SpaceChapter 12 free porn video

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I added, "If my suggestion is adopted then the teachers instructing those pupils involved in this incident need to be contacted. Training has to be provided or teachers shifted around. This may take just a few meetings with a competent mental health staff."

Rod Suffolk said, "I think this is important too."

I asked, "What numbers are we talking about?"

"At the moment there are 106 children. Thankfully only 43 were involved with the ring. The rest were younger or even older siblings that had to disappear with the rest of their family."

"How many will be going to grade school?"

The man did some thinking and said, "Perhaps 31 or 32."

"The young people that went to the funerals should be encouraged to have our own meeting. Somebody should tell us how to act and how to fit in best with those that were damaged."

"You certainly are perceptive. We should gather the people and I will talk to them. Parents are a good idea but in this case their own hang-ups may affect the students."

Betts came out of the room freshly showered. She had a hunted look until I smiled and said, "Come over and sit with me Sweetie. We are talking about school."

She sat beside me and I reached over and kissed her cheek. "We are talking about the difficulty the special children will have fitting into school with the way bullies and brain dead adults are."

We talked about the problems facing us and Betts brought up a few points of her own. Wendy came out and she looked even more alarmed. Betts got up and seated Wendy between us and then put an arm around her. I moved my arm around her too. In a while Wendy accepted it and hugged us both.

The conversation went on again and Wendy was terrified anew at the thoughts of going back to school. Wendy was coaxed by me then by Betts to talk about what problems she may run into. This seemed to help and she calmed down.

Suffolk got a phone call and hung up quickly. We looked at him and he just smiled. "It seems that three naked little girls are enjoying the shallow end of the pool."

Leslie said, "I told Erin never to go into the pool alone."

I said, "She is not alone. Let's talk outside? The girls go out first and sit by the pool then the mothers then the scary males."

The Doc said, "You are a natural for my profession."

"You taking apprentices?"

"I guess I am now."

We did this as I suggested. Since it was done slowly there was no fright. The Doc and I sat further back.

It was warm and I asked the Doc, "Was Erin abused?"

"Yes but not as much as some."

Would a naked boy being a boy be a good thing for her in this situation?"

"I don't really know. Why naked?"

"I am hot with no suit."

"I don't know."

I stood up and walked over to Betts. "Sweetheart, I'm hot. I want to swim. I have no suit. I want you girls not to look at my pee pee. Promise?"

It took a moment but she agreed even though she didn't seem to understand. I went to the rest of the women and got them to agree too. The girls in the pool were last. All three giggled and promised.

At the diving board I stripped and dove into the pool. Patricia was giggling. I yelled in response, "Mom, she peeked."

No replies came but a moment later a naked girl came jumping over my head. I just had a chance to look up as she was over me spread wide.

When Betts came up out of the water she yelled, "Mom! Wally looked at me."

"Serves you right."

We played quietly and tried to involve the munchkins. I made farting noises with my cupped hand and my armpit while accusing Betts or Patricia of polluting the water. In a few moments I found that there was another girl in the water and she had no suit on either. I tried to ignore that she was a girl but it was hard. We played as kids though and that was good.

After half an hour I called out, "Leslie do you have any sun screen for the munchkins?"

"I'll get some."

I did Patricia quickly and efficiently. Thankfully I didn't get hard. Liza was next then I actually did the nervous Erin. Betts came out and presented herself to me and I dried her off like the rest and did her entire body. Erin watched as I pinched Betts' nips once. I did Betts' back and didn't miss anywhere.

Wendy stood naked and dripping beside me. "Will you do me too."

"I would love to but you guys have to do me too. And don't peek this time."

Wendy was done just as thoroughly as Betts but no better. I was instantly on my back and both Wendy and Betts worked on me. From some hidden area I was able to find enough power to stay deflated. Betts even picked up my dick with a finger and thumb then did this part quickly. My back was then done and I had a chance to get myself back under control.

Betts slapped my butt when she was done and said, "You're done."

I turned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks Sweetheart."

"Better kiss her too. She did half of the work."

I kissed Wendy the same way. Erin was giggling nearby.

I looked over to Mom to suggest we find something to eat. I saw Leslie in a microscopic bikini and then Mom in one the same size but she was a bigger woman. The Doc was looking anywhere but the women. I walked up to the women with both hands hiding my dick like a child did.

"Let's have a barbecue and don't look at my pee pee." I took away my hands and naturally they looked. "Ahhh, I asked you not to look. Now where is the barbecue?"

Leslie smiled and told me where it was. Instead of going right to the grill I went to the Doc. "I had a lot of difficulty too Doc. I don't suppose it gets easier with age?"

He looked at me and said, "If anything it gets worse."

"I have an idea."

"What is it this time?"

I get everybody into the house and the horses come out and knock on the door. Our new guests come to our barbecue. They are on duty at their assigned post but more comfortable."

"I like that idea."

The Doc made a phone call and he nodded to me. I got the women into the house on the pretext of helping me then did the same thing to the girls. There were a whole closet full of bathing suits and I gathered them to fit the officers hiding. One happened to be a women considering that there were children involved.

When the doorbell rang I was the one to get it. They had seen me naked around the pool but it was different in the house. I said, "Hi, here is your suit. You remember about being in Rome?" They talked among themselves then I pointed out the rooms to change in. The Doc got his suit too but he didn't want to put it on. I said to him privately. "Don't worry. I pop a boner all the time. You have two and now three good excuses to do so."

"That is not professional Wally."

"Are the girls better off because I flashed my manly body?"

"I think so."

"Then the answer is elementary, Dr Watson. You must doff your suit and fit in."

Betts and Wendy were shocked to see strangers but I hugged them and whispered. "Try to be strong my sweets."

I found a lot of food in the freezer. The microwave was used to thaw food while the Doc made introductions. Mom now was worried about how much skin she was showing.

