Venezuelan College Student With Two Blonde Danish Slaves
- 3 years ago
- 35
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Execution of Danish cartoonist.
1. The events leading up to her capture.
Sarah sat in her cell and thought about the event leading up to her execution. It was only two years
ago that she received an order from a Danish newspaper to drawing a picture of the damn prophet.
She had lived her entire life in Denmark and had devoted her life to her work. She liked her work as
a cartoonist even though it was not well paid and she had not a say of what kind of drawing she
should draw. It was her employer who decided what to draw. She had never had a boyfriend and she
was still a virgin. She had never been outside Denmark. Even tough she thought that she did know
about other cultures because she like the most of the population in Denmark did have a 20 canals
Like many Danes she did not know much about Islam. Of course she saw the news program where
Muslims did blown them selves up and of course she like the most of the Danish population did buy
her Colas in a small shop owned by a man from down there. She did not know exactly from which
country the shop owner did come from.
It was not even the same shop owner every time because he like most of these shops owners in
Denmark did sell his stop to a "cousin" after some 3 or 4 months and then left Denmark. The
Danish Tax department would otherwise close the shop if the shop owners did not do it because
they sell false bus cards, stolen phone cards and colas smuggled in from Poland.
So of course she like the rest of Denmark was surprised when the whole drawing conflict did
explode all over the Middle East. At once she was contacted by the Danish secret police that
assigned two cops to her protection. At first she was frightened especially because some guy down
in Iran did promise a reward for her and the other cartoonists death. All she had done was to do her
After some time the Danish government decided that it was time to stop the international
involvement of Denmark. The troops were redrawn from various places around the world. Human
aid organizations where dissolved because none wanted aid from Denmark anyhow. The Danes did
get tax reductions and a happier times seems to come to Denmark. The drawing crisis as far as the
Danish population did concern did have a positive outcome.
Sarah continued her work. She did cartoons but of course none did order new drawings of the
prophet. After 18 months the Danish secret police did redraw their protection but she was tolled not
to tell about her line of work.
After a busy week she one Saturday did went down to the small shop after some cola. Again it was
a new owner. She was the only customer in the shop. Just as she was ready to pay a trapdoor opened
in the floor below her. She went down in the basement where she landed on a stack of pillows. At
once the trapdoor closed above her and someone in the dark seized her. She did feel a needle in her
arm and then it went black..
2. In Iran and the trial.
When she woke she did not know for how long she had passed away. She woke in a kind of prison
cell. It was rather hot in the cell. Then the door of the cell did open.
A kind of priest did come in. He presented himself as Haji Rezaii and that he was a religious judge
of the small town of Neka. He did inform her that she was about to be put on trial along with
another cartoonist they too had abducted.
He also informed her that she was free to call the Danish embassy in order to get a lawyer and that
she properly did have a need for a good defense because her crime was to serious that she would be
punished by death.
She did a she was tolled and the next day her lawyer - Ahmed - did show up. He said. "All tough I
personally do not like these cartoons I am a lawyer and would try to get you acquitted. The Danish
government have protested and every Muslim in Denmark have been captured by the police and
have been put into camps and Denmark have of course like UN made a protest against Iran. But I
feel that now even a pressure from the entire world would influence the outcome of this trial."
After some two days it was time for the trial. Sarah tried to explain that she only did draw cartoons
that other ordered and the newspaper did decide the subject the cartoon should be about. The judge
did listen and the prosecution did not say anything but a statement that the case spoke for it selves
and no further evidence was needed.
The judge then said that he would announce the verdict next Tuesday so the town could have time
to prepare the execution if she was found guilty. She would have to wait for two days. She was
asked if she used her left or right hand she worked. She did find it a rather strange question but she
replied: "Left".
The next day her lawyer did visit her in the prison cell. He was very sad. He tolled her that the other
Danish cartoonist who also was abducted had been found guilty. His sentence was that he should
have his both hands chopped off and then when the doctors have stopped the bleeding he should be
taken to the execution place where he should be flogged with 50 laces and finally he should hang by
his neck until he died.
"Why both hands?" She asked. "He would not inform the judge of with which hand he did his work.
The Judge ruled that any hand that did such a crime should be chopped of. Chopping is a hard word.
Actually a team of professional doctors would operate him so he can survive for the rest of his
punishment." Ahmed replied.
