The Adjustment of Nicola JamesChapter 16 The Reunion
- 3 years ago
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Hayley estaba en pie frente a la mesa del sal?n central, ahora vac?o. Disimulaba su enfado mientras volv?a a ojear la copia de la ?ltima oferta. Se esforzaba por mantener porte elegante a pesar de todo. Incluso quer?a dar cierto aire de superioridad. Era una mujer hermosa. Tal vez no uno de esos bellezones que sal?an en revistas y pel?culas. Su imagen era m?s real, m?s natural. Sus ojos marr?n claro, grandes y bonitos. La melena casta?a oscura llegaba hasta mitad de la espalda. No era completamente lisa si no que pose?a algunas ondulaciones. Adem?s, Hayley siempre ten?a cuidado de ir bien peinada. En esta ocasi?n llevaba toda la cabellera por el lado izquierdo, dejando ver por completo la mejilla derecha, de aspecto fino, delicado, cubierta solo con un poco de maquillaje. Tambi?n dejaba a la vista la oreja, adornada con un elegante pendiente en forma de aro dorado, m?s grueso en la parte inferior que en la superior. Sus labios eran carnosos, sensuales, maquillados de color rosa suave.
Si su rostro era agradable, su cuerpo tampoco dejaba nada que desear. De nuevo, era muy distinta a esas escu?lidas modelos. Su cuerpo ten?a curvas. No, no le sobraba un solo kilo, todo lo contrario. Ten?a una figura saludable, voluptuosa. Tal vez le habr?a venido bien ser un poco m?s alta. Sus caderas eran gruesas. Acababan en un hermoso trasero redondeando y firme, sin excesos. Era la cl?sica figura de reloj de arena, o lo habr?a sido de ser sus pechos algo m?s peque?os. Eran grandes. Muchos habr?an dicho que eran, de hecho, demasiado grandes. Al ser una mujer joven a?n no hab?an cedido por completo a la fuerza de la gravedad. Unos pocos los considerar?an casi vulgares. Otros los apreciar?an como un magn?fico tesoro de la naturaleza, dignos de ser admirados ahora, en su plenitud. Aunque la misma Hayley no acaba de estar contenta con ellos. Demasiado grandes.
La mujer se enfundaba en un ce?ido traje azul que marcaba sus sensuales formas. El escote de cuello de barco, dejaba ver parte de los hombros, la clav?cula, y el propio cuello de Hayley. Escond?a los pechos, forzando a volar la imaginaci?n de quien la mirase. La parte baja ca?a un poco por encima de las rodillas, mostrando unas piernas bonitas cubiertas por pantis negros. Los zapatos, por supuesto, iban a juego con el vestido. De color azul oscuro, con tac?n de la altura justa. Consegu?an que su due?a pareciese unos cent?metros m?s alta, y sobre todo, la hac?an contonear las caderas sensualmente al andar.
Generalmente Hayley se mostraba con gesto agradable, quiz?s un poco altivo en ocasiones, pero su sonrisa era c?lida y bonita a la vez. Ahora solo mostraba media de esa sonrisa. Los labios le temblaban espor?dicamente al apretarlos por la rabia. S?, hac?a su mejor esfuerzo por demostrar que controlaba la situaci?n, as? lo cre?a, pero el asunto comenzaba a cansarla.
Frente a ella un tipo de apariencia normal. La apariencia m?s normal del mundo. De haber sido las cosas distintas, alguien podr?a haber preguntado a la mujer por la descripci?n de aquel hombre y ella habr?a respondido poco m?s que, "moreno, vestido con traje negro, camisa blanca, y corbata azul". Tambi?n podr?a haber a?adido que estaba en forma y que sus ojos eran marrones, pero sobretodo fr?os. Nada m?s.
No era este hombre, quien se hab?a presentado como Bob, el causante de su ira. Tan solo era el mensajero. Aquel problema ten?a otro monde. Rick Maretti.
Hayley hab?a heredado el hotel de su padre, fallecido a?os atr?s. Al principio le hab?a costado llevarlo todo. Era tan joven cuando se vio dirigi?ndolo? Sin embargo no se hab?a hundido. Hab?a tomado las riendas. Hab?a aceptado el consejo de sus empleados, hab?a trabajado hasta el agotamiento, y hace un par de a?os hab?a conseguido volver a hacerlo rentable. Ten?a mucho a su favor. Un emplazamiento perfecto casi en el centro de la ciudad, unas instalaciones no muy grandes pero s? confortables y elegantes. Una clientela fiel. Cr?ticas positivas en gu?as y p?ginas web. Hombres que volv?an solo por tener la ocasi?n de verla de nuevo y fantasear con ella una vez m?s. A?n as? su esfuerzo hab?a sido el factor m?s determinante.
Hac?a un par de meses hab?a llegado Maretti. Hab?a comprado los edificios de un par de manzanas a la redonda. Quer?a construir uno de esos mega centros comerciales. El Hotel de Hayley estaba justo en mitad del supuesto proyecto. La oferta hab?a sido generosa, muy generosa. Ella simplemente no quer?a vender. Ya ten?a dinero y el hotel lo era todo en su vida. El ?nico recuerdo de sus padres.
Rechazar la oferta fue sencillo. Los siguientes meses no tanto. Primero aument? la delincuencia en el vecindario. Hayley reaccion? contratando seguridad privada y elevando un par de cartas al ayuntamiento, despu?s de enviar una copia a los peri?dicos, claro. Siguieron un par de robos, nada serio. No hab?an funcionado. La ?ltima jugarreta hab?a sido un soborno al inspector de sanidad. Por eso estaba cerrado el hotel. Acababa de exterminar unas ratas que en realidad nunca estuvieron all?. Otro inspector llegar?a al d?a siguiente para certificar que todo estaba correcto.
A pesar de cada triunfo, empezaba a estar m?s que harta.
