Flat Mates - Chapter 3 - My Next Step free porn video

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FLAT MATES Chapter 3: My next step. The next morning two wan, pale figures were to be discovered sitting at the kitchen table, drinking strong black coffee and not talking much; we had both had too much to drink the night before at the club and were now mightily hung over! A series of grunts served for "how are you feeling", "do you have any aspirin?" Eventually duty called and we had to drag ourselves upright and head into town for our lectures. By the time I walked into my lecture room, I had just about come round. I dug into my rucksack for my notebook and noticed, to my horror, that my nails were still painted a delicate shade of pink. I had totally forgotten to remove the varnish on getting up this morning. What to do? It was too late to make a dash to the chemist for some nail varnish remover pads; that would have to wait until the lunch recess. I came to the conclusion that I would draw more attention to myself if I overtly tried to hide my nails, so I decide to play it cool and pretend that nothing was out of the ordinary. Everything seemed to be alright and no- one in my group noticed the varnish - or so I thought! Lunchtime eventually came and I rushed to the nearest Boots and purchased a box of nail varnish remover pads. Back at UMIST I hurried to the toilets and cleaned off my nails. There was quite a strong smell of acetone, which I tried to mask with copious washings of my hands with the foul smelling soap provide by the University. The afternoon was devoted to lab work and I was just setting up my things at my work bench when one of my fellow students passed behind me on her way to her workstation. "Shame you cleaned off your nail varnish," she breathed in my ear. "I really liked the colour. It suited you and I was going to ask you which brand you use!" I blushed beetroot red and hid my head. I was certain to be in for a lot of teasing from now on. The afternoon passed quietly, however, and no-one made any snide remark toward me. As we were clearing up, the girl who had made the remark earlier came over to me. "Don't worry," she said. "I don't think anyone else noticed that you were wearing nail varnish. I meant it when I said the colour suited you. I wish I could get my boyfriend to be a bit more experimental; he is so boring and stick-in-the-mud. I admire you for having the courage to ignore convention. Maybe we could go out for a drink some evening and compare notes on make-up!" I was staggered. Here was this beautiful girl taking the fact that I wore make-up totally in her stride and, indee reply that that would be nice and we arranged to meet up Thursdd, indicating that it made me more attractive to her. I stammered someay evening. That evening, over supper, I told Gavin about how my wearing nail varnish seemed to make me more attractive to some girls. "I know," he responded. "Some women get really turned on by trannies. I think it is something to do with the fact that, at one and the same time, they feel more comfortable being with another woman-friend whilst also being aware that under the dress her companion is probably starting to experience a serious hard-on! She finds the contrast both secure and risky. Opposites can be very appealing you know!" I said I could see where he was coming from, even if I didn't totally understand him! "How do you suggest I approach Thursday evening then?" I quizzed him. "Well I'd suggest something along the line of the other evening at the club. Your retro jacket and trousers - with a thong, of course - maybe not the blouse, just one of your regular shirts; nail varnish and the very merest lick of eye shadow and lippy." I followed Gavin's advice and, the following Thursday evening, met Sally - (for that was my co-student's name) - in a bar just on the edge of the Village. Sally was already there when I arrived and smiled in appreciation as I approached. "You look great," she told me. "I knew there were hidden depths about you. I wish more boys had the confidence to "go with the flow" and not think they have to show they are testosterone-filled all the time!" Sally and I had a really pleasant evening together. We had never really spoken before - (in class the chaps tended to stick together; as did the, smaller, group of girls.) We discovered that we both liked cooking, progressive music, and visiting art galleries. At the end of the evening we made a date for the following weekend. (In fact Sally and I went out quite a lot together over the next few weeks. We became very good friends but never lovers; there just wasn't that spark of chemistry between us. Gradually I came to think that Sally viewed me more as a "girlfriend" than a boyfriend and, indeed, we often went out shopping together, where she would consult me as to what clothes looked good on her. I discovered I had a really good eye for material, cut and design and Sally was very pleased with some of the outfits I suggested she ought to try but which, on her own, she would never have considered. Eventually the day came when, with embarrassment, Sally told me she was thinking of going out with another fellow on our course. He had been pressing her for a date for some time and she confessed that she really fancied him. I wasn't too surprised and we agreed that it was for the best. We promised to remain "best friends" and I even accompanied Sally on a shopping expedition to pick and outfit for her new date. I helped her choose something guaranteed to heat the temperature of any red-bloodied man! As I say, seeing Sally go off with another man was no great hardship for me. I liked her very much but our relationship was never going to become any deeper than that. I wished all success with her new boyfriend. One Friday evening, a couple of weeks after my visit to the Purple Python, I was sitting up late trying desperately to finish and overdue assignment. It must have just been just after midnight when Gloria burst through our front door. Her eyes were sparkling and, once again, I marvelled at what a beautiful woman she became once Gavin