Divided at Division OneChapter 32
- 4 years ago
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Mommy, are you going to be here when I get home?" Declan asked as his mother finished double tying his sneakers and gave him final behavior orders.
"Of course. Even if Coach Jared has to do any football stuff, I'll be sure he's back here too." She assured him.
Jared stood back and watched Meg the Mom and was pleased she had become so adept with the boy, reminding him of his own Mom when he was small.
MJ, who was there to pick up her "date" leaned to whisper in Meaghan's ear as Declan pulled her impatiently towards the door, "Have fun, I could use a sex day as bad as you".
"You behave or there will be no TV or Nintendo later, remember MJ is the boss, OK?" She said as they went out the door.
Meg couldn't help but laugh as Declan turned and nodded with a knowing smile. She knew he had the "only child" syndrome of growing up emotionally faster than multi-sibling kids. It was mostly from being in the company of adults and being subject to more adult behavioral situations. Matt and Meaghan didn't talk to him like a child and he wasn't exiled from the room when conversations took place. Jared had seen an example of this when they ate lunch the previous day at an upscale eatery in the Sears Tower. When the waitress gave the boy a children's menu he handed it back to her and told her he could get a hot dog, hamburger or chicken finger anywhere, and could he see the fancy food menu as well. He told his Mom he wanted French Onion Soup and pointed to a word he couldn't say but the description seemed like what he might like. He was reading at a 2nd or 3rd grade level and wanted Chicken Maisonette, basically chicken with spaetzle in a light sauce. "It sounds like something Grandma made for me with squiggly noodles." When Jared looked at him, semi-astonished, and Declan told him that "spitzels are homemade noodles". The Coach swallowed a big laugh to let the boy have his day in the sun.
Once the door latch clicked shut Meg turned to Jared and smiled.
"Let's go get in the shower!"
"Well, why don't we sit on the sofa and talk for a few minutes first. We'll give them a chance to get away without coming back for something they forgot. Besides we can finally just talk in private without any clocks to compete with." Jared said as he moved toward the sofa taking her hand.
He sat and laid back as she slid in along side him, resting head in the crook of his arm. They each took deep breaths before Jared spoke.
"So what do you think of the two of us? Do you think we have any issues?"
"Would you think I had rose colored glasses if I told you that it seems like all the years in between your leaving for school and this week have disappeared? Back then I couldn't imagine life without you and I'm already at that point. I know everyone changes, but I just can't imagine we've been apart for all these years. I keep waiting for a moment, an instance where I'll say, "THERE, the bubble burst and THAT'S why this can't work.", but I just can't fathom it. Are we blind to something?" She mused out loud staring off into nowhere.
"I'm caught in the same little vacuum. Barbie seems like another life. It's like 10 years obliterated and it's like we just turned our heads away to look over our shoulder. I can't help but think the same thing, ARE WE MISSING SOMETHING?" He asked amused she had the same thought line.
Meaghan turned her body over and hugged her arms around him and rested her head on his chest as she began to tear up.
"I want to be afraid and run away from the feeling it's so strong, but I can't run away without you to hold me. It's so weird. What did we do all those years ago to be so stupid?" She said, her voice cracking.
"Too young to understand? I don't know. But, I agree, the feeling is strong, almost weird..." He concurred.
"If I didn't have my little Declan I would have come looking for you years ago. That's how long I've known. Don't let that scare you." She said as she absently ran her hand down over his stomach to the front of his pants.
"It scares me that I was so happy at one time with Barbie and then we drifted apart. I always blamed her, maybe it was me searching for you, like ... subconsciously." He said before becoming aware of her hand.
"I'm searching for you now. Don't think I'm bad, I just want and need you so much. Matt and I had a wild sex life with me trying to keep him happy and me trying to deny I still wanted and needed you. Divorce was shame and I didn't want that. I hate to admit this, but if you hadn't ended up in the sports news on the day you did, I would have screwed a total stranger that afternoon. A woman alone at a cocktail bar at lunch hour draws a lot of attention from dirtball businessmen." She said resting her head on his chest as she turned doe eyed looking at him while her hand played.
