Divided - Part 1_(2) free porn video

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Divided Part 1

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful spring day. The sun shined bright in the sky with very few clouds. The leaves on the trees were a bright green. In a quiet neighborhood in California, a young boy named Damien Shellwood walked home from his best friend Eric's house. Damien was the 7 year old son of a wealthy family. His father James was a 30 year old Stockbroker. He was a tall 6'1 with black yet greying hair. His mother Amy was a 32 year old nurse. She was 5'7 large busted, blonde women, her curled hair stopped just above her shoulders. Her regular workout routine allowed her to keep her curvy figure. The Shellwoods were a happy family. Respected by their neighbors and friends. They raised Damien to be polite, reserved and in other people's words, posh. They were very formal and were sometimes described as high maintenance. They were judged mostly on the way they spoke. Using big word's that some people didn't understand. Of all the things the family was, stuck up was not one of them. James Shellwood did his best to keep his family from becoming that way. Money was not going to turn them into snotty rich people.

At 7 years old, many people would have disagreed with the idea of letting a young boy walk home by himself But he lived around the corner so it shouldn't have taken more then 5 minutes to walk home. Plus the town of Pandora where they lived was a quiet, peaceful town. A town where everyone knew and trusted everyone. Damien walked along the street, almost home. He was excited. His dad promised him that they would play baseball in the back yard when he got home. His mom promised to make his favourite meal. Baked beans on toast.

As he walked along a van pulled up alongside him Damion looked to see a man at the wheel. He looked scary with tattoos on his arms and a shaved head. "Hey kid, I'm a friend of you're parents. They asked me give you a ride home!" The man said with a smile. Damien looked at the ground and kept walking. "My mom told me not to talk to strangers!" He said quietly. "Good boy, for listening to you're mom. I know her, she's a nurse right?" He continued. Damien didn't answer but nodded. "Kid I'm not a stranger I promise. You're parents asked me to come get you. You're dad is a friend of mine." The young man naively accepted the stranger's words and climbed into the van. The Van slowly pulled away.

Amy Shellwood was starting to wonder where Damien was. She told him to be home for 6. It was unlike him to be late home. Especially when he knows he's got beans on toast waiting. When the clock showed 6:30, Amy called up Eric's mother Beth. "Hey Beth!" She said pleasantly. "Hi Amy how are you?" She replied sweetly. "I'm fine I was just wondering when Damien's gonna start walking home?" She asked. There was a moment's silence before Beth spoke again. "Amy.......Damien left 40 minutes ago." The dread filled Amy's heart. "Are you sure?" She asked with a shaky voice. "ERIC!" She heard Beth call out over the phone. Beth asked if Damien was still here. "Amy, Damien isn't here." Amy was more scared then she'd ever been in her life. She hung up the phone and Ran out to the backyard where James was preparing the baseball equipment. "James! Damien's missing." James quickly looked up and said "What do you mean?" He asked, the nervousness clearly evident on his face. "He Should've been home half and hour ago and he's no where to be seen. Beth said he left over 40 minutes ago." "Get my keys, let's go find him." James shouted.

They drove around town for over an hour. Checking the park, the stores and his friends houses. When they got home Amy started to cry. "James where's my baby? What's happened to him?" James pulled her in and hugged her as she cried into his shoulder. "We're going to find him. I promise." He said holding back his own tears. At that point Emily, Damien's teenage sister, walked in. She was an attractive 5'6 , black haired girl. Popular at school with a large group of friends. She was also very protective of her little brother. She walked in and was confused at the sight of her mom and dad hugging with mom crying. "What's going on?" She asked. The parents broke their hug and told Emily to sit down. "Emily, it's Damien. He's......he's missing." Amy said shaking. "W-wwhat do you mean?" Emily asked starting to shake as well. James explained "You're mother and I have just been trying to find him. We've looked everywhere. We can't find him." Emily couldn't believe it. Her little bro had disappeared. A hundred possibilities flew through her head. Each more terrifying then the last. "I'll call the police!" Emily quickly said and ran for the phone.

The police arrived and asked all the usual questions. Where was he coming from? Where was he going? Could he have gone to someone else's house? Do you have any enemies? The last question made James angry. "What? No! Ofcourse not?" The officer wrote on his notepad and voiced his theory very bluntly. "I understand you're a very wealthy family. Someone could've taken him as leverage for a quick payday." Amy cried harder and James went mad at the officer's lack of sensitivity. The officer in charge sent the sent his colleague away and apologised. "I'm not interested in apologies. Just get out there and find my son!" James growled.

A day became two, two became three, three became four with no developments. The police returned everyday for more information. Amy was tired of answering questions. She wanted her son back in her arms. James' patience was almost non existent as he scolded the police for wasting time. "Sir you have to believe we're doing all we can." The officer said trying to calm him down. "WELL I DON'T. YOU COME BACK EVERY DAY AND ASK US MORE STUPID QUESTIONS THEN TELL US YOU'VE GOT NO LEADS, IF MY SON GETS HURT DUE TO YOU'RE INCOMPETENCE, I PROMISE I WILL RAIN HELL ON ALL OF YOU!!!!!"

Emily was sat in her room. She was an emotional wreck. Her little bro was missing and the police were about as much use as shit flavoured toothpaste. She had to take matters into her own hands. The next day at school, everyone had heard what had happened. All her friends tried to comfort her, the entire football team came to offer her some support. Apologies weren't enough. She needed to find her brother. At lunch she sat with all her friends and invited the football team captain, Steven Blaine, to sit with them. They all listened to her plan. "I need to find him. I need you're help to do that. We all live in different pasts of town which means we have eyes and ears all over town. Please! Help me look for him." Steven was the first to accept. "I'll get all my guys on it. If someone even says Damien's name we'll know about it." Emily's heart warmed. She'd always had a huge crush on Steve. His tall 6'0 well built figure and short blonde hair, had caught the eye of almost every girl in school. Emily had pleasured herself often imagining him taking her virginity. She even cried happy tears at night imagining him caring for her, making her feel good. First Steve accepted, then everyone started agreeing. "I'm in!" "Me too" "So am I". A tear formed in Emily's eye. No one hesitated to help her out.

Her final period was math and the teacher made a point to apologise to Emily about her brother before he started class. Emily couldn't focus on what the teacher was saying as her thoughts kept going back to Damien. "Emily are you ok?" Mr. Richards said stopping the lesson. Emily quickly looked at him and said "Yes sir fine." He looked at her and said "You're crying. Emily raised her hand to her eye and wiped a tear away. "Do you want to leave and take a minute?" He asked. "No sir! I'll be ok." She said. She couldn't afford to let her fears get the better of her.

Later that day after school, Emily went home to see her father sat by the phone, a glass of whiskey in his hand. "Hi dad." She said sadly. He looked back at her and struggled to smile. "Hello sweetheart. How was school?" She nodded and said it was fine. "Where's mom?" She asked. "She's in bed resting. She's barely slept in days." "Dad. me and some of the kids from school are going out to look for Damien." James looked up and said "Leave it to the police honey." Emily shook her head and said "I can't sit here and wait for them to come back with more stupid questions. I'm going to look for my brother and no one will stop me." James looked at his daughter with pride and told her to be careful. "You call me every 20 minutes with an update." Emily promised she would and left the house.

It was dark when Emily met her friends and the team. They all took her number and promised to call if they heard or saw anything. They all had flashlights and separated. Emily and her friends, Hannah and Molly searched the forest behind the park. Sticks snapped under there feet as they stepped through bushes. It would've been total darkness if not for their lights. Emily shined the light in all directions for any sort of clue. "Anything?" She called to her friends. "Not yet!" Hannah called back. Within 20 minutes, they were in the centre of the forest with no clues.

It was at that time when Emily got a phone call. It was Steven. "Steve! Have you found anything!" She said getting her hopes up. "I think so meet me back at your place asap." Like a lightening bolt, Emily raced out of the forest, her friends quickly following, back to her house. She turned onto the street she lived on and saw Steve stood outside her house. She pulled him into her house where James hadn't moved from his chair. "Dad Steve might have found something." That was enough to get him on his feet as he marched over. "What is it? What have you found?" He said. Steve went into his pockets and pulled a small wallet. Emily recognised it immediately. She had given it to Damien for his birthday so he could feel grown up. She took the wallet from Steve and they all gathered in a circle to see what was inside. There was five dollars and a picture of Emily and Damien going down the park slide together. Damien was sat between her legs and she had her arms around him as they went down. It was taken when he was 5.