had worked his magic on her. "Guess what?" she exclaimed. "You and I have been invited to a party!" She went on to explain that the following week Suzy, one of her transvestite friends, was celebrating her 25th birthday and had booked a private room at the Napoleon Hotel in the Village to entertain her favourite people. "And she was adamant that you should come," Gloria insisted, "and asked me to remind you that this time she expects you to turn up in a dress or skirt." "Sorry, but no!" I responded, "I liked Suzy very much when I met her the other week but going the full way with cross-dressing - it's just not on!" "Don't be so boringly conventional," argued Gloria. "It is going to be a private party. You have already met several of my tranny friends and got on well with them. At the party there will be more of the same. I can promise you that they are a great bunch." "I'm sure they are," I replied, "and I don't have any problem spending time with your friends. It's just that I don't fancy having to wear a dress to do so." Gloria rose to the challenge. "Look, you have already gone out with me wearing at least half an outfit of feminine clothes. What's the big deal about going the rest of the way? Anyway, you will look a lot more out of place in boring old masculine garb!" She had a point, which I had to concede. I also didn't want to let Suzy down. She had been very supportive of me that night at the Purple Python and it seemed unfair to disappoint her on her birthday. "Well OK," I sighed. "I'll do it, but the same rules apply; if I'm not happy with the final effect, I can call it off." "Fair enough," said Gloria. "Thanks for being big and brave enough to oblige a friend. Now, a week isn't that long a time to get you accustomed to looking and behaving like a woman. I think we should start right away." "What now, today?" I exclaimed. "Of course" laughed Gloria, "we have the weekend ahead of us when you can practice." "What will you need?" she mussed. "I can loan you a wig and breast forms and you can use my make-up. That will save a fair amount of money. However, even if this is the only time you cross-dress; a girl ought to choose her own first party frock! And you will need your own underwear; I wouldn't feel comfortable about your wearing some of mine and, anyway, you are a bit bigger than me. I know; I've had an idea. A friend of mine runs a dressing service for trannies who are "in the closet" and unable to dress at home. She often has second hand items for sale. Give me fifty quid and I'll see what I can get for you." Grumbling, I handed over a wad of notes. "That's just about all the money I've got until the end of the month, so try not to spend it all!" As it was now quite late, we both turned in. When I got up in the morning I found Gavin had beaten me to it and had already had breakfast and gone into town on a shopping expedition for me! I was even less happy about the idea this morning, but it looked like it was too late for me to back out. I would just have to rely on the fact that if I looked a clown at the end of the process, Gloria had agreed that I had a veto over the whole proceedings. I still had a bit of work to complete on my assignment, but couldn't really settle to it. My mind kept wandering to Gavin and his shopping expedition. Eventually, late morning, Gavin returned, his arms laden with bags and parcels. My mouth dropped. "What on earth have you got here? And how much of my money have you spent?" "Surprisingly little," was his reply. "My friend Frankie - you know the one I told you about, who runs the dressing service; well, she has been having a clear out of old stock to make way for the new season's fashions and she had a whole pile of things that she was just about to send to the tip. She said I could take anything I thought might be useful to you, so I have got loads of things and they didn't cost a penny!" "But I'm only doing this for one evening!" I protested. "Why should I need so many things?" "Well, for a start" Gavin explained patiently, "we don't know what will fit; so I have brought things in one or two different sizes. Then, you need to get used to wearing different types of clothing so that you are comfortably at home in whatever you wear on the night to Suzy's party." There was logic to what Gavin was saying, so I nodded my acquiescence and he proceed to tip a whole pile of clothes over the table. "Although these are all "throw-outs" as far a Frankie is concerned, all the things I picked out are in pretty good shape," Gavin enthused. "Before we get started trying things on, I want you to go to the bathroom; rub this hair remover all over your body below the neck; and wait for it to work. On second thoughts, if you won't be too embarrassed, I'll come and give you a hand as there will be plenty of places you really can't reach!" In for a penny, in for a pound; I knew I wasn't going to be threatened or propositioned by Gavin and it would be helpful to have someone to put the cream on my back. Accordingly we both went up to the bathroom and I stripped off. Gavin pulled on a pair of surgical gloves and started rubbing the cream onto my back whilst I started on my chest. Eventually nearly all my body was smothered in the foul smelling cream. "Nearly" but not quite "all". "You can leave your pubic hair alone," Gavin conceded, "we can always trim it later with a pair of scissors, but you do have a really hairy arse and balls! There is only one thing for it; you tackle your balls whilst I........." I very nearly hit the ceiling as I felt his gloved hand smear hair remover all over my bum and up between the cheeks. Still too late to protest now; the job was done! After a few minutes my whole body started itching and Gavin said it was time I got in the shower. It was a strange experience, standing there watching all my body-hair wash down the drain. I dried myself off and Gavin handed me another bottle. "This is a soothing moisturiser that will help counteract the harshness of the hair remover," he explained. It certainly felt lovely as, between us; we applied the moisturiser all over my body. Gavin passed me one of "Gloria's" silky dressing gowns. "I'm sure you want a bit of privacy right now!" he smiled. "Still the most embarrassing part is over, I am glad to say." "Thank goodness for that" I responded; "I stopped breathing when I felt your finger go up my bum! It's just as well that I have learned to trust you implicitly or I might have clocked you one at that moment." We both laughed and this served to break the tension. "Would it be easier for you if it were "Gloria" helping you dress, rather than me?" enquired Gavin. "I know it's ridiculous," I replied, "but, yes, I think it would." "Well you go and pour us both a glass of wine while I slip into something feminine" came his reply and, with a sense of relief I headed downstairs to pour a couple of glasses of white wine. I discretely waited for some twenty minutes before going back upstairs. I found it helpful to have a bit of space to calm down and I wanted to give Gloria time to get herself together. The thing that worried me most from my recent experience was that in an odd way I had enjoyed it. I had found Gavin's fingering of me both scary and stimulating. I almost wanted him to do it again. Such thoughts were definitely out of court and I suppressed them as hard as I could. When I went back upstairs, Gloria had donned bra and panties under another of her robes. She had slipped on her short blonde wig and applied a little "day-time" make-up. "Is that better?" she enquired. "Much," I replied. "What do we do now?" Gloria handed me a flesh-coloured, elastic thong. "This is a gaff," she explained, "it will hold all your male bits out of the way." She then explained how I should tuck my penis back between my legs, having first pushed my balls up into my abdomen. A further period of embarrassment now occurred whilst I struggled to follow her instructions. Fortunately, on this occasion she did not offer personal assistance! When I had got myself securely tucked away, I was surprised by the smooth, flat front I now presented. All that was visible through the gaff was a small "mound of Venus". "You had better wear a corset today," said Gloria. "Normally I would say you don't need it under casual wear but we are going out to find you a party frock and we will need to ensure it fits properly." She then proceeded to fit a waist cinch around my tummy and pulled the laces tight. I thought she was going to cut me in half! "Don't be such a wimp!" she admonished. "Later on I'm sure we can get at least another two inches off your waist measurement but, as this is you first time, something a little less severe seems right." She next fastened a black, long-line bra around my chest. I held the edges together whilst she painstakingly did up all the hooks and eyes. From a box Gloria produced a pair of breast forms. "These are the first pair of forms I bought," she said with a sigh. "When sis and I were growing up it seemed so important to have big boobs and, of course, I was able to choose exactly the size I wanted. Sis was furious as she had to make do with what nature provided! Of course, I went way over the top and a year or two later I put these away and purchased a pair better suited to my frame. Somehow I couldn't bring myself to throw them away. I'm glad now as you can have the benefit of them. As you are more heavily built than me, they should look just about right on you." So saying she slipped the forms into my bra cups and pulled my chest flesh about until I had the semblance of breasts and cleavage. "For reference, you are a 38C," said Gloria, "and, I think, a size 14 dress." Gloria sat me down at her dressing table and, much more swiftly than the previous occasion she had made me up, put on a "day-time" face. She passed me a pair of pantyhose to put on and showed me how to roll them down into doughnuts and then smooth them up my legs without too much risk of laddering them. The sensation of sheer nylon gliding over my newly hairless legs was mind-blowing. I could never have envisaged how such a simple action could carry such an erotic charge! "Put these pants on," was her next instruction. "They are a pair of Spanx control-wear and will smooth out any residual lumps and bumps." I pulled the elasticised knickers up my legs and found, to my surprise, that the top came right up under my bust and did, indeed, produce a clean underwear line. Finally, Gloria passed me a pair of pale blue, cotton, Capri pants and a deeper blue sleeveless tee-shirt from the pile of clothes she had got from Frankie. A grey cardigan and black flatties completed my ensemble, leaving only Gloria's long blonde wig and simple jewellery to finish things off. Once I was ready and busy looking my reflection in the mirror with amazement, Gloria rapidly pulled on a pair of narrow denim jeans and a hooded fleece. She picked out a pair of flat, black, lace-up ankle boots. "Grab your purse and we are off," Gloria exclaimed, passing me the blue shoulder bag I had used previously. I checked the contents, making sure I had plenty of cash, and slung it over my shoulder. "Bus today I think," announced Gloria and, before I had time to protest, she had swept me out of the door and into the street. "What now?" I thought. I really must find a way to say "no" to Gloria when she starts making these outrageous suggestions! Fortunately the 20 minute bus ride into town gave me time to calm down and collect my thoughts. Here I was, a 21 year old, heterosexual male, on a bus in Manchester dressed entirely in women's clothing, on my way to buy myself a party frock; it was all a surreal dream. But, on the other hand, no-one on the bus was making a fuss, so they must be accepting me for who I appeared to be. Then, Suzy, whom I really liked, had specifically invited me to her party and, if it gave her pleasure, surely it wouldn't hurt me to cross-dress on this one occasion. By the time we got off the bus in the City Centre, I was ready to go with the flow and let things develop as they may. "Let's start at Frankie's," suggested Gloria. When I picked up those bags of "throw outs" she was sorting some of the better things she wants to get rid of onto a sale rack. If we can