Quarantine Cove
- 3 years ago
- 42
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Chapter Nine.
I got up and got dressed, which, to be honest, felt a little odd. I spent time making sure I looked good. My hair was brushed and makeup on. I had my most professional looking outfit on. I wanted to look my best and to look in total control. I set up my computer and got skype ready to go. I did one last check of the accounts to make sure they hadn't changed at all. I then almost backed out of doing this. I was experiencing so many emotions and they kept fighting for dominance. Once I did this, I would have to live with the consequences both good and bad no matter what. I was swinging from excited at the possibilities for a new future, looking forward to watching his reaction, and fear that this would all somehow backfire on me and I would end up with nothing.
I went and made myself a cup of coffee, I was telling myself it was to calm my nerves but I was really just procrastinating. I went back to the office and closed the door. I didn't want either of the boys in here for this. This was about just David and me and I intended to keep it that way. I pressed the connect button and listened to the ringing sound. It took a long time before David answered. I imagined him in the background hurriedly moving any incriminating evidence, including the girlfriend. When he answered he looked very rumpled and I felt a flush of satisfaction at the fact that he was looking old. He didn't look happy at all, this just made me happier and I put on my chirpiest morning voice.
“Good morning, David.”
I think the cheeriness threw him.
“Ahh, hi, what's going on?”
“It's nice to see you too.”
He was looking very confused now.
“What are you playing at, Heather? You won't answer my calls for days and you haven't contacted me in nearly a week. What the hell is going on?”
“Well, David, I have been quite busy doing other things and I certainly don't want to interrupt you doing, whatever or whoever you're doing.”
He rolled his eyes condescendingly as though to say “oh here's the paranoid wife again”. As much as that look pissed me off, I was recording this so having his denial there for all the world to see was wonderful.
“For god sake, not this crap. Heather, we are forced into lockdown how on earth would I be having an affair when I'm locked in this motel?”
“Humour me, David.”
He again rolled his eyes.
“I want you to show me around your room, David. Take me on a tour.”
“Pick up your laptop, walk around your room and show me every nook and cranny.”
“It's a fucking Motel room, Heather, there's nothing to see.”
“Oh, I think there might be something to see, besides if it is just an empty Motel room, then what's the problem?”
“The problem is that you clearly don't trust me.”
That pissed me off. How dare he say that after all these years of trusting him only to find proof that I shouldn't have. His indignity wasn't because I didn't trust him, it was because I refused to be naive and gullible.
“Don't try and make me feel guilty, David. That shit isn't going to work anymore.”
“You know what, Heather? Fuck you! I am not going to show you around the room. I shouldn't have to prove anything to you. We are going to be having a long talk about this when I get back and if your attitude hasn't improved by then I will be filing for divorce.”
Clearly, I was supposed to break down and sob and lament my terrible ways for him. I am sure he expected me to go silent with fear as the colour drained from my face. None of that happened of course. What happened I think took us both by surprise. I laughed, I mean full out belly laughed as though he had just told me the greatest joke. In some ways, I guess it was a joke, our entire lives together had been a joke to him.
“You want to threaten me with divorce? Really? Bring it on, David, oh and by the way, you spoke just now of coming back here. That isn't going to happen, David. The moment your car hits the driveway, I will be calling the cops.”
He was furious now. He had never dealt well with not getting his own way.
“What the fuck do you think the cops would do? I haven't broken any laws by turning up at my own damn house.”
“It's called bigamy, asshole. The name Anne Templeton mean anything to you?”
He looked like he had just been unexpectedly slapped. I had never felt such satisfaction as seeing that look on his face. I was sure I heard a gasp from someone else in the room at the same time but still no other indication that someone else was there. I couldn't resist getting in one last kick though.
“I can't help but wonder, David, what Anne thinks about you continuing to have me around. What lies did you tell her about having your cake and eating it too? What bullshit did you tell her about having to keep me around? You're just a greedy selfish asshole, David.”
“You....but...You can't...What?”
“Yeah, that's what I thought, David. Oh, and by the way, knowing I found out about Anne surely has to get you thinking about what else I found too.”
I left it open just long enough to watch his face go completely grey. I disconnected the call and immediately logged on to my bank account. I made sure that every cent was now in the new section where he could look at it but not move it and not withdraw it without my extra password.
I smiled as I sat back and imagined his reaction the moment he opened his bank accounts and had seen what had happened. If only I could be a fly on the wall.
Moments later, my phone buzzed. It was the bank asking me if I wanted to supply the second code. I laughed out loud as I replied.
It happened again several minutes later and I gave the same response. After the third time, the bank sent me a message stating that the person trying to access the account had been locked out for twenty-four hours.
I laughed again as I imagined his response to this message. That was when my phone started buzzing. I could almost feel the anger emanating from it. I thought about it for a second or two but then decided against answering it, I wanted a witness of sorts this time. I ran down the hall to find Bill but he wasn't in my room. I went into the kitchen and found him sitting there drinking a coffee.
“Oh, I didn't expect you to be up yet.”
“I've only been up for a bit. I heard you talking in the office with the door closed so I figured you wanted to be left alone.”
“Thanks for that, but I need you to do something for me.”
“Sure, what's up?”
My phone began buzzing again. “I need you to record this conversation.”
Bill opened the video camera on his phone and began recording. I sat the phone on the table and answered using the hand's free option. I'm glad I did because it was loud.
“You fucking thieving whore!”
I hung up the call. Bill was looking at me in shock.
“Just keep recording, please.”
The phone was ringing again and once again I answered it using hands-free.
“Don't you fucking hang up on me, you fucking greedy slut!”
“Speak to me civilly, David, or I won't speak to you at all.”
“Fuck you, you...”
I hung up again. I could picture him going purple with rage. It took a while longer before the phone started ringing again. I answered it the same way and this time I could almost hear his teeth grinding at the effort of not screaming at me.
“Heather... please don't hang up again.”
“If you are polite and don't resort to name-calling then I am perfectly happy to have a conversation with you, David.”
I could hear him breathing heavily to try and control himself and it took an effort not to laugh.
“Heather, I need to know how to access my money.”
“I would assume that you would know how to access your money in your account.”
“Heather, this isn't a fucking joke. I need you to transfer back the money that you took from me.”
