Flat Mates - Part 2 - Chapter 10 - Our Secret Is Out free porn video

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FLAT MATES Part 2 - Chapter 10 - "Our Secret is Out" In a story of romantic fiction, one would expect that the first night of sleeping with one's lover would be accompanied by sweet dreams of flowers, bunny rabbits, and tinkling streams, all under a clear blue sky; and to wake in the morning refreshed and at peace. Well it wasn't like that for me! I had horrid nightmares that involved me being chased by a great hairy monster who, having caught me, hugged me close to its chest so that I was in danger of suffocating. I awoke in a muck sweat from my dream to find that, during the night, I had succeeded in dislodging my wig, half of which I had swallowed!! My nightdress was soaked with sweat and tangled around my waist. I felt dreadful! Gloria, on the other hand, was sleeping like an angel by my side, having had the sense to remove her wig before falling asleep. The sight of Gavin's "boys" face calmly asleep on the pillow with the lacy top of his nightdress visible above the covers produced a warm glow in my heart and quickly banished all remembrances of my poor nights sleep. I leaned over and gently kissed him on the lips. A slow smile lightened his face as he gently came to. He softly returned my caress and I felt his hand slip inside my knickers. I hurriedly returned the compliment and, once again, we came together in each other's hand. Eventually we rose and cleaned ourselves up. After showering I dressed quickly in male jeans and tee-shirt and ran downstairs to put on the morning coffee. Gavin joined me a few minutes later and we sat down to breakfast together. "Well last night was another big step forward," Gavin remarked. "I guess we are now formally 'an item.' We should mark it some way." I agreed and after breakfast we caught the bus into the City Centre and headed to an area off St Anne's Square where there were a number of small antique and jewellery shops. We had decided that we should each buy the other a ring as a sign of our commitment. Neither of us had very much money to spare, hence our venture into the second-hand market! I was first to find an appropriate ring. It was a square-cut peridot of a lovely vivid green colour, with just a hint of gold sparkle running through it. Simply mounted on a plain gold band, it looked good on Gavin's finger - (and would look even better on Gloria's!) The sales assistant raised an eyebrow when I asked him to have the band resized to fit the third finger on Gavin's right hand. He smiled knowingly, however, when Gavin threw his arms round me and gave me a big kiss as a "thank you". It took Gavin longer to find what he wanted to give me. Eventually we settled on a cabochon cut amethyst, mounted, in silver, in a little "basket mount". To our surprise the ring fitted my finger perfectly without the need for re-sizing. Gavin took the opportunity of my gazing at my new ring admiringly, to buy me my first pair of earrings for pierced ears. They were a pair of tear-drop amethysts hanging from short silver chains of exactly the same shade as the stone in my ring. He made me swop them for my sleeper studs on the spot. Although neither of us could really afford to buy jewellery of this quality, we were both more than satisfied that we had properly marked our new relationship. On the way back home on the bus, Gavin suggested we should both go to the Purple Python that evening to tell our friends our exciting news. I immediately agreed and, once home, we both started to get ready. It was tacitly assumed that we were going to go "en femme" and we both wanted to make sure we looked our best. I therefore spent some considerable time going through my limited wardrobe trying to find something suitable. I wanted to look stylish and sexy but not to be "over the top". Fortunately there were quite a number of separates amongst the garments Frankie had given me and, at long last, I settled on a silky black skirt with a fringed hem. Worn with a plain black camisole and a patterned gold, lightweight jacket, shot through with sequins and caught in at the waist with a gold-buckled, elastic belt, I looked pretty hot - if I do say so myself! When she finally appeared Gloria looked even more desirable in a royal blue, silk, sleeveless shift dress, with a cowl neck-line and cut very low at the back. For once she had set aside her usual short, curly blonde wig in favour of a darker, longer one which she had dressed so that her hair was piled elegantly in a top-knot. Dressed as we were, we decided it was a taxi ride to the club, rather than the bus and it must have been about 9:30pm when we made our entrance down the staircase and crossed to where our friends were sitting. Before she had a chance to make any sarcastic remark, I went up to Suzy and handed her a ?20 note. "You win" I smiled, "but I have never been more pleased to lose a bet!" Suzy insisted on buying Gloria and me a drink, so her winnings didn't last long! As she put the drinks on the table she immediately spotted my new ring and expressed her admiration for it. "Yes" I answered "it is lovely, isn't it? And, what, makes it even more special is that Gloria bought it for me. I'm surprised you haven't noticed she is wearing a new ring also." All eyes swivelled to Gloria's hand and we had to explain how the rings were intended to celebrate our new relationship. All the other girls were overjoyed on our behalf and their squeals of delight soon drew the attention of other customers and staff. Immediately a bottle of champagne appeared at our table, "courtesy of the house", and glasses were filled and a toast drunk to our future happiness. It all turned into a very jolly party and it was well into the early hours of the morning before Gloria and I staggered home. Both of us had had too much to drink to do anything other than collapse into bed together. (This time, however, I remembered to remove my wig first!) The next morning we slept late and woke gently wrapped in each others arms. Now that we felt truly that we were a couple, without speaking, we took each other in our arms and, for the first time ever for either of us, made homosexual love. I have to confess to being somewhat nervous and Gavin's first penetration of me was a little painful. However, the joy I experienced as he climaxed deep inside me was indescribable. A little later, after we had both recovered, I returned the favour and discovered the pleasure of thrusting deep into my partner's bottom. We didn't bother going into class that day, nor the one following; we were far to busy discovering the delights of physical love making. Eventually we decided we had to call a halt to all of this and get our heads back in gear. After all we had made a commitment to each other that this wasn't some flash-in-the-pan affair, but a true, lasting relationship; we would have endless opportunities to make love! Without a word being spoken, we both assumed our female personas when we dressed. I, as "Katy", donned a simple black mini-skirt and deep pink, long-sleeved top; whilst Gloria opted for a full-skirted summer dress with low-heeled white shoes. We prepared ourselves supper and sat down to talk through how our changed circumstance might reflect through into our daily life. "One of the first challenges we need to face," started Gloria, "is how we tell our families." "I know," I answered, "I don't think Mum and Dad are going to be too happy when I tell them I am a gay cross-dresser! Madeleine will probably be OK about it - she sorted of hinted that she suspected something along those lines at Christmas; whilst Fiona is probably too young to have any clear idea about it." "I think my parents will be pretty cool," said Gloria. "They have been relaxed about the fact that I have cross-dressed since I was a little boy; and Sis - Sonia - almost thinks of me as her little sister!" We decided to take the easy route first and to talk to Gavin's parents and assess their reaction, before considering how best to tell my