sonrisa era c?lida y bonita a la vez. Ahora solo mostraba media de esa sonrisa. Los labios le temblaban espor?dicamente al apretarlos por la rabia. S?, hac?a su mejor esfuerzo por demostrar que controlaba la situaci?n, as? lo cre?a, pero el asunto comenzaba a cansarla.

Frente a ella un tipo de apariencia normal. La apariencia m?s normal del mundo. De haber sido las cosas distintas, alguien podr?a haber preguntado a la mujer por la descripci?n de aquel hombre y ella habr?a respondido poco m?s que, "moreno, vestido con traje negro, camisa blanca, y corbata azul". Tambi?n podr?a haber a?adido que estaba en forma y que sus ojos eran marrones, pero sobretodo fr?os. Nada m?s.

No era este hombre, quien se hab?a presentado como Bob, el causante de su ira. Tan solo era el mensajero. Aquel problema ten?a otro monde. Rick Maretti.

Hayley hab?a heredado el hotel de su padre, fallecido a?os atr?s. Al principio le hab?a costado llevarlo todo. Era tan joven cuando se vio dirigi?ndolo? Sin embargo no se hab?a hundido. Hab?a tomado las riendas. Hab?a aceptado el consejo de sus empleados, hab?a trabajado hasta el agotamiento, y hace un par de a?os hab?a conseguido volver a hacerlo rentable. Ten?a mucho a su favor. Un emplazamiento perfecto casi en el centro de la ciudad, unas instalaciones no muy grandes pero s? confortables y elegantes. Una clientela fiel. Cr?ticas positivas en gu?as y p?ginas web. Hombres que volv?an solo por tener la ocasi?n de verla de nuevo y fantasear con ella una vez m?s. A?n as? su esfuerzo hab?a sido el factor m?s determinante.

Hac?a un par de meses hab?a llegado Maretti. Hab?a comprado los edificios de un par de manzanas a la redonda. Quer?a construir uno de esos mega centros comerciales. El Hotel de Hayley estaba justo en mitad del supuesto proyecto. La oferta hab?a sido generosa, muy generosa. Ella simplemente no quer?a vender. Ya ten?a dinero y el hotel lo era todo en su vida. El ?nico recuerdo de sus padres.

Rechazar la oferta fue sencillo. Los siguientes meses no tanto. Primero aument? la delincuencia en el vecindario. Hayley reaccion? contratando seguridad privada y elevando un par de cartas al ayuntamiento, despu?s de enviar una copia a los peri?dicos, claro. Siguieron un par de robos, nada serio. No hab?an funcionado. La ?ltima jugarreta hab?a sido un soborno al inspector de sanidad. Por eso estaba cerrado el hotel. Acababa de exterminar unas ratas que en realidad nunca estuvieron all?. Otro inspector llegar?a al d?a siguiente para certificar que todo estaba correcto.

A pesar de cada triunfo, empezaba a estar m?s que harta.

Bob era el ?ltimo enviado de Maretti. Hab?a algo distinto en ?l, algo que no gustaba a Hayley. Claro estaba que lo hab?an enviado por resultar m?s amenazante, y lo hab?an hecho sin previo aviso. Se hab?a presentado all? hac?a una hora, cuando ella revisaba los ?ltimos detalles antes de la reapertura. Le hab?a dejado pasar con dos intenciones. En primer lugar, tratar de hacerle comprender que no iba a vender. Incluso si se arruinaba y deb?a cerrar el hotel, no vender?a el terreno. Toda la campa?a en su contra era in?til. La segunda era demostrar que no pod?an asustarla. A ella no.

Tampoco pod?an comprarla. La oferta era estratosf?rica para el valor real del terreno. Aceptando ya no necesitar?a trabajar nunca m?s. Daba igual. Era cuesti?n de convicciones. Tras unos segundos pensando volvi? a esbozar una bonita sonrisa cargada de seguridad, con algo de arrogancia.

-Bob? - esper? por si el hombre completaba el nombre con un apellido.

-Bob est? bien - respondi? ?l secamente.

-Bob. No voy a vender. Este hotel es mi vida. Es m?o. No voy a desprenderme de ?l. Espero haberlo dejado claro de una vez.

?l ni se inmut?. Su actitud molestaba a Hayley. Era como mirar una foto, siempre el mismo rostro impasible.

-Mi cliente cree que realmente deber?a reconsiderar la oferta. Este barrio es peligroso.

Hayley sinti? una nueva oleada de ira. Aquel tipo iba a su hotel, su hogar, armado ?nicamente con una carpeta llena de documentos y un malet?n a?n cerrado. No conforme con insistir, la amenazaba. Cerr? las manos, de dedos delgados, formando peque?os pu?os que ocultaban la cara manicura y el esmalte rojo. Control? la ira. Ese hombre deb?a pretender hacerla enfadar. No quer?a darle ese placer. Recuper? la sonrisa por en?sima vez.

-He vivido aqu? desde siempre. Sabr? arregl?rmelas, gracias.

-Mi cliente tambi?n me ha pedido que la advierta. Esta es la ?ltima oferta. Por eso voy a repetirla una vez m?s. Si ahora me dice que no, ya no habr? marcha atr?s. No habr? m?s ofertas ni oportunidades. ?No va a reconsiderar la oferta?

-Me alegra que por fin sea la ?ltima vez. - Respondi? entre aliviada y enfadada. - La respuesta es no.

Volvi? a sonre?r, victoriosa. No hab?an podido con ella. Maretti iba a recibir una lecci?n de humildad. Dio la vuelta para regresar a su despacho a realizar una ?ltima revisi?n antes de ir a casa a dormir.

-Espero que sepa encontrar la salida.

-En realidad, a?n no me voy.

Hayley se detuvo, nuevamente enfada. Gir? para volver a dar la cara a aquel pesado. Al hacerlo lo encontr? a poco menos de un metro de distancia.


