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"You're going to love them," Mary said to Dr Green as she trimmed a little more of her hair. "He said to tell you that he should be done the day after tomorrow. Each dress is just amazing, Joan. I'm so impressed with his ability. He'd never sewn anything less than a month ago, now, you'd swear he'd been doing this his whole life." Joan smiled. "That's wonderful, Mary, and I am very excited to see them, but can I ask you a question?" "Of course," Mary smiled under her mask. "You can ask me anything. You know that." Joan violated the rules of social distancing in order to obey the rules of friendship and took Mary's latex-gloved hair into her ungloved hand. "Mare, I can't tell you how sorry I was when I heard that Margaret and her husband had died. They really were heroes, Mare. I never could have done what they did. I truly am in awe of their dedication. I want you to know, before I ask my question, that I could not possibly respect her more or feel worse about her death." Mary nodded and sniffled a little. "I know." "Ok, so... having said that... why didn't she ever look into Jordan's stunted growth? I mean, I've never even examined the boy, but I don't think he's entered puberty - his skin is too soft, his cheeks are too plump and his voice is too high. Didn't any of these things bother her?" Mary shrugged. "Honestly, Joan, I don't know how to answer that. Since Jordie came to stay with us, I have been horrified by how poorly my sister treated that child. I hate the fact that that boy can't even properly mourn his parents' death and I hate myself for not seeing it before. How could I have let him always be so distant and not have intervened?" "Well, Mare, let's be honest - none of us would be willing to interfere in our sister of brother's private family affairs unless we saw injury. That's just normal. You know that. You can't beat yourself up for that." Mary shrugged. "I don't know. But I will tell you something - I usually do the laundry and... I can tell you that he has entered puberty. I have found evidence of it in panties that he tried to hide." "Well, boys masturbate, Mare." "Actually, I don't think it's masturbation, I think it's an occasional wet dream, but... the evidence is there. Also, I did teach him how to shave his legs and pits and... it was kind of inevitable that I would catch a glimpse of his... bikini area. There is hair there, or at least there was." "Ok," Joan thought about that, "he has the primary male features, but limited evidence of secondary. Interesting. Do think that he'd submit to an examination? I am concerned and I'd really like to help him if I can." "Oh, Geez, Joan, I don't know. He's been through a lot and, with the pandemic and all..." "I know, I know, but... What if I was to do the examination here. I can take blood samples safely. I'll wear a clean room suit the whole time... it would be safer than it would be in my office before any of this happened." "I'd need to talk to him," Mary said. "I just don't know if he'd do it or not." "Tell you what," Joan said, "don't say anything. I'll bring it up when I get my dresses from him. If he says no, then I'll drop it unless he becomes my patient sometime down the road, ok?" Mary nodded. "Ok." XXX "This is Jim Leary, how can I help you?" "Good morning, Mr Leary, my name is Susan Lewis and I am an attorney in Hardwick, Massachusetts. I have been engaged to be the representing attorney for the Alden estate. I am representing Jordan Alden. I'd like to get some specifics from you regarding the estate of his parents." Leary cleared his throat. "Ahh, yes, Ms Lewis. I... Umm... I am afraid that I am not able to help you in this matter at this time." "Really? Did I misunderstand? Didn't you pay a visit to the home of Jordan's Aunt Mary the evening before last?" "I did, Ms Lewis, yes, but at that time, I was unaware that young MISTER Alden was not mentally sound." "I beg your pardon?" "Since becoming aware of his mental instability I have notified the courts that MISTER Alden is not competent to have access to this kind of wealth. Instead, I have requested that, in the interests of the estate, that I remain executor of the trust and that I provide MISTER Alden with a modest yearly allotment of approximately twenty five thousand dollars annually until such time as MISTER Alden passes on." "Twenty five...? Forgive my French, Mr Leary, but just what the hell are you talking about. Jordan Alden has not been examined by a medical expert. The courts won't just give you the power to keep his inheritance..." "That may be so, Ms Lewis, if it were not for the fact that I informed the court that when I visited Mr Alden at his Aunt's home, he presented himself not as a twenty one year old male, but as a ten year old female..." "First of all, Mr Leary, Jordan may look young, but certainly not ten years old, and secondly, this is the year two thousand and twenty and many males present themselves as females and many females present as male. That is the new norm, Mr Leary, not a sign of instability. No court would..." "And of course there was the extraordinary temper tantrum that I witnessed when his aunt demanded that he work with me. The young MAN is violent to the point of dangerousness and unstable to the point of endangering the welfare of the three women who share the house with him. Trust me, Ms Lewis, if you want to challenge me on this matter, that little princess will face much more than just the loss of his inheritance. He could lose his freedom. And I'd do that to that little shit just because of the way his aunt spoke to me." "Listen, Mr Leary..." "I don't think there's anything more to be said here, Ms Lewis." "Well, I don't agree..." "Goodbye, Ms Lewis. Please don't call again. See you in court." The call ended. XXX "Jordie, honey," Mary said, quietly, as she entered the sewing room. "Can I speak to you for a few minutes?" She was surprised to find Robbie sitting on the floor, playing with her Nintendo Switch. "Are you Jordie's helper?" She asked. "Franny's been Skyping with her roommate from college for most of the morning. I was lonely, so I came to bother Jordie. He told me I could stay if I sat and stayed quiet." She smiled as she told her mother about Jordan's orders. "He's very focused on getting Dr Green's dresses done today." She giggled at that, looked at Jordan with affection and returned to her game. "Look, auntie," Jordan pointed to a clothes rack, "they're all done except this one, and I just need to finish the zipper on this one. What do you think." Mary pulled each dress out and gave each a quick inspection. "Jordie, they're just lovely. Dr Green will love them, I'm sure." Jordan beamed a smile back at her. "I hope so." Mary pulled a chair up to the work table. "Listen, baby... I need to talk to you. I just got off the phone with Susan Lewis and... there's a complication that we need to deal with regarding your parents' estate." "Like what?" "Well... remember that Mr Leary who was here the other night? Well... he's... well... he's contesting the will. Do you understand what that means?" He nodded, thoughtfully. "Yes. It means that he doesn't want the money and everything else going to me, right?" "That's right, baby." He shrugged. "That's because I said I didn't want it, right? I guess I messed things up for you guys, huh? Sorry." "No, Jordie. Mr Leary doesn't think..." she knew that this would hit him hard and hurt a lot, but he needed to know. "... he doesn't think that you're... capable... he thinks that... because of the way you look and," she sighed, "... well, because of your behavior, you know, when you stormed out of the kitchen... he's... petitioning the court to keep control of the money." Jordan stopped and looked at his work table and he thought for a few moments. "Because... I'm weird, right?" ""No," Mary insisted, "no, now, baby, no one is saying that..." "Because I'm not 'normal,' then, right? Because I don't feel things the same way as other people? That's why they think I'm weird, right? Or is it because I don't look normal?" "You look perfect, Jordie!" Robbie said, from the floor. "But I don't look like a guy, do I? I don't look like any other guy you know, do I? I look like this. Like... what? A woman? A girl? A child?" "You look like Jordie," Robbie moved to her knees and grasped his hand. "I look like Robbie and mom looks like mom. Everyone looks different, Jordie." "Yeah, but you're a girl and you look like a girl. I'm a guy and I look like a girl, too. That's not normal. That's weird." "Alright, alright," Mary held up her hands to calm things, "That's