Chip On My ShoulderChapter 2 free porn video

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I woke up at about seven. I took a shower, washing the caked cum off my curly blond bush and winced as it hurt when I plucked it off.

I dressed in white panties and mid thigh long basketball team tee shirt I had inherited from Tim. My breasts ached from grandpa Barry's mauling and I wanted to leave them free of the constraints of a bra.

I decided to swing by Tim's suite to see if I could help mum and Tim and mum to help list or pack things my twin brothers would like to discard. I found the door to suite slightly ajar. I was about to push it open loudly in my tomboyish rather 'uncouth' manner but I stopped in my tracks holding my breath to be deathly silent. I heard sounds from the room that I produced during my visit to grandpa Barry this afternoon.

I softly pushed the door slightly. The huge mirror on top of the drinks cabinet reflected the area clearly. I saw my mum naked in her divine glory bent over the sofa and my brother Tim standing behind her was slamming his cock with unbelievable force in and out at a lightening speed. Mum was moaning loudly. Her large soft beautiful breasts were swaying madly like two huge globular pendulums. Tim's each thrust resulted in an obscene slap as his groins hit our mum's soft lush, full mouth watering ass. Mum exclaimed, "Tim, OH ... AHH. TEEEM ... you are making me cum again. FUUCCKKKKKK MEEE TEEEMMM AAHHH."

Mum must be cumming like a geyser if she was anything like me by her reaction. My pussy was boiling and leaking.

Tim was grunting as he slammed his cock in and out of his mother ... MOTHER?

I was stunned and speechless but nonetheless aroused out of my senses [scanty at that stage of my life anyway].

Tim groaned, "Mum, I want to fuck your ass."

"UMMMM. TIMMEEE ... it will have to be a quickie. I have to go and oversee the dinner," my mum, ever so caring about her family even in throes of mind blowing lust and passion.

Tim, pulled his cock out of the leaking cunt of our mother-OUR MOTHER [damn him]. If I was stunned before I was hit with a lightening now. Tim's steel hard cock took ages to come out of our mother's pussy. When eventually it did my new expertise in assessing long cocks after grand experience of one told me Tim had a whopper of a monster of about thirteen inches. The girth was as thick as thick if not thicker than grandpa Barry. Our mum's full-formed round forearm fought and lost with Tim's girth.

I held my breath as Tim placed his man's clenched fist sized cock head against our mum's tiny anus. They were as synchronised as any long time lovers would have been. Tim grunted, mum moaned. Tim pushed forward, mum pushed back. Suddenly mum let out a soft shriek and Tim's mammoth cock started to vanish inside our mum's body, rectum to be accurate. Tim ignored mum's screams as mum probably expected him to. They had done this before not once but many times. I shivered with, ah ... er ... anger; no not anger but envy.

Tim was buried to the hilt in shaking mum's ass. He started to swing his ships using half the length of his inhuman cock to ass fuck our lovely, divinely beautiful mom with brutality I could have killed him for, if I was not moored to my spot with the lust that the sight generated.

Mum started to moan louder and louder as her son took her in her ass harder and faster.

I was about to scream in terror as a strong arm grabbed me from my waist if a hand had not clamped on my mouth reducing my scream to soft 'ummm'.

I was literally lifted away from the captivating sight my legs thrashing and arms flailing inside my suite.

"We have not taught our daughter to spy on people's privacy, have we?" my father's preacher like calm but no-nonsense stern voice told me that my 'abductor' was the man who procreated me, as he procreated Tim, with help from the woman who was being ass fucked by one of their progenies.

I immediately stopped thrashing. My father had nothing to say about the unbelievably disgusting incestuous sight we had just witnessed.

"Daddy, did you see ... did you er ... ah ... um," I was impressed with my articulate response justifying one of the costliest private schooling available in our country.

"Does not matter, sweetheart. Mum and your brother have every right to be as close as they wish to be in the privacy of their space. You or I have no right to intrude on that just because we could stealthily," I could pick a hammer and hit my handsome giant father on his beautiful head.

His mid-west gentleman's politeness excluded the anomaly of gross incest and cheating, I could take a high moral ground in most hypocritical manner in those days.

"Jen, mum and twins are close for many years. They wanted to be and they deserved to be. Who could love them more and keep them secure emotionally than their mother?" My father turned me around and held me to his warm, slightly sweaty body. I inhaled the weakening cologne and smell of my father's manly sweat. I felt jealous, in fact insanely jealous. My brothers were 'precious' enough to be introduced to beautiful sex with possibly the most desirable, beautiful, sophisticated, intelligent and loving woman on the face of this earth, OUR MOTHER. I was left to my own devices to grapple with spotty cocky stupid teens of my school with tiny cocks, which spurted in seconds.

"I too am in family, daddy, why was I excluded," I could not believe I had expressed my disappointment at not being involved in family-sex.

"Firstly, mum did not think you were a lesbian so she was not the appropriate person to approach you," my dad could be stand-up comic in times of gravely tumultuous discussions, "secondly it would had to me or grandpa. We both felt you looked down upon us as simpletons and rather unsophisticated. We thought you should find your own way as twins were allowed to."

I felt ashamed and red in face. Chip on my shoulder- yet again. I missed the most wonderful relationship twins had forged. My handsome giant father was there and I was wasting time with inconsequential runts.

I suddenly started to sob surprising my father. We Cunningham women hardly cried but when we did our men folks knew to take us very, I mean, VERY seriously.

My dad hugged me tight as I sobbed and sobbed. My tears drenched the front of his tee shirt over his belly [difference in height was serious here], soon my running nose added to mess on my face and my dad's tee shirt.

I was 'shushed' and stroked on my head, back as I shook and cried, "I am sorry daddy. I was stupid. I love you and mum so much and twins too, and grandpa as well. I am sorry," I was being as intelligent as five years old and was proud of it.

"Sweetheart, we know. We all love. All I meant was we thought an intelligent person like you should make her own decisions," Dad was putty in hands of a crying lady. If that were to be his wife or daughter, he was cooked and served.

I stopped bawling eventually and raised my face covered with tears and snot, offering my dad, a most exciting prospect of amorous overtures, "Dad if I were to come to you as twins went to mum, would you have ... would you ... er ... loved me ... umm ... made love to me?"

