Flat Mates - Chapter 6 - Coming Out The Other Side free porn video

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FLAT MATES Chapter 6: Coming out the other side I slept very heavily and was only woken by Gavin bringing me in a cup of tea. "I thought you might need this," he said with a grin. I groaned; "I've got a hell of a head this morning and I can't blame it all on the booze." I then proceeded to enlighten Gavin as to what had happened the previous evening. "I could kick myself," I concluded. "Everything had gone fine; it was a brilliant evening; and Alec and I were starting to become friendly. Just "friends", nothing more; and then I have to go and behave so stupidly. It's not as if you hadn't warned me to be on my guard. And the worst of it is Alec has caused me to question my own sexuality. I can't deny I was turned on by him last night." Gavin listened to my ranting patiently and with great calmness. He didn't ask any questions or pass any judgements. He merely sat there and listened. Eventually, when he could see I had come to the end of my story, he quite quietly said, "Don't worry and brood on it. Just let things settle and take your time. Problems like this always resolve themselves if you allow enough time." I knew this was good advice but, equally, that it was easier to express the intention in words than to put it into practice. "Well one thing is for sure," I grumbled. "That was definitely the last time EVER that I will wear a skirt. From now on I'm going nowhere near The Village or its clubs." "Don't be so melodramatic," admonished Gavin, "and for goodness sake don't let this one little incident ruin your social life. You know you have started to make some very good friends through going to the clubs. The fact that some are gay, others straight, and the rest not sure, doesn't stop them being good mates. Look at you and I; we get along alright don't we? Well if you apply your current rule to us, we will never talk again!" He was right, of course, and his remarks about the two of us brought me up short. Over the last few weeks Gavin had become my best mate. He was closer to me than anyone else and I shared confidences with him that I would never reveal to my family. The fact that he was a transvestite and liked to dress as a woman had never been a problem between us. And again, trying to be honest with myself neither had the fact that he had coerced me into skirts. He had only suggested that it might be socially appropriate to dress in a style acceptable to others in our circle and I hadn't put up much of a fight before accepting his suggestions. What is more I knew deep down that I was actually enjoying wearing the lighter, more colourful fabrics generally reserved for the female half of the population. It suddenly dawned on me that I didn't want to give up my lovely new clothes and revert to boring old jeans and sweat-shirts. Maybe I was actually a cross-dresser after all - just as Suzy had predicted! It was almost as if Gavin was reading my thoughts because he continued; "And Alec was right about one thing you know; you really are a natural when it comes to dressing. I have never known anyone take to it so quickly. You are already easily mistakable for a true female." I wasn't sure I wanted to hear this but it did chime directly with what I was thinking. I smiled and thanked Gavin for his patience in hearing me out. "You know what they say about not leaving something that has scared you too long before trying it again," he continued, as he picked up the tea things. "I suggest we make a date to go down to the Python this coming Friday; both dressed to the nines and ready to knock them in the aisles!" I took a decision. "OK, you're on!" I said, and we shook hands on the deal. It was coming up to the end of term and I had quite a few assignments to complete for my University course, so I didn't have much time to brood over the next few days. In fact I was somewhat surprised to return home late on the Friday afternoon to discover that our "deal" was upon us and that Gloria was already well advanced in getting ready. "Hurry up and have your shave and shower she called out. I've heated the water so it's all ready for you. Then I'll come and give you a hand with your corset and make-up. Remember we need to look like a million dollars tonight!" Well a deal is a deal, so I did as Gloria suggested and soon "Katy" was seated in front of her mirror