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Presto-Chango by Brian Chapter One The audience watched silently, every eye transfixed to the stage. They were sitting in the lounge of a rather low-grade hotel/casino in Dead Springs, Nevada. Dead Springs had tried for years, unsuccessfully, to promote itself as the next Las Vegas. Unfortunately its name, its frightening proximity to several old nuclear test sites, and its general lack of redeeming qualities had left it little more than a sparsely visited tourist trap. The aforementioned casino was "Nero's Palace," the largest one in town. What the audience was paying so close attention to were the two people on the stage. The first one was a tuxedoed man of about twenty-three. He was good looking, though not spectacularly so. He was average height, had black hair, and was more muscular that most guys his age. At the moment he was being shackled to a very large drill press. He was known as Brian the Great, Master of Illusion, Escape Artist extrodinare. His driver's license said "Brian Howard." He loved magic and hated his job. The person who was shackling Brian (the Great) to the drill press had often been told that she could have made a good living as a model. Unfortunately the people who told her this were usually drunken businessmen who were trying unsuccessfully to get her into bed, so she had never taken them seriously. Actually, she was extremely good looking. She had very long, jet black hair, long legs, and an ample chest. She also had a very pretty face that looked good, even without makeup. She looked to be about twenty, though she was actually slightly older than Brian. She was wearing a bikini top, a leather mini-skirt, and fishnet stockings (the management insisted on this outfit because it drew customers). Her name was Tracy and she'd been Brian's assistant and friend almost as long as he'd been a magician. She liked her job more than Brian did, though she always felt there was more to life. "And now, ladies and gentlemen," said the magician "as the lovely Tracy finishes shackling me down, I shall begin the most dangerous trick of the night. When I give the word, Tracy will start this machine of death and dismemberment." He motioned to the drill press with his head. "If I cannot free myself from these fetters about my wrists and ankles in precisely thirty seconds I will be impaled by this skewer of doom. Anyone who is not prepared to witness my gory demise, please leave now. But don't worry, I've studied with the master sorcerers of Tibet and India (actually, except from a brief trip to Tijuana, he had never been out of the country) and have learned things that prevent me from being bound by material objects." With that. Tracy pulled the lever that started the machine. Brian struggled against his bonds. The drill moved closer and closer to his body. Twenty-five seconds later, Brian was standing next to the drill press bowing to the audience. He could have gotten out in around ten seconds, but he had the keep up the suspense. He then made some blatant plugs for the casino and thanked the audience. He and Tracy linked arms, bowed, and the curtain fell. Tracy and Brian walked silently back to Brian's cluttered dressing room. As soon as they were alone, Brian fixed her with an icy cold stare. "How can you do this to me?" he began. "This is the break I've been waiting for all my life! I'll never have another opportunity like this again!" A couple of days ago, a man from the audience had approached Brian and Tracy. He turned out to be a talent scout from a major casino in Las Vegas. He had be so impressed by their act that he offered them a year long contract to perform at the casino. It had been Brian's dream come true. He had always wanted to perform in front of a sizable audience in a classy place. Instead, Nero's was the best he could manage. The contract paid more for a year than he and Tracy made in three. It looked as if he had finally realized his goal. Unfortunately there was a major problem. Tracy didn't want to go to Las Vegas. Tracy looked Brian in the eye. "I'm sorry," she said. "I wish I could help you. I know how much this means to you. But the fact is, I am in love. I'm getting married in a couple of months, and Las Vegas isn't in the cards for me." A few months ago, Brian had called an audience member up on stage to test and make sure that the chains he was tied up in were real. The volunteer was a man named David Stepstone. He was an Australian businessman whose company's travel agent had unfortunately believed the claims made by the Dead Springs chamber of commerce and had sent him there on a businesses trip. When David and Tracy met up there on stage, something had clicked. David took Tracy out to dinner that night. Every weekend after that David flew out to the states to see her (he was quite wealthy). Tracy nearly drove Brian nuts talking about him. About a week ago he popped the question. Tracy said yes. They would be married in the states, and then move to Australia together. Which was bad news for Brian. "Isn't there any way you could postpone the wedding for a while?" he asked, knowing the answer already. "No, of course not. Look, you're making too big a deal about this. I'm not the magician, I'm just the assistant. I'm sure you can find another pretty face in Las Vegas." Brian lost it. "Another pretty face! Another pretty face! Do you think that's all you are to me? Tracy, if it wasn't for you, I couldn't do half my routine!" While most pretty magician's assistants were simply there to look good, this was not the case for Tracy. Tracy actually helped Brian perform his tricks. She could easily palm things that he had made "disappear." She slipped him lock picks and skeleton keys when he needed them for escape tricks. She distracted the audience when Brian needed their attention to be elsewhere. She knew all the cues; where to stand, what to say, when to smile, when to look scared, what to do. They had developed the act together. "Look Tracy," Brian went on, more calmly, "It would take me at least three months to train another assistant from scratch, and until then I could only do my most basic tricks. I couldn't do anything too complicated without you, and I wouldn't dare do any dangerous escapes." Dangerous escapes were the highlight of his act. Tracy sighed. "Brian, if I had never met Dave I'd be as excited as you are right now. But we can't chance facts. I'm not as young as I used to be. I want to have children. I'm tired of wearing next to nothing, getting leered at by every drunk in town. I want to settle down and have a normal life. I'm in love with David, and I can't put everything on hold now. I'm sorry Brian. You're my best friend, but this is something you'll have to do on you own." "I see." "This will all work out for you," she said unconvincingly. "I'm sure it will. Heck, there'll be other good job offers. Something will come up," he replied, even less convincingly. Tracy patted his hand, got up, and returned to her dressing room. As soon as Tracy left, Brian got out a bottle of Scotch from his desk and poured himself a glass. He wasn't fooling himself. This Vegas job was a one time shot and without Tracy it wouldn't happen. He took a drink and thought back to when he and Tracy had first met. It was years ago. He had been a street magician in Dead Springs. She was a waitress. She had stopped to watch his act. Afterwards, she stayed to talk and offer some suggestions. They became friends immediately. When Brian was offered the job at Nero's he asked Tracy to be his assistant. Tracy and Brian had been through a lot together. They had even been lovers, briefly. It happened after Brian's girlfriend and Tracy's boyfriend had both dumped them within two days of each other. Tracy and Brian were emotional wrecks after that, and found comfort in each other's arms. Their romance had been fulfilling and had helped them both emotionally, but it hadn't lasted. They both knew that while their friendship would always be there, and that they enjoyed the time they spent making love to each other, they weren't meant to be together. After about a month they decided to just be good friends, and unlike most ex-couples, they did just that. Brian groaned an poured himself another drink. Tracy was right, she needed to get on with her life. He knew she'd be happy with David, and he wanted her to be happy. He turned and faced the other inhabitant of the room, Harvey, his pet rabbit. "Looks like it's just you and me again, Harv." Harvey had no comment. "I just had hoped that this Vegas thing would work out somehow. I guess it's not going to be. Too bad lovely assistants are so hard to come by." Brian stretched back in his chair. In a little while he'd go apologize to Tracy and wish her well. For now, he was going to brood, something he was rather good at. Brian wasn't the only one thinking. Tracy had been staring at her reflection in her dressing room mirror and worrying for the past half hour. She felt horrible. She had been so excited about getting married that she hadn't thought how this would hurt Brian. He had been right; it would be impossible to go to Las Vegas without a skilled assistant. Unfortunately, she was the only one besides Brian who knew the act very well. She then had a thought. She wasn't the only one who knew the act. The was one other. Ray. Ray was a hotel employee whose main job it was to help out with the magic act. He was seventeen. He knew the act almost as well as they did. He was a friend of both Brian and Tracy. With some serious training he could be a competent assistant... No, that would never work. No magician had a male assistant. They were always good looking women. Ray would never work. Unless... Unless Ray could somehow become a beautiful woman! The idea wasn't as far fetched as it seemed. Tracy started thinking very hard. Ray was not very masculine. He was shorter than she was. He didn't have much of a beard and no chest hair. He was slender and non-muscular. He had a fair complexion with a lot of freckles. Most fortunately, he had long, red hair, which could easily be made up to be feminine. Tracy formed a picture of Ray in her mind. Add a form fitting dress. Add a lot a makeup and a manicure. Add some high heels and a female hair cut. Add some earrings and a lot of padding in the chest and hips. Add shaved legs and plucked eye brows. With a little coaching on the fine points of being a woman, Ray could pass a young lady, at least as seen from the audience! Ray could be Brian's assistant, and a lovely one at that! There were just two big problems. The first one was that Brian would almost certainly veto the idea. The second one was even bigger. How could Ray be convinced to work as "Rhea" for an entire year? Tracy figured she could convince Brian to at least consider the idea. But Ray? What would he think? Still, it was the only solution as she could see it. She got up and walked back to Brian's dressing room. Chapter Two Brian was still stretched out in his chair when Tracy came back. Before he could apologize for yelling at her earlier, she told him that she had come up with a wonderful solution to the dilemma. "Really?" asked Brian, hoping that it really was something that would work. "We get Ray to be your assistant!" Tracy replied with a big smile. "He knows our act, with a little training he could be ready to take over for me..." "Nope," Brian cut her off "Nothing doing. Thanks for the suggestion, but it won't work. I need a female assistant. Ray wouldn't look right. The only magicians I've known who've had male assistants were women." "Just hear me out. I know Ray wouldn't work as a man. But what if he wasn't a man? What if he was a woman?" "Then that would be a great answer to my problem. Unfortunately, Ray is not a woman." "I think I could change that." That shocked Brian. "What do you mean by that?" "Look, with a new wardrobe, a haircut, a makeover by yours truly, and some other 'improvements,' I think I could make Ray into a passable female. It's worth a shot." Brian thought about it. Tracy was quite good when it came to makeup. During the off season at the casino she often made extra money by doing makeovers for other female performers. Ray really wasn't a macho man. He was more, well, delicate. He could also learn the role of Brian's assistant before the Vegas job was to