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Aunt Jeannie

We three had been best friends as long as any of us can remember. Jeannie,Carol and Ruthie; I'm the one in the middle; Ruthie is two months younger andgrew up in the house next to ours on the right. Jeannie is about a year anda half older and grew up two doors to the left of my house. Jeannie, Caroland Ruthie – we were always together.

There was never anything that we did as kids that I don't remember us doingtogether. We were more like sisters than our real sisters and brothers. Jeannie,as the oldest, was always looking out for us. She was always hovering overus and in some ways it was like having a parent along. Of course she wasn'told enough to be a parent, but we sort of teased her about it and called her "AuntJeannie." It wasn't much of a tease, however, because Jeannie liked to be called "Aunt." Itgave her a sense of control I think.

I can remember riding the bus to school when we were little. Aunt Jeanniewould sit in the seat behind Ruthie and me. During the ride to school she wouldbrush our hair or do whatever else she thought needed doing so that we wereready for school. Jeannie watched over the two of us like a mother hen. Ifthere were any kids on the bus who gave us a bad time, Aunt Jeannie was alwaysthere to protect us.

It was especially good to have "Aunt Jeannie" when we got to high school.I shudder to think how it was for Jeannie when she was a freshman. Then again,knowing Jeannie, I doubt that she took anything from anyone.

When Ruthie and I started our freshman year, we got picked on and needledby some of the older girls. For the most part it wasn't anything to worry about.There was, however this one girl, Marlene, who just wouldn't leave us alone.She was a senior and substantially overweight. Marlene had no boyfriend and,by the looks of her, not much chance of getting one. Looking back on it, Marleneprobably turned mean out of frustration. No one really liked her as fat a shewas. It was her bulk that she employed most in her bullying.

Marlene seemed to delight in tormenting Ruthie and me. I guess we sufferedin silence for about a week and a half before we told Jeannie what was goingon.

Now Jeannie is not a big girl. In fact she is shorter than me and quite trim.But she is very muscular and very athletic. She is a really good looking girl,but there is nothing soft about Jeannie; she is quite solidly built. When peopleget into guessing each other's weight, they always get Jeannie's wrong. Sheis heavier than she looks because she is so solid and in such good shape. Asa freshman she was a starting player on the varsity girls' field hockey team.She was the only freshman on the varsity team.

As usual, after school, Aunt Jeannie would wait for us and ask us how ourday went, were we enjoying our classes, etc. On this particular day Ruthieand I weren't very talkative. Aunt Jeannie knew right away that something wasbothering us, and she wouldn't let up until we told her what it was that wason our minds.

In a few sentences, we had told her all about our encounters with Marlene,the bully.

"Where do you usually see her?"

"She's always there when we go to our lockers before school starts," I said.Ruthie and I had lockers in the same section.

"Don't worry about her anymore, my little ones; Aunt Jeannie will take careof her." Jeannie always called Ruthie and I "my little ones" even though shewas about the same height as Ruthie and two inches shorter than me. It sortof reinforced her status as "Aunt."

We didn't see Jeannie on the bus the next day. It wasn't unusual for juniorsand seniors to drive their own cars to school especially if, like Jeannie,they had extra-curricular activities after school. Ruthie and I were somewhatconcerned during our ride to school.

"Do you think that Jeannie has talked to Marlene yet?" Ruthie asked me.

"I don't know." I replied. "I wonder what she will say to Marlene. I hopethat Marlene just backs off. If Marlene gets mad, it could actually get worsefor us." Ruthie nodded her head in agreement. We both sat silently contemplatingwhat would happen as the bus pulled onto the school grounds.

With great trepidation, we went to our lockers. We had considered skippingthe lockers, but there were books we needed for class. We had no choice. Wellhopefully, Jeannie has taken care of all this and we are just worrying aboutnothing. Ruthie and I tried to smile at each other, without much convictionbehind it.

The bully appeared right on schedule, and started in on us. She grabbed Ruthie'sbackpack and started going through the contents to see if there was anythingthere that she wanted. She took Ruthie's sandwich and a candy bar. Things shewasn't interested in, like Ruthie's homework, were tossed on the floor.

The door of a nearby classroom opened slowly. Suddenly, Aunt Jeannie cameout at full speed heading right for the bully girl. The ensuing collision wasa hit as good as any I've seen on TV football games. The first sound we heardwas the air being knocked out of Marlene's lungs as she absorbed the blow.Marlene collapsed on the floor with a thud, followed by a moan. Jeannie hadflattened her prey. Marlene hit her head on my open locker door on the waydown and was bleeding from her lip. Jeannie bounced up on her feet almost asquickly as she had taken Marlene down. It only took a moment, however, to determinethat there was no physical response coming from Marlene. The three of us stoodthere for a moment, looking down on the vanquished bully.

Jeannie bent down toward Marlene. She kneeled on Marlene's back. Grabbingher by the hair, she raised Marlene's head from the floor. "You see these twogirls, Marlene?" Jeannie was pointing at Ruthie and me. "If you ever lay ahand on either of them, if you ever say a mean word to either of them, if youever say a nasty thing about either of them I will make your life a livinghell." Jeannie paused for a response but there was none. Marlene had a somewhatblank look on her face and continued a low guttural moaning.

Jeannie slapped Marlene across the face to gain her attention. "Do you understandme, Marlene?" Still there was no response.

Jeannie reached down and grabbed the fat girl's jaw. She had her fingerson one side of Marlene's jaw and her thumb on the other side. She was squeezingMarlene's face quite hard. Jeannie had Marlene's attention. "Marlene, I willstrip your fat ass totally naked and hoist you up on the football goal postif you cross me. You don't get another warning." Marlene couldn't speak, butshe did manage to nod her head yes. "Now get up and get your fat ass out ofmy sight before I flatten you again!" Marlene struggled to her feet, startedto cry, and ran down the hallway.