I went over to Leslie instead and said, "Mom has nice teats. She's now worried about showing them. Tell her that she's safe."

Mom said, "That is not a nice thing to say Wally."

"I think you're wrong. You are beautiful. You are showing a lot of skin but it is all yours. Betts gets her beauty from you and she is beautiful too. If you want to get really lucky tonight call your husband over. After we revive him you will have him following you around while he salivates. You know what he will think of your suit."

"He's my husband though."

"So. Call him over and both of you meet him at the door. I'll memorise the ambulance number or his tailor's first." It took a moment for Mom to catch on about the tailor and she blushed when she did. She also smiled. Dad and June were called and I mentioned about his now naked daughters so he would not get upset.

The police woman was uncomfortable in the small suit and I sicced Mom and Leslie onto her. This seemed to help. We had two types of salad, courtesy of the girls. Baked potatoes, chicken breasts, hotdogs and hamburgers were made. Dad was called on his cell to pick up buns on the way over.

The girls were back in the pool now and they didn't seem to mind being naked now. The cops didn't stare at them when there were three women to look at. When the doorbell rang, Mom and Leslie went to answer it with the police woman and her gun.

It took a long time for dad to come out and I was worried about him for the time taken. I didn't know if he was looking at flesh or listening to what to do.

Dad came out in his suit which happened to be the most conservative. June's clothing was good but covered too much. Betts and Wendy took her back into the house to change into a better swimming suit. She had a suit similar to Mom's and she was nervous as hell. She jumped into the pool quickly to hide her features but Betts and Wendy were there to reassure her.

Before we ate, Betts and Wendy went back inside and came out with very small bathing suits then the munchkins had to change and finally me. Pop relaxed more now and so did Mom.

Leslie was used to entertaining and did a good job of keeping us interested. Mom gave her departure time and the girls, apart from June disappeared. Mom looked seriously at me and I rolled my eyes like Betts again.

I said to Leslie, "Erin's birthday is soon. It's important that she has a party but one that is safe for her and her guests."

The Doc came to my defence and said, "Wally's right."

Leslie said, "There are not many people that will come here now."

The Doc mentioned, "There were other abused children. Perhaps their parents will allow them to come. While they are here we can talk out our problems. School can be one of the topics mentioned."

The emphasis shifted to how to help others. I think this helped Leslie deal with her own problems.

There were no screams this time and it looked like all five girls looked satisfied. I guessed that Erin had met her father's tongue a lot in her seven years.

At the doorway as we left, Wendy held me and gave me a passionate kiss. "Thanks Wally. I don't know I would have got through today without you and Betty."

"That is what friends are for."

"But I tried to trap you?"

"Were you forced?"


"Then you are forgiven. Again, we are friends."

Mom and Pop drove home in the cars that they brought. I went over to Gail and gave her back a worn out daughter and gave her a ten minute description of the problems we encountered and how we dealt with them.

"So you went naked into the pool with the cops and the psychiatrist watching?"


"You sure have balls young man."

"So do you lady."

Betts went over to Wendy's the next day to help get the party going or to munch or be munched. It was ok by me because I loved her.

I told the guys about what I had done and they were envious of seeing Wendy naked but not frightened to death. They knew that we had to stay away from official notice as a group still so they could not go to the party unless Betts could arrange dates.

The guys had done a lot on the spud gun. Basically it was a tube with a larger diameter portion at the back. Wires led into this area and it was hooked up the piezoelectric device found in barbecues and barbecue lighters. Propane was usually used but other gases could be used too. Some burnt hotter and thus had more force. We truly needed a cannon to propel the heavy hook and rope. This meant an all metal construction.

The net gave us a lot of high tech hooks that spread out to catch at anything available. The large eye on one hook gave me an idea.

"Guys, we use this hook. A light cord like the stuff used on parachutes goes through the hook and back to us. We fire this light device and if it catches we release one side of the cord and pull the heavier rope over. The weight is not more than three or four potatoes to start."

Nadac reminded me of physics and I had to then increase the size of the collapsable hook. If I were suspended in the centre of the span, then I would put a lot of tension on the rope and the hook.

Jerry came up with the idea of doing this as I said but then dropping the double length of rope to the ground. I could hold onto one end while the guys pulled me up to the roof. This would have me dangle in front of some windows but the openings were far apart.

More ideas were mentioned then altered but at the moment the idea of coming from across the street was best. Hours later we had our best approach and the spud gun needn't be that large.

Parachute cord was not that hard to get but any one of us would be remembered. We needed the hook and the mountaineering rope soon too.

Nadac told me that Caputo was gathering his money and shipping it out of Canada. We should be able to get some of it later but by then it would have been dispersed.

That afternoon I sneaked outside and waited near the back of the garage. The small ship I had rode in before was before me on the grass. I hurried over with my pack and got in. I felt a lot of acceleration because the small pod was too small to support a good compensating unit. Through Nadac, I had control of the ship to get some practice. This time I had gone into orbit to satisfy my own desires to do so.

Seventeen minutes later I was in Little Rock, Arkansas. An alleyway between two buildings was good enough for me. An outlet only thirty metres away, sold everything I needed. The store was huge. The hooks were checked for flaws in their structure with my special sight. They were not perfect but they were good enough. There was lots of parachute cord on another aisle and I put two large spools into my buggy. The back wall had ready built spud launchers for sale. They were heavy duty but I wanted it this way.

The business had the small snatch blocks that I could attach to an existing cord. A safety harness that should fit me. Heavy leather gloves with a metal hook to attach them to my harness were next. I got a pair for all of us and a few extras. A light weight chain fall plus two cable clamps that gripped wire or rope to draw it back with the hoist. They had to stay because I could only carry so much at a time.