family. Accordingly, Gavin rang his mother and told her he had fallen in love with a fellow, male student and that I, like him, occasionally cross- dressed; could he bring me home to meet her and the rest of the family? As he had hoped his mother was non-judgemental and invited us to come and stay for the weekend. So that Friday we set off in Gavin's little car - dressed in male mode - and drove to Shrewsbury, where his family lived. Gavin's mother opened the door when we rang the bell. She was a short, attractive woman in her middle 40's and she greeted us both with a warm smile. "Come in dear," she said to Gavin, giving him a big kiss. "And you must be KT," to me. She gave me a warm hug. "I've got tea ready," she announced. "You take the bags upstairs dear and slip into something comfortable. I've made up your old room for the pair of you. In the meantime "Katy" can help me with the tea." I did not fail to notice the slight change in the way she pronounced my name; nor the fact that she had, calmly, accepted that the two of us were already sleeping together. Maureen, as she insisted I call her, led me into the kitchen and started bustling around putting tea things on a tray. "There's no hurry Katy" Maureen started, "it will take ages for "Gloria" will to get ready, so there is plenty of time for you and I to become acquainted." She then, gently, quizzed me about how Gavin and I had met; what had led us to believe we might be in love; and a bit about my own personal situation and background. Maureen was a very skilful questioner and a good listener and I found myself confiding more to her that perhaps I had originally intended. I found it a relief to put my thoughts and feelings into words and, as I spoke, I became even more convinced that what Gavin and I were doing was right. After about half and hour, "Gloria" came downstairs. She had dressed simply in a pair of skinny jeans, camisole, and cardigan. She was wearing her favourite short, curly wig and a light, day-time make-up. The three of us went through to their lounge for tea. Afterwards Maureen suggested that Gloria show me round the house and that I then should get into "Katy" mode. They had a lovely house; Georgian, with a good-sized, walled garden and beautifully proportioned rooms. Gavin's "old room" where we were to sleep, was at the front of the house and looked out across a small park. It had its own adjoining bathroom in what had, presumably, originally been a Dressing Room. Gloria quickly helped me out of my male clothes and, whilst I showered, selected an outfit for me. "I think you ought to wear a skirt" she said. "It is OK for me to slob about in jeans because Mum and Dad are used to seeing me in dresses, but I think you need to look as feminine as possible for your debut." She was right of course, and I slipped into my underwear; rolled a pair of barely-black tights up my legs; and stepped into the dress Gloria was holding ready for me. It was a royal-blue sheath-dress, with a high collar, and long sleeves. A blue, elastic belt emphasised my corseted waist and medium-heeled blue pumps displayed my slim ankles to advantage. I fitted my shoulder-length wig on my head; added some blue plastic jewellery and quickly made up my face. "How do I look?" I asked anxiously. "Will I pass muster?" "You look gorgeous" responded Gloria. "In fact I have to exercise considerable self-restraint to avoid ravishing you on the spot!" We both had a good laugh before I took a deep breath and headed downstairs to meet Gavin's mother for the first time as "Katy". Whilst I had been upstairs, Gavin's sister, Sonia, and his father, Robert, had both arrived home, so, as I stepped into the lounge I was suddenly there in the midst of all of Gavin's family. The shock of meeting caused me to pause in the doorway. Sonia rushed across with a squeal and gave me a big hug. "So you are Katy," she cried, "Ever since Mum told me Gloria was bringing her new partner home I have been wondering what my new sister would look like. You are lovely! Welcome to the family." Robert was also smiling warmly towards me and, stepping forward, he gave me a brief hug and kiss on the cheek. "Welcome Katy; it seems to me that Gloria has shown good taste for once!" The ice was broken and I quickly became at ease. From that moment, for the rest of the weekend, Gavin's family treated me as the woman I appeared to be; it was wonderful. That first evening we enjoyed a family meal "in"; getting to know each other and sharing many stories and jokes. At bedtime there was no embarrassment shown when Gloria and I went off together to the same room. We decided that a riotous bout of lovemaking might be stretching her parent's hospitality too far, so we settled for cuddling down with a bit of gentle petting. "Your parents are lovely," I whispered to Gloria, "I just hope mine will be as understanding." The next day, Saturday, we lounged around the house and I helped Maureen with a few chores. It was a good way of getting to know her better, which I thought was important. Late afternoon Robert announced he had reserved a table at one of their favourite restaurants for a celebratory meal. I was a bit nervous about going out openly en-femme in Gavin's home town but, as he clearly wasn't at all concerned, I decided to go with the flow. The four of us women donned pretty frocks - mine was an above the knee, leopard-skin print in black, grey and beige on a white background. It was made of a stretch material and was quite figure-hugging. I wore it with a little black, nylon, sheer jacket and simple black jewellery and heels. Gloria wore her blue, backless, silk sheath-dress and Maureen and Sonia both looked stunning as well. Robert appeared in a smart navy suit with a pink and blue stripped shirt and a deep-pink tie. "Well are all my ladies ready for me?" he enquired and proceeded to usher us all out to the car. Robert had chosen a lovely restaurant, just out of town on the banks of the River Severn. The food was delicious and the setting romantic; just the right place to celebrate an "engagement" - because that, effectively, was the commitment into which Gavin and I had entered. The evening went superbly well and I returned to the house feeling as though I had known Gavin's family for ages. Sunday we all went to church. This was another "first" for me and, again, a potential ordeal. I didn't have anything really suitable for church, but Sonia dug an old, powder- blue suit with a fitted jacket and knee-length, pleated skirt, from the back of her wardrobe. It was a fraction tight on me, but, overall, fitted pretty well. Sonia also managed to find white shoes, bag, and little hat for me to borrow. I felt a million dollars as I walked up the path to the church. If the Vicar realised that two of the females in our party were actually men, she didn't bat an eyelid; everything went swimmingly! After the service Robert and Maureen introduced me to some of their friends as "Gloria's friend Katy from University". Clearly the friends knew about Gavin's dressing habits as "Gloria" and greeted her perfectly naturally; with all the usual questions about how her studies were going, etc. In the same way I was accepted for the woman I appeared to be, although I know that everyone must have realised I was another cross-dresser. We enjoyed a traditional Sunday roast lunch at home before Gloria and I set off in her car back to Manchester. We decided to travel en-femme as it was too much of a bore to go through the fag of cleaning off our make- up and reverting to male drab. (Anyway, we both liked wearing skirts!) Sonia very kindly said I could keep the skirt suit as she had no further use for it. I immediately resolved to lose a few pounds so that it would fit me better. Back at our house in Manchester, Gloria and I hugged and kissed as if there were to be no tomorrow. The weekend had gone so much better than we could ever have expected. If only breaking the news to my parents could go as well! I decided to leave telling my parents for a few more weeks. The Easter break was