500 AnniesChapter 3 free porn video

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"Good evening, listeners. Tonight we hear the third installment with Joe Williams, author of 500 Annies. If you've listened to the last two installments, you know that he came to write the book after his wife suddenly left him, with very little explanation and no warning.

This segment deals with the actual writing of the book, how he comes to terms with himself and his wifes' betrayal, and unexpectedly finding love again.


The first few interviews were set up by my friends Annie and Jane. After about three interviews, I realized I was going to have to go elsewhere. Word had gotten out and the women had time to think and formulate answers they thought I wanted to hear. All I wanted was the truth, what I was getting was a sanitized version of how they wanted their relationships to go. I did learn a few things from them. I probably learned something from every woman I talked with.

I got creative. I went to coffeehouses, different bars, colleges, churches. I even went to two retirement centers. I talked to women at places I was sent to through my work, I was still working about thirty hours a week.

The travel allowed me unlimited venues for contact.

I talked to women in Boston, St. Louis, Detroit,

smaller towns up and down the East Coast, and along the Mississippi corridor.

At the end of my research I collated my data.

The youngest I interviewed was seventeen. The oldest was eighty three. Three hundred twenty two were between the ages of forty to sixty five. Thirty nine were sixty six to eighty three, one hundred twenty nine were between twenty and thirty nine, and ten were between seventeen and nineteen.

Three hundred twenty were white, eighty were Hispanic, fifteen were of Asian descent, sixty four were Black, ten were Indian, six were Polynesian, and five were American Indian.

Most were Christian, primarily Methodist, Baptist. and Catholic. There were four athiests, ten agnostics, Hindus, Bhuddists, One Japanese lady that was a follower of the Shinto religion,

one American Indian following a traditional religion that included using peyote. Two were members of an offshoot of Voo Doo.

Two hundred eighty eight had been in a previous marriage or live in relationships, sixteen were lesbians, four were polygamists, thirty one were non American in origin. Six were currently in an abusive relationship, five were into relationships governed by BDSM, and fourteen were celibate, eight due to health conditions, six by choice. Surprisingly, twenty seven were bisexual.

Fifty eight believed their relationships would end before six months. Seventy were desperately unhappy but determined to do everything possible to avoid a breakup.

Forty eight weren't in relationships at the moment. And thirty three of those said they weren't interested in starting one anytime soon.

Joe paused to sip some water.

"If you think that's confusing now, you should have gone through the process with me.

Most interviews were right at two hours. My shortest was sixteen minutes, and all she did was cry. One lasted over four hours, but she was so compelling that I never noticed the time."

Determined not to get my research compromised, I took a picture if they would let me. Instead of learning names, I would give them my card with my email address and write their number on the card.

I decided to call them all Annie, just as a joke, and to remind me why I was doing it. So when I gave them my card, I would write Annie 20, or 200, wherever I was in my research. I asked that if they contacted me, to use their number so I could look them up to put a face with the message. That's where the title came from."

"It took me fourteen months to finish the interviews, and six months more to collate the data into something manageable, and that was working twenty to thirty hours a week."

The project consumed me. I never let my professionalism slip, I did my job to the best of my ability, but it was second in importance to me.

It got so bad Jane or Chad and Annie would show up every couple of weeks and drag me down to the bar so I could mingle with the living. Chad and Annie had become friends, to the point of dinner or a visit every few weeks.They wanted to keep me in contact with the real world.

Chad was firmly convinced I was a little off for pursuing it so hard, but often joked when it was over I could easily make a fortune as a relationship coach for men.

I had long ago given up the idea of publishing it. It was a cleansing ritual for me, a catharsis from my misery of being abandoned. I expected I would allow Annie, Chad, Jane, and Harry read it, but that was about it. But fate wasn't done with me.

Motion, Inc. used an editing service to make our manuals clearer and concise. My work rarely took any tweaking, I had been doing this for a long time, after all. It was more proof reading than editing. But nobody is perfect, and every once in a while I would make a mistake.

I had been working on a pretty big project, and was finally able to send it off. I was tired, having spent about forty hours in interviews and transcribing for the last nine days, plus doing my regular job. The only excuse I have is exhaustion.

