500 Time Revenge
- 2 years ago
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"Good evening, listeners. Tonight we hear the third installment with Joe Williams, author of 500 Annies. If you've listened to the last two installments, you know that he came to write the book after his wife suddenly left him, with very little explanation and no warning.
This segment deals with the actual writing of the book, how he comes to terms with himself and his wifes' betrayal, and unexpectedly finding love again.
The first few interviews were set up by my friends Annie and Jane. After about three interviews, I realized I was going to have to go elsewhere. Word had gotten out and the women had time to think and formulate answers they thought I wanted to hear. All I wanted was the truth, what I was getting was a sanitized version of how they wanted their relationships to go. I did learn a few things from them. I probably learned something from every woman I talked with.
I got creative. I went to coffeehouses, different bars, colleges, churches. I even went to two retirement centers. I talked to women at places I was sent to through my work, I was still working about thirty hours a week.
The travel allowed me unlimited venues for contact.
I talked to women in Boston, St. Louis, Detroit,
smaller towns up and down the East Coast, and along the Mississippi corridor.
At the end of my research I collated my data.
The youngest I interviewed was seventeen. The oldest was eighty three. Three hundred twenty two were between the ages of forty to sixty five. Thirty nine were sixty six to eighty three, one hundred twenty nine were between twenty and thirty nine, and ten were between seventeen and nineteen.
Three hundred twenty were white, eighty were Hispanic, fifteen were of Asian descent, sixty four were Black, ten were Indian, six were Polynesian, and five were American Indian.
Most were Christian, primarily Methodist, Baptist. and Catholic. There were four athiests, ten agnostics, Hindus, Bhuddists, One Japanese lady that was a follower of the Shinto religion,
one American Indian following a traditional religion that included using peyote. Two were members of an offshoot of Voo Doo.
Two hundred eighty eight had been in a previous marriage or live in relationships, sixteen were lesbians, four were polygamists, thirty one were non American in origin. Six were currently in an abusive relationship, five were into relationships governed by BDSM, and fourteen were celibate, eight due to health conditions, six by choice. Surprisingly, twenty seven were bisexual.
Fifty eight believed their relationships would end before six months. Seventy were desperately unhappy but determined to do everything possible to avoid a breakup.
Forty eight weren't in relationships at the moment. And thirty three of those said they weren't interested in starting one anytime soon.
Joe paused to sip some water.
"If you think that's confusing now, you should have gone through the process with me.
Most interviews were right at two hours. My shortest was sixteen minutes, and all she did was cry. One lasted over four hours, but she was so compelling that I never noticed the time."
Determined not to get my research compromised, I took a picture if they would let me. Instead of learning names, I would give them my card with my email address and write their number on the card.
I decided to call them all Annie, just as a joke, and to remind me why I was doing it. So when I gave them my card, I would write Annie 20, or 200, wherever I was in my research. I asked that if they contacted me, to use their number so I could look them up to put a face with the message. That's where the title came from."
"It took me fourteen months to finish the interviews, and six months more to collate the data into something manageable, and that was working twenty to thirty hours a week."
The project consumed me. I never let my professionalism slip, I did my job to the best of my ability, but it was second in importance to me.
It got so bad Jane or Chad and Annie would show up every couple of weeks and drag me down to the bar so I could mingle with the living. Chad and Annie had become friends, to the point of dinner or a visit every few weeks.They wanted to keep me in contact with the real world.
Chad was firmly convinced I was a little off for pursuing it so hard, but often joked when it was over I could easily make a fortune as a relationship coach for men.
I had long ago given up the idea of publishing it. It was a cleansing ritual for me, a catharsis from my misery of being abandoned. I expected I would allow Annie, Chad, Jane, and Harry read it, but that was about it. But fate wasn't done with me.
Motion, Inc. used an editing service to make our manuals clearer and concise. My work rarely took any tweaking, I had been doing this for a long time, after all. It was more proof reading than editing. But nobody is perfect, and every once in a while I would make a mistake.
I had been working on a pretty big project, and was finally able to send it off. I was tired, having spent about forty hours in interviews and transcribing for the last nine days, plus doing my regular job. The only excuse I have is exhaustion.
Two days later the editing service called. John had been my contact man for eleven years. We had conversed enough to become friendly, but I had never met him. That was about to change.
