Avevo 18 Anni free porn video

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Quando avevo 18 anni, mio cugino ventitreenne, tenente dell’esercito, fu assegnato ad una base vicino a casa mia. Lo chiamerò "Kevin". Avevo incontrato Kevin altre due volte, quando lui era teenager ed avevo pensato che era incredibilmente ‘cool’.
Kevin era single e nessuno della sua famiglia viveva lì vicino, così lui frequentava molto la mia famiglia, specialmente durante i fine settimana e le feste. Poiché avevo sorelle ma nessun fratello, non ci volle molto prima che lo adorassi come un fratello maggiore che non avevo. Vederlo in uniforme mi faceva indurire il cazzo, non mi era mai successo di avere erezioni per altri ragazzi.
Ripensando al passato capisco che ero seriamente innamorato di Kevin.
L’anno scorso, avevo da poco compiuto i 18 anni, e passai il fine settimana nel suo appartamento vicino alla base. Lui sapeva come divertirsi e con i guadagni da ufficiale ma con poche spese, passammo la giornata con stile. Non mi comprò niente ma pagò dovunque andassimo.
La sera, dopo le avventure del giorno, guardammo un film alla televisione, lui si buttò sul divano. Io mi sdraiai scomposto sulla moquette di fronte alla televisione. Quando fui stanco di stare prono, mi misi seduto sul pavimento con la schiena appoggiata al sofà. Kevin era sdraiato sulla schiena con la testa appoggiata ai cuscini su un bracciolo e per non bloccargli la visuale stavo appoggiato al divano all’altezza della sua vita. L'unica luce nella stanza veniva dalla televisione.
Kev allungò una mano e mi scompigliò allegramente i capelli biondi, mosse le dita in giù al lato della mia testa, mi carezzò leggermente un orecchio e scese col palmo aperto sopra la mia spalla destra, nessuno di noi parlò, ma il suo tocco mi fece sentire caldo e molle dentro... e duro fuori. Quando mi strinse delicatamente la spalla io allungai la destra a prendere la sua. Ci stringemmo così le mani per mezz’ora senza dire una parola, evidentemente eravamo intenzionati a guardare il film.
Beh, sentii un trambusto piacevole dentro di me che diventava sempre più forte, il mio cuore batteva forte nel torace, tutto il corpo mi formicolava di elettricità ed io faticavo a tenere la mia respirazione sotto controllo. Quando riguadagnai la calma, compresi che Kevin si era addormentato. Il film continuava ed era tardi. Poiché si era addormentato sul divano, io andai in camera da letto. Kevin aveva un piccolo appartamento ammobiliato, con un grande letto che praticamente riempiva tutta la stanza.
La mattina seguente mi svegliai al rumore della doccia. La porta della camera da letto era aperta e sentii Kevin chiudere l'acqua ed aprire la porta della doccia. Nel frattempo cominciavo a ricordare della nostra stretta di mano della sera prima. Mi attardai ad occhi chiusi, ancora mezzo addormentato.
La porta del bagno era solo a pochi passi dalla sala, sentii la porta aprirsi, poi lo sentii aprire i cassetti dell’armadio. Aprii gli occhi e mi stirai sotto le lenzuola. Kevin guardò dall’armadio aperto e ridacchiò: “Buon giorno!", poi ritornò alla ricerca dei vestiti. Aveva solo un asciugamano intorno alla vita e quando i miei sonnolenti occhi finalmente misero a fuoco, vidi il suo corpo liscio e ben fatto ai piedi del letto, illuminato dalla luce del sole di prima mattina che entrava dalla finestra. Il resto della stanza era ancora in ombra.
Kevin aprì e chiuse molti cassetti mentre mi chiedeva come avevo dormito e cosa volevo fare quel giorno. Mentre cominciavamo a chiacchierare sulle possibilità, si voltò e lasciò cadere l'asciugamano al pavimento mentre si stava mettendo le mutande pulite, i miei occhi si posarono sui suoi genitali e vidi il suo cazzo pendente. Quando alzò le gambe per mettersi gli slip il suo uccello dondolò e mi sembrò che si stesse ingrossando ed allungando. Dopo che li ebbe indossati, posizionandolo rapidamente sulla sua pancia, lo valutai tra 18 e 20 centimetri. I miei occhi stavano ancora seguendo le linee della sua protuberanza quando alzò lo sguardo e mi disse che era il mio turno di fare la doccia. Gulp. C’era solo un non così piccolo problema, pensai. Ci eravamo visto nudi in molte occasioni, ma non quando entrambi avevamo erezioni. Poi ripensai alla sera precedente, alle mani strette e mi dissi ‘All’inferno!’ Mentre Kev si stava abbottonando la camicia, tirai indietro le lenzuola e mi sedetti sul letto in mutande. Ero perfettamente sobrio, ma senza il controllo delle mie normali inibizioni, ubriacato dai miei ormoni furiosi.
Mi tolsi le mutande e mi alzai, tremavo di eccitazione, ma Kevin aveva finito di vestirsi e stava già andando in cucina a preparare la colazione. Anche se ero frustrato, mi sentii anche sollevato che lui avesse lasciato la stanza senza vedere il mio pene, o così io pensavo. Comunque non ne discutemmo durante il resto della mia visita.
La volta seguente che passai il fine settimana da lui, seguimmo la stessa routine... passando fuori la giornata, ritornando al suo appartamento per la cena. Ambedue ci allenavamo duramente ed i nostri corpi forti e ben fatti lo provavano.
Io ero un ragazzo magro ed alto, ma ben costruito dal nuoto e dalla corsa. Kevin era stato un adolescente magro come me; ora, dopo due anni in fanteria, aveva sviluppato un giovane corpo duro e liscio.
