Divided at Division OneChapter 32
- 4 years ago
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Two busses waited for the team as they de-planed in Boone, North Carolina. Bench Essential Personnel for home games became the Travel Facilitators for road games. Both were just fancy names for team roadies, but with the advent of a co-ed team their jobs and importance became more essential. They had to make sure that the privacy stalls were the last thing on the plane and first thing off. If there were a problem with their arrival or the fitting, the girls might have to dress in another location and the coaching staff wanted the group to always be together if at all possible. Today's venue was a minor league baseball stadium and there was probably going to be stall sharing, so this was really going to be a logistics test for the crew.
The team all traveled well without any first time, or nervous flyers. The Canadair jets were common charters and quite efficient for short distance travel, 3 hours and under. For longer flights they became cramped, but it was not a worry with most NorthEast 10 travel. Logistically, the roadies made everything work well with no glitches. As Coach Winslow had promised to Joe Barber, by the kick-off of the 2nd game he knew each member of the BEP team and any additional roadies. He made sure they were all fed once their basic work was done and they waited to break down and go home. Even in the cramped baseball stadium he made sure they had a room to eat and decompress in with a table of food.
While winning every game was important, for this day, this scrimmage, winning really wasn't at the top of the list. Looking respectable, smoothing out the offense and defense, the running in and out of plays, the solidifying of positions and building confidence were at the top of the list. Fans wanted to see their local Mountaineers, and were quite curious about the "co-ed team" coming in.
When they left North Carolina that evening they were on the wrong end of a 23-18 score, however for the most part, the team was mostly happy and satisfied with what they accomplished. At the end of the first half, with mostly App State starters, they were only down 14-12. Once Marv Hudson had moved the ball inside the 30 yard line they were shutting down the air attack and utilizing the running game. His longest pass was 16 yards and the whole day was intended to give him a lesson in eating the clock and controlling the pace. It gave Brian Faraday 6 opportunities that he converted each time with ease. Marv Hudson used short passes and Boge Hollins to keep the Appalachian State defense on their toes all through the first half. By the second half Junior Contralco was getting most of the running assignments to give Boge some time off that he used constructively picking Coach Winslow's brain for strategy as he play called.
Kemmer Brooks and Tim Waters were given little opportunity to break free being used for just short yardage pass plays and blocking assignments. Coach Winslow was truly using the scrimmage to iron out and highlight some problems his inexperienced quarterback was having.
Actually, if not for a freak score to close out the first half, NEAT may have won this game. In one on the few times the NEAT offense totally stalled they were on their own 31 yard line and Oksana came into punt. She got away a dandy that looked like it might pin State behind their own 20. However the first Green Aggie defender tried to make a high hit on the receiver just after he tucked the ball to his body. He spun away and found a key block and he was off to the races with only one NEAT pursuer in his way, Oksana Cushman. A long diving tackle took the ball carrier down at the Green Aggie 7 yard line.
She bounced up after the tackle and headed for the bench while her teammates surrounded her in support. She made it clear she was here to play the game and whatever it took, she would do. She didn't want to hear "nice play, for a girl." Unfortunately, the defense wasted her effort when NEAT lined up for a goal line stand and the State quarterback faked a hand off and rolled out, sneaking in on the right side. Frank Ruffen sputtered aloud and openly on the sideline about not preparing his defensive backfield for the play.
NEAT opened the second half offense with Mark Freeman at quarterback and June Bokue at wide receiver, a move to satisfy the fans. Freeman kept the offense conservative completing short yardage passes to June on consecutive plays. Then he used Kemmer Brooks lined up at fullback with a full backfield of Hollins and Contralco, using the bench play-call of a 33 Lead to get the first down. Coach then sent in a 33 Lead Keeper where the 33 Lead unfolds as normal but the Quarterback keeps the ball and follows the fullback and looks for a hole. Freeman got through for an 11 yard gain and a first down. State then tightened up their middle defense and bottled up the running game. Hoping to catch lightning in a bottle, Freeman missed his receiver on a disappointing third down Flood Pass. The Flood Pass puts four receivers running same side patterns, usually left, as the Quarterback rolls that way. If no one is open he has the option of running, but with 4 receivers in the same zone, it's unlikely. Junior Contralco running from the right side tight end position and June Bokue from the left side wide-out were both open, but Freeman over threw a wobbly floater to the sidelines. No matter the outcome, it was going to be Mark Freeman's last set of downs for the day, but Jordy Alford was mad at himself for convincing Jared to run the play. He felt Freeman was ready to succeed with it, but Mark threw off the wrong foot and lost control.
Freeman came to the sidelines dejected but Coach Winslow put an arm around him to encourage him and kept him with him as the defense worked 4 quick downs. Mark thought Coach would send him back in when the offense took over, but he kept him at his side. He verbalized all of his thoughts as he called the plays for Marv Hudson, letting him know his strategy on each play, showing him where it might have failed, and where it could have been more successful. He told Mark that he thought he was competent and could run the offense in a pinch. While Freeman had been dejected at being pulled, when he finally got to sit on the bench he was happy with his role of understudy and felt his coach had confidence in his abilities.
