AbeyanceChapter 3 free porn video

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We finally left the courthouse and headed home. I listened to my parents talking about the agreement that the judge had made with me. They ignored the fact that I had been alone in his chambers with him and his bailiff for over an hour and had come out crying and looking like I'd been in a wrestling match ... and lost. I wondered if they honestly had no inkling of what had happened to me in there!

They discussed my sixty days working for the judge and his wife. They assumed that I would be doing housework. They thought he wanted a maid. They talked about how good this opportunity was going to be for me. I was going to learn how to be a responsible individual. I was going to develop discipline.

While I thought it was possible that I would be doing housework, and I would more than likely be disciplined, I had a very good idea what the judge really had in mind for me over the next two months. I just didn't know how he was going to keep it from his wife.

I was sitting slumped down in the backseat, absently rubbing my aching stomach with one hand and listening to my parents being stupid. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about what had just happened to me in the judge's chambers. I wasn't doing a very good job of it.

I felt Laura's hand come down on mine. She squeezed my hand affectionately. I opened my eyes and looked over at her. She was crying. She looked more devastated than I was. She knew! Somehow she knew. Not everything, of course. Not the details. But she knew.

I turned my hand over and squeezed hers. I winked at her and tried to smile. I probably shouldn't have. She saw my pained smile and she mouthed the words, "I'm sorry."

I shook my head and whispered, "You have nothing to be sorry for."

And our parents sat up front, totally oblivious.

What a pair!

I sat back and closed my eyes again. Laura and I held hands the rest of the way home. Our parents climbed out of the car and mom said, "Come on, girls. Let's have lunch."

We waited until our parents were out of earshot and Laura tearfully asked, "Are you alright?"

I sighed and said, "Yeah. Nothing happened to me that doesn't happen to girls every day."

She threw her arms around my neck and nearly broke it as she pulled me close. She kept telling me over and over how sorry she was. I'm not sure why she was apologizing. We both knew that I brought this down on myself.

I gently pulled her arms down and lifted her chin until our eyes met. I smoothed her hair down and said, "Relax, twerp. You didn't do anything wrong. I did. I'm being punished. Hell! Maybe I'll learn something from it after all."

She sobbed and exclaimed, "They raped you! Jesus, Lindsey! You were raped and you're just sitting there! You don't take shit from anyone! Why aren't you screaming bloody murder?!"

I shrugged and said, "This way it all goes away and no one gets hurt."

She quietly responded, "You mean I don't get hurt."

I smiled and said, "Why should you pay for my mistakes?"

She exclaimed, "Lindsey! You can't let them get away with this!"

I sighed and said, "They already did. Who is going to make it right, mom and dad? You heard them. They think this is a perfect opportunity for me. They saw the same things you saw. Dad may oblivious. But you can't convince me that mom doesn't have a clue. The important thing is that her baby is going to get her life back. And Laura, she's right. I couldn't live with myself if your life got screwed up because I was such a shit. As sisters go you hardly suck at all. I am so sorry that I involved you in this. I love you, even if you are a twerp. Now come on. Quit crying. Let's go get out of these funny clothes."

We finally went inside. We hurried upstairs to our rooms and changed clothes. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up a little more thoroughly. I was shocked at the amount of cum that drained out of me since I put my clothes back on in that asshole's chambers. I put my dirty underwear and mom's pantyhose under the bed. I didn't dare put them in the hamper.

I put on a pair of shorts and a halter top and went downstairs to help with lunch. Laura was already there. Lunch was just leftover tuna casserole. Laura had already set the table. I got a dirty look when I came down, apparently because Laura had to set the table all by herself.

I was tasked with getting dad from the backyard. He was leaning on the fence talking with our neighbor. I called out to him that lunch was ready and then I went back inside.

We waited a few minutes but he didn't come right in so we served ourselves. I had to wait for dad to tell them that I was going to need some new clothes. I wasn't looking forward to that. Well, no. I kind of was. I was so pissed at them that I found I really didn't mind pissing them off a little more.