Sarah cried now that she realized that she not only would loose her life but also loose her hand
before she died.
On Tuesday she was brought back to court for her sentence. The Judge ruled: "You have been
found guilty and you would be sentenced to be hanged by your neck until you die on the next
Sunday. I personally would have condemned you to loose your left hand too, but you have been
willing to work with court and the court would reward your co-operation by letting you get off as
easy as the law permits.". "Easy off" she shouted and was pulled kicking and shouting out of the
3. Preparation
Now it was Sunday morning and Sarah was looking out the windows thinking that this would be the
last sunrise she would ever see.
The cell door did open and a man nearly 6 feet high did enter her cell. He said "My name is Ibrahim
and I am your executioner for today. Personally I do not have anything against you and with the
whole event televised on several international TV-canals I also would have the entire process run as
smoothly as possible. We would have more than 10000 people as spectators and large TV screens
have been set up, so even people which can not get close to the newly constructed platform can see
you close-up."
"First I must ask you if you are virgin. We are not allowed to hang virgin and I expect you to tell
the truth right away because you would be examined by a doctor later." He said. "I am a virgin" She
shamefully replied.
"OK this we must take care of. Iran have been under immense pressure from the outside world and
with the whole event televised we would spare the TV spectators outside Iran from the worst of
your suffering" he said.
"I will now take you to the preparation room where we together would prepare you for the main
event." He continued.
Two guards did enter the cell and they took hold of each of her arms and literally carried down the
hall to another dungeon looking bathroom.
"It is time for a checkout by our doctor. Take off all your clothes and lie on top of this table on your
stomach with your feet on the ground" she was commanded. As she did lie down wide leather straps
was bound around her body and her feet was secured to the ground by two leather cuffs bound to
some D-rings on the floor. Her arm was pulled out in front of her and always secured by leather
cuffs to the wall. The she was stretched out until she could not move. As she cried out because
someone did touch her at her genitals, a wide leather gag was forced into her mouth and now she
could only bring muffled sounds on.
"First we must clean out her anus so she do not make a mess of her self and the fine new
platform. To do this properly we are going to give you up to 4 enemas of 4 liters. Try and hold them
as long as you can. If you can hold them for a long time we could be content with only two enemas"
- a man properly the doctor explained.
A sharp pain struck her body as he put tube into her ass. She could only let out a grunt. Slowly she
did feel the hot water filling her stomach. It did hurt her so much and she fought her restraints but it
did not work. A huge pressure did built up inside her stomach and when the 15 minutes was over
and the enema bag was empty she immediately did spill the contents out over the floor. "Oh. It was
not good. Now we have to do all of the four bags" - the doctor said.
Sarah cried quietly in her gagged shape. 3 further enemas did follow and finally the doctor was
satisfied. Then they cleaned her entire body with cold water, which made her scream and shiver.
"Now for a solution of the virgin situation. All must leave the room". Sarah waited in fear.
"Just a minute. I have to take this hollow strap-on and put it over my penis. Your Danish girls have
a so bad reputation that I would not risk a sexual disease even though you claim that you are a
virgin. Technically I would come in your cunt. Of course you would not have the pleasure of my
juices but it would count as your losing your status as a virgin." - he said.
He did step behind Sarah. With a powerful trust he forced the strap-on into cunt making her
screaming into the gag. She bit a hard as she could into the gag with tears streaming down her
It did not take long. He did come after 10 or 12 strokes because he like most of his countrymen
were not able to use his "tools" for long. However the strap-on did make it possible for him to work
on Sarah properly and when he finally did pull out she was bleeding a lot from her cunt. "Shit" - He
thought. She must be able to participate on the main event in the afternoon.
He quickly seized a bottle of surgical spirit and did poor out over her genitals. Sarah almost did
jump of the table but of course she was bound to thoroughly in order to move. She shivered and
cried quietly when the doctor did clean her and called for the guards.
"We have been ordered to secure that you do not suffer the entire 30 minutes a hanging like yours
normal take. The TV-canals have paid huge amounts for broadcasting this event and in return our
government have promised that the length of the event would not exceed their normal time between
the commercials."