Neither Ruthie nor I had any further trouble from Marlene. A few months later,Marlene started to say something to me in gym class; it didn't sound like anythingmean; I think it was just a test. Aunt Jeannie pushed Marlene's head into thedrinking fountain about two periods later with a warning. That was the lastwe ever saw of Marlene.

Years passed, but the three of us stayed as close as we could.

Jeannie didn't go to college. A year after high school graduation, she meta guy, fell in love and moved to another state. I was her maid of honor, andRuthie was her bridesmaid. After the wedding, with Jeannie off in another state,it felt very lonely. We still wrote and talked on the phone, but we missedher. Ruthie and I went to visit her a few times and she came home for visits,but it wasn't the same.

Ruthie and I both went to college and got degrees. Ruthie is a nurse andI'm a currently unemployed teacher. Eventually we both married as well. Ofcourse Jeannie and I were both in her wedding party. Ruthie never had any kids,not that she didn't try. I can remember sitting in Ruthie's kitchen, sippingcoffee, while Ruthie went over her fertility charts to see when she might getpregnant. It never happened. Jeannie has two boys, both teenagers now.

I met John at a fraternity party during my junior year in college. He seemsalmost larger than life at the time. He was a graduate student, and he smokeda pipe. That might not sound all that great on paper, but if you could haveseen him. The pipe made him look so smart and so superior.

Well, needless to say, I was swept off my feet. I gave him my phone numberand we made plans, right there at the party, for our first date. By the timeour first date had ended, we were in bed together. Everything was perfect.John had a great future ahead of him, we were in love, and well he has a reallybig cock.

When I was ready to graduate, and John was ready to graduate from grad school,I was also two months pregnant. We married the week after graduation. Ruthiewas my maid of honor and Jeannie was my bridesmaid. I eventually had a boy,and later a little girl. John was going to be a writer. He was going to writethe great American novel or the great screenplay or Broadway play or somethinglike that. Since he can write anywhere, we thought we would move back to SouthFlorida near where I grew up.

The idyllic existence that John and I imagined when we met in school, however,never materialized. We soon learned that despite John's impressive credentialsin English literature, he still couldn't sell a manuscript to any reputablepublisher or producer. Opportunities to write for magazines came and went butnever blossomed. Writing advertising copy was finally a decent paying job,but it was not what John had envisioned. Eventually John settled for a jobselling property insurance. While this was a fine job, it came with the constantthought that somehow he had blown his opportunity to do that for which he hadbeen destined.

The demise of John's dream resulted in the subsequent demise of his spirit.The man that I had once found to be so impressive was now a mere shell of whathe once was; and we were only in our 30's. John began to drink. At first, heexplained that his insurance job required him to take clients out for a drinkafter work. I soon learned, however, that many of these business meetings wereattended by John alone. He came home later and later as time went on and, itbecame obvious that he was a full fledged drunk. The more he drank, the lessJohn became interested in sex. Even when we did get into bed together, Johnwas having problems getting an erection. This just added to his frustrationand mine. My marriage was circling the drain.

Shortly after my youngest was born, Aunt Jeannie moved back to our town.She had gotten divorced from her husband. It took a little "girl pressure" onthe part of Ruthie and me, but she eventually admitted that she had becomebored with her husband and that she had had an affair with a married man. Wedidn't judge her. No matter what happened in her life, she was always our bestfriend and Ruthie and I both love her. We told her that.

I've always thought that Jeannie was the most adventurous of the three ofus. She was always doing things that we didn't have the guts to do. So it didn'tsurprise me that she would have an affair when her marriage went sour. I sortof imagined that Jeannie was the mistress of a very powerful captain of industry.Of course, in my imagination, he was also the most handsome man you could imagine.Of course, as long as I was imagining, he also had a monster cock. The onlything I wondered was why Jeannie left him as well as her husband and movedback home. Maybe it was because her lover was married. Maybe he wouldn't leavehis wife. In any case, I didn't ask.

When I had a chance to speak to Jeannie alone, I confided in her about myown marriage. Aunt Jeannie gave me a big hug and told me that she was alwaysthere for me, no matter what happened. She suggested that I speak to John aboutgetting some help for his drinking problem.

"Jeannie, I did that already, but he didn't go."

"What was his reaction? Did he refuse to go, or did he say he would and thennever did it?"

I hesitated for quite some time before Jeannie started prompting me for aresponse. "He hit me Jeannie." I started to cry. Jeannie hugged me and heldme until I got over it. "He never hit me before or since, but when I askedhim to get some help, he hit me and told me to mind my own fucking business." Jeanniehugged me again.

"I'll be in your corner no matter what you decide to do, little one. I'malways there for you." It had been a while since Aunt Jeannie had called me "littleone." It was so comforting to have her back home.

It was good to have Aunt Jeannie back with us, even if it meant that hermarriage had failed. Not much of any significance happened for the next eighteenmonths. Ruthie, Jeannie and I spent a lot of time together just being friends.

Then about four weeks ago, John, came home drunk. It was quite late. Thechildren and I had already gone to bed and it was after midnight when I heardthe door open. He sort of stumbled into the house and flopped onto the couch.I got out of bed and came downstairs.

I hadn't had the courage to speak to him about his drinking since the lasttime, but for a few weeks now, I had been building myself up to it. I lookedat him stretched out on the couch. He looked tired. Perhaps, I thought, thiswould be the best opportunity to speak with him about his drinking, when heis at rock bottom.

I sat down in a chair next to the couch and gently shook his shoulder tillhe opened his eyes and looked at me.

"John, I've given this a lot of thought. I think your drinking is gettingout of hand and I think that you should seek some professional help beforeit gets any worse." I tried to look as sympathetic as I could.