Bob lanz? una patada baja, lo que un luchador llamar?a "low kick" contra la pierna de Hayley, impactando en plena corva izquierda. Mientras emit?a un peque?o chillido de dolor, su pierna ced?a, dobl?ndose y estando apunto de hacerla caer al suelo.

Bob no esper?. Su v?ctima no era una oponente en ning?n sentido de la palabra, pero ?l siempre se comportaba como si realmente pudiesen o supiesen defenderse. Un profesional no acepta m?rgenes de error. Lanz? un gancho que golpe? a la mujer en la mejilla izquierda, causando una peque?a herida en el rostro y haci?ndola sangrar por la boca al morderse el labio. Agarr? entonces con ambas manos la cabeza, tirando hacia abajo para ganar fuerza al conectar un rodillazo en el est?mago. Hayley, aturdida y sin poder cargar peso en la pierna izquierda, cay? hacia atr?s, volcando y rompiendo una mesa al chocarse con ella.

Aturdida, moviendo la cabeza de lado a lado sin ser del todo consciente de los ?ltimos acontecimientos, no lo not? cuando Bob la agarr? de ambas piernas y tir? hacia s? para quitarla de los restos de la mesa. Empez? a patalear un poco cuando not? que alguien le separaba las piernas. M?s por reflejo que por intenci?n, lanz? un par de golpes con las manos. Bob reaccion? desviando f?cilmente los f?tiles ataques. Agarr? la cabeza de ella con ambas manos, y golpe? el cr?neo contra el suelo un par de veces. No la dej? inconsciente, solo demasiado aturdida.

Una vez arrebatada toda lucha de la pobre Hayley, Bob le separ? las piernas y se arrodill? entre ellas. Subi? el vestido rasg?ndolo un poco por el tir?n. No se molest? en bajarle los pantis, los raj? a tirones por la zona genital. Se encontr? con unas bonitas bragas de encaje, tambi?n negras, que pronto rompi? c?mo hab?a hecho con los pantis. Ten?a delante una vagina preciosa, de labios rosados, prietos, con solo un poco de pelo justo por encima. No esperaba menos de una mujer tan cuidadosa.

Abri? la cremallera de los pantalones y, tras solo unos segundos, asomaba una enorme erecci?n. Seguramente era la m?s grande que ella hubiese visto en persona, pero a?n no era consciente de su entorno. Solo reaccion? cuando el pene invasor la penetr? de golpe, sin lubricaci?n alguna. Un gemido de dolor escap? de los labios de la joven. Comenz? a mover la cabeza de un lado a otro mientras repet?a "no". Todo su cuerpo se agitaba mientras las primeras l?grimas comenzaban a recorrer las mejillas directamente hacia el suelo. A?n mareada, le cost? poner las manos en el pecho de su agresor, tratando de quit?rselo de encima. No habr?a tenido fuerza suficiente encontr?ndose centrada y en plena forma. Tras ser vapuleada y sin ver n?tidamente, fue un esfuerzo completamente in?til. Bob respondi? agarrando ambas manos con la zurda para ubicarlas sobre la cabeza de la joven. Durante unos instantes, Bob sigui? posey?ndola as?, disfrutando del espect?culo de los pechos botando bajo el cada vez m?s desali?ado vestido azul. Agarr? el escote con la diestra.

-No? - grit? ella, cada vez m?s centrada. - ?Noooo!

Bob tir? con fuerza. El sonido de tela rompi?ndose inund? el sal?n por unos instantes. Los grandes pechos de Hayley solo estaban cubiertos ahora por un sujetador, tambi?n de encaje negro, sin tirantes. Los dej? as? por ahora.

Hayley casi hab?a vuelto en s? del todo. Volvi? a gritar. Bob le tap? la boca con la mano derecha. No es que los gritos supusiesen un problema, nadie la oir?a fuera del hotel, pero su experiencia le dec?a que as? sus v?ctimas se sent?an m?s indefensas. Eso le gustaba. La mirada de terror de Hayley fue suficiente recompensa.

Las embestidas aceleraron, indicando la inminente eyaculaci?n. Bob se dej? ir, llenando la vagina de la chica. No le importaban mucho las pruebas. No estaba fichado, no hab?a muestras con las que comparar, ni ADN ni huellas. Solo un mont?n de casos sin resolver, todos catalogados como "agresor desconocido". Ahora a?adir?an un nuevo nombre al expediente. En realidad ven?a bien, con v?ctimas tan dispares nunca pensar?an en un profesional.

Una vez qued? libre, Hayley se encogi? sobre s? misma, en posici?n fetal sobre el costado derecho.. La rodilla le dol?a much?simo, al igual que la espalda, la mejilla, y la cabeza. Se sent?a sucia y humillada. Intent? recomponer el vestido con la mano izquierda mientras, instintivamente, llev? la derecha a la zona genital que le dol?a y escoc?a a partes iguales. Solo ten?a fuerzas para llorar. Y llor?, perdiendo la noci?n del tiempo.

Bob volvi? a acercarse. Ella lo escuch?. No se atrevi? a mirarle.

-?Firmar?! - dijo entre sollozos - lo que quieras.

Bob sonri?. Este era de sus momentos preferidos en cada trabajo. No serv?a cualquiera. Solo lo disfrutaba cuando se trataba de esta clase de mujer. Fuerte, guapa, con personalidad. Una que realmente tuviese algo antes de quebrarla.

La agarr? por el pelo. Pr?cticamente la levanto en peso mientras Hayley segu?a llorando y gritando.

-?No!, ?Para!, ?Voy a firmar!.

Sin hacer caso, Bob agarr? lo que quedaba de vestido y empez? a tirar. Hayley ten?a problemas para mantenerse en pie. La pierna izquierda a?n no respond?a bien y ella segu?a algo mareada. A?n as? trat? de agarrar la tela mientras su agresor la arrancaba de varios tirones. Tembl?, se agit?, y resisti? cuanto pudo cuando ?l arranco el sujetador. Los pechos quedaron por fin al aire. Not? fri? en los pezones, redondos, casi de color caramelo. Por supuesto no estaban erectos, ni lo iban a estar. .