"First we are going to put you in this corset to we can minimize the air you would be able to have in
your lunges. Remove the leather straps around her body but keep the cuffs and the gag" - he
It was a under breast leather corset and they started to lace it on her back. Slowly she felt how she
was nearly cut in halves. Two of the guards did pull the laces and the doctor climbed onto the table
and sat a foot on her back. She began to feel dizzy and the room was floating around. After some 5
minutes of tugging they stopped and the doctor said: "It is made of leather and the fabric have to
rest before we continue". They left the room leaving Sarah sopping and bound.
After some 5 or 10 minutes they returned. They removed her gag, which was wet and nearly ripped
from her biting into it. She could not however take air into her lunges and could only grunt when
the continued their lacing. "Fine" - the doctor said. "We have reduced her waistline by 2 inches."
"Next for securing that she do not make a mess of her selves during the event. Even though we have
cleaned her we must secure that no accident happens during the event." He went for another table
where he took some kind of leather strap up. "First we must put this wide butt plug into her rear."
As he started Sarah cried out as soon she found the gag put in place again. When the widest point of
the plug, which was a little over a inch wide passed her ring she started to shiver uncontrolled.
Finally it was in place. Then came a dildo for her cunt. It was quickly rammed into her, which gave
her a shock and she screamed but of course they could not hear her because of the gag. The strap
was buckled onto the corset in the front and in the back holding both the plug and the dildo in place.
The plug could be pumped and so they did until their was no room for an accident.
"Now her bottom is prepared. We must hurry with the rest. Release her" Sarah was released from
the cuffs but she was so shaken that she had to be supported by the guards. She could hardly
breathe. The gag did not make it easier.
"We have to secure your hands. Put then behind your back. We would not have the usual rope burns
on your body as result of your rope dance when we return it to Denmark after the event. So we have
bought these fine classic armbinders from an American company call Axovus." They bound her
arms on her back and secured the two straps on the top of her arms so she could not move.
"There is a problem with your gag. We would prevent you from taking in air trough your mouth and
therefore we have another gag. Remove her gag and blindfold her." As she was blindfolded and the
gag removed she was ordered to open her mouth. She did feel something entering her mouth. She
did panic when she felted that it was some kind of penis almost passing into her throat. She coughed
and almost vomited but finally it went into place and a panel at the base of the penisgag sealed her
mouth up. A leather strap secured the gag, which were tightened on the back of her head. A second
strap went under her cheeks to prevent her from opening her mouth. Other straps went over her
head making the movement of the gag impossible.
"Now you are ready. Bring on the clothes. First we have to dress you in our traditional chador but in
order to hide the gag you will also wear niqab so only your eyes can be seen. Within the execution
starts the customized nizab have a flap so we can spare you of the sight of the spectators during
your dancing time". Sarah screamed into her gagged and tried to kick him when he mention the
dance. "Bitch. Get some ankelcuffs. There is no need for her to have her entire legs free. Only the
lower part would also make a good entertainment."
After being dressed she was taken out into the hall where her executioner was waiting. "I hope it
was pleasant". Of course Sarah could not respond. She was taken to a lorry where she was sat on a
seat. As she sat the corset pushed against her stomach with great gain and she could feel the plug
painfully in her ass.
4. The national festival
After a haft hour the lorry stopped at the execution place. "Look this construction was made
especially for you and your colleagues." - the executioner said. A huge noise from more than
10.000 people arised when they discovered that Sarah have entered the execution place. "Let me tell
you how it works. You can see the platform. We do not believe in trapdoors because a lot of
miscalculation could happen and we still have to care about our agreements with the TV-stations.
At the top of the crossbar above you we have mounted a small motor to the rope, which is
connected to your noose. With this remote control we can hoist you and lower you as we feel
"But you and your colleague are the main event. First we have a warm-up event. Sit down and wait
for your turn".
The judge stepped on to the platform and announced in the speaker that the national festival was
official opened. "Today we are going to revenge all Muslims around the world by executing two of
the twelve cartoonist today. But first we have a warm-up number. Bring on Maryam. Maryam: You
have been convicted to 20 laces with a bull whip because you have posed in the weekly newspaper
in your burqa in order to earn money so you could study. A crime against morality which you shall
now be punished for. The 20 laces would be delivered at a dry spot due to your financially situation.
The poor girl was brought screaming on to the platform where her hands were fastened by two
leather cuffs. The cuffs were attached to the rope from the crossbar. Two leather cuffs were attached
by chains to some D-rings on the floor a meter apart. A rubber bit gag was pushed into her mouth so
she did not scream as lout. Slowly she was hoisted into the air until she hang stretched out between
the cuffs in the air and those mounted on the floor.
