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Episode 1 – Church Hat Pegs

A chance meeting on the late bus leads to a steamy encounter between generations.

Members have messaged me to say they enjoy my slow burning stories. This story is one of those and it’s quite long so bear with me. Hopefully you’ll enjoy.

At 17 I was tall and could easily pass for 18+. I managed to convince the owner of an old fashioned pub that I was of legal age. So I got a job as bartender working three nights per week including Saturdays (the pubs didn’t open on Sundays back then). The pub had a great bunch of regulars and was situated 15 minutes by bus from my village. I loved working there.

On a Saturday night after closing time the staff would stay on for a few drinks so it was usually the late bus home. At that time of night there were never more than a handful of passengers. I flagged down the bus driver and climbed the steps to the upper deck. Teenagers never went on the lower deck that would be so uncool. You could smoke up top in those days and sitting there, on her own, was Aunt Joan a close friend of my Auntie Rose. I’d known Joan since I was a toddler and always referred to her Aunt Joan. She was smoking a cigarette and reading a magazine.

‘Hello Aunt Joan’
‘Hello Bill I didn’t expect to see you, what a nice surprise. Here … sit beside me’
‘So what brings you out this way Bill’?
‘I work in the Coach and Horses pub Aunt Joan’
‘I didn’t know you had turned 18 Bill’
‘I haven’t Aunt Joan, I’m still 17 but I needed some extra cash so I told the landlord I was 18 and he gave me a job’
‘Your secret’s safe with your Aunt Joan’
‘Thanks. Have you been out tonight Aunt Joan’?
‘I work part time in a hotel bar in town Bill and I’ve just finished. I usually catch an earlier bus on Saturday nights but there was a wedding on and I had to work a bit later’

Aunt Joan was an attractive lady in her late forties; nice curvy figure, brown eyes, brunette shoulder length hair, shapely stems and a lovely engaging smile. Size wise I’d guess she was UK 12/US 10. Her husband had passed away suddenly about a year ago and both sons had flown the nest. Back at the pub the plan had been for all the staff to relocate to the bar manager’s house for an impromptu party. The staff bought their own drinks to take with them but for some reason the party plan fell through so I had with me a brown paper bag with a half bottle of Vodka, mixers and a few cans of beer. We chatted about this and that until we arrived at our stop, a 10 minute walk from home. Aunt Joan lived only a couple of streets from me so we naturally found ourselves walking in the same direction.

‘I’ve been wondering Bill, what’s in your bag’? I explained what had happened. ‘Seems a shame to waste that Vodka Bill … it’s my favourite tipple … if you’re happy to share it you can come to my house’
‘Yes I’d like that Aunt Joan, not much fun drinking on your own’

When we arrived at Aunt Joan’s place she removed her overcoat and I my jacket. She was wearing a fitted cream dress with a split at the back, brown leather heeled boots and dark tan nylons. Short skirts were the fashion of the day and the hem of her dress finished about 3” above her knees. To many she looked classy and she certainly did but to a horny 17 yo she also looked sexy … no, more than that … seriously hot. Aunt Joan lit the gas fire, put a record on and we settled down on the sofa with our drinks. As she seated herself to my right, the hem of her dress moved up another inch or so revealing even more of her nylon clad thighs. Joan’s first two Vodkas didn’t touch the sides and she was soon on her third glass. She took hold of her left foot and rubbed it …

‘What’s up Aunt Joan’?
‘I’ve been walking around in high heels all night Bill and my feet are killing me. Be a darling and help me out of these boots’.

With that she swivelled sideways, placed both hands under her left thigh and raised her leg in my direction. As she did so she tilted her knee slightly towards the back of the sofa to give me better access to the side zipper of the boot. I held the back of her ankle with my right hand, gripped the zipper with my left and pulled it right down. Still holding her ankle I gripped the heel of the boot with my left hand and pulled. It was a little tight so I had to yank again and off it came. It was then I noticed I could see further up her dress and got treated to an eyeful of her ample thighs. She swivelled further round so she could rest her left leg on my thigh and swung her right leg in my direction. In doing so the hem rode even higher; an opportunity I couldn’t resist to look up her dress again. Aunt Joan wasn’t wearing nylons as I had assumed but tan pantyhose. Her hem had hunched up her thighs such that I could see the edge of a band of darker nylon. I repeated the task and off came her right boot.