“See here's where it all gets a bit hazy for me, David. Because my understanding is that the marriage laws state that half of what was in that account is mine. You see you have been shortchanging this family for more than two decades now and as I see it, we are finally getting somewhat closer to even. In fact, if I take this to my solicitor what's going to happen is all the money that is in that account is going to be frozen then divided up the way the courts see fit. Now what that means is that not only will you not have access to that half but when it gets divided up, they will also take into account what Williams education has and continues to cost and also where the money for the mortgage came from. Meaning they will understand that my business was the source of income for the house, the cars, the education of our child and the running of the household while you lied and squirrelled away the vast majority of your income. You will be lucky to get ten percent of the total in the end or you can accept that you are a shit human being and that to get the fifty percent I have left you is more than you deserve.”
“I will make you pay for this, you bitch. I will make you suffer. I will burn your so-called life down. Your business, the house, everything. I will take William away from you. I will leave you a bitter, lonely old hag that no one wants anything to do with.”
“Now, David, you may want to refrain from threatening me. Understand that although you did have me fooled, that stopped several days ago and I will never be a fool for you again. I have taken certain contingency actions that fall into place if anything untoward were to happen or even just some unlucky accident. If I were you, I'd be hoping for my best health. Oh, and the last thing that worries me is being lonely, you have trained me for that quite well.”
I hung up the phone and nodded to Bill to stop him recording. I had to sit down now. I had been pacing back and forth and suddenly, all the energy and adrenaline I had been feeling crashed. I sank into the chair and put my head in my hands. I was on the verge of tears and I was so angry. I felt like my shoulders were up around my ears I was so tense so when Bill stood up behind me and began to slowly massage my neck and shoulders it couldn't have been better timed.
I have always loved a good massage and a well-executed head massage has been known to leave me tingling in the past. It's like Bill just knows these things like it's built into his DNA just how to turn me on. Maybe the same things work for him as they do for me and he just does what he likes being done to him. I don't know for sure, but feeling his fingers working through my hair against my scalp had me feeling tingles everywhere. I was feeling so good by the time he got back down to my shoulders I was feeling completely compliant. He could have asked me to get naked in the front yard and suck his cock and I probably would have. Bloody hell, now I was thinking about doing just that and I was getting wetter by the second.
He reached down and tugged at the bottom of my shirt without saying anything. I just raised my hands above my head, allowing him to lift it up off me completely. I had put a bra on this morning as part of trying to look very professional, however, within seconds of my shirt being folded and placed in front of me it was joined by my bra.
I sighed with pleasure as his warm hands began to soothe the tension in my shoulders and back. I rested my forehead on my shirt and before long Bill had me practically drooling. He got about halfway down my back before it got too awkward for him to continue. He came around to my side and before I knew what he was doing, he had picked me in his arms and began walking out of the kitchen. I knew my boy was strong but I'm no lightweight and he barely seemed to struggle at all. He did have to turn side-on to get through the kitchen door without hitting my head on the jamb though. He got to my room and placed me as gently as he could on the bed then went off for a minute or two. I just laid there, thinking about what the morning had brought already. Thinking how Bill had become more of a man over the last week, at least in my eye, than his father.
Bill walked back in and I realised why he had disappeared. In his hands was my favourite massage oil. He poured some into his palm then warmed it between his hands before sliding them across the bare skin of my back. Just his touch sent tingles through every part of me. He worked his way up to my shoulders and neck then back down again. I hooked my thumbs in the top of my pants and wiggled them down off my hips, exposing the top of my bum. Bill took it from there and slid my pants all the way down and off, taking my panties with them. It felt so good to be naked and exposed for him to explore. I no longer felt self-conscious at all. I wanted him to see all of me. To see, and smell, and touch and taste. I couldn't get enough of his touch. He applied more oil and went to work on my lower back then down to my bum. His hands were sliding over my cheeks and pressing into them, kneading them like bread. I could feel him pulling them apart and I knew he was seeing me in the most intimate way a person can. He then moved down to my thighs and calves. As he worked his way back up he was slowly spreading my legs apart. There was a part where I could feel my pussy lips spreading apart and I knew my pussy was gaping open. I could feel a trickle of my cum roll out and then down over my clit.
He continued to work on my thighs and his hands kept getting closer and closer to my sex. Just as I thought for sure he is going to touch me this time he changed positions and began massaging my ass again. He was pushing up towards my back as his hands slid across my cheeks. Every time he did it, I felt myself opening up and being completely exposed to him. I could feel his breath on the back of my thighs and I knew he was looking at me in the most intimate way a man could. It was driving me wild being exposed to him like this and I could feel more moisture leak from my pussy.
His hands were still on my ass, pushing them up towards my back but also away from each other; but I could feel the weight of his body shift on the bed. Next thing I know there was a tongue on my clit. Then it was inside me, as deep as he could drive it. He was like a cat lapping up milk as he collected my cum, driving me wild. He forced his tongue in as deep as it would go and flicked around inside of me. He then ran his tongue around the rim of my pussy a few times before going higher and rimming my asshole. He licked at me in a way no man ever had which had me squirming and moaning. He pushed gently at my back door with his tongue as his fingers slid into my pussy and began grinding away on my G-spot. When his thumb began circling my clit as well it was just too much and I began to buck against him as my orgasm took over me. I never knew a man could make me feel quite this good.
“Oh yes, Bill. Oh, it's so good.”
Bill's only response was to moan and start fucking me with his fingers. I wanted his cock now though and only it would do.
“Fuck me, Bill. I want your cock inside me. Please, baby.”
He didn't hesitate at all. Within seconds, he was between my outstretched thighs. One hand was on the bed beside me supporting his body weight as his other hand guided his cock to my wanton, cum-filled, fuck hole. This time, as he slid into me, I could think of nothing more than the fact that he could be impregnating me. It sent my lust into overdrive and I fucked back at him as best I could from this position, filling my pussy with his lovely cock. I begged, pleaded and demanded that he fuck me full of his cum.
Laying there, in the same position after Bill had gone to have a shower, feeling his cum leaking from my pussy and I couldn't help but wonder what the hell was going through my head. I really didn't want to get pregnant. It would be an absolute nightmare situation, yet the thought of it also sent shivers through me. Was it because it would be the ultimate “Fuck you” to David? Was it because I was lonely? Or was it simply an extension of the incredibly risky behaviour I had already been indulging in? Was all of this a simple case of a lack of affection or had I truly been this kinky, slutty person all along? I didn't have the answers, obviously, but in my more lucid moments, I did question my motives.