I began to eat. It was a little painful to swallow solid food at first. But after a few minutes the pain seemed to go away. We sat in silence while we ate. That was pretty much the normal state of being around here since we were arrested.

Dad finally joined us. I waited until he started to eat to mention that Judge Porter had ordered me to be dressed conservatively when I went to his house to work.

I got dirty looks from both parents. Dad said, "So he thinks we are going to reward you with a new wardrobe for nearly turning Laura into a felon! Not very damned likely!"

I was just about to point out that if I did not meet all the terms of the agreement he had laid out then Laura might end up being tried and convicted. But before I could speak, mom said, "I can take her to thrift shop. We can probably pick up half a dozen nice dresses for under fifty dollars. That should last her until the sixty days is up and she turns back into the slut she has been for several years now."

I glared at her until dad said, "Don't you dare look at your mother like that! You aren't too old to take over my knee!"

I looked down at my plate. But I said, "I am not a slut! I don't dress like a nun. That doesn't make me a slut."

Dad glowered at me for a moment and said, "Go to your room. I can't deal with you anymore today. I had to take a day off without pay to take you to court. I wasted half a day sitting on my ass. And all we get from you is lip. I swear. I don't know where we went wrong with you. We raised both you girls the same. Look at how well Laura turned out! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

I stood up and calmly replied, "You didn't raise us both the same, dad. Once Laura was born I was just the kid you had to put up with. You have never looked at me with love in your eyes the way you look at Laura."

They seemed stunned. They didn't even give me hell as I turned and headed stiffly for the stairs. I was already half way up the stairs when my mother called out in astonishment, "Lindsey!"

I just ignored her. But before I reached the top of the stairs my father bellowed at me to get my ass back down there. I stood at the top of the stairs for just a moment before deciding that I might as well face them now. I turned and made my way back to the kitchen.

Laura was looking at me in shock and crying quietly. My mother and father looked so offended that I almost laughed. Dad exploded, "That was a terrible thing to say! How could you say a horrible thing like that to your mother and me?! We have always treated you two girls exactly alike!"

I looked at him as if he had just told me the earth was flat. But it looked like he honestly believed what he was saying. I almost let it go. They might hear the words I was going to say. The meaning would escape them. But after what happened to me today I guess that I needed to unload on someone.

I tried to remain calm. I didn't want them to see me cry. I didn't want them to see how much it hurt. I quietly replied, "Never, not in all the time I can remember, have you treated us alike. My earliest memories are of you coming home from work and greeting Laura with that doting father look on your face, picking her up and hugging her and turning to me only to ask if my homework was done. I can't count the nights I cried myself to sleep wishing you would look at me just once with the look of love that came over your face when you saw Laura."

They were staring at me now like I had two heads. But I had only just begun. "The difference in the way you feel about us colored our entire lives. For instance, at Christmas, Laura always got the Barbie Dolls while I got the similar, slightly less expensive dolls. When I stopped playing with dolls and tried to give mine to Laura she wouldn't even take them! But it wasn't the gifts. I supposed they rubbed salt in the wound. But I didn't care about that so much."

"For the first four years of grade school I always came home bursting with pride when I got my report cards with straight A's. One of you would always sign it without comment and then you would fawn over some painting that Laura had done in art class."

"From the time I was about eleven or twelve, mom would come into the living room when Laura and I were watching television during the day. She would order me to do laundry and then she would take Laura by the hand and say, 'Come on, dear. Come help momma make a pie or come into the kitchen and let's make cookies.' I would spend the day washing and drying clothes, folding them or hanging them up and putting them away. I even ironed your collars hoping you would be grateful for the extra touch, though I don't think you ever noticed. I'd finally finish up and come downstairs in time to set the supper table to find the three of you in the kitchen where you were praising Laura for the culinary delights that she had whipped up."