"Where did you find this?" She asked. "Down the road a bit. He must've dropped it." Said Steve. James woke Amy from her sleep and filled her in on what had been happening. Amy jumped out off bed and ran down the stairs to the living room where everyone sat. She had no shame about being seen in her night clothes, which were a pair of shorts and a tank top. "Let me look!" She said snatching the wallet from Emily. She examined the wallet and said "Who found it?" "Steve did." Said Emily. Amy pulled him to his feet and hugged him tight. "Thankyou." She said as she broke the hug. "It's ok, we'll start looking again tomorrow after school." Said Steve and Amy thought she might cry again. As he left, Emily gripped him in a tight hug and thanked him again. Steve wrapped his large arms around her and Emily melted. Images of their future together. Marriage, kids a happy life. Once he left, thoughts of her happy life with Steve were dashed as the reality of her missing brother came back. James shook Steve's hand, thanking him for his help. Having found Damien's wallet, no one could sleep. They just sat up staring into space thinking that Damien might still be alive and that gave them hope.

The silence was broken by Emily's phone ringing. She looked at the caller ID and her eyes went wide when she saw Damien's name. Damien's phone was also a birthday present. One from his parents. Eagerly she answered the phone and said "Hello!? Hello!?"

"Emily is that you?" She recognised his voice.
"Yeah bro im here where are you?" Emily's parents heard her say bro and went mad. Asking was it him? Where he was? What happened?
"Emily. Help me! Please help me." Damien pleaded
Emily's tears fell as she heard her little brother was terrified.
"Damien you're gonna be ok. Just tell me where you are!" She said, her voice shaking.

Suddenly there was a crash over the phone and the line was cut off. "Hello!? Damien are you still there!? Damien!" "What happened!" James asked desperately. Emily looked at her phone and said "I lost him!" The police were called again and Emily explained what had happened. They put a tap on the phone and told her to call the number again but with no success.

It was well over midnight when the house's main phone rang. The cops switched on their equipment and gave Amy a thumbs up to answer the phone. With shaky hands, Amy picked up the phone and held it to her ear. "Hello?" She said quietly. A scrambled voice answered "10,000 for the boy in 24 hours or we cut a finger off and start again." Amy was in an emotional rollercoaster of fear and anger. "Where's my son you sick fuck! Tell me where he is!" She screamed down the phone. The voice laughed and said "He's safe....for now! 10,000 dollars if you want him to stay that way. And for every 24 hours we don't get paid, your son loses a finger and the price doubles. I'd get busy. 24 hours, we'll be in touch." The phone hung up and Amy couldn't hold back her tears as she dropped the phone and hugged her husband.

James held his wife and looked back at the cops. "Well?" He said very angry. "We didn't get him but now we know what we're dealing with." Detective Saunders said. He was in charge of the investigation. He was a tall dark haired man in a black suit and a white shirt. His hair was combed and spiked at the front. "We can't get that much money in 24 hours. They're going to kill him." James said. "If Damien dies they don't get paid." Saunders said in a professional tone that was hard to pull off. He cared about saving this little boy as much as his parents did. Ok maybe not as much but he was going to use everything at his disposal to bring him home. "But why? Why now!? We didn't do anything to anyone!?" Saunders nodded with a look of sympathy on his face as he explained. "They held Damien for a few days to make you desperate. I'm guessing when Damien called you on his cell phone they were forced to make their move."

"How are we going to get that much money!?" Amy asked desperately. Her tears had ruined her make-up not that she cared or even thought about it. Saunders walked up to the couple and placed his hands on their shoulders. "I have an idea but you need to do everything I say." "Anything!?" James said feeling the first ray of hope in days.

12:00pm the next day. 14 hours until the kidnappers called again. Detective Saunders marched into the police station with a look of determination on his face. He spoke with chief haddock and voiced his plan. "Saunders!" The chief barked. "Anybody else and I would say hell no. But you're a fine detective and I trust you're judgement." The bald chubby man said sat behind his desk. "Thankyou sir." Saunders replied as he left. Saunders walked to the back of the building where the evidence lock up was. He signed the sheet of paper and handed it to the officer and typed in the four digit code on the gate. There was a buzz and the light on the gate turned from red to green. Saunders walked through and began searching through the evidence. There was many small items in clear bags. Many of them had Saunders' signature on them. Guns, knives, drugs all sorts. But Saunders knew what he was after.

3 years previously, Saunders transferred to the DEA. He went undercover as a drug runner. Running cocaine across the boarder from Mexico. The drugs were hidden inside Christmas baubles. Saunders was wearing a wire and taped every conversation. They got across the border no problem and went to an abandoned house for the delivery. When the money exchanged hands, Saunders gave the go ahead with a code word and thirty armed officers broke down the door and arrested the smugglers and the buyers, Including Saunders for appearances sake. Drugs, money and a taped confession was everything they needed.

The seized over 500,000 dollars that day and that's what Saunders was looking for in the evidence lockup. He saw two black bags and checked the case number. Yep this was it. He unzipped the bag and sure enough, there was bundles of cash. He took one of the bags and left. He was confident his plan would work. Saunders would handle the exchange and use the money from evidence to pay off the kidnappers. As he was going over his plan, his phone rang. The law abiding detective pulled the car into a nearby parking lot. As he pulled out his phone ands saw it was his partner, Molly Jenkins. "Hey Molly, What's up?" He listened to her talk and then his expression changed to shock. "What! Where?.....I'm on my way!"

Damien Shellwood was sat in a dark room, the only light was a weak lamp on the table in front him. The basement was small, damp and smelly. Damien was chained by his wrists to a drain pipe. He was so hungry, his stomach hurt. He'd been crying so much he wasn't sure he could physically cry anymore. He was so scared, more then anything else he wanted his mom. When he was scared she'd smile as she held him and sang songs. He only hoped the kind lady would come back soon. The bad man scared him.

Suddenly, the door at the end of the room creaked open. A strange man that Damien didn't know walked through holding his gun in front of him with a flashlight. He had dark hair and wore a suit. He saw Damien and lowered his gun.

Saunders entered the basement and slowly pushed the door open. It creaked open and he crept inside with his gun and flashlight raised. He cleared the corners and looked round to see Damien sat I the corner. Their eyes locked together as Saunders holstered his weapon and made his way to the scared boy. He kneeled before Damien and touched his arm. Damien flinched and Saunders tried to calm him down. "Damien, it's ok I'm a police officer. You're gonna be ok." Suddenly another officer came in behind them. "Detective, we found some keys!" He said throwing the keys across the room. Saunders caught them and tried them on the chains that imprisoned Damien. As he'd hoped, there was a click and the chains fell free from Damien's wrists.

Saunders tried to help Damien to his feet but he seemed reluctant to move. "Damien it's ok, I'm here to take you home." Damien shook his head and had a scared look. "No the bad man will be cross!" He said with tears in his eyes. "It's ok, the bad man's gone. Come with me." Saunders said trying to help Damien up. Slowly, Damien rose to his feet and Saunders guided him out. As they walked through the house, Saunders turned Damien away so that he wouldn't see the body in the kitchen.

Damien was taken to hospital for examination. Saunders made the call to the Shellwoods. James answered the call and was ecstatic to hear his son was safe and said they'd be at the hospital soon. Saunders was happy that the young boy had been found. He couldn't live with the knowledge of his failure if something happened. However there were still questions to be answered. Damien was found due to an anonymous tip. Saunders was the first on scene where he found the body of a white middle-aged male on the kitchen floor. Who placed the call? Who killed the man on the floor? Saunders wanted it to be over but there were too many unanswered questions. It wasn't over.

Chapter 2

Saunders stood outside Damien's room in the hospital, waiting for the doctor to tell him he could enter. He stood beside the door. His back against the wall with his arms crossed as he went over everything in his head. One body was found but when the kidnappers spoke on the phone they said "We". Definitely more then one person involved. Saunders hoped Damien could fill in some of the blanks. He had a picture of the john doe, hoping Damien would ID him.

Saunders waited for nearly 15 minutes before the doctor came out. "How is he?" Saunders asked with concern as he stood up straight. "His body has gone into survival mode. He's barely eaten in days. Physically he'll be fine as long as long as he eats a warm meal tonight." The doctor explained before walking away. Saunders knocked on the door and heard Amy Shellwood say come in. He walked inside and saw the parents sat either side of the bed. Emily was sat on the left side beside her mother. But his eye was drawn to Damien. He looked pale. He sat up in bed holding his mother's hand. James stood and walked towards the detective. "Detective Saunders, I haven't been very tolerant during this bad time. I want to apologise. And also say thankyou for saving my son." James held out his hand and Saunders shook it. "Thankyou Mr. Shellwood. I understand you're reaction during this case. It hasn't been easy on anyone. I just wanted to check up on Damien." Saunders replied sincerely. "You also have questions for him." James stated. "Yes." Saunders said. "If it helps you catch the animals who did this. We'll do whatever we can to help." James said leading the detective to Damien's bed side.