Bob era el ?ltimo enviado de Maretti. Hab?a algo distinto en ?l, algo que no gustaba a Hayley. Claro estaba que lo hab?an enviado por resultar m?s amenazante, y lo hab?an hecho sin previo aviso. Se hab?a presentado all? hac?a una hora, cuando ella revisaba los ?ltimos detalles antes de la reapertura. Le hab?a dejado pasar con dos intenciones. En primer lugar, tratar de hacerle comprender que no iba a vender. Incluso si se arruinaba y deb?a cerrar el hotel, no vender?a el terreno. Toda la campa?a en su contra era in?til. La segunda era demostrar que no pod?an asustarla. A ella no.
Tampoco pod?an comprarla. La oferta era estratosf?rica para el valor real del terreno. Aceptando ya no necesitar?a trabajar nunca m?s. Daba igual. Era cuesti?n de convicciones. Tras unos segundos pensando volvi? a esbozar una bonita sonrisa cargada de seguridad, con algo de arrogancia.
-Bob? - esper? por si el hombre completaba el nombre con un apellido.
-Bob est? bien - respondi? ?l secamente.
-Bob. No voy a vender. Este hotel es mi vida. Es m?o. No voy a desprenderme de ?l. Espero haberlo dejado claro de una vez.
?l ni se inmut?. Su actitud molestaba a Hayley. Era como mirar una foto, siempre el mismo rostro impasible.
-Mi cliente cree que realmente deber?a reconsiderar la oferta. Este barrio es peligroso.
Hayley sinti? una nueva oleada de ira. Aquel tipo iba a su hotel, su hogar, armado ?nicamente con una carpeta llena de documentos y un malet?n a?n cerrado. No conforme con insistir, la amenazaba. Cerr? las manos, de dedos delgados, formando peque?os pu?os que ocultaban la cara manicura y el esmalte rojo. Control? la ira. Ese hombre deb?a pretender hacerla enfadar. No quer?a darle ese placer. Recuper? la sonrisa por en?sima vez.
-He vivido aqu? desde siempre. Sabr? arregl?rmelas, gracias.
-Mi cliente tambi?n me ha pedido que la advierta. Esta es la ?ltima oferta. Por eso voy a repetirla una vez m?s. Si ahora me dice que no, ya no habr? marcha atr?s. No habr? m?s ofertas ni oportunidades. ?No va a reconsiderar la oferta?
-Me alegra que por fin sea la ?ltima vez. - Respondi? entre aliviada y enfadada. - La respuesta es no.
Volvi? a sonre?r, victoriosa. No hab?an podido con ella. Maretti iba a recibir una lecci?n de humildad. Dio la vuelta para regresar a su despacho a realizar una ?ltima revisi?n antes de ir a casa a dormir.
-Espero que sepa encontrar la salida.
-En realidad, a?n no me voy.
Hayley se detuvo, nuevamente enfada. Gir? para volver a dar la cara a aquel pesado. Al hacerlo lo encontr? a poco menos de un metro de distancia.
Bob lanz? una patada baja, lo que un luchador llamar?a "low kick" contra la pierna de Hayley, impactando en plena corva izquierda. Mientras emit?a un peque?o chillido de dolor, su pierna ced?a, dobl?ndose y estando apunto de hacerla caer al suelo.
Bob no esper?. Su v?ctima no era una oponente en ning?n sentido de la palabra, pero ?l siempre se comportaba como si realmente pudiesen o supiesen defenderse. Un profesional no acepta m?rgenes de error. Lanz? un gancho que golpe? a la mujer en la mejilla izquierda, causando una peque?a herida en el rostro y haci?ndola sangrar por la boca al morderse el labio. Agarr? entonces con ambas manos la cabeza, tirando hacia abajo para ganar fuerza al conectar un rodillazo en el est?mago. Hayley, aturdida y sin poder cargar peso en la pierna izquierda, cay? hacia atr?s, volcando y rompiendo una mesa al chocarse con ella.
Aturdida, moviendo la cabeza de lado a lado sin ser del todo consciente de los ?ltimos acontecimientos, no lo not? cuando Bob la agarr? de ambas piernas y tir? hacia s? para quitarla de los restos de la mesa. Empez? a patalear un poco cuando not? que alguien le separaba las piernas. M?s por reflejo que por intenci?n, lanz? un par de golpes con las manos. Bob reaccion? desviando f?cilmente los f?tiles ataques. Agarr? la cabeza de ella con ambas manos, y golpe? el cr?neo contra el suelo un par de veces. No la dej? inconsciente, solo demasiado aturdida.
Una vez arrebatada toda lucha de la pobre Hayley, Bob le separ? las piernas y se arrodill? entre ellas. Subi? el vestido rasg?ndolo un poco por el tir?n. No se molest? en bajarle los pantis, los raj? a tirones por la zona genital. Se encontr? con unas bonitas bragas de encaje, tambi?n negras, que pronto rompi? c?mo hab?a hecho con los pantis. Ten?a delante una vagina preciosa, de labios rosados, prietos, con solo un poco de pelo justo por encima. No esperaba menos de una mujer tan cuidadosa.
Abri? la cremallera de los pantalones y, tras solo unos segundos, asomaba una enorme erecci?n. Seguramente era la m?s grande que ella hubiese visto en persona, pero a?n no era consciente de su entorno. Solo reaccion? cuando el pene invasor la penetr? de golpe, sin lubricaci?n alguna. Un gemido de dolor escap? de los labios de la joven. Comenz? a mover la cabeza de un lado a otro mientras repet?a "no". Todo su cuerpo se agitaba mientras las primeras l?grimas comenzaban a recorrer las mejillas directamente hacia el suelo. A?n mareada, le cost? poner las manos en el pecho de su agresor, tratando de quit?rselo de encima. No habr?a tenido fuerza suficiente encontr?ndose centrada y en plena forma. Tras ser vapuleada y sin ver n?tidamente, fue un esfuerzo completamente in?til. Bob respondi? agarrando ambas manos con la zurda para ubicarlas sobre la cabeza de la joven. Durante unos instantes, Bob sigui? posey?ndola as?, disfrutando del espect?culo de los pechos botando bajo el cada vez m?s desali?ado vestido azul. Agarr? el escote con la diestra.
-No? - grit? ella, cada vez m?s centrada. - ?Noooo!
Bob tir? con fuerza. El sonido de tela rompi?ndose inund? el sal?n por unos instantes. Los grandes pechos de Hayley solo estaban cubiertos ahora por un sujetador, tambi?n de encaje negro, sin tirantes. Los dej? as? por ahora.
