Quarantine: Finale free porn video

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"And you didn't feel as if Judge Lange was overstepping her bounds at the hearing?" The heavyset lawyer from Leary's law firm asked Mary. Mary was sitting in the witness seat of the nearly empty courtroom. Just the Judge, the lawyer representing Leary's firm, a court reporter, a court officer, Mary, Jordie and their lawyer, Judge Lang's ex-brother-in-law, Frank Middlebrook. "Your Honor," Frank stood at his desk, obviously angered by the other lawyer's question, "my client had no experience in a court environment prior to the hearing in question and therefore would have had no way of forming an opinion as to Judge Lang's method of handling the proceedings." "Thank you, Mr Middlebrook," the small man in his early fifties looked at the attorney with a bit of frustration, "but as I have pointed out to you on several occasions already this morning, this is not a trial, it is a hearing to determine if Judge Lang's facilitation of the hearing was appropriate and if a new hearing regarding the inheritance in question is warranted. Ms Cochran can ask any question I find relevant. If I find that the question is out of bounds, I will make that known. Your opinion is not part of today's proceedings. Is that understood?" The big man huffed as he responded, "Yes, your honor, that is understood." "Good. Then take a seat, Mr Middlebrook." Frank sat and the judge turned his attention towards the other lawyer. "Having said that, I do agree with Mr Middlebrook and I am advising the witness to not answer that last question. The questions directed to the witnesses today shall be limited to questions about the proceedings on that day, Ms Cochran," the judge told her, "and you shall not ask the defendants to comment on the appropriateness of those proceedings. You will limit your questions to what the witness observed or testimony that was given and nothing else. Now, are we all on the same page?" He was obviously frustrated. "Yes, Your Honor," Frank said again. "Yes, Your Honor," the broad lawyer in the dark blue pants suit said. "Then continue." The judge was bouncing back and forth just a bit in his reclining desk chair. Nothing about court proceedings was normal during these days of the pandemic, but something was very concerning about this one in particular. Someone had some friends in high places to have pushed for a quick hearing date and to draw an inexperienced judge in Sandra Browning, who had originally been assigned to this hearing. Unfortunately, Judge Browning had been exposed to Covid-19 and had to self quarantine starting this morning. He had been assigned the case with barely enough time to read the briefs. "According to the brief given to Judge Lang by your attorney, your nephew, Jordan Alden, is a twenty one year old male who is an engineering student, is that correct?" "Yes," Mary answered, very unnerved by being in a courtroom. She had been instructed by Frank Middlebrook to keep her answers as short and succinct as possible. "And is your nephew in the courtroom today?" "Yes, he is," Mary answered. "And would you please describe your nephew's appearance today?" "Your honor!" Frank was standing, once again. "Sit down, Mr Middlebrook!" The judge slammed his hand on the desk. "But Your Honor..." "Sit now, or I shall find you in contempt of court!" "Yes, Your Honor." He sat, but his attitude made it clear that he was not pleased. "Ms Cochran, what exactly is your point?" The judge demanded. "Your honor," the opposing lawyer was smug and self righteous and that irritated the judge to no end. He was not pleased with either of these attorneys. "My intention is to show the court that Mr Alden is not mentally, physically or emotionally capable of handling an inheritance as large as the one in question and that the best way to handle this estate is to leave it in the hands of my firm so that Mr Alden will be able to live his entire life off of a monthly allocation." What kind of a cockamamie game was being played here? The judge had never heard of a law firm demanding that the management of an estate stay under their control against the wishes of the beneficiaries. Something was very wrong. This case should not even have been considered for appeal. "Then get to your point pretty damned quickly, Ms. Cochran." The lawyer nodded, but did not bother to give a polite, spoken reply. "Is your nephew dressed as a little girl, today?" The lawyer said harshly. "No," Mary replied. "Is your nephew wearing a flowered dress with a lace collar and puffy, short sleeves?" She insisted. "Yes." "Is your nephew sporting a hair style featuring reddish-blonde hair, bangs and long hair in the back?" "Yes." "Does your nephew look like a twenty one year old male?" "My nephew's name is Jordan and Jordan always looks the way that he looks today. So, since Jordan is a twenty one year old male and that is how he looks all the time, then, yes - Jordan looks like a twenty one year old male." "Really?" Lawyer Cochran smirked. She pointed at Jordan and looked at him contemptuously. "THAT looks like a twenty one year old MALE to you?" Frank stood to object, but the judge spoke before Frank could. "MS COCHRAN! You are done with this witness. Mr Middlebrook, do you have any questions?" "I'm not finished, Your Honor!" Cochran complained. "Yes, you are, Ms Cochran. Sit down and be quiet until it is your turn to speak, again. Mr Middlebrook, ask your questions if you have any." The judge's face was red with frustration. Cochran walked deliberately to her assigned table as Frank stood. He rubbed the crown of his bald head, his dark skin and salt and pepper beard creating a striking image in his three thousand dollar suit. He cleared his throat and looked at Jordan for a moment before looking at Mary. "Has Jordan ever behaved irresponsibly?" Mary shook her head. "Never." "To your knowledge, has Jordan ever taken illegal drugs." "Never." "Abused alcohol?" "Never." "Exhibited an addiction to gambling?" "Never." "Do you know your nephew well?" "Very well." "Then, in brief, can you please describe your knowledge of Mr Alden's intellectual abilities?" Mary took a deep breath, happy to have the opportunity to say these things in front of Jordan. "Jordie is probably the most intelligent person I have ever met. He can make anything. He can solve almost any problem put before him. He reads more difficult books than I am capable of understanding and he reads them quicker than I would have thought possible. He is kind, empathetic and honest. He has never shown anger or malice towards anyone. He is a smart, decent human being who doesn't deserve to be treated the way that Ms Cochran and her cohort, Mr Leary, are treating him." Cochran rose, but the judge was too fast for her. "Sit down, Ms Cochran and don't say a word - not even 'I'm sorry,' or you'll be spending the night in the cells downstairs." She mumbled something under her breath as she sat back down. "I think I have completed my questions, Your Honor." Frank said. "The witness may step down," the judge waved her off of the stand. "Do you need to speak to the other witness, Ms Cochran?" The judge asked, his patience reaching an end. "Yes, your honor," said the other lawyer, but her voice was filled with contempt. "Mr Alden, please take the stand," the judge tried to not sound threatening. Jordan stood and walked to the stand. It couldn't have been more than twenty steps away, but it seemed like it was miles away. He felt smaller and weaker than he'd ever felt in his life and his body was charged with fear. When at last he took the stand, Lawyer Cochran asked, "Mr Alden, have you ever managed a one hundred million dollar account before?" "No," Jordan was also coached to be concise. "Have you ever managed a household account or a checking account?" "I have a checking account." "And what is the current balance of that account?" Jordan thought for a moment. "About forty six dollars." The lawyer smirked. "Forty six dollars. You have only managed to accumulate forty six dollars into your account, but you think you are qualified to handle a hundred million dollars?" "No," Jordie said without hesitation. Frank rose, but the judge pointed at him and stopped him. "So you admit that you cannot handle an estate the size of the one left to you by your parents?" "Of course not," Jordan said. "That is why I was relying on my own attorney to set up a trust with another law firm." Good answer and everyone knew it. "Mr Alden, my law firm is one of the best in the country. Why not leave your estate in our care." The judge looked at Frank, knowing he was itching to speak, and held up a finger as if telling Frank that he was giving Cochran enough rope to hang herself. "Because your colleague, Mr Leary, insulted my aunt and insulted me. He was impolite and unhelpful and when my lawyer asked him for assistance, he instead tried to keep my parents' estate from me." Mary was shocked that Jordan had spoken with so much confidence. "Do you think that, perhaps, Mr Leary was just trying to look out for your best interests?" "No, Ms Cochran. He was trying to take control of my parents estate." "Well, I think that we must agree to disagree on that matter," She smirked some more. "And, just as an exercise in the hypothetical, if you were to gain complete control of the inheritance, what would you do with it? Buy a Corvette? Go to Disney World? Maybe hire Taylor Swift to sing at your birthday party? A hundred million dollars is a lot of money, Mr Alden. How would you spend it?" Jordan looked at the floor near the lawyers feet and said, "First, I would put fifty million into a family trust so that my aunt, my cousins and I would always have enough money to live on." She nodded. "And the other fifty million? How would you use that? Pretty, designer dresses? Expensive shoes? French lingerie? Lots of pretty little things to make you feel like a lady?" Frank was burning up with rage, but