"When dad had to work on Saturdays you always sent me out to mow the grass. I couldn't even start the damned mower! I always had to wait for someone walking by or go next door and ask the neighbor to start the mower for me. I worked my ass off wrestling that damned mower around the yard and no one even noticed."

"Are you aware that you have been giving Laura an allowance since she was twelve? You have never given me an allowance! Just before I turned fourteen I started babysitting to earn a little money to buy CDs or a little cheap costume jewelry to treat myself. As soon as I started bringing home money you informed me that it was time I started buying my own clothes now that I had money coming in. I started working and ended up with a net loss! I had to start saving all of my money just so that I could afford new clothes for school! You object to everything I wear. But you have not ever given me an allowance and you haven't bought me any clothing since I turned fourteen. The only exception is that ugly dress that you bought me to wear today."

"Now I see that look of astonishment on your faces as if you honestly didn't realize who the redheaded stepchild was around here. I don't know what it was that I must have done when I was three or four years old. I can't remember back that far. Or was it just that I wasn't your cute, cuddly princess? But don't you ever try to tell me that you treated the two of us alike! I have always been treated like I was a homeless waif taken in off the streets and raising me was just your civic duty.

I turned and left the room. I wasn't done. I had many more examples of discrepancies between the way we they treated us. But I couldn't hold back the tears any longer and I didn't want them to see me cry. So I calmly turned and hurried back upstairs. They never said a word.

I went in and threw myself down on my bed. I cried like a baby for a few minutes. But I was only crying because I was mad. I hardly felt the pain anymore. I finally got up and wiped my eyes. I sat at my desk. I didn't have any homework. We missed school today but we didn't really miss anything. We only have two and a half more days of school before vacation starts. They weren't doing anything but handing in books and cleaning up classrooms and emptying desks.

I stared at my computer. It was powered down. I thought about booting it up and checking my email. But I wasn't really in the mood to start lying to my friends about what happened today.

I didn't want to think about it either. But I kept seeing it happen in my mind. I could picture what those two men saw as I stood in that small room and undressed and was raped. I could see their eyes as they lusted for my body and I could hear their heavy breathing as they raped me so violently. And that was just the casting call. The real play didn't start until Friday.

There was a quiet tap on my door. I didn't say anything. I said all that I wanted to say to my parents for the time being. There was another soft tap and finally the door slowly opened.

I was all set to ask to be left alone. But it wasn't one of my parents. It was Laura. She was crying so hard she could hardly breathe. She managed to ask if she could come in. I got up and went to her. I wasn't mad at her. She wasn't responsible for the way my parents had treated me.

I held her in my arms and through her tears she was finally able to say, "I didn't know! How could I not know! Oh god! Lindsey! I'm so sorry!"

Then she broke down completely. I held her tight and fought back my own tears. I responded, "Don't cry, Laura. I'm not upset with you. You and I have always been close. I love you. It wasn't anything that you did."

She sobbed and exclaimed through her tears, "But I never even noticed! How could I not notice?!"

I replied, "Because it was just the way that things were. You didn't see it because it didn't affect you. It wasn't happening to you. You probably thought that I was being treated differently because I was older or because I was a screw-up. But I wasn't always a screw-up. I don't think that I realized until just now that I have probably been reacting to the way they treated me. I didn't spend my time dwelling on it. Now please stop crying or I'm going to start."

We sat down on my bed and held hands until she got herself under control. We didn't speak. Not for a long time. Then, out of the blue she said, "Tell me about it. Tell me what happened in that room today. And what is this shit about being a maid?!"

I shuddered in revulsion as the events that took place this morning flooded back to the forefront of my mind. I didn't want to think about what had happened to me in that room. I quietly said, "You don't need to hear about that. And I don't feel like talking about it."

