El Solucionador free porn video

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Hayley estaba en pie frente a la mesa del sal?n central, ahora vac?o. Disimulaba su enfado mientras volv?a a ojear la copia de la ?ltima oferta. Se esforzaba por mantener porte elegante a pesar de todo. Incluso quer?a dar cierto aire de superioridad. Era una mujer hermosa. Tal vez no  uno de esos bellezones que sal?an en revistas y pel?culas. Su imagen era m?s real, m?s natural. Sus ojos marr?n claro, grandes y bonitos. La melena casta?a oscura llegaba hasta mitad de la espalda. No era completamente lisa si no que pose?a algunas ondulaciones. Adem?s, Hayley siempre ten?a cuidado de ir bien peinada. En esta ocasi?n llevaba toda la cabellera por el lado izquierdo, dejando ver por completo la mejilla derecha, de aspecto fino, delicado, cubierta solo con un poco de maquillaje. Tambi?n dejaba a la vista la oreja, adornada con un elegante pendiente en forma de aro dorado, m?s grueso en la parte inferior que en la superior. Sus labios eran carnosos, sensuales, maquillados de color rosa suave.

Si su rostro era agradable, su cuerpo tampoco dejaba nada que desear. De nuevo, era muy distinta a esas escu?lidas modelos. Su cuerpo ten?a curvas. No, no le sobraba un solo kilo, todo lo contrario. Ten?a una figura saludable, voluptuosa. Tal vez le habr?a venido bien ser un poco m?s alta. Sus caderas eran gruesas. Acababan en un hermoso trasero redondeando y firme, sin excesos. Era la cl?sica figura de reloj de arena, o lo habr?a sido de ser sus pechos algo m?s peque?os. Eran grandes. Muchos habr?an dicho que eran, de hecho, demasiado grandes. Al ser una mujer joven a?n no hab?an cedido por completo a la fuerza de la gravedad. Unos pocos los considerar?an casi vulgares. Otros los apreciar?an como un magn?fico tesoro de la naturaleza, dignos de ser admirados ahora, en su plenitud. Aunque la misma Hayley no acaba de estar contenta con ellos. Demasiado grandes.

La mujer se enfundaba en un ce?ido traje azul que marcaba sus sensuales formas. El escote de cuello de barco, dejaba ver parte de los hombros, la clav?cula, y el propio cuello de Hayley. Escond?a los pechos, forzando a volar la imaginaci?n de quien la mirase. La parte baja ca?a un poco por encima de las rodillas, mostrando unas piernas bonitas cubiertas por pantis negros. Los zapatos, por supuesto, iban a juego con el vestido. De color azul oscuro, con tac?n de la altura justa. Consegu?an que su due?a pareciese unos cent?metros m?s alta, y sobre todo, la hac?an contonear las caderas sensualmente al andar.

Generalmente Hayley se mostraba con gesto agradable, quiz?s un poco altivo en ocasiones, pero su sonrisa era c?lida y bonita a la vez. Ahora solo mostraba media de esa sonrisa. Los labios le temblaban espor?dicamente al apretarlos por la rabia. S?, hac?a su mejor esfuerzo por demostrar que controlaba la situaci?n, as? lo cre?a, pero el asunto comenzaba a cansarla.

Frente a ella un tipo de apariencia normal. La apariencia m?s normal del mundo. De haber sido las cosas distintas, alguien podr?a haber preguntado a la mujer por la descripci?n de aquel hombre y ella habr?a respondido poco m?s que, "moreno, vestido con traje negro, camisa blanca, y corbata azul". Tambi?n podr?a haber a?adido que estaba en forma y que sus ojos eran marrones, pero sobretodo fr?os. Nada m?s.

No era este hombre, quien se hab?a presentado como Bob, el causante de su ira. Tan solo era el mensajero. Aquel problema ten?a otro monde. Rick Maretti.

Hayley hab?a heredado el hotel de su padre, fallecido a?os atr?s. Al principio le hab?a costado llevarlo todo. Era tan joven cuando se vio dirigi?ndolo? Sin embargo no se hab?a hundido. Hab?a tomado las riendas. Hab?a aceptado el consejo de sus empleados, hab?a trabajado hasta el agotamiento, y hace un par de a?os hab?a conseguido volver a hacerlo rentable. Ten?a mucho a su favor. Un emplazamiento perfecto casi en el centro de la ciudad, unas instalaciones no muy grandes pero s? confortables y elegantes. Una clientela fiel. Cr?ticas positivas en gu?as y p?ginas web. Hombres que volv?an solo por tener la ocasi?n de verla de nuevo y fantasear con ella una vez m?s. A?n as? su esfuerzo hab?a sido el factor m?s determinante.

Hac?a un par de meses hab?a llegado Maretti. Hab?a comprado los edificios de un par de manzanas a la redonda. Quer?a construir uno de esos mega centros comerciales. El Hotel de Hayley estaba justo en mitad del supuesto proyecto. La oferta hab?a sido generosa, muy generosa. Ella simplemente no quer?a vender. Ya ten?a dinero y el hotel lo era todo en su vida. El ?nico recuerdo de sus padres.

Rechazar la oferta fue sencillo. Los siguientes meses no tanto. Primero aument? la delincuencia en el vecindario. Hayley reaccion? contratando seguridad privada y elevando un par de cartas al ayuntamiento, despu?s de enviar una copia a los peri?dicos, claro. Siguieron un par de robos, nada serio. No hab?an funcionado. La ?ltima jugarreta hab?a sido un soborno al inspector de sanidad. Por eso estaba cerrado el hotel. Acababa de exterminar unas ratas que en realidad nunca estuvieron all?. Otro inspector llegar?a al d?a siguiente para certificar que todo estaba correcto.

A pesar de cada triunfo, empezaba a estar m?s que harta.

Bob era el ?ltimo enviado de Maretti. Hab?a algo distinto en ?l, algo que no gustaba a Hayley. Claro estaba que lo hab?an enviado por resultar m?s amenazante, y lo hab?an hecho sin previo aviso. Se hab?a presentado all? hac?a una hora, cuando ella revisaba los ?ltimos detalles antes de la reapertura. Le hab?a dejado pasar con dos intenciones. En primer lugar, tratar de hacerle comprender que no iba a vender. Incluso si se arruinaba y deb?a cerrar el hotel, no vender?a el terreno. Toda la campa?a en su contra era in?til. La segunda era demostrar que no pod?an asustarla. A ella no.