I continued to be erudite as my father hugged me tight, "Jen, if you were to approach me I would have jumped off a cliff to be with you."

I told you my dad could not resist the sexiest sight of my tear and snot covered face! How any man as manly as my dad could?

"I love you very much dad," I gasped.

My daddy laughed and picked me up in his arms and brought my face to his face and kissed me. To begin with it was a fatherly kiss, which soon, thanks to my rising lust, turned into full-blown saliva exchanging, tongue duelling french kiss.

"Daddy I want to make up for the lost time, can we? Can we please, daddy?" I used my little girl's voice as befitted the occasion.

Daddy kissed and licked me all over my face. He licked my face clean. He sucked on my nose and licked my nostrils clean. I giggled making him smile, gosh my dad was handsome, and infact he was devilishly handsome.

"Do you want to?" my dad kissed me on the tip of my nose, he still could be so naive, I was dying to.

My pussy was wet by now as my body trembled with anticipation, "OONNH. OONH," I again showed my extensive vocabulary in intense moments and nodded my head rapidly in consent.

Daddy laughed his deep resonant laugh, "After the dinner then. If you change your mind, please do not fret. I would always love you as my most precious daughter, first and foremost."

I was now wiser to my parents' subtle nuances. My daddy just told me that all the love shared was still based on the fact that we were their loving adorable children above all. Rest was the bonus of choices we made.

I was breathless and gasped, "Daddy, I will wait for you. Please do come."

My father kissed me on my nose as he put me down, "Wild horses could not hold me away from your room. I would never break my promise to a lady, even more so if that lady happens to be my most beautiful daughter."

I beamed with pride as he walked out of my room.

Dinner was happy, talkative affair. Mum beamed, smiled and attended to all five of us. I sat close to my dad. I had pulled my chair closer to his [I though no one noticed that]. I looked at his face, his smile. I marvelled how his face changed with his thoughts. His handsome nose flared when some offensive politician was discussed. Before I knew my hand had crept on his thigh, not as much as a sexual hint but as a proprietor gesture. Daddy turned towards me and kissed me. For a second I panicked, daddy had given away our secret. In a second I felt stupid. Dad, grandpa and mum had always kissed me for no reason spontaneously all my life.

I slowly pulled my hand back on the table [see, I did tell you about the subtle messages my parents could send their children].

Once home help cleared the table we all retired to living room for some drinks, TV and the usual family catch up topics.

Around ten, dad declared he was ready for bed.

Mum kissed him and said, "Sleep tight dear. I would soldier on with twins. We will make an inventory of all that needs to go with them. I will not disturb you and will sleep in their extra room." dad kissed me and said a general good night and marched off with a tumbler of single malt scotch towards his bedroom suite.

I blushed as mom smiled in a nonchalant manner at her plan to be with her sons.

Dad kissed her back and yawned, "Boys do not trouble mum to much."

See, there again. Twins bade our father goodnight and they beamed. I now cottoned on to the various half-innuendoes I missed all these years. They were talking in riddles for my benefit.

I too decided to hit the bed, all the stress of shifting towns and all that.

Grandpa got up and hugged mum and me, "I am going to Drakey's for some drinks." I held my breath. Would grandpa Barry keep a secret?

Twins and mum exchanged glances, now I could catch all those.

I rushed into my room. I sprayed one of my favourite perfumes on my bed. I changed with shaking hands; in fact I was shaking all ever. I was desperate for my daddy to hold me naked, kiss me all over and finally take me with his hard cock.

I changed in to customary nightdress, long midthigh tee shirt and panties. I snuggled into my soft bed under the duvet. I must have dozed off and woke up alert with soft footsteps in front of my bedroom door. I jumped out of my bed. My daddy walked in dressed in long very loose shorts and white tee shirt. I ran into his arms. Without either of us exchanging a word daddy engulfed me in his huge bear hug and held me tightly. He lowered his head and planted his open mouth over mine and soon his tongue was exploring every part of my gasping mouth.

I tasted his sweet saliva. He kissed me with passion that made me feel giddy. Daddy's hands stroked my full soft hip over my tee shirt and raised myself on my toes to help daddy with a foot of height difference between us.

I kissed daddy back and was moaning as we kissed. My daddy's hands crept inside my teeshirt and his touch on my naked skin filled me with lust that was getting out of control. Daddy pulled my tee shirt up and we both reluctantly broke our kiss to help daddy take my shirt off. No sooner he had discarded my shirt we were in tight embrace. My large soft breast rubbed against his tee shirt as he kissed me again, holding my soft round waist with his strong large hands.

Suddenly daddy broke the kiss and I quickly gulped our mixed collected saliva about to dribble out of my open mouth. Daddy lifted me up as if weighed no more than his golf club high until my hips were in front of his face. He buried his face in my panties soaked with my leaking cunt juices. I heard him inhale deeply.

Daddy caught the waistband of my panties and lifted me as higher and my panties were pulled down. I felt I was in Kin Kong's arms. Daddy was holding me way up with is arms fully straight and raised above his head. My panties were around my ankles and I impatiently wriggled my ankles to throw them off.

"Jen, put your legs on my shoulders," I heard daddy demand in a deep husky voice. I was pleased that my daddy was also affected with this occasion; I was bursting out of my skin.

I draped my full luscious legs over my father's shoulders. Daddy lowered me until my wet curly thick bush was close to his mouth. I put my hands behind his head and my fingers grabbed fistful of daddy's thick curly hair to keep me stable.

Daddy kissed my fragrant pussy and his tongue first parted my rich growth dark crinkly bush and then plump soft sensitive cuntlips. He ran his tongue on the pink soft wet vaginal opening and soon found the Holy Grail. He flicked my engorged clitoris with his tongue and I moaned loudly, "Daddy, AAHH, UUMMMMM."

Daddy licked, pulled my clitoris and despite my efforts to delay it, I was inexorably pushed towards my first orgasm with my father. He used his raspy tongue to rub my clit and pussy opening with firm rapid strokes. I was moaning louder and incessantly. I was vocal anyway, that day I could have lifted the roof.

