Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 11
- 3 years ago
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“Correct me if I’m wrong,” said Tyler, “but isn’t Katie’s risk pretty much isolated to California? If she no longer lived there, the chance of her ever being identified as the Shoreline Angel would be effectively eliminated, wouldn’t it?”
The assembled group, which consisted of Tyler, Katie, Bobby, Patty, JR, Rockie, Jason, Franc, Cile and Joey, all sat around the large conference table in the communications room located in the safe house downstairs. While the assembled adults ate Danish and fruit for breakfast downstairs, Jen was watching the children as they ate their breakfast upstairs.
“That might be the case,” Katie said, “but even if we lived someplace else, we would still need to go back to California on occasion. Your parents and Taylor will still be there, as will my grandparents if nothing else.”
Katie’s use of the pronoun “we” wasn’t lost on anyone at the table, but it was Tyler’s smile she saw and who she most appreciated for the recognition of her choice of words.
“I tend to agree with Katie,” Patty said. “All relocating will do is make identifying Katie harder; it won’t make the objective of finding her go away. While a possible short-term solution, I think we need to find something permanent to address the quest to identify her.”
“What about finding a substitute?”, Rockie asked. “I could create a fake identity, complete with pictures that are altered to look enough like the images of Katie in the video to fool anyone. Then this substitute, fake woman could die in an accident or something, the result of which is that her role in the mall shooting finally comes to light. The media will buy it, which means the politicians would have to follow suit or look like idiots.”
“Why don’t you put something together for us detailing the identity you would create,” Bobby said. “We can all review it for authenticity and believability. It could work if we get the details right.”
“I’m going to have to cut out,” Joey said. “Jen is donating blood today and needs me to be her driver.”
“I’ll come up in a minute to watch the kids so you too can leave,” Franc said. “I’m proud of her. Remember before Joey junior was born, how deathly afraid of needles Jen was? Now she willingly faces needles in order to donate blood.”
As Joey walked out of the door, Tyler yelled after him, “Ask her to share with Alfaro how she overcame her fear,” He related the rumor about the Attorney General of California is so afraid of needles that he wouldn’t even donate blood that might save his own life.
“Why does he need a store of his own blood?” asked Cile. “What’s his blood type?”
“Have you ever heard of Bombay Blood?”
“Of course,” Franc, Cile, Katie, and JR responded in unison.
“Rumor has it that Alfaro has that blood type. I understand that means he cannot accept any other blood type in a transfusion.”
“Hh blood type is rare,” said JR, but there is a fifty-fifty chance that one of his parents or another close relative has the same blood type.”
“Nope,” said Tyler. “Alfaro’s parents both have blood type Aa. They were the first ones his protective detail checked with.
“Impossible!” said Franc, Cile, Katie, and JR, once more in unison.
“Why?” asked Patty, Bobby, and Rockie, also in unison.
Franc tried to explain for the others, “It’s called blood type Hh, but the fact is, it doesn’t have any H antigens in it. To understand the Bombay blood type, you need to understand the details of blood grouping. When we say someone has blood type A, it means that the person has an antigen of type ‘A’ and antibody of type ‘B’ in their blood. People with AB have both antigen A and B in their blood and no antibodies. People with O blood type have only antibodies A and B and no antigens. However, what is not generally known is that all these groups have an antigen H in the blood as well. People with the Bombay blood type do not have this antigen H in their blood. Instead, they have antibody H, so because of this, no other blood can be given to them. Parents pass either their antigen type or their antibody type, so it would be impossible for Mr. Alfaro’s birth parents to both be type Aa and for him not to have an H antigen transferred to him.”
“Jason, what do we know about Alfaro’s parents?”, asked Bobby.
Jason opened a file on his cellphone and reviewed it before answering, “Tito and Maria Alfaro. Immigrated illegally to California from Guaymas, in the Mexican state of Sonora in 2009 when Julio Cortez-Alfaro was sixteen years old. Tito worked in a fish cannery until Immigration arrested him and Maria in 2011. Obama’s administration provided him and Maria deferred action on their illegal status due to Julio being a minor in school. Both Tito and Maria now work for an immigrant rights organization in San Jose, California.”
“If they are not the birth parents of Julio, do we know if he was adopted by them?”, Bobby asked.
“No, but we could probably find out relatively easily,” Jason said. “What are you thinking?”
