Flat Mates - Part 2 - Chapter 9 - A New Term free porn video

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FLAT MATES - Part 2 Chapter 9 - A New Term When I dropped off the bus at Gladwin Road and entered the house I shared with Gavin, the place was empty. Gavin was obviously "in residence" as demonstrated by a pile of unwashed dishes in the sink, but he was clearly out. I went upstairs to my room and unpacked my bag. Needless to say, Mum had washed all my dirty clothes, so I came back to Manchester with a bag of freshly laundered things. I had successfully managed to conceal Gloria's Christmas present to from Mum, so I took that out and spread the lovely garments on my bed. "Beautiful; but not for you young man" I sternly reminded myself. Accordingly I carefully rewrapped them in tissue paper and put them back in my bag, where they were swiftly joined by as many of the female clothes I had acquired the previous term as I could squeeze in. I was staggered by just how large a female wardrobe I had built up in a very short time. After all I had only dressed on some three or four occasions. Of course the fact that Frankie had given me piles of things that would otherwise have gone to the tip, didn't help! Eventually I found places for everything and put them away, resolved that they would stay there until such time as I was certain about my sexual preferences. I confess to some pangs of regret. I had learned to relish the swish of light, floaty skirts and the tug of suspendered stockings on newly shaved legs. But, for now, that was all in the past and henceforward it was going to be jeans, tee-shirts, and trainers. I had gone downstairs and was busy clearing up the kitchen when I heard the front door slam and Gavin breeze in. "Hi KT," he called out, "how was your Christmas?" I told him and asked about his. "Fine," he replied, "my sister adored the earrings you bought me. She even insisted that the two of us go out shopping to find a complimentary necklace!" In turn I thanked him for the beautiful nightwear. "Of course I wasn't able to wear it at home," I explained, "and, in fact, I'm not going to wear it at all for the foreseeable future." I then explained to Gavin what I had decided whilst in Scarborough. (Of course I omitted any reference to my feelings for him/Gloria.) Not surprisingly he was very hurt, blaming himself for encouraging me to cross-dress. I hasten to reassure him that it wasn't that I hadn't enjoyed dressing; but that as everything had happened so fast, I needed time and space to be sure that this was really what I wanted for my future life. He sort of understood, but there was a definite coolness between us. "Look," I said, in an attempt to lighten the air, "why don't the two of us go down to the Purple Python tonight? You can get your glad rags on and I'll smarten myself up in male mode and we can catch up with what our friends have been up to over the holidays. I don't intend to cut everyone just because I have doubts about myself." Grudgingly Gavin conceded and hurried off to get changed into full "Gloria" mode. Whilst she was busy, seated at her dressing table, putting on her make-up and choosing her outfit for the night - something I knew would take ages - I showered and carefully shaved my legs and chest. I had become used to having a clean, hairless body and I didn't see the necessity of changing that habit just because I was reverting to male dress. I thought long and hard about what I ought to wear. I needed to make a statement to our friends about my new approach, but didn't want to slip back into "scruffy student" mode. I settled on some of the new things I had purchased in the Christmas sales - burgundy cords; pink shirt; Chelsea boots; and my 1970's velvet jacket. I brushed my, by now long, hair off my face and back into a male ponytail. I wondered whether I ought to consider getting my hair cut shorter, but that seemed a shame - it had taken so long to grow to this length! When I had finished dressing, the image I presented was of a fashionably smart young man; maybe a touch flashy, but definitely NOT effeminate. "That will do" I thought. Back downstairs, I opened a bottle of wine and sat sipping it quietly whilst I waited for Gloria to complete her titivations! Eventually she reappeared and, in spite of myself, my heart took a leap towards my throat. Gloria looked adorable! She was wearing a pair of skin-tight, white trousers; a boat-necked, forest green, tunic; and a pair of 5 inch, peep-toed, green heels. She had chosen to wear her favourite short blonde wig and I could see the emerald earrings I had bought her for her Christmas present dangling from her lobes. Her mood had clearly improved as she had got ready for she gave me a beaming smile and asked; "Do you like the earrings now I am wearing them?" I hastened to assure her that they looked great. She then insisted on drawing my attention to the matching necklace she had purchased to go with them. "Are you ready?" she enquired, grabbing her handbag. "Ready?" I replied; "I've been waiting for you to appear for at least half an hour! Anyway, there's no rush. I've opened a bottle of Riesling. Let's enjoy a glass together before catching the bus; and so we did, sitting across from each other in the lounge, sipping our wine and chatting away about our respective Christmases. Gradually the tension between us faded and before we set off to catch the bus, we were back into our old easy relationship. As we walked to the bus stop, Gloria took my arm: "If you are going to play the "man" from now on, you are going to have to be my "date" for the night!" she joked. In truth I didn't mind. I found I still felt warmly about her, but resolved that I had to give my New Year's Resolution time before I even thought about whether my feelings for her were true or false. Many of the usual crowd were in at the Purple