‘Oh Bill what a relief, thanks well done, I can’t tell you how sore my feet get at the hotel’. I was still holding her right foot and instinctively began to gently rub it. ‘Ooh Bill that’s heaven, don’t stop, it feels better already’. I continued massaging her right foot then switched to the left. ‘Bill that’s wonderful, you’re such a good boy’. I could sense Aunt Joan’s whole body relax, partly due to the discomfort easing in her feet and partly due to the effect of three stiff Vodkas and bitter lemon. ‘Let me get really comfy Bill’ as she slid further down the sofa and placed her neck on the arm rest. The hem of her dress was now two thirds of the way up her thighs and my view up her dress was virtually unrestricted. The dark band of nylon completely encircled her hips and left me wondering, why the change in tone? … I’m still wondering nearly 50 years later. [If there are any lady readers of my story who can solve the mystery of why some pantyhose/tights have a darker band at the top I would love to hear from you]. The best was yet to come, beneath the transparent nylon I could see her knickers and they were white. I swallowed hard and my cock immediately sprung to attention. Trapped in my skin tight trousers it was almost painful (skin tight trousers was the fashion reserved for cool, hip, trendy teenagers … but I bought a pair anyway!).

As I massaged one then the other I could detect an odour from her feet. It wasn’t the horrible stink you get from the gym shoes of my mates and me. Yes it was musty but it was heady and strangely arousing. As I worked on her feet I couldn’t help but stare up the valley of her thighs, savouring the vision afforded to me. Aunt Joan had her eyes closed and was murmuring her approval as my fingers plied her feet and toes. It was developing into a sensual not to say erotic scenario. She surely must have known I was ogling up her dress but she didn’t say anything or make any effort adjust her dress. I thought to myself … ‘ehm, this is getting interesting’. My cock was now so hard it ached.

‘Bill you’ve got the magic touch in your fingers … I also get back ache if I’m on my feet for a long time. Do you think you could work your magic on that for me’?
‘Of course … anything for you Aunt Joan. Turn over and I’ll rub your back’

Aunt Joan rolled over onto her tummy, placed her arms on the end of the sofa and rested her cheek on the back of her hands. To my surprise and delight she made no attempt to rearrange her clothing and if anything, the hem had slid a little further up her delicious thighs and, aided by the split at the back of her dress, I could now see that wondrous fold of flesh where her thighs met her buttocks. I was becoming very aroused and could feel my cock leaking precum. I knelt down by her side and began rubbing her shoulders but the position she was in was slightly awkward and less than conducive to giving a proper massage.

‘I can’t do it properly like this Aunt Joan … you really need to be laid flat. It might work if you lay on the floor’?
‘I’ve got a better idea Bill. Why don’t we go upstairs and I could lie on the bed. I think that would be more comfortable than a hard floor.’
‘Great idea Aunt Joan’

I stood up (well I was already ‘standing up’!) as Aunt Joan lifted herself from the sofa. She almost stumbled but I instinctively grabbed her to prevent her falling. ‘Oh Bill, thanks I nearly fell over there, all that Vodka I think’. As I held her steady she was facing me … she looked in my eyes and it was look I hadn’t seen before, at least not from my Aunt Joan. She had a glint in them and a look of sensuousness, dare I hope desire. Later in life I came to recognise that look as ‘come to bed eyes’. She suddenly pecked me on the lips and took hold of my hand … ‘come on, follow me, let me show my personal masseur the way to the bedroom.’ The tone of her voice was suggestive and the flick of her eyebrows was promising to say the least. When we reached the bedroom Aunt Joan wasted no time in spreading herself face down on her bed. She grabbed a pillow and rested her head on it.