Quella notte dormii sul sofà, Kevin nel suo letto e non accadde nulla di insolito fino a mattino seguente. Mi svegliai presto, poco dopo l’alba. I miei pensieri andarono a Kev il cui russare potevo sentire attraverso la porta della camera da letto aperta. Tentai di immaginarlo sdraiato ed addormentato... e se ce l’aveva duro la mattina come succedeva a me. La mia fantasia diventò più audace... pensai a quando avevo passato la notte nel suo letto, quindi avevo diritto di accesso permanente. Rotolai giù dal divano e mi avviai, il mio uccello duro spingeva contro le mutande bianche e strette. Mi fermai sulla porta della piccola camera da letto lasciando che i miei occhi si adattassero all'oscurità.
Quando riuscii a distinguere i particolari, mi avvicinai al lato del letto più vicino alla porta. Vidi mio cugino sdraiato sulla schiena con il lenzuolo alzato sino alle ascelle e le braccia stese sul lenzuolo, i palmi aperti e rilassati lungo il corpo. Le gambe erano allungate piatte e potevo chiaramente vedere un allettante monticello tra le sue gambe. Se avessi avuto maggior esperienza è probabile che mi sarei tuffato subito su di lui, ma ero ancora un ragazzo piuttosto ingenuo ed aprii le tende gridando: "Il sole è alto e splende!", poi saltai sul letto vicino alla forma dormiente di Kevin.
Invece di sgridarmi o sculacciarmi per quel risveglio maleducato, Kevin allungò un braccio e mi tirò più vicino al suo corpo, separato da me solamente dal lenzuolo. Io rabbrividii di eccitazione e mi strinsi al suo largo torace appoggiando la parte superiore del mio corpo al suo fianco. Potevo sentire il suo bicipite spingere contro la mia schiena nuda ed il suo palmo aperto afferrare le mie costole. "Mi spiace di averti svegliato, Kevin!" dissi posando la testa sul fianco del suo torace.
La parte bassa della mia faccia era sul lenzuolo, ma la parte superiore sulla sua pelle nuda, e potevo sentire il suo profumo attraverso l'aroma di candeggina e ammorbidente della stoffa. Abbassai lo sguardo ai contorni del lenzuolo che lo copriva e vidi che la collina era cresciuta. In quel momento spostò la mano sinistra sul suo torace e la appoggiò delicatamente sul lato destro della mia testa, coprendomi fronte ed occhi. Cominciò ad accarezzarmi, sì, mi stava accarezzando la testa e la faccia. Quando ebbi l’impressione, più che sentire, di un lungo sospiro profondo, gli afferrai istintivamente il torace il più stretto possibile col mio braccio. La cosa che sentii subito dopo fu la sua voce sonnolenta che mormorava: "Ti amo, Jimmy." Quando alzai faccia per guardarlo, Kevin alzò la testa e baciò leggermente la mia fronte.
Rabbrividii di nuovo e spostai la parte inferiore del mio corpo contro la sua anca e la coscia destra, piegando il ginocchio destro sopra la sua gamba destra. La mia (precisa) erezione di 19 centimetri ora spingeva e pigiava con forza fra la mia pancia piatta ed il lenzuolo che copriva l'anca destra di Kevin. Mentre mi stavo mettendo più comodo, la sua destra ed il braccio mi tirarono vicino con forza.
Il problema era che io non avevo abbastanza coraggio per toccarlo "là". Avrei dovuto seguire gli impulsi che il mio coraggio di ragazzo vergine mi permetteva. Invece rimasi sdraiato sperando che lui facesse qualche cosa per andare avanti nella situazione, cosa che non fece. Parlammo tranquillamente dei nostri piani per quel giorno ma dopo alcuni minuti Kevin alzò il lenzuolo, rotolò fuori dal letto e andò in bagno. Il resto della giornata fu senza incidenti e poiché era domenica mi riportò a casa prima di cena.
Lui doveva andare via per alcune settimane per delle esercitazioni e mentre aspettavo il suo ritorno, tutte le mie fantasie masturbatorie erano concentrate su quello che avrei potuto fare o quello che avrebbe potuto fare Kevin durante la mia ultima notte da lui. Più sognavo quel momento, più ero determinato a fare in modo che succedesse ancora senza aprofittarne.
La mia opportunità si presentò il giorno dopo che Kevin era ritornato dalle esercitazioni. Mia sorella sposata mi accompagnò allo stabile di Kevin. Mi ero portato il costume da bagno e mi sdraiai in piscina attendendo che lui ritornasse dal lavoro. Quando arrivò mi venne a cercare in piscina, io raccolsi il mio zaino e lo seguì nel suo appartamento, in un'altra zona del complesso. Non fui sorpreso nel vedere che aveva portato un pacco di 12 birre, ma notai che questa volta aveva già bevuto, mi sembrava che parlasse un po’ più forte del normale. Gli chiesi se aveva bevuto e lui ammise che dopo il lavoro si era fatto una birra coi colleghi.
Mi disse di ordinare una pizza mentre lui si faceva una doccia e si cambiava in abiti civili. Cenammo e con il cibo nello stomaco sembrò meno strano ma dopo cena si fece altre birre, mentre guardavamo la televisione divenne sempre più ubriaco ed alla fine si addormentò. Io ero un po’ preoccupato dato che non l'avevo mai visto brillo, ma ero anche affascinato nel vederlo perdere un po’ del suo autocontrollo militare.
Era sdraiato sul pavimento da alcuni minuti quando improvvisamente si lamentò forte, si sedette e vomitò sul suo grembo, sulle gambe e sul torace. Quando ebbe finito si addormentò di nuovo. Io ero scioccato, non sapevo cosa fare, ma decisi subito che non potevo lasciarlo là coperto di vomito. Riempii la vasca da bagno di acqua calda e quando finalmente riuscii a scuoterlo rudemente, andammo barcollando in bagno. Lui riusciva appena a camminare ed evidentemente non era in grado di spogliarsi, così lo sostenni sulla toeletta e gli tolsi camicia, pantaloni, calze e biancheria intima. Era dura farlo senza che cadesse e la cosa mi faceva sudare, la mia maglietta era incollata al mio torace ed alla mia schiena.