enough. Jordie, the problem is not how you look or chose to live, or even your outburst the other night. The problem is that Mr Leary was hoping that we'd just sign his papers and accept the inheritance and allow him to remain in charge of the estate without question. That way he could go right along administering that huge estate and making money from it. Now, because I threw him out..." "Yeah, you did," Robbie said, still impressed by Franny's telling of the story and her saying that her stepmother had actually told the lawyer to 'get the fuck out of her house.' Mary shot Robbie a 'that's not helping' look. "And now he's trying to keep you from getting the money you deserve. That's all it is, Jordie. It's a petty man trying to exact some vengeance for the fact that a woman spoke up to him and a gentle, sensitive boy, who is probably much smarter than he is, doesn't fit his definition of being a man. That doesn't make you weird, Jordie. That makes you the amazing kid that you are. Do you understand me?" He looked from his aunt to his cousin, then nodded. "Yes. I understand, but I'm sorry." "Sorry for what?" Mary asked. Jordan sighed. "I'm sorry... because... even though I don't want to be rich, I wanted you guys to be, but... I guess I can't give you anything because I'm not getting the money." "Ok. First," Mary said forcefully, "you don't owe any of us a cent, understood. Second, there is no way on heaven or earth that that arrogant, misogynistic son-of-a-bitch is making a penny of profit off of my sister's estate. You will get everything penny you have coming to you, I promise you that. Susan has set up a hearing using Zoom for next Wednesday, and we need to be ready because I want Susan to shove her foot so far up that piece of crap's ass that when he smiles you'll see the color of her toenail polish on his teeth." "Whoa, mom!" Robbie giggled, impressed, "when did you become a badass?" "The moment that someone tried to mess with my family and then tried to make one of my own feel 'less than' someone else. I'm a quiet, polite woman, Roberta, but I'm telling you this, I will protect the three of you from now until the end of the world and if a scumbag like that jackass wants to fight with me, I will make sure that he leaves the courthouse with his ass aching and dragging behind him." XXX "Jordan," Dr Green gushed, "I just love everyone of these dresses. You have outdone yourself." It was raining, so Mary had suggested that they don masks and meet in meet in the barn. There was an office just off the salon that Mary's husband had built for himself, but never had the opportunity to use. Dr Green could change in there, then come into the salon to use the mirrors. Because of Dr Green's work in a hospital that treated COVID- 19, Mary insisted that she and Jordan remain masked and at least ten feet away from the doctor. She also opened the windows and turned on small fans to keep the air moving towards the doctor at all times. "I'm glad you like them," Jordan smiled, a look of pride visible even through the flowered, opaque mask. "I think I like this one the best," Joan Green fussed with the dress and examined it in the mirrors. "I'm going to wear this one home, I think. God, I feel like a queen in this. It's so soft and it fits so perfectLy." "I told you," Mary smiled. "My Jordie is a genius." Joan sat down in the shampoo station seat, smoothing the skirt of the dress under her as she sat, she picked up her pocket book and removed her wallet, putting three one-hundred dollar bills on the counter. "Three hundred dollars plus the two hundred I gave you before. Correct?" "Yes, thank you," Jordan nodded. Joan appeared to be thinking for a moment, then took another three one-hundred dollar bills from her wallet and held them in front of her. "How would you like to make an additional three hundred dollars, Jordie?" Jordan glanced at his aunt, then looked back towards the doctor. "Do you want three more dresses?" Joan smiled. "No, Jordie. I want to examine you." He looked from on adult to the other. "What? Why?" "Now, don't get all wound up, Jordie," the doctor said, gently. "It's just that... I knew your mother when we were young and I am... surprised, I guess... that she, well, frankly, that no one ever looked into why you are... underdeveloped, I guess is the right word. I'd really like to see if I can help you and... to be honest... the sooner we get started with investigation your condition, the better our chances of coming up with a course of treatment." "Treatment for what?" "Well, Jordan, I believe that is what we need to find out." "Do I look sick to you?" He was getting a bit anxious. "Not sick, per se, Jordie, but... I am sure that you are aware that you're not as well developed as most males your age, right?" "So what? That doesn't matter any more." "What do you mean, any more?" "Well, I'm happy, now. I like how I look, now. I don't need to grow any more." "Ok," Joan regrouped and tried another approach, "but if your body isn't producing the right hormones, you could be headed for some pretty big health problems and I'd like to be sure that we avoid any chance of that." Jordan blinked many times and stared at the floor as he thought. "I'll make sure that everything is perfectly safe, Jordie. We'll do the exam right here. You'll wear a mask and I will wear a clean- suit... you know... a white suit made Tyvek? One that I can just throw away after we're done." He still looked at the floor, blinking. "What do you say, Jordie?" Finally, his head snapped upright and he looked towards the doctor, not quite making eye contact. "If I do this for you..." He paused, thinking for quite a long time. "...can you help me with something?" "I will if I can, Jordie. What exactly would like help with?" He looked at Mary and thought for a moment before blurting out, "I'd like to get breast implants." Mary breathed as steadily as she could, covering the shock of what she'd just heard. "Well..." Joan considered this. "That is a bit complicated, Jordie. If a man wants to become a woman, there are a lot of things to consider. I mean... his mental health, his physical health, his long term goals all need to be considered." "I don't want to become a woman, though." "But... you just asked me..." "For breast implants. I don't want to be a woman, I just want breasts." Now, it was Joan's turn to blink. "Well, let me just ask you this, Jordie - Why?" "Because I want them. I want to look right. Breasts will make my clothes hang right. So, I want to get them." "But... why not wear a padded bra, Jordie, like you are now?" He shrugged. "I have my own reasons. Can you help me?" Joan shrugged, "Well, all I can promise is that I will help you find the right doctors who can help you, Jordie. I can't just give you implants. I'm not a plastic surgeon. Is that a deal?" He thought for a moment or two then nodded. "Ok. When do you want to do the examination?" "How about now?" Joan asked, surprising the boy. "I have everything I need in my car." "Ok," he stood and straightened his dress. "Then, when can I expect to have implants?" "I don't know the answer to that, Jordan. I can only help you to find the right people to guide you through the process." "Ok." He nodded. "Auntie, can you unzip me?" XXX "Come sit on the ottoman," Frances tapped the furniture piece, "and let me braid your hair." Jordan sat on the ottoman and looked straight ahead at the television, which was showing a Meg Ryan movie that Robbie had chosen for the evening. Simple plot - Meg Ryan meets and hates Kevin Klein, Kevin Klein helps Meg Ryan to win back her straying husband, in process, they fall in love. Pretty much the same as several other Meg Ryan movies Jordan had seen since his arrival. Just swap Kevin Klein for Tom Hanks or Hugh Jackman and the plot remains the same. Today, just after Jordan's physical exam, a package addressed to Mary had arrived from Amazon.com. She opened it and happily presented new nightgowns to everyone. "They're lightweight for the warmer weather," she'd announced as she handed each of them a nearly identical garment, except for the size and color. The knee length nighties were made of polyester and meant to feel like silk. Each had comfortably wide straps going over the shoulders, a box shaped neck-line that showed a little cleavage on the women, and a splash of lace and delicate netting along the bust-line. Franny's was a deep blue, Mary's sea green, Robbie's a dusty lavender and Jordan's a vivid red that Franny called 'fuchsia.' All of the gowns hung loosely from the women's shoulders and breasts. Jordan's hung from his shoulders and the modest breasts