I grabbed his hair fiercely as my body tensed in anticipation of an explosive climax. Daddy used his inhuman strength to grind my pelvis on to his mouth as his tongue continued to torture my clitoris and pussy.

"I am ... AAHHHH, DADDEEEE, CUMMEENNNG AAARRGH," Mt back arched and I must have hurt my father as I inadvertently pulled his hair and scalp as if to tear a clump off his head. I felt a rush of fluid out of my pussy as my orgasm tore through me. I felt the pain in my breasts and deep in my belly would kill me as I came on my father's mouth.

It took me many minutes and thousands loud moans later I almost slumped on my father's shoulders.

"Jen, I need to fuck you," my gentle giant of a man, father growled. He moved towards the bed and flung me in the centre of my massive soft bed. I first shrieked and then giggled. I was lying spread eagled and watched my father undress.

Daddy pulled his tee shirt off. I was mesmerised with the sheer hugeness of my father's upper hairy body. I have seen him in bathing trunks many times but always as my protective father. That day I saw him not only as his teenaged daughter would but also as a teenager about to be loved by him.

His chest was covered with thick mat of curly dark hair. The hair tracked down over his belly. He was simply massive. Broad muscles rippled everywhere. His hands were huge. He unbuttoned the waist and of his shorts and pulled them down. I held my breath. I expected, having seen Tim's monster cock of thirteen inches, daddy's to match that [genes and all that?].

Daddy lifted his feet one after another and flung his shorts on the settee in far corner. He stood there with his feet apart and arms by his sides, for a few precious moments, looking taller than his sex feet five inches of height. My eyes soaked the vision of my father's massive beautiful body. My eyes were mesmerised by his swaying heavy, impossibly thick barely hard penis. Daddy's cock hung about twelve inches and he had just begun to become turgid. My daddy's monster would grow, when hard, well beyond my brother's monstrosity. Under his swaying monster hung his scrotum well below his groin weighed with two immensely large testes. Each would fill my hand open cupped hand.

Daddy walked slowly towards the bed, my eyes were glued over his massive cock as it swayed with each step with an authority that made me weak and dare I say womanly.

Daddy stepped on the bed [not climbed] and he smiled at me. I smiled back, I think, feebly. Daddy stood astride my body like a giant with his foot on either side of my hips. Like a mastodon he sank on his knees his hairy massive ass brushed on my belly. I locked my very light brown eyes into his sparkling equally light brown eyes. I like a hypnotised feeble marionette held his very heavy cock. My hand could not encircle the immense firth even when it was nowhere the steely hardness it would grow to. My thighs were flexed and thrown wide apart on their own accord – centuries of women being impaled on hard cocks had possibly entered into basic reflexes of all girls. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and engulfed my father's half of my father's huge cock head inside my drooling mouth. I automatically gently massaged his heavy cock with my petite hands and tried to, unsuccessfully, create suction with my bursting full mouth. I used my tongue to caress his cock head and found the opening of his piss hole. I could easily insert the tip of my tongue in his very large pee opening.

Daddy stroked my head, face softly never taking eyes of my face, rather from the junction of my lips and where his huge cock head distorted my face.

I felt the girth and length of my father's cock increase rapidly. I clumsy sexual overtures succeeded and daddy's monster cock was becoming harder and harder with each passing second. My mouth corners were stretched, as s head grew dramatically bigger and broader.

My hands could barely make an impression on the shaft that was as hard as steel but silky smooth. Daddy pulled his cock out of my tortured but greedy mouth, a string of my saliva trailed and dropped on my breasts and belly. I hastily closed my mouth full of collected saliva and gulped it before it spilled out of my wide-open mouth.

Daddy scooted back and sat on his knees between thighs. I would never forget that sight. Daddy's cock stretched, over my soft round belly, about sixteen inches from its hairy waist. My forearm paled in comparison with its girth. Daddy's cock head reached my solar plexus. I was five feet and six inches tall and any woman of my height can measure that distance from her pussy.

"Daddy, please take me," I whimpered in a sweet little girl voice I rarely used over the preceding few years.

Daddy nodded and scooted back to give his monster cock the necessary distance to engage with my cunt opening. Daddy's steel hard cock was now stood straight up, defying gravity despite it's phenomenal heaviness, such was the strength of my father's erection.

Daddy used is strong hand to pull his steel hard cock down wards to align with my weeping cunt and he rubbed his colossal cock head along the wet slit of my pussy. My head reeled anticipating the imminent, apparently impossible impalement of a besotted daughter's cunt with her loving father's monstrosity.

Daddy rose on his knees slightly and pushed gently but determinedly to dilate my vaginal entrance and carefully pushed his massive cock head making me gasp, with the mind-blowing sensation.

Once daddy was satisfied that his cock head had entered securely inside my sopping cunt, he lifted my legs on his arms and rose even more on his knees.

The next fifteen minutes, or so I thought, resonated off the walls of my bedroom and in the deep recesses of my unforgettable memories, as daddy impaled my pussy inch by inch never hurrying, never impatient, but always firm and filling my tight but elastic vagina with is immense cock.

I grabbed his massive forearms with my hands and dug my nails in the skin as I moaned, gasped with the unbelievable sensation of my father's cock invading my cunt.

Unlike grandpa Barry daddy never rushed and did not just chose to bury his monster which he could have and I would have cum around his inhuman girth regardless. Daddy was fucking his precious daughter. Only dads can remain patient to ensure their daughters take their time to adjust to daddies' big hard cocks.

I was moaning, with my lower lip firmly clasped between my teeth to prevent any shriek accidentally bubble out to discourage my dad to stop from burying his cock to the hilt inside my seething pussy. I was on the cusp of another orgasm and my daddy had merely inserted his hard manly tool inside my pussy, albeit mammoth hard tool. I felt the soft nudge from my father's heavy testes ensconsed in his capacious hairy scrotum and harsh friction his coarse pubic hair against mine – I moaned loudly and came. Daddy draped himself over my petite body crushing my breasts with his hairy belly and lower chest. I sucked hard on the skin of his chest over my mouth as my daddy began to pull inch after another inch of his long thick cock. I felt bursting full event though daddy had pulled half the length of his cock out.

I let out a loud sigh which, as his tree-trunk like cock bore down to invade my pussy again, finished with an unladylike grunt, "AAHH, Daddeee, AHH UUNGGGHHH."