"You don't need to tell me this, save yourself from..."
"No, I want you to know the truth, where I was. I was meeting a guy there the second day. I felt his cock through his pants right at the bar the day before. I had a hotel key with me with every intention of being his whore. Your face came up on the TV screen in the ESPN story as if to tell me DON'T DO THIS! I didn't hear the story attached to the shot of your face. I was suddenly so overridden with guilt... " She said stopping in mid-sentence hoping her point was made.
"You thought fate stepped in? Maybe it did, but let's not mull over it now. Let's move on from the stupid decisions we made as kids." Jared reasoned.
Meaghan half smiled as tears welled up in her eyes and Jared thought she was going to bring herself to his shoulder for a hug and comfort but she sat up a bit and turned to unzip his pants.
"This is my constant fantasy of you, to please you with my mouth, to suck you and taste you. It was my idea the first time and I've never done it with anyone without thinking of you, wishing it was you. Since the day you left for college I don't think more than a few days passed where I didn't wish I had you here to please like this and show you how much I loved you." She said as she fished her hand through his zipper and into the pocket of his briefs and pulled his penis through.
She held it like a prize before taking the head in her mouth and lolling her tongue around it and then looking back at him.
"You please and fulfill me greatly with your mouth and how you worship MY sex, you make me the absolutely crazy when you make love to me, fuck me and make our bodies one, but this is my special way of making love to you. It makes me tingle inside without touching myself." She said as she dropped her head over him and fed herself moving more and more of him into her mouth with each nod of her head on him.
"Oh God, I want to stop you and fuck you right here, but it feels so good. Let's get in the shower and do what you planned before we sat down." Jared said, sorry to have her stop, but wanting to pace their day better.
She popped her head up from her sucking and smiled at him. "What I had planned was to be a very naughty girl, but I'm rethinking things. I was going to take your last bit of innocence, fulfill YOUR fantasy, give you my ass you adore so much, but I just got another idea."
"and THAT is???"
"Since I want you so much that way, and you want me so much that way, why don't we save that for a special time, a marker in our relationship?" She said testing a trial balloon.
"What do you have in mind?" He said smiling, biting at her tease.
"When I sleep in your bed in Vermont. When I go back home to be with you." She said hopefully.
"Do you really think you can ever take Declan away from his father? You know I would want you two out there, but no matter what a rat he was, or how you feel about him now, Declan needs his father." Jared insisted, no matter how much it hurt him to say.
"I know, I know." Meaghan said falling off to the side of Jared holding her head as if she had been beaten.
"Don't feel that way Meg. The only thing that would have changed all of this would be if you never had Declan. Think how empty your life would be, think of the joy you would have missed. Don't try to back over that, let's look forward. We can still be us. I can spend part of every week here during the season and be here for a good part of the rest of the year. I've really thought a lot of it out." He said to comfort her.
"I would be lost forever without my little boy. Even the horseshit his father has put me through is worth having him. I want to have your baby too, so you can see." She said breaking down crying.
Jared spent the next hour of the morning calming and soothing Meaghan's fears and feelings over her want for a new life with him. He assured her that they could be together often with him at N.E.A.T., especially in the off season and during school breaks. Whether it was her and Declan traveling to him or he traveling to her, they could be together. He reasoned that if they wanted to be with each other it was the only way and they could do everything possible to make the life "normal" for Declan.
Although it took a good part of the morning the couple finally got back into the mood to be in the shower together and make the day theirs once again. Whatever words he used finally soothed her and made her look at their relationship from his vantage point. As he talked she vacantly listened, his cock still in her hand long after it's blood filled excitement had waned. Once she was convinced that all could be fine she let him go and wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss and dry her tears.
"Why don't we go and take that shower together and finish everything we started out here?" He suggested with a devious smile.
