My Best Friends Part 3 free porn video

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"Ma...siete matti? Come faccio ad uscire cos?? E se qualc.." "Stai zitta troia, ti sei dimenticata come ci si rivolge ad un padrone?" mi url? in faccia Aldo. "Questo ti vale come secondo errore, sei contenta?" Ecco, questo non me lo aspettavo. E non avevo neanche il coraggio di replicare. Ma se qualcuno si accorgeva che ero un uomo? Che figura facevo? "Adesso andiamo in garage, saliamo in macchina e ci facciamo un bel giro per la spesa, zitta e non discutere, il prossimo errore ? quello buono e non ti puoi permettere di sbagliare un'altra volta, hai capito?" "Certo Padrone Aldo" dissi con voce piagnucolante mentre andavamo verso la porta. Gianni si mise al volante della sua macchina, io sul sedile anteriore e Aldo and? dietro. "Qui c'? una borsetta, dentro ci sono 150 euro. Devi fare spesa per 2 giorni. Decidi cosa vuoi cucinare, entri nell'ipermercato, prendi quello che ci serve e non parlare con nessuno, la tua voce non ? ancora propriamente femminile, per adesso. E che non ti venga in mente di scappare, abbiamo i tuoi documenti e la tua firma su quel contratto." "Certo Padrone Aldo, non si preoccupi" dissi girandomi verso di lui; notai per? con la coda dell'occhio che Gianni mi stava guardando le gambe. Per carit?, le mie gambe erano molto belle, ma io ero pur sempre un uomo e mi dava molto fastidio. Gianni se ne accorse e torn? a guardare la strada, ma Aldo non perse tempo e mi ordin? di accavallarle, con la scusa di dover sembrare pi? femminile. Chiaramente come potevo rifiutarmi, dovevo eseguire e feci abbastanza fatica, il cruscotto era troppo vicino. Dopo pochi minuti arrivammo nel parcheggio. A quell'ora non era ancora pieno, ma era pur sempre il supermercato pi? grosso della zona e sicuramente non c'erano meno di 100 macchine. Chiaramente, come avevo immaginato, si misero nel posto pi? lontano. Cos? dovevo camminare di pi?. Che stronzi. "Ok Lara, prendi un carrello e vai. Ricordati che non hai molto tempo. Noi ti aspettiamo qui, sbrigati." "Va bene Padrone Aldo, far? prestissimo" disse aprendo lo sportello. Era vero, volevo rimanere fuori il meno possibile. Comincia a camminare nel parcheggio, c'erano alcune persone intorno a me e subito diventai l'attrazione principale. Sfido, una figa cos? non si vede tutti i giorni, e anche l'abbigliamento era molto sexy. Io continuavo a camminare guardando per terra, un po' per la vergogna ed un po' perch? dovevo guardare dove andavo. Presi un carrello e entrai dalla grande porta a vetri. Sui grossi specchi vidi la mia immagine riflessa e mi tranquillizzai un po'. Nessuno avrebbe capito che ero un uomo. Il profilo era slanciato, delle belle gambe ho gi? detto, ma anche il sedere era molto bello e alto, e il seno faceva la sua figura. Mi diressi immediatamente al reparto alimentari, cercando di prendere solamente quello che sapevo cucinare e senza guardare nessuno. Una cosa mi diede un po' fastidio, nel reparto surgelati mi accorsi di avere molto freddo alle gambe, che erano praticamente scoperte. Era una strana sensazione, e forse in quel momento mi sentii molto pi? indifeso. Tanto preoccupato che mi cadde una confezione di patatine per terra. Dovevo chinarmi. E dovevo farlo in un certo modo. Non potevo certo aprire le gambe come stavo per fare. Rimasi un attimo in attesa mentre decidevo come comportarmi. "Aspetti che la aiuto signorina" mi disse alle spalle un signore. Mi spaventai molto e dovetti trattenermi dall'urlare. Presi il pacchetto dalle mani del signore e feci per andarmene. Proprio mentre mi girai sentii la mano dell'uomo che mi accarezzava leggermente il mio sedere. Mi spostai e lo fissai negli occhi, ma non potevo dire niente, se ne sarebbe accorto. E basta con questo sedere, tutti con la mano sopra. Ma siamo davvero cos? noi uomini? Vediamo un bel culo e non capiamo pi? niente? Comunque