Python and were greeted warmly. The "girls", Suzy in particular, wanted to know why I was "improperly dressed" and was not at all pleased when I explained that she had better get used to it, as this was how I was going to dress from now on. She relented a bit when I explained my reasoning. "Look Katy" she said, using the femme name with which she had christened me last term, "I understand why you are doing what you are, but I am willing to bet you 20 quid that you won't last the term without getting back into a skirt. You are a "natural" as a tranny and it won't take you long to realise it!" "You're on" I replied. "?20 says I last in male clothes until Easter." The bet was on and various other folk made their own wagers on the side. I enjoyed the lively company of our friends. The fact that I was the only one in male drab didn't seem to inhibit the conversation and a good time was had by all. About midnight Gloria and I headed home as we were starting classes the following morning and needed to get some sleep. I made a point of avoiding any goodnight embraces or a kiss on the cheek - we had sort of become accustomed to such signs of affection last term - and we both retired to our own bedrooms. The next couple of weeks were really hard work. My tutors decided to step up the work rate, having given us, as they put it, a gentle time during our first term! I was enjoying my course and found the new work stimulating. I still worked with Sally as my lab partner and she complimented my on my new "look". "I thought you were really brave when you came out wearing nail varnish and all" she said "but your new style is much more sophisticated and "together". I really like it." I thanked her and wondered whether it might be worth trying to resurrect our previous, unconsummated, relationship. Reluctantly I concluded it wouldn't be a good idea to try it on again with Sally; we were good friends, but that was as far as it was going to go. As part of my resolution to broaden my circle of friends, I made a point of getting pally with some of the other chaps on my course. One of them asked whether I played cards and, on learning that I did, invited me to card school which a few of them had set up on a weekly basis. It wasn't a particularly serious card school; we mostly played poker for small change and, occasionally, the pot might get as large as ?5! Really it was a social gathering; a chance to sup a few beers; chat, and finish the evening off with a good curry - (of which there is no shortage in Manchester). I found I had a knack for poker and soon became a regular attendee. One evening, one of the guys had a run of bad hands and, having also had a few too many beers, started to get belligerent when he found himself down some ?30. Finally he exclaimed, "Well that's it; I'm out of cash, but I have two tickets for the Bruce Springsteen concert here. They cost me ?30 each and I'll wager them on one final hand to try and break even. I'm sure my luck is about to change." Naturally the rest of us tried to dissuade him. If he lost this hand he would, effectively, be ?90 out of pocket; a sum not easily affordable when one is a student! However he was adamant and, eventually, the cards were dealt. Bidding rose quickly and soon there was ?30 on the table, plus the Bruce Springsteen tickets. Players folded their hands until; at last, it was just him and me. The tension was almost unbearable as the moment arrived when we each had to reveal our cards. I laid down a full-house - Queens and Tens - whilst he had 3 Aces. The pot, including the tickets, was mine! Because this was in essence a friendly game, I pressed him to take the tickets back but he refused. "I knew what I was doing when I wagered them," he said. "I lost and that's it." However I continued to argue that he couldn't afford to take such a financial hit and eventually, somewhat reluctantly, he agreed to my paying for one of the tickets and I handed over ?30 from my winnings. In truth I would have happily paid him a premium for the tickets. When it had been announced that Springsteen would be playing at the Manchester Arena, tickets had sold out in a couple of hours. I had failed to get any in the original allocation and had been trying, fruitlessly, to get my hands on some ever since - and now a pair had fallen into my lap! When I arrived home after the game, I rushed excitedly into the living room and shouted at Gavin; "I've got them; two tickets for Springsteen. Do you want to come with me?" When he had calmed me down and I had explained how I had come by the tickets, Gavin became equally animated. "Of course I'll come," he said. "You aren't the only one who has been searching the town for tickets!" The concert was that Friday night and the two of us set of for the Arena in high excitement. Needless to say Gavin was in full "Gloria" mode; tight mini-dress, heels, and long, dangly earrings. I dressed smartly, but casually, in button-down shirt, slacks, and loafers. "Now no throwing your knickers at the band" I jokingly admonished Gloria. She laughed and took my arm. I was glad we were back on easy terms together. The concert was great and, although our seats were quite a long way from the stage, the two of us had a great time. We travelled home in a state of high excitement, exchanging remarks like: "...I thought he played xxx brilliantly" "...what did you think of the backing for yyy?" and so on; all the usual things you do and say after a great concert. We were both too wound up to go straight to bed, so opened a bottle of wine and sat drinking and reminiscing about what we had just heard. "Thank you so much for taking me," she gushed, "I can't remember enjoying myself so much for ages" and, leaning over, she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I couldn't help myself; I turn my face towards her and kissed her back full on the mouth. Time