Flat Mates - Chapter 4 - Suzy's Party free porn video

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FLAT MATES Chapter 4: Suzy's Party I had thought that my purchase of a single dress for Suzy's party would complete our feminine business and that we would now head home and I could get back into sensible male clothes; but it was not to be! Whilst I had been preoccupied with Frankie and deciding which dress I was going to buy for Suzy's party, Gloria had become bored and had moved away to rummage through Frankie's sale rail. No sooner had I said I would take the black velvet dress than Gloria shouted out, "I've found something else that will be perfect for you." I turned and she was holding up a red knit dress. It had elbow length sleeves; a high neckline; and fell, in a straight skirt, to some two inches above the knee line. I had to admit it was very pretty, in a simple, classic way. "But I don't need another dress," I protested. This is definitely "one night only," remember?" "I know," replied Gloria, "but I am sure it will look really good on you and you ought to spend as much time "en femme" as possible over the next week; you can't wear the same dress every day; it just isn't decent!" We all collapsed in helpless laughter. "That is the silliest thing I have heard you say!" I exclaimed, "But, OK, if you think I need more than one outfit, I am so far over the top at the moment that I'll do whatever you say." This remark was a BIG mistake, as Gloria and Frankie took me at my word and, before I knew what was happening, I had a pile of dresses, tops, and skirts in front of me. Frankie was laughing fit to bust. "I can't remember when I last had so much fun!" she eventually managed to exclaim. "I'll tell you what; you take all that pile, and the things you have already chosen, and you can have the lot for ?250; I'll even throw in a wig! I agree with Gloria that the red dress will look really great on you, but not with the wig you are wearing. I have another; slightly darker blonde and straight, not wavy. It will set the red outfit off to a tee! I also think I have shoes that will go with some of those outfits and I throw them into the pile as well!" I couldn't argue with Frankie's generosity. Even if I never wore the clothes she was offering to me; I could not turn her down. She ran a commercial business, yet, out of friendship for Gloria, she was offering me clothing at way below market value. I thanked her kindly and accepted her deal. We packed up the, alarmingly large, pile of clothes and I paid Frankie her ?250. Gloria and I bundled the clothes into bags; thanked Frankie profusely and staggered out of the shop. "I can't believe I have just bought so many female clothes," I gasped. "I only agreed to dress up for one night, just to please Suzy. What am I going to do with the rest of the things?" "I don't know," confessed Gloria. "You can wear some this week in practicing for the party; as for the rest, well, just go with the flow; if you want to wear them you can; if not, then down to the tip!" We wandered back towards the centre of the City. "What now?" I asked Gloria. "Are we done?" "Not quite," she replied. "You need some hose and, if I can bring you to do it, I recommend you get your ears pierced. It will give you a much greater choice of jewellery and it's not as if ear piercing is uncommon among men these days. If you don't like it just leave it and the piercings will heal over in a couple of weeks." By now my adrenalin was racing through my body and, without considering the consequences, I said, "Why not? I've gone so far today; pierced ears seem quite a minor matter!" Without further ado Gloria lead me into a jewellers and within a few minutes I came out sporting a small pair of gold studs and a leaflet explaining how I needed to car for my ears over the next few days. A quick visit to Primark furnished me with several pairs of tights and stockings.... and a suspender belt! Gloria insisted on buying me one saying, "If you are only going to be a girl for a day, then you really must experience the sensation of suspenders pulling at your stockings under your skirt. I couldn't say "no," to her! Eventually we got back home. My purse was lighter by about ?300 in total. I just hoped the party would be worth spending all this money! We unloaded all the parcels on the dining table and I was staggered at the quantity of female clothing I now possessed. "I'll never wear all of this," I protested. "It doesn't matter," responded Gloria, "honestly you haven't spent very much - a party dress in one of the smarter shops would have cost you a great deal more than this entire collection put together! Some you will need to wear this week, just to become comfortable in female clothing. As for the rest; well you may decide to keep some things after the party; the rest you can throw away." I had no intention of building up a female wardrobe; Suzy's party was definitely a "one-off" for me, but I didn't argue with Gloria as I had to accept her basic premise, namely that I had got a really good deal over my purchases and, in real terms, they owed me nothing. For the next few days when I wasn't actually in class, I wore female clothing all the time. Gloria coached me constantly on how to stand; how to walk in heels; and how to sit when wearing skirts. She taught me how to apply my own make up and how to fasten the various hooks and eyes and zips on my new clothing. By Friday I was really quite proficient and Gloria declared herself satisfied with my progress. The day of Suzy's party dawned. I awoke and instantly remembered what day it was. Today was going to be the occasion of my debut in public as a cross-dresser! (I chose