‘This is better Bill don’t you think’?
‘Much better Aunt Joan. Could you shuffle over a bit and make a space for me’?
‘Of course Bill, you’re the expert’
I sat down on the bed next to her and began working her neck and shoulders with my fingers and thumbs.
‘Oh yes Bill that feels lovely but it’s my back that aches most’
‘I know Aunt Joan but it all starts from the neck and shoulders. Our football coach told us that’
‘Okay Bill, he should know’
I spent a couple of minutes manipulating her neck and shoulders before working my way down her back. I paused for a second.
‘What’s up Bill’?
‘I can’t really get at your back muscles’
‘Would it help if I took my dress off’?
‘Yes I think it would Aunt Joan’
She stood up and was fumbling with the hook of the zip.
‘Bill be a darling and help me with the zip’

I unhooked the zip and pulled it part way down. Aunt Joan did the rest and her dress fell to the floor. She stepped out of it, neatly folded it over a chair and, calm as you like, lay face down again on the bed. She wasn’t wearing a slip just her pantyhose, white bra and knickers and for the first time I got sight of her bum. OMG it was to die for! It was ample but not overly so and her buns were rounded and curvaceous. I noted that darker band of her pantyhose I’d got a glimpse of earlier and her panties were those full bottomed ones worn by women of a certain age and school girls. I was transfixed staring at her sexy bottom and drinking in the delicious view. I desperately wanted to put my hands on her bum and see what those delectable buns felt like but I didn’t want to rush my fences. My trance was broken by Aunt Joan.

‘Bill … stop ogling my bottom young man and get on with the job in hand’
‘I wasn’t ogling Aunt Joan’ said I, wondering how she knew.
‘Yes you were, now get on with it please’

I got back to business starting again with her shoulders and gradually working my way down her back. I paused again.

‘What’s up now Bill’?
‘Your bra strap is in the way Aunt Joan’
‘Well unfasten it then Bill’ she retorted with a hint of impatience in her voice.
I fumbled at the fastening as young guys invariable do but eventually unclipped her bra. It was a little awkward but Aunt Joan managed to reach behind and pull the straps to one side.
‘Is that better Bill’?
‘Yes Aunt Joan, that’s a lot better’
While Aunt Joan was fiddling with her bra straps I had taken the opportunity to climb across her and kneel up on the bed next to her. I massaged the area the bra strap had been hindering but I was uncomfortable due to my trousers being so tight.
‘Aunt Joan? … is it okay if I take my trousers off? … they’re really tight and digging in to me’
‘Yes go ahead Bill … if it makes your more comfortable’

It was a bit of a struggle to say the least but I eventually got them off. As Aunt Joan was face down I thought … what the hell … and whipped my trollies off as well. My cock was sticking up like a flagpole. I continued down her back. When I got to the lower spine I pressed my thumbs into the muscle area and Aunt Joan let out a moan which was a mixture of pain and relief.

‘Ooh Bill that’s the spot … yes right there … it still aches a bit though’
‘Here I’ll put a pillow underneath’
‘Why’s that Bill’?
‘The coach says putting your muscles in tension is supposed to help’
‘Okay Bill it’s worth a try’
I reached for a couple of pillows, Aunt Joan arched her hips and I slid the pillows under.
‘Gosh your coach was right Bill that feels really good’
I couldn’t help but notice that a side effect of that was to raise her bum in the air stretching her pantyhose tighter over her twin peaches. Oh wow I thought to myself … that’s so damned sexy … my cock twitched in response. I then moved right down and rubbed the soles of her feet. ‘That tickles Bill’. So I started to massage her calves and on up to her fleshy thighs. The feel of the nylon as I rubbed her legs was wonderful and accompanied by more cock twitching.

‘That feels nice Bill but I don’t think it will help my back much’
‘Our coach says all the muscles from your neck down to your feet are connected’
‘Are you sure he said that Bill’? she enquired in a rather sceptical tone.
‘That’s what he said Aunt Joan’ I replied with my fingers crossed.
‘Okay I guess he must know about these things’

As my hands approached the secret valley I gently stroked the inside of her thighs. Aunt Joan was silent but her legs parted ever so slightly. Much encouraged I inched nearer and nearer to the head of the valley and as I did so Aunt Joan’s legs parted a little further. I ran my fingers tentatively across her mound and, through the nylon fabric, I could feel that the outer lips of her sex were swollen.