the judge still held him a bay. Something was happening and Frank wasn't sure what it was. "No." Jordie still looked at the floor. "Then what, Mr Alden?" Jordan's eyes raised slowly until he was looking directly into hers. "My lawyer and I have already drawn up the outline for another trust fund to benefit women in the areas in and around Hardwick, Massachusetts. A fund that would help women to go to college, get vocational training, help unwed teenaged mothers finish their high school education. Teach girls to sew and read and write and become productive members of their communities and to give them the opportunities to have happy and stable lives. Our trust would be dedicated to making the world a better place so that good people can thrive and bullies like Mr Leary and you won't have the power to operate with impunity and make people's lives miserable just so that you can make money off of the hard work and death of others. That's what I'm planning to do with my parents' estate." The smirk was firmly planted on Cochran's smug face. "Your Honor, I request that you instruct the witness to not editorialize when giving testimony." "No," the judge said as he wrote something in his notes. "Your Honor..." "Ms Cochran," the judge interrupted, "I am going to advise you to sit down and load your papers into your briefcase. Your part of this hearing is completed. If you'd like to stay and hear Mr Middlebrook's questions, you are free to do so, but if you so much as cough, I'll hold you in contempt." She stared at him, mouth agape. She wanted to speak, but was afraid that the little pissant of a judge might actually be stupid enough to hold her in contempt. "Three seconds, Ms Cochran. One. Two." She scurried to her seat as quickly as she could and sat, shuffling her papers into her briefcase. "Mr Middlebrook. Your witness." Frank stood and smiled a small, but amused smile as he moved to the center of the floor. "Jordie. How did your parents die?" "They were doctors and they went to China last year to work with Doctors Without Boarders. When the Covid-19 outbreak began, they tried to help control it and save the lives of the people near them. They contracted the disease and died." Frank let that sink in for a moment. "I'm very sorry, Jordie." Jordan nodded. "Thank you." "And did you love your parents, Jordie," he asked, expecting the obvious answer. Jordan thought for a moment. "I think so." "You don't know if you loved your parents?" Jordan pondered for a moment or two before answering. "It's complicated. My parents were very focused on their jobs and I'm not the easiest person to love." Mary felt the tears forming in her eyes as she heard Jordie revisit this part of his life. "Why do you say that you're not easy to love, Jordie?" Frank asked. "My parents were very success oriented and I'm... I'm not even a successful male. They wanted a football hero, or a musical prodigy. I'm not like that. I'm weird and small and smart, not a good combination and not an easy package to love. I think that they loved me in their own, kind of distant way, and I think that's how they taught me to love them, too." The judge, court reporter, Frank and Mary stared at Jordan in shock as Cochran rolled her eyes at this obviously planned theatrical performance. Finally, the judge asked, "Anything else, Mr Middlebrook?" Frank looked at the judge and thought for a moment. What else needed to be said? "No, Your Honor." The judge looked at Jordan. "Please return to your seat." Jordan nodded and took a seat next to Mary, who took his hand in hers and squeezed it tightly. She smiled sadly at him. "According to the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts," the judge said in an officious tone, "I have seventy two hours to render my verdict, but," he glared at Cochran, "I feel that one party in this proceeding has blatantly abused the laws of this Commonwealth to try to use this courtroom, MY COURTROOM, to extort a young man's lawful inheritance from him. Ms Cochran, your firm will just have to get by without Mr Alden's money and I must say that I found your performance in this courtroom today absolutely disgraceful. I don't know who the bigwigs are that facilitated this hearing for your firm, but I am a fair an impartial judge - not an easily influenced, novice like Judge Browning, who, I suspect, you had made some arrangements with ahead of time." Cochran shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The judge continued. "My decision is this - There is no cause for an appeal of Judge Lang's decision. I will not allow this case to be reheard." He banged his gavel. "Court is dismissed." Frank stood and said, "Thank you, Your Honor. Your Honor! May speak with you in chambers, please?" The judge sighed. "Mr Middlebrook, I just found in your favor..." "Yes, Your Honor, but this is in regards to another matter." Another sigh. "Alright, then, but put on a mask before you come into my chambers and be quick, please." He disappeared into his office. He turned and smiled at Mary and Jordan. "I'm going to speak to him about Amanda and Susan. Obviously, he sees that this is all a sham. Maybe he can help with the Bar Association. I will talk to you soon." Mary and Jordan nodded. "Thank you, so much!" Mary said with great relief in her voice. Don't thank me," he smiled. "Jordan here did all the heavy lifting. I just stood there. I have to run. Congratulations." XXX "That's great, mom!" Frances said into the phone. "Everything is fine here." There was a knock at the door. "Hang on," Frances said, nervous that more trouble was coming their way. She walked to the door and spoke into the phone. "There's someone at the door. I don't know, mom, I haven't gotten there, yet. Oh. It's just a FedEx guy. Nothing to worry about. Ok. Bye." She disconnected the call and opened the door. "Hi." The handsome delivery man smiled. "Hi. I have a delivery for 'Lang Lissa and it requires a signature." Frances blinked. "Lang Lissa? There's no one here by that name. Do you have the right address?" The delivery man looked at the package. "This is 183, right?" "Yeah, but..." "Is that for me?" Melissa called as she hustled down the stairs. "No," Frances looked behind her. "It's for..." then she thought 'Melissa Lang' - 'Lang Lissa.' "Oh, sorry. Yeah. It's for you." She stepped to the side and shook her head. As Melissa approached the door, Frances whispered, "You're not very good at staying hidden, are you?" Melissa smiled. "Something's can't be stopped by a pandemic." Then she turned to the delivery man. "I'm Lang." "Sign here, please," the man smiled and, after she signed his tablet, she took a small box from him and closed the door. "Another delivery?" Robbie asked as she came down the stairs. "FedEx is going to be busy as long as you're staying here." "You know," Melissa chuckled, "I usually have two or three deliveries a day back home. Amazon and I are good friends. I'm not sure how you guys are getting by without shopping therapy." "We only buy what we need, when we need it," Frances said, a little sternly. "Well, that's just sick," Melissa joked. "Regardless, I need this. It's a gift for Jordie." She quickly opened the packing box and removed a robin's egg blue ring box from within. Frances eyed the box and glanced at Robbie. "Is that what I think it is?" Robbie asked, excited, but a bit confused. Melissa couldn't help but grin as she opened the box to reveal a fairly large diamond ring in a simple setting. "Oh, my God!" Robbie clapped her hands, excited. "You're not seriously going to ask Jordie to marry you this soon?" Frances was amazed at the idea. "No, no, no," Melissa laughed. "I'm asking Jordie to... well... in the words of any random romance novelist, I'm asking Jordie to become my 'betrothed.'" "Your fianc??" Robbie asked. "Yes," Melissa said. "My fianc?." "So you are asking him to marry you," Frances was confused. "Well... yeah, but not right now. I'm just kind of making a commitment to him and hoping he'll want to make a commitment to me. That's cool, isn't it?" "Wicked cool!" Robbie said. "Jordie's going to be thrilled." Melissa looked at Frances. "Franny?" "Oh..." Frances shrugged. "I guess it's fine." "Fine?" "Well... not fine... Good. I mean it's a good thing, but..." "But what?" Melissa was a little hurt. "Melissa... Jordie's really delicate. I mean, just a handful of weeks ago he couldn't even look us in the eyes. He's come a long way, but... he's still a delicate person. If you're at all uncertain that you're going to follow through with this..." Melissa held up her hand to stop her. "Franny, I understand that you guys are protective of Jordie and, believe me, I understand that, but YOU need to understand that Jordie is a grown up and he can make up his mind for himself. Now, as for me, I am absolutely certain that I want to be with Jordie forever, so I'm willing to tell that to the world that by giving him this ring. Now, Jordie, the adult, can say yes and make me very happy, or he can say no and I will spend as long as it takes for me to 'woo' him into being my..." she sputtered and searched for the word. "Your wife?" Robbie asked. "I don't know," Melissa laughed. "I never really thought about it. My wife, my husband, my partner... whatever, I don't care. I just want Jordie to be with me forever. Ok?" Frances nodded and smiled. "Ok." Melissa smiled and hugged her. "Thank you." Then she turned to Robbie and asked. "Ok?" Robbie smiled. "Are you kidding. I can't believe how romantic all of this is!" She hugged Melissa, excitedly. Just then, a UPS truck pulled into the driveway. "Are you expecting more?" Frances chuckled. Melissa smiled. "I just want to make tonight special for my Jordie." XXX "Oh, that's great! I'm so relieved, Susan!" Mary said into the phone that was running through the Bluetooth connection in her car. "Frank did a great job for Jordie and me, too. So, you and Amanda are both ok? No chance of being disbarred?" "We're both good," Susan sounded very