“If these are not his birth parents, and they did not adopt him, then they did not have legal custody of Julio when they brought him to this country illegally. If Julio used a fraudulent relationship to obtain ‘Dreamer’ status, then he committed immigration fraud. We might finally have something to use against the guy to get him off the Shoreline Angel case. Drop it, or get deported.”
“You might want to try and get DNA samples from Alfaro as well as his parents,” said Franc. “While the rarity of the Bombay blood type and the fact that the people on record as his parents could not have produced that blood type in a child is obvious to anyone who has studied biology, the fact that their DNA doesn’t match would carry more legal weight if needed.”
“I’ll get a team working on that right away,” Jason said. “We have some very efficient trash diggers on the team.”
“Okay,” Bobby said, “we have more options in dealing with the investigation into Katie than before, which is good. Let’s give it a day or two to see what Rockie comes up with on her plan, and for Jason to get more intel on Alfaro’s possible immigration fraud. Anything new on Andrew Carmichael?”
“Who?” asked Tyler.
“Sorry Tyler, I forgot that you have been kept away from some information. Any files you have on the gunman at the mall identified him as Tom Adams. His real name was Andrew Carmichael.”
“You know who he was? Do you also know why he attempted to shoot up the mall that day?”
“We haven’t determined his motive yet,” Jason said, “but maybe a fresh set of eyes will discover something we have missed. I’ll get a copy of the files printed out for you.”
“Very good,” said Bobby. “We’ll adjourn for now, and get back together as soon as we have something to discuss as a group, but no later than Monday morning.”
Without waiting for anyone else, Katie grabbed Tyler’s hand and practically drug him from the communication room, back to their bedroom.
“It’s going to be too hot this afternoon to do anything outside other than swimming,” she told him. “However, there are a lot of indoor activities that could keep us occupied.”
“Can I make another suggestion?” Tyler said.
Katie raised an eyebrow and asked, “What might that be?”
Tyler sat on the end of the bed and pulled Katie onto his lap. She put her arms around his neck and gazed into his eyes while waiting for him to speak.
“Katie, I trust that you know that I love you with all my heart, and I know that you love me.”
Katie just nodded.
“Do you have any doubt that you and I are destined to spend the rest of our lives together?” he asked.
Katie shook her head.
“Good. My suggestion is that we don’t wait. What I would like to do today, with you, to pick out an engagement ring and wedding band set for us.”
“Holy crap!” Katie said as she buried her tears into Tyler’s neck. She pulled back slightly so she could speak, and said, “I told Cile this morning that I wanted to propose to you before we left for home. How do you always get into my head and my thoughts to know things like that?”
“Great minds think alike?” teased Tyler. He then placed his hands on either side of Katie’s tear-streaked face and said, “Yes, Kathryn Francis Brandt, I will marry you.”
Katie pushed on Tyler until his back was flat on the bed and she was laying on top of him. Their eyes met and held the shared gaze for several minutes before she spoke.
“And yes, Tyler Oglethorpe-Davis, I will marry you, on one condition.”
Tyler reached down to Katie’s waist and began pulling her shirt off. He already knew what her “one condition” was, and he was going to meet it for her right now.
JR pulled into the driveway of his parent’s house and parked the Corvair in an open space in the garage.
“Might as well make carrying all this stuff as short a trip as possible,” JR told Tyler. “Let’s stack it over against that wall so we can get to whatever we need when the time comes.”
The cargo area and back seat of JR’s car were filled with boxes of liquor and mixers. In addition to the Margaritas requested for their taco night this evening, they had stocked up on everything else Tyler said they would need for him to fulfill all the drink requests the family members had been sharing since they learned of his skills.
Katie and Cile came out of the house into the garage. Katie had on her bright pink bikini, but Cile was wearing one that presented the same flesh tone illusion that Katie had tricked Tyler with. Cile really did have a pretty significant tan already, so the illusion was even more dramatic with her.
Tyler wasn’t surprised, but JR’s jaw dropped when he saw his cousin and he did a double-take.
“Jesus, Cile, you can’t go around like that!”
Tyler put his arm on JR’s shoulder and whispered something in his ear. JR just shook his head and began unloading his car.
“Keep your little tricks away from my wife,” JR said, and everyone laughed.
“We’ll help unload,” Katie said. “The sooner you’re done, the sooner you can join us in the pool. The twins are being watched by Mom right now, but I know her and Rockie have some shopping that they want to do, so we can cover for them.”
Tyler pulled Katie aside and whispered, “I thought we were going to go shopping for rings this afternoon...”