‘Mmm … that feels nice Bill but I don’t think that’s in the coaching manual … I’m not sure you should be massaging your auntie down there’ she said but not with much conviction.
‘Sorry Aunt Joan I got a bit carried away’. I stopped stroking her but left my hand resting against her pubis.
‘No its okay Bill, don’t stop … it felt really good. I’m a bit tense down there as well and could do with some relief but this has to be our secret … yes?
‘Yes Aunt Joan, I won’t tell a soul’

Any doubts about Aunt Joan’s intentions now dispelled and feeling emboldened, my fingers picked up where they left off and I pressed more firmly against her sex. Aunt Joan let out a soft moan.

‘Would it help if I take my tights off Bill’?
‘Definitely Aunt Joan’
‘That would be difficult for me in this position, could you be a sweetheart and do that for me Bill’?

I hooked my fingers in the waistband and slipped her tights over her hips, down her thighs and calves, over her feet and eased them off. Her panties were stretched tight across her bum cheeks and looked unbelievably sexy. The top section was transparent but the gusset consisted of a thicker material … I thought I detected a damp patch. I put a finger to the spot and yes it was moist.

‘You’re knickers are damp Aunt Joan’
‘Your massage made me feel a bit fruity Bill and when I feel fruity I get wet down there … it must be leaking out onto my panties. If you want to check Bill you can take them off’

Aunt Joan obligingly lifted her hips and I quickly slid her knickers off. I poked the inside of the gusset with my index finger and it was much damper inside. As I held her panties I could detect a familiar aroma. I held them to my nose, closed my eyes and thoughts of Jenny (my s*s’s best friend) came flooding back. I briefly wished it was Jenny stretched out in front of me but the sight of Aunt Joan’s naked body, gorgeous bare bottom and puffed up pussy lips quickly banished those thoughts. Anyway as Stephen Stills once famously wrote … ‘If you can’t be with the one you love - love the one you’re with’.

‘Mmm … your panties smell nice Aunt Joan’
‘You shouldn’t be sniffing your auntie’s knickers’
‘Sorry Aunt Joan I couldn’t help it, I love the smell of panties’
‘You’re such a naughty boy Bill … what am I going to do with you’?

I ran my fingers lightly through her hair, over her shoulders and down her back. I then moved to her lower calves and worked my way up and over her thighs. The flesh of her bottom felt wonderful. I put my fingers to her sex and felt her wetness.

‘Aunt Joan’?
‘Yes Bill’
‘The wet stuff that made your panties damp … what is it’?
‘I don’t exactly know Bill but it’s some sort of fluid that a lady produces when she gets excited … you know … sexually excited’
‘What does it taste like … is it nice’?
‘Some people like the taste, some don’t’
‘Can I taste it Aunt Joan’?
‘Yes if you want to Bill’
I got in position and zeroed in on my target. I brushed her outer lips with my tongue and licked the moisture.
‘Ooh Aunt Joan … it’s delicious’
‘Don’t stop now Bill your tongue feels wonderful’
I licked her lips again and pushed my tongue inside her.
‘Oh Bill that’s lovely … keep going that’s just what I need’
Her sex was now gaping and I began lapping her inner chamber.
‘Oh god Bill … yes that’s it … faster … do it faster’

Aunt Joan raised her hips and pushed back against my tongue. Her hand suddenly appeared from under her and immediately found her engorged button. She started by stroking it slowly with her fingers then rubbing herself with increasing intensity.

‘Bill! … oh Bill … don’t stop I’m nearly there’
I grasped her hips and continued lapping her opening, working my tongue as hard as I was able. In concert with my tongue Aunt Joan was furiously rubbing her swollen bud and moaning loudly.
‘Bill! … Bill!! … oh my god … I’m cumming!’

Aunt Joan shuddered and cried out as an intense orgasm ripped through her body. I felt her juices flood over my tongue and I swirled the nectar-like liquid in my mouth before swallowing … gosh it tasted good. Aunt Joan slumped forward and lay motionless for a few moments aside from the rise and fall of her body as she fought to fill her lungs with oxygen.