She needed no coaxing as she stood and extended her hand to him and they went off together. After a long shower that drained the hot water he sat her on the counter to kiss and dry her until she laid to her side and took him into her mouth to continue the adoration she started on the sofa earlier. He ended up bending to use his mouth on her freshly washed sex. They never made it from the bathroom before they each had oral orgasms that started an afternoon of making love and adoring each others bodies.
By the time he walked onto the O'Hare tarmac to board the AirExecutive Share Jet on Saturday afternoon he was satisfied both sexually and in the fact he had made the right decision to come there are pursue his rekindled romance. He was also quite happy to have made a great impression on little Declan who hated to see him leave.
Getting on the small jet he noticed some of the same faces he flew with a few days earlier, most notably the artist, Paul Haley Bickford, whom was also going back to White River. Jared had seen a piece on local Chicago TV on Saturday morning about him and a piece of art he was creating for a local museum show. The jet was not full so it meant the trip would cost him a tad more than the flight in, but the convenience was more than worth it. Once the 8 passengers had exchanged names and pleasantries Jared nodded off as he had flying in only to be awakened by descent in to Vermont's long lonely strip in White River Junction. Once on the ground he was surprised to see three others getting off and 4 more ready to board onto to Boston or other points. He supposed the proximity to Dartmouth College and the local artist community housed at the Tip Top kept the little strip busy with private jets and planes.
The cool Vermont air in the early evening sun made the drive back to New England Ag and Tech a pleasant one. He pined for Meaghan already and spoke to her once after she had dropped Declan off with his father after seeing Jared off at the airport. He ignored the message light blinking on his phone at home opting to do his exercise routine, shower and retire early for the evening. He felt assured that anyone who had anything important for him had his cell number. The phone could wait. A goodnight call to Meg was all he needed to supply dream fodder for his tired body. Although somewhat matured, she still had the body of a cheerleader and the passion of their high school prom night. Although the last two women he had were of the type you created fantasies from; Barbie the sleek dark haired mystery woman and Ann the full figured buxom Playboy type, Meg was the girl you saw in the bathing suit ad, and the summer drive-in flick who just drove you crazy as she showed off her body. Luckily for Jared, she wanted to give it all to him.
Coach Ruffin took his team to his field and brought them to the training equipment, dummies and sleds and asked who might not be familiar with them. No one raised their hands but Coach went through the basics of each and said they would get to the "rough stuff" the following day. "Today is a day to get stretched out, have a little light contact and motivate some competitiveness. In a little while we're going to go over and meet the offense for a little touch scrimmage. I don't need any...
There were six NorthEast 10 teams playing scrimmages against out of conference teams that weekend. For many of them it was a chance to go and see a big named team play the local college and maybe see some of the names that lit up college highlight films. With the exception of the NEAT game, most drew little attention. Coach Winslow had no intention of doing a press conference after the game, since it was a scrimmage, but Ann Comeche, his SID insisted that too many outlets requested time for...
Jared couldn't wait to get home and shower after his little workout with Marv Hudson. It was invigorating to get out and run a bit, catch a ball and fill his lungs with the rich country air. He would work himself into better shape as practice began in earnest but he anticipated being a bit sore the following day. While in the shower he heard the phone ring and cursed the probability. Once out and dried off he went to the blinking machine and pressed the play button. "Good afternoon Coach,...
"Jared ... Jarrrrrrrrrrrred ... coffee is ready. Get up or they'll start the game without youuuuuuuuu!" Meaghan sing-songed in his ear. Jared Winslow suddenly bolted up. "What time is it!" "It's 8:30 baby. I'm surprised you weren't up at six, pacing the floor." Meaghan responded. "Oh yeah, I want to be at the stadium by 9:30. I can't believe I slept so late, I... " He responded groggily. Meaghan pushed him back into the pillow and straddled him over the blanket, dressed in...