find something that fits and suits you there, it will be a lot cheaper than buying new and, as it's a place for cross-dressers you shouldn't feel uncomfortable trying on clothes" I wholeheartedly agreed with her; it would be stupid to spend a lot of money on a dress I would only wear once and the whole problem of trying on dresses in a women's changing room simply hadn't occurred to me! Frankie's place definitely sounded like the place to start. Frankie's shop was discretely tucked away in a side street just on the edge of The Village. Gloria introduced us, using the femme name "Katy" that I had been given on my previous outing. Frankie was a middle-aged genetic woman who had made a profession of helping the transgendered find ways of exploring their inner feelings. Her dressing service was smartly decorated - not at all like the seedy dive I had envisaged - very much like an up-market boutique, with rails of clothes and shelves displaying wigs, make-up, breast forms, etc at the front. To the rear an archway led through to the make-up and dressing rooms. Gloria told me that upstairs there was a very nice lounge where trannies, once dressed, could sit and chat or read magazines. "Frankie has the reputation of being the best dressing service in the North and one of the best in the country" Gloria whispered in my ear. Frankie immediately made me welcome and she took pains to put me at my ease; offering us both a cup of coffee and suggesting we sit down and talk through what I was looking for. "Gloria tells me that this is your first time, love?" Frankie started. "Well there is no need to be nervous with me. Over the years I seen many men take their first tentative steps in heels; and they have all survived so you have nothing to worry about. Now what is it you are looking for? Gloria explained to me earlier that you are both invited to Suzy's party - so am I as a matter of fact - so I am assuming you want a party dress." I said that was exactly what I needed but that I had no idea as to my dress size or what sort of style would suit me. Frankie asked me to stand and turn round. She studied me critically. "I think you are almost certainly a size 14" she said. "In my job you get an eye for sizing people! But sizes vary slightly from one manufacturer to another, so don't worry if you end up with a size 16 or even 12!" Turning to Gloria she asked, "Are you going to loan Katy that wig for the party? It really suits her face shape." "If you think it's right for Katy, then she is welcome to borrow it," replied Gloria. "Good; that gives us a firm starting point as to her overall "look"," continued Frankie. "I think blue is definitely one of your colours dear" - (to me) - "the top and trousers you are wearing look really good on you. I'm glad now I didn't throw them out with the rubbish! But, of course there is always the good old standby of the "little black dress." She went across to her sale rack and started rummaging. She brought back a number of hangers. "There are two or three things here that might do," she mussed. "Strip down to your undies and let's see how we get on. Surprisingly I didn't feel embarrassed with Frankie and I quickly shrugged my way out of my cardigan, top and trousers. The first dress Frankie gave me to try on was a deep navy blue silk and chiffon number. The top, down as far as the hip line, was decorated with small silver spangles. At the hip the spangle line ended in a series of vees, cut on the slant so that at one hip the line was higher than at the other. Below the hips the dress fell away to the ankles in loose layers of floaty chiffon. The neckline was cut in a curve above the bosom and two spaghetti straps ran over the shoulders. Even I could see it was very pretty and hurriedly put it on. Gloria helped zip it up the back and then Frankie passed me a sheer matching chiffon bolero to cover my shoulders and arms. I am embarrassed to say I loved it immediately. If I was going to wear a dress, this feminine confection was surely the one. But I wasn't allowed to stop at just the one dress; oh no, Frankie and Gloria insisted I try several others. There was another royal blue, knee- length dress that was just too fussy and matronly; and a blue velvet dress that was slit to the thigh and worn with a gorgeous lace poncho/shawl. Then we moved to black dresses. Again I tried on several lbd's that I thought looked really good on me but which Gloria and Frankie both decreed were not quite right. In the end I cried out, almost in desperation as my mind was becoming so confused and muddled, "Can't I go back to the first one I tried; it was so lovely?" "It did suit you," conceded Frankie, "but I think it is a little to "dressy" for Suzy's party. You have really good legs and I think you should show them off. I have one last suggestion. It is a dress I considered putting in the sale but then decided to keep. However, if it is the one for you; into the sale it goes!" She went into her storeroom and returned with a very simple black, sleeveless dress in a stretch velvet material. When I stepped into it and settled it into place, it clung tightly to my body, ending some three inches above my knee and showing of my faux curves to good effect! What made the dress, however, was the long, chiffon overskirt that hung from the waist to my ankles. It only ran three quarters of the way round the dress, so that my legs were on view in the front. A black lace bolero completed the ensemble. I adored it and both Frankie and Gloria agreed that this was "the one". "Silver shoes I think," mussed Frankie and, disappearing once again, reappeared with a pair of peep-toe, 4 inch heels, decorated with a little silver bow on the vamp. I slipped my feet in and they fitted perfectly. "You will need to wear black hose rather than tan," commented Frankie, "but otherwise I think we have found the perfect outfit for your debut. And as this is a special occasion and I am always willing to help out any friend of Gloria; to you it is only ?50 for the lot!" It was clearly a very generous offer, so I bought it. I had just purchased my very first dress; I must be truly mad!

