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‘Damn writer’s block! Damn it to hell!’

I sat before my lap top in the large dining room waiting for inspiration. There was nothing. A hundred times, or so it seemed, I had begun to tap in words, and then deleted them.

‘Rubbish, all bloody rubbish,’ I silently wailed. ‘I’ll never be able to write another story, ever.’

Chapter 1.The Mountain Hideaway.

It had started weeks before, this confounded inability to string two words together in an intelligible manner, sod it. I had ranted and raved as I’d paced the floor of the flat, until my flatmate, Ivor, said, ‘For God’s sake Chris, going on like this is getting you nowhere, and to be frank, I’m getting sick of it. You’ve become impossible to live with, I feel like clearing out for good.’

That stopped me in my tracks. Ivor was an easy guy to live with except his girlfriends sometimes got a bit noisy when they made love. In addition, he was a good cook and I needed him to help meet the rent.

Ivor went on, ‘Look Chris, why don’t you get away for a while. I’ve heard about other writers who when they can’t write go away somewhere on their own for a while. It seems that the change and seclusion often gets them going again. Why not try it, there’s nothing to hold you here?’

He was right about ‘nothing to hold me’. Financially I managed on the miserable pittance I got from my publisher for my work. I was with a small publishing company called ‘Eros and Cupid.’ They specialised, as they claimed, in works ‘Erotic and Exotic.’ Ms. Eros was a sort of female-male and Mr.Cupid a male-female.

I had several works published by them and recently Mr. Cupid had said to me as he adjusted a pink tulle bow in his hair: ‘Christopher darling, we’ve been getting a little slack lately, haven’t we? We’ve not been working as we should, sweetie, and Ms. Eros and I don’t much care for that my love. We haven’t written a great novel, have we precious? I mean, my darling, we haven’t exactly written a rival to Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’. Thus we cannot rest on our laurels, can we? So, my treasure, we expect something from you very soon or we may have to consider your place on our books. If you need a little help, we can provide a suitable amanuensis should you so desire, the cost of course, coming out of your royalties’ (they liked to use words like that instead of fee or percentage).

I thanked him very humbly for the offer of secretarial assistance at my own cost, and said I would let him know if I needed that sort of help. Mr. Cupid gave a final tug at his bow and dismissed me with the parting words, ‘Remember my sweet, something very soon.’ I left with my metaphorical tail between my legs knowing that if anything could help raise my writer’s block to new heights of paralysis, that interview had done it.

Another factor in the situation was that my most recent girlfriend had decided she preferred the assistant manager of a department store to an impecunious writer. Hence there was no current sexual attachment to hold me back from seeking distant solitude.

‘I think I know just the place for you,’ Ivor said enthusiastically.

He was obviously eager to send me on my way with my wretched unpredictable outbursts. On the other hand, it might have been that he wanted to hold a sex orgy in the flat, and knew I wouldn’t agree because the last time we had one so many things got broken. I hasten to add that I don’t mean hymens got broken because there weren’t any to break, the ex-maidens all being, as it were, well seasoned.

‘All right’, I said, ‘tell me about this restorative place.’

‘You’ll love it’, he said. ‘It’s up in the mountains, a fantastic house built by some eccentric old gold fossicker called ‘Jarvis Bleeby’ who struck it rich back in the nineteenth century and built himself an imitation English Manor House. It’s miles from anywhere and is looked after by an old lady called Mrs. McIntosh. The place is used sometimes by people wanting to ‘get away from it all’, or companies when they want to get their executives isolated so they can brain wash them.’

‘I couldn’t afford anything like that,’ I complained.

‘How do you know’, Ivor retorted. ‘You haven’t even tried asking, and its winter and therefore the ‘off season’. Look, I know Mrs. McIntosh through my mother, I’ll telephone her and ask, if you like.’

‘Mrs. McIntosh? I queried, ‘So the place went out of the Bleeby family’.

‘Oh, the isolation drove old Bleeby mad and he cut his throat.’

‘What! You want me to go up there and commit suicide?’

‘Don’t be so damned silly, Chris,’ Ivor replied crossly. ‘The old boy spent all his money building the place so he was near broke when it was finished. He wasn’t married and couldn’t afford servants, so he was up there in that great house on his own. He still fossicked but never had another lucky find, he just found enough gold to keep himself alive.’