‘Ooh Bill that was simply wonderful … it’s been a while and just what I needed’. She rolled onto her back and stretched out her arms inviting me in. I dropped onto her and she took me in her arms, hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. The side of our heads resting together she whispered in my ear …

‘You dark horse Bill, that’s not the first time you’ve done that, is it’?
‘No Aunt Joan’ I replied rather sheepishly.
‘Okay Bill I won’t pry, no questions asked - no lies told eh’?

As I lifted myself from her embrace we both took a sharp intake of breath. Don’t know how I missed them as she rolled over, but for the first time I saw Aunt Joan’s breasts … they were magnificent. ‘Aunt Joan your breasts are fabulous … and look at your nipples’. Her boobs were perfectly shaped; rounded and firm and just the right size. Her nipples were large and sticking out like church hat pegs.

‘Oh my Bill who’s grown into a big boy then’? I looked down and my cock was sticking out proudly like the jib of a sailing ship. She reached for me and held me in her hand. ‘What a beautiful young cock … is that for your Auntie Joan’? I took that as a rhetorical question so I simply nodded my head. I couldn’t resist and placed my hands on her wondrous breasts and circled her erect nipples with the tip of my fingers.

‘Mmm that’s nice Bill … kiss me’
I leant in and pressed my lips to hers. I felt her tongue on my tongue and with open mouths clamped together we kissed passionately.
‘Oh baby I want you … come to your Aunt Joan’
‘I want you too Aunt Joan’

To be continued

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Aunt Brandy Initiates Virgin Nephew

I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom’s younger s****r, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom’s s****r is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...

2 years ago
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Aunt Brandy Initiates Virgin Nephew

I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom's younger sister, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom's sister is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...

1 year ago
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Aunt Brandy Initiates Virgin Nephew

I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom's younger sister, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom's sister is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...

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Aunt Pearls hotel room

“What’s the matter? Didn’t expect this?”I gawked, speechless. She was looking at me, a hint of a knowing smirk on her lips, eyes flashing mischief.“Weren’t so shy last night, were you?” She said it in accusation but there was no sting in her tone, just wry amusement. “So,” added my aunt, “tell me, what do you think? Am I what you’ve imagined?”As I boggled, not believing she was there, naked except for the deep girdle of the suspender belt, the stockings, and shoes.My father’s sister’s head...

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Aunt Fionas Girls

Hi. My name is Britney Burris, and I'm from the tiny suburban community of Apple Valley, Washington. My best friend growing up was Jessi Nolan, and during our teenage years we both had huge girl-crushes on her Aunt Fiona, whom we both thought to be the coolest woman on the planet.Perhaps I should tell you a bit more about Jessi & myself before continuing. While we're the same age, we had our differences. I'm tall, blonde, and slender, while she's a bit shorter than me, but also very...

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Aunt Fionas Girls

Hi. My name is Britney Burris, and I'm from the tiny suburban community of Apple Valley, Washington. My best friend growing up was Jessi Nolan, and during our teenage years we both had huge girl-crushes on her Aunt Fiona, whom we both thought to be the coolest woman on the planet.Perhaps I should tell you a bit more about Jessi & myself before continuing. While we're the same age, we had our differences. I'm tall, blonde, and slender, while she's a bit shorter than me, but also very...

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Aunt Cathys Special Boy

She just walked in and told me straight.Shocked, all I could do was stare, the weight of my hanging jaw a vague impression.“Dirty b**st,” she said, glaring.Her fists were on her hips. Fire flashed from her eyes.I thought she was magnificent.I knew what she was talking about, but it played dumb.This was trouble. I’d over-stepped the mark by several long strides.I blurted out, “What? What are you talking about?”My face gave me away. I couldn’t control the heat rising in my cheeks and I knew I was...

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Aunt Beth from www

The summer of "69" how well I remember it, just like it was yesterday. I was out on the patio, listening to the radio, Jefferson Airplane was on, the song "Someone to Love". I went in to grab a coke, my mother was on the phone. School was out for the summer as of today and life was good. Coming into the kitchen, Mom looked at me smiling. I went over to the fridge, opened the door and took out my bottle of coke. Grabbing the opener off the fridge I popped the cap off and turned looking ...