After the failed 3rd down Flood Pass and Oksana Cushman's Green Aggie punt, The Mountaineers of App State seemed to borrow the strategy of Winning Winslow for the rest of the day, keeping the ball on the ground and controlling the clock with short passes mixed in. They kicked 3 field goals and dominated the clock for much of the rest of the third quarter, while NEAT did much of the same for the fourth, but only managing 2 field goals and a lost opportunity on a fumble.
The Green Aggie defense got a lot of the workout it needed against the running game and short pass. Despite the final score it was apparent that Coach Winslow, his assistants and their staffs were all happy on the flight home. The only part of their game they hadn't worked out under game conditions was the long gain pass play. They all knew that Marv Hudson was deadly accurate and only needed to teach him not to hurry or be over confident. In intra-squad scrimmages he had learned that he had a great corps of receivers with good hands and moves. Learning to use them wisely would come. Winslow would feel better holding back using this facet of their game until their defense put them in the kind of hole where they HAD to score quick and often. Until they established themselves, showboating and running up a score was out of the question. For now controlling the clock and the ball was his objective.
After getting home and the team settled on the bus from Burlington back for the last leg of their trip, Coach told the assembled team that Saturdays report card would be pushed back to 1:00 pm from its original 11:00 am.
"Get some sleep and be here for 1:00 o'clock. A workout is not mandatory, as it will never be the day after a game during the season. Don't worry, I won't even check who does or doesn't. You all put in a great day today, we can pick it apart a little tomorrow. Get some sleep." Jared said with a little knowing smile.
He was sure there would be a little steam letting before some of them got to bed.
Coach Winslow got to his office at 11:45 on Saturday to prepare to meet his coaches at noon before the team report card. He no more than sat down at his desk when Ira Pressley came in with Julie Murcer.
"Coach, can we have a few minutes?"
"Sure, come on in and close the door."
"Julie came to me last night quite disappointed that she hadn't gotten into the game yesterday. She felt it might have been her only chance to see some action and was quite upset. I let her know it was logistics and not any doubts of her abilities." Ira started, speaking for Julie and himself.
"I don't want to be on this team just to be a roommate for Oksana. You have June here now, put her on the squad and stop ... well, I should just say that I feel I'm being jerked around a bit." Julie interjected before Coach could respond.
"Julie, I told you when you made the team that playing time for a back-up place kicker would be little if any, but it was a position I had to fill. I could have recruited among the ranks and found SOMEONE who has a little experience, but I wanted YOU. Number one, because you're very good, and number two, because of the situation with Oksana." He started.
"But YOU said... " She jumped in before Coach raised his hand in a stop motion.
"Let me finish! I told you that you would get the next PAT shots and just because we didn't get any touchdowns in yesterdays scrimmage doesn't mean I'm going back on that." He promised.
"So I'll get all the kicks in the inter-squads, that still won't get me a click!" She spat as she sat back in her chair and crossed her arms defensively.
"No, I mean in next weeks league game. When we score a touchdown the PAT is yours." Jared said with a little grin.
"The first game, the first touchdown? That should be Brian's. He earned it." She said softly.
"No, he came to me and said he wants you to have it. He says YOU earned it for all the help you've given him. Coach Nietczyk can beat his brains in on the mechanics and all that, but you put it all in perspective for him. He's a great athlete but he's had doubts and you've made it look so easy for him. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you in North Carolina, but I wasn't going to let you down." Coach told her, sure he made her happy.
"I was worried I'd be the only one who didn't lose their cherry, get my domino." She said exhaling deeply in a sign of relief.
"Excuse me? What... ?" Jared asked, startled at her words.
"Easy Winnie, it's just a figure of team-speak. As each player got into a game Boge and Jazz were giving out dominos to put on their dressing stalls. They called it losing their cherry. I'm sure the National Organization for Women would like that." He explained, finishing with a sarcastic tone.
Julie burst out laughing saying, "They don't understand how we can all be in the same locker room with out being raped, so I don't think they would understand that."
Coach Winslow startled a moment and then spat out "You actually haven't been questioned by them, have you?"
"I think a reporter or some group fished for a story when we deplaned in Burlington last night. Oksana, June and I were all stopped and asked the same two questions at different places in the airport while we waited for the busses."
"WHAT QUESTIONS?" Jared demanded.
"Don't get all crazy coach. We ALL know NOT to say anything to anyone unless it's sanctioned by the school. They asked "Are the boys having a good time with you in the locker room?" and "Have you seen the pictures of you undressing on the internet?". A different person, but always a woman, asked each of us and NONE of us said anything, not even a "no comment". It wasn't a big deal. We know it's going to happen and we aren't going to let anyone ruin what we've done." Julie said evenly, showing she was undaunted by any outside pressure.
"I'll speak to the whole team and make sure we keep this stance. I have to get with Ann Comeche and have her choose an outlet to bring in to see we have it all under control. Julie, would you be offended if we had a matron, a sort of overseer, in the locker room? I trust my team and I don't think we have anyone that any of the girls has to worry about, but it has been suggested." Coach asked.