John looked at me. At first it looked like he was confused by what I hadsaid. Then it was like he was waking up some more. He pulled himself up toa sitting position on the couch. Now he was looking at me like he was tryinghard to process what I had said.

WHACK! John hit me in the face. I was more stunned than hurt. I was surethat this time would be different.

"Nag, Nag, Nag. Damn it Carol, can't you just get the fuck off my back once?" WHACK!John hit me again. This time my face really hurt.

I started to cry as I put my hands up to my face where he had hit me.

"If it wasn't for you and the kids, Carol, I would be writing screenplaysin Hollywood right now. You've ruined my life and you're the one who fuckingcomplains." He raised his hand as if he was going to hit me again, but he didn't.He rolled over and lay down on the couch again.

It took a moment for me to gather my wits. When I did, I scrambled to myfeet and ran toward the front door. At first, John didn't even realize whatI was doing. When it did finally dawn on him that I was heading out of thehouse, John went after me, but his feet weren't steady and he fell. This gaveme an extra moment, so I grabbed for my purse on the way out the door and thenI was gone. I ran as fast as I could for about two blocks.

It took me a few minutes to regain my bearings. My face was sore where hehad hit me, I was crying. I heard the sound coming from my purse. It was mycell phone. I had forgotten that it was there. I kept walking. I was startingto feel the chill in the night air. Even here in south Florida it gets coldat night in January and February. The night temperature can get down into the40's sometimes. It wasn't that cold tonight, but it was chilly; probably inthe low 60's or upper 50's and I was out barefoot and in my pajamas.

By now I was almost three blocks down the street. The caller ID said thatit was home calling. I knew it was John. I didn't want to talk to him so Iignored the call.

When I got to four blocks away I saw a bus stop shelter. At least that wouldbe an opportunity to sit down out of the night breeze. It was much more comfortablein the shelter, although it was still quite chilly. I knew that I couldn'tstay out all night in this weather.

My first call was to Ruthie. Ruthie lived just a few more blocks down thestreet. I could walk to her house. The call was answered by her machine. Ruthiewasn't in. Where the hell was she at 1am in the morning? Ruthie had becomea nurse and worked at the local hospital. She was probably on duty tonight.I had no idea when she got off, and I didn't know the number for her department.

My second call was to Aunt Jeannie. "Hello?" It was Jeannie's voice.

"Jeannie, I need some help." There was a few sobs still in my voice.

"Carol, where are you?" I told her where I was. "I'll be there in about 8minutes. Wait for me. Carol, is someone after you?" I hadn't told her whathad happened, but I said, that I didn't think so. "Just to be sure, I wantyou to hide in the bushes behind the bus shelter. Carol, stay down so theycan't see you. Only come out when you see my car." I didn't want to leave therelative comfort of the bus stop shelter to go stand in the bushes and in thenight breeze again. "Carol this is important. You could be in trouble. Youhave to do as I told you." Reluctantly I agreed to do as she had told me.

Past experience had taught me that advice from Aunt Jeannie was usually goodadvice. I got off the sidewalk and walked back to the bushes behind the shelter.The ground around the bushes was soft and damp. I crouched down between twolarge bushes. I felt a little bit silly doing this. Here was a grown womancrouching down in the bushes behind a bus shelter after midnight. I startedto shiver.

My phone rang again. This time it was John's cell phone. Again I didn't answerhim. A moment later I found out just how wise Aunt Jeannie's advice had been.I saw John's car coming down the road, slowly. The sight of him put me backon alert. I stopped shivering. At first I thought that he was coming straightto the bus shelter. Then I realized that he was weaving. He drove up on theshoulder near the bus shelter and then immediately swerved back into the travellane. He was still drunk. I kept my head down.

RING! The damn phone was ringing again! I was afraid he would hear my phone.He didn't hear it. I hit the "NO" button to silence the ring. I looked at thecaller ID – it was Jeannie's cell phone. I answered and whispered "Jeannie,hold on."

When I saw John's car weave out of sight, I picked up the phone again. "Jeannie,he was just here. He swerved right toward me, but he didn't see me."

"Keep you head down, little one. Keep you head down and stay in those bushes,no matter what happens. I'm coming to get you as fast as I can."

I knew that she was coming fast. I told her that I only had my pajamas onand that I was shivering. I was sure that she was probably speeding. Whileshe was driving to get me, I told Aunt Jeannie what had happened. I finishedwith the drunken drive-by at the bus shelter.

"Listen to me, little one. I need to hang up and make another phone call.I'll call you back in two minutes. Don't be afraid, Carol, I'm coming to getyou. In the meantime, I want you to switch your phone to vibrate only. Underno circumstances are you to move from where you are. This is important, littleone, don't move for any reason." Jeannie hung up. I switched my phone to vibrate.Two minutes later, she called me back.

"I'm only about 2 minutes away now, so stay still." Just as she said this,the sprinkler system came on and began to water the bushes in which I was hiding.

"Jeannie, the sprinklers are on, I'm getting soaked!" The sprinklers hadme totally soaked in no time. Between the cool temperature, the breeze andnow being all wet, I was thoroughly chilled to the bone. My teeth were chatteringso loudly I was sure that someone would hear me.

"Don't move, Carol. This is life and death. You can stand the sprinklersfor a minute, and then I'll be there to save you." It probably only took aminute for Jeannie to arrive, but it seemed much longer. When I finally sawher car pull up, I tried to run out from my hiding place. Because of crouchingdown and because of the chill, my legs refused to work. They were so stiffthat I couldn't get myself going. Jeannie was out of her car in a moment. Shecame to me where I was frozen stiff and almost carried me to her car. She putme in the front seat and then went around to the other side and got in herself.At 35, Jeannie was in just as good shape as she had been at 18.