not to count the shopping trip a week earlier; that was just by way of a practice!) Over breakfast Gavin asked me if I was looking forward to the party. I replied that in an odd way I was. Having spent the last week practicing how to behave and look like a woman, I was sort of excited to see what others thought of me. Somehow Gavin kept me occupied on my University work until mid-afternoon when he finally said, "I think it's time we started to get ready for the party." I gulped and said, "OK!" Gavin sent me into the bathroom first with strict instructions to give myself a really close shave and to use the hair remover cream to ensure my body was nice and smooth. "Do you want me to give you a hand?" he asked with a smile. I knew he was joking but managed to stammer out a quick "No thank you!" It didn't take me long to complete my ablutions and I shouted out to Gavin that the bathroom was all his. I went into my bedroom and started to prepare myself. First on was the gaff. Although I had been wearing one all week, it was still a struggle to get myself properly "adjusted," down there but I managed it eventually. Next I put on my long-line, black bra. By now I was accustomed to manipulation all the hooks and eyes. Inserting the breast forms I pulled my chest flesh into the semblance of nicely rounded tits. Once Gavin had finished in the bathroom, I asked him if he would help me tighten my corset. He was happy to do so and, in a few moments, I had a respectably curvy figure. Gavin went off to his own room to start his transformation into Gloria, leaving me to struggle with my unaccustomed suspender belt and stockings. Eventually I managed to fasten the welt of the stockings to the six suspender clips. I had to admit the sensation of moving tension across my thighs as I walked round the room was quite mind blowing! My final piece of underwear was my pair of Spanx knickers. Once I had pulled these into place I presented a smooth, feminine figure. I sat down in front of the mirror with the various make-up products Gavin had loaned me. I was by now reasonably competent with basic make-up, but I called for help when I got to the eye-liner and false eye-lashes. Gloria - (for by now "Gavin," was well on the way to becoming "Gloria") - came across and helped me finish off my make-up. I stepped gingerly into my new dress and tugged the hemline down as far as it would go. Even though I was supposed to be presenting myself as a woman tonight, I was still not comfortable flashing my thighs for all to see......and I had the added problem of trying not to show my stocking tops to all and sundry! I slipped my feet into the silver heels and carefully lowered Gloria's long, blonde, wavy wig onto my head. It didn't take long to fasten a chunky white stone necklace around my throat and to slip beaded bracelets over each wrist. Gloria had found me a fabulous pair of dangly earrings that matched the rest of my jewellery. I slid the hooks into my newly healed, pierced lobes. The weight of long earrings still came as a surprise to me, even after a week of trying out different styles. "I think I'm done," I called out and Gloria, who by now was totally transformed, came through and gave me a careful once over. Apart from the odd tweak to my hair and the adjustment of a shoulder strap, she declared herself satisfied. "Just one last thing," she announced and gave me a quick squirt of perfume behind my ears and under my chin. "We want you smelling nice for all the boys," she joked. (At least I hope she was joking!) Gloria looked stunning in a knee-length black, lace dress with blonde hair piled high on her head in an elaborate series of knots and pleats. She had chosen black and silver jewellery and looked stunning. She stood beside me so that we could both see our reflections in the same mirror. "We could pass as sisters," she mussed, with a smile. "Would you like to be my "sister"?" I blushed furiously and muttered "I think I'd rather have a closer relationship than that." Gloria started back in surprise and I hastened to add, "Only joking, of course!" The moment passed and we recovered our cool. But I had said it; why I just don't know. The fact is that subconsciously I had come to think of Gloria as a real woman and was starting to really fancy her something rotten; ridiculous, of course, but in future I would need to be careful not to mix fantasy and fact!!! As we were both very stylishly dressed, we had decided to get a taxi into town and, at the appointed time we grabbed our clutch bags and climbed into the cab. The Village was bustling when we arrived at Napoleon's with several trannies parading up and down Canal Street. We told the guy on the door that we were here for Suzy's party and he directed us upstairs to the private room she had reserved. Suzy gave a squeal of delight as we entered and rushed over to embrace us. She gave me an especially warm hug. "See Katy," she said. "I told you that it wouldn't be long before you embraced the fact that you are one of us and got yourself into a dress. And what a dress! You look FABULOUS!!! If I am not careful you are going to upstage me at my own party, I blushed deeply and muttered that there was no way I was going to outshine her and, anyway, my dressing was for one night only and just to please her. Suzy smiled enigmatically as she thanked me for being so thoughtful. As Suzy went off to greet other guests, we noticed that Tessa, Simone, Phyllis and Tanya, the "girls" I had met on my first night out in The Village were sitting across the room, so we went and joined them. They too were delighted I had had the courage to come to the party in a dress. Although it was second nature to them, they