start. And from an audience member's point of view no one would really be able to tell he was a guy. This would solve the problem at hand. It was quite tempting. "So Ray actually told you he'd be willing to do this? I never would have thought he'd agree to go through with it!" "Well..." said Tracy nervously, "he hasn't exactly agreed to do it. In fact, I haven't even asked him yet. I wanted to get the O.K from you first." Brian was brought joltingly back to reality. "You haven't asked him? Why in God's name would you think he'd want to do this in the first place? If you ask him he'll laugh in your face! No male would be willing to become a girl for a year!" "Calm down Brian. It would only be for a couple of shows a night. He could be himself for the rest of the time." "No, he couldn't! Don't you see, if the casino hires him a woman, then they can never see him as a man! This means he'd have to dress as a girl, not only for every show, but for every rehearsal, every staff meeting, every time he might be around anyone from work! Hell, he'd have to show up for work already dressed like a girl which means he would have to get dressed up at home! And what would his neighbors think if they saw him in a dress? Not to mention that his pay checks would be made out to his "female side." No bank would cash them to anyone accept Ray in drag!" The smile quickly left Tracy's face. "I hadn't thought about all that." "That's not even the main problem. If word ever got out that Ray wasn't really a girl, it would be a major embarrassment to the casino. We'd both be fired, probably sued, and rest assured that we'd never work the entertainment circuit again! My career would be over and Ray would probably be humiliated for the rest of his life!" "I guess it was a dumb idea." Brian stopped. He realized he'd been yelling at Tracy again. "No, it wasn't a dumb idea. It was actually a pretty clever solution, but I don't think it will work. The only way I'd consider it is if we could somehow to convince Ray to live as a woman, 24 hours a day, for twelve months." "You don't suppose there's any way to get him to do it? Any way at all?" Brian was about to say no, but stopped. Wasn't there anything that would make the offer attractive to Ray? Well, for starters, there was the money. The job of Brian's assistant paid a lot. Tracy didn't know it, but Ray was poor. Really poor. Brian didn't know where his parents were, all he knew is they weren't around. Even though Ray was only seventeen, he had dropped out of school two years ago to support himself. Though Ray would never admit it, Brian knew he was in serious financial trouble. Besides the casino work Ray had two other jobs. He never had enough cash for lunch, so Brian always bought him some. Once Brian had driven him home after work and was shocked at how run down Ray's apartment building was, even by Dead Springs standards. For Brian this new job meant recognition, a chance to do what he enjoyed, and maybe a new car. For Ray, it might mean a chance to escape the grinding poverty he had known all his life. Then there was something else. Ray had once told him that it was his lifelong dream to become an actor. Ray wasn't fooling himself, he knew what the odds of that happening were, especially for a scrawny kid who had never had any sort of training. Still, he often thought about it and hoped, futility that it might someday happen. Maybe they could convince Ray that becoming a woman was just an acting role. A somewhat unorthodox role, granted, but a role nonetheless. Brian looked a Tracy. "Maybe we can convince him. But it's a big maybe. I'll tell you what." Brian stood up. "Go run your idea by him and see what he thinks. I can almost guarantee that he'll say 'no' to begin with. But later, after he's had a chance to think about it, we'll sit down with him and try to talk him into it. Maybe he'll agree, though I wouldn't bet on it." Tracy smiled. "I sure hope so. I want this to work out for you." She gave him a quick hug and turned to leave. "Hey Tracy," Brian called after her. "Yes?" "I never congratulated you on your engagement. Good luck. I'm glad you're happy." Tracy smiled at him again and left. Brian watched her leave. He didn't think that another scotch would go down well, so he settled on a beer. He hoped to God that this job would work out for him. On top of everything else his best friend was moving to Australia. And Harvey was poor company. Twenty minutes later, Ray burst into Brian's dressing room. He was quite angry. "Do think I'm some kind of a pervert?" he practically screamed at Brian. Brian Couldn't answer. His mouth was full. What his mouth, and in fact most of his esophagus, was full with was a two and a half foot long, genuine replica of a Japanese samurai sword. He had won it in a poker game at magicians' convention in Reno last summer. Brian had an odd hobby of swallowing swords and knives to help himself relax. Though lots of people, Ray and Tracy included, found it quite odd, he couldn't think of an easier way to relieve stress. Since sword swallowing required absolute, 100% concentration, there was little room left for worrying about other things. "Ist jagga ungthoth," mumbled Brian, and he began to withdraw the weapon. While he was doing this, he ventured a look in Ray's direction. Ray was mad all right. Apparently being asked to become a cross-dresser didn't sit well with him. Brian studied Ray for a couple of seconds. He definitely had a latent feminine quality about him. Nothing too obvious, he certainly didn't look like a total sissy, but it didn't take a lot of imagination for "Rhea" to come into view. Full lips, high cheek bones, not much of an adam's apple...this could really work. Brian finished with the sword and placed it back in it's sheath. "I take it this is about my job offer?" "Job offer! Do you think I'm some kinda queer? Do you think I like dressing as a woman? Do I look like some kind of sicko?" Ray really was screaming now. "Calm down Ray! No, of course I don't think you're a pervert. Look, just listen to me a minute." He motioned to his other chair. "Would you like a beer?" "Uh, no thanks." Brian opened one for himself. He rarely drank this much, but he figured he needed something to boost his confidence for the pitch he was about to make. "Now listen Ray. I wouldn't ask you to do this if I had any other options. Now I don't think that you are a transvestite, or gay or anything. I'm just asking because you know the act better than anyone other than me and Tracy, and without an assistant I can't accept this job." This seemed to mollify Ray. "O.K., but that's a lot to ask someone, to change their sex for twelve months. I wish I could help, but it's not worth it." "Are you sure it's not? Do you know how much it pays?" Ray shook his head. Brian named a figure. Ray tried to cover his surprise and failed badly. "That much?" he asked in disbelief. "Plus expenses. If you do this job for the whole time you can save up quite a nest egg." Ray thought about it. He really needed the money. Working three jobs meant that he had no life outside of work. He never had enough to eat. Yesterday his landlord had told him in no uncertain terms that if he didn't get his rent in soon he would no longer have a place to live. Still, wasn't convinced that taking this job was the way out. "But if I dress as a woman all that time, what will people think?" "Do you know anyone in Las Vegas?" "No." "Then no one will ever know but me and Tracy, and we'd never think anything was strange. Hell, it was our idea." "But being a girl full time? What kind of life would that be for me?" "You told me yourself you wanted to be an actor. This is just a role. If you wanted a chance to do some serious acting, this is it!" "I want to be an actor, not an actress!" "C'mon, lots of famous actors wore dresses for movie roles. Take Tim Curry in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," or Anthony Perkins in "Psycho." They dressed as women, but no one thought they were strange. People knew they were just doing it for the movie, not for any other reason." "But this isn't like a movie role. I'd have to stay "in character" all the time! Actors' roles don't affect the way they live off camera!" "Ah, but you are mistaken! Tom Hanks gained thirty pounds for his role in "A League of Their Own." Sigourni Weaver shaved her head for "Aliens 3." Jackie Chan, the famous martial arts movie star, wound up in intensive care on no less than three occasions (Brian was an avid reader of celebrity gossip magazines). If you ask me, you'd be getting off pretty easy, only having to wear dresses and high heels for a while. After a year you go back to being Ray, richer, and no one's the wiser." He could tell Ray was almost convinced. But not quite. "Look," Brian continued, "when's my next performance here?" " week from today." "Really? Why such a long time from now?" "Fumigating. Hotel guest have been complaining about scorpions." Scorpions? though Brian. God, I need a new job! "Listen Ray. I have three more magic acts to do before I have to make a final decision about the Las Vegas job. I'll tell you what. For the next week, let Tracy turn you into a woman on a trial basis. New makeup, clothes, hair, etc. Have her coach you on how to act. No one will know. When it's time for the next act, both you and Tracy can be my assistants. If all goes well, think about coming to Vegas with me. If you don't like it, or you think it won't work, then we'll all forget it ever happened. C'mon, you've got nothing to lose!" Ray thought about it. He knew that it was a bad idea, and it was probably doomed from the start. But it could be his only chance for a decent life. "O.K. I know I'm going to regret this, but if you promise not to make any smart aleck comments, and SWEAR not to tell any one, I'll be your assistant next week." Both men stood up and shook hands. Chapter Three Ray took a deep breath and knocked on the apartment door. He couldn't remember the last time he had been this nervous. It was the day after he had agreed to become "Rhea." Tracy had told him to come by her place today so she could start "making a woman out of him," as she put it. The door opened. "Hi!" said Tracy. "C'mon in. Sorry about the mess, I've just been getting my stuff packed for Australia." Ray looked around the apartment. There were boxes everywhere. Books, pictures, clothes, and about twenty copies of "Bride's" magazine were strewn everywhere. He sat down on an empty chair. Tracy sat opposite him, on the edge of her coffee table. "Ray, thanks for coming today. I can only imagine how hard this must be for you. I'm very proud of you for doing this. I have a feeling that this is going to work out great for you and Brian. And who knows, it may not be a painful as you think." "I sure hope not. I'm only doing this for the money. And to help Brian, I guess." "Believe me, Brian appreciates it." Tracy had talked to Brian last night after Ray had gone home, and she was amazed at how relieved he seemed. "Now what I'm going to do today is change your physical appearance. I'm going to use make-up, clothes, and a new hairstyle. When I'm done with you, you probably won't even recognize your face in the mirror. You'll have the face of a young woman, the body of a young woman, and you'll be expected to act like a young woman. If a stranger were to see you, it would never occur to them that you were anything but female. But Ray, remember, none of this is real. It's just a costume. You're just acting. Make-up washes off, clothes can be changed, and you can go back to being a guy. So don't be so nervous. In a year everything will be over." "Hey, I only agreed to do the last three shows here! I haven't agreed to go to Vegas yet!" "All right, all right! Settle down, Ray! Now are you ready to let me work my magic?" "I suppose." "Wonderful. Now I'd like to get some measurements first." Tracy measured everything about Ray: height, weight, shoe size, waist, hips, inseam, bust (bust?), etc. When she was done, she smiled. "Perfect. You're almost my size. With a little alterations, you could wear any of my old things. Since I'm moving so far away I can't take everything, so I can just give them to you!" "Y-your clothes?" "Of course silly! How do you expect to live like a girl if you have nothing but T-shirts and jeans? I don't think you'd like to go