"WHAT IN HELL IS THIS HORSESHIT?" Barbara Gaynes wailed as she threw the front-page headline onto the bed where Jared lie, he just thinking about getting up. "Aw FUCK, they leaked it. It wasn't supposed to be this way." Jared said looking at the splash of black ink in the front page. "WINNIE WINSLOW GOES TO N.E.A.T." "Ummm DUH! You're moving 125 miles away from the woman you promised to marry 6 years ago and lived with for the past 9. Don't you think I should have a little say?"...
His first Sunday in his new home saw him sleep until 11 a.m. waking well rested and ready to take on his new position. He hadn't slept past 7 or 8 o'clock in 10 or more years. Had financial security and guiltless sex eased all of his tensions and allowed him to relax? He made coffee and turned on his computer to find 13 emails in his inbox. Eleven were from campus well-wishers he met the day before and two were from Barbie, which he opened last. Jared: I found a lot of your things you...
It was July 26th and Jared Winslow's Press Release announcing the practice schedule was ready for release on August 1st for the Sunday papers and sports sections throughout Vermont and New England. It was being prepared to mail to all invited team members and recruits as well as any walk-ons who had made themselves known. It would otherwise be posted at the Coaches Hall. As he had "promised" on his visits with players a few weeks earlier, it would be grueling and would prove just how much...
Jared Winslow did his best to hide his excitement over Meaghan and Declan coming to live with him as a run up to a marriage that somehow was inevitable all their lives. So many things in their lives changed the fate they stumbled through, but a chance trip to Chicago to interview Boge Hollins put his face on a TV screen that happened to catch Meaghan's eye. That set forth the chain of events that led to this twist of two peoples fates. Besides making his personal life complete, the biggest...
When the coaches talked with the players about the strength and weaknesses of their upcoming opponent they also stressed another point; Maine State College was doing the same thing with their team. Jordy Alford had his offense taking a breather at one end of the field, sitting on their helmets listening intently at Wednesday's practice. "Right now a team is preparing to play us, ... beat us, ... and do you know what THEIR coaches are telling them?" He asked as he raised his left hand and...
For some, it would be the biggest victory of their life. For others, it would be just a primer of what was coming in their sports careers. Anyone who was a part of THIS team had special memories of what they did, together. Even the special teamer who saw but 5 or 6 minutes of action all year would someday be walking through the Wal-Mart, standing in church, or even changing a diaper for their son or daughter, and the memory of the special feeling to be part of what they did might come...
Jared pared down the list of 12 questions to 5 and submitted them to the site producer as he went into locker room. The list was: 1. of Boge Hollins, Do you think there is a level of Division 1 where this team might embarrass itself? 2. of Brian Faraday, Leading the nation in scoring, does that make going to this bowl game more pressure packed for you, knowing you have to come up big for the team to win? 3. of Oksana Cushman, This team depended on you to leave your defense in good field...
Jared Winslows Saturday morning wake-up call was for 6 a.m. That gave him plenty of time to get up and get his pre-game prep done over coffee and then go down to meet the bus and then the team for the ride to "The Trop". Friday's practice, work-out and subsequent video and blackboard session left he and the team confident that they knew how to compete with and beat Florida International. The only thing he worried about, and he spent the last 30 minutes of their session talking about it,...
When he got back to his residence after the soccer game and meeting with Faraday the phone was ringing as he walked in. It was Joe Barber. "Belle tells me you were at the soccer game and had an incident with Derek." Joe said sounding miffed. "Not exactly. He began to go off on me about stealing players and I set him straight as to my intentions and he was quite OK with it. I met with Brian Faraday and he had done as I told him, to inform his coach that he was speaking to me. Everything...
Jared had managed to inspire both himself and the three coaches that made up the root of his staff. He already knew they were capable, now he knew they were going to execute as well. He saw three hungry, but frustrated coaches who thought that a former NFL coach would come in and fire up a program. Instead they saw the shadow of a legend on cruise-control who hoped to catch lightning in a bottle. They now knew the University had made the right decision in bringing Coach Winslow. Jared...