coming up and I, and my sisters, would all be at home in Scarborough for a few days. It was a wrench leaving Gavin even for a few days, but he planned to stay in Manchester for rehearsals of a play he was in. Easter was a lovely time for all my family. The weather was unexpectedly warm and we enjoyed some glorious walks along the cliffs, admiring the spring flowers and watching the courtship of the seabirds. I agonised about whether to break the news about Gavin and I there and then, but decided to stick with my original plan, which was to come out to my sister Madeleine, who I thought would be the one most likely to be understanding and supportive, and to seek her advice about how best to tell Mum and Dad. Because we spent so much time together as a family that holiday, I didn't manage to find space alone to talk to Madeleine until the day she and I left to return to University; she to Edinburgh and me to Manchester. Mum dropped the two of us off at the station to catch the train to York. Madeleine would get off there and catch the Edinburgh train, whilst I would normally have stayed on and travelled through to Manchester. As we approach York I told Madeleine I had something really important I needed to tell her and asked if she would mind catching a later rain to Edinburgh. She had no objection, so when the train pulled into York station, we both got off. I bought us each a cup of coffee in one of the station buffets and we found a quiet corner where we could talk without being overheard. Needless to say Madeleine was all agog to hear what it was that was so important for me to discuss with her that it was worth both of us delaying our journeys. I didn't beat about the bush but came straight out with it; "Madeleine, I know this may shock you, but over the last few months I have discovered I am gay and I am now in a serious relationship with my flat mate Gavin." Madeleine didn't appear to be too shocked. "I did wonder at Christmas whether you were discovering your female side" she said. "Your clothes and appearance were much too "girly" to be explained away as "male fashion"; but you didn't say anything and I didn't want to pry. Are you and Gavin truly in love? If so, I wish you both every happiness and you can count on my support if anyone starts making snide remarks." This was very generous of her and I leaned over and gave her a big hug. "There is more" I continued. "You see Gavin is a transvestite and spends much of his time as "Gloria". I too have discovered the delights of cross-dressing and my friends now know me as "Katy". Whilst I think I might be able to bring Mum and Dad round to the fact that I am gay, I can't see them accepting that I want to wear skirts, heels, and make-up. I so need your advice about how to break all this to them without smashing up the family." Madeleine smiled and, leaning over, gave me another hug. "So I have another little sister in stead of a little brother," she said with a giggle. "Are you about to tell me that all the time we were growing up, you were borrowing my clothes; because I never noticed anything at the time?" "Oh no," I hastened to assure her; "I have only been dressing since I went to Manchester. Before then I had no idea about this side of my personality. I thought I was just boringly ordinary!" "Well you certainly can't be described as "boring" now!" laughed Madeleine. "I can't wait to meet "Katy". I bet she is pretty." "I don't know about that" I smiled wryly, "but I promise that the next time we get together I'll get into my glad rags and we can have a sisterly night out on the town." "You're on" responded Madeleine. "The age gap between Fiona and me always meant that we didn't do much together when I was at home. It's better now that she is growing up, but it will be great to have a sister nearer my own age to share things with." This was wonderful and my eyes filled with tears of gratitude and relief that Madeleine was so clearly on my side. "Now about Mum and Dad" she continued, in more serious vein. "I think you underestimate their willingness to embrace whatever we children become, but I agree you need to plan how to break it to them. I think you need to tell them face to face and I would suggest you start by telling them about your cross-dressing. I know, why don't you arrange to meet them on "neutral territory" - say Leeds - and come dressed as "Katy"? You can see how they react to that revelation and make a judgement as to whether to tell them about Gavin at the same time?" This seemed to be a possible line of approach and we spent the next half hour or so talking it through and teasing out answers to the "what if" and "if they say" questions. Eventually we decided we had gone as far as was possible in checking out the theory. Only doing it would tell if Madeleine's idea would work in practice. "Good luck little sister," Madeleine said as we both rose and prepared to go to our respective platforms. "I'm sure it will all work out for the best, but don't forget to ring me just as soon as you finish telling them!" I thanked her profusely and we hugged and kissed in a way we never had before as brother and sister. I realised I was looking forward to developing a closer, more intimate relationship with my "big sis". I caught the train to Manchester in a much better frame of mind. Madeleine was cool about my being a gay cross-dresser and I now had a plan for telling Mum and Dad. Gavin was waiting anxiously for me to return home and I quickly put him out of his misery and told him what Madeleine and I had discussed. We agreed I should try and arrange to see Mum and Dad in Leeds in the fairly near future. I waited a few days and then rang Mum on the pretext that there were a few things from home that I needed. "Why don't you, Dad and I make a day of it?" I suggested. We could meet for lunch in Leeds on Saturday; that way neither of us would have to make to long a journey. My treat; let's meet in the top floor restaurant at Harvey Nichols." (I knew this was one of Mum's favourite venues on the odd occasion she and Dad spent time in Leeds.) We arranged to meet at 12:30. Needless to say I was incredibly nervous when Saturday dawned. Today would see the make or break for me in relation to my nearest and dearest. I spent a long time getting dressed and made-up. I chose the powder blue skirt suit Gavin's sister, Sonia, had given me and teamed it with a white blouse, pumps and handbag. I kept my make-up simple and fresh, using a blue pallet for my eyes and pink lipstick and nail varnish. Gloria loaned me her real pearl necklace and matching bracelet and stud earrings. "Good luck" she wished me giving me a big hug. "I'm sure it will go well. Don't be apologetic, but don't slip into the trap of behaving in an excessively feminine manner either." Good advice; I hugged her back; took a deep breath; and set off for the station and my "train to destiny". I had timed things so that Mum and Dad were already seated in the restaurant at Harvey Nichols when I arrived. It was a lovely sunny day and they had been given a table in the window. They looked up as I approached but clearly did not recognise me. (Not too surprising; most parents wouldn't be expecting their son to turn up for lunch wearing a powder-blue skirt suit!) "Hallo Mum and Dad" I said nervously as I stood beside their table. "It's me, Kerris; but you should call me "Katy" today." Mum and Dad looked up with startled expressions on their faces. Dad's jaw dropped in amazement. Mother was the one who recovered first. "Well, sit down Katy" she said, in a slightly tight voice, "and explain to your father and me why you are dressed as a girl." With relief I sat down, smoothing my skirt underneath me as I had become accustomed; - an action that did not escape Mum's notice for I saw her eyebrows raise slightly. The was a good omen that they were behaving calmly and seemed prepared to talk to me about my odd attire; I had been afraid that they might storm out of the restaurant in disgust. I spent the next ten minutes or so explaining how, in Manchester, I had become