Mientras segu?a sosteni?ndola por el pelo con la mano izquierda, Bob comenz? a jugar con las tetas. All? no hab?a sitio para la delicadeza. Los apret?, los estruj?, los lami?, los retorci?, e incluso mordi? con fuerza dejando la marca de los dientes. Los gritos no cesaron en ning?n momento. Al final la solt? para ver su obra.

Hayley se sostuvo en pie con dificultad. Intent? tapar los pechos con el brazo derecho, labor harto complicada, mientras cubr?a su sexo con la mano izquierda. Estaba en pie vestida ?nicamente con unos pantis desgarrados y los zapatos, llorando mientras pugnaba por no volver a caer al suelo.

Bob volvi? a acercarse y agarrarla por el pelo. La conduc?a hacia la pared de la izquierda, adornada con un gran espejo que la recorr?a por completo.

-?Basta! - gritaba ella entre sollozos. - ?Ya basta!

No hubo respuesta. La hizo inclinarse hacia delante cerca de uno de los c?modos sof?s del sal?n. Hayley apoy? los brazos r?pidamente para no caer, quedando frente al espejo. Pudo ver sus enormes pechos colgando. Contempl? a Bob agarrando el pene, listo para penetrarla de nuevo, desde atr?s en esta ocasi?n. Ella cerr? los ojos e hizo el firme prop?sito de no gritar m?s. Estuvo a punto de fallar casi al instante, pero no fue as?. Apret? los dientes, cerr? los ojos con fuerza, y tan solo se le escaparon algunos gemidos de dolor cuando la penetraci?n era especialmente fuerte.

Bob miraba el espejo. Estaba mesmerizado. Al principio tambi?n hab?a dudado sobre si aquellas tetas no eran un poco demasiado grandes. Al verlas balancearse sin control, chocando una con otra, sufriendo ondulaciones al agitarse, sali? de dudas. Tal vez no era su tipo de mujer ideal, pero desde luego representaba un aut?ntico espect?culo.

Hayley prob? a agarrar los brazos del sof? para paliar el dolor. No sirvi?. Apretaba cualquier cosa al alcance de sus manos. Buscaba a tientas algo a lo que aferrarse. Nada serv?a. Le pareci? permanecer as?, montada como un animal, durante horas. Al final, por segunda vez en la noche, not? el semen de aquel desalmado llen?ndola.

Cuando acab? la solt?, dej?ndola caer sobre el sof?. El torso qued? sobre el asiento mientras las piernas colgaban hacia el suelo, apoy?ndose con las rodillas en ?l. No le quedaban fuerzas ni voluntad para intentar levantarse. A?n as? gir? la cabeza cuando escuch? pasos a su espalda. Vio al violador agarrando la pata de la mesa que hab?an roto durante la "pelea". Sinti? m?s p?nico del que jam?s hab?a cre?do posible. Trat? de ponerse en pie apoy?ndose en las manos, pero recibi? un fuerte golpe en el h?gado. El dolor casi la paralizaba, aunque consigui? incorporarse e incluso dar la vuelta. Sin tiempo para m?s, fue incapaz de protegerse ante un segundo golpe con la punta de la pata, a modo de estocada, directamente contra el est?mago. Volvi? a caer al sof?, esta vez boca arriba.

-?No! , ?No!, ?No!, ?No! - Trat? de gritar, aunque el golpe la hab?a dejado con poco aire. - Te lo suplico - hablaba entre sollozos. - Firmar?. Har? lo que quieras. Yo? yo? - adem?s de llorar, se sonroj? de verg?enza ante su propia oferta antes si quiera de realizarla - dejar? que me? me?

-Folles - la interrumpi? Bob, a?n armado con la pata de la mesa. - Dilo.

-Dejar? que? - cerr? los ojos. Se hizo a la idea. Pod?a soportar la humillaci?n. - Dejar? que me folles. - las palabras salieron de la boca con asco, con la derrota marcada en el timbre de voz. - c?mo tu quieras.

Bob sonri?. Sinti? otra erecci?n de camino. La hab?a quebrado totalmente.

-Te dije - continu? a rega?adientes, lamentando no tomarla otra vez - que si te negabas no habr?a marcha atr?s. - Alz? la pata de nuevo.

-?No!, ?Por fav?!,  ?Ahhh!

Hayley grit? de dolor cuando un nuevo golpe interrumpi? sus palabras. El impacto le rompi? la clav?cula derecha, clavando el hueso contra los m?sculos. La agresi?n ya no par?. Hayley intent? defenderse poniendo los brazos y las piernas delante. Escuch? claramente el chasquido cuando los huesos del antebrazo izquierdo se rompieron. Sinti? la rodilla "buena" salirse de su sitio. Pronto ya no pod?a protegerse de ning?n modo. Eso no detuvo la paliza. El est?mago, los ri?ones, de nuevo el h?gado. Los enormes pechos se convirtieron en el blanco estrella. Eran f?ciles de alcanzar y los gritos de dolor alcanzaban cotas exquisitas para Bob. El estern?n, adem?s de algunas costillas y la cadera, tambi?n se quebraron. El agresor qued? agotado de tantos golpes, deteni?ndose para recuperar el aliento.