Tampoco pod?an comprarla. La oferta era estratosf?rica para el valor real del terreno. Aceptando ya no necesitar?a trabajar nunca m?s. Daba igual. Era cuesti?n de convicciones. Tras unos segundos pensando volvi? a esbozar una bonita sonrisa cargada de seguridad, con algo de arrogancia.

-Bob? - esper? por si el hombre completaba el nombre con un apellido.

-Bob est? bien - respondi? ?l secamente.

-Bob. No voy a vender. Este hotel es mi vida. Es m?o. No voy a desprenderme de ?l. Espero haberlo dejado claro de una vez.

?l ni se inmut?. Su actitud molestaba a Hayley. Era como mirar una foto, siempre el mismo rostro impasible.

-Mi cliente cree que realmente deber?a reconsiderar la oferta. Este barrio es peligroso.

Hayley sinti? una nueva oleada de ira. Aquel tipo iba a su hotel, su hogar, armado ?nicamente con una carpeta llena de documentos y un malet?n a?n cerrado. No conforme con insistir, la amenazaba. Cerr? las manos, de dedos delgados, formando peque?os pu?os que ocultaban la cara manicura y el esmalte rojo. Control? la ira. Ese hombre deb?a pretender hacerla enfadar. No quer?a darle ese placer. Recuper? la sonrisa por en?sima vez.

-He vivido aqu? desde siempre. Sabr? arregl?rmelas, gracias.

-Mi cliente tambi?n me ha pedido que la advierta. Esta es la ?ltima oferta. Por eso voy a repetirla una vez m?s. Si ahora me dice que no, ya no habr? marcha atr?s. No habr? m?s ofertas ni oportunidades. ?No va a reconsiderar la oferta?

-Me alegra que por fin sea la ?ltima vez. - Respondi? entre aliviada y enfadada. - La respuesta es no.

Volvi? a sonre?r, victoriosa. No hab?an podido con ella. Maretti iba a recibir una lecci?n de humildad. Dio la vuelta para regresar a su despacho a realizar una ?ltima revisi?n antes de ir a casa a dormir.

-Espero que sepa encontrar la salida.

-En realidad, a?n no me voy.

Hayley se detuvo, nuevamente enfada. Gir? para volver a dar la cara a aquel pesado. Al hacerlo lo encontr? a poco menos de un metro de distancia.


Bob lanz? una patada baja, lo que un luchador llamar?a "low kick" contra la pierna de Hayley, impactando en plena corva izquierda. Mientras emit?a un peque?o chillido de dolor, su pierna ced?a, dobl?ndose y estando apunto de hacerla caer al suelo.

Bob no esper?. Su v?ctima no era una oponente en ning?n sentido de la palabra, pero ?l siempre se comportaba como si realmente pudiesen o supiesen defenderse. Un profesional no acepta m?rgenes de error. Lanz? un gancho que golpe? a la mujer en la mejilla izquierda, causando una peque?a herida en el rostro y haci?ndola sangrar por la boca al morderse el labio. Agarr? entonces con ambas manos la cabeza, tirando hacia abajo para ganar fuerza al conectar un rodillazo en el est?mago. Hayley, aturdida y sin poder cargar peso en la pierna izquierda, cay? hacia atr?s, volcando y rompiendo una mesa al chocarse con ella.

Aturdida, moviendo la cabeza de lado a lado sin ser del todo consciente de los ?ltimos acontecimientos, no lo not? cuando Bob la agarr? de ambas piernas y tir? hacia s? para quitarla de los restos de la mesa. Empez? a patalear un poco cuando not? que alguien le separaba las piernas. M?s por reflejo que por intenci?n, lanz? un par de golpes con las manos. Bob reaccion? desviando f?cilmente los f?tiles ataques. Agarr? la cabeza de ella con ambas manos, y golpe? el cr?neo contra el suelo un par de veces. No la dej? inconsciente, solo demasiado aturdida.

Una vez arrebatada toda lucha de la pobre Hayley, Bob le separ? las piernas y se arrodill? entre ellas. Subi? el vestido rasg?ndolo un poco por el tir?n. No se molest? en bajarle los pantis, los raj? a tirones por la zona genital. Se encontr? con unas bonitas bragas de encaje, tambi?n negras, que pronto rompi? c?mo hab?a hecho con los pantis. Ten?a delante una vagina preciosa, de labios rosados, prietos, con solo un poco de pelo justo por encima. No esperaba menos de una mujer tan cuidadosa.

Abri? la cremallera de los pantalones y, tras solo unos segundos, asomaba una enorme erecci?n. Seguramente era la m?s grande que ella hubiese visto en persona, pero a?n no era consciente de su entorno. Solo reaccion? cuando el pene invasor la penetr? de golpe, sin lubricaci?n alguna. Un gemido de dolor escap? de los labios de la joven. Comenz? a mover la cabeza de un lado a otro mientras repet?a "no". Todo su cuerpo se agitaba mientras las primeras l?grimas comenzaban a recorrer las mejillas directamente hacia el suelo. A?n mareada, le cost? poner las manos en el pecho de su agresor, tratando de quit?rselo de encima. No habr?a tenido fuerza suficiente encontr?ndose centrada y en plena forma. Tras ser vapuleada y sin ver n?tidamente, fue un esfuerzo completamente in?til. Bob respondi? agarrando ambas manos con la zurda para ubicarlas sobre la cabeza de la joven. Durante unos instantes, Bob sigui? posey?ndola as?, disfrutando del espect?culo de los pechos botando bajo el cada vez m?s desali?ado vestido azul. Agarr? el escote con la diestra.

-No? - grit? ella, cada vez m?s centrada. - ?Noooo!

Bob tir? con fuerza. El sonido de tela rompi?ndose inund? el sal?n por unos instantes. Los grandes pechos de Hayley solo estaban cubiertos ahora por un sujetador, tambi?n de encaje negro, sin tirantes. Los dej? as? por ahora.

Hayley casi hab?a vuelto en s? del todo. Volvi? a gritar. Bob le tap? la boca con la mano derecha. No es que los gritos supusiesen un problema, nadie la oir?a fuera del hotel, pero su experiencia le dec?a que as? sus v?ctimas se sent?an m?s indefensas. Eso le gustaba. La mirada de terror de Hayley fue suficiente recompensa.