starting to apply her foundation. A few minutes later Gloria came through to my room. She had completed her make- up and was wearing her wig and underwear beneath a silk robe. She set to on my face and swiftly produced an image of a confident sexy woman. "I've taken the decisions about what we are going to wear tonight," she said, "and your clothes are laid out on the bed." I hadn't noticed, but Gloria had clearly gone through all things we had got from Frankie and put together an ensemble for me. I hurriedly put on my foundation garments and Gloria helped tighten my corset to give me the smallest waist yet; I could hardly breathe. "You'll be fine; stop being a wimp and suffer for your beauty!" she barked at me when I had the temerity to suggest it could be a little looser. It was suspender belt and nude stockings - "no tights for us tonight my girl; it's a "flash of garter" time!" as Gloria succinctly put it! The skirt she had chosen for me was actually a multilayered waist petticoat. Layers of black nylon, netting and lace hung to my knees; each layer trimmed with a hem of pink ribbon. It swirled and swished delightfully as I moved. On top Gloria helped me first into a long-sleeved, sheer, black nylon tee and over that a little black lace shrug that she knotted just below my bosom. To bridge the gap around my middle, she had found another, bright red, waist cinch that she used in lieu of a belt. A pair of plain black court shoes - with very high heels, of course - completed the outfit. The effect of the double corseting was to push my loose chest flesh even further up and in; I had never had such cleavage as I was displaying tonight! For jewellery Gloria had raided her own collection and come up with a beautiful, delicate necklace of pink beads arranged in a filigree pattern that just filled the space above the round neckline of the tee. Matching, long dangly earrings were inserted in my lobes and simple black beaded bracelets on each wrist. The Gloria delivered her piece-de-resistance. She was loaning me he long wavy blonde wig that I had worn for our visit to Frankie's. This time, however, she had dressed it by adding a hairpiece in top so that I had piles of hair on the top of my head that then fell in gently curls and waves to my shoulders. Even if I do say it myself; I looked stunning - and all due to Gloria's skill, of course! "Now paint your nails while I go and get dressed," ordered Gloria. "I suggest the deep pink rather than red." I did as I was told and was sitting there waiting for the third coat of varnish to dry properly when Gloria returned. For her outfit Gloria had chosen a purple velvet mini-dress. Long-sleeved and coming high to the throat, what it concealed at the top it more than made up for by what it revealed at the bottom! I said it was a mini- dress; actually the skirt was more like a pelmet! Barely skimming her bum, she was clearly going to have her work cut out not to constantly flash her knickers and stocking tops. She showed me how she had shortened her suspender tabs as tight as they could go and had chosen a pair of stockings that didn't really have any visible welt. Gloria had kept her jewellery deliberately simple; just a plain gold choker and hoop earring. She was wearing her favourite short, blonde wig and a pair of burgundy peep-toe heels. "Well do you think we will raise a few eyebrows tonight?" she asked with a grin as we stood side by side looking at our reflections in the mirror. "Just one final flourish for you," she announced, pinning a red fabric flower in the side of my top-knot. We grabbed our handbags and were ready for the off. It was still a bit early to go to the club. We were determined to make an effect with our entrance and for that we needed there to be quite a crowd in already. "I've ordered the taxi for 9.30pm," said Gloria "so we have about an hour to kill. Let's have a couple of glasses of bubbly to get us in the mood." Suiting her actions to her words she vanished off into the kitchen and returned bearing two flute glasses and a bottle of chilled prosecco. "I thought the budget would stand our pushing the boat out tonight," she announced as she uncorked the bottle. The wine was delicious and by 9.30 we had finished the lot, for, as Gloria said, "once it's been opened you know it won't keep"! Manchester taxi drivers must see a lot of sights in the course of their work but tonight Gloria and I were really