Writer's Block free porn video

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Yes, I was staring, I made no effort to hide it, either. This was exactly the reason I chose this apartment complex instead of one filled with people my age. There were a number of young college students in residence, many of them female, and most quite lovely to my eyes.

Then there were the guys. No, I wasn't checking out the men, but on weekends many of them were likely to have girlfriends over, and the girlfriends only added to my viewing pleasure.

So, I spent a lot of time by the pool, in the shade of an umbrella, staring. If one of the girls made eye contact, I smiled, but I didn't try to hit on them. I knew my chances were somewhere between slim and none, but damn they were easy on my old eyes!

Every once in a while, I would get a smile in return. Mostly, I got that blank, 'you're not there' stare, meaning; 'How dare an old perv like you look at a sweet young hottie like me?!'

I didn't care. I wasn't on the make and I wasn't breaking any laws. I was just looking for inspiration.

See, I'm a writer. I write Science Fiction books. I do well enough that I don't have to worry too much about money, and I love the conventions and book tours. Problem was, lately, I had been struggling, looking for the next BIG IDEA. Now I know what you're thinking: what do sexy young women have to do with inspiration for a Sci-Fi writer?

Well, to tell the truth, I'm not sure, but I've found that when I get blocked like this, a little time around nubile young nymphets clears my mind, and the ideas just - come.

At least, they had in the past, and I was sure they would again, so I sat by the pool, tapping away at my computer, and ogling the youngsters.

At the moment, trouble was brewing over on the other side of the pool. There were about five young ladies gathered together, talking in low voices. From the furtive glances they occasionally shot my way, it was pretty clear what the topic of discussion was. I was about to be confronted for being the perv that I am.

True, I could have just picked up my laptop and gone back to the apartment, but that would only have sent them to the landlord, or worse, the cops. So I sat, drank some water, and watched them come. The chosen spokesperson was a petite, dark haired young lady, one of whose parents must have been Asian. When the group stopped about ten feet away, she kept coming until she was standing between me and the afternoon sun.

"Excuse me, young lady," I said, before she could decide how to begin. "I can see you've got something on your mind, but would you mind moving around here to say it? I don't like squinting into the sun."

I was more concerned with the fact that, with the sun behind her, I could only see her silhouette. Not that it wasn't a lovely silhouette, but I preferred to see the whole package, and not squint into the sun while looking.

"You keep staring at us," the young lady accused, obligingly moving to the indicated position, thus giving me a better chance to stare at her. "What is your problem?"

"My problem?" I repeated. "My problem, miss, is that I'm old enough to be father to most of you young ladies, so it would be inappropriate of me to hit on you, but you are all so lovely that I can't help but drink in your beauty."

I don't know what response she was expecting, but it apparently wasn't that one.

"Why us?" she finally asked. "Why don't you go find some women your age to ogle?"

"Have you seen what most of the women my age look like?" I asked, and in spite of herself, she giggled a little. "I'm sorry, miss. I don't mean any harm. I'm strictly an eyes only kind of pervert. I wouldn't even attempt to touch one of you without a very clear sign that such an advance would be welcomed. Now, let's see a show of hands from everyone who thinks that's going to happen any time soon..."

The other girls had moved closer so they could hear what was being said, and I addressed the last sentence to them. It got a round of titters, as expected, but it also lightened the mood a little bit.

"Yeah, the story of my life," I sighed theatrically, then; "Look, girls, you're all beautiful young women, and unless you're going to wear burkas or something, it's hard NOT to stare. I don't mean to be impolite, but watching you helps clear my mind so that I can get back to writing."

"Writing?" the spokesgirl asked.

I nodded. "For money, I write Science Fiction books. For fun, I occasionally write something really nasty to post on the web."

Their eyes kind of glazed over when I said 'Science Fiction' but that last sentence perked them right up again.

"Nasty?" one of the girls in the crowd asked in a hushed voice.

"Yep," I answered, "very nasty."

"Do you write about us?" the spokesgirl asked angrily.

"Of course not," I answered, "you're just my inspiration. I don't even know your names."

There was a whispered conference, close enough that I could have eavesdropped if I cared to, then the tall blonde asked shyly, "Can we see some of your stories?"

"Oh sure!" I answered, deliberately misunderstanding. I reached into my computer bag and brought out a copy of my latest Sci-fi book. "You can actually pick these up in any bookstore."

"Not those stories!" the blonde said, disgustedly.

Behind her, the shy brunette with the glasses said, "Hey, I've read that! It's pretty good!"

I gave the brunette a private smile and a wink, then turned back to the blonde as the brunette blushed.

"I don't know if I can show you the other kind," I said. "I think you have to be eighteen in this state to read that kind of thing. I wouldn't want to get in trouble."

"We're over eighteen," the blonde insisted, and got a chorus of nods from her friends.

"I don't know, girls," I said skeptically. "I think I'd have to see some ID, at least."

The blonde immediately turned to the bespectacled brunette and dispatched her to the other side of the pool to retrieve purses. I waited, smiling. If I really had been a sexual predator ... But I wasn't, and when the brunette arrived with the purses, and they all started digging for ID, I let them have it, before they got a chance to show me stuff I shouldn't know.

"You girls go to UCSD, right?"

A chorus of "Uh huh"s answered me.

"Well for smart girls, you sure are acting stupid," I told them, as the IDs started to appear. "Look at the front of your ID. What do you see besides the picture and the ID number?"

They looked and turned back to me with puzzled expressions.

"Your names and addresses are on there, dummies!" I almost shouted at them. "If I really was a sexual predator, you might as well give me the keys to your homes!"

There were gasps of shock and the cards quickly went back into their purses.

"Don't EVER show those to anyone who doesn't have a legal right to ask for them," I scolded in my best fatherly voice. Shaking my head, I continued, "Sheesh! You girls are easy! Look, if you really want to read my adult stories, you can find them at this URL..."