happy, "but from what Frank told Amanda, several other people may be losing their licenses over all of this brouhaha. Apparently, the judge that oversaw your hearing was pretty ticked off at the other lawyer and he's filing a complaint with the bar association against her and Leary and several members of the bar review board. There could be quite a bit of fallout over this, but we're all safe and sound and as of this moment, your nephew is worth more than one hundred million dollars." Mary reached over and squeezed Jordan's hand as he sat in the passenger seat. "We'll start working on his charitable trust this week," Susan continued. "If he needs to access any money, for any reason, though, it's all his." Mary glanced at Jordan who shrugged and shook his head indicating that he didn't expect he'd need anything in a hurry. "I think he's good for now, Susie. We're nearly home, now. Why don't you come to dinner tonight. We'll grill something and eat outside. How does that sound?" "I'd love to, Mare, but Amanda is with me here at the office. We won't be done until at least six or six thirty." "Perfect!" Mary insisted. "We'll have everything ready to go for seven. I'm sure Amanda will be happy to see Melissa, too, although I doubt that Jordie will be happy to see Melissa leave." Jordan's head snapped to his left and he looked at Mary with realization and fear on his face. "I doubt that, too," Susan laughed. "See you at seven." The call ended. They drove on in silence for a few minutes before Mary said, "You knew that Melissa would be leaving when this was over, Jordie, right?" "I guess," Jordie chocked out. "I just didn't expect it to happen so quickly." Mary squeezed his hand again. "If it's meant to be, Jordie, then you guys will work it out. Ok?" XXX Frances and Robbie hustled from the picnic table to the car as Mary and Jordie pulled in. They'd been setting the table for late dinner. France hurried to her mother and Robbie hurried to Jordan. Hugs and expressions of relief were exchanged as they walked towards the picnic table and the house beyond. Mary sat at the table to tell Robbie and Frances about the hearing, but Jordan continued on towards the back door. "Jordie, honey," Mary called after him, "come sit with us for a few minutes." Jordan glanced at the door then back to his aunt. "I just want to see Melissa. I'll be right out." "Melissa's not in there, Jordie." Frances said. "Where is she?" Jordan looked toward the barn. "We don't know," Robbie shrugged her shoulders. "As soon as her mom called and said that everything was ok, she said she had to do something and just... left." Jordan could feel his heart breaking. He'd put every ounce of love he had into loving Melissa and now she was leaving - no - she was already gone. What an idiot he'd been. "Are you ok, Jordie?" Frances asked. He nodded. "I think I just need a nap." He disappeared into the house. XXX It was later in the afternoon when Jordan was awaken by the sounds of people outside. He could hear Aunt Mary, Frances, Robbie, Susan and Amanda all laughing and sounding happy. He touched his face, which was still wet from crying. He sniffled back a few tears that remained in his eyes and rolled over, determined to never get out of bed again. "Frank, you found us!" He heard Aunt Mary shout, followed by Frank's reply. "It certainly wasn't easy." Everyone laughed at that. "My God, I didn't know you could travel this far west of Boston and not be in Michigan, for crying out loud." More laughs. Obviously, Frank Middlebrook had been invited to dinner, too. Everyone seemed to want to celebrate. Jordie just wanted to die. Melissa hadn't even said goodbye. "Aren't you getting up?" A voice asked quietly from the doorway. Jordan turned. "Melissa? You came back?" She scrunched up her face. "What? Of course I came back, you silly goose? Where would I go without you?" Jordan was confused. "They said you'd gone." "Yeah, I had somethings to do, Jordie, I didn't leave. Heck, I didn't even take my car." Jordan jumped out of the bed and ran to her, hugging her tightly, his head squeezing tightly to her breasts. "Oh, thank God. I thought you'd left for good." She kissed the top of his head. "I'm never leaving you, baby." They hugged for a good minute or more before Melissa pulled herself free of him and took a good look at him. "Look what you've done. Your dress is a mess from sleeping in it. All wrinkled. That's not like you. It's a good thing that I got you a present." "You did?" Melissa grinned, stepped into the hallway for a moment, then returned with a soft, yellow dress hanging on a hanger. "I bought you this. I saw it in an online catalog and I just thought it screamed 'Jordie.' Will you wear it to dinner for me?" It was a lovely dress. A classic shirt dress, sleeveless, a flat collar with tiny, orange flowers embroidered on it, a buttoned bodice with a faux, elastic belt and a pleated skirt that, even on the hanger, held its bell shape. "Do you like it?" Melissa asked. "It's very pretty," Jordan smiled, "but if you'd shown it to me, I could have made it myself." Melissa smiled, now. "Then it wouldn't have been much of a gift, now would it?" She hung the dress from the top of the closet door. "I'll get out of here and let you get dressed, but Robbie is going to French braid your hair for you when you're done dressing, ok?" "A French braid?" Jordie seemed surprised. He only wore his hair in French braids at bed time, as a rule. "It would mean a lot to me," Melissa ran her fingers along his soft, apple cheek. "Ok," he shrugged. "I need to do my makeup again, too. " She kissed his forehead. "Then I'd better leave you to it." And she left. Jordan took off his wrinkled dress and laid it on his bed, then he stood in his bra and panties and looked at the dress Melissa had given him. He did like it, a lot. It was a bit 'retro' in style. It looked just a little like something that a housewife would have worn in one of those old nineteen fifties, black and white TV shows his mother had always liked so much. Very soft and classically feminine, but simple - kind of like Jordie felt when he was near Melissa. The dress was very soft, obviously expensive. It was very, very pretty. He took the hanger down and held the dress in front of him as he looked in the mirror. Somehow, over the past few weeks and months, yellow had become his signature color and this was a perfect shade. Not garish, a soft tone, very shear in the bodice. There was no way that a woman could wear this dress without her bra showing through. That was a little dangerous, a little sexy. Yes, it was a retro-housewife's dress, but it was sexy, too. He liked that. He liked it a lot. "Ahem," Robbie cleared her throat in a cartoonish way from the doorway. Jordan turned and blushed. "Sorry. I was just looking at my new dress." Robbie smiled. "It's a beautiful dress, Jordie. Come on, let me do your hair and I'll help you do your makeup and get dressed." Jordan returned the dress to the closet door. "Let me get a robe..." "Jordie," Robbie laughed, "just take a seat. Just be my little sister and let me get you ready for your big night." That confused Jordie, but he sat before asking, "Why is this my big night?" She smiled down onto the top of his head as she began braiding. "Because you won, Jordie. You're a very rich guy, now. Everyone wants to celebrate with you." "We're all rich, Robbie." She bent and kissed the crown of his head. "I know, Jordie, but tonight is just for you." When his hair was braided and the end of the braid adorned with a hair tie made of an artificial sun flower to match the dress, Robbie took some fingernail polish remover and began cleaning the old polish from his nails. It was at that point that Jordan realized that there was a whole tray of makeup products on his dressing table that had not been there that morning. Apparently, Melissa had worked with Robbie to have everything ready. "Jordie?" Robbie asked, shaking Jordan from his thoughts. "Huh?" "Do you like this?" "Like what? Having you do my nails?" Robbie looked at her pretty little cousin, his auburn hair in bangs and braided so prettily. His little lace bra and matching panties. His small, weak shoulders. "No, Jordie. Do you like being a girl?" Jordan's eyes wandered slowly from his hands to Robbie's eyes. "I'm not a girl, Robbie. I'll never be a girl. I'm never losing that part of me." In a way, Jordan's response actually made it a little harder for Robbie to continue, but she had to be sure before he went outside where Melissa was waiting with the ring. "I know, but... When this all started, I think that I had more fun getting you dressed up than almost anything I'd ever done in my whole life. I mean... I've always loved you as our cousin and all, but we were never really close like cousins should be. It was just so much fun to be with you and dress you up and have you be one of the girls, you know?" Jordan smiled. "I know. I liked it too." Robbie almost looked ashamed as she continued. "I'm just afraid that... that maybe we... forced this on you. We didn't, did we." Robbie concentrated on Jordan's fingers and waited for an answer. And she waited. And she waited. Finally, with his free hand, Jordan reached across the gap between them and gently raised Robbie's chin so that she looked him in the eyes. "Robbie, you didn't force anything on to me. You helped me to find out who I really am. If I hadn't come here, I would have lived an unhappy life of never knowing... me." A little tear formed in the corner of Robbie's eye. Jordan smiled and continued. "Remember what I was like in March when I got here? I couldn't look you in the eye, I couldn't have touched you like this, I could barely even smile. I was an ugly, self-loathing toad..." "Jordie, never say..." "... but look at me now, Robbie. I'm happy. And being happy helps me look better and smile more and love. I could never have loved anyone before, Robbie. Now, I love Auntie and Franny and Melissa... and I love