Searching In Zaragoza free porn video

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Isla jolted awake as the train announcer started speaking. It announced the next stop as Zaragoza, first in Spanish, then in English. Rubbing her eyes, she started to gather up her phrasebook, map, knit hat, and other belongings that had made their way out of her bag on the 1.5-hour ride from Madrid. Looking out the window she was shocked to see a layer of snow covering the buildings as they pulled into the station. This January was the coldest on record, but snow was fairly uncommon in this part of Spain, even when the temperature dipped.

The train glided to a stop in the station and she moved with the others to the exits. Stepping off of the train, she had the same feeling as stepping off the plane in Madrid. This was so right and yet so wrong. She had been looking forward to this trip for years since she first fell in love with the dark and mysterious works of Francisco Goya. His work spoke to her on a level she didn’t understand and she wanted to know everything about him. He was the artist that inspired her to major in Art History at the university.

But she never imagined she’d be making this trip without Thomas, her boyfriend, that she met their very first week at a freshman mixer. He was everything she wanted in a boyfriend. Majoring in aerospace engineering but looking like he walked out of a catalog, he was, what her friends called the total package.

They had been together for two years. He was smart and gorgeous. She was so happy and felt lucky to be with him, that she ignored his constant belittling of her degree, her future, and her artistic pursuits. They had booked this trip together so that they could see some of the world together. But after a huge fight last week that there was no coming back from, here she was, halfway across the world and completely alone.

She stood on the platform lost in thought as she took in the magnificent station. This was clearly a town made for artists she thought, as she admired the beautiful geometric skylights patterned over the roof. Frost had turned the simple panes of glass into a kaleidoscope of ice crystals that looked painted on by a master artist.

Isla stayed that way for a few minutes, lost in the triangular skylights, before snapping out of it to look back down at her map. It was a little over three kilometers to Hotel Tibur and she wanted to check in before sundown. Hoisting her backpack and pulling down her teal knit hat, she started off in the direction of the exit, her blonde braids bouncing behind her.

The streets passed quickly and she tried not to get overwhelmed by the sights and the sounds assaulting her senses. Spices from tapas restaurants, the cold breeze from the Ebro river, and the bells chiming from little shops that lined the busy streets seemed to call out to her, beckoning her to explore this small corner of the world. Isla studiously ignored them, promising herself that she would have time to explore later.

She stopped dead when she rounded the corner and found herself staring at the base of Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar. She allowed herself to gape at the breathtaking building for a full ten minutes before she could bring herself to move. This building had been made over in many artistic styles from Gothic to Baroque and is home to some incredible frescoes from Goya himself. She stared longingly at the heavy bronze doors, already closed for the evening, before finally moving on to her destination down the road.

Luckily, Hotel Tibur was close enough to the basilica that stepping out on her balcony, she could see the lightly snow-covered peaks of the towers as the sun went down over the river. She let the happiness of the view sink in and drown out the sadness she felt as she unpacked into her private, but very lonely room. She let her mind wander into a fantasy of meeting a strange man at a coffee shop. He would fall instantly in love with her and convinced her to move to Spain and pursue all her dreams. Naturally, he would be a painter and she his muse. She drifted off to sleep thinking how amazing their life would be.

The next morning she woke up shivering from a fairly erotic dream of that phantom lover and felt the loneliness stab at her again. Although the sex had never been great, at least not compared to the stories her friends told, she was still missing Thomas. She lamented the fact that she could have been waking up to his warm and potentially naked body instead of to the cold sunlight pouring in her window.

She tried to drive the thoughts of him from her mind by admiring the sunlight and the ice paintings on her window. These are the simple beauties in the world he didn’t appreciate. She focused on her plans for the day as she got ready to head down to the cafe. It was still cold enough for ice, so she wrapped her scarf tightly around her neck as she went down the stairs. She decided most of the day would be dedicated to exploring the Goya Museum and that she would save the Basilica for tomorrow.

Breakfast was quick as her eagerness overtook her and the loneliness was quickly replaced with unbridled excitement. She had three whole days to explore the city doing whatever she wanted. It was such a short trip she wanted to make every moment count. Pouring an extra cup of coffee into a to-go cup, she headed towards the river.

She wanted to take a few pictures from the bridge before going inside the museum. Following the road to Puente de Piedra, she took out her camera to capture the slow-moving waters of the Ebro, the majestic lions guarding the bridge, and the Basilica from the observation outcroppings on the bridge. From the edges of the bridge, the Basilica looked even more incredible, with light filtering through each of the gaps in the towers.