Two days later the editing service called. John had been my contact man for eleven years. We had conversed enough to become friendly, but I had never met him. That was about to change.

"Joe, Joe, this stuff is great! I never knew you had it in you. I want to ask a favor, please, please, let me edit it."

"John it's just a manual, not even on a complicated piece of equipment. You could edit it with one eye closed."

"Are you crazy? The most complicated piece of equipment ever developed is the female brain. A chance for an average guy to peek inside and understand just a little of it is priceless."

I was starting to get a bad feeling.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Your book, of course. I did the edit on the first four chapters already. My company is foaming at the mouth to see the rest of it. You know we're part of a company that publishes non fiction, biograhpies, historical texts, how to books, things along that line. They've been thinking about expanding, things like what you've done would be perfect. You do have it done, don't you?"

I was so tired when I sent the manual off that I accidentally sent the first eight chapters of my book. Looked like the cat was out of the bag.

"John, I wrote that as a kind of therapy for me. I never intended for it to be published."

"You're kidding, please say you're kidding. My boss is going to call you within the hour, he wants to start negotiations for the book today."

"You need to get an agent, and a good lawyer. You didn't hear this from me, but don't accept the first offer. Hint around you're shopping publishers, that'll keep them honest."

"And remember, you want me as an editor. Please."

Joe paused, his voice was a little hoarse.

Babs knew he needed a little rest.

"Ladies and gentlemen, lets take a few minutes to move about, restore circulation, use the facilities. When we get back I'd like Joe to reflect on some of his favorite interviews."

Ten minutes later the crowd was back in their seats, the stagehands had replenished the water bottles, and Joe took the microphone again.

"All the interviews were important, but a few stick out in my mind. Annie 337 lived in a retirement community. She was seventy four, and looked my age."

"I can still see her face."

"You're really 74?"

"Yes I am. I've had a little tightening up done, a facelift, boobs lifted, hell, basically every part of my body has had the effect of gravity reversed. In my own opinion, I'm still pretty hot for my age. Do you agree?"

"I do indeed, I thought you were my age. Are you in a relationship now?"

"Sort of, I'm seeing two men on a regular basis. One is sixty one, the other sixty seven. Personally, I think they're too old for me, but they're pleasant company. Plus, they're both pretty good in bed."

"So I take it you're still sexually active?"

"Oh, as often as possible. I've had a high sex drive ever since, well forever. I've been widowed twice. The highest praise I can give them is they were great in bed."

"Please don't get me wrong, I was never promiscuous. I was always a one man woman, and I loved both my husbands dearly."

"The first was a banker, it was a pretty well thought of profession back then. I'm sure Barry would roll over in his grave at what his profession has degenerated into."

"Our relationship was the traditional breadwinner/ housewife scenario. It was the early sixties you know."

"But he respected me. He knew I handled every faction of our lives except making money. I reared the children, managed the house, behaved impeccably in social situations. We were a real life Ozzie and Harriet."

"I would get lonely sometimes when he would be trying to climb the corporate ladder, and he hated traveling, but we dealt with it for our betterment."

"We discovered early the joys of sex, and had a strong drive all the way to the end. We understood each other, we fit, you know? And beneath that three piece suit he was a tiger."

"I matched him passion for passion, we were indeed one. We only had one major fight, and it was about money. We had it, and he would make me spend time with him understanding our finances and investments. I told him as long as I had him I would never have to worry. I'll never forget what he said."

"Honey, there may come a time when I'm not here. If that happens, I want you to mourn me, and not worry about your future while you do. This is to protect you and our kids, now please pay attention."

"So I did. I became almost as good as him in money matters. He was very proud of me."

"Then one day the bank called. He was found sprawled over his desk, massive heart attack.

He was fifty seven."

"I cried my eyes out and mourned him. But I moved forward, and thanks to his foresight we were secure financially."

"we were married thirty seven years, and I don't regret a day."

"Five years later I met Paul, my second husband."

"He was a painter[I recoiled slightly at that] and a free spirit. While Barry and I were conservative, he was flashy, loud, and unpredictable. We made love wherever and whenever we wanted. He painted me nude, the portrait hangs in my living room today."