could all remember the terrors experienced the first time they had ventured out in public in heels and skirts. The party developed into quite a thrash. Suzy had booked a really good DJ and before long I found myself up on the dance floor twisting away with all the other "girls". After on particularly strenuous set I decided I needed a rest; I still wasn't used to wearing heels, and went across to our table to sit down. The other girls stayed on the dance floor. I was just taking a sip of my drink when a voice said, "Do you mind id I join you for a minute?" It was Alec, the gay guy who had accosted me in the Purple Python. As he had made his peace with me later that same evening there was no reason to be stand-offish, so, looking up, I smiled and said "Of course; how are you; I haven't seen you since that night in the Purple Python." "Oh I'm fine," he replied. "And you? I see you are wearing a dress tonight, and very lovely you look too, if I may say so." "You may indeed Sir," I responded with a little bow of the head. By now I had probably had just a bit too much to drink, to the point where my tongue ran ahead of my brain! "I trust you have forgiven me for my crass advances that night?" he enquired seriously. "Yes, of course," I replied, "you apologised the same evening and I am not on to bear grudges." "I'm so pleased," Alec continued. "You must realise I fancy you something rotten, but I understand that you aren't gay so I promise not to press my suit! I hope, however, that we can still be friends?" "I would like that too," I responded. "Sitting here wearing a frock, I can't hardly afford to be judgemental about other people's life choices! I'd be happy to get to know you better - just as long as you realise that is as far as it is going to go." "OK, we have a deal," said Alec, offering his handshake to seal our bargain. We chatted amicably for several minute and I discovered that Alec was 27; a clerk with a major firm of solicitors; and, like me enjoyed good food and wine. "I know some fabulous little restaurants in Manchester," he enthused. "Some of them are a bit expensive so I guess that you, as a student, won't have been able to afford to try them. I'd be delighted to take you to one some evening; my treat - but no strings attached!" he hastened to add. "I'd like that," I replied, "and I'm not too proud to accept your kind offer." "It's a date then?" he responded eagerly. "How about tomorrow night?" he continued. "I know it's a bit sudden, but during the week I am normally too busy with work to go out socialising." "Well you are a bit of a fast worker," I replied with a smile, "but OK; I tend not to go out much during the week either. They keep us far to busy with assignments at Uni." "I promise to behave," Alec reassured me, "and I'll pick you up at 8pm." - (I gave him my address and phone number) - "I have just one request. Will you please come out with me en femme? I think you look gorgeous dressed as you are and I would be proud to be seen escorting a beautiful lady around town. At the very least it would give some of my gay friends something to talk about!" This request was a bit of a shocker. I had intended that tonight would be my one and only excursion in a dress, but Alec had asked so nicely and his eyes were pleading with me to say "yes," so, somewhat reluctantly, I agreed. At this point he other girls started to drift back to the table so Alec leaned over, kissed the back of my hand, and said, "See you tomorrow then; 8pm sharp!" This last little tableau did not escape Gloria's sharp eyes and, of course, she wanted to know exactly what I had been up to with Alec. I explained that he had kindly offered to introduce me to one of the better restaurants in Manchester and that I had accepted. The girls all shrieked with delight. "Ooh a date! Lucky you; Watch out for his hands; don't do anything I wouldn't...not that will limit you much!" (This last from Tessa who I gathered was known for being one for the boys!) I managed to laugh off most of their banter, insisting that we had agreed that this was going to be just two "mates" who happened to both enjoy good food, trying out one of the better places to eat. Needless to say my protestations were drowned out in jeers. I smiled wanly and gave up trying to convince them. Truth to tell I was a bit concerned myself that I may have gone too far in accepting Alec's invitation. Still I had, and that was all there was to it - even if it did require me to wear a dress one more time! The party started to wind down shortly thereafter and, having thanked Suzy for a wonderful evening, Gloria and I found ourselves a cab and headed home. Back indoors I filled Gloria in on what I had promised to Alec. "Well I know I told you he was "harmless", but he's not one to miss out on a chance. He seems to like being with trannies, so my advice to you is to be on your guard tomorrow night if you don't want anything untoward to happen." "But what am I going to wear?" I wailed. "I can't let him see me in the same dress twice!" "Typical woman," laughed Gloria. "Here I am warning you to guard your virtue and all you can think about is what dress you are going to wear!" This repost caused me to dissolve in laughter too; it was so true; I really was worried about what I was going to wear. "I'd suggest you wear that red dress we found at Frankie's," advised Gloria, all femininely concerned about this vital issue. "With the matching red shoes and your new wig, you will knock Alec off his feet!" So, having resolved that serious matter, we hugged each other and retired for the night. (This was the first time I had hugged Gavin/Gloria; it just seem right whilst we were both "girls".)