acquainted with the transgendered community and discovered that I too was one of them. (The staff at the restaurant could see we were deep in conversation and had the grace to leave us alone and not to press us for our lunch orders.) At first Dad was incredulous about my behaviour. Mum was calmer and listened quietly to my explanation as to why I felt more comfortable in a female role. Gradually, as I answered their questions, the tension between us eased until, eventually, Dad said, "I think we would all benefit from a drink now, Let's order lunch and agree to leave things "on hold" until we have eaten." This was generous of him, so I beckoned to one of the waitresses and we ordered our lunch and a bottle of white wine. Mum smiled knowingly when I ordered a small salad; she recognised a woman trying hard not to put on weight! We all took a sip from our wine as I continued; "Whilst I appreciate your gesture Dad," I started, "we can't just sit over lunch as though nothing has changed; that would simply result in us all behaving "properly" and things would get tense again. I don't mind your quizzing me about the ways in which I have changed since going to University. As you know, this has been the first time I have spent time on my own away from home. This has given me the space to explore my sexuality and feelings. I now know that I have a strong female side to my personality. I don't want to change sex and am not what is called a "transsexual". However, I do need to allow the "Katy" side of me her own space and opportunity for self- expression." Both Dad and Mum looked relieved that they would not have to behave as if everything were normal between us and we continued to talk about "Katy" and her needs whilst we ate our meal. Over coffee I continued, "I have one more thing to tell you that may shock you even more than my turning up here wearing a skirt. Not only am I a transvestite, I am also gay and in a relationship with a fellow student. There, now you know it all and if you want to leave I will understand." Tears rose in my eyes and I couldn't stop myself crying. Mum leaned over and passed me a tissue. "There dear," she said, "I won't deny that what you have told us has come as a big shock but, in many ways, the fact that you are gay is easier to comprehend than the fact that you want to wear dresses and nylons. Who is the boy; do we know him?" I was mightily relieved at the relatively calm way in which my news had been received. I explained that I was in love with Gavin my flat mate and that he also had a female persona, "Gloria". Mum smiled wanly, "You must bring him, or her, over to Scarborough very soon," she said. "If the two of you are going to be partners, the sooner we all get to know each other the better." This generosity was too much and I let go a real crying jag - much to the embarrassment of other diners! Mum took me by the shoulders and led me, crying, away to the ladies cloakroom. There she helped me to dry my tears and freshen up. "I'm afraid your mascara has run" she said with a smile. "Here let me help you", and, for the first time, my mother carefully applied fresh mascara to my lashes. When I was presentable once more, she took me by the shoulders. "Now look here Katy, and remember this, your father and I will always support and be there for you, no matter what. If you are gay and genuinely in love with another man and the two of you like to dress in women's clothing, that is between you and him. As far as your family is concerned you are our child and it doesn't matter to us whether you prefer to be "Kerris" or "Katy". We will always love you; no matter what." This almost reduced me to tears once again and I could see Mum was also very emotional. "Let's get back to your father before he starts worrying what has happened to us" she said, taking a deep breath. We returned to the restaurant and, as we sat down, I saw a quick glance of understanding pass between Mum and Dad. The worst was over; I had told them and they had not rejected me. There was little more to say at this point of time; we all needed to go away and collect our thoughts. I agreed with Mum and Dad that I would bring Gavin over to Scarborough in a couple of week's time and introduce him - and "Gloria" - to them. We parted with kisses and a few more tears and I caught the train back to Manchester, whilst they took theirs in the opposite direction. I seemed to take forever for the train to reach Manchester. Of course I phoned Gavin and told him what had happened. He too was very relieved that things had gone so well. When I got home it was Gloria who was waiting for me with a bottle of bubbly chilling in the fridge. We both breathed a big sigh of relief as we collapsed on the sofa with our drinks. Now that both sets of parents knew about our relationship and had shown their support for us, we could move on to the next phase of our lives. Two weeks later Gavin drove us over to Manchester. There was, inevitably, some tension in the air but this soon dissipated as Gavin's charm started to win my parents round. The fact that he wasn't overtly effeminate helped of course, and I could see he had won Dad over once the two of them started talking about cricket! The only difficult bit for me was Fiona's reaction. She took me upstairs to her bedroom and laid into me - not for being a gay cross-dresser, but because I hadn't taken her into my confidence as I had Madeleine. "I'm no longer a little girl you know" she scolded, "I know all about transvestites and gay couples. I think it's cool that you wear dresses and I can't wait to see you dressed up." I apologised for my thoughtless behaviour and we hugged and made up. I was amused to see that Mum and Dad's liberalness only went so far. They put Gavin in Madeleine's old room, whilst I was clearly expected to use mine. They might be coming to terms with the fact that we were a gay couple, but it wouldn't be right for us to share a room the first time Gavin visited their house! We both changed into our female roles before dinner and I chose to wear a purple dress with a narrow skirt so that I could accessorise it with my new amethyst jewellery. Mum and Dad had, of course, already seen me in a skirt but this was the first time for Fiona and I was pleased and amused when she told me my dress sense passed muster and could she please borrow my frock some time! At the end of the weekend Gavin and I drove home in a contented frame of mind. Our relationship was on a steady course and we could now concentrate on other things - like end of year exams!!!! We had both got behind with our studies over the previous few weeks as we worried out our parent's reactions. Now that was behind us we both needed to buckle down and work hard to regain lost ground. The next few weeks will sound boringly familiar to anyone who has been to University; evening after evening poring over books; writing notes; and trying to double guess the questions the examiners were likely to set. Fortunately both of us had a solid grounding in our subject and, at the end of term; we learned that we had both passed that year's exam with flying colours. The summer vacation loomed and decisions would have to be made as to whether we went off on holiday together; visited our respective parents; got a job in Manchester; or what. It didn't matter; we had each other and we were confident in our relationship. October would be the start of a new academic year and, doubtless, would present new challenges. For the time being I could pause and reflect just how much my life had changed in the eight months since I had left home and moved to Manchester. I had no complaints about how things had turned out and I looked forward eagerly to what might happen next. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Note for Readers: I know I have finished another "Part" leaving Katy and Gloria's story unresolved. Rest assured that I am in the process of writing a "Part 3" and this will be posted shortly. Hopefully, this will bring things to a natural conclusion and wrap up their story.