I gave them the URL to my StoriesOnline account, written on a scrap of paper.

"Uh, thanks, Mr. Hooper," the brunette with the glasses said. She was as pretty as the others, but from her demeanor, I guessed that she wasn't really part of their crowd. Probably a roommate to one of the others. "Um, if I, I mean, that is, could you, um sign my copy of your book?"

I took the copy that I had shown them earlier, and opened the front cover. Smiling, I said, "Why don't I just sign this one and give it to you? I get a few for free, and I've got no one else to give them to."

"Oh! Well. If you think ... I mean, sure!"

"Who shall I write this for?" I asked, pen poised over the page.

"Oh, um, Melissa. Melissa Drummond."

I have a number of stock dedications I use for such situations and I wrote one of them to Melissa without even thinking about it.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Hooper!" she gushed, when I handed her the signed copy. The other girls had gone off with the scrap of paper I had given them, leaving Melissa with me.

"You're quite welcome, Melissa," I smiled, then took a flyer, "You're not really one of that group, are you?"

"Well, no, not really," she answered. "Candy, the blonde girl, is my roommate, and she kind of looks out for me, but I don't really fit in. They're all business majors, and I'm studying Environmental Science."

"I thought so," I smiled. "You'd better go join them before they start thinking you're weird for hanging out with the old guy."

She shrugged her slender shoulders. "They already think I'm weird. Would you mind if I asked you a couple of questions about your book?"

"Of course not," I pushed another chair away from the table to give her room. "I don't mind talking about my work, but I'd much rather talk about you."

She blushed. I didn't know there were still girls who could blush, but she did, for the second time.

"I just wanted to ask where you got the information for the main character's statements in Chapter 13, where he talks about the environment on Earth in the twenty-first century."

"I do most of my research on the web," I told her, "but I think I may have gotten that information from discussions with a friend of mine who's a professor over at the University, why?"

"Was that Professor Schwartzmann?" she asked.

"Why yes," I answered. "Yes it was."

"I thought that sounded a lot like what he taught us last semester. I..."

Whatever she was about to say was cut off when Candy called from the other side of the pool, "Hey Melissa! Come on! I forgot my key!"

She gave me an apologetic 'I've got to go' look and stood to join her friends.

Melissa had gotten about three steps away, and I was really enjoying the way her butt jiggled in her skimpy bikini, when she stopped and looked back over her shoulder.

"By the way, Mr. Hooper," she said. "I don't mind if you stare."

"That's Harper, Melissa. Greg Harper. Tom Hooper is my nom de plume," I smiled my appreciation of her invitation, "and you can walk away from me anytime, if you'll promise to come back."

She laughed a little and tossed her hair as she turned away again. Her hips had just a little extra sway to them as she navigated to the other side of the pool. Nothing slutty or obvious - just a little show for my eyes alone. I loved it.

I didn't see the girls again that day, but it wasn't long after I had staked my claim to my accustomed spot the next day, when Candy, Melissa's roommate, accosted me, a stack of laser-printed sheets in her hands.

She was hesitant and completely unsure of herself, so I tried to help her out.

"Candy, isn't it?" I asked. "Melissa's roommate?"

"Yeah," she answered. "Um ... I don't know if I should even be talking to you about this, but..."

That was as far as she got before she lost her nerve again. I pushed a chair away from the table and invited her to sit. She dropped the stack of papers on the table. The top one was one of my SOL stories, so I guessed that the others were, too.

"Did you like those?" I asked, nodding at the papers.

"Oh!" Candy seemed startled and a little embarrassed. "Uh, yeah, actually. That's, um, kinda what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Fire away," I said, enjoying the flushed, lightly freckled cleavage exposed by her top.

"Have you actually done all the stuff in these stories, Mr. Harper?" she asked, her face getting even redder.

I studied her for a moment, trying to figure out where she was going with this. A fruitless study, to be sure, but a lovely one.

"That's kind of a personal question, don't you think?" I asked.

"Oh! Uh, sorry!" Her eyes were everywhere but on me, which was okay, since it gave me even more freedom to ogle the lovely blonde.

"I know you said you don't write about the girls you see here," she said, and suddenly, her eyes were focussed on me like lasers, "but would you, if someone gave you permission?"

Well! That was delightfully unexpected!

"Are we talking about real life experience, Candy, or fiction starring a real person?"

"Um, the second one, I think," she said, again unable to meet my gaze. "I mean, I got thinking about 'what if it was me in one of those stories?' and I just got, like, so hot!"

"Have you ever experienced anything like what happens in those stories, Candy?"

She shrugged, looking embarrassed. "I've, like, done it with my boyfriend," she said, "but it was just, you know, vanilla. I've never even done, like, anal. I kinda figured if you were to write a story about me doing those things, I could, maybe, show it to him and he'd like get some ideas, you know?"

"And what if it backfires, Candy?" I asked soberly. "What if your boyfriend starts thinking you're a slut for wanting to do things like that?"

Candy stared at me as if I had slapped her before answering, "Oh! I never thought about that! Um, I'll, uh talk to you later."

With that, she got up and hurried off, her butt jiggling nicely under her swimsuit. Melissa was just arriving as she left.

Melissa watched her roommate leave, then asked, "She didn't actually ask you to write a story about her, did she?"

I nodded, saying, "Yeah, but she hadn't really thought it all the way through. What can I do for you, young lady?"

I greeted Melissa with an obvious head-to-toe scan of her lovely face and figure.

She blushed, stuck her hip out a bit further, and used one hand to pull some of her lustrous brown hair forward to cover part of her face, while giving me an enticing look.

"Well, you should probably take a good look, Mr. Harper," she said, sadly. "It looks like I'm going to have to drop out of school. The money's run out, and even with my parents co-signing, I couldn't get a loan approved, and I still haven't had any luck finding a job, so I guess I'm going to have to go back home."