"Where Barry loved his cocktails, Paul didn't drink, said he wanted nothing that would cloud his vision. He wasn't broke, but he wasn't nearly financially secure as I. Money didn't matter to him if he had enough to live on."

"He wanted a prenup to show he didn't want my money. I refused."

"We lived happily for seven years. My kids even liked him after they got to know him, and the grandchildren loved him madly. It was nothing for the kids to come to pick them up and find their faces painted like zoo animals."

"He was killed six years ago when a kid talking on his cell phone ran a stop sign and centered his motorcycle."

"When I think about it, all they had in common was that they loved me, and never stopped communicating, even when I didn't want to listen."

"I'll never marry again, it would take a much younger man to satisfy me fully, and it wouldn't be fair to him. My two lovers combined keep me satisfied and happy. I've had a very good life all in all."

A side note here. The older ladies I interviewed averaged forty plus years in their relationships, I feel it was because of the moral climate at the time. Twenty seven of the thirty nine I interview in that age bracket, sixty six to eighty three, said they should have left their husbands.

"Annie 441 was an attractive black woman in her late twenties. This was one of the hardest interviews I had ever done. Her husband was abusive, insanely jealous, and a drug user. Her life was a living hell. The bruises were easily seen even under her dark skin. He had broken her arm, thrown her outside naked when the temperature hovered around twenty, even tried to pimp her out. She drew the line, that's when he broke her arm. She filed a restraining order and assault charges, then didn't show up for court."

"I asked her why she stayed."

"Because I love him, and he loves me."

"And yet he abuses you."

"He doesn't mean to, I just make him so angry."

I nearly exploded.

"Angry! I was in love with a woman for nearly thirty years. She betrayed me with another and moved out of my life with no notice at all. I was angry."

"Even as I raged against her, damning her to hell, it never occurred to me to beat her or cause her physical harm."

I paused, breathing raggedly.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped off at you. It's just that, if you stay with him, it's going to get worse and you know it. He probably does love you in some sad twisted way. But I have to ask you, is your love for him enough? Will it block out the pain, the humiliation, the darkness. If you have children, will he abuse them? Is this the future you want?"

She wavered, then looked me defiantly in the eyes.

"It'll get better, he'll realize what he's done to me one day and change. I know it in my heart."

I knew she knew deep down she was lying.

"There were many highs and lows experienced during these interviews. Moments of almost blinding joy and agonizing sadness. Times when I felt I was making progress in my quest for understanding, many more times when I realized no man would truly understand a woman."

"Annie 499, the next to last interview I did, gave me great hope for mankind in general."

"I was in a mid sized town in Maryland, on a job. I was feeling pretty good with my progress, this one would be over quickly."

"I had checked out of my motel and was on my way out of town. It was lunchtime, and I passed a small restaurant that featured crab cakes, a regional delicacy. She was standing on the side of the road, holding up a cardboard sign."

"Help me. I need a job."

It got my interest so I walked over.

"Any luck?" I pointed at the sign.

She sighed.

"None. I don't know what to do. I've tried the employment office. temp agencies, I've put applications in with every business in the area. Nobody wants an eighteen year old with no experience."

She smiled her brightest smile.

"You're not hiring, are you mister?"

I felt bad for her.

"No, but I will buy you lunch in exchange for an interview."

Her defenses started to raise.

"I don't know mister, you're not some kind of pervert, are you?"

I grinned to lessen her fears.

"Nope. Even worse, I'm a writer. Right now I'm doing a book on relationships. Too bad you're not married."

Her eyes blazed.

"Am too married. For almost a year."

"Where's your ring?"

She blushed a little.

"Don't have one, we couldn't afford it. But he's gonna get me one, soon."

"Well, there you go. You're married, a perfect candidate for an interview. I'm going in now, join me if you want."

I got a table near the window. She was still outside, holding the sign with grim desperation.

I flagged the waitress down.

"Do you know that girl?"

She glanced out the window.

"Yeah, that's Wendy. Poor girl, she has no luck at all. Lucy lets her bus tables every once in a while for a meal and a few dollars. She eats less than half, and takes the rest back to the shelter for her husband."


"Yeah, they live in shelters. Foster kids, both of them, they've had a terrible life. God, I wish things would get better for them."

I gave her a twenty.