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Flat Mates Part 2 Chapter 9 A New Term

FLAT MATES - Part 2 Chapter 9 - A New Term When I dropped off the bus at Gladwin Road and entered the house I shared with Gavin, the place was empty. Gavin was obviously "in residence" as demonstrated by a pile of unwashed dishes in the sink, but he was clearly out. I went upstairs to my room and unpacked my bag. Needless to say, Mum had washed all my dirty clothes, so I came back to Manchester with a bag of freshly laundered things. I had successfully managed to conceal Gloria's...

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Flat Mates Chapter 6 Coming Out the Other Side

FLAT MATES Chapter 6: Coming out the other side I slept very heavily and was only woken by Gavin bringing me in a cup of tea. "I thought you might need this," he said with a grin. I groaned; "I've got a hell of a head this morning and I can't blame it all on the booze." I then proceeded to enlighten Gavin as to what had happened the previous evening. "I could kick myself," I concluded. "Everything had gone fine; it was a brilliant evening; and Alec and I were starting to become...

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Flat Mates Chapter 7 Epilogue and Intermission

FLAT MATES Epilogue and Intermission! The evening at the Purple Python passed all too quickly and Gloria and I revelled in being the centre of attraction. I was so pleased Gloria had insisted we come. I knew now that I wouldn't stop cross-dressing. I loved the all the sensations associated with tight corsets; floaty dresses; the tug of suspenders; and the click of high heels on hard floors. Painting my face with make-up and becoming a different person for a few hours was now very...

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Flat Mates Chapter 3 My Next Step

FLAT MATES Chapter 3: My next step. The next morning two wan, pale figures were to be discovered sitting at the kitchen table, drinking strong black coffee and not talking much; we had both had too much to drink the night before at the club and were now mightily hung over! A series of grunts served for "how are you feeling", "do you have any aspirin?" Eventually duty called and we had to drag ourselves upright and head into town for our lectures. By the time I walked into my lecture...

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Flat Mates Chapter 5 My First Date

FLATE MATES Chapter 5: My First date The next day was Sunday and, after I eventually dragged myself out of bed, I found I couldn't settle to anything. My "date," with Alec hung over me like a cloud. Now that I had sobered up I was very worried that I had agreed to go out with him and, if I could, I would have cancelled our outing. Foolishly though, whilst I had given Alec my address and phone number, I had neglected to ask him for his. There was no way I could get in touch with him;...

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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

2 years ago
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The Ark Part 1Chapter 4 My First Bond Mates

I was ready early the next morning for the caterers were due to arrive at 8:00 AM to setup drinks, pastries, and a fruit bowl. One of them would remain on site to care for my guests during the presentation. When the caterers arrived and began setting up the food, I was happy to learn that Clara, the daughter of the owner of the catering business, would be the person to remain on site. Clara's last name seemed familiar to me, so before my guests started arriving, I went into the house to...

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Cat FightChapter 7 Mates

Assassin group - Jaguar clan Gregor - Cougar clan Gwayne - Panther clan Thomas - Lynx clan Bill climbed the steps leading from the dungeon as he headed to the execution yard. Damn it! He knew that they were famous for being stubborn but he didn’t think that they were going to be this stubborn! Steeling himself up Bill came up and out into the light. Ahead he could hear the three males cursing and struggling to get free. “As I advised Roth, I do not have the time to pander to pleading...

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Mates mum part 1

When I was younger one of my mates mums tried it on with me. Since I was young I didn't know what she was trying to do. Ever since then I've always had a thing for older women especially 3 of my mates mums. When I was 15 or 16. My mate James, his mum just given both to her youngest daughter and her daughter was seriously ill in hospital. When they use to go to the pub I use to tag along. This one time Sam (James's mum) was at the bar and we started to talk and we started to kiss each other on...

4 years ago
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My best mates big brother Part 2

We sat there on the sofa, Kenny was naked and me with just a tee shirt on, Kenny sparked up and we passed the smoke between us, “You can stay here for a couple of nights if you want” Kenny offered“I don’t know if my cock could cope with that, we will see” we both laughed.We finished the smoke and Kenny went and made more tea, I pulled on my clothes and was fully dressed when he came back through from the kitchen still naked, Kenny laid the cups on the table and went through to his bedroom and...

1 year ago
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Soul MatesChapter 3

Tuesday morning I wake up at three in the morning. Another nightmare. I was being chased by someone. He had an eerie familiar voice as he told me that I will lead my church. Before he could tackle me, I woke up in a cold sweat. I stop thinking about the nightmare and think about my identical twin sister. I miss her so much. We went through so much, and now we are separated by reasons unknown. I am thankful for mom getting us back together. I am still wondering about where my sister and I...

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Cat Fight 7 Mates

minton -  2 1/2 days quant  -  2 1/2 years heckson - 2 1/2 miles Toton -   2 1/2 hours   Bill - Lion clan King Tomco - Bill's father King Tobias - Bill's dead brother Twitty - Grey Tabby clan Glenna - Bengal clan Mikos -  Chartreux clan Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan General Roth - Leopard clan Theta - Cheetah clan Niaco - Tiger clan Cornelius - one of Bill's Uncles    Conrad - Bill's other Uncle Assassin group - Jaguar clan Gregor - Cougar...