Hayley era un desastre. Una burla de la mujer joven y hermosa que hab?a sido hace tan solo unas horas. Estaba llena de moratones, de cortes, de ara?azos. Ten?a varias hemorragias internas, ?rganos reventados. Una costilla se hab?a clavado en el pulm?n, haci?ndola toser sangre adem?s de provocar un sufrimiento horrible cada vez que respiraba. Sent?a tanto dolor que era incapaz de controlar una serie de continuos espasmos. Se hab?a meado encima, manchando los caros pantis que luc?a en las piernas. Ten?a varios hilillos de sangre que descend?an desde boca y nariz tanto hacia el cuello y el pecho como hacia los lados de la cabeza, manch?ndole el pelo con una mezcla de sangre y saliva. No lo sab?a, o no lo pod?a aceptar, pero ya no ten?a salvaci?n posible. Tan solo el rostro hab?a quedado a salvo del brutal asalto, da?ado ?nicamente por el gancho con el que la hab?a atacado al principio, antes de la primera violaci?n. Ahora todo aquel horror le parec?a insignificante en comparaci?n.

-A? ayuda. - Intent? alzar el brazo en un gesto de s?plica, pero este se torc?a innaturalmente un poco por encima de la mu?eca. - M? me? m?dico.

Bob sonri?. Estaba claro que Hayley se aferraba la vida. No pudo evitar comprobar hasta qu? punto. Subi? al sof?, arrodill?ndose junto a ella. Acerc? el pene a los labios de su v?ctima. No necesit? m?s. Hayley, con el dolor y el miedo forz?ndola a superar la humillaci?n del momento, abri? la boca. Acarici? el glande con la lengua sin mucha maestr?a. Jam?s le hab?a gustado dar sexo oral. Empez? a mover el cuello para bombear con la cabeza. La clav?cula rota le mataba al hacerlo. Nuevas l?grimas de dolor empa?aron su hermoso rostro. Bob, algo decepcionado con el ritmo, aunque satisfecho con el esfuerzo, agarr? la cabeza con ambas manos para empezar a masturbarse usando la boca de la pobre mujer como juguete sexual. Adem?s ?l mov?a las caderas adelante y atr?s. Desde luego no fue la mejor mamada de la historia, no a nivel de ejecuci?n, pero Bob estaba tan excitado que not? en seguida la tercera corrida de la noche. Le sac? el miembro de la boca, manteniendo la cabeza levantada con la mano izquierda, mientras se acababa de masturbar con la derecha. Eyaculo por todo el rostro, salpicando tambi?n la melena casta?a que luego utiliz? para limpiarse. Las manchas de sangre se mezclaban en algunos puntos con las de semen, creando una mezcla ros?cea que a Hayley le pareci? muy mal oliente.

-No puedo creerlo- Dijo Bob mientras se repon?a. - Te mato y, adem?s de la paga que me van a dar, c?mo agradecimiento vas y me la chupas. - Sonri? - Nunca hubiese dicho al verte que eras tan puta.

Hayley abri? los ojos como platos, pr?cticamente el ?nico movimiento del que era capaz, e intent? rogar otra vez. Bob agarr? la pata y la golpe? con fuerza en la frente. Tal fue el golpe que la madera se parti? en dos. Us? lo que quedaba para seguir golpeando la cabeza, de frente y por los lados. Cuando acab?, hab?a destrozado por completo un ojo, roto la nariz, y arrancado algunos dientes. Nada de eso era lo peor. Hab?a destrozado la parte superior del cr?neo, llenando de sangre el pelo adem?s del sof?. En realidad hab?a salpicado bastante por los alrededores. Adem?s, pod?an verse trozos de hueso e incluso un poco de materia gris. Claro que de gris ten?a solo el nombre, estaba tan enrojecida como todo lo dem?s. Bob se pregunt? qui?n encontrar?a el cad?ver. Tendr?a que leer los peri?dicos del d?a siguiente.

Hab?a terminado el trabajo. En unos d?as Maretti enviar?a a uno de sus sicarios a pagarle. Habr?a una investigaci?n en la que Maretti ser?a el primer sospechoso, claro, pero no encontrar?an nada. El dinero saldr?a de los negocios sucios de su cliente. Efectivo, imposible de trazar. Las caracter?sticas del crimen encajar?an con las de muchos otros a lo largo del pa?s. De hecho Bob, estaba seguro, deb?a ser considerado un simple asesino en serie. El t?rmino pod?a ser correcto, pues era un soci?pata, pero hab?a encontrado una forma de encauzar ese peque?o problemilla. Solucionar problemas. Mir? su ?ltima obra. No sinti? ning?n remordimiento a pesar del estado en que hab?a dejado a Hayley. Era  incapaz de tales sentimientos, y la l?gica le dec?a que, despu?s de todo, le hab?a dado la oportunidad de salvarse. Por eso le llamaban en el mundillo "solucionador" en lugar de asesino a sueldo. Simplemente solucionaba problemas, solo que muchas veces lo hac?a asesinando. Ten?a el trabajo de sus sue?os.

Era el momento de largarse. Consigo llevaba la satisfacci?n de un trabajo bien hecho.

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“It feels like a Paradise, Master, sitting around naked in the park like this, but are you sure that we won’t get arrested?” Madeira asked me as we all spread out in the nearest public park on the soft green grass. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about that, babe. If any cops approach us, I’ll kiss them and make them my bitches. You know, it occurs to me that if I wanted to, I could kiss half the town and make them all my sluts. I could be elected mayor handily just by doing that. I...

3 years ago
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The SwapChapter 3

As I lay there, sun creeping in the porthole, my husband's brother curled up beside me, I heard a faint knock at the door. After a moment, it opened, and Mark stuck his head in. And then the rest of him. Naked again. "Hey Holly. Is this weird, or what?" "It's weird, but you don't need to stand there like that. You're my husband. Come on in." "Nah, I can't do that. That's my brother in there, remember." "Yeah, but it's not like you don't know. He's asleep. Come tell me...

4 years ago
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Welcome to Bihive, a fresh take on the insects nobody really likes, and that tend to scare us half to death on most occations. This story is going to sexualize them to the deepest depths of hell and make them at least more appealing in theory, I hope. The main focus is on bees and everything linked to them, culture, biology and honey, lots of honey. Obviously this is supposed to be a very 'tongue in cheek' story which parodises real-life bees, so please do not think of it as very serious. The...