"Do me a favor, take her the largest drink you have, and tell her she has a meal paid for."

I peeled off another twenty.

"Take this for your trouble."

She looked at it.

"I can't take this for something I would probably have done after the lunch rush anyway."

She tried to hand it back to me. I pushed it back into her hands.

"Keep half, then, and give her another meal when she needs it."

"You're a kind man, mister. I'm sure she'll appreciate it."

A few minutes later she walked out with a jumbo styrofoam cup in her hand and gave it to Wendy. There was some hand waving and pointing, and when she came back in Wendy was with her.

She came straight up to me and slipped into my booth.

"You really a writer?"

I nodded.

"Have I read anything you've written?"

"No, I doubt it. I'm a technical writer. Been one for over twenty years. This is just something I wanted to do."

"How many women have you interviewed so far?"

"Four hundred ninety eight."

"No shit? Oops. I mean really? How many more do you intend to interview?"

"You, and one more. My goal was five hundred."

She sat back and relaxed.

"All right, but I want a crab cake plate, large, with extra onion rings."


I shook hands with her and ordered her meal.

Her story was heartbreaking. Abandoned as a small child, she had no idea where her parents are, or if they're even alive. She went from foster homes to orphanages and back to foster homes.

She was provided for, the very basics, and for the most part treated well, but there was no love.

She met her husband in a group counseling session for troubled foster kids. She was fourteen, he was fifteen.

Her eyes glowed at the memory.

"We looked at each other and I knew right then. This is who I wanted to spend my life with. We shared a coke at the break. We were both so awkward and tongue tied, nobody told us about love. But when we took our seats I sat next to him, and I haven't left his side since.

He lived in the group home, and I had a foster family that lived two blocks over. He was in the home because he wouldn't go to school, and he was so big his foster parents were afraid of him, even though he gave them no reason to be.

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Clarke Kent is surprised when his neighbor, Gia DiBella, appears at his house and says that she needs a place to crash. Clarke is confused but admits there’s enough room for Gia at the moment since his wife and his little angel are currently away at their lake house. But when Clarke asks Gia for an explanation, he gets a phone call. He can see that the call is from Gia’s parent, but Gia tells him not to answer it. Gia explains that she and her parent got into a huge argument,...

1 year ago
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Passionate FamilyChapter 7

Billy lay in his warm bed with his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling. He was deeply hurt and very troubled at the way Lisa had been acting since that afternoon under the tree, almost a week ago. Oh sure, she had been polite, acting like any normal sister would to her brother, except that she was hardly civil when he tried to speak to her about anything besides passing dishes at the table. He couldn't figure it out. She was the one who had suggested sucking his cock, and she had...

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Tarner Time Episode 02 The one in the changing

The whole morning while I was in the office I constantly put my hand down my pants. Today I wore no underpants and was already a little horny.In the lunch break I went over to the supermarket, which also had a small clothes department.Usually there were only a few employees here, so that I could look around undisturbed. This time it wasn't any differnt. Just a single older woman at the other end of the department was busy hanging up nightgowns.Nevertheless I rummaged a little nervously through...

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Playing House

The Friday, like most days now, was particularly busy. I returned from work, opened the apartment door, and collapsed on the big cushioned and well worn couch with a grunt. I looked up at the coat rack hanging beside the door. Her coat was missing, which meant I had some time. It was amazing really; all the time we had spent joking through smiles and recovering heartbeats about living together and pretending to grow up, playing house, and it finally came true. I stood and walked to the kitchen,...

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Becoming my ExWifes Maid and Servant

Becoming my ex-wife's housekeeper/maid was not something I was expecting when we got divorced two years ago. Our divorce was mostly due to the fact that her career had taken off, while my career fizzled in this bad economy. It made our marriage difficult as our roles got reversed. I stayed home and took care of the house, while she became the breadwinner. But our divorce was amicable as divorces go... Running into her at the grocery store was uncomfortable to say the least. She...

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Living with Uncle Jim pt 3

PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS JUST A STORY, I DO NOT AGREE WITH THINGSLIKE THIS HAPPENIN IN REAL LIFE. IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY DONE SO PLEASE READ THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS Saturday morning I wake up excited and looking forward to the day ahead, I jump out of bed and head down to the kitchen, its only 10am but after a glass of orange I start cleaning up and making sure everything is perfect for Jims party. Jim comes down around an hour later already washed and dressed in the usual light blue...