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Aunt Sis

I sat in my room and listened to the two of them arguing back and forth. Lately it was always something. He would start with her! She would start with him! It made me sick! Husband and wife should get along better than that. At 18, I thought to myself that the last two years were a living hell. I hated to be home. It never stopped. I knew that couples argued but these two were making a full time job about it. Finally I heard a dish break. Then a few more crashed against the wall. I was about to...

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Aunt Julias Nephew

Aunt Julia's Nephew By Christeen Chapter 1 I'm a young boy and my parents died last year in an accident. So I lived in a county funded facility while officials tried to locate my only relative, a divorced aunt. She was finally found and was persuaded to visit me in the hope that she would adopt me. Aunt Julia is rich, in her early thirties and is a stunningly beautiful blonde. She seems self-assured, yet she's quiet and soft-spoken. Her lovely face has perfect features and...

4 years ago
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Aunt in Bikini

My Aunt Jean looked good in the denim skirt; her fantastic legs made even better because of the cork-soled wedge shoes giving her calves that extra tension. She was wearing a light, button-fronted cotton blouse with ruffed gypsy sleeves; her thick blonde hair -- a dyed job -- neatly brushed fell close to her shoulders. A petite lady, a good head shorter than my six-one, Aunt Jean had a damn good figure on her. Her boobs swelled against the baggy blouse, their weighty sway discernable when she...

1 year ago
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Aunt Karen and Her Niece Andy

Aunt Karen and Her Niece Andy By Kresha Matay When I was ten, I became fascinated by women and their clothes. I still don't know what caused my fascination. I do know that my interest increased with each passing day. Maybe it was puberty, or an imbalance of hormones or as I've recently come to believe, I was a person born genetically different. All I'm really sure of is...I'm glad it happened. The initial stages of my quest for feminine knowledge took the form of comparing...

2 years ago
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Aunt Karen and Her Niece Andy

Aunt Karen and Her Niece AndyMy name was Andy now it's Amy. This is my story.When I was twelve, I became fascinated by women and their clothes. I still don't know what caused my fascination. I do know that my interest increased with each passing day. Maybe it was puberty, or an imbalance of hormones or as I've recently come to believe, I was a person born genetically different. All I'm really sure of is ... I'm glad it happened.The initial stages of my quest for feminine knowledge took...

3 years ago
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Aunt Carmens scented panties

My Aunt Carmen was the stuff young boys' wet dreams are made of. She'd been widowed for several years by then. While she'd been married she'd been rather dumpy and unattractive, but when she became single again she ditched her frumpy wardrobe in favor of tight jeans and miniskirts, which made her look irresistible even though she was well past forty. Gone were the "sensible" flats in favor of tall stiletto heels. No more erotic woman ever lived!To Mom and my other Aunts, Aunt Carmen was the...

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Aunt Helga

Aunt Helga I am standing in front of the mirror and observe my naked body. Well, it is not completely naked, because Aunt Helga forces me into a chastity device. This metal thingy tightly encloses my penis. Usually I do not even recognize that device but in the morning, it sometimes hurts a lot. One reason for that is my morning stiffness and the other is that Aunt Helga milks her three maids every morning. The excitement lets my cock grow and presses it into the chastity device....

2 years ago
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Aunt Abby and The Artist Part 1

This story is dedicated to my friend Abby... I hope it makes her dreams come true.'Aunt Abby and the Artist' (Part 1)David Connelly walked briskly through the airport terminal towards baggage claim. This was the first time the teenager had ever flown by himself, but he wasn’t nervous. In fact he was a little upset that his mom and dad had forced him to take this trip to stay with a relative while they took a vacation cruise. David, or ‘Davey’ as his mom still called him, had protested that...

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Aunt Helens Helpful Hand

I grew up with two sisters. The older sister was beautiful with a body that looked like the famous actress of yesteryear, Elizabeth Taylor. I remember when she was preparing for her senior class prom I looked through a keyhole while she was in the bath tub. I saw large, beautifully formed breasts. She heard me outside the door and yelled so I had to sneak back to my room. I did appreciate that she never called out to our folks. She was a prude then but later in her young adult life she found...