created by his padded bra, but, even though Mary had chosen an extra-small for him, the petite garment still fell just past his knees, instead of above. The length didn't matter, though. The comparison that kept leaping into his head was the difference in their natural breasts and his artificial ones. He didn't mind wearing a bra to bed, in fact he hardly noticed that he was wearing it at all at this point, but the three women all showed just a trace of nipple pushing through their bodice. He'd like that for himself, someday. Mary looked at her eldest stepdaughter as she braided Jordan's hair and couldn't help thinking how tiny, frail, weak, vulnerable, childlike he looked. Like her stepdaughters' little sister waiting and wanting to become a woman, just like them. It prompted a warm smile to spread on her face. If only she'd taken Jordan in earlier. What would his life be like, now? "Did Dr Green say anything about your health, today?" Robbie asked, still focused on the movie, but not needing to catch every word, since she'd seen the film at least twenty five time before. "No," Jordan said, keeping his head very still so Frances could work. "She just said I was too little for my age and that I needed to have my hormone levels tested." "Huh, no kidding," Robbie continued. "Wouldn't it be funny if the tests showed that you really are a girl?" Mary was shocked at the casual way Robbie had just thrown this out. Of course Jordan was going to go crazy and scream at this suggestion. But the strangest thing happened. He didn't. "I don't think that's going to happen," he said, just as casually. "I mean, if I had female organs I'd know it by now. I mean, obviously I don't have a vagina and if I had ovaries or anything, someone would have seen them by now. No. I think I'm just a small guy." "Who has cute, braided pigtails," Frances giggled as she threw her arms around his belly and leaned back, pulling him with her so that she slouched against the back of the chair and he laid back with his back on her abdomen and the back of his head on her breasts. The thought of a sweet little sister went through Mary's brain again. She decided to let the girls in on Jordan's revelation from this morning. "You know, Jordan is thinking about getting breast implants." She said, cautiously. Robbie turned from the TV, smiled at Jordie, then looked at Mary and smiled. "Yeah, we know. He told us the other day." "Oh, really?" Mary was very surprised. "I guess I'm the last to find out." "I guess," Robbie shrugged. "We didn't think it was a big deal or anything." Mary wanted to say that it was, in fact, a very big deal, but she looked at the way the girls were remaining relaxed, open and accepting of what was, to her, a very bizarre situation, and she decided to just go with the flow for the time being. She looked at her high-strung, stressed out nephew and saw a relaxed, content young lady, laying comfortably on someone she obviously loved and trusted. This was more than she could have ever expected would happen and, all in all, that was good. "It wouldn't be so bad, though, would it?" Franny asked, running her hands absentmindedly along Jordan's braids. "What wouldn't?" Jordan asked, equally unconcerned. "If you found out you were really I girl. I mean, I'm a girl and I love it." Then she reached out to her sister saying, "Robbie, hand me those two blue ribbons on the table beside you." Robbie complied. As Frances tied first one, then another baby blue bow over the hair ties she'd used to secure the ends of Jordan's braids, he shrugged and said, "I don't know. I like looking like a girl, but I don't know if I really want to be one - down there, I mean. Besides, like I told you, I'd rather have a night with Gal Gadot than Chris Pratt." That made Robbie giggle. Mary was astounded at the casualness of the conversation. It was just 'girl talk,' pure and simple. Just a couple of weeks ago, Jordan had been unable to accept even a passing hug or a peck on the cheek from his cousins. Now, look at him. He was relaxed and engaged, sprawled in the loving warmth of Frances' sisterly love. Whatever Jordan was - a boy, a girl, a man, a woman, something in between - he was, for the first time in his life, relaxed and at home in his own skin. He knew he was safe with them and he knew that he was loved. Mary made a vow right then and there that she'd be sure that Jordan never again doubted that safety and love was surrounding him forever - and if that meant that she had to become a vicious bitch in order to keep that jackass Leary at bay, then so be it. XXX "Ready?" Mary asked Jordan. He was standing in his room, looking at himself in the mirror. "I think so," he shrugged. "Is this dress ok?" He was wearing a dress he'd sewn specifically to wear to his court hearing today. It was made from a complicated plaid material with larger blue and white squares combined with thin red and black lines. It was an older pattern that, nowadays, was reminiscent of a private school girl's uniform. The collar was a wide, plain white affair that calmed the pattern near his face. The very short sleeves ended in the same, plain, white material used as a delicate cuff. His makeup was fresh and youthful, with soft pink lipstick and just a touch of gray and tan on his eyes. Plucked eyebrows, thick, straight bangs, straightened hair flowing down his back and small, gold rings in his ears. In short - he looked... precious. "You look lovely, Jordie. They're only going to see your head and shoulders, though, so don't worry." He nodded. "I just want to look nice." "You do, baby. Let's go down stairs. We'll use two computers so that we're both on screen, ok? Susan and Joan will be on with us, so they'll do most of the talking. Let them answer everything unless Susan specifically tells you to talk. Alright?" He nodded. "But... why is Dr Green going to be there?" "In case there are any questions about your health or mental state." He nodded. "Above all, baby... control your temper, ok?" He nodded again. "Ok. I promise." When they got to the dining room, Robbie and Frances were already there. Each had set up a MacBook, one on each side of the large tables opposite each other, "Everything's ready to go, mom," Frances said, obviously nervous about the upcoming proceedings. "I'll sit beside you and I'll stay on the phone with Ms Lewis through the whole thing. If she needs to have you say anything, she'll shut off her video and tell me what to tell you. Just remember to keep your 'mute' on unless you want to say something to the judge. Mary nodded. "Ok." "I'll be on the line with Dr Green the same way," Robbie confirmed. Then she looked at Jordan, who looked very scared. She hugged him tightly and said, "I'll be right next to you, Jordie. You'll do great, I promise." "You guys had better get ready," Frances said with a bit of urgency. "It's ten fifty eight and the hearing starts at eleven." Everyone sat, Mary on one side with Frances, Jordan on the other with Robbie. "How do I do this, now?" Mary asked. "I've never done this before." "I'll click the link and you'll ready to start. Adjust the camera before you join the meeting, then click 'join' and you'll be in the 'waiting room' until the judge lets you in." Mary followed the directs just as both France and Robbie's phones both rang. The girls answered and confirmed that they would stay on the line with their respective expert. "Why isn't anything happening." Mary asked, looking at the unchanging screen. "Just wait," Frances said with calm experience. "He'll let you in when he's ready. Just make sure to use your 'unmute' button when you want to talk." They sat and waited. Nothing changed. "Ask Susan if everything is ok," Mary said, the concern evident in her voice. "Hi," Frances spoke into the phone. "Mom is just worried because it's taking so long to get in." She listened and nodded. "Ms Lewis says to just be patient. The judge will start when he's ready." By eleven thirteen, Mary was ready to burst. She was about to have Frances check in with Susan again, when suddenly, the screen flickered to life and the meeting opened up. In the Brady Bunch style grid, Mary could see a very well put together woman with no name under her picture, an older woman with the words 'Court Recorder' under her picture, Mr Leary with his name, Dr Green, Susan Lewis, Jordan and herself. She was about to ask Frances why there was no judge when the well put together woman said, "Good morning, everyone. My name is Judge Amanda Lang. When addressing me, please do so as 'your honor' and if you are not an attorney, please only speak if I request you to do so. Thank you. Today