I paid my bill and stashed the first load in the ship before going back for the spud launcher and the chain fall. It was a mistake. The chain fall was bulky and the light launcher was just big. I had difficulty with them to the alley. A group of kids walking my way seemed to be curious of what a kid was doing in an alley. I was in the ship and above their heads as they came to the corner and hurried down the alley.

An hour later the guys showed up at the garage with empty packs. They marvelled at what I had bought but it was all simple things that we had not had a chance to see before. We biked to the old factory with part of the supplies. We had measured the width of the street before the data centre, the thickness of the building and guessed at the building's height. A length of cord was cut and then wrapped up into a football shape that went into a cotton sack that we made.

The gun had to be supported and aimed. The sack was put in the barrel. Our projectile was too small. It then had to be rewound differently so that it fit with less clearance. Sam stood watch as we did all this work. We used the time and the degrees we turned the valve on the propane cylinder to compute the amount of fuel we injected. I pushed the button and the unit jumped in our hands. We could not hold the launcher in place. The gun made a lot of noise and we watched the sack fly off as it trailed the cord that came out of the sack.

After three firings Jerry took Sam's place and we worked to get the right distance. Seven firings later we tied a stone to the end of the rope and wound it up once more. This worked much better but we had to use more fuel now.

Chuck had taken Jerry's place and he gave the warning. We gathered our supplies and left the area. There were kids coming and they were all bigger than us. I did not want the gun seen or taken from us. An hour later we returned and continued our tests. This time we had one of the steel nuts from Jerry's father's collection of odds and ends. It was the same weight as the rock and had a convenient hole in it to tie too.

We did eight more firings before I was satisfied. The equipment was taken away and we went back to Jerry's and got three more nuts. I wanted four units ready so we did not have to rewind the cord when we were actually laying the rope.

We came back right away with the mountaineer's rope. This went over the branch of a tree and then over a brick wall. The store-bought harness had to have a lot of adjustments to fit me. The snatch block had a safety clip on the hook but it was not my idea of real safety. I climbed the tree with Jerry and he hooked up the snatch block to the rope and I pushed off with a hope and a prayer.

I went down as much as I went forward. I hit the ground hard and the guys came running. Chuck said. "What went wrong?"

"The rope is not tight enough."

Sam and Chuck rode their bikes to get more of our supplies. By then my knees had stopped bleeding. The rope was much more taut the second time and Sam caught me to slow me down well before the wall.

The next time I tried to climb the wall. I was in a trough when I was still tied off to the rope and it was difficult to climb especially the way I was still hanging under it. The other guys had turns too so I could judge this objectively instead of subjectively. There had to be improvements.

Betts came later to see how we were doing. She had been working on the party for me. I thought this gathering was an important event for a lot of people. Wendy was doing the work but Betts was the guiding hand. It was not so much one birthday party as it was a group therapy session.

We took our equipment home. I drew in my mind the two buildings and the rope. I didn't ask Nadac for help yet because he tried to get me to do this myself. This was like crying to a parent to get something I felt. The best method to get to the centre was to use more rope and tie it to the far edge of the roof somehow. I would like more altitude in the building we made our attempt from. This building was seven floors higher than the data centre. I didn't want to go too high because the hook may come off. It was when I looked at the front of the target building that I noticed the deep-set windows. Of course!

We stored the equipment and all got cleaned in the shower. Running around in a towel didn't bother us now. The guys had good clothes that Betts and Gail went to buy for us. It was casual clothes but real good casual clothes. I had suggested what presents I wanted to give Erin and again Betts had gone out to get them for us. Betts had also lined up dates for the guys. Other boys were coming to the party so we could hide in their number as long as we kept our distance from each other.

When it came time for the party, Betts was there ahead of us. When the other invited boys came she told us by phone and Sam went first with his date. She was a lot prettier than his last but more of an airhead. We knew because she was in our class.

Fifteen minutes later Jerry did the same thing. His girl was more studious and Betts hoped more supporting of Wendy and her group. Chuck was worried but tried to hold it in. When I reminded him of our last mission he calmed right down.

Twenty minutes after Chuck left. I walked alone to the house. Betts was waiting for me and she kissed me with a passion. Wendy greeted me the same way then pulled me further into the gaily decorated home. Only one cop was here but he was in civilian dress. He appeared to be a caterer.

The main room had younger children and a lot of parents. Betts gave me a rundown on how the party had segregated and developed. Most of the small fry were younger brothers and sisters of the people she invited or those that had been held captive.

I was led through this mob and down some steps before going outside. This is what the girls were saving for me. The kids here were all beautiful. Some were boys but most were girls. They had a haunted look about them. These I knew had been abused either in the filming or on the farm.

Wendy led me around like the last time I went to her party so I could be introduced. This time there was no Tony or his friends to contend with. The first person happened to be a guy my age. He was slim and had long hair like a girl. I shook Greg's hand and stayed to talk for a few minutes. It took more than a few minutes for him to thaw out. He claimed to like sports but didn't go into details like we would. I saw him eyeing other guys when he was not looking at me.

Greg and I moved on and Betts came over to introduce me to Penny. She and Greg knew each other. I used all my skills to be a friend. She checked out my equipment once in a while. I was not sure about her after meeting Greg. She could simply be seeing if she was turned me on.

Greg and I went on to find Terry. These two knew each other. There seemed to be some friction between the two.

The other guys were here and moving around too but not acknowledging each other. They looked good now and I thought almost polished. Jerry had found the beautiful hermaphrodite and had latched onto her along with is original date. His arms were around both waists on occasion. I knew for a fact that he knew what was under her skirt because he had looked a long time at her when we rescued them.

Chuck was accompanying some older girls that looked like they went to high school. He liked big teats anyway. They were laughing and he seemed to be part of the crowd. He appeared to be an old hand at going to parties but I knew that he went to few.