Las embestidas aceleraron, indicando la inminente eyaculaci?n. Bob se dej? ir, llenando la vagina de la chica. No le importaban mucho las pruebas. No estaba fichado, no hab?a muestras con las que comparar, ni ADN ni huellas. Solo un mont?n de casos sin resolver, todos catalogados como "agresor desconocido". Ahora a?adir?an un nuevo nombre al expediente. En realidad ven?a bien, con v?ctimas tan dispares nunca pensar?an en un profesional.

Una vez qued? libre, Hayley se encogi? sobre s? misma, en posici?n fetal sobre el costado derecho.. La rodilla le dol?a much?simo, al igual que la espalda, la mejilla, y la cabeza. Se sent?a sucia y humillada. Intent? recomponer el vestido con la mano izquierda mientras, instintivamente, llev? la derecha a la zona genital que le dol?a y escoc?a a partes iguales. Solo ten?a fuerzas para llorar. Y llor?, perdiendo la noci?n del tiempo.

Bob volvi? a acercarse. Ella lo escuch?. No se atrevi? a mirarle.

-?Firmar?! - dijo entre sollozos - lo que quieras.

Bob sonri?. Este era de sus momentos preferidos en cada trabajo. No serv?a cualquiera. Solo lo disfrutaba cuando se trataba de esta clase de mujer. Fuerte, guapa, con personalidad. Una que realmente tuviese algo antes de quebrarla.

La agarr? por el pelo. Pr?cticamente la levanto en peso mientras Hayley segu?a llorando y gritando.

-?No!, ?Para!, ?Voy a firmar!.

Sin hacer caso, Bob agarr? lo que quedaba de vestido y empez? a tirar. Hayley ten?a problemas para mantenerse en pie. La pierna izquierda a?n no respond?a bien y ella segu?a algo mareada. A?n as? trat? de agarrar la tela mientras su agresor la arrancaba de varios tirones. Tembl?, se agit?, y resisti? cuanto pudo cuando ?l arranco el sujetador. Los pechos quedaron por fin al aire. Not? fri? en los pezones, redondos, casi de color caramelo. Por supuesto no estaban erectos, ni lo iban a estar. .

Mientras segu?a sosteni?ndola por el pelo con la mano izquierda, Bob comenz? a jugar con las tetas. All? no hab?a sitio para la delicadeza. Los apret?, los estruj?, los lami?, los retorci?, e incluso mordi? con fuerza dejando la marca de los dientes. Los gritos no cesaron en ning?n momento. Al final la solt? para ver su obra.

Hayley se sostuvo en pie con dificultad. Intent? tapar los pechos con el brazo derecho, labor harto complicada, mientras cubr?a su sexo con la mano izquierda. Estaba en pie vestida ?nicamente con unos pantis desgarrados y los zapatos, llorando mientras pugnaba por no volver a caer al suelo.

Bob volvi? a acercarse y agarrarla por el pelo. La conduc?a hacia la pared de la izquierda, adornada con un gran espejo que la recorr?a por completo.

-?Basta! - gritaba ella entre sollozos. - ?Ya basta!

No hubo respuesta. La hizo inclinarse hacia delante cerca de uno de los c?modos sof?s del sal?n. Hayley apoy? los brazos r?pidamente para no caer, quedando frente al espejo. Pudo ver sus enormes pechos colgando. Contempl? a Bob agarrando el pene, listo para penetrarla de nuevo, desde atr?s en esta ocasi?n. Ella cerr? los ojos e hizo el firme prop?sito de no gritar m?s. Estuvo a punto de fallar casi al instante, pero no fue as?. Apret? los dientes, cerr? los ojos con fuerza, y tan solo se le escaparon algunos gemidos de dolor cuando la penetraci?n era especialmente fuerte.

Bob miraba el espejo. Estaba mesmerizado. Al principio tambi?n hab?a dudado sobre si aquellas tetas no eran un poco demasiado grandes. Al verlas balancearse sin control, chocando una con otra, sufriendo ondulaciones al agitarse, sali? de dudas. Tal vez no era su tipo de mujer ideal, pero desde luego representaba un aut?ntico espect?culo.

Hayley prob? a agarrar los brazos del sof? para paliar el dolor. No sirvi?. Apretaba cualquier cosa al alcance de sus manos. Buscaba a tientas algo a lo que aferrarse. Nada serv?a. Le pareci? permanecer as?, montada como un animal, durante horas. Al final, por segunda vez en la noche, not? el semen de aquel desalmado llen?ndola.

Cuando acab? la solt?, dej?ndola caer sobre el sof?. El torso qued? sobre el asiento mientras las piernas colgaban hacia el suelo, apoy?ndose con las rodillas en ?l. No le quedaban fuerzas ni voluntad para intentar levantarse. A?n as? gir? la cabeza cuando escuch? pasos a su espalda. Vio al violador agarrando la pata de la mesa que hab?an roto durante la "pelea". Sinti? m?s p?nico del que jam?s hab?a cre?do posible. Trat? de ponerse en pie apoy?ndose en las manos, pero recibi? un fuerte golpe en el h?gado. El dolor casi la paralizaba, aunque consigui? incorporarse e incluso dar la vuelta. Sin tiempo para m?s, fue incapaz de protegerse ante un segundo golpe con la punta de la pata, a modo de estocada, directamente contra el est?mago. Volvi? a caer al sof?, esta vez boca arriba.

-?No! , ?No!, ?No!, ?No! - Trat? de gritar, aunque el golpe la hab?a dejado con poco aire. - Te lo suplico - hablaba entre sollozos. - Firmar?. Har? lo que quieras. Yo? yo? - adem?s de llorar, se sonroj? de verg?enza ante su propia oferta antes si quiera de realizarla - dejar? que me? me?

-Folles - la interrumpi? Bob, a?n armado con la pata de la mesa. - Dilo.

-Dejar? que? - cerr? los ojos. Se hizo a la idea. Pod?a soportar la humillaci?n. - Dejar? que me folles. - las palabras salieron de la boca con asco, con la derrota marcada en el timbre de voz. - c?mo tu quieras.

Bob sonri?. Sinti? otra erecci?n de camino. La hab?a quebrado totalmente.

-Te dije - continu? a rega?adientes, lamentando no tomarla otra vez - que si te negabas no habr?a marcha atr?s. - Alz? la pata de nuevo.