Daddy fucked me with his cock using nearly half the length holding me in his arms tightly. His massive hairy hips rose and fell with each retreat and thrust and my pussy was pulverised into three orgasms. I was sobbing with heady lust and my daddy had not even warmed up. Daddy buried to the hilt waited for my last orgasm to settle down and kissed me on my lips. I kissed him back with glazed eyes and slack drooling mouth.

Daddy lifted himself up. He straightened his legs and lifted his weight on his knuckles and toes. He lifted himself and my eyes bugged out as I saw as his huge cock emerged out of my clinging pussy, as if titanic had risen out of the sea. Daddy left his cock head inside. Daddy used his beautiful ultra strong body to slowly impale my pussy until his titanic cock was buried to the hilt. Daddy fucked my pussy first slow and steady. As my moans became even louder my hips started to lift up to meet my father's thrusts, daddy increased the pace of his fucking. I was fucked with faster and slicker thrusts as my pussy adjusted to the enormity of its invader, as female vaginas do. Daddy hunched with more determination and my fucking shifted gears. I came and I came, again and again. I moaned, I shrieked with the delicious pain of each new orgasm. Daddy fucked me right through my repeated orgasms, which now merged into one long body-wrenching peak of exploding lust that refused to fall.

Nearly an hour later daddy's groins were slapping my pudendum as he now thrusted his cock with fierce power and purpose.

"Jen, sweetie, I am going to cum inside you," Daddy grunted as his nostrils flared, and an occasional grunt escaped as he pistoned his cock in and out of his daughter's tremendously tight and snug pussy.

I almost creamed right there and then, "Daddy, please cum inside my cunt. Please make me cum again and cum inside me," I need not have pleaded my dear father had made me cum more times in an hour than any woman would have cum in a month.

Daddy's face was bathed in pleasure; pleasure borne out of plunging his mammoth cock in his daughter's pussy- fucking her into ground with his Titanic penis. Daddy slammed his cock with force so far he ad kept locked inside, I let out a shriek as his monster hit and distorted my tender cervix and vault and kept on pushing it in, "FUCK ME DADDY. AAHH. DADDEEE FFUUCCKKK MEEEE."

Daddy slammed his cock at least six or eight times the last one more painful than the preceding thrust that my lust drenched convulsing young teenaged body welcomed. I shrieked again as daddy buried himself to the hilt and dropped with is full weight on top of me. My arms flew around his neck as his mouth sucked on the skin on side of my neck.

His gargantuan penis started to throb and convulse deep inside me, hurting me nicely and I teetered on the cusp of my yet another orgasm. Then daddy's cock lurched causing me another delicious wave of pain and it spurted. I moaned and burst into shards of pain more delicious at that time than any pleasure imaginable. Both, father and daughter, exploded in synchronous orgasms. Daddy's cock spurted hot semen inside my tender vagina. His cock lurched and twitched and the spurting throbbing went on unabated, as did my convulsing pussy kept on squirting sex juices around the mammoth invader, my father's cock kept on spurting the same virile semen that created me decade and a half ago.

I gasped and moaned and dad took deep breaths as our orgasms tore through our body. I did my best to hug dad tight to me but my arms were inadequate to go around his massive frame, so my holding might have appeared more like clinging.

Many minutes later, when I became cognisant of my surrounding, daddy was kissing my face gently with soft fluttery kisses. I held his large handsomely beautiful face in my tiny hands and kissed him with violent passion on his lips.

"I love you daddy," I meant, I loved my father as a lover who had fucked the daylights out of er teenage daughter.

Daddy smiled, that magical smile, that always left me speechless, and started to kiss my lips and we started a gentle tongue and saliva-exchanging kiss.

"Daddy! You are still rock hard," I exclaimed. Did men not deflate after they came?

Daddy smiled, simply kissed my nose and then ground his hips making me wince and moan, as his cock seemed to go another inch deeper with that grinding. I stroked my dad's hairy back with my grateful tiny hands with affection and daddy engulfed my beautiful nose inside his mouth. I giggled as his tongue traced the whole contour of my nostrils, then it invaded each nostril and swept inside making me giggle in a funny nasal manner.

Daddy freed my nose and suddenly I felt a fresh heat in my loins, "Jen, can I fuck you more, sweetie?"

Oh! My polite, naive daddy, "Daddy, please fuck me as long as you can. Daddy fuck me all night and tomorrow and day after... ," I babbled. My dad could have fucked me anywhere and even if he chose to make new hole to take me I would have acquiesced willingly.

Daddy pulled his enormity drenched with his cum and my sex juices slowly out of my sore but still hungry cunt. His massive cock head dripped thick creamy juices, heavenly marriage of his virile cum and my young pussy's orgasmic secretions. The air was pervaded with heady fragrance of sex that only emanates from pussy and sex juices after torrid long fucking.

"Jen, I want to fuck you from behind," Daddy whispered and helped me sit and turn around. I hurriedly turned on all fours offering him my full, soft ass. I could not wait to do my daddy's bidding.

Daddy planted kisses all over my glorious soft ass cheeks and gently kneaded them. I waited panting with anticipation of my progenitor's steel hard cock once again invade and torture my cunt. I did not have to wait too long. It seems my father too was focused on embedding his tool of procreation inside his daughter that was conceived with the loving labour of the same tool.

Daddy held my hips to steady and placed his cock head in my now open cunt opening. I felt air whooshed out of my lungs as daddy planted few inches of his enormous cock in one thrust. I moaned loudly both in pain and encouragement.

Daddy this time dealt invasion of my pussy in blocks of few inches unlike earlier when he teased it in inch by inch, but I was not complaining Daddy started to fuck me for the second time; this time he used long steady strokes. He buried his cock to the hilt each time. His thrusts were powerful and but controlled, my soft ass flesh shook each time he slapped my ass with his groins. My breasts shook wildly.

Daddy fucked me like a man in control and he knew the girl impaled on his enormous cock would cum whichever pace he chose to fuck her with. His almost arrogant confidence was tangible. I felt subjugated and enslaved. I would drool, pant and gasp but never ask daddy's cock to stop if he chose to fuck to death.