passed.....! Eventually we broke for air. "I'm so sorry" I mumbled in embarrassment. "I can't think what came over me." "Don't apologise," Gloria responded, "I've wanted to kiss you properly for ages but was too scared to take the initiative." "Do you really mean that?" I gasped. "I've been fighting against my feelings for you since last term. That was the main reason why I changed my behaviour since Christmas." We kissed again.......and more time passed! At last we sat back and stared at each other. "You do realise what a momentous point we have reached tonight?" I enquired. "You have always told me that you were a straight cross-dresser and I; well I'm not too sure what I am, but I always thought it was "straight". Now everything has been thrown up in the air. What are we going to do?" Gloria smiled happily and snuggled up close to me. "I don't know and I don't care" she giggled. "You are the "man"; you make the decisions!" Well, that reduced both of us to fits of laughter and served to ease the tension. "Well if you insist that the decision is mine," I started. "I rule we both go to our own beds now and see how we feel in the morning. We are both on a "high" right now and in no fit state to think seriously." Gloria agreed and, after another protracted bout of kissing, we went up to our respective rooms. It took me ages to get to sleep. On the one hand I was delighted that my feelings for Gavin/Gloria were now out in the open and that he/she appeared to feel the same way about me. On the other, the implication was that I was gay - or at least bisexual. Could I cope with that, having considered myself "straight" for all my life until this moment?" Eventually I did doze off and woke the next morning with a splitting headache! On descending to the kitchen, I found Gavin was in a similar state to me. Silently he passed me a mug of black coffee and two aspirin. We sat silently across the table from each other until our heads cleared a little. I got up; walked round the table; bent; and kissed Gavin on the mouth. "Well I feel the same this morning as I did last night" I announced, "How about you?" "Me too" he responded and threw his arms around my neck. We both had classes scheduled that morning so couldn't take our conversation any further. We sat silently side by side on the bus as we travelled into Manchester and parted, still without saying anything but both deep in our own thoughts, to go to our separate lectures. I arrived home first that evening and hurried to put the bottle of champagne I had purchased in the fridge to chill. Assuming Gavin hadn't changed his mind during the day, we would have something to celebrate this evening! And he hadn't changed his mind! He too burst into the kitchen carrying a bottle of champagne and we fell about with laughter at both being so predictable. Over drinks that evening we talked seriously about our feelings and the implications that flowed from that. We agreed to take things slowly between us. We were already living together and there was no need to rush into anything; we could let events take their course. For the time being, at least, we would continue to sleep in our own rooms. And that's how things continued for the next week. On the Friday I went to my card school whilst Gloria glammed up and headed out to the Purple Python. She had told me when we first met that acting and performing were a big part of her life and, indeed, I had been to see "Gavin" play the part of Sir Thomas Moore in a production of the "Man for All Seasons" the previous term. "Gloria" was now turning her talents to profitable use and was performing a regular singing spot on a Friday night at the Python. Once again I was first home and this time it was Gloria who burst excitedly into the lounge waving a pair of theatre tickets in her hand. "Guess what?" she enthused. "Dream Boats and Petticoats" are playing the Palace tomorrow night and they gave the Club a few complimentary tickets. Knowing I like 50's and 60's music, George, the doorman, put a couple aside for me. This time I'm taking you out and tomorrow night you are going to be my "date"!" This was fine by me. I too enjoyed retro music and "Dream Boats and Petticoats" - which was essentially a teenage love story wrapped around loosely around hits from the 50's and 60's - had received very good reviews. "There is one proviso" continued Gloria. "This time I'm going to be the man and you will be my girl!" "I can't" I protested. "What about my bet with Suzy that I will keep out of skirts until at least after Easter?" "Oh come on," reposted Gloria. "What is ?20 in the great scheme of things? And you know you will enjoy it; just think of the swirly skirts and suspenders!" She was right.....and I was lost! Naturally I capitulated. The following morning I dragged all my feminine clothes out of storage to see what I had that might be suitable for a 50's/60's evening. My underwear was, in the main fine. I had a suspender belt but lacked a pair of seamed, fully-fashioned nylons. I had a few tops which might do but no suitable skirt. I quickly dressed and hurried into town to visit Frankie. (Frankie is a woman who runs a "dressing service" for trannies who can't dress at home. She usually has a rail of second-hand clothes "on sale" and she had been very helpful to me in the past.) When I explained to Frankie what I was after, she said she was sure she could help me. Rummaging through her stockroom, she produced a sweet circular skirt. It was made of lilac cotton, printed with tiny white polka-dots, and with a deep frill around the hem. In her other hand Frankie held a mass of lilac, net petticoats. "You will need the petticoat to get the full effect of the skirt" she explained. "Unfortunately, whilst I can let you have the skirt for a reasonable price, I can't let the petticoats go; they are just too expensive to replace." My