"Joe, Joe, this stuff is great! I never knew you had it in you. I want to ask a favor, please, please, let me edit it."
"John it's just a manual, not even on a complicated piece of equipment. You could edit it with one eye closed."
"Are you crazy? The most complicated piece of equipment ever developed is the female brain. A chance for an average guy to peek inside and understand just a little of it is priceless."
I was starting to get a bad feeling.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Your book, of course. I did the edit on the first four chapters already. My company is foaming at the mouth to see the rest of it. You know we're part of a company that publishes non fiction, biograhpies, historical texts, how to books, things along that line. They've been thinking about expanding, things like what you've done would be perfect. You do have it done, don't you?"
I was so tired when I sent the manual off that I accidentally sent the first eight chapters of my book. Looked like the cat was out of the bag.
"John, I wrote that as a kind of therapy for me. I never intended for it to be published."
"You're kidding, please say you're kidding. My boss is going to call you within the hour, he wants to start negotiations for the book today."
"You need to get an agent, and a good lawyer. You didn't hear this from me, but don't accept the first offer. Hint around you're shopping publishers, that'll keep them honest."
"And remember, you want me as an editor. Please."
Joe paused, his voice was a little hoarse.
Babs knew he needed a little rest.
"Ladies and gentlemen, lets take a few minutes to move about, restore circulation, use the facilities. When we get back I'd like Joe to reflect on some of his favorite interviews."
Ten minutes later the crowd was back in their seats, the stagehands had replenished the water bottles, and Joe took the microphone again.
"All the interviews were important, but a few stick out in my mind. Annie 337 lived in a retirement community. She was seventy four, and looked my age."
"I can still see her face."
"You're really 74?"
"Yes I am. I've had a little tightening up done, a facelift, boobs lifted, hell, basically every part of my body has had the effect of gravity reversed. In my own opinion, I'm still pretty hot for my age. Do you agree?"
"I do indeed, I thought you were my age. Are you in a relationship now?"
"Sort of, I'm seeing two men on a regular basis. One is sixty one, the other sixty seven. Personally, I think they're too old for me, but they're pleasant company. Plus, they're both pretty good in bed."
"So I take it you're still sexually active?"
"Oh, as often as possible. I've had a high sex drive ever since, well forever. I've been widowed twice. The highest praise I can give them is they were great in bed."
"Please don't get me wrong, I was never promiscuous. I was always a one man woman, and I loved both my husbands dearly."
"The first was a banker, it was a pretty well thought of profession back then. I'm sure Barry would roll over in his grave at what his profession has degenerated into."
"Our relationship was the traditional breadwinner/ housewife scenario. It was the early sixties you know."
"But he respected me. He knew I handled every faction of our lives except making money. I reared the children, managed the house, behaved impeccably in social situations. We were a real life Ozzie and Harriet."
"I would get lonely sometimes when he would be trying to climb the corporate ladder, and he hated traveling, but we dealt with it for our betterment."
"We discovered early the joys of sex, and had a strong drive all the way to the end. We understood each other, we fit, you know? And beneath that three piece suit he was a tiger."
"I matched him passion for passion, we were indeed one. We only had one major fight, and it was about money. We had it, and he would make me spend time with him understanding our finances and investments. I told him as long as I had him I would never have to worry. I'll never forget what he said."
"Honey, there may come a time when I'm not here. If that happens, I want you to mourn me, and not worry about your future while you do. This is to protect you and our kids, now please pay attention."
"So I did. I became almost as good as him in money matters. He was very proud of me."
"Then one day the bank called. He was found sprawled over his desk, massive heart attack.
He was fifty seven."
"I cried my eyes out and mourned him. But I moved forward, and thanks to his foresight we were secure financially."
"we were married thirty seven years, and I don't regret a day."
"Five years later I met Paul, my second husband."
"He was a painter[I recoiled slightly at that] and a free spirit. While Barry and I were conservative, he was flashy, loud, and unpredictable. We made love wherever and whenever we wanted. He painted me nude, the portrait hangs in my living room today."
"Where Barry loved his cocktails, Paul didn't drink, said he wanted nothing that would cloud his vision. He wasn't broke, but he wasn't nearly financially secure as I. Money didn't matter to him if he had enough to live on."