"Son, The detective has some questions for you?" James said. Damien looked up at the detective and nodded. "Hello Damien. How do you feel?" Saunders asked with a smile. "I feel ok." The scared boy replied. Saunders smiled as James pulled up a chair for him. Saunders sat and pulled his note book from inside his jacket. "Can you tell me what happened when you were walking home from Eric's house?" He asked. Damien explained how he was walking home when the bad man stopped in a van. He tricked Damien into getting into the van. Once in the van, the bad man gave Damien a milkshake that tasted funny and then he fell asleep. Damien woke up in the dark room chained up. Saunders held up the picture of the John doe and said "Is that him?" Damien looked at the picture and shook his head. "No." That wasn't the answer Saunders wanted. He sighed before he continues the questioning. "Do you know who this is?" Again Damien shook his head. "I only saw the bad man and the kind lady." Saunders interest was peaked. "Who was the kind lady?" Saunders asked. "She was kind. She brought me bread and butter and milk. She told me I would be ok if I just did as I was told." Saunders wrote everything down. "You called your sister on you're cell phone. How did you do that?" He asked. "The kind lady brought me my phone. She said I could call my parents to tell them I was ok and then......" Damien trembled in fear as he remembered. "Baby it's ok. Tell us what happened." Amy said rubbing Damien's arm. "Then the....the bad man came in. He was really angry and snatched my phone away. He dragged the kind lady out of the room. I heard screaming and shouting. The bad man called the kind lady a bad word. Then it was quiet."

"Did you ever see the kind lady again?" He asked. Damien shook his head. Saunders closed his notebook and put it back in his pocket. "Thankyou Damien you've been very brave." Saunders shook the boy's hand and left the room, the parents following. "Emily you look after your brother for a minute." Amy said. "Ok mom." Emily said. Once the door was shut, the parents looked at the detective expectantly. "We received an anonymous tip telling us where to find Damien." Saunders said. "You think it was the kind lady Damien mentioned?" Amy asked. "Possibly. The body we found at the scene was the only one we found. We still need to find the van driver and this kind lady." Saunders told them. "Anything you need detective, we'll co-operate." James said determined.

Saunders walked through the police station towards autopsy. The John doe had been identified as Dereck Walters. Born March 3rd 1976. He worked as a mechanic, no criminal record. He lived an uneventful life until he decided to take part in the kidnapping. Saunders walked into the cold and some what creepy room that was autopsy. Dereck Walkers' body was on a slab in the centre of the room. Doctor Chadwell, M.E, was finishing his report at his desk when the detective walked in. Chadwell was a short 5'4 man in his early 50s. He wore glasses, a blue buttoned shirt with a bow tie, grey pants and a white lab coat. "What are we looking at doc?" Saunders asked and the older gentleman stood from his desk and walk towards the body.

"Cause of death was blood loss from a stab wound to the neck." Chadwell said pointing to a stab mark ok the body's neck with his pen. "The attack ripped through many vital arteries, death would have come to him in minutes. Also look at this." Chadwell took hold of the left leg and lifted it to reveal another puncture wound on the back of the knee. "This wound was made before he died, not fatal, but would have made our victim immobile." Saunders was piecing everything together. The anonymous tipster was likely the one who killed Dereck Walters. "So what about the killer?" Saunders asked. "My tests suggest he was stabbed in the neck multiple times. This was a desperate attack, one of fear and anger. The stab on the leg suggests that our killer was on the floor. They grabbed what ever sharp object they could and immobilized our victim and then stabbed him multiple times. I think his death was the result of self defense." "what kind of sharp object are we looking for?" Saunders asked. "Most likely a large pair of scissors."

"Maybe Mr. Walters was in charge of watching the kind lady. She got free, there was a struggle and the lady went down. She grabbed a pair of scissors and stabbed Walters in the back of the leg. He went down and she finished him off." Saunders deduced.

"But why would you turn your back on someone you just attacked?" Chadwell asked. Saunders shook his head and said "I don't know."

Damien was brought home where his mom made the beans on toast she promised him. She placed the plate in front of him but he wasn't hungry. Amy begged him to try and eat some of it but after an hour, he'd barely touched the plate. Amy reluctantly took the plate and threw it away. Once Damien left the table, James offered to play baseball but he didn't want to. "Okay, maybe tomorrow." James said with high spirits that were fake. Damien went up to his bedroom.

Emily wanted to help so she knocked on Damien's bedroom door. There was no answer. She knocked again. Still no answer. She slowly opened the door and poked her head in. Damien was sat on the floor beside his bed looking at his G.I. Joe. Not even playing with it, just looking at it. "Hey bro, are you ok?" Damien shrugged. Emily walked in and sat on the floor beside him. "You mind if I play?" She asked. Again Damien shrugged. Emily was saddened at the state of her little brother. "I love you little brother." She said sadly. Damien looked up at her. "I love you too Emily." Emily smiled at his response and grabbed one of his action figures. They played together the rest of the night until Damien went to bed.

Emily tucked him in and kissed his forehead. She wished him nice dreams as she shut his bedroom door behind her.

That night, Amy was roused from her sleep by the sound of crying. She climbed out of bed and pulled on her night gown, leaving her sleeping husband in bed. She followed the sounds down the hall to Damien's room. Quietly as she could, she entered and saw Damien sat in the corner of his room crying. "Sweetheart what's wrong?" She asked with concern. "I'm scared of the dark!" He said. "Come on baby, lets get back into bed." She said holding her hand out to him. Damien took her hand and she led him back to bed where she tucked him in. "Goodnight sweetheart." Amy said kissing his forehead. "Mom I don't wanna be alone." He said scared. Amy looked down at her son heartbroken at his present state. "Ok sweety. I promise, I'll stay here til you fall asleep." As promised, Amy kneeled at his bedside singing you are my sunshine while she stroked his hair. It didn't take long for Damien to fall asleep and once he was sleeping, Amy snuck out. Back to her own bed it was now Amy who couldn't sleep.

Friday. Usually the best day of the week for Emily. She had the whole weekend to do whatever she wanted. Today she wasn't feeling her typical excitement as she stood by her school locker. Damien still wasn't his usual self. He'd barely spoken a word since he'd been found. Emily decided she would spend her weekend looking after Damien, trying to reach him. She made plans to take him to the park at some point. Damien loved the park. Her thoughts were broken by Hannah calling her. Hannah was an attractive blonde but what she had in looks, she lacked in brains. Many people had described as stupid or dumb.

"Hey Em, Steve's having a party tonight. You in?" She said beaming with excitement. "Nope, I got a busy weekend." She said smiling. She would go to any party that Steve was going to but her brother came first. "Aaaah come on Em, it'll be fun. And plus Steve will be there!" She said smiling devilishly. Emily giggled at her friend and said "Subtlety Hannah, look it up." Hannah gave her an odd look. "Okay I don't know what that means but you gotta come to this party. Steve said you were the guest of honour." Emily looked at Hannah with shock. "What?" "Yeah! The party is to celebrate you getting you're brother back!" Hannah said. Emily looked at her like she was dumb and said "You know you shoulda opened with that." "Yeah he's gonna make a toast later to your family. So will you come?" Now Emily was in trouble. Say thankyou to everyone who tried to help my family or focus on my brother, she thought to herself. Emily sighed and said "I'll think about it." Hannah smiled ear to ear. Whenever Em said "I'll think about it" it usually meant she was going."Awesome." She said. The bell rung for class and the two went their separate ways.

The final class of the day was a blur as Emily tried to decide what to do. But the more she thought about the party, the more excited she became. Especially since Steve was holding the party for her. When the final bell rang she was stood at her locker collecting her things when Steve came over. "Hey Em, I hear you might not make it to my party." He said mocking seriousness. Emily blushed and said "I'm sorry Steve, but things at home are kind of a mess right now. I need to look after Damien." Steve nodded and said "I understand, family's important. Well I don't wanna force you. If you can make it great. If not fare enough. I'll see ya!" He said leaving. Emily's face was burning red and she was also burning between her legs.

