Soccer Mom
- 3 years ago
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A future fiction/fantasy by Jill Crokett
The United States had changed profoundly by the early 22nd Century. Terroristshad detonated a nuclear bomb in Southern California a half-century earlier,throwing America into a spiral of ethical decay and economic collapse.
The paranoia that followed brought on the revocation of basic rights andthe amending of the Constitution - removing the clause forbidding "crueland unusual punishment" and replacing it with a clause guaranteeing "appropriatepunishment for the crime." Polls showed that most Americans agreed withthe changes. Believing they were victims, they wanted justice. Feeling wounded,they demanded brutal justice. Juries handed out death bizarre sentences atan increasing rate. As a budgetary consideration, traditional 'time in prison'sentences were now frequently passed over for severe corporal punishments,all legalized by the new constitutional amendment.
America had evolved into a land emotionally numb and ethically bankrupt -a land of many victims – and in desperate need of perpetrators to punish.This is the story of Karen Sebring, a 36-year-old wife and mother who livedin that time.
The matronly and overweight 54-year-old Women's Federal Punishment CenterWarden Anne Bowden had other problem prisoners to deal with, but the high-profilecapital sentence case regarding 36-year-old Karen Sebring of Las Vegas, Nevadawas holding her attention. Sebring had been convicted of hiring two hit mento murder her handsome and successful casino-owner husband and his socialitemother in a bizarre eighty-million-dollar insurance and inheritance scheme.The plan was botched by the hit men, resulting in the death of not only herhusband and mother-in-law, but also three other innocent bystanders, includinga 7-year-old-boy.
Sebring had been sentenced to death, but for some reason the judge decidednot to make the method of death know until just days before the execution.This practice was not all that unusual, since most death sentences now containedan additional punitive punishment to be applied just before death. Warden Bowdenhad just received word from the judge regarding both parts of the sentence,and she decided not to tell Mrs. Sebring until the morning of the execution. "There'sno sense in making it worse for her," she thought. The hit men arrested withKaren Sebring had already been brutally put to death at a men's federal punishmentfacility.
Karen Sebring was an extremely attractive 36-year-old wife and the motherof an active 15-year-old teenage daughter. The press had labeled her both "thePrincess Diana look-alike murderer" and "the soccer mom killer." The pert,early middle-aged female was 5 ft. 4 inches tall and of medium build. She weighed124 lbs., had B-cup breasts, a narrow waist, and full, rounded buttocks. Sheappeared to be somewhat athletic. Her flawless fair complexion was lightlytanned. Karen had crystal blue eyes and her short blond hair was done in acarefree 'Dorothy Hamill' style. When Karen smiled she revealed dimpled cheeksand perfect enamel-white teeth. When she entered a room, she was accustomedto having all eyes on her.
The Death Room
The cavernous death chamber appeared as if it were a darkened empty highschool gymnasium, or possibly a small but very clean aircraft hangar. At oneend a group of well-dressed middle-aged men and women sat somewhat nervouslyin 23 plastic chairs lined in a single neat row facing the center of the gymnasium.There were approximately an equal number of men and women in the group, andno one spoke. The chamber echoed slightly as several of the witnesses clearedtheir throats. The air in the chamber was a cool 62 degrees. From the fourcorners of the high ceiling, stage lights illuminated the empty concrete floorin the center of the chamber. The illuminated center of the chamber was completelyempty, except for a single square 4" x 4" steel post which rose to a heightof only 4 feet out of the concrete. The post's height could be hydraulicallyadjusted. On the gray-enamel painted concrete floor, positioned 10 inches directlyin front of the square steel post, was a large covered shower drain similarto what would be found in the floor of a large public shower.
At precisely 7:50 a.m. ten uniformed male prison guards carried 34-year-oldKaren Sebring into the death chamber. She was securely strapped down to a 5-inch-wide "Y" shapedaluminum frame, her arms firmly restrained at multiple points straight overher head with her wrists several inches apart. The frame of the aluminum crosstransitioned into its "Y" shape just below her waist, with her ankles spreada full 5 feet apart, fully separating her labia. Her legs were securely strappedto the frame at multiple points along her ankles, calves, and thighs. Torsostraps restrained her at the waist and across the rib cage, just below herbreasts. The aluminum cross had been custom-made to fit her 5'4" frame andits length precisely ended at her hands and heels.
As the "Y" shaped cross was carried stretcher-like into the center of thechamber, it became apparent to the experienced witnesses that Karen Sebringhad just received a full obstetrical prep shaving which included her dark-pinkanus. The position of her outstretched arms completely flattened her B-cupbreasts, revealing only pink, rigidly erect nipples. Her mouth was securedwith a ball gag which had a large breathing hole.