we are meeting in an online hearing to determine the competency of Mr Jordan Alden relative to the distribution of the estate of Mr Alden's parents' estate. Is Mr Alden present today?" Jordan hit the 'unmute' button and said, "Yes, your honor." The judge looked more closely at her screen. "Mr Jordan, why does your screen indicate that your name is 'Roberta?' If you are transitioning and have not yet had your name changed legally, I must refer to you as Jordan Alden." "I am not transitioning, your honor. My name is Jordan. I'm using my sister's computer, your honor. Her name is Roberts." Mary, Frances and Robbie all gave each other shocked glances when Jordan said that Robbie was his 'sister' instead of his 'cousin,' but he made no attempt to correct himself, so they didn't say anything. "I see," the judge made a note. "Just so I am clear, Jordan, you are a twenty one year old male who is presenting as a female, correct?" "Yes, your honor." "And should I use male of female pronouns, Jordan?" "Which ever you prefer, your honor. I will not be offended by either." The judge nodded. "If I might impose for a moment, Jordan, would you mind standing back from the computer for a moment so I can see more of you?" "Your honor," Susan Lewis broke in, "May I ask why?" "Because, Ms Lewis, Jordan's sexual presentation is mentioned in the papers filed by Mr Leary. I would like to know what he was describing." "I understand, your honor, but how a person chooses to dress is in no way pertinent to the case." "I disagree, Ms Lewis. I need to see the situation, so, Jordan, please stand and move back so that I can see you better." Susan muted her Zoom feed and spoke into the phone. "Tell him to do it." "She says to do it," Frances said. Jordan stood and moved back towards the living room. "Please move that chair and lower the screen a bit." The judge instructed. Without Jordan moving, the chair back left the frame and screen lowered to better frame him. "Who is moving your computer, Jordan?" The judge asked. "That's Robbie." Suddenly, Robbie's face filled the screen. "Hi. I'm Roberta." The judge smiled. "Hello, Roberta. Thank you for your help." "No problem," Robbie smiled and moved out of the way. The judge looked at the person on the screen. This was extraordinary. Nothing about this person looked male - or twenty one. Even the choice of style was more juvenile than she expected. She wrote a few notes and said, "Thank you, Jordan. You may sit, now." "Now," the judge looked at her papers, "the paperwork I have here indicates that you are an only child. Is that true?" "I was, your honor." "So, Roberta is not your sister, then." "She's like my sister, your honor. So is Franny." The judge looked at the paperwork for a moment. "I see... Frances and Roberta... these are your cousins, yes?" "Yes, ma'm." "Alright... now, Jordan, I understand that you may consider these women to be your sisters, but for the sake of today's hearing, we must adhere to the letter of the law. So... please refer to them as your cousins. Do you understand?" "Yes, ma'm." "Very good. Let's begin. Mr Leary, please state your case." "Thank you, your honor," and for the next ten minutes, Leary laid out an in depth history of the Alden family accounts, frequently taking time to point out that Jordan's parents had never made him aware of any of their wealth and that, in and of itself, was reason to believe that they didn't think that Jordan was capable of understanding how to deal with the fortune they had accumulated. Susan Lewis made a few objections along the way, but for the most part just took notes and said a few encouraging words through the phone for Frances to forward to the others. Finally, Leary spoke about the evening he'd visited Mary's house. "Honestly, your honor, I'd never seen anything like it before. When that woman told me that that eight or ten year old girl standing in the doorway was Jordan Alden, well, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I honestly couldn't believe it. A grown man dressed like a little girl. And he was playing the part to the hilt, too, your honor. Sulking. Refusing to acknowledge the death of his parents. Storming out in a temper tantrum. It was quite a sight. I don't know what is going on in that house, your honor, but it seemed to me that the whole family was indulging in some sort of bizarre fantasy game..." Four times during this last section of testimony, Susan had raised an objection, but the judging held up her hand each time, indicating that Susan should wait. Finally she'd had enough and very loudly shouted at her screen, "Your honor, I object strenuously to this testimony. Mr Leary's subjective, biased, and might I say, grossly outdated opinions are slanderous to my client and her family. I do not understand why you have allowed him to go on for so long." Unfazed, the judge looked at the screen and said, "That will do, Mr Leary. Ms Lewis, if you will allow me, I would like to move on by asking you and yours client - or clients, as I assume that you also represent the extended family - some questions before you address Mr Leary's remarks. Is that amiable to you?" Susan was surprised by the change of procedures, but agreed, nonetheless, with the stipulation that, should the judge not ask questions that Susan felt pertinent, that she would have the opportunity to ask those later. "To begin with, Mr Leary, on the evening that you first met Miss Alden at the home she is currently sharing with her aunt, did she present herself in the same manner as she is presenting herself today?" Leary thought for a moment, then said, "Yes, your honor, I'd say that she... HE is dressed in the same style, although HE was dressed more casually that evening." "How so?" "Oh... I don't know.... I guess HIS dress was the kind of a dress that a girl wears around the house or something like that. Today HE is dressed for court, of course, but HE appears to be wearing a more dressed up outfit today." "Anything else?" "Well... I'm not sure if HE was wearing makeup that evening or not, as HE certainly is now. I am not an expert on these kinds of things, your honor, but, that is my opinion." The judge nodded. "Looking at Miss Alden's aunt on the screen, Mr Leary, approximately how old do you think she is?" "I beg your pardon, your honor?" Leary was shocked by the question. "Just approximately, Mr Leary. Say, within a five year age range." "Well... if I have to... I'd say..." he exhaled as he thought, "between forty five and fifty." "If you don't mind, ma'm," the judge said to Mary, "please tell us your age." "I am forty six," Mary said, nervously. "And we saw Cousin Roberta earlier. Are you still there, Roberta?" Robbie stuck her head into frame. "I'm here, yes." "How old would you say Roberta is, Mr Leary?" "Your honor, I don't see..." Indulge me, Mr Leary. How old is Roberta." He shook his head and sighed. "I don't know, your honor. Nineteen? Twenty?" "How old are you, Roberta?" "I'm nineteen, your honor." Robbie was as confused as anyone else. "So, Mr Leary, it is obvious that you are capable of determining the ages of the people with whom you are speaking. Now, tell me, on what planet would someone who looks like Miss Alden be mistaken for an eight year old?" "I believe I said ten, your honor." "You said 'eight or ten,' Mr Leary." "Well, perhaps I exaggerated, your honor, but MISTER Alden..." "For the remainder of this hearing, Mr Leary, please refer to Miss Alden as 'Miss.' I know that she said that pronouns were not an issue for her, but I see a charming, young teenaged girl and it I would prefer that we refer to HER appropriately." The ground was shifting under Leary and he was getting angry. Friggin' female judge! If the judge was a man he'd see how stupid this whole thing was. Have to stay focused on the prize, though. Call the faggot 'she' if the judge wants, but don't lose control of that money. "Yes, your honor." "Thank you, Mr Leary, now, Ms Lewis, according to your paperwork, Miss Alden is not a trans woman, nor does she consider herself a crossdresser, however you stated that there were recent medical findings that may explain her appearance?" "Yes, your honor," Susan was feeling more confident about things, now. "For an explanation of those issues, I'll turn things over to Dr Joan Green. "Dr Green, could you explain?" "Certainly," Joan pulled an iPad in front of her and began. "Your honor, Miss Alden has only been my patient for approximately ten days, but in that time, we have found some abnormalities in her system that are... well, concerning." She cleared her throat and continued, "Having done some pretty extensive blood