Greener Grass, Right Next Door free porn video

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Doug Graham was the perfect neighbor. He lent me tools and returned mine, took great care of his lawn and was almost as lousy a golfer as me, but still a blast to play with the five or six times a year I felt like hitting the links. Well, almost perfect. Perfect ended two years earlier when his first wife Emma caught him banging his secretary and divorced him. Emma had been a good friend of my wife Marie, still was, and the divorce ended any possibility of us doing anything with Doug as a couple. Especially since the new couple he was a part of included the offending secretary, Paula.

Doug kept the house after the divorce and Paula moved in a week after his settlement became final. She promptly told him she was finished with working, demanded and got a wedding ring, imposed a strict ban on children, joined the Junior League and made a quest for respectability her life's work. Paula was an absolute, grade A, USDA certified bitch. She was 25, or ten years younger than Doug and me, but acted ten years older; she regulated Doug's life like a hawk, mainly objecting to anything that was fun. Marie maintained an unrelenting boycott of activities that included Doug, but took great pleasure in telling me that he'd gotten exactly what he deserved.

In fairness, I probably ought to add that Paula is a fox. She is without a doubt the best-looking woman I ever met in person and maybe ever saw, period. She's about 5'9"and a hundred and fifteen pounds, with thick, silky natural blonde hair and the tiniest waist you ever saw. She has these eyes that could swallow you whole; deep medium blue with lashes about an inch long. Paula is the kind of girl that could get you to sell your soul just to fuck her once. Doug would have been better off if he stopped there, in my opinion.

One time I went to dinner at a Mexican place with Doug and Paula, just the three of us. Doug was enjoying this great sampler platter of fantastic, spicy rellenos, burritos, and enchiladas; really digging in with one elbow on the table, while I was trying to carry on a conversation with Paula without staring at her tits. She saw the waitress walking down the aisle toward our table and without missing a beat Paula reached over and picked up Doug's plate and handed it to her. Doug was so surprised his fork gouged the table. Paula gave him an icy stare and said something like 'You've had enough.' She wanted him to lose ten pounds.

I've got a lot of 'Paula's a bitch' stories, but you get the general idea. Which takes me to a Saturday night in early May. It was close to midnight and I was trying to decide whether to turn on HBO and watch a movie with some skin in it; Marie was already asleep. I could see a light on by Doug's patio so I decided to check it out. I was pretty surprised to find Doug relaxing in a chair by his pool, drinking beer and smoking a cigar. Paula didn't like it when Doug drank beer and she thought cigars were disgusting.

"Hey Mike! Take a load off and have a beer," Doug said, reaching into the cooler by his feet and handing me a longneck. As I opened it and sat down, he took a big drag on his cigar.

"Have a cigar too, they're Dominican," he said. There was another cigar, plus a cutter and a lighter on the little table between our chairs. I glanced nervously toward the house.

"Paula around?" I asked.

Doug laughed. "Don't worry, you're safe; she's already asleep," he said.

I clipped the cigar and lit it. Doug had apparently already had quite a few beers; he seemed pretty loose. We enjoyed the excellent cigars for a minute in silence.

"So what're you doing up?" Doug asked.

"I usually stay up late on the weekends. As soon as Marie gets Amanda down she likes to go to bed herself. It's kind of nice having the house to myself," I said. Amanda was our four-year old daughter.

We sat and talked guy talk for an hour or so, about our jobs and how crappy our 401-Ks were doing and what we thought of the Buccaneer's chances to repeat and win another Super Bowl, stuff like that. It felt really good, and not just because I was gradually overcoming Doug's headstart on beer consumption. We hadn't talked like this for quite a while, and I missed my good friend's companionship.

When we finished all the beer in the cooler I figured we'd call it a night but instead Doug went into the house and got another twelve-pack. He opened two bottles and handed one to me.

"No point in stopping now, Mike. I've had too much already to go in and get laid," Doug said. I frowned.

"I thought you said Paula was asleep," I said. Doug gave me a wicked grin.

"That's the whole idea. Paula's a really deep sleeper. It's almost impossible to really wake her up once she's out. Even if she does wake up she usually doesn't remember anything the next morning, and her subconscious is a whole lot more fun. More like when we were dating," Doug said.

All of a sudden I felt pretty sorry for Doug. Being married to a babe like Paula ought to at least guarantee you a great sex life, and without playing games to get it.

"That wouldn't work for me I'm afraid," I said.

"Why not?" Doug asked.

"Marie has a lot of trouble sleeping anymore, so her doctor gives her pills. Not for every night, mainly for when I'm away and she's nervous. She takes them on the weekends sometimes too, when she wants to sleep really well."

"So why is that so different from what I'm talking about?" Doug asked.

"Because even her subconscious is pretty out of it; it'd be like screwing a corpse, if you know what I mean," I said. Doug laughed, maybe a little too loud but I chalked that up to all the beer.

After another half-hour I needed to take a leak pretty badly and asked Doug if I could use his bathroom. He'd been gradually slumping deeper into his chair and had a glazed look as he nodded and waved toward his back door. I hurried toward the half bath near their front door glad that I didn't have to try to make it all the way back to my place.

I was way more aware of my surroundings after I answered my urgent call from nature, and noticed how close the bathroom was to the master suite. The bedroom door was open and the thought of Paula in there sleeping was pretty exciting. As I walked by I glanced in but couldn't see much, and then I felt guilty for looking. Like a high school kid trying to peek up some girl's skirt.

When I got back to the patio Doug was asleep in his chair. I shook his shoulder, gently at first but then more vigorously, getting no reaction. This posed a problem. The thought of hauling Doug anywhere wasn't all that appealing and what was I going to do, dump him into bed next to Paula? I decided to leave him where he was, but wanted get him as comfortable as possible. I pulled my chair around and propped his legs on it. Then I went back into the house, got a pillow off the sofa and looked around for a blanket. Finding nothing suitable I wandered closer and closer to the door to the master suite, finally slipping inside.