Isla realized she didn’t want to wait until tomorrow to see the frescos in the Basilica. It was a sunny, cloudless sky, perfect for capturing images of the sun penetrating the windows and illuminating the dark church. Returning her camera to her bag she crossed back over the bridge, admiring the stonework that had endured threats from nature and men since the 15th century. She was again struck by the fact that everything in Europe seemed so old, with so many stories to tell.

On the other side of the river, she entered the hushed interior of the Basilica and was almost paralyzed by awe. There were twelve pillars supporting the main structure, each topped with a dome. Each pillar had its own side chapel off of it dedicated to an individual saint.

But the main altar was breathtaking in its complexity. Golds and whites were interwoven with the stonework in the apse behind the main altar. Each individual statue and carving added to this indescribable sight that reached all the way to the ceiling, lit from above by an oculus that let the brilliant sunlight in. The effect was dazzling as it glinted off the gold of the halos.

“Es magnífico” Someone whispered behind her.

“Oh yes….” Isla muttered unable to take her eyes away from the carvings, paints, and statuary. It was the first time in her life she felt completely dumbstruck.

A laugh like bells chiming sounded from over her shoulder and startled her out of her trance. She turned around to see a stunning woman standing in front of her, holding a camera. She looked to be about thirty years old. Her hair was like black velvet and fell to nearly her waist. Red lips accentuated her skin incredibly pale skin and highlighted the brightest blue eyes she’s ever seen in a human being. It was like looking into the eyes of a husky dog or wolf. Delicate gold chains hung from her neck and disappeared into the V neck of a tight black sweater that accentuated her perfect hourglass figure.

She found herself staring again, and this time it wasn’t at the sculptures. This woman looked like she just walked out of a piece of artwork. Beautiful and effortless with a smile that said you would never know all her secrets. A real-life Mona Lisa.


Isla flushed and responded begrudgingly, “Yes, but I am fluent in Spanish, I just got a little caught up.”

She gestured to the altar and church as a whole and the other woman nodded solemnly. She spoke with a slight accent but it sounded more French than Spanish.

“Is this your first time? It is always magnificent, but the first time can be a bit overwhelming for anyone.”

Isla nodded. She did feel a bit dizzy. The woman stepped closer and reached out her hand to steady her. Isla was overwhelmed by the woman’s perfume, which smelled heady and rich, like the incense in an ancient temple. Her hand was warm through Isla’s jacket.

“I think you should sit down, you don’t look very steady.” She smiled and lead Isla over to a bench in one of the smaller chapels. As Isla caught reoriented herself, she noticed the woman’s hands were playing gently with the bright strings trailing from her scarf. Isla was very intrigued by everything, from the way she was dressed to what she was doing here. It was a little embarrassing to her to be this fascinated by a stranger.

“Such bright colors….. I’m sorry my name is Chloe. It is nice to meet you….”

She trailed off and Isla provided her own name in a very quiet voice.

“Ah, a beautiful island. Although, no man is an island, entire of itself.” Chloe said.

“Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. John Donne” Isla replied with a smile. With a name that means island in Spanish, she had heard the poem many times.

“Well done. Next, you will tell me you are here for the art and not the religious experience” Chloe responded with a laugh.

“Well actually…..” Isla laughed back and explained about her lifelong goal to experience the paintings of Goya in person. She felt rather young and foolish that her lifelong goal would be met at the age of 20, but here she was.

Instead of looking at her dismissively, Chloe’s eyes lit up at the mention of Goya.

“I have been a student of Goya my whole life as well, although I probably have a few more years than you. I made his work a part of my Ph.D. in psychology back in Quebec City and spent two years here studying his work. I was even a tour guide for one summer when I needed some extra money. I know every piece he worked on in this city, even the hard to find ones. If you’d like, I’d be willing to give you a bit of a walk around the city. I have a few more days here, and I’ve already collected most of the photographs I was missing from my collection.”

Isla was a little surprised and pleased at her good luck. An expert who wasn’t a creepy old man wanted to share all the secrets of Goya with her. She would be able to cover much more ground and learn more than she dreamed. Not to mention the thought of spending more time with Chloe thrilled her in a very confusing way.

They spent the next several hours examining every inch of the chapels and frescos within the basilica and discussing the differences in the Goya’s earlier work versus his later works. They fell into an easy companionship and Isla found herself becoming more and more fascinated by this intense stranger. Her long delicate fingers were so animated as they pointed out minute details within the paintings, and gently pulled on Isla’s arm to lead her in a different direction.

Every time Chloe reached out to Isla she felt as if she was hyper-aware of the other woman. It didn’t take away from their tour, if anything it made it more exciting even while Isla struggled to understand why. As the day wore on Isla finally came back to the present to realize she completely missed lunch. It was almost 4. She pointed this out to Chloe who looked at her watch with panic.