Hayley casi hab?a vuelto en s? del todo. Volvi? a gritar. Bob le tap? la boca con la mano derecha. No es que los gritos supusiesen un problema, nadie la oir?a fuera del hotel, pero su experiencia le dec?a que as? sus v?ctimas se sent?an m?s indefensas. Eso le gustaba. La mirada de terror de Hayley fue suficiente recompensa.
Las embestidas aceleraron, indicando la inminente eyaculaci?n. Bob se dej? ir, llenando la vagina de la chica. No le importaban mucho las pruebas. No estaba fichado, no hab?a muestras con las que comparar, ni ADN ni huellas. Solo un mont?n de casos sin resolver, todos catalogados como "agresor desconocido". Ahora a?adir?an un nuevo nombre al expediente. En realidad ven?a bien, con v?ctimas tan dispares nunca pensar?an en un profesional.
Una vez qued? libre, Hayley se encogi? sobre s? misma, en posici?n fetal sobre el costado derecho.. La rodilla le dol?a much?simo, al igual que la espalda, la mejilla, y la cabeza. Se sent?a sucia y humillada. Intent? recomponer el vestido con la mano izquierda mientras, instintivamente, llev? la derecha a la zona genital que le dol?a y escoc?a a partes iguales. Solo ten?a fuerzas para llorar. Y llor?, perdiendo la noci?n del tiempo.
Bob volvi? a acercarse. Ella lo escuch?. No se atrevi? a mirarle.
-?Firmar?! - dijo entre sollozos - lo que quieras.
Bob sonri?. Este era de sus momentos preferidos en cada trabajo. No serv?a cualquiera. Solo lo disfrutaba cuando se trataba de esta clase de mujer. Fuerte, guapa, con personalidad. Una que realmente tuviese algo antes de quebrarla.
La agarr? por el pelo. Pr?cticamente la levanto en peso mientras Hayley segu?a llorando y gritando.
-?No!, ?Para!, ?Voy a firmar!.
Sin hacer caso, Bob agarr? lo que quedaba de vestido y empez? a tirar. Hayley ten?a problemas para mantenerse en pie. La pierna izquierda a?n no respond?a bien y ella segu?a algo mareada. A?n as? trat? de agarrar la tela mientras su agresor la arrancaba de varios tirones. Tembl?, se agit?, y resisti? cuanto pudo cuando ?l arranco el sujetador. Los pechos quedaron por fin al aire. Not? fri? en los pezones, redondos, casi de color caramelo. Por supuesto no estaban erectos, ni lo iban a estar. .
Mientras segu?a sosteni?ndola por el pelo con la mano izquierda, Bob comenz? a jugar con las tetas. All? no hab?a sitio para la delicadeza. Los apret?, los estruj?, los lami?, los retorci?, e incluso mordi? con fuerza dejando la marca de los dientes. Los gritos no cesaron en ning?n momento. Al final la solt? para ver su obra.
Hayley se sostuvo en pie con dificultad. Intent? tapar los pechos con el brazo derecho, labor harto complicada, mientras cubr?a su sexo con la mano izquierda. Estaba en pie vestida ?nicamente con unos pantis desgarrados y los zapatos, llorando mientras pugnaba por no volver a caer al suelo.
Bob volvi? a acercarse y agarrarla por el pelo. La conduc?a hacia la pared de la izquierda, adornada con un gran espejo que la recorr?a por completo.
-?Basta! - gritaba ella entre sollozos. - ?Ya basta!
No hubo respuesta. La hizo inclinarse hacia delante cerca de uno de los c?modos sof?s del sal?n. Hayley apoy? los brazos r?pidamente para no caer, quedando frente al espejo. Pudo ver sus enormes pechos colgando. Contempl? a Bob agarrando el pene, listo para penetrarla de nuevo, desde atr?s en esta ocasi?n. Ella cerr? los ojos e hizo el firme prop?sito de no gritar m?s. Estuvo a punto de fallar casi al instante, pero no fue as?. Apret? los dientes, cerr? los ojos con fuerza, y tan solo se le escaparon algunos gemidos de dolor cuando la penetraci?n era especialmente fuerte.
Bob miraba el espejo. Estaba mesmerizado. Al principio tambi?n hab?a dudado sobre si aquellas tetas no eran un poco demasiado grandes. Al verlas balancearse sin control, chocando una con otra, sufriendo ondulaciones al agitarse, sali? de dudas. Tal vez no era su tipo de mujer ideal, pero desde luego representaba un aut?ntico espect?culo.
Hayley prob? a agarrar los brazos del sof? para paliar el dolor. No sirvi?. Apretaba cualquier cosa al alcance de sus manos. Buscaba a tientas algo a lo que aferrarse. Nada serv?a. Le pareci? permanecer as?, montada como un animal, durante horas. Al final, por segunda vez en la noche, not? el semen de aquel desalmado llen?ndola.
Cuando acab? la solt?, dej?ndola caer sobre el sof?. El torso qued? sobre el asiento mientras las piernas colgaban hacia el suelo, apoy?ndose con las rodillas en ?l. No le quedaban fuerzas ni voluntad para intentar levantarse. A?n as? gir? la cabeza cuando escuch? pasos a su espalda. Vio al violador agarrando la pata de la mesa que hab?an roto durante la "pelea". Sinti? m?s p?nico del que jam?s hab?a cre?do posible. Trat? de ponerse en pie apoy?ndose en las manos, pero recibi? un fuerte golpe en el h?gado. El dolor casi la paralizaba, aunque consigui? incorporarse e incluso dar la vuelta. Sin tiempo para m?s, fue incapaz de protegerse ante un segundo golpe con la punta de la pata, a modo de estocada, directamente contra el est?mago. Volvi? a caer al sof?, esta vez boca arriba.
-?No! , ?No!, ?No!, ?No! - Trat? de gritar, aunque el golpe la hab?a dejado con poco aire. - Te lo suplico - hablaba entre sollozos. - Firmar?. Har? lo que quieras. Yo? yo? - adem?s de llorar, se sonroj? de verg?enza ante su propia oferta antes si quiera de realizarla - dejar? que me? me?