shopping for dresses just yet." "I see your point. But don't you think your clothes would look silly on me?" "No, not at all. Like I said, I'll have you so made up that your best friend wouldn't recognize you. I have dresses, blouses, sweaters, skirts, I even think you'd look good in this one-piece swimsuit, though I don't think you're ready for a bikini just yet. I don't think my shoes will fit you, so I'll pick you up some of your own. Also, you'll need to have your own intimate things: panties, slip, nylons, bra..." "Wait a minute! No one will see that stuff! Why should I dress like I woman underneath?" "Because I don't like turning out a half-finished product. I'm supposed to make you into a lady, and ladies don't wear men's briefs!" "Well if I'm going to be prancing around in a dress, I guess my choice of underwear doesn't make that much more of a difference, does it?" "Good attitude. Shall we begin?" Ray nodded in agreement. "Wonderful. Now first, I'd like for you to go take a shower. While you're in there, I'd like you to shave." "But I shaved right before I came over here," Ray protested, running his hand along his smooth cheek. He had shaved, but his beard was so light it probably wasn't necessary. "No dear, I meant your legs, chest, and armpits." She handed him a towel and a feminine looking razor. "I was afraid you meant that." "Now take your time in there, do a thorough job. You can use my soap and shampoo. I'll be getting things ready for the next stage in your "transformation." Ray shuddered and walked into the bathroom. Ray stepped into the shower and let the hot water cascade over his body. All night long he had secretly hoped that Tracy would decide that there was no way he could ever pass as a woman, but apparently this was not to be. For the next few shows he was going to be "Rhea." He wondered what his parents would think of his transformation. He really didn't care. His mother had died when he was two. He and his father were never what you'd call close. His father was the macho, jock type and didn't do much to hide his disappointment in his non-athletic, long-haired, weak looking son. When Ray was fifteen he woke up one morning to find that his father had left during the night. He didn't really miss him, but he did miss the income that his father provided. Ray already was working full time then. He had to drop out of school and get two more jobs just to pay the rent and buy food. Ray looked down at his slender, pale, freckled body. Despite several attempts at working out he never really gained any muscle tone. He had no chest hair, and only a few strands of hair on his face, not enough to really qualify as a "beard." He had let his hair grow long, not so much a fashion statement, but because he never had enough money for a haircut and was afraid what it would look like if he tried to do it himself. He had never had much luck with women. Despite his efforts he rarely had a girlfriend. He could never afford to take them anywhere nice. Also, he spent most of his time working so he couldn't spend very much time with them on the rare occasions when someone was attracted to him. He tried to tell himself that it was no big deal, but in reality he was really lonely. He lathered himself up with Tracy's soap. It was perfumed and had a distinct feminine odor to it that he feared would stick with him after the shower. The same with the shampoo. He finally decided not to put off the inevitable and shaved. It wasn't as difficult as he thought, and he only nicked himself twice. He hated to admit it to himself, but he rather liked the feel of hairless armpits. He was worried about his smooth legs though. It was almost always hot in Nevada, so he almost always wore shorts. What if someone noticed? What would they think? Ray stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. He put on a little deodorant he found on the sink. He was mildly amused that it was the kind that billed itself as being "strong enough for a man, but made for a woman." "You finished in there?" Yelled Tracy through the door. "Yeah, all finished." replied Ray, wondering with fear what the next indignation would be. He soon found out. "Good. Slip this on." Tracy opened the door a crack and threw a rubber-like contraption in to the bathroom. Ray held it up and studied it. It looked like the bottom half of a bikini made out of very sturdy rubber. It seemed way too small for him. There was practically no room up front! "What the heck is this? I can't wear this. It's too small. You forget that I, uh, have parts you don't!" "That's the whole point, silly." She replied again through the bathroom door. "In case you haven't noticed, the costume I wear on stage doesn't leave much to the imagination. We can't really have you hanging out everywhere. That garment is designed to, shall we say, "conceal" anything that we don't want the audience to know about. That is actually one of the larger models I could find. If you decide to go on to Vegas we'll have to find something a lot smaller. Now it may be uncomfortable at first, but you'll get used to it." Ray opened his mouth to protest, then shut it. What was the point of arguing? Tracy would never change her mind. Besides, she knew what she was talking about. He'd much rather bear the humiliation of wearing that "thing" than to having his real sex found out. He'd never live that down! He grunted, groaned, and bit back curses until he had it on. Tracy was right, it was quite uncomfortable. He testicles were jammed back into their recesses as if he had been in extremely cold water. His penis was squashed flat between his legs. He regarded his new profile in the mirror. There was only a slight bump where his maleness used to be. Ray couldn't think of a worse embarrassment. But at least he hadn't agreed to anything long-term yet. After he finished the Nero shows he could always go back to what he did before. Then again, working three jobs wasn't exactly what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Being a magician's assistant, even a female one, would be considerably easier. He wished there was some simple answer to his crises. "All right, what now?" he asked, dreading the answer. "C'mon out! Let's see how you look." "Come out dressed like this? But I'm only wearing..." "I know, but I have to dress you from the skin out. Don't worry, you're a girl today so there's nothing to be ashamed of." Ray growled to himself and came out into the living room. Tracy appraised Ray with a critical eye. She walked around him and studied him as if she was examining a used car. "I can definitely make you into a woman," she decided finally, much to Ray's embarrassment. The first thing she did was put a girdle on Ray. "Is this really necessary?" asked Ray for the umpteenth time, as Tracy pulled it tighter and tighter. "Well, we want you to have an alluring hourglass figure, don't we? Of course, this wouldn't be necessary if you lost a few pounds. I think we'll put you on a diet for a few weeks. Nothing too serious, just more vegetables and less junk foods and red meat." Ray was getting more depressed by the minute. On top of everything, it looked like he would have to give up the cheeseburger he usually ate with Brian for lunch everyday. Tracy pulled something out of a bag. "This is something I picked last night." She held up something that looked like a padded bra. "It was designed for women who have had mastectomies. It's a bra with silicone inserts. They feel realistic and from outside your clothes it's impossible to tell the difference. These will give you a very ladylike chest." Ray blushed down to his shoulders. He tried it on, with some assistance from Tracy. Next came some lacy panties. Ray took a quick look in the mirror. He looked as silly as he felt. "That's it for underwear. Here, no need for you to stand around shivering." Tracy handed him a bathrobe. It was, of course, pink and feminine. Ray slipped it on. "Now for your hair and make up. You'll eventually have to learn to do this on your own, but for now I'll do it for you, so you can just sit back and relax." She gestured to a recliner. Ray sat down. Tracy took out a large make-up kit, shone a bright desk lamp over his face, and got to work. Her expert hands treated Rays face to a parade of moisturizers, creams, rouge, lipstick, eyeshadow, and mascara. "The trick," muttered Tracy, half to herself, "is not to use too much. A lot of young girls starting out with make-up use way too much and end up looking like sluts. No, just a little bit goes a long way..." Ray sat for what seemed like hours. Still, he had to admit it was relaxing just sitting back and having someone minister to you, even if they were giving you a makeover. Especially if they were a pretty woman like Tracy. Ray had never told anyone, but he had always had a bit of a crush on her. He found that the feel of her hands gently caressing his face aroused him slightly. At one point, he felt several sharp pains at the lower part of his forehead. "Hey, are you plucking my eyebrows?" "Yes, yours are too bushy too be feminine." "Well cut it out! You never asked me if you could do that!" "Too late. I've already done one. If I stopped now, you'd be lopsided." Eventually, she finished. She leaned back and looked a him with a satisfied grin. Ray made a move to look in the mirror, but Tracy restrained him. "Not till I'm all done." Next, she went to work on his hair. She looked at him disapprovingly. "You men never take care of your hair. Yours is so long and red any woman would be jealous, but you've let it go to pot. Untreated split ends. What kind of shampoo and conditioners do you use?" "Uh, supermarket brand shampoo, no conditioner." "That does it. I'm giving you some of mine. And before the shows next week I'm taking you to a beauty salon, no ifs, ands or buts. I can't sit back and let you destroy this great hair of yours. For now I'll see what I can do." Ray was too tired to argue but he knew he'd never be caught dead in a salon. Tracy went to work on his hair. First she trimmed the ends to even them out and get rid of the split ends, over Ray's protests. Then she endlessly combed and teased his locks till he thought he'd go crazy. Finally she sprayed on some hairspray. "That'll do for now. Let me see your nails." Ray held them up for inspection. "Just as I thought. You bite them don't you?" He nodded guiltily. "You'll have to use the press-on kind until they grow out. In the mean time don't bite them! Also, no more heavy lifting at work. Your hands have to stay soft and feminine and lugging around heavy boxes doesn't help." Tracy smiled. "We also don't want you developing muscles in the wrong places." Ray managed a thin smile. He had never really enjoyed all that manual labor and now he had an excuse to get out of it. He watched as Tracy neatly filed down the jagged ends of his nails. She then applied the plastic nails. They were very red and rather long. Ray wondered how he was supposed to manage to do anything with his hands with the silly artificial nails stuck to his fingers. He figured it would be simpler once his own grew out. Tracy turned her attention from Ray to the large stacks of clothes that littered her apartment. "I suppose you don't want anything too flashy. I'll try to find you something conservative. Ah, I think this will do the trick." Tracy held up a light pink cotton sweater and instructed Ray to put in on. It fit surprisingly well, Ray admitted to himself. He then pulled on some very tight denim shorts that Tracy handed to him. The outfit was completed by a denim blazer. While the mirror was still forbidden to him, Ray regarded what he could see of his body. Everything was wrong. The sweater was far too girlish; the color would never looking right on a man and the neckline, while conservative, was much lower than it would have been on a man's sweater. To make things worse, the ridiculous bumps from the silicone inserts gave him a large swelling in the front. The shorts came up to the middle of his thighs when he sat down, which accentuated his already feminine looking legs. The blazer was a woman's, clear and simple. It even buttoned the "wrong" way. While Tracy had instructed him to wear it unbuttoned, he knew it was only a matter of time before he'd have to get used to the buttons being on the left. Tracy stood back and took in the sight of he