Lui sembrò svegliarsi una volta che fu nell’acqua calda ed io gli chiesi se riusciva ad alzarsi. Disse di sì, così lasciai il bagno e passai i 20 minuti seguenti pulendo il disastro in soggiorno. Quando tornai da lui, era svenuto o addormentato, sdraiato nudo nella vasca.
Ora che l'emergenza era passata e stava bene, cominciai ad avere qualche idea birichina sull’approfittare della sua impotenza temporanea. Mi costrinsi a lasciare il bagno per pensare, fuori della vista tentatrice del suo corpo nudo. Pensai che non avrei dovuto preoccuparmi che si svegliasse, almeno fino a che l'acqua nella vasca non fosse diventata troppo fredda. Ma se stava nella vasca non avrei avuto molte scelte, così decisi di portarlo subito in camera da letto.
Allungai una mano tra i suoi piedi ed aprii lo scarico. Lo scossi per svegliarlo e lo tirai in piedi nella vasca. Non l'asciugai, avevo paura che scivolasse sulla superficie liscia della vasca. Invece misi un piede calzato di sneaker nella vasca, lo avvolsi intorno ai suoi e misi un suo braccio intorno alla mia spalla ed al mio collo, dove la mia mano sinistra prese con forza la sua. Il mio braccio destro lo sorreggeva mentre lo tiravo fuori. Ora eravamo sulla stuoia del bagno e mi fermai per guardarlo, era facile dato che lui era ad occhi chiusi. Lui mi stava aiutando a sostenere il suo peso e capii che era in parte sveglio. Questo non mi fermò dal dare un’occhiata al suo cazzo molle ed alle palle pendenti. Era ancora gocciolante, il cespuglio pubico e bagnato appiattito contro l’inguine. Guardai la testa del suo cazzo circonciso e tentai di immaginarlo eretto, ma non lo toccai.
Ero stato la così occupato con la pulizia di Kevin e del disastro che aveva fatto, che avevo dimenticato di rifare il letto. Barcollammo per i pochi metri che ci separavano dalla camera da letto e invece di tentare di coprirlo, indirizzai più o meno la sua testa verso il cuscino e lo lasciai cadere sopra il copriletto. Anche così sarebbe andato bene ma il suo braccio sinistro non abbandonò la presa sul mio collo e le mie spalle e mi tirò a faccia in giù sul letto. Io sgusciai dalla sua stretta e piegandomi in giù, l'afferrai sotto le ginocchia e feci rotolare la parte inferiore del suo corpo sopra il letto.
Ora era sdraiato sulla schiena, a braccia e gambe stese, piedi leggermente separati.
Tra il mio sudore e l’acqua schizzata dal bagno, io ero completamente inzuppato. Una scarpa faceva cic ciac quando camminavo. Decisi di spogliarmi ma non volevo togliermi i vestiti nella sua stanza, così ritornai in soggiorno e mi spogliai fino alle mutande, come se avessi dormito sul divano. Lasciai passare un po’ di tempo, la notte era molto calda e sapevo che Kev non si sarebbe raffreddato anche se era ancora un po’ bagnato. Ritornai in bagno a prendere un asciugamano per asciugare l'umidità dal mio corpo mentre ritornavo al suo letto. Non si era mosso e sembrava addormentato. La luce dell’atrio illuminava perfettamente la camera. Potevo restare nell’ombra vicino al letto a godere la vista del mio nudo cugino. Dopo un minuto spinsi la porta socchiudendola per evitare la luce diretta dell'atrio, ma permettendo un leggero chiarore. Quando i miei occhi si furono abituati, salii sul letto vicino a lui. Le mie mutande erano ancora leggermente umide ma le tenni su. Se si fosse svegliato e si fosse arrabbiato, sarebbe stato dura spiegare cosa stavo facendo a letto con lui. Così la mia mente febbrile elaborò mentre strisciavo sul largo copriletto e mi sdraiavo lungo il suo fianco destro. Dopo averlo scosso con forza ma senza trovare risposta, pensai stesse dormendo. Era tempo di decidermi, mi tolsi le mutande e mi appoggiai a lui come stavamo la mattina che lo avevo svegliato. Ora non c’era nulla tra i nostri corpi nudi. Il mio ginocchio destro si alzò e salì sulla sua gamba destra tirandolo tra le mie gambe, la mia erezione palpitante pigiò contro la sua coscia nuda. La mia faccia era a livello dei suoi capezzoli piatti e larghi. Appoggiai la testa sul suo capezzolo sinistro per avere una vista chiara. Usando il suo torace come cuscino, guardai attraverso i suoi addominali definiti, attraverso il suo ombelico, il mio premio. Tutto quello che dovevo fare era muovere la mano e l’avrei avuto.
Il suo respiro non modificò di ritmo, così mi decisi. Ogni muscolo del mio corpo era contratto mentre la mia mano destra navigava silenziosamente, a palmo in giù, sopra il suo cazzo e le palle. Quando entrò in contatto con la sua molle virilità mi rilassai ed appoggiai mano e braccio sulla parte bassa della sua pancia e tra le sue gambe aperte. Per alcuni minuti deliziosi rimasi così, per abituarmi alla sensazione. Imbaldanzito carezzai leggermente il suo pacco, incluso il grande sacco delle palle quasi senza peli, contratto contro il suo inguine umido. Il mio pollice carezzò lentamente avanti ed indietro il serpente addormentato e la testa a fungo, mentre le mie dita stuzzicavano delicatamente il suo scroto. Presto sentii il suo serpente spingere ed io smisi ogni movimento mentre la sua erezione raggiungeva la sua dimensione completa. Sembrò rotolare verso l'alto, fino a che il suo forte battito cardiaco l'alzò e lo indirizzò verso la mia faccia. Sobbalzava due centimetri sopra la sua pancia stretta, la base oscurata dal cespuglio pubico castano.