I started to moan with my impending orgasm. Daddy freed his hands and rose to lean over my arched back, he filled his large hands with my soft breast flesh and closed his massive fist to squeeze them like softballs. I moaned loudly as breasts now added a new sensation along with my cunt hat was pummelled by my father's titanic penis.

I must have cum five times in quick succession, when daddy started to slam his cock faster and harder.

"AHHH TOO BEEG DADDEEE. TOO BEEEEEEG. OH, UNNGGH. FUCK FFFUUCCCKKK," I groaned and creaked under dual pressure of mauling of my breasts and pummelling of my sore pussy.

Daddy each thrust would have knocked me flat if he was not holding me up with his firm grip, almost painful, on my breasts.

Daddy waited fro my fresh orgasm to abate before he released my breasts and pushed my head down. I took the hint and dropped my hands to rest on my elbows to rest my face on the crossed forearms.

Same as Chip on My Shoulder
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Hi friends, my name is Madhu.I am from Bangalore.I am 23,height 5″9,weight 71kgs.My penis is 6″ in height and 3-4″ in girth.This story happened four years ago.This is a true story that happened to me when I was 19 years old.I was in second year of my graduation when this happened. The heroine of the story is my aunt, her name is Shalini,she is 33 years old when this happened and 37 now.Her vital stats are 38-32-36.She have big boobs and nice ass.She always wears a saree even at home.She likes...

1 year ago
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Two Can Play Ch 03

Rachel returned to the marital bed with renewed vigour, but the rules had been changed. ‘You can have me on condition that we have an open marriage.’ ‘Like Carol and Steve?’ ‘Exactly.’ ‘We play away from home as much as we like?’ ‘Yes. If either one of us fancies somebody else, we’re free to indulge our fancy.’ ‘One night stands only?’ ‘Of course. Anything more would pose a real threat to our marriage and I wouldn’t like that to happen.’ ‘Neither would I.’ Paul hesitated. ‘Erm…do...

1 year ago
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Best orgasm for a little Sissy Faggot

I showed up at Timmy's after shaving my goatee, moustache and ass as he had instructed. Timmy's World of Warcraft playing geeky 20-something virgin friends were already there doing tequila shots, getting drunk and watching Porn. I went into the bathroom and changed into crotchless nylons, pink panties, negligee and a wig. I came out and Shawn said we don't want to see that hard cock poking out of your panties and grossing anyone out, so he sprayed the whole bottle of numbing spray on my cock...

3 years ago
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Double or Nothing 2

I had just had the busiest lunch any girl would have wanted today. After getting fucked by Teddy my married fling and Lance my neighbor till I passed out, then fucked again by Lance in the shower and every room as I gave him a tour of the apartment, we had lunch and then headed back to our houses. When I got home, I realized my dad was not there so I invited Lance in for a few minutes. He left me a note informing me that he traveled to VA and was possibly staying the night . I looked at Lance...

2 years ago
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First time with my favorite cousin

I grew up in a very strict family. The only thing kids had to concern themselves with was academics. All the parents in the family made sure that little could distract us. We could not participate in extracurricular activities, unless they had an academic bent to it. TV time was limited to a couple of hours a day. Weekends were made to catch up on homework. And to make sure there were no distractions caused by the opposite sex, the boys and girls in our family were sent to all boy and all girl...

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Remembering Tracey Part Six

The semester continued. I lived above my former girlfriend in our apartment complex. She still had her boyfriend and I continued to date occasionally. At least once or twice a week, we would get together for some no holds-barred, wild, hold on tight for the ride, mind altering sex. Every now and then, we would take the time to make slow, romantic love with each other. I loved both versions, of course, but I will always cherish the nights that we fell asleep in each other’s arms, our legs...

4 years ago
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The Actress and IChapter 5

We arrived home safe and sound. Sarah was glad to see us, and want to know all about our trip. We filled her in, and the three of us went out for dinner. Things settled back down too normal. Shannon was back at acting school, doing long hours to make up for lost time. Also, the tutor was over three nights a week for a couple of hours to work with her on her weak points. Meanwhile, I was busy working on my first movie script. The title I chose was Winner Take All. It was loosely based on a...

2 years ago
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The AccidentChapter 23

Val was completely unfazed by two rescues. It was like we were expected ... all three of us. When we walked through the portal, she was waiting with restorative, three robes and a preheated healing chamber ... a warm Sam ... if you will. “Hello. Timma, you’re first ... you’ve been there longer,” Val said, ushering the dust pile into the chamber room. We could hear Sam bitching about the dirt before Val shut the door. “We’ll get to you next,” Val told Eloise. “Refreshments? Sparkling...

2 years ago
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“Honey, I’m home,” I call to my boyfriend, Jamie, as I arrived back to the apartment after my shift at work. “It’s me,” answered Carrie, Jamie’s sister. I gritted my teeth and forced a smile as I walked into the lounge. There she was, spread out on my sofa, eating my food. “What are you doing here already?” I said, trying to be nice. “Didn’t feel like work today, so I phoned in ill,” she said casually. Didn’t feel like work… that sounds just like Carrie. Don’t get me wrong, she’s really...

1 year ago
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Moms Motivation

Chapter 1 All my friends just love coming to my house. Oh, they're my friends and all, but they really love seeing my mom. I'm in high school, about halfway through my freshman year and my mom, who had me when she was eighteen, is just thirty-three, and a young-looking thirty-three at that. Not just that, she works from home mostly, she has her own accounting business for small businesses in the city where we live, so when my friends come over, she's usually here. My dad died when I was...

3 years ago
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Seducing The Hot Sexy Virgin Girl Of The Society

Hey Guys. It’s the story about a girl named Vishruti (name changed). She lives in my society. Her age would be 22 and figure 36-28-36. She has the figure to die for, every guy in my colony has an eye on her luscious body. She has a totally fair complexion, white milky skin tone, cute face, cherry lips and a curvy figure. Old and young, every guy in my society wish to see her hot figure at least once in a day. She can easily make even a kid’s cock erect by her cute innocent face along with lusty...