“Taco night will be wrapped up by six, and the jewelry stores all stay open until at least nine o’clock on a Friday night,” Katie explained in her own whisper. “Don’t worry, Cutie, I want those rings and what they symbolize as much, if not more than you do.”
“Good to know. You’ll just have to limit your Margarita consumption so you can drive into town.”
“Guess again,” Katie giggled. “There is no way that you are going to get me defenseless on the way to buy anything as romantic as engagement and wedding rings. I’m already so freaking turned on by you that it’s a struggle not to embarrass both of us in front of other people. The thought of being your wife has me literally panting for you.”
“Are you two going to help, or stand over there fawning over each other all day?” Cile asked.
“You’re driving!” Katie whispered as if to settle the point before walking over to take a box out of the backseat of the car. Tyler chuckled and grabbed his box.
The four made quick work of unloading. Tyler went through the access door in the garage, down to change into his swimsuit, while JR went into the house to his room. Katie, Cile, and Rockie were waiting for them on the pool deck, watching the twins play in the water. Tyler was surprised to see the six-year-olds swimming and splashing unrestricted in the pool. Apparently, they knew how to swim well enough for them not to be limited to the shallow end.
Disappointed that her bikini hadn’t been a surprise to anyone but JR, Cile waded into the shallow end of the pool until her bottoms were covered by water. Everyone watching witnessed the fabric transform into a beautiful emerald green color under the water. She held her nose and squatted down until her head was underwater, emerging with the top of her bikini once more matching the bottoms.
“You know that your safe in here with me,” Cile said to Tyler. “I don’t mess around with engaged or married men.”
Tyler laughed, “I seem to remember a conversation about some starfish earrings that would contradict that statement.”
Katie pushed Tyler into the water and then jumped in beside him. She had her arms wrapped around his neck before he resurfaced. She wrapped her legs around his waist.
“The married man that gave Cile those earrings was my dad,” Katie said with a grin. “Her and I got matching earrings that were custom made for us by an artisan jeweler while on vacation on Mo’orea.”
Tyler felt another wet, feminine body against his back as Cile also wrapped her legs just slightly below where Katie had hers.
“Now Katie doesn’t have to hide hers from you,” Cile said. “And I don’t have to hide the necklace that she gave me for my birthday.”
“I don’t want either of you to ever feel the need to hide anything from me again,” Tyler said, his eyes locked firmly on Katie’s.
Tyler felt the twins attaching themselves to him on either side. He felt like a buoy in the ocean being inundated by seagulls. Katie and Cile laughed at Tyler’s situation but made no effort to provide any relief to him.
“I told you that everyone was going to fall in love with you,” Katie whispered in his ear.
“Yeah, I’m going to be drowning in love here pretty soon.”
Tyler felt Cile disengage herself from his back first, followed by Katie.
“Come on guys,” said Cile, “let’s play a game.”
That got the twins off Tyler as they quickly surrounded Cile, asking what game they were going to play. Katie took Tyler’s hand and pulled him over to the steps out of the shallow end. She took a seat on the second step and positioned him to sit on the step below her so that he could lean back against her and she could caress his wet shoulders and chest.
They sat silently for several minutes, watching Cile throw various items for the twins to retrieve from the bottom of the pool.
“They’d make pretty good treasure hunters,” Tyler said. “It’s amazing how long they can hold their breath.”
“They’re all-around amazing kids,” Katie said. “I’ve regretted not being able to be a bigger part of their lives. Can I tell you something?”
“Of course.”
“Our commitment to each other, combined with seeing you with the twins has been making me think. What would you think about us starting a family?”
Tyler hesitated a minute before answering, “I’ve been thinking along similar lines, but didn’t want to say anything that might make you feel that I was in a hurry. I remember your “dream job” as being a wife and mother, and I want to give that role to you, but I also need to know that it is at a time of your own choosing. You’re the one with choices to make relative to career. I’ll fully support whatever you want to do.”
“You would have career choices too. I know that you’re not happy with what you are doing now, my secret aside. What would your dream job be?”
“Something that I felt mattered, but wasn’t all-consuming. I would want to be home, to sleep with you every night and with my kids every day.”
“Can I make a suggestion?”
“Talk to my dad, and be honest with what you want. He might not know of a role to suit you, but he provides the best advice of anyone I have ever known.”
“I’ll do that,” Tyler said. “What about you?”
“I’m going to talk to my mom.”
“Are you sure that you ladies don’t need any help?” Tyler asked.