-Folles - la interrumpi? Bob, a?n armado con la pata de la mesa. - Dilo.
-Dejar? que? - cerr? los ojos. Se hizo a la idea. Pod?a soportar la humillaci?n. - Dejar? que me folles. - las palabras salieron de la boca con asco, con la derrota marcada en el timbre de voz. - c?mo tu quieras.
Bob sonri?. Sinti? otra erecci?n de camino. La hab?a quebrado totalmente.
-Te dije - continu? a rega?adientes, lamentando no tomarla otra vez - que si te negabas no habr?a marcha atr?s. - Alz? la pata de nuevo.
-?No!, ?Por fav?!, ?Ahhh!
Hayley grit? de dolor cuando un nuevo golpe interrumpi? sus palabras. El impacto le rompi? la clav?cula derecha, clavando el hueso contra los m?sculos. La agresi?n ya no par?. Hayley intent? defenderse poniendo los brazos y las piernas delante. Escuch? claramente el chasquido cuando los huesos del antebrazo izquierdo se rompieron. Sinti? la rodilla "buena" salirse de su sitio. Pronto ya no pod?a protegerse de ning?n modo. Eso no detuvo la paliza. El est?mago, los ri?ones, de nuevo el h?gado. Los enormes pechos se convirtieron en el blanco estrella. Eran f?ciles de alcanzar y los gritos de dolor alcanzaban cotas exquisitas para Bob. El estern?n, adem?s de algunas costillas y la cadera, tambi?n se quebraron. El agresor qued? agotado de tantos golpes, deteni?ndose para recuperar el aliento.
Hayley era un desastre. Una burla de la mujer joven y hermosa que hab?a sido hace tan solo unas horas. Estaba llena de moratones, de cortes, de ara?azos. Ten?a varias hemorragias internas, ?rganos reventados. Una costilla se hab?a clavado en el pulm?n, haci?ndola toser sangre adem?s de provocar un sufrimiento horrible cada vez que respiraba. Sent?a tanto dolor que era incapaz de controlar una serie de continuos espasmos. Se hab?a meado encima, manchando los caros pantis que luc?a en las piernas. Ten?a varios hilillos de sangre que descend?an desde boca y nariz tanto hacia el cuello y el pecho como hacia los lados de la cabeza, manch?ndole el pelo con una mezcla de sangre y saliva. No lo sab?a, o no lo pod?a aceptar, pero ya no ten?a salvaci?n posible. Tan solo el rostro hab?a quedado a salvo del brutal asalto, da?ado ?nicamente por el gancho con el que la hab?a atacado al principio, antes de la primera violaci?n. Ahora todo aquel horror le parec?a insignificante en comparaci?n.
-A? ayuda. - Intent? alzar el brazo en un gesto de s?plica, pero este se torc?a innaturalmente un poco por encima de la mu?eca. - M? me? m?dico.
Bob sonri?. Estaba claro que Hayley se aferraba la vida. No pudo evitar comprobar hasta qu? punto. Subi? al sof?, arrodill?ndose junto a ella. Acerc? el pene a los labios de su v?ctima. No necesit? m?s. Hayley, con el dolor y el miedo forz?ndola a superar la humillaci?n del momento, abri? la boca. Acarici? el glande con la lengua sin mucha maestr?a. Jam?s le hab?a gustado dar sexo oral. Empez? a mover el cuello para bombear con la cabeza. La clav?cula rota le mataba al hacerlo. Nuevas l?grimas de dolor empa?aron su hermoso rostro. Bob, algo decepcionado con el ritmo, aunque satisfecho con el esfuerzo, agarr? la cabeza con ambas manos para empezar a masturbarse usando la boca de la pobre mujer como juguete sexual. Adem?s ?l mov?a las caderas adelante y atr?s. Desde luego no fue la mejor mamada de la historia, no a nivel de ejecuci?n, pero Bob estaba tan excitado que not? en seguida la tercera corrida de la noche. Le sac? el miembro de la boca, manteniendo la cabeza levantada con la mano izquierda, mientras se acababa de masturbar con la derecha. Eyaculo por todo el rostro, salpicando tambi?n la melena casta?a que luego utiliz? para limpiarse. Las manchas de sangre se mezclaban en algunos puntos con las de semen, creando una mezcla ros?cea que a Hayley le pareci? muy mal oliente.
-No puedo creerlo- Dijo Bob mientras se repon?a. - Te mato y, adem?s de la paga que me van a dar, c?mo agradecimiento vas y me la chupas. - Sonri? - Nunca hubiese dicho al verte que eras tan puta.
Hayley abri? los ojos como platos, pr?cticamente el ?nico movimiento del que era capaz, e intent? rogar otra vez. Bob agarr? la pata y la golpe? con fuerza en la frente. Tal fue el golpe que la madera se parti? en dos. Us? lo que quedaba para seguir golpeando la cabeza, de frente y por los lados. Cuando acab?, hab?a destrozado por completo un ojo, roto la nariz, y arrancado algunos dientes. Nada de eso era lo peor. Hab?a destrozado la parte superior del cr?neo, llenando de sangre el pelo adem?s del sof?. En realidad hab?a salpicado bastante por los alrededores. Adem?s, pod?an verse trozos de hueso e incluso un poco de materia gris. Claro que de gris ten?a solo el nombre, estaba tan enrojecida como todo lo dem?s. Bob se pregunt? qui?n encontrar?a el cad?ver. Tendr?a que leer los peri?dicos del d?a siguiente.
Hab?a terminado el trabajo. En unos d?as Maretti enviar?a a uno de sus sicarios a pagarle. Habr?a una investigaci?n en la que Maretti ser?a el primer sospechoso, claro, pero no encontrar?an nada. El dinero saldr?a de los negocios sucios de su cliente. Efectivo, imposible de trazar. Las caracter?sticas del crimen encajar?an con las de muchos otros a lo largo del pa?s. De hecho Bob, estaba seguro, deb?a ser considerado un simple asesino en serie. El t?rmino pod?a ser correcto, pues era un soci?pata, pero hab?a encontrado una forma de encauzar ese peque?o problemilla. Solucionar problemas. Mir? su ?ltima obra. No sinti? ning?n remordimiento a pesar del estado en que hab?a dejado a Hayley. Era incapaz de tales sentimientos, y la l?gica le dec?a que, despu?s de todo, le hab?a dado la oportunidad de salvarse. Por eso le llamaban en el mundillo "solucionador" en lugar de asesino a sueldo. Simplemente solucionaba problemas, solo que muchas veces lo hac?a asesinando. Ten?a el trabajo de sus sue?os.