"Right now I would think it might send a signal to the guys that we thought there was a problem, and none of us feel that way. Besides some of the kidding, you know ball-busting, and that goes back and forth, it's been respectful to everyone. We've each been asked out on dates by guys on the team and we've all refused, just saying that during the season it can't happen. Boge overheard one guy ask me and I think he's talked to everyone. These guys, well all of us, really look up to him. His Dad is awesome too. He introduced him to all of us after the BC game." She said measuring her words to the Coach to be sure he understood her feelings.
"Alright, it sounds like we're all on the same page here then. You girls just have to know that what we are doing here is unprecedented and it's not going to happen elsewhere, at least not right away, if anything goes wrong. To give you your own locker room would cause some dissension and make it a "my team, your team" situation. We'll talk it over after the report card today." Coach said wanting to finish up the meeting.
"Coach Winslow, Coach Pressley, thank you both for hearing me out and understanding, and making me happy. Our high school program in Oklahoma consisted of all people I knew and grew up with, and right here I think we're closer as a group with a goal. Thanks!" Julie said as she got up to get ready for the meeting.
"Julie, one more thing," Coach Pressley wondered, "How did you handle the locker room in Oklahoma?"
"There were two of us girls, me and a lineman, ha! — linewoman. We had to change in the girls room and meet in the team room, outside the boys locker room. After games we had to go home to shower. It was OK, nothing like here with our own shower room." She said before walking down the corridor.
"That WAS the COACHES shower, you know!" Ira Pressley hollered loud enough with a laughing indignance.
Despite the fact they were grading a loss, a scrimmage loss, the report card meeting was mostly positive. Defensive lapses were the most prevalent complaint and Frank Ruffen took the brunt of the blame saying he should have prepared them better inside the 10. He didn't feel he fully explained jobs, duties, and key things to watch in some of their defensive sets. He spent a few minutes explaining the difference between 3rd and short in the middle of the field and 3rd or 4th and goal inside the 5. i.e.: the key positions to watch and movement inside the signal call.
Jared acknowledged that Julie had been the only player not to get into a game and he was rewarding her by giving her the first PAT in a season game as requested by Brian Faraday. The whole team cheered for her before she was pelted by a volley of socks from the very lockers they sat in front of ... It was a team thing Boge and Jazz came up with when a team member got a chance to "puff up" as Boge called it. Boge came across the room with a domino and gave it to her.
"Here's your domino, just keep it in your helmet until you can put it up on your locker." He said with a fist bump and a smile. "We all know you'll earn it."
Hand claps and cheers of "click, click, click" came from the assembled players.
Once calm was restored Coach got serious.
"Now we have to talk about a problem that cropped up last night in Burlington and will probably dog us all year..."
Coach went over the policies of speaking to anyone about the locker room situation and everything Julie had brought up in her private meeting. If anyone was not in agreement with the university's stand, the coaches' stand, or even the girls' stand on the situation, they didn't let it be known.
"A workout today is optional, just keep in mind the last two-a-day is tomorrow and then it's a regular game week schedule. As you know, we open right here against Maine State University one week from today. We'll go over what we know about them during the week, but I do know they are a team with few freshman and they scored a lot of points last year. So they have experienced players. Coach Alford and I will work with our offense to open it up a bit more this week and also get Mark Freeman some snaps so he can take over if necessary. Through our practices, inter squad scrimmages and 2 scrimmage games we have set most of our positions. I've been really happy with the defense, you guys have made a ton of progress and all you need now is playing time together to gel. Now we have to fine tune a bit and recognize problems, work on areas where we seem to come up short. Overall I'm happy on both sides of the ball. Now, we may get worse before we get better, but unless I'm missing something," He said, pausing and looking around the room at each face of each player who sat on a stool in front of his or her locker, "We will win more games than we lose."
Smiles broke out on faces around the room as they exuded confidence. Jared Winslow felt sure he had prepared the team quite well for the week before their first game. The Sunday two-a-day was going to be a day of game situations, drilling basics into everyone with constant position rotation. By Mondays afternoon practice they would be ready to concentrate on their first opponent, but Sunday was going to be a long day.
The weather had been typical Northern New England for early Fall with cool nights and days that barely flirted with 70 degrees. Leaves, especially the maples, were already turning and a few were falling. This particular Saturday, however, was turning into a throwback to July with temps in the middle to upper 70's. The weatherman already warned of cool air from Canada about to make a plunge across New England for the next few days, sure to paint the foliage and begin to fulfill the dull graying promise of winter. To many Vermonters it meant a last chance to be out in a summer situation and the Saturday timing of this last gasp of summer filled local parks and lake shores with families.
When Jared got home from the Stadium he found Meaghan putting the finishing touches on a picnic lunch she had prepared and was packing into the SUV. When Jared walked into the house his senses perked up with the smells from the kitchen.
"Wow, I smell your mothers fried chicken, it feels like Sunday dinnertime at the Mahaffey house." He said as he came up behind Meg and kissed the back of her neck.
"When I told my Mom we were going to picnic today she emailed me the recipe for you. I bet we had fried chicken on 3 Sundays in 4 back then, and you never missed a chance to get an invite. I got a butterscotch pie, lots of veggies, chips, dips, macaroni salad and a Cole slaw all packed." Meaghan said turning to hug her man.
Jared laughed and looked around, asking "Where's Declan?"