"He wanted a prenup to show he didn't want my money. I refused."
"We lived happily for seven years. My kids even liked him after they got to know him, and the grandchildren loved him madly. It was nothing for the kids to come to pick them up and find their faces painted like zoo animals."
"He was killed six years ago when a kid talking on his cell phone ran a stop sign and centered his motorcycle."
"When I think about it, all they had in common was that they loved me, and never stopped communicating, even when I didn't want to listen."
"I'll never marry again, it would take a much younger man to satisfy me fully, and it wouldn't be fair to him. My two lovers combined keep me satisfied and happy. I've had a very good life all in all."
A side note here. The older ladies I interviewed averaged forty plus years in their relationships, I feel it was because of the moral climate at the time. Twenty seven of the thirty nine I interview in that age bracket, sixty six to eighty three, said they should have left their husbands.
"Annie 441 was an attractive black woman in her late twenties. This was one of the hardest interviews I had ever done. Her husband was abusive, insanely jealous, and a drug user. Her life was a living hell. The bruises were easily seen even under her dark skin. He had broken her arm, thrown her outside naked when the temperature hovered around twenty, even tried to pimp her out. She drew the line, that's when he broke her arm. She filed a restraining order and assault charges, then didn't show up for court."
"I asked her why she stayed."
"Because I love him, and he loves me."
"And yet he abuses you."
"He doesn't mean to, I just make him so angry."
I nearly exploded.
"Angry! I was in love with a woman for nearly thirty years. She betrayed me with another and moved out of my life with no notice at all. I was angry."
"Even as I raged against her, damning her to hell, it never occurred to me to beat her or cause her physical harm."
I paused, breathing raggedly.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped off at you. It's just that, if you stay with him, it's going to get worse and you know it. He probably does love you in some sad twisted way. But I have to ask you, is your love for him enough? Will it block out the pain, the humiliation, the darkness. If you have children, will he abuse them? Is this the future you want?"
She wavered, then looked me defiantly in the eyes.
"It'll get better, he'll realize what he's done to me one day and change. I know it in my heart."
I knew she knew deep down she was lying.
"There were many highs and lows experienced during these interviews. Moments of almost blinding joy and agonizing sadness. Times when I felt I was making progress in my quest for understanding, many more times when I realized no man would truly understand a woman."
"Annie 499, the next to last interview I did, gave me great hope for mankind in general."
"I was in a mid sized town in Maryland, on a job. I was feeling pretty good with my progress, this one would be over quickly."
"I had checked out of my motel and was on my way out of town. It was lunchtime, and I passed a small restaurant that featured crab cakes, a regional delicacy. She was standing on the side of the road, holding up a cardboard sign."
"Help me. I need a job."
It got my interest so I walked over.
"Any luck?" I pointed at the sign.
She sighed.
"None. I don't know what to do. I've tried the employment office. temp agencies, I've put applications in with every business in the area. Nobody wants an eighteen year old with no experience."
She smiled her brightest smile.
"You're not hiring, are you mister?"
I felt bad for her.
"No, but I will buy you lunch in exchange for an interview."
Her defenses started to raise.
"I don't know mister, you're not some kind of pervert, are you?"
I grinned to lessen her fears.
"Nope. Even worse, I'm a writer. Right now I'm doing a book on relationships. Too bad you're not married."
Her eyes blazed.
"Am too married. For almost a year."
"Where's your ring?"
She blushed a little.
"Don't have one, we couldn't afford it. But he's gonna get me one, soon."
"Well, there you go. You're married, a perfect candidate for an interview. I'm going in now, join me if you want."
I got a table near the window. She was still outside, holding the sign with grim desperation.
I flagged the waitress down.
"Do you know that girl?"
She glanced out the window.
"Yeah, that's Wendy. Poor girl, she has no luck at all. Lucy lets her bus tables every once in a while for a meal and a few dollars. She eats less than half, and takes the rest back to the shelter for her husband."
"Yeah, they live in shelters. Foster kids, both of them, they've had a terrible life. God, I wish things would get better for them."
I gave her a twenty.
"Do me a favor, take her the largest drink you have, and tell her she has a meal paid for."
I peeled off another twenty.
"Take this for your trouble."
She looked at it.