‘His body wasn’t discovered for more than two months. About once a month he used to ride his horse, the only companion he had, into Wingalila Creek for supplies. When he didn’t turn up at the store one month they were a bit puzzled. When it got to two months the local cop thought he’d better go up and see if the old guy was okay. That’s when his body was found. It had been partly eaten by rats.’

‘Hey, I’m not going to a place like that,’ I objected vociferously.

‘For God’s sake, Chris, it happened nearly a hundred and twenty years ago. What are you afraid of, the old guy’s ghost? Mrs. McIntosh lives up there by herself during the off season. She hires in help when the season is on, but apart from that, well…anyway why is a great lump of muscle like you scared?’

‘I’m not scared. ‘ I mumbled, but I must admit I thought it sounded eerie.

‘Look Chris, just let me ring the old girl and find out if she’ll take you. If she says its okay, go up there, and if you don’t like it after a couple of days you can leave.’

‘Oh all right,’ I agreed reluctantly, hoping the Mrs. McIntosh would say ‘no’.

Damn it, she said ‘yes’. So, two days later I was heading for ‘Mountain Hideaway’ in my ancient and battered Volkswagen.

Mrs. McIntosh had made it clear to Ivor that I would get three meals a day, bed linen and a ‘clean-up’ as she put it, three times a week. ‘All else to be supplied by self.’

It took me five hours to get to the place including a brief stop at Wingalila Creek for a pie. The house was about another hour’s drive along a winding dirt road. I’d almost decided that I’d missed the place when I saw a large sign, ‘Mountain Hideaway Conference Centre and Retreat.’

A narrow track led up a long gully, and there, nestling against a hill at the end of the gulley was the house, an ugly sort of place that looked as if it was a mixture of Georgian and late Victorian architecture. In fact I doubt if an architect had a hand in designing the place. Really I think it must have been Bleeby’s demented concept of what an English Country Manor looked like.

I got out of the car and cautiously approached the huge front door. There was a lion headed bell pull that I tugged on to produce the sound of cathedral bells clanging somewhere in the depths of the Hideaway.

Chapter 2. Mrs. McIntosh

After a considerable wait I heard through the thick doors the rattling of chains being removed and locks being turned. Finally the door creaked open to reveal a woman of considerable stature in, I guessed, her mid sixties.

‘Mr. Dennis?’ she asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice.

‘Er…yes. Mrs. McIntosh?’

‘Yers. Gotcha room ready. Come in.’

I walked into a huge hallway with a ceiling that seemed somewhere up in the clouds and was guided up the stairs by a silent Mrs. McIntosh to a slightly less huge but still very big bedroom with an impressive four poster bed.

‘I’ve put yer in ‘ere,’ she said. ‘Yerv got the use of the small dinin’ roo
m and usual offices. I’ll show yer where they are and yer bring yer own stuff in. Breakfast at eight, lunch at twelve noon and dinner at six thirty, Two ‘undred dollars down na an a ‘undred a week. Orl right?’

I signified my acceptance of the laconic terms and paid up. I was then shown the ‘usual offices’ and the ‘small’ dining room. Actually the dining room could easily have accommodated three large families with room to spare.

Being winter and cold up in the mountains I noted that the massive fireplace was laid ready to be lit with a supply of, not so much logs as tree trunks, stacked on either side.

‘More logs out the back if yer want ’em. Get ’em yerself an id’ll cost yer extra. Orl right?’

Again I signified that I understood and accepted the terms.

‘Leave yer na. Yerv missed lunch so next meal is dinner. Orl right?’

I said it was orl, I mean, all right, even though it wasn’t because my Wingalila Creek pie had hardly served to satisfy the empty space within.

‘By the way, as most of our guests want ter know, I’ll tell yer. This is the room were old Bleeby done ‘iself in, over there at the table. ‘E was sittin’ in that chair.’ She pointed to a throne like seat. ‘Some reckon they can still see the blood stain on the table. Can’t see it meself. Orl right?’

Mrs. McIntosh moved off with stately tread leaving a depressed Chris contemplating with little enthusiasm the coming days.