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Soul MatesChapter 8

Six years ago... Eve and I wake up to another Saturday night party. We are in another foster home. The Carters are an older couple with two teenage daughters. Carissa is 19 and attends the local college and Jenny is 17 and a senior in high school. The Carters work the night shift on the weekends, which leaves the girls home to throw parties. The music is loud, which makes it hard to sleep. The door slams open as Eve and I see a guy and girl standing in the doorway and turn on the...

3 years ago
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Woman Partner Chapter Thirteen My Coming Out Party

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 13 - My Coming Out Party) This work is copyrighted to the author ©2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

2 years ago
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My Brotherrsquos Mates

Rebecca wants a fuckbuddy. She gets both her brother’s mates...I had been accepted for my beautician’s course in Sydney. So I took the long bus ride to the city from our New England country town: the quaint Northern tablelands of New South Wales. My cute Moree on the banks of the Mehi River. Nudging ten thousand people but like any eighteen year old girl I was desperate for the night life of the big city and more guys to choose from. I had sampled the several local guys I thought might be...

4 years ago
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Soul MatesChapter 6

I’m already in Zen, when the bullet leaves the pistol. Dad taught me how to catch spears, but not bullets. I concentrate on the bullet as it leaves the pistol. It almost seems like it is going in slow motion. With my right hand, I snatch the bullet out of the air surprising mom, the guy and myself. Before the guy can react, I run towards him with lightning speed, launch myself in the air, and plant my foot in his face, sending the gun out of his hand and putting the guy out for the...