Piegai le dita e le avvolsi alla base della grossa virilità del mio sexy cugino. Tenendolo salii verso l'alto, era come tenere il manico di una mazza da baseball e lasciare che il legno scivoli tra le tue dita finché non senti l’orlo del fondo contro la tua mano. Strinsi un po’ e guardai la testa spugnosa contrarsi e poi colare alcune gocce di un chiaro liquido appiccicoso sulla mia mano nuda. Per esaminarlo più da vicino alla luce fioca, portai la mano alla mia faccia e mentre lo facevo la pre eiaculazione si tese in un solo filo chiaro, come un filo di ragno ancora connesso al suo asse biologico.
Solamente una piccola parte del mio cervello era ancora consapevole delle circostanze e non mi stavo curando se Kevin potesse essere svegliato dalla lenta sega che gli stavo facendo. Al contrario, cominciai a sperare che lui fosse stato sveglio sin dall'inizio, quello poteva voler dire che non gli procurava problemi, o forse voleva che glielo toccassi... e altro. Ma per il momento potevo dire che era ancora addormentato.
Poi ebbi un'idea brillante, mi misi seduto ed avvolsi la sua mano destra intorno alla mia erezione pulsante. Usai ambedue le mani per mettere in posizione le sue dita e stringersi a pugno. Era così eccitante sentire finalmente l mio cazzo nella mano di qualcun’altro. Lasciai una sola mano a tenere a posto il suo pugno intorno al mio uccello e ritornai a carezzarlo con la destra. Non ero abbastanza vicino per poter sentire il suo respiro, così guardavo il salire e scendere del suo torace di marmo e dei suoi addominali per vedere qualche cambio di ritmo.
Stavo guardando il suo respiro da alcuni minuti, quando si fermò improvvisamente, contemporaneamente mi sembrò di sentire irrigidirsi la sua erezione.
Non che il suo cazzo non fosse già rigido abbastanza per stare in piedi da solo, ma sembrò che fosse coperto d’acciaio. Smisi di carezzargli il pene e trattenni il fiato, cercando dei segnali di risveglio. Quando riprese un lento respirare ritmico, mi rilassai e mi allungai di fianco a lui, appoggiandomi ad un gomito, con le gambe nude ed i piedi tesi verso la sua testa.
Ripresi ad accarezzare i suoi venti centimetri; erano duri come una pietra e stavano rilasciando chiara pre eiaculazione come un rubinetto aperto. La mia mano che pompava era ben lubrificata dai suoi umori, ma lui sembrava ancora stesse dormendo. La mia voglia non poteva aspettare che lui mostrasse segnali di risveglio. Con l’altra mano cominciai a costringere quella di Kevin a muoversi su e giù lungo la mia verga pulsante.
Nonostante la mistura di adrenalina-testosterone che bruciava nel mio sangue, presto il mio braccio ed i muscoli della spalla cominciarono a dolere per la sega che stavo facendo a mio cugino. Decisi di smettere mentre continuavo a guidare la sua mano sul mio cazzo rigido. Poi molte cose accaddero rapidamente. Avevo tolto da poco la mano dal suo uccello quando fui sicuro di vedere il suo respiro diventare lievemente irregolare per qualche secondo. Ma dimenticai il suo respiro quando la mano di Kevin cominciò a muoversi sul mio cazzo senza alcun aiuto da parte mia. Onde di piacere intenso stavano riverberando attraverso la mia giovane mente ed il mio corpo.
Lui non aveva ancora parlato o aperto gli occhi, ma ora sapevo per certo che era sveglio... e dal modo con cui si stava occupandosi della mia verga, sembrava gli piacesse quello che io stavo facendo a lui. Ora, con ambedue le mani libere, inarcai delicatamente il mio torace nudo sulle anche nude e l’inguine di Kevin, portando la mia faccia a pochi centimetri dal suo palo gocciolante. Senza toccarlo, soffiai il mio caldo alito lungo l'intera lunghezza della sua erezione. Poi sporsi la lingua bagnata e la strisciai su e giù sul suo muscolo maschile, succhiando rumorosamente la testa vibrante con la mia bocca aperta.
Finalmente Kevin reagì. Sentii, più che vedere, la sua testa s**ttare in su ed i suoi occhi sulla mia testa.
"Jimmy, cosa stai facendo? "
Io gli risposi senza parole facendo scivolare le miei labbra lungo la sua asta tesa, succhiando il mio premio succoso cominciai a notare il profumo, il gusto ed i contorni sdrucciolevoli del cazzo acceso che stavo carezzando con la lingua. Essendo un principiante, riuscivo a farlo solo con circa metà della sua asta che si contorceva, prima di sentire il suo elmo spugnoso contro l’ingresso della mia gola, non avevo il coraggio di ingoiarlo fino alle palle, invece succhiavo potentemente quello che riuscivo a stringere tra le mie labbra avide.
Poi lui mi consegnò un'altra sorpresa, spostò la mano dal mio cazzo e la sostituì con la sua bocca bagnata. Io ero euforico, finalmente Kevin ed io stavamo facendo un sessantanove! Rimasi pressoché paralizzato, come colpito da un fulmine. Chiaramente ero cosciente ma un'onda di piacere ed emozione adolescente mi sommergeva. I miei polmoni erano vuoti, smisi di spompinarlo ed appoggiai le mani ai lati della sua testa, tenendola delicatamente per gli orecchi. Lui rispose aumentando il ritmo portando le mie tenere palle rapidamente ad un punto di ebollizione.
Sentendo l'orgasmo che saliva dal mio sacco, lo costrinsi spietatamente a scendere completamente sulla mia verga per poi lasciare andare il mio carico. Lo sentii alternativamente soffocare ed ingoiare, ma nella vetta più alta del mio orgasmo non mi preoccupava il fatto che il mio attraente caldo cugino succhiacazzi potesse respirare o no. Non sembrò essere infastidito perché non allentò le labbra intorno al mio uccello ormai molle fino a che l’ultima goccia di sperma non ne fu uscita.
Mentre mi attardavo nel dopo bagliore sentii che l’attrazione profonda per Kevin era andata oltre l’amore fraterno. Dovevo dirgli che lo volevo ma non trovavo le parole per dirlo.