-?No!, ?Por fav?!,  ?Ahhh!

Hayley grit? de dolor cuando un nuevo golpe interrumpi? sus palabras. El impacto le rompi? la clav?cula derecha, clavando el hueso contra los m?sculos. La agresi?n ya no par?. Hayley intent? defenderse poniendo los brazos y las piernas delante. Escuch? claramente el chasquido cuando los huesos del antebrazo izquierdo se rompieron. Sinti? la rodilla "buena" salirse de su sitio. Pronto ya no pod?a protegerse de ning?n modo. Eso no detuvo la paliza. El est?mago, los ri?ones, de nuevo el h?gado. Los enormes pechos se convirtieron en el blanco estrella. Eran f?ciles de alcanzar y los gritos de dolor alcanzaban cotas exquisitas para Bob. El estern?n, adem?s de algunas costillas y la cadera, tambi?n se quebraron. El agresor qued? agotado de tantos golpes, deteni?ndose para recuperar el aliento.

Hayley era un desastre. Una burla de la mujer joven y hermosa que hab?a sido hace tan solo unas horas. Estaba llena de moratones, de cortes, de ara?azos. Ten?a varias hemorragias internas, ?rganos reventados. Una costilla se hab?a clavado en el pulm?n, haci?ndola toser sangre adem?s de provocar un sufrimiento horrible cada vez que respiraba. Sent?a tanto dolor que era incapaz de controlar una serie de continuos espasmos. Se hab?a meado encima, manchando los caros pantis que luc?a en las piernas. Ten?a varios hilillos de sangre que descend?an desde boca y nariz tanto hacia el cuello y el pecho como hacia los lados de la cabeza, manch?ndole el pelo con una mezcla de sangre y saliva. No lo sab?a, o no lo pod?a aceptar, pero ya no ten?a salvaci?n posible. Tan solo el rostro hab?a quedado a salvo del brutal asalto, da?ado ?nicamente por el gancho con el que la hab?a atacado al principio, antes de la primera violaci?n. Ahora todo aquel horror le parec?a insignificante en comparaci?n.

-A? ayuda. - Intent? alzar el brazo en un gesto de s?plica, pero este se torc?a innaturalmente un poco por encima de la mu?eca. - M? me? m?dico.

Bob sonri?. Estaba claro que Hayley se aferraba la vida. No pudo evitar comprobar hasta qu? punto. Subi? al sof?, arrodill?ndose junto a ella. Acerc? el pene a los labios de su v?ctima. No necesit? m?s. Hayley, con el dolor y el miedo forz?ndola a superar la humillaci?n del momento, abri? la boca. Acarici? el glande con la lengua sin mucha maestr?a. Jam?s le hab?a gustado dar sexo oral. Empez? a mover el cuello para bombear con la cabeza. La clav?cula rota le mataba al hacerlo. Nuevas l?grimas de dolor empa?aron su hermoso rostro. Bob, algo decepcionado con el ritmo, aunque satisfecho con el esfuerzo, agarr? la cabeza con ambas manos para empezar a masturbarse usando la boca de la pobre mujer como juguete sexual. Adem?s ?l mov?a las caderas adelante y atr?s. Desde luego no fue la mejor mamada de la historia, no a nivel de ejecuci?n, pero Bob estaba tan excitado que not? en seguida la tercera corrida de la noche. Le sac? el miembro de la boca, manteniendo la cabeza levantada con la mano izquierda, mientras se acababa de masturbar con la derecha. Eyaculo por todo el rostro, salpicando tambi?n la melena casta?a que luego utiliz? para limpiarse. Las manchas de sangre se mezclaban en algunos puntos con las de semen, creando una mezcla ros?cea que a Hayley le pareci? muy mal oliente.

-No puedo creerlo- Dijo Bob mientras se repon?a. - Te mato y, adem?s de la paga que me van a dar, c?mo agradecimiento vas y me la chupas. - Sonri? - Nunca hubiese dicho al verte que eras tan puta.

Hayley abri? los ojos como platos, pr?cticamente el ?nico movimiento del que era capaz, e intent? rogar otra vez. Bob agarr? la pata y la golpe? con fuerza en la frente. Tal fue el golpe que la madera se parti? en dos. Us? lo que quedaba para seguir golpeando la cabeza, de frente y por los lados. Cuando acab?, hab?a destrozado por completo un ojo, roto la nariz, y arrancado algunos dientes. Nada de eso era lo peor. Hab?a destrozado la parte superior del cr?neo, llenando de sangre el pelo adem?s del sof?. En realidad hab?a salpicado bastante por los alrededores. Adem?s, pod?an verse trozos de hueso e incluso un poco de materia gris. Claro que de gris ten?a solo el nombre, estaba tan enrojecida como todo lo dem?s. Bob se pregunt? qui?n encontrar?a el cad?ver. Tendr?a que leer los peri?dicos del d?a siguiente.

Hab?a terminado el trabajo. En unos d?as Maretti enviar?a a uno de sus sicarios a pagarle. Habr?a una investigaci?n en la que Maretti ser?a el primer sospechoso, claro, pero no encontrar?an nada. El dinero saldr?a de los negocios sucios de su cliente. Efectivo, imposible de trazar. Las caracter?sticas del crimen encajar?an con las de muchos otros a lo largo del pa?s. De hecho Bob, estaba seguro, deb?a ser considerado un simple asesino en serie. El t?rmino pod?a ser correcto, pues era un soci?pata, pero hab?a encontrado una forma de encauzar ese peque?o problemilla. Solucionar problemas. Mir? su ?ltima obra. No sinti? ning?n remordimiento a pesar del estado en que hab?a dejado a Hayley. Era  incapaz de tales sentimientos, y la l?gica le dec?a que, despu?s de todo, le hab?a dado la oportunidad de salvarse. Por eso le llamaban en el mundillo "solucionador" en lugar de asesino a sueldo. Simplemente solucionaba problemas, solo que muchas veces lo hac?a asesinando. Ten?a el trabajo de sus sue?os.

Era el momento de largarse. Consigo llevaba la satisfacci?n de un trabajo bien hecho.

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Waiting at the airport about to board your flight to Mexico, you tell yourself to make the best of the situation. A week ago the big trip your friends had been planning fell through and your spring break had almost been ruined. You called home to see if your mother was going to be around the next week so at the very least, you could go home for the break. To your surprise, she had desperately wanted a vacation and wanted to know if she could instead join you. Reluctant at first, you agreed,...

