Brendan FallsChapter 21 free porn video

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Tom Henry and Miss Ingersoll's nigger were in the evening's second match, being the amateur cockfighters they were. That was a good thing too, because I looked forward to seeing my Master's slave grapple, now that I knew what to expect. The first match had gotten me terribly excited. I wasn't sure I'd survive watching a whole lot more before it was Tom Henry's turn. But there he was, being led out by one of those pretty negras in panties, all oiled up and handsome. Tom Henry was a good looking boy, which was one of the reasons I'd been so unhappy even before I'd laid eyes on him. I'd figured him purchased for our Master's pleasure, to replace me in a way, but now I knew that wasn't true.

"He's beautiful, isn't he?" I whispered, squeezing my Mr, Reiser's cock through his trousers and the man nodded.

"Yes he is," my Master breathed.

"Your nigger appears to be on the smallish side," Miss Ingersoll observed, smiling, and that was a fact.

The slave Tom Henry was going to be wrestling with stood a head taller and somewhat thicker as well, but not so much that folks would call it a complete mismatch. Just enough so I felt a little bit of concern. I really wanted to see Tom Henry win, of course, and not only because if he lost I'd find myself playing bedroom negra to Miss Ingersoll for the rest of the night, but because he was my Master's slave. That Mr. Reiser would have Cory for his bedroom negra hadn't completely slipped my mind. I wasn't sure how I felt about it exactly, but in truth I had a hard time imagining the woman acting the slave for my Master. That sort of behavior was just unheard of for a white woman, or at least I'd never heard of such a thing. What my Master might do with Miss Ingersoll was another question, as he had no sexual interest in women anyway, and I took comfort in that.

"Perhaps," Mr. Reiser said, returning her smile. "I think such judgment is best left to time, don't you?"

"Hmmm ... I only fear for your loneliness, sir," Corinne said with a light laugh. "I regret that I might have taken unfair advantage of your noblesse oblige."

"Not to mention my gender, Miss Ingersoll?" He chuckled and the woman actually blushed, although I understood little of their exchange.

"Unfortunately, from what I've observed, I'd hardly be a one to impose upon your masculine instincts," she retorted, almost wistfully to my ears.

"I'm afraid you may be right about that," my Master agreed, quite honestly.

"And I must say," she brightened with a smile for me, "that it appears that your lovely negra has your gender well in hand."

"Yes Ma'am." I had to smile back at her as I decided to wait no longer, but I'm sure my face expressed some concern. As much as I wanted to please my Master, and myself, I understood that offending Miss Ingersoll wouldn't be a good idea.

Tom Henry posed and preened in the ring, being shown off to the hoots and hollers of the collected crowd, and my Master wasn't stopping me as I opened his trousers and freed his large and ruddy erection. He was aching for me to give his excited balls some relief and I'd become almost desperate in my own arousal. My girl cock was leaking precum, and had been for the last half hour at least, enough so my thighs were wet and sticky. Even my black skirt was damp with it. Luckily, the stain was difficult to detect, even without the purse in my lap to hide my immodesty.

"The art of being a slave is to rule one's Master," Cory said softly, and then she giggled, turning her green eyes upward to find my Master's attention. "I've often wished for the luxury of real manhood myself, believe me."

"Ummm..." Mr. Reiser sighed with content as I lowered my face into his lap, taking the head of his cock inside my soft, warm mouth and then more. My lips were stretched taut around him and if he felt any sense of embarrassment at being sucked in front of a white woman, he gave no sign of it.

I kept a watch from the corner of my eye as Tom Henry and the other slave were paraded in front of the crowd. I gave a little sigh of my own, muffled by the fat cock in my mouth, at seeing the nigger's erection, which appeared good sized for as lean as he was. The boy was hung nicely, even more so than his opponent, who sported a cock at least seven or eight inches long, I thought. Tom's was even larger, however, and I decided to make it a point to fuck that boy very soon.

"Preening like peacocks." Miss Ingersoll clapped her hands and then turned to my Master. "Is that nigger of yours a virgin, Mr. Reiser? Or has he had the pleasure of your ... how shall I say it? Your undivided attention?"