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My priya anni

This is Ram from tanjore .My second experience with my Anni Priya is here before you. This happened when I am 19 years while doing my collage. I went to tanjore to visit my brother. I stayed there for 10 days. My brother works in the nearer village. He would come to his house in tanjore once in three days. She left her wife in the guardians of her mother and father. But fortunately when I am there they both went to visit their relatives and planned to return only after four days. We used this...

3 years ago
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My Black Sexy Anni

Hi ISS readers wish you all; I am CSK 28 from Tamilnadu. I am a regular reader of ISS, many times I get jealous and some time I wonder how all this things happen, though I have many exp, each is differ from each, without much intro let me come to the real experience which happened in my life, I had a sister in law named Ratha let me tell about her first she is black but high attractive lady, at present she is 38 her size is 30-20-30. Her eyes are so celosias (Kama kangal), for me it is very...

3 years ago
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The Education of Annie

The Education of Annie By Cassandra Morgan For most of his days days at Polk High School, he had been invisible. And now everyone was going to see him. As her. Annabelle Turner -- Annie -- moved from the drop-off circle to the imposing gray brick building, her gait slowed by the sheer terror of the moment. Inside, her emotions swirled -- she felt free and terrified and nervous and pretty and embarrassed and excited and a thousand other things as she moved. Her heart was...

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My sister Annie

She was my sister and I loved her. But when Mom called and told me I had to have her up to the school for 4 nights I was pissed. It was the 4 day weekend -- Founders Day into Memorial Day -- and I'd been looking forward to the college parties and particularly to getting closer to Sandy- my new girlfriend. I was a sophomore and woefully undernourished in the pussy department, but Mom doesn't take no for an answer. She and Dad were off to Barbados, there was no one else, she didn't trust Annie...

4 years ago
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The Erotic Adventures of Annie

Quickly she turned off the water, stepped from the shower and ran to the phone in the bedroom. “Hello.” She panted as she flopped across the bed and grabbed the telephone. “Annie.” “Stan, hi honey, where are you?” “You’re a little out of breath, there baby, you ok.” “I was in the shower, thinking about you.” She said softly, her face flushing at what she had been doing. “Hope it was good thoughts.” ”It was sexy thoughts, sweetie.” She giggled. The dampness between her legs made her...

2 years ago
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Work Related Fringe Benefits Part 4 Fucking Annie

Annie was closer to my age, 42 in fact and well preserved for her age. She was married with a couple of kids (already out of the house) and stuck in a somewhat less than fulfilling relationship at home. Her husband didn’t make a lot of money and didn’t seem to want to either. Annie had been with the company for quite a while, much longer than I, and was doing pretty well for herself if you took into account her salary, benefits, and a sizable balance in her 401(k) account. She really...

2 years ago
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Anal Annie

Annie was not having a good day. It all began when her alarm clock didn't go off when it was supposed to. Luckily she woke up on her own, albeit 30 minutes late. So she had to hit the ground running and scramble to get ready for work. Running behind her already tight schedule, she quickly dressed in the first thing she could grab from her closet and threw it on. Then putting on her nylons, she got a run in one of them! Great! She took them off and put on another pair and then slipped on her...

4 years ago
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We All Wanted Annie

All of the engineers wanted to get into Annie's pants. I was the lucky one who did.Back in the late sixties, I was working for NASA at Kennedy Space Center and everyone was working on the Apollo missions. Every engineer was a guy wearing a white shirt with a pen holder in his shirt pocket.Then one day this gorgeous female electrical engineer was hired! Her name was Ann Brooks and she had blue eyes, short platinum blonde hair, and we all went gaga over her. Not only was she the first female...

3 years ago
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All About Annie

Hi guys. I lost control of this one. I wrote it, but it kind of isn’t what I wanted. You’ll see what I mean later. Anyway, it’s fall, it’s cold and all of our cars are put up for the winter. So this is the perfect time for a nice long story. Despite losing control over it, I was able to add something that has confused me, but a lot of you have been bugging me about it. A few months ago, I wrote a story called, “Much ado about Nathan.” I figured that I’d leave clues about where Nathan was and...

3 years ago
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NOTE: This one is light on sex, more about relationships. ———- MOM A police patrol picked up Annie French well after midnight drunk, smoking some sort of ‘weed’ that didn’t appear to be cannabis and took her into custody for her own safety. The holding charge was vagrancy because she couldn’t remember where she lived but the charge would not stick in court because she had almost $400 bucks in her wallet in the back pocket of her jeans. Annie was released early next morning and told to go...

4 years ago
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I was just getting ready to close up the shop for the day when this gal came in. Oh who am I k**ding, this was no gal, this was a lady. She was my height as I looked straight into her eyes, but she was also wearing heels, so she was probably more like 5’5” to my 5’9”. No more than 25.Black straight hair that flowed to the small of her back, and a gray dress that fit her slender body perfectly. As I saw her walk to my desk I could see her hips swaying and moving back and forth, and found myself...

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Pam and Annie

This is an excerpt from an unposted story, 'Windfall' Pam learns early Pam went on to describe to me, in detail, her childhood awareness of sex and her early fascination with it. She was fortunate that she grew up in a close-knit household with a great extended family and parents that were stern but doted on her. But she had discovered when she was about six that playing with herself brought on the greatest pleasures she had ever experienced, and she was masturbating from that time...

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Introduction: Two preteen girls learn about sex When I (Alice!) was twelve, I was in the sixth grade and had a friend named Annie I had known since I was first grade. She lived in the next block and we spent more time together than we did with anyone else. We used to play jacks, tag, hide and go seek, dolls, and all the other things. We were also both readers and sometimes just sat together and read for hours. We would spend the night frequently at each others houses. I was average size and...

2 years ago
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We used to play jacks, tag, hide and go seek, dolls, and all the other things. We were also both readers and sometimes just sat together and read for hours. We would spend the night frequently at each other’s houses. I was average size and she was average for her age, 11. She was in the 5th grade. Neither of us had boobs yet, but I was just noticing little bumps, more than used to be. I hadn’t started my periods either or gotten more than two long hairs over my slit. I did have a little...