I took a look at the table and failed to see any sign of a residual bloodstain, then decided how to arrange myself.

The dining room seemed the best place to work in. Apart from the main table that was of a size to seat about twenty people, there was another smaller table that would serve to put my lap top on. I looked around and found, to my surprise, a fairly liberal supply of power points, so I lugged what was to be my work table nearer the fireplace, and went out to get my gear from the car.

Having dispersed the gear suitably around the bedroom, dining room and ‘usual offices’, I lit the fire, and I must say it did lend a more cheerful aspect to the room.

There was no desk lamp, so I heaved a standard lamp over to the work table. I looked up and saw suspended from the distant ceiling a massive chandelier. ‘That will give plenty of light,’ I thought, and pressed a wall switch by the door. The result was disappointing. Had it been fully armed the chandelier would have been wonderful. Sadly it was but a shade of its former self, having had about seventy-five percent of the bulbs removed, and what remained of low wattage.

I think I must have started to become inured to the situation, because I gave a mental shrug and thought, ‘Can’t have it all, I suppose.’

I set up the lap top together with its cheap printer and a pile of paper.

Having got that far, I fell into a lethargy that decided there would be no attempt to work that day. Instead I took a look around the rest of the mausoleum and found it impressive in size but hideous in appearance.

I strolled outside and tucked the car away in what must have been stables long ago. I then had a look around the grounds.

Unexpectedly the surrounds were quite well cared for. Being winter the flower beds were not at their best, but a little imagination helped visualise them in summer. The mountain forest pressed close up against the grounds as if threatening that one day it would come storming in to recapture its lost territory.

By the time I had finished my wander around it was approaching six-thirty, and having calculated that it would not be wise to keep Mrs. McIntosh waiting, I retired to the dining room.

Mrs. McIntosh entered promptly at six thirty bearing a tray, and announced economically, ‘Yer dinner,’ and departed.

I looked at the contents of the tray to find three plates. One contained soup, the next a couple of chops and vegetables, and finally a plate containing a sticky mess covered with a yellow substance that I took to be a pudding disguised with custard.

Having all three dishes delivered at once indicated that speedy eating was required if I was to have anything approaching a hot meal. I munched and swallowed at speed, and if the food was not especially appetizing at least it filled an inner void.

Finishing the meal I considered what I should do for the rest of the evening. As far as I could see there was no television set or even a radio. Fortunately I had brought with me a small radio, and retrieving it from the bedroom I settled in front of the fire in the dining room and roamed the radio dial for something interesting to listen to.

I quickly discovered that the surrounding mountains did nasty things to radio waves and when I did find a programme that sounded okay, it crackled, hissed and faded in and out. The only station that came through clearly was one that seemed to consist mainly of advertisements, interspersed by an announcer who sounded like a demented parrot who screeched at the listener, ‘This is a great, great song’. All the songs he presented were ‘Great, great songs,’ sung by ‘Great, great’ singers,’ whom for the most part I had never heard of.

After half an hour of the parrot chatter I surrendered and turned the radio off.

Having noted in the cavernous hallway an ancient telephone, I decided to telephone Ivor to abuse him. I got through to him, told him what I thought about his choice of a retreat, and heard in the background the shrill squeaks of female laughter and chatter.

Ivor, clearly intent on my not returning to the flat in the very near future, was placatory.

‘Stick it out, old boy. Just give it a few days trial. You might get to like it.’

I told him what he might attempt to do to himself, realising that in fact shortly it was what he would be doing to others, and slammed down the hand piece.

I even considered going in search of Mrs. Mcintosh for company, which indicates the desperation I was experiencing due to lack of companionship and entertainment. On second thoughts I decided against Mrs. McIntosh. She seemed to hibernate somewhere in the distant depths of the house, and recalling her terse manner, concluded that conversation with her, would be less than enthralling.

With that thought I decided for bed, a book and if possible, sleep.

Ensconced in the four poster, I went to sleep sooner than I anticipated and slept soundly.

Chapter 3. Came the Dawn.

I awoke to a pleasant winter morning and the distant sound of magpies warbling in the dawn sunlight. I even felt in a slightly cheerful mode in contrast to my previous nights despair.