As soon as Jeannie jumped in the car, she screeched away; she floored it.She drove for about two miles before she slowed down. Then she made a quickturn into the parking lot of a church. This late at night, on a weeknight,the church parking lot was empty and dark. She parked under a tree where itwas especially dark and she doused the lights on the car.

Jeannie got out of the car and came around to my side. She opened my dooras well as the back door on my side.

"Hurry, little one." She motioned for me to get out of the car, which I did.She gave me a little hug. I was shivering quite hard now. "Strip off thosewet clothes." I did as she told me. She opened the trunk and threw my wet clothesin there. At the same time she took a beach blanket out of the trunk and wrappedit around me. I was still shivering. "Get in the backseat and lie down. Keepthe blanket around you." I got into the backseat.

Jeannie closed the side doors and the trunk. She went to the driver's seatand put the heater on full. She also turned on some quiet soothing music. Shelooked at me in the backseat and smiled. Jeannie had a digital camera and shetook several pictures of my bruises and black eye. Then she put the cameraaway again.

"Lie still little one, Aunt Jeannie has some things to do. I'll be nearbyand then I'll be back in just a moment." I was too tired, scared and cold toeven ask what she was going to do, but I did peak out the window a few minuteslater. Jeannie was standing a few feet behind the car talking on her cell phone.

A moment later, she came to the driver's side rear door and got in. She saton the seat and had me rest my head on her lap.

"We have to get you warmed up, little one, before you catch your death." Jeanniewas caressing and rubbing my head and hair. "My goodness you are going to havea shiner, Carol." I reached up and touched my right eye. It was tender to thetouch. "Now just rest, little one, you are safe now." As I started to relax,all that had happened came flooding out. I started crying uncontrollably.

Aunt Jeannie pulled me up to a half sitting position, still across her lap.She hugged me tightly and slowly rocked me back and forth while making soothingsounds and humming to the music coming from the car stereo.

After a minute or two my crying subsided. It was then that I first noticedthat her right hand was under the blanket and was gently massaging my breastsand nipples. After all I had been through, these gentle caresses felt soothing.I suppressed my initial impulse to resist. I let Aunt Jeannie caress my nipples.It felt good.

To my surprise, I started to be aroused by her caresses. Jeannie noticedit too as her hand stopped moving and she began to gently roll my erect nipplesbetween her fingers. I've never had sexual contact with another woman before.In my opinion, it sounded so repulsive. I think I always imagined the otherwoman as a dyke who bore an amazing resemblance to Marlene. This wasn't whatI had ever imagined. I had always loved Jeannie as a friend and almost sister.Now, once again, she was also my heroine, having saved me from certain peril.I didn't find her touching repulsive at all. I was quite confused by what Ifelt.

Jeannie slowly moved her hand south, toward my pussy. She didn't go too far,but rather she just gently rubbed my pubic mound as she had caressed my breastsearlier. I rolled toward her and hugged her more tightly. I was still sobbingslightly.

This continued for a few more delightful but confusing minutes. Then Jeanniesaid, "We have to get going, little one. It's not safe to stay here." Jeanniegently put me back down on the seat and moved back to the front seat. "I'lldrive more slowly going home, you should just sleep now."

It probably only took Jeannie about six minutes to reach me when I calledfor help. The way back, at a much more leisurely pace was twelve minutes ormore. I never fell totally asleep in the backseat of her car, but I did dozeoff a few times. Once I thought that I saw the reflection of police lights,but they seemed to pass, or we passed them, I didn't really pay that much attentionto it. The heater in the car had made it quite toasty, and I was feeling muchbetter. I felt the car slow, and then the engine was shut off. I knew we wereat Jeannie's house.

A moment later, Jeannie was at the back door of the car and helping me tomy feet. I must have had part of the blanket pinned under me since I was havingtrouble getting up. Jeannie finally reached in and pulled the blanket awayand tossed it over into the front seat. She reached for my hand and I got outof the car. It wasn't until the cold air hit me that I realized I was walkingup to her front door totally nude. I was hoping that her two teenage sons werewith their dad that night. It turned out that they were, but I didn't knowthat. I also hope that all her neighbors are heavy sleepers.

Jeannie opened the door quickly and we went inside and immediately upstairsto the master suite. Jeannie immediately began to draw a hot bath. She hadone of those big Roman tubs. In a few minutes, she was helping me step intothe hot bath. It felt so good.

While the bath was running I told Jeannie that I had to get home and checkon my kids.

"Shush little one. Your kids are just fine. When I was on my way over toget you, I called the police and reported John for drunk driving. I told themthat he had knocked down several mailboxes and was weaving all over the place.On the way back here from the church I saw him pulled over by a patrol car.When we were in the parking lot at the church, I called Ruthie at the hospital.She's at your house with your kids right now. There is nothing for you to worryabout."

I sat passively in the bath and let Aunt Jeannie wash me with the warm water.She even washed my hair. She also washed all the places that she had caressedearlier in the backseat of her car. I felt safe.

When the bath was done, Jeannie had me stand up and she wrapped me in a largetowel. She then wrapped my hair in another towel. I simply stood there whileshe dried me off. She unwrapped my hair and used a hair dryer to finish thejob. She sat me on a small bench while she brushed out my hair. When I wascompletely dry, she hung up all the towels and led me, nude, to the bed; toher bed.

A moment later, Jeannie joined me in the bed. She too was now nude. She onceagain began to caress my face and my hair. She was very careful around my eyewhich was now quite swollen. Her hands gently moved down my neck and foundmy breasts. My nipples responded to her immediately by becoming erect. Jeanniesmiled at this, and I smiled back, but neither of us spoke.