2 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 2

The week rolled on, as weeks usually did. I'd sneakily listened at the door to my sister's bathroom every night, hoping to hear her going at it again, but either she was being a lot more quiet, or—much to my disappointment—she just wasn't playing with herself in the shower anymore. I wondered what it had been that had gotten her so excited that day. I'd quickly made the connection between her exuberance during her cheer competition and her unbelievably hot masturbating session in the...

3 years ago
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Autumn Leaves

This may or may not follow on from the short story "Stuck in the middle with you". You don't need to read that first but it might help.Yet another weekend on her own, everyone else visiting other relatives whilst she had to stay at home and finish off some work. Work which had surprisingly taken a fraction of the time it should have now there were no other distractions to be had. So half a day into a weekend alone and she had nothing to do. Boredom, as it always does, had set in very quickly...

1 year ago
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Junior YearChapter 6 This is Our House

Note: This is the last chapter BlackIrish was able to edit for me. Monday September 7 Today was Labor Day, so I didn’t have anything I had to do. Tami had been shocked by my revelation last night that I was no longer in love with her, and for the first time in my life she didn’t have anything to say. She’d just left me so I could get back to sleep. When I woke up, I went downstairs looking for my uncle. He and I had to have a talk. I found Aunt Bonnie. “You want some...

4 years ago
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Saving Arvil Lavigne

Saturday. The one day of the week when I had any real free time to spend on myself. Monday through Friday I spent working and on Sunday I usually spent the day helping my elderly aunt and uncle around their house with grocery shopping, yard work, whatever that needed to be done that week.This particular Saturday I found myself sitting in Jim's a local mom and pop diner that had been around for some twenty or thirty years. I had big plate of fries and one of the greasiest hamburgers I've ever...

3 years ago
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Marta and Robert

Dr. Robert Van Clef felt out of place here. The crowd was mainly twenty and thirty-something's and the music was not that of his generation. He might have left right after the ceremony, but he had invested almost an hour driving out to this country mansion. Of course he was happy for Dawn, a younger colleague from the hospital, but there were many things about the wedding besides the location of the reception that puzzled him. First was the man Dawn had chosen to marry, and so suddenly. Until...

4 years ago
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Infinity Chapter 1

Infinity had started out like any other Virtual Reality MMORPG game. It had the standard leveling functionality, fantasy based weapons, classes and skills, monsters of varying shape and size and as much competition as you could imagine. But what started out as a game turned into something so much more. It wasn’t until the game launched that people realised the difference. You’d play whilst you slept, which was normal, but time moved by much slower, your standard 8 hour sleep went on for 48...

1 year ago
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The SaviorsChapter 5 The new powers

The next day mid-morning sun blazed down on them before any of the three stirred. Soon they awoke fully to the tempting smells of cooking Tricer steaks. "Good morning sleepy heads," said Kurt. Kathy groaned as she stood up, "My cookie is so sore I don't think I can hike to our next destination today." Getting to her feet Suzie added, "I'm sore too and I reek of sex so I vote we go to that pond and water fall to bathe. That is, if I can walk that far!" Kathy looked at Troy and...

3 years ago
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My Tryst With the Professor Part IV

“Fuck,” Lexi repeated, a smile spreading across her face. “What the hell are you doing here?!” She skipped down the aisle and grabbed their uninvited audience, pulling her into a tight hug. It was one of her closest friends, Darcy, looking smug as ever for having caught her doing something so naughty. Lexi stepped back, holding their guest at arms’ length. “I think the better question is what the hell are you doing here?” Darcy asked, her eyes flitting toward Dr. Claar. Lexi giggled,...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend used in a Holiday Toilet

This is fiction...So, it was a couple of years back now, in Turkey, at a bar by the beach. You know the sort of place, shitty pop music blaring out, drinks that were 50% vodka and 50% watered down coke. The usual lecherous, greasy locals working the bar and the tables, hitting on all the drunken English girls, succeeding often enough to make it worthwhile.I’d been for a piss, shifting some of mediocre local beer I’d managed to chug down, and was walking back to the table when I noticed the bar...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 45 Senseis Tests

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 (Continued) When Sensei arrived, my girls and I went out to greet him. I did the introductions, including Mom when she came out a few seconds later in case Sensei didn't remember her from when she'd delivered me to the dojo. Mom directed us into the living room, where three more introductions were made. Sensei was still wearing his Aikido clothes, a white gi with loose black pants over the top of the gi's white pants, so he certainly looked the part of being my...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Katy Rose Dido Angel Must Be Dreaming

Ricky Rascal is a lucky man as Dido Angel and Katy Rose join him in the bathtub, naked. The girls are feeling flirty as Dido wraps her legs around Ricky’s shoulders and pulls his head towards her body. Then she leans in to exchange a kiss with Katy that gets totally heated. As they make out, they rub their feet over Ricky’s erection to make sure he’s nice and hard. The girls switch spots with Ricky eventually, sliding into the embrace of the warm water. They cuddle up close to...

3 years ago
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Theories of Flight

I have this theory about flight. I think there’s this great, cosmic deity. Not religious or anything, just cosmic, that moves planes through the sky like a small child moves toy cars. Everything’s fine as long as he’s interested. But one day, he’ll grow bored and let it fall to the earth or nosedive it into a mountain. So fuck flying. Right up its bitch ass. When Kelly suggested Hawaii for our anniversary, I thought twelve-day cruise. I can handle water. Sure, The Titanic gave me nightmares as...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Mom n Dod I Carla n Tessel 2

Cute curly Carla got the hots for me, so she invites me up as soon as we meet next, 'by chance'Tall tasty Tessel is at hers that day and a few more, but Carla hopes she can get her soon in bedCarla and Tessel together will make my day, and night, allthough they have no idea, at that time!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CUTE CARLA & TASTY TEEN TESSEL, CAN I HAVE BOTH OF THEM IN OUR EROTIC...

1 year ago
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Dad Made Me Mature

Hi friends I’m Zeni 22 from Kerala, I have good body structure with fair color with long hair, I’m from middle class, my dad working in bike company, my mom working in LIC, I use to watch x movies in my pc, my dad bought me pc when I join in college’s use to watch movies at Saturday because one one there in the home at that day. This incident happen 3 months back, only 3 times I watch movies in net.. It made lot of things in my life. One Saturday I ready to watch some movies.. Because no one in...