Those lucid moments never seemed to last long though before I was craving a cock inside me again. I heard a voice from the doorway and realised that Shane had finally woken up. I didn't bother moving, despite the fact he could see straight into my cum-drenched pussy from where he was standing.
“Good morning, Shane.”
“Indeed it is. Such a delicious view. It looks like Bill has taken care of you already this morning.”
“Awww don't be jealous, Shane, there's plenty here for you too if you want.”
He leaned against the doorway admiring the view as I watched back over my shoulder. He seemed to be lost in the view as his hand began stroking his cock to full hardness. I licked my lips as I watched and waited. He came to some kind of decision in his mind and moved forward. I looked forward again as I felt his weight settle on the bed between my outstretched thighs. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip as I felt his cock begin to press against my hole. I was so well lubricated with my own cum and Bill's that Shane slid straight in without any real resistance. Being bigger though I felt him stretching me a little more. The fact that my own son's cum was lubricating his friend's cock inside me sent that all too familiar shiver through me again. It felt so damn good to be stretched and full again.
That's not to say I didn't love having Bill's cock inside me. I absolutely did, but it was different. There was a more emotional attachment with Bill. It was making love with Bill. Certainly not a traditional love, it was different from a husband-and-wife-type love but also different from a mother-and-son-type love but love was definitely the key factor. With Shane, it was raw fucking. It was rough and rude and dirty and I thoroughly enjoyed it but it didn't have that emotional attachment. Shane could leave tomorrow and I would miss the sex but I wouldn't miss him as a person. When Bill went back to uni I knew I would miss him. I would miss my son and I would miss my lover.
Shane began pounding into me. There was absolutely nothing gentle about it, with every motion of him driving into me it pushed the breath out of me. It was almost violent the way our bodies slapped together. If I hadn't been as wet as I was or already filled with Bill's cum it definitely would have been painful.
When he pulled out of me and grabbed me by the hips, pulling me up into a kneeling position on the edge of the bed, things started to escalate. His hands were hurting me they were gripping so hard and when he shoved his cock back into me I was again glad that I was so well lubricated. It was rough and raw and felt so good but in the back of my mind, there was forming a niggling doubt. This was beginning to feel like more than just wild sex. It was almost like he was punishing me. Just as I had this thought I felt the sting of a hard slap on my ass.
“Fuck! Don't do that.”
I practically dove forward with the shock of the impact. I landed on the bed and immediately rolled over. Shane had a look in his eye that was hard to read. It was part unbridled lust but there was an element of anger there as well. For the first time since all of this began, I felt a moment of fear, that I had gone too far and was in over my head.
Shane began moving onto the bed and I realised that this was done. I no longer wanted Shane to touch me.
“Shane. Stop right there.”
Thankfully, he did stop. I didn't know whether to be grateful that Bill was in the shower and hadn't heard anything or not. Shane's face did that weird thing where a hundred different emotions at once ran just beneath the surface but then he seemed to deflate before my very eyes. The breath went out of him and he sagged down onto the mattress, hiding his face from me.
“I am so sorry, Heather. I don't know what came over me.”
“There's no harm done, Shane, but you understand why I put a stop to this, don't you?”
“Yes. I am so sorry.”
I felt sorry for him in some ways. I could see he was genuinely remorseful for what he had done but that didn't mean I would ever trust him again. I had seen the brief look of furious anger at having been denied, regardless of how quickly it vanished.
“Shane, I'm going to go have a shower right now and I would like to be alone for a bit so I can think about this, but you and I are going to have a discussion about this later, okay?”
He hung his head as he sat there. I patted him on the shoulder and got him moving again.
“Go get dressed, okay.”
He walked out of the room looking like a puppy that had just been told off for crapping on the carpet. I wasn't about to back down though; this could have, and still could, go a lot worse. It wasn't lost on me that if Shane decided to escalate, then there would be very little I could do about stopping him. Also if he got nasty after this was all over, he certainly had enough to make some accusations that would tarnish my name. I don't think anything had been recorded so far but if it had, I could be in real trouble.
I guess I had to just take my chances now that all would be okay but I also knew in my heart that I would have to stop this madness now before it got out of hand. That meant stopping things with Bill too. It broke my heart but for all of our benefit, this quarantine madness needed to stop.
Chapter Ten.
I spent a lot of time thinking through the morning. I had a shower and dressed, quite conservatively this time. I went out and made myself a coffee and sat out in the sunshine. The house was very quiet, which was unusual as usually some music or television was going but it was peaceful so I enjoyed the peace and quiet. I didn't put too much thought into why it would be quiet, or maybe I just didn't want to think about the damage that I may have done.
I had just finished my coffee and was walking inside to rinse my cup when Bill came out of his room looking confused.
“What's up?”
“Oh, nothing I guess... it's just. Have you seen Shane anywhere?”
“I thought he was in his room.”
“No. I was studying in my room and I came across something that I don't really get so I thought I would ask Shane but he wasn't answering his door. When I opened it, he wasn't in there. I just thought that maybe he was out there with you.”
The studying explained the quiet but I now had a disquieting feeling growing in the pit of my stomach. I went straight to the room Shane had been staying in and opened the door. The bed was made and everything was neat and tidy. Nothing looked out of place which was as disturbing as anything. Anyone who has had teenage boys will know exactly what I am talking about. I opened the cupboard but there was nothing but empty hangers and shelves. Shit, he's done a runner.
I turned to Bill, who had by now come to the same conclusion.
“Did he say anything to you? Did you hear him going? Has he sent any messages?”
“Whoa! Slow down, Mum. No, he hasn't said anything and no messages either.”
“Check your phone, please.”
Bill took his phone out of his pocket and almost immediately stated that there were no new messages. He then began typing one out.
“Hey Shane, what's happening? Where did you go?”
He looked at his phone for a while, expecting a response immediately and giving a disgusted growl at it when it didn't.
“I haven't seen him much this morning. Did he say anything to you, Mum.”
I suddenly felt guilty. I know I didn't do anything wrong by standing up for myself but I felt responsible for him having left.
“I had to say something this morning about him being too rough with me and I think he may be a bit embarrassed but I didn't ask or tell him to leave at all.”
Bill eyed me suspiciously. He knew I wasn't giving him all the information.
“Did he hurt you, Mum?”