In the preceding hour, 34-year-old Mrs. Karen Sebring, socialite wife, PTAmember, mom, and now condemned prisoner number F307746-N, had been stripped,strapped down spread eagle on a wide gurney, clean-shaven, administered anenema, and had her bladder emptied by urethral catheter – all this donein the presence of a dozen prison guards. Her body had then been hand washedand towel dried by female guards, after which she was administered three injectionsof medication, two designed to prevent her from losing consciousness, and thethird to prevent nausea. She had not been given breakfast and she had not receivedanything to eat or drink since 6 p.m. the night before.
Five male guards expeditiously bolted the head and arms end of the aluminum "Y" framefirmly to the short square steel post raising out of the concrete are her floor.Karen was now upside down, the fingers of her outstretched hands almost touchingthe floor. Her spread and shaved naked body glistened, the stage-lights illuminatingher inverted female form. Her brightly illuminated widespread legs now clearlyrevealed her clitoris and inner labia minora. She was directly facing the witnesses,who sat about 40 ft. away. Her only movement was that of her wide, terror filledeyes which darted around the room, and her nipples which raised and loweredwith the heaving of her rapid breathing.
Final Sentence
Karen Sebring had been sentenced to death two months earlier, but the detailsof her execution were withheld by the court at that time, pending a sentencingreview. She would now, stripped, spread, and clean shaved before total strangers,hear the final verdict of the sentencing judge.
Dressed in a dark blue business suit and white blouse, Federal Women's PunishmentProcessing Center Warden Anne Bowden approached Karen and addressed the condemnedfemale prisoner.
"Karen Marie Sebring, having been found guilty of four cases of Capital Murderand one case of Child Capital Murder, it is hereby the order of the FederalHigh Court and with the blessing of Chief Sentencing Judge Suzanne Proler,that you shall at this hour, and without benefit of anesthesia, undergo a completefemale circumcision including a total clitorectomy. This procedure will beimmediately followed by a total bilateral labiectomy and nipplectomy. Uponexcision, these tissues shall simultaneously be laser-cauterized to preventblood loss. You shall be administered medication so that you might maintainconsciousness throughout these procedures."
Karen Sebring's eyes flooded as tears rolled down over her forehead, soakingher tossed blond locks. Deep, hysterical moaning echoed through the ball gag,only interrupted by momentary heaving and convulsing of her chest. Though gagged,she desperately pleaded for mercy with her eyes.
"Following the completion of the punitive punishment procedures, anincision shall be made from your peritoneum, through your symphysis pubis,and down to your zyphoid process, and your internal organs will then be harvestedfor human transplantation. May God have mercy on your soul. You may now makea brief final statement."
As a guard released the ball gag Karen screamed, sobbing, "please no,no, don't do this, I loved him, I loved my husband so much, I promise I'lldo anything, anything you ask, no God please stop, I loved my husband, pleasedon't do this to me, please just hang me, please, please hang me. ±
With a nod from Warden Bowden the gag was quickly and firmly strapped backin place as several other guards firmly retightened all of Karen's restraintstraps. Doors immediately flung open to the left of the chamber.
Pulling on latex surgical gloves, Dr. Wexler quickly entered the death chamberaccompanied by a team of male and female assistants pushing stainless steelcarts. The team was dressed in matching white lab coats and quickly took theirpre-determined positions. Wexler briskly placed a cold stethoscope next toKaren's left nipple and listened against her heaving chest. Hyperventilating,saliva from her ball gag drooled down into her short blond hair.
Wexler carefully examined Karen's inverted, most-feminine tissues, spreadingapart her labia, and, pulling downward, exposed her clitoris from underneathits hood. Karen could clearly see as Wexler picked up a curved, threaded suturingneedle and, holding her left labia between his gloved fingers, threaded theneedle through the forward lip and handed the nylon string to the assistantto his left. Firmly and totally restrained, Karen futilely tried to buck violentlyas he had threaded the needle through her feminine lip.
He then repeated the procedure on the right labial lip.
Wexler then instructed the assistants on either side of him to gently butfirmly tug open the folds at either side of the clitoris, stretching open theinner labia minora so that he might better dissect the hood of the clitoris.As Wexler spoke, a small microphone on his lapel clearly relayed his technical-soundingvoice to the witnesses.
As the assistants pulled the nylon threads to each side, stretching openthe labia, Wexler's gloved middle and index fingers carefully stretched theclean-shaven skin on Karen's mons pubis, drawing back the clitoral hood. Wexlerthen, with his right hand, carefully threaded another needle directly up throughthe center of Karen Sebring's clitoris.
The witnesses sat tensed as the only part of Karen Sebring's body that shecould move slightly, her head, rapidly flailed from side to side. Sticky salivadangled from her gag breath hole as tears of humiliation and pain flung fromher shaking temples and forehead. Through the gag's air hole witnesses heardthe unintelligible language of horror.