I was just looking for a blanket; what better place than the bedroom? As my eyes adjusted slowly, details of the room appeared. The only details I was noticing involved Paula. She was huddled under the covers on her side, facing away from me. The rise of her hip and the outline of her upper leg got my heart pounding, even though I couldn't see anything. Something about being in her bedroom as she slept was incredibly arousing.

Near her feet there was a lump on the bed; a folded spare blanket. I moved toward it as quietly as possible, but I cheated toward Paula's side of the bed just a little. I could still reach the blanket fine, but from there I could see Paula's face and just a tiny bit of her right shoulder. Her hair was pulled back from her face, and the small amount of light from the patio made her cheek seem to glow.

Then she shifted a little, startling me and reminding me just how stupid it was being in the room. I picked up the blanket and tiptoed out. Back on the patio I sat down and waited for my breathing to return to normal before covering Doug and sliding the small pillow under his shoulders. I cleaned up our cigar mess and threw away all the empty beer bottles; it went without saying that Doug didn't want Paula to know about our little party.

The next morning I was pretty hung over so I let Marie take Amanda to church while I recovered. As I made coffee I saw Paula out on the Graham's patio, and since the view was better from the second floor guestroom window with a pair of binoculars, I trotted up there. When Paula went to her Junior League meetings she wore Versace and Armani dresses but around the house she still dressed like trailer trash sometimes. Today she had on a plaid halter top and a pair of tiny pink knit shorts that showed the bottom third of her butt cheeks and hugged every line and crease of her pussy.

Paula was poking around by the chairs that Doug and I used the night before. The pillow and blanket were gone and I hoped Doug put them away before Paula got up. She looked into the cooler, then sniffed the ashtray I'd wiped clean. I watched as she circled their house to the trashcans, finding and counting the empty beer bottles. What a bitch! Doug was going to catch hell for this. As I watched, Paula spotted something behind one of the cans and leaned to pick it up giving me a great camel toe shot from the rear. It was a cigar butt, and she held it at arm's length like it was a turd or something as she headed into the house to confront Doug.

Later as I mowed the lawn I thought over what Doug said about Paula, that she could wake up partially but not remember what happened the next day. Amanda sometimes did that, and her pediatrician said it was a form of sleepwalking that was fairly common. A couple of times she'd gotten up and come all the way out to our family room and even talked to me before I took her back and tucked her in, and been clueless about it in the morning. That Doug could actually screw Paula without waking her up was amazing, and it was wildly exciting precisely because she was such a sneering bitch. Then I thought about my search for the blanket and the thrill of being in Paula's bedroom came rushing back to me. I'd been close enough to touch her.

I wondered how long Doug had been sleep-fucking Paula, and was dying to hear a blow by blow of exactly how much he could get away with. As I worked in my yard, I imagined what it would be like to slip into bed next to Paula and slide my hands over her body, groping those firm tits and fingering her pussy.

This was the best stroke fantasy I'd had in years, and it necessitated a trip into the house to whack off so I could finish mowing without a rock-hard boner. As I put the finishing touches on my back yard, I heard the higher-pitched drone of a weed-whacker starting up in Doug's front yard. It wasn't surprising that Doug wanted to get out of the house, and I decided to go find out just how much trouble he was in. Doug shut off the gas trimmer when he saw me approaching.

"Howdy, neighbor!" he said, apparently in good spirits.

"I saw Paula poking around in the trash this morning, sorry I didn't do a better job of hiding the evidence," I said. "Are you grounded?"

Doug laughed. "She yelled at me, but if I don't put up a fight it usually blows over fast. I think she likes it when I screw up, so she has something to scream about," he said, then paused. "Thanks for cleaning up and taking care of me, Mike. I feel bad for passing out like that but it seems like it happens a lot when I drink too much. I can't hold my alcohol like I used to. I must have been out for hours, it was almost morning when I woke up."

"That's what friends are for," I said, shrugging. "I felt bad leaving you on the patio but didn't think I could carry you inside. From what you said I could have put you to bed without waking Paula though."

Doug looked confused for a moment, then smiled. "Oh yeah. I forgot that I told you about that. Keep it under your hat, okay?" I nodded, wanting to ask for more details but not at the risk of sounding too curious.

"If you want to, we could make it a regular Saturday night get together," I said. "It was great shooting the breeze and relaxing, Doug. We haven't done that enough since you and Emma split up."

"I'd like that," Doug said. "Same time, same place?"

I nodded as he restarted the weed-whacker and we returned to our chores.

It was sometime Monday afternoon when the idea first started to tease me with its potential. I'd been obsessed with thoughts of fucking Paula all day, and at first thinking of the logistics was just window dressing on the fantasy, to make it seem more real. Doug and I were about the same size and build, just over six feet and fairly muscular for our age. His hair was a shade or two lighter brown than mine, but nothing anyone would notice in the dark. Doug and I belonged to the same athletic club and I'd seen him in the shower. Package-wise we were comparable; both better endowed than your average guy. If Doug could sneak in there after Paula was good and asleep and ball his wife without her knowing it, I could too.

The only big problem that occurred to me was what Doug would be doing at the time, and being a natural problem-solver my mind started mulling that over. I stopped myself a couple of times; it was nuts to even think about it. If I got caught the consequences would be devastating. Paula would probably call the cops, but that would be the least of my problems. Marie would leave me in a heartbeat, and Doug would probably clobber me. My thoughts kept returning to Paula's perfect fucking machine body though; proof positive of the control the little head can exert over the big head.

By midweek I had a tentative solution to the Doug problem. It was simple really. Doug said he passed out when he drank too much, and judging from the number of empties on his side of the patio it didn't take that much. All I needed to do was outlast him, and I could cheat a little with that. I could get beer that was stronger than what Doug was used to, and make him think I was drinking more than I really was; I'd done that at business dinners plenty of times. Once he passed out leaving him on the patio wouldn't seem odd since I'd already done it once.