Amy and James were talking about Damien. Talking about how to help him get back to normal. "Well, we could encourage him to spend some time with the family. It might remind him that he's not alone." James suggested. "Why would he feel alone?" Amy asked concerned. "Honey he was trapped down there for days all alone. I'm just suggesting that we remind him he's not." James said trying to calm his wife down. At that point, Emily walked in. "Hey Mom, hi dad." She said happily. The parents looked at their daughter and were happy that she was smiling. "Hello pumpkin. You seem very happy?" Said Amy. "Yeah Steve's having a party tonight and I'm the guest of honour." Emily said smiling ear to ear. The smiles left the parents faces. "What kind of party may I ask?" James said sternly. "Dad it's ok Steve's parents will be there." Emily lied. James seemed to relax a little and went back to his laptop. "So can I go?" Emily asked hopefully. Amy stood with a stern look and said "You can go, but we're trusting you to be responsible. If you get in trouble you call me or your father immediately. Understood?" Emily nodded excited and went to her room.

"Are you sure about this?" James asked once Emily was out of earshot. "She's a teenage girl, let her live a little." Amy said shrugging. "It's not her that makes me nervous, it's the boys." James said still looking at the laptop. "We need to let her make her own mistakes." Amy replied sitting back on the couch. "How long until one of those mistakes makes us grandparents?" James asked rhetorically. "Me and her have talked about that. She'll be fine." James looked at his wife and nodded. "Steve will be there to look after her."

Emily went through all of her clothes, trying to decide what to wear. She wanted to look beautiful for Steve. Beautiful, not slutty. Finally she settled on on summer dress and jumped in the shower. It was an hour before someone knocked on the front door. Amy opened the door to see Hannah stood in a tight top, a short skirt and knee length boots. Amy quickly flashed back to her own teenage years as she invited Hannah in. "Hi Mrs. Shellwood." She said pleasantly as she entered. "Hello Hannah, are you going to the party with Emily?" She asked. "Yep, it's gonna be so much fun." Hannah said excitedly. "It seems you and Emily have different ideas on what fun is." Amy said boldly. "What do you mean Mrs Shellwood." Hannah asked confused. Amy smirked Hannah was a nice girl but not very bright. She'd been a close friend to Emily for years, Amy trusted Hannah to keep her out of trouble.

Hannah went up to Emily's room where she'd just finished getting ready. She wore a light blue summer dress. Her black hair was straight behind her back with white shoes. Her c cup breasts were happily contained and the dress came to just below her knees. "Is that really what you're wearing?" Hannah said with genuine concern. "What's wrong with it?" She asked with a worried tone. "you look like you're going to church." Hannah said laughing. Hannah walked to Emily's closet and pulled out a short skirt, a tight top and boots. "Put those on." She said and Emily shook her head. "I'm not going to the party to pull some guy. I'm going to say thankyou to Steve and the others." Hannah shook her head and said "Your funeral."

At the party Hannah went straight for a drink while Emily stood at the corner of the room looking at Steve. He wore a buttoned shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of jeans. His blonde hair had been combed back. Emily thought he looked so hot she never took her eyes off him until he eventually saw her looking. Emily quickly looked away and a second later she heard his voice. "Hey Em, glad you could make it." Emily blushed and said "Hi Steve, thanks for inviting me."
"No problem, tonight's all about you. You look beautiful." Emily blushed and said thank you. Steve brought her a drink and while she wasn't planning to drink tonight, she accepted. Alot of people were dancing and talking in the back yard, some were talking in the kitchen. Emily was starting to loosen up as her and Steve were talking in the kitchen. Steve was on the road to a scholarship. He'd worked hard for it and Emily felt he deserved it. She'd been to alot of the games. He was a pro, hands down. He had the greatest sense of teamwork she'd ever seen. She believed his ability to talk to and respect each member of his team was what made him worthy of the scholarship. He truly was a leader.

After a couple of hours, Emily and Steve were still talking. Emily loved every second she was around him. Suddenly Steve looked up and rolled his eyes. "Oh shit!" He whispered. "what is it." Emily looked as she looked round. She saw a tall dark skinned girl with black curly hair, wearing a black dress with a belt around her waist. "Ex girlfriend." Steve whispered as he put on a fake smile. "Hey Steve!" The girl said pleasantly. "Hello Janet." He said as she wrapped him in a hug. Emily felt jealousy and wanted to pull this bitch away from him and slap the shit out of her. Steve looked uncomfortable as she pulled away. "I heard you were having a party tonight. I guess my invitation got lost in the mail." Janet said still smiling. "Must've forgot." Said Steve. Janet looked at Emily and gave the faintest look of disgust. "Hi I'm Janet. Steve's ex." She said holding her hand out. "Yeah I figured." Emily said sarcastically, shaking her hand. Janet stared daggers at Emily for her attitude.

"Shall we get another drink?" Said Steve. "Lets!" Emily said hooking her arm in Steve's. "She hates you!" Steve whispered as they left the kitchen. "I couldn't care less." Emily said smiling. The two had another drink before Steve left to greet more friends. Emily stood alone drinking when Janet came back over. "Listen honey, you seem like a sweet girl so let me give you some advice. Dating Steve will only get your heart broken." Janet said annoyingly sweet. "I'd like to figure that out for myself thanks!" Emily said hotly. Janet chuckled before moving close to whisper in Emily's ear. "Stay away from him." She said smiling before walking away.

Steve came back to see Janet walking away from Emily. "What did she say?" He asked with concern and anger. "She warned me to stay away from you?" Emily said smirking. Steve didn't have the same reaction. He marched off to Janet who watched him approach with a mischievous grin. Emily couldn't make out what was being said until Steve said something about pictures getting out. Janet's face dropped and she looked horrified. Emily smiled as Steve left her cold. "Sorry about that?" Steve said. "Don't worry about it, what did you say to her?" Emily asked intrigued. Steve smirked and said "Let's just say the past may come back to bite her in the ass if she bothers you again." For the rest of the night, Emily and Steve hung out, getting closer as they did. Never staying away from each other for more then a few minutes. Janet made every effort to avoid the two of them. Steve made a toast to Emily's family and wished them good fortune. Everyone raised a glass and Emily thought she might cry.

Slowly people started to leave. Hannah was passed out in a chair, so Steve offered to let her stay the night. Emily accepted Steve's offer and asked if she could stay too. Steve eagerly said yes and together, they carried Hannah up to one of the bedrooms. With Hannah sleeping peacefully, Steve led Emily to another bedroom. "You can stay here tonight, it should be comfortable for you." He said. Emily turned and wrapped Steve in a hug. "Thankyou Steve I really appreciate this." She said resting her head on his chest. Steve wrapped his big arms around her, rubbing her back. "You're welcome." He said smiling. Emily looked up and stared into his eyes. Steve stared into hers and like a magnet, their faces moved closer until their lips joined. Emily melted. The man she'd dreamed of being with kissed her passionately.

Emily placed her hand on his cheek as she kissed him. As their make out session continued, Emily started to fiddle with his belt. Steve suddenly broke the kiss and grabbed her hands. "Are you sure?" He asked. "I'm sure." She said as she kissed him again. She took his cock out and started stroking it. Steve moaned into her mouth. She took his hand and led him to the bed and sat him down. Emily was really nervous but she'd never been so sure of anything. This was the man she wanted to lose her virginity to. He was kind, tough and handsome. Like a guardian angel from a story. She stood In front of him and he watched in awe as she lifted her dress over her head. She watched him as she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall. Steve sat frozen as he saw her round breasts pointing out at him.

Emily straddled his lap and pushed her tits in his face. Steve took a nipple in his mouth and sucked gently. Emily looked up and gasped as she pulled him in. Steve wrapped his arms around her and gently pushed her down onto the bed. He grabbed her panties and slowly pulled them off. Emily's legs went up as they came off. She spread her legs to reveal her shaven pussy. Steve went down on her and the minute his tounge made contact with her clit, she gasped and clutched at the bed sheets. This was way better then she could've dreamed. He was so good with his tounge. She squirmed and threw her head from side to side. She was soaking wet as Steve licked up her juices. Emily grabbed his head and pulled him in for a kiss. Their kiss was filled with passion. Emily broke the kiss and stroked his face. "Take my virginity, make love to me." She said desperately.