2 years ago
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Aunt found my pocket pussy

Aunt found my pocket pussy.My mother invited her sister to stay with us for a while during her divorce.She's a nice looking lady, black hair, dark eyes, I'd guess about 5' 8” tall.From what I could tell she had nice size tits on her, bigger hips and nice ass.She's a little bit thicker, I wouldn't call her out of shape although she could lose a few pounds. I wouldn't kick her out of bed but then again I'm a virgin and would fuck any girl that would let me. I beatoff a few times thinking about...

1 year ago
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Aunt Helens Helpful Hand

My second older sister would exhibit herself but only rarely. And that was the limit for her family sex contribution. But it was with my younger sister, Ann, with whom I shared youthful pleasure. When she was 14 and I was a month shy of 15 we started our doctor exams and fashion shows. These took place in my bedroom in the evenings. Her usual complaints were of soreness on her chest and on her thighs. Mine were mostly between my thighs and bottom. In the fashion shows we took turns modeling...

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Aunt Abby and the Artist Part IV

Here is the fourth and final part of my reality based fiction, 'Aunt Abby and the Artist', it is, of course, dedicated to my dear friend Abby Rhodes. Again, if you'd like to see the real Abby, here she is... her beauty makes the story even more enjoyable, and she approves of this message: course, if you haven't read Parts I, II and III, I suggest you do so before you read Part IV. If you have, I hope you enjoy the finale!Davey stretched and yawned as he...

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Aunt Sandys family

My mom had died a few months earlier. I was 17, so I wasn't a k** anymore, but I wasn't so old that I could take it in stride. Or maybe you're never old enough to take things like that in stride; I don't know.Anyway, I still felt pretty torn up about it, but I tried not to show it too much, because I figured it was harder on the k**s -- my brothers, Willie and Mark, four years younger. And with Dad away most of the time flying, I figured I had to be the man of the family.I don't know how we...

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Aunt Liz 2

Introduction:Farmed outAunt Liz 2The experience of the previous day seemed like a dream as I woke up. But it was definitely not dream as my surroundings were my Aunt Liz’s bedroom and my naked ass being in her bed. Immediately my dick responded, but had no time to react, I had to hurry and get ready for the State High School swimming meet. So I jumped in the shower.Ten minutes later, my cock still filled with blood but soft enough to let gravity allow it to dangle, I opened the door to get out...

4 years ago
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Aunt Carolines Girdle

Aunt Caroline's Girdle by Pamela ([email protected]) "Where did you get that?" "Get what?" I said to my wife Linda. The tone of her voice caused me to become instantly anxious. "This girdle." I looked up at her and she was holding a white panty girdle. "Oh, shit," I said to myself with an awful nervous flash running down my spine and into my stomach. "I found this in your suitcase Blake, wrapped up inside your dirty laundry." We had just returned from a visit...

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Aunt Seema

During the summer vacation between my junior and senior year my parents celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary and they had gone on a cruise for their honeymoon so they had decided to re-capture the experience. The biggest difference was the first cruise had been on a second rate ship and had lasted only a week. This time around due to the fact that they were better off financially, they booked a master suite with a balcony and this cruise would last 15 days. Now normally when they went...

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Aunt Anne and Her Friends Ch 09

Many thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated and gratifying.This is nearly the final chapter before we all get bored with the characters and scenarios. Maybe the final chapter will see a reunion of the friends.For now, though, it seems good for James and Aunt Anne to enjoy some more quality time on their own, with an additional element in their imaginations...*****I wish I could say that Aunt Anne and I had sex several times that night. But I can't. To be fair though, neither of us had...

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Aunt Claudia Pt2

Waking up the morning after the wedding, I ran through the events of the night before. I couldn't process what had happened. Had Aunt Claudia meant it when she said she wanted it to happen again or had she just had one too many to drink? I had no idea what to think, all I knew is that I would do anything to make it happen again. The image of my Aunt on her knees tending to my cock was stuck in my mind. I went to the bathroom to take care of my morning wood and took a cold shower to clear my...