Sam was with Betts now and she was introducing him to Heather, the girl that seduced her at the previous party. I had thought that she only liked girls but I was far from an expert.

Greg said to me when we were alone, "Wally, I like you."

"Thanks Greg. You're a nice guy and I like you too."

"I heard that Betty is your girlfriend."

"She sure is. We do everything together. Some couples get into trouble doing things with others that hurt the relationship."

"What do you do?"

"Betts and I just started. I promised her parents to not do anything that could hurt her until the pills kick in."

"Really. Have you ever been with two girls?"

"A few times. A guy gets tired and my jaw and tongue hurt a lot."

"I've done that too. Its nice but there is something missing."

"I don't have that much experience yet to know. In the next few months I hope to get an education."

Greg got close to me and whispered, "I can teach you something nice."

I knew that this was coming and I put my hands on his shoulders. "I am not ready for that yet. I am working slowly. One step is taken at a time. One day, perhaps soon, I would like to learn."

"So you know about me?"

"You look at the guys more than the girls. I also know what you were forced into doing. Most of the people here were that way. I also know that blackmail, beatings, and coercion was used to get you guys to do things. I would have done the same thing you did. We are not strong when we are young." Greg looked like he did when I first arrived. I said, "I know that you were forced to do things. I do not want to do some things with you now. Does this mean we cannot be friends?"

"You still want to be my friend?"

"Are you a bad person, Greg?"

"I don't think so."

"Then we can be friends. I only warn you about Betts. She is smart and I know she will try to be a matchmaker."

"Girls don't interest me too much."

"Who said she is going to match you with a girl?"

He looked a little stunned and I put my arm on his shoulder and pulled him back to the party. A few moments later it was Greg that was introducing me to his friends and acquaintances.

We found Paul almost hiding. He was only ten. He was really cute and Greg whispered in my ear that Paul got fucked a lot in the movies. I felt sorry for the boy. He may have some sexual urges at his age but I think he was too young to choose his own destiny.

Paul was afraid of both of us. We sat beside him and I said quickly before he fled. "Paul, wait just a moment please." He stood but didn't leave. "My name is Wally Kiefer. My girlfriend and Wendy helped set up this party. The newspapers gave me a clue to what happened to Wendy. I came to see if I could help her. We heard about all the other people that were hurt. These people need help too. I am not going to have sex with you. I am not going to hurt you. I came over here with Greg to see if we could just talk."

"Why do you want to talk to me?"

"I'm a skinny guy. I was alone most of the time. I got beat up by bullies too. This happened a lot. I started fighting back but I still lost. After enough time I started to win once in a while. Less than a month ago three guys put me in the hospital."


"Yep, but I was happy."


"I beat the crap out of all three. Betts and her sister were being beat too and they fought to help me. That was the time when I learned that I had to fight all the time and fight as hard as I could. The bullies leave me alone now but I run into bigger bullies now. I still fight them.

"I'm too small."

"Paul, look at me. I'm bigger than you but I'm small too. They come near you and you pull back a fist and punch them in the nuts. You don't run either. You stay and beat the shit out of them. Only a fool will fight with you then."

"I can't fight."

"I don't know how to fight either but I try. Now are we friends or not? I am not going to have sex with you."

"You can be my friend then."

"Good, then as a friend I have to say we have to move around." I stood up and put out my hand. He looked at it for awhile then reached out and held it.

We left the group until I saw Erin. With my two new buds in hand we went over to visit. When she saw me she ran to me. I bent down and hugged the girl. I didn't know why she was so excited to see me but it made me feel good.

When I put her down I introduced her to the two boys. Greg put on a good act and tried to look pleased. Erin had to be asked but she introduced me to her friends but she had forgotten most of their names already. Patricia and Liza she knew very well.

I pulled the two munchkins over and said, "This handsome dude goes by the name Paul. He's my new friend. He is even a year older than you two. Will you show him the house?"

Patricia said, "Sure, I know it all by now." She grabbed Paul's hand in one of hers and Liza grabbed another and they raced away.

Greg said, "That was nicely done."

"Thanks. It helps the girls too. They need to have some friends more their age. Now let's go around and see who else's life we can meddle in."

Greg and I found a lot of wallflowers and brought them into the party. Some had to go into the pool to get acquainted. With this weather it was a good thing to do.

I saw Mom at the party helping Leslie usually. Mom was dressed in a lightweight cotton dress that you could almost see through. It was good for the heat but I had a feeling that Mom liked Leslie the way Betts and Wendy liked each other.

Rod Suffolk was at the party in loud shorts. It had to be so he could blend in with the rest. Greg and I walked up behind the guy and I said to Greg, "I wonder who in their right mind would wear shorts like that. See how the hair on his legs curls. Do you think that means he is a bit screwy?"

Rod turned quickly. I said, "I was right Greg. He's not in his right mind." I put out my hand and said, "Hi Doc. How's business?"

"Well if it isn't my apprentice. I should have you doing all the scut work I can find. You could wash my car or paint the house."

"Hey boss. Be easy on me today. I want you to meet Greg, my new friend."

"Hi Greg." The Doc turned to me and said, "Greg and I already met."

"Then you know that he is pretty smart."

"That he is. You guys having fun?"

When Greg didn't say anything I said, "We are hunting wallflowers. We pluck them from their beds and transplant them were the activity is. We have had some success already."

"Now that is a worthy job of an apprentice."

"Doc, can Greg be an apprentice too. We can work on people's problems."

"He could but he has to know what he is doing. Some people can be hurt if he does the wrong thing."

"I know just a bit. Will you give Greg some pointers and he can tell me later? I want to go swimming and I have to change. I can smell food too and I'm starving."

"Sure. Greg would make a good apprentice."

I hurried out because I needed to piss bad. I noticed in passing that the cabana was vacant but Wendy's bedroom had seven lovelies there sampling each other's wares. One of them was Betts and another was Heather.