4 years ago
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Bait Switch

His firm hand on my head kept my mouth on his penis as he thrust it in and out. "That's the way, keep sucking, yeah...I knew you'd be a hot cocksucker...yeah, suck on it hard, suck me good", he ordered as he fucked my mouth. How strange, I thought, to have my head down in a guy's lap, sucking and sucking...I was lost in a dream-like world of musky pubes, smooth hot flesh and the feel and taste of a warm stiff penis as it slipped in and out, in and out. His deep grunt with every thrust, the...

2 years ago
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I remember the first day I meet Kristen AR

I remember the first day I meet Kristen, she was behind the bar filling a freezer frosted schooner that began to overflow and spill onto the floor creating a small puddle. She set the brew on the table, and grab some damp towels from underneath the counter. Then she walked over to the puddle threw the towels unto the wet area. I watched as Kristen spread both legs far apart and placed both hands onto the towels and started to sop up the liquid on the floor. I started to pay closer attention to...

1 year ago
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After reading the title, I’m sure some of you are thinking, “who the fuck is Jav Doe?” “Is she (or he) some porn star who performs all kinds of naughty nastiness under a weird alias?” “Is she a mysterious porn producer who chooses an alluring, albeit confusing, professional name, kinda like Mr. Him?” (If you don't know who that is, check her out – she’s made some decent stuff.)No and no. Jav, for you uncultured newbs, is an abbreviation for Japanese Adult Video. JavDoe.com aka JavDoe.tv is the...

Asian Porn Sites
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Jerryrsquos World ndash Dr Goodwin

I walked across to the doctors office which was in fact in the basement and slowly and carefully went down to the front door and rang the bell, my jaw dropped when the door opened.Maybe I was expecting a pretty receptionist but I certainly wasn’t expecting an old man well into his 70’s dressed in a button up white coat and from what I could make out, not much else.“Hello, I’m Dr Goodwin, I am a doctor you know” he said very professionally while looking me up and down, “You must be Jerry” he...

2 years ago
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Ammarsquos coconuts 1

My father ran a small tea-shop and my mother helped him in the business. Though I was their only c***d, I was not much spoilt. I was not bad in my studies and frequently stood first in my class. I was very obedient to my parents. Since they were fairly educated people, they knew well the value of good education and, though it was beyond their means, they were sending me to an English medium school in a nearby town. Looking back, I think that we were a happy family, though poor, and were envied...

1 year ago
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Kingdom Hearts Selphies Request

She and Selphie had been betting on their grades all year, as a sort of friendly rivalry. Although Kairi had never been very competitive, the challenge between the girls was a pleasant reminder of Riku and Sora and how they always tried to one-up each other. The standing bet was simple, they’d pick a particular test or project and whomever received the lower grade had to fulfill one request from the winner. Usually one had to buy the other a sundae after school, or make an extra lunch...

3 years ago
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Still Getting Into Trouble

"Dan, Mary-Jayne needs a ride this evening. Her car is in the shop, and she needs picking up from work. I'd do it myself, but it's Wednesday, and I have choir practise.""Uh, what did you say?" I mumbled into the newspaper. My good lady's voice soothes my soul in the evening, but in the morning, I do my best to ignore it. Violently, she ripped the page from my hands, and I looked into the angry eyes of my lovely wife."You damn well heard me, you old cuss.""I didn't —""Now don't start with me,...

2 years ago
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The Glen Book OneChapter 15

A vast host of riders on motorcycles swept into the courtyard as the survivors flooded out to welcome them. The leader of the relief column quickly spotted his King. He dismounted and took a knee before Arthur. Arthur quickly brought the newly arrived leader up and drew him into an embrace. "Roland! Never have I been more glad to see you! How many ride with you?" My liege. I ride at the vanguard of your assembled host. Fully one hundred thousand make up the main van, and the Queens van is...

2 years ago
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Brian and Michelle The Red Dragon Social Club Ch

For the intervening week before the next meeting, Michelle was very excited. She was an exhibitionist at heart, and after picking ‘Lapdance’ as their activity she fully expected to be giving one to Brian, and that thought made her wet and excited. At the meeting, Brian explained the plan.“I’ll pick you up on Wednesday night. We’ll be staying away overnight, and on Wednesday night we shall be going out somewhere very posh and expensive, so you’ll need to dress up. An evening gown sort of dress,...

4 years ago
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ResurrectionThe Redemption

I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me. God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and let them into heaven. I cant live with that. People trust me with their secrets. But who do I trust with mine.? You, and only you. Who am I? You sure you want to know.The phone rings, I look at it and grumbled, “Fuck me,” as I rubbed the dull throbbing ache in my temples.The night before last...It was clear, the smell of the city sharp. The cold bit through...

4 years ago
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My First

This is a real summary account of my 21 year old girlfriend (as of now, the only i been with technically) So i'll start off and say, i was around 24-25 year old at the time. In which i was still a virgin (thankfully i didn't reach the 40 year old statues, otherwise i was prepared to ship my dick to a random feminist group. To perform some ritual about a virgin man, while flapping it about in the air. I dunno, whatever.)It all started on a OkCupid account. I was looking for any girl around my...

3 years ago
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Baby Maker

They had been married for ten years and he was not able to get his sexy wife pregnant and he wanted a baby so bad. He then decided he would find a man to get her pregnant. He had to convince her that this was the best way to start a family. He would find a man that had his features and he would have to be handsome and sexy. He went searching for such a man and finally found him. The man was perfect and it was agreed he would fuck the lovely wife daily till she got pregnant. He would live at...

4 years ago
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The Ultimate bitch

"Claire is the ideal person for our needs gentlemen "Claire is the ideal person for our needs gentlemen." Anne stated to the two men as she smiled at Claire. "I have only one more question to ask now and I wanted us to be together when I did ?so." She turned to face the men as they came in from the adjoining room . "You saw and heard everything she told me?" Claire looked up, electrified by Anne's words. The two men smiled and nodded. They sidled across to Claire and took up stances as...

1 year ago
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Tonis TrialChapter 2

Toni awakened to someone rubbing a beer can along her sore jaw. "Hey, Mama..." a voice rumbled. She was lying on her back with her head on someone's lap. She opened her eyes and saw Ricky's face, upside down above her, grinning. "You flunked the 'one of the guys' initiation." "You hit me..." Toni croaked. She was nauseous. "That's the initiation. Didn't you hear Horse?" "Now what?" Toni whined. "Take me home!" "Horse told you THAT, too," Ricky replied. "Since you...