She fought back more tears and said, "No. I don't want to hear about it. I am horrified that it happened. But you were raped. You need to talk about it. You can't bottle that up inside of you like you have bottled up your feelings about the way mom and dad have treated you. You'll go crazy. I can't have you going crazy. You're my big sister. I love you. I need you. And right now you need me. You have to talk about this. Or would you rather that I told mom and dad?"

I smiled and asked, "Are you blackmailing me, too?"

She smiled wryly and said, "You were raped because of me. You are hurting because of me. I can't make it go away. But I can help you let it out. Talk to me."

I sighed and said, "Laura, I was not raped because of you. You were arrested because of me. I was raped because ... because I have a vagina and they knew they could get away with it. And apparently they were right. I could tell from the way they talked that I am not the first person they have done this to. But it ... what they did was disgusting. You don't want to hear about it. Trust me."

She sighed and responded, "No. I don't want to hear about it. But I need to. And you need to talk about it. Look at you! Your all wound up as tight as a spring."

I didn't say anything for a minute or two. I don't remember deciding to tell her what happened. But after a few minutes I started talking in a quiet monotone. I could hear my voice but it didn't sound like me. I told her most of what happened. I left out the gory details, the smells, the tastes, the pain, and the humiliation.

I hated putting the burden on her. But she was right. It did help to talk about it. We were both crying by the time I finished. We sat on my bed and held each other and cried quietly for a long time.

After several minutes she asked, "What was it like? When he first put it in you I mean. Did it hurt? Did you bleed a lot?"

I was still confused about those first few moments. I thought about it and finally answered, "I don't think I had a hymen. I don't think I ever had one. I examined myself down there. And I had to watch what I was doing when I inserted a tampon. I never saw a membrane blocking my vagina. And when he raped me today I didn't bleed. But it wasn't like I tore it in gym or on horseback or something. I've never ridden a horse and I've never bled when I wasn't having my period. So I don't know what happened there. It did hurt. But it was not because he tore anything. It hurt because he was so damned violent and he stretched me so much. He slammed into me like a fucking jackhammer and it hurt like hell."

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Hi, my name is ramesh kotari i am 19 years old and i live with my parents my dad’s name is rajesh and he works in an indian company and my mom's name is sunita and is a housewife. We stay at pune. This incident i am going to share is when i was 14 years old. One day during my summer vacation i was watching tv when mom called me and said to accompany her to the market. Mom was wearing a red colour saree and a matching blouse. Now to describe mom looks, mom was 38 years old at that time and...

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WARNING this is part one of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. I am a complete novice author who has loved forced feminization for years, Cheryl Lynn is by far my biggest inspiration and influence but I also love Kate, Alice Trail and have borrowed ideas from them and other...

3 years ago
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Amy and Tims Anal Adventure

Hello. My name is Tim. I am six feet tall with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I work out daily to keep myself in shape, and as my girlfriend of the last year, Amy, would happily point out, I have an 8.5” thick cock with a large mushroom head. Amy has long, flowing auburn hair and the sexiest green eyes I have ever seen. Amy has a petite body, with absolutely amazing large perky C-cup boobs. Looking at Amy in jeans, you would not be able to tell that she had much of an ass, and she likes...

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Docs Complex 29 The Meadowlark School For Girls

Doc's Complex 29 - The Meadowlark School For Girls by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 29 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which we experience the mindtape Alice & Keela Listen to. It's the story about a boy who is put in a girls' school so his evil stepmother can get hold of the fortune he is supposed to inherit. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm...

2 years ago
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Batavia bang for four 1 Ashtyn

Batavia is a bar for foreigners in old town Amsterdam, frequented by me and three tasty foxy friendsBooby black-haired beauties almost my height are the two tall sexy s!sters: Sasha and naughty NataliaBlonde baby beauty awesome Ashtyn is still a teen, she looks as lovely as in my dirtiest dear dreams!B-size breasts as far as I can see, and a shy smile she only shows to me while we chat with some beersBecause both Natalia and I are regular custumers who got friends of the barkeeper team, we can...