Same as Space
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Double Trouble

An Uncle George: Adventures in the Philippines Story I’m a lucky guy in a lot of ways. It’s nice that after ten years of marriage my Filipina wife still is in love with me. That’s surprising, especially since I’m a lot older. I’m seventy, and she is in her thirties. For the first nine years, we fucked like bunnies, so my brain still imagines sexual stuff, but my body just doesn’t follow instructions and I can’t get it up any more. My wife owns a beauty salon in Manila. She just hired a new...

1 year ago
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Jacks Gift

Jack's Gift by Olivia Evans Stacey Johnson pushed the gaily wrapped gift across the plush carpeted floor to her husband Jack. "Go ahead, honey, open it," she said excitedly. Jack and Stacey were sitting cross legged on their living room floor. Behind them, in front of the picture window that over looked their neighbor's snow covered driveway was a large, gaily decorated Christmas tree. Stacey had already opened one of her gifts, an elegant floor length pale blue nightgown...

2 years ago
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A double creampie husband gets a messy treat

We had invited a couple friend for dinner. We had known each other for a few years. She and my wife used to work together. When his wife changed jobs, they still remained friends and we saw each other every month or so.It was a frisky October night, we we’re in our hot tub, in our secluded backyard. The women had had a few drinks and were feeling tipsy. The topic got around to sex. “Does your husband watch porn” my wife asked.He and I looked at each other. Neither of us liked where this was...

3 years ago
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Claudias ConditionChapter 12

Kim and Tracy followed Dan and Claudia to her apartment. Kim brought along her little pouch of toys they used to pleasure each other. The group hurried into her bedroom anxious to get the action started. Claudia went to the bathroom and returned kissing Dan. She slipped a Viagra from her mouth to his, he made some spit and swallowed it. “I know you won’t disappoint me.” “Dan, this is my Kim and my Tracy. I expect you to give them both the love and respect that you give me,” Claudia said,...

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I sat down on the couch as Samantha mixed a couple of Manhattans. I took a look around. Sam’s condo was furnished with cappuccino color carpeting. The walls were a light coco. Furniture cream. It was all contemporary design and went together beautifully. “Your place is amazing.” “Thanks…. I actually bought it for the view. I enjoy watching the people down in the streets and all of the traffic. It has a life of its own.”The condo had enormous glass pane windows that took up the entire length of...

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Home Alone 1

Home Alone By Susan Brown "IT WAS the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us?" A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens How do I start? I suppose the beginning is the best place. The...

4 years ago
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For Master

A big smile appeared the moment when I heard your car pull in the driveway. I looked in the mirror one last time; to make sure I looked perfect for you. I decided to wear a slutty cheerleader uniform. A very short skirt with no underwear and a tight shirt, showing very well that I did not have a bra. I hurried into the living room and kneeled on my knees."Cum Slut, where are you?""I'm in the living room, Master."You entered and my heart started beating very fast. Were you going to use me or...

1 year ago
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Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage Jennifer ronald Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Starting at a young age, I had always liked to dress up as a girl. Then, as time went on and I could no longer stand the pain, I began to go out. My first foray out of the house as a girl came when I was 14. Nervous and edgy, I managed to walk around the block and make it home without any complications. When my sister went to college, she left behind a lot of her older clothes, most of which fit me. Wearing these...

3 years ago
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Boytoy To A Muscular Hotty

Hey, people, this is Amit from New Delhi. I am back with another amazing adventure I had with a wonderful lady from my Gym. But before that, I would like to thank the readers of Indian sex story for the heartwarming response to my previous sex story. My inbox was flooded with emails and I am still responding to many of them. If there are any ladies out there who are with guys who are crazy enough not to appreciate them, feel free to contact me at Your privacy is guaranteed and your pleasure is...

2 years ago
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Sex with apartment host on vacation

This happened few yeas ago, it was a hot summer and I needed break from everything that was going on in my life at that time. I didn't have much money cause I was still a teenager and didn't have a job, so I bought a bus ticket for a small town in my Country called Ohrid. The place is beautiful, it's cheap and the lake is really nice.When I arrived at the buss station in Ohrid, there were many people offering a place for staying at the exit of the station.There was one lady, around 45. She was...

4 years ago
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Padosh Ka Pyaar Akhir Mil He Gaya

Dosto mera naam yogesh h m dilli ka rhne vala hu meri umar 30 saal h..Meri abi tak shadi nhi hui h..Pr m bachpan se he sex krne k piche pagal hu.Mere ghar mai m akela mere maa baap k sath rhta hu..Meri hyt 5.5 inch h Nw sidhe kahani pr aata hu jo ek sachi khani h mere sath 2 month phale hui.Mere padosh mai manju naam ki ladki rhti h jisko m bachpan se janta hu uski umar karib 27 saal h,aur uski hyt 5’7 inch h aur fig 36,30,42 hoga.Uski shadi ho gyi thi 3 saal phale..Ve 3 bhai bhen h.. M kyi...

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Amy 25 Shut Up and Eat

Amy 25: Shut Up and Eat! Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Apple Letting go of someone can be really hard, especially if that person remains a friend. Like with Gina. She had been my first like-like as a girl. But then I decided I had to get on with my life. At that point,...

1 year ago
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Ek Bhut Hi Conservative Pariwar Ki Asliyat

Sandhy hello mai sanjay hu meri age abhi 32 hai meri sadi ko 10saal ho chukai hai meri family mai mere papa 52 mommy 49 aur wife 28 ki hai mai sabsai phele yai bata du ki merai mommy aur papa aaj tak mere sai jayada Baat nahi kiya jarurat honai pai hi kartai thai mommy din bhar pooja path aur papa apnai business mai lagai rahtai thai 22 saal kai umar mai meri sadi hui bhut sexy wife bhi mili aur jiwan bhut masti mai gujar raha tha high society mai rahna kahana masti karna bas abb mai apko bata...