"He's in his room doing a time-out. He had a temper tantrum because he's going to miss playing next door. I guess Mike Denault is getting a bouncy house, or what ever they call it, for his daughters birthday party tomorrow. Mike told the boys they could use it today because they have to leave the little girls alone tomorrow for the party. The Mom of the other little boy Declan plays with is bringing the boys to see a movie tomorrow to get them out of the way." Meg explained.
"So Declan, Mike and Tracy Denault's son, and the Fletcher boy are going to the movies so they don't terrorize the little girls birthday party? Does this mean we're going to be alone?" Jared said doing a u-turn from heading to Declan's room.
Meaghan blushed knowingly and nodded, adding, "If I don't have to warm Declan's butt, he'll be going. He's on notice right now that if he has one more outburst he'll be getting a spanking and be grounded all day Sunday. You better talk to him and let him know some of the rules. He thinks he's on vacation here, I think."
Jared walked to Declan's room and found him sitting on his bed pouting.
"What's this I hear about you giving your Mom a hard time? Don't you think she's had enough problems to do that? Don't you want to go with us on a picnic? It'll be the last one this year." Jared said somewhat sternly, letting the boy know he was disappointed.
"I want to play in the bounce house. Why can't I stay here?" He said boldly.
"If you stay here, who'll play Frisbee with me, or go to the petting zoo in the park with me? Your Mom and I want to do things as a family, and if you stay here, how is that a family?" He asked trying to reason with Declan.
"I'LL MISS THE BOUNCY HOUSE!" He yelled back defiantly.
Jared closed the door and went to Declan. "If your Mom hears you being bold and having a tantrum she'll come in here and spank you and you'll be home tomorrow when they go to the movies ... and you'll go on the picnic anyway."
"I'LL JUST STAY IN THE CAR!" He growled back.
Jared took his arm firmly to get his attention and put his face in his face.
"BUT YOU'LL STILL BE ON THE PICNIC, GET A SPANKING AND MISS THE MOVIE! DO YOU HEAR ME?" Jared said firmly hoping he got through to him as he heard Meaghan approaching down the hall.
Jared got to the door before she did and he slipped out, putting his finger to his lips in a "shush" to her. He closed the door behind him and shooed her back up the hallway.
"Let him stew for a second before you go in there. He knows the situation. If he acts up and gets spanked and grounded, it will have been his choice. Let him think on it for a minute." He said quietly.
Coach Ruffin took his team to his field and brought them to the training equipment, dummies and sleds and asked who might not be familiar with them. No one raised their hands but Coach went through the basics of each and said they would get to the "rough stuff" the following day. "Today is a day to get stretched out, have a little light contact and motivate some competitiveness. In a little while we're going to go over and meet the offense for a little touch scrimmage. I don't need any...
There were six NorthEast 10 teams playing scrimmages against out of conference teams that weekend. For many of them it was a chance to go and see a big named team play the local college and maybe see some of the names that lit up college highlight films. With the exception of the NEAT game, most drew little attention. Coach Winslow had no intention of doing a press conference after the game, since it was a scrimmage, but Ann Comeche, his SID insisted that too many outlets requested time for...
Jared couldn't wait to get home and shower after his little workout with Marv Hudson. It was invigorating to get out and run a bit, catch a ball and fill his lungs with the rich country air. He would work himself into better shape as practice began in earnest but he anticipated being a bit sore the following day. While in the shower he heard the phone ring and cursed the probability. Once out and dried off he went to the blinking machine and pressed the play button. "Good afternoon Coach,...
"Jared ... Jarrrrrrrrrrrred ... coffee is ready. Get up or they'll start the game without youuuuuuuuu!" Meaghan sing-songed in his ear. Jared Winslow suddenly bolted up. "What time is it!" "It's 8:30 baby. I'm surprised you weren't up at six, pacing the floor." Meaghan responded. "Oh yeah, I want to be at the stadium by 9:30. I can't believe I slept so late, I... " He responded groggily. Meaghan pushed him back into the pillow and straddled him over the blanket, dressed in...
"WHAT IN HELL IS THIS HORSESHIT?" Barbara Gaynes wailed as she threw the front-page headline onto the bed where Jared lie, he just thinking about getting up. "Aw FUCK, they leaked it. It wasn't supposed to be this way." Jared said looking at the splash of black ink in the front page. "WINNIE WINSLOW GOES TO N.E.A.T." "Ummm DUH! You're moving 125 miles away from the woman you promised to marry 6 years ago and lived with for the past 9. Don't you think I should have a little say?"...
His first Sunday in his new home saw him sleep until 11 a.m. waking well rested and ready to take on his new position. He hadn't slept past 7 or 8 o'clock in 10 or more years. Had financial security and guiltless sex eased all of his tensions and allowed him to relax? He made coffee and turned on his computer to find 13 emails in his inbox. Eleven were from campus well-wishers he met the day before and two were from Barbie, which he opened last. Jared: I found a lot of your things you...
It was July 26th and Jared Winslow's Press Release announcing the practice schedule was ready for release on August 1st for the Sunday papers and sports sections throughout Vermont and New England. It was being prepared to mail to all invited team members and recruits as well as any walk-ons who had made themselves known. It would otherwise be posted at the Coaches Hall. As he had "promised" on his visits with players a few weeks earlier, it would be grueling and would prove just how much...