Era el momento de largarse. Consigo llevaba la satisfacci?n de un trabajo bien hecho.
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I was out of town for work. Had the day off. So I just was chilling in my room. I heard a women laughing. I went to check it out. I had room over looking the pool. As I looked down. I seen her. Sexy black women. Her big tits seem to almost burst out her swim suet. She had guys all around her. Seemed like everyone was flirting. I watched her for a while. Every now and then. she would look up and wave. I did not know why but it made me feel sexy. After a while. she went to her room. I went back...
When the morning sickness began the words of her aunt, Sister Anna, echoed in her ears, Men will take advantage of you and throw you on the trash heap. She remembered the pregnant teenagers that had babysat her and her brothers—none seemed happy. When she learned that she was pregnant she felt panic. I’m too young to have a baby. If she were to tell Sister Anna, she would be angry, but she also would understand. Picturing herself babysitting other children as she grew to an immense size she...
It's a hot day out in the city and the streets are empty.I'm walking around and looking for some board-shorts so I can join everyone on the beach and relax in the surf! While I'm browsing I decide to hit a bar and get a cold beer, just to sooth my thirst. While I enter the bar i immediately spot a girl sitting all alone and is just melting away due to the heat. A beautiful long curly haired brunette. I sit at the bar and order my drink and within seconds i am served a nice and cold glass of...
After their steaming sex, Erin was still sandy from her trip through deserts.And sweaty from the hot horny and sexy sandwich she just survived in the ...Arms of her love and that funny local Pete and his poking meat to meet her.She secretly smiled and let her sandwich lovers to sleep off the bubbles gulped.She happily noticed Tiger snoring. Probably dreaming about young mountain pussies, he might conquer on his new hunting mounts. Tigers don´t feed on blue pills. A proper dose of salmon each...
I noticed one day at work that a new young man had been hired and over the course of several days noticed he had been eying me from time to time. So one day I wore a particularly short dress which showed off my cleavage very well and went into the copy room. After a few minutes I went back out and asked if he could help me with some papers. Once inside, "You're new here aren't you?' I asked him "Yes maam" he replied. Smiling at his formal answer, "Carmen's my name" I followed "You can call me...
Sexy MILF Kianna Dior wears elegant, pink lingerie and pink, high-heel boots that accentuate her statuesque figure and gigantic jugs. She kneels before Brickzilla to unleash his extremely thick slab of big black cock for a worshipful blowjob with ball service. Kianna’s filthy talk narrates the scene. Brickzilla grips her head for a dick-slapping face fuck that leaves her cheeks and huge tits slathered in slobber. A titty fuck matches Kianna’s deep cleavage with Brickzilla’s...
xmoviesforyou“Now, bitch!” Mandi came running. Starla, one of the other dancers, was sitting with her legs spread, glaring at her naked co-worker. At first, the other girls had bullied her, envious of her position - not only was she the most popular dancer at the club by far (especially with the increasingly-growing demon clientele), but Marty obviously favored her as well. Even his constant mocking hadn’t helped - the other dancers saw that he verbally treated her like trash, but continued to give her...
When two girlfriends like Kym Gold and Cameron Canela get together, there is big trouble on the horizon. Kym comes over to Cameron’s house to try on some panties for her friend. Despite eying up Donnie, Cameron’s step brother, Kym manages to stay focused on the task at hand. Once in Cameron’s room, Kym tries her new panties on for her friend’s approval. These two sex pots cannot stop themselves, nor can they keep their hands off of one another. It gets hot and steamy,...
xmoviesforyouThese are compliments of RabbiRabbit Yes some may be repeats... A married Irishman went into the confessional and said to his priest, 'I almost had an affair with another woman.' The priest said, 'What do you mean, almost?' The Irishman said, 'Well, we got undressed and rubbed together, but then I stopped.' The priest said, 'Rubbing together is the same as putting it in. You're not to see that woman again. For your penance, say five Hail Mary's and put $50 in the poor box.' The...
Kissa Sins and Karmen Karma tag-team Markus Dupree in this intense, squirting, No-Holes-Barred fuck session. Kissa and Karmen are two beautiful babes with big asses and an insatiable appetite for cock…in any hole! They’re making their way up the stairs as we watch their bodacious booties bounce with every step they take. They stop on the landing to make out and twerk for the camera before continuing their journey back to the pool area. As they wait for their cocksman, Kissa and Karmen inspect...
xmoviesforyouThe sidewalk was lined with hogs, their front tires against the curb. Joe's Bar and Grill would be hopping tonight. I sauntered in and elbowed my way to the bar through the acrid smell of cigarettes, stale beer, and unwashed bodies.I perched myself on an empty stool and signaled Joe for a beer. He gave me a quizzical glance and pumped a stein of lager for me. As he set it down in front of me, he said, "Al, I don't need any trouble here tonight. Got it?"I parted my suit coat, smiled at him, and...
CrossdressingSitting alone staring at the character creator in Skyrim, a young gamer prepare to click ready and began your journey as Dragonborn once again. This time with the ultimate modlist. The gamer finally get the journey they always imagined. When suddenly a bolt of lightning arcs through their window striking both them and your PC as their spirit is lifted from your body and transplrted into an alternate reality to inhabit a real version of the avatar they just finalised. - In this story, we will...
Rocky's pups go for alot of money. Alyssa sat in her chair at the front of the class and said okay Bobby show Rocky to the class. Bobby began explaining to the class the who , what , how , when , and why his father used Rocky. As the class listened Alyssa noticed a stack of papers about to fall off of her desk so she rose to her feet and stretched across the desk to grab them. As Alyssa did this she unknowingly caused her short dress to ride up exposing her pussy to Rocky. Unfortunately...