"Heh!" My Master snorted with some surprise, stroking my hair while I worked my mouth slowly up and down his penis. The man's precum flowed freely from the tip and I nursed gently, swallowing and using my tongue to wash the bulbous glans. My right hand cupped Mr. Reiser's balls as I'd worked them free of his trousers, and I turned my head to drag my lips and tongue along the underside of his shaft until I was able to kiss my Master's scrotum.

"Was that indiscrete?" Cory asked with feigned innocence. "Or merely indelicate?"

"It was a question," my Master said without looking at her.

"Oh dear!" The woman frowned. "I'm afraid I've offended you. I'll tell you, my boy Jericho..." she nodded her head towards her slave in the ring. "He's no virgin. I deflowered that boy the very day I bought him."

"That's a slightly different arrangement," Mr. Reiser protested, but she cut him off.

"You misunderstand me, sir. I mean, I took the boy like a negra," Miss Ingersoll smiled and lowered her voice as she leaned closer. "I've little enough use for most men, and even less for my niggers, but I do love to see them fucked."

Mr. Reiser looked at her then and I lifted my mouth, licking my lips and wondering exactly what that meant.

"It's one of my eccentricities," Cory admitted, touching his shoulder. "My lust for the homoerotic pleasures so often denied by social circumstance." She let my Master stare at her for a long heartbeat. "Oh! The match is about to begin, look there."

I held my Master's penis in my fist, sliding my fingers up and down the wet shaft while we watched the contest below us. The two slaves circled each other warily at first, with the men in the crowd urging them to grapple. It quickly grew loud in that place, and chaotic. I stared at those two glistening bodies as they moved, dancing it seemed. Their muscles rippled beneath a warm sheen of oil and their hard black cocks stood out stiffly from their groins, pointing towards each other and then coming together as they closed quickly by unspoken agreement.

The sound of flesh on flesh could be heard above the shouts and breathless groaning of the spectators. Hands moved over taut muscle, seeking something to hold as their feet moved with spontaneous instinct, stepping between and behind as the wrestlers pushed and pulled for advantage. It was a struggle for balance and position, and despite the other man's size, Tom Henry was quick and nearly as strong as Jericho, and they were well matched.

Jericho had his arms around Tom at one point, their chests and stomachs and rigid cocks pressed together as if they were lovers. Tom pressed his palm beneath the other man's chin, forcing Jericho's head back and loosening his grip. But Jericho moved quickly then, sliding around so that his chest was pressed to Tom Henry's back, and he tried to hook the smaller man's foot and trip Tom onto his belly.

They twisted and spun that way for a moment, rotating around so we could see Jericho's swollen cock pressing against Tom's ass. Like a vision of two men fucking with violent lust, the drama engulfed my attention. I squeezed my Master's cock, grinding my ass hard upon the plug in my ass. Tom Henry's erection bobbed and jerked as he fought for his balance. Suddenly he bent his knees, squatting and lowering his head so that I thought he was going down. My breath thickened in my throat as Tom Henry caught Jericho leaning too far forward, falling unexpectedly over the slave's back. The larger man seemed to tumble over Tom somehow, somersaulting as if they'd planned and rehearsed that deft ballet, and I stood up, forgetting everything else so that my purse fell into the lap of the man in front of me.

Jericho landed on his back hard in the dirt with his head between Tom Henry's feet and my Master's slave dropped himself quickly to take advantage of the other man's prone position. The sound of the air being knocked out of Jericho's lungs filled the garner and Tom had fallen on his opponent's stomach, or maybe higher than that, on Jericho's solar plexus with his knees. Jericho was stunned and helpless and Tom had the nigger over on his belly quickly, wrapping his legs like scissors with Jericho's ribs between them. Tom Henry was squeezing, his ebony flesh straining as he exerted his great strength. I held my sympathetic breath as the sinews in his thighs seem to swell and stretch. He'd taken Jericho's left arm as well, holding the man's wrist and hand, turning it painfully and pulling. He could have hurt Miss Ingersoll's slave badly if Tom had wanted to.