Jeannie began to lick my nipple, gently, while massaging the other breastwith her hand. The action of her tongue sent chills down my spine. I hadn'tbeen with a lot of men before John. I had had my nipples sucked before this,but somehow this was different. Jeannie knew just what to do to stimulate me.After a time, she switched to the other breast.

Jeannie raised her head, level with mine, and began to kiss me on the mouth.At first it was little peck kisses. Then there were some longer kisses. I smiledat her. On the next kiss I felt her tongue pushing into my mouth. At firstI resisted, but then I accepted her kiss. I felt my face becoming hot. I wassure if I looked in a mirror that my face was all red. Jeannie's tongue pushedas far back in my mouth as she could get it. I opened my mouth as wide as Icould to accept her. I could feel her breast rubbing against my breast as shemoved next to me. My nipples became erect once again.

Jeannie's left hand was on my pussy mound, gently caressing my pubic hair.She continued to French kiss me and to rub her breast against my breast. Oneof her fingers found my vagina and entered. My initial reaction was to closemy legs tightly, which I did. Jeannie's finger was already in me, so closingmy legs just trapped her there. Jeannie just waited. A moment later, I relaxedagain. The tip of her finger found my most erotic places in no time at all.It was almost as if she knew my body better than I did. In a few minutes Iwas ready to climax. I wasn't sure if I should or not, I was trying to holdback, but finally I couldn't. When I came it was like an avalanche fallingfrom off a mountain. My body shook from head to toe. Jeannie kept me goingas long as I could stand it.

When I had climaxed twice, Jeannie finally started to relax. She stoppedkissing me on the mouth and once again started kissing my breasts and nipples.Slowly, she began working her way south toward my cunt. I wasn't ready forthis yet, so I gently but firmly held her head away from my pussy.

She stopped kissing me, and rolled away, now lying on her back. She lookedat me with a smile on her face that was somehow different than any smile Ihad ever seen from her before. It was like a smile of great relief. I smiledback at her.

With my right hand, I reached over and began to gently caress her breastas she had caressed mine. Jeannie smiled at me. I soon felt her nipples becomingerect. I found her breasts to be interesting. They were much smaller than myown, but they seemed very sensitive to my touch. I was surprised. I would neverhave said anything to Jeannie, but since she was essentially flat-chested,I had imagined that her breasts would be more like a boy's breasts than a girl's.I was obviously way off on that assumption.

I liked her little erect nipples. I played with them. I even pulled on thema little bit. Jeannie seemed to be delighted by whatever I did.

After a few minutes, Jeannie rolled toward me again. She gave me a littlepeck on the lips. Then she took my hand in hers and gently guided my hand toher pussy. I touched her and immediately felt the dampness between her legs.She was warm. Even the slightest touch from me got a reaction from her. Herbreath became halting. Gently I pushed my finger between the lips of her cunt.In just a moment I found her clitoris and began to stimulate her as she hadstimulated me. Jeannie responded immediately. I'm sure that she must have cumthree or four times.

By now, both of us were somewhat sweaty. Jeannie pushed me over on my backand she rolled over on top of me. Her mound was touching my mound. Her nippleswere touching my nipples. Her lips were kissing my lips. She rolled off ofme and then gently pushed me on my other side. Then she curled up behind me,with her arms around me and we both fell asleep.

Jeannie was already awake, the next morning, when I opened my eyes. "Goodmorning sleepy head. It's Saturday." She smiled at me. It took a moment forme to focus on her. Jeannie was seated on the edge of the bed. She was puttingsomething on my wrist. It was a silk cord, the other end of which was attachedto the bed post. She similarly bound my other hand and both of my ankles tillI was tied spread eagle on her bed.

By now, I was focused on her. She was somewhat dressed. She had a very cuteblack leather had on. She also wore a black collar around her neck and a blackcorset. The corset was tied tight enough that she was actually starting tohave a figure. Her breasts and her cunt were totally exposed. She also hadon black patent leather boots that came up to her knees. It was really quitestylish in a decant sort of way. In her left hand she held a black leatherriding crop.

Jeannie got onto the bed, kneeling between my legs. She gently started torun the riding crop over my exposed nipples and cunt. Every so often, she gota little more forceful until she had me very excited. There was a slight stingto the crop as it hit on tender areas but it was not a bad feeling it was justvery stimulating.

When I had reached the desired level of excitement, Jeannie dropped the cropand leaned down toward my cunt. Helpless to restrain her this time, Jeanniebegan to stimulate me with her tongue. She found my most sensitive areas inno time at all. Her tongue made little circles around my clit. I had neverrealized that oral sex could be this good. She had me climaxing four timesbefore she moved.

Jeannie changed her position to lie over me. Her head was still in my pussyand still stimulating me beyond my wildest sexual dreams. Now, however, herpussy was at my face as well. My reservations about doing this melted as Ifelt another orgasm come over me. Jeannie was a master at making me cum andcum. I raised my head enough so that my tongue could reach her cunt. My onlyworry now was that I wouldn't be able to do for her what she had done for me.My worry was unfounded, however. The first touch of my tongue to her clit andshe came immediately. I was surprised at how salty she tasted. It was goodthough. I next tried to do what I had felt her doing to me. I made little circlesaround her clit. She came three times more before she rolled off of me.

We kissed each other very passionately. Then she untied my hands.

She smiled at me as she got up from the bed. "You can get yourself washedup in there, little one." She pointed toward the bathroom. "I've laid out someexercise clothes I have that I think will fit you. Downstairs, you'll findbreakfast food, help yourself."

"Where are you going?"

"I have a very important thing I have to do right now, little one. I wantyou to wait here until I get back. Then we will talk about what has happenedand what we're going to do next. In the meantime, just relax. Everything willbe okay, little one, Aunt Jeannie will take care of everything." She smiledat me and I smiled back.