face fell. "But don't worry" Frankie continued. "As it's you, I'll loan them to you for the evening. Just take care not to rip them or you will have to buy them off me and that will cost!" It was a kind and generous offer and I accepted immediately. I knew I had a white sweater at home that would just be right for the skirt. I would need to buy a pair of white heels but I knew a shoe shop that offered cheap fashion shoes at very good prices. I was sure I would be able to pick up a pair there. Then Frankie produced her piece-de-resistance. It was a sealed packet of brand new, fully fashioned nylons. "I found a place that supplies retro accessories" she explained. "They're not cheap; ?10 in fact, but they will set the outfit off a treat!" So, of course, I bought them! I had no trouble finding a cheap pair of white heels and, on impulse, popped into a jeweller's and had my ears pierced! That afternoon, as I laid all my feminine accoutrements out on my bed, I felt a thrill of anticipation and knew, finally, that I could never, totally, give up cross-dressing. I took my time over getting ready; luxuriating in a leisurely, scented bath, before sitting down in front of my mirror to apply my make-up. I squeezed myself into my corset and made sure my boobs protruded nicely from the top of my bra. Gingerly I opened the packet containing my new nylon stockings and, first rolling them down, slid them carefully up my, newly shaven, legs. I found it wasn't that easy fastening the stockings to my suspender belt. The seams just didn't seem to want to run straight up the back of my leg. Eventually, of course, I managed it and stood with my back to a full-length mirror, twisting my neck to try and see the effect; I loved it! I stepped into Frankie's wonderful, lilac, net petticoats and settled them around my waist. I pulled my white sweater over my head - taking care not to smear it with make-up - and tucked it into the top of my petticoats. Finally I gathered the full skirt in my hands and, gently, lowered that over my head. As I settled it into place and gently sung my hips, the swirl of the full skirt and net petticoats across my nylon covered legs was mind-blowing. I slipped my feet into my new white heels and fastened a simple gold chain around my neck. I knew I couldn't wear earrings in my newly pierced lobes, but the sleeper studs the jeweller had used were quite ornate and would glint through my long blonde wig. I had already painted my nails a deep shade of pink, so it only remained for me to grab my white clutch-bag; check that it contained everything I might need; and head downstairs to present myself for Gavin's inspection. He too had made great efforts to dress in role. From the wardrobe store of his theatre company, he had borrowed a complete 1950's "Teddy Boy" suit. From the top of his quaffed and lacquered hair; through his bottle green, knee-length jacket; white shirt with boot-lace tie; black, black, drain-pipe trousers; to his crepe-soled "brothel creepers", he totally looked the part. He had even glued a narrow moustache to his upper lip. I couldn't avoid giggling and clapped my hands in admiration of his appearance. "OK doll," he asked casually, with a sneer on his lips. Of course this set both of us off again and it was some while before we calmed down and were able to congratulate each other on our outfits. Gavin asked me to "give him a twirl" and made the right noises about my seamed stockings. I told him that men just didn't realise what we girls had to go through to look beautiful for them.....more laughter! The show was another great success, with the audience on its feet for much of the time whooping and joining in the songs. At the end, when the cast invited audience members up on stage, I needed no urging and Gavin and I bopped away with the best of them! Once again, when we got home we were both too excited to sleep, so another bottle of wine was opened and we cuddled up on the sofa. This time it was my turn to nestle into Gavin's arms and it didn't take long before we were kissing passionately. I could feel tension in my groin as my cock tried to become erect within the confinement of my tight panties. Resting my hand on Gavin's lap, I could tell, even more obviously, that he was in a similar state of arousal. Gently I unzipped his fly; unbuckled his belt and slid my hand inside his underpants. Apart from my brief experience with Alec, this was the first time I had handled another man's cock and I wanted to make sure it was a beautiful moment for Gavin and I. Gently stopping me, Gavin whispered, "Let's do this together", so, rising, we helped each other out of our clothes until we were both just in our underwear. (Gavin insisted I keep on my suspenders, stockings and heels!) While we kissed, I slid my hand back inside his boxer shorts, whilst he put his inside my knickers. Our mutual stimulation didn't take long to be effective and, gasping, we both came pretty much simultaneously. We kissed gently; another important milestone had passed for us. Hand in sticky hand we went upstairs. I used the bathroom first and, whilst Gavin took his turn, I rushed into my bedroom and rummaged through my things until I found the nightdress he had bought me for Christmas. Stripping of the remainder of my clothes, except for my bra and breast forms, I slipped the nightdress over my head, pulled a pair of reasonably matching knickers up my legs; ran a brush through my tangled wig; and gave myself a quick squirt of perfume. When Gavin came out of the bathroom, he found me lying provocatively on his bed. "Why don't you get into a nightdress and wig as well," I suggested. Gavin hastened to comply and it was "Gloria" who slid into bed next to me. We kissed and cuddled but both agreed that we had gone far enough for one night, so soon snuggled down under the covers, wrapped in each others arms.