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Mates mum part 1

When I was younger one of my mates mums tried it on with me. Since I was young I didn't know what she was trying to do. Ever since then I've always had a thing for older women especially 3 of my mates mums. When I was 15 or 16. My mate James, his mum just given both to her youngest daughter and her daughter was seriously ill in hospital. When they use to go to the pub I use to tag along. This one time Sam (James's mum) was at the bar and we started to talk and we started to kiss each other on...

3 years ago
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Tim And Abbie 49 About Tims Mates

Tim always viewed himself as an outsider.  He felt everyone viewed him as a bastard in school for not having a father and wanted nothing to do with him.  In truth, except for one day in school when he was about seven, no one ever thought about that at all. That day was when the children were asked to say what their fathers did.  When it came to Tim’s turn, he blurted out that he didn’t know as he did not have a father.  The children giggled some, and at the break, one boy did ask Tim if he was...

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My best mates big brother Part 2

We sat there on the sofa, Kenny was naked and me with just a tee shirt on, Kenny sparked up and we passed the smoke between us, “You can stay here for a couple of nights if you want” Kenny offered“I don’t know if my cock could cope with that, we will see” we both laughed.We finished the smoke and Kenny went and made more tea, I pulled on my clothes and was fully dressed when he came back through from the kitchen still naked, Kenny laid the cups on the table and went through to his bedroom and...

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MatesBy Brewt.BlacklistJune-August 2010Office MatesOffice"SHE'LL SEE you now."Georgia Tate was the biggest bitch, the hardest, most ruthless cunt in the company. Yes, I said cunt. Everyone exhaled harder through their noses when she left a room, and their headaches usually took an hour to recede. The analgesic budget was high in our sector.Alana, though, her secretary, was something worth tolerating the prospect of having to talk with Georgia just to be in the same room with her for a little...

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From Seat Mates To Sex Mates

College life is surely full of surprises and excitement and teenagers are always in search of a perfect opportunity. Blame it on puberty or the age, not even the nicest of kid can escape such wonderful mistakes. The story is about two girls who used to be seat mates in a co-ed college. How they surprised each other from being just friends to “girl friends “. Priya is a tomboy totally a loud mouth and sporty and Hamida a subtle girl with lots of grace and poise , creative but introvert. It was a...

2 years ago
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Soul MatesChapter 4

Tuesday morning I wake up at my regular time and head out on my mountain run to think. Friday is our last basket ball game of the season and even if we wjn the game there are no playoffs or tournaments. The season is over after Friday, however track practices starts in two weeks and I need to be in the best shape possible. The most important thing I need to think about is Emily and her dad. I now know the connection and why their stories are similar. Watching over me? Leading my church? Soul...

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Soul MatesChapter 8

Six years ago... Eve and I wake up to another Saturday night party. We are in another foster home. The Carters are an older couple with two teenage daughters. Carissa is 19 and attends the local college and Jenny is 17 and a senior in high school. The Carters work the night shift on the weekends, which leaves the girls home to throw parties. The music is loud, which makes it hard to sleep. The door slams open as Eve and I see a guy and girl standing in the doorway and turn on the...

4 years ago
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Kelseys confessions Chapter 1 Christmas with my stepbrother

Kelsey’s confessions - Chapter 1 Chapter One - Christmas 2013 with my stepbrother – Introduction – How it started  It seems surreal to think a year has passed since that night, Christmas eve, 2013, when my world changed so quickly and dramatically. First let me introduce my stepbrother and myself. In virtually every aspect, Michael and I were normal, typical teenagers. Michael and I were close; we fought; we shared some things and we also kept other things quite private. There was nothing...

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My Brotherrsquos Mates

Rebecca wants a fuckbuddy. She gets both her brother’s mates...I had been accepted for my beautician’s course in Sydney. So I took the long bus ride to the city from our New England country town: the quaint Northern tablelands of New South Wales. My cute Moree on the banks of the Mehi River. Nudging ten thousand people but like any eighteen year old girl I was desperate for the night life of the big city and more guys to choose from. I had sampled the several local guys I thought might be...

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Soul MatesChapter 6

I’m already in Zen, when the bullet leaves the pistol. Dad taught me how to catch spears, but not bullets. I concentrate on the bullet as it leaves the pistol. It almost seems like it is going in slow motion. With my right hand, I snatch the bullet out of the air surprising mom, the guy and myself. Before the guy can react, I run towards him with lightning speed, launch myself in the air, and plant my foot in his face, sending the gun out of his hand and putting the guy out for the...