The cheerful mode was modified a little when, on entering the dining room for breakfast, I discovered that Mrs. McIntosh had already set out my meal. It consisted of a box of cornflakes, a small jug of milk and bowl of sugar, plus what I assumed to be coffee in a mug that was in turn encased in a container that was supposed to keep it warm.

I drank the coffee first while it still retained some semblance of heat, and then filled myself up with cornflakes.

That over I decided on a brief walk round the grounds before attempting work. Half an hour poking into outhouses, sheds, stables and trying to view the house from various angles to see if it had any worthwhile architectural features added nothing to my previous aesthetic decisions about the place. It was simply ugly.

I returned to the dining room and noted that the fireplace had been cleaned and the fire re-laid. ‘Ah, there is some service around here,’ I rejoiced, but decided the day was too warm to light the fire.

I settled before the lap top and waited for inspiration. Nothing! I tried making a start pattering in words that when I read back made no sense. All that day I battered my brain to find a plot, a theme, anything. I typed and deleted over and over again until I was in an even more despairing mood than the previous evening.

At the point of hurli
ng the lap top against the wall, I decided that I would hide my misery in bed. In contrast to the previous night I slept fitfully and awoke miserably to a dawn that revealed the temperature had fallen during the night, and the bedroom was freezing. Wrapped in my dressing gown I peered out of the window to see a grey dawn and a lowering sky.

Chapter 4. An Unexpected Arrival

I hastened my morning ablutions so as to be in time for the arrival of breakfast and therefore coffee still with some residual warmth left in it.

I was in the dining room when Mrs. McIntosh arrived bearing the tray.

‘Breakfast. Id’ll snow before long.’ She left with her customary stately tread.

I swallowed the already lukewarm coffee and ate the cardboard-like cornflakes. Being a student of cereal packets and sauce bottles I noted that one plateful of the packet’s contents would sustain me for hours and ensure regular opening of my bowels.

The dreary aspect through the dining room window and the fact that the McIntosh predicted snow was falling, failed to tempt me into a morning stroll, so I set match to fire and attempted to work.

It was at mid-morning when I finally exploded with my ‘Writer’s block’ wail. I was in the slough of despond, the mire of misery. I saw myself as never writing again, and having to spend the rest of my life as a fettler in a foundry or some such inspiring task.

I lusted for a mid-morning cup of tea, but feared the terse Mrs. McIntosh’s disapproval of such conspicuous consumption.

Then I rallied my scattered forces, what was left of them, and decided on one more assault upon the castle ‘Block’.

‘Something sexy to open with,’ I thought. ‘It’ll catch the eye and interest of the prurient.’

I sat myself once more before the lap top and commenced:

‘The young, lovely and unsullied Wendy lay upon the bed naked. I let my eyes traverse her beautifully body. The long blonde hair spread like a fan over the pillow, her splendid dark blue eyes, with their look of ineffable pleading, the pert nose and full sensuous lips with the tip of her tongue protruding slightly between them, the long neck with a full throat and soft round shoulders above the milk white swelling breasts with their pink nipples. A wedge of blonde pubic hair descended from her mons to the neat tight cleft between her long luscious legs that now parted to entice me to enter her virginal womanhood.’

”Dear God’, I thought, ‘the most beautiful female in the whole world’, if only she was real.’

There was a tinkling silvery laugh right beside my left ear and a soft melodious voice said, ‘That’s a bit of an exaggeration darling.’

I stopped typing and whipped my head round, my nose almost colliding with a face peering over my shoulder. My eyes were at such close range to the face I could not take in the features properly, but the voice went on, ‘I grant you I’m very attractive, but ‘the most beautiful female in the whole world!’ I think you’d better tone that down a bit, Christopher.’

The face stopped looking over my shoulder and withdrew a little distance from me. I could now see that its owner was a young female.

In a state close to shock I spluttered out, ‘Who the hell are you, where did you come from?’

Another silvery laugh, ‘Christopher, that’s not very kind. You just created me and you don’t know me?’

I was unable to absorb what she was saying properly so in my bewildered fashion I said, ‘I thought I was the only one in the house, except for Mrs. McIntosh. Who are you?’