I could hear anger beginning to frost his words.
“Not intentionally, Bill, he just got... well he got a bit carried away and was a little rougher than I like.”
The look on Bill's face darkened and I could see he had already jumped to several conclusions.
“Look, Bill, I genuinely don't believe he meant to hurt me, okay, so please, until you know the whole story from Shane, I don't want you to get all worked up, okay?”
He looked at me hard and for a moment I saw the protective man he had become but then he began to soften.
“I'm sorry, Mum, but I just can't stand men who hurt women. It just really makes me so angry.”
I smiled at his slightly awkward macho behaviour and conceded that it really was sweet of him to feel so protective of me.
We spent some time going back and forth between us about what we should do. We didn't want to get him in trouble for breaking curfew by involving the police. We could go out and look for him in the car and if we got pulled up, we would have to say we were going to get shopping but the truth was, we had no idea even where to look. We didn't know how long he had been gone or where he had gone to. Bill tried calling several times and sent him messages but got no reply at all.
By the time we were getting dinner ready, I was so concerned I wasn't hungry. Bill seemed to be in the same state. We sat down and went through the motions but the spaghetti had no flavour and we both just pushed it around our plates with our forks. Then Bill broke the silence with the same thought that had been floating around my head.
“What if he tells someone?”
He didn't need to elaborate any further, I knew exactly what he meant.
“I don't know. I guess all we could do is deny it. Bill, he wouldn't have recorded anything, would he? I mean, I didn't see him with his phone out while anything was going on but I can't be one hundred percent certain of the whole time.”
There was a long pause as Bill looked physically sick. He seemed to think about it quite seriously for a while before shaking his head.
“I don't think he would have. I can't be absolutely certain but he never has before with any of the girls he has brought home. I guess that's as sure as I can be.”
We returned to thoughtful silence again for a while. It was beginning to get dark out now then suddenly we both jumped as Bill's phone began to ring. I looked at the phone before Bill snatched it up off the table and I noticed Shane's name on the screen. Bill answered it and put it on speaker so I could hear too.
“Shane! What the hell, man? Are you okay? Where are you?”
Even down the phone line, I could hear Shane's embarrassment.
“Yeah look I'm sorry, man, I fucked up.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Bill is your mum there with you?”
“Yeah, she's right here.”
I spoke up so he could hear me properly.
“I'm here, Shane.”
“I'm so sorry for what happened, Heather.”
I could see from Bill's face that he suspected there was more to the story than what I had told him because of the way Shane was reacting.
“Shane, seriously, it's not that big of a deal. I told you at the time how I felt about it and that was as far as it needed to go. You didn't need to leave at all.”
“I just didn't want to make everyone uncomfortable.”
“So making us all worry about you isn't making us uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, well, I didn't really think about it from that perspective. I'm sorry.”
Bill shook his head.
“Bloody hell, Shane, why didn't you talk to me? Or at least leave a note so we would know where you are going?”
“I just planned on calling you and letting you know.”
“So where are you, Shane?”
“I'm going back to uni. If I can get back there without getting busted, I'll be able to talk to the admin and explain about my family situation. I should be able to quarantine there.”
Part of me was relieved that he wasn't coming back. It's not that I didn't care about him, and I loved having his big cock inside me, but in some ways he was right. It was going to be uncomfortable if he stayed. Bill seemed to be on the same page as well. I half expected him to tell Shane to come back but he didn't.
“So how are you getting there?”
“I'm already there. I got to the supermarket and waited for the delivery truck to arrive. I then asked the driver if he could give me a ride back to the city. He was cool about it and right now, I'm just waiting for it to get darker so I can blend in with the other kids that stayed at uni and get back in.”
“Okay, well, be careful and let me know once you're back in and everything's okay.”
“No worries. Listen, I don't know if either of you is thinking it or not but I just want you to know that what has happened there stays between us. I won't ever say anything. It was just too amazing to spoil it and I hope we can continue living together on campus Bill.”
I breathed a sigh of relief and hoped that Shane was good to his word. Somehow I felt he was.
“Yeah, of course, it's all good, mate.”
“Okay, well, I'm going to have to go, I can see some student's coming back now.”
“Okay. Send me a text when once you're in.”
“No worries, mate.”
I could hear the relief in both of their voices and felt really pleased for them both. Bill hung up the phone and breathed a huge sigh of relief. I walked over and hugged him. Initially, it was a mum hug but things began to change. Bill's hand slid down my back and as he squeezed I felt his cock begin to grow beneath his jeans. I felt like one of Pavlov's dogs. Almost instantly I was getting wet and my pussy and nipples were tingling. Bill began kissing my ear and my neck and I all but melted in his arms. I heard a guttural groan come from my own mouth but it was stolen on its way out as Bills mouth closed over mine. It was one of the hungriest, most passionate kisses of my life and by the time it stopped, I wanted him inside me. I could feel my pussy pulsing as though reaching out for him.
“Oh God yes, Bill, Fuck me now, take me here in the kitchen.”
I was dumbfounded. No? What did he mean by no? I pulled away from him and I could see he had a sly grin on his face. What on earth was he up to? He took my hand and led me into the lounge room. He stood me in front of the front window where the blinds were open to the whole neighbourhood. I looked around but couldn't see anyone out there. He held me from behind and I could feel his cock rubbing against my ass as he kissed my neck some more. Soon his hands were on my breasts, squeezing gently and teasing as he ground against me. My pussy was soaked and all I could do was hope that no one decided to go for an evening stroll. With the light on it was like we were putting a show on for the whole neighbourhood. The thought both terrified and turned me on more than I would have believed.
I was moaning and when Bill lifted my shirt up over my head I didn't hesitate. He removed my bra and revealed my tits for everyone in the street to see and the thought caused a fresh gush of creamy, pussy juice. One of his hands was undoing my pants while the other played with my nipples and I was powerless to stop him while he nibbled on my ear. Not that I wanted him to stop, I never wanted him to stop again. He kissed his way down my back as he slid my pants down my legs. My panties slid down with my pants and before I really knew what was happening I was completely naked while Bill was kissing and biting my ass. One hand slid up between my legs and I instinctively parted my legs for him. He began playing with my wet lips and his other hand pushed on my back. I bent forward, supporting myself on the back of the couch. My tits hanging freely right in front of the window while my son made an assault on my pussy and ass with his tongue and lips. Mere seconds was all it took before I felt that first orgasm coming on. His tongue was doing things to me that I wouldn't have believed possible.