“No,” Katie said. “Tacos are our treat to ourselves. Each of us has a task we can focus on while preparing everything, and it’s always been a ‘girls-only’ type of activity. You just keep the Margarita pitchers full, and you’ll be doing more than enough. What are you reading?”
“Jason sent back the file on Andrew Carmichael with Joey. I was just starting to review it.”
“Tyler, please keep anything you learn about him to yourself,” Katie implored. “Right now, I am handling what happened because everything is impersonal. Learning anything about the guy would change that. Do you understand?”
“I do, and you won’t learn anything about him from me. I promise.”
“Thanks,” Katie said. “I better get back into the kitchen to do my part. I get to grate the cheese and mix the guacamole.”
“Critical components of taco night if there ever were any,” Tyler chuckled. “Holler if there is anything that I can do besides drinks.”
“I will.” Katie kissed Tyler and left him sitting at the poolside table.
Tyler glanced over at JR and Bobby, who each had one of the twins on their shoulders as they played in the pool. Joey had his son on his shoulders. He found himself wishing that he had someone on his shoulders in the same fashion. Someday.
Opening the file again, Tyler began reviewing the scant biographical information that had been collected on Andrew Carmichael. To say that the guy had faced challenges in his life would have been a colossal understatement. As a white male, Tyler was very familiar with the discrimination that Carmichael had faced. However, unlike Carmichael, his family had provided Tyler with the resources he needed to accomplish his goals.
Tyler and his father only had to pay the mandatory restitution tax on their income, which was supposed to fund payments to descendants of African slaves, but in reality, paid yearly stipends to anyone who even alleged to have experienced discrimination of any kind.
Andrew Carmichael had been forced to rely upon a society that harbored centuries-old resentment of ‘white male privilege’, which they forced Andrew Carmichael and others like him to pay restitution for by denying them any opportunities that could be given to a minority, whether earned or not.
Carmichael had been bounced around from foster home to foster home during most of his childhood. When his grandmother had turned him over to social services, he had been swallowed up into the foster care system of the country’s largest county, by area. San Bernardino County is close to the size of West Virginia, and Tyler saw that Carmichael’s foster home placements allowed him to see virtually all of it.
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Rockie pulled the car into the driveway and pushed the remote to open the correct garage door. She pulled into the garage and closed the door again before turning the engine off, disconnecting the communications with Bobby. The girls were unbuckled and out of the car before Rockie could get her seatbelt and the one securing her purse unhooked. The three walked into the mudroom together, but the girls then ran up the stairs to Katie’s room with their purchases ahead of her. Rockie went...
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Sleeping naked together was everything that Katie and Tyler had imagined. Waking up naked together exceeded their expectations and required very little imagination for either of them. “Someday, and I mean some day real soon, we’re going to have to devote an entire day to simply being in bed together,” Katie said as she reluctantly rolled herself away from Tyler’s sweat covered body. “Today is ‘some day’,” Tyler teased. Katie giggled at his response and rose to stand beside the bed, “Yes,...
“Thank you, but I think any mystery that existed is lost now,” Katie said in a groggy voice, her eyes barely open. She was responding to Tyler pulling the tail of his ‘former’ shirt down to cover her naked and exposed derriere when he had gotten out of bed to use the bathroom. His stirring had brought her to a semi-awake state, but the feel of him repositioning her garment made her consciously smile at his attempt to protect her modesty. Based upon what other women had told her about guys...
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“You made all of these arrangements yesterday morning?” Tyler asked. He saw Katie nodding her response before she verbalized it over their video call. As she had promised him last night, she had called him this morning as soon as she had gotten dressed and ready for her meeting with the owners of the vehicle she had hoped to buy. “Sure, but I had some help from my mom. While I was making arrangements with the sellers to show me the SSR, my mom started routing out my course back to California...
“Oh, my handicap is off the chart,” Katie said in a mocking tone. “Yeah, Cutie, zero is definitely off the chart.” JR and Rockie were laughing as they helped Tyler load the golf bags into the back of Patty’s SUV. Katie feigned annoyance at being bested by Tyler on the nine holes that the four had just played, but anyone who saw her face every time Tyler hit the golf ball could see the pride in her expression. Tyler walked to the rear passenger door and opened it for Katie. She kissed him...