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Prateek Submitting Everything For The Sake Of Pleasure

The story starts of me sucking farooq’s cock with my eyes wide open with fear and tears juggling inside my eyes waiting to tremble down my cheeks with pain,humility and disgrace. My mom in her black sleeveless blouse and saree was watching me sucking another mans cock,and the man is none other than the boyfriend of her daughter rishika. She with her jaw wide open was staring at my face with a wtf expression when she noticed i wasn’t stopping even after getting spotted by her, “dejavu” i...

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The Minx Part II

I had been keeping an eye on my neigbours 18 year old daughter, Tiffany, while her mother had to go away for the weekend. Tiff was a young adult with an amazing, shapely form that drove guys wild with her teasing from how she walked, to the little clothes she wore. I had gone in to check on Tiff that night and make sure she’s okay, only to find her masturbating and wanting to watch me jerk off in front of her. I found it hard to resist, as I began before Tiff took over and jerked me off,...

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Hotel Liaison

A little more expensive that the cheaper motels, Dave always preferred the Holiday Inn and was happy to pay for it. It was worth it to him to have free use of a gym; he was under no illusions about his need to shed a few lbs.A session in the gym was always followed by a quick swim to cool down. On this occasion his only companion was a lovely brunette sharing the pool. At heart Dave was still the same dirty little schoolboy he'd always been. He took a very deep breath and dived under as she was...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 341

Bob, a middle-aged Canadian tourist on his first time in Lincoln, Nebraska, locates the red light district and enters a large brothel. The madam asks him to be seated and sends over a young lady to entertain the client. They sit and talk, frolic a little, giggle a bit, drink a bit, and she sits on his lap. He whispers in her ear and she gasps and runs away! Seeing this, the madam sends over a more experienced lady to entertain the gentleman. They sit and talk, frolic a little, giggle a bit,...

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The Beauty of Having a Stepbrother

Introduction: Enjoy ,) I was bored and alone at my step fathers mansion (my mom, her new husband, and my step brother were out of town) when I decided to take advantage of the fact that I had the hot tub completely to myself. I turned off the tv I had been watching and walked to the back patio. The moon above was so bright that I only lit some of the lights around the hot tub and then proceeded to turning it on. It was a somewhat chilly night and a slight shiver went down my spine as I took...

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RockmanChapter 16

Cheryl and Ged went to a quiet corner of the pub and sat down, Ged sitting on the bench seat which ran the length of the room, and Cheryl opposite him. "You rang off the second time," stated Ged. He was not angry; he was not resentful that she had cornered him. He seemed unconcerned, distant. "I heard your fiancée in the background," she said, looking him in the eye. "Fiancée?" he seemed perplexed. "I'm not engaged." "The party on Friday; not an engagement party? Cassie thought...

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IHaveAWife Sophia Leone 23905

Irresponsible Sophia Leone lost her dog again! It’s the third time this week, and it’s also the third time this week that her neighbor JMac has returned her dog to her, complaining that her pooch is doing its duty all over his lawn. And this time there’s an added bonus: Sophia’s dog bit JMac’s wife! He’s thinking of filing a complaint to have the dog put down, but Sophia tells him she’d be crushed, that Sparky is all she has in her life. The spicy Latina excuses herself for a few minutes, then...

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Teen Ladkiyon Ki Super Chudai

Maa aur pita g ke jaane ka time ho gaya tha. Wo dono meri bua ke ghar 2 din rehne ja rahe the. Mai hi ghar rukne wala tha. Thodi der baad maa aur pita g chale gaye aur Poonam aa gayi. Maine zor se uske hotho ko chuma. Wo mera lun meri pant ke upar se hi sehlane lagi. “Poonam tumhare liye ek surprise hai. Bas thodi der ruk jao.” “Kya surprise hai?” “Ruko to sahi.” 5 minute baad ghanti baji. Maine Poonam ko Rs.1500 diye(meri bachat) aur bahar se courier laane ke Liye kaha. Wo le aayi. “Kholo...