Jared Winslow did his best to hide his excitement over Meaghan and Declan coming to live with him as a run up to a marriage that somehow was inevitable all their lives. So many things in their lives changed the fate they stumbled through, but a chance trip to Chicago to interview Boge Hollins put his face on a TV screen that happened to catch Meaghan's eye. That set forth the chain of events that led to this twist of two peoples fates. Besides making his personal life complete, the biggest...
When the coaches talked with the players about the strength and weaknesses of their upcoming opponent they also stressed another point; Maine State College was doing the same thing with their team. Jordy Alford had his offense taking a breather at one end of the field, sitting on their helmets listening intently at Wednesday's practice. "Right now a team is preparing to play us, ... beat us, ... and do you know what THEIR coaches are telling them?" He asked as he raised his left hand and...
For some, it would be the biggest victory of their life. For others, it would be just a primer of what was coming in their sports careers. Anyone who was a part of THIS team had special memories of what they did, together. Even the special teamer who saw but 5 or 6 minutes of action all year would someday be walking through the Wal-Mart, standing in church, or even changing a diaper for their son or daughter, and the memory of the special feeling to be part of what they did might come...
Jared pared down the list of 12 questions to 5 and submitted them to the site producer as he went into locker room. The list was: 1. of Boge Hollins, Do you think there is a level of Division 1 where this team might embarrass itself? 2. of Brian Faraday, Leading the nation in scoring, does that make going to this bowl game more pressure packed for you, knowing you have to come up big for the team to win? 3. of Oksana Cushman, This team depended on you to leave your defense in good field...
Jared Winslows Saturday morning wake-up call was for 6 a.m. That gave him plenty of time to get up and get his pre-game prep done over coffee and then go down to meet the bus and then the team for the ride to "The Trop". Friday's practice, work-out and subsequent video and blackboard session left he and the team confident that they knew how to compete with and beat Florida International. The only thing he worried about, and he spent the last 30 minutes of their session talking about it,...
When he got back to his residence after the soccer game and meeting with Faraday the phone was ringing as he walked in. It was Joe Barber. "Belle tells me you were at the soccer game and had an incident with Derek." Joe said sounding miffed. "Not exactly. He began to go off on me about stealing players and I set him straight as to my intentions and he was quite OK with it. I met with Brian Faraday and he had done as I told him, to inform his coach that he was speaking to me. Everything...
Jared had managed to inspire both himself and the three coaches that made up the root of his staff. He already knew they were capable, now he knew they were going to execute as well. He saw three hungry, but frustrated coaches who thought that a former NFL coach would come in and fire up a program. Instead they saw the shadow of a legend on cruise-control who hoped to catch lightning in a bottle. They now knew the University had made the right decision in bringing Coach Winslow. Jared...
In the full light of the lobby he saw the petite girl he ravished in his senior year all grown up. She wore a navy colored skirt and white sleeveless sweater. Her thin cupped bra did not hide her nipples even in the sweater. Her perky tits of youth were now mature breasts, wide and full. Her round, but skinny butt was now a bit wider, probably a bit from gravity and from childbirth, but still much of an eye catcher as it rocked to and fro as she walked. A little mileage on her face, hidden by...
"You OK?" He asked after letting her enjoy her moment. "Yes, I'm so happy, I can't remember being more so. Even if we part tomorrow and I never see you again, I know dreams can come true. I only wanted a chance to tell you how I felt and feel you inside me again. I was afraid you might hate me or think I hated you. That's bothered me all these years ... and the thing about the smell, my scent? With you it's taste. This sounds naughty but, I've only tasted two in my life, but you,...
The 2 day whirlwind of speaking to sports scholarship recruits was over after meeting Tim Waters right at the Albany International Airport. Waters was a wide receiver, lanky, but strong, who had impressed many by his overall athleticism. Jared Winslow knew little about him except that his predecessor was impressed enough to take a chance on recruiting him although he might be an academic problem. Jared saw right away that taking a fatherly approach with the boy might be the best way to...
It was after 6 pm when Jared Winslow finally pushed the key to his backdoor into the slot and turned it open. His day started 12 hours ago almost 3 hours away and since he had taken a half of a yellow legal pad in notes and walked the perimeter of Meditek Stadium turf a few dozen times to watch different "skills" being exhibited. The perimeter was so cluttered with sleds, tackle makers, 2 and 5 man wheel trainers, steppers and line chutes that the field resembled some weird torture palace....
As the small jet settled on the runway at O'Hare Jared Winslow jostled awake surprised he had slept so soundly on the plane. The close quarter of the cabin on the jet lent to a quick roll call of names and occupations for those who wanted to disclose them when they took off. He looked around the cabin of the jet trying to remember the names the others had given, but his sound sleep had robbed him of any memory of the few seconds of introductions. Once they were airborne with a full plane...
Jared was a usual early riser and was surprised when he woke and it was just after 8 o'clock. He made quick work of shaving and showering and just as he was getting out he heard the room phone ringing. "Hello?" "Coach Winslow, it's Elmer Hollins, Boge's father. I work some nights at O'Hare and saw you come in last night and thought you might looking to see Boge. I called him this morning and he said he never heard from you and I was wondering if you had a hard time getting in touch...