4 years ago
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What would Annie Sprinkle do? I thought I knew the answer to that question. I just needed to make sure that ‘I first did no harm.’ Doctor Sarah Bartolino could not tell me what I needed to know; but she could tell Kelsey, and she thought nothing of explaining it to him while I changed his IV and listened. Kelsey had no idea why his doctor was answering an unasked question, but he didn’t stop her. People don’t argue with doctors. He had no idea at the time what a good decision that was. I...

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Mom Fucked By A Gigolo

It was hard, long, thick, and black. I had never seen a cock this big before. He was tall, dark, and muscular, maybe a gym freak. Or maybe this was just a job requirement for him. But mom loved it. She bent down and kissed the head of his throbbing fat cock. Then sat on her knees and took half of it in her mouth. It was so fat that she had to open her mouth wide to take it in. She looked up at him with a naughty look on her face while there was just a slight smile on his face. With his hands on...

4 years ago
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Bhaiya Ke Lund Ka Erotic Maja

Hello friends mera name pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki ek aur sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise bhaiya ke lund ka maja li ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sab mujhe mail kariye aur bataye meri kahani ap sabko kaisi lagi. Ap sab meri kahani ko padhne ke bad muth jarur marna main to bahut baar apne bhaiya se chudwayi hu aur wo mere relation me h aur hum dono log ek dusre ke sath bahut baar chudai kiye. Mera figure 36 30...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 44

My natural alarm clock was in working order; even though I was tired, I woke up at 5. No one was home yet so I decided to work out in the gym. It had been several days since the last time I exercised. It's one of those things that is too easily put off if you don't force yourself to do it. So force myself I did; I used every one of the machines in the basement, finishing up on the treadmill as I always did. When I was finished I was huffing, puffing and sweaty; just what a good workout is...

2 years ago
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The Quickie

We had been for a walk through the cobbled streets of the upper town and stopped off at a delicatessen to get some lunch. Moments later we were sat on the Cathedral green in the bright sunshine, eating a variety of cheeses and pâtés on crackers and fresh bread, washing it all down with a nice wine drunk straight from the bottle. We felt so grown up, sophisticated and slightly decadent. As I sat eating my food I looked across at Melanie and reflected, probably for the thousandth time, on my...

3 years ago
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What Happens in Quarantine Part 1

This was the fifth day of the quarantine and Anthony had nearly run out of things to do. He didn't like watching tv and he'd nearly finished the only new game he had. That only left sleeping, eating, and masturbating. And honestly, he didn't want to masturbate right now. The reason was because of the things he had been thinking of when he jerked off lately. He'd always had a thing for bigger girls, although he never admitted it to anyone. His friends at school would rip him a new one if...

1 year ago
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The Drop

The Drop (M/m; scat; CP; snuff; nc)This is a work of fiction, but ‘Chris’, my inspiration for this story, exists. I would welcome your thoughts and feedback. Would you like to read more along these lines, or is this not to your tastes? Criticism and ideas welcome. I am a UK-based sadist. *****Part OneWas this all becoming a little, well, mechanical?That’s a question I have asked myself on a number of occasions recently, for when a performance becomes overly rehearsed, and a sense of innovation...

2 years ago
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Impersonating BrianneChapter 8

"Hamada-san," Marissa called. "What can we do for you?" Surveying the kitchen with an aura of imperturbable command, the short Japanese man was the proverbial eye at the center of the storm. He never used more words than he had to, was an excellent chef and had a wry sense of humour about him. Amidst all the mayhem, he was right in his element. He gave her a slight smile that only barely showed his teeth. He was obviously enjoying himself. He had a slight accent, but spoke very clearly....

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Laying Out MF semicons

Laying OutBy SpectreOfHell It was a warm day, but not as warm as Vicky wanted it to be. Summer was fading and she still hoped to get a little bit of a tan before she couldn't lay out anymore. Her husband had to work that day, and the contractor he'd hired to work on the dock was late, but it was a Saturday and she wasn't going to let it go to waste. She started to put on a par of shorts and a halter top then changed her mind. No, today she'd wear that bikini she'd bought on impulse and had...

4 years ago
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Claire Chapter 7

It was a late summer evening the three of us sat in the secluded garden with a bottle of wine unwinding after Lyn and I both had a bad day . The garden was surrounded by an eight feet stone wall and was very private I noticed Lyn and Mom were not wearing their bra’s and the blouse’s were undone to the waist.It was the ideal time to ask if Mom would like to move in permanent basic I explained both Lyn and I thought a lot of her it also had a lot of advantages beside the sex. Even Lyn had...

3 years ago
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The Son Peeks Out After the Winter A Sons Perspective Part 1

It all began by chance, seeing some things he wasn’t supposed to, then driven by curiosity and hormonally clouded judgement, he saw more. Then by design and persistence, eventurally Tommy discovered the secret his mother was keeping from everyone.By the time Tommy was turning seventeen, his libido was in full command of most of his decisions in life. He was driving, dating, partying with friends, and becoming a young man. He was tall and stocky like his father, almost six feet and naturally a...

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Brandon the delivery boy

I was 52, retired, and living in a small town in Montana. My wife passed away last year and I was falling into a depression. I didn't really have a lot of friends in the area. Social events were more my wife's thing. I'd tag along on occasion, but mostly she bore the brunt of talking to people. After she passed, the friends slowly stopped coming around to check on me. That was fine, since I enjoyed my solitude. Heck, I bought this house in the countryside just so I wouldn't have pesky...

2 years ago
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The rape of my sisterinlaw

After hearing her say they agreed to it, the anticipation kept me horny for weeks. When the time finally came I knew it was worth it too, watching Elli get undressed and seeing fresh tits and a new pussy walking around the house naked. Playing games in the pool I got to feel her tits and rub her pussy a couple of times while swimming between her legs. Once, she backed right into me with her naked ass and it felt like she fit perfectly against me. I was starting to want her...

2 years ago
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California Dreaming

I left Tyler, Texas heading to San Diego, a 1,400-mile trip. I had driven almost 700 miles and was still in Texas. I was approaching the dusty dirty little town of Pecos, Texas, when I spied a young girl hitchhiking. Normally I pass hitchers by, but this lonely looking young girl tugged at my heart strings and I pulled over. I rolled the side window and she peered in.“Young lady, are you all right?” I asked.“I will be better if I can catch a ride,” she replied.“Are you going somewhere local?” I...