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My Mates Girlfriends

Fortuitously left with my mates two horny women: I did what any guy would do; ‘look after them’....My mates Murray and Peter felt sorry for me and invited me around to their apartment Friday night. I knew what it was like being the third wheel but it’s even worse being the fifth wheel. Two set of love birds. I really stuck out like a sore thumb. There is only so much microwave nachos you can offer to prepare and trips to the fridge to get another drink. I mean my mates were dutifully watching a...

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I was barely 16 that hot and humid July afternoon I admitted to Amy, my sweet little cousin, that I’d been having sex with my father for two months. “What?!” she gushed. “Courtney! Oh, my God!” Also, that I was on birth control, but that my up-tight mother had no idea or she’d have killed me! Of course, at St. Katherine’s, where we both went to school, they wouldn’t have been too thrilled at that part, either. “I can’t believe this!” Amy was almost panting at the news. “You’re doing your own...

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I was barely 16 that hot and humid July afternoon I admitted to Amy, my sweet little cousin, that I’d been having sex with my father for two months.“What?!” she gushed. “Courtney! Oh, my God!”Also, that I was on birth control, but that my up-tight mother had no idea or she’d have killed me! Of course, at St. Katherine’s, where we both went to school, they wouldn’t have been too thrilled at that part, either. “I can’t believe this!” Amy was almost panting at the news. “You’re doing your own...

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Pagan ORourkeChapter 2

"Begin!", snapped the Armsmaster. Pagan spun, drew, flicked the thumb-safety off, fired six rounds, safed the pistol, reholstered - in one continuous, uninterrupted, motion - and announced, "Clear!" The Armsmaster pressed the button, to retrieve the targets, and glanced down at the stopwatch in his hand. "It's unreal, ' the old warrior thought, 'he's beaten every record in the books - including his own previous ones. Those shots were so close together, I'd have thought they came...

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Maggies Secrets Secret

Maggie's Secret's Secret This story is purely fiction. No corporations or names represent real people or companies in any way. I appreciate all story reviews to help me become a better writer or, from a purely selfish perspective, make me want to continue writing. If you like the story I've written numerous others that you might want to read. You can search for all my stories by using the 'author search' and typing in the author, 'Want2BaGirl'. I hope you enjoy. Part One -...

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Ex sister in law two of her mates in pub las

Two mates & me in a pub in Rotherham last night, we was standing by the door drinking & chatting, when my ex sister in laws walks in with two mates, Hello I says to her, hi she says back, how are u. I'm ok I tells her, I could see the lads looking at her tits, No husband tonight, no she says he's gone away for the weekend, I looked & smiled at her thinking ok I wonder if I get to fuck u again, she was looking at me & she just said it was possible, how did u know what I was...

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Soulmates and Sexmates Part 1 of 2

Mathias slowly and quietly opened the bedroom door. It was now Wednesday at 2:02 am; he had been up since just before midnight, sleep just wouldn’t come. Even now he was not very tired, but knew he needed sleep for work tomorrow.Softly walking through the dark room to the bed, he slipped under the covers he had left pulled back; he did not want to disturb his wife. As he was carefully pulling up the covers, he heard, “So you couldn’t sleep huh? Were you watching porn? I’ll bet it was the BBC...

1 year ago
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The Secret Cheerleader VoteChapter 3 Carlyrsquos party part 1

Friday Morning By the time Zane and Natalie finished their rendezvous in his car, they had to hurry to get to the school in time for class. They managed to park, share a quick kiss, and then bolt in opposite directions. As Zane was making his way to class he ran right past Carly standing outside the door of her first class. When he saw her he had to stop for just a moment. He ran up to her, leaned in close, cupped his hand to her ear and quickly whispered. “I just fucked Natalie” Carly’s...

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The Secret Cheerleader VoteChapter 4 Carlyrsquos Party Part 2

A new player! Carly hadn’t noticed that Bella had arrived until Zane almost ran over her trying to get back to the girl in the bedroom. She watched him stop and chat with her for a moment, make sure she was alright after their collision, then excuse himself and make for the back of the house. She also saw Bella turn and watch after him as he walked away. Carly also noticed that Bella had arrived alone. More to the point, she had NOT arrived with her boyfriend. They were usually attached at...

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Soulmates and Sexmates Part 2 of 2

Mathias woke about mid-morning the next day, Sunday. Checking on Erin, he found her still sleeping deeply. So he slid out of bed, showered, grabbed some clothes and went to make coffee.He was halfway through the paper, on his third cup, when he heard the shower come on. When it went off, he poured another cup for her. She soon appeared, wearing only a pair of pink bikini panties, her blond hair wet and combed straight; he loved that look. Something about her thick, beautiful hair hanging...

Group Sex
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My Secret Relationship With My Neighbouring Housewife 8211 Part 2

I am Raj, 31 from Hyderabad, working for and famous MNC as a regional head, 5”9 height with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex with mature, married or single women(any female who wants to have a good time in bed). This is the continuation of my previous posting under the same name, the ones reading this part for the first time, I request you all to read the first part before proceeding to this one, so coming directly to the story. You can mail me your response on We reach...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 0I Part 04

VOLUME-1. CHAPTER 1, PART- 4 One day, there were people in one of the sitting rooms; where my mother and father were I don’t know; they were not in the room, and were most likely out. There were one or two of my cousins, some youths, my big sister and one brother, besides others, our governess, and her sister, who was stopping with us and sleeping in the same room with her. I recollect both going into the bedroom together, it was next to mine. It was evening, we had sweet wine, cake, and...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Escapadinha no Douro Parte 3

Parte 3- Boa! Exclamou o J, que logo se refreou um pouco perante a minha quase indiferença.- Excelente ideia I, concordou o P, e como temos pouca roupa em cima de nós acaba num instante. Risos.- Não sei não…disse eu, tentando reverter a decisão que parecia tomada.- Qual é o problema? De qualquer forma já nos vimos todos nuzinhos hoje à tarde! Argumentou o J.Estava-se mesmo a ver onde eles nos queriam levar, mas perante tanta insistência e concordância, não seria eu a estragar o barato. Tb era...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 0I Part 03

VOLUME-1. CHAPTER 1, PART- 3 Earliest recollections • An erotic nursemaid • Ladies abed • My cock • A frisky governess • Cousin Fred • Thoughts on pudenda • A female pedlar • Baudy pictures But all this only came vividly to my mind when, a few years after, I began to talk about women with my cousin, and we told each other all we had seen, and heard, about females. Until I was about ***** years old I never went to school, there was a governess in the house who instructed me and the other...