3 years ago
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A Mothers LoveChapter 11

It was mid afternoon when the taxi pulled up outside the villa, no-one was there so we went next door and saw Shannon sitting at the kitchen table drinking a coffee, she was obviously miles away because as Garry said, "The coffee smells nice" she jumped about a mile into the air and the tears were already flowing as she threw herself into his arms. I saw mum coming down stairs, she looked at me and held her hands up in a gesture of defeat, "What can I say Terry?" "How about,...

3 years ago
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EmbersChapter 5 The Suite

Taking me by the hand, Ellen practically pulled me to our table to collect her purse and then through the crowded ballroom, through the lobby and into an open elevator. Once inside, she immediately turned to me and we fell right back into each others' arms and began to kiss hotly and wetly and with an all consuming, lustful excitement. I let my hands roam all over her soft, sexy body now as I passionately kissed her, feeling and squeezing the firm, twin mounds of her breasts, through the...

2 years ago
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Dream Sequence With My Pancake Man Part III

I tell myself that loving a man will only ever hurt me, and those three words form one of the deadliest sentences: “I love you.” Those are the tolls of love’s death. Not many understand the reality of my Pancake Man--The yearning I have inside of me for him that never died even as my hope withered. But hope, like a Phoenix, rises from the ashes and takes wing. And so my dreaming continues and I lose myself to the peaceful abyss of his arms, my heart crying “SANCTUARY!” like Quasimodo at the top...

Love Stories
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Magic at the Strip Club

The sun is setting...They walked from daylight into darkness. The heavy outer door had opened into a small hallway. Another pair of doors stood about 10' away. There was a small booth to their left but it was empty."Breath. Smell." he says.She does."Smoke. Sweat. Female hormones. Booze. Perfume. It is a unique combination. Nothing else quite like it." he says.She grins."You have never been to one of these places before have you?""No.""This should be fun."They go inside. It is a nice sized...

3 years ago
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Enchanted Panties

No one was in the store, so Kate decided to walk around check some things out. After all it had been about a year since she had been there and her uncle was letting her close so he was already home. She looked around and a black Gothic antique mirror caught her eye. It was a full length mirror and had all kinds of snakes carved into all sides. Seeing that she`s a goth she took a liking to it and started checking herself out in it. Her silky black hair was about shoulder length when she wore it...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Anndie Chapter 1113

Jules Stone has been Principal of the elementary school for 3 years. She is 5’10, straight blond hair she keeps in a bun, deep blue eyes. A typical Nordic goddess with 36 C breasts. Her daughter Sky is a spitting image of her mother just a few inches shorter and a little thinner. Two years ago, her father and Jules husband of 10 years died in a terrible car crash. It traumatized Sky so much that she refuses to drive a car. Over the last two years Jules and Sky began to comfort each other....

2 years ago
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Tory DaughterChapter 19

Wearing a threadbare coat that had belonged to Amelia Robertson's late husband and with an apple and some coins in one pocket and a thick beef sandwich in the other, Billy Fields walked north two weeks after he was arrested and beaten, his hand well healed and his blackened eye back to normal, almost. He took a circuitous route with many pauses and was reasonably sure he was not being followed. The old lady wept as she watched him leave, and Anne stayed in her room, having refused him a...

4 years ago
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Halloween Frat Party Nightmare

tags: public outdoor sex, monster rape, cheating, college party, accidental drug use, strange romance ********************* The decorations on the door were calm enough, but once we got inside they were over the top! Spider webs all over, warped mirrors, plastic skeletons, and only electric candles for light. I knew the campus had strict fire codes, and was actually impressed that this frat house followed them, where most of the others didn't very often on small things like...

2 years ago
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MotherDaughter ModelsChapter 13

"What took you so long?" The sight that greeted Scott's eyes made his pulse quicken. When he arrived at the apartment, he opened the door and walked in. Sandra's voice from the bedroom told him that she had beaten him back. He walked in to find her stark naked and stretched out on the bed with her legs spread wide apart. She had both hands on her pussy and her fingers were holding the lips of her cunt wide open. "JESUS!" "Would I make a good whore?" Sandra giggled. "I've always...

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Maggies Family Part 6

Maggie loved the new lifestyle that had developed. She loved the fact that when anyone was horny there would be someone there to take of it. That’s not to say that all they ever did as a family was fuck, but there were times when it felt like it.As far as Maggie was concerned, the best thing was Sunday mornings. Maggie was an early bird, especially on weekends, and she had developed a kind of early morning ritual which she called her ‘Love Round’.Sunday was one of those mornings, and Maggie...

2 years ago
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Parent Teacher Interview

Apart from the obvious benefits of being able to rail my mom whenever I wanted to, one of the advantages to having such a whore for a mom was that she’d regularly fuck my teachers. It wasn’t that I wasn’t hard working or stupid, but it helped to get that extra boost when I wasn’t the one doing any of the extra credit. Earlier in the week, my mom came by to do her rounds. I walked into gym class, and got changed, and when I walked out into the gym, I noticed my mom was standing there talking to...

2 years ago
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Late Night Licks

On warm September nights like this, I sit in my darkened, moon-lit room and remember a similar night many years ago. It was a pleasantly cool night, as it is now, and not a wisp of a breeze disturbed the partially open curtains that hung over our bed. My job often required me to work long into the night, and on this particular evening, I had not made it home until well after midnight. Not wanting to wake my lovely Teresa, I showered in the guest bath and was clean and completely naked when I...

4 years ago
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Neighborly Affection Ch 01

The warmth of the July sun baked into her skin as 31 year old Daniela Montreux lay on her teak lounger. She was relaxing next to her in-ground pool. Dani was exhausted after a long week at work. She had her cane with her due to the muscle fatigue. She hated looking at it so she lay on the ground next to her. She decided to soak up some rays wearing nothing. She was tired of being safe and subdued. Even sun bathing nude here was safe due to her new privacy fence. Sighing, she felt the warmth...