something else. The driver was one who we had used several times before - in both male and female roles - and nothing had fazed him before. Tonight, however, his eyes stood out like organ stops. "Bloody hell girls, you are an invitation to dalliance and no mistake! Are you sure you will be safe going into town dressed like that?" It was kind of him to be concerned for us and we reassured him as best we could. We asked him to drop us off just short of the Purple Python Club so that we could enjoy the benefit of sauntering past the queue waiting for entry. As we minced up the road, our heels clacking on the cobbles and our backsides swaying gently under the combined effects of tight corseting and very high heels, we were subject to quite a few coarse remarks; wolf whistles; and snooty glares from genuine girls. We loved every moment of it! "Thank you for suggesting this," I whispered in Gloria's ear. If I hadn't come out tonight, I really don't think I would have ever dared to show my face in The Village again." "You're welcome, love," came her reply, "that's what friends are for; to see for you what you cannot see for yourself." She is a true friend and I am lucky to have met her. Needless to say we weren't asked to queue but were immediately ushered into the Club, much to the annoyance of couples who had been waiting in line for some time. As we reached the top of the final flight of stairs leading down to the dance floor, I took a deep breath - (well as deep a one as I could, wearing not one but two corsets) - this was the moment of truth; could I handle this. We paused briefly at the top of the steps and looked around to see which of our friends were in. We were immediately spotted by Suzy, Tanya and the others and their shrieks of delighted amazement at our appearance, ensured that other eyes swung round to see the cause of all the fuss. We sashayed down the steps and across the floor to the table where our friends were sitting. They immediately demanded to know what we were up to and, without going into details, Gloria indicated that I had been badly scared and that this was shock treatment to get me back on my feet again. "Well whatever it was that scared you, Katy," said Suzy. "It certainly has had the effect of bringing your femininity to the fore. I thought you looked lovely at my party, but tonight you are an absolute knock-out. The rest of us girls are going to have to look to our laurels or we will be left in the shadows." It was lovely of her to say this and I felt a warm glow inside. Just then I spotted Alec across the other side of the room. This was something I was going to have to face - and the sooner dealt with the better. So I excused myself to the other girls and crossed to where he was standing. "Hallo Alec," I started, "I needed to talk to you after last weekend. It was great going out with you and I really enjoyed our time at the restaurant, but you aren't the person for me. I know that now and guess that is partly why I freaked out as I did. If it had felt right, I think I would have gone with the flow. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt your feelings and I would like to stay on good terms. What do you say?" "I can't say I'm surprised by what you say," he replied. "I have thought of ringing you during the week but, like you, decided it would be better to talk face to face. I really do fancy you and I guess it was the fear of being rejected that stopped me calling. I don't think we can risk repeating our date and I guess we won't ever be close, but no hard feelings and just I hope we are both man enough to buy each other a drink from time to time if we bump into each other." His reference to our shared male status served to break the ice. Here I was dressed like an adolescent's wet dream but underneath all my finery I had just the same plumbing as Alec! I rose onto my toes and kissed him quickly on the cheek before heading back to my table and my girlfriends. I still wasn't sure where I stood vis-?-vis sexuality. I had always like girls and, indeed, had had reasonable success with them in the past. However, it hadn't worked out with Sally who had viewed me as more of a girlfriend than a potential partner. Then there had been the incident with Alec. I didn't think I was gay, but I had been aroused when he kissed me and I had tossed him off on my own volition. Was I straight, gay, or bi? Oh well, maybe time would reveal all.