4 years ago
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Sexy Masseur Maid Got Wet In The Rain

Hi everyone. Ronak here from Ahmedabad. I am back with the concluding part of my story. Those who have not read the first part will not miss much. But reading it will definitely increase the excitement! So after that first massage, it became a regular affair between me and our maid Tara. Every month twice or thrice I will get a massage from her. She was also happy doing it as it gave her an opportunity to make that extra money. Many times I would just be in my boxer. She would also massage my...

2 years ago
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Barbra become Wendy

Barbra becomes Wendyby BrilligA work of fiction. Get a grip folks, none of this happened. But boy, do I wish it did. Warning, contains sexually explicit material, etc. Starts out very slow. Not for everyone. If you want real hardcore, look elsewhere. This is more psychological.====================================I'm into my late 50's now. All of this happened several decades ago when I was in my late 40's. Call it my last fling.I met Barbra in a neo-biker bar. I mean, it was a kind of edgy...

1 year ago
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A Just RewardChapter 13

It was a fortnight before Helen had a team to replace those to be arrested. First of all she had to brief the Head of Social Services. Ernest Leeming, the principal of the home, reported directly to him and Helen normally had no dealings with the place. To say that the Head was shocked would be a minor statement. He was horrified, appalled and guilt-stricken that he had noticed nothing amiss. "Ernest always appeared a nice chap, totally committed to the welfare of the children and to be...

2 years ago
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A chance at a new sex life Part 10

I awake the next morning with empty arms and a lonely bed. I look around and search for Stacey but my sister is nowhere to be seen. She must have left earlier this morning or during the night. It was probably for the best but would have been nice to wake up with her in my arms. Sometime later that morning my mom comes into the room carrying some breakfast.“Morning sweetie, how are you feeling?”“A lot better mom thanks!”“I’m glad.” Here I made you some breakfast and brought your next dose of...

3 years ago
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Come for the Fag

It had been way too long since I had some nice hot come in my faggot mouth and I was determined to get some yesterday.Headed out to the Happy Time Book store. I have sucked dozens of cocks at this place and been fucked in my tight asshole so many times I lost track. When I got there, the parking lot had about six cars. Not bad for a midweek afternoon. I went in, handed the clerk a 20 and got a 5 dollar script.After checking out the videos on the wall entrance I headed to the booths to check...

3 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 45

In the early evening of Valentine's day, Sid had hustled Anne out of the door of Boundless Waves. Stan had rung him to make arrangements earlier. Downstairs, in the vestibule of the building, she was surprised to find Denise and Stan waiting for her. Stan, Anne and Denise all went in to Covent Garden, and had dinner at 'Trotters' cafe in Covent Garden. They didn't make a huge thing of it as Anne would have to be back in work the next morning, but a loving, relaxed meal was enjoyed by all...

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The beginning a relationship for a slut

[email protected] went through a period in my life that I went completely cock-crazy. I don’t know if it was a change in hormones or what but I just started acting like a slut! I tried a bunch of different things that I wouldn’t have even thought of before but the underlying thing was I wanted cock…I wanted fucked…I wanted to suck…I was acting like a damned slut!One of the things I started to do was dress and act differently (pretty gay), made myself able willing and available to almost...

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NubileFilms Suzy Rainbow Tiffany Tatum Just The Two Of Us

Tiffany Tatum and Suzy Rainbow are dressed for fun in their respective lingerie bra and thong getups. Suzy waits for Tiffany in bed. After a lingering look from across the room, Tiffany capitulates and joins Suzy where they begin their lesbian lovemaking with a deep kiss. Cuddling close and caressing one another, they let things get nice and heated before Tiffany ups the ante. Slipping one hand low to caress Suzy’s hot twat, Tiffany uses her mouth to tug Suzy’s bra down. Her...

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He just lay there and took it

He just lay there and took it!This story relates to a video posted on this site: guess which one!The day was warm when he came back to his lodgings at midday, having worked a long night shift at the factory. Mrs Smith, his landlady, was eating a light lunch. She a handsome well-built woman in her mid forties.. “I am going horse riding this afternoon. I won’t be back till seven, so won’t be cooking a meal tonight. Would you like me to make you some sandwiches and a cup of tea before I go...

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Hung from the Barns Rafters

He was my newest consenting slave. I found him yesterday at work and invited him into my lair for some heavy bondage. After he followed me home, he agreed to let me tie him upon the workbench where he could stew all night in the dark. Now, this new morning, I was ready to make him suffer even more. He was going to like it. I was sure of that. His six-foot-four lanky twenty-five year old naked frame stretched out nicely on the wooden table where I tied him. The leather cuffs I was going to...

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Sex In Car

Sorry for not posting in a while. A lot of stuff has been happening. But since my last post. This has probably been my favorite moment since. So here you goMe and My Fuck buddy were out together one day. We were trying to get our hands on some alcohol. Now her BF was on a business trip for a few days, and this was roughly day 2 of his trip when she wanted to do some fun. How her BF hasn't found out about me and her fucking around behind his back is beyond me. But anyway. We were in her car when...

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Rhapsody SuiteTwentyone

THE MORNING WAS CASUAL and no one other than Kate seemed eager to get dressed. The party wasn’t over. I was a little worried because I’d thought of a few things I still wanted to pull together for my portfolio and I was counting on some time today to do it. Lissa put three frozen quiches in the oven and tasked me with frying up a couple dozen chicken breakfast sausages. She pulled a big tray of fruit out of the refrigerator and put it on the counter. No one made a move toward the dining room...