creation. The smile on her face showed that she thought much more highly of Ray's appearance than he did. The ordeal ended when Tracy clipped some earrings on his lobes and a bracelet on his wrist. She then looked him over once last time. "Now this isn't perfect. We still don't have shoes for you, and this outfit doesn't match your coloring perfectly, but I think that this is pretty good for the first time. Tomorrow, after we get you some of your own things and treat you to a day at the beauty parlor, you'll look like you've been a woman all your life." Noticing Ray's unhappy look she continued: "Remember, none of this is permanent. This is just a costume and it doesn't make you any less of a man. Now take a look at yourself...Rhea." Ray braced himself and took a look in the mirror. For a second the image took a moment to register. He had been so convinced he would see an awkward young man in drag that the reflection came a total shock. The clothes, the make-up, the jewelry...even the shaved legs and new hairdo. He was looking at the image of a young woman! An awkward, nervous young woman, but a young woman none-the-less. The smooth legs. The subtle, yet obvious chest. The lips crimson from lipstick. The thin eyebrows and the long red hair. The cheeks slightly reddened with blush. The women's clothes. One might even say he looked pretty! He turned to look at Tracy. "Surprising isn't it? I guess Brian isn't the only magician in these parts." she stated with a proud grin. Ray was quite speechless. Almost dreading the answer he asked "So do you think I'll make it as a lovely assistant?" Tracy didn't pause. "Well, you're going to need a lot of coaching in the art of being a woman, not to mention a lot of new clothes. But I have faith in your acting abilities. If you are willing to try your hardest and approach this is a mature way, then I guarantee that you'll do fine. Will you give it a shot?" Ray looked at himself in the mirror again. Well, at least he didn't have to worry about not passing as a woman. If Tracy could teach him about makeup and he kept pretty much to himself, then there was no reason anyone would have to know. Still, he felt very apprehensive. "All right. I'll do the next three shows. But I haven't agreed to anything else. If anything goes wrong, if I get found out or if I can't cut it as a woman, then the deal is off. OK?" Tracy winked at him. "You got it. Now lets go over to Brian's and tell him the good news." "OK, let me just get changed back..." "Hold on Ray. Brian said he'd have to see you dressed up before he gave his final OK, and now is as good a time as any. We'll take my car, no one else will see you." Ray was beginning to realize that all arguing was futile. "Fine. Can I at least take my wallet?" "Women don't carry wallets, but I guess you need to take it with you. Here, put it in this." Tracy handed him a purse that had seen better days. "Its not much, but it will do for now." Ray put his wallet into the purse and followed Tracy out the door. He had never felt so vulnerable in all his life. He wondered when he had begun to lose control. Chapter Four Tracy pulled up into Brian's driveway. Brian lived in a low-grade suburb of Dead Springs. Tracy regarded the run down house: peeling paint, a yard overtaken by weeds, the Ford Pinto up on blocks, the garish plastic flamingos...Tracy sighed. She hoped that Brian would hurry up and get married; he was one of those bachelors who was in dire need of a woman's care. Ray looked like he was going to his own execution. The entire ride there he had stayed hunched down in the seat and cringed whenever a car pulled up near. Despite Tracy's assurance that no one could see him, he felt as if the entire state of Nevada was looking at him and snickering. He wanted to hurry up and get the meeting with Brian over with and get back into his own clothes. Ray and Tracy wordlessly walked up to the front door and knocked. Brian had been watching his tape of Penn and Teller and eating a microwave burrito. He wasn't expecting any guests. He figured it was it was just Herb, his neighbor, coming to borrow something, so he shouted "Come on in!" He was pleasantly surprised to see Tracy. "Hey, didn't expect to see you tonight!" He said with a smile. "Who's your friend...." He suddenly did a double take when he realized who the young lady with Tracy was. There was an awkward pause. It was the normally quiet Ray who broke the silence. "So...what do you think?" He looked intently at Brian. Brian was suddenly at a loss. If he told Ray he looked like a girl it might upset him and make him feel unmanly. On the other hand, if he said the costume was unconvincing, Ray would probably back out of the deal. Brian decided to tell the truth. "Tracy did a wonderful job on you, Ray. If I didn't know you I never would have thought anything was out of the ordinary. With all that makeup and the clothes you look like a woman." This seemed to relieve Ray. "I guess that's the best I could hope for. I've been so nervous that someone will realize I'm not a girl." "So will you be my assistant for the next few shows?" "You really don't think anyone will recognize me? Anyone I know, I mean." Tracy cut in. "Ray, or should I say, Rhea, no one will have a chance to. You'll get into costume at my place, and will keep out of everyone's sight. None of the casino employees will see you up close and no one in the audience would recognize you if they saw you as Ray. I wouldn't have suggested this if I thought you'd be discovered." Ray sighed. Brian noticed with silent bemusement that this made his chest stick out even more. "I guess the world won't end if I agree to go along with this. O.K., for the next three shows you've got yourself a new assistant." Tracy and Brian smiled. Chapter Five After the night when Ray had first been dressed by Tracy, he never knew a moment's rest. Tracy was determined to eradicate seventeen years of male programming and replace it with one week! Every day, 8:00 a.m. sharp, Ray was to be over at Tracy's for training. The day after he had agreed to be an assistant on a trial basis, Tracy dressed him in an old skirt and blouse and dragged him protesting to the local mall. The first humiliation of the day happened when he was lead to a beauty salon where Tracy was apparently well known. As they sat in the waiting area, Ray ventured a whispered question. "What are we doing here? I thought you were going to my makeup." "I've been thinking about it," replied Tracy. "Since this is going to be your first experience as a woman in public, I want you to really look the part. I've ordered what is known here as "The works." When they get done with you, you won't recognize yourself." "I already don't recognize myself! What's the big deal? You said yourself no one will suspect. I really don't think we need any outside help!" "You know, a lot of young women would kill for a chance at an appointment here." "That's just the point," Ray almost shouted "I'm not a young woman! You act like I should be enjoying this!" "Look," said Tracy, looking Ray straight in the eyes "You are going to be Rhea for at least a week, maybe a lot longer. You can either act like a guy forced to be a girl and make this next week an endless hell. Or, you can act like a young lady and enjoy all this. Just relax, it won't be as bad as it seems." Ray grudgingly saw the logic in that. "All right," he replied "but just remember, this isn't easy for me." "I understand. I'll tell you what. For the next week, Ray doesn't exist. You are Rhea. And there isn't anything strange about Rhea wearing dresses and getting made over, is there?" "I...I guess not." "There. Just relax. Try to look at things as a woman would. I promise you nothing bad will happen. Just try to keep an open mind. Will you do that?" "All right." "Good. Who knows, after all is said and done, you might find you understand women just a little bit more. Then you could explain them to Brian." Both Tracy and 'Rhea' grinned. "Tracy!" a voice called "I haven't seen you here for ages!" Ray and Tracy looked up. An attractive brunette who looked to be in her mid-thirties, was standing before them. A name tag on her shirt identified her as "Molly." "Molly!" shouted Tracy. They gave each other a quick hug. "It's been so long!" "So why haven't you been around here lately? We've all missed you!" Tracy grinned. "I'm getting married." With that, half the employees of the salon surrounded Tracy. Everyone wanted to know about the guy, to see the ring, to bombard her with questions. Ray remained in his chair, feeling nervous and slightly left out. Finally, the excitement died down. "So what can we do for you today?" asked Molly. "Nothing for me today," replied Tracy "though I'm sure I'll practically be living here the week before the wedding." Molly smiled. "No, today I want you to see what you can do with my friend Rhea." Tracy indicated Ray. She then pulled out a credit card and handed it to Molly. Give her 'the works.' Something occurred to Ray. These beauty treatments were far from cheap, and here Tracy was, paying for the whole thing. For decency's sake, he had better act like he enjoyed this. He managed a realistic smile. Molly lead him out of the waiting room and into the main part of the salon. The few times Ray had scraped up enough money for a haircut he had always gone to a cheap local barbershop. He was used to the "wash, shampoo, cut, pay" routine. In his mind that is what he pictured this treatment was going to be like. Once again, he was in for quite shock. This salon was about the size of a bus terminal. It was decorated in style: plush carpet, expensive wallpaper, delicate furnishings. Quite a step up from the shag carpets and stained wallpaper of Nero's Palace. Soft music played in the background. Several customers, all women, lounged about while they were peered, made over, and manicured. Ray had never even suspected this place existed. Molly escorted Ray to a chair in front of a mirror. Several beauticians followed. They studied Ray. They discussed among themselves possibilities for his hair, his makeup, and his nails. Ray began to feel trapped and a little scared. Having Tracy make him over was one thing, but professionals? What if they realized who he really was? He turned to Tracy for moral support. To his horror she was heading out the door, back into the mall. "W-Where are you going?" Ray said, barely remembering to keep his voice soft and feminine. "I just have to pick up a few things. I'll be back to pick you up later." She noticed his scared expression. "Don't worry, you'll be fine!" Then she was gone. Molly handed Ray a pink bathrobe and motioned to a dressing room in the back. She instructed him to change into it. Ray did as he was ordered. The dressing room was very large. It was more like a locker room than anything else. There were even a few showers in the back for people who wanted to clean up before being made over. Ray looked at himself in the mirror. He had to admit that even this way, wearing just a bathrobe and a little makeup, he still looked very girlish. Maybe it was the long red tresses that now hung loosely around his shoulders. Maybe it was the way he nervously clutched the robe around his slim frame. Maybe it was the scared, innocent look in his eyes. Whatever it was, Ray definitely did not look like the picture of manhood. Ray was so absorbed in contemplating himself that he did not notice when someone came out of the shower area. It was not until he heard a voice behind him that he realized that he was not alone. "Would you hand me that towel?" asked a feminine voice behind him. Ray turned in shock. Not four feet in front of him stood a very beautiful young woman. She looked to be about seventeen or eighteen, around Ray's age. She had straight black hair, long legs, and was very tan. She was wet from just getting out of the shower. She was not wearing a stitch of clothes. Ray nearly panicked. For a few seconds he could do nothing but stare. He was in a girl's shower room! He had to get out of there! The young woman didn't seem upset at all. "Could you hand me that towel?" she asked again. Ray snapped out of his frightened state. "My God," he thought as he passed her the towel, "she doesn't suspect a thing! She thinks I'm just another girl." "I'm Kayla," said the girl as she dried herself. "Oh, uh, I'm Rhea." "Nice