you. You're not just my cousin, Robbie, you're the best and closet friend I have. That I'll ever have. You made it possible for me to be me." He leaned forward and kissed cheek. "And I love you for it. Thank you." Robbie put the nail polish remover aside and hugged her cousin as tears rolled down her face. "Oh, Jordie, I love you, too." Then she started laughing. "Great. Now I'm going to have to do my makeup all over again, too. We're never going to get outside!" XXX "Are they ever coming out?" Melissa was bursting with impatience. She hadn't planned for everyone to be here for this, but it had all worked out perfectly. Mary, Frances and Robbie were there from Jordan's family, their friend Susan was there, too, and then her mother and her Uncle Frank had suddenly joined the guest list while she'd been out dealing with her surprises. Everyone was here except, of course, Jordan. Melissa had asked Robbie to get him ready because Robbie was always so quick at these things. It had been nearly an hour, though. "What are they doing in there?" Her Uncle Frank stood and lead her to an Adirondack chair and said, "Sit down and be patient, Lissa. If there's one thing you have to learn about dating a beautiful girl, it's that you must be patient. Beauty takes time. Relax." Melissa nodded and let out a frustrated sigh. Then looked at her uncle, "You know that Jordie isn't a girl, right?" Frank smiled. "Yes, she is sweetheart. You and I both know that. She may not be female, but she is a very smart and pretty girl, and with you as a role model, she is going to be a mighty woman - just like you. I'm very happy that you found her." "Thanks, Uncle Frank," Melissa smiled. Just then, the old screen door slammed and everyone turned to see Robbie walking beside a vision of feminine beauty in a timeless, yellow dress and tight, perfect braids. Mary and Frances gasped as they caught sight of him. Susan smiled. Amanda let out a quiet 'Aww.' "See," Frank whispered to Melissa, "good things come to those who wait." Melissa stood and the flowered dress that she wore, a dress that had been made by the love of her life, a dress that had, per her request, had subtle pockets sewn into it, fell beautifully around her athletic form. As she started to walk towards Jordan, Frank stopped her. "Wait. Let her make her entrance. I think I know what's happening here. Let the bride to be make her entrance." Melissa looked sheepishly at her uncle, his eyes playful on his smiling, dark face. "Am I that transparent?" "Just to me," he said as he kissed her forehead. "Now. She's made her entrance. Now, you can go take her hand and ask her." Melissa took a moment to get her smile under control, then slowly walked to Jordan, took his hands in hers and whispered, "You are the most beautiful thing that God has ever created." Jordan wanted to thank her for saying that and for the dress, but, for some reason, all he could do was blush. Something was happening all around him. He couldn't figure out what it was, but he knew it was something wonderful. Melissa kissed his cheek and smiled sweetly. Then she turned to everyone. "I'm glad that we're all together today, because I have something I want to say and I want everyone to hear it." Everyone got very quiet and looked at her and suddenly, she felt self conscience. Maybe this wasn't a great idea. Oh, well, she'd started this, there was no backing out now. Melissa cleared her throat and continued. "I know this might seem impulsive, but... well... A few weeks ago, I met the sweetest, most beautiful person I have ever met and, contrary to everything that I had always believed, I learned that love at first sight is a very real and very powerful thing." She looked at Jordan and could not believe how beautiful he was. "Jordie, I hope that you don't think that I'm rushing things, but," she knelt down on one knee and pulled the small, robin's egg blue box from her pocket, "will you accept this ring and agree to marry me, someday, when you're ready?" She opened the box revealing the tasteful, but obviously costly, ring. Jordan's free hand shot to his mouth as Susan and Amanda and especially Mary, covered their own mouths, caught up in the romance, concern and the abruptness of this proposal. Jordan shook and gasped and tried to remember how to think, how to breathe, how to speak, but none of that worked. He just shook and shook and shook until finally he was able to start nodding his head, just a little, but eventually that turned into a full blown nod and soon he was gasping, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Quickly, because she sensed that Jordan may pass out if she didn't move things along, Melissa slid the ring onto the fourth finger of his left hand, then stood and embraced him, as much to calm him down as to show her love. Frank was the first to start clapping, but the others joined quickly. Jordan buried his face in Melissa's chest and shoulders and he shook and he cried and he shook and he cried and he whispered, "I love you so much," over and over and over. "I love you, too, Jordie," Melissa assured him. "I'm going to let you go, now. Can you stand on your own?" He nodded and felt the pressure of her hug lessen slowly as Melissa let him go. Robbie was the first to grab Jordan's hand. "Let me see it! Oh, Jordie, it's just perfect and it fits so well!" As Melissa received a hug from her uncle, she turned to Robbie and said, "I tried one of my pinkie rings on Jordie the other day. It seemed to fit his ring finger perfectly, so that's what I ordered. If it needs adjusting, we can get it sized." "No way," Jordan said through tears of joy. "It fits perfectly and this ring is never leaving my finger." As the shock of the situation lessened, Frances and the older women rose and congratulated each of the brides to be. "So," Amanda said, after hugging them both, "you're going to wait until you've gotten your career going before the actual wedding?" "We're going to wait until Jordie's ready to marry me," Melissa smiled. "As for a career, I think I have one all planned out?" "Really?" Amanda raised her eyebrows. "What is your plan?" "Jordan and I have been discussing how best to help the women of this area, and maybe, eventually, in areas beyond Hardwick, and I sent an email to Melinda Gates to ask her how she and Bill Gates set up their foundation. She gave us lots of great ideas and, since my education is all in business and investments, she offered to tutor me over the Internet. Jordie has asked me to be the director of the charitable branch of the Family trust. That will be my career." "You emailed Melissa Gates!?" Frances asked. "Bill Gates' wife? One of the richest women in the world?" "Sure," Melissa smiled. "Why not?" Amanda smiled. "That sounds very rewarding. Let's talk to our lawyers and see if we can increase the size of that endowment through our family's trust, too." "Count me in!" Frank shouted. "I'd love to help. You can't take it with you, you know!" Everyone laughed. "Well, let's not move too quickly," Mary said as she hugged Jordan, then released him and smiled at his pretty, tear soaked face. "I just got my Jordie back. I don't want to lose him too quickly." "Yeah, about that..." Melissa grinned. "What?" Frances shook her head. "You can't have another surprise up your sleeve." "Speaking of combining family resources..." she pulled a small, gift wrapped package from her other pocket and handed it to Jordan. "What's this?" "Open it and see." Everyone watched as Jordan ripped the flowered paper open and then removed the cover from the small box within. He pushed back the paper and pulled out a small chain with a brass letter 'J' at one end and a ring with a key on it on the other. "A key?" Jordan asked. "Everyone look down the hill, for a moment," Melissa requested. "What do you see?" "The center of town," Frances said. "The library," Mary said. "Some buildings and the road," Amanda said. "Keenan's farm," Susan said. "Bingo!" Melissa laughed. "What?" Mary asked. "What do mean?" "Well," Melissa grinned, "one of the reasons I needed a new computer was to look into a few things about this town. I did a pretty extensive search and I found out who the best realtor in this area was and I got in touch with her. I told her where I was staying and I asked if there were any houses for sale nearby. When I told her that I wasn't concerned about the price, she told me that since Mr Keenan had passed away a few years ago, Mrs Keenan had been considering selling the farm. So, I told her I was interested and this morning she told me what the family wanted for the property. Then, when you called and said that Uncle Frank had gotten everything resolved, I called the realtor and said I wanted to make an offer. I went down there this afternoon and I looked at the house. It's really beautiful inside, filled with beautiful antiques. So, I offered them thirty thousand dollars over asking price if I could keep the furniture. They agreed. I called the bank and had them transfer the money immediately. It won't be official until tomorrow, but from now on, it's Jordie's house." Everyone was shocked and they stood silent for a few moments before Jordan gasped, "Melissa... that's unbelievable." She put her arm around him. "Jordie, I want you to be mine, but I would never take you away from your family. They love you too much. Now, we can all be together. Mom, if you want to move west, there's a pretty little cottage on the property that I plan to have renovated for you and Franny and Robbie, when you're ready, we'll build houses for you, too, if you want. Uncle Frank, if you ever decide to leave the city, there's plenty of room for you, too. See, this way we'll have what Jordie and I both need the most. Family, love and above all, each other." The End Author's note: This brings Jordie's story right up to the present time. I promise, I will revisit this beautiful boy in the future and we'll find out how life turns out for Jordie and Melissa.