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Project PrometheusChapter 2

“Are you serious?” came Natalya’s incredulous voice over the intercom. “Come on up and see for yourself,” Inari replied, her voice still quiet. The clamor of movement from behind her let her know everyone had left their posts to get a good look. “Oh, my God!” Priya and Natalya said at the same time. The lights were still flashing across the hull from their position, but the name of the ship was clear as day. “Looks like those legends you told me about are true Nats,” Korsa said. “Yeah,”...

3 years ago
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Natural Beauty Part 2 The Date

After a few months of chatting online with Bob, Ellen had agreed to meet him for dinner, followed by a night out. Not having dated since her husband, Ken, passed away, she was rather nervous about it and had used just about every beauty tip in the book to get herself looking good... ** Ellen caught herself admiring the tight little ass of the young Italian waiter, as she followed him to the bar area where Bob, her date, was waiting. “Stop it Ellen!” she chastised, smiling, “He’s young enough...

4 years ago
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Morning Walk To Car Sex

Hey readers, I am veer from Delhi. This is my first story if there are mistake pls forgive me .I’m 21 yrs old and 6 ft tall a bit athletic body guy who have a cock to satisfy a women, I’m going to tell my experience with a married woman with who I became friend or fuck buddy few days back her name is Deepika and she is 24 yrs old . She is married and I have met her in park while jogging. She is very cute by face and her assets are not so good but they make her more cute as her boobs are small...

2 years ago
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Swiss Girls Finishing School Part 2

John has been used by the girls' teacher to demonstrate how to arouse and ejaculate a man. After class, one of the girls slips him a note to meet them later. John arrived at the school just after 7pm. He approached the west entrance, just as the note had instructed, but all was dark. He waited a few minutes, then turned to leave. Just then, there was a quiet creak from the door and a soft voice whispered, “This way!” The door was open just wide enough for him to slip inside into the darkness of...

Group Sex
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My Life in a Year Prolouge Ch 01

Author note – In light of my acceptance into the Survivor contest, I thought how hard it might become to write a story (or 10) for each of these catagories and keep it fresh. So, because of that I brainstormed with some people and came up with the idea to write the majority of the contest stories as one person going through each of the ‘catagories’ while he is traveling through the US. One will have to read each of the preceding stories to keep up – although I will try and keep it...

3 years ago
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The Sanguine Heart

THE SANGUINE HEART By Ingrid Halb Once upon a time, there was a magical kingdom. Well, several kingdoms, really. And a couple of principalities, with one or two duchies in the mix. Also, there was this one place that claimed to be a republic, but the same small group of people kept getting reelected. But I digress, the point is that there was this generally magical land, with no one really in charge of the whole thing. "Well, this is just freaking great," Barry said, his eyes...

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TalentChapter the Sixth The lady Lays

I dreamed again. I dreamed because it was night time and I was in bed. But I understood that I was not sleeping. The velvet blackness and the crystal streams of light were once more stretching into infinity from around me. I felt as if I was back at home. No, that wasn't right, it was not my home but it was a place that felt like it. I felt at ease, this was a place of safety. I knew a deep peace. I was naked and I lay down in the darkness watching the streams course around me. Great...

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The AdvertisementChapter 3

Dave suggested Megan should start with cutting in along the top edge of the wall at the ceiling. He set up the folding ladder for her and handed her a paint brush nestled in a dual-cup, paint and brush holder. It had a nice handle and was sectioned off, one part for paint and smaller one for the brush. He'd set up the ladder, aligned at an angle to the wall, so she'd have to reach off to the right, over the top hoop on the ladder with a stretch to paint. As she started to do that he...

4 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi Episode 84 Giving The Dog A Bone

A lost dog was giving a dog catcher a terrible time. “Wait till I catch you”, he shouted in a batted breath as he chased the dog. He was way inside the suburban part of the city and the dog was running madly without any fatigue. The small dog with dull white and brown patches disappeared behind a corner and darted inside a backyard tumbling a metal dustbin. “What was that?”, Savita bhabhi asked from the kitchen. She heard the loud crash in her backyard. She hurried outside grabbing a nearby...

2 years ago
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Office Colleague Turned Into Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hi all, After being a reader for so long,, I finally am going ahead, posting my life events.. Do leave comment and feedback so that I can work upon the same.. For other than that any girl, ladies, aunties, mom’s,, any female gender who wants to have casual and discreet sex with me.. Write to me at I am Micky, and I am 5.7″ tall, with lean structure body. In April 2006, I was in Kolkata, where I joined an MNC in sector 5,, which was a BPO. I am an undergraduate, so I joined to take care of my...

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teacher stripped

after my degree exam i am trying to sent some psc applications.i am bit confused I bring a psc form and telephoned her.she told me to come to her house tomorrow for filling form she informed me that time she will came after her class.i planned to suck her boobs.i am a great lover of her two rockets. in my tuition center most of time i saw her boobs look like two rockets.some times i masturbated her a lot.on the onam celebration i saw her cleavage when she bent for to taking i...

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بعد قراءة الكومنتات الللا اكيد استفدت منها قررت اكمل الحكاية العجيبة وهكملها بالعاميه. لما نزلنا من الاتوبيس الشاب ده قعدنى فى كافيتريا عالبحر وطلبلى مانجه فريش واستااذت منى لمدة10 دقايق وسابنى ومشا وانا شربت المانجا ولقيت عقلى ابتدا يشتغل: ايه الجنان ده؟ هتنامى مع واحد ماعرفتيهوش الا ساعة زمن ولا اكتر شوية؟ وحتى ماتعرفيش ان كان هيرحك ولا هيتعبك؟ طب مش جايز هيجيب حد معاه وانتى مبتحبيش كده؟ مش جايز يفضحك ولا يصورك ولا حتى يقتلك؟ جرالك ايه ياحيوانه دانتى كده زيك زى الشرموطة اللى بتقبل تتناك من...

1 year ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 2

After my transformation from ugly to beautiful queen , I became ever grateful to queen Eva. Now Queen took out a one foot cock from her cunt, the cock of Adam and told honey this cock has a life and our cunt works as refrigerator so don’t keep it for more times outside otherwise it will be function less. Now Honey check your cunt Honey separated his labia and started to take out a cock and to the astonishment it is also cock of Adam. 1 feet long, 2.5 inch in dia Eva: Honey do you want to take...