4 years ago
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Best mates cock

About 8 years ago now, I reacquainted with an old friend that Had been my closest mate during our wild years. He’d returned from the UK, after being away with his fiancé for 15 years. In our heyday, we were non stop party a****ls . We would party all night, sometimes longer, and then we’d crash at some ones house for the night. It was usually mine, seeing as I had spare beds and no k**s. Nothing ever happened sexually between Andy and I, despite us being pretty open with one another. We...

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Woman Partner Chapter Five The Cocktail Party

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 5, The Cocktail Party) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

4 years ago
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Becoming best mates with my girlfriendrsquos lover

I come from a small town where everybody knew everyone and everything they were up to. If you ever settled down with a girl after the age of 25 you had to except there would be some sort of baggage or stories. Because this was expected I was never really bothered that the girl I decided to enter into a relationship with at the age of 26 had been promiscuous. I had been single most my adult life up until this point and that was purely down to the ratio of male to females in the town. For every 1...

2 years ago
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Best mates Nan and I

I was 21 at the time, my mate John (sadly no longer with us.) and I had our own roofing company. We had been best mates for around 10 years, since we started senior school and were in the same class. I must have been around 13 when I first met June, Johns Nan. It was a very hot day and John and I had gone to John's from school at lunch. We walked into the back garden and there June was topless on a sun lounger. She quickly covered up but we both got a good look at her beautiful big breats. We...

1 year ago
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Chapter 8 or 9 Ms Party

Chapter 8 or 9- M Has Her PartyBecause I had a late afternoon meeting, it was well into Friday evening before I arrived at her house. I wanted to work on finishing the stock, pillory, and fuck bench for the party that was to happen the following weekend.Rock the Dock was that weekend- it followed the M & K Fertilization Party the weeklend before and was described in my prior chapter. RtD was a summer weekend event held one Saturday per month and was designed to draw visitors AND their...

4 years ago
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Night With Best Mates Sister

This story starts on a normal saturday morning I woke up had a wash and got dressed, I decided to go have a quick work out at the local gym I grabbed my iPod and gym bag and left the house. The gym was about a ten minuet walk away I put my music on and went off to the gym.I spent about an hour at the gym, I went in to the locker room and had a shower and got back dressed, I left the gym checked my phone I had two missed calls and three text messages I read the messages first all asking me to go...

3 years ago
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Cyber Mates Meet

I had been active of the net for a long while. I had hundreds of cyber buddies. I had kinky ladies that I chatted to about outrageous things. I even had a cult following on the forum. I was even respected. Yet I was so afraid! Against all my better judgment, I had agreed to meet one of my cyber mates! We had been chatting for over four years. I backtracked, yes, she had posted, and I had sent a PM in 2003. She had responded and we had exchanged views and opinions in increasing confidence over...

2 years ago
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Wife and footy mates

Just the other weekend I had organized 3 of my mates to come around for a night of footy. So my wife Bon likes to show off when these nights come around. So the night starts off great, having a few drinks and chips and Bon was just being her usual self friendly and touchy feely as she kept the supplies up. I saw her at one time bend over in front of 2 mates and gave them a full view of her holes as she took her panties off. As the night went on she kept teasing and for sure was getting wet as...

1 year ago
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Wife and footy mates

Just the other weekend I had organized 3 of my mates to come around for a night of footy. So my wife Bon likes to show off when these nights come around. So the night starts off great, having a few drinks and chips and Bon was just being her usual self friendly and touchy feely as she kept the supplies up. I saw her at one time bend over in front of 2 mates and gave them a full view of her holes as she took her panties off. As the night went on she kept teasing and for sure was getting wet as...