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Ex sister in law two of her mates in pub las

Two mates & me in a pub in Rotherham last night, we was standing by the door drinking & chatting, when my ex sister in laws walks in with two mates, Hello I says to her, hi she says back, how are u. I'm ok I tells her, I could see the lads looking at her tits, No husband tonight, no she says he's gone away for the weekend, I looked & smiled at her thinking ok I wonder if I get to fuck u again, she was looking at me & she just said it was possible, how did u know what I was...

3 years ago
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Soulmates and Sexmates Part 1 of 2

Mathias slowly and quietly opened the bedroom door. It was now Wednesday at 2:02 am; he had been up since just before midnight, sleep just wouldn’t come. Even now he was not very tired, but knew he needed sleep for work tomorrow.Softly walking through the dark room to the bed, he slipped under the covers he had left pulled back; he did not want to disturb his wife. As he was carefully pulling up the covers, he heard, “So you couldn’t sleep huh? Were you watching porn? I’ll bet it was the BBC...

4 years ago
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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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Soulmates and Sexmates Part 2 of 2

Mathias woke about mid-morning the next day, Sunday. Checking on Erin, he found her still sleeping deeply. So he slid out of bed, showered, grabbed some clothes and went to make coffee.He was halfway through the paper, on his third cup, when he heard the shower come on. When it went off, he poured another cup for her. She soon appeared, wearing only a pair of pink bikini panties, her blond hair wet and combed straight; he loved that look. Something about her thick, beautiful hair hanging...

Group Sex
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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Tim And Abbie 49 About Tims Mates

Tim always viewed himself as an outsider.  He felt everyone viewed him as a bastard in school for not having a father and wanted nothing to do with him.  In truth, except for one day in school when he was about seven, no one ever thought about that at all. That day was when the children were asked to say what their fathers did.  When it came to Tim’s turn, he blurted out that he didn’t know as he did not have a father.  The children giggled some, and at the break, one boy did ask Tim if he was...