“Oh no, the time has gotten away from me. I have to go take care of some things. How about this? I can swing by your hotel and pick you up later and we can see some underground Goya spots tonight. There is a club that has some obscure original drawings on display. Can I pick you up around 9? Here, give me your mobile number just in case.”

Isla gladly handed over her number and put Chloe’s in her phone. She gave her the address of the hotel and promised to be ready by 9. She didn’t know anything about this underground spot and was beside herself with excitement at the thought of spending more time learning Goya’s secrets. Not to mention spending more time with Chloe. She had so many more questions.




Isla let the water rush over her body as she took her time washing her hair. She couldn’t stop thinking about Chloe. The way she animatedly described the smallest details. The way her hair fell and partially covered those bright blue eyes. The way her red lips parted when she was staring at the paintings but not speaking. Even the intoxicating smell of her perfume as she leaned her body against Isla’s.

Her eyes were closed as her fingers slipped inside herself. Idly stroking herself as she thought about this new friend. Wondering about what her hair would feel like. If her skin was as soft as it looked. What it would feel like to kiss her. She felt her legs tightened as she realized what she was doing, but she was too close to the end to stop. She moved her fingers faster and faster over her most sensitive parts as the water dripped over her hands, adding to the heat. Her climax caught her just as she found herself picturing Chloe’s hands on her body.

She stood, breathing heavy, as the water caressed her aching body. She groaned to herself feeling desperate. After all, she never had an interest in women before. Apparently, she was suddenly lonely enough to consider crossing the line. It was probably a good thing they were going out to a club. Maybe she could find a handsome guy to sweep her off her feet. Or at least give her a bit of fun.

Isla looked at her reflection in the mirror one more time. The dark green v-neck sweater hugged close to her body and shimmered slightly as it moved. It barely reached the top of her black skinny jeans. She tucked the jeans into her knee-high black boots and zipped them up.

She hadn’t packed for clubbing but this was as good as it was going to get. Trying to add more drama to her look, she added more eye makeup to give a smokey look that brought out the green in her hazel eyes. Shaking out her blonde hair, wavy from the braids, she pulled on her gray jacket and wound the scarf back around her neck. It was still unbelievably cold outside for Spain.

Down in the lobby, she checked her watch every few minutes. It was 9:15, then 9:30 when she started to get nervous. No messages on her phone either. Maybe Chloe had forgotten about her. Or she had enough of her stupid questions. Or just decided she didn’t like her or care enough to come back. Self-doubt was starting to eat her up.

Just then she heard a rumble from the street and a yellow and black scooter bike pulled up right in front of the hotel.

“Sorry I am late, I had trouble with the Muving app.” Chloe said as she got off the bike.

Dressed in black leather pants and studded corset covered over with a long leather jacket, she definitely looked ready for the club. Her hair was loose and looked wilder than earlier. Her eyes looked even bluer lined with heavy black eyeliner and smokey eyeshadow. Her lips were the same rich red Isla had noticed earlier. Isla tried really hard not to stare as Chloe walked over and handed over the other helmet.

“Is this thing safe?” Isla asked nervously.

Chloe laughed richly and got back on the scooter, patting the seat behind her. “Typical American.”

Isla got on the back seat of the bike and tried to scoot back so she wasn’t fully spooning her new friend.

“Just curious, how did you know I was an American?” She asked as she perched precariously on the edge of the seat.

“You kinda stand out. Haven’t you noticed? There aren’t many blondes in Spain. Especially not with bright knit scarves…. You may want to hold on to me, these things are faster than they look.”

Isla gently placed her hands on Chloe’s hips and the bike started up. Chloe pressed the throttle and the bike jolted forward. Isla quickly grabbed Chloe around the waist as hard and she could so she didn’t slip off the back. In her terror, she molded herself to the back of Chloe’s black jacket, feeling like she was going to lose her grip at any moment. She heard Chloe give a little chuckle and felt her ribs expand with the laugh.

She buried her face in Chloe’s shoulder and hair and took in the smell of her incense-like perfume. It made her feel like she was drugged and she loosened her grip a little bit. She drew back enough to unclench her hands and place her palms back on Chloe’s hips, moving them slowly just in case the bike changed speeds again. She felt Chloe lean back slightly into Isla’s body so that they stayed touching and Isla’s heart sped up again.

Isla lifted her head to take in glances of the city as they passed through, but the effect was dizzying, so she rested her head on Chloe’s shoulder instead. She could feel the heat of her body through her thin jacket and feel the rumble of the scooter between her legs. Combined with the heady scent of her perfume, the effect made her things tighten low in her body and her mind do backflips.

Without really thinking about it, her hands moved gently over the curve of Chloe’s hips and down the soft leather covering her thighs. She loved the texture and that the fabric was warm under her skin. Chloe’s legs felt strong and tensed as she controlled the bike.