work, we have found that Jordan has several co- morbidities that have combined to create the prepubescent appearance she presents. The primary issue is a 'Growth Hormone Deficiency' which appears to have appeared in her system with the start of her male puberty. Had it been present in her system as a child, then the result would most certainly have been some form of dwarfism, but since her body had already developed to the size that she is today, the deficiency instead inhibited any further growth." "Further, even though Miss Alden had begun male puberty, she has very low testosterone and sperm levels. As I am sure you are aware, both men and women have testosterone and estrogen in their systems, Jordan's body produces very little testosterone and, therefore has developed very few secondary male characteristics. She has removed her body hair, your honor, but prior to that, she had little to no facial hair and very little body hair." "Are you saying that Miss Alden's body thinks she is a female?" "Not exactly, your honor. In fact, her body is acting as if Miss Alden is still a child about to enter purity. I know that seems contradictory to the fact that I stated that she did, in fact, begin her male puberty, but it seems as if the onset of the 'Growth Hormone Deficiency' somehow staunched the progress of her development - physically, that is. Mentally, this has had no impact." The judge nodded and asked, "Ultimately, how do you plan to treat Miss Alden?" "It is still too early to make that decision, your honor. There is nothing WRONG with her so treatment needs to have an desired outcome. Since these are very recent discoveries for all of us, we have not determined how to proceed, yet." "May I ask, Dr Green," the judge continued, "given the stature and accomplishments of both of the Doctors Alden, how is it possible that none of this was ever discovered before?" "I cannot say, your honor. I have wondered the same thing myself." "And had these conditions been diagnosed and treated at the time of Miss Alden's brief pubescence, what would the outcome have been?" "I have to assume that, had Jordan received artificial growth hormones and his testosterone had been kickstarted through rather ordinary hormonal therapy, he would have grown to an average sized male with all of the secondary male attributes we could expect him to have developed." Clearly disturbed by the doctor's testimony, the judge scribbled some notes and shook her head. "And how does all of this impact Miss Alden's intellectual and emotional state. "Well," Dr Green let out a small chuckle, "intellectually, Jordan has the highest IQ of anyone I've ever meet. He is a member of MENSA and his IQ has been determined to be 167. He was the valedictorian of his high school graduating class two years ago and had his choice of colleges" She let the judge digest that before continuing. "Jordan does have some developmental issues that we have yet completely understand. In meeting with Jordan and speaking to his Aunt Mary, it is clear that some of his behavior is Aspergic, although he has never been diagnosed with the syndrome. I do expect that, with further testing, we will find that Jordan is somewhere on the spectrum, though." "And," the judge asked, "if it is determined that Jordan has Asperger's, what would the treatment be?" "At his age, mostly just helping him to develop coping mechanisms to deal with his emotions, social interactions and anxieties, your honor." The judge referenced her notes. "On the evening of their meeting, Mr Leary described Miss Alden's behavior as 'shut down' followed by a 'temper tantrum.' Are these descriptions correct?" "If I may answer that, your honor," Mary interjected. "Yes, Jordan has trouble with a lot of social interactions and he can get overwhelmed emotionally, however... that evening, I was also overwhelmed. Mr Leary had just knocked on my door and told Jordan that his parents had died. I have none of the issues that Jordan suffers from and my relationship with my sister was nowhere near as complicated as Jordan's was. What would have been 'normal' behavior under those circumstances, your honor? I admit that I lost my temper at Mr Leary as well, that evening. His refusal to back off and give me and my family some time to think pushed me over the edge and I lost my temper. To be very honest, your honor, Mr Leary was a very difficult person to deal with and under the circumstances, his lack of patience was very irritating." "Your honor, if I may interject..." Leary said. "No, Mr Leary," the judge interrupted. "I allowed you to speak without allowing Ms Lewis to interfere. Now it is their turn." "Yes, your honor," he sulked. "Ms Lewis," the judge continued, "if this estate were to be granted to Miss Alden, what are your plans for managing the funds." "Well, your honor, I have spoken to colleagues at the law firm of Burnside and Whyte. I felt that they could better guide Jordan through the processes of dealing with this kind of wealth." "And how long have you known Miss Alden, Ms Lewis?" "Well, your honor, that's a complicated question. Both Dr Green and I knew Jordan as a child when he spent a good deal of time with his Aunt Mary in our town. See, Jordan's mother and father moved from Hardwick to Winchester, which, as I am sure you are aware, is quite a distance from here, so we saw much less of Jordan, after that." The judge chuckled. "I regret, Ms Lewis, that I have no idea where Hardwick is. I do know that Winchester is not too far from here, near Boston, but I assume that Hardwick is somewhere out in the Berkshires, correct?" "Not quite that far, your honor. It's in west-central Massachusetts. Between Barre and Ware." "None if that helps me, Ms Lewis, but please continue." "Yes, your honor. Well, when Mary married her husband Bob and she suddenly had her own nearly-teen-aged children to raise, we saw a even less of Jordan. I'd heard that she'd come back to live with Mary for the quarantine, but I only reconnected to her last week." "Aunt Mary," the judge said, "May I ask you to answer a few questions for me?" "Yes, of course." Mary was very nervous about saying anything that may mess things up for Jordan. "First, Mary, what is the highest level of education you have achieved." Confused by being asked this, Mary shook her head for a moment and said, "Well, your honor, I have a masters degree in social work from the University of Massachusetts." "So, you're a social worker?" "No, your honor. I was. I ran an ombudsman program for nursing home patients in this part of the state for over a decade, but when I got married and I suddenly had young girls to look after, that job just did not offer me the opportunity to be a good mom. So, I went back to school, became a hair dresser and I run a salon out of the barn on my property." "I see," the judge took notes. "Any regrets about that change of careers?" "Never a one, your honor. It was exactly the right decision." The judge scribbled some more. "I need you to be very honest with me, Mary. Do you trust the opinions of Dr Green and Ms Lewis?" "Well, yes, your honor. I have known them both since we were in kindergarten together and I trust them implicitly. Why?" "Because, should I rule in Jordan's favor, I think it would be an excellent idea for Dr Green and Ms Lewis to be on the board of director's of your niece's family, trust. I know that I have only just meet you all, but I have done my research and they seem like very competent women who would not take advantage of Jordan, but would watch out for her best interests. Am I correct, ladies?" They both answered in the affirmative. "Ok, unless you need to add anything, Ms Lewis, I am ready to render my decision." "I think you've done my job for me, your honor. Thank you." The judge smirked, but Leary piped up, "Your honor, I must protest! Burnside and Whyte is an excellent firm, of course, but my firm is much more familiar with this estate and..." "Mr Leary," the judge interrupted. "Since this hearing began, you have been nothing but insulting to Miss Alden and rude and condescending to me and everyone on Miss Alden's teem. I believe that you have said all that I need to hear." "Yes, your honor." This wasn't good. If he lost this one hundred million dollar account, he'd certainly lose his partnership - maybe even his job. "So," the judge's face revealed relief at having made a clear decision, "Ms Green, please contact your friends at Burnside and Whyte and have them contact my office. We will work with you to transfer the estate in its entirety over to a new Alden Family Trust with Jordan Alden being the sole heir of the estate. That