2 years ago
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Flat Nates Part 2 Chapter 14 Time to Grow Up

FLAT MATES - Part 3 Chapter 14 - "Time to Grow Up" Three years; where had they gone? It seemed only Yesterday that I as a callow youth of 19 had left the family home in Scarborough to travel to Manchester to start my engineering course at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. I arrived in Manchester a straight, horny teenager keen to get amongst all the beautiful girls that would, inevitably, be around every corner. Within weeks I had discovered I was a...

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Sex Blog New Roomates Part1

IntroductionI let a couple stay over at my home while they were experiencing money issue’s and I fucked his newly girlfriend. So a friend of mine and his girlfriend were down on their luck and had no place to stay. I allowed them to stay first month free. My friend held a job but his girlfriend stay’s home and cleaned while we both were at work. On my days off I would always have friendly conversations with her and as the weeks went on we grew more and more interested in each other. One day on...

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MatesBy Brewt.BlacklistJune-August 2010Office MatesOffice"SHE'LL SEE you now."Georgia Tate was the biggest bitch, the hardest, most ruthless cunt in the company. Yes, I said cunt. Everyone exhaled harder through their noses when she left a room, and their headaches usually took an hour to recede. The analgesic budget was high in our sector.Alana, though, her secretary, was something worth tolerating the prospect of having to talk with Georgia just to be in the same room with her for a little...

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From Seat Mates To Sex Mates

College life is surely full of surprises and excitement and teenagers are always in search of a perfect opportunity. Blame it on puberty or the age, not even the nicest of kid can escape such wonderful mistakes. The story is about two girls who used to be seat mates in a co-ed college. How they surprised each other from being just friends to “girl friends “. Priya is a tomboy totally a loud mouth and sporty and Hamida a subtle girl with lots of grace and poise , creative but introvert. It was a...

2 years ago
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Soul MatesChapter 4

Tuesday morning I wake up at my regular time and head out on my mountain run to think. Friday is our last basket ball game of the season and even if we wjn the game there are no playoffs or tournaments. The season is over after Friday, however track practices starts in two weeks and I need to be in the best shape possible. The most important thing I need to think about is Emily and her dad. I now know the connection and why their stories are similar. Watching over me? Leading my church? Soul...

3 years ago
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Soul MatesChapter 8

Six years ago... Eve and I wake up to another Saturday night party. We are in another foster home. The Carters are an older couple with two teenage daughters. Carissa is 19 and attends the local college and Jenny is 17 and a senior in high school. The Carters work the night shift on the weekends, which leaves the girls home to throw parties. The music is loud, which makes it hard to sleep. The door slams open as Eve and I see a guy and girl standing in the doorway and turn on the...

2 years ago
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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

3 years ago
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My Brotherrsquos Mates

Rebecca wants a fuckbuddy. She gets both her brother’s mates...I had been accepted for my beautician’s course in Sydney. So I took the long bus ride to the city from our New England country town: the quaint Northern tablelands of New South Wales. My cute Moree on the banks of the Mehi River. Nudging ten thousand people but like any eighteen year old girl I was desperate for the night life of the big city and more guys to choose from. I had sampled the several local guys I thought might be...

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Soul MatesChapter 6

I’m already in Zen, when the bullet leaves the pistol. Dad taught me how to catch spears, but not bullets. I concentrate on the bullet as it leaves the pistol. It almost seems like it is going in slow motion. With my right hand, I snatch the bullet out of the air surprising mom, the guy and myself. Before the guy can react, I run towards him with lightning speed, launch myself in the air, and plant my foot in his face, sending the gun out of his hand and putting the guy out for the...

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Best mates cock

About 8 years ago now, I reacquainted with an old friend that Had been my closest mate during our wild years. He’d returned from the UK, after being away with his fiancé for 15 years. In our heyday, we were non stop party a****ls . We would party all night, sometimes longer, and then we’d crash at some ones house for the night. It was usually mine, seeing as I had spare beds and no k**s. Nothing ever happened sexually between Andy and I, despite us being pretty open with one another. We...

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Fun at my mates stag party

I lay on the bed exhausted and Jane makes me promise not to say a word to Dave about what she had just told me. It wasn’t gonna be hard as I was heading back home in the morning and probably won’t see Dave for a while. All this happened eighteen months ago and I have been following Janes exploits on fab all this time, her verifications confirm she is still being a filthy cum loving slut. I’m heading back to Leeds this weekend for Dave’s stag weekend I have messaged Jane suggesting we could meet...