The bike abruptly came to a stop in an alleyway with a cobblestone road. Isla’s hands quickly pulled away and she sat upright. She shook her head to clear it and wondered what had gotten into her. She had no interest in women, least of all some stranger she didn’t even know.

Chloe didn’t seem bothered as she locked up the helmets with the bike. In fact, she seemed amused.

“Where are we going?” Isla said as she looked up and down the empty street. There were no signs and just a few doors here and there in the old buildings. She could hear heavy music playing somewhere in the distance, but it seemed far away. Suddenly she was a little nervous. How stupid was she to be going somewhere in a foreign country with a woman she barely knew. She’d be lucky not to end up dead in this alley.

Chloe laughed at the expression on Isla’s face. “Relax, I am not going to murder you.”

Isla gave a nervous laugh as that was exactly what she was thinking. Chloe went up to a red door to their left and gave four knocks in quick succession. The door opened and she said something in rapid Spanish that was too quick for Isla to catch. She turned and beckoned for her to follow. They passed a tall thin man and started to descend a dark staircase. Isla could feel the deep base of the music getting louder the deeper they went.

Finally, they reached another door which Chloe opened without knocking. The music crashed over them as they stepped into a room full of bodies and lasers slicing the air in rhythm to the music. They pulled off their coats in the sudden warmth and hung them on the funky hand looking hooks in the wall. To their right was a bar spanning the entire wall with a unique glass top on it and unusual bottles behind it.

“Welcome to La Leocadia,” Chloe said, leading her over to the bar. The glass had sketches trapped under it, including the La Leocadia, or The Seductress, as some call it. All of the sketches were of Goya’s famous works or privately commissioned portraits. They were not finished pieces, but still very impressive to a true fan.

“These can’t be real!” Isla exclaimed as she leaned over the glass in wonder.

“Yes, all original Goya sketches from his workbooks. This is a private, invite-only, club owned by an anonymous collector. Art enthusiasts only.” She said with a wink.

Chloe ordered them drinks while Isla admired all the original sketches under the glass, running her fingers over the edges and trying to commit them to memory. She walked up and down the bar, barely noticing the people she bumped into. Some of them were close to the finished pieces, others were like form studies and rough abandoned outlines.

Chloe pressed a drink and a shot into Isla’s hands. “To your first time in Zaragoza.” They clinked shots and took them down. Chloe had finished her drink before Isla even finished the shot.

“You don’t get out much do you?” Chloe asked with a bemused smile.

“Not really. My boyfriend…...well ex-boyfriend isn’t much of a drinker and he didn’t really like me going out without him.” Isla hastily finished her drink, not wanting to appear like a wuss.

“Sounds like a wet blanket.” Chloe signaled to the bartender and he brought them two more.

“Yeah...I guess” Isla said, looking rather sad.

“Oh no. Sorry I asked. Let’s dance. It seems like you could use a distraction.”

Chloe grabbed her drink with one hand and Isla’s hand with the other. Isla grabbed her new drink and reluctantly followed her onto the dance floor. Dancing was never something she was really good at. Chloe, however, seemed to move like water flowing over rocks. Natural and fluid, even with a full drink in her hand. It was mesmerizing to watch.

Her hips seemed to sway perfectly to the heavy beat vibrating up from the floor. Every time her shoulders moved the studs set in her corset would shine off the colored lights and her hair would fall over one bare shoulder and then the other. She gracefully moved her hand up over her thighs and across her waist drawing attention to every curve as she swayed. Suddenly she stopped and started laughing.

“You can’t just watch you know.”

Isla finished her drink and Chloe grabbed her glass and quickly returned them to the bar. Then she stood behind Isla and put her hands on her hips moving Isla in jerky motions.

“Come on you can do it” She encouraged Isla, who laughed nervously in response.  

The song changed to an American song Isla actually knew and she started moving along to the music, hoping she didn’t look as stupid as she felt. Chloe left her hands on her hips and soon they were dancing together, getting closer until she could feel her breath on the back of her neck and her hips pressing against hers.

Isla’s head felt pleasantly foggy as the alcohol settled into her system. She relaxed a little bit and started to sway on her own. She felt Chloe’s hands tighten on her waist and reached her hands back to run them up Chloe’s thighs as she had on the bike. Chloe let her hands move to the top of Isla’s jeans and along the edge where the shirt had lifted. She moved them under the shirt and up over her flat stomach, gently caressing the skin. Isla let her head fall backward on Chloe’s shoulder.

Both of them seemed to get a little bolder as the songs changed. Isla put her hands up into Chloe’s hair and leaned back as Chloe’s lips met the side of her neck near her ear. She thought she was trying to whisper something but instead, she kissed her neck slowly. Then gently moved her lips down to where the sweater met her skin. Isla felt like she could barely breathe as Chloe’s teeth gently grazed her shoulder. The smallest of moans escaped her as her knees buckled a bit.