I wasn't really planning to fuck Paula of course. There was no guarantee that Doug would pass out, and even if he did the most I'd risk would be looking at her some more. And possibly feeling her up a little bit; nothing elaborate. The thrill would be in getting everything to work, and in knowing what I could have done.

When I got home from work on Wednesday, Doug was washing Paula's car in their driveway. Paula drove one of those cute little BMW two-seater convertibles, perfect for the image she'd chosen for herself.

"Hey Doug! The car's looking good," I said. He looked up and smiled.

"Yeah, Paula has some big garden shindig tomorrow afternoon and she wants it to look good. You in town all week?" he replied. I nodded.

"Still up for Saturday night?" I asked. Doug saying 'yes' was all the cooperation I needed for my plan. He looked like he was thinking it over.

"Sure. Let's say eleven, Paula should be asleep by then. What time do you think Marie will be turning in?" he asked.

"She'll be out by ten. She's got a big day the next day; some kind of charity fund-raiser she's hosting so she'll want to get plenty of rest," I said.

"Eleven it is then. How about if we hold it on your patio this time though? It might go a little easier on me that way," he said, grinning. I laughed. That was fine, I decided. Might even be better that way.

The rest of the week went quickly. I went to a liquor store and looked for a suitable imported beer for my get together with Doug. Some of the ones with the highest alcohol content had a really heavy taste. That could discourage drinking a lot, defeating the purpose. I settled on a nice English ale that I knew was fairly smooth but had twice the kick of American beer.

On Saturday morning I fussed around the house, cleaned the garage and rearranged my tools, killing time and fighting off a growing case of jittery nerves about the night ahead. At lunchtime Marie suggested that we take Amanda to the beach and I jumped at the chance to get out of the house. As we pulled out of our driveway with a car full of folding chairs and beach toys, I saw Doug in his driveway and waved.

"How's Doug doing these days?" Marie asked. I was shocked by the apparent concern.

"Fine I guess. Paula keeps him on a pretty short leash," I said.

"Not exactly the fun and games he thought he was getting?" she asked, smiling. At thirty-five, Marie was still youthful and beautiful in a classy, refined way. She had great cheekbones and striking green eyes. I laughed.

"No, not exactly. He'd have been better off sticking with Emma." I agreed. Marie frowned, and I cringed. A comment like mine had started arguments before; Marie thought Emma was better off without Doug. Emma accused him of physical abuse in the divorce; something I claimed was just posturing by her slimy lawyer. Luckily Marie let it slide this time.

"I hear Paula's cutting a pretty wide swath through the Junior League these days; apparently everyone's afraid of her. Kind of a Machiavelli with boobs," Marie said, smiling again.

I nodded and changed the subject; talking to Marie about Paula was uncomfortable. Plus I agreed to go to the beach so I could quit thinking about Paula's boobs.

We found a parking space and Marie chased Amanda toward the water while I hauled the cooler, beach umbrella, chairs and towels. By the time I caught up, Marie had removed her cover up and was slathering Amanda with sunblock.

I set up our chairs, planted the umbrella strategically and settled in to watch Marie and Amanda wade into the gentle Gulf surf. Amanda was very excited, jumping every time a wave hit her calves and squealing. She had the same thick dark brown hair as her mother, and at four you could already tell she'd gotten Marie's long waist and generous hips, too. Marie looked good in the one-piece bathing suit, no more than ten pounds heavier than when I met her.

While my family played, I pretended to read a novel. As if the dozens of teenage girls in bikinis weren't enough of a distraction, my pending rendezvous with Doug and Paula made concentrating on Dean Koontz' latest effort impossible. I ran through everything that might go wrong for the twentieth time, and when that still didn't scare me enough to change my mind, I let myself speculate about what Paula would be wearing to bed. I was hoping for a lacy set of babydoll pajamas with a thong, but just about anything would do.

Later, while Amanda and Marie rested I did a little snorkeling and then Amanda and I built a monster sandcastle. As the tide approached we built dikes around our creation, postponing the inevitable, then as the waves breached our defenses we smashed the castle ourselves, screaming and laughing. We had dinner at a place near the beach, and by the time we got home it was nearly eight o'clock.

Marie and I took turns showering to get rid of the sand and saltwater residue while Amanda took her bath. I spent twice as long in the shower as normal, shampooing twice and using some of Marie's body wash. I felt like a kid getting ready for a first date.

After Marie and Amanda went to bed, I started setting up for my get-together with Doug. I put some mugs in the freezer to chill and filled a cooler with ice and a case of the imported ale, then hauled it out to the patio next to two padded deck chairs. Two very nice Macanudo cigars, a cutter, lighter and ashtray and I was ready with fifteen minutes to spare.

By the time Doug showed up I had a one-beer head start and the ale was settling my nerves nicely. I retrieved Doug's frosted mug, poured his first beer and handed it to him with his cigar.

"Man, this is living! I thought you drank light beer," Doug said.

"Special occasion," I replied as I lit my cigar. We continued our guy small talk from the week before, and by the time I finished my third ale Doug had caught up with me. I decided to try to pump him for some information.

"I've been thinking about what you said last week, about Paula and getting laid while she's sleeping," I said, and could tell I had Doug's attention.

"Yeah, it seems kind of silly, right?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Heck no, it's great. Pretty exciting; do you mind talking about it?"

"I guess not." Doug took a swig of beer and studied me.

"I've been married ten years, so vicarious thrills are about all I get," I began. "How long have you been doing this, and does it work every time?"

"At least a year. The decent sex with Paula dried up about six months after we got married, but then I got home late one night and made my little discovery. The secret is making sure she's been sleeping really good for at least an hour, and it helps if she has some wine before she goes to bed," Doug said.