Steve nodded and placed his cock on the entrance to Emily's pussy. He looked at her and she nodded. Steve pushed in slowly. Emily gasped and grunted in pain as Steve pushed his cock all the way in. When he was in, Emily clutched onto him. Steve held himself inside her for a minute so she could get use to him. After a minute, Steve began gently rocking in and out of her. Emily's pain soon turned to pleasure as she moaned lightly. Steve leaned down and kissed up her neck. Emily wrapped her arms around his neck as he pushed his cock in and out of her. A tear fell down the side of her face as the man of her dreams made love to her. It didn't take long for her to cum as she clamped down on Steve's cock and released her long waited love for him. All her fantasies flashed in her head as she had an amazing explosion of love and passion. Steve pushed his cock in and held it as Emily rode out her orgasm.

Emily looked up at him with a smile and said "You gave me my first real orgasm. Now let me give you one." Steve smiled at her and rolled the two of them over. Emily was on top of him with his cock still inside of her. She started rocking back and forth. She took Steve's hands and placed them on her breasts. Steve squeezed them gently and moaned as Emily went from gentle rocking to bouncing on his cock. Steve moaned loudly and Emily sensed he was close to cumming. She started grinding on his cock, making him shiver. Emily was so tight and passionate. He'd had sex with many girls. But never had he felt such passion. This was as much a first for Steve as it was for Emily. She went from grinding on his cock to started bouncing on his cock again. "Emily I'm close to cumming." He announced and Emily smiled. "It's ok I'm on the pill, cum inside me." She bounced harder and Steve groaned. He looked into her eyes and moaned loudly as he released his cum inside her. Emily moaned as she felt him fill her up.

They were both sweating as Emily collapsed beside Steve. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lovingly. Emily giggled and rested her head on his chest. This had been the best night of her life. She'd become a woman thanks to her dream man.

The next morning Emily and Steve were still in bed talking. Their conversation was stopped by the bedroom door opening. Hannah stumbled inside and froze at the sight before her. Her best friend was naked in bed with the guy she'd had a huge crush on for years. Emily giggled and said "Morning Hannah. She was covered up by the bed covers so she wasn't worried about Hannah seeing anything. Hannah stared at them for a second and said "Sorry." And walked out. Steve and Emily just laughed and climbed out of bed.

Chapter 3

Detective Saunders was in his car with his partner Molly Jenkins. On their way to visit Dereck Walters girlfriend. It was just after lunch, Saunders and Jenkins had come from a fast food place for their lunch. They parked the car outside an apartment building in a rough part of town. People watched the two cops with distain as the entered the building.

They moved up to the top floor and knocked on door number 40. It took a few minutes but the door opened a crack and a brunette woman peaked through. A chain on the door stopped it from opening too wide. "Miss Alice Bishop?" Saunders asked. "What do you want?" She asked bluntly. "I'm detective Saunders this is detective Jenkins." He said as the two flashed their badges. "We'd like to talk to you about your boyfriend." Molly said. Alice's eyes went wide and she shut the door to take the chain off before opening again. She invited the two of them in and led them to the living room. The place was a dump but Alice had done her best to keep it clean and tidy. There was very little in the apartment. The living room had a cheap tv and a couch.

Alice sat on the couch and Saunders and Jenkins chose to stand. "So have you found Derek?" Alice asked hopefully. Saunders took a deep breath and said "I'm sorry to tell that Derek Walters is dead." Alice took a minute and then broke down with her face in her hands as she cried. Saunders took a tissue from his pocket and handed it too her. She smiled lightly and took it. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Jenkins took a notebook from her pocket and a pen. "What happened?" Alice asked. "The evidence suggests he was killed in self-defense." Alice looked up at them with confusion and a little anger. "Are you saying that Dereck attacked someone!? Never. Dereck was a good man. He'd never hurt anyone!" She said angry. "Miss Bishop I'm sorry to have to do this now, but I have a few questions to ask." Alice nodded and said "Ofcourse." Saunders took a seat beside her and started his questions.

"Did Dereck have any enemies?" Saunders asked. Alice shook her head. "As I said before, he was a good man. He was liked by everyone. He had a lot of good friends in and out of work." She answered honestly. "And what did he do for a living?" Saunders continued. "He was a mechanic in a garage. But he was let go 3 months ago." Jenkins wrote the information in her book. "Did he say why he was let go?" Saunders asked curiously. "The work stopped and they let alot of people go." Alice replied. "And he never got another job?" Saunders asked. "No. He looked for one but nothing came along, it was starting to scare me. We cant afford the rent and they'll throw us....me out soon." Alice said sniffling. "You don't work?" He asked and Alice shook her head again. "Not much work for a recovering alcoholic." She said sadly. "You beat the bottle?" Saunders said changing the subject to something slightly happier. "4 months." She said giving a small but proud smile. "Congratulations." Saunders said smiling.

"Did Dereck seem worried about anything?" Jenkins said bringing things back to the case. "Ummm.....Yeah he was on edge about something. With our money troubles I didn't think anything about it." She said with tears still running down her face. "When did you first notice the change in his behaviour?" Saunders asked. "Ummm.....about a month ago." She said and both detectives looked at each other knowingly. "Did you ever see or hear Dereck talking to a woman you don't know?" Saunders asked worried about how Alice would take it. "What? No? Are you saying he was having an affair?" She said with fear. "We don't believe so. But she's a person of interest in this investigation."

"Thankyou miss Bishop, you've been very helpful." Jenkins said standing. Alice stood and showed them to the door. "Oh by the way! I hear there's an apartment complex not far from here, the landlord is in need of a cleaner. I also hear he gives his employees an apartment rent free." Saunders said casually. Alice's eyes went wide and another tear fell down her face as she jumped at Saunders and hugged him. Saunders smiled and patted her on the back.

Saunders and Jenkins were back in the car heading to the garage where Dereck Walters worked. "That was nice of you." Jenkins said smiling. "Yeah well, I figure she could do with a break. Especially since she's just lost the man she loves." Said Saunders and Jenkins smiled.

The two detectives searched the garage for the manager and were greeted by an older gentleman wiping his oily hands with a cloth. " Hello, Jack Cross. Can I help you!" He asked. He wore a set of dark blue overalls and brown safety shoes. The detectives flashed their badges. "We have some questions about Dereck Walters." Jenkins said. "Dereck? Is he ok?" Jack asked. "He's dead." Saunders replied. Jacks face was shocked. "What happened?" Jack asked. "He worked for you?" Saunders asked. Jack nodded and said "Yes, he was a good guy. First one here in the morning, last one at night. He was having financial trouble so I was happy to give him as much work as I could."

"But you let him go." Jenkins asked. "Work went down I just couldn't pay him. When the work picked up I offered him his job again but he turned it down." The detectives looked at him curiously. "I thought you said he had money troubles." Jenkins asked suspiciously. "Yes but he turned the job down. Said he had another job. But he said he'd be done with it soon and he'd be back for work. I said there would be a job waiting when he was ready." Jack said shrugging his shoulders. "Did you ever see him with any shady characters? Did he ever have any enemies?" Saunders asked. Jack shook his head and said "No, never. Dereck wasn't the kind of man to get involved with people like that. No enemies that I know of, he got along with everyone here." Jack answered.

"When did you offer him his job back?" Jenkins asked. "Ummm.....nearly a month ago." Jack answered. "Thankyou Mr. Cross." Saunders said. "You think this other job got him killed?" Jack asked. Saunders looked at him blankly before saying thankyou again and leaving.

Saunders spent many nights in his office going through Dereck Walters' phone records. Nothing unusual. The chief was pressing him for results not that he had any. No leads, no other people of interest, no clues. His bank accounts showed nothing strange. One day Saunders went back to the house where Damien was found and turned it upside down. Nothing! Nothing to imply someone else was here. These guys were clever.

The day that Saunders had been dreading had come. He was stood in the chief's office with his hands behind his back. The chief told him that the trail had gone cold and the case was now officially cold case. There just wasn't enough evidence. Saunders argued that he just needed more time and the chief said that he was out of time.

Saunders spent that night in his apartment stewing over his failure. How was he to tell the Shellwood's this? The next day he informed the family and they were less then pleased. James shouted in Saunders face about his incompetence letting the culprits get away. Saunders stood and took every bit of abuse they had. They had every right to be angry, he apologised. Not on behalf of the police because he almost agreed. The station was willing to let the bad guys get away because the case got old. "I'm so sorry." Saunders said quietly as he turned an exited the house.

4 months later......

Over the next few months, Emily and Steve's relationship grew strong. They were inseparable. Going on dates a few times a week. Steve joined the Shellwood's for their family vacation. Amy and James were more then happy for him to join after all he had done for them. Steve was always a perfect gentleman to Emily and she loved him unconditionally. News of their relationship had spread through school like a wild fire. All the girls came to Emily looking for details, but Emily valued her privacy and told them nothing.