The referee, the white man in charge of the ring, stopped the fight then. It was clear Jericho couldn't escape and there was no desire for anyone's slave to be injured unnecessarily. The match had been decided and Tom Henry had won. I was very nearly jumping down at that and my Master clapped his hands; the crowd filled with opinions both happy and otherwise at the outcome. Quickly there arose a public demand for Tom Henry to assert his dominance over the still stunned and weakly moving Jericho. The crowd urged the smiling and breathless slave to claim his prize. I swallowed hard, feeling my heart stutter as I watched Tom Henry pressing his sweat and oil glazed body to that of his opponent.

"Take him! Fuck him!" Miss Ingersoll shouted, standing as well now with her excited voice echoing a hundred others, including mine.

Tom Henry's dark cock seemed to grow even larger in that short span of time. He pushed the other man's smooth thighs rudely apart, showing the defeated slave little respect. Tom reached down to stroke his large penis briefly before pressing it against Jericho's asshole, giving the other slave a sharp thrust with his hips. The defeated nigger groaned loudly, lifting his head as Tom Henry grabbed him by the shoulders. My Master's slave held Miss Ingersoll's steady, helpless and shamed. Our beautiful Tom, kept his head high, his chest swollen with pride while raping his victorious cock into the other man's bowels.

I rubbed myself through my dress then, all thoughts at concealing who and what I was forgotten. There was no one to notice me anyway, all eyes were riveted on those two beautiful black men, one in pain and on his belly in the dirt, submitting to the humiliating penalty of his total defeat, and the other, our glorious Tom Henry. It was amazing and I came quickly, my cock spurting against my dress as I rubbed myself frantically. Hot semen spilled against my thighs and dripped between my legs. I felt my knees weaken, my feverish mind grown dizzy and drunk with lust. I sat down, pressing my flushed face against my Master and he immediately pulled me to his cock, forcing me to take him into my mouth. He ejaculated just seconds later, filling me with his salty semen which I was only to eager to fill my tummy with.

"Ohhh ... Fuck..." Mr. Reiser breathed, stroking my head as I swallowed and worked my mouth around his cock. I'd made a mess, being unprepared for his orgasm, much of my Master's creamy load spilled from my mouth and stained his trousers.

In the ring beneath us, Tom Henry moaned as he found his own orgasm, ejaculating into Jericho's rectum for the pleasure of the crowd as well as his own. He pulled his cock free slowly, slapping the heavy black muscle against his defeated opponent's ass with loud, wet noises that brought a lusty roar from the spectators. His cock was shiny and dripping with the pale remains of his climax. Tom Henry smiled as one of the small girls lead him briefly around the edge of the crowd before finally exiting the building.

"Ohhh ... I believe I could use some fresh air," Miss Ingersoll said. Her eyes were wide and shining, and she appeared flushed as well. The woman's high cheeks had taken on an attractive hue as she fanned herself with her fingers.

"Yeah ... Yes..." my Master agreed, nodding his head and looking down at me. "I think we need to freshen up a bit."

"Oh my! A gentleman's club indeed!" Miss Ingersoll chided him lightly. "Your ardent passions are most impressive, sir."

"I'm sorry, Master," I breathed, wiping at a rather large pool of semen on his pants with my fingers.

"Hmmm..." He grinned and reached inside his suit for a handkerchief. "Use this, and then we'll get out of here. I think we've had enough cockfighting for one night."

There were restrooms in a small building nearby, an old shed perhaps that had been converted to that purpose. These weren't segregated, unlike the restrooms inside the manor proper, and most other public places in the South. I found myself entering the ladies room with Miss Ingersoll and that was a first for me, sharing a toilet with a white woman, and a slave owner no less. She used one of the stalls, but I was more intent on washing myself and cleaning the inside of my skirt, and so I used a sink and a great many paper towels. I felt awkward and slightly embarrassed when the woman emerged to find me standing there with my skirt pulled up and folded inside out, my balls hanging loose between my wet thighs and my semi-hard penis bowed out from my body.

"You are a prize!" Miss Ingersoll said, smiling as she moved to the sink nearest me, not hiding her interest at all. "I couldn't help but notice your, uh, excitement earlier."