In the full light of the lobby he saw the petite girl he ravished in his senior year all grown up. She wore a navy colored skirt and white sleeveless sweater. Her thin cupped bra did not hide her nipples even in the sweater. Her perky tits of youth were now mature breasts, wide and full. Her round, but skinny butt was now a bit wider, probably a bit from gravity and from childbirth, but still much of an eye catcher as it rocked to and fro as she walked. A little mileage on her face, hidden by...
"You OK?" He asked after letting her enjoy her moment. "Yes, I'm so happy, I can't remember being more so. Even if we part tomorrow and I never see you again, I know dreams can come true. I only wanted a chance to tell you how I felt and feel you inside me again. I was afraid you might hate me or think I hated you. That's bothered me all these years ... and the thing about the smell, my scent? With you it's taste. This sounds naughty but, I've only tasted two in my life, but you,...
The 2 day whirlwind of speaking to sports scholarship recruits was over after meeting Tim Waters right at the Albany International Airport. Waters was a wide receiver, lanky, but strong, who had impressed many by his overall athleticism. Jared Winslow knew little about him except that his predecessor was impressed enough to take a chance on recruiting him although he might be an academic problem. Jared saw right away that taking a fatherly approach with the boy might be the best way to...
It was after 6 pm when Jared Winslow finally pushed the key to his backdoor into the slot and turned it open. His day started 12 hours ago almost 3 hours away and since he had taken a half of a yellow legal pad in notes and walked the perimeter of Meditek Stadium turf a few dozen times to watch different "skills" being exhibited. The perimeter was so cluttered with sleds, tackle makers, 2 and 5 man wheel trainers, steppers and line chutes that the field resembled some weird torture palace....
As the small jet settled on the runway at O'Hare Jared Winslow jostled awake surprised he had slept so soundly on the plane. The close quarter of the cabin on the jet lent to a quick roll call of names and occupations for those who wanted to disclose them when they took off. He looked around the cabin of the jet trying to remember the names the others had given, but his sound sleep had robbed him of any memory of the few seconds of introductions. Once they were airborne with a full plane...
Jared was a usual early riser and was surprised when he woke and it was just after 8 o'clock. He made quick work of shaving and showering and just as he was getting out he heard the room phone ringing. "Hello?" "Coach Winslow, it's Elmer Hollins, Boge's father. I work some nights at O'Hare and saw you come in last night and thought you might looking to see Boge. I called him this morning and he said he never heard from you and I was wondering if you had a hard time getting in touch...
Jared made the flight arrangements for Meaghan to get back to Chicago on Tuesday morning and then went about making sure he could piece together a dinner of some sort for their post-lovemaking hunger. Right now, eating dinner seemed to have taken a back seat to sexual relief. While passing the time by checking his email he heard the bathroom door open and he rushed to see if he might help her, but she was just closing the door to his bedroom, smiling back at him saying "See you in a few...
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The playbook session went smoothly as the staff added variations and sets to existing plays they had set up and ran in the previous scrimmages and scrimmage games. With additional plays in the book it was complete and today the coaches would man the huddles again with the play outlines around their neck to go over for anyone unsure. Jordy Alford would call the plays and line up, Frank Ruffen would read the set the defense. Coach Winslow would critique the sets and then back off and let the...
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Meaghan and Declan had missed the game while visiting her parents for the weekend in Burlington. Her Dad had been in the hospital for a "minor procedure", as her Mom called it. It was actually having his gall bladder removed but her Mom felt it was something he could have avoided had he kept a better diet. She was somehow embarrassed. It was one of the "little things" that drove Jared crazy about his future mother-in-law, being worried about what others may think or assume, so he made it...
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As soon as Julie got back to her room from her "date" with Gerry, she stripped down and jumped on the bed and cocked her knees back to fully feel and squeeze her pussy. She ran her fingers up and down the lips, toying with them, pinching them, making her clitoral mound fill even more with blood. She pinched it down with her thumb over the hood and three fingers squeezing her slit and letting the middle finger slide between to toy with her clit. Her mind drifted back to Saturday night,...