Mommy, are you going to be here when I get home?" Declan asked as his mother finished double tying his sneakers and gave him final behavior orders. "Of course. Even if Coach Jared has to do any football stuff, I'll be sure he's back here too." She assured him. Jared stood back and watched Meg the Mom and was pleased she had become so adept with the boy, reminding him of his own Mom when he was small. MJ, who was there to pick up her "date" leaned to whisper in Meaghan's ear as...
Jared made the flight arrangements for Meaghan to get back to Chicago on Tuesday morning and then went about making sure he could piece together a dinner of some sort for their post-lovemaking hunger. Right now, eating dinner seemed to have taken a back seat to sexual relief. While passing the time by checking his email he heard the bathroom door open and he rushed to see if he might help her, but she was just closing the door to his bedroom, smiling back at him saying "See you in a few...
"On the first pre-season team itinerary you got, today was to be a cut down day." Coach Winslow began as he addressed the team following Mondays team work-out run. He was almost surprised he was there, knowing that Meaghan, her son Declan, and the moving van were at his house right now moving his future life into place. He and Meg were hugging and sharing a "hello" kiss with Declan hugging his leg when the moving van rolled through the guard house gate at the top of the gated street. The...
The playbook session went smoothly as the staff added variations and sets to existing plays they had set up and ran in the previous scrimmages and scrimmage games. With additional plays in the book it was complete and today the coaches would man the huddles again with the play outlines around their neck to go over for anyone unsure. Jordy Alford would call the plays and line up, Frank Ruffen would read the set the defense. Coach Winslow would critique the sets and then back off and let the...
The schedule for a student-athlete is an arduous one and most always, Sunday nights are study nights, especially after a long practice session like the final day of training camp. With few exceptions, most players were huddled in their dorms catching up on studies and decompressing from an action packed few days. All of the male players were housed in Ethan Hall. It was a living arrangement they had no choice in during the season and could only change after the Holiday Break when they...
The flurry of fist bumping, back patting, hugging, high fives, whooping and congratulations being passed out in the New England Green Aggie locker room was a joy that every coach loves to walk into after a game. Jared Winslow had been stopped twice on his trek off the field for quick interviews that he quickly begged off of. He blew a whistle in the locker room to get the attention of the group who quickly stopped and turned to hear his words. "Before I go down to the press room, I just...
Mid-November brought on the first snows of a Vermont Winter and stadium crews were busy clearing the field so Jared Winslow could take his 5-4 overall, 4-3 in conference, Green Aggies to the field for Thursdays practice. Despite the pressure on the crews to get the stadium ready for Saturday's full house against Jersey State U, Fridays forecast promised more snow. Temperatures wouldn't get much below 28, but they probably wouldn't see the sun anytime before Sunday, so a melt off was likely...
Meaghan and Declan had missed the game while visiting her parents for the weekend in Burlington. Her Dad had been in the hospital for a "minor procedure", as her Mom called it. It was actually having his gall bladder removed but her Mom felt it was something he could have avoided had he kept a better diet. She was somehow embarrassed. It was one of the "little things" that drove Jared crazy about his future mother-in-law, being worried about what others may think or assume, so he made it...
Preparing for U Delaware Dover would be, perhaps, the hardest the team had worked all year. UD was a team strong in many ways, but lacked a defined execution style to be consistent. They were young, with only 2 seniors and 8 juniors and a whole new coaching staff, but they were finding themselves week by week. Coach Winslow wanted to go at them hard on their first offensive set before using his normal game plan. "We'll try to show them our explosive fire power with Marv's arm and our...
June Bokue was in the parking lot at Meditek waiting for the buses to come in since 8:30. She couldn't wait to congratulate the team. By 9, all of the players who hadn't made the trip or were non-roster red shirts were waiting, each excited for their teammates and all feeling they, too, were a part of the victory. Coach let all of them know that their contributions in practice were invaluable. A few hundred fans joined them and cheered as the busses rolled in. Glad hands and high-fives were...
In his quest to finish 7-3 in the conference Jared Winslow had to beat the only team he played twice this season, White Mountain University/New Hampshire. In the 10 team conference each team played one in-conference team twice to round the schedule, he was happy that it was a team who had beaten them earlier. Avenging a loss would be all the reason to keep the team up for the final game. The loss to White Mountain U was painful because they turned around an 11 point lead to a 3 point loss in...
Julie Murcer had one problem that bothered her mightily, she had gone back on her word to Coach Winslow about getting involved with teammates, and in particular Brian Faraday. It hadn't affected the team at all and the only male member of the team who knew was Brian Faraday. Now she suddenly had an interest in Gerry Granahan and by the off season it would probably become apparent to other members of the team, assuming it lasted. She didn't want to be known as a trouble maker and was unsure...
As soon as Julie got back to her room from her "date" with Gerry, she stripped down and jumped on the bed and cocked her knees back to fully feel and squeeze her pussy. She ran her fingers up and down the lips, toying with them, pinching them, making her clitoral mound fill even more with blood. She pinched it down with her thumb over the hood and three fingers squeezing her slit and letting the middle finger slide between to toy with her clit. Her mind drifted back to Saturday night,...