"Well, why didn't you say something?" I asked. "Can you type? Of course you can type. Nobody gets very far in college these days who can't. Hmm, Environmental Science, you must be pretty good at math..."

She answered my questioning gaze with a nod. "It's not my favorite thing, but yeah, I get by."

"You know how to balance a checkbook? Make appointments and see that they're kept?"

She nodded, clearly puzzled, and a little excited. "I can do those things. Do you know somebody who's hiring?"

"I do indeed," I smiled smugly, "I happen to know a writer who is in dire need of a personal assistant."

"Really?" she could barely contain herself. "When can I meet him, or her?"

"You already have!" I replied.

"You mean you... ?"

"Yep! Me. Before you say anything, however," I said, "can you cook and keep a reasonably clean living space?"

"Yes," she answered, a bit more cautiously. "I used to cook a lot when Mom had to work late, and I did more of the housework than she did."

"Okay," I said, "how do feel about sharing an apartment with an old lecher?"

"You're not that old!" she said, then asked, "Would I have my own room?"

"Of course," I answered, "with a lock that locks from the inside."

"And does this job include benefits?"

"I can provide life and health insurance, as well as tuition assistance," I answered, but she was shaking her head.

"I meant, will you be expecting benefits?"

"I do hope you won't mind if I continue to enjoy the sight of you," I told her, "because, that's something I simply will not be able to control. Beyond that, as your employer, I would be liable for sexual harassment charges if I made unwanted advances, so that I will not do."

She gazed at me for a long moment, then began negotiating salary. The upshot of the whole discussion was that we came to an agreement with which she seemed very pleased. I didn't negotiate too hard. I really had been looking for an assistant, and she was the best candidate to come along who was willing to move in with me and keep house, too.

Candy was a little shocked when we packed up Melissa's things to move them to my apartment. Melissa was a little shocked when, with her two suitcases and her bicycle loaded onto the elevator, I inserted my key and took the elevator up to my apartment in the penthouse. It's really quite a spacious apartment, and the deck and Jacuzzi help make the outside of it habitable, as well. There were no buildings within a couple of miles that were higher than ours, so I had my privacy when I wanted it.

I gave Melissa her choice of bedrooms. I didn't really need four, but they came with the place, so since I had the master bedroom, she had three others to choose from. They were all on the other side of the apartment from mine, and she simply took the larger one on the ocean side of the building - the one with the great view.

Once we got her moved in, I showed her my study and my bedroom.

"You should know that I keep pornographic material in both of these rooms, and if I'm in either of them with the door closed, if you come in, you risk seeing me beating off, or, if I'm lucky, having sex with someone. I'm not going to tell you not to come in if you need to, but be warned that you might see things you're not prepared for. Also, if the pornographic material bothers you, I will need a day's notice before you clean those rooms to get it put away. Telling me your cleaning schedule is not sufficient. I can't keep track of my own schedule much less yours, so tell me each time you're going to clean them if you don't want to be exposed to that stuff."

"I don't care about that, Mr. Harper," Melissa replied, then gave me a speculative look. "Will you be thinking about me when you're masturbating?"

"Thanksgiving only comes once a year for a reason," I told her. "If we ate like that all year, there'd be nothing to look forward to on Thanksgiving, so while you will, on occasion, star in my fantasies, I think I will save the best for special occasions."

"Good!" she smiled.

I gave her a long, hard look. "I think you and I are going to get along famously, but be very careful, okay? Comments like that skirt very close to something that could be considered an invitation to do more than look."

"I'm sorry," she said. "That was not my intention, but I do like the way you look at me, and it excites me to think about you thinking about me while you're, you know..."

"Okay," I smiled. "As long as we understand each other."

"Speaking of which," she said, "do you have a dress code you would like me to follow?"

"As far as I'm concerned," I answered, "you can walk around here nude or any other way that suits you as long as I don't have visitors. When I do have visitors, I expect a modicum of decorum in your dress and in your manner. You are not a servant, but as my assistant you need to treat my guests with respect."

We discussed study time, allowances for extra study near exam time, dates with the boyfriend, etc. and in the end, Melissa went to her room and changed into a bikini, and began cleaning house. The apartment was sorely in need of it, and I retired to my study to work.

This arrangement worked out much better than I ever expected. Melissa was respectful of my work time and I, in turn, gave her plenty of leeway around schoolwork and her social life. She kept the apartment spotless, and she really seemed to enjoy cooking for me. My publisher appreciated the fact that I began making it to appointments on time, as well. Melissa did so well handling my finances, that I fired my accountant. I think he was stealing from me, anyway.

Melissa walked in on me on more than one occasion when I was busy at my favorite pastime. On those occasions, she would look, smile, and go on about her business, making sure I got a good look at her in the process. She returned the favor now and then by allowing me to come upon her watching one of my racier DVDs and jilling off in one of the main rooms. She was exquisitely beautiful at the moment of orgasm, and made me wish I was an artist instead of a writer.

When we weren't working, I found Melissa to be a pleasant companion and cycling partner. I cycle for exercise because running is too hard on my joints, and though she was in much better shape than I, Melissa would ride with me until my ride was done, then continue on with her more strenuous workout. I found that my young assistant did think for herself, and I had to watch myself in conversation with her, lest I get caught being sloppy in my own thought processes. It was quite stimulating, and I felt more invigorated with Melissa around than I had in years.

After about two months, she grew comfortable enough with me, and my ogling of her, to start going topless around the apartment when we were alone. I was quick to let her know how much I appreciated that, especially since her breasts were beautifully shaped, and just the right size. Not tiny, but just big enough to have that delicate, upturned appearance with no sag underneath. Her nipples were mouthwateringly beautiful, as well - about a quarter inch long, pink, and slenderly cylindrical, surrounded by small, pale pink areolae...