Fantasy MILF Cherry Kiss is the thing dreams are made of… at least until she opens her mouth! The long legged sex queen can be pretty mean to her manservants, especially when it comes to her beverages. But today, her servant delivers a different kind of refreshment. He whips out his thick cock, and Cherry simply cannot resist the urge to suck and fuck. The perfectly toned MILF heads inside with the lucky guy and bounces on his girthy pogo stick. She loves the way he fills her all the way up....
xmoviesforyouThe hotel unfortunately was out of my companies budget so I’d booked the usual hotel and sat in disappointment on the train. At least I would be able to spend time with my daughter who was at university in london. Her uni and work schedule and my schedule meant we rarely got time to see each other. She couldn’t do tonight but had booked us a nice restaurant for the following day. As I was sat on the train my phone rang. Thinking it was a work call I answered it “Hello Sir, this is Chris from...
Word came around that my grandfather wasn’t doing real well and I also caught wind that my cousin was going to drive out to visit him. Now this particular cousin I’ve had a crush on for as long as I can remember but being four years younger he never looked at me that way which is understandable. But now in my young twenties and he in his mid I figured if nothing else now he’d stop calling me little Cuz. It’s been about five years since we were in the same room as each other but photos back and...
Cross Training By Karen Elizabeth L. Copyright 1997 Mom and dad broke up a few years ago and even with child support my family doesn't have much money. That all changed recently when mom won the lottery. We now had more money than we ever dreamt of and our lives were about to change! I was just a normal boy doing what boys do, not paying attention to my mom or teachers, and being a pain in the butt to my older sister Barbara and her friends. One of my favorite thing s to do...
Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “There it is,” squealed Becky, her face pressed against the limo’s window, staring ahead. “There it is,” Alice agreed, her voice a low purr without a hint of bimbo excitement. She had a fresh injection of the intelligence serum flowing through her veins. And since we weren’t flying in an airplane, there wouldn’t be any mishaps like last night. My wife shifted beside me, her fiery hair cascading around her flushed face, her large breasts stretching...
Ap sabhi ISS readers ko mera pyar bhara namaskar mera naam arjun hai, aur mein bhopal k 1 pvt institute se engineering kar raha hu meri age 19 saal hai aur meri height 5’9 hai ab apko jyada bore na karte hue apniu kahani par aata hu kahani humare college k fresher party ki hai us ladki ka naam tha Akansha age 18-19, almost 32 24 32. Har college ki tarah humare coleg me v fresher party organise ki gai, 1st year k students ko sabse introduce karane k liye sab students aate ramp pe chalte a apna...
Brock paid little or no attention to the economic concerns of the team. It didn't occur to him that the Dodgers wouldn't pony up to pay Fred Hartman. It only made sense. Brock made the usual round of interviews reserved for the World Series MVP. He did morning live news shows on network TV and taped interviews with comics that hosted shows that came on after the late local news. It was a hectic two weeks and he was happy when it was over. Meredith was with him on almost every show. The...
Hello Friends!! This is Virat,27 from Goa. This is my 2nd story on ISS. Thanks for all your likes and messages on my previous story. I was thrilled to see such a good response. This happened when I was in final year of engineering in 2012. Now, lets cut short to the story. This story is real but if I tell you one thing that’s common between my 1st and 2nd fuck, then you’ll say its fake. Trust me, both were different girls but both had the same name, Pranjali. Since my 1st fuck buddy had the...
Day Seventy-four - Thursday The phone was ringing. Why would the phone be ringing? I raised up and reached for the phone on the headboard shelf. "This is Steve." "Mr. Sharp, this is your security company. Both pair of my guards at your locations has called in that there are suspicious vehicles parked in front of your buildings. So far no one has gotten out of the vehicles but I am calling you to let you know we have alerted the sheriff's department." "I'll be there right away....
I've posted about how she started as a whore. And about her later time selling her body on the street. But missed the part where she went full time pro.It isn't pretty. She got addicted to d**gs while I was deployed in the military. I refused to pay for her d**gs. So she started going over the the bikers that got he hooked and would fuck enough of them to get what she needed. Later she realized that wasn't the best way to do it. So she took to the street. She was able to make a go of it, ...
Super-curvy redhead Lauren Phillips plays with a massive, white dildo toy. Spanish stud Ramon Nomar crams his thick prick between her lips for a wet blowjob. Lauren enjoys an intense, manhandling pussy plowing. She sits her chunky cheeks on Ramon’s face. Lauren slides her sphincter over his thick dick shaft, stretching her butthole. The stud chokes her as they fuck. She sucks on the giant dildo as her man fucks her doggie-style. The fleshy fun girl takes Ramon’s sperm in a cum...
xmoviesforyouThe small cottage stands out as a silhouette against the dark night, only distinguishable because the building is darker than the landscape around it. The car turns the corner onto a dirt road, and the now jerky headlights illuminate the building. A wooden door and glinting window sit beside a net of vines that weaves its way up the side of the white house and onto its roof. I look over at you, sitting on the seat beside me, and whisper, “We’re here.” I keep the car running and climb out to...
Before the night ended Angie Smart got everyone to do one last thing. Since everyone had been deemed a Lifestyle Nudist for just that one evening she wanted everyone to experience the true joys of what that actually meant. Angie Smart rounded everyone up and told them all that they were going to have two very simple competitions - one competition for the men and one for the women. First prize for the men was a weekend fishing trip on a chartered fishing boat and for the women it was a weekend...
I did not write this story. This is purely fantasy. But ai find it super hot and wanted to share. Daddy's Breeding Slutbyaquamarine77©Ted couldn't pinpoint when exactly he decided to impregnate his daughter. It was probably a culmination of his Catholic upbringing, and his wife's rejection of his sexual advances. Just so you know where he's coming from, a little backstory is necessary. Ted grew up in a very Catholic household and went to a strict Catholic school. He was never very religious,...
So I have been married for a little more than seven years. My wife is great and we have great sex together. But before I met her I was a slut, fucked anything I could stick my dick in. So for me to go this long without strange I thought was really good. Being that I just turned 35 I was feeling kind of old and really needed a pick me up. So I started working out and doing some hobbies and shit. The wife and I went on a trip to this small town up in the mountains. We were having fun shopping...