to know you. You seem a little nervous. Is something wrong?" Ray used every bit of willpower to keep his eyes focused on Kayla's face and nowhere else. "Oh, no! I mean, uh, this is my first time here, and uh, I'm a little nervous." Ray hoped that didn't sound too strange. Kayla smiled. She wrapped the towel around her head. He hair was now covered. The rest of her remained free and unfettered. "Don't worry honey. They treat you great here! You'll come out looking like a million bucks. Is your hair naturally red?" "Yes..yes it is." "Lucky girl. Something about a redhead really attracts a guy's attention. Well, I have to get back out there before they give my appointment to someone else. And hey, don't worry, you'll have the time of your life." Kayla gave Ray a friendly, one-armed hug. She donned a bathrobe like Ray's and went back to the salon. That was the closest Ray had ever been to a naked woman, especially one as gorgeous as Kayla. He felt faint all over. With a lot of effort he managed to find his way back to Molly without falling down. "Let's face it," he thought "there might be a definite plus side do all this that I hadn't thought of before." Molly met Ray at the door of the dressing room and motioned for him to sit in another chair. She looked him over for another minute, then smiled. "Rhea," she began "It's nice to have an attractive young woman in here for once. Between you and me, most of my clients are ugly old women. You and Kayla are the only pretty girls we've had in here all week." Ray mumbled an embarrassed thank you. Not only was he easily passing as a girl, he was passing as a pretty one. "I think I know the perfect look for you. When I'm finished you'll look like you just stepped off the cover of Vogue. And honey," Molly leaned closer and whispered "the guys will be lined up outside your door. You could have a new guy take you out every night of the week." While Ray never had any formal acting training, he still had done a lot of practice on his own. This is probably why he was able to manage to smile sweetly while his stomach had tied itself into a panicked knot. "Are you ready to begin?" Ray managed another sweet smile. "O.K. Oh, one thing before I begin. No peeking until I'm finished with you." Molly turned the only nearby mirror so that Ray couldn't see his reflection. Ray's stomach tied itself into a bow. Tracy had done the same thing to him. When she was finished with him he looked like a young woman. What would he look like when Molly finished? Ray's time in the salon passed in a blur. Once, several months ago, he had gone to see an auto race at the local track. One memory that stood out was seeing the pit crew in action. Several mechanics would leap on to a car before it had even stopped moving. They would each rush in, perform some sort of repair, and rush off again. Within thirty seconds, the car was repaired, tuned up, and racing again. Ray felt a lot like that car. A legion of beauticians rushed around him, each one rapidly performing some process of beautification. He was being overhauled, just like an engine. When they were finished, he would leave the beauty shop as a new person. All he could do is sit back and pray for the best. His hair was washed and put up in rollers. His skin was treated to a variety of ointments and creams. No less than three manicurists filed, sanded, and painted his finger (and toe!) nails. Ray tried to keep still as his face was painted, washed, and painted again. Several times he tried to sneak a peak in a mirror, but could never get a good look. Ray wanted to scream, to run, to blurt out the truth. All his life he had tried to fight his sissy image, now he had surrendered to it! Of course, to tell everyone he was a man would be a worse humiliation. Finally, everything was complete. Several salon employees stood around the chair, admiring their work. He was eventually lead over to a full length mirror. Ray had often hear the age old account of people who have had cosmetic surgery. The doctor takes off the bandages, and viola! A whole new person. Didn't even recognize the reflection. Ray had always thought that was total garbage. No matter how 'changed' someone was, they would always recognize themselves. One look in the mirror changed Ray's attitude completely. Someone he didn't know peered back at him from the mirror. Someone with long, curly red hair that hung silkily down to her shoulders. Someone with long, red nails, and delicate hands. Someone with pale, soft looking skin. Someone with a mouth that was painted an exotic red and cheeks painted a delicate pink. Someone pretty. Someone feminine. A woman. Ray knew, though his mind refused to process the idea, that he was that someone. It was a transformation that not even Brian could top. Ray grinned in spite of himself. The tiny hope that had kindled inside of him since he had first agreed to dress as a woman, the hope that he could never pass as a woman, died. He turned to the staff. "You guys did an incredible job. I can honestly say I have never looked this pretty in all my life." With he best forced smile he slinked back to the changing room and donned his old clothes. When he came out, the beauticians presented him with the shampoo's, conditioners, gels, and makeup that could keep him looking that pretty for over a month. When he walked out into the waiting room, Tracy was waiting for him. "Rhea!" she exclaimed "you look positively darling! While, you'll be the envy of every girl!" Molly came over and joined them. "Not to mention, the desire of every guy!" Tracy and Molly laughed. Ray blushed down to his shoulders. Chapter Six Ray followed Tracy out into the shopping mall. "Just a minute," said Tracy. "I picked up a few things while you were getting made over. They said they'd send someone up to take the bags to the car...ah, there he is now." A good-looking teenage boy approached them, staggering under the weight of several dozen shopping bags, each bearing the name of a trendy clothing store attached to the mall. Ray was horrified to see that the boy carrying the bags had been in several of his high school classes, before he had dropped out. His name was George. Ray quickly turned away and hoped that he wouldn't be recognized. The three of them headed out towards the parking lot. Ray glanced over once to see if George seemed to recognize him. To Ray's horror, George smiled and winked at him. "Oh my God," thought Ray "he knows. He knows it's me and by tomorrow so will everyone in town." Ray wished that he could disappear. He wished he could just start over in another town. To be a man again. The walk to the car seemed to be fifty miles, as he waited for George to let on that he knew who he really was. When they got to the car, George smiled and winked again as he loaded the bags into the trunk. He accepted a tip from Tracy and went back to the store. He looked back and grinned once more at Ray. Ray wanted to die. He got into the car as quickly as he could. Maybe, if he was lucky, George would keep the secret to himself. Maybe.... "Rhea, now that you are all made up, lets go over to my place, and....what's wrong honey? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Ray could hardly find the words. "That boy...the one who took your bags....he knows me...we went to school together...he knows I'm a secret's life is ruined..." he choked back a sob. "Now none of that" replied Tracy sternly "you'll ruin your makeup. Now what makes you think he recognized you?" "You saw him! He kept smiling and winking! He knew who I was! You don't think he'll tell anyone do you?" Tracy smiled. "Rhea, I don't think you have anything to worry about. If anyone told him you were a guy, he'd probably laugh." "But you saw the way he kept grinning. Why else would he?" "C'mon, think for a minute. What makes guys smile?" "Well, I....." Ray's eyes opened wide "you don't think...I mean, he couldn't have been....could he?" Tracy smiled. "Speaking as someone who knows, I'd say he was definitely flirting with you. Good thing you were scared, if you had smiled back he probably would have asked you out." Ray was too stunned to respond. "Listen Rhea, I picked up a few things for you. I'm going to take you over to my place and try them on you." Without waiting for Ray's reply, she pulled out of the mall parking lot. When Tracy began to unpack the bags of clothes she had bought for Ray, he realized that she had picked up more than "a few things." She had picked him up an entire wardrobe. He now had enough women's clothes to last him indefinitely. Ray was slightly upset. He had accepted the fact that he would be dressing in women's fashions for the next year or so, but he didn't like the idea of Tracy spending so much money on it. It was almost as if she expected him to dress like a woman long after the Vegas gig was over. "What's the deal, Tracy? I though we agreed that I just wear your cast offs. I don't like you wasting all your money on me." "Well, at first I thought you'd make do in my clothes, but then I decided that if you were going to live as Rhea for a year, you were going to do it in style. If you have to be a woman, you might as well be dressed as nice as you can. Don't worry about me, this is just my way of saying thanks for agreeing to do this." Tracy then began to show Ray what she had bought for him. Ray hoped that she had picked some fairly androgynous clothes, but that was not the case. Everything was clearly meant for a woman. First came the underwear. While Ray would only be allowed to take of his 'sex hiding device' when showering, Tracy still insisted that he wear a nice pair of panties over it. Ray had hoped that they would be bland cotton ones, but he was once again disappointed. Everything Tracy had picked out was either made of silk or black lace. For the first time, Ray was glad he'd have to wear the 'device.' Those panties didn't leave much to the imagination. After he had recovered from the shock of the panties, he began to look at the hose that Tracy had bought. Most of it was regular bland nylons in a variety of colors to match whatever outfit he was wearing. However, there were three of four pairs of black, fishnet stockings. These were clearly designed to be erotic; to show off a woman's legs. "Hey, what's with these?" asked Ray. "What's wrong with them?" replied Tracy, the very picture of innocent intentions. "Women never wear hose like this unless they are trying to turn on their boyfriends or are posing for one of those calendars you always see in gas stations!" "Well, you can wear them during the act...I always did." "Nice try, but I know it's the hotel's responsibility to provide the costumes. Seriously, what did you expect me to do with these?" "Well," said Tracy with a coy grin "I'm sure you'll figure out something" Ray, at Tracy's request, began to try on the outfits. She had really gone to town. Blouses, camisoles, skirts, dresses, sweaters...Ray would not have to worry about having nothing to wear for a long time. The clothes made him uncomfortable. Not only were none of them androgynous, none of them were conservative. Every skirt was cut short. Every shirt was sleeveless. Every dress showed off either his back or shoulders. Each dress also was cut just short enough in the front to expose as much skin possible without revealing he didn't really have breasts. Each t-shirt didn't come down all the way, a small portion of his midriff was almost always exposed. Everything seemed to be trimmed with lace and frills. Tracy had even purchased a pair of strapless 'falsies' so they wouldn't show when he wore gowns that exposed his shoulders. Every shoe, except for a pair of woman's sneakers, had high heels. There was not a single pair of jeans in the pile. Ray would be wearing skirts for quite some time. With the exception of a woman's cardigan and jacket (with matching skirt) there wasn't a single dull thing in the bunch. He would not only be wearing woman's clothes, he would be wearing sexy women's clothes. Tracy had even bought him a swimsuit! It was one piece, of course, red, and cut somewhat modestly. There was full coverage in front, though the back was still exposed. Ray was glad that he had such freckled skin; he'd hate to get a sun tan around that suit! He also realized he would have to wear his 'sex hiding device' very tight if he didn't want to draw attention. R