"I can't take this for something I would probably have done after the lunch rush anyway."
She tried to hand it back to me. I pushed it back into her hands.
"Keep half, then, and give her another meal when she needs it."
"You're a kind man, mister. I'm sure she'll appreciate it."
A few minutes later she walked out with a jumbo styrofoam cup in her hand and gave it to Wendy. There was some hand waving and pointing, and when she came back in Wendy was with her.
She came straight up to me and slipped into my booth.
"You really a writer?"
I nodded.
"Have I read anything you've written?"
"No, I doubt it. I'm a technical writer. Been one for over twenty years. This is just something I wanted to do."
"How many women have you interviewed so far?"
"Four hundred ninety eight."
"No shit? Oops. I mean really? How many more do you intend to interview?"
"You, and one more. My goal was five hundred."
She sat back and relaxed.
"All right, but I want a crab cake plate, large, with extra onion rings."
I shook hands with her and ordered her meal.
Her story was heartbreaking. Abandoned as a small child, she had no idea where her parents are, or if they're even alive. She went from foster homes to orphanages and back to foster homes.
She was provided for, the very basics, and for the most part treated well, but there was no love.
She met her husband in a group counseling session for troubled foster kids. She was fourteen, he was fifteen.
Her eyes glowed at the memory.
"We looked at each other and I knew right then. This is who I wanted to spend my life with. We shared a coke at the break. We were both so awkward and tongue tied, nobody told us about love. But when we took our seats I sat next to him, and I haven't left his side since.
He lived in the group home, and I had a foster family that lived two blocks over. He was in the home because he wouldn't go to school, and he was so big his foster parents were afraid of him, even though he gave them no reason to be.
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One day I had an Idea to finally go to the adult book store and buy a toy but didn't want to do it alone. So I asked a friend to go in with me. My friend didn't mind the thought of 2 women going into such a place. On our way over my friend asked why I was going in the first place. Well, I replied, My Husband has been wanting for years to see me do things and I want to do them but don't know how to get them done. My friend asked, Like what? I said. The usual Man stuff. Two Girls together stuff....
*First I want to say I'm not very descriptive*I met this guy, let's call him Rob. He is much older than I. Rob is my sugar daddy. We talked everyday and we would send sweet messages to each other throughout the day. Finally, we decided that it was time to meet. I was very nervous, being that this was the first time we would meet. What if he wasn't who he said he was? What if he didn't like me? What if? What if? I decided to take a leap of faith. He picked me up. I was so nervous, I couldn't...
My mom was staying in as were Jen's parents so we parked on a dark road and made out while I fingered her. Her panties were absolutely drenched when I was finished, and she rubbed her hand inside them and used her pussy juice to jerk me off, I spurted all over my pants and she laughed."I hope your mom doesn't see." She said."Actually she probably wouldn't care." I said."Oh yeah? In that case we should just have fucked in your house then.""I wouldn't push it." I said jokingly, but she may have...
Following a complete re-vamp of the store a couple of years ago, the sex toys showroom at the rear was fitted out with open glass shelves, great lighting, and very realistic mannequins. We encourage customers to touch and feel the products before they buy, and as a consequence, the dildos, vibrators, and strap-ons need to be cleaned regularly. It’s one of those little jobs that we quite enjoy doing, and it was during one of these interludes that I told Megan and Carol about the evening I’d...
SeductionKristen Scott, a masseuse, is waiting for her next client when she gets the feeling she’s being watched. She looks towards the window and sees a guy, Robby Echo, peering in. It seems like he’s scouting the place out, which instantly makes Kristen suspicious. When she meets Robby at the door. Robby claims that he couldn’t see a sign outside, so was looking in through the windows to make sure he had the right place. Yet, Kristen’s suspicions grow when she learns he...
xmoviesforyouWiping his mouth, Casey puts his napkin down and looks across the table at his girlfriend. “That was a sly trick you pulled on me,” he says. “What, having you help Bart out while me and Rosemary went for a ride?” “Yeah, that,” he affirms. “I know what you’re trying to do.” “You do?” “Yeah,” he says. “You’re trying to get me to fuck him.” “I’m not quite sure that Bart swings that way,” Jessica says, biting him lip. “But if you’re thinking that way, then we are making some...