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Best mates cock

About 8 years ago now, I reacquainted with an old friend that Had been my closest mate during our wild years. He’d returned from the UK, after being away with his fiancé for 15 years. In our heyday, we were non stop party a****ls . We would party all night, sometimes longer, and then we’d crash at some ones house for the night. It was usually mine, seeing as I had spare beds and no k**s. Nothing ever happened sexually between Andy and I, despite us being pretty open with one another. We...

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Becoming best mates with my girlfriendrsquos lover

I come from a small town where everybody knew everyone and everything they were up to. If you ever settled down with a girl after the age of 25 you had to except there would be some sort of baggage or stories. Because this was expected I was never really bothered that the girl I decided to enter into a relationship with at the age of 26 had been promiscuous. I had been single most my adult life up until this point and that was purely down to the ratio of male to females in the town. For every 1...

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Best mates Nan and I

I was 21 at the time, my mate John (sadly no longer with us.) and I had our own roofing company. We had been best mates for around 10 years, since we started senior school and were in the same class. I must have been around 13 when I first met June, Johns Nan. It was a very hot day and John and I had gone to John's from school at lunch. We walked into the back garden and there June was topless on a sun lounger. She quickly covered up but we both got a good look at her beautiful big breats. We...

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A Stepmothers Sin Chapter 5 I try to understand what is motivating my stepson

Chapter Five: I realize I needed to understand Robert's motivation and desires betterIt happens again the next morning.I arose early, slipped out of bed without waking Robert. Silently, I went into the bathroom. I turned the water on, giving the hot water time to work its way through the pipes for my warm shower. While waiting for the water to warm up, I stared into the mirror and assessed my thirty nine year old body. Objectively speaking, I was in excellent shape. My breasts were firm and...

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Night With Best Mates Sister

This story starts on a normal saturday morning I woke up had a wash and got dressed, I decided to go have a quick work out at the local gym I grabbed my iPod and gym bag and left the house. The gym was about a ten minuet walk away I put my music on and went off to the gym.I spent about an hour at the gym, I went in to the locker room and had a shower and got back dressed, I left the gym checked my phone I had two missed calls and three text messages I read the messages first all asking me to go...

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Cyber Mates Meet

I had been active of the net for a long while. I had hundreds of cyber buddies. I had kinky ladies that I chatted to about outrageous things. I even had a cult following on the forum. I was even respected. Yet I was so afraid! Against all my better judgment, I had agreed to meet one of my cyber mates! We had been chatting for over four years. I backtracked, yes, she had posted, and I had sent a PM in 2003. She had responded and we had exchanged views and opinions in increasing confidence over...

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Wife and footy mates

Just the other weekend I had organized 3 of my mates to come around for a night of footy. So my wife Bon likes to show off when these nights come around. So the night starts off great, having a few drinks and chips and Bon was just being her usual self friendly and touchy feely as she kept the supplies up. I saw her at one time bend over in front of 2 mates and gave them a full view of her holes as she took her panties off. As the night went on she kept teasing and for sure was getting wet as...

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Wife and footy mates

Just the other weekend I had organized 3 of my mates to come around for a night of footy. So my wife Bon likes to show off when these nights come around. So the night starts off great, having a few drinks and chips and Bon was just being her usual self friendly and touchy feely as she kept the supplies up. I saw her at one time bend over in front of 2 mates and gave them a full view of her holes as she took her panties off. As the night went on she kept teasing and for sure was getting wet as...

Group Sex
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Messed it up with mates girlfriend

So, for the last two years I've been seeing my mates girlfriend, on and off, purely for sex. The truth of the matter is that I'm in love with her and have been for a long time. I have expressed this but she just can't see past my mate and never will.I've been mates with Jason for most of my life. He's always been a bit of a lad, a good looking guy, very popular with the ladies and unable to keep it in his pants. For the most part I've been Jason's wing man and I've spent a lot of my time...

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Handling my mates cock

Handling my mates cock!I was working away with a mate from work and we ended up having to share a twin room in a small hotel as it was the only room left. We had worked together plenty of times but never had to share before. We got to the hotel late so dumped our kit and went straight to the bar to eat and have a couple of pints. When we got back to the room, my mate Gary said he needed a shower and I told him to go ahead and I would have one after, I watched TV while he went to the bathroom....

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Soulmates and Sexmates Part 2 of 2

Mathias woke about mid-morning the next day, Sunday. Checking on Erin, he found her still sleeping deeply. So he slid out of bed, showered, grabbed some clothes and went to make coffee.He was halfway through the paper, on his third cup, when he heard the shower come on. When it went off, he poured another cup for her. She soon appeared, wearing only a pair of pink bikini panties, her blond hair wet and combed straight; he loved that look. Something about her thick, beautiful hair hanging...