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3 love dove love shove

Introduction: Just sit back and enjoy the ride! 5 HOT SHOT Jeff runs to answer the door…. Dad, Alex and Logan are here. Can we play here? Sure. Put some clothes on. With a gleam in his eyes, Logan whispers, Jeff, do you always run around the house naked? No, I saw you coming to the door so I stripped real quick. Yeah, right! Then Logan whispers, You know, you got a real hot shlong. Alex butts in, Shut up, Logan! Jeff reassures him, Dont worry, Alex. This doesnt pump my pork. Logans...

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Another Afternoon With Aunt Madge

"Another Afternoon With Aunt Madge" Madge crossed the kitchen and opened the back door to see Timmy's dad standing there. "Well hello Henry what brings you by?" she said with a smile. "Is Tim over here? I need him to help me with some yard work" he asked. "No, Timmy isn't here," she said. "He rode his bike downtown to get me some parts, I'm fixing a couple window shades," she commented. "Well, when he gets back send him home will ya'?" "Sure will Henry!" she said as Henry...

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Mothers Milk Makes for Much Fun

“It’s a once in a lifetime chance,” he’d said sadly, “If I don’t do it now it’ll never happen.” It was likely a good thing there wasn’t much time to talk about it – to debate the pros and cons. Still, Violet found herself standing at the airport in a state of shock – a one-month-old baby on her hip and the love her life en route to spend six months at the coldest place on Earth in a location where even email was barely available, let alone the internet. At least money wasn’t an...

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Boredom Leads To Taboo xxx

Chapter 1- Bill is Surprised Lacey was still covered in Master Mark's cum & was now nude only wearing heels . Joyce who also had a cumfacial was also nude wearing heels .On orders from her Master/Son Mark , she had removed her collar & leash & had put it around Lacey's neck . She led the shorter & older milf to near where her soon to be cuckold husband Ernie was having a beer & talking to a fat old slut , who Mark had invited as a fluffer (. Olga gave great head & she was great for...

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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 3 Invited Vijay Uncle

Vijay uncle laughed and replied, “As I said, you should have called me if you needed company.” I was taking a sip of water and the statement hit me so hard that I choked on the water. Uncle was sitting with a smile while it took me a few minutes to get my coughing under control. I was about to reply something, but Aunty came at that moment to say that dinner was ready. We had a quiet dinner together at which time I could not look at Vijay uncle without getting a blush. Aunty probably must have...

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Joans Room Chapters 14 and 15

Chapter 14 Reach Out The days began to fly by in rapid succession. Each one pretty much the same as the last. It was now Thursday afternoon and I had to get home to wait for Aunt Melissa's imminent arrival. I still hadn't told Mom that she was coming a few weeks early. At this point it would simply have to be a "surprise." I changed the sheets on my bed and moved my absolute necessities into the sewing room. I'd be sleeping on the floor for the...

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BigTitCreamPie Serena Santos My Step Sister is a Cam Girl

Serena Santos believed she was home alone. So she decided to log onto flir4free and start a cam show. Little did she know, her step brother was still home. As she masturbated for the camera, her step brother snuck up and her and began recording her. Eventually she caught him. However. it was a little too late because now all of her cam viewers started asking her to fuck him. At first, they both refused but eventually once they started sending her bigger and bigger tips to fuck her step brother,...

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Daughter becomes a Cumslave pt2

Lucy woke up sputtering. She struggled to breathe as her eyes focused on hermother's pissing cunt that was three inches from her face."Good morning my little piss-whore...my little daughter-toilet...Rise and shinelittle Lucy-slut...Mmmm...Drink mommy's piss like a good little bitch!...Uuhhmm...This is FUN!...I love waking my little cunt-daughter by pissing in herfucking face!...OOOohhh!...Mommy is going to wake little Lucy-cunt like thisEVERY fucking morning...Would Lucy-cunt like that?...Of...

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The Ownership Society

“I don’t like that tunica,” Mutter said. “I can see your breechclout even when you’re standing still.” “The winter tunica is too hot for work in this weather,” Gretchen replied “and Decennia hasn’t given me her tunica from last year yet.” Decennia was shooting up. She was up to Mutter’s chin now, and wearing a young woman’s tunica. Gretchen was nearly as tall as Mutter now, though, and this tunica had been Decennia’s as a girl. It was too short for Gretchen and too tight across her...