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 2

SUMMER CAMP Rebecca looked at her image critically in the full length mirror. She had to concur that the tailored scoutmaster uniform with the camouflage skirt and the bandana like top was decidedly hot. She could feel her nipples harden and her slit was primed and ready for some Boy Scout/Girl Scout Jamboree time with lots of after dark “getting acquainted” Camaraderie. She was wearing the official Girl Scout underwear because it was more comfortable for female crotches and her merit...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Tim And Abbie 49 About Tims Mates

Tim always viewed himself as an outsider.  He felt everyone viewed him as a bastard in school for not having a father and wanted nothing to do with him.  In truth, except for one day in school when he was about seven, no one ever thought about that at all. That day was when the children were asked to say what their fathers did.  When it came to Tim’s turn, he blurted out that he didn’t know as he did not have a father.  The children giggled some, and at the break, one boy did ask Tim if he was...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 7

The poker game that Ethel and Adam found was in a rougher saloon than they realized. This was the kind of place where cheating was rampant, and, not only did you have to watch your cards, you had to watch your back. As a matter of course, Ethel and Adam did sit on opposite sides of the table so that they could keep an eye out for the safety of the other. That was not because of this particular saloon, they would have done it at any saloon. The first few hands did not bode well for Ethel, as...

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Upon exiting the elevator on the lab level, my first glance down the corridor in front of me made it very clear that something dramatic had changed. I stepped forward with Bo alongside me as was now our routine for these weekend schedules. I saw several new faces for guards and any hesitation might have been an alarm depending on why there was such a new and heightened interest in security. The area outside the elevator door was only a small room. There was only one door, besides the...

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I felt pain in my right leg and left shoulder. There was probably more than that, but those were the worst. I opened my eyes and thought my vision was messed up, too, then realized that I was face down in the leaves and dirt. I turned my head and I only saw seemingly random objects close to my face, but as I concentrated, the images cleared to branches and leaves. I was underneath a bush. Underneath a bush? My mind fumbled with this new reality and it was having difficulty, it was...

1 year ago
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Our new reality. It didn’t feel different. It didn’t look different. There was a constant feeling that I should be able to look up the mountain to the east and see that large concrete research facility looming over the valley. After numerous times of looking up, it started truly sinking into my troubled brain that it wasn’t ever going to be up there. That became depressing. My training in survival prepared me to deal with the world in its most primal nature. But it is one thing to...

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Thinking that our life ‘will never be the same’ was an understatement. You make a decision, maybe spur of the moment, and take one step in action while thinking you can manage the effects. In reality, it can be like sitting down at the top of a water-slide and pushing off. A simple decision and a simple act. Then you find yourself holding your breath for the next moments as you experience one thrill and screaming delight after another until you finally splash into the pool below. There...

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Before my eyes registered anything about the new day, I knew I was alone in the shelter. Not that I expected Bo to remain next to me and allow snuggling, but it was still a ‘missing’ sensation. I rolled onto my back, the lab coat I was using as a cover falling to the side. As my mind relived parts of the night before, my hands moved over my body, caressing my breasts, down my stomach, and between my slightly part legs. My pussy felt slightly puffy and tender and I sighed at the memory...

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Reality hit me hard after the adventure of tracking and killing the elk. It wasn’t that my effort or success could be faulted, but the preparation and allotment of time afterwards was sorely lacking. I was focused on the hunt and kill, without understanding or appreciating the time involved afterwards in making the jerky and tanning the hide. I completed much of the jerky last night and I was not able to sleep late. This was another difference from the 21st century gal. I couldn’t...

3 years ago
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The inevitable morning surprise finally arrived. The hide door to the shelter was stuck by the arrival of a fresh, fluffy 6 inches of snow. I was more than ever thankful for that moment on the mountain pass when I accepted fully that my life encompassed a world without the comforts and options of civilization. The time preparing for the elements of winter was long and hard, it led to not only being prepared for the harshness of winter, but a different life structure evolved that was...

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Instead of my eyes tracking Bo’s aggressive movement to the left, however, I was faced, literally, with the growling, fang-baring snarl of a desperate female wolf. Separated by only 2 feet, I was staring face-to-face, eye-to-eye, with the pup’s mother! I was sympathetic, but I was far more pragmatic. I understood the mother’s wanting her young. But, I knew the young wolf would die of hypothermia, its young body would be no match for warding off its severely dropping core temperature. ...

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It didn’t take me long to fully bring the other wolves into our world and to accept them as family. Bo and I had survived and, indeed, thrived in our half year or so in this land. I felt content and adjusted with only Bo as my companion. He provided a measure of security and companionship beyond our sexual relationship, which had matured beyond the titillation of the taboo of human mated by canine. The other wolves brought a different feeling with them. It changed the relationship...

2 years ago
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If the time Bo and I had spent in this place and reality didn’t change my perspective enough, the time since forming the pack was like stomping down on the accelerator of a high performance car, add to that a car with a nitrogen fuel-injection system. While it was Bo and me establishing ourselves in this place, there was always a connection to our past while we acted as survivalist in the wilderness and constant companions as much as was possible within society. There was a stubborn...