2 years ago
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Proving My Sanity my women could be disinherited

Proving My Sanity Copyright Oggbashan September 2016The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. The name of a minor character has been changed to Mr Lal.Note: A guinea at the time of this story was a gold coin worth one pound and one shilling (£1.05). An agricultural...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 44

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 44 Paula and Kelly kept their promise to not tell anyone about their proposed use of cherries and fresh cream in their love making. To make things easier for themselves, they decided to spend the rest of the day discussing what to get Linda. "I know I bought Alicia a pendant, but I'm not sure I can afford something like that for Linda," said Paula. "You said make-up," said Kelly. "Get her a gift pack or something. All the big chemists do...

3 years ago
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TangentChapter 17 The Reverse of the Coin

Freidal leaned back against a rock, weary beyond words. All night they had marched over ridge after ridge! After marching half the day before! His batman, Tiki, came and stood next to him. Freidal gestured for him to sit. The old sergeant laughed. "If I sit, it will take a half dozen hale men to move me again, Captain! Finding two tonight might be too much to expect." Freidal glanced at the bulk of the ridge looming in front of them. "I didn't hear pickets go up." The veteran...

3 years ago
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A Kings Wife Ch 02

Aubert languished between Byth’s bound legs for sometime, his cock still erect and buried inside her warm moist sex. When he attempted to withdraw his staff from her she kissed him deeply and began to pump her hips gently against him–bringing erect once again–using the restraints between her ankles to hold his loins firmly against hers. He glanced over his shoulder at her feminine ploy while she giggled and pulled his face close to hers. ‘Dearest Byth, I am the king. You must let me go,’ he...

2 years ago
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A Lesbian Love Storyof Sorts Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2: BUYING A BRIDESMAID DRESS…THE SEDUCTION BEGINS The next couple of weeks it was simple things. I started hugging her when we saw each other and complimented her every chance I got. The compliments during this time were simple, flattering compliments, things a man would never say. “Oh you painted your nails a new shade of red” or “Those shoes really help showcase your legs,” or “Is that a new lipstick? It really makes your lips come to life.” Each compliment seemed to perk up Gwen....

4 years ago
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Riley on her Pallet

Riley Jo Givens woke up that morning with just the tiniest hangover sitting right in the middle of her head. She stuck her pink tongue out and smacked her lips a few times against the sand paper feel, dry and chalky in her mouth. She was alone in the single wide trailer she shared with her mother, Raylee, and her mother’s sometime boyfriend, Carl. The two of them had gone to the casino in Lake Charles for the weekend, leaving her to manage by herself and to care for the menagerie of cats, dogs...

2 years ago
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Date Night 5

This is the 5th story in the Date Night series. I wrote this story for the enjoyment of adults only. Hope you like it. Please send any comments to [email protected] DATE NIGHT 5 Written by 4play In the two weeks that had elapsed since the Mistress Rachel's wild party, my wife Chris had not mentioned a word about the events which had transpired there. While she had obviously had a very exciting time, I had spent much of the party bound and hooded in what was called the Playroom,...

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Terrys story continued

Over the next few weeks i thought about the thing with Jack, but didn’t want to act on it. i didn’t have the confidence to go for it and was very anxious about what the reaction would be if i did. We didn’t about it again for maybe three or four weeks.Not much changed except for the ‘dirty talking’ during sex. There was more to our fantasies now; stuff like talking about his other friends and about me being with more than one guy at a time… things like that. Each time we had sex i became more...

1 year ago
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JourneyChapter 17

Tim wasn't a carpenter, but he felt good about the work he had done on their bedroom closet. The only thing left to do was to hang the door with the large see-through mirror. Inside the closet, Tim had designed a place for a chair, which bolted to the floor, but could be moved when not in use. When he had suggested to Janice that he redesign the closet with the special mirror, she was ecstatic. As a reward, Janice told him that she would have a special surprise birthday present for him when...

2 years ago
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Bujhae Shadi Shuda Mard Ke Pyas

Hi and greetings to mere all my indian sex stories dot net fans. “Aslee jawani ka pata tab chalta hai, jab dhere-dhere aap kisse ke samne apne kapre utarne lagte hai.” Ye baat mujhe tab pata chale jab maine is cheez ka experiance apni friend ke husband ke sath kea. My name is Saarika Singh aur main abhi 26years ke houn. Waise to main Bhopal(M.P) se houn par abhi NCR Delhi main job kar rahe houn, Aur 2yr se yaha settle houn. Mere skin tone pale white (gora) hai, aur kamar 28inc ke hai, aur main...

2 years ago
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What if

Deena squirmed as she sat on the log, feeling the heat from the bonfire on her front, though it didn’t feel as hot as her pussy! She had gone camping with her best friend Beverly and her boyfriend as a “last hurrah” before she moved off to Japan to teach English, but her monthly cycle had hit her with fertile wantonness right after they arrived at camp. “You okay?” Bev sat down next to her and handed her another beer. The blonde took a long hard swig. “Just horny,” she whispered to her...

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A new life7

It's been a month since mom and dad split and she's already met another guy - his name is John and, like mom, he's divorced too, but so far that's all I know; I've never met him and now I'm going to be living with him. "Adam!" she yelled from downstairs. "Are you done showering, yet? We have to leave soon to beat traffic!" she continued. "I know mom... I'm almost done," I yelled back. It's been a while since I've masturbated in the shower - I'm a virgin and I'm horrible...

3 years ago
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old man davey

I will never forget the time.it was a week before my 15th birthday.me and a mate were out scrumping on a warm summers evening.The house we chose belonged to and old man who new both our parents but that didnt put us off.we got there ,i climbed the fence while todd watched out.as i picked a few plums from the tree i felt a hand on my shoulder and a stern voice.WHAT YOU DOING YOU LITTLE SOD,he said.i shit myself and as i turned i saw todd running off dow the road.There was nothing i could say i...

2 years ago
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Sex With The Maid In My School Hostel

By : Sxlrd5 Hi every one this is Ravi age 26 male from Chennai doing job staying alone in a room. I am very much passionate about sex the story I am writing had happened when I am studying in 10th class. I used to study in a hostel from my child hood when I reached my 9th class I came to know about well from my friends in class. I never had any kind of bad view on girls in my school but this changed when I saw a new maid in my schoolher age is 18 she used to wear half sari, she has the hot pair...