At that, Chloe did whisper into her ear, “How about one more drink and we head back.”

Isla’s brain took a minute to register what she had said, and she was disappointed. Obviously, the night was over and her new friend had just been caught up in the moment. Much like Isla herself. They headed over to the bar where their drink was waiting and both drank it greedily. They had been on the dance floor for a while. Isla felt another stab of silly disappointment as she realized that she spent the night dancing with Chloe instead of trying to find a handsome stranger.

Grabbing their coats they headed back up the staircase and out onto the cold street. As they got back on the bike Isla had a flash of doubt before laying her chest against Chloe’s back. Deciding she didn’t care and wanting to make the most of their last minutes together, she wrapped her arms around her waist. She didn’t fight hard to keep her hands from wandering on the way back to the hotel.

Her mind kept flashing back to the feel of Chloe’s hands on her body and the pressure of her body against hers. She felt more desire in two hours of dancing than she had in two years of dating. It made her both nervous and excited, with the confusion of the attraction losing out under the weight of the drinks in her system. Chloe didn’t seem to mind at all as Isla caressed her legs, hips, and thighs the whole way back.

They pulled up in front of the hotel and Isla slowly got off the bike and tried to hand the helmet back to Chloe.

“You’re not going to invite me in for a nightcap?”  Chloe asked as her red lips curled into a mocking smile.

Isla wasn’t really sure what to say and mumbled an affirmation. She thought for sure that she was going to rush off to some other club or interesting place, leaving her to her own devices for the evening.

Chloe followed her into the hotel bar. They got their drinks and Isla was about to sit down when Chloe asked, “Can I see the pictures you took from today?” Isla was taken aback.

“Oh sure, of course. Come up to the room.” Isla said and they headed towards the lift. Isla was very aware of the other women’s body as it leaned into hers in the hallway. They finished their drinks on the way up as Chloe played with the fringe on Isla’s scarf.

Isla swiped her keycard and let them in. She put their empty glasses on the table and grabbed her camera. When she turned back around Chloe was right in front of her. She quickly took Isla’s face in her hands and kissed her deeply. Isla wasn’t sure what to do, so she tried to stop thinking and just enjoy the sensation of her lips. It had been so long since she had been kissed so deeply. But her mind was still trying to be confused underneath the alcohol.

The kiss went on for a couple minutes but seemed over instantly. Chloe stepped back a little bit and said with almost a laugh, “Well, I knew you weren’t going to make the first move.”

Isla blushed and abruptly sat on the edge of the bed. She tried to explain, “Uh, well….I don’t…….I haven’t……I mean I never…...”

“Been with a woman?” Chloe asked somewhat casually but with a wicked smile. “That much I guessed.”

Isla nodded and nervously fiddled with the camera. Chloe gently took the camera and put it back on the table. She stood in front Isla and lifted her chin so she could look her in the eye.

“Then tell me to stop if you want” Chloe kissed her again and this time Isla only hesitated for a moment before she put her hands into Chloe’s dark hair to keep her in the kiss. She ended up clumsily pulling her onto the bed with her as she fell backward. Chloe ended up straddling Isla as she ran her hands up under the front of the green sweater. She started to pull it up and had to break the kiss to get it over Isla’s head.

Isla’s hazel eyes met Chloe’s bright blue ones for only a moment before Chloe started to kiss across Isla’s collarbone. She felt the kisses igniting her skin as she worked her way over to her right shoulder and started to peel down her white bra strap. She pulled down both straps and unclipped the front, but instead of kissing Isla’s newly exposed B cups she gently blew air on them as she moved down to kiss her stomach instead. Reaching back with her hands she gently ran a single finger over each of her nipples, causing Isla to make a small sound that sounded almost like a whimper.

Isla could barely focus on what was happening. Her hands seemed to move on their own as they reached up to trace over Chloe’s exposed shoulders and back. She wanted more. She wanted to feel her skin pressed against her but couldn’t find a way to remove the corset. The laces up the back were too tight. Just then Chloe captured her right nipple and Isla’s hands fell back to the bed as she enjoyed the sensation. It spread down her stomach and settled between her legs as Chloe’s lips moved back and forth.

Gently licking and sucking, Chloe devoured each of Isla’s breasts making her squirm and moan, all the while slowly inching down her jeans to reveal her powder blue lacy panties. Isla barely noticed her jeans coming off. Her skin felt like it was freezing and burning at the same time. She opened her eyes again and could see Chloe’s dark hair cascading against her body. She started to reach for Chloe again, and in response she quickly moved down and pressed her mouth against the lace of her panties, causing Isla to catch and hold her breath.