Group Sex
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Woman Partner Chapter Six The Pajama Party

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 6, The Pajama Party) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

3 years ago
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Messed it up with mates girlfriend

So, for the last two years I've been seeing my mates girlfriend, on and off, purely for sex. The truth of the matter is that I'm in love with her and have been for a long time. I have expressed this but she just can't see past my mate and never will.I've been mates with Jason for most of my life. He's always been a bit of a lad, a good looking guy, very popular with the ladies and unable to keep it in his pants. For the most part I've been Jason's wing man and I've spent a lot of my time...

4 years ago
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Handling my mates cock

Handling my mates cock!I was working away with a mate from work and we ended up having to share a twin room in a small hotel as it was the only room left. We had worked together plenty of times but never had to share before. We got to the hotel late so dumped our kit and went straight to the bar to eat and have a couple of pints. When we got back to the room, my mate Gary said he needed a shower and I told him to go ahead and I would have one after, I watched TV while he went to the bathroom....

3 years ago
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Soulmates and Sexmates Part 2 of 2

Mathias woke about mid-morning the next day, Sunday. Checking on Erin, he found her still sleeping deeply. So he slid out of bed, showered, grabbed some clothes and went to make coffee.He was halfway through the paper, on his third cup, when he heard the shower come on. When it went off, he poured another cup for her. She soon appeared, wearing only a pair of pink bikini panties, her blond hair wet and combed straight; he loved that look. Something about her thick, beautiful hair hanging...

Group Sex
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Soulmates and Sexmates Part 1 of 2

Mathias slowly and quietly opened the bedroom door. It was now Wednesday at 2:02 am; he had been up since just before midnight, sleep just wouldn’t come. Even now he was not very tired, but knew he needed sleep for work tomorrow.Softly walking through the dark room to the bed, he slipped under the covers he had left pulled back; he did not want to disturb his wife. As he was carefully pulling up the covers, he heard, “So you couldn’t sleep huh? Were you watching porn? I’ll bet it was the BBC...

4 years ago
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My Best Mates Mum

That weekend I was staying at my best mates place. Peter and I had started school together and become really close. His family had a hundred acre property on the edge of town, a huge house with indoor pool and best of all..dirt bikes that Pete and I thrashed through the scrub. There was a pool table and entertainment centre so no matter what the weather, there was always something to do. It was raining when I arrived. My older sister didn’t want to take her new car up the muddy dirt driveway so...

2 years ago
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Good mates

will always help By Gail Holmes The lad’s sat around the table in the local café watching as the talent pasted by the large front window, they’d all been mates since school, now they had other things to talk about, needless-to-say, as with most guy’s it was women or girls in their case. There were four of them in all, Stuart being the eldest, he was quite thick set, always worked out, his main hobby if you could call it that was rugby, he was a scrumhalf, not...

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My first sexual encounter with my best mates mum

My first sexual encounter with my best mates mumI vividly remember my very first encounter with my best mates mum, like it was only yesterday.It was on my eighteenth birthday that it happened. I had called round as usual straight after work to visit my best mate Pete, and noticed that his car was not in it's usual place on the drive, I figured that it would only be a matter of time before he arrived. So I let myself into the bungalow as I had often done on many occasions to wait in the lounge...

1 year ago
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My Mates Busty Wife Revisited

Going back to my previous blog about my mates wife, I went round to see them again yesterday.I called up and made arrangements to be there by half five and got there a few minutes earlier than I'd planned. When I knocked on the door, my mates wife answered and explained that he was out with their k**s and would be back soon, but it was fine for me to come on in and wait. She had on a very low cut, tight t-shirt, despite the chill in the air. It was so tight, I could see the lacy pattern of her...

3 years ago
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Always listen when your mates warn you

Ron wandered past where she was sitting. Perched on a stool, her thighs were on full display. He felt his cock harden. He had to meet her. “Hello” he said “come here often?” She looked at him, instantly dismissive of his lame attempt to chat her up. “Is that the best you can do?” she said, laughing. Ron’s face coloured slightly. “Yes, that was pretty lame” he admitted and she smiled. “Well try again honey” she said “maybe next time will be better”. He now saw her words as a challenge. “Well...