"Did she drink any tonight?" I asked. Doug winked at me.

"Two glasses of chardonnay right before she turned in," he said.

With a little more coaxing, Doug filled me in on his routine. He said he let Paula warm up very gradually with plenty of foreplay, without any sudden moves. All of that sounded terrific to me. I told him he was a lucky guy as I opened him another bottle of ale. I'd been nursing my last one, and even dumped some when Doug wasn't looking. Doug was on his sixth or seventh beer now to my four and I intended to widen the spread.

"Hey, Mike. What's the work week look like for you? Going out of town?" he asked. Doug was starting to slur his words a bit.

"Yeah, I've got to go to Milwaukee for a couple of days," I said as I stood and stretched. "How about a fresh mug?" Doug looked down at his beer, which was still almost full and shrugged. When I got to the kitchen I dumped my beer in the sink then got two new mugs from the freezer. I filled Doug's to the top but only put a few ounces in mine, then added ice water. It looked watery but that was in the bright light of the kitchen, on the patio it would be fine.

"Here we go!" I said cheerfully as I rejoined my friend. I was pleased to see that his old mug was empty.

"I was going to tell you that I could switch to regular beer, but since you've already got this poured..." Doug said, then took a swallow. He was starting to slump in his chair just like the week before.

"How's Marie; she sleeping?" Doug asked. Distracted, I nodded. Then an idea hit me.

"Yeah, out like a light. She took a pill but probably didn't need it, she was so worn out from the beach. Motherhood is tough," I said, then paused. "Let's hear it for motherhood!" I said, and raised my mug and took a big swallow. Doug followed suit.

"To motherhood," he said. About a quarter of his beer was left now.

"But let's not forget Paula, she works hard even without kids. Here's to all the wives!" I said, and drained the rest of my mug. Doug gave me a wink and finished his, too. I was watching his reactions and they seemed sluggish. I poured us each another beer but set mine down, without touching it.

I started telling Doug about our day at the beach to keep the conversation going. He just listened, nodding a little to acknowledge a joke or good part of the story. After about five minutes he stopped responding, and his head started to list to port. I stopped talking and watched. When his head was all the way over on the cushion of the chair I reached over and pulled the empty beer mug from his fingers. It came away with no resistance at all; Doug's hand was relaxed.

I got up quietly and went in to check on Marie. She was sleeping soundly; I slapped her shoulder lightly to make sure. The last thing I needed was for Marie to wake up and find Doug on the patio, and me gone. She looked nice sleeping on her back in a black nightgown, hair spilling all around her head on the pillow, but nothing like what was waiting for me next door. I went back to the patio and pulled my chair around in front of Doug for a footrest. His head was back on the cushion all the way and he was snoring lightly.

"Sweet dreams, pal. I'm really sorry about this part of it," I said. I felt bad about tricking Doug but this wasn't about him and he was fine; it was about his wife and he didn't like her anyway. I resolved that I'd make it up to him somehow.

I felt surprisingly calm as I walked toward Doug's house. The hard part was over now, all the arranging and worrying if things would work out. The door from the Graham's patio was unlocked and the kitchen light was on. I got myself a glass of water and then strolled toward the master bedroom. The door was open, and there was enough light from the big sliding doors to the patio to see pretty well. All of my hesitancy of the week before was gone, looking at Paula was what I was there for and there was no point in being shy. I walked in and approached the sleeping woman until my knees were pressed against the bed inches from her face.

Paula slept on the right half of the bed, just like Marie. She was curled up on her side facing the edge of the bed, her blonde hair pulled into a tight ponytail. I looked Paula over as I finished my water and then leaned closer, smelling her. The combination of warm, clean skin and hair, perfume and the fabric softener from the sheets was wonderful.

With just that taste of the pleasures to come, I moved silently across the bedroom and into the master bath. I closed the door and turned on a light. All Doug's stuff was on the right side of the wide, two-sink vanity. I stripped quickly to my underwear and then found Doug's cologne. I intentionally wasn't wearing any of mine. I sprayed myself in strategic spots, then for good measure decided to work a little of Doug's mousse into my hair, combing it back the way he did. I was just going to snuggle with Paula a little, but I figured it couldn't hurt to be careful. I was as ready as I was going to get and had an erection like a steel girder.

I turned out the light and returned to the bedroom, letting my eyes adjust again. Paula hadn't moved. I pulled back the covers on Doug's side and slipped into bed next to her. As the covers settled, all the smells of Paula's bed wafted over me so much stronger than before. Then the warmth radiating from her body followed and the combined effect was overpowering. It felt so incredibly intimate to be next to her this way. I waited a couple of minutes to be sure everything was okay, then folded my covers on top of Paula, exposing her back all the way down to her ass.

Paula was wearing a little cotton shirt with no sleeves and thin shoulder straps that ended five inches above a pair of white cotton bikini panties. The way her back tapered from firm but feminine shoulders to the incredibly tiny waist, then swelled at her hips to accommodate her heart-shaped ass was amazing. I ran my fingers over her panties. Paula shifted a little, either from the touch or from the cold air on her back.

I pulled my underwear off and moved closer to her replacing the warmth of the covers with my own, sliding against Paula in a tight spoon formation. That felt fucking great, especially my rock-hard dick against her ass. I eased my right hand over her hip and let it fall lightly on her tummy, then settled in to wait for a while as Doug instructed.

Doug sat up and stretched. He felt a little drowsy, but it was probably from all the time he spent pretending to be passed out rather than from the beer. He'd stayed sprawled in the patio chair for quite a while, fearing that Mike would come back for something he forgot. That seemed unlikely now, and Doug had his own agenda to worry about.