My legs were quivering but I was worked up like never before. I adored the feel of his tongue on my clit and slithering in and out of my pussy. I was creaming so hard that his face must have been coated but he didn't slow down at all. He slid two fingers into my pussy and immediately went to work on my G-spot while his tongue flickered around my asshole. Any form of coherent speech was gone now. All I could do was grunt and moan while my body seemed possessed. It was doing things without any of say so. I was grinding my ass and pussy into his face and I came again as I felt the tip of his tongue penetrate my ass.
My arms couldn't support me anymore as I collapsed forward, headfirst into the back of the couch. Completely undaunted, Bill followed me down. He now had a third finger in my pussy and I was feeling delightfully stretched. He pulled his face out and I felt a finger from his other hand begin probing my back door. My body was no longer mine to control and the slutty demon that had possessed me had taken over. I reached back and lewdly pulled my cheeks apart to allow him better access. His finger slowly sunk into my ass and I moaned but it sounded more like a snarl. He began pumping his finger in and out of me as though fucking my ass with a skinny cock. Even though I was feeling stretched and full I wanted more. There was no way I could hold a conversation right now but I only needed one word. I turned my head back towards him and growled.
Bill began applying pressure with a second finger against my ass and the slut demon knew exactly what to do. My ass relaxed and stretched wider as his second finger slid in beside the first. I moaned again and when he started to fuck me with both hands it was like my head exploded. I was squealing in ecstasy as cum squirted from my pussy and ran down my thighs. My asshole was gripping and pulling at Bill's fingers like it was trying to suck themTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
Quarantine Streamer **Note: This story contains rapid weight-gain, extreme weight gain, nudity, references to sexual pleasure, button bursting, clothes tearing, and furniture destruction. It also has minor references of stuffing and feederism.** **Everyone in the story is 18+** The image comes along as the camera begins streaming. A friendly woman’s face moves into a view, a kind smile that reaches her eyes as she looks into the lens, giving a brief wave in greeting. As she backs away from the...
FantasyA Dream comes True. Ch 9 by Julian Irwin. I got woken my Denise with a kiss to my cheek, saying that Aunty is wanting me. With partly opened eyes I saw the drapes had been parted to let in some unwanted early morning daylight. "Did you have a good sleep, what did you dream about?" she asked, sitting herself beside me wearing only her pretty oyster shade mid length satin nighty, while displaying a big smile. "I didn't have time for any dreams; I got woken to early by someone...
So this chapter continues back in my college years. It was just after first term exams and I had a bit of time off, and had been chatting with a guy online about our panty fetish and what he was doing. He took a job at a laundrymat awhile before we met and that's how he got his panties! What a great idea I thought, and even though I had my own washer and dryer set out to find a place close by to check things out. The one I found was your typical laundry place, attendant there, lots of washers...
I felt the edge of the bed dip down and then a warm damp hand shake my shoulder that brought me out of my afternoon nap. When my eyes opened I saw Bo sitting on the bed next to me. He was looking into my eyes and smiling."Martin, it's time to wake up and go to the big hotel for dinner." Bo said to me in his quiet voice."OK, I'll take a quick shower first." I told Bo, remembering that a few hours ago I ate his cum out of my daughter's pussy.Bo left the bedroom leaving me alone. My daughter Candy...
Reaching down I ran my hands over my chest, my stiff nipples jutting out causing a sharp intake of breath as their sensitivity seemed heightened. A little twist and a rub eliciting a moan before my hands continued down to my tenting panties. I was already dripping through the material, the heat emanating from my rod as my hand wrapped round it separated only by the thin material of my underwear. My second hand slipped beneath the elastic and down to cup my smooth and very tender balls, they...
Our weird Quarantine rules had been in place for two weeks. A few times a day, Paul and I would switch our flatscreen over to Pornhub and suck each other dry. Yeah, we told ourselves it was only because of the quarantine, just like I told myself I only sucked Paul so eagerly because I wanted him to do the same. But there was more to it than that…Since we were able to freely admit our desires, our tastes had gotten more extreme. Cross-dressing and trap porn became pretty common entertainment,...
CrossdressingChapter Seven.I woke up in the morning feeling very good indeed. I yawned and stretched as I marvelled at what a good night's sleep I had had. It was ironic because everything that had happened to me in the last forty-eight hours should have had me rocking back and forth in the corner. It's amazing what a good, hard fucking will do for you.All the dreams I had last night and the memories of yesterday meant that I was wet before I even opened my eyes. Normally this would have led to a great...
IncestChapter five.The more I thought about it, the more I thought William was onto something. Then I would get angry at myself for having doubts when I shouldn't. I spent hours swinging from one extreme to the next until I finally settled on one thought. I had to know. I had to do some digging.I went through all of our paperwork which David kept immaculately and there was nothing. Of course, there's nothing, I said to myself, look how careful he is. I searched all of our cupboards and drawers for...
IncestChapter three. I heard his car pull up into the driveway and I was out the front door before he had even turned the engine off.As he stood up he looked really tired and I hugged him to me. It felt so good to have him home safe. I held him for as long as he could take it only letting go when he placed his hands on my shoulders.“Are you okay, William?""I'm fine, mum. It's just been a long and weird day.""You can say that again."He walked to the back of the car and they both started...
IncestChapter 1.My name is Heather, which if you are a child of the eighties is about as cliché as you can get. I am not your blonde bimbo type though. I am a business owner who has done fairly well for myself. I guess if appearances are all that important I would describe myself as average. I am not really athletic nor am I particularly big. I have a bit of a belly that I have had since my pregnancy with William. I am in no way interested in becoming a gym junky to try and lose it either. I consider...
IncestIt has been months since I've had to actually get up and ready and head into the office. I was dreading this day for the last two weeks, knowing it was approaching. My wife, on the other hand, seemed giddy. I guess I couldn't really blame her.We've been around each other almost all day, every day since the virus hit and things were shut down. She normally works from home so this transition for her was easy. It's been great for our sex life too, or so I thought.We were having sex more times...
FetishYour stuck inside due to the enforcement of quarantine. With nowhere to go your forced to live your life and entertain yourself where your at. Some were lucky enough to be at home others are forced to stay and shelter where they were. There's been stories of a guys ex being stuck in the apartment with him and his current girlfriend. Another of a decent party of people now forced to live together. Another of people stuck in stores or shops like the one of a guy forced to remain in a lingerie...