Chloe worked her tongue gently over the lace, and blew gentle puffs of air through the material. Teasingly, she used her teeth to pull the panties up a bit before letting them snap back into place. Isla was frozen in place. Her mind finally caught up when the lace snapped and made her jump. It told her to stop this, and that this woman was a stranger to her, even as her body squirmed in desire. Chloe looked at her wickedly as she pulled down her panties. She was daring Isla to make her stop.  

When she didn’t, Chloe kissed along the inside of Isla’s thigh and gently stroked the other thigh. She suddenly licked a long stroke across Isla’s wet opening. Isla gasped, and Chloe did it again gently using her fingers to spread Isla open for better access. She alternated slow long strokes with quick teasing licks as Isla writhed on the bed under her. Chloe had to grab her hip to keep her still as she started to move faster flicking her tongue in and out. In barely a minute Isla came, giving a strangled cry that sounded almost painful.

Chloe sat up and looked down at the panting woman in front of her. Isla’s eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily. Chloe gently touched her skin as she came down from her high. She loved watching her small but firm breasts rise and fall as she caught her breath.

Finally, Isla spoke, “I’ve never actually…...well….not with someone. I mean I can get there by myself, but my boyfriend couldn’t get me all the way.”

Chloe laughed, “That explains why you were so easy. Women are much better lovers in my opinion. We don’t have to guess as much.”

Isla nodded and looked at the woman in front of her. Maybe it was the endorphins but she still wanted to touch her. Feeling slightly recovered, she kneeled up and took her face in her hands and started kissing her again. Chloe’s mouth tasted sweet and earthy, and it started Isla to realize she was tasting herself. She ran her hands over Chloe’s skin and was once again stopped by the corset. She must’ve looked confused.

Chloe mumbled, “Hold on” and quickly disappeared into the bathroom. Isla was confused and hoped she wasn’t planning on leaving. A few moments later, she came back in completely naked and holding something behind her back.

Her full breasts were at least DDs now that they were free of the binding corset. Her black hair fell over one shoulder adding to the allure and partially obscuring her body. From the curve of her waist to her ample hips, her shape was almost a perfect hourglass, with smooth curves that any artist would love to take credit for. And art it was, for most of her body, from breast to knee, was decorated by intricate tattoos done in fine black line art.

A detailed line drawing of a famous Greek nude Isla couldn’t quite place curved over her hip and up her left side. It was mirrored by an intricate Egyptian cat on the right side, its head nestled under her breast. A Chinese dragon reached up her right thigh and a Nordic valkyrie decorated her left. In the space between were symbols and small curling vines connecting all the pieces and cultures together. Perhaps the most interesting thing was all the detail, but lack of color. Everything was just outlined in black ink, giving the impression of an unfinished masterpiece.

“Wow… are a work of art.” Isla said.

Chloe gave a small smile, “Thank you. I drew them all myself.”

Chloe came back closer to the bed and quickly stashed something under the pillow. Isla didn’t even notice as her hand came up to trace the lines on Chloe’s body. She ran her fingers over the dragon and the valkyrie noticing how they were so culturally different but done in the same style. She felt Chloe skin tense a bit as her fingers walked up over her hips and curved over her waist. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed Isla’s touch on her body.

Sitting on the edge of the bed Isla drew her in so that she was close enough to kiss. Isla was amazed at how smooth her skin was and so soft. It was so much different than the rough and hairy texture of her boyfriend. She loved the feel of it. Feeling a little bolder, she gently ran her hand up over Chloe’s breasts, cupping their weight gently in her hands. She felt them tighten in response to her touch.

Isla pressed her lips against her stomach and heard Chloe catch her breath as she started to move across to her hip. Suddenly, Chloe leaned down and brought Isla’s face up to hers so that she could kiss her instead. She pressed Isla back onto the bed with her body so that she was laying on top of her with her hand in her hair. Isla’s hands ran down Chloe’s back and over the naked perfect roundness of her ass. She loved all the soft curves that Isla’s slim body didn’t have.

With a suddenness that surprised even herself, Isla flipped Chloe over on to the bed so she was on top, but didn’t break the kiss. Not really sure what to do next, she moved on to kissing her neck, like she would do when trying to get her ex into the mood. Doubt trickled into her mind. Was she doing this right? Would she like it? Chloe’s eyes closed again and she let out small moans as Isla took her time nibbling and licking the hollow of her neck and over her shoulder. It encouraged Isla to keep going.   

Feeling confident that she was doing something right she moved down. She stroked Chloe’s breast gently with a single finger and watched as the nipple tightened in anticipation. It was amazing how responsive women were, she thought to herself. Men only seemed to respond in the pants, but women’s whole bodies begged to be touched.