4 years ago
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TwentyFive PairsChapter 14

Washington D.C. 2025 "Shoot!" Josh was laughing at himself in the mirror. "Look at me!" "You look good," I smiled at him. He preened and posed playfully in his new tuxedo, with his brown hair trimmed and neatly combed, and a pair of shiny black shoes. His brown eyes were bright and shiny and the man was scrubbed pink all over, I'd seen to that personally. Josh was tall and handsome and looking good enough to marry. "Zip me up, Narcissus?" I asked, just to get his attention as...

2 years ago
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Athhani anubhavinchina alludu

Hello na paru krishna and nenu hyderabad lo vuntanu and na age 24 nenu chaduvukuntunna and naku maa athha antey chaala ishtam chaala sexy ga vuntundi thanani choosinappudu alla nenu enduku thanani pelli chesukoleka poyano ani badha paduthuntanu inka kathaloki velthey okka sari maa athha maa intiki vacchindi enduku antey maa mavayya camp ku velladu thanu intlo ontariga vuntundi andi nannu thoduga padukovadaniki rammani piluvadaniki vacchindi….thanu ma nanna nu adigindi nanu pampamani… Maa nanna...

4 years ago
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Omg I Fucked My Friends Angry Mom

Hi every one i am glad to inform that i really seduced a woman. I am Aanand 23 yrs old from Kalyan a suburban in Mumbai. And about the partner she might be in her mid 40, slim, 36c boobs but a bit shaggy and rest part with measure 28,38 her best part was the round ass which jiggle when she walks. Coming to the story she was my best friends mom she treats me as her own son. I was frequent visitor of their home. My lust started for her when i saw her washing clothes she was in maxi as always,...

4 years ago
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Wife in Mexico II

She woke up in the morning, claimed to be a bit sore, and said we must have had fun last night. This was amazing. I was coctailing her, and she was in full compliance, taking on three cocks and none the wiser. I was really wanting to take this further, but did not know what else there could be. The thought of more people with my wife was the only thing left, and that was what my mind focused on. I still had a dropper bottle full, and I already knew 4 drops made her into a fully compliant...

4 years ago
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Three For TwoChapter 2

In bed, she thought about the sudden invitation that had surprised her. "Now you regret turning him down. What would he be like?" The music and noise from the other room kept her awake. "Why didn't you say yes? Hmmm. Well, he hadn't really flirted or kissed you or whispered that he wanted you. Was it his age? Not really. You have to admit that you enjoyed his company more than anyone else's this year." Then it hit her. "Is he gay? He wouldn't ask you if he were gay." She sighed....

3 years ago
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Making Amy Beg

Here is the story of how I seduced my beautiful blonde friend, Amy. We were both eighteen at the time, and in our first year at college.It was the start of my first proper lesbian relationship and my second relationship involving BDSM. This all happened a few years ago, but thankfully I wrote detailed diaries about what happened at the time.In retrospect, there is a lot that still makes me smile, and a few things that I regret... but let's leave that aside for now. Why don't we start at the...

2 years ago
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The Bosss Daughter Part 2

After a wonderful night's sleep, dreaming of Sam and the sensual, loving blow job she gave me in my office the night before, I woke the next day, feeling refreshed and with a sense of hope for something just as nice to happen.The day went slow, and throughout, I never saw hide nor hair of Sam in any form. I believed the moment had passed. When I was packing up my items to leave the office, the phone rang.Answering the call, I heard Sam's voice."I'd like you to come and see me in my office,...

Oral Sex
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Interstate MeetingAn early Xmas Present

I sent her a quick message, “meeting was changed, I can meet you on Monday”. I sat at work waiting for her reply thinking about the last time we were together. My only hope was that this time would be just as memorable as the last. I headed up the interstate with her on my mind or at least what was going to take place when we met again. As the miles passed and our last night together replayed in my mind, I began to formulate items to take off the sexual bucket list! Once the meeting was over, I...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Tear It UpChapter 14

"That's Joanna to you, missy. I'm a cross-dressing sissy boi and I like it that way!" Joanna shocked us all with the sudden vehemence with which she embraced her new work persona. "Wow ... Jon, I never would have guessed. I take it that you know that you're going to be defrocked. The Board isn't going to let you keep your ordination while living openly in sin," Monica continued. "Oh, fuck you! Who died and made you Jesus, anyway? My pussy boi Joanna likes being a sissy, a pansy, a...

2 years ago
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The Wizarding impregnator

(This story idea was inspired As well as all credit to TheZev https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/TheZev/profile) ————————— Dear (student) You have been chosen to be one of this years impregnator student, you will be magically allowed to use and breed any witch you choose, anywhere, anytime, any place. The impregnator law was put in place do to the last war, as well as the decline of magical births. The 7 students are: Cedric Diggory Ron Weasley Oliver Wood Michael Corner Adrian...

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The Witchs Visit

Becky was dressed for going out with her friends to trick and treat the neighbours as it was Halloween night. She was in a zombie style short-sleeved white blouse with red streaks as though it was blood, a red and white short skirt, and white knee-length socks which also had red blood-like streaks. She had red make-up splodged on her face and thick red lipstick. Her blonde hair also had streaks of red running through it. She had thick black eye-shadow to finish off her ghoulish look. Becky was...

3 years ago
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My First Sex Was With Men Part 2 The Red Shoes

Still, in my teens, I was hitchhiking in the California/Nevada mountains. Don't recall where I was headed at the time. I was on a very desolate two-lane road. A grizzled hard rock miner had given me a ride to what seemed like the middle of nowhere, where he turned off the paved road to get to his mine.The landscape was dry and rocky. High altitude desert country. The road was not well-traveled. In the hot afternoon quiet the only sound I heard was the buzzing of a few tiny wild bees, going...

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4 years ago
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The Story of the Original Nylon Stocking

On October 27, 1938, Charles Stine, a vice president of E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Inc., announced that nylon had been invented, the name of ‘nylon’, the ‘ny’ part of the name literally standing for the initials of New York. He unveiled the world’s first synthetic fiber not to a scientific society but to three thousand women’s club members gathered at the site of the 1939 New York World’s Fair for the New York Herald Tribune’s Eighth Annual Forum on Current Problems. He spoke in a session...

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