‘There was only you and Mrs. McIntosh until you made me. Look at me Christopher and see if you can recognise me.’

I stared at the figure before me, and I must admit she was worth staring at. Long blonde hair, dark blue eyes, pert nose and…my God, Wendy!’ The girl whose details were on the lap top screen right in front of me was standing before me!

‘I’m going mad,’ I said out loud. ‘It’s this place, this bloody awful house and its lousy food, it’s getting to me.’

‘Well of course, darling, it is dreadful place but after all, you can change it.’

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He thought about that video game he wanted, the one all the other kids at school were talking about. But at 14, he was too young to have a job, and too old to convince his parents to buy things for him anymore. More chores and the prospect of getting an actual job wasn't exactly palatable to him, so he went browsing on the internet for a better way to make money. After finding some questionable web sites with some not-so-mainstream suggestions, he decided that this was the best way for him...

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AbeyanceChapter 3

We finally left the courthouse and headed home. I listened to my parents talking about the agreement that the judge had made with me. They ignored the fact that I had been alone in his chambers with him and his bailiff for over an hour and had come out crying and looking like I'd been in a wrestling match ... and lost. I wondered if they honestly had no inkling of what had happened to me in there! They discussed my sixty days working for the judge and his wife. They assumed that I would be...

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Caroline Ch 0902

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! There is some repetition here as Lena tells the tale from her perspective. It’s one of the problems that occur when using different ‘voices’ to tell the story so I apologise in advance. I have tried to cut it down.) Caroline’s tale: Lena’s view and lovemaking at the Villa. ...

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Ladys Next DanceChapter 14

Leroy was in a good mood when he headed back to his apartment. Billy had taken care of the gang, and they were willing to help Leroy with whatever project he was into. Billy was a good fuck when she was running out of drugs and wanted to make Leroy happy. Yes, she was a damn good fuck, when motivated. Too bad he was going to have to dump her. The boy's had been right. She was old and used up, and it was harder to keep he motivated. It was a shame too. Except for the drugs, she was a really...

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Doing it in front of an audience gets stronger

My lover and I went off to two separate colleges in the same city about three hours from our hometown. He played football so I was there every weekend of home games. It was homecoming and after the game we were to go to his best friend, Steve, a senior, apartment for some drinks before dinner and the dance. It was a warm late October evening so I put on a long blue with white print halter dress, blue French cut panties and white heels. Harry picked me up and off to Steve’s we went. We had about...

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SargeChapter 22

The next morning, while Maurice and Meg went to chat with the police and clerk of court. I went to Aunt Effie’s diner near the motel. First I had breakfast, and then I asked about the trial of the century. That trial would have been the trial of Jerome Edwards who was charged with the murder of his white girlfriend. The first thing I learned is everyone had some ideas. I began with the weapon with which Evelyn had been killed. I asked if anyone knew what it was. One guess was a big...

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To Seduce a WhoreChapter 3 The Blank

Wednesday May 28, Dinner Most Appealing I drove the Hummer to the underground parking entrance at the Blank hotel where a spot was reserved for us near the elevator door. As I drove I explained that inside this place, we need have no fear of exposure. “This is not ‘in public’ under the law. I own a part of the place, so it is like my bedroom at home.” She trusted my word on that, and in fact I had made arrangements. When we got out there were a few people who caught a glimpse of Li’s...

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The House of pleasure Part 2

Jason switched off the TV. He yawned. “I’m going to sleep, babe.”Miranda smiled. “Sure.” She patted Jessi’s leg. “Come on, Jess. Time for bed. You’ve got an early plane tomorrow.”Jessi stretched on the couch, hitting Miranda’s leg. “I don’t want to. Can’t I stay here with you?”Miranda frowned. “Don’t be lazy. You need to be ambitious. Look at me, I’m already the Vice-President in my company.”Jessi sat up, then flopped her head down on to Miranda’s lap. “Then can you take care of me, Madam...

2 years ago
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The Tutor

“Go to school or get a job”. That was the rule. Just finishing my first year at the local JC and with no particular career direction, I decided to take a break. And given I was still living with my parents, that meant finding employment…The thought of flipping burgers at a fast food joint just didn’t appeal to me, so I drove around town looking for something different. Passing one of the small strip malls in town, I spotted a local sex shop with a ‘Help Wanted’ sign. The shop had been open for...