The executioner approached with the whip. He did play with it before he suddenly stroke her back
with it. The girl let out a small scream (as much as the gag allowed). She shivered and her agonies
were very visible. Then came the 2'nd stroke. The fighting the girl put up in her bonds were
powerful but she did not have a chance. The Executioner quickly delivered 5-6 more strokes and
blood was now visible around her mouth. After the 15'nd stroke the girl did lose consciousness and
they were forced to put some smelling salt on to a stick so they could continue the punishment. The
girl was lowered and because she was unable to stand they carried her away on a stretcher.
The judge came on to the platform again. He announced: "Now the TV-stations are on a
commercial break. Please prepare the male cartoonist".
Sarah was in shock. From an ambulance nearby two guards came with a man between them. He was
hooded with a heavy leather mask and something was wrong with his profile. "God. He is missing
both his arms." - she screamed silently into her gag. He looked like a Venus statue. He was carried
to the platform where they put a wide leather straps around his tights so he could dance. The
man did struggle a lot with his body and tried to avoid the noose when they put it on to him. But
without his arm he was no match for the guards. The executioner pushed the button on the remote
control a slowly the rope was pull up so there was no slack in the rope. The male cartoonist was
now standing on his tip-toe and sopping sounds could be heard from the inside of the hood.
The judge announced: "Welcome back from the commercial break. We are about to bring justice to
our religion. Let the punishment begin". The executioner pushed the button and the man was lifted
into the air. No sooner did his feet leave the ground before his feet started to kick in the air. His
whole body turned and his legs went up and down. The crowd of 10.000 did shout "Allah Akbar"
several time almost as they were at a football match.
After some 4 minutes Sarah toughed that she could see a bulge in the front of his trousers. Suddenly
it started to drip from the body and his pants did become darker in the front. Sarah cried but she did
also feel some tension in her cunt. The executioner came over to her and he could see on the look of
her eyes that what she just needed was another pump of her plug.
After 10 minutes the body of the male cartoonist began to slow down it's kicking. After 5 more
minutes the body went limp. The only sound was the dripping from the body hitting the floor. The
the judge did enter the platform again. "Justice has been done. Now for the woman. But first a
commercial break."
The body of the male cartoonist was lowered and soon carried back to the ambulance where they
did wrap it up for shipment back to Denmark.
Sarah was brought on to platform. As she was wearing a chador it would be difficult for spectators
to she her dance so in order so assure a good view they did put a leather strap around her tights so
the chador did look almost like a hobble shirt.
The judge came forward again. "Welcome back from the commercial break. As a last chance for
this poor girl to get pardon we are going to hear from her if she feel sorry for her crime." He put the
microphone close to her face but because of the penisgag Sarah could not utter a single sound. "No
remorse." He shouted. "Then it is time for you to pay for your crime."
The executioner came forward with the noose. Sarah tried to move away from the noose but soon it
was tightened around her neck. Using the remote control the noose hoisted so there was no slack
and Sarah was forced up on her toes. The rope did dick into her neck but because of the fabric of the
niqab it did not hurt so much.
The executioner came forward a pull to the flap down on her niqab so now Sarah was in darkness.
So she waited for almost a minute because one of the camera crew did report that they needed time
for a minor adjustment. Sarah did sweet. "When do they start?".
Suddenly she could hear a sound from above and 10000 spectators shouting "Allah Akbar". The
rope duck deeper in and suddenly her feet could not find a place to stand on. She tried to reached
the ground but it was of no use.
Her entire body began to fight the proceedings. She tried to pull free of the leather armbinder. Her
hands were trying to get hold of something but there was nothing to get hold of. Her body turned
and turned. She could only breath with great difficulties and it became harder every time she
Suddenly her windpipe was shot completely off. She could not breathe and every time she made
small gasps her lunges were crumpling like a plastic bag. She chocked and convulsed. Suddenly she
felt an odd feeling from her genitals. It felt so nice. She could not control herself. She was cumming
and a small muffled sound was heard from inside the niqab. The dildo was totally wet and it began
to drip down on the platform.
Total in darkness as she was she could not see that her vision was failing. Her kicking have become
frantic and she lost control of her bladder which of course became quiet visible on the chador. It
made the crowd cheer in a final "Allah Akbar".