Seth Gamble and his girlfriend Ella Reese excitedly arrive at a new home. They have traveled across the country due to Seth’s new job, and will now be living at a fully-furnished company home. They see a bunch of moving boxes, and think that their personal belongings are already there waiting for them. However, when they see unfamiliar handwriting on the boxes, including the mysterious description ‘Nuru Massage’ on one of them, they realize that the moving company mistakenly...
xmoviesforyouIn the morning she got up early and checked her email, half hoping to find that the horrid appointment email had been a bad dream, or a sick joke, maybe her new husband just teasing her. But it was still there, still threatening, still demanding that she attend just after midday to suck an unknown man's cock. And maybe take his cock in her ass if she didn't do it well enough. There was another email from her husband. "Try hard at work today, darling. I've chosen someone who will be...
"Protection?" Hunter mumbled, staring down and into her face. "Yes, you know, to keep women from having babies? Condoms?" "You can't get pregnant..." he began then heard her laugh. "Yeah, I thought that same thing before Lineal and I got married. I was already three months along when we finally spoke our vows. After that, we were very careful." Hunter's hand slid down from her shoulder, slicking across her breasts before ending against her flat, muscled stomach. "Y-you could be...
Linda had always taken very good care of herself and as we are getting older she has become more obcessed with the way she looks and how fit she is. She had always enjoyed going to the gym, getting the beaty treatments and generally looking fine! The first thing she told me she was doing was getting laser treatment. This meant that she wouldn't have to shave or wax. She had to let her hair grow a little ofr it to work properly but with regular sessions all was back to normal, totally bald down...
Hi friends this is bobby bob here again after a long time. This is in continuation with my previous post “bobby’s friend sonal”. Me and sonal were in touch with each other and used to speak as and when we get time. We had sex sessions also twice after that. She used to be very happy when i was around. She shares everything with me. One day she called me and said that her cousin sister had come to her house and sonal herself had told everything to her about me and she wants to meet me and if i...
After over a month of filming Kurt had me go on a small trip with him to the Caribbean Islands for a vacation. When we arrived we went to a small private island via a private cabin cruiser. When we arrived we went to our cabin to unpack then went to the beach. Kurt sat and relaxed and I walked a lot of the beach. I saw a private school in the distance. Upon approach I seen it was a U.S. based paramilitary school for boys. I walked back and told Kurt what I saw and Kurt said He knew of the...
GayThe Martian Land By Brad Miller "Why do we have to go to Mars anyway dad?" Sarah whined. "Because honey it's my job. NASA chose us as the first family to colonize on Mars. Then, if it's safe, more and more people will move up to Mars and we'll eventually leave Earth all together!" Mr. Miller explained to his 16 year old daughter. "So we're just a couple of Guinea Pigs? Is that what you're saying?" "No, it's not like that. Here, think of it this way. We are the first family to...
Note to Readers: A lot of the facts in this one are true and also a lot of what is described actually happened. The VC were cruel and hated the hill tribes with a passion. ARVN troops were almost as bad as the VC and it created a lot of tension with the teams working in the bush. LZ Hardtimes was a firebase and thus the VC gave it hell every chance they got to do so. I had just come out from putting on my camo's to go back to my hooch when the tail end of a conversation between Chief and...
I sat there staring at the kitchen table. On it were three items, a wedding ring, an eternity ring and a card. All the card said was 'sorry and goodbye.' So that was it then, four years of marriage up the spout with just three words as explanation. I had come in from work as usual but the house was empty, which wasn't normal but not worrying either. Then I found those three items. I didn't sleep very well and I didn't go to work the next day, I rang in sick and being Friday I had the...
--Mid November-- “Fuck this is hot.” Rebecca moaned into Jessica’s mouth. My secretary’s brunette ex college roommate was on her knees in front of me. I’d not bothered to undress her. I simply lifted her skirt and shoved my dick in her. We were in an extremely upscale hotel a few blocks from my office for a noon ‘lunch break’. I needed a new fuck toy since Cassie was out of the picture, so I directed Jessica to invite her over for some play time. She was even hotter in person than in the...
I was orphaned at an early age and lived on the street. I got my education through the public comp systems. At sixteen I got a job just off the port warehouse district as a night watcher. It was not much but I made enough to rent a one room apartment once called a studio. The area was very old and close to the port so the buildings were between six to ten stories tall. Since the area was old it was also neglected by a lot of the city maintenance workers. Few constables patrolled the area and...