Isla gave her right breast a small slow lick and Chloe wiggled in response. She imagined herself like a cat as she gently licked her nipple and then captured it with her lips. She alternated licking and sucking, trying to mimic the motions Chloe had used to make her feel so good. The sound she made in response made gave her a thrill that she was doing a good job. She wanted to give Chloe what she had given her.

Chloe’s body had begun to move more underneath Isla. Her searching hand had drifted down and her long fingers found Isla’s opening again. As Isla was licking Chloe’s breasts, her fingers started working Isla, moving expertly over her most sensitive area. Isla didn’t even realize that her sucking picked up the pace in response to the pressure growing between her legs. Isla lost her focus and leaned her head back just as another orgasm came over her.

When the explosions in her head stopped, she looked back down at Chloe and saw her waiting. Isla had a moment of doubt. She wasn’t sure she could handle going down on the other woman. Even if she had just given her two amazing orgasms. Her breasts were amazing and fun, but she had never been with another woman and that seemed like more than she could handle. Chloe must’ve seen the doubt cross her eyes and she sat up. She seemed to read Isla like a book.

“It’s ok. Here, use this.”

She reached under the pillow and drew out Isla’s electric toothbrush. The round handle was as thick as a cucumber and Isla stared at it with a new found appreciation, knowing exactly what Chloe had in mind. She smiled and took it from Chloe as she started to kiss her again. Pushing her back to the bed Isla went back to gently kissing Chloe’s breasts. Her finger found the switch and turned on the toothbrush.

Chloe moaned loudly as Isla ran the vibrating wand over her waiting body. Moving it how she would like, Isla gently pressed down and slid it up and down between Chloe’s waiting lips. Her hips lifted up and tried to get closer to the vibration. Isla was fascinated watching her move along with her hand as she worked it up and down. She started moving it faster and faster, alternating the pressure, all the while watching Chloe and gauging her reactions.

Chloe couldn’t stop making noise until she practically screamed, “Put it in me. PLEASE”

Isla pushed the handle end of still vibrating toothbrush into Chloe’s dripping wet opening and slide it in and out a few times. Her hips bucked upwards and she moaned loudly as she tried to push down on it. Isla leaned down to kiss her breasts again as she pushed the vibrating toothbrush deeper and deeper. Finally, Chloe screamed loudly and pulled Isla fiercely against her as her body shook underneath her.

When she lay gasping in the aftermath, Isla gently pulled the toothbrush out and tossed it on the end of the bed. She rested her head between Chloe’s heaving breasts. Her fingers played over her skin as she listened to the heartbeat slow and waited for Chloe to catch her breath. It was comfortably intimate.

“Wow.” Chloe said.

“Wow,” Isla said back. They laid there not speaking for a while until Isla eventually drifted off to sleep.

Sometime in the night, she felt Chloe’s naked body pressed against her back and felt her fingers reaching around, teasing her again. Isla was half awake as Chloe’s fingers brought her to orgasm again, kissing her neck at the exact moment. Isla quickly fell back asleep, almost as if it was a dream.

Isla woke to the sunlight on her face and the confusion of not knowing where she was. She sat up and realized that she was still in Spain, completely naked, and completely alone. Looking around, she took in the sight of her clothes on the floor and a single empty drink glass. The confusion deepened. There was no sign that anyone else had been in the room with her. Seriously doubting her sanity, she stumbled into the bathroom to splash some water on her face.

There was no way she dreamed all that. Her imagination wasn’t that vivid.

Resting in the sink was her clean electric toothbrush. Next to it was a note.



I had an emergency back home and had to go back to Canada. Enjoy the rest of your trip and the mysteries of Goya. Come find me in Quebec. Look for your scarf. I trust you don’t mind that I borrowed it.

Until Then, Yours Truly,



Underneath was written: “Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec” and a set of dates for next month. The museum was going to be exhibiting a Goya collection on loan from another museum. Pieces she couldn’t see here. Isla decided then and there that Quebec was the perfect place to visit as the next stop on her Goya journey. She was already looking forward to the experience.


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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 5

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“Are you sure that dress is a good idea?” asked Cile. Katie smiled mischievously at her cousin in the dresser mirror as she adjusted the straps of the white Gothic Angel Dress. From the front, the straps looked like normal spaghetti-type straps in the flattering, satiny A-Line dress. The back of the straps had white feathers affixed to resemble angel wings over each of her shoulder blades. The hem of the dress that stopped about four inches above her knees and the long slit up the right side...