Soon after Melissa started going topless, I went to Thailand to do some research. I offered to take her, but mid-terms were coming and she needed to concentrate on schoolwork. While I was there, of course, I made the acquaintance of some of the lovely Thai beauties. One of them came to bed one night, wearing a golden chain attached by two small nooses to her brown nipples. From the chain was suspended several ounces of golden filigree that made her nudity seem even more exotic. Naturally, I had to know where she got that little piece of jewelry. The next day, I went to see the jeweler and commissioned an even finer piece to take home with me.

When I walked into the apartment, Melissa, wearing nothing but a skimpy panty, threw herself at me, embracing me deliciously to welcome me home. She didn't say so, but from the length and ardor of her embrace, I gathered that she had missed me. Well, she wasn't alone.

After dinner that evening, as we sat on the deck sipping port and nibbling on cheese from a platter that she had prepared, I gave her the box I had brought back with me from Thailand.

"Before you open this," I told her, "I want to be sure you take it in the spirit in which it is intended. Your presence here, and your willingness to allow these old eyes to drink of your beauty, has enriched my life considerably, so I thought I would see if I could enrich yours as well..."

So saying, I opened the box to reveal the golden filigreed jewelry suspended from a chain and embedded here and there with rubies, emeralds, and diamonds, in the shape of a butterfly. It was worth a small fortune, but then, so was she.

"It's beautiful!" Melissa breathed, then she noticed the loops on the ends of the chain instead of the catch one would expect on a necklace, "but how... ?"

"It's not a necklace or a bracelet," I told her. "May I?"

At her nod, I lifted the piece from the velvet lining of the box, and held the loops near her nipples, asking permission with my eyes before continuing.

My young assistant drew a sharp breath as she realized how the thing attached, then raised her eyes to mine and nodded slowly.

With trembling fingers, I gently slipped the loop over her right nipple, trying not to touch the flesh as I slid the little ring upward to snug it into place. Melissa's chest was rising and falling rapidly, and when I looked up, her eyes were closed and her mouth was half open.

"Shall I continue?" I asked softly.

Her small, pink tongue flicked out to moisten dry lips and her eyes remained closed as she nodded.

My hands were shaking even more as I placed the loop over her left nipple and tightened it - not too tight.

When I released the weight of it, the piece tugged at her nipples, drawing a gasp from the young lady, but her breasts, as I had suspected, were firm enough to support its weight.

"Keep your eyes closed," I whispered in her ear as I helped her stand and guided her to the mirror near the entry door. "Now, look."

"Oh my God!" Melissa exclaimed as she saw her reflection. "I - it - it's beautiful!"

"You look ravishing any time, my dear," I told her, my hands still enjoying the feel of her smooth, bare shoulders, "and this is simply icing on the cake."

"Can I wear it?" she asked, like a little girl asking about her new Easter dress.

"It's yours to do with as you please, Melissa," I told her. "Consider it a 'thank you' for all of the pleasure you have brought into my life."

She moved experimentally, exclaiming, "Ooooh! I love the way it feels when I move!"

Since I loved the way it made her look whether she was moving or standing still, I offered plenty of encouragement for either activity or repose.

Melissa wore the piece as she cleaned up our dinner dishes, then came to me where I sat watching my favorite program - the Melissa show.

"I know that, so far, our relationship has been me showing off and you watching, but this once, I would really like to offer you something more tangible in return for this marvelous gift," she said in a breathy voice as she slid to the floor between my legs and reached for my zipper.

Oh, how many times I had jerked off, picturing this moment! I could not remember the exact number, but as my swiftly hardening member slid luxuriously between those soft, warm lips, and continued into the velvet heat of Melissa's loving mouth, I was in a heaven the likes of which my wildest fantasies had never created.

Slowly, gently, taking great care not to scrape me with her teeth, Melissa nurtured me to a rigidity I had not achieved in many years. When her lips slowly nibbled their way down my shaft until my glans slipped into her throat, I thought I would die from the sheer, unadulterated pleasure of the sensation!

When, without pause, she continued onward until her lips and nose were firmly planted in my pubic hair, I thought I had died and gone to heaven, but the little minx was not done with me by a long shot.

She bit gently at the base of my shaft, as if delineating the limit of her travel, then, ever so slowly, worked her way upward, massaging me with firm pulses of mouth and tongue, and pausing every few seconds to bite again, the sharp hardness of her teeth an exciting contrast to the moist softness of her inner flesh.

I gazed at Melissa's radiant face as she made love to my shaft, her eyes closed, her face a picture of concentration, as if nothing existed in her world except the fleshy appendage upon which she so lovingly suckled.

At the top of her journey, that wonderful, soft, heated cavity worked over my glans, then suddenly plunged once again to its base. After a long pause, as if savoring the feel of my flesh in her esophagus, the little witch once again worked her way upward, slowly, ever so slowly, working me with lips, tongue, and occasionally, teeth, until I thought I would explode!

I am not a small man when aroused, and the very idea of this young beauty taking me so far into her throat sent chills up and down my spine.

I do not know how long Melissa's miraculous mouth worked its magic upon me, but each time I approached the ramp, ready to launch myself into space, she would stop and drag me backward.

Finally, she must have sensed that I was beyond the point of no return, and the lovely brunette took my full length, nuzzled my pubic bone with her nose, and began swallowing motions with her throat and at the same time groaning, setting up delicious vibrations as counterpoint to the swallowing, all the while working the base of my shaft with her tongue. As I rocketed toward my climax, suddenly, she bit - hard, though not hard enough to break that skin. I felt as though I had exploded into a million pieces! My guts emptied out through the too-small tube of my urethra, burning all the way! Even as a teenager I had never experienced such an orgasm, and Melissa?