Hi all, this is raju i. 32 years old. Punjabi from ludhiana now settled in ludhiana. Working in a private company. I have come to know about this site 2 months back and the stories posted here sounds interesting. I thought of sharing some of my experience also. This is my first experience this was happened when i was studying in my 12th standard. We used to stay in a compound where atleast 20 families were staying. The no. Of bathrooms were only 5 and 4 families are suppose to use a single...
Hi, I am a fair guy, who did not know what a gay is, but was interested in shirtless men, always had a fascination to see shirtless pictures of men, specially their nipples, which still fascinate me the most , I use to watch images of shirtless men when alone and enjoyed it…I am a regular reader here and for the first time I am writing a story, hope you enjoy it… This story is about how I fell in love with my tuition teacher, he is a hot and sexy man, muscular fair body. He sometimes wore tight...
Gay MaleIdentity Theft By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 Author?s Note: Identity Theft, crooks using somebody else?s ID and credit cards to steal over the Internet is a very real problem. The victims, the individuals whose Ids are used, can lose their life savings and spend months, maybe years, trying to restore their credit and their good name. When I read an article about it recently, it occurred to me that such thieves better be very careful whose identity they steal. * * * *...
Chris has always been a troublemaker. Since he was born, he’s always liked to act tough, and in another attempt for attention is how he got into the most trouble he ever got in his life. Taking out one of the legs of the teacher’s seat was going to be just a harmless joke that would make the teacher fall to the ground. Ms. Campbell fell to the ground as he had planned, but hit her head on the way down with the desk. She didn’t sustain grave injuries, but no one in the class wanted to take blame...
BDSMSue had dinner cooking when I came in the front door. We were going to have chicken, I thought to myself as I went upstairs to change my clothes. A few minutes later, dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, I went down to the kitchen. Sue was sitting at the table and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Being a rather astute observer of human nature, it occurred to me that something wasn't right. I grabbed a beer and sat down across from Sue, knowing that she would soon tell me what was bothering...
Shelly and MattBy SpectreOfHellIt was, in Shelly’s opinion, the most boring party she’d ever gone to. There was no one there even close to her age, just adults and little k**s running around making noise. The food was bland and the music was driving her nuts. And it wasn’t like anyone really wanted her around in the first place. The relatives had made all the expected comments about how much she’d grown, about her becoming a “little woman,” and now they ignored her. No one even noticed...
The first thing that I noticed about Josie was her beautiful smile.When people describe a smile as being able to light a room, then Josies smile was just that.I drive a medium size camper van and had driven into a car-park. I was aware of someone in the next car. I glanced over and saw a woman eating a pasty.Our eyes met and she gave me that amazing smile. It was warm, inviting, a genuinely happy smile.I felt that I had to speak to her, at least make contact in some way. I wound down the window...
Hi dosto mera naam hitesh hai.me gujarat ahmedabad se hu ye meri ek sex kahani hai me pichale 3 salo se iss ka reader hu muje iss ki mature aunty aur incest story padhana bahut acha lagta hai agar koi aunty ya bhabhi real sex karna chahe to mere id par mail kare Ab story suru karta hu mere gar par me aur mera pariwar rehte hai hamari padosh me ek family rehti hai uncle bissneshmen Hai aur aunty housewife aunty ka naam rekha hai aunty akshar mere gar par aaya karti hai aunty ke bare me bata du...
Hi readers, i am 28 year old horney woman, married to a 45 year old man whose first wife died due to some illness.he has one son with his first marriage.i married to him b’coz mine is a poor family.he is a businessman.his name is arif khan.we had good sex life for first two years of marriage.but after that he is not so good at that and he became worst after his business ran in to huge losses.he went to gulf to earn money leaving me and my stepson back home. now i tell about me. i’m sameena 28...
After the morning briefing, Sarah gave me the next of kin information for Forest. He came out of school directly into the service and had advanced rapidly. His personnel file did not show any dependents or any living parents. Sarah decided to investigate, as there was a sizeable life insurance policy that went to an heir. Forest's original employment application did not list a next of kin. This was a part of the application that was marked as "must be completed." No place to go but...