"I'm sorry, Ma'am." I dipped my head slightly.

"Oh no! That's nothing to apologize for," she insisted. "I'm most impressed, girl. Now tell me, was this your Master's doing? Or is he merely a very fortunate man?"

"Uh, you mean, was I like this before?" I asked, and she nodded. "Yes Ma'am. I've always been a girl ... mostly."

"Mercy, mercy, mercy..." Miss Ingersoll sighed, shaking her head. "I want one."

"Ma'am?" I glanced at her and then went back to cleaning the mess I'd made in my skirt.

"I want one just like you." She took a deep breath and then started washing her hands. "Your Master, does he like women at all? Tell me true now, girl."

"Not so I could tell, Ma'am," I said after a moment's hesitation.

"He's never had a woman?" Miss Ingersoll looked at me sharply.

"One of the house negras," I said, slowly. "Delilah. I dressed her up like a boy." I smiled and shrugged. "I cut her hair and uh, my Master, he took her in the ass. Once."

"Did he?" Miss Ingersoll smiled at that. "I'd like to his be his boy, too. What do you think about that?"

"Ma'am?" I blinked at her.

"I've taken a genuine interest in your Master and I want him to like me," the woman explained. "I have it in mind to woo his gentle heart, but I fear that Nature and her sly sister Fate have played a cruel trick on me."

"I don't understand, Ma'am." I giggled nervously.

"You're his bedroom negra, so I'll tell you this." She turned to face me, reaching for my chin so I'd look her in the eyes. "I'm not of a type to come between a Master and his boy, or his girl. Do you understand me?"

"I..." I swallowed hard, " ... I think so."

"You've nothing to fear from me, so you remember that and we can be real friends, Danielle," Miss Ingersoll told me. "You have his ear in the dark, in his bed where he's vulnerable."

"Ma'am?" I was confused by her words.

"I'll expect you to use that to our mutual advantage," she whispered, following her words with a kiss hard on my mouth.

She forced her tongue between my lips, much as a man would do it. Her hand found my penis and she squeezed it with a rough tenderness that made me moan. This was not a woman kissing me, there was none of the distinctly feminine sensation I felt with Sarah or Lilah, this was very much as my Master seemed, or any other white man I'd kissed. It confused me all the more, because I did find myself enjoying it and responding as my girl cock stiffened and my tongue fluttered beneath hers. Miss Ingersoll's other hand slipped behind me, to my ass, squeezing my bare flesh hard and then pressing inward to find the soft rubber base of the buttplug buried in my bowels.

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Brendan FallsChapter 32

"Welcome to Tucson," Drew said softly into my ear. "Hmmm?" I blinked around sleepily and sat up with a stretch. "Oh, I fell asleep." "Just a little while," he smiled and we were stopped in a parking lot it looked like. "I was falling asleep myself. Come on we'll get a little breakfast and then get a little bed." "A big bed," I grinned with a nice stretch. "A big breakfast too." We were at a place called the Cactus Ranch, which was hardly that. It was a two floor motel...

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Brendan FallsChapter 33

The Indian casino was than I'd first suspected, and oddly shaped, like someone had taken four or five big buildings and just mashed them together somehow. It looked strange from the outside, but inside I had no idea what was going on. I guess casinos are like that though. A person had to walk past all the slot machines and gaming tables before they could find the other stuff, like the restaurant and bars and yeah, a little dance club too. There were a lot of people in there, inside the...

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Thief in the Night

The moonlight silhouetted her curvaceous little frame as she seemed to almost flow like liquid to the car door. Like me she wore all black but her hair shone a deep red as it was whipped up by the gentle breeze. Her sleeveless blouse was barely held closed by two buttons that strained desperately and did all they could to maintain her modesty. As she pushed herself up against the vehicle I could see the creamy flesh of her flat stomach perfectly contrasted with the black blouse and the black...