Katie had to use her cellphone to activate the garage door opener from the SSR since she hadn’t brought her extra remote on the trip. She’d get it out of the kitchen and put it in the truck in the morning. Right now, she just wanted to get in the condo and ready for bed so that she could place the promised call to Tyler. Watching the garage door raise, she smiled at the position of her other truck. Tyler had kept his promise and moved it to the far side of the garage, just as she had...
A tapping at the bedroom door woke Bobby. Katie was beside him and apparently was able to remain asleep. Bobby was feeling mischievous, so he said “Come in” in a voice loud enough for JR to hear him through the door. Katie opened her eyes just as JR stepped into the room. She was still curled up next to Bobby with her head on his chest, and it took her a minute to register the situation. When she did, she promptly reached under the covers and pinched Bobby in a spot that he would remember...
Bobby and Katie made love again before falling asleep in each other’s arms. They awoke the next morning still embraced. It didn’t appear to either of them that they had moved an inch during the night. Katie untangled herself from Bobby and headed to the bathroom. On this trip, Bobby definitely focused on the sight of her body, largely due to the fact that she was walking away from him and her eyes weren’t visible to distract him. While she used the master bath, Bobby went down the hall to...
Katie was approaching her patio gate on her bike when she saw Taylor stomping around her garage and yelling at her car. Taylor and her brother had moved into their condo on the first of August, and while Katie had been able to avoid Tyler due to his work schedule, Taylor was another story. Stopping in front of the next-door garage, Katie stared at Taylor until her presence was noticed. “Having problems with your car?” Katie asked. “Ugh!” screamed Taylor in exasperation. “The battery is...
“That definitely is a positive,” said Claire. “Having only 151 cars of that model manufactured should make identifying it much easier.” Tyler nodded and took another drink of coffee. He had been updating Claire and Dennis in on what Katie had told him about the Corvette over breakfast. They were scheduled to meet with Sheriff Radcliff in a little under an hour, and he wanted the opportunity for them to all to be as informed as possible before the meeting. Claire continued with what she had...
“I don’t know where we are going, but your mom said to ‘dress to impress’ and your aunt implied that this was a regular event for them on Thanksgiving, so you tell me, where have they usually gone?” JR continued watching as Rockie applied make-up and styled her hair in his bathroom. The activities probably wouldn’t be as impactful if she wasn’t doing them while wearing matching pale pink panties with no bra and sheer black stockings. The red dress that she was waiting to slip on had made...
The valet opened her door in front of the Loew’s Ventana Canyon Resort just before eight o’clock at night. The traffic had consisted mostly of semi-trucks, and JR had explained that by taking Interstate 8 instead of Interstate 10 through Phoenix, they had bypassed the rush-hour traffic there. She inspected the exterior of the hotel as JR helped the bellman load their bags onto a cart. They didn’t need all their luggage, but it was better to take it all in rather than leave anything in the...
Rockie stepped into the room and turned to address Jasper, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know how much of a gratuity is appropriate. Can you tell me?” “I’ve already been taken care of, Miss Preston, but thank you. Please enjoy your stay.” The bellman handed her the card key, stepped back into the hallway and closed the door. Rockie walked into the room and realized that this was a multi-level suite. The first level consisted of a large living room area with a fire burning in the fireplace, a...
The Rockie that greeted JR when he opened his front door the next morning was a different woman. While he had recognized that the woman he had met and spent so much time with yesterday was pretty, the version on his porch this morning was radiantly stunning. There were subtle changes that by themselves would not have been that significant, but on a whole, they had transformed her. There was the obvious application of makeup, really just a conservative application of mascara that accentuated...
“November Two Four Five Eight Bravo, turn south to 180 and climb to 1500 feet.” “Roger. November Two Four Five Eight Bravo turning south to 180 degrees and climbing to 1500 feet,” JR acknowledge to the flight controller routing his departure from John Wayne airport. His flight plan into Stinson Field outside of San Antonio was predominantly eastbound, but departures today out or Orange County had planes taking off towards the west, which is why he was now being directed to start the turns...
Rockie giggled as her garage door began opening at the touch of a button on the remote control. She had forgotten how nice it was to park her car in the garage, but before the door had opened far enough to allow her to pull in, she heard JR honking at her from his car. He had followed her home from the dealership where it had only taken a few minutes for the sales agent to give her a tour of the vehicle and its features before handing her two key fobs. The new car didn’t use traditional...
Rockie and JR had gotten into a routine of meeting on his patio each morning after he returned from surfing and before she left for work. He had given her a spare key to his front door so she would bring her computer bag and everything she needed for work over to his condo and drink a glass of juice while waiting for him to arrive. Their kisses were still relatively platonic, but they were occurring more frequently and were no longer just being delivered by her. She couldn’t talk him into...