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Raj Uncle Plays Daddy And Fucks My Pussy

Hi everyone, Neha here! Here’s a continuation of my previous story. As a recap, I move with my family friend, Raj Uncle, due to my college closing campus in light of the lockdown. Apart from playful flirts, things become seriously raunchy when I walk in on Raj Uncle peeing, as he left the bathroom door unlocked. That night, to ease the tension, we watch a movie together. However, we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves. For the first time, I get touched by a man, and he makes me orgasm. Raj...

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How I Became A Lodge Randi

Hi guys this is sham alias shama 26 yrs gay bottom and a cross dresser. Love to please my man as horny housewife or his girlfriend in bed. Talking about me, I have sexy female figure with curvy waist, huge 34D melons natural and round juicy ass and cute small 3”cock.I like to dress up in saris and western clothes ISS is my favorite sex story site.I like share my half real and half fantasy story. Hope I give you guys a boner. So here it begins, this incident happened when I was studying in...

Gay Male
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Lisas Birthday night

One Friday evening shortly after Lisa's birthday her mother and dad were sitting in the living room after she went to her room to watch TV. When Lisa left the room her dad, Chuck put one of his adult movies in the VCR and began to watch it with Debbie, his wife. He began to get horny watching the sexual action on the screen, and started to play around with his wife, Debbie. Although she usually got very turned on by his caresses, tonight she wasn't feeling very well. She asked him to stop, and...

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The Lush Massage

We messaged each other a few weeks ago and began talking on a site containing erotic stories and pictures. In the conversations, we discovered that we lived close to one another, although we were both discrete enough not to reveal many details. We entered the normal exchange of messages, erotic pictures back and forth, and had discussions about sexual likes and dislikes. We shared some incredibly hot teasing.She had red curly hair, blue eyes, 5’5”, and one hundred and twenty pounds. On her...

Straight Sex
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The disaapearance of Julian Ross

The disappearance of Julian Ross by Elaine © 2019 Chapter 1 - Out of work Julian ran across the road splashing through the puddles towards the front door of his lodgings. He was soaking wet after trudging through the streets of London all morning looking for work. He was an out of work actor who specialised in drag acts but it seemed that there was no demand or fashion for men acting as women on the stage. That being so he'd decided to try and get a normal job. He'd do...

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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 6

Wednesday afternoon, Susan knocked on the door of Alison’s house. Alison had invited her over to use the pool, and she had accepted the offer. Unable to decide which swimsuit to bring, she had brought the bikini and the one piece, both. She couldn’t believe that Alison’s parents would actually let their daughter wear that daring little string. Alison answered the door wearing a robe. Seeing Susan, she smiled and said, “You’re just in time. We were getting ready to go out by the pool.” Susan...

4 years ago
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One Stormy Night

Thunder crashed, waking with a start I sat up. "God Dam it," I cursed. Mad because my dream had been interrupted. I hated waking up in the middle of a good dream. Of course I couldn't remember the ones I didn't wake up during, so what was the difference? Stretching my legs over the edge of the bed, I got out to go to the bathroom. Looking down I smiled, knowing it was going to be interesting taking a leek while sporting the wood that had grown from my crotch. As I leaned over the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 467 Barcelona

Time to move on. The flight to Barcelona took longer than expected due to bad weather and air traffic delays. We still made it to the hotel in time to get lunch and change into lighter-weight clothes than we had in Belgium. “Can we go see a bullfight,” one of the kids asked. In Basque, one of the staff came over to say, “I’m sorry, but Barcelona banned bullfighting back in twenty-ten. Even when the ruling was overturned, we didn’t resume the practice. There is a lot more to see in Spain...

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Ben had been nursing on Julie's huge milk filed tit for over twenty minutes. She then turned his head to move to the other big globe. She loved nursing him as much as he loved sucking the milk from her huge tit. He found a hormone that made her produce milk and her 32 D tit was now 34 GG. He liked her naked so he could see her huge mounds and nurse any time he wanted. He also liked when she squirted milk over his dick and licked it off. Her nipples were also getting longer from being sucked on...

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BackroomCastingCouch Sami 02012021

25 year old Sami is quite the little firecracker. If she’s 5 foot tall then she’s standing on a phone book, and if she’s standing on a phone book, she’s damn near falling over with those GIGANTIC DD tits hanging off her chest. If you look up bubbly in the dictionary, it’s just a picture of this chick. Needless to say we’re gonna have a blast with this one. Sami works in a nurse’s office, but what she truly wants is fame and fortune. She found my...

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My wife took his virginity

My wife took his virginity. I have written here and elsewhere, about the fact that my wife likes exposing herself to me, and occasionally to others. This took place one night, which started off as a normal Saturday night in a pub, in the town where we lived at the time, which was within easy walking distance of our home. The pub we were in was one of a well known chain of Irish pubs. We always liked the atmosphere there, and used it quite frequently. This evening was the same as usual, until a...

Wife Lovers
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Hard Times OklahomaPrologue

Summer 1926 Depossessed A carelessly discarded still lit cigarette set the barn on fire. John and Ida Harper were up in the haymow when the billowing black smoke poured up through the old, half rotted flooring. Flames shot up through the cracks in the floor. Suddenly the stunned pair plunged through the burning floor into the roaring hell ten feet below. Nothing was left to be found of either body. Even their bones were consumed in the awful heat. Ida Marie Harper stared with horrified...

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MAMI, THE HOUSE WIFE 1 (PART 1) I come from a small town in Tamilnadu. I belong to an orthodox Brahmin family of temple priests. My parents were married at a very early age as it was the custom in the Brahmin families then. My mother was just 16 at her marriage and my father was 28 leaving a difference of 12 years between them. Don’t guess that this is another mother fucking story. No it is not ! atleast for now. I grew up in an atmosphere of pujas, slokas, and serious studies as all Brahmin...