me ne andai per finire il mio giro. Avevo riempito il carrello, controllando di non sforare dalla cifra che mi avevano dato. Andai in direzione della cassa con meno coda, ma c'erano comunque almeno tre persone prima di me. Alcune donne mi guardavano, sicuramente mi diedero della troia o cose di questo tipo. Io tenevo lo sguardo basso ed aspettavo il mio turno. Pagai e, mentre aspettavo il resto e le borse la cassiera mi chiese dove avevo preso la gonna. No, questo no. Non potevo andarmene senza aver preso la spesa e non volevo rispondere. Ma non avevo scelta. "E' un regalo di compleanno, non lo so". La mia voce si era fatta altissima. "Fa lo stesso, ? molto bella ed il tessuto sembra molto leggero." mi disse lei mentre mi dava il resto. "Non ti ho mai vista qui, sei nuova?". "No, sono di passaggio" Ormai non me ne fregava pi? niente. Vuoi scoprirmi? Scoprimi, tanto ho quasi finito e qui non conosco nessuno. Ma incredibilmente mi salut? e non fece commenti. Bene, finalmente potevo andare a casa, che non era una prospettiva allettante, ma sempre meglio di rimanere in pubblico. Nel parcheggio vidi le occhiate di qualche uomo che aspettava la moglie, ma non mi diede cos? fastidio come prima. Mi diressi verso la macchina, o almeno dove pensavo fosse la macchina. Niente. Non c'era nessuno. Perch?? Dov'erano andati? Mi guardai un po' incontro, cercando di non far capire alla gente che avevo bisogno di aiuto. Sapete com'?, vedono due tacchi e diventano tutti dei buoni samaritani, pronti ad accorrere in aiuto alla donzella indifesa. Ma io non ero indifeso. Ero terrorizzato. Ad un certo punto vidi la macchina di Gianni e tirai un sospiro di sollievo. Anche perch? altra gente si stava avvicinando e non volevo avere contatti di nessun tipo. La macchina si ferm? vicino a me e si apr? la portiera posteriore. "Metti tutto nel baule e sali dietro." disse Aldo ed io, come al solito, feci come mi aveva detto. Quasi quasi preferivo il signore di prima, almeno era gentile. Mi sedetti vicino a Aldo e senza che mi dicesse niente accavallai le gambe. Aldo approv? e ci mise subito una mano sopra, accarezzandomi fino al ginocchio. E io zitto, sperando che non avesse idee strane. Continu? per un po', mentre Gianni partiva. In macchina c'era silenzio ed io non avevo intenzione di interromperlo, anche se avrei tranciato volentieri le mani a qualcuno. Ma questo qualcuno continuava con le carezze, che si facevano sempre pi? audaci. Probabilmente se fossimo stati soli mi sarebbe saltato addosso. Ma era possibile tutto ci?? Che idee aveva Aldo? Sapevo gi? che avrei dovuto accettare qualsiasi cosa, ma speravo ci fosse un limite. Aldo continuava e Gianni mi guardava le gambe. Anch'io mi guardavo le gambe, ma loro sicuramente non si sentivano cos? umiliati ed indifesi come me. Pensai al fatto che ancora una volta non avevo idea di cosa mi avrebbero fatto durante il giorno questi tre stronzi, ma sicuramente non mi sarei fatto trovare chinato con il sedere per aria. Passai tutto il viaggio con le gambe accavallate facendo ciondolare i piedi e i tacchi come piaceva ad Aldo. Le sue mani intanto non si fermavano e continuavano ad accarezzarmi. Come al solito non dicevo niente e guardavo il panorama. Considerando la mia paura per gli eventi che mi aspettavano mi potevo comunque dire tranquillo. Ripensavo a tutto e comunque mi dicevo che ero sempre tra amici. Mi avrebbero dato una bella lezione, spaventato ed umiliato a dovere, ma sarebbe finita l?. "Lasciami stare un po', mi sembri un polipo" dissi ad alta voce per farmi sentire da Gianni. Aldo, con un gesto abbastanza fulmineo, mi spinse con la faccia contro il vetro dell'auto e mi tir? le braccia dietro alla schiena. Preso alla sprovvista immerso com'ero nei miei pensieri e con le gambe accavallate non potei opporre nessuna resistenza. Dopo pochi secondi potei udire chiaramente il doppio "click" di un paio di manette intorno ai