TranssexualFor obvious reasons the start of 2020 is proving to be a real kick in the teeth.Yet through all this chaos a friendship I made online has evolved somewhat. Backing up a little... For a couple of years I'd been talking to a girl online, she'd sent photos but nothing totally concrete proving she was who she said she was. She had always ducked out of video calling or meeting in real life. So naturally my brains often assumed she was a Catfish, I mean all the logical evidence was there. But that...
Hello everyone! My name is Rajesh and I am from Hyderabad. I want to share my real sex experience I had with my mother with you guys. Let me give a brief introduction of my mother. Her name is Supriya. She is 46 years old. She is of fair complexion. She has a habit of doing yoga, so naturally she has a fit body. My mother has big boobs and a very juicy ass. Her body measurements are 36-32-36. Coming to me, I am 21 years old. I am in the 8th semester of B.Tech. So, I only have to do project. I...
IncestHi guys. I have been a vivid reader of ISS and also I have been a writer on this very site. You may know me by the nickname “Aryans” if you have read my previous stories. I have got a lot of nice reviews from most of you guys for my previous stories. You can check those stories here on this site. Today, I am back with Part 2 version of myself, a different name, different stories, different kinks and different characters (precisely female ones to jerk). I hope you love this story and send me...
Quarantine Pristine By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "I don't think that looks too bad any more, sweetheart," said her mother. "Yeah, because I've spent the last two days with either a full shield or a catcher's mask on," replied Sabrina, allowing her mother to inspect her black eye. "Well his turn is over and now it's yours, so unless you're going to make him kick the soccer ball with you, then I assume sports are over for a few days." Her mother smiled,...
Then yesterday she rebuffed my advances and explained that she wasn't feeling that good, down below. At first she thought it was just sore from being overused, but then the next day she had a request. “Babe, you need to go out shopping today,” she informed me as she made me breakfast. “Really? I’m sure whatever it is we can wait until this quarantine is over,” I sighed. I wasn’t scared of going out, but I didn’t want to risk it if I didn’t have to. “Well, I think I have a year infection...
I looked at the calendar. Five months without a hookup. No, wait. I had forgotten to turn the page. Lifting a few sheets and pinning them to the top, I sighed. Eight months without a hookup. Quarantine sucked. So fucking long without seeing anyone I knew but my roommate, outside of video chats. And you don't exactly set up a hookup on video chat. Sure, if I'd had a boyfriend before this all started I would have kept seeing him. But one offs just seemed reckless. I had no shortage of...
It started the end of March. Me and my friends had just gotten back from the Dominican Republic after an amazing Spring Break full of alcohol, partying, and lots of fun. But then the world ended. The Corona Virus was spreading quickly across the world and the United States in particular. I was a sophomore at the University of Florida and lived in a house with three girlfriends. All four of us were big into social media, particularly Instagram, and were self-described ‘influencers’. We were all...
TeenIt became routine.Ok, so it was weird. But whenever one of us was ready, we would invite each other to what quickly became these almost scheduled jerk-off sessions. At first, we stuck to the classic male fantasies, but Paul let out the first true confession."How do you feel about tentacles?"Ok, so chicks with dicks didn't seem so weird after watching a few minutes of some stylized animated girl being devoured by cum spraying centipede monsters. I shared a little, when pressed, and found that...
Gay MaleThe quarantine has gone on too long, I have been masturbating more often than I did when I was young and not happy about that. Sitting in my yard, I started talking with a neighbor that lives on the backside of my home. We introduced our selves and it turns out he bought the home about 7 months ago and new to the neighborhood. Jake as it turns out has been working from home and mentioned that he also was sick of playing by himself. We talked about our health and whether or not we have had...
It seems my last post about the Quarantine resonated with with some friends of mine. My friend Kelly told me what happened to her in these crazy times. This is her story: I am a Yoga instructor in my twenties. I had wanted to be a nurse when I was younger, but nursing school was not easy. I don't mind hard work, but I wasn't really the best student, I just needed to find something else. I started working in retail, and moved up to assistant manager, but that was not very fulfilling...
Hi, I am Karthik from Hyderabad and I am 25 years old. I registered on indiansexstories site quite a few years ago and have written 7-8 experiences of mine with horny bitches. However, I forgot my username and password of my old account, hence created a new one. I will be posting my sex stories on this account from now on. This story is about a horny bitch named Priya (name changed), who is a 32-year-old horny slut from Hyderabad who was hungry for sex until I met her. She loves it when I...
Hey Guys, thanks for a nice response to my previous two parts of the story. So, I bring you the third part and the final part of this series. Last two parts, Malaika was fun but this part needs to be calm and it is a finale. So, it should end with hard dicks and wet pussies till the next series arrives. After having sex with Malaika the whole night, I was sleeping in the balcony. She was not around, it was early morning, the sun was about to shine. I open my eyes slightly as I hear the slurping...
A week, nine dresses, two nighties and a new set of living room curtains later and Jordie was sitting at the cutting table, staring at a piece of paper that was covered in rough sketches. With a pencil in hand, he was struggling to picture how he'd like his first dress designed from scratch to look. Mary stood beside him, encouraging. "I can't get this quite right," Jordan mumbled, "I can't figure out how to get the skirt the way I want it. Maybe if I look at the pre- made patterns I...
"Umm... perhaps you should come in," Mary muttered, uncertainly, as she tried to get her bearings. She'd just been informed that, apparently, her sister and her sister's husband had died and she was having a hard time thinking clearly. "Just give us a moment to get ready for you, please. I'm not comfortable with anyone entering the house at the moment, but... just give us a few minutes, please." She turned to her daughters and said, "Put on masks. This gentleman needs to come in to...
"You're going to love them," Mary said to Dr Green as she trimmed a little more of her hair. "He said to tell you that he should be done the day after tomorrow. Each dress is just amazing, Joan. I'm so impressed with his ability. He'd never sewn anything less than a month ago, now, you'd swear he'd been doing this his whole life." Joan smiled. "That's wonderful, Mary, and I am very excited to see them, but can I ask you a question?" "Of course," Mary smiled under her mask. "You can...