is my decision." "Thank you, your honor," Susan breathed easily for the first time in hours. Mary and Dr Green thanked her as well, while Mr Leary tried to keep his case alive, but the judge ignored him. One voice caught her ear, though, "Your honor? Your honor?" "Yes, Miss Alden?" The judge asked. "Your honor..." he wanted to sound adult and intelligent, so he paused before speaking. "See... I know that my parents were great doctors and all, and I know that they gave their lives for others..." he took a breath, "... and I know that they worked hard to have all of this money to leave to me, but... I want to share it." "With whom?" The judge asked. "With Aunt Mary, and Robbie, and Franny and... I want to help people with it, too. Can I do that?" The judge smiled. "Yes, of course you can, Miss Alden. I must say, I find you to be a very interesting young lady, Miss Alden. Generous, intelligent, complicated... you intrigue me. I would very much like to get to know you better, if you wouldn't mind. Perhaps, between those very competent woman on your team and me, we might be able to help you plan your future." Jordan smiled at the compliments. No one ever said anything like that before. "I'd like that your honor." She nodded. "I'll be in touch." The Zoom meeting ended. Jordan and Mary exited the meeting and Mary thanked both Susan and Joan for their help with promises to talk to each of them later that day. Then she sat back, ran her hands through her hair and exhaled a lot of stress out in a noisy whoosh of air. "I guess that went well," she said to Frances, beside her. "I guess, so. I mean, Jordie's getting everything and Leary is out of the picture." "Are you ok, Jordie?" Mary asked. "I guess. I'm just thinking about what Dr Green said. I'm still not entirely sure what it all means." "I know, honey, neither do I, but we'll be meeting with her on Thursday and she'll clarify everything for us." He nodded, then noticed that Roberta was looking at him with a huge, cat-that-ate-the-canary smile on her face. When she knew she had his attention, she giggled. "What?" Jordan asked, confused. "Yooou called me your siiister" she sang. "Thaaat means you looove me!" It was a sing-song-teasing-childish tune that children had used for generations to tease their siblings. "Shut up," Jordie turned red and looked down so his smile wouldn't be seen. "I did not." "Yes, you did," Franny giggled at his discomfort. "You called us both your sisters." Jordan rubbed his forehead with his hand to hide his embarrassed smile. "No, I didn't." Yooou called me your siiister" Robbie continued to chant. "Thaaat means you looove me! Yooou called me your siiister. Thaaat means you looove me!" She rose just enough to move in closer and start to slide her hands around his waist. "Yooou called me your siiister. Thaaat means you looove me!" She began to tickle his sides. Seeing her sister's plan to tickle Jordan into hysterics, Frances stood and hurried around the table to Jordan's exposed side and joined in the attack. "Yooou called me your siiister. Thaaat means you looove me! Yooou called me your siiister. Thaaat means you looove me!" Suddenly, all three of them fell to the kitchen floor, Jordan being tickled mercilessly while they all laughed uncontrollably. Mary smiled and shook her head. "Good God," she muttered with a smile. "Sometimes, living with you three is like living with a litter of golden retriever puppies." XXX It had been twelve days since the hearing and Jordan had heard a lot more about how to handle money than he'd ever wanted to know. He had vague plans to offer scholarships or business opportunities for underprivileged women, but he had not had time to figure all of that out. The thing that annoyed him the most about these discussions of money was the fact that they took him out of his sewing room, and he was happiest when he was in there shutting, and stitching and designing. Dr Green had given Jordan some guidance toward finding a good doctor to guide him towards his breast implants, but due to the COVID-19 restrictions, his first appointment was several weeks off. Since the hearing, he'd used all of the money he'd made from the sale to Dr Green to purchase some new material and patterns. Everyone in the household had gotten a new dress along with a warning from Mary that their closets couldn't maintain all of these new items, so a spring cleaning needed to take place pretty soon. He'd also sold three more dresses to a colleague of Dr Green. The woman, who was in her sixties, had a very different fashion sense than his cousins, his aunt and his doctor, which made the project even more challenging and, ultimately, more satisfying than his other projects. He was going to use that money on material, too, but he wasn't sure what to buy, just yet. Jordan was very excited about a meeting with two new clients he'd scheduled for that afternoon. True to her word, Judge Amanda Lang had been communicating with Jordan on a nearly daily basis. Asking lots of questions about his life and interests and offering any guidance she could to Mary and Jordan, but mostly just being an older and wiser friend. Jordan looked forward to hearing that watery sound of a Skype call and the thirty or forty minute chats that always followed. After hearing about Jordan's sewing addiction and seeing Mary, Frances, Robbie, Dr Green and Ms Lewis all wearing dresses he'd sewn, Judge Lang asked if she might commission a dress for herself and another for her daughter. Jordan agreed eagerly and they'd made an appointment for this very evening. The judge and her daughter were driving all the way out to Hardwick to have their measurements taken and talk about styles. They would be arriving soon and, thanks to the suddenly unusually warm weather, Jordan could take the measurements and have a discussion with them out in the yard. "You look fine, baby," Mary chuckled as she watched Jordan preen in the downstairs lavatory. As he opened a tube of lipstick, Mary shook her head. "Besides, you'll be wearing your mask. She won't even see your lips." "I know," shrugged, "but I just want to look nice. It makes me feel better." Mary couldn't argue with that. "Is the next Coco Chanel ready to meet her new clients?" Robbie giggled as she looked into the lavatory. "Are they here, already?" Jordan put the cap back on the lipstick tube and checked his face one more time. "You left your phone on the table. The judge just sent a text. According to her phone's GPS, they're five minutes away." Jordan adjusted his very loose fitting, soft yellow dress and hurried past his aunt and cousin towards the back door. Mary looked at Robbie and shook her head, amused. "Hey, hey, hey!" Frances called from the sink where she was wiping her hands dry after doing the dishes. "You need a mask!" Groaning, Jordan took a few steps back and took a flowered mask from the pile of clean masks on the nearby shelf. "Now, slow down," Mary said, calmly. "Let's all walk out there, together. Slowly." Another grunt from Jordan was followed by a quiet and resigned, "Alright." They headed out the door and to the driveway, just as the judge's car appeared on the road. They all waved as the judge pulled into the driveway, gravel grinding under its tires. As they got closer, the judge got out of the car and waved back. She had a mask in her hand, but had not yet put it on. She walked to the back of the car and waited. A moment later, a blonde woman appeared. She was very tall, five foot eleven or six feet tall, her hair flowed nearly to the base of her back and she smiled broadly. The judge said something to the early-twenties-something girl who held up a mask in answer to the judge's question. They moved towards the house. "My goodness," Mary said, impressed, "the judge's daughter is a very beautiful woman." Frances and Robbie agreed, but when no response came from Jordan, the women turned and saw him standing and staring. Dumbstruck. "Jordie?" Mary said. "Are you coming?" He didn't seem to hear her, though. He just stared toward the approaching Judge and her daughter. Robbie hustled back to Jordan. "Jordie? Are you coming?" Nothing. "Are you ok?" Nothing. Robbie turned to Mary and shrugged. "What's wrong, Jordie?" "Robbie... did you see her?" Jordan said without looking away or blinking. "Who? The judge or the daughter?" "The daughter," he muttered. "She's... I've never seen anyone so beautiful." Robbie turned and looked at the young woman who was just donning her mask. She was pretty, no doubt about it, but Jordie's reaction seemed way out of proportion. "What's wrong?" Frances asked. "Jordie's twitterpated," Robbie giggled.