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My First Lover

I was a sixteen-year-old high school sophomore in the Spring of 1964. Like many boys my age, I had a major case of insecurity, especially around girls. I had heard all the guys' locker-room talk about what they had done with their girlfriends. All I had ever accomplished with a girl was to get a quick kiss in the bushes when I was about eleven-years-old. I guess I was a late bloomer. About a month before school let out for the summer, I obtained my first driver's license. I bought an old car...

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Not My Type Adele Ch 03

The muscles worked furiously in Nate’s throat as he swallowed again, this time dryly. There was a strange sense of expectancy in the air as I waited for him to respond. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t believe I said it aloud. An internal struggle danced across Nate’s face. I could see him fight with himself for a moment and I hated myself a bit for subjecting him to that, feeling very acutely that his life would be so much simpler if we never met each other. Then Nate smiled...

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Delicious Pussy Of My Wife

This is a true incedent which happened recently. Me and my wife (jyothi)work and we both fantasise a lot, she is wild in bed and is hard to satisfy but somehow i manage it everytime. Here are her vital statistics her boobs are huge size 48″ and waist is 38″(looks big and sexy in sari) and her rear is 52″ . She is big like south indian whores( she is south indian by the way), she is not fair but neither dark like bipasha basu.And stands 5 7’tall. so i did not let her wair sari’s for quite...

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SaralindaChapter 25 Moira

I went to bed alone, but I woke up between Gary and Saralinda. It was nice to feel so loved, but it did make it harder to get up to go pee. I managed by pulling Saralinda into a hug, rolling her on top of me, and after a little cuddle during which she didn't really wake up, rolling again, leaving her next to Gary. After, I looked at the clock – seven – the sun was up and we should be too. I stood in the bathroom, looking in the mirror. How could I already be more than thirty? Almost 35 ......

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My Aunts Husband

First, I have to say this was not my first sexual encounter with a man. I had been topped by two guys that were my same age before and my first time was actually in middle school, it as we use to call it back then jr high. However, this was the first time I was with an adult male. I have always liked dressing up in women's clothes. At first, I use to try on my mother's clothes and her shoes. Being Hispanic, my mother had quite a collection of stiletto heels in her closet and her party attire...

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BBC Rave IR Fuck

Let me tell you a story about what I experienced at a rave in San Diego called LED USA. I was wearing a very skimpy outfit that day, dresses with bunny ears and a bunny tail, with a lacy black bra and tight ass-hugging underwear which exposed my butt for everyone to see. I was rolling HARD that day so I loved the feeling of being touched and every time a hand would brush past or grope my ass I would shudder with pleasure. After a while I started dancing with a tall, muscular black boy who was a...

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Coming Home The Confrontation

Part 3 of the series, I highly recommend you read the other two.I awoke the next morning to a amazing smell of freshly cooked breakfast. I rubbed my eyes to clear the blurry vision that I had and sat up. I noticed a scribbled note on the coffee table next to the couch, I picked it up and it read:"Made you breakfast before I left for work, I'll be back around 3 or so - Samantha," I smiled at put the note back on the table.I walked into the kitchen to see my breakfast, still fresh from the pan. I...

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Seit etwa einem halben Jahr lebe ich nun getrennt von meinem Mann, dem Vater meines Sohnes. Ich hatte ihn damals mit meiner "besten" Freundin erwischt. Kurz danach ist er zu ihr gezogen. Da er gut verdiente brauchte ich mir früher nie Gedanken bezüglich Arbeit zu machen und war deshalb nur für ein paar Stunden angestellt. Doch diese Stelle verlor ich kurz darauf. Nun hatte ich Angst, dass ich finanziell abstürzen würde, doch zumindest hierin hat mein "Ex" die Zusicherung gegeben vorerst weiter...