Mary looked at Jordan who stood staring at the approaching judge and her daughter and all she could do was shake her head in wonder. Of all the times... she turned to Frances. "See if you and Robbie can do something about him. I'll say hi to the judge." Frances laughed. "Ok." "Hi," Mary smiled through her mask and waved as she approached the guests. "I hope you didn't have a hard time finding us." The judge shook her head. "Not at all. The GPS on my phone brought us straight to...
Quarantine Pristine By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two Owen was exhausted after a restless night's sleep as his stomach acted up and his mother constantly came in to check on him and remedy any accidents that might have occurred. He gave her no grief as she did whatever she had to under his nightgown at various times during the night, as he been woken but fallen right back to sleep a couple of times. When finally Sabrina shook him awake him in the morning and he...
"Of course," Judge Amanda Lang said, "this is a desperate ploy by a man who needs to gain back a win from a huge loss. I know some of the partners at his firm. They're pretty brutal. My guess is that they probably demanded that Leary do whatever he can to get the account back. A hundred million dollars probably doesn't constitute their biggest account, but it's a lot of money, nonetheless." "Not their biggest account!?" Susan said surprised. "I'll tell you the truth, it's the biggest...
"And you didn't feel as if Judge Lange was overstepping her bounds at the hearing?" The heavyset lawyer from Leary's law firm asked Mary. Mary was sitting in the witness seat of the nearly empty courtroom. Just the Judge, the lawyer representing Leary's firm, a court reporter, a court officer, Mary, Jordie and their lawyer, Judge Lang's ex-brother-in-law, Frank Middlebrook. "Your Honor," Frank stood at his desk, obviously angered by the other lawyer's question, "my client had no...
Then yesterday we had some fun by joining me in the shower, and was really sexy with the water going down her hair as she bobbed on my man-meat until I finished off coating her face in my sticky white glaze for the few seconds until she washed it off, but it really isn't the same as actual fucking. Though on the plus side I didn't need to use my last condom yet, and I knew I'd have to go out and search for more soon. Anyway, today while we were watching TV on my couch we heard some...
QUARANTINED By Lisa Lovelace The new bug spread around the world faster than the last one had. So did the quarantines and stay-at-home orders. You had to remain wherever you were at the time the orders took effect. No, you could not go home, because you would have to travel, and if you traveled, you might spread the bug. Stay where you are. Do not spread the bug. For better or worse, when the lockdown came, I wasn't at home with my parents in Tampa. I was at my Aunt Victoria's...
Let me back up and tell you about myself. Firstly, my name is Kale, yes like the vegetable. My wife is Maria, and our son is Kevin. My parents had divorced when I was in my early teens and my Dad, Kane, had married my step-mom Karen. Anyways, we live in Tennessee and enjoy the hustle and bustle of Nashville life. Growing up my parents traveled a lot, but after the divorce my Dad, all of us kids and his new bride settled in Nashville. I have 3 other siblings who live in other states, but that...
The Book of Madness Part 1 of 2 By Morpheus I leaned back slightly and took a bite of my sandwich, not taking my eyes from the page of the book that I was currently reading. I was in the middle of my lunch, but couldn't actually leave for it since I was the only one in the store at the moment. But that was fine with me as I wanted to finish up my book anyway. My name is Ellis Meyers, and I am a 6 foot tall, 19-year-old with glasses and dark hair. I'm also a bookworm,...
Covid 19 has spread rapidly. The United States is now on lockdown. Every one is quarantined to there homes. When it happened I was in my hunting cabin with limited amount of food. Luckily I had enough beer and cigarettes to last me a few months. I watched on the news as people were looting anything and everything. Home evasions were on the rise. It felt like I was watching a movie. I prepared for the worst cleaning and prepping my arms. I didn’t mind being alone but feared for my family who...
Chapter One: My Loving Mother's Naughty Relief By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Quarantined with my mom and sis in a three-bedroom apartment... Kill me now. When I could go out and hang with my friends, even when I had to go to college five days a week, I could get out of the estrogen zone. So could my two sisters. Mom had to work. We all could leave. Now I was stuck in the house with them twenty-four hours. The four of us stuck in this tiny...
He was quicker than I expected and I felt his fingers on me spreading my wetness while he unzipped his pants I had been quarantining at home for about 5 months, it was August and it was hot as it always is in the Carolinas. I decided I was going to take a little road trip by myself. Maybe go to the beach, do something to get out of the house. I’d worn out 2 12 packs of batteries and about all the Pornhub I could take. I needed air and I needed other people. I got in the car and started to...
Sex With StrangerIf I had been carrying a sword that night, would you have-- (Kenshin is sitting alone in his room, staring out the window.) Kenshin (thinking): That was two weeks ago. (Tomoe opens the door, broom in hand.) Tomoe: I'm going to clean this room. Please leave for a while. Kenshin: I don't remember asking you to clean it. Tomoe: Okami asked me to. In the midst of all this confusion, Yukishiro Tomoe has settled in with us. Kenshin (as he's getting down from the windowsill): What's this...
March Madness By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 1 "Wake up babe!" said Jen softly tickling Mike's nose with her feather duster to awaken him. "Morning," whispered Mike waking up as Jen softly kissed his lips. "Go get rid of that stinky morning breath and empty that bladder of yours," said Jen modeling a bit as she stepped back. "When you get back breakfast will be served." "Right away Mademoiselle," teased Mike quickly stretching his hand to give a soft squeeze...
“Anyone wanna have a sleepover tonite?” Megan, Chloe, and Hannah all responded yes, and they were to have a girls sleepover that night. “My parents are gone for the week, so we can do ANYTHING. Make sure to bring food and swimwear if we wanna go swimming!” Adrienne texted. Later that night, Adrienne’s doorbell rang and she opened it to find her 3 friends. “Hey guys come on in! We can swim now before it gets dark.” Adrienne said. “Alright, let us get changed haha.” Said Chloe. The girls...
According to New York, during the Coronavirus, you are your best sex partner.Which I guess requires a real liberal definition of the word partner.Your second best partner is someone you live with. Which made me wish I had shacked up with some hot co-ed instead of Paul, my closest friend since college.Look, it's not like either of us were exactly Casanova's before the crisis, but at least there was a chance at getting some. But once the stay-at-home order made shopping for groceries the...