Sarah continued to panic. "I am going to strangle" If she did not have the large butt in place she
would have shit all over. She had a second orgasm and then she did lose consciousness. Her body
did shiver a little and some 20 minutes after it went limp.
"It was in the last minute due to the commercials" the executioner tought. "Where did she get all
that air from?" He had to visit a tent because he did get a hard-on. He had to relieve himself. He
could from the length of the queues in front the toilets see that he was not the only one with
this problem.
The judge came back of and stated: "Thank you for watching the show today. It has been a fine day
regarding the history of Iran and it has set the standard of fighting crime committed by people
outside our country. Never again should our fait be threaten by foreigner because we are going to
bring them to justice."
Sarah's body was lowered and it was put in to the ambulance to be cleaned up before it would be
returned to Denmark with only a slightly rope-burn on her lovely neck.
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I made my way through the throng of people in the ballroom of City hall. My bladder was at bursting point and was getting painful. On finding the restrooms I entered the one marked gentlemen. A low whistle escaped my lips. ‘So this is how my taxes are spent,’ I thought as I marveled at the plush décor. Standing there, I was conscious this room wasn’t the only thing of ornate beauty that had caught my eye this evening. Mrs Davidson, my boss’s wife had also grabbed my attention. She was...
As I enter the shop I notice her bending down behind the counter, her arse encased in tight jeans and is firm and neat. Black high heels complete the view as I travel down the back of her thighs and calf muscles, to the end of her very tight leg jeans. Good shape I think to myself, and those heels look wickedly high. She looks up and brushes hair out of her eyes. Mature clear skin, secretary glasses and full lips, mouth slightly open and the hint of a tongue over your white teeth. She stands...
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My fling in Paris with a pretty, tall Dane named Inga was rather satisfactory. However, she and I were headed to different places. She wanted to star in European cinema and I was a busy, successful corporate attorney. She was a real delight, with her leggy, shapely form and her total lack of inhibitions. She tended to act like she was dying from excitement every time I fucked her.She especially loved it in the butt, so I made sure to properly use that sweet section of her anatomy. I did...
Mark Her name was Brita Jean Thorsen. She was the most beautiful Dane I’d ever met and came close to the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, excepting my loves at home. Here she was sitting across the table from me as I negotiated to buy a sixty percent stake in the pharmaceuticals company she owned. By a fluke of inheritance and family line of succession, she’d taken over the privately-held company named Danskpharma a decade earlier when she was only twenty-eight, and then by sheer...
“So, was that good for you?” I teased Inga over the speaker phone, as I lay on top of our lovely daughter. “Yes, very much so, and it will be even better when you’re fucking both of us regularly. I’m going to love sharing you ... and my other two men, with my sweet Magda. Imagine, darling, the five of us together, living in the same place, doing whatever we please. I especially love the idea of you men making both of us airtight, though threesomes of all kinds will be great ... and I adore...
Three hours later, after Magda had gotten me to stir thrice and fill her sweet snatch with my spunk, the first time cowgirl-style, the second reverse-cowgirl, the last one doggy-style, the phone rang again. Of course, it was Inga, but she had it on speaker, so we could hear Frederik and Bjorg. She apparently wanted it clear what had taken place between them. “Oh, Robert, it was ... amazing! They both humped me like it was the end of the world. This time, they didn’t have any use for each...
After a great summer of , in which I fucked not only Magda, but several other girls (all of them right before letting my daughter into my bedroom for the night), I kissed her goodbye for another year, as she was to go to Denmark and attend the university there. Since she was pregnant, she was to live with her Mom and her step-dad instead of in a dorm, which meant that she would be living with Bjorg as well. I knew that she hoped to get a student visa to live in the USA as soon as I could...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Before she returned to Denmark for the school year, Magda and I agreed to phone each other with details of our sex lives, and to always, in the future, inform each other of such things. It was understood by now that we were not an exclusive couple, but that she was going to be my top girl, and I was to be her main man. I would phone her, instead of vice versa, so as not to stick her mother with a large and suspicious telephone bill. Sure enough, we...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! My fling in Paris with a pretty, tall Dane named Inga was rather satisfactory, but she and I were headed to different places. She wanted to star in European cinema, and I was a busy, successful corporate attorney. She was a real delight, with her leggy, shapely form, her total lack of inhibitions, and her tendency to act like she was dying from excitement every time I fucked her. She especially loved it in the butt, so I made sure to properly use that...