Same as Quarantine: Finale Videos

4 years ago
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Quarantine Queers Part 3

Our weird Quarantine rules had been in place for two weeks. A few times a day, Paul and I would switch our flatscreen over to Pornhub and suck each other dry. Yeah, we told ourselves it was only because of the quarantine, just like I told myself I only sucked Paul so eagerly because I wanted him to do the same. But there was more to it than that…Since we were able to freely admit our desires, our tastes had gotten more extreme. Cross-dressing and trap porn became pretty common entertainment,...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Relief

It has been months since I've had to actually get up and ready and head into the office. I was dreading this day for the last two weeks, knowing it was approaching. My wife, on the other hand, seemed giddy. I guess I couldn't really blame her.We've been around each other almost all day, every day since the virus hit and things were shut down. She normally works from home so this transition for her was easy. It's been great for our sex life too, or so I thought.We were having sex more times...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Madness Ch9 10 11

Chapter Nine. I got up and got dressed, which, to be honest, felt a little odd. I spent time making sure I looked good. My hair was brushed and makeup on. I had my most professional looking outfit on. I wanted to look my best and to look in total control. I set up my computer and got skype ready to go. I did one last check of the accounts to make sure they hadn't changed at all. I then almost backed out of doing this. I was experiencing so many emotions and they kept fighting for dominance....