I untied my ankles and got up. I didn't want to take another bath, so I jumpedin the shower for a quick rinse. The sweat shirt and sweat pants Jeannie hadput out for me were a little small, but not a bad fit considering everything.Downstairs, I found breakfast cereal, milk and some muffins. I sat in the livingroom and read the paper until Jeannie returned home after about two hours.

Jeannie was also dressed in sweat clothes and looked like she had just comefrom a vigorous workout. She smiled at me. In her hand was a video camera,which she quickly hooked to the television set.

She sat down and held my hand. "Carol, a lot has happened to you in the pasttwenty-four hours. Right now, I'd like to talk to you about John. I think thatJohn is very dangerous right now. He is in a very dark place in his life andhe has become dangerous to you and your kids. If you stay with him, someoneis going to end up dead."

I started to sob, but I also was nodding yes to what she was telling me. "Iknow."

"John spent last night in jail. The police picked him up after I called themand reported him for drunk driving. They just released him ninety minutes ago." Igasped when she told me that John was out again. "Don't worry, little one,it is all under control. I picked him up at the jail and drove him back toyour house. During the drive I told him that he had hurt you very bad lastnight. I showed him the pictures of your bruises and black eye. I told himthat if he didn't check himself into a rehab program today, those pictureswere going to the cops and he was going back to jail."

"Okay, so he's in rehab. He'll be out in a month. Then what?"

"Well, that's up to you, Carol. You can use this time to divorce him or youcan decide to take him back. It's your choice, little one."

"I never thought I would be saying this, but I want to divorce him. Jeannie,I haven't been happy with him in a long time. I don't see that improving evenif he stops drinking. I think this would be a good time to break it off." SomehowI thought that making a decision like that would be more emotional than itwas. I guess the emotion of my relationship with John was all gone by now.

"I think that's a really good choice sweetie. Now, I have something elseto show you. You know that Aunt Jeannie doesn't let anyone touch you with justa warning. I believe that physical threat goes a long way with bullies." Ihad no idea what she was talking about. Jeannie got up and started the videoplaying. "Ruthie arranged for your kids to go over to friends' houses thismorning, so when I brought John home no one was there except Ruthie. Ruthieran the video camera while I had a few words with John about his behavior."

The video started. It was the yard behind my house. I could see John andJeannie in the yard. Jeannie, on the video, was yelling at John, "you evertouch Carol again you bastard and I'll kill you." With that Jeannie moved towardJohn. As she did, she spun and her right leg came up in a martial arts movelike I've only seen in the movies. Jeannie's foot struck John in the face andknocked him backwards and down on the ground. John started to get up, but Jeanniestruck him again, this time in the ribs and he once again landed in a heap.Twice more, John tried to get to his feet. Each time, Jeannie punished himtill he fell back to the ground. Finally exhausted, John just lay there, breathinghard.

Jeannie went over to John who was lying face down on the ground. She placedher knee in the middle of his back and put her weight on him. She took a smalllength of rope and tied John's wrists together behind his neck. She then grabbedhim by his hair and pulled his head up and back.

"Now John," Jeannie on the video was saying, "we are going to have a bitchto man talk. First, you're going to offer Carol an uncontested divorce. Shegets the house, the kids, the minivan and child support. You get to keep yourcar and your clothes. You are moving out today." John was getting an angrylook on his face, but Jeannie gave him a nasty karate chop across one ear andhe settled down. "Now John, if you don't do what I say, the video tape of yougetting your ass kicked by a girl will appear on the internet. Do you understandme?" John gritted his teeth, but didn't say anything in response. Jeannie movedJohn's head up and down with her hand. "I guess that's a good response. NowJohn, you listen to me and you listen good. You're still going to check intothat rehab tonight. If you don't the pictures of your wife's bruises are goingto the cops and you're going to jail. And finally, you are going to promiseme that you will never ever raise your hand to Carol. If you ever hit her again,John, I will personally cut your balls off." John was gritting his teeth again.Jeannie was still kneeling on John's back and holding his hair in her righthand. Now with her left hand she reached down between John's legs and grabbedhis balls tightly. John jumped and grimaced, but could not escape. Finally,John just yelled as Jeannie squeezed his manhood. "John, I want to hear youpromise that you're going to do everything I just told you."

John yelled again, but Jeannie kept her tight grip on his balls. "Okay, Ipromise."

"No John, I want you to tell me in detail what you are and are not goingto do. DO IT JOHN!"

"Okay! I'm checking into rehab tonight. Carol gets and uncontested divorceand she gets everything." John stopped there as if that was all. I could seethat Jeannie was increasing the pressure on his balls. "Okay and I will neverhit Carol again as long as I live."

"And if you do hit Carol again, John, what is going to happen to you?"

John was turning red in the face. "You're going to cut off my balls and thensend me to jail. Okay, I got it." Jeannie released John's balls.

Jeannie stood up, releasing the pressure on John's back. She took a pairof scissors and cut the cord holding John's wrists together. John stood up,slowly at first, but then it was obvious that he had a very angry look on hisface. He came at Jeannie. "I never promised not to hit you two bitches." Johnlunged at Jeannie (and presumably Ruthie behind the camera). The camera movedsomewhat as Ruthie was probably startled by John's charge. Nonetheless, thecamera held steady enough to see Jeannie's foot come up between John's legsand he fell to his knees. Jeannie then did another twirl ending with her footacross John's face. John fell backwards writhing in pain, but obviously stillalive.

Jeannie turned off the tape. We sat there and starred at each other for minuteswithout saying anything. Finally I spoke.

"Jeannie, I'm grateful that you took care of John for me. I am going to divorcehim. I'll start the paperwork first thing on Monday. I don't want to hurt yourfeelings though, Jeannie."