miei polsi. Cio?, non solo il rumore. Anche il freddo del metallo contro la pelle. Avevo quindi le mani dietro alla schiena e Aldo mi fece girare. Le gambe erano sempre accavallate. Non ? facile accavallare le gambe sul sedile posteriore di un auto, praticamente ? come se le avessi avute legate tanto poco spazio avevo. "Lasciamo Aldo, cazzo fai....toglimele...." urlai. E urlai veramente forte tanto che Aldo sgran? gli occhi e mi diede uno schiaffo sul viso. Forte, tanto forte che mi misi a piangere come un bambino. E mugugnavo anche. Aldo intanto continuava a schiaffeggiarmi le gambe, sempre pi? forte. "Ti prego........lasciami.........davvero, basta.......lasciatemi andare........" piangevo e mugugnavo. Aldo mi diede un'altro schiaffo sul viso, tanto forte che smisi di gridare e continuai a piangere. Dalla tasca di Aldo usc? una palla rossa con un laccio. Mi diede ancora un paio di schiaffi mentre io urlavo e mi dimenavo sul sedile, limitato dalle manette e dalle gambe accavallate bloccate dal sedile anteriore. Non avevo mai visto una palla del genere ma avevo capito a cosa serviva. Sarebbe finita sicuramente nella mia bocca. Purtroppo io stavo ancora piangendo e non feci in tempo ad opporre resistenza. La palla fin? dritta dritta nella mia bocca, ed il laccetto fu bloccato e chiuso dietro alla mia testa. Adesso era un casino, avevo la bocca spalancata in un espressione oscena, respiravo praticamente solo dal naso e non potevo dire niente. Per? in compenso mi beccai un'altro paio di schiaffi durante il tragitto di ritorno. Adesso ero veramente nelle sue mani. Nelle loro mani. Aldo inizi? ad accarezzarmi i fianchi mentre io continuavo a piangere ed a muovermi. "Questo non ? il terzo errore Lara? Non mi hai chiamato padrone prima. Chi ti ha dato il permesso di rivolgerti cos?? Tu non hai rispettato i patti. Adesso ci divertiamo. Ti facciamo passare noi la voglia di fare la stupida con noi. Appena arrivati a casa ti facciamo imparare l'educazione." Ero veramente in una brutta situazione, ero in mano a dei pazzi furiosi. Arrivammo a casa. Gianni ferm? la macchina e scese. Mi apr? la portiera e mi fece scendere prendendomi per i fianchi. Adesso ero in piedi con questi due stronzi vicino. Gianni preso un collare e me lo mise intorno al collo con un guinzaglio. Aldo inizi? a tirarmi per farmi entrare in casa. Per? io avevo le mani dietro alla schiena e dei tacchi assurdi, se fossi caduto per terra sarei caduto di faccia. Io andavo piano e opponevo resistenza. Avevo paura di cadere e tiravo. Anche Aldo tirava, e quando mi fermavo Gianni mi picchiava sulle cosce con il portachiavi. Io non sapevo pi? cosa fare, piangevo, non respiravo e avevo paura di cadere. La prima cosa che mi colp? del fatto di entrare in casa fu l'aria fresca sulle gambe. Le calze non riparano e la sensazione che provai in quel momento fu di sollievo. Sembra strano da dire ma effettivamente per qualche secondo mi sentii molto sollevato e tranquillo. "Adesso inginocchiati qui e non fiatare" mi disse Aldo spingendomi a terra. Non so se avete mai provato ma inginocchiarsi quando qualcuno ti butta per terra non ? facile. Chiaramente Gianni approfitt? del fatto che fossi fermo per prendere la telecamera e filmarmi qualche minuto mentre Aldo mi faceva il solletico. "Il programma che ti abbiamo dato non ? pi? valido, adesso rifacciamo tutto dall'inizio perch? ti sei comportata da bambina cattiva. E le bambine cattive vengono sempre punite. Per prima cosa hai gi? usato tutti i tuoi tre errori, quindi adesso sei completamente nelle nostre mani. Non penso che tu abbia i soldi per pagare i tuoi debiti e quindi noi abbiamo il modo di riprenderci quando ci devi. Lavorerai nel mio locale durante i fine settimana e nel sexy shop di Luca tutti i giorni. Chiaramente luned? ti dovrai licenziare dal tuo attuale lavoro. Ti trasferirai in un appartamento di Gianni qui in paese. Mi sembra inutile