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Lingerie Shopping

I sighed at my reflection. Baggy grey faded knickers from M&S and an old white Wonderbra that was far too big for me. I desperately needed new underwear, and being recently dumped gave me a perfect excuse.I went out with Simon for seven years and lived with him for five. After a few years, underwear wasn't my biggest priority... I'd become content with hairy legs, faded pants and saggy bras.Since Simon had dumped me out of the blue, several months earlier, I'd decided to give myself one big...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday sis

I don’t really consider myself a sexually-active. I don’t enjoy watching porn (that much). And I don’t even have a steady boyfriend. But mind you that I am full-fledge female. I love to dress up. I love to keep myself tidy. I love to hang out with friends. My short story revolves around how my brother-in-law forced himself into me and how it’s changed me forever.In hindsight (which is always 20/20) I should have noticed his advances early. Real fucking early. Now I realize that he’s a fucking...

4 years ago
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Hooking up with the Neighbor

The other day I was out mowing the lawn. I am in my mid forties and in good shape. I could see my neighbor Thomas down the street shooting hoops. He is just out of high school about 5' 10" and a lean Latino. I finished the lawn and he came over and asked me if I wanted to play hoops. I had played hoops. catch, four square in the neighborhood with the k**s for years. So, I did not think anything of it.We were playing for about 20 minutes and Thomas said he was getting hot and he took his...

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Mum Was My Teacher

I am a 24-year old woman from Manchester,UK. My family consists of mother, Amy, father,Lee, sister, Claire and myself, Sarah. When I wasgrowing up we lived in a semi detached house. Wewere like most of our neighbors, just making a livingand going to school. My life changed when I wassixteen. I went to a school that required that all of thestudents wear a uniform. All of us girls hated havingto wear the same type of clothes every day. Wetried to rebel by doing things like making the...

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(Mary Ellen is seduced into Anal sex by her loving neighbors)Chapter 1Mary Ellen Jakowski sat in her kitchen with her good friend Dana Carter having their usual morning coffee. The two women had been friends since the Carters moved into the neighborhood five years ago. Their husbands, Richard and Drew, had become buddies as well. They were "backyard" friends, as their privacy fences were connected. In fact, they rarely went to one another's house through the front door. It was a one-block walk...

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My first story waking up during the night

I was awakened by a loud clap of thunder. I sleepily looked at the alarm clock on my beside table, it read 3:47. I turned and gazed at my sleeping husband. He looked so peaceful. I smiled, feeling the love I have for him swell inside me. The moonlight shown through our window blinds, casting a glow on Kevin' partially covered nude body. He looked so sexy laying there and I became aroused. I wanted him so badly but I didn’t want to wake him. I gently eased the sheet away from his body until his...

2 years ago
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Our Witchy Friends The Knights Part One

Some witches are bad, But some are very good!Well, I had no one to blame but myself. I’m the dummy who accepted the invite to the big motor home of our competitors, Lyn and Leo Knight. People in the know at the jewelry show warned me that strange things often happened inside, but I paid no attention. Hell! They’re ten to fifteen years older than us. Why would they be interested in us?I was even taken aside by a female friend who said Leo had powers over women as well as Lyn being a witch who...

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 44

14:35 Saturday, November 9th, 1991 La Costa Resort and Spa 2100 Costa del Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92009 Junior Harding hadn't made his flight, though American came through, and he'd flown to Dallas, then San Diego. His hotel room in the La Costa was paid for, it had been waiting for him when he – finally – arrived. The long damned walk up the hill from the parking lot with his garment bag over his shoulder, in his now-thoroughly-wrinkled Service Alphas, the drab khaki uniform of the...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 192 take down

Dante was parked beside the empty crew car when the supplier came. He got out of the Lincoln Navigator and into the Mercedes which belonged to Dante. Recovering that Mercedes had been an after thought almost. While his crew was delivering the crew car, the blond mercenary and Abra picked it up without incident. The Chinese dope supplier slipped into the silver colored Mercedes which had been gangsterized with all kinds of gaudy crap hanging on it. It was pure pimp my ride shit. It took the...