Gay MaleMeet the Davis’. Lauren is the baby of the family, and she can be such a bratty little sister. She recently turned 18 and is so excited to be done with high school, she doesn’t even care that her school had to cancel graduation. But she hopes COVID won’t get in the way of her continuing her cheerleading career in college next year at State. She stands 5’1” with a tight, athletic body, and keeps her wavy dirty blond hair pulled back in a bow. Nate is the oldest child, as he likes to remind his...
IncestIt was late at night. I just flipped my phone to see whether my GF hadd texted. "I miss you", said the text message. Imminently, I got into the chat and started texting her. "I was just thinking about you". I replied.'Oh yeah, What about me were you thinking about?'. She replied.Me - Just your thoughts today. Can't even meet you because of all this lockdown.S- I know. It feels terrible. I just wish you were here.M- Me too. I am missing you. Your body. Your touch.S- My body? Really.M- Yeah....
Betty reached to look at her hole cards. The motion was incredibly awkward; moving her left arm out to grasp the cards meant that she needed to cradle her naked breasts with just her right arm to avoid exposing herself. She pulled the cards towards herself but stopped to look at the reactions of her fellow players before examining her own hand.The tanned-skinned young man to her left studied his cards for a moment, then threw a furtive glance around to the others. He shuffled in his seat,...
Hey guys, thanks for reading my previous story it was a bit long but I hope you did not get bore. As you liked the previous part 1 bring to you what happened next. Do read the first one to link it with this. I and Malaika were carrying out our jerking act in the balcony. I was holding my dick from the bottom in my hand and the dickhead in the circular window grill. Malaika made me push my dick in there to get a fill of penetrating the hole. We heard mom approaching so I had to pull out the dick...
The sheets were in the washing machine, the breakfast dishes were in the dishwasher and Franny was leading Jordan out to the salon on an overcast spring morning in rural Massachusetts. "Seriously," she was chuckling as they walked into the salon and turned on the lights, "you don't know who Billie Eilish is!?" "No," Jordan shrugged. "Should I know her?" "Well, I don't know... don't you like music?" "Sure. I like music just fine. I just don't always know who I'm listening...
"So," Melissa was fascinated, "you ARE going to become a woman at some point?" "No," Jordan explained as they drove in Melissa's ten year old Toyota Avalon. She'd explained that she'd bought it from her grandparents and, even though it was kind of an 'old lady' car, it had low mileage and was in very good shape. "I'm not going to ever become a woman," Jordan continued, "I would like to get breasts, though." "And why is that?" "Because..." he sighed. No one ever understood this,...
"Can I help you?" Mary said through the screened door. She'd sent Jordan into the living room to wait until she knew what was going on. "Good evening, ma'm," the man in the black polo shirt with an embroidered badge and a the words 'Worcester County Sheriff's Department' embroidered below the badge. "My name is Deputy Reese of the Worcester County Sheriff's Department and I'm afraid that I have a summons here for you and a Jordan Alden." "Before I open the door," Mary was cautious,...
"I really didn't expect there to be a uniform," Sarah said with a chuckle as she pulled off her panties below her short dress. "I mean, I don't really know what to use you for. I'm kinda getting blindsided by this. But I think cleaning the place is a good start." Jack was still frowning. Coronavirus was hard on everyone, but he had seen on the news the waves of evictions. Jack was glad that he had a solid job working from home. Life hadn't been as kind to Sarah, though, as he saw when he...
"Yeah, same thing for me. They texted me just after you left that we're to be shut down for the foreseeable future. Probably only a couple of weeks, but I get a few weeks off with pay because of all this craziness," I answered, relieved that at least one of us was still going to have some cash flow. "Well then…" she asked suggestively, "what do you suggest we do with our free time?" "I can think of a few things," I chuckled and drew her into my arms for a kiss. Our lips touched...
We never had spent so many time together my half sister and me had a nice appart rent by my dad and we lived there for our Grad studiesI never ever spent time with her much, but with covid it has been 100%and one night i thought she was gone i was caught red handed my lil cock inside my fleshlight wearing her red stringPorn on tv i only had time to stand and run closing the tv she saw me ass i her string running to my room ''hey wtf Alex you open that fucking door ''''wtf you do in my panty you...
I lost my virginity two years ago on my 18th birthday from my girlfriend at the time but things didn't work out between us and now I have resorted to porn. And when I say porn I mean all sorts from ebony to dominatrix to ass to mouth. I have watched incest porn before such as mom and son or sister and brother but it was just a video to me. Nothing I would go out of my way for unless there was a certain actress that caught my eye but my main search was always large natural breasts. Not those...
Waiting at the kitchen table was Christa fully showered and clothed. The turned around and said, morning sleeping head before turning back around. My mom Megan put down a plate of pancakes at the table for me. I sat down and reminded myself, act normal, don’t be weird. I responded to Christa, morning and thanked my mom for breakfast. I ate my food and then retreated to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. The first half of the day I had virtual classes, Christa was in her...
No response was made from Christa or myself. We just laid there not knowing what to do or say, still a part of my mind was on the fact that I was still balls deep in Christa and how good it felt. Damn I wish I had cummed before he walked in so I could think straight right now. Finally Christa spoke up, she had her orgasm and likely could think clear for both of us. Boy was I wrong, she sat up from her laying position which pushed me completely back into her and made my eyes rolls back. ...
My sister on the other hand had never dated anyone. She had our parents convinced that she was a sweet innocent girl but I knew otherwise. Being only a sophomore at the same school, she was already known as the slutty one. She often went out with different guys and had a reputation of being a tease. Even though she was my sister, I was still a guy and knew that she was very attractive. At 5ft 5in tall, blond hair, petite body and perky B cup boobs, she was a head turner. I know it was...
She moved a little up to hold my dick in her hands and rubbed it gently on her pussy. She kept tapping her pussy with my dick. It was an engrossing feeling to feel the softness of her burning pussy. I held both her boobs squeezed them hard, toyed with them as she kept rubbing my dick on her pussy. She held it firmly to gently tap it on her pussy a few times. Her actions stirred me up. I looked at her and took her one boob in my mouth, sucking it violently. She looked into my eyes and said,...
IncestI in no way, shape or form endorse any acts of violence what-so-ever. This naturally includes the non-consensual acts which are portrayed in this story. This is the work of fiction and fantasy which I wrote for my girlfriend. She shared some rape fantasies with me (actual, beat you down fuck you in the dirt kind of fantasies) and I'm certainly into BDSM which is more about relinquishing control, as well as trust. So I decided to bring them together to make sure she didn't think I...