Melissa prolonged the explosion by pulling me even deeper into her throat as her wondrous mouth milked me of every ounce of fluid that my poor old testicles could produce, her eyes still closed in loving concentration.

Eventually, I ran down, and she slowly, ever so gently, mindful of the hypersensitive state of my glans, released me. Wiping a last bit of my cum away with the back of her hand, she leaned forward and kissed me warmly on the mouth.

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Writers Block

The normal set of disclaimers applies. Those who archive stories on free sites may do so, provided no changes are made in the text. Writer's Block By Bill Hart As Lance Thorndyke entered his publisher's office, he was worried how they'd react to him telling them he wouldn't have his newest book ready by its agreed upon next week's due date. He'd run into writers' blocks before now, but this block was totally different than any of the others he'd ever suffered through. No matter...

3 years ago
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SRU Writers Block

SRU: Writer's Block By Roy Del Frink Henry Higgins was a well-known writer. Well, I should say he was as well-known a writer as writers of pornography go. His tales occupied the pages of every adult magazine in the business - sometimes two or three in different magazines the same month. Henry's writing always came from experience. In the name of "research", he'd go out and have sex with six different women every day. And never the same woman twice, as he never wanted to deal with...

2 years ago
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Writers Block

Olivia was a writer. It’s not just what she did, it was what, in her mind, defined her. Short stories, poems, and novellas spanning all manner of genres. She'd taken great delight sharing them with her small circle of friends, sometimes even shyly reading them out loud, quietly pleased at the praise they’d heaped on her, each time pushing herself to improve. Jack had been especially supportive, always sending her motivational emails or glowing reviews, finding bright moments in even the failed...

4 years ago
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New Girl on the Block

New Girl on the Block Janet L. Stickney [email protected] In the past I had very privately dabbled in dressing in my mothers clothes, then gone out as a girl on several special occasions, like Halloween, so it's not like I have no idea what's required, but what they told me I was going to do was unbelievable! My name is Greg, I'm 15 now, your average kid, I guess. I'm 5'7" tall and weigh about 140, with brown hair and green eyes. I'm an average student, although I'm not...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 10 Who is Jennifer Block

July 1980, Milford, Ohio When we arrived at Jennifer’s house, her mom was home. She greeted me, but Jennifer dragged me to the basement before a conversation could start. We sat on the couch. “So you want to know who I am?” she asked. “Yes, I do. Everything. Get it all out on the table, whatever it is.” She sat quietly for several minutes, just looking at me, as if she was evaluating me. She was clearly trying to decide what to say and how to say it. I wasn’t going to rush her because I...

3 years ago
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Writers Forum

AUTHOR'S NOTES This is a re-write of one of my first efforts. Back then I thought it marvelous to knit improbabilities into spectrums of predilection. But of course it hardly worked, except maybe for readers with checklists. In my re-write, the stretch is a tad more bounded and takes just half the words. And my oh my! That earlier version reads as if I combed through 300 supposedly-erotic stories for sticky-wet adjectives to string together. I apologize to any of you who tried to read it....

4 years ago
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Fucked Aunt Living In The Next Block

Hey, I am Aditya (name changed). I am 18 yrs old. I know my age is less but I don’t know how but god gifted me a gem. I got an 8.5-inch tool that is wide enough to satisfy anyone who can resist my dick. I live in Delhi so anyone in Delhi Noida or Ghaziabad can mail me for satisfaction.I guarantee full privacy. You can mail me on So coming to the sex story. I was a person who was full of lust.I masturbated a lot of times a day watching porn.One day a new aunt shifted to my society. I lived in a...

3 years ago
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An extreme cure for writers block

Note from the author: This is my first time trying to write any sort of fiction so I would love any constructive feedback. This should be considered part 1 and I hope to write more. I hope you enjoy! ---------------------------------------------- "James?" Davis said. "You haven't said anything for nearly two minutes." "Oh sorry...you just gave me a lot to think about," I replied, still trying to get my head around what he had just suggested. Davis was my friend and perhaps more...

4 years ago
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The Auction Block

The Auction Block The Auction Block Chapter One?? June 17th? 4:15 PM The longer the van ride lasted, the more uncomfortable Nikki and her younger sister Kate became.? They had been in the black van, with dark tinted windows, for over three hours now, and the vehicle continued to wind deeper and deeper into the densely forested countryside.? Their stepmother had assured them they were going to a wonderfully isolated, yet thoroughly modern retreat in the Northern California woods.? A...

2 years ago
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Hunters Vs CockBlocker

Keiyra's alert eyes scan the streets for any signs of Hunters. As the most successful and renowned CockBlocker, Keiyra never drops her guard. She would never be collared with the dread conCollars the Hunters used, and to her dying day she would kill those who seek to collar her or other women. For being collared was practically a death sentence. The collar could read your thoughts and intentions and can "train" women by shocking them for what their programmers deem as bad thoughts. It could...

4 years ago
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My sister Dee is 42 this year but we have been together since she was 17. I will only mention in this post about our recent get together which is all too rare. I headed down to the States for her famous summer barbecue and her in-laws were there which both she and I have come to regard as great cockblockers.They want to be taken care of hand and foot and my sister being the great matriarch she is, makes up a fabulous spread and serves upwards of 30 or 10 people at one of these things. I try to...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 65 Blockhead

March 16, 1992 Chicago, Illinois We arrived home from O’Hare just after Elyse brought Abbie and Matthew home from Midway Airport, and just in time for dinner, which Nancy had helpfully prepared. “There’s my other granddaughter!” Nancy said when she saw Birgit. “Hi, Grandma!” Birgit said going over to give her a hug before climbing into her booster seat. “How were the trips?” “Vermont was nice and peaceful,” Kara said. “Except for a certain husband who just HAD to watch NASCAR!” Jessica...