Before starting my sex story, let me narrate, I am 29 yrs. Male. I am slim person. I love sucking boobs lot. I start searching big boobs girl from last 3 year. But I couldn’t find online big boob girl. I become so desperate that searching of boob’s .My mind got divert to be cuckold for couple. I started on yahoo messenger also from last 5 year. But I couldn’t find that kind of person also. One day I was surfing on the net and found topix page from there I saw many forum like gay, incest, want...
Judy Bondi watched Tuck, laying full length across the rocks, still warm from the afternoon sun. She knew enough of his moods now to know that since he didn't have his hat down over his eyes, he was truly concerned. Across the river, a few fires lit the night, backlighting the low walls of the Zarthani fort. There had been no sound since Captain Leitnos and the others had moved out, two palm-widths before. No sound, no trace of them. That had to be, she thought, a good sign. They should be...
Hentai Here! As an honest hentai lover, I must say that I really enjoyed the time I spent browsing and reviewing Obviously, this site is filled with hentai content, and I am here to tell you everything in detail because saying that a site is filled with ‘hentai’ can mean a lot of things. At the same time, just by looking at the name of their site, you already know if this is a place you’d want to visit or not.It is quite simple really if you love hentai pornography, then you...
Hentai Manga SitesVince Carter, master sex therapist, is helping his client, glamour model Honour May, get her mojo back after facing a dry-spell that has gone on too long. Luckily for her, Mr. Karter is the perfect person to turn to empower her back into her old sex-goddess self. The British babe can’t help but notice that her shrink has become aroused. Watching his bulge grow, the blonde babe goes in to stroke and suck his shaft with zero objections from the stiff and horny man. A wild cowgirl ride is...
xmoviesforyouHave you ever watched something that makes you want to look away but for some reason you just can’t tear your eyes from the view in front of you? For the past two hours I’d been doing exactly that, sneaking regular peeks at the couple sitting over by the window while I tried to focus on my job at the same time. Unfortunately every minute that passed by had me doing a lot more peeking than working. It couldn’t be helped, though. Logan had been my first high school crush, my only one really. We...
Straight SexThree nights with my naughty sleeping aunty“I won’t share my room with Chinnu, dad,” I said angrily when my dad asked me to share my room with his cousin’s son Chinnu. Chinnu was the only son of Anil uncle who had come to Bangalore to attend his wife’s cousin marriage in Mysore. He had come with his wife Mamatha and son and he had come two days earlier as he had some business meeting to attend in Bangalore.There are five family members comprising my grandparents, parents and myself in the old...
Hi mera nam Rajan hai.. mai UP ka rahne wala hoon… mai aj apko apne jeevan ki sachchi kahani bata raha hoon…meri age 30 sal hai..aj se 8 sal pahle ki bat hai mai apne mama ke yaha milne gaya tha with family mai meri ma, pa..meri mami ki age tab 46 sal ki thi unke do bachche hai.. woh bahit sundar hai..aur bahut hi caring..jane ke bad hamne rest kiya aur mai so gaya.. do tin ke bad mummy papa ghar wapas aa gaye aur mai wahin ruk gaya.kyunki unke bachche hostel mai rahte the. to mama mami ne kaha...
Warm Day Bus Incident.John [email protected] something occurred that challenged my presumptions as to the innocence of c***dren, a presumption that really I should not have held, given my own memories of growing up and my curiosity as to the all too hidden world of sex and the “hidden” parts of the human anatomy, which being hidden naturally intrigued me all the more.So, yesterday, a warm day at last and needing to collect my wife – she being nervous driving in the crowds...
Lauren had no recollection of leaving the lounge, of being cut from the chair and taken to her bedroom with the ropes still tight around her wrists. She vaguely knew that Emma had bathed her while she lay on her stomach on the bed, dousing the raging heat in her buttocks and thighs with so many cold flannels that the bed was decidedly wet. Fortunately, Lauren was unable to see the blood that Emma squeezed out of the flannel with every trip to the bathroom. Lauren cried relentlessly, sobbing...
I met her during the summer when I was twenty-four years old. She was nineteen and had just finished her first year of university. She had a job in a lakeside general store, pumping boat gas, selling hamburgers and ice cream, washing floors; doing whatever was needed to be done. At that time I lived and worked about a two and a half hour drive from there and came to that particular lake every weekend, as I had the good fortune of the use of a cabin that friends of my family owned but weren’t...
First TimeJust a typical summer day hanging out with my close friend at his house, it was late morning about 11 - Frankie was still in his PJ’s. His mom was home and told us she had to go off to the store and to her mom’s and be back by 1. She told us that her sister was coming by, but she should be home before that, and lock the door if we go out before she gets there (she had a key), We said OK, see you later and off she went.We were just lads not having any luck with the neighborhood girls, but we...
My mother-in-law is not the prettiest woman in the world, but to me she is the most beautiful woman I have loved. Her name is Lynn and she is thirty nine years of age. She has straight Brown hair, Brown eyes and beautiful full lips. “Mom” also has the prettiest smile I have ever seen. Her sight, her nice smell and the feeling of her next to perfect breasts pressing against me when we hugged or when she kissed me excited me ever since I met and married her daughter, we were staying with her Mom...
Having Fun While Lending a Hand July, 1985 [Giggle. “It’s not THAT GOOD ... either! Hee-hee.”] It was nearly impossible not to laugh at my ‘chat’ with Mary, so I resumed focusing my attention on Melody. “GOD Charlie, you came a TON. I’m going to be leaking ALL DAY.” “Do you need a cleanup on aisle one, Melody?” I chuckled. “Sure! We’ve got towels in the ... oh GOD.” I surprised her when I dove between her legs and got under way, enthusiastically slurping our combined juices. I heard...
''fuck you ill do the dishes when i want''i said clapping my door to my roomate. that ficker keeps playing vasketball and thinks he can come home and critics meI had to rent m room for only 4 month and god it was going to be a long tie with hi always telling me how to do stuff, that haitian perfect student grade and good at sport was getting on my nerves''you better do it by tomorrow this is your last chance nerd''''yeah yeah whatever''i spent the night playing pc games and i didnt do it, going...