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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 13

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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 15

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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 16

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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 17

“Oh, my handicap is off the chart,” Katie said in a mocking tone. “Yeah, Cutie, zero is definitely off the chart.” JR and Rockie were laughing as they helped Tyler load the golf bags into the back of Patty’s SUV. Katie feigned annoyance at being bested by Tyler on the nine holes that the four had just played, but anyone who saw her face every time Tyler hit the golf ball could see the pride in her expression. Tyler walked to the rear passenger door and opened it for Katie. She kissed him...

1 year ago
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Searching for Daddy

It was just me and my father living together, my mother had left awhile back and my brothers all lived by the college they went to. Needless to say, I was spoiled rotten, Daddy’s little girl and all that. The thing was, I wasn’t such a little girl anymore. I had grown up. I was 5 foot 6 inches tall, with long, muscular legs and a tight round ass. I was curvy, slender but with nice hips and large breasts. I was a 38D, but very perky with small light pink nipples capping my big pale breasts. I...

1 year ago
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Searching for Daddy Chapter 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! “You can come in now, Daddy.” I called out sitting back down in my computer chair. My door slowly opened and there was my father, wearing a pair of weathered jeans and no shirt, his muscles bulging and his cock clearly outlined in his jeans. At that point I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my online Daddy was also my real Daddy. But I was going to see what he was up to first. “Just wanted to see what you were up to my dear. It’s late you know.” he...

1 year ago
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Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue by Kim. October 2016. I suppose I should have been more careful and alert, but then I would never have met Daphne. I had lapsed into my usual reverie of nature when... "Beautiful isn't it?" "Ahhh!" I nearly jumped out of my skin. Or worse, jumped off the cliff! I had been viewing the gorgeous fall foliage for so long I must have been in a trance, because she walked right up behind me without me noticing. On most days that wouldn't have bothered me at all, but...

1 year ago
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Searched in the back room

I was that afternoon at the local mall, having some nice diamond pieces between my fingers at the jewelry shop. I could not decide what to buy…Suddenly four strong hands lifted me in the air and dragged me into an office, before I could open my mouth to scream for help.Two giant security guards had attacked me. They locked the door behind them and made me stand in the middle of the room. They were both black men, hard bodies, muscular and even handsome...I started to be scared, thinking those...

3 years ago
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Search For Perfect Life Partner 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Riya. I am 32 years old. This is my third story and you will get a lot in the coming days. I am divorced and I have had a lot of experience before and after the divorce. This story is when I started to search for my life partner. I was 26 years of age and in my native, they knew about my character, and my parents were fed up with searching for boys for my marriage. I took my chance to search from an online portal. I registered on an online matrimony website (don’t want to disclose...

2 years ago
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Search Engine

It's 10am on a Thursday night and by this point you really doubt you could be more bored. You've already beaten Solitaire more than four times. You broke two guitar strings, re-arranged your computer desk, and did three loads of laundry and STILL, there's nothing to do and you're wide awake. With nothing else to do, you pull up a browser and think to yourself how cool it would be to see something crazy online. The page loads and it's some weird search engine site you've never seen before. In...

2 years ago
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Search for a fuckbuddy

This was it. The end. There was no going back, no stopping it, even if I wanted to, which I didn’t. My eyes had been screwed tight shut as I rushed headlong to the end, and I opened them to see it happen. With my foreskin flapping up and down around my helmet the moment of release came as the build-up of tension turned to ecstasy and the first dribble of cum appeared at the eye of my cock, and then whoosh – the first jet shot out of the end, to be followed by another before the first had...

3 years ago
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Search Of PG Turned Into Sex Ride

Hi Friends, Very happy to post my shocking real experience which happened when I was home alone. This is my first time posting so please excuse any typos. My name is Murali age 28 years, stay in Bangalore. I am average built guy with 5.6 height and somewhat good looks and one bright sun day I was travelling from majestic to my place as there was no reservation for ladies in Volvo buses. I just sat in front with one seat left out bus was almost full and a beautify girl came and sat next to me. I...

3 years ago
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Search and Seizure

“Jacobs, you’re gonna be with the bitches today.” That was Sergeant Fox, my supervisor, a man so fat that his girth threatened to shear off the armrests on either side of the spindly office chair that was currently groaning underneath his immense bulk. “We had two call out,” he continued, “so Troyer’s on her own over there. Get over to Women’s Holding and help her out.” At this news I visibly brightened. Working an entire shift with Amy Troyer wasn’t such a terrible prospect. Out of the...

2 years ago
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Search for the Relic

After days of travelling, you reach the gate the King specified. It's three times as tall as you are and carved into a mountainside. As you inspect the door you realize it has a locking mechanism- once you go in you're not going to be able to get out until you find that relic. You sigh, sip from your canteen, and push the doors open. Immediately the musky smell of the cave rushes out, almost as if the cave is taking a deep breath. You unsheathe your sword and cautiously step in, casting a spell...


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