4 years ago
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The Writers Block

1. A successful journalist is sitting inside his room, staring at a fireplace. A cacophony of sounds keeps reminding him of the storm outside. ‘Soothing,’ the man mutters to himself while stretching his arms. ‘I really hope this rain is going to provide me with a stream of creative ideas.’ ‘You’ll have more than you bargained for,’ a voice can be heard. ‘Who’s there?’ the journalist sits in a chair, scanning the room. ‘I’m a panacea,’ the voice says. ‘That’s an intriguing accent,’ the...

4 years ago
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My Wifes Solution To My Writers Block

 The dreaded inability to write had a stranglehold on me. I sat in my study and looked at the blank screen on my PC. It had been two months since I last was able to compose a story. Since then my imagination had been bone dry and my spurts of inspiration as arid as my spurts of cum.Luckily for me, my publisher was my significant other. Just as I was pouring myself a glass of Jack Daniels, the entryway opened, and Joy entered. She looked stunning in her little yellow sundress with a blossom...

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Writers Block

It's 9 in the afternoon and you are sitting at your desk, blankly staring at the monitor in front of you. It's been almost 12 hours since you woke up, and ever since you had breakfast, you've been trying to get something creative going. As a writer, nothing is worse than having writer's block. Despite your publisher assuring that you can, you feel that you really cannot write bestsellers on command. Your first published book, "Satanic Sheets of Satin", was a bestseller and is even now, a year...

4 years ago
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Writers Block

"If you stare at that screen any longer, you're gonna get square eyes" Lucas' dreamy voice caught Christina off guard. She abruptly glanced up from her blank laptop screen, greeted with the sight of a freshly showered and shirtless boyfriend. She blinked hard, allowing her eyes to adjust back to the non-pixelated world. She leaned back against the headboard of her bed and scrunched her straightened legs into a basket, carefully balancing her pride and joy on her knees. "I think I have writer's...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Jennie From The Block

I took a big breath and an even bigger sip of champagne to calm my nerves. I was about to begin my ritual of transformation, but tonight was special. Tonight was Halloween, and for the first time, if everything went according to plan, someone other than myself and a few anonymous internet strangers would see me as a girl. With shaking hands, I donned a wig cap and put on my favorite long brown wig, combed to lustrous perfection specifically for tonight. Adjusting the floral scented...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 32 Jennifer Lynn Block

March 1985, Chicago, Illinois The rest of Sunday, the last day of March, was calm and relaxing. I had wanted to watch the NASCAR race at Bristol on ESPN, but it had rained all afternoon in Tennessee and the race was postponed a week. It wasn’t usual for NASCAR to race on Easter weekend, but they would this year, though on Saturday instead of Sunday. Bill Elliott had won his second race of the year in Atlanta two weeks previously, and was looking strong. Most of my housemates left for home...

2 years ago
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Ice Blocks

I was busy packing for my little trip up to my parents’ holiday cabin, which was a few hours’ drive away from our house. My step-brother, Tyler, would also be coming with me. Our parents wanted us out of the house while they dealt with some legal issues surrounding a client my mother was currently fighting a case for; as they thought it would be easier for everyone. So, as a result, Tyler and I were going to spend a week or so in the woods, alone and yet completely free to do whatever we...

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Bollywood BlockBuster

Bollywood had found its latest Angry young Man, Aryan Khan. He debuted in SOTY 5 which proved to be a commercial success and gave another 4 consecutive hits within his first 2 years. But his most acclaimed role came in a somewhat controversial Erotic thriller named "Bondage" it was like an Indian version of The Fifty Shades of Grey. Here Aryan played a Psychotic lover who kidnaps his unwilling crush and subjects her to various bondages and sexumiliation which was his version of Harsh...

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Harry was chanting something, but Lisa couldn't make out the words that he was saying. "Make out" the words, Lisa thought to herself. That's funny. "Make out" was something that Harry had probably wanted to do with Lisa for five years. She knew that Harry would never get into her pants, but she enjoyed taking him for the ride! Harry was in his thirties and wasn't bad looking. He had some money that he got from an insurance company when his parents perished in an airline crash and he...

2 years ago
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Writer of the Year 2020

Dear Readers, it time to choose your favorite Writer of the Year 2020! Please vote for the writer who entertained you with their amazing and erotic Indian sex stories. *You can vote for multiple writers! Choose your ISS writer of the year 2020! Akashkumar1729 Daksh773384 Hronyman69 ItsAafi94 Rajraka09 SafarazKhan Sutapar1 Zhia69 Other Please Specify: ISS gives you new sex stories every day to keep you hot and horny. The writers of these stories always manage to give you...

3 years ago
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Writers Block

I do not usually write in the first and second persons, but in this case, it fits. And while there is no eroticism, there are some allusions to it. If this is not your style, you may wish to move onto the next story. Although the other character in this complete fiction is obviously a lover, the intimate friend is in fact a composite of many wonderful individuals who were, and still are, there for me throughout the years, platonic and otherwise. They have helped me through some very difficult...

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My 48 hours in BBlock

So after a day or so minding my own business, tying to be invisible, I was approached by a guy, average sized fella, black, 6 foot, sort of overweight. He told me that he'd been watching me and he noticed I was on the phone whenever possible. They had a phone schedule, each guy could use one of the two or three phones for set amounts of time. I was really missing my girlfriend and was on the phone with her whenever I could. We talked a bit and he seemed pretty nice. He seemed to be genuinely...

3 years ago
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Writers Block

He was sitting quietly, tapping his fingers on the key without typing. "What are you doing?" she asked, startling him. He blushed, and then grinned. "I was trying to come up with an idea for a story for you, but I couldn't decide on a situation to get us naked." "Why not?" she teased. "Most of my stories start with something that really happens and inspires me. Nothing inspiring happened today." "How about this?" she said as she hugged him from behind and started nibbling on his neck. ...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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ks on the block

Joel and Allison live 4 houses away. Allison is a year behind me in school and Joel 3 years behind.I have been on a swim team most of my life and Joel started swimming for the same team a couple of years after me. He started hanging around me, almost worshipping me. At first I found it ego building but it got almost weird. My last year in school he invited me over after we had won a swim meet.“My parents are gone,” he said. “We can do anything we want”I reluctantly went to his house. Allison...