2 years ago
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My next experience in pool

Hi friends first thanks for U r response for my old stories this is my new story I am Nikky Gupta from Hyderabad After that first session with Laura I couldn’t get enough. I would make any and every excuse to see Laura, usually at the pool in the apartment building, but sometimes I would just go straight over to her apartment and knock on the door after she got home from work. Over those next few weeks we became quite good friends. One thing I really loved was that she never talked down to me;...

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Coeds Wild AssChapter 3

"What time is it?" Lydia asked sleepily, rolling over on her side and staring into Tom's eyes. He had been running his fingers lightly over her shoulder, tracing the curving outlines of her upper torso while fingering her cunny with his other hand. "Looks like around six," Tom said, reaching over her head and twisting her wrist around to glance at her watch. The information made the young blonde jerk. "My God! Tina's out there and I've got the car!" "Hey, where're you going?"...

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Sliding a cheeky one in my Aunt

So, I was about 19. And as 19 year old guys are, girlfriend or not - are as horny as f*ck all the time. I was no different and had a very healthy sex life then with my then girlfriend, furious masturbation and eyeing up anything in a skirt. It didnt help also because at the time I was working in Nightclubs not only on the Bar but also on the door as a Bouncer due to my physique then. I was 6'7, just finished playing Rugby, was quite active and ate the right things etc.So, this occasion was July...

2 years ago
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My wife is a party girl

My wife, Annie, was brought up in a strict home, and hadn’t even been French-kissed until our first date in college. She was a virgin on our wedding night, and though we fucked only twice, we had sim- ultaneous orgasms the first time. Annie’s was so powerful she screamed. She also came very hard on our second coupling. Annie developed such a voracious appetite for sex that we tried every nuance known to man and woman. She became an expert at giving head,...

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The Dungeon of Lust

As she explores through the dense forest, Sydney, a 21 year old adventurer, is excited and motivated to find the new dungeon she has heard all about. She learned about this place and its amazing rewards from people in her town, but they warned her about going. A lot of the other adventurers that attempted to explore this dungeon were never heard of or seen again. Maybe they took the treasure and ran? or maybe the dungeon really is that difficult? Sydney did not care, and the idea of being...

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More poker debts to pay

More poker debts to payWhen living in New Jersey, my loving hubby Victor confessed to me that he was involved in some poker debts. He swore to me that it would be the last one, but he needed now my cooperation to get rid of this matter.I asked how much money was the debt, but he cried in tears and told me that the amount was huge, really huge. The worst thing was, the man who Victor owed did not want any cash: he wanted to have me, the trophy wife, as his sex toy…“Do you want use me for paying...

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Gap Year

He should unpack, find his toiletries and find the shower, but to do so he'd have to search through his stacks of clothes and he knew, in doing that, would have to spend the time meticulously folding them all neatly away. Charlie didn't consider himself to have OCD or anything like that, but he was a guest in this house, albeit courtesy of Air BnB, and the second he had caught sight of the owner, he had known he wouldn't be leaving any messes for her to find. It wasn't that he was...

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BSC05 the Girls of BSCChapter 3 Latoya Carter

Stephen Bartell couldn’t believe his luck when a young and exceptionally good looking nude African American girl came up and stood by his side. From the other side of the glass walls Stephen had often found himself following this girl with his eyes as she worked through her moves to Miss Wei’s instructions. This young girl had just such an amazing figure. From the rear view her shapely legs traveled up and merged with two truly gorgeous butt cheeks. Stephen could only imagine what those butt...

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The Princess in Nursing School

Makaela squeezed her ankles as hard as she could, and curled her pretty toes hard. She heard herself squeal as a heavy hide strap exploded across her big bottom. Her legs were spread and she was grabbing her ankles arching her back. She was naked, with a big butt plug in her rear so she could feel it as she was thrashed “oooh” Makaela moaned “s-seven, thank you ma’am”. She knew she had earned this spanking, she arched her back presenting her bottom the best she could “please ma’am may I have...