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Kevin and Kevin

Both of our names are Kevin, we’ve been best friends for about 2 years now. We are both average built males, I’m about 5’ 9” tall, and he’s about 5’ 7”. I’m a typical white guy, blonde hair, blue eyes. He is a Filipino, black hair, black eyes. He has about 5.5” cock, mine is slightly longer and much wider. Neither of us knew that the other was interested in guys at all, there was questioning about him but I never asked. I knew I’ve been gay since about 9th grade, and I’ve been so horny. We...

4 years ago
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During The Workout

During The Work OutBy: Londebaaz Chohan Dylan Gibbs; the name gave an impression as if the guy would be a terror but exactly opposite; Dylan was already in the 10th grade but he was very shy, timid and coy among all the boys. Although all the black students were very active in sports, athletics, games, gymnasium etc. but Dylan was never seen in any sports. He looked at all the boys like the most of them looked at the girls but too afraid to come clean or do anything about it. Only Mr. Carmelo...

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Alex Ch 01

Part I Author’s disclaimer, if you are unfamiliar with the world of Dressage, this story may loose you at times. For those of you that understand any form of riding even roughly, you may find this funny and even erotic. Here is a background on Dressage, it is a French term that means ‘training of the horse’. Piaffe and Passage are movements that require a high degree of skill and talent on both the part of the horse and rider. Dressage is really ice skating or ballet on horseback. Scores above...

3 years ago
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Culture ShockChapter 18

Elaine grabbed Kendra's arm before they entered the clinic. She looked around before hissing, "I thought we were going to see an Ob-Gyn..." Kendra shook Elaine's grip. "I've seen an Ob-Gyn. This is the doctor. You know, The Doctor. I'm getting rid of it. Jeez, Elaine. What did you think I needed? My hand held in the waiting room?" Elaine's eyes narrowed. "You could've just been honest." "This is my decision. I don't need anyone else telling me what to do." "Jesus, Kendra....

2 years ago
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Rachel my whore daughter

My wife & I had been married for 6 yrs, she already had a daughter from a previous marriage,Rachel.She was just 18, long dark hair,beautiful eye's & a gorgeous tight body. She knew how good she looked & how she could use this to embarrass me,she knew in her mind how much I wanted to fuck her, and used this to her advantage. Often leaving bathrooms door open while showering, walking round in underwear, smiling at me when she gets her own way when I've said no.My wife had booked a...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 19 Sunday August 8 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010 Jake sat with his arm around his grandmother. Granddad was well into his sermon and was getting charged up. Jake normally enjoyed listening to his grandfather preach, but he had other things to think about that morning. Although he wanted to focus on his own problem, Jake had not seen Gramma that often lately. He glanced into her mind to see how she was doing. Gramma was paying more attention to the sermon than Jake was. He wondered how she did that. She must have...

3 years ago
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Book 8 ZaraChapter 7

Zara hiccuping with sobs, her hands shaking as she tried to wrap the blanket around the two very tiny little hatchlings who were making crying mewling noises as they shivered "it's going to be all right, mama is trying to get you warm, just give her a minute, you're here early she wasn't ready for you" her legs trembling terribly Zara carried her babies over to the fireplace, kneeling down she got the fire blazing softly purring to the hatchlings as she snuggled them against her breasts....

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(This story was inspired by a dream I had about one of my mum's best friends)Stefania is a 40 year old mother of one, her husband works all day long and on top of this she suffers from M.E. and so it leaves with very little energy left to get as much work as she’d like done around the house, which is where I come in.I have a bit of a reputation of being a troublemaker and so mum saw this as a way of keeping me out of trouble. I wasn’t entirely happy about it but I went in with the attitude...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Lana Sharapova Daphne Dare Daughter Cum And Tax Refunds

After Daphne Dare and Lana Sharapovas dads get their tax refunds, they are rolling in the dough. But for some reason, they do not want to share it with their adoring daughters. Sorry hun, you should have gotten a job, they tell the girls. But Daphne and Lana will not take no for an answer. They decide that instead of letting their dads hire hookers, they should just seduce each others pops and earn some cash that way! So, they swap dads and work their tight young bodies to perfection. Daphne...