Saturday morning most of the team was in the team locker room at 9:00 am, almost a full hour before Coach asked them to be there. Playbooks were open and different members of each coach's staff were going over plays drawn up the day before in their final cram for the game. Some were in the video room watching game tapes of WMU's last game, but no one was sitting idly. Trainers hadn't even gotten there yet, so most players waiting to be taped, wrapped, or bandaged, hadn't dressed beyond...
Jack Daniels woke up about the same time June and Marv had stirred, but Jack wasn't going anywhere. It would have taken him an hour to wipe the smile off his face. After all of years of waiting, being apprehensive, lacking confidence and just being afraid, he was waking up next to a woman. A nude woman, a woman he had made love to the night before, a woman who told him that he had made her happier than any man before him. He didn't know HOW he had done that, she was the first woman he had...
Coach Winslow had been in his office going over talent pools and potential recruits to fill holes on his team for the following season when he looked up to see it was 2:55 and he knew from the shuffle of feet outside his closed door that his team was ready to start their prep for their Bowl date in Florida. He would keep his strategy of not being opponent specific in these two weeks of work-outs and scrimmage, just work at staying sharp and improving where it was needed. When he opened his...
As a buzz began to fill the locker room wondering where "Junebug" was, Coach Winslow and his staff came out to greet the team. "Welcome back to all of you who got home for Thanksgiving. I hope you all had a chance to truly give thanks for all we have here as a team right now. Just to quell rumors and speculation, Red Shirts are not going to practice and travel for the Bowl Game as originally intended. The number of hotel rooms allotted to us is making it necessary for some staff to triple...
Tuesday night was not a good night for sleeping. As the 60 rostered players for the game itself lay in bed they worried about their job, their performance, the outcome, and for some who still not used to it, just the trepidation of flying. Certainly flying is safer than driving, but there is one subtle difference. When you get a case of the jitters in a car you can ask the driver to stop and let you out. That doesn't work well on an airplane. The truth is, if everyone knew the basics of...
Although Wednesday night only offered the players a few hours of "free" time before bed check and they had to stay on the Hotel campus, the local "talent" found ways to meet up with players or at least arrange other liaisons for the next night. The warm weather and the bikini brigade had the young men interested, and frustrated. They had all been spoken to about being careful about everything from star-fuckers to STD's. They also talked about media outlets hiring "Annie's" to help get...
The four Leading Recruits were hungover and hungry and in the grey dawn and cold bleak light of day they weren’t sure that their prank was really worth it. They entered the cabin and found the four ‘Wrens’ stood at attention and immediately began to break down in laughter. “Of my fucking god you guys look stupid!” Jean Burgess burst out laughing. Leading Recruit Spike Jones however was not so amused. His brain began to tick over. “Stow that bilge Leading Recruit Burgess!” he snapped and...
Emma's Division, Part 1 Story by All These Roadworks (2023). Author's Note: This story is a sequel to "Emma's Policy" - which you can read on CHYOA here (link), or support my writing by purchasing as an e-book with bonus content on my website (link) - but it also works just fine as a standalone story if you want to dive in here. I'm bringing every chapter of "Emma's Division" to CHYOA in time - but if you want to skip ahead, you can buy the complete story as an e-book right now for only $7.99...
BDSMYou're part of The Division. A group of government sleeper agents who are only actived as a last result. You were actived because a modified version of Small Pox has infected all of New York City reducing it to a law less city with gangs fighting for control of the city. On your ride into New York City you can barely believe that this once bustling city is now reduced to a ghost town. Now you and other agents have to find the source of this new disease and restore order to the Big Apple. "We're...
After Night of Champions 2014, Nikki Bella appeared on several talk shows, hyping herself up as the new Diva's Champion, as well as her gorgeous looks (and rightfully so, as none of the hosts could stop looking at her tits and ass). Soon enough, Nikki started her own (R rated) Model division in the WWE, with an emphasis on looks and gimmick matches, like foxy boxing and bra & panties matches instead of wrestling. Nikki quickly became the top star in the division with her amazing body, and was...
All your life you've been a huge fan of Pro-Wrestling and it has always been your dream to work for the biggest company in the industry, The WWE. You've watched as they have dominated the wrestling world, buying out companies left, right and center and their latest acquisitions have seen them in a position where they can offer a whole new women's division with the finest female wrestlers their substantial money can buy. A brand new program is set to dominate Wednesday night, focused entirely...
Divided Part 1 Chapter 1 It was a beautiful spring day. The sun shined bright in the sky with very few clouds. The leaves on the trees were a bright green. In a quiet neighborhood in California, a young boy named Damien Shellwood walked home from his best friend Eric's house. Damien was the 7 year old son of a wealthy family. His father James was a 30 year old Stockbroker. He was a tall 6'1 with black yet greying hair. His mother Amy was a 32 year old nurse. She was 5'7 large busted,...