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Quarantine Finale

"And you didn't feel as if Judge Lange was overstepping her bounds at the hearing?" The heavyset lawyer from Leary's law firm asked Mary. Mary was sitting in the witness seat of the nearly empty courtroom. Just the Judge, the lawyer representing Leary's firm, a court reporter, a court officer, Mary, Jordie and their lawyer, Judge Lang's ex-brother-in-law, Frank Middlebrook. "Your Honor," Frank stood at his desk, obviously angered by the other lawyer's question, "my client had no...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Adventures Day 9

Then yesterday we had some fun by joining me in the shower, and was really sexy with the water going down her hair as she bobbed on my man-meat until I finished off coating her face in my sticky white glaze for the few seconds until she washed it off, but it really isn't the same as actual fucking. Though on the plus side I didn't need to use my last condom yet, and I knew I'd have to go out and search for more soon. Anyway, today while we were watching TV on my couch we heard some...

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QUARANTINED By Lisa Lovelace The new bug spread around the world faster than the last one had. So did the quarantines and stay-at-home orders. You had to remain wherever you were at the time the orders took effect. No, you could not go home, because you would have to travel, and if you traveled, you might spread the bug. Stay where you are. Do not spread the bug. For better or worse, when the lockdown came, I wasn't at home with my parents in Tampa. I was at my Aunt Victoria's...

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Let me back up and tell you about myself. Firstly, my name is Kale, yes like the vegetable. My wife is Maria, and our son is Kevin. My parents had divorced when I was in my early teens and my Dad, Kane, had married my step-mom Karen. Anyways, we live in Tennessee and enjoy the hustle and bustle of Nashville life. Growing up my parents traveled a lot, but after the divorce my Dad, all of us kids and his new bride settled in Nashville. I have 3 other siblings who live in other states, but that...

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Quarantined submissive covid19

Covid 19 has spread rapidly. The United States is now on lockdown. Every one is quarantined to there homes. When it happened I was in my hunting cabin with limited amount of food. Luckily I had enough beer and cigarettes to last me a few months. I watched on the news as people were looting anything and everything. Home evasions were on the rise. It felt like I was watching a movie. I prepared for the worst cleaning and prepping my arms. I didn’t mind being alone but feared for my family who...

2 years ago
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Quarantined with Mom and My Sisters Chapter 1 My Loving Mothers Naughty Relief

Chapter One: My Loving Mother's Naughty Relief By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Quarantined with my mom and sis in a three-bedroom apartment... Kill me now. When I could go out and hang with my friends, even when I had to go to college five days a week, I could get out of the estrogen zone. So could my two sisters. Mom had to work. We all could leave. Now I was stuck in the house with them twenty-four hours. The four of us stuck in this tiny...

1 year ago
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Quarantine relief

He was quicker than I expected and I felt his fingers on me spreading my wetness while he unzipped his pants I had been quarantining at home for about 5 months, it was August and it was hot as it always is in the Carolinas. I decided I was going to take a little road trip by myself. Maybe go to the beach, do something to get out of the house. I’d worn out 2 12 packs of batteries and about all the Pornhub I could take. I needed air and I needed other people. I got in the car and started to...

Sex With Stranger
3 years ago
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Quarantine High School Sleepover

“Anyone wanna have a sleepover tonite?” Megan, Chloe, and Hannah all responded yes, and they were to have a girls sleepover that night. “My parents are gone for the week, so we can do ANYTHING. Make sure to bring food and swimwear if we wanna go swimming!” Adrienne texted. Later that night, Adrienne’s doorbell rang and she opened it to find her 3 friends. “Hey guys come on in! We can swim now before it gets dark.” Adrienne said. “Alright, let us get changed haha.” Said Chloe. The girls...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Madness Ch 7 8

Chapter Seven.I woke up in the morning feeling very good indeed. I yawned and stretched as I marvelled at what a good night's sleep I had had. It was ironic because everything that had happened to me in the last forty-eight hours should have had me rocking back and forth in the corner. It's amazing what a good, hard fucking will do for you.All the dreams I had last night and the memories of yesterday meant that I was wet before I even opened my eyes. Normally this would have led to a great...

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Quarantine Madness Ch5 6

Chapter five.The more I thought about it, the more I thought William was onto something. Then I would get angry at myself for having doubts when I shouldn't. I spent hours swinging from one extreme to the next until I finally settled on one thought. I had to know. I had to do some digging.I went through all of our paperwork which David kept immaculately and there was nothing. Of course, there's nothing, I said to myself, look how careful he is. I searched all of our cupboards and drawers for...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Madness Ch3 4

Chapter three. I heard his car pull up into the driveway and I was out the front door before he had even turned the engine off.As he stood up he looked really tired and I hugged him to me. It felt so good to have him home safe. I held him for as long as he could take it only letting go when he placed his hands on my shoulders.“Are you okay, William?""I'm fine, mum. It's just been a long and weird day.""You can say that again."He walked to the back of the car and they both started...

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Quarantine Madness Ch1 2

Chapter 1.My name is Heather, which if you are a child of the eighties is about as cliché as you can get. I am not your blonde bimbo type though. I am a business owner who has done fairly well for myself. I guess if appearances are all that important I would describe myself as average. I am not really athletic nor am I particularly big. I have a bit of a belly that I have had since my pregnancy with William. I am in no way interested in becoming a gym junky to try and lose it either. I consider...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Queers Part 1

According to New York, during the Coronavirus, you are your best sex partner.Which I guess requires a real liberal definition of the word partner.Your second best partner is someone you live with. Which made me wish I had shacked up with some hot co-ed instead of Paul, my closest friend since college.Look, it's not like either of us were exactly Casanova's before the crisis, but at least there was a chance at getting some. But once the stay-at-home order made shopping for groceries the...

Gay Male
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Meet the Davis’. Lauren is the baby of the family, and she can be such a bratty little sister. She recently turned 18 and is so excited to be done with high school, she doesn’t even care that her school had to cancel graduation. But she hopes COVID won’t get in the way of her continuing her cheerleading career in college next year at State. She stands 5’1” with a tight, athletic body, and keeps her wavy dirty blond hair pulled back in a bow. Nate is the oldest child, as he likes to remind his...

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Quarantine Sex Video Call

It was late at night. I just flipped my phone to see whether my GF hadd texted. "I miss you", said the text message. Imminently, I got into the chat and started texting her. "I was just thinking about you". I replied.'Oh yeah, What about me were you thinking about?'. She replied.Me - Just your thoughts today. Can't even meet you because of all this lockdown.S- I know. It feels terrible. I just wish you were here.M- Me too. I am missing you. Your body. Your touch.S- My body? Really.M- Yeah....

4 years ago
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Quarantine Game Night

Betty reached to look at her hole cards. The motion was incredibly awkward; moving her left arm out to grasp the cards meant that she needed to cradle her naked breasts with just her right arm to avoid exposing herself. She pulled the cards towards herself but stopped to look at the reactions of her fellow players before examining her own hand.The tanned-skinned young man to her left studied his cards for a moment, then threw a furtive glance around to the others. He shuffled in his seat,...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Fun With Newlywed Malaika Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, thanks for reading my previous story it was a bit long but I hope you did not get bore. As you liked the previous part 1 bring to you what happened next. Do read the first one to link it with this. I and Malaika were carrying out our jerking act in the balcony. I was holding my dick from the bottom in my hand and the dickhead in the circular window grill. Malaika made me push my dick in there to get a fill of penetrating the hole. We heard mom approaching so I had to pull out the dick...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Expanding Horizons

The sheets were in the washing machine, the breakfast dishes were in the dishwasher and Franny was leading Jordan out to the salon on an overcast spring morning in rural Massachusetts. "Seriously," she was chuckling as they walked into the salon and turned on the lights, "you don't know who Billie Eilish is!?" "No," Jordan shrugged. "Should I know her?" "Well, I don't know... don't you like music?" "Sure. I like music just fine. I just don't always know who I'm listening...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Feelings

"So," Melissa was fascinated, "you ARE going to become a woman at some point?" "No," Jordan explained as they drove in Melissa's ten year old Toyota Avalon. She'd explained that she'd bought it from her grandparents and, even though it was kind of an 'old lady' car, it had low mileage and was in very good shape. "I'm not going to ever become a woman," Jordan continued, "I would like to get breasts, though." "And why is that?" "Because..." he sighed. No one ever understood this,...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Finding Themselves

"Can I help you?" Mary said through the screened door. She'd sent Jordan into the living room to wait until she knew what was going on. "Good evening, ma'm," the man in the black polo shirt with an embroidered badge and a the words 'Worcester County Sheriff's Department' embroidered below the badge. "My name is Deputy Reese of the Worcester County Sheriff's Department and I'm afraid that I have a summons here for you and a Jordan Alden." "Before I open the door," Mary was cautious,...