ricordarti che non ci interessa sapere cosa ne pensi o cosa vorresti fare in alternativa. Se ti va bene ? cos?, altrimenti noi pignoriamo tutto quello che hai." Io ero completamente basito. Non tanto l'idea di lasciare il mio lavoro (mi piaceva ma sono uno che si stanca in fretta e avevo gi? meditato pi? volte riguardo a questo), ma quanto sul fatto che avrei avuto una nuova vita. In quel momento arriv? Luca con due enormi valige. "Ciao Luca" disse Aldo, "avevi ragione tu, Lara ? molto debole ed ha ceduto. Le sto spiegando tutto sulla sua nuova vita, sul suo lavoro da te e su quello che dovr? fare da me." "Bene, allora possiamo lasciarla andare adesso, quarda che due occhi spaventati" disse Luca. "Cos? pu? tornare a casa, luned? si licenzia e sabato prossimo si presenta da noi. Abbiamo gi? tutti i vestiti pronti per un po' di tempo." Gianni mi stava togliendo la palla dalla bocca proprio in quel momento e mi accorsi che effettivamente c'era qualcosa che non andava. "Cosa significa abbiamo gi? i vestiti? Anch'io ho gi? i vestiti". Gianni stava cercando la chiave per togliermi le manette. "Beh, cosa credevi, di venire a lavorare nel mio sexy shop o nel suo locale vestito da uomo? Troppo facile" disse Luca. "E poi non faresti colpo sui miei clienti. No cara, rimarrai vestita da donna e vivrai da donna fino a quando non avrai pagato il tuo debito. Intanto la tua liquidazione ce la dividiamo noi tre, poi ti daremo un ottimo stipendio per i tuoi lavori. E visto che sei cos? bella potrai anche guadagnarti qualcosa extra, tu sai come" mi disse mentre tutti ridevano. Io avevo ancora le manette e mi alzai in piedi di scatto. Non mi andava questa cosa ma forse non mi ero ancora reso conto di quello che mi avevano appena detto. Avrei passato un bel po' di tempo vestito da donna, in una citt? nuova, lavorando 8 ore al giorno, sempre su tacchi allucinanti. Anzi, avrei passato tutto il mio tempo cos?. Anche se avevo dei tacchi assurdi mi diressi verso Luca e cercai di chiedere spiegazioni ma, sul pi? bello inciampai e solo un intervento di Aldo mi imped? di schiantarmi al suolo. "Male Lara, molto male. Devi diventare una donna perfetta, nei modi di fare, nel parlare, nel muoverti. Non voglio pi? vederti cos?. Adesso cambiati e torna a casa. ci vediamo sabato qui. Chiaramente non serve dire che ti dovrai presentare per forza altrimenti sei finita. Noi intanto prepariamo tutto, anche un bel sito internet dove ci saranno tutte le tue avventure pi? spinte, compresa quella dove succhi un vibratore. Io avevo ancora le manette dietro alla schiena ma d'improvviso dissi che io non avevo mai messo in bocca un vibratore. Chiaramente, mentre Aldo riprendeva Luca mi infil? in bocca un vibratore acceso. Io non potevo sputarlo perch? mi tenevano ferma la testa. Dopo alcuni minuti me lo tolsero di bocca. Adesso ero veramente rassegnato. Ma vi rendete conto? Non esistevo pi?. Chiunque poteva farmi fare quello che voleva in qualsiasi momento. Ero una bambola. E avevo davanti un bel po' di tempo. Mi sarei dimenticato di come ci si comporta da uomo. Ero in trappola. "Vedi Lara, adesso possiamo far vedere a tutti che troietta sei. Visto che sei una ragazza sveglia ci vediamo sabato prossimo per iniziare la tua nuova vita." mi dissero togliendomi le manette. Aldo mi fece alzare e mi diede un bacio sulla bocca. Io non mi mossi neanche, anche se lui inizi? a muovere le mani sul mio sedere ed a mettermi la lingua in bocca. Ero a pezzi. Non mi piaceva ma non mi faceva cos? schifo come pensavo. Stavo diventando gay? Comunque tornai ad essere uomo e me ne scappai a casa. Non piangevo e non pensavo, ero in uno stato comatoso. Luned? mattina andai al lavoro presto, quando non erano ancora arrivati tutti. Il capo era gi? l? e corsi subito a spiegargli che mi sarei dovuto licenziare perch? mi trasferivo in un'altra citt?. Tutto si risolse in modo amichevole e dopo 20 minuti ero gi? fuori.