A stroke of luck and a full bladder took Doug to the kitchen sliding door in time to see Mike pouring out an almost-full mug of beer, then watering down his next one. At first he couldn't figure out what the hell his friend was up to, but then all of a sudden the questions about sleep-fucking Paula started to make sense. That and the blanket Mike covered him with the week before that Doug was pretty sure Paula kept on the foot of their bed. If Mike went into the bedroom once it was almost a given that his reason for all the sneaking around was that he wanted to go back. Doug would have been pissed if all this didn't fit so nicely into his own plans, so instead he played along.

Doug's main objective in coming over had been to find out when Mike was leaving town; he'd said that Marie usually took a sleeping pill when she was alone. But sneaking over then was risky, what if that was the one time she didn't sedate herself? And Doug wasn't a hundred percent sure that the house key he had for Mike and Marie's place still worked. It was from three or four years ago, when Emma used to water plants and feed the cat during vacations.

No, this was much better. Mike told him that Marie took one of her pills tonight, and the house was wide open. All Doug had to worry about was Mike finishing before he did, and if that happened what was Mike going to do about it? Not a hell of a lot, since his dick would probably still be wet from fucking Paula.

Doug walked into the house and quickly made his way to the master bedroom. He flipped on the lights; there was no need to be stealthy with Marie and he wanted to be able to see what he was doing. Marie was sleeping on her back, the covers pulled up to her chest. Doug grabbed the comforter, blanket and top sheet and pulled them all the way to the foot of the bed.

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GMILF Nextdoor

All persons and events of this story are all just figments of my imagination and are not intended to represent any persons living or dead in any way, shape or form. Enjoy.Beep. Beep. Beep. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock: 8:22 am... on a Saturday. I listened for a minute trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. Trash day? No, that was Wednesday. Car alarm? No, not quite right for that... Back up alarm? Yep, that was the noise. What the? I got up, threw on a pair of...

3 years ago
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the milf nextdoor

It was early september and a new college year had just started james was moving into a new aparment ith a college friends and was looking forward to it.. he was 5'11 and with dark curly hair and broad shoulders.They had moved in a week when james spotted her early one morning about 35 slim c sized tits and an amzing ass heading out for a jog.. her skin tight running legging really shoed off how amazing her ass and legs were while her unzipped jacket gave a slight glimpse of her bouncing...

2 years ago
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Hot Milf Nextdoor

The hot little minx next door has a penchant for much younger men. I have personally witnessed her fucking the pool boy, the pizza delivery guy, the cable man and just last weekend the lawn boy. She is a redheaded vixen about 5 ft 5 with DD breasts. Her nipples are teardrop in shape and dark brown, contrasting her pink flesh. To say that they are magnificent would be an understatement. She might weigh in at 130lbs. In her thirties she is married to a man much older than her. Older than me in...

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The Boy Nextdoor

It was a beautiful summer morning following a night of violent thunder storms. I had closed the sliding glass door last night because of noise from the thunder and closed the drapes because of the lightening. It keeps me awake. So when I got out of bed I opened the drapes and sliding door so I could feel the morning air on my completely naked body. As I looked out into my back yard I could see that the wind had blown a few leaves around. Then I saw that one of the branches in one of my trees...

Straight Sex
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my Aunty nextdoor

This story can also educate you for getting maximum pleasure in sex especially for women so read it carefully till end Hi friends its me again Amit from New Delhi this is my another story about a lady who is the second lady in my life.. B,coz of my computer works and computer related projects I live in Delhi and working in Gurgaon as u know I am un married,so I live alone in Delhi my parents live in a Panipat Haryana.. I recently changed my residence to another apartments in Delhi. The place...

3 years ago
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SEX With Nextdoor

Hi guys this is Amit from Kolkata. This my experience when i was doing my degree.Now i am 27 years working in kolkata. We are staying in a building where 7 other families in the same building campus. My college is from 1PM to 5PM so i will be free and at home till 12:30PM and go by then. Very rarely i study.. Remaining times i used to go to neighbors house or take rest in home. There is a family next our door. Only husband and wife will be in that house, they dont have any children. Uncle is a...

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the stupid boy nextdoor

Its happening today , its been 2 week since the neighbor ear me hump in the shower , wall pounding sound mixed with my moaning , Mike bbc got up listening ear on the wall not sure what he was listening too, it was incredibly exciting , as he stroke his bbc the wife asleep realising the young white boy next door like getting ass fuckedthe continuous pounding , the moaning getting more constant and loud, Mike listen to his neighbor fucking on his toy in the showeryMike cum a huge load down the...

1 year ago
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Note : this story is complete fictional! Catherine toyed with her bald pussy. I could feel my dick getting hard just watching her from my window. It was pushing through my pants, begging to escape, so I let my nine inches free. I wrapped my hand around my dick, stroking it slowly as I watched her. I loved the way her body moved. I wanted to be one of her fingers as I watched her move them in and out of her faster and faster. She rubbed her little clit, moaning louder and louder. I couldn’t hear...

3 years ago
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The Boy on The Grass

Introduction: The sun brings them out like freckles, the beautiful boys. But its their bulges that fascinate me especially what they do with them when they think no-ones looking&hellip,.. I was sitting on a bench having my sandwich lunch in the precinct of the Cathedral one warm summer day. Dotted around on the grass between the gravestones were various people enjoying the sun and one anothers company. It was the lunch hour, so lots of young and older people had come out to get some midday sun....

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Green Grass Grows

"Johnathon, you better get out there and find a job. Your father and I have made sure you had your college tuition, but you have to earn your mad money.""I have been trying, mom. There are just not that many jobs open with this pandemic.""Mrs. Boston has been looking for someone to cut her grass. Why don't you go over there and see what she is offering.""Okay. Okay, I will do that."I walked over to Boston's home and rang the bell. I waited a long time, and I was just about to walk back home....