3 years ago
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Reflections Ch 02

You may want to read the previous chapter before this one. Thank you to Estragon for editing my story and making it a much better read. * The separation and divorce went much better than I had expected. The moving company came the following day and took the kids’ things and my personal things to my parents’ house. I’m not sure if I mentioned that my parents did have servants, but my mother did ninety percent of watching the kids when they were there before the breakup. She loved kids and...

2 years ago
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Finally It Happened With Mom 8211 Part 2

Thank you for your responses for my last post. I’m Sumith narrating the experiences of one of my friends Nelson and his mom Molly. Nelson being from a small town in Kerala was not a guy with tremendous confidence, however human instincts overtakes all. Now it’s time for you to enjoy the later part. Over to Nelson now. It was really amazing, the very first sexual encounter let alone with mom but with any woman. Yes, she isn’t young and slim as my classmates are but nothing can match my mom at...

3 years ago
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Memorable Birthday Gift

Hi everyone….This is Dr.Akshay again. I am big fan of ISS since 3 yrs. Without wasting time let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Akshay from Pune.I am 30 yrs old having good looks and pretty good height Of 5’9”. And athletic body. I am doing my own Medical practice. I am very fun loving guy and I thought sex is the world’s most beautiful thing,and I am very passionate about sex., and you also agree to me.,otherwise you were not here… Coming to the story,let me introduce the heroin of the story,...

2 years ago
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Lost With Nothing to Lose06 Testing Their Limits

“Really, it isn’t so difficult if you barter. You’re trading time spent in ration lines for other items you need. It’s all about making and maintaining contacts.” “Well, thanks,” Al said, finally backing away. “We’ll see you around.” “Seriously,” Siluzz clucked, shaking her head and marching away from the people in the hallway. “I don’t understand why you feel obligated to encourage everyone to prattle on about the unimportant details of their lives. You don’t have enough time, or will even...

3 years ago
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Which Twin

  As I promised I’ll tell you a little more about my new step-sister.   At my mum and new dad’s wedding I was introduced, for the first time, to my new sister. She had been at boarding school in Hong Kong but was now coming to live with her new family. Her name was Jasmine and what a pretty little flower she was. Half western and half Chinese and believe me she had the best attributes of both cultures. She was petite but not overly slim, long dark straight hair, the most deep and...

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Cucked and Sissified 2

Thanks to all who left lovely reviews on part 1, I was thrilled to read those. Apologies for the long wait between instalments, I hope to ramp up my production going forward. For a few days after Rob's first visit, things went somewhat back to normal between Annie and me, but I could tell that something had changed. Annie was making no bones about the fact that she was regularly in touch with Rob and that he would be coming back soon, and for the first time she wasn't so much as...

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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 15 East Village Intrigue

"We'll reach the largest city in the country, New York, New York, in another two days. Since it was the home of seven million, with millions more surrounding the city, we're curious how many still reside there. The large numbers should mean there are a lot of survivors. However, we don't know how many abandoned the city, nor whether the numbers resulted in fighting over resources. What's more, with no information on the state of the city, we don't know the best route into the...

1 year ago
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ButleredChapter 22

“I am about to ring the company, sir, to make such an arrangement.” “Right. Permission granted for her to go with you. She will be safe with you, but you might not be safe with her, Jeeves. You can take the car to the station, by the way, as she is with you.” “Thank you, sir. I am aware of all possibilities, and am prepared, sir.” “Finished, then?” “Indeed sir. Thank you for listening. I shall get back to my duties now.” As soon as I had the table cleared and everything put away, I...

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USAChapter 29

Yes, we bought the boat. It was, to us, more like a small ship than a large boat. An island trading type ... of the kind used in the South Sea islands, in and around Tahiti. The type of ship that carries small shipments to and fro between small islands; what ever needs carrying and is too heavy for a catamaran but not big enough for a steamer. To get out of Belize City we had to sail south until we came to one of the few access points through the barrier reef. The Barrier Reef is a series...

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Blackfeather5 Caught

“I’D JOIN YOU but I’m a little sore down there,” Aubrey giggled. She was staring at me from just inside the door. What? I got my bearings. I was sitting on my bed leaning against the wall with my hand in my pussy. Oh, fuck! “Sore?” I said. “Don’t give me that. Sitting where you are, I know you were listening. Was it as good for you as it was for me?” “Aubrey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I was breaking up into tears. We failed. I got sucked into another time where I could have done...