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Quarantine Slave

"I really didn't expect there to be a uniform," Sarah said with a chuckle as she pulled off her panties below her short dress. "I mean, I don't really know what to use you for. I'm kinda getting blindsided by this. But I think cleaning the place is a good start." Jack was still frowning. Coronavirus was hard on everyone, but he had seen on the news the waves of evictions. Jack was glad that he had a solid job working from home. Life hadn't been as kind to Sarah, though, as he saw when he...

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Quarantine Adventures Day 1

"Yeah, same thing for me. They texted me just after you left that we're to be shut down for the foreseeable future. Probably only a couple of weeks, but I get a few weeks off with pay because of all this craziness," I answered, relieved that at least one of us was still going to have some cash flow. "Well then…" she asked suggestively, "what do you suggest we do with our free time?" "I can think of a few things," I chuckled and drew her into my arms for a kiss. Our lips touched...

2 years ago
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Quarantine lil bitch

We never had spent so many time together my half sister and me had a nice appart rent by my dad and we lived there for our Grad studiesI never ever spent time with her much, but with covid it has been 100%and one night i thought she was gone i was caught red handed my lil cock inside my fleshlight wearing her red stringPorn on tv i only had time to stand and run closing the tv she saw me ass i her string running to my room ''hey wtf Alex you open that fucking door ''''wtf you do in my panty you...

2 years ago
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Quarantine with Mom

I lost my virginity two years ago on my 18th birthday from my girlfriend at the time but things didn't work out between us and now I have resorted to porn. And when I say porn I mean all sorts from ebony to dominatrix to ass to mouth. I have watched incest porn before such as mom and son or sister and brother but it was just a video to me. Nothing I would go out of my way for unless there was a certain actress that caught my eye but my main search was always large natural breasts. Not those...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Boredom Gone Too Far Part 2

Waiting at the kitchen table was Christa fully showered and clothed. The turned around and said, morning sleeping head before turning back around. My mom Megan put down a plate of pancakes at the table for me. I sat down and reminded myself, act normal, don’t be weird. I responded to Christa, morning and thanked my mom for breakfast. I ate my food and then retreated to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. The first half of the day I had virtual classes, Christa was in her...

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Quarantine Boredom Gone Too Far Part 3

No response was made from Christa or myself. We just laid there not knowing what to do or say, still a part of my mind was on the fact that I was still balls deep in Christa and how good it felt. Damn I wish I had cummed before he walked in so I could think straight right now. Finally Christa spoke up, she had her orgasm and likely could think clear for both of us. Boy was I wrong, she sat up from her laying position which pushed me completely back into her and made my eyes rolls back. ...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Boredom Gone Too Far Part 1

My sister on the other hand had never dated anyone. She had our parents convinced that she was a sweet innocent girl but I knew otherwise. Being only a sophomore at the same school, she was already known as the slutty one. She often went out with different guys and had a reputation of being a tease. Even though she was my sister, I was still a guy and knew that she was very attractive. At 5ft 5in tall, blond hair, petite body and perky B cup boobs, she was a head turner. I know it was...

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Before him I was still a virgin, my nosey and controlling mother had been very serious about me not having sex before marriage, mostly concerned that I’d get knocked up by some loser, or that a respectable suitor wouldn’t want to marry me if I’d been “deflowered”. This wasn’t for religious purposes or any thing, we were just a well to do family and they had old school ideas about me marrying into another good family. So while she nearly threatened me to abstain from sex, she practically...

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They were set to go on a cruise ship and explore different exotic islands during the peak of summer. Unfortunately, mom's friend had a last-minute issue at work, and she had to cancel a few days before the trip was supposed to start. The tickets were non-refundable. My mother tried to find someone else to go with her, but since most of her friends are also lawyers, none of them could go on such short notice. That's where I came in. With no other options left, my mother reluctantly invited...

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Quarantined with Mom and My Sisters Chapter 5 Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters

Chapter Five: Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Yeah,” I agreed to Mom. “I'll give you dick whenever you want it. So don't worry.” Mom smiled as she was stroking my cock having woken me up with the usual fashion: sucking on my dick. Sleeping on either side of me were my sisters Jamie and Auburn. I had my little sister and her little titties rubbing into my right side and my big sister and her big boobies rubbing...

4 years ago
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Quarantined With Manisha Bhabhi

Hello, My Dear Readers. We have all been affected by the lock-down. We have all grown tired of being in quarantine. But there are a lucky few who consider this period as a blessing. This is the story of 21-year-old Kapil, who easily had his way with his elder brother’s wife, thanks to the lock-down. Happy Reading! “What happened Bhabhi? Why are you crying like this?” I asked my sister-in-law, Manisha, seeing her sob vehemently. I was sleeping, and I had just woken up hearing her scream and...

2 years ago
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My last year of high school was gonna be my best year yet, I was doing well in school had a fantastic girl friend and was going to college in the fall of 2020. That is until the covid19 virus hit America. At first it was only on the west coast then a week or so later it’s on the east coast and within a month almost every state had it. Our president said that it will probably be gone in just a couple of weeks. Well that didn’t happen then he said it was just a stronger form of the flu, again he...

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What a year 2020 is turning out to be. It started the end of last year when a mysterious, new disease showed up in China. There wasn’t any known treatment or way to prevent it; it wasn’t really known how it was transmitted. What was known, was it could be very deadly. Our family had heard all the rumors but weren’t too concerned as it was an entire ocean away from where we lived in central Washington. I should say we weren’t worried until one of the teachers in our school came down with the...

5 years ago
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Quarantined with Friends Chapter 1 Hidden Cameras

"Hey babe," I yell from the front room. "I'm working from home for the next couple weeks." Danielle walks out to the front room and comes and hugs me. "I'm so glad you're going to be safe," she starts to tear up. "I just have a really bad feeling about this virus, that's all." She grabs a tissue and wipes her tears. "Since we're both working from home now, how do you feel about moving to our "safe" house. We already have a few months supply of food and toilet paper. I feel...

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Ingrid still still has a gleeful expression on her face despite everything that's happening. The timing couldn't be worse, with COVID-19 passing around. I'm surprised they're still letting people into the country, but thankful. It's been five years since I last saw Ingrid in person when she was an exchange student and she still looks as good as she did back then. The flow of brownish-blonde hair, those blue eyes of hers, and those cute freckles. Worst of all, she's flaunting it all by wearing...

5 years ago
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Quarantined With Manisha Bhabhi 8211 Part 4

Hello, My Dear Readers. First of all, I apologize for the very small Part 3. I really needed a push to restart writing, and I did not want to fall prey to the burden of conceiving something too big. And, also, thank you for still accepting the story. I hope this part has enough reasons to be liked by all. There are a few distractions in this episode that could affect the flow of progression. But, I believe they are important additional details and will help the plot express emotions more...

3 years ago
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Quarantined With Manisha Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

Hello, My Dear Readers. Thank you so much for all the positive reviews of the first two parts. I was taking a small break from writing, and have been trying to publish my pending works. I believe I have come back with a decent episode. This may not be a very progressive story, but I have tried my best to carry the emotions of the characters forward. This is also a very small part, and I hope you all like it. I did not want to stray writing a story too long, and please forgive me if you feel let...


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