4 years ago
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Your stuck inside due to the enforcement of quarantine. With nowhere to go your forced to live your life and entertain yourself where your at. Some were lucky enough to be at home others are forced to stay and shelter where they were. There's been stories of a guys ex being stuck in the apartment with him and his current girlfriend. Another of a decent party of people now forced to live together. Another of people stuck in stores or shops like the one of a guy forced to remain in a lingerie...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Blues and Sexting

For obvious reasons the start of 2020 is proving to be a real kick in the teeth.Yet through all this chaos a friendship I made online has evolved somewhat. Backing up a little... For a couple of years I'd been talking to a girl online, she'd sent photos but nothing totally concrete proving she was who she said she was. She had always ducked out of video calling or meeting in real life. So naturally my brains often assumed she was a Catfish, I mean all the logical evidence was there. But that...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Sex With My Mother In Hyderabad

Hello everyone! My name is Rajesh and I am from Hyderabad. I want to share my real sex experience I had with my mother with you guys. Let me give a brief introduction of my mother. Her name is Supriya. She is 46 years old. She is of fair complexion. She has a habit of doing yoga, so naturally she has a fit body. My mother has big boobs and a very juicy ass. Her body measurements are 36-32-36. Coming to me, I am 21 years old. I am in the 8th semester of B.Tech. So, I only have to do project. I...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Fun With Newlywed Malaika Bhabhi

Hi guys. I have been a vivid reader of ISS and also I have been a writer on this very site. You may know me by the nickname “Aryans” if you have read my previous stories. I have got a lot of nice reviews from most of you guys for my previous stories. You can check those stories here on this site. Today, I am back with Part 2 version of myself, a different name, different stories, different kinks and different characters (precisely female ones to jerk). I hope you love this story and send me...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Pristine 1

Quarantine Pristine By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "I don't think that looks too bad any more, sweetheart," said her mother. "Yeah, because I've spent the last two days with either a full shield or a catcher's mask on," replied Sabrina, allowing her mother to inspect her black eye. "Well his turn is over and now it's yours, so unless you're going to make him kick the soccer ball with you, then I assume sports are over for a few days." Her mother smiled,...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Adventures Day 5

Then yesterday she rebuffed my advances and explained that she wasn't feeling that good, down below. At first she thought it was just sore from being overused, but then the next day she had a request. “Babe, you need to go out shopping today,” she informed me as she made me breakfast. “Really? I’m sure whatever it is we can wait until this quarantine is over,” I sighed. I wasn’t scared of going out, but I didn’t want to risk it if I didn’t have to. “Well, I think I have a year infection...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Will Do That

I looked at the calendar. Five months without a hookup. No, wait. I had forgotten to turn the page. Lifting a few sheets and pinning them to the top, I sighed. Eight months without a hookup. Quarantine sucked. So fucking long without seeing anyone I knew but my roommate, outside of video chats. And you don't exactly set up a hookup on video chat. Sure, if I'd had a boyfriend before this all started I would have kept seeing him. But one offs just seemed reckless. I had no shortage of...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Whore

 It started the end of March. Me and my friends had just gotten back from the Dominican Republic after an amazing Spring Break full of alcohol, partying, and lots of fun. But then the world ended. The Corona Virus was spreading quickly across the world and the United States in particular. I was a sophomore at the University of Florida and lived in a house with three girlfriends. All four of us were big into social media, particularly Instagram, and were self-described ‘influencers’. We were all...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Queers Part 2

It became routine.Ok, so it was weird. But whenever one of us was ready, we would invite each other to what quickly became these almost scheduled jerk-off sessions. At first, we stuck to the classic male fantasies, but Paul let out the first true confession."How do you feel about tentacles?"Ok, so chicks with dicks didn't seem so weird after watching a few minutes of some stylized animated girl being devoured by cum spraying centipede monsters. I shared a little, when pressed, and found that...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Quarantine Threesome told by friend to me

The quarantine has gone on too long, I have been masturbating more often than I did when I was young and not happy about that. Sitting in my yard, I started talking with a neighbor that lives on the backside of my home. We introduced our selves and it turns out he bought the home about 7 months ago and new to the neighborhood. Jake as it turns out has been working from home and mentioned that he also was sick of playing by himself. We talked about our health and whether or not we have had...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Stories of Exploitation Part I Paying

It seems my last post about the Quarantine resonated with with some friends of mine.   My friend Kelly told me what happened to her in these crazy times.  This is her story:   I am a Yoga instructor in my twenties.    I had wanted to be a nurse when I was younger, but nursing school was not easy.  I don't mind hard work, but I wasn't really the best student, I just needed to find something else.  I started working in retail, and moved up to assistant manager, but that was not very fulfilling...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Sex Chat With Sexy Bitch

Hi, I am Karthik from Hyderabad and I am 25 years old. I registered on indiansexstories site quite a few years ago and have written 7-8 experiences of mine with horny bitches. However, I forgot my username and password of my old account, hence created a new one. I will be posting my sex stories on this account from now on. This story is about a horny bitch named Priya (name changed), who is a 32-year-old horny slut from Hyderabad who was hungry for sex until I met her. She loves it when I...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Fun With Newlywed Malaika Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

Hey Guys, thanks for a nice response to my previous two parts of the story. So, I bring you the third part and the final part of this series. Last two parts, Malaika was fun but this part needs to be calm and it is a finale. So, it should end with hard dicks and wet pussies till the next series arrives. After having sex with Malaika the whole night, I was sleeping in the balcony. She was not around, it was early morning, the sun was about to shine. I open my eyes slightly as I hear the slurping...

4 years ago
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Quarantine New Challenges

A week, nine dresses, two nighties and a new set of living room curtains later and Jordie was sitting at the cutting table, staring at a piece of paper that was covered in rough sketches. With a pencil in hand, he was struggling to picture how he'd like his first dress designed from scratch to look. Mary stood beside him, encouraging. "I can't get this quite right," Jordan mumbled, "I can't figure out how to get the skirt the way I want it. Maybe if I look at the pre- made patterns I...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Troubled Waters

"Umm... perhaps you should come in," Mary muttered, uncertainly, as she tried to get her bearings. She'd just been informed that, apparently, her sister and her sister's husband had died and she was having a hard time thinking clearly. "Just give us a moment to get ready for you, please. I'm not comfortable with anyone entering the house at the moment, but... just give us a few minutes, please." She turned to her daughters and said, "Put on masks. This gentleman needs to come in to...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Struggles

"You're going to love them," Mary said to Dr Green as she trimmed a little more of her hair. "He said to tell you that he should be done the day after tomorrow. Each dress is just amazing, Joan. I'm so impressed with his ability. He'd never sewn anything less than a month ago, now, you'd swear he'd been doing this his whole life." Joan smiled. "That's wonderful, Mary, and I am very excited to see them, but can I ask you a question?" "Of course," Mary smiled under her mask. "You can...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Risky Behavior

Mary looked at Jordan who stood staring at the approaching judge and her daughter and all she could do was shake her head in wonder. Of all the times... she turned to Frances. "See if you and Robbie can do something about him. I'll say hi to the judge." Frances laughed. "Ok." "Hi," Mary smiled through her mask and waved as she approached the guests. "I hope you didn't have a hard time finding us." The judge shook her head. "Not at all. The GPS on my phone brought us straight to...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Pristine 2

Quarantine Pristine By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two Owen was exhausted after a restless night's sleep as his stomach acted up and his mother constantly came in to check on him and remedy any accidents that might have occurred. He gave her no grief as she did whatever she had to under his nightgown at various times during the night, as he been woken but fallen right back to sleep a couple of times. When finally Sabrina shook him awake him in the morning and he...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Adjustments

"Of course," Judge Amanda Lang said, "this is a desperate ploy by a man who needs to gain back a win from a huge loss. I know some of the partners at his firm. They're pretty brutal. My guess is that they probably demanded that Leary do whatever he can to get the account back. A hundred million dollars probably doesn't constitute their biggest account, but it's a lot of money, nonetheless." "Not their biggest account!?" Susan said surprised. "I'll tell you the truth, it's the biggest...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Adventures Day 9

Then yesterday we had some fun by joining me in the shower, and was really sexy with the water going down her hair as she bobbed on my man-meat until I finished off coating her face in my sticky white glaze for the few seconds until she washed it off, but it really isn't the same as actual fucking. Though on the plus side I didn't need to use my last condom yet, and I knew I'd have to go out and search for more soon. Anyway, today while we were watching TV on my couch we heard some...