“I think ‘our’ bed should be a double,” whispered Rockie as she nuzzled against JR’s neck. “I would prefer a twin-size, but that would be too greedy of me.” He had just awakened next to her in his bedroom. She had apparently been awake a while longer since she was more fully aware of their surroundings than he was. “You don’t like the king-sized bed at the condo?” he asked groggily. “You have too much room to get away from me in that bed. I like you being confined more like you are in...
Rockie tied the apron that Patty had handed her around her waist and said, “I hope you’re not making a mistake asking me to help with preparing food. JR’s a better cook than me.” Patty smile at her reassuringly and said, “Where do you think he learned? It’s actually better to share the duties with someone who wants to learn rather than with someone who thinks they know what to do…” “Well, I certainly don’t have the first clue what to do, but I am very willing to learn.” “Good. Can you...
Rockie sat with her coffee at the dining room table, reviewing the specifications for the standard Mercedes AMG GT C Roadster. She saw that the handcrafted four-liter engine was bi-turbocharged, claimed to accelerate from zero to sixty in three point six seconds, had active rear-wheel steering and dynamically enhanced handling. It looked like it would be a really fun car to drive. She would find out soon enough. Switching to the satellite imagery being fed to her directly from the NSA,...
Bobby chose a different route to get to the baseball practice the next day. Avoiding the chance of getting that song into his mind again was one reason; trying to avoid the trip down memory lane that started yesterday was another. He needn’t have worried about the song - other thoughts distracted him. Other than singular events like baseball practice or work, Bobby couldn’t remember having, or even wanting an individual identity once he had met Patty. Everything that mattered to him was...
“I believe the accepted term is still ‘mulatto’,” said JR’s dad. JR’s family had been joined for an early dinner by Joey, Cile and his aunt Franc and uncle Jason. Each had just taken a turn looking at the picture of Rockie in the blue dress. Joey had repeated his observation that JR had neglected to mention that his new girlfriend was African-American. “She’s beautiful,” Franc observed. “She kind of reminds me of Vanessa Williams, when she won the Miss America Pageant in the early...
“Do you want to come with me when I go pick up Katie?” JR asked. She was sitting on his lap in a chair in the family room. Patty had told her to relax for a couple of hours before she would be needed to help mash potatoes and finish the other side dishes for their meal. “I would love to, but that will be when your mom expects me to be here to help her,” Rockie said. “You know that she really doesn’t need any help, right?” “That’s not the point. She asked me to help so I am going to. I am...
Unsere sexuellen Eskapaden blieben weiterhin geheim.Niemand schöpfte verdacht oder kam dahinter , welches verbotene Spiel zwischen mir und Anna ablief.Langsam aber sicher bekam ich mit wie die anderen Jungs über Sie redeten.Ich konnte es nur zu gut verstehen.Wer konnte dieser Frau überhaupt widerstehen ?Umgeben von unzähligen triebigen Jungen männern.Es war ihre strenge authoritäre Erscheinung die alle auf Abstand hielten.Aber insgeheim wollte jeder von diesem heissen Kuchen naschen.Was ich...
Rockie felt like a chauffeur with both girls sitting in the backseat of Patty’s Honda while she drove. Even though she trusted that Katie knew the way to the mall that they wanted to shop at, she programmed it into the GPS just in case. Katie and Cile were jabbering and giggling in the back seat, so Rockie wouldn’t have been surprised if they forgot to give her a critical direction at some point. “How old were you when you got your ears pierced?” asked Cile. “I was fifteen,” Rockie told...
“How fast are we going?” Rockie squealed. Glancing at the speedometer, JR responded, “About one hundred and two miles per hour.” “It feels faster,” she said. “This is exciting.” “Compared to the rest of our boring morning?” he said with a grin. “That wasn’t exciting. That was the most terrifying experience of my life. I thought that they were going to arrest you. First, those fake Border Patrol agents, and then the real police. Your calm confidence in any situation amazes me. Can you...
Bobby awoke to a surprise. He wasn’t surprised that he found himself spooning with Patty, but he was surprised when he rolled away from her to get out of bed, his right hand was tied to hers with the belt from her robe. Her groggy voice greeted him, “You’re not getting away from me this morning buster.” She rolled over on top of him and buried her face against his neck. “If I promise to come back after using the bathroom will you untie me?” he laughed. “No, but I’ll untie my side. Let the...