2 years ago
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Femdom In A Small City Part 1

Hello, this is raj from india. Jab me bcom part 3 me tha tab mujhe femdom ka chaska lag gaya, samay ke saath wo badta gaya. Ghar me mast sister thi jiski shaadi ho gai thi. Gradution ke baad mene job start ki. Meri job basicly office job thi. So I was happy with my job. Office me meri TL ek smart girl Tanya thi. Abhi meri job ki starting thi to mujhe kafi kuch sikhna tha. Meri tl bahut coprative thi khas kar ke mere saath. Jab kabhi mujhe koi bhi problem hoti me direct uski kabin me jakar...

4 years ago
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Execution of Danish cartoonist

Execution of Danish cartoonist.1. The events leading up to her capture.Sarah sat in her cell and thought about the event leading up to her execution. It was only two years ago that she received an order from a Danish newspaper to drawing a picture of the damn prophet.She had lived her entire life in Denmark and had devoted her life to her work. She liked her work as a cartoonist even though it was not well paid and she had not a say of what kind of drawing she should draw. It was her employer...

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Sea KingChapter 27

"This is unbelievable!" Dent exclaimed as he looked at the pile of papers sitting on the desk in front of him. "How could anyone understand, let alone run, this mess?" Dent, Nesho and Paco spent the better part of three days secluded in Garishnie's old study going over the details of the deBabear's far flung empire. It turned out to be far more substantial then even teNeigho was aware. In addition to the two houses -- mansions really -- and the three brothels, there were a number of...

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Island Royale Institutional White Slavery in the New Millennium REPOST

This is a repost of the story I recently submitted, edited as necessary because of the limitations of the XNXX website format which confuses graphics, inexplicably substitutes a question mark for quotation marks at times, and does not permit footnotes. It is hoped therefore that this reposting will provide more clarity. I have also reposted the story as one entire novella because it is hoped the sprinkling of negative comments I have received results from the previous inability of the...

4 years ago
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Sarah Finds Pleasure in Pissing

Sarah always enjoyed waking up with a full bladder. She gently pushed the bulge to feel the pressure. She slept naked and so released the covers exposing her perky nipples and lightly trimmed pussy. It was her routine in the morning that she felt her body. It was comforting. She started at her torso and worked her way up to her breasts. She was especially tender this morning. She felt a slight twinge between her legs. She rubbed the outside of her pussy then rolled out of bed, lightly...

4 years ago
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Tell me one of yours

You make me watch you fuck a slut while she eats my pussy and I finger myself till I cum all in her mouth. The whole time you are fucking her you are telling me how you are going to fill her pussy up with cum just so you can watch me eat it out of her. After you fill her up you make me eat your hot cum out of her pussy. Then we both suck and lick your cock, balls and ass until you get rock hard again. Then I ride you while she fingers my ass until I gush all over your cock. Then when you are...

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Stormy night by the fire

I often wondered through the course of our growing up “why dose this prefect creature waist his time on a clumsy bookworm like me?” But for as long as I can remember David has been my hero. Since he lived four houses down from me we always went to the same school, and on several occasions he stopped bullies from beating my brains out. To show my gratitude I would do his math homework for him. But despite our differences, we shared a special kind of bond from the first time we met. As time...

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Coming In Out of The Rain

Today I was out running errands, and it started to rain. I made a few stops and manage to avoid getting soaked. It looked like the rain wasn't letting up, so I decided to make one more stop, then head home.I pulled into the d**gstore and went in to pick up a few things. Our local d**gstore is like a huge convenience store with all sorts of things, so I pickup up a few snacks, some vitamins and the allergy medication I came for. I checked out and headed out the front to where I had parked a...

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New Neighborhood New Fun Ch 1 of 4

Hello, My name is Lisa. I am 34 years old with medium length blond hair. I have a very nice body, in spite of having had two kids. One benefit of the kids is that my boobs have grown from my previous C cups to DD’s. I have a very shapely body and get hit on all of the time. Our family recently moved from one suburb of Dallas to another to be closer to my husband’s work. Even though we left a house and neighbors that I loved, it was fine with me, since we are also closer to my family and that...

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Ana and her former Boss

Our good friends Janine and Bob had rented a nice cottage in the woods and they had invited us to spend a weekend with them.My sweet wife was delighted to go there. Bob had been Ana’s former Boss and his wife Janine had been a close friend during so many time. I barely had met them in the past; but they were a nice couple. The first night after dinner, we sat down close to the bonfire in the chimney and had a few drinks; chatting about all sorts of things.After midnight everybody was a little...

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It was five o'clock Friday evening as I walked in the front door of my house and began shedding clothes on my way to the shower. As the water was coming to temperature I looked at my face in the mirror. I'm not a vain man by any definition, but every so often I just need to see what if any changes have occured since my last perusal.My hair is light brown and in the last few years there has been a noticeable retreat of my hairline. If it kept going I vowed to shave it bald instead of fighting...

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first time getting dick flashedfemale perspective

This is a true story circa 2012. One morning im walking back from my exes sisters house who was my bff at the time and we hung out all the time drinking wine and such. She stayed about 5 blocks from me so i was walking home to shower n change clothes and return. I was walking home in just a white tee and grey short shorts. I got to the end of her block and this blue nissan that drives around the neighborhood was pulling to a stop by me. The driver had his window down and offered me a ride I was...

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New Years Resolution Chapter 1

New Year’s Resolution - January I hurt.  Everywhere on my body hurts: legs, ass, back, arms, chest.  And I swear even my hair seems to scream in pain.  “Diane,” I think to myself, “how did I get here?” December 25, 2016 The holidays used to be a happy time for me before the death of my wife Diane a year and a half ago.  I remember when the kids were small we used to stay up most of Christmas Eve wrapping presents, putting together toys, drinking a little too much, and then make love whenever...

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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Nine

Well, ‘going with Molly.’ It didn’t really count as going with her, seeing as she had no idea I was there. One side of me knew that I couldn’t reveal myself. Even with the amount of time that had passed, I couldn’t just re-inject myself back into her life. But at the same time… I had to protect her. Yes, I could protect her from myself, but that didn’t mean there weren’t other things she needed protection from too. Probably most of those things co-existed together perfectly in the atmosphere...

2 years ago
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Knight and Dey 3 Meet the Knights

{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex's has a condition that changes his gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Alex's simple goal is complicated by a power struggle within the first school he's ever attended. That struggle is about to take on wider implications. - WARNING: This story has been heavily manga influenced.} Knight and Dey 3: Meet the Knights By Ron Dow75 Out in the outer office of school administration, police...

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First Time having gay sex Chapter 3 HOT

Background info If you haven't read the first 2 chapters of this story, i think you should to get a better understanding of the situation. But anyway i am a 26 year old masculine bi-sexual black dude, i have fucked 100s of female, but secretly desired men, recently i engaged in gay sex with the guy of my dream. He's tall very very muscular thuggish he looks like a hoodish younger version of Michael Ealy( Ricky From Barber Shop) with baby dread locks. His Name is Jay( as far as i know). He...

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ShesNew Avi Love Pretty Filthy For A First Timer

Avi wants to prove she‘s TeamSkeet Material on her first shoot for This beautiful brunette with perky natural tits does not look like she should be shooting porn. When asking her what she can do, this first time porn shoot amatuer gets your dick stiff with her answer. You know it‘s always the wholesome innocent ones that will say they can squeeze your cock with their vagina. Tell me seeing this perfectly tanned petite first time girl shooting porn doesn‘t get your dick as hard a...

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FillUpMyMom Slimthick Vic Putting Mom On The Market

If I could solve equations the way I can lay 3 pointers, I’d be money. But ya know, the universe doesn’t work that way – bros gotta hustle. My buddy Darius Dawson is a straight fucking nerd and I see an opportunity to get my grades up. Here’s the deal; Darius does all my homework, my papers & projects and he gets to fuck Slimthick Vic, my hot as hell mom. Naturally, Darius was in. Now for mom. She was out of her mind at the proposal, but the thought of her big boy...

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The Proposal Chapter 2

After I finished cleaning up from dinner, I went to our home office where Allie was doing paperwork. She looked up and I gave her a kiss.“Busy?” I asked.“Just paying some bills. What’s up?”“Since we have this pool, what do you think about partnering with a therapy organization to give them access for water aerobics and therapy?”“It just so happens that we’ve been contacted by a major hospital wanting to do that very thing, but they want more than pool access, they want to use our exercise...

Wife Lovers
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Morning Worship

I rode the bus to work this morning. It was cold and empty - a symptom of the crisp late autumn air, the kind of weather that turns your breath to steam and your extremities into fumbling appendages that lack grace. The top deck of the bus was barren bar myself and several discarded newspapers, the windows thick with condensation from the body heat of departed commuters, drops of water running rivulets down the glass-like beads of sweat between your lover's shoulders.I thought about how your...

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Mothers Problem Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Patricia found herself laying naked in bed, groaning in utter frustration. So far, she had masturbated relentlessly for about an hour, trying to make the aching in fiery loins go away. Nothing worked. Not the vibrator, dildo, plugs or even a combination of the aforementioned. It also didn’t help that right now, she could her son ploughing his girlfriend Alicia. Through the walls, she could hear the younger woman’s gasps. Not that she could blame the girl. Patricia had suckled and...