2 years ago
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QUARANTINED By Lisa Lovelace The new bug spread around the world faster than the last one had. So did the quarantines and stay-at-home orders. You had to remain wherever you were at the time the orders took effect. No, you could not go home, because you would have to travel, and if you traveled, you might spread the bug. Stay where you are. Do not spread the bug. For better or worse, when the lockdown came, I wasn't at home with my parents in Tampa. I was at my Aunt Victoria's...

4 years ago
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Let me back up and tell you about myself. Firstly, my name is Kale, yes like the vegetable. My wife is Maria, and our son is Kevin. My parents had divorced when I was in my early teens and my Dad, Kane, had married my step-mom Karen. Anyways, we live in Tennessee and enjoy the hustle and bustle of Nashville life. Growing up my parents traveled a lot, but after the divorce my Dad, all of us kids and his new bride settled in Nashville. I have 3 other siblings who live in other states, but that...

4 years ago
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Quarantined submissive covid19

Covid 19 has spread rapidly. The United States is now on lockdown. Every one is quarantined to there homes. When it happened I was in my hunting cabin with limited amount of food. Luckily I had enough beer and cigarettes to last me a few months. I watched on the news as people were looting anything and everything. Home evasions were on the rise. It felt like I was watching a movie. I prepared for the worst cleaning and prepping my arms. I didn’t mind being alone but feared for my family who...

2 years ago
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Quarantined with Mom and My Sisters Chapter 1 My Loving Mothers Naughty Relief

Chapter One: My Loving Mother's Naughty Relief By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Quarantined with my mom and sis in a three-bedroom apartment... Kill me now. When I could go out and hang with my friends, even when I had to go to college five days a week, I could get out of the estrogen zone. So could my two sisters. Mom had to work. We all could leave. Now I was stuck in the house with them twenty-four hours. The four of us stuck in this tiny...

1 year ago
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Quarantine relief

He was quicker than I expected and I felt his fingers on me spreading my wetness while he unzipped his pants I had been quarantining at home for about 5 months, it was August and it was hot as it always is in the Carolinas. I decided I was going to take a little road trip by myself. Maybe go to the beach, do something to get out of the house. I’d worn out 2 12 packs of batteries and about all the Pornhub I could take. I needed air and I needed other people. I got in the car and started to...

Sex With Stranger
3 years ago
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Quarantine High School Sleepover

“Anyone wanna have a sleepover tonite?” Megan, Chloe, and Hannah all responded yes, and they were to have a girls sleepover that night. “My parents are gone for the week, so we can do ANYTHING. Make sure to bring food and swimwear if we wanna go swimming!” Adrienne texted. Later that night, Adrienne’s doorbell rang and she opened it to find her 3 friends. “Hey guys come on in! We can swim now before it gets dark.” Adrienne said. “Alright, let us get changed haha.” Said Chloe. The girls...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Madness Ch 7 8

Chapter Seven.I woke up in the morning feeling very good indeed. I yawned and stretched as I marvelled at what a good night's sleep I had had. It was ironic because everything that had happened to me in the last forty-eight hours should have had me rocking back and forth in the corner. It's amazing what a good, hard fucking will do for you.All the dreams I had last night and the memories of yesterday meant that I was wet before I even opened my eyes. Normally this would have led to a great...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Madness Ch5 6

Chapter five.The more I thought about it, the more I thought William was onto something. Then I would get angry at myself for having doubts when I shouldn't. I spent hours swinging from one extreme to the next until I finally settled on one thought. I had to know. I had to do some digging.I went through all of our paperwork which David kept immaculately and there was nothing. Of course, there's nothing, I said to myself, look how careful he is. I searched all of our cupboards and drawers for...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Madness Ch3 4

Chapter three. I heard his car pull up into the driveway and I was out the front door before he had even turned the engine off.As he stood up he looked really tired and I hugged him to me. It felt so good to have him home safe. I held him for as long as he could take it only letting go when he placed his hands on my shoulders.“Are you okay, William?""I'm fine, mum. It's just been a long and weird day.""You can say that again."He walked to the back of the car and they both started...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Madness Ch1 2

Chapter 1.My name is Heather, which if you are a child of the eighties is about as cliché as you can get. I am not your blonde bimbo type though. I am a business owner who has done fairly well for myself. I guess if appearances are all that important I would describe myself as average. I am not really athletic nor am I particularly big. I have a bit of a belly that I have had since my pregnancy with William. I am in no way interested in becoming a gym junky to try and lose it either. I consider...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Queers Part 1

According to New York, during the Coronavirus, you are your best sex partner.Which I guess requires a real liberal definition of the word partner.Your second best partner is someone you live with. Which made me wish I had shacked up with some hot co-ed instead of Paul, my closest friend since college.Look, it's not like either of us were exactly Casanova's before the crisis, but at least there was a chance at getting some. But once the stay-at-home order made shopping for groceries the...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Meet the Davis’. Lauren is the baby of the family, and she can be such a bratty little sister. She recently turned 18 and is so excited to be done with high school, she doesn’t even care that her school had to cancel graduation. But she hopes COVID won’t get in the way of her continuing her cheerleading career in college next year at State. She stands 5’1” with a tight, athletic body, and keeps her wavy dirty blond hair pulled back in a bow. Nate is the oldest child, as he likes to remind his...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Sex Video Call

It was late at night. I just flipped my phone to see whether my GF hadd texted. "I miss you", said the text message. Imminently, I got into the chat and started texting her. "I was just thinking about you". I replied.'Oh yeah, What about me were you thinking about?'. She replied.Me - Just your thoughts today. Can't even meet you because of all this lockdown.S- I know. It feels terrible. I just wish you were here.M- Me too. I am missing you. Your body. Your touch.S- My body? Really.M- Yeah....

4 years ago
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Quarantine Game Night

Betty reached to look at her hole cards. The motion was incredibly awkward; moving her left arm out to grasp the cards meant that she needed to cradle her naked breasts with just her right arm to avoid exposing herself. She pulled the cards towards herself but stopped to look at the reactions of her fellow players before examining her own hand.The tanned-skinned young man to her left studied his cards for a moment, then threw a furtive glance around to the others. He shuffled in his seat,...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Fun With Newlywed Malaika Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, thanks for reading my previous story it was a bit long but I hope you did not get bore. As you liked the previous part 1 bring to you what happened next. Do read the first one to link it with this. I and Malaika were carrying out our jerking act in the balcony. I was holding my dick from the bottom in my hand and the dickhead in the circular window grill. Malaika made me push my dick in there to get a fill of penetrating the hole. We heard mom approaching so I had to pull out the dick...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Expanding Horizons

The sheets were in the washing machine, the breakfast dishes were in the dishwasher and Franny was leading Jordan out to the salon on an overcast spring morning in rural Massachusetts. "Seriously," she was chuckling as they walked into the salon and turned on the lights, "you don't know who Billie Eilish is!?" "No," Jordan shrugged. "Should I know her?" "Well, I don't know... don't you like music?" "Sure. I like music just fine. I just don't always know who I'm listening...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Feelings

"So," Melissa was fascinated, "you ARE going to become a woman at some point?" "No," Jordan explained as they drove in Melissa's ten year old Toyota Avalon. She'd explained that she'd bought it from her grandparents and, even though it was kind of an 'old lady' car, it had low mileage and was in very good shape. "I'm not going to ever become a woman," Jordan continued, "I would like to get breasts, though." "And why is that?" "Because..." he sighed. No one ever understood this,...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Finding Themselves

"Can I help you?" Mary said through the screened door. She'd sent Jordan into the living room to wait until she knew what was going on. "Good evening, ma'm," the man in the black polo shirt with an embroidered badge and a the words 'Worcester County Sheriff's Department' embroidered below the badge. "My name is Deputy Reese of the Worcester County Sheriff's Department and I'm afraid that I have a summons here for you and a Jordan Alden." "Before I open the door," Mary was cautious,...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Slave

"I really didn't expect there to be a uniform," Sarah said with a chuckle as she pulled off her panties below her short dress. "I mean, I don't really know what to use you for. I'm kinda getting blindsided by this. But I think cleaning the place is a good start." Jack was still frowning. Coronavirus was hard on everyone, but he had seen on the news the waves of evictions. Jack was glad that he had a solid job working from home. Life hadn't been as kind to Sarah, though, as he saw when he...