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Opening Up Victoria

I lay back on the bed, my ten inch cock pointing at the ceiling as Victoria entered the room. Victoria is my wife’s youngest sister, and I was her 16 th birthday present from my wife. Unlike me, Victoria was still dressed at this point, her slim figure covered in a simple white t-shirt and skinny jeans. She was 5 foot 6 with a slim figure. For all her slenderness she already had fairly large C to D cup breasts. Her hair was long straight and mid brown in colour. Her eyes were large and blue and...

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Dads Porn Magazines Chapter 4 Carrie loses her virginity

Karen giggled lightly and smiled at Carrie. "Mmm yes he did, and it felt incredible," she moaned. Carrie slowly shook her head. "Bu... but what if you get pregnant?" She asked nervously. Karen laughed again. "So you do know something about sex. Well I am on birth control, so I won't get pregnant," she said. Carrie half smiled. "Yeah I just know enough to know that if a guy's cum get inside of your vagina, you can get pregnant," she stammered out. "Yes, but I take pills...

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The new Jurist

Mary Hansen was new in our town hall. She just had finished her examination and already got an employment at the local city council. What a lucky coincidence that the position of the law office head as the only jurist in the town hall had to be occupied and that the mayor remembered the daughter of the town famous entrepreneur family, who against any family tradition had chosen a career in the field of jurisprudence. Mary had been an ambitious student. She was professional excellent, friendly,...

2 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XV

All Rights Reserved - Rachel M. Moore (pen name). December 1, 1:42PM The day had started out fairly well, that is until Lisa had called to tell me Krystal had an appointment with Dr. Hansen, "Dr. Bill" as she liked to say probably because it sounded like Phil. The appointment was at 11:30 AM, which at the time of the call gave me no time to casually slide into the day. Gone was starting the day at a leisurely pace or reveling in my exploits from earlier this morning with Brad....

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Cat Fight 15 Battle

specton -   2 1/2 minutes Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches maclon  - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill's dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan,...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Kristy Black Sensual Bath Tub CockRiding

Naughty black-haired babe, Kristy Black, is taking a dip in the tub when her man, Michael Fly got home. The sight of the all-natural bombshell completely naked on the tub made Michael want to join her. The tattooed and pierced babe teases her man to enter the tub. Michael is quick to take off his clothes and join Kristy for a quick dip. Not wanting to waste any more time, Kristy immediately gives Michael a sloppy blowjob. The horny stud returns the pleasure by giving Kristy a sensual pussy...

1 year ago
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Sexy sheets

A warm breeze on her cool body, raking over naked, voluptuous breasts. Each is like a delectable jam bun, a perfect, perky nipple sits atop, budded in desire. She's lying on the bed, a sheet between her legs. The thin material offers a tantalising pressure, bringing pleasure to her freshly showered form. Excitement builds in her secret place, thanks to the whisper of fresh, cool sheets. Perhaps the feeling of refreshment won't last long in the warmth of such an evening. Already night is...

2 years ago
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Blind LuckChapter 06

I wake up to the alarm and I smile at my two living blankets. They’re lying there with their eyes open and are watching me while grinning from ear to ear - I’m damned if I know what Candy thought she was doing. Pulling my arms out from under them I toss the cover back to sit up. While Jo is trying to work out what I’m up to I half dive and half roll forward to get off the bed to race to the bathroom. As I start the shower I hear Candy laughing in the bedroom. I’m finished just when Candy and...

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Two sisters meet for the first time

I’m looking for a guy who likes to fuck from the backside. my asshole is perfect for a pounding. Come onand give me a good hard beating. Please help if you can!if you Real Then Contact Me Now :www.miamalkova.websiteI'm sitting here at my desk at work, when someone walks through the door behind me. I turn around and see this gorgeously hot woman standing there. I know she's not a member of the gym I work at, so I spring up from my chair to help her. With a smile on my face, I rush over to help...

3 years ago
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Jaymies Road to Ruin Part 3

PART 3 - BACK TO THE SCENE OF THE FIRST CRIME After a few weeks had passed since my encounter with Frank, I felt like maybe I should try to make contact with the man that had started my path to ruin. Since it was still winter, I could do a lot of things without people noticing. I continued to shave my legs, chest and underarms and paint my toenails. In preparation to meet John (I really wanted to make a good impression) I got a pair of red panties and red thigh high stockings and...

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Miss Hessen 2014 landet im Bordell der Yakuza

Der Anfang Hallo mein Name ist Katharina… und ich bin mit gerade 18 Jahren in einem Japanischen Bordell der Yakuza gelandet . Alles fing damit an das ich mich in etwas reingesteigert habe was ich mittlerweile bitterböse bereue. Ich war hübsch ja und viele sagte das ich sogar bildhübsch sei und so war es natürlich für mich Normal das meine sehr konservativen Eltern insbesondere mein Vater mit großen Argusaugen wie ein Schießhund über mich wachte, dass mir ja kein junger Mann auch zu nahe kam…...

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Dirty Love Taboo Tales of the Springfield Three

A sign on the side of a building reads, “Welcome to the Pink Poodle, Springfield’s Finest Gentlemen’s Club”… And then we’re inside. It’s a cheesy, dark, noisy – BUSY – dive. Plenty of ‘gentlemen’ enjoying a drink whilst mostly naked woman dance (or writhe) on the stage and in a couple of cases, on the businessmen themselves.We watch one woman in particular, spinning around a pole, upside down, legs spread wide with a g-string barely covering her crotch. Under the harsh flashing lights we can...

2 years ago
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Curse Of The BambinoChapter 6

Tuesday, October Fourteenth Game Five I actually went to Callie's room at 3 pm. I only had two classes on Tuesdays-and it was a good thing, as I wasn't all that alert in them. I kept thinking of what had happened the night before. And, no, not about the Sox' fantastic performance, as gratifying as that was. Anyhow, I got to her room-and got a backslide. Not that I was shocked by that, mind you. A lot had happened the day before. She was reevaluating. When I got there, and sat on her...

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