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AssParade Keisha Grey Mandy Muse StepSisters Play Tug of War With Boyfriend

Mandy Muse confronts her step-sister, Keisha Grey, and tells her to stop checking out her man. Keisha got pissed off and left to her bedroom after yelling at her step sister. Mandy’s boyfriend , Logan Long, shows up and tells her to calm down that he only has eyes for her. They begin to fuck right on the kitchen counter. Eventually, Keisha shows up behind Mandy’s back and tries to lure Logan to her room. She undresses and signals to her bedroom. Logan tells Mandy that he has to use the restroom...

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Miss Lucy

Miss Lucy (F/b, 1st)by Anonymous (Address withheld by request)***In 1950, when I was 12, we moved across town into a nicer rental house. It was an older 2-bedroom house, with a small house in the back yard. This back yard house was rented by an lady who was about 55 years old. Her name was Lucy Granger and we met her when we looked at the house with the landlord. She was very nice to me on that first meeting asking all about school and telling Mom and Dad they better watch me because all the...

3 years ago
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How I became the whore I am today part 10

I was known in my little run down area as a bit of a cock tease, I'd let guys look and even change in front of them. But truth was I'd never even touched a dick. Coming past my 14 though, I was starting to get feelings regularly. I found myself often running to the toilet at school to stroke myself to an orgasm but one day I figured it wasn't enough. It was a hot summers day and I was laying on the sofa in my living room in just a pair of demi shorts and a flowery black bra, I'd just...

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Ellens Sister

" How long has it been since you last fucked?" Hearing me say " fuck" almost turned her on. " It's been about three months." " You poor girl, your pussy must be starved for attention. Let me help you relieve your tension." With that, I released her arms and start thrusting myself in and out of her. She is groaning, knowing what she is doing was wrong but not being able to pull herself away from me. I crushed myself against her back, and pulled her against me by her tits. I fucked her...

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ManuelFerrara Daisy Stone Not Sure If Manuel8217s Cock Will Fit In Her Tight Ass

Daisy Stone makes Manuel rock hard in this scene from “Dirty Talk #9”. The fowl-mouthed blonde utters some nasty thoughts and teases Manuel. Decked out in star laced lingerie with black stockings that frame that booty nicely. She tosses her panties and drops to her knees. She lights up the camera when smiling in between deep throat gulps. In cowgirl Daisy rides Manuel and we get a lovely shot of her grinding, blonde pussy. She puts Manuel’s balls in an iron fist grip, turning...

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Bending the RulesChapter 4

It only took me one day to completely sell out of all fifteen hundred steak pieces I'd been sent with my last order. Tuesday was the date for my next promised shipment, and Jim had said he was planning on sending me a special order of between five and six thousand steak pieces sometime in the next three weeks. He was also going to try to fit three hundred into each box the next time he tried shipping an order of just steak pieces. There was a weight limit for those big containers, and steak...

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Maggie Mae Intro

Maggie Mae - Intro by Kelly Newman Spring 2002 in London and Giles Fuller was, to all intents and purposes, a success. At 31 years old he was the co-owner of a firm with his business partner, Ralph Lethbridge, also 31 years old, that specialised in bio-technology with an office in London near Tower Bridge and a laboratory on the outskirts of Cambridge. Giles and Ralph had met at Cambridge University in the early 1990s where they were both studying biology. Both men had similar...

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Pretty Panties1

"Daddy! Open the freaking door! I'm getting soaked!" James' 18-year-old daughter, Dawn yelled from the front porch. "Hurry up! I forgot my key!" James rushed to the door and in his haste; he flung it open with more force than necessary. It banged against the side of the house and before he could reel it back in, their Saint Bernard, Max, bounded into the kitchen. "Dad!" Dawn shrieked in annoyance as she ran inside after the rain-soaked dog. "Shit! Sorry, I didn't mean to...