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the phone call

Meet me in twenty minutes,down by the canal at the back of the church, she gasped own the the phone i need tosee you she said in that husky voice brrrrrr the dial tone interrpted my thought's,i'd better hurry the other side of town is a good twenty walk I grab a jacket it had been a beautiful warm day for early spring but the sun- set in an hour's time would bring on a chill. As i hurried across town to the rendevous,my thoughts flashed back to phone call,a strange place down by the...

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It started out innocently enough. But I guess they all do. I work in computer tech support for a major research university. As part of my job, I deal with a lot of graduate students. These kids are in their early to mid-twenties, some eight to ten years younger than me. But I'm close enough in age to them that we get along, go out for beers after work sometimes, etc. I'm friendly enough with all of them, maybe a little friendlier to the cute females. But hey, I'm a committed girl-watcher;...

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One sunny afternoon Part 2

It happened one sunny afternoon part two: Jackie does George Some weeks past and one day Tom said. No sign of my extra lady then? No, unfortunately we just have not had the right shifts lately, but it will happen, I promise She said. Tom grunted and thought for a while before saying. You could let me bring a friend while your shift patterns merge. Why you got someone in mind? She said. Maybe replied Tom, remember the rules, secrecy until happy with the liaison. Yes your right said Jackie, just...

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KT LLCChapter 6 Arriving at Gate 216

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: After the meeting that launched the real estate group, Mom and Dad drove to Newark to pick up aunt Jo. On the face of it, they were worlds apart. Mom is artistic and athletic. Aunt Jo is an ivory tower bookworm. Middle class vs. old money. High school education vs. PhD from Yale. Skirts vs. slacks. Tea vs. coffee. They do not even like the same music. Naturally, they became inseparable. First they had to bring a gaggle of college kids home from the...

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She paid me her gratitude

Hi friends.. I hv read many stories about guys fucking ladies in moving train buses, trains etc but cd not ever believe them . I have fair amount of sex encounter in my life but wooing and fucking a new lady in train never seemed to be practical .. however I always admired this thought because of the sense of adventure involved in it. I ,like anyone else have enjoyed touching pressing ladies in the trains , buses , markets full of rush or where ever I got a chance… and the risk involved in this...

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LTD Malissas Academy 38

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 38 Slingshot had been at Tank Electronics getting upgrades to her systems in preparation for the trip to Earth. Sitting on the command deck with Momma, Daddy and Edith, I was getting ready to wish them a safe journey home when the transmission came in from Iridani Traffic Control. "Iridani Police, please be advised, there is a large IGP Convoy Inbound. Please insure that the freeway is clear so that they can reach Tank Electronics without delay," said...

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Rangin Din Mere Hone Wale Devar K Sath

Kolkata ki rahne wali hu mere ek boyfriend v hai aur hamara rishta 3 saal se hai aur humlog shadi v karenge isi saal yunki main is forum me nayi hu to main utna expert nahi story writing me bas apna yaadgar din aaplog k sath share karne k liye yea story likh rahi hu aur main bengali hu to agar koi spelling bhool ho to maaf kar dena aaplog. Ab main apne bare main batati hu main 22 saal ki jawan ladki hu.mere height 5’5″ hai aur rang medium hai.Aur figure hai 36-32-36 to aap log samajh hi rahe ho...

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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 24

The next day when they woke up, everyone was satisfied. The girls cooked breakfast for the men. Tyrone drove Tricia and Elaine home while Dazhawn drove Latoya home. Latoya packed away some regular non-sexy girl clothes and then thought that she should pack away her old Catholic middle schoolgirl clothes. “Why are you packing those schoolgirl clothes?” “I think that some of the Daddies might think that it would be sexy to fuck a Catholic schoolgirl. My friends and I used to wear those...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Cumslut Chapter 4

“Oh, that’s a good little slut, take all of Daddy’s cock down your throat,” he grunted as he thrust his cock forward till his balls rested on my chin. He pulled out of my mouth and slapped my cheeks with his wet cock before pulling my head down and feeding his balls into my mouth for me to lick and suck on them. He ran his hand down to probe my pussy which was slick and aching with need. “Good girl, all wet for Daddy. What a good little cock slut you are. Now bend over the bed” “Yes...

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Bad Girl

Sara: It's early morning; the sun is just starting to brighten the bedroom as I crawl, nude, into bed with you. You feel my body heat and my breath, smelling of alcohol and sex on your neck as my hand slides over your belly to your hard cock. It's often hard. I went out last night with friends and you noticed that I'd was dressed to impress. You had that feeling in the pit of your stomach that I would have an adventure to share with you when I returned home. And I do! You moan as I straddle...

Wife Lovers
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In Nockton Vale Man Wanted Chapter Five

Chapter Five Workman 1 The oddest thing was that when I woke up there was no "bloody hell" moment. I didn't jerk upright, gaping down at my manly body in incredulity, instantly regretting what had happened, asking myself how I could have let it happen in the first place. I just opened my eyes and smiled contentedly and stretched. It didn't even occur to me there was anything funny about my situation at first. When it did I just thought to myself, oh, I'm still a man. I didn't...

1 year ago
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The AdvertChapter 2

Surprise, Surprise This story stands on it’s own, but is the second installment of The Advert. I had just sat down in a local restaurant after receiving another email response to an advertisement I had placed on an adult web site. The adult website was a lot like face book, but adult themed. I had put on my profile that I was looking for playmates, friends with benefits or a long term relationship. I tried making friends but after months I was getting tired of trying to be polite. The...

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CyborgChapter 4

Eric woke with a gasp. Another dream of his past. This one was about an assassination he had been instrumental in accomplishing. This was the fifth such dream, counting the dream he'd had while waking from 'cold sleep'. As before, there was some discrepancy with the dream. He had a sudden suspicion. "Battle Comp. Process PD. Execute," he sub vocalized. "Acknowledged," he heard from his implant which allowed him to, 'hear', his built in computer, as well as receive signals from his...

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