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Peppers Pills

Pepper's head rolled from side to side as she came to. Someone was lightly slapping her on the cheek while faint music played in the background. "Hey, hey," the person slapping her said. Pepper's eyes came to focus on an attractive blond guy still patting her cheek. "Who are you?" she asked. He finally stopped hitting her and handed her a little white pill. "I'm Parkman. Here eat this," he said. Still a little groggy from whatever she'd been drugged with and the fact that she was...

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Did I Ever Know Any of Them

I was finally finished with my packing. I was going off on a weeklong fishing trip with two of my three best buds and while I looked forward to it I was also dreading it. My friends and I had been together since grade school. We were probably much closer than brothers and always enjoyed our time together but this trip was to be different. For years we had all done things as a group—my three buds, our wives and me. Hell when we were young we even dated each of the women until we settled on the...

2 years ago
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The cheerleader audition 2

The next morning Courtney started to wake up and thought what a great dream. She brought her hand down to rub her pussy and gasped when she found no hair. “it wasn’t a dream?” she thought. As she opened her eyes she heard moaning coming from the other side of the room. As she looked over she saw Meagan and Alicia eating each others pussies. They both moaned in pleasure as Vanessa walked in the room. “I thought I heard an orgasm” Vanessa said “give us a break” Meagan said “yeah” Alicia...

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Family Fuck Night Part 2

Robert sighs, his cock rock hard and throbbing as he washes himself in the shower. His thoughts are on his little brother's tight ass when he hears the door open and close, tiny footsteps, and then a hand draws the curtain back as a lithe, young girl steps into the shower with him, her already naked body glistening as the spray hits her flat chest. "Hello big brother," she stands on tip toe and kisses his chin, her bald pubic mound grinding on his engorged tool as she does so. Chelsie...

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The Paper Bag Girl

Have you ever been in a position where your sexual desires totally over-ruled your sensibility? Where you knew it was wrong, but oh boy, it feel so right, so multi-orgasmic right? Well, tonight was one of those times!When Eric asked/pleaded for me to wear a bag, I thought he was just k**ding. I was about to tell him, he was out of his fucking, fucked up, d**g induced, schizophrenic mind, but that was until I looked into his eyes and saw that this was not the case; and I could read Eric better...

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A long weekend in a cabin at a state park with my parents and sister was my idea of hell, not a vacation. I was a big boy, so when mom made the suggestion I said something about maybe perhaps when Lucifer's lair could make ice cubes. Which I doubted would coincide with the dates she presented. I'm pretty far up in my 30s, I have a wife and kids and a job and house. I have a life. I have things to do, things I like to do, things I want to do. Long weekends I hold sacred. If it'd been a great...

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James As 8216Fluffy8217 The French Maid

The black nylon dress of the French Maid was incredibly short. It had white ruffles on the edging. There was a black taffeta petticoat that went underneath to flare the dress out. Black lace gloves matched the black fishnet stockings and the black pumps of the outfit. A small white lace hairpiece and a lacey leg garter completed the accessories. It was a gorgeous French Maid uniform, and it was what James wore most days. He was really required to wear that uniform. He had become accustomed to...

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2nd Class Student

Your name is Allison, and you're from Orange County, California. Yes, that Orange County. A few weeks ago, your parents went away on a vacation in Florida, so you had the house to yourself for a whole week. You never expected them to trust you there alone, but they did, and you were thrilled. You called up your friends and invited them to a party, despite your parents specifically telling you not to have one. It's just seven or eight people, nothing crazy, you told yourself. Unfortunately you...

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My First Time to Cheat

My husband and I took a trip with another couple to one of these resort places. I had been married to him for about fifteen years. The other couple, Paul and Susan, were some fun to be around. The first night there we all went out together, dancing and drinking. We got so hammered. The next night the men went one way and we went the other, we were to meet up at around midnight. Susan and I decided to go to one of these clubs that the younger people go to. We got there and found a table and...

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