2 years ago
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Writers Block

Ursula slammed her fist against the table in frustration. She tore the piece of paper she had been working on out of her notebook and noisily formed it into an origami boulder and tossed it on top of the pile overflowing her office waste basket.  Her husband Walter picked his head up from his book and quietly sighed. She was taking an adult creative writing course at the local community college and was stuck, at the moment, trying to write a short story assignment. She was always so unpleasant...

2 years ago
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family on the block

I was 17 years old and horny as hell. My only sex experience was with the two girls at school that everyone had done. Very awkward. There was a freshman on the swim team that worshiped me and he lived down the street.One Saturday evening we were celebrating after a swim meet. His parents were gone and we were drinking their stuff. We decided to take a shower and head to bed. I was waiting forever for him to finish his shower. I stripped down to my briefs and waited in the bathroom. He stepped...

5 years ago
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The Auction Block

It was supposed to be for charity. A good cause they told me. I dressed in a short black dress with black stockings. The stockings had a dark seem that ran the down the back of my leg and tall heels. I had to make a good impression...I wanted to raise a lot of money for the charity.I was intimidated though, the moment I arrived. All of the other girls looked so amazing. Ashley in a blue dress that came to mid-thigh; Megan in a green skirt and a blouse that was more see-through than not;...

3 years ago
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Auctioneers Block

I stood in a world of darkness, hands bound behind my back as I listened with growing trepidation to the loud hum of conversation that had to be a hall full of people. The velvet bag over my head puffed out from my face with every warm breath I took. It was hot in that bag, my face felt flushed and uncomfortable. I didn't dare to move, fearing there would be consequences or that without the benefit of sight I would fall and hurt myself. Around my neck was a rope, the loose end of which hung...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 10 A Chip Off the Old Block

April 18, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Hey, Squirt,” I said when I walked into her office late on Tuesday morning. “I take it Kimmy talked to you?” “Yes. Shut the door, please.” I nodded and shut the door to the office, then sat down across from her. “Ed is really uncomfortable with you and me traveling alone together.” “Seriously?” I sighed. “After fifteen years?” “I know, but you have to see his perspective.” “Oh, I do. Jess will quiz me, but she’ll be OK with it. You know she’s mellowed...

1 year ago
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Naughty Neighbours 1 Bad Boy on the Block

On Fuck Street no one can be satisfied with the same person. They have all fucked each other and managed to keep their relationships. Well the lucky ones. New bad boy Andrew Robinson had just reunited with his father and was already hungry for pussy. Andrew had lived a dangerous life being on the run in all sorts of countries and was only 18. And of course like any bad boy he had fucked a girl every week. Now although they had not met, Andrew had already boned one of these slutty girls. Donna...

2 years ago
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Writer of the Year

Dear Readers, Thank you for over-warming response (ISS Writer of the Year 2019) Voting period: 12-26 January 2020. Result 1 30% (8128) Winner 2 15% (3976) Runner up 3 14% (3866) 4 13% (3615) 5 9% (2363) 6 9% (2324) 7 9% (2303) 8 Other 1% (398) Total votes received: 26,973 from 25,747 voters. Voting host stats: ISS: Congratulations Riyaasharma! 30% of our readers have voted for you as the ‘ISS Writer of the Year 2019’. Your stories have been most liked and read by all readers. Your...

3 years ago
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Prologue. ‘Damn writer’s block! Damn it to hell!’ I sat before my lap top in the large dining room waiting for inspiration. There was nothing. A hundred times, or so it seemed, I had begun to tap in words, and then deleted them. ‘Rubbish, all bloody rubbish,’ I silently wailed. ‘I’ll never be able to write another story, ever.’ Chapter 1.The Mountain Hideaway. It had started weeks before, this confounded inability to string two words together in an intelligible manner, sod it. I had...

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This past Good Friday I went to see a lady friend of mine who I've not seen for awhile,cause she asked me to come over. She told me that we would be alone all day and there wouldn't be no one to bother us while we were having sex. So I told her to get ready for me to come over and I like to see her in a dress without her panties.Along the way I stopped at the neighborhood store and got our favorite drink,and picked up some Chinese food for us to eat,and the night was all ours.When I got there...

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A Family of Building Blocks

My Father, sister and I have always been alone. Not alone from other people, but alone as a family. My sister MJ, short for Mary-Jane, and I are twins, but not any where near identical. I can't remember anything before I was 4 years old. My father told us about our mother and how she died when giving birth to my sister and I. Dad told us too, our grandparents are from different backgrounds and that's why they didn't recognise us as kin. So my dad has done the best as father and mother,...

2 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 8 The way is blocked

There it was again, straight ahead. The mist parted, and the disk of the sun shone wanly through a thin layer of cloud. But that should not be! He was to travel a day’s journey to the north. But here he was, again, veering straight west, as if something, or someone was physically resisting his progress northward. He forced himself to turn to his right, to seek a pathway through the gorse that opposed him, but he could not find a place. The only way that opened itself to him lay to his left,...

4 years ago
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Ice Blocks

I was busy packing for my little trip up to my parents’ holiday cabin, which was a few hours’ drive away from our house. My step-brother, Tyler, would also be coming with me. Our parents wanted us out of the house while they dealt with some legal issues surrounding a client my mother was currently fighting a case for, as they thought it would be easier for everyone. So, as a result, Tyler and I were going to spend a week or so in the woods, alone and yet completely free to do whatever we...