IncestJane is led away in handcuffs and taken to the arena. When she arrives its packed everyone from the town has come to watch her die. The handcuffs are taken off and she is told to get undressed. knowing that she has no choice she starts to obey. Taking off her shoes and her jeans and her top, standing in front of the crown in just her bra and knickers. Again she is told to take them off as the dogs cant eat her underwear as well, crying she takes off her bra, her big tits bouncing free her...
Author's note: This story is completely fiction. Should any name used inthis work be the same as that of a real person, it is pure coincidence. Theauthor in no way condones the use of violence, torture, or capital punishmentby individuals or governments. - Jill
INTRODUCTIONWhat happens when a frustrated, compliant, and accommodating housewife is manipulated by a powerful, dominant, and determined man used to getting what he wants in business and life?This is the story of Karen Samson. The 39 year old housewife married to her 43 year old husband with no c***dren who perhaps read a dozen too many romance books. Her frustration over her married life has evolved so slowly it wasn’t a conscious recognition for her. Gerald Samson is a good man, has always...
Executive Solutions By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Homecoming "Natalie Styles," the woman replied. "I'm Natalie Styles, ex FBI agent, co-founder of Executive Solutions, and your sometime lover. A man in a white coat carrying a large medical kit came in behind the four paramilitary types. Two of them dragged the assassins' bodies into corner and covered them with the bloody blanket off the bed. "That'll do. We'll torch the place when we leave," Natalie said. Two of the...
Executive Privilege by Sheila Anne Morgan Grant sat back in his plush chair. He was feeling proud of himself as he reviewed the P&L report he had just received from the MIS Department. The profits were up again this quarter and he and his senior staff were in for another healthy bonus. He had managed to come in well below his projected budget for payroll again. Well it was one of the privileges of being an executive. "This is bullshit!" cried Mandy. "We work like dogs...
Executive Solutions By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - On The Run "What the fuck is the dark web?" the woman asked sipping coffee sitting across from LeBron. True to her word, the night before, the woman had lived up to her promise to give Reese something 'special' for dessert. LeBron took the hint and went for a drive after dinner and Reese and the woman rolled around on the bed for good while. Reese became sulky when LeBron returned and was told that LeBron would be staying...
Executive Solutions By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Reese and LeBron The woman was dozing fitfully when the iphone buzzed. She snatched it up and read the screen. 'LeBron' it said. She swiped the screen and answered. "Sheeit bitch you in some hot water now." It was the pimp from the hotel lobby and later back-alley humper, but of no use to her now that she could think of. "I thought you didn't know me?" the woman replied. "No you aksed me 'do you know who I am?'...
Leave it for TuesdaySharon felt irritable, tired, and tense. She stretched in her chair and yawned. It was 6:55 on a Friday evening, and she had been at work since 7:10 that morning. She had removed her jacket and kicked her shoes off hours ago, but was still dressed in her corporate gray skirt-suit and white top with a matching belt.She did a few neck rolls, and resumed her work at the computer. A few minutes later, she heard a noise outside her office in the cubicle area. Who could be around...
Office SexCHAPTER 7: THE VICE PRESIDENTS“Karen! God, you look hot! You’re going to inspire me to lose some weight.” Sarah jumped up from behind her desk and gave me a huge hug, then a full kiss on the lips. I arrived at the Trinity Enterprises corporate office building as most people were leaving for the day. Mr. Baldwin asked me to attend a special planning meeting he called for his Executive Vice Presidents. They were meeting at the moment in the glassed conference room at the back of the Executive...
CHAPTER 4: NORMALCY … NOTThe days and weeks that turned into a few months provided a consistency and expectedness that caused me to consider if it was my new normalcy. Was this going to be what my life was going to be like? The routine calls from Mr. or Mrs. Baldwin to go out to dinner and then their house, or just to go to their house for an afternoon or evening, or to go to their house for the weekend? Knowing that each call would involve sexual acts with one or both of them at their whim?...
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT By: Jacki Pett Part 1 I finished junior college in July of 1991. Neither College nor my stay in jail could have prepared me for the events that would soon mold and change my life. I was on probation for a car theft conviction and had almost two years of probation yet to serve. I thought that was an eternity but now, in retrospect, with what has happened, it was nothing. I was joyriding with a few of my buddies in what I thought was a friend's...