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The Writers Secret Chapters 34

Thanks for all the wonderful comments on the first two chapters! Here are the next two chapters. It's time to teach Loren a bit about being Laura before their dinner party. The Writer's Secret (Chapters 3-4) by Ann Michelle http://annemichellesworld.blogspot.com/ Chapter 3: The Education of Laura As they settled on the couch, Stephanie slipped her feet out of her slingbacks and pulled her legs up underneath her. Loren sat uncomfortably on the other end of the couch with...

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Tim And Abbie 49 About Tims Mates

Tim always viewed himself as an outsider.  He felt everyone viewed him as a bastard in school for not having a father and wanted nothing to do with him.  In truth, except for one day in school when he was about seven, no one ever thought about that at all. That day was when the children were asked to say what their fathers did.  When it came to Tim’s turn, he blurted out that he didn’t know as he did not have a father.  The children giggled some, and at the break, one boy did ask Tim if he was...

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My Secret Relationship With My Neighbouring Housewife 8211 Part 1

I am Raj, 31 from Hyderabad, working for and famous MNC as a regional head, 5”9 height with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex with mature, married or single women(any female who wants to have a good time in bed). This incident is about how I started my sexual relationship with a housewife, while I was on a business trip for my company let me describe her, her name is Sameera, she is 33, married, but no kids, her figure measurements are 38-36-38, proper flesh in right...

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Flat Nates Part 2 Chapter 14 Time to Grow Up

FLAT MATES - Part 3 Chapter 14 - "Time to Grow Up" Three years; where had they gone? It seemed only Yesterday that I as a callow youth of 19 had left the family home in Scarborough to travel to Manchester to start my engineering course at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. I arrived in Manchester a straight, horny teenager keen to get amongst all the beautiful girls that would, inevitably, be around every corner. Within weeks I had discovered I was a...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 0I Part 02

Chapter I PART 2 I could not, as the reader will hear, thoroughly uncover my prick tip without pain till I attained majority , nor well then when quite stiff unless it went up a cunt. My nursemaid, I expect thought this curious, and tried to remedy the error in my make, and hurt me. My mother, by her extremely delicate feeling, shut herself off from much knowledge of the world, which was the reason why she had such implicit belief in my virtue until I had seen twenty-two years, and kept,...

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MatesBy Brewt.BlacklistJune-August 2010Office MatesOffice"SHE'LL SEE you now."Georgia Tate was the biggest bitch, the hardest, most ruthless cunt in the company. Yes, I said cunt. Everyone exhaled harder through their noses when she left a room, and their headaches usually took an hour to recede. The analgesic budget was high in our sector.Alana, though, her secretary, was something worth tolerating the prospect of having to talk with Georgia just to be in the same room with her for a little...

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 10 Baseball Tryouts

First thing, I went looking for Tracy. She didn't see me come up behind her. I figured a little payback was in order so I gave her a hip check. Her head snapped around, and when she saw it was me, she got a big grin. "Hey, sexy boy," she purred. That got everyone's attention, and I actually blushed. She winked at me as she turned to go to her locker. It was nice to see her smiling. After school, I went to baseball tryouts. There were a lot of guys and even a few girls trying out. I...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 0I Part 01

VOLUME-1. CHAPTER 1, PART- 1 Earliest recollections • An erotic maid • Ladies abed • My cock • A frisky maid• Cousin Fred • Thoughts on pudenda • A female pedlar • Baudy pictures My earliest recollections of things, sexual are of what I think must have occurred sometime. I tell of them just as I recollect them, without an attempt to fill in what seems probable. She was I suppose my maid. I recollect that she sometimes held my prick when I piddled, was it needful to do so? I don't know....

3 years ago
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From Seat Mates To Sex Mates

College life is surely full of surprises and excitement and teenagers are always in search of a perfect opportunity. Blame it on puberty or the age, not even the nicest of kid can escape such wonderful mistakes. The story is about two girls who used to be seat mates in a co-ed college. How they surprised each other from being just friends to “girl friends “. Priya is a tomboy totally a loud mouth and sporty and Hamida a subtle girl with lots of grace and poise , creative but introvert. It was a...

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Soul MatesChapter 4

Tuesday morning I wake up at my regular time and head out on my mountain run to think. Friday is our last basket ball game of the season and even if we wjn the game there are no playoffs or tournaments. The season is over after Friday, however track practices starts in two weeks and I need to be in the best shape possible. The most important thing I need to think about is Emily and her dad. I now know the connection and why their stories are similar. Watching over me? Leading my church? Soul...

3 years ago
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Soul MatesChapter 8

Six years ago... Eve and I wake up to another Saturday night party. We are in another foster home. The Carters are an older couple with two teenage daughters. Carissa is 19 and attends the local college and Jenny is 17 and a senior in high school. The Carters work the night shift on the weekends, which leaves the girls home to throw parties. The music is loud, which makes it hard to sleep. The door slams open as Eve and I see a guy and girl standing in the doorway and turn on the...

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Shared Secret Between Roomates

Shared Secret Between Roomates Ilay in my bed listening for the familiar sound of him coming home. He has her in tow, as usual. I rush to hide my half-naked body under the covers as he opens my door to check if I am asleep. Happy that I won’t be walking in on them anytime soon, he closes my door and turns off the hall light. I hear the stereo in the living room come on. I can picture the scene already, they are sitting on the couch and she is sitting in his lap, facing him, arms wrapped around...

4 years ago
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Shared Secret Between Roomates

Shared Secret Between Roomates Ilay in my bed listening for the familiar sound of him coming home. He has her in tow, as usual. I rush to hide my half-naked body under the covers as he opens my door to check if I am asleep. Happy that I won't be walking in on them anytime soon, he closes my door and turns off the hall light. I hear the stereo in the living room come on. I can picture the scene already; they are sitting on the couch and she is sitting in his lap, facing him, arms wrapped around...