Damien was doing well. Re adjusting to his normal life. When Emily told him she had a boyfriend she made a point to tell him that nothing would change. "Don't worry little bro we're still going to have alot of fun and play." Through all her time with Steve, she never failed to make time for Damien. She took him to the park once a week and was overjoyed to see the sparkle in his eye as he went down the slide. Steve often joined them on their days out and Damien took an instant liking to Steve. It took a while but Damien started to see Steve as an older brother. Emily spent so much time with Damien, taking him with her to town, to hangout with friends and to hang out with Steve. It got to a point where people mistook her for a teen mom a couple of times.

A few of years passed and Damien was back to his old self. On his 10th birthday, Emily took Damien out for ice cream and a movie. His parents made plans for a party but cancelled last minute. Emily was angry about that but took it upon herself to give Damien a good birthday. The following week the siblings met Steve in town. They went to a store where Steve said "Look around, anything you want it's yours." Emily looked at him with wide eyes. Damien's eyes lit up as he ran of looking for something. "Thankyou baby." Emily said wrapping him in a hug. "No problem babe, I heard you're parents cancelled the party. Thought this might cheer him up." Steve was much taller then Emily so she stood on tip toes to kiss him. Damien came running back a moment later and said "I want this!" The coupled looked at what Damien held and were in mild shock to see it was a book. Emily took the book and read the title. "Agatha Christie's Poirot? Damien are you sure this is what you want?" She asked curiously. "Yeah!" Damien said beaming with excitement. Steve shrugged his shoulders and pulled his wallet out to pay for the book.

However there was a reason for Emily taking Damien out so much. Things at home were not good. Amy and James were arguing alot. Damien often lay awake at night as his parents tried to argue quietly. With little success. Emily tried to figure out why they were always arguing so much. It was hard to pin point it because they fought over anything and everything. It seemed as though the spark in their marriage no longer existed. It was beginning to scare her.

One Saturday morning, Damien went to find his father in the kitchen. He was sat at the table with a glass of whiskey. "Hey dad?" He asked and James looked up at his son and smiled. "Hey pal, what's up?" He asked. "I was just wondering, can we play baseball later?" Damien asked hopeful. James smiled and said "Ofcourse we can." Damien smiled and said thanks before sitting on the couch. Turning the tv on, Miss Marple was just starting. Damien was fascinated with these shows. CSI was ok but Agatha Christie showed true detective work at it's best.

Later that day, Damien was walking out to the back yard, a bat over his shoulder. James carried a glove and ball. Both smiling as they got ready for a decent game. At that moment, Amy came out with an angry expression. "James I told you I need you to drop me off for my hair appointment today." She said furiously. "Amy I'm playing with Damien." He said frustrated. "Forget it, I'll get Beth to take me!" She said angrily as she turned and stormed away. James sighed and turned to Damien. "I'll be right back pal I just need to talk to your mom!" He said as walked back in the house. Damien's face dropped and he sat on the grass as he waited for his dad to come back. Inside there was shouting and arguing.

Emily looked outside to see Damien sat there waiting while James and Amy argued. They shouted at each other, neither of them making sense. Amy gave James the finger and stormed out of the house. James' face was red with anger as he took off after her. Emily looked back to Damien who was still sat outside waiting. It saddened her so she went outside and sat beside him. "Hey little bro." She said happily. "when is dad coming back outside?" He asked. His sad face suggested he knew the answer. "Sorry bro I uhh....i don't think he is." Emily said sadly. Damien looked down sadly and said "Why are mom and down always fighting?" Emily rubbed his back gently. "Adults fight sometimes. Doesn't mean they don't love you any less." The siblings sat there in silence for a moment until Emily pulled her phone out and started punching in numbers. She held the phone to her ear and it didn't take long to get a reply. "Hey babe. What's up?" Steve said. "Mom and Dad have been arguing again. Damien was there to see it this time." Emily said sadly. "Say no more, come on round. Does Damien like McDonalds?" He said. Emily smiled and said "Yeah he does." "Good! I'll see you soon."

The following Saturday morning, Damien went to Amy's room where she was applying her makeup for the day. "Hey mom?" Damien said. "Yeah sweety?" Amy said smiling as she watched him in the mirror. "Can we go to the mall today and buy some books?" He asked hopefully. Amy looked at him curiously in the mirror. "Finished that Poirot book already?" She asked. "Yeah and I guessed the killer!" Damien said with pride. "Well done honey I'm very impressed." Amy said happily. Damien smiled and said "It was easy when you consider the victim was left handed." He said laughing. Amy smiled although she had no idea how a detail like that could matter. "Well then Ofcourse we can go get you another book!" She said and Damien left the room jumping with joy.

Within an hour, Damien was dressed and waiting by the door. Eventually, Amy came downstairs dressed in a blue blouse, jeans and black knee length boots. She smiled at him, looking forward to spending time with Damien. She grabbed her car keys and was about to walk out the door when she heard James' voice. "Amy!" He called out. Amy rolled her eyes and looked back to see James coming in from the garden. He had dirt all over him with a pair of thick gloves on. "Yes dear?" Amy asked sarcastically. "Where are you going? I thought you were gonna help me with the gardening?" He asked. "I'm going into town with Damien. Problem?" She asked frustrated. "Yeah, I thought you were gonna help me!" James said annoyed. "I'll be back later, I'll help then!" She said. James chuckled and shook his head. "So it's ok for you to blow me off to be with Damien but not when I do it to you!" Amy turned to face him in a fit of rage. "Don't you dare! Don't you dare make me the enemy!" James shook his head and said "Fine! Go! I'll get Emily to help me! If I'm aloud to spend time with my kids?" That last statement had Amy burning as she followed James up to their room screaming behind him.

Damien tried to understand what had just happened as he waited for his mom to come back. First he was excited to be spending time with his mom. Next he was sad and scared as his parents ran away to shout at each other. Damien could hear their voices upstairs. He waited...and waited.....and waited. Their voices hadn't gotten any quieter. As he stood by the door waiting, the door suddenly opened knocking Damien forwards a bit. Emily poked her head in confused and saw Damien. "Bro! What are you doing stood by the door?" She asked shutting the door behind her. "Me and mom were gonna go to the mall to get me another book." Damien said sadly. "Ok so where is she?" Emily asked. Damien pointed up towards their parents room and Emily heard the shouting. Emily rolled her eyes and held her hand out to Damien with a smile. "Come on! I'll take you too the mall." Damien shook his head and said "I just wanted to spend time with mom." He said as he hung his head and walked off to his room. Emily was furious. Her parents were always fighting and now they were starting to neglect Damien. She took a deep breath and walked up to Damien's room to see if he was ok. As she got to his room, she heard the sound of crying. Emily was enraged. She'd always protected Damien, no one made him cry and got away with it. Now here he was crying and it was their own parents that caused it. What was worse is that usually she'd bloody the nose of anyone who made Damien cry but since it was their parents making him cry, that wasn't an option. There was nothing she could do about it.

Damien didn't come down for the rest of the night. He missed dinner and the parents didn't seem to notice because they were still glaring at each other. Emily cleaned the dishes and wiped the counter down when Amy and James started arguing again. Emily tried to blank it out as they spat insults at each other. "USELESS OLD MAN!" Amy screamed. "PATHETIC BITCH!" James yelled. Emily was getting angry. It build inside her like a fire. Her hands started shaking. She thought she was gonna explode. Amy and James started shouting louder when Emily suddenly banged her fist on the counter and shouted "SHUT UP!" That shut the parents up like a switch. They stared at her with shock on their faces. "For fuck sake look at both of you! You're both pathetic! You've got problems and made no effort to sort them out! What really pisses me off, is that you're both neglecting Damien!" She screamed at them. "Emily we're not neglecting Damien!" Amy said defensively. "Oh really! When was the last time you played with him! How many times have you cancelled you're plans with him! Did you even notice that he didn't come down for dinner!?" Emily screamed again.

Amy's face was filled with pure horror. Emily was right, she couldn't remember the last time she did something with Damien. She had always made plans to spend time with him but something always got in the way.

"What about his birthday! His 10th birthday! The one you promised to give him a party for! What happened there!" Emily carried on. Amy remembered her and James argued because he forgot to get a cake. When they'd finished arguing, neither of them were in the emotional state to have guests. So they cancelled. They promised to make it up to Damien but they never did. "Let me tell you where my brother is. He's up in his room crying because my dear mother promised to spend time with him. Until she started screaming and just FORGOT him. If you're not up to it, just say so and I'll raise my little brother myself!" Emily said storming away.