4 years ago
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The Boy on The Grass

My eyes were drawn to one young man who came and sat cross-legged on the grass a short distance away and proceeded to unpack a sandwich and a bottle of coke. He took them out of a grey shoulder-bag he was carrying, from which he also produced a book. He proceeded to read his book while he ate his lunch. He was about 19 or 20, clean shaven, with dark brown hair a little bit long and tousled but very flattering – in a sort of David Cassidy style. His figure was slim and he was wearing and...

2 years ago
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Splendor In The Grass

We have just begun spending the early hours of a beautiful late summer day sampling the wares of several Virginia wine makers at the latest wine festival. It has been several years since we attended one and had to enjoy one more before you wander off to newer lands. Light, wispy white clouds race across the azure blue sky to the west. The warm breezes enticingly caress us as the rays of the warming sun shine down on us while it slowly rises higher in the early morning sky to the east. We drove...

2 years ago
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Sex in the tall grass

It was my first truly adult experience that hot summer’s day. We had chatted online, exchanged photos. He had wanked that magnificent cock for me as I posed as naughty as I knew how! Maybe he chuckled a few times over my headphones, but that lovely cock looked so sweet covered in his copious thick jizz!He was three buses out, practically in the sticks! Houses gave way to open fields and golf courses as I approached the stop he mentioned. Would I get off a kiss him, shake hands or hug? I was a...

2 years ago
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Grass Cutter

I decided to begin cutting grass as a side job about a year ago. Our k**s were grown so I wasn't needed to take care of anyone at home. I wanted to make some extra cash to buy myself a boat. With my wife's blessings I quickly mustered up 5 yards to cut. It was more work than this 45 year old could handle, so I scaled back to just three yards. I had messed around a bit with a couple of women years before without my wife's knowledge and thought maybe, just maybe, I could hit upon a lonely...

3 years ago
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Yard Girl Candi Cuts My Grass

I had hurt my foot and needed some help with cutting the grass and some light house work. I found an ad in the local paper for a grass cutting service. I contacted the service and asked if they had any female employees, not wanting a strange man around the house while I was having a problem. They offered to send a girl over and if I was happy they would offer me a contract to take care of the yard on a monthly basis.Mostly it was cutting the grass, trimming around the edges, and cleaning the...

4 years ago
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Mowing the Neighbor ladies grass

While a few doors down from me is a women in late 40's with 14 grand k**s and her youngest daughter of 16 and her boyfriend, all living in one big old house. I see her sitting porch every day, smoking and staring off into space with k**s running around like crazy, screaming their heads off. Well without fail she was out there at 9:00 am this morning. In her moo-moo house dress, going stir crazy, with her cigarette and coffee, staring off into the sky.She is not the most attractive women, and...

1 year ago
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Pokemon Never Go into Tall Grass Alone

I never thought it would happen. I’ve ventured out of town before without any problem. I can’t even tell mom about this, I know what she would say. Maybe I should of listened to them to not go out without a Pokemon, but I’m impatient, I haven’t gotten my starter yet, I just turned 10, but I have to wait until they receive more Snivy’s, they have the others, but I really wanted him. The reason why they didn’t have him, I heard from Mom, well at least, kinda heard from her. Bryce and his...

2 years ago
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Mowin the grass

Introduction: Her pussy was smooth as silk and hot. For thirty dollars a lawn, mowing grass in the heart of summer was not always worth it but I needed the money for school and if nothing else being busy from ten until two and then again for four until six it kept me out of trouble at least during the week. In Florida it seemed that of the fifty or so customers I had each day I was always mowing grass. The St. Augustine grew as if it were on steroid. It was good exercise too. That Monday...

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Cutting the Grass

IntroI grew up in a part of town that was perpetually on the edge of gentrifying you could say. There were traces of what used to be seedy area close to my High School, but overall it was safe. One day in early May of my Senior Year, I overheard some real alternative guys (think 90's hippies) talk about getting into the Adult Book Store, Secret Treasures, that was in the more seedy part of the strip. They were talking about nudie mags, sex toys and even a theatre. I heard one guy describe the...

1 year ago
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The Grass Is Greener

The Grass is Greener by Paul G Jutras PART 1 Tom and Tammy were both ten years old and not alike at all; but not in the way one might think. Tom was always helping his mother with dinner and cleaning the house. Tammy, on the other hand, preferred watching the sports channel with her father. This bothered their parents quite a bit and left them unsure how to correct the situation. That was until one weekend, their mother got an idea. It was Friday night and Tom and Tammy had both...

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The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank

When I was young my Grandfather used to read the paper to me. One of his favorite colomnists was a woman named Erma Bombeck. I got the idea for this story from the title of one of her books. As ususal thanks to Mikothebaby for editing this story. If you like it please let her know that her work is appreciated by someone besides me. Refusing to let go of the past is the surest way of not having a future. God damn it. I hated mornings like this one. It was a crisp, clean, spring morning with...

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What happens when the grass is finished1

I scanned the room through half opened eyes trying to see if I could register anything, but nothing,I hadn't a clue where I was or who's bed I was in or why I was even in bed. I came here to do a job to raise money for a trip with the school and now I am just ..... "Fuck! what will I tell my teacher when she asks how did it go with Mr Byrne and his over grown lawn, " I don't know, fuck I can't remember. My last memory is coming in from the garden after cutting the grass for Mr Byrne. I...

3 years ago
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What happens when the grass is finished0

I scanned the room through half opened eyes trying to see if I could register anything, but nothing,I hadn't a clue where I was or who's bed I was in or why I was even in bed. I came here to do a job to raise money for a trip with the school and now I am just ..... "Fuck! what will I tell my teacher when she asks how did it go with Mr Byrne and his over grown lawn, " I don't know, fuck I can't remember. My last memory is coming in from the garden after cutting the grass for Mr Byrne. I...