Group Sex
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Soulmates and Sexmates Part 1 of 2

Mathias slowly and quietly opened the bedroom door. It was now Wednesday at 2:02 am; he had been up since just before midnight, sleep just wouldn’t come. Even now he was not very tired, but knew he needed sleep for work tomorrow.Softly walking through the dark room to the bed, he slipped under the covers he had left pulled back; he did not want to disturb his wife. As he was carefully pulling up the covers, he heard, “So you couldn’t sleep huh? Were you watching porn? I’ll bet it was the BBC...

4 years ago
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My Best Mates Mum

That weekend I was staying at my best mates place. Peter and I had started school together and become really close. His family had a hundred acre property on the edge of town, a huge house with indoor pool and best of all..dirt bikes that Pete and I thrashed through the scrub. There was a pool table and entertainment centre so no matter what the weather, there was always something to do. It was raining when I arrived. My older sister didn’t want to take her new car up the muddy dirt driveway so...

2 years ago
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Good mates

will always help By Gail Holmes The lad’s sat around the table in the local café watching as the talent pasted by the large front window, they’d all been mates since school, now they had other things to talk about, needless-to-say, as with most guy’s it was women or girls in their case. There were four of them in all, Stuart being the eldest, he was quite thick set, always worked out, his main hobby if you could call it that was rugby, he was a scrumhalf, not...

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My first sexual encounter with my best mates mum

My first sexual encounter with my best mates mumI vividly remember my very first encounter with my best mates mum, like it was only yesterday.It was on my eighteenth birthday that it happened. I had called round as usual straight after work to visit my best mate Pete, and noticed that his car was not in it's usual place on the drive, I figured that it would only be a matter of time before he arrived. So I let myself into the bungalow as I had often done on many occasions to wait in the lounge...

1 year ago
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My Mates Busty Wife Revisited

Going back to my previous blog about my mates wife, I went round to see them again yesterday.I called up and made arrangements to be there by half five and got there a few minutes earlier than I'd planned. When I knocked on the door, my mates wife answered and explained that he was out with their k**s and would be back soon, but it was fine for me to come on in and wait. She had on a very low cut, tight t-shirt, despite the chill in the air. It was so tight, I could see the lacy pattern of her...

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Always listen when your mates warn you

Ron wandered past where she was sitting. Perched on a stool, her thighs were on full display. He felt his cock harden. He had to meet her. “Hello” he said “come here often?” She looked at him, instantly dismissive of his lame attempt to chat her up. “Is that the best you can do?” she said, laughing. Ron’s face coloured slightly. “Yes, that was pretty lame” he admitted and she smiled. “Well try again honey” she said “maybe next time will be better”. He now saw her words as a challenge. “Well...

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Best mates mom and daughter

Everyone goes through a phase as a teenager of being attracted to a more mature women. My best mates mom Jane was that attractive older woman. She was nicley tanned, curvy and with brunette hair. Her breasts were large and im not an expert on sizes but they were like big melons!! The added bonus was that my best mates sister, Laura, had grown up into a younger version of her mom with all the similar attributes. As it was not unusual at our age i stayed round Chris' (my best mate)for the...

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Kelseys Confessions Chapter 6 I give myself to my stepbrother

Introduction In chapters 1 through 5, I told you the story of Christmas Eve 2013, during which my stepbrother and I explored each other, petted, necked and masturbated each other to amazing orgasms. That remarkable evening, nearly a year ago, started a period of intimacy and sexual discovery between my sixteen year old stepbrother and me that we both will always cherish. For the next eight months, Michael and I enjoyed each other, explored each other, and pleasured each other. We enjoyed...

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Flate mate

Horny Flat mate punished Well it was one of those mornings when I woke up with a woody, I tried to go back to sleep up the earge in my cock was to strong as it poked out the side of my boxer shorts, I reached down and pulled on the fore skin to expose the head and gently touched it with my hand ooh that felt nice. I gently ribbed the head of my cock until it grew to full size, I needed to get up but wanted to stay in bed as well. I threw the blankets of me and gave myself a quick wank about...

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Mates Lesbian Daughter Asked To Feel My Cock

I have been reading a few stories on here and they have really helped pass the time lately. So I thought that I would post some of my experiences that are all true. Not sure where to start but been remembering my holiday to Florida last year with my mates family. He has 2 daughters and a son all 18 and a half at the time. I had been getting into the habit of getting into the pool late at night when everybody else was in bed. The 2nd night I decided to skinny dip. The 3rd or 4th night I was...

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Playing With Mates Lesbian Daughter

I have been reading a few stories on here and they have really helped pass the time lately. So I thought that I would post some of my experiences that are all true. not sure where to start but been remembering my holiday to Florida last year with my mates family. He has 2 daughters and a son all 18 and a half at the time. I had been getting into the habit of getting into the pool late at night when everybody else was in bed. The 2nd night I decided to skinny dip. The 3rd or 4th night I was...