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Fun at my mates stag party

I lay on the bed exhausted and Jane makes me promise not to say a word to Dave about what she had just told me. It wasn't gonna be hard as I was heading back home in the morning and probably won't see Dave for a while.All this happened eighteen months ago and I have been following Janes exploits on fab all this time, her verifications confirm she is still being a filthy cum loving slut.I'm heading back to Leeds this weekend for Dave's stag weekend I have messaged Jane suggesting we could meet...

4 years ago
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Becoming best mates with my girlfriendrsquos lover

I come from a small town where everybody knew everyone and everything they were up to. If you ever settled down with a girl after the age of 25 you had to except there would be some sort of baggage or stories. Because this was expected I was never really bothered that the girl I decided to enter into a relationship with at the age of 26 had been promiscuous. I had been single most my adult life up until this point and that was purely down to the ratio of male to females in the town. For every 1...

2 years ago
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Best mates Nan and I

I was 21 at the time, my mate John (sadly no longer with us.) and I had our own roofing company. We had been best mates for around 10 years, since we started senior school and were in the same class. I must have been around 13 when I first met June, Johns Nan. It was a very hot day and John and I had gone to John's from school at lunch. We walked into the back garden and there June was topless on a sun lounger. She quickly covered up but we both got a good look at her beautiful big breats. We...

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Classmates To Bedmates 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone, welcome back to my next episode of classmate to a bedmate. A quick recap – I am Ani, 24 years from Chennai. In my story, I have two heroines (Suja who is my classmate, and Preethi). This happened during my college days. It would be better if you read that part first so that you will get the background for this part (link on top). Coming to the story. We (Ani and Suja) got more intimate in bed. I was asking her to do each and everything that I had seen in porn...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 3

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...

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Flat Mate Part 2

We left off with me with my tongue having been in her areshole and us moving the session to the couch. She straddles me and leave a big patch of girl cum on my jeans before reaching down and undoing my trousers. She pulls out my rock hard cock, dripping with pre cum and pulls my foreskin down to expose my head, she squeezes out some pre cum into her hand and brings it up to her mouth; "oh fuck baby I love the taste of your cock, I'm gonna fuck you with my mouth, you're gonna cum in my mouth...

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Night With Best Mates Sister

This story starts on a normal saturday morning I woke up had a wash and got dressed, I decided to go have a quick work out at the local gym I grabbed my iPod and gym bag and left the house. The gym was about a ten minuet walk away I put my music on and went off to the gym.I spent about an hour at the gym, I went in to the locker room and had a shower and got back dressed, I left the gym checked my phone I had two missed calls and three text messages I read the messages first all asking me to go...

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Cyber Mates Meet

I had been active of the net for a long while. I had hundreds of cyber buddies. I had kinky ladies that I chatted to about outrageous things. I even had a cult following on the forum. I was even respected. Yet I was so afraid! Against all my better judgment, I had agreed to meet one of my cyber mates! We had been chatting for over four years. I backtracked, yes, she had posted, and I had sent a PM in 2003. She had responded and we had exchanged views and opinions in increasing confidence over...

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Wife and footy mates

Just the other weekend I had organized 3 of my mates to come around for a night of footy. So my wife Bon likes to show off when these nights come around. So the night starts off great, having a few drinks and chips and Bon was just being her usual self friendly and touchy feely as she kept the supplies up. I saw her at one time bend over in front of 2 mates and gave them a full view of her holes as she took her panties off. As the night went on she kept teasing and for sure was getting wet as...

1 year ago
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Wife and footy mates

Just the other weekend I had organized 3 of my mates to come around for a night of footy. So my wife Bon likes to show off when these nights come around. So the night starts off great, having a few drinks and chips and Bon was just being her usual self friendly and touchy feely as she kept the supplies up. I saw her at one time bend over in front of 2 mates and gave them a full view of her holes as she took her panties off. As the night went on she kept teasing and for sure was getting wet as...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Messed it up with mates girlfriend

So, for the last two years I've been seeing my mates girlfriend, on and off, purely for sex. The truth of the matter is that I'm in love with her and have been for a long time. I have expressed this but she just can't see past my mate and never will.I've been mates with Jason for most of my life. He's always been a bit of a lad, a good looking guy, very popular with the ladies and unable to keep it in his pants. For the most part I've been Jason's wing man and I've spent a lot of my time...