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Curious night for Agent Annie

Curious night for Agent AnnieAgent Annie was lurking in the shadows, on the lookout for a new criminal cell dealing with d**g trafficking in her area.According to what was known, the organizers used nurses as mules to transport the d**g packets, but it was still unclear how the dogs had been unable to detect the smell of the d**g. d**g for an unknown reason.But it did not matter to Agent Annie, because when she was watching the grain, no detail escaped her.And precisely, in the semi-darkness of...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 45 Weekend with Annie

Not long after Crystal finished in the dojo, we were on our way to her house. Her parents insisted that we have dinner over there tonight before Annie and I were driven back over to my house. Annie was going to be staying the whole weekend with me. At my house it was no secret that girls were going to be in my room and probably naked. It was different going over to Crystal's house and yet her parents didn't even so much as blinking an eye as the three of us went up to her room. For every...

4 years ago
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My Slut Annie

Annie rang asking if it would okay if she came over on Saturday night as she wanted to spend the night here if it was okay. Of course, my sweet you know you are always welcome Exactly as the clock struck seven there she was at my doorI choose my long red dress. Extremely sheer and tight fitting with a low-cut neckline. Nothing underneath of course apart from stockingsAnnie arrived wearing her beautiful navy mini dress, very see-through, almost translucent. Plunging neckline to below her breasts...

3 years ago
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Scene 1 All of a sudden her messy room seemed so creepy. She never realized until now how narrow the walls were. The place was dusty and crowded: posters, books, clothes, and those annoying little pieces of paper with things written in a hurry…Annie was starring at the walls - ”Am I supposed to decide good from wrong?... but sometimes there are those things that are sooo good, in the most evil way possible…hmmm…” Finally, for her own peace, Annie had to admit she was only 14 so she should take...

2 years ago
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My Annie

As a special surprise, after chatting on line, I took Annie out for a ‘night to remember’, just to see how far she would go and to test her claim of being a ‘slut’ who could take anything.She arrived at the nice hotel I’d booked, having done her part of the deal; wearing dark red nail varnish, black high heeled shoes and having (so she told me) totally shaved her pussy.Before the adventure began she undressed and entered the deep hot and fragrant bath that awaited he. After a relaxing bathe,...

3 years ago
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Granny Annie

Annie wrapped her legs tighter around the young body that was fucking her so well, her mind was in a whirl feelings of total pleasure coupled with panic and guilt swept through her brain but her body was in control and the enjoyment was just too much. She cried out as she exploded into an orgasm better than anything she had felt in years, then she reached up and pulled Danny’s head closer and kissed him, tears of pleasure and guilt ran down her face as her grandson continued to slide his young...

2 years ago
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My Girl Annie

It's hard to say when Annie's attraction to me really started, but it was clear by our second semester at Greendale that it was becoming difficult for her to hide it.  She's an absolute sweetheart, and her naivete made her attempts to suppress or conceal her emotions somewhat transparent.  I gotta admit I was flattered, but I just really couldn't see us really being together.  It was kind of an awkward situation, but she's a smart girl and I figured if I was honest with her, she would...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 40 Crystal and Annie

I had already forgotten that Crystal and Annie were supposed to come over to meet me. I was just putting away my cup when there was a very solid knock on the door. Being really careful, I turned on the place in my head and made me not see the door anymore. Outside there was a very big muscular man standing next to a girl in a karate uniform that was holding two plastic grocery bags. I recognized that the girl was either Annie or Crystal, but not which since they both looked so alike. I made...

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Imagine this, There are s*******n vacancies at the school and eighty applications for places, the schools reputation is so admired, almost everyone wants a placement. Interviews from the short list are being conducted in my office with the girl and her parents present.I want pretty pleasant and intelligent girls so many are rejected without getting this far. Daddy can recognise the type of student he wants, submissive and obedient , nice firm tits and above all a pretty pert bottom.The parents...

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First blowjob courtesy of Annie

You can call me Matt, and this is my storyIt was January and I was getting close to twenty three years old; I was incredibly frustrated and had been down on my luck dating wise for the longest time. It had been almost three years since I had a serious relationship, or really even just fooled around with anyone beyond some clothed dry humping. In fact, I hadn't had an orgasm from someone else in over a year. I was talking with a few girls towards the end of the year before, but most of them fell...

First Time
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This is a true story about how I lost my virginity. I am now twenty one and this started six years ago. It is still ongoing. The neighborhood we live in in somewhat upscale, most of the houses have pools and are nice. We have a nice pool with lots of trees around. Annie lived next door with her husband. They are in their early thirties and a good lokking couple. Very friendly. Annie's husband is gone alot and she and I became good friends, we talk alot about alot of different things. This...

3 years ago
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Getting Even With Annie

I hate cock teasers with a passion and God must hate me because he pushes so many of them my way. The latest in this long line of despicable creatures is my Cousin Larry's wife Annie. Larry met Annie when he was stationed in San Diego, married her, and then brought her home with him and inflicted her on us. Larry's parents, my Uncle Sal and my Aunt Sophie, threw them a party to welcome Larry home and to introduce his new bride to all the family and friends. Annie wasted no time and by the...

2 years ago
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Sheyla Discovery of Sex Part 2 Annie

Part II : Annie It has been a day since Sheyla saw her dad fuck her sister. She couldn’t believe it, her dad fucking her 14 years old sister, it was unbelievable. She was wondering if the opportunity arrised, would he fuck her too. She was the only virgin of her class. Most of the girls at school were little sluts who fucked older men. There was a friend of hers, her name was Annie who fucks almost every girl’s dad. She was a 5’4 brunette with a tight little ass and C cup breasts. She acted...