Teams night out. It was nearly midnight Saturday and the eight United players arrived at one of their favourite haunts, 'Enricos Club' They'd won four nil and were particularly boisterous. The management liked the big spending footballers and the girls loved them. Within minutes they were surrounded by a gaggle of lovelies. Now one thing you have to know, these guys are supremely athletic and good looking twenty somethings with money to burn. They have a reputation and the girls know...
Suddenly within her minds eye Ryoko was aware of being lowered, feeling bare shoulders touch a smooth soft surface that yielded under her. Experiencing a brief but pleasant friction as her body was eased downward. All but suspended by a pair of wonderfully muscular arms. In the dark above her, enough light was present to reveal a pair of dark morocco eyes silently regarding her. "So ... beautiful," A man's voice sighed. "You have been haunting me all day!" In turn Ryoko simply stared,...
I was aware of children playing in the street. A soft morning breeze drifted across my naked body, refreshing me. A warm shaft of sunlight added just the right note of sensuous well-being. It was everything I loved about a Saturday morning sleep-in. In a moment, I would think about opening my eyes, but for now, I was drinking in these tactile sensations. Slowly, my mind replayed the sensations my body (and mind) had felt before drifting off to sleep with my wife in my arms just a few hours...
For this story, my name will be Nelly. I come from a small rural town, but seeking a better future, I came to the big city, in an employment fair that traveled to my community college, I got hired as a receptionist for an insurance company. Upon arriving, I didn’t know anybody, so I looked for an apartment in newspapers’ classifieds. I called a young woman who looked for someone with whom to share the expenses, and she told her to meet her at a discotheque, we agreed on what we would wear in...
I slowly woke up in a hospital ward--again. I'd lost count how many times I'd been knocked out for tests. I was just glad that I woke up again. Being in the military I could easily see someone making a decision to cut their losses, have the doc make a mistake with the anaesthetic and burn the evidence. We were nine guys that survived the operation. They stuck us in the deepest, darkest isolation lab that the Navy had to offer. We were all infectious. Umm, not really infectious. Anything...
Hi mera name Ankit hai and main Delhi se hoon. Main aaj apni first story likhne jaa raha hoon.agar koi galti ho tho maaf karma. Main 25 saal ka hoon and aachi khaasi personalty kaa hoon. Ye ghata mere saath 1 saal pahle hui thi. Jab main ek room rent per laker raha karta tha. Mera makan maalk ke 3 girls thi unmain se 2 bahar hostle main padhti thi and 1 sabse badi jisha naam nisha hai wo ghar per rahi thi. Uski shaadi hone wali thi. Uska figure bahut he mast tha. 34-28-38 uska figure tha. pahle...
After walking for so many hours he decided to take a break, he was so drowsy so he decided to sleep next to a tree, he gathered some leaves and used them as a bed, he laid there naked, his both nuts were loosened and the heat made him sweat a lot, the sweat mixed with his hairy armpits created a nice scent around the area where he was. Sebastian was a heavy-sleeper so he fell asleep quickly, due to the scent that his armpits were releasing in the air many some mosquitoes came to investigate...
“Is the event at the Taronga Zoo next week the one you had mentioned wanting to take the kids to?” “Is it the twenty-ninth of January next Saturday?” asked JR. “Boy this year if flying by.” Rockie reached across the dining room table and squeezed her husband’s hand, “Yes, Cutie, and don’t pretend that you forgot. You have been talking about surprising Jimmy and Jamie with the new animal encounter area of the zoo since we made the donation that finalized the funding for it. The weather...
My name is Matt and I love to watch my wife Alana fuck other men. In case you did not read our previous story, “Alana”, which can be found in Directory 68, allow me to give you a little of our background. My wife Alana is strikingly beautiful, with amazing green eyes and long, thick dark hair. She is 37 years old and she still turns heads as she walks down the street. She is 5’4″ tall, and even though she carries a little extra weight in her butt and thighs, she has an...
Hi everyone this is mike here this is a series of my story there are main three characters as follows Mike- with 7-inch cock Jessy- 35-30-36 Rani-30-28-30 Soniya-28-28-28 We all work together and stay in the same house this story is about how sex fired between us. In this part, I’m going to tell the story of how I found Sonia fucking her boyfriend. That day I and Jessy went to office but as I forgot my id card I had to get back home as I have my own key I opened the house and found no one to...
© 2004 by An Erotic Pet. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced, storedin a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permissionof the author. This work is written as adult entertainment and is not intended tobe accessed by anyone under the age of 18. All persons and events portrayedare fictional and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely co-incidental.
Harmione and Draco kissed viciously as the stumbled over to the bed. His tongue tasted her tongue and felt the warmth of her mouth against hers. His strong, michevious hand rubbed up her back and combed through her hair. His other hand caressed her face then slid back behind her neck, pushing her delicate face harder against his. Draco knew that harmione had not done this before. Her hands moved awkwardly over his back and neck and shoulders. He gently bit her bottom lip. A slighty moan came...
Having graduated from college, I started my own business in commercial design and construction utilizing the skills I had learned while working in the construction industry and my studies in architecture and engineering while in college. Seven years along, I was doing very well in business but working long hours. I had been in a few rather serious relationships but eventually, the females I was involved with realized they came second to my career.At age twenty-eight, my mother, who was now...
First Time