2 years ago
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Good Girls SwallowChapter 7 Love And Truth

She silently pushed me through the archway leading to a small group of shops the Hotel ran to service its guests and separate them from more of their money. I gestured toward a small men's shop. I pointed toward a Tyrolean slouch hat of some gray tweedy weave. "See if they have one that'll fit me." It was a hideous thing and would well serve the purpose of changing my appearance. The clerk quickly found one in my size. He smirked as I put it on my head, "It makes you look very Swiss,...

4 years ago
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Black Royalty in the Zulu Empire

The Region of Botswana, South Africa, circa 1211 A.D. The sun rose over the beautiful City of Dumazile, crown jewel of the Zulu people. Andile Bafana lay in his bed, feeling a tiredness that had nothing to do with the mercilessness of the Southern African sun that was high in the sky. The six-foot-three, ebony-skinned young man finally got up. As the son of King Fundani, Warrior Chief of the Zulu people and the grandson of Zulu Emperor Gabangaye, he had certain expectations he had to meet....

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How ISS Helped Me In Fucking My Maami

Hello everyone..this is Rahul(name changed) here from Hyderabad.I am 20 year old doing my graduation. The incident took place about an year ago…”How ISS Helped Me In Fucking My Maami” Basically this is the first time i am writing my incident although i was following ISS from couple of years dared to reveal it now. sorry if there are any typos. (my email: ) So..i will tell about physical stats of my maami who is the heroine of the story…she is 40 years old but maintains herself very...

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A New Dawn Ch 03

Dawn caught Phillip gazing obviously at Lisa’s breasts as she leant forward in her tight top. Being drunk he laboured under the delusion that he was being subtle in his staring. Dawn kicked him under the table and he looked up blankly, as if he had felt the contact but not the pain and was puzzled by it. Then he grinned impishly, realising why she had kicked him. Before she continued with the story Dawn asked Lisa, ‘so, any thoughts on that last installment.’ Lisa was more prepared this time,...

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Terror On Planet Alpha IV

This is for a female friend on X-Hamster who wanted me to write a story about her. This is what she wanted....The U.S.S. Frontier was just three days from reaching a newly discovered planet called Alpha IV. The World Space Center's interstellar's telescope, the Star Searcher, had discovered this planet 12 years ago. 5 years after, the WSC, launched space probes to investigate this new planet. The data that came back from these probes, was a promising sign that life could, and may possibly exist...

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Kashmiri Aurat Ki Jamkar Chudai

Hello guys, yeh meri first story hai jo main apne account se post karne jaa raha hu. Mera naam Faraz Khan hai, age 25 aur main purely Mumbai ka rehne wala hu. Main ek pure gym freak hu jiske waje se meri body kaafi hot hai aur bohot similar hai Tiger shroff jaisi. So mere saath ek adventurous aur interesting scene hua jiski waje se main ek hot aur sexy Kashmiri woman ke saath sex kar paya. Ye baat aaj subah ki hi hai. Ramzaan chal raha hai to zyadatar Muslims raat ko jaagte hai aur subah 1-2...

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Sultry Summer Ch 17

Lois and Dennis were sitting in her dining room, eating dinner. The young man had insisted on doing the cooking and had produced a meatloaf the likes of which Lois had never tasted before. He served it with noodles and the best brown gravy she ever had. ‘I wish you didn’t have to go home tomorrow,’ she said, gazing across the table at the young man who had stolen her heart. ‘Me, too,’ Dennis replied. ‘I hate it that we can’t be together all the time.’ When they finished the meal, Dennis...

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Love And Lust

Youth is an age of experimentation whereby you take the extra mile to taste forbidden fruits notwithstanding the price you have to pay for your deeds. Without further ado, let me come straight to the crux of the matter at hand whereby in my youthfulness, where the sky was the limit, I could not help but cross the barrier of forbid dance to taste the love and the lust of my life then. I was around 20 years old then (now am 30) and living in New Delhi in a posh location pursuing my higher...

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