1 year ago
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While living in a small retirement community I found that neighbors could be more than just good friends. We had moved to Florida and were renting a house in retirement subdivision. The closest town was 30 miles away. Our new next door neighbors were very friendly. George was 55 years old and his wife Annie was 20 years younger (35). At the time I was only 23 years old and my wife was 20. We became very good friends with George and Annie, going over there for dinner or them coming over in the...

2 years ago
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Anal Annie

Annie was not having a good day. It all began when her alarm clock didn’t go off when it was supposed to. Luckily she woke up on her own, albeit 30 minutes late. So she had to hit the ground running and scramble to get ready for work. Running behind her already tight schedule, she quickly dressed in the first thing she could grab from her closet and threw it on. Then putting on her nylons, she got a run in one of them! Great! She took them off and put on another pair and then slipped on her...

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Carrot Top Annie

I’d never heard my dad swear so much! Our Model T bounced and bucked like a rodeo horse and I held on tight so I wouldn’t be thrown around and get hurt. No seat belts back then. We hadn’t been warned that to get to his new school assignment needed a horse and buggy to traverse the last few windy and hilly and rough miles of what couldn’t really be called a road. We managed it slowly and arrived at the log school house intact. Next to it was the small cabin for the schoolteacher. I just stared....

3 years ago
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Frankie and Gianni

Frances had done what was expected of her for most of her life: a good student, private school, art classes, and a degree from a top university. Now, finally, she had gained her independence and was living life on her own terms. Her friends and colleagues called her Frankie now. She had a job as a project manager in a design firm, had rented her first apartment, and was dating someone her father would disapprove of if he were to know. Her mother would probably secretly envy her not carrying on...

Love Stories
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ldquoOh fuck Annie

“I was thinking about it all the next day while I was away in Belfast,” she continued. “After dinner in the evening, I made an excuse about having a headache, and went back to my hotel room to look at Lush Stories again on my laptop. I read a couple more of your stories, then I looked at some of the other stuff. I found their store, and looked at the stuff they had, and found the Lelo vibrators. And I was so turned on, I thought sod the cost, and ordered one. And they must be really efficient,...

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The Hay Trailer and Annie

My wife and I live on ten acres out in the country. We built a house and decided to use the tiny trailer we had lived in to store feed for our a****ls. I sometimes used the trailer as a place to go to on a nice sunny day to look at my porn and jack off onto the bales of hay. I was in the trailer one day when I heard the next door neighbor from ten acres away calling out my name. She was no more than ten feet from the trailer and had most likely already seen me through the window. I had my...

3 years ago
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My Name is Annika

Part I I grew up with a secret. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a girl. When I was very little, I would pray at bedtime that God would turn me into a girl overnight. When I put on my bath robe, I would imagine it was a pretty dress. In the neighborhood, when the boys would go off to play "war", I was always the spy that went with the girls as they played house. I was a chubby little kid but that was just my family genes. My dad, John, was 5'10 and was of slight build....

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Axelrsquos Penis and Mom And Annika

11:45 a.m., Saturday, March 14th 2009: a Freshman Dorm, Athens, Georgia"Ronnie?" I stretched as I uttered my girlfriend's name. My eyes were still closed but I could feel her warm body snuggled next to me. On both sides. Huh? Both sides? I stretched again as I opened my right eye.Ronnie had short blond hair today. Which my still fuzzy brain found strange since she'd always had shoulder length brown hair. So I shut my eye and lay back down against the pillow. Blond hair?"Aaaaaaahhhh." A...

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My Cousin Annie

I know my last one was bad, I was never really good at writing stories but I try my best. I'm now making a new one that I hope EVERYONE will like...hopefully...Anyways i'm more of the funny type, not story type but again, I do try my best and it just entertains me to make a story that atleast one person will like. So, I hope you enjoy the story. _____________________________________________________________________________________ We fucked till' we could fuck no more. It felt so good...

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Yesterday I had driven down to the nearest mall and sat on a bench right outside of Macy’s and placed my purse on my lap and rammed my fingers down the front of my pants and went to town. It was a busy time of day and I figure the security guard who kept circling me like a hungry hawk knew what I was up to but I finished in record time and was off the bench and out the door before I was thrown out of the mall for lewd behavior and into the county jail. Fuck that. I had to find a job. I...

2 years ago
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Gaping Anal Annie

Hi there, sexy! My name is Annie. Can I tell you a secret? I LOVE ANAL!At 43, some of the knockout beauty of my youth may have faded, but I do alright. My figure now carries a few extra pounds, but my auburn hair is still past my shoulders and my 38-D tits barely sag. My pussy's still snappy and I come very easily. There may be a few laugh lines around my mouth, but that mouth can still suck your cock and swallow your load, just the way you crave it.But the best thing about me is my 24/7...

4 years ago
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A Story for my Special Friend Annie

Annie and I share stories/ This is the last one I wrote for her when she returned home from work. Hi Annie, you finally home from work? We kiss hello as you walk into the kitchen after an afternoon shift at work. How was your day? I have a surprise for you. You tell me about the people you saw at work and which ones were worth watching. We laugh and discuss the variety of shapes and sizes of the people you saw during your shift. Then you ask “What is the surprise I mentioned earlier?” ...

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Learning from Annie

Annie and I worked at the same place on a part time basis. It was a sports and rec facility where she worked the concession stand and I did whatever was needed. Sometimes I had to preside over the play area for the kids. Other times I was reffing soccer or putting together schedules for flag football leagues. It didn’t pay the bills by any stretch, but it was a fun and easy way to pick up some easy cash from time to time. I was considered the “Old Man” of the place at a whopping 27, but still...

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Angry Annie

Annie was mad! She’d just discovered that her husband of ten years had been putting his dick in her younger sister for the last twelve months. She shot off a text to him to just stay where his dick had been straying and don’t come home. She slept fitfully that night, struggling to understand how he could want the skinny, small-titted sister more than her lush and lovely body. She decided to balance the books by getting laid herself. The next day was Saturday. She only put on a robe and put a...