Amy and James stood there in total shock. Amy was heartbroken. Everything Emily said was true she'd been neglecting her son! And apparently he was upstairs crying. She must have spent time with him in the last week! She must've! But no memories came back. Through all the fighting and arguing she'd never thought she was neglecting Damien. She never thought that Damien was being hurt by the arguing. Amy fell to her knees crying. Her instincts as a mother had failed her. "I'm a terrible mother!" Amy whispered in despair.

James was also ashamed. The difference was that he knew how it was effecting Damien. James could see the hurt in his eyes. James was ashamed because it was his job as a man to look after his family and he'd failed. He'd failed to protect his kids from the arguing. For the first time in a long time, he kneeled beside Amy and took her in his arms. She turned and hugged him back as she cried. James helped Amy to her feet and led her to their bedroom where he sat her on the bed. He stood in front of her as she sniffled. "This can't continue Amy." Said James. Amy nodded and said "What's happened to us? Why did we even start arguing." Amy asked searching her memory for an answer. James sighed and shook his head. "I don't know but tomorrow we're going to sit down as a family and talk about this " James said with his mind made up. "For our family." Amy said. James nod his head and they went to sleep holding each other.

The next day was Sunday and Emily sat at the kitchen table with Damien. James and Amy called a family meeting. Emily believed it was to apologise. Damien feared it was to announce their separation. Amy and James joined the kids moments later. Both had nervous looks as they both sat at the table opposite the kids.

"Kids....It's no secret that your mother and I have been having some problems. It's gotten to a point where we can't even remember what started it all. Even worse, it's gotten in the way of us being there for both of you. We're sorry. But we've been talking and we've both agreed to start working things out. It's better then shouting at each other everyday. I promise both of you, things will be back to normal." James words gave Damien hope. Maybe they'd listen to what he knows. "Damien, your father and I are so sorry we've been neglecting you. We never thought it had gotten that bad. There's no excuse and I'll have to live with that. But I swear I love you more then life itself and I will be a better mother for you." Amy said sadly.

Now was Damien's time to shine. "Mom let me help." He said. "Honey this is an adult problem. I appreciate that you want to help but this is for us to work out together." Damien shook his head and said "Mom do you really wanna make it up to me?" He asked and Amy nodded. "Then let me help cause I know what the problem is." Amy and James looked at each other then back to Damien with confusion. "What do you mean?" James said. Damien had a slightly smug look and said "This is kinda uncomfortable so I'm just gonna say it. You two need to have sex!" Amy and James bounced back a little in shock. "Damien that isn't something we should be discussing." James said ster

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Divided at Division OneChapter 9

The 2 day whirlwind of speaking to sports scholarship recruits was over after meeting Tim Waters right at the Albany International Airport. Waters was a wide receiver, lanky, but strong, who had impressed many by his overall athleticism. Jared Winslow knew little about him except that his predecessor was impressed enough to take a chance on recruiting him although he might be an academic problem. Jared saw right away that taking a fatherly approach with the boy might be the best way to...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 10

It was after 6 pm when Jared Winslow finally pushed the key to his backdoor into the slot and turned it open. His day started 12 hours ago almost 3 hours away and since he had taken a half of a yellow legal pad in notes and walked the perimeter of Meditek Stadium turf a few dozen times to watch different "skills" being exhibited. The perimeter was so cluttered with sleds, tackle makers, 2 and 5 man wheel trainers, steppers and line chutes that the field resembled some weird torture palace....

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Divided at Division OneChapter 13

As the small jet settled on the runway at O'Hare Jared Winslow jostled awake surprised he had slept so soundly on the plane. The close quarter of the cabin on the jet lent to a quick roll call of names and occupations for those who wanted to disclose them when they took off. He looked around the cabin of the jet trying to remember the names the others had given, but his sound sleep had robbed him of any memory of the few seconds of introductions. Once they were airborne with a full plane...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 14

Jared was a usual early riser and was surprised when he woke and it was just after 8 o'clock. He made quick work of shaving and showering and just as he was getting out he heard the room phone ringing. "Hello?" "Coach Winslow, it's Elmer Hollins, Boge's father. I work some nights at O'Hare and saw you come in last night and thought you might looking to see Boge. I called him this morning and he said he never heard from you and I was wondering if you had a hard time getting in touch...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 15

Mommy, are you going to be here when I get home?" Declan asked as his mother finished double tying his sneakers and gave him final behavior orders. "Of course. Even if Coach Jared has to do any football stuff, I'll be sure he's back here too." She assured him. Jared stood back and watched Meg the Mom and was pleased she had become so adept with the boy, reminding him of his own Mom when he was small. MJ, who was there to pick up her "date" leaned to whisper in Meaghan's ear as...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 16

Jared thought he had gotten through their breakfast meeting without bringing up expenses, but Dean Crawford could not bite her tongue any longer as they walked from the restaurant at Green Mountain Greens to their cars. "Oh, the travel office sent me itinerary's and vouchers for you and the coaching staff for now through the end of July. I know you said there would be a lot of work over the summer but I didn't know we would keep a travel agent in business." She said through a pained...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 17

Jared couldn't wait to get home and shower after his little workout with Marv Hudson. It was invigorating to get out and run a bit, catch a ball and fill his lungs with the rich country air. He would work himself into better shape as practice began in earnest but he anticipated being a bit sore the following day. While in the shower he heard the phone ring and cursed the probability. Once out and dried off he went to the blinking machine and pressed the play button. "Good afternoon Coach,...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 18

It was July 26th and Jared Winslow's Press Release announcing the practice schedule was ready for release on August 1st for the Sunday papers and sports sections throughout Vermont and New England. It was being prepared to mail to all invited team members and recruits as well as any walk-ons who had made themselves known. It would otherwise be posted at the Coaches Hall. As he had "promised" on his visits with players a few weeks earlier, it would be grueling and would prove just how much...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 19

Jared made the flight arrangements for Meaghan to get back to Chicago on Tuesday morning and then went about making sure he could piece together a dinner of some sort for their post-lovemaking hunger. Right now, eating dinner seemed to have taken a back seat to sexual relief. While passing the time by checking his email he heard the bathroom door open and he rushed to see if he might help her, but she was just closing the door to his bedroom, smiling back at him saying "See you in a few...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 20

Jared Winslow did his best to hide his excitement over Meaghan and Declan coming to live with him as a run up to a marriage that somehow was inevitable all their lives. So many things in their lives changed the fate they stumbled through, but a chance trip to Chicago to interview Boge Hollins put his face on a TV screen that happened to catch Meaghan's eye. That set forth the chain of events that led to this twist of two peoples fates. Besides making his personal life complete, the biggest...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 21

Coach Ruffin took his team to his field and brought them to the training equipment, dummies and sleds and asked who might not be familiar with them. No one raised their hands but Coach went through the basics of each and said they would get to the "rough stuff" the following day. "Today is a day to get stretched out, have a little light contact and motivate some competitiveness. In a little while we're going to go over and meet the offense for a little touch scrimmage. I don't need any...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 22

"On the first pre-season team itinerary you got, today was to be a cut down day." Coach Winslow began as he addressed the team following Mondays team work-out run. He was almost surprised he was there, knowing that Meaghan, her son Declan, and the moving van were at his house right now moving his future life into place. He and Meg were hugging and sharing a "hello" kiss with Declan hugging his leg when the moving van rolled through the guard house gate at the top of the gated street. The...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 23

"Jared ... Jarrrrrrrrrrrred ... coffee is ready. Get up or they'll start the game without youuuuuuuuu!" Meaghan sing-songed in his ear. Jared Winslow suddenly bolted up. "What time is it!" "It's 8:30 baby. I'm surprised you weren't up at six, pacing the floor." Meaghan responded. "Oh yeah, I want to be at the stadium by 9:30. I can't believe I slept so late, I... " He responded groggily. Meaghan pushed him back into the pillow and straddled him over the blanket, dressed in...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 24

There were six NorthEast 10 teams playing scrimmages against out of conference teams that weekend. For many of them it was a chance to go and see a big named team play the local college and maybe see some of the names that lit up college highlight films. With the exception of the NEAT game, most drew little attention. Coach Winslow had no intention of doing a press conference after the game, since it was a scrimmage, but Ann Comeche, his SID insisted that too many outlets requested time for...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 25