“Do you go to a local church?” JR finished his fifth taco before replying, “I don’t attend anyplace regularly. If I hear of a sermon or program that sounds interesting, I will check it out. For example, Christ Church by the Sea will have a nationally renowned Pastor named Bernie Calaway speaking at their service Sunday morning, so I’ll probably try to go hear him. What about you?” She shook her head and said, “No. I didn’t have any religious education while growing up. My faith and...
His parents had retired to their bedroom by the time that he and Katie had finished saying goodnight. She had insisted on showing him all the art, book reports and other school work that she had done since the last time he had been home. He patiently sat with her hopping off and on his lap to retrieve one thing after another for his review and approval. Katie had never been satisfied with anyone else’s approval except JR’s, and she had a large stockpile of items to share with him. When he...
“Is the event at the Taronga Zoo next week the one you had mentioned wanting to take the kids to?” “Is it the twenty-ninth of January next Saturday?” asked JR. “Boy this year if flying by.” Rockie reached across the dining room table and squeezed her husband’s hand, “Yes, Cutie, and don’t pretend that you forgot. You have been talking about surprising Jimmy and Jamie with the new animal encounter area of the zoo since we made the donation that finalized the funding for it. The weather...
The lead-in for a song that Rockie faintly recognized began playing and the lights in the main room faded. As everyone’s attention turned to the stage, the legs of a woman appeared from the ceiling and her body began lowering down a pole to the stage itself. As soon as her feet touched the stage, the lyrics for the Jessica Simpson song, “Come on Over” began. Rockie realized that the song selection was intentional, because the blonde woman now strutting around the stage wearing Daisy Duke...
“I’ll be back to pick you up at noon,” JR said as he opened her door at the curb in front of the employee entrance. “If you think of anything that you forgot to pack, text me and I’ll bring it with me.” Rockie rose out of her seat and stood to hug him, “I’m pretty sure that I have everything, but I’ll let you know if anything comes to mind. I can’t wait to get started.” “Me too. Have a good morning.” They kissed quickly, and she hurried into the building. JR climbed back into his car and...
Watching Rockie stroll down the sidewalk towards the walkway that led to her condo, JR noticed that the sun was still relatively high in the western sky. He closed the door and returned to the kitchen where a glance at the clock on the microwave confirmed that it was not even six o’clock yet. There were at least two hours before sunset. He put any food items that required refrigeration away but left the rest of the clean-up for later. He could finish that after sunset, but he couldn’t clean...
JR turned and saw flashing blue lights on a white and green SUV that was racing to catch them. He recognized it as a Border Patrol vehicle, which was common in this area. “It looks like it, but it’s the Border Patrol so you’re not being pulled over for any traffic violations. There’s the next exit in about a quarter of a mile. Turn your right blinker on, take the exit as before, but pull over to the shoulder as soon as you can.” “I’m scared,” she admitted. “I’ve been pulled over by the...
“Are you sure that you’re not upset about me having left?” “How… can… you… even… speak… right… now?” Rockie giggled with her head on JR’s chest as his gasping words denoted his need to recover from their lovemaking. “I let you do all the hard work and then enjoy the fruits of your labor,” she teased. She considered that her body lying on top of his chest would impede his ability to catch his breath as easily as he would with her off him, but the feeling of him inside her wasn’t something...
“You said to come over whenever I was ready,” said Rockie with a big grin on her face. She couldn’t ignore the warmth she was feeling in her heart at the sight of JR’s sleep-filled eyes, drowsy expression and hair that was more disheveled from sleeping than she had ever seen it in the daytime. He really was touching her in ways that she had never experienced before with anyone. “You’re doing this on purpose,” he grumbled sleepily. “Of course, I am,” she admitted. “Do you think I would...
Rockie waited until she heard JR’s garage door close, and then waited another ten minutes before deciding that he wasn’t coming back. She felt no guilt about spending a few minutes roaming around his condo before going back to her own to prepare for the wedding. She considered her research as constructive to their relationship since her intent was to gain greater insight into her partner. She even justified it by saying to herself that JR would have let her do it if she has asked him. She...
They pulled into his garage at two-forty-five, leaving JR fifteen minutes to help Rockie get her groceries into her condo before his three o’clock appointment. As he opened her door, he said, “Too bad you don’t have a garage door opener in your garage. It would save us from having to walk all the way around the building.” “I do have a garage door opener,” she said. “But it stopped working years ago. Brad kept saying that he would fix it, and I stopped asking him to avoid making him mad....