3 years ago
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The Lazarus Syndrome

This is the third in my Gerry Pretty serious of detective stories and it sort of comes full circle. CM In the back of the LJ Bar, hidden behind cases of booze, is a room that very few people know about. This is the headquarters of the thriving Pretty Detective Agency and where I spend some of my day when I’m not detecting or helping out in the bar. Today I was doing neither, the bar was yet to open and I was waiting for my next detecting job. Thriving has not been an apt description of the...

4 years ago
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Evolution in ActionChapter 3

Janet was getting inured to the pheromones simply because of her continued exposure to them, but Olga did not have that insulating effect. Suddenly she put down her glass of iced tea and stood up. "What has come over me? I am suddenly so horny that I am about to explode. I must have relief! Where is Jimmy? He certainly can do the job for me if he is fucking my daughter." Janet had an inspiration and said, "Come with me, Olga. I will show you to Jimmy." Janet led Olga up the stairs and...

2 years ago
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Accidentally amazing

Being only 1 year apart my cousin and I grew up together. Our parents owned each half of a duplex so we were pretty inseparable through our early years. Right around 3rd grade my dad got a promotion and we had to move to a new city pretty much the opposite side of the state. For me and my cousin, it was almost like we moved to a new country. I saw my cousin maybe once a month at first but after a few years we saw them less and less. Although we somewhat grew apart we were still fairly close. We...

4 years ago
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touched my pussy

I knew campus would be dead the day of July 4th, but I wasn't expecting it to be this dead. Normally, even during the summer session, my Psych 101 class would have a hundred people in it. Today there was maybe twenty of us s**ttered around the auditorium. But that didn't stop Dr. Mallory from droning on at the front of the room.I shouldn't complain. Psych was an easy A for me and watching Dr. Mallory was not without its perks. Like the tight khakis he always wore that cradled his amazing butt....

2 years ago
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Louise and niece Diane

She was Diane , Roy’s ( my husband ) 18 year old niece , she and her family lives on the other town ( 30 km from Manila , mine is 50 km ), having her school much closer to my apartment , Roy and her family came to decide she can stay with me so at the same time as my house companion ( I live alone ) . Diane’s a great girl , I never find it difficult to get along with her. Usually she would go to school in the morning and I would be left in the house , I was a little bored...

1 year ago
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Wifes Arrest Part 2

Buck walks back in to the interrogation room. With a tall busty red head in a white doctors coat. behind him. She looks Misty over. "Well well well look who we have here." She says as she puts on a pair of latex gloves. "You know her?" Buck asks "Oh yes I know her well. On your feet young lady!" Misty stands up. "As you remember my name is Becky and I am in charge here. Do you understand?" "Yes madam." "Good now get up against the wall spread your legs." Misty submitted to her allowing her to...

1 year ago
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I launched Porn Dude Casting recently, but I’ve been holding off on reviewing it for ThePornDude. It’s kind of hard to be an impartial smut reviewer when you’re the one banging the babes, filming the action and uploading it to the web. I didn’t want to seem like too much of a big-dicked braggart, but then again, I ain’t a stranger to tooting my own horn, typically after dipping my hairy palms into this bucket of lube I keep here in the masturbation chamber.I usually spend these reviews talking...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 37 Live Fire Training

A Sa'arm scout had been tracked by a probe as it explored the uninhabited planet Darkford. The headquarters analysts expected a small hive ship to reach the planet within a window of six to eighteen months from the time the scout left the system. Only thirty percent of the planet's surface was water, but that was still enough water to hide both North and South America in more than one of its oceans. Daniel Boone and Sir Galahad waited at the rendezvous point, which was about half a...

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“You ought to be sleeping at legitimate hours.” A private message from Chuck, 221 am. “Trust me, I wish I could, but my body is convinced it’d rather be doing something else but sleep. There’s hardly anything I can do!” “There’s only one thing you should be doing at this hour. And it shouldn’t involve being online.” I paused and smiled to myself. Chuck is the assistant coach to the tennis team I joined at the country club. He was nothing like the rest of the eager male morons trying to flaunt...

Straight Sex
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Woman Partner Chapter 29 The End

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 29, The End?) ********************************************************************* This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive,...

3 years ago
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SolaraChapter 3

We awoke from Hyber-sleep about 10 days out from Orlana and as we got closer I marveled at the home world of my love. The atmosphere was greener in tint than Earth and Solara explained that this was due to higher oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. We explained to our children that this was the world that their mother was born on and that there would be more 'people' like the ship's crew for them to see. Orlana: star spectral G3IV; Mean orbit 1.20AU; Mean Dia. 16400 Km; gravity .93; Year-15...

2 years ago
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It Came From the Laundry Room

Crystal was horny. Walking into her big apartment she pulled off her jeans. Her blue, silk panties going with them. She reaches under the back of her T-shirt. Unbuckling her matching bra. She pulls the shoulder straps down her arms then reaches into her shirt, pulling her bra down and free. Tossing the double-D size item onto the kitchen counter. Her T-shirt just barely covered her nicely rounded ass. Threatening to offer a peek at her bald cunny with every step she took toward the giant...

4 years ago
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The next door adventure pt 1

I was new in that town. I was a doctor who had been transfered there. I had never came into that town and I was a bit nervous about settling in. So, I rented a flat and started living in it. My workplace( hospital ) was not very far from that place. It took me quite a long time to adjust to the new place. When I was fully aware of my surroundings I decided to get accuinted with my neighbours. There was a person who I met and he seemed to be a nice one. I learned by having a...

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MenagerieChapter 5

I walked over to the trainer’s cabin and left a note on the board that Katherine and Mandy would be spending the night together in Mandy’s cabin. The pets would frequently spend the night in each other’s cabins and were free to do so, but two of the trainers had to stay in the pens overnight just in case one of the pets happened to wake up and needed assistance. They also had to know where the pets were sleeping. The trainers did a bed check around nine, so they knew who was in what cabin in...