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I loved my life. It was hard most of the time, uncomfortable much of the time, dangerous frequently, and humbling more often than not. In this environment, the evolved human of the 21st century was not the top predator, even with my bow. There were times when I thought I might never be warm again. There were times when I thought my body would never stop hurting after falls, scrapes, cuts, and the general physical challenge of keeping up with the pack. There were times when my raging...

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The People move north along the western side of the prairie in the spring and back south in the fall. The People are nomadic by nature, following the great herds. Over centuries and longer than the stories that are told and retold by the elders to be passed from one to another, old to young, mother and father to child, and generation to generation. Verbal history is the norm for The People and life has been nearly the same for generations of generations. The stories recount the history...

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The next morning broke early as it always did, especially away from the cave. I added wood to the fire and moved the coals around until it relit into flames. I roasted more of the bison meat while the wolves moved to the source and fed off the carcass. My gazed passed over the hide that I had worked so diligently to remove from the carcass. I wasn’t happy with the situation. The hide was big and heavy. I had little inclination at the moment to struggle with it all the way back to the...

1 year ago
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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 8

Ethel and Adam dropped off the gold at the bank in Wilsonville and rode to the ranch. They hastily packed supplies on a pack mule for an extended wilderness trip, picked four new horses so that they would have remounts, and dashed off for that cabin in the woods near Harley Springs. They pressed as hard as they could, but it was still the next day before they reached the shack described by Willy Simpson. The shack was empty, but there was a trail to follow. Adam was a very good tracker,...

4 years ago
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The slags flat mate from rotherham

Well my fuck buddy had gone to work & i was laid in bed, her flat mate was in the other bedroom I had fucked her before I thought, let me go & get in bed with her, I open her door & walk in got in bed with her put my arm around & said are u awake I had my hand on her tit, yes she said I can feel your hard cock on my bum, I guess u want to fuck me, Yes would be nice, I put my hand on her cunt & rubbed my finger down her crack straight into her, she was already wet I'm going...

2 years ago
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 1 Seven Hole Washout

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter One -- Seven Hole Washout My wife's mother called to tell her she wasn't feeling well and she wanted my wife, Kay, to come up to Chicago to be with her. She is a hypochondriac and it's not unusual for her to interrupt our vacation, or whatever we're doing, with her demands. I was hoping to play golf this day but it was getting cloudy as I drove my wife to the Fort Lauderdale Airport. As I kissed her goodbye, I told her to give my love to her mother....

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Mates mum part 1

When I was younger one of my mates mums tried it on with me. Since I was young I didn't know what she was trying to do. Ever since then I've always had a thing for older women especially 3 of my mates mums. When I was 15 or 16. My mate James, his mum just given both to her youngest daughter and her daughter was seriously ill in hospital. When they use to go to the pub I use to tag along. This one time Sam (James's mum) was at the bar and we started to talk and we started to kiss each other on...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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My best mates big brother

It was the last straw, my Mums boyfriend Frank had pushed me to the limit, Since we moved in with him after Mum fell behind with the rent and we got evicted from the flat we had been renting, he constantly complained about me, my music was too loud, my room was untidy, I ate too much, I was lazy, I was a waste of space, even using the toilet paper was a problem, he claimed I was using it all for wanking, I don’t even use toilet paper for that I wipe up with my socks, I am surprised he never...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 14

Rebecca had reached a point in her new Scoutmaster role where she considered all the scouts to be genderless in her eyes. In her efforts at inward self-inspection, she determined it was probably because she was always a bit bi-sexual even when she was in high school and was just as happy having a happy ending with one of the teenaged cheerleaders as she was with giving up her cherry to a football jock. She saw it in her boy and girl twins Edward and Edwina with their ability to take on...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 6

Boy Scout Troup 369 Scoutmaster Rebecca Johnson decided it would be a good move to allow her oversexed daughter Edwina take over the special tutoring lessons for young Raymond to pass the swimming merit badge to qualify for advancement to Eagle Scout. There was only one other candidate for Eagle Scout now in the troop and that was a cute sixteen year old blonde called Honey Longleg. It was amusing because she was not in the least bit tall and was the shortest scout in the troop despite being...

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