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Searching in Zaragoza

Isla jolted awake as the train announcer started speaking. It announced the next stop as Zaragoza, first in Spanish, then in English. Rubbing her eyes, she started to gather up her phrasebook, map, knit hat, and other belongings that had made their way out of her bag on the 1.5-hour ride from Madrid. Looking out the window she was shocked to see a layer of snow covering the buildings as they pulled into the station. This January was the coldest on record, but snow was fairly uncommon in this...

First Time
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Daddys boy

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam stood motionless by his bedroom door. He had just gotten up to get a glass of water before noticing a feint glow creeping around the hallway corner; someone else in the house was up. Normally he wouldn't give it much thought, his dad had the habit of being unable to sleep. He would work in the wee hours of the night till he got tired and then went to bed, but that was always...

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Hotel Californication Chapter 3

It was early yet. Carol and I decided to walk around for a bit checking things out before really committing ourselves to anything. It promised to be a long night, and we wanted to pace ourselves as opposed to wearing ourselves out, even as aroused as we both were. "Where might you be later?" I asked Diane just before we left. "Look for me at the Black Hole," she smiled. I laughed. "Ok, and how will we find you in there?" Though we hadn't seen it yet, the talk was all about how wild...

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Training Days

"Jesus, can you not?" Mel blurts. She's not even looking at you, so far as you can tell, yet somehow she knows exactly where your eyes are: glued to the ass of the three girls jogging on the sidewalk. Two of them are wearing very short, bright red shorts, and the third is wearing loose black shorts a bit longer than the other two. "What?" You ask, almost in surprise. "Can you stop staring at the girls please? If you want to eyefuck them on your own time, I'm not going to stop you, Max, but it's...

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Cuckold Striptease Game

I'd forgotten my damn key again. And my wife was taking forever to answer the door. What was she doing in there? I was mildly irritated by the time she finally opened up, but before my lips could even form the words to some smart-assed remark about how long I'd been standing there, my senses were overloaded with the sight before me. I gave her a once over -- I swear, my wife could make a pimple look sexy. If she farted while we were having dinner with the president, my first reaction would...

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HandsOnHardcore Jessa Rhodes Doctors Dirty House Call

Today’s Hands On Hardcore premium porn exclusive stars glamour porn goddess Jessa Rhodes who is being a bad girl with her good Doctor. The stunning all-natural blonde has called upon Dr. Van Wylde to examine her in X-rated ways, and her dirty intentions are made clear when she begins kissing and sucking on the medical professional’s meaty cock. But where she really wants his big bratwurst is deep in her ass and pussy, as she’s been daydreaming about anal sex all AM. See her...

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Do as I say or he goes to jail

Do as I say or he goes to jail‏ Blackmail, oral, masturbation, wife Dennis walked in from the garage door at 2 o'clock even thought he normally did not get home from work till after 6. "Joan, we have to talk." He took his wife's hand and walked her over to the couch and sat down. "I've been taking money at work and I've been caught." Joan looked at him in shock. Dennis was an accountant for a man who owned four small bars in town. He had been messing with the books...

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Sharing the good times of my wife I pt 12

Ever since Cherry had taken her first big black cock she had become fascinated by the thought of fucking men from other countries. Not specifically black men but basically any nationality other than ours. It was just a little more spice and fun to our growing sexual fantasies and I had no objection at all to watching her fuck anyone. In the 6 months since she screwed her Sudanese tenants son she had managed to pick up an English tourist at a nightclub and sample his cock but other than that...

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P I And MagicChapter 32

We were all gathered to a meeting called by Vostich. No one, and I mean NO ONE was stupid enough to not turn up at this meeting. This included Salvadi Minturi. It was a battle planning meeting, but it included not only military commanders, but all magic users from both camps. One man that showed up and was in the Minturi camp, was Markus! I should have known. Still, it hurt to see him standing with the Minturi contingent. We listened as Vostich outlined his strategy for troop movements, and...

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The Day Before Bangalore Bandh

It was my first week in Bangalore, getting used to with new colleagues, workplace and city. During a coffee break one of my colleague said they have declared Bangalore Bandh on 31st July and quite serious one. They were planning for a booze party in his apartment and i was invited. That day evening, he took me to a gym for membership sign up. I happened to meet a hot chubby girl who was his friend. She was looking cute and chubby. Her assets were superb. She was wearing a superb tights and...