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My Mates Busty Wife Third Time Around

As you've seen from my previous posts on here, my mates wife and I have been getting close to one another.Well, I was invited around for a social on Thursday last week, as I was working in the area, I decided to accept. It was a hot day, so, as you can imagine, most people were able to wear cool clothing, my mates wife was no exception. She was wearing a strappy top, with a pale blue lacy bra underneath and a shear white boho skirt, so shear I could see what colour knickers she was wearing!We...

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The Fury Saga Book 8 Soul Mates

Soul Mates -------------- (c) Darkside Oct 2000 WARNING: This story contains acts of graphic violence and acts of a sexual nature. Do not read if you are at all offended by such material, delete it from your disk now and read no further. This story should not be read by anyone under the age of eighteen so if this is you please do not proceed. After six years of planning and writing, the Fury saga is now complete. If you wondered why there's been no new Darkside stories for 16...

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sleeping with my mates girlfriend D

recently me and my mates girlfriend have been getting along really well. she is 6 years older than me, curvy body 38EE tits pert firm ass and lush long legs any ......last wednesday i went round there house while he was out at work. first time i had ever done that :P and well tbh i am glad i did. we were sat there on the sofa chatting and watching tv when she pounced on me and ripped my clothes and started sucking my hard 7 inch cock, she can really suck, then she led me upstairs into the...

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DoceoChapter 12 Steph

The smell of fresh paint was overwhelming when I arrived back at my room. I had spent most of the afternoon studying in the library, and someone had been very busy in my absence. There was now a cabinet on top of my closet, a set of keys on my desk, and several DJ lights strategically located around the room. These included strobes in the four corners, a rainbow light bar above the TV, and even a rotating disco ball in the center of the room. After opening the windows to allow the room to...

2 years ago
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My best mates big brother

It was the last straw, my Mums boyfriend Frank had pushed me to the limit, Since we moved in with him after Mum fell behind with the rent and we got evicted from the flat we had been renting, he constantly complained about me, my music was too loud, my room was untidy, I ate too much, I was lazy, I was a waste of space, even using the toilet paper was a problem, he claimed I was using it all for wanking, I don’t even use toilet paper for that I wipe up with my socks, I am surprised he never...

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My Best Mates Dad and his mate Davo

Best Mates Dad and his mate DavoThe previous 2 weeks had been a blur as I’d been over to my mate Tom’s house every time that he wasn’t there! Ofcourse this was planned, so that I could feast on Tom’s Dad’s healthy pendulous man meat and stimulate it to attention and let him plunder my sole with his cock and tongue. Ofcourse it hadn’t all been one way and my body had adapted to this flood of sexual endorphins that flooded my body and any and every touch that he made on my body. I was addicted...

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The CircleChapter 34 Return of the Runaway Lover Steph

The weather was ideal for a spring Saturday morning, sunny and chilly with the promise of warm temperatures as the day progressed. The weekend looked fabulous from a weather point of view. Jim returned from his run. No one else in the house seemed to be up when he left and a glance around inside on his return confirmed that was still the case. He prepared his cereal, and carried it outside to a patio table. As he started to sit he heard someone crying; he turned and there was Stephanie...

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Soul MatesChapter 5

I see Jacob smile through the rearview mirror. He is silent and doesn’t introduce me to anyone. I cringe as he turns into my neighborhood and the driveway to my house. Wait! How does he know where I live? “Not now Joseph, but soon,” Jacob says. I get out of the car as Jacob gets out also. “We have to follow what is written in the gospel. When it is time, I will let you know. In the mean time I will watch over you while my daughter awaits her soul mate and to be by your side.” We are half way...

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Soul MatesChapter 7

Four years ago... “Get up!” Eve and I look up to see our new foster mother glaring at us. Mrs. James is a short fat lady and her husband is a tall and skinny guy. We are in another foster home. It is a small home with a basement. We are in a small basement room with no windows. The James’ keep us locked in this room at night. There are many other foster kids here in the house as well. “You, go upstairs and wait for the other children, eat and go to school,” Mrs. James orders pointing at...

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Soul MatesChapter 9

Monday Morning, Cindy and I get off the bus and head into school. The rest of the weekend went without incident. Cindy told mom, dad and I what happened Saturday night. Apparently, Megan’s boyfriend disappeared. Megan went looking for him and found him in Amy’s room with Amy having sex. Megan ran out into the front yard and started crying. After getting dressed, Greg followed her out, where she started yelling at him. Apparently, someone had called the police, because they pulled up as Greg...

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drunken night with my best mates sister

Heavily debated whether or not to share this story, but to be honest, its too good not to! I won't use real names, for obvious reasons. So we'll call my best mate "Jack"I've known Jack since I was about 8, went through little school, secondary & college together. I've known his family nearly as long, always treated them as my own & they've always looked after me. There's times I'd pop round to see Jack & end up having a drink with his old man or chatting to his mum or his sister....

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