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Handling my mates cock

Handling my mates cock!I was working away with a mate from work and we ended up having to share a twin room in a small hotel as it was the only room left. We had worked together plenty of times but never had to share before. We got to the hotel late so dumped our kit and went straight to the bar to eat and have a couple of pints. When we got back to the room, my mate Gary said he needed a shower and I told him to go ahead and I would have one after, I watched TV while he went to the bathroom....

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My Best Mates Mum

That weekend I was staying at my best mates place. Peter and I had started school together and become really close. His family had a hundred acre property on the edge of town, a huge house with indoor pool and best of all..dirt bikes that Pete and I thrashed through the scrub. There was a pool table and entertainment centre so no matter what the weather, there was always something to do. It was raining when I arrived. My older sister didn’t want to take her new car up the muddy dirt driveway so...

2 years ago
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Good mates

will always help By Gail Holmes The lad’s sat around the table in the local café watching as the talent pasted by the large front window, they’d all been mates since school, now they had other things to talk about, needless-to-say, as with most guy’s it was women or girls in their case. There were four of them in all, Stuart being the eldest, he was quite thick set, always worked out, his main hobby if you could call it that was rugby, he was a scrumhalf, not...

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My first sexual encounter with my best mates mum

My first sexual encounter with my best mates mumI vividly remember my very first encounter with my best mates mum, like it was only yesterday.It was on my eighteenth birthday that it happened. I had called round as usual straight after work to visit my best mate Pete, and noticed that his car was not in it's usual place on the drive, I figured that it would only be a matter of time before he arrived. So I let myself into the bungalow as I had often done on many occasions to wait in the lounge...

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My Mates Busty Wife Revisited

Going back to my previous blog about my mates wife, I went round to see them again yesterday.I called up and made arrangements to be there by half five and got there a few minutes earlier than I'd planned. When I knocked on the door, my mates wife answered and explained that he was out with their k**s and would be back soon, but it was fine for me to come on in and wait. She had on a very low cut, tight t-shirt, despite the chill in the air. It was so tight, I could see the lacy pattern of her...

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Always listen when your mates warn you

Ron wandered past where she was sitting. Perched on a stool, her thighs were on full display. He felt his cock harden. He had to meet her. “Hello” he said “come here often?” She looked at him, instantly dismissive of his lame attempt to chat her up. “Is that the best you can do?” she said, laughing. Ron’s face coloured slightly. “Yes, that was pretty lame” he admitted and she smiled. “Well try again honey” she said “maybe next time will be better”. He now saw her words as a challenge. “Well...

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Best mates mom and daughter

Everyone goes through a phase as a teenager of being attracted to a more mature women. My best mates mom Jane was that attractive older woman. She was nicley tanned, curvy and with brunette hair. Her breasts were large and im not an expert on sizes but they were like big melons!! The added bonus was that my best mates sister, Laura, had grown up into a younger version of her mom with all the similar attributes. As it was not unusual at our age i stayed round Chris' (my best mate)for the...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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Flate mate

Horny Flat mate punished Well it was one of those mornings when I woke up with a woody, I tried to go back to sleep up the earge in my cock was to strong as it poked out the side of my boxer shorts, I reached down and pulled on the fore skin to expose the head and gently touched it with my hand ooh that felt nice. I gently ribbed the head of my cock until it grew to full size, I needed to get up but wanted to stay in bed as well. I threw the blankets of me and gave myself a quick wank about...

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Woman Partner Chapter Thirteen My Coming Out Party

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 13 - My Coming Out Party) This work is copyrighted to the author ©2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

1 year ago
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Mates Lesbian Daughter Asked To Feel My Cock

I have been reading a few stories on here and they have really helped pass the time lately. So I thought that I would post some of my experiences that are all true. Not sure where to start but been remembering my holiday to Florida last year with my mates family. He has 2 daughters and a son all 18 and a half at the time. I had been getting into the habit of getting into the pool late at night when everybody else was in bed. The 2nd night I decided to skinny dip. The 3rd or 4th night I was...

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