"What are you talking about Carol? How could you hurt my feelings?"

"Last night was absolutely fantastic, but I'm not ready to move in with you,I need some time to decompress before I make any decisions."

"Carol, I never asked you to move in with me. Last night was fantastic, butI don't think it would be a good idea for us to live together either. You needto be with your kids. I need to have a place for my kids when they come tovisit as well. If things work out that we can have another night like lastnight I will be very happy, but if it never happens again, that's okay too."

"Okay, Jeannie, I wasn't sure where this was all going so quickly."

"It doesn't have to be quick. It can be very long and drawn out. There isno pressure here Carol. I'm not forcing you to do anything or to hold to anyschedule. It might be best, even if we become constant lovers, that we neverlive together. Carol, I didn't get divorced because I had an affair with anotherman; I had an affair with another woman. Society doesn't look kindly on a lesbiancouple. If nothing else ever happens, you will still be the best friend I everhad and I will always love you. If something does happen, then it would bebest if we just visit with each other and not act like a couple. Believe me,when I was up north, I found out how society treats you when you're gay." Jeanniesmiled at me. I smiled back at her.

"Thank you Aunt Jeannie for everything you've done for me. I love you too,I always have. No matter how this relationship works itself out, I will alwayslove you. You saved my life once again." I leaned over and kissed her. Sheresponded immediately.

"Now stay here today. John will be gone by 5pm today. Ruthie and I will gowith you to pick up the kids and get back to your house. Ruthie is having thelocks changed on your house and we're getting the combination changed on thesecurity system. Your safe now little one. Aunt Jeannie has taken care of everything." Jeanniesmiled at me.

I curled up on Jeannie's couch to read the paper. Jeannie went about somechores and then said she was going out for some errands. She would be homein plenty of time to go with me back to the house.

John moved out and gave me an uncontested divorce. He did go to rehab andis now working on staying sober. Perhaps there was some truth in one of hisstatements; the one about me and the kids holding him back. John is movingto Hollywood and has a job working on a movie. It might be a total flop, butat least he's trying.

In the weeks that followed since then, Jeannie and I have gotten togethertwice more to explore our romantic feelings for each other. I still don't knowwhere that part of our relationship is heading, but I know that right now I'mhappy for the first time in quite a while.

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Aunt Jean0

She said she was going to the grocery store! He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely covered. He ran up the stairs, praying, hoping that he'd get to his bedroom window and not miss it, if and when she propped herself up with her elbows to reach for her ice tea or whatever the hell she drank. Last week when she did that...

2 years ago
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Aunt Jeans Illicit romance 12 chapters

Chapter 1Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment -- so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin' stupid!She said she was going to the grocery store!He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely...

2 years ago
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Aunt Heather helps out pt3

Dan was quite pleased with his progress. In two days he had experienced more sex than the entire sum of his eighteen years of existence. His strict upbringing had denied him the freedom to hang out with girls and create opportunities for such encounters. In fact the only experience he had was some kissing and fondling, and he hadn't seen a real live naked woman till he saw Aunt Heather yesterday. Man, was he lucky! She was a teenager's dream mature woman, with big breasts and a full body, her...

3 years ago
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Aunt Alison

It was the morning of December 21 as Chad Nichols and his family prepared for the arrival of his aunt, Alison. Alison was his father’s sister whom Chad hadn’t seen in twelve years, when he was only six years old. Even though she was his aunt, she was only eight years older than him. When he was a baby, she treated him more like her own kid than just a nephew. Alison hadn’t seen her brother and his family in many years, ever since she and her parents moved across the country...

2 years ago
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Aunt got nailed by Raja

Aunt got nailed by Raja.Pari and I made plan to have Raja fuck my aunt who came from UK to site seeing.To catch up you can read our post it will get you update on our stories. After the breakfast I was in my room and aunt was also in my room. Pari went down stairI asked aunt if she can go down and bring my phone up for me. Pari took my phone.Aunt said no problem I will go and bring your phone back to you.As aunt left my room I got up and stood by the room door. I could not hear aunt...

3 years ago
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Aunt At Our Holiday Home 8211 Part 2

After we finally were out in the open about our desires for sex most of all we loved it with each other (me and my aunt) and since last night we discovered the same in a really good way as mentioned in the previous part. Now it was morning and as usual i woke up much later than my aunt. I was still naked like the way i went to sleep the previous night. i woke up and put on my clothes as i knew due to all the noise the workers were there so i put on my boxers and threw on a t-shirt and washed up...

3 years ago
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Aunt Peggys Passion

Introduction: Young man falls for his uncles passionate wife JackassTales&hellip,Tale # 33&hellip,Readers, this is a change of pace story for me. Usually my tales are about sexual relations between older males and younger females (my favorite characters). Here, Ive reversed roles by having a younger male and an older woman. I know its been done by others, but not so much by me. Some might consider this a blasphemous tale because I interweave sex and religion. But, like they say, sinners make...

2 years ago
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Aunt Mary found on www

Aunt Mary (found on www)My panty fetish, and I guess my lingerie fetish in general, began the summer I turned 13. I was staying with my Aunt Mary while my folks went for a two week vacation. Aunt Mary was single still at the age of about 40. She lived alone in a small 2 bedroom house. I have many memories from that two week stay with Aunt Mary. And I’m sure now, as an adult, that those early memories helped to form my current fetishes for panties, slips, and other types of lingerie. Aunt Mary...

4 years ago
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Aunt Martha

Copyright © 2001 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved Yes, I know, it's popular right now to pretend that kids aren't sexual, but I'm here to tell you that the good Dr. Freud was right. I'm determined to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (except where to do so might land me, or someone else, in prison). Only the names have been changed to protect the incredibly guilty. Due to my good fortune in being raised near, and with, my two slightly older female cousins,...