1 year ago
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Best mates mom and daughter

Everyone goes through a phase as a teenager of being attracted to a more mature women. My best mates mom Jane was that attractive older woman. She was nicley tanned, curvy and with brunette hair. Her breasts were large and im not an expert on sizes but they were like big melons!! The added bonus was that my best mates sister, Laura, had grown up into a younger version of her mom with all the similar attributes. As it was not unusual at our age i stayed round Chris' (my best mate)for the...

1 year ago
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Flate mate

Horny Flat mate punished Well it was one of those mornings when I woke up with a woody, I tried to go back to sleep up the earge in my cock was to strong as it poked out the side of my boxer shorts, I reached down and pulled on the fore skin to expose the head and gently touched it with my hand ooh that felt nice. I gently ribbed the head of my cock until it grew to full size, I needed to get up but wanted to stay in bed as well. I threw the blankets of me and gave myself a quick wank about...

2 years ago
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Summer Fun Chapter 4 Private Party

Marc and Jeff have been getting a little peeved at me for not being around much lately. Between working at Pizza Depot, and fucking- I mean, working, with Renee at the apartments, I can see their point, I’ve probably been a little scarce. Today, I have the day off and I’ll make sure to spend some time with them. We want to go swimming again today, but not at the community center pool, so we ride our bikes out to Tucker’s Pond. The pond is a hidden away, deep swimming hole, just past the...

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Mates Lesbian Daughter Asked To Feel My Cock

I have been reading a few stories on here and they have really helped pass the time lately. So I thought that I would post some of my experiences that are all true. Not sure where to start but been remembering my holiday to Florida last year with my mates family. He has 2 daughters and a son all 18 and a half at the time. I had been getting into the habit of getting into the pool late at night when everybody else was in bed. The 2nd night I decided to skinny dip. The 3rd or 4th night I was...

3 years ago
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Playing With Mates Lesbian Daughter

I have been reading a few stories on here and they have really helped pass the time lately. So I thought that I would post some of my experiences that are all true. not sure where to start but been remembering my holiday to Florida last year with my mates family. He has 2 daughters and a son all 18 and a half at the time. I had been getting into the habit of getting into the pool late at night when everybody else was in bed. The 2nd night I decided to skinny dip. The 3rd or 4th night I was...

3 years ago
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My Mates Busty Wife Third Time Around

As you've seen from my previous posts on here, my mates wife and I have been getting close to one another.Well, I was invited around for a social on Thursday last week, as I was working in the area, I decided to accept. It was a hot day, so, as you can imagine, most people were able to wear cool clothing, my mates wife was no exception. She was wearing a strappy top, with a pale blue lacy bra underneath and a shear white boho skirt, so shear I could see what colour knickers she was wearing!We...

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The Fury Saga Book 8 Soul Mates

Soul Mates -------------- (c) Darkside Oct 2000 WARNING: This story contains acts of graphic violence and acts of a sexual nature. Do not read if you are at all offended by such material, delete it from your disk now and read no further. This story should not be read by anyone under the age of eighteen so if this is you please do not proceed. After six years of planning and writing, the Fury saga is now complete. If you wondered why there's been no new Darkside stories for 16...

3 years ago
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sleeping with my mates girlfriend D

recently me and my mates girlfriend have been getting along really well. she is 6 years older than me, curvy body 38EE tits pert firm ass and lush long legs any ......last wednesday i went round there house while he was out at work. first time i had ever done that :P and well tbh i am glad i did. we were sat there on the sofa chatting and watching tv when she pounced on me and ripped my clothes and started sucking my hard 7 inch cock, she can really suck, then she led me upstairs into the...

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