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DaughterSwap Liz Jordan Charly Summer Like Fiction

Jay Crew is experiencing intense writer’s block, but Donnie Rock needs him to finish his novel sooner than later. It isn’t until Jay sees his stepdaughter, Liz Jordan, lounging around in a skin-tight dress that inspiration takes hold. The words come flying out of him, and he is soon ready to present his work to Donnie. When Donnie reads the new story, he is immensely impressed but wants to know the ending. Like before, Jay uses Liz, and Donnie’s stepdaughter, Charly Summer, to find the...

4 years ago
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Dawn over Sun Valley Ch 05

Author’s note: Hello, y’all! Welcome back! So, this chapter is, well, where things get kind of messy. Okay, VERY messy. We all need some messiness in our romance, right? 8K words for those who are counting with me, which brings my total to ~43K. Awesome for my #NaNo 50K goal, but still a while away from ‘the end’. I’m thinking three more chapters should do it, but we’ll see how goes… Thank you everyone who have commented already, *especially* those of you who have left specific...

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Columbian Drug Lords revenge part 2

“My friend,” he coughed between great mouthfuls of flesh,” I have a new assignment for you.” The Hawaiian shirted thug rocked back in his chair smirking. He was Cesar’s fix it man, one of the few of his people not incarcerated. “Off course Don,” he said solemnly. His last assignment the hot brunette lawyer had please his boss very much. Since her sudden flight out of the country the prosecution has become fractured and now all that was needed was for the judge to abort this fiasco...

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our little trip away

the wife and i planned a trip away on a cruise which went round the Caribbean..before we set off we talked about what should happen if she seen a man she wanted or vice versa i seen 1 for her..we were finally on our way and we where just getting to know our way around the ship when 1 of the crew asked us if we were lost and needed some guidance,,no we are ok thanks,,Susan grabbed my hand and gave me the look,he was somebody she liked,i looked at her and said quietly he's the 1st man we have...

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Loves ShepherdChapter 10 Make Love to Me

As I entered the bedroom, Joey asked, “Tim, after dinner, what were you doing to Honey before you kissed her?” Surprised, I hesitated a moment to recall that moment before saying, “I shared my feelings for her with her. Why?” “It was weird but ... I swear I felt it coming from Joy.” Suzi said, “They are twins. Maybe they’re so in sync with each other they actually can feel what each other feels. You two did kiss them at the same time. They were very excited about that, by the way. They...

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Sisterinlaw better than my wife

I am married to my high school sweetheart, Jennie, and have been for 18 years.  My wife lost her mother to cancer when she was 9 years old and her father could not deal with the loss.  Jennie had an older sister, Joan, who was 8 years older than Jennie.  Joan was a big help in looking after her younger sister and  kind of took over the responsibility of a mother.  She cleaned and cooked and pretty much set the rules of the house. When Jennie and I were in 8th grade we started spending a lot of...

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my first cuck gf

we was hanging out at her place and theres a knock on the door i asked her who would that be? She smiles and opens the door there stands a built 6'4 black man named D she invites him in and he says whats up man to me i say not to much with confusen on my face, she says look babe i love you but i need double digit dick in me so i called d over, i love this girl so i agree to let her fuck him i sit back she gets down to work D stands up pull his pants down my eyes got big sein his 12inch cock and...

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What’s the point of having a sexy wife if you can’t spoil her? Jessa Rhodes is home, laying by the pool when she gets a sudden jolt in her loins that sends her pawing for her husband, who’s unfortunately at work. She calls him and tells him her situation…then simply asks for him to send over one of his friends to fuck her! It’s a hotwifing arrangement, you see, so when Jessa wants cock, Jessa gets cock – even if said cock doesn’t belong to her beloved husband. In...

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The Drifter Ch 9

We didn't speak in the police car. When we arrived back at the trailer, the awkward, tense silence between us continued. I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and wished it was a beer, but gulped it down, relieved that the charges had been dropped, but also uncertain about Carla.Somehow being on the run with her, trying to hide from the police had a certain excitement and took my mind off of my own problems. I wondered if I should unravel myself from this relationship and chalk it...

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