Saturday morning most of the team was in the team locker room at 9:00 am, almost a full hour before Coach asked them to be there. Playbooks were open and different members of each coach's staff were going over plays drawn up the day before in their final cram for the game. Some were in the video room watching game tapes of WMU's last game, but no one was sitting idly. Trainers hadn't even gotten there yet, so most players waiting to be taped, wrapped, or bandaged, hadn't dressed beyond...
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Coach Winslow had been in his office going over talent pools and potential recruits to fill holes on his team for the following season when he looked up to see it was 2:55 and he knew from the shuffle of feet outside his closed door that his team was ready to start their prep for their Bowl date in Florida. He would keep his strategy of not being opponent specific in these two weeks of work-outs and scrimmage, just work at staying sharp and improving where it was needed. When he opened his...
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The four Leading Recruits were hungover and hungry and in the grey dawn and cold bleak light of day they weren’t sure that their prank was really worth it. They entered the cabin and found the four ‘Wrens’ stood at attention and immediately began to break down in laughter. “Of my fucking god you guys look stupid!” Jean Burgess burst out laughing. Leading Recruit Spike Jones however was not so amused. His brain began to tick over. “Stow that bilge Leading Recruit Burgess!” he snapped and...
Emma's Division, Part 1 Story by All These Roadworks (2023). Author's Note: This story is a sequel to "Emma's Policy" - which you can read on CHYOA here (link), or support my writing by purchasing as an e-book with bonus content on my website (link) - but it also works just fine as a standalone story if you want to dive in here. I'm bringing every chapter of "Emma's Division" to CHYOA in time - but if you want to skip ahead, you can buy the complete story as an e-book right now for only $7.99...
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All your life you've been a huge fan of Pro-Wrestling and it has always been your dream to work for the biggest company in the industry, The WWE. You've watched as they have dominated the wrestling world, buying out companies left, right and center and their latest acquisitions have seen them in a position where they can offer a whole new women's division with the finest female wrestlers their substantial money can buy. A brand new program is set to dominate Wednesday night, focused entirely...
Divided Part 1 Chapter 1 It was a beautiful spring day. The sun shined bright in the sky with very few clouds. The leaves on the trees were a bright green. In a quiet neighborhood in California, a young boy named Damien Shellwood walked home from his best friend Eric's house. Damien was the 7 year old son of a wealthy family. His father James was a 30 year old Stockbroker. He was a tall 6'1 with black yet greying hair. His mother Amy was a 32 year old nurse. She was 5'7 large busted,...
Teams night out. It was nearly midnight Saturday and the eight United players arrived at one of their favourite haunts, 'Enricos Club' They'd won four nil and were particularly boisterous. The management liked the big spending footballers and the girls loved them. Within minutes they were surrounded by a gaggle of lovelies. Now one thing you have to know, these guys are supremely athletic and good looking twenty somethings with money to burn. They have a reputation and the girls know...
Suddenly within her minds eye Ryoko was aware of being lowered, feeling bare shoulders touch a smooth soft surface that yielded under her. Experiencing a brief but pleasant friction as her body was eased downward. All but suspended by a pair of wonderfully muscular arms. In the dark above her, enough light was present to reveal a pair of dark morocco eyes silently regarding her. "So ... beautiful," A man's voice sighed. "You have been haunting me all day!" In turn Ryoko simply stared,...
I was aware of children playing in the street. A soft morning breeze drifted across my naked body, refreshing me. A warm shaft of sunlight added just the right note of sensuous well-being. It was everything I loved about a Saturday morning sleep-in. In a moment, I would think about opening my eyes, but for now, I was drinking in these tactile sensations. Slowly, my mind replayed the sensations my body (and mind) had felt before drifting off to sleep with my wife in my arms just a few hours...