Mia did up the button of her suit and looked in the mirror, her cleavage was showing nicely and she looked hot. Mia smiled to herself, time to make a good impression. Mia was a 34-year-old woman with shoulder length brown hair and light hazel eyes, her cute button nose was perched atop a pair of full ruby lips. She checked herself out once more and smiled. She was wearing a black corset top that pushed her breasts together and up. She wore matching trousers and a matching jacket on top. To...
Love StoriesExecutive Privilege — Part 1by Stacey_tv2The headline was a bombshell. "Senior Republican Senator Admits Affair with Ranking Democrat." It was the opening day of the legislative session and it was already off to an exciting and salacious start!It was made even more delicious due to the fact that the "senior Republican" was a hot Latina lady-lawyer brunette bombshell and the "ranking Democrat" was a handsome black man. If the Latina/black thing wasn't enough, she was married to a white guy and...
Executive Solutions By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - State Forest The woman woke up late; a slither of light lanced through a chink in the curtain and fell across her face. She was sore. Her body protested at being tossed around on the bed in the seedy hotel the night before, her anus ached and the tiny pinprick in the crook of her left elbow itched. The effects of the drug she had been administered were wearing off and her mind was clearer but she was devoid of any memories...
Who's in Charge?I'll start this story by telling you I am a senior executive with a public company. For obvious reasons I won't say which, but suffice it to say it is a major supplier of technical equipment.I like to be in charge and am generally good at managing and motivating people. My friends say I have a commanding presence although I know I am sometimes a little hard to take.I have been married for 23 years to a beautiful woman whom I love and have two children in college. Sex is good,...
Women’s lib has done nothing for me but double my work, Linda thought as she dropped a child off at school for the second time that morning. Two kids, two schools. Now she turned the car towards her office knowing the men and younger women would already be there tackling their work while hers continued to pile up. God knows her husband was already at work, some vestige of masculine rights always preventing him from taking on these extra jobs. He’d be drinking the coffee she’d brewed him, hers...
By Greg I am the director of marketing at a large fortune five hundred corporation with headquarters on the east coast. I have been steadily working my way up the corporate ladder for years and have made all the right connections along the way. Over time I have proven myself to be reliable, effective and committed. Upon reaching this level I now enjoy some of the perks of the job and I don’t just mean the keys to the executive restroom. Our business interests span the...
IT'S-A VERY SLOW NIGHT 5 STARS HOTEL TOP OF THE CLASS Service. I AM ONE OF 12 OFFICERS IN THE OVERNIGHT SHIFT. I’m about 52 180 lbs. I look very fit for my height t tells I workout mostly anything but cardio. I’m solid for the most part. Stand blue polo shirt and dark blue trouser and a name plate with the standard officer paper badge is just for looks. I am in 4hours to my shift. Everything seem to be moving a bit slow/ Only one minor thing our dispatcher Angelique we call her Angie for short/...
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT By: Jacki Pett Part 3 I didn't waste any time in the bathroom. As I slipped the nightie over my head I told myself that Connie had told me to put it on so it wasn't as if it was my idea to wear pretty lingerie. I could justify wearing it more easily that way. I gathered my hair into the elastic tie. As I looked at myself in the mirror a little shiver went through me. It wasn't clear to me if it was delight or fear that I felt for just an instant....
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT By: Jacki Pett Part 4 Funny that the first thought that came to mind was what would I wear. I had an idea what would be appropriate. Maybe I was fortunate that I let the girls talk me into some of the clothes they had the day before. "Do you have golf shoes?" She asked. "No." Mine were in my golf bag in my bedroom up North. "We'll stop and get you a pair." "Could we run by home first?" I didn't want to go into a store dressed in my new white...
Executive Stress - part 2 by B. Pink (It is better to read Executive Stress before this as the story continues) Marie and I lay on her bed in each others arms. I had not met her until last night and now she had fulfilled my strongest desire. It was hardly possible to see were the body shaper started and my own body finished, it was incredible. It felt as if it belonged on me, part of me. The breasts felt so real, the nipples sensitive to the touch. When she touched me I...
Sharon Stits and Nikki Summers were two mid-level executives in a large PR firm who were locked in a fierce rivalry from which only one woman would emerge victorious. Brunette, gorgeous, and in their early fourties, both women were on a collision course for the top of the corporate ladder.Sharon had a reputation for wielding her incredible sexuality as a weapon against rival women who got in her way. With her firm 36C tits and long, exquisite legs, which were always dressed in short, tight...