3 years ago
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up two blocks

so as i sit here stroking my cock watching this whore deep throat a cock and love gagging on it, tears in her eyes..... makes me think about a time back in highschool....slutty little neighbor girl that i had recently met in highschool... she had been a cheer leader all thru highschool tight body not the prettiest but good enough for a lil fwb that we kept from every one mainly because i was nt gunna tell ppl i was messing with her but any ways.... i loved using this girl ...she came...

4 years ago
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On Top of a Mountain Ch2

When they arrive home……… After Gary and Marion had spent six wonderful days together in the Ski- resort, they both knew that they would have to part and go to their respective homes and job. These were in different parts of the county and they knew it would be hard to keep in contact, other that on the phone or chatting on Messenger or Skype. Gary arrived back in Denver and after calling Marion, and making sure that she had arrived safely, decided that this was not the way to pursue the...

5 years ago
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Bedding Zoe The Scam Edward and Emily 1

Edward read Emily's text during a hold-up in the late afternoon London traffic, but he didn't reply. He'd wait until he arrived at the airport hotel. And he wanted to decide if he should mention Paul Henderson's wife.He could have jumped Lisa Henderson - he should have tumbled her right there across the Henderson kitchen table like she wanted him to. But he didn't. He could hear Emily say near misses don't count and, of course, she'd be right.The hotel car park was underground and dark, quiet...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Pantyhose Bondage

One leg at a time, I eased out of the pantyhose and dropped them on the bed. He picked them up, stretched them a few times, and said "I'll bet these would make pretty decent ropes." There was a strange note in his voice that I'd never heard before. I continued to undress, dropping my bra to the floor, and answered carefully, "Probably. After all, don't stranglers use them?" He stretched one nylon leg over his hand and stood behind me. He didn't say anything, just nibbled on my neck and ran the...

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Mamar Bari Bhari Moja04

Jakhon amra ektu sustho holam takhon mami aar didi uthe bathrrome chole gelo aar khanik pore bathroom theke nijer nijer guud aar uru turu dhoeye punche porishkar kore abar ghore te nengto obostha te phire elo. Ghore eshe bichanate amar du pashe boshe maa aar meye dujone kotha bolte laglo. Mami nijer meye ke jigesh korlo, “papiya, tui to khoob chodon khor hoeye gechis? Kintu aage to tui eto chodon khor chili na aar tui bolchili je amader jamai toke bhalo kore chode na aar hofta te khali ek ki...

2 years ago
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ModernDaySins Khloe Kapri Kyler Quinn Lust Triangles Coach8217s Favorite

Two school cheerleaders, Kyler Quinn and Khloe Kapri, burst into the office of the school coach, Chad Alva. The cheerleaders demand to know which one of them is going to be given the head cheer position. Kyler and Khloe have each been getting private lessons from Coach Chad, so each one argues that she’s his favorite. Chad says this isn’t the right time to talk about this, but Kyler and Khloe both continue arguing. As the two cheerleaders keep talking, it comes out that...

4 years ago
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My first Time2

Let me start out by telling you a little about me, my name is Thomas and these events happened when I was thirteen years old. Back then I was a scrawny stick of a boy standing 5’8” and weighing only 120 pounds. I was never really popular with the ladies, never many girlfriends until I met Christy. Now she wasn’t really a looker at 5’3” and weighing maybe 175 pounds and 38 C breasts. We simply met through a choir function which we were both (forced) to be a part of. I noticed her through the...

1 year ago
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Girlfriends Sister

It was going to be one of those long five days being away from my . Gina looked sad when I boarded the plane to go interstate for work. She told me that she will miss me and that her sister Becky would pick me up at the airport so that I could stay with her parents which I met two years ago. I was tired from the flight. It was five hours and being a frequent flyer, it still does take its toll on you. Becky met me at the airport. I remember meeting her two years ago when she was nineteen. Becky...

4 years ago
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Dukes bitch

when our dog Duke was constantly trying to paw her and hump her leg when she was on the couch watching tv. She would scratch his huge head and talk to him lovingly. She treated him like a person. When our daughter was born she was more horny than usual. When she breastfed our daughter she would get extremely wet and when I touched her between her legs she would be soaking wet. Lauren is 5'2", about 120 (She managed to keep it around 120 even after the kids were born), shoulder length...

3 years ago
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staking my claim is the name of my game

Most women might be offended or ashamed to be called a slut. I’m not most women. My name is Tammy. I’m single, 31 years old, and I love sex. LOVE it! I can’t get enough, and I don’t see anything wrong with taking all I can get. It doesn’t matter to me what a guy looks like, how old he is, or if he’s married or single; if he has a working cock, then I know how to work it. And, believe me, I can work it in a way most men have never experienced. I’m good at what I do, I love what I do, and...

2 years ago
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Asha Mittal Ep1 Losing Virginity

Mein abhi 30 saal ki shadi shuda aurat hun, mene ab tak kafi mardon k sath chudayi ki hai aur ye baat mere pati ko pta hai kyuni wo bhi kafi auraton ko chodte hai. Ye hamari aapas ki understanding hai hum dono hi bahut rich families se belong krte hai toh hum kafi open minded hai. Mein aapko meri zindagi k saare kisse sunoungi par sbse pehle meri pehli chudayi ki kahani suniye. Ye kahani mere college ki hai , mein ek engineering college mein thi aur mene apne 1st year mein hi sab kuch kar liya...

2 years ago
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Eyahs Journal part 1

8:00pm New Year's day. Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Eyah (ey-uh). Turning 19 this year. Youngest. Pixie Haircut, 5'5". Very petite. I have an A cup size boobs (yeah you won't notice them when I'm wearing a T-shirt) so I ditched wearing a bra since 2018. My family doesn't mind me not wearing a bra. Although I sometimes catch my Dad and brothers trying to sneak a peek at my little mounds especially when I'm wearing tank tops, and I wear loose tank tops all the...

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