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Fucking My Girlfriend In Theatre

Hi guys! I have been reading sex stories from this website and now its time to contribute.I am a 5’6 inch sturdy built guy with a 12.5 cm dick. This is the story about how I fucked my gf subrata in the theater. She is about 5’5 with a slender body of size 32-28-34. We always had a on off chemistry during college but I never proposed. After that I was studying in a library in my city as my home was nearby. I had nearly forgotten about her and a year passed. Suddenly 1 day a familiar face tapped...

2 years ago
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WakeUp Call

I open my eyes and scan the dark quiet room, allowing myself time to adjust to the darkness. The only light visible is that from the moon seeping in through the window and the alarm clock on my night stand. It reads 3:46 am. I take a deep breath and raise my arms above my head, stretching out long like a cat who has just awoken from a deep slumber. I inhale the salty sea air as it drifts through the open french doors of the bedroom balcony. It's peaceful and the only sounds are coming from...

Oral Sex
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I sipped at my iced tea, watching my mother as she stood at the kitchen counter, deftly chopping vegetables. God, it felt good to be home. I'd just finished a brutal year of college, and looked forward to a relaxing summer with Mom. You might have heard of my mother, actually, except that I can't tell you her name. She's a fairly successful author of historical novels. She ditched my loser of a dad when I was ten, and has been content to live on her own ever since, raising me along the...

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First HotWife Experience with a BBC

I'll tell you all a bit about me. I'm a 24 year old girl and in a long term relationship with a great guy. We got engaged recently and plan on getting married next September. We've been into 'swinging' for about 3 years now. In that time we've met couples, and single guys for mfm threesomes. Last year we discussed the possibility of me meeting guys by myself, and after a few near misses, I finally got the chance.My first experience as a Hotwife occurred during a work night out- this is all...

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student blackmail mature lady teacher

Joey can't remember where this all started, his fascination with the school's guidance counselor, maybe when she would ignore him and instead entertain the jocks that went to her office for counseling or maybe this woman was just really desirable. Joey Jones was 18, a high school senior, and the captain of the chess team. There were other girls his age that he was interested in but there was something about the counselor that captivated him.The guidance counselor was Mrs. Zilpha Rollins; she's...

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Bound and used

Get dressed I want to fuck you.you fucked me earlieryes and now I want to fuck you again. Sheena went to the bedroom to get dressed, in the clothes I had left out for her. 5 inch heeled red shoes, a black PVC basque stockings and suspenders belt. I went into the kitchen and checked the items I wanted to fuck her with, and made sure the ankle straps on the door open and close properly, and her neck brace too. I returned to the front room, and a few minutes later Sheena returned dressed as told,...

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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 9

You're making a mistake, Leah told herself. You should have called him to make your report. Seeing him alone will make the pain fresh and intense again, not dulled a little by time and distance like it is now. You had a choice; you made the wrong choice. No, be honest. You didn't truly have a choice. You had to see him again. Touch him. Feel his touch. Be with him again. When he'd told her with a thought that he still loved her, the choice went away. Loni, huh? Beautiful! She looked...

2 years ago
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"Jeff, why don't you gather some wood for a bonfire." "Yeah, Dad, let's roast marshmallows." ... From inside, Sean and Rachel watch Jeff start the fire under the star-brightened sky. "Sean, all I do at home these days is sleep." "Yeah Rachel. You and Jeff seem to hang out here all the time." "It's fantastic that you're willing to take care of Jeff all summer while I'm working." "My pleasure--working out of my home definitely has advantages." Sean looks for a...

3 years ago
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Fifth Anniversary

The morning did not start well.

Kevin and Susan Greyson rose on a working day. It was a sunny morning and Kevin felt great. So far so good. How had it managed to go so steeply downhill from there? Well, he would later have to admit that he had nothing and nobody else to blame but himself – and her of course! He always accepted that he had a stubborn streak, and when it bit, he could not help but dig his heels in. 
He was eating his muesli and drinking his coffee, and Susan was doing the...

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That SummerChapter 12

Kyle went into town later having decided that it would be best if he was not around when Jill made her confession to Emma. He could eat dinner in town at one of the hangout places and maybe meet up with some of his teammates for the evening. Jill went in to town to retrieve Emma and she listened to her tell all about the new things that they had developed at practice that day. Jill was very proud of Emma. She was smart, she was cute and she was popular, everything that a young girl could want...

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Timewalker pt 1a

Book 4: Time Walker Part 1a Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I don’t care!” Tanya cried out. Frank held her tightly while she beat on his chest with her fists. “That’s my daughter in there!” She broke down again, weeping hysterically. She allowed Frank to hold her tightly while she sobbed. ‘This whole family has gone fucking nuts!’ Frank thought to himself, furious and upset and not knowing who to blame. His grandson’s new wife had collapsed while she was being...

4 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 45 The Emirs Photo Collection

"Yes, that's right, Janice, it's for a photo shoot ... Well, I saw the stuff you do on your web site and I thought you'd be ideal for this. I'll cover your fees of course but I'll credit your work on the pictures too. They've been commissioned by a new magazine: South Coast — it's going to be promoting all sorts of businesses around here, this shoot is for their launch issue. It should get a lot of attention. Anyway they want us to do a feature on a couple of volley ball players,...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 30 Two DestiniesAoshi

Sanosuke: Aoshi's gone?! Chief: There's no windows... and no one's gone in or out the doors. Sanosuke: He's really gone!? How'd you let him escape?! Chief: Don't be foolish! We have every exit covered. It's impossible that anyone could have gone in or out without our noticing. The perimeter of the mansion is also secured. Yahiko: Well, then he really is a spy. He disappeared like smoke... Kenshin: No... there's another entrance below us. Megumi: Kanryuu's secret passage! While...