Chapter 1 "I, Howard Constantine Mathis, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." With those words, Howard C. Mathis, a former accountant, went from being a recently divorced Vice President to assuming the highest office in the land. Just ten years before, he had run for Governor of New Jersey, and was considered an underdog in...
Note : This story is completely fictional! "I, Howard Constantine Mathis, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." With those words, Howard C. Mathis, a former accountant, went from being a recently divorced Vice President to assuming the highest office in the land. Just ten years before, he had run for Governor of New Jersey, and was...
Incest"Jennifer, would you please come in here and bring your pad!?!" "Right away Mrs. Burke," Jenny Olson answered into the intercom sitting on the corner of her desk, while scooping up her dictation pad and several extra pencils, "I'm on my way!!!" Jenny could tell right away that Mrs. Burke wasn't interested in dictation at all as her skirt was pulled up around her waist and her legs were spread wide apart revealing her pantiless crotch glistening with moisture along the length of her puffy...
EroticI took up a new job as a corporate manager in a large healthcare organization and never imagined in my wildest of dreams just how rewarding the job would become. The salary was fantastic, as was the corner office overlooking a golf course. My administrative assistant was drop-dead gorgeous and I really liked the laid-back atmosphere in the office.About a week into my new role, April stepped into my office to remind me of a meeting I had with an insurance company executive for a game of golf. I...
Office SexMia looked at her watch and then at the door marked VP. It was four thirty and it was time to go home, she knew her lover Robert had been talking to the president of the company most of the day. She needed to know his answer, what he would say about their love affair. Mia and Robert became lovers four months earlier, and the company policy was no fraternizing with colleagues, even if the they happen to be high ranking members of the company. They weren’t just high ranking, they were the...
AnalYvonne was every man’s dream administrative assistant. Ifirst met her the day I interviewed in a large nationwide company. Standing all of five foot four, she filled out professional work attire like no other office worker in the company. Yvonne was pretty and she knew it. Although there were other well- dressed administrative assistants, Yvonne had a special talent for making sure she took care of those who took care of her. Every morning, when I would step into the office, Yvonne would be...
Office SexEXECUTIVE ASSISTANT By: Jacki Pett Part 2 The new taupe pantyhose were first. I was very careful not to poke a fingernail through them. That brought another dilemma to mind. "Let me help you fit your bra." I was reluctant to let her see my chest but there was no way to hide it and put on the bra. "Jeffrey," She said with concern, "your swelling hasn't gone down yet." She touched my chest tenderly. "It almost looks worse. Does it hurt?" It wasn't painful but it was...
Executive Stress by B. Pink The poison dwarf, that was what some of my colleagues called me. Not to my face, they were to scared to do that. My real name was Colin Demsey. I was 5"2?, slim, pretty boy good looks and I suppose somewhat effeminate looking. My fair hair was long and held in a pony tail. At 24, I was the youngest Vice President in the companies history. When people met me they were suprised. I still looked like a teenager, but I soon put them in their...
Executive Solutions By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Amnesia She felt the sting of the needle and then her world went black. Later... Strange voices coming to her like from a dream, she couldn't move or open her eyes. "Did he fuck her?" "What?" "Did he fuck her? We need to make it look like he fucked her." "I doubt they'll run any DNA given the evidence we're going to leave but if they find a few different semen samples, it will collaborate that she's a hooker,"...
EXECUTIVE STRESS Jane hurried into the store room, to fetch the replacement bulb to the overhead projector. ?Why didn’t Audio Visual check this?, she wondered and she searched feverishly for the bulb. She had planned for months to show her novel acquisition plan to the Board, and now could not even turn on the projector. Luckily, a bulb slipped out from a carton, and she was back to the conference room. ?Ladies and Gentlemen?, she announced, ?Today is a plan to rescue our ?.?. Jane continued...
Executive Flesh By Ember Wolfdreams Act I Evening fell cool and crisp. Although Christmas had already come and gone,there was only a light dusting of snow on the ground and there was no hintof the bitter chill that should be in the air this time of year. A full moonhung high in the sky, illuminating the street with unnaturally bright silverlight. As Steven leaves his office it seems like any other Friday night. He lockshis door, heads to the elevator, pulls his coat and gloves on as he...