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DaisyChapter 19

Sharon and Daisy were leaving on the same day, so when Daisy got back to school and got reacquainted with Amy and Brian she broke her own record with six people in two days, Several times each. She glowed like a lantern the whole next week. Amy told her that the holidays hadn't gone as smooth as she had hoped. Her mother had gone ballistic over her having a steady boyfriend. Amy told her she was old enough to make her own decisions. She had left the door open to her mother, but for now they...

2 years ago
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my first sex

in middle school me and andy where best mates stuck together like glue.back in 1976 the hottest summer in years,we had just dicovered girls. women thanks to the hords of porn mags strewn around the local woods,we hd built a camp and we whould sit together pouring over the pictures of naked women and men posing in obscene positions,if we were lucky we'd find pictures of people fucking this made me and andy very horney . andy was the same age as me slim mousey blond slight in build me. i was a...

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William Redman CarterChapter 45

After a noisy and busy afternoon, the house had finally quieted down. The office staff had returned to the hotel in which they were staying until more permanent housing could be arranged. Colt and Nicole had taken over duties as bodyguards while Rock and Natalie retired to their room. Lisa was cleaning up the kitchen while Ken was watching television with Tim. Lucy and William sat on the patio waiting for sunset. William was silent while considering the events earlier in the day. Lucy...

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The Misadventures of Nylogirl

Megalopolis is a crime riddled city in dire need of a hero, or in my case, heroine. My name is Julie Hosaree, but my alter ego is Nylogirl. From what I can recall from my broken memories, I'm the result of genetic experimentation, an attempt at a super solider. While I have the super strength and speed there are some... Side effects. My powers only work when I'm aroused, my 4" cock must be at full attention or I'm just plain ol' Julie, nurse at a local hospital. Since my power depend on me...

4 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 9 Thursday August 5 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010 Jake knocked on the door to the Motel 6 at 8:30 on the dot. Emily opened the door a crack to see who it was. He had read as he approached the room that they were awake though not yet dressed to face the day. “Jake!” Emily squealed. She threw open the door and launched herself at him. She jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. “Emily, you’re not dressed,” Lizzie snapped. Jake had to admit that there were a whole lot of Emily’s legs showing. She slid...

3 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 38

The following morning I got out of bed early, long before Peggy woke up, put on my sweats and running shoes, went outside and began running laps around the outer perimeter of the property. I've always enjoyed the silence of early morning; the stillness that envelopes the world just before sunrise. It reminds me, just a little, of the days before I could link. With only the sound of my feet hitting the ground to distract me I was able to focus on nothing at all, slipping into that no-mind...

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Kishen8217s lifechanging discovery 8211 Part 4

Hello, fellow horny heads of ISS. I wish you a Happy New Year! This is part 4 of ‘Kishen’s life-changing discovery’ series. This part focuses on the sexual escapade of Kishen’s best buddies, Tariq and Deepak. So let’s go! Aroused from hearing Hema’s desire to be fucked by three cocks at once, Tariq asked Hema for another quickie before he left. The risks were high. It was around when Deepak, Hema’s son and Tariq’s best friend, would return home. But, as they say, the risk factor adds flavour to...

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Friday Night In Part 2

I feel arms wrap around my waist. As she hugs me, she whispers, "Thank you for earlier but you left before I could help you." She says it in such a way that I know this will be interesting... I try to turn around to see my beautiful wife but she stops me and begins slowly undoing the buttons of my shirt. Removing the shirt from my back, she kisses my shoulder and then starts to undo my jeans, one button at a time, very slowly, teasing me that much more. After the last button is undone, she...

Straight Sex
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Karma Part 7

Karma Part 7 When I woke up I wasn't sure where I was. I looked around the room and nothing was familiar. Then I heard the sound of a young boy laughing and I remembered I was at Anita's. With recollection came all the memories from the night before. "Rita." I thought to myself. As I started to get up my back let me know that I did a little bit too much yesterday. Settling back down to give it a moment I noticed the time. "10:22 am? God how could Anita let me sleep so late? I...

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Pyarse Choda

Hay i am riteh me ISS ka regural pahai karata he or aaj me apani realy story batane ja raha hu pahale me apana intro karwata hu me 23years old hu meri hight 5.6’or waight jyada nahi 54kg he jo koi bhi ladaki udha sakati he weseme dikhane me kafi smart hu or jisako bhi men choda he wo kahati he ki tumahara land bahot hi mast he yeh to mere bare me batachhaa abb jyada apane bare me nahi likhata apani story par aata hu meri pahali story aap ko keshi lagi hame sayad pata he ki aap ko achhi hi lagi...

5 years ago
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Taste Of Glory

On the ride up northbound Interstate 95 from South Carolina to North Carolina you will come up on a club called “Exotic Angels”. “Exotic Angels” bills themselves as the “The one stop shop for all your Adult Toys and Entertainment needs.” Now “Exotic Angels” is a business like any other. They need to advertise in order to bring in customers. The only problem is that they do it through the use of billboards that start showing up about 20 miles before the exit. I don’t blame them for this,...

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First Time in the BehindChapter 2

He pulled her upward, his hands filling with her hot, sweat- damp tits. Nicole climbed atop Bill Archer, grinding her excited body down upon his. Her mouth covered his. She sucked his tongue the way she'd sucked his cock, and beneath her body, she could feel his prick, as big, as hard, and as eager for her pussy as it had been for her mouth. "You just passed one of the tests," she whispered. "I won't fuck a man who doesn't want to kiss me after I've sucked him off!" He kissed her...

4 years ago
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FIL Filled Me

I am a sexy featured married housewife with 36D firm bust line and a very sexy and firm butt. Immediately after my honeymoon husband left for the States on a job assignment. I was left back home and stayed with my Father in law (FIL). My FIL was a 55 years old retired army man with a rough and tough figure. He appeared more masculine than his son. I have seen his lusty looks over my boobs and ass. My MIL died long ago and therefore I thought this old man must be very hot going without sex for...

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She is Beautiful Part 5

It was around 11 when I awoke. The sound of even deep breathing emanated from both Lily and Samantha telling me their sleep was sound brought on by an intense round of supernatural sex. I rose off the sex-soaked bed and had to pee badly but first I leaned down and gently kissed Samantha’s beautiful face a few times till she stirred, her vision blurry and dazed.Sam pulled me into a deep kiss so I climbed back on top of her. As I settled my body along her, she said, “oomph – my bladder is so...

Group Sex
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My Niece grows up

So there I was, standing under the shower, shaving my cock and balls, and leaving just a small, neatly trimmed patch of hair above my cock.The feeling of smooth balls and cock always made me horny, and I stepped out of the shower with a half an erection, my swollen cock jutting out at half-mast….That’s when I saw my young niece standing staring wide-eyed at my cock with a look of total fascination. “Oh, I’m sorry” I said, “I didn’t hear you come in, the water was running”“That’s OK” she said,...

1 year ago
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Margaret lost her virginity to a fling Real Hookup Experiences

After joining the New York University, Margaret never had a day of peace. She is from Oklahoma and the vibrant life of the city was beyond her. She had a hard time making her place among the divas in college. She could hardly imagine dressing so fashion-forward in an educational institution. But she wanted to feel included badly. She wanted a boyfriend. She was 22-year-old and still a virgin- a secret she intended to take to her grave. She appeared nerdy which did not help either. So, she...

Real Hookup
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The Minx Part I

Tiffany, the daughter of my next door neighbour, was a hot eighteen year old girl who had a body that men would drool over. She often liked to flaunt herself for the boys, wearing small cut-off tops that revealed her slim waist, and small daisy duke jean shorts which showed ample cheeks of her round, perfect ass. I’d often see her lying in the back yard, wearing little more than a string bikini that showed the natural curves and smooth skin of her half-naked form. At times I used to stand to...

2 years ago
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Simms world 2025

Welcome to Simms 2025 virtual xxx meeting place. Here you can craft your own persona and interact with other Simms of other creators. Simply plug your personal data port into the simm interface and your mind will be channeled into the world of Simms 2025. However be advised that this is only a beta test model so you are advised to back up your personality matrix before entering in case of corruption. Now if you will input yourself and choose a simm body and choose your companion from the other...

3 years ago
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Dear Diary 732020

Finals were over, my last one was 2 days after his as he was a part time student and I had a bigger course load. I'd been back home where I lived with my mom for 3 days, when she called to me and said I had a visitor. It was Bean, at my door. "What are you doing here?" I asked, my brain not quite wrapping round the idea that I was seeing him here, at my home, and not at school. Before he could answer I continued, "Your parents let you come here?" And then over it all, "And how do...

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Oh BoyChapter 29

We had to wait for the other playoff games to be played before we knew where the American League pennant games would start. We knew we would be playing Oakland when that series was done. We all thought Detroit would be our opponent, but Oakland prevailed. This was going to be the first four of seven to determine who would go to the World Series. Oakland was a killer team. Their pitching was really good from top to bottom, and they seemed to be able to hit anything from anyone. Price told me...

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