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Miss Harcourt debauched

"No!" Miss Harcourt cried, "For gods sake No!" as I levelled Mr Cambridge's antique duelling pistol to aim not at Mr Simon Harcourt's head but instead the imaginary spot eight inches above his head whereby the ball would drill a third hole in direct line with his eye sockets. "Why should I spare him?" I demanded, "He has wounded me with his tongue and now his piece." "He, he is young and foolish," she shouted, "And noble in defending my honour!" I held the piece...

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A Man and His PetsChapter 18 Courtneys Torment and a Promise

About ten minutes later, after donning his skeleton costume, Jim followed Trina to the dungeon. With his cock hanging limply out of the costume, Jim entered the dungeon. Jim observed that Melissa was eagerly slurping away at Courtney's pussy. Courtney was moaning and writhing on the exam table to which she was secured. Jim turned to Cindy. "Cindy, my pet, come and suck me hard." In less than a minute, Cindy had his nine inch projectile ready to launch. Jim started the portable cameras,...

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My Brotherrsquos Mates

Rebecca wants a fuckbuddy. She gets both her brother’s mates...I had been accepted for my beautician’s course in Sydney. So I took the long bus ride to the city from our New England country town: the quaint Northern tablelands of New South Wales. My cute Moree on the banks of the Mehi River. Nudging ten thousand people but like any eighteen year old girl I was desperate for the night life of the big city and more guys to choose from. I had sampled the several local guys I thought might be...

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Soul MatesChapter 6

I’m already in Zen, when the bullet leaves the pistol. Dad taught me how to catch spears, but not bullets. I concentrate on the bullet as it leaves the pistol. It almost seems like it is going in slow motion. With my right hand, I snatch the bullet out of the air surprising mom, the guy and myself. Before the guy can react, I run towards him with lightning speed, launch myself in the air, and plant my foot in his face, sending the gun out of his hand and putting the guy out for the...

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A New BeginningChapter 10 Day Five Mage in distress Court Sarahrsquos operation and Mair lookouts

By the time we got back home John was discussing where to put anyone turned out. Elizabeth suggested the apartments in the grotto. I had never looked inside them but Cynthia told me they looked very comfortable. I nodded to John, “have someone check them and possibly the top floors of the Keep.” I looked around before spotting Jacob, “Jacob, do you think there will be a problem with these girls and women staying in the grotto?” He shook his head, “we have been talking about your idea of...

4 years ago
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Best mates cock

About 8 years ago now, I reacquainted with an old friend that Had been my closest mate during our wild years. He’d returned from the UK, after being away with his fiancé for 15 years. In our heyday, we were non stop party a****ls . We would party all night, sometimes longer, and then we’d crash at some ones house for the night. It was usually mine, seeing as I had spare beds and no k**s. Nothing ever happened sexually between Andy and I, despite us being pretty open with one another. We...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress The School Secretarys secret spanking desires Part Two

The Head Mistress returned a few minutes later and found Amber Fox still lying face down in the cushion on her sofa. She continued to sniff and sob loudly and Amelia ignored this as she placed her tube of Aloe Vera gel on the coffee table and removed a couple of wipes from the pack before she placed these on the table too. Miss Marks got on her knees and began to wipe the moist wipes over every inch of the younger woman’s sore bottom. The forty-two-year-old woman ensured that she touched every...

3 years ago
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Fun at my mates stag party

I lay on the bed exhausted and Jane makes me promise not to say a word to Dave about what she had just told me. It wasn’t gonna be hard as I was heading back home in the morning and probably won’t see Dave for a while. All this happened eighteen months ago and I have been following Janes exploits on fab all this time, her verifications confirm she is still being a filthy cum loving slut. I’m heading back to Leeds this weekend for Dave’s stag weekend I have messaged Jane suggesting we could meet...

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Fun at my mates stag party

I lay on the bed exhausted and Jane makes me promise not to say a word to Dave about what she had just told me. It wasn't gonna be hard as I was heading back home in the morning and probably won't see Dave for a while.All this happened eighteen months ago and I have been following Janes exploits on fab all this time, her verifications confirm she is still being a filthy cum loving slut.I'm heading back to Leeds this weekend for Dave's stag weekend I have messaged Jane suggesting we could meet...

4 years ago
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Becoming best mates with my girlfriendrsquos lover

I come from a small town where everybody knew everyone and everything they were up to. If you ever settled down with a girl after the age of 25 you had to except there would be some sort of baggage or stories. Because this was expected I was never really bothered that the girl I decided to enter into a relationship with at the age of 26 had been promiscuous. I had been single most my adult life up until this point and that was purely down to the ratio of male to females in the town. For every 1...

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ScourgeChapter 9

To back into the swing of things, Audra was taken on her first patrol. She has several soldiers accompanying her, including Kate. Unlike Gunnar’s recon patrols where he often went solo, this is a patrol of the surrounding area. The group is led by Major Zola, a stern woman who has been with the group and General Eisley since the beginning. She is in her early forties and still retains a lot of her beauty despite the peppering of grey in her chestnut colored hair. “This patrol is routine,”...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 14 Camille

VOLUME-2 Chapter XIV Piddlings. • Posturings. • Breast and arm-pit • A turn over. • Used up. • Wanting a virgin. • Camille departs. • The Major’s opinion. • Camille returns. • Louise. I have told the most novel fucking bouts I had with, or through Camille, excepting the final one; but should say that whatever women she got me I turned to her with pleasure again. Sometimes when I had one or two to amuse me, I used to give her the preference for the fuck, and she always had one of the...

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College Daze Our First Year TogetherChapter 4 We Try To Solve The Rumour Mill Problem

Despite our fear of what the rumour mill could do to us, it took our friends just a few days to defuse the situation, and by the time exams rolled around, it was almost a forgotten issue. Our secret was still relatively safe, although the number of people that knew about it had doubled. But because we shared similar backgrounds, that first meeting Beckie Sommers suggested became the foundation of strong friendships that have lasted several decades. It was the week before Christmas, and we...

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Best mates Nan and I

I was 21 at the time, my mate John (sadly no longer with us.) and I had our own roofing company. We had been best mates for around 10 years, since we started senior school and were in the same class. I must have been around 13 when I first met June, Johns Nan. It was a very hot day and John and I had gone to John's from school at lunch. We walked into the back garden and there June was topless on a sun lounger. She quickly covered up but we both got a good look at her beautiful big breats. We...

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