Hi, everyone, I am Samarth (name changed) from Delhi and I am an engineering student here. I live in Jaipur and I want to express my sex story about how I fucked my elder sister who did not know much about sex. If you love my story kindly provide your feedback on anyone interested in real or phone and cam sex kindly contact me at the same. Let me describe myself and my elder sister. I am 5’9″ and have an average body with a 7′ dick. My sister is a bit on shorter side being 5′ and her figure is...
IncestIt is snowing, you are wearing a Santa Suit. Written across the bag slung over your shoulder is the message “Clean up the Streets!” You walk along the street, searching for people to bestow your kindness upon. You smile to yourself, thinking how grateful they will be. Ahead you see a small child, barefoot, wearing shorts and a torn shirt, playing in the snow. You move quickly to the child, pulling a package out of the bag, handing it to him. You smile as you watch him open the brand new set...
I was working late one Tuesday night at my bar. and it was a busy night and I was rushed off my feet hours later things died down and pretty soon the bar and lounge was empty.. so I decided it was time to close up a d go home. After sweeping and mapping the floor about t put my shutters down a lady came to the bar and asked f I was still open... she was a hot mature cougar and she seemed upset so I decided to stay cor a while and give her a drInk... the hours went by and the drinks kept coming...
They had lingered in their bath for well over an hour. It was only David's slow dawning realisation that they were both near starvation that finally roused them from their sensual explorations. He was suddenly overcome with an irrepressible desire to show her off. He suggested that they dine at one of the exclusive harbour side restaurants he frequented; Fruits of The Sea Charlotte was entranced by the notion. She had never been there. It was way out of her price range, but nevertheless,...
SpankingHenry had become rather annoyed. Lauren had agreed that she would provide a report on their progress before his regular weekly meeting. She hadn't and, as a result, he had had to suffer the embarrassment of trying to explain to Mr. Kerrish why he still didn't have the details on their plans for repayment of the loan. He'd called her several times. Mostly he'd got her voice mail and, on the few occasions that he had actually managed to speak to her, she'd promised to call him back and...
The offices here were disgustingly similar to those of every other employment agency Ginny Dennison had visited since Monday when she began in earnest to find a job. And not a particular job this time; she’d learned her bitter lesson about job-hunting long ago. This time she had promised herself to take anything offered to her, anything from file clerk to dishwasher. She read down line after line of qualifying questions, and reluctantly checked “none” for each of the areas...
She had a number of surprises for him...We had just gotten back from a friend's wedding. They had a nice ceremony on a golf course under some trees and then a party afterwards inside the club house. It was an open bar and they had hired a band. We spent most of the night making the rounds saying hello and visiting with both families. After several drinks and a couple of dances we said goodnight. We got home and snuggled in bed. It was the first time all day we had to ourselves. After some much...
I took the job as a maid at the golf resort because, one, I figured I'd be left alone a lot of the time while I cleaned, and two, because what else was I going to do after high school? Work a bar, work a cash register at the feed store, either one I'd have to deal with assholes who poked fun at me for being a fat girl. I didn't consider myself fat, just sturdy. It wasn't because I ate potato chips and candy bars all day, it was just genetics that made me as strong as an ox. And not afraid...
I wished I could have stayed with Egill and the others but my mood could not be dampened not with Narth being back and in full health. I was telling him everything that has happened and he told me that he was fully restored and well, but not able to join us on the Devastator just yet. He had to complete his third year at another posting but he was confident we would see each other after we graduated. Elfi elbowed me into the side and made me pay attention to the events around me. “The...
Oh my god, keep reaming my buttholeShellys mom comes out of the shower fully nude and starts masterbating while watching her daughter get sodomized while Sam pounds away with extreme thundering fuck-thrustsSam - I'm going to fucking cum... Hold your buttcheeks open after I cum and pull out. Diane, come here, put your face under your daughters pussy.... Catch all the sperm when she pushes it out. You better not waste a fucking drop.....Diane - yes daddySam unloads what feels like a gallon of...
Max Roberts walked as fast as he could towards the construction site he was currently supposed to be working at. Megan’s new boy toy had left him no choice but to walk back. He hoped the supervisor wasn’t going to be a dick to him today for being late back from lunch. He hadn’t even gotten to eat. As he neared the site, he saw the man in question. And boy, did he not look happy. ‘Look, I’m sorry. The asshole I left with dumped me out, and-‘ He was cut off abruptly. ‘Save the bullshit. Go...
If your intention was to escape the roar of the crowd packed into the giant stadium, the best place to be probably wasn't the changing rooms. But this was the only place Lulu knew where she could find any degree of privacy. Of course, she wasn't the only one collapsed head-down on a wooden bench, her arms draped over her knees and hands dangling loosely down. Women from events other than hers were slumped in a similar state of post-performance blues. Unsurprisingly it was those not...
Brunette babe Pretty Mary has overslept and decides there is no point in rushing now she knows she is going to be late. This tattooed hottie grabs hold of her jelly dildo which she has hidden under her pillow and makes the most of her time, pleasuring her pussy! Mary moves from her pussy to her tight ass and slowly slips it into her hole. She gets dressed up in a tight white minidress after finishing herself off and makes her way to the office. When she gets there, Mary is still really horny...
xmoviesforyouPorn Comics Zone! While I am pretty sure that we all know what the fuck, aka has to offer, there are a couple of details that you might not know about. Obviously, the site offers hentai, which you can see from its name, but there is something else you need to know as well. This place does not really offer hentai, but it does offer a great selection of comics instead.Now, there is a special section for the videos, or so the site suggests, but I could not really get...
Porn Comics SitesIt was just a regular meet with Eric ( Mr. Thick)as he comes through on business every so often , Eric is our young friend whom we meet up with at times to play with and share my wife with , Marie my wife enjoys the fact that he has stamina is good looking and has a thick cock which fills her up nicely and makes her squirt.This time we had arranged to meet at hotel in our downtown area since Eric was staying nearby but there were no rooms available in his hotel , I got off work early that day...