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Gabriels Revenge Part 3

Gabriel's Revenge Part 3 By C.A. Grey This story is a continuation, obviously, from where I left off before. Sorry about the time lag, but my work restricts my time at home. It's been so long in between stories that I'm not sure I can capture the same spirit that may have been there previously, but this is my best effort at present, so I hope you enjoy. Rebekah woke to the sound of a knocking noise coming from downstairs. She was a little disoriented at first, not recognizing her...

3 years ago
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a sister turns to her brother to show her how good sex can be

I’m Philip, 19 years old, I left school at 15, with no qualifications, and started working for dad in his business, since leaving school I have took a building course, plumbing and electric’s, so saving having to get someone in to do these jobs. Dad gives me a good wage and when I’m 21 says he will make me a partner. As a pension Rachel and I have several houses that are rented out, the money from these is in an account that we can only draw out a small amount each year. I was out this...

2 years ago
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WBDPValentines in Vegas 8

Yes, Master."I turned the Vibe back on. "You may cum as necessary.""You allow your slave to have a say in the matter of her adornment?" Brianna asked."I'm an indulgent master," I replied.I asked Brianna to step away from the booth so that I could speak to her privately. It took me around 15 minutes to explain what I wanted Brianna to make for me."Your business card said that you design your jewelry, can you make it?" I asked."I made it all before my business got too big. I still make small...

3 years ago
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Living with Katrina Ch 03

Chapter 3 now. Vote, comment and let me know how you liked it. Thanks to estragon for copy edits, KatieTay for content edits and my beta readers SamanthaYvonne and the very special damppanties. ‘Long ago it must be I have a photograph Preserve your memories They’re all that’s left you’ – Bookends, Simon & Garfunkel * * An eight-hour work day was enough to make Jake drop dead from exhaustion. He could barely find the energy to get back to his apartment and collapse on his bed. A...

4 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 40

My mother went upstairs. I wanted to follow her, mostly because I was anxious to find out if she was going to try to help me with Mrs. Townsend. My father stopped me. While I waited downstairs, my father began, what I at first believed, was going to be a lecture. He was already well into it before I realized it was something else entirely. "Larry, Clara doesn't need a boyfriend right now. She does need a friend though. Your mama and I have spoken of this, and we are both agreed that this...

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Listen to the NightChapter 4

What I found was a naked woman hiding in the shade under one of the wagons. She had a chain running to a collar around her neck with the other end fastened to a wagon wheel. Her skin was too dark for her to be a normal White woman, but I could not tell if she was Mexican or Indian. I had enough Spanish to get me by, so I asked her if there was anybody else in the camp. She answered me in common English, "I am the only one here. My captors rode off earlier this morning. You should leave...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 36

8PM found me in my van on my way from my cabin in the woods to pick up Mopsy and Flopsy at their motel.Thank God it wasn't the Hazelwood.The video twins were staying at an old time mom and pop16unit tourist cabin motel.Someone had decided to restore it to its1930'‬s lack of glory days.The bathhouse, which had been the only sanitary facilities originally, had been traded for tiny individual bathrooms stuck on the rear of the cabins like so many tumors. Marty had decided that if he and I...

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Couples Massage my favorite story

Miles and Dawn were your typical upper-middle class couple. Living in the suburbs, dealing with the usual stress of work, k**s, and bills, they often took separate trips for an hour long massage. She was an older masseuse and trusted by Dawn to give nothing more than a real massage with no "happy endings". Their relationship was strong and sex life was great. They were both on their mid-thirties, strict about diet and exercise and considered very good looking by friends. They loved each others'...

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E051 Tuesday at the beach

They awake in the morning with Donald still inside of Emma.  He has softened some but their closeness through the night did not cause him to slip out.  Realizing where he still is, he begins to press in and out of her, faster and faster, making her juices to begin to flow.  She is a little dry on waking but realizing Donald cock is still up in her, and his initial thrust makes her wet quickly.They both now need to cum quickly, the slowness of yesterday was wonderful, but now the need for a...

Love Stories
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Dawn Joggers

I spun her to me and kissed her deeply while not so subtly pushing two fingers profoundly into her amazingly, still damp love box. "Your sweet elixir is so compelling, I want it on my face until we meet again and refresh it." Six more early morning walkers passed unnoticed as I wiped my pussy drenched fingers across my nose and... 90 minutes earlier My wife and I went out for our weekly sunrise jog. We were three days into a long midsummer heat wave, so predawn darkness was the only time...

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Road TripChapter 15

We ... I ... didn’t start at the Wolf Creek Road bridge. The creek is shallow from the bridge downstream to the old ford ... all but the far bank isn’t a foot deep. The water is clear. There is a nice pebble bottom. It was there I used to go to skip rocks. Almost skipped a perfect Pelican Lake atlatl point ... and let me tell you ... finding out what I had in my hand was a chore. Research at the library in Ranchester was over before it started. Sheridan County Public had a donated lithic...

4 years ago
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Mast bhabhi ki chudaiu

Hey reader, it has been so long I have been enjoying your experience and thought it as the right time to share my experience with you. Hope u will enjoy the same. The story is about the time I was 26 and doing my MBA at Patna. I was liming with my brothers in-laws. My brother’s sala was married with a beautiful lady white as albatross with big eyes and excellent figure. To me it may be 34-28-36 I always used to jack off at night thinking about her. It so happened that one night my brother’s...

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Half the ManChapter 2 The Accident Aftermath A Marriage in Crisis

The sun danced between wisps of clouds in the late afternoon sky, its beams following the 'Atlantis Blue' colored sedan down the road and teasingly playing tag with the car's rear bumper. Suddenly the sun's transient playmate turned and the red rear signal blinked farewell. Shadows of trees and buildings enveloped the vehicle as it traveled deep into the complex that was home. The car slowed, pulled into the parking area and came to a gentle stop. The engine silenced and the driver door...

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