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Best Friends

Best Friends - By: Theresa Denise Carter "But, Mike, I don't think that they'll let you join the Brownies," my Mom said with a look of dismay on her face. "I'm sure that the Brownies are only for little girls and you're not a little girl." "But why can't I be a Brownie?" "Well, because it's part of the Girl Scouts and in order to join the Girl Scouts, you have to be a girl. In any case you should join the Cub Scouts, it's part of the Boy Scouts," she explained. "But Mom,...

2 years ago
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Best Friends Benefit from My Wifes Drunkenness

My name is Alex, and now at thirty years old, my wife, Hannah, and I are living with our four-year-old daughter in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’re still enjoying a cuckold lifestyle that started almost four years ago, and this story describes how it began.I was born and raised in the Tulsa suburbs, and met Hannah at The University of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City (OKC) in our senior year. She grew up in OKC and I didn’t know much about her when we met, other than being attracted to her bubbly, outgoing...

4 years ago
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Best Friends New Pleasure

Rachel jumped into the pool, feeling the cold water wrap around her body. Mark followed her in, diving deep into the water. He rose up to the top of the water, just as the volley ball flew into his head. Rachel sat there laughing, until Mark swam over to the ball, grabbing it, and flung it back at Rachel. She ducked out of the way and quickly swam for the ball to send it back at Mark. She grabbed the ball, turned to Mark, and began arch back to throw it. Mark paused. His eyes were fixated on...

First Time
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My friends mom wears my girlfriends panties

I’ve been friends with my mate practically all my life. I’m in my late 20s and we’ve known each other since day one, his family is almost like my family, they’ve took me in and looked after me any time I needed them and made me feel so welcome. Growing up I never really found my friends mom an attractive lady or had any sexual desires towards her however this all changed one day a few years back. His mom is a 65 year old woman, she doesn’t wear sexy clothes. She doesn’t know any skin, she...

3 years ago
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My friends mom wears my girlfriends panties

I’ve been friends with my mate practically all my life. I’m in my late 20s and we’ve known each other since day one, his family is almost like my family, they’ve took me in and looked after me any time I needed them and made me feel so welcome. Growing up I never really found my friends mom an attractive lady or had any sexual desires towards her however this all changed one day a few years back. His mom is a 65 year old woman, she doesn’t wear sexy clothes. She doesn’t know any skin, she...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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Bestiality Dreams Night 1 The Cat

It had been mere hours since the appearance of the first symptoms and already the family doctor had given orders restricting me to my bed. Under normal circumstances, I would have been thrilled at the thought of missing a few days of school, but, given my extreme fatigue, enjoying my time off was impossible. No matter what I did, be it watch TV or read a book, I kept nodding off. And it was still quite early. In a final attempt at resisting sleep’s inviting embrace, I did something I knew...

2 years ago
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Bestiality Dreams Night 1 The Cat

Introduction: A young woman dreams of having sex with a cat! Modern medicine cannot explain what happened. Many doctors tried, but none could identify the ailment that afflicted me. Their only recourse was to identify my symptomsextreme fatigue and deliriumand suggest extensive bed rest and a high fluid intake. They were equally dumbfounded by my miraculous recovery. I remain similarly uncertain as to the nature of my peculiar illness, yet I will forever cherish the memories of those ten days I...