For this story, my name will be Nelly. I come from a small rural town, but seeking a better future, I came to the big city, in an employment fair that traveled to my community college, I got hired as a receptionist for an insurance company. Upon arriving, I didn’t know anybody, so I looked for an apartment in newspapers’ classifieds. I called a young woman who looked for someone with whom to share the expenses, and she told her to meet her at a discotheque, we agreed on what we would wear in...
I slowly woke up in a hospital ward--again. I'd lost count how many times I'd been knocked out for tests. I was just glad that I woke up again. Being in the military I could easily see someone making a decision to cut their losses, have the doc make a mistake with the anaesthetic and burn the evidence. We were nine guys that survived the operation. They stuck us in the deepest, darkest isolation lab that the Navy had to offer. We were all infectious. Umm, not really infectious. Anything...
Monday evening, Dec 4, 2028The first match of the volleyball playoffs was Monday evening. Addie went to Ontario with Sheila to help her interview for her replacement as assistant, and I didn’t see her the rest of the day until the match.They were playing the team that finished fourth during the season. The crowd was much larger than it had ever been before at the playoffs. I accredited it largely to Addie’s team uniforms; they were sexy as hell and everyone knew it by then. The kids and I were...
Wife LoversOklahoma Territory Crow Ridge Cattle Company August 4, 1889 Jon David, Amanda, Sissy, and Analisa told Eli yesterday that they needed to be at the office early this morning. They let Chane and Jon Jr. spend the night with Shawn, Karly Jo, Clara, and Maryanne. Eli stepped out on the front porch earlier than usual that morning since he had all his Little Bucks here for the day. He drank the last of the coffee from his mug and stood looking down at the river before turning to look over toward...
She awoke from her dream - aroused.Bree had been dreaming of her new purchase from the night before. Saturday evening she had sat drinking a bottle of wine and surfed the net for something to spoil herself with. Since breaking up with her boyfriend Bree had been feeling increasingly horny with every passing day. So the night before she had decided to do something about it - sipping her glass of Pinot she had surfed the web for a replacement for her ex-boyfriend Chris's magnificent cock. As much...
It was a grey wet day in England and I was thinking what to do as a hobby. Then iI remembered that I had a half decent camera stored away somewhere, after a couple of hours going through boxes I found it. Off I went to take a few snaps which didn’t turn out too bad. I showed them to a friend of mine who does photography as a second income. He was quite impressed and said he has a model shoot coming up if I was interested he would ask if I could join him.A few weeks later I got a call from my...
Dreams can be strange, sexy things. Your wife may be a stunning knock-out, way the fuck out of your league, but I bet she ain’t your dream girl. No, your perfect fantasy angel has the big tits and pretty face you love so much, but she’s also got something extra: a big ol’ dick between her legs. Sorry, wifey, but tonight may be a good evening to spend with DreamTranny.DreamTranny.com is a site with history. They’ve been around since 2000, making them one of the older shemale porn operations on...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesDonnie finished the paper he knew was due and sat back from his iPad. He would leave it for a few hours and then review what he had written and perform the first edit. Just zoning out for a moment, he thought about his disagreement with Daryl, one of the other members of the SNP focus group. Donnie remembered asking the question who do the banks serve? but now he wondered if a better question might not be what are the banks there to do? "Oh, so we're feeling all deep and philosophical are...
Lady D. and Larry Steel enjoy some quality couples time together as Larry helps Lady paint her toenails. This gives Lady the opportunity to show off how good she is with her feet. Since they’re already close to Larry’s cock, Lady uses them to tease her boyfriend until he’s nice and erect before stroking him with her hands. Relocating to the living room, Lady hops on the couch so that Larry can relieve her of her thong. He’s quick to bury his face between Lady’s...
xmoviesforyouThe guys in school who knew Karen thought she wasn't the type who slept around. 'Probably a virgin' was the opinion, a girl who would give oral at best. This did not matter to Sean in the least; his feelings toward her were genuine. He had plans of marriage after college too. He figured that he would propose before college and be married after he finished. He never believed she would give it out anytime before then. That changed with her parting words the night before of, ""I need to...