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Friday with Mr Hannigan

Sophia was irresistible. I knew it was wrong for me to even think about her that way. She was only 17, although her cleavage might have suggested otherwise. Her long flowing dark hair, aqua blue eyes and curves proved she was true to her name; a goddess indeed. I could not possibly mean anything to a human being of such perfection. I couldn’t help myself from sneaking glances at her while in class. She’d caught me just staring, awed by her, more than once. The other men on the faculty...

First Time
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Jon snow and the Ladies of Westeros Pt 4 Cercei Lannister

The royal party finally arrived in a months time, Winterfell ready to receive their guests from the south. The fat king, Robert Baratheon had not even wasted more than a few seconds greeting his friends family before rushing to Ned Stark's room to see his ailing friend, leaving Catelyn, her womb now slightly swelling with Jon's child, to show the guests to their rooms. ####################### Sansa came towards Jon as he stood quietly near one of the windows of his room, looking upon...

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all rights reserved, 2012 I knew who he was referring to… the guest of honor, Giovanni Marcello. We found the handsome, dark-haired man in the center of the room, surrounded by several of the company’s chief officers, fawning over him, hoping for his signature on the contracts waiting back at the office. As we approached, the man’s husky, deeply accented voice was the only one heard. Even with some stumbling over English, I had to admit it sounded melodic. ‘Giovanni,’ my boss, Bill Weston,...

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When I met Annie

It's my first try and pure fictionOne of my c***dhood friends invited me to his birthday in some campingsite on seaside. I was surprised, I had lost touch with the guy years ago. First I though I won't go, venue is in the middle of nowhere, I'd lose all weekend and probably won't know most of the people in there. Then I had busy couple of weeks at work and really needed a break. So what the hell, I'll go and give it a tryI was one of the last to arrive, I reckognised few faces, said hellos, had...

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I Dream of Jeannie

Roger sees that Tony’s car is gone so he figures that he’s already left. Roger decides to go inside anyway and maybe score a cup of coffee from Jeannie. “Good morning Jeannie”, he calls out as he walks through the front door, “How about a cup of coffee?” Roger sees no one but hears a soft sobbing coming from the living room. “Oh, good morning Maj. Healy”, says Jeannie rising from lying on the couch; as she is wiping tears from her eyes. “My Master has already left for work but you...

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Aunt Jeannie

Aunt Jeannie We three had been best friends as long as any of us can remember. Jeannie,Carol and Ruthie; I'm the one in the middle; Ruthie is two months younger andgrew up in the house next to ours on the right. Jeannie is about a year anda half older and grew up two doors to the left of my house. Jeannie, Caroland Ruthie – we were always together. There was never anything that we did as kids that I don't remember us doingtogether. We were more like sisters than our real sisters and brothers....

1 year ago
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HotMovies Grannies

Hey! How are you all doing?! I've already reviewed some other categories on hotmovies.com, so I started writing this review without opening the page first. The moment someone mentions grannies, I think of fat, saggy-titted amateur European old hoes that suck off young cocks in some sleazy hotel room. In my head, the toothless mamas wear black lingerie, a pair of cheap high-heel shows, and that uber-kinky smirk on their faces during the intense pounding. Grannies are wickedly horny. Maybe it's...

Premium Granny Porn Sites
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Annika war im Vergleich zu ihren Altergenossinnen noch sehr unbedarft. Aus diesem Grund wollten ihre Eltern sie in den letzten Sommerferien vor dem Studium auch nicht alleine in der Stadt lassen. Andererseits wollten sie aber endlich mal wieder einmal allein einen Urlaub verbringen und wollten ihre Tochter deshalb aufs Land schicken. Da sich Annika schon immer für Pferde interessiert hat und auch Reiten lernen wollte, was in der Stadt sehr schwierig war, entschieden sich ihre Eltern für einen...

2 years ago
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Dreams of Jeannie

‘Hey Dave!’ Joe said as he opened the door to see his old friend. ‘Come on in.’ ‘Thanks man,’ Dave said. Joe led Dave into the living room and gestured for him to sit. ‘It’s been a long time, Dave.’ Joe said. ‘Yeah, college,’ Dave said. ‘Glad we got connected again through Facebook.’ ‘And we turn out to live so close to each other. Wild stuff,’ Joe said. Joe and David’s conversation was interrupted by a woman’s voice coming from the direction of the kitchen. ‘Master, I have cold beers...

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A Party For Danni

Danni shivered as she felt his hands slide up her sides caressing her skin lightly with his finger tips. She was nervous and wasn't sure this was what she wanted, but it felt so good she couldn't bring herself to stop him. His finger pushed her swim top up slightly and she felt his fingertips lightly drag across the bottom of her sensitive breasts. Her day had started as any other Saturday, other than the dark loom that hung over her since Michael had left months ago. They had been together...

3 years ago
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“Are you flirting with me?” I was trying to watch TV but my sister was acting coy and playful, trying to get my attention. “No, why would I flirt with my brother?” “Maybe cause I’m hot and sexy and you want to commit vile acts on my body?” Danni scrunched her face in a display of disgust “I don’t even do vile acts on my own body, yours repulses me completely.” I looked away from the TV and studied her face. “What the hell, you’ve got make-up on? When did you do that? Is it moms?” I...

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The story of John once a cannibal

Once a cannibal Introduction Men and even women, have you ever been walking down the street just minding your own business while casually dodging the cracks in the sidewalk, as we all must do, when you suddenly look up and see that woman of your dreams, the one that stands out in the crowd to such an extent that you nearly walk into the lamppost. A Beautiful face that might have been carved by an angel, hair as fine as silk and a body that was cloned from the very mould of Aphrodite’s...

4 years ago
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Jeannie moaned into her ball gag as her Master beat her imprisoned sex. She lay naked on the cold concrete basement floor, covered in angry red welts, her hands by her head, cuffed by the wrists to the thick leather collar around her neck. The cruel clamps around her nipples had become unbearable an hour ago, only a few minutes after Master had placed them there. Her modest breasts were especially bruised - Master liked the knowledge that Jeannie's breasts would be sore every time she wore a...

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