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Best Girlfriends Forever

Best Girlfriends Forever Chris falls in love with his new roommate Shannon, who is transgender. Shannon falls in love with Chris too, but she already has a boyfriend and instead wants to be 'best girlfriends forever'... * * * Chapter 1: "Just two more questions." "Sure," I responded cheerfully. It seemed like Shannon and I were connecting which was great because I desperately needed a cheap place to stay. And besides, who wouldn't want someone as cute and beautiful...

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Best Friends

Best Friends By Cassandra Morgan He was Simon. I was Garfunkel. He was Sundance. I was Butch. He was Barnum. I was Bailey. From the time Danny and I were 10 years old, we were peas in a pod, birds of a feather, brothers of different mothers. We were on the same soccer team, in the same boy scout group, in the same garage band. We went to school together.. We built a tree house together. We dated sisters. We shared a room at the same small college. Once, we both got into...

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Best Friends Forever Part Two of Thirteen

CHAPTER 3: Sammy was right; I did drink too much, but I didn’t give a damn. I needed to drink and to drink often. And why the hell not, John Daniels loved me. I wonder what they’d named the baby. I wondered if it were a boy or a girl. I guess it didn’t matter; I’d never be meeting it—him, her.It was strange it was. I couldn’t get the kid out of my mind. I couldn’t get the two of them out of my mind either. The way they’d done me. Was I jealous even after a year? I guess I was and bitter too. I...

Love Stories
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Best Friends ForeverPart Twelve of Thirteen

CHAPTER 23: I was literally shaking. I was terrified. The man strode in major concern in his look. “Jim, the nurse told me. Have you heard anything else?” said my ex-best friend.“No, no, not yet... Rodney...” I started, but paused. I really just didn’t know what to say. I knew what I wanted to say but not how to express it. I just started bawling like a baby.“Rod, she can’t die she just can’t. I mean she just can’t, Rodney. Rodney, don’t let her die,” I said not stuttering but barely coherent I...

Wife Lovers
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Bestie Sex Is The Best Sex

Hello, friends, this is Krish again here with my new sex story, I am 22 slim looking guy with a good length of 7inch and from Vijayawada.This is my 2nd sex story.Please excuse me if there are any mistakes in my sex story. My first sex story is “Mutual seduction of cousins” (https:www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/mutual-seduction-cousins/) please read it from the above link and you are gonna love it definitely and also give me feedbacks on my email id: I just completed my engineering in another...

4 years ago
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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now. I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it’s thin enough that when my...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now.I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it's thin enough that when my...

Straight Sex
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Best Friends Forever Part One of Thirteen

Young people today have an acronym for it: BFF or best friends forever. But, as is often the case in the real world, “forever” is a word that has no substantive meaning. For me, James Clausen, and my best friend Rodney Pollard, both currently and commonly 27 years old, the acronym had, however, been meaningful since the second grade.Yes we were tight the two of us. And the nature of things being what they were, the gods seemed to making a point that the two of us would in fact be family to each...

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Best friends become more than best friends

My name is Amy, I have the best friend in the world and no I'm not talking about a woman. His name is Ryan and he listens to me, and spends a lot of time with me. I'm a brunette and I'm 5'10. He is a brunette too and is 6'1. So after being best friends for about 8 years, I thought there should be at least some sexual tension between us. That has not been the case though. We met in high school and now as we're both 26. We still hang out and party too. So I had to wonder if was ever interested in...

First Time
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Best Friends Foreverpart three of thirteen

PART THREE OF THIRTEENCHAPTER 5: He was in his office. It’d been a full year since the last he’d heard of his old friend. He didn’t dwell on it much, not anymore. That was something, thought Rodney Pollard. But at the moment he was on his mind, Jimmy was on his mind. One couldn’t save the world. And some things were written in the stars. It looked like his old bud was condemned to be part of that mass of humanity that would be living lives of quiet desperation—apologies to Thoreau.“Mister...

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Best Friends Forever IV SixtyNine

Best Friends Forever IV: Sixty-NineAlexa and Amanda had spent the night together in bed, after a wild first night of a little fingering in the pool naked, as well as her best friend tasting and eating Alexa's pussy also, to their first real experience of grinding their naked pussies together on a bed and having wonderful orgasms. The two fell asleep in each other's arms, as the night drew in.Alexa was the first to awaken, to the soft sounds of birds chirping their morning tune. As she opened...