2 years ago
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Aunt Peggys Passion

AUNT PEGGY’S PASSION (Part one) Morning Glory Sunday mornings are not supposed to be noisy. But, this Lord’s Day morning I was awakened by a loud voice speaking. Good god, that man was arguing again! Uncle George was again beastly berating and criticizing Aunt Peggy. The bad-tempered, rough-talking bear of a man was acting like the bastardly beast that he was. His brusque, gruff, gravelly voice carried all the way from the kitchen to my bedroom down the hall. If ever there...

2 years ago
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Aunt Lo and her nephew Allen

“Aunt Lo, are you here?” Allen called out. He could hear noises coming from her bedroom. “Mm, yessss that feels so good. OH yess harder, fuck me harder,” Allen could hear from the closed door. Allen put his ear to the door to listen again. “Oh Gosh YES! FUCK ME, FUCK ME! I NEED THAT BIG FAT DICK!” The screaming was getting Allen all excited, his tight jeans were even tighter with his hard on. Allen couldn’t resist any longer and turned the door knob slowly and quietly. When he peeked in...

4 years ago
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Aunt At Our Holiday Home Part 8211 3

The next morning, after our wonderful night. I realized, as usual, my aunt was always an early riser, therefore, she was out of the bed. Reema was still stark naked fast asleep by my side so carefully I moved the blanket to check her out again. Her tender body was so inviting for another session and the bed even had patches of cum stains, but just then I heard my aunt call out to us. I then woke Reema up, she was a little drowsy but I told her we have to wake up before the workers were back....

3 years ago
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Aunt Hazels Hairy Pussy

Foreword by the fuckwit who wrote this piece: FUCK! I missed the deadline for the Earth Day competition. Arse! OK, bugger it, I might as well put this in Novels and Novellas for the 2 points in the survivor contest at least. *sigh*. Right, now that I’ve finished feeling sorry for myself here it is, a series of scenes that track the burgeoning sexual relationship between Carl – a university student of twenty-one who lives with his mother’s sister, Hazel. He’s in her house because his aunt...

2 years ago
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Aunt Abby and the Artist Part III

Aunt Abby Makes Sex Fun... and Funny!Here is Part III of my reality based fiction, 'Aunt Abby and the Artist', dedicated to my dear friend Abby Rhodes. Again, if you'd like to see the real Abby, here she is... her beauty makes the story even more enjoyable, and she approves of this message: you haven't read Part I and Part II yet, I suggest you do so. If you have, then on with the show... and there will be a final chapter, Part IV 'Aunt Abby and the...

2 years ago
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Aunt Liz part1

It takes time ti write a good story. Follow me on instagram @raqm0900 and tumblr quemmysissy.tumblr.comMy Aunt LizFrom the time that I could remember my Aunt Liz always had a playful demeanor with an edge of sarcasm within her playfulness. When I was just a c***d and she came over to visit her younger sister (my Mom), she would always take the time out to show me some attention. Generally back then; even though it encompassed some physical touching, the playfulness was wrestling or tickling, or...

3 years ago
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Aunt Liz

My Aunt LizFrom the time that I could remember my Aunt Liz always had a playful demeanor with an edge of sarcasm within her playfulness. When I was just a c***d and she came over to visit her younger sister (my Mom), she would always take the time out to show me some attention. Generally back then; even though it encompassed some physical touching, the playfulness was wrestling or tickling, or a combination of both. Aunt Lizzie lived in our state’s capitol a couple of hours away from us so it...

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Aunt Eva

I was raised in a fairly typical big city neighborhood. In those days, families lived pretty close to one another if not in the same immediate neighborhood. My aunt Eva (my mother's sister) lived a few blocks away from us in a 2-flat building she owned. She lived on the 2nd floor and did n't rent the other apartment because she thought it was too much trouble and besides she didn't need the money. My aunt lived alone and never married. Because of that she had to do all the maintenance work...

3 years ago
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Aunt Peggys Passion

Sunday mornings are not supposed to be noisy. But, this Lord's Day morning I was awakened by a loud voice speaking. Good god, that man was arguing again! Uncle George was again beastly berating and criticizing Aunt Peggy. The bad-tempered, rough-talking bear of a man was acting like the bastardly beast that he was. His brusque, gruff, gravelly voice carried all the way from the kitchen to my bedroom down the hall. If ever there was a man deserving of a good beating, then my Uncle George was...

4 years ago
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Aunt The Genie

Justin’s family went up earlier in the day to visit family and he was getting a ride with his Aunt Krista later in the afternoon. Justin was rather excited because it would be just him and her. Justin has always had sexual fantasies of her; he always was fucking the shit out of her and layering her face in his warm hot cum in his dreams but they have never come true. However he wishes they did he always wanted to be with a older women. Justin was watching some porn before his Aunt came;...

3 years ago
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Aunt Ellen

At a certain point, though, I started to react differently when for example I saw a topless woman on television. In the past I would have thought that was dirty, probably because of my Catholic upbringing. Now, on the other hand, I began to find such a sight very interesting. Also, I noticed that when I looked at a naked woman, my penis started to grow. Obviously, it didn’t take me long to discover masturbation and that immediately became my favourite hobby. Late at night, when my parents...

3 years ago
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Aunts Bargain A Happy Deal

From the time that I could remember my Aunt Liz always had a playful demeanor with an edge of sarcasm within her playfulness. When I was just a c***d and she came over to visit her younger sister (my Mom), she would always take the time out to show me some attention. Generally back then; even though it encompassed some physical touching, the playfulness was wrestling or tickling, or a combination of both. Aunt Lizzie lived in our state’s capitol a couple of hours away from us so it wasn’t as if...

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