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Quarantine Adventures Day 1

"Yeah, same thing for me. They texted me just after you left that we're to be shut down for the foreseeable future. Probably only a couple of weeks, but I get a few weeks off with pay because of all this craziness," I answered, relieved that at least one of us was still going to have some cash flow. "Well then…" she asked suggestively, "what do you suggest we do with our free time?" "I can think of a few things," I chuckled and drew her into my arms for a kiss. Our lips touched...

2 years ago
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Quarantine lil bitch

We never had spent so many time together my half sister and me had a nice appart rent by my dad and we lived there for our Grad studiesI never ever spent time with her much, but with covid it has been 100%and one night i thought she was gone i was caught red handed my lil cock inside my fleshlight wearing her red stringPorn on tv i only had time to stand and run closing the tv she saw me ass i her string running to my room ''hey wtf Alex you open that fucking door ''''wtf you do in my panty you...

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Quarantine with Mom

I lost my virginity two years ago on my 18th birthday from my girlfriend at the time but things didn't work out between us and now I have resorted to porn. And when I say porn I mean all sorts from ebony to dominatrix to ass to mouth. I have watched incest porn before such as mom and son or sister and brother but it was just a video to me. Nothing I would go out of my way for unless there was a certain actress that caught my eye but my main search was always large natural breasts. Not those...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Boredom Gone Too Far Part 2

Waiting at the kitchen table was Christa fully showered and clothed. The turned around and said, morning sleeping head before turning back around. My mom Megan put down a plate of pancakes at the table for me. I sat down and reminded myself, act normal, don’t be weird. I responded to Christa, morning and thanked my mom for breakfast. I ate my food and then retreated to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. The first half of the day I had virtual classes, Christa was in her...

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Quarantine Boredom Gone Too Far Part 3

No response was made from Christa or myself. We just laid there not knowing what to do or say, still a part of my mind was on the fact that I was still balls deep in Christa and how good it felt. Damn I wish I had cummed before he walked in so I could think straight right now. Finally Christa spoke up, she had her orgasm and likely could think clear for both of us. Boy was I wrong, she sat up from her laying position which pushed me completely back into her and made my eyes rolls back. ...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Boredom Gone Too Far Part 1

My sister on the other hand had never dated anyone. She had our parents convinced that she was a sweet innocent girl but I knew otherwise. Being only a sophomore at the same school, she was already known as the slutty one. She often went out with different guys and had a reputation of being a tease. Even though she was my sister, I was still a guy and knew that she was very attractive. At 5ft 5in tall, blond hair, petite body and perky B cup boobs, she was a head turner. I know it was...

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Before him I was still a virgin, my nosey and controlling mother had been very serious about me not having sex before marriage, mostly concerned that I’d get knocked up by some loser, or that a respectable suitor wouldn’t want to marry me if I’d been “deflowered”. This wasn’t for religious purposes or any thing, we were just a well to do family and they had old school ideas about me marrying into another good family. So while she nearly threatened me to abstain from sex, she practically...

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They were set to go on a cruise ship and explore different exotic islands during the peak of summer. Unfortunately, mom's friend had a last-minute issue at work, and she had to cancel a few days before the trip was supposed to start. The tickets were non-refundable. My mother tried to find someone else to go with her, but since most of her friends are also lawyers, none of them could go on such short notice. That's where I came in. With no other options left, my mother reluctantly invited...

3 years ago
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My So Called Sex Life The Finale

'My So Called Sex Life - The Finale' An authorized biographical trip through one woman's experiences and fantasiesBy DizzyD Forward by Lexi:Hi Guys, it's Lexi. Well this is it, and while I'm glad you're about to read the final chapter of my story, I'm sad that my collaboration with the sweetest guy in the world is coming to an end. I think DizzyD and I have shared a thousand emails, PM's, phone conversations and video chats since this started, and even though we've never physically met, I...

4 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

Introduction: the last, unless you want a prequel Sissy the Redhead: The College Plan Pt VII: The Finale The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldnt have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would...

3 years ago
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Quarantined with Mom and My Sisters Chapter 5 Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters

Chapter Five: Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Yeah,” I agreed to Mom. “I'll give you dick whenever you want it. So don't worry.” Mom smiled as she was stroking my cock having woken me up with the usual fashion: sucking on my dick. Sleeping on either side of me were my sisters Jamie and Auburn. I had my little sister and her little titties rubbing into my right side and my big sister and her big boobies rubbing...

2 years ago
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New Blood Part 2 Finale

Heather fell asleep in Kelly's lap and had to be transferred to her grandmother's lap so Kelly to get up. Heather hugged April tightly, with Kelly struggling to not cry as Heather showed that she cared a lot about her grandmother without realizing it. April hugged her back, feeling the same warmth of the love that Heather was showing and enjoying her granddaughter giving her sleepy affection. Kelly moved Heather to her room and tucked her in bed, with Heather hugging her favorite...

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The Cruise Singer Finale

After waking, we cleansed ourselves in the spacious hotel shower, washing, caressing and debating where to go on our sightseeing trek. Monique wanted to go home and get a few changes of clothes if she were going to remain with us at the hotel. The only problem was getting her in and out without the staff seeing her. After we finished bathing, we got dressed and continued contemplating our day. I went online and discovered the charge for a third person wasn't as much as we had thought. So, to...

4 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldn’t have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would have to share them all with my sixteen year old brother, Luke, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. ...

3 years ago
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Morning After the Night Before Part Four Finale

Morning After The Night Before Part Four Finale We come to the final part of the tale of Olive and Samantha to discover what has happened following the events of Halloween. Once again I wish to give a BIG thanks to my friend Chris for taken his time to review, edit and comment with the whole story and not just this finale Chapter, even with his computer files getting corrupted just before his normal backup, these things never happen after the back up do they, Chris was still able to...

4 years ago
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Quarantined With Manisha Bhabhi

Hello, My Dear Readers. We have all been affected by the lock-down. We have all grown tired of being in quarantine. But there are a lucky few who consider this period as a blessing. This is the story of 21-year-old Kapil, who easily had his way with his elder brother’s wife, thanks to the lock-down. Happy Reading! “What happened Bhabhi? Why are you crying like this?” I asked my sister-in-law, Manisha, seeing her sob vehemently. I was sleeping, and I had just woken up hearing her scream and...


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