2 years ago
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Mowin the grass

In Florida it seemed that of the fifty or so customers I had each day I was always mowing grass. The St. Augustine grew as if it were on steroid. It was good exercise too. That Monday morning my first stop and only stop for the first time since the summer began was the Wilson home. The Wilson’s had the standard patch of grass as I liked to call it. They had a patch out front and a little in the back besides the pool area. The house was the typical stucco painted peach like many of the other...

2 years ago
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Frolic in the Grass

I’d like to share a memory of the way things were before this all started and everything went to shambles. A memory of what I once had, before I lost it… Before I recognized the value of what I had lost, even. Moreso than sharing it, I think I just want to remind myself so I don’t forget. Looking back, it’s funny how we thought our problems then were stressful… And I suppose they were, in their own way. But I digress, here is my memory: It was a beautiful summer day. The weather was temperate...

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The Story About George Chapter Three Snorkel and Grass

When George got home from the party, he took a nice hot shower. He wore his Loretta Lynn wig, but had a Green Bay Packer football helmet on also. He didn't want to lose the curls. The top of his helmet was growing grass, like a chia pet. Also, it had Bullwinkle antlers. It's not everyday that one sees a person with a snorkel and helmet taking a shower. It was either grass or some good marijuana. When he came out he was red as a lobster and Pamela was naked, sitting on the toilet. She looked at...

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On the Soft Green Grass

So you want to spend the day out on the lawn with me. I can see it now, Sunny days with just a few puffy clouds drifting through the sky. It's about 78 Degrees out, the grass is lush and green. The neighbor across the fence just mowed his lawn thismorning so we can smell the freshly mown grass. We have one of those 2 person beach towels spread out, and I am stretched out along one side of it. You are sitting there next to me, your face all aglow with the radiant beauty that you have. You...

4 years ago
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The Grass is Greener

The Grass is Greener By Mrraizer New York is a city with eight million stories. Some of them include a woman named Madame Duvalier. Madame D is a Voudou priestess who gives back to the community in unusual ways. She changes people for the better. Shaheed Ali is a young man fresh out of jail for robbery, assault, and rape. As a young man let out early by the revolving doors of justice he hasn't quite learned his lesson. Always blaming his actions on "the man" Shaheed is...

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The Grass Is Never Greener

The following story is sadly lacking in sex, drugs, rock 'n roll, strong language, or even just an explicit transformation scene. It is also rather metaphysical, philosophic, and mildly depressing in an odd sort of way. If such things bother you then I advise you not to read it. You have been warned... The usual conditions apply. Free sites loopy enough to want it in their collection may archive it as-is with my blessing - Though I would appreciate being notified. Pay sites...

3 years ago
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Damp Grass

He was thrusting in to me nice and hard, whatever his name was, his mate was impatiently waiting his turn. It was dark behind the Disco and the grass was slightly damp, not the perfect place to have sex, but I didn't have much of a choice. This is as far as I got before I was unceremoniously dumped on to my back, my knickers pulled off and his hard cock thrust into me. "Come on mate," his companion urged, "it's bloody freezing out here." "Yeah, I nearly there," he said breathlessly....

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Gas Grass or Ass

"You can kiss my ass if you think I'm going to get all naked here on the street. Then you..." Four weeks ago Gena was merely a barely attractive, zoftig, distant, class acquaintance I desperately wanted sitting on my face. At 5'10" in flats and 170 lbs., she wasn't my usual type. Her pleasant, not hot, face would never win a beauty contest, but I liked her innocent aura and girl-next-door accessibility. Despite her big frame, her 40x31x40 D+ cups figure always turned heads. She usually...

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DegrassiThe Next Generation

Your name is Darcy, and you go to High School in Degrassi, where your a cheerleader, also in your junior year. Today was an average day at Degrassi High. Your on your way to the bathroom when you notice a girl named Ellie, coming into school late. You think to yourself a minute thats unlike her coming to school late. So the kind person you are and you go over to talk to her, even though you secretly been in love with her since freshman year. "Hey Ellie, I noticed that you just got in, is there...

2 years ago
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Mrs Cartwright

I’d always had a thing about Mrs. Cartwright. There was something sexual about her, but it was impossible for me to explain what exactly. I’d once tried telling some close mates about how she made me feel, but they just laughed. They told me she was way too old for me and probably not very interesting. “She’s into potted plants, for fuck’s sake,” said Stewart, “It doesn’t get much more boring than that!” I figured my friends were probably right, but I still had this thing for her. She was what...

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Miss cartwright 3

To fully understand this story it is recommended that you read parts Miss Cartwright And Miss Cartwright 2. I had not seen Miss Cartwright for more than 20 years, I was now a fully fledged Customs Officer working at a local Airport (which will remain nameless). I was on night shift and it was 2am the flight from Faro had just landed, I scanned the crowd as I always did and saw someone I thought was familiar, I quickly checked the flight manifest and yes there she was Miss Sarah Cartwright, I...

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The Green Green Grass of HomeDGH

Note from Jake Rivers: This is my fifth semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The initial one was based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ The second used the Marty Robbins El Paso trilogy: ‘El Paso’ ‘El Paso City ‘ and ‘Faleena.’ The third had stories based on the various versions of ‘Maggie May’ or ‘Maggie Mae.’ The fourth invitational was based on any Country & Western song. The current invitational is based on any song written or performed by Merle Haggard. Regards, Jake * I...

2 years ago
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The Grass is Greener A Semi Drabble

The Grass Is Greener: A Semi Drabble (Based on a forty-year-old joke.) By Carol Collins Spring was in the air as the birds sang in the trees. It was a clear sunny day with a very pleasant temperature that made every one wish to be outdoors. Beside a winding pathway through the city park, George and his gay companion, Bruce, sat holding hands on a park bench. George watched in amazement as Bruce followed the movements of a very pretty girl that happened to be passing by. The...