Two busses waited for the team as they de-planed in Boone, North Carolina. Bench Essential Personnel for home games became the Travel Facilitators for road games. Both were just fancy names for team roadies, but with the advent of a co-ed team their jobs and importance became more essential. They had to make sure that the privacy stalls were the last thing on the plane and first thing off. If there were a problem with their arrival or the fitting, the girls might have to dress in another...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 26

The playbook session went smoothly as the staff added variations and sets to existing plays they had set up and ran in the previous scrimmages and scrimmage games. With additional plays in the book it was complete and today the coaches would man the huddles again with the play outlines around their neck to go over for anyone unsure. Jordy Alford would call the plays and line up, Frank Ruffen would read the set the defense. Coach Winslow would critique the sets and then back off and let the...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 27

The schedule for a student-athlete is an arduous one and most always, Sunday nights are study nights, especially after a long practice session like the final day of training camp. With few exceptions, most players were huddled in their dorms catching up on studies and decompressing from an action packed few days. All of the male players were housed in Ethan Hall. It was a living arrangement they had no choice in during the season and could only change after the Holiday Break when they...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 28

When the coaches talked with the players about the strength and weaknesses of their upcoming opponent they also stressed another point; Maine State College was doing the same thing with their team. Jordy Alford had his offense taking a breather at one end of the field, sitting on their helmets listening intently at Wednesday's practice. "Right now a team is preparing to play us, ... beat us, ... and do you know what THEIR coaches are telling them?" He asked as he raised his left hand and...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 31

The flurry of fist bumping, back patting, hugging, high fives, whooping and congratulations being passed out in the New England Green Aggie locker room was a joy that every coach loves to walk into after a game. Jared Winslow had been stopped twice on his trek off the field for quick interviews that he quickly begged off of. He blew a whistle in the locker room to get the attention of the group who quickly stopped and turned to hear his words. "Before I go down to the press room, I just...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 32

Waking Sunday morning after the win was one of the joys of coaching. Jared only wished Meg had felt better the night before. She wondered if she had eaten something bad at the game, but was unable to pin it down. Jared had fallen asleep massaging her troubled belly hoping to calm it enough for her to fade away herself. As his eyes adjusted to the room he realized he was alone in the bed and the clock read 10:10. He heard the din of the TV and knew Declan had gotten up and probably woke his...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 33

Mid-November brought on the first snows of a Vermont Winter and stadium crews were busy clearing the field so Jared Winslow could take his 5-4 overall, 4-3 in conference, Green Aggies to the field for Thursdays practice. Despite the pressure on the crews to get the stadium ready for Saturday's full house against Jersey State U, Fridays forecast promised more snow. Temperatures wouldn't get much below 28, but they probably wouldn't see the sun anytime before Sunday, so a melt off was likely...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 34

Meaghan and Declan had missed the game while visiting her parents for the weekend in Burlington. Her Dad had been in the hospital for a "minor procedure", as her Mom called it. It was actually having his gall bladder removed but her Mom felt it was something he could have avoided had he kept a better diet. She was somehow embarrassed. It was one of the "little things" that drove Jared crazy about his future mother-in-law, being worried about what others may think or assume, so he made it...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 35

Preparing for U Delaware Dover would be, perhaps, the hardest the team had worked all year. UD was a team strong in many ways, but lacked a defined execution style to be consistent. They were young, with only 2 seniors and 8 juniors and a whole new coaching staff, but they were finding themselves week by week. Coach Winslow wanted to go at them hard on their first offensive set before using his normal game plan. "We'll try to show them our explosive fire power with Marv's arm and our...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 36

June Bokue was in the parking lot at Meditek waiting for the buses to come in since 8:30. She couldn't wait to congratulate the team. By 9, all of the players who hadn't made the trip or were non-roster red shirts were waiting, each excited for their teammates and all feeling they, too, were a part of the victory. Coach let all of them know that their contributions in practice were invaluable. A few hundred fans joined them and cheered as the busses rolled in. Glad hands and high-fives were...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 37

In his quest to finish 7-3 in the conference Jared Winslow had to beat the only team he played twice this season, White Mountain University/New Hampshire. In the 10 team conference each team played one in-conference team twice to round the schedule, he was happy that it was a team who had beaten them earlier. Avenging a loss would be all the reason to keep the team up for the final game. The loss to White Mountain U was painful because they turned around an 11 point lead to a 3 point loss in...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 38

Julie Murcer had one problem that bothered her mightily, she had gone back on her word to Coach Winslow about getting involved with teammates, and in particular Brian Faraday. It hadn't affected the team at all and the only male member of the team who knew was Brian Faraday. Now she suddenly had an interest in Gerry Granahan and by the off season it would probably become apparent to other members of the team, assuming it lasted. She didn't want to be known as a trouble maker and was unsure...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 39

As soon as Julie got back to her room from her "date" with Gerry, she stripped down and jumped on the bed and cocked her knees back to fully feel and squeeze her pussy. She ran her fingers up and down the lips, toying with them, pinching them, making her clitoral mound fill even more with blood. She pinched it down with her thumb over the hood and three fingers squeezing her slit and letting the middle finger slide between to toy with her clit. Her mind drifted back to Saturday night,...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 40

Saturday morning most of the team was in the team locker room at 9:00 am, almost a full hour before Coach asked them to be there. Playbooks were open and different members of each coach's staff were going over plays drawn up the day before in their final cram for the game. Some were in the video room watching game tapes of WMU's last game, but no one was sitting idly. Trainers hadn't even gotten there yet, so most players waiting to be taped, wrapped, or bandaged, hadn't dressed beyond...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 41

For some, it would be the biggest victory of their life. For others, it would be just a primer of what was coming in their sports careers. Anyone who was a part of THIS team had special memories of what they did, together. Even the special teamer who saw but 5 or 6 minutes of action all year would someday be walking through the Wal-Mart, standing in church, or even changing a diaper for their son or daughter, and the memory of the special feeling to be part of what they did might come...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 42

Jack Daniels woke up about the same time June and Marv had stirred, but Jack wasn't going anywhere. It would have taken him an hour to wipe the smile off his face. After all of years of waiting, being apprehensive, lacking confidence and just being afraid, he was waking up next to a woman. A nude woman, a woman he had made love to the night before, a woman who told him that he had made her happier than any man before him. He didn't know HOW he had done that, she was the first woman he had...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 43

Jared pared down the list of 12 questions to 5 and submitted them to the site producer as he went into locker room. The list was: 1. of Boge Hollins, Do you think there is a level of Division 1 where this team might embarrass itself? 2. of Brian Faraday, Leading the nation in scoring, does that make going to this bowl game more pressure packed for you, knowing you have to come up big for the team to win? 3. of Oksana Cushman, This team depended on you to leave your defense in good field...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 44

Coach Winslow had been in his office going over talent pools and potential recruits to fill holes on his team for the following season when he looked up to see it was 2:55 and he knew from the shuffle of feet outside his closed door that his team was ready to start their prep for their Bowl date in Florida. He would keep his strategy of not being opponent specific in these two weeks of work-outs and scrimmage, just work at staying sharp and improving where it was needed. When he opened his...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 45

As a buzz began to fill the locker room wondering where "Junebug" was, Coach Winslow and his staff came out to greet the team. "Welcome back to all of you who got home for Thanksgiving. I hope you all had a chance to truly give thanks for all we have here as a team right now. Just to quell rumors and speculation, Red Shirts are not going to practice and travel for the Bowl Game as originally intended. The number of hotel rooms allotted to us is making it necessary for some staff to triple...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 46

Tuesday night was not a good night for sleeping. As the 60 rostered players for the game itself lay in bed they worried about their job, their performance, the outcome, and for some who still not used to it, just the trepidation of flying. Certainly flying is safer than driving, but there is one subtle difference. When you get a case of the jitters in a car you can ask the driver to stop and let you out. That doesn't work well on an airplane. The truth is, if everyone knew the basics of...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 47

Although Wednesday night only offered the players a few hours of "free" time before bed check and they had to stay on the Hotel campus, the local "talent" found ways to meet up with players or at least arrange other liaisons for the next night. The warm weather and the bikini brigade had the young men interested, and frustrated. They had all been spoken to about being careful about everything from star-fuckers to STD's. They also talked about media outlets hiring "Annie's" to help get...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 48

Jared Winslows Saturday morning wake-up call was for 6 a.m. That gave him plenty of time to get up and get his pre-game prep done over coffee and then go down to meet the bus and then the team for the ride to "The Trop". Friday's practice, work-out and subsequent video and blackboard session left he and the team confident that they knew how to compete with and beat Florida International. The only thing he worried about, and he spent the last 30 minutes of their session talking about it,...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

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With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...

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