His erection was proudly pointing directly at Rockie. JR had never seen a woman lost fully in lust before. His experiences had been milder in the past. She wasn’t looking at him, she was studying what was between his legs. She bent down, grasped his erection tenderly and kissed the leaky crown. JR tried to rise, his thoughts leading to the master bedroom in her condo. Rockie wasn’t in the mood to move. She pushed him back into the futon and straddled him. JR smiled at her aggressiveness. It...
JR released her hand to give hugs to both of his puzzled grandparents before taking it again and introducing her. “Grandma and Grandpa, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Rochelle Preston. Rockie, these are my grandparents.” At his introduction of her as his girlfriend, words momentarily caught in her throat, but she smiled and shook their offered hands until she was able to speak again. “I am very honored and pleased to meet both of you,” she said. Mrs. Harper ushered them all into...
“It’s your choice to make,” he said, “but I’m curious why you would want a ‘Soccer Mom’ style car rather than something smaller, sportier and cheaper on gas.” When they had arrived at the Honda dealership Rockie headed directly towards the area where they stood now, looking at rows of SUVs and minivans. JR noticed that her interest was focused on the Honda CRV models and ignoring the other models. “There are several reasons,” she replied. “First, with so many pick-up trucks and SUV’s on the...
Patty was already awake when she felt Bobby remove the knotted belt from his wrist and gingerly slip out of their bed. She smiled as she lay perfectly still, letting him believe her to be asleep. He had mastered his technique of escape years before, and while she knew he knew that she knew what he was doing, it was a game they continued to play and enjoy. He had started soon after his daughter Kathryn Frances had been born as a way for him to cover her nighttime feedings without disturbing...
Ich sass zwischen zwei Stühlen.Mein Verlangen wollte das ich Anna in in ihrem Zimmer besuchen sollte.Aber mein Verstand riet mir davon ab.Ansehen , aber nicht anfassen.Nach dem Credo musste ich leben.Jeden Tag lief mir ihr geiler Arsch über den Weg.War das nur meine Geilheit oder war ich verliebt ?Das konnte ich mir selbst nicht beantworten.Es vergingen 2 Wochen und meine Seele lag in einem tiefem Chaos.Bis ich eines Tages erneut eine Notiz auf meinem Schreibtisch vorfand.Natürlich war Sie von...
Trotz unseres lauten und hemmungslosen Sex , blieben meine Erzieherin und ich unbemerkt.So heimlich ich mich zu ihr schlich , genauso schnell kehrte ich zurück zu mein Zimmer.Die nächsten paar Tage waren die Hölle.Jeder Gedanke von mir war auf Sie fixiert.Egal wo ich war , dachte ich nur an Sie.Noch nicht mal in der Schule konnte ich abschalten.Daher genoss ich die gemeinsamen Momente die wir hatten.Wenn auch auf Abstand.Sei es beim gemeinsamen Essen in der Mensa , während der Erledigungen...
Hi friends vanakam, indru kama kathaiyil departmental storeil oru pennai paarthu pesi usar seithu ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Vimal, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Naan paarka azhagaga irupen, tshirt aninthukondu irupen athanaal pengal epozhuthum ennai paarthu sight adipaargal. Ipadi thaan oru naal en nanban udan departmental storeku sendrom appozhuthu angu oru pen aval mulaiyaal ennai urasi vitu sendraal. Avla mulai perithaaga irunthathu, aval mulaiyaal ennai idikum pozhuthe...
Prologue A new couple, the Hubbard's had arrived in Dr. Zaaijer office. Dr. Zaaijer was a psychologist who did both couples and family therapy. This would be the first session between Dr. Zaaijer and Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard., he didn't know what the problem was, but he would find out. The person claiming to be Mrs. Hubbard wasn't actually married to Mr. Hubbard. She wasn't his wife, she had been his first victim. Mr. Hubbard had used his hypnotic and other abilities on the person...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
"This was a good start," Dr. Zaaijer thought. At their next session, Jack would be hooked up to the machine again, but this time he would be subjected to sounds instead of sights. Then smells and tastes and finally being touched and touching other people. When Dr. Zaaijer was done after a few sessions, all of Jack's brain would be perfectly mapped. During one of Mikie's sessions, out of the blue Mikie told Dr. Zaaijer, "It's funny how people see situations differently to each other....