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The Grass Is Greener on the Other Side Part I

Copyright 2000, 2001, swl, all rights reserved except as noted. Permission is given to download one copy for personal use only. Permission is given to Fictionmania to post this story on it's website. Also protected is Leonard Cohen's song "Susan." All other uses of this story needs the permission of the author either written or by email. Permission will probably be granted to other free sites to post this story. Notes: This story contains violence in the form of a battle. It...

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Grass is Greener On the Other Side 2 Learning Can Be Fun

Grass is Greener On the Other Side 2: Learning Can Be Fun By shalimar Steve woke up in a fog and felt pains all over his body. All of his bones felt as if they were crushed. His insides near his groin felt like they were gouged out. He had a sore throat. He felt soreness on his chest. His face felt like it was pushed around. Except for his head above his ears his skin felt like every hair on his body was pulled out one at a time the most painful way. And through all this pain...

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Batgirl and Robin Greener Grass

This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Consider this a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. Our imaginations do not necessarily work within the usual DC Comics realm. From Eric - Ever since I read Steve's great story, "Batgirl: Who, me?", I've been obsessed with it and he, kind and gracious as always,...

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The Grass of Venus

It has been a long time since I last released anything and I have had this one sitting around for a while now. I'm not sure how I feel about it to be truthful. I've said I wanted to change a few things but can never figure out what I want to change. So with that said, I figured it was time to just release it. This story depicts the use of Marijuana. Anyone who finds that objectionable should stop reading now. There is minor sex in this story, so again, warning if you don't want to...

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The Green Green Grass of Home Dgh

I have always wondered if you could love someone too much. I believe in my case the answer is yes. The old hometown looks the same as I step down from the train And there to meet me is my Mama and Papa. Down the lane I look and there runs Mary hair of gold and lips like cherries It's good to touch the green, green grass of home. I remember this song from way back in my younger days. So pretty, yet so sad. It's about a man's dream before he is taken to be executed. I guess I could...

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Miss cartwright 3

To fully understand this story it is recommended that you read parts Miss Cartwright And Miss Cartwright 2. I had not seen Miss Cartwright for more than 20 years, I was now a fully fledged Customs Officer working at a local Airport (which will remain nameless). I was on night shift and it was 2am the flight from Faro had just landed, I scanned the crowd as I always did and saw someone I thought was familiar, I quickly checked the flight manifest and yes there she was Miss Sarah Cartwright, I...

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Brighton Pier

Brighton Pier By Belle Gordon The heavy iron door banged shut and the keys turned in the lock. I lay down on my bed and resigned myself to being locked up for the next twenty two hours. As I'd done many times previously I cursed my stupidity. Love had blinded me to the risks and dangers involved in breaking the law. I thought I had covered my tracks but I'd got careless and greedy. Inevitably I got caught. I should have foreseen what was likely to happen when I'd stolen the...

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Linda Wright’s seven year old nephew Matthew has been living in her home for a month with her sixteen year old daughter Mary, and her thirteen year old daughter Donna. Along with her loving Christian husband Dan whom she has been happily married to for over twenty years. Linda was very pleased with how well behaved Matthew has been ever since that fateful day in church, where he learned a good lesson, after lying over Miss Calusa’s knee. Matthew has been provided with structure, along with...

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Discovering BanyaCh 3Boris Hero Of Brighton Beach Meets Eve Banya Girl

The day after the hurricane the waves were huge at Brighton Beach.  The Russian part of the population had defied the emergency evacuation order and now crossed the yellow police tape to have a look.One person stepped out of the crowd, let his robe drop, and strode proudly naked to take the plunge.  Boris rode the breakers up and down, past the jetty, accompanied by roaring applause from the appreciative group remaining on shore.Several hours later, Eve, who had witnessed the fantastic event...

Love Stories
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On The London to Brighton Line

It’s early. Far to early to be up on New Years Day, but we are up anyway. We are on our way to Brighton from London. My girlfriend Jess is asleep with her head in my lap, as the train passes through Gatwick and our carriage empties out. It looks like not a lot of people are on their way to Brighton this rather chilly early New Years morning. Jess wakes up as we stop at the next station. She looks up and me and smiles sleepily. She has a great smile. Her long brown hair is tousled and partly...

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A Night in Brighton

Friday 28 November 1952 Our one night together in Brighton began by us meeting as arranged in the concourse of London Bridge railway station, at five in the afternoon to catch the 17.15 train. I had already picked up the first class tickets from the office. There was a freezing pea-souper in London that Friday afternoon in late November and you could barely see a hand in front of your face. As the weather was so bad I left my rented house in Croydon half an hour early so I was waiting for her...

3 years ago
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Miss Cartwright 2

Miss Cartwright Part 2 Part 1 ended where I had suffered a Spanking and caning at the hand of Miss Cartwright the Art teacher for submitting a picture of her in a class project. The following week I handed in my Art homework as usual it had been a landscape and I knew that I could do that okay so I had no worries, school went on and I sat my exams and on the last day of term I once again saw Miss Cartwright. ‘Are Peter, your last day at school have you learnt your lesson in how to behave and...

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Miss Cartwright 2

Miss Cartwright Part 2 Part 1 ended where I had suffered a Spanking and caning at the hand of Miss Cartwright the Art teacher for submitting a picture of her in a class project. The following week I handed in my Art homework as usual it had been a landscape and I knew that I could do that okay so I had no worries, school went on and I sat my exams and on the last day of term I once again saw Miss Cartwright. "Are Peter, your last day at school have you learnt your lesson in how to behave and...

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DegrassiEllies Adventure

It was a typical rainy day at Degrassi but thank god school is out. You decide to stay behind and head to the the gym. The captain of the cheer leading team is doing some exercises. You go and sit down on the bleachers and watch her. You see that the girl doing some exercises is none other than Darcy. I had no clue that she stays after school to practice her cheer routines. "Hey Darcy; I'm sorry for dropping in on your work out but the door was open, you said." "Oh Ellie; Thats OK. So what did...

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