2 years ago
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Aunt Beatrice and I have some good farewell fucking

I was lying naked on the bed in the spare room of my aunt’s house. I was here by choice, trying my best not to masturbate or think of sex. So far, it was torture. I was nearing the end of my visit to my Aunt Beatrice. I had been here for over 3 weeks, staying in her house during my summer break. Last month, we’d started a sexual relationship. Unfortunately, I had to go home on Saturday, something we both hated. It was on Wednesday of the same week that she had the bright idea. She...

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Aunt Karen

Chapter 1 - A Bird in the Hand I was always fond of my Aunt Karen; she was a grown-up for sure, but really not that much older than my sister and I. She occasionally baby sat us and we always had a fun time with her. As I got older and started to have "manly urges," I also noticed that she was a very attractive woman. I thought the world of her. That is, until that summer she spent at my house when she brought that world crashing down around me. I was twelve, and my sister, Carol, was eight...

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Aunt Jean0

She said she was going to the grocery store! He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely covered. He ran up the stairs, praying, hoping that he'd get to his bedroom window and not miss it, if and when she propped herself up with her elbows to reach for her ice tea or whatever the hell she drank. Last week when she did that...

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Aunt Jeans Illicit romance 12 chapters

Chapter 1Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment -- so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin' stupid!She said she was going to the grocery store!He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely...

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Aunt Heather helps out pt3

Dan was quite pleased with his progress. In two days he had experienced more sex than the entire sum of his eighteen years of existence. His strict upbringing had denied him the freedom to hang out with girls and create opportunities for such encounters. In fact the only experience he had was some kissing and fondling, and he hadn't seen a real live naked woman till he saw Aunt Heather yesterday. Man, was he lucky! She was a teenager's dream mature woman, with big breasts and a full body, her...

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Aunt Alison

It was the morning of December 21 as Chad Nichols and his family prepared for the arrival of his aunt, Alison. Alison was his father’s sister whom Chad hadn’t seen in twelve years, when he was only six years old. Even though she was his aunt, she was only eight years older than him. When he was a baby, she treated him more like her own kid than just a nephew. Alison hadn’t seen her brother and his family in many years, ever since she and her parents moved across the country...

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Aunt got nailed by Raja

Aunt got nailed by Raja.Pari and I made plan to have Raja fuck my aunt who came from UK to site seeing.To catch up you can read our post it will get you update on our stories. After the breakfast I was in my room and aunt was also in my room. Pari went down stairI asked aunt if she can go down and bring my phone up for me. Pari took my phone.Aunt said no problem I will go and bring your phone back to you.As aunt left my room I got up and stood by the room door. I could not hear aunt...

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Aunt At Our Holiday Home 8211 Part 2

After we finally were out in the open about our desires for sex most of all we loved it with each other (me and my aunt) and since last night we discovered the same in a really good way as mentioned in the previous part. Now it was morning and as usual i woke up much later than my aunt. I was still naked like the way i went to sleep the previous night. i woke up and put on my clothes as i knew due to all the noise the workers were there so i put on my boxers and threw on a t-shirt and washed up...

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Aunt Peggys Passion

Introduction: Young man falls for his uncles passionate wife JackassTales&hellip,Tale # 33&hellip,Readers, this is a change of pace story for me. Usually my tales are about sexual relations between older males and younger females (my favorite characters). Here, Ive reversed roles by having a younger male and an older woman. I know its been done by others, but not so much by me. Some might consider this a blasphemous tale because I interweave sex and religion. But, like they say, sinners make...

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Aunt Mary found on www

Aunt Mary (found on www)My panty fetish, and I guess my lingerie fetish in general, began the summer I turned 13. I was staying with my Aunt Mary while my folks went for a two week vacation. Aunt Mary was single still at the age of about 40. She lived alone in a small 2 bedroom house. I have many memories from that two week stay with Aunt Mary. And I’m sure now, as an adult, that those early memories helped to form my current fetishes for panties, slips, and other types of lingerie. Aunt Mary...

4 years ago
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Aunt Martha

Copyright © 2001 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved Yes, I know, it's popular right now to pretend that kids aren't sexual, but I'm here to tell you that the good Dr. Freud was right. I'm determined to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (except where to do so might land me, or someone else, in prison). Only the names have been changed to protect the incredibly guilty. Due to my good fortune in being raised near, and with, my two slightly older female cousins,...

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