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The Party Mood

“What’s this?Igot shouted waving the letter at his wife Her-Peas. She could see it looked official but as she hadn’t read it, couldn’t tell what it was even though her husband was wafting it around like some demented swan trying to take off.“I don’t know dear, she smiled“It’s only a letter from Pen.E. Sillen and Aunty Biotics they are planning to marry. It’s a big enough disgrace to the family that she married that Biotics bloke but a Sillen.Igot was pacing up and down. He very rarely became...

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Sarah has a wild experience new

Sarah has a wild experienceIt was a hot sunny day as Sarah left school, she often rode home on her bike, sometimes stopping off in the park on the way. Today was no different,the heat was getting to her. The plastic of her saddle was making her knickers damp, peddling to an old tree that had fallen down in the park. Consedering last week it had done nothing but rain the tree was now dry enough to sit on which is exactly what she did. Propping her bike at the end she sat with her legs either...

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E E Ch 03

Part 3: The story continues. Mack smiled at Ginny. She was holding her hands on Cookie’s swollen tummy feeling the baby kick. Ginny giggled, ‘Oh! That was hard one, I think you have a soccer player in there.’ Mack laughed out loud, ‘There goes another one.’ Mike ran by chasing his 19-month old son. He grabbed the boy and swung him in the air. The child was giggling with joy. Mike put the boy down and he ran straight to Mack. Mack swooped him up and hugged Little Mike. The boy laughed at the...

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Jumping Through HoopsChapter 12

"I feel like an addict after getting her fix," said Lucy as she sipped her third cup of tea. The first two cups had been greedily gulped down. "I hope I haven't become one." "Nonsense, Lucinda. There are absolutely no addicting substances in my herb tea blend," Beth assured her. "I'm not surprised you became anxious when you ran out of it considering the stress you've been under lately. After all, it was the only thing going for you that helped you relax after you fired me. You...

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My Highschool Monster Girl Harem

Name: Haji Hino Height: 5'2 Build: Average, kinda scrawny Hair: Short, brown, spiky Eyes: Blue Haji isn't really someone you could call a jock. He's never really worked out much, he's always picked last in games, and he didn't really have that many friends. What he did have was smarts. He managed to skip a grade though with all the bullying he went through he sometimes wished he didn't. He always kept to himself, burying in manga and video games. And he really wanted a girl friend too, but no...

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An Afternoon With Robert and Marcus Plus Friends

It was on my first holiday abroad with my friend, Lynn. I had spent an incredible afternoon the previous day with a gorgeous black hunk named Marcus from France and his friend, Robert, and had arranged to go back with Lynne this time, so we could have some sexy fun at their rented villa.We got there early, letting ourselves into the private pool area behind the villa, and lay down on the loungers to wait for the boys to arrive. I dozed off, a combination of too much booze the night before, and...

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My First Live Sex With Adela

I was browsing on, which has some of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Thousands of girls of all different categories with some of the most bizarre fetishes- some I had never even heard of. I actually had to look up exhibitionism. Apparently, that's a huge thing in the camming world. It was almost Valentine's Day and it seemed ridiculous that I had to find a girl on a cam site to connect with. After all, I'm a good-looking guy. I'm young, I work out, and I can usually...

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How I turned my shy coworker Anne to a freak Par

I've thought about writing this account for months. Finally got her permission to post pics vids and tell the story.My coworker, Anne is 29 year old white single mom. B cup. Firm and perky and tiny sexy body. Anne started working at my firm in Jan 2016. We work together as sales associates. She always wears these sexy tight skirts to work. I often would wonder what she looked like underneath those sexy cloths.During her first few months I found Anne to be very sweet and shy, not the...

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Fun With Kavitha

Hi friends this is Raj again with a new story. I had gone to the village in the month of May 2006, 4 months after Sangeetha’s marriage. Kavitha was at home. She was cleaning the house by the time I reached the village. She is about 18 years old. She had completed her intermediate (+2) and was home as it was summer. She was planning to join the new college, so stayed here itself. By the time I reached the village it was about 9 AM. She made tea and gave it to me. I was having tea, watching her...

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