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Best Friends

I pulled back and thought to myself, 'What the hell am I doing?' Instantly the little voice inside my head said, 'You know EXACTLY what you are doing.' I smiled, and ran my hands through Laurie's hair. I heard her make a little moan of pleasure as I pulled her back to me and I leaned in to kiss her again. When I first saw Laurie Duchow, it was early November just before the end of the football season. She was walking with one of my best friends and they stopped at my locker after school....

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

2 years ago
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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

4 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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Best Friends Become More

Introduction: Two girls stranded in a hotel during a storm on Nude Day…create their own Nude Day with shocking results. Best Friends Become More SUMMARY: Two girls stranded in a hotel during a storm on Nude Day…create their own Nude Day with shocking results. NOTE 1: Thanks to Estragon for copy-editing and catching a couple of plot flaws in the original draft and LaRascasse for plot suggestions. Best Friends Become More They saw What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas and Zoey argued the same...

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Best of Friends Now and Forever Ch 03

I’m really starting to like this writing thing. I do have finals and graduation coming up soon so my time for this is very limited. I will keep this up as I can. As I promised, here is the next installment. A big thanks to my editor, JohnnyMax, for his help and suggestions. ***************************** Years passed by, we saw other friends we had come and go. But one thing always remained the same, Alice and I. Ever since that day on the playground we have been inseparable. I found out...

4 years ago
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Best Friends Proposal

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional story. It was a perfect Saturday afternoon, a clear blue sky and the sun giving radiation for a perfect tan. Amanda was lounging by the pool with her best friend, Rachael. Amanda and Rachael have been friends for over seven years. They enjoyed their weekends at the pool either at Amanda Wilson’s home, or the pool at Rachael Hudson’s home. As...

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Best Friends Forever

Alexa always knew from an early age that she seemed a little different. Boys were never her thing, and she never had an interest in anyone who passed her by and offered a wink and a smile to try and sweep her off her feet. Her best friend Amanda, a beautiful blonde and very fit, grew up with Alexa and were best friends since early childhood. The two were pretty much virtually inseparable all the time. Even when at their own homes, they would chat for hours on the phone or skype with each other....

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Best Friends ForeverPart Ten of Thirteen

CHAPTER 19: “I found out today that he’s dating Denise’s sister,” said Rodney. “Denise told me. Cross your fingers.”“Really! Thank God,” said Claire. “Oh and consider them crossed!”“Yes, for damn sure,” he said.“Serious?” she said.“Who knows? Probably too soon. But, Denise says that they went out four days in a row last week, so ...” he said, leaving his words hanging in the air.“Oh man, maybe we caught a lucky break. She is pretty, very pretty. And, they do have you know what in common,” she...

Wife Lovers
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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

2 years ago
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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

2 years ago
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Best Friends To Sex Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi. This is Dastan. The guy among the three best friends. I will share moments when I had sex with my female best friends, Vishakha and Razia. Of course, I have changed the names of the characters in my story because Razia also reads ISS. Nonetheless, she will know if she reads this story. Part 1: I have known Vishakha for the past 4 years. But we came closer to each other two years ago. She has a boyfriend and they are not exactly the best couple – one of the reasons we became close....

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Best Friends Turned Sex Partners

Hi i am Dev, from Ahmedabad. I work here in Ahmedabad and have lots of friends in here. I am a party freak. The story also started somewhat the same way. I met Divya (name changed) in a party which one of our common friends had organized. She was in a traditional dress i kinda have likings towards the girls wearing traditional. She was with her boyfriend and i was with my girlfriend. We got introduced and had a great time together. After that night i guess we didn’t meet till 3 odd months. On...

3 years ago
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Best Friends New Pleasure

Rachel jumped into the pool, feeling the cold water wrap around her body. Mark followed her in, diving deep into the water. He rose up to the top of the water, just as the volley ball flew into his head. Rachel sat there laughing, until Mark swam over to the ball, grabbing it, and flung it back at Rachel. She ducked out of the way and quickly swam for the ball to send it back at Mark. She grabbed the ball, turned to Mark, and began arch back to throw it. Mark paused. His eyes were fixated on...

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