A third assistant standing behind the frame, and facing Wexler, was handedthe clitoral nylon thread. He held it straight up as Wexler now carefully circumcisedKaren's clitoral hood and its small adjoining inner lips, making tiny snipswith a small pair of chrome surgical scissors. As Karen bucked violently, screamingthrough her ball gag, guards retightened her restraints. Wexler instructedthe three assistants to spread the labia even wider and to lift the now threadedclitoris even higher. Dr. Wexler, now using a small surgical scalpel, carefullybegan to excise Mrs. Sebring's most intimate feminine tissue, slowly slicingoff the entire clitoris. As he did, a small amount of urine momentarily sprayedup from her urethra. Karen Sebring's beautiful face contorted, her eyes rollingup into her head.
Wexler stepped back as a fourth assistant, a female, applied a burning surgicalcauterizing instrument to stop bleeding. Wexler placed the excised threadedclitoris on a small silver tray. Motioning upward with his hands, Wexler indicatedthat he wanted Karen to be moved higher. Immediately the 4"x4" steel post hydraulicallyraised up from the floor, stopping when Karen's nipples are level with Wexler'schest. She stares hysterically as Wexler picked up another threaded suturingneedle with his right hand.
Firmly pinching her right nipple and areola with his left hand, and pullingit away from her body, Wexler quickly threaded the needle twice through thebase of her nipple in an X fashion. Stepping aside and holding the thread straightout, Wexler pulled tight on the strong nylon thread, lifting the breast awayfor the chest. He then picks up a slightly larger pair of stainless surgicalscissors, and with the same slow, methodical motions he used to excise theclitoris, Wexler then slowly snips away at Karen Sebring's beautiful nippleat its base. The assistant quickly cauterizes the breast tissue as Wexler repeatsthe procedure on the other nipple.
The hydraulic post lowers closer to the floor as Wexler picks up a new surgicalinstrument, an electric surgical scalpel, which automatically cauterizes asit cuts. As he turns it on a small short laser-like flame emits from the knifehandle. He then sets the instrument back down and picks up a blue felt tipmarking pen. Turning back to face directly between Karen Sebring's legs, hebegins drawing a line with the pen from her anus out around to her moans pubis,making a football-shaped drawing around her labia. He then continues to drawdownward over her symphysis pubis with a single line which continues to hernavel. He makes a small cross line at the navel and then continues with a singleline down to her sternum. Wexler then turns toward Warden Bowden and says "tellthe transplant team we'll be ready for them in two minutes." She nods.
Wexler turns his back to Bowden and, turning on the electric surgical scalpel,begins to cut a circumscribed area around Karen's entire external sex organas she convulses and screams against her restraints. Wexler then sets downthe electric scalpel, picks up a pair of surgical pliers, and with a yank ripsaway Karen's left labia. He quickly repeats the procedure on the right. AsKaren's contorts in pain and horror, one assistant cauterizes between her legsand another administers an injection to keep Karen conscious.
Wexler again picks up the laser-scalpel and turns it on.
A horror beyond death
"Wait one moment Doctor" Warden Bowden calls out, "there is one final thingI need to say to Mrs. Sebring."
The female Warden steps forward toward the convulsing prisoner. Bending slightlyat the hips, she leans forward and looks directly into the terror filled eyesof the condemned Karen Sebring and whispers:
"Mrs. Sebring, I need to tell you that just this morning federal investigatorsinformed me that your daughter Sandy has been arrested as a co-conspiratorwith you in the death of her father and grandmother and the others. She's beencharged as an adult with five Capital counts, including one count of ChildCapital Murder. I just want you to know that, if she's sent here, we'll takegood care of her."
As Bowden steps away, her back toward Karen, she announces to the witnessesthat Mrs. Sebring will now be put to death.
As the Organ Harvest Team enters the chamber, Dr. Wexler, holding his laser-scalpel,begins slicing the beautiful soccer mom from her pubis to her chest.
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TrueIt all began when soccer season did. Being on the team, I was obliged to travel with the other boys for matches, juggling my school work on top of daily practice and my match schedule. But despite that, each one of us on the team made sure to train extremely hard, and because of that, we just kept winning our matches. Unfortunately though, that also meant that we had to keep traveling further and further out as we continued winning and made a beeline toward nationals. Before long, we were...
Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women.His older brother Fred...
Mature“you’ll need to get up soon” she said “remember dad’s not here this week to take you to Soccer so I’ve got the short straw”. “I know” I replied “thanks mom” “Ok, Darling” she said “what do you want for breakfast?” “just some eggs would be good mom please” I replied. I know I was spoilt by my mom but I was an only child so kind of made the most of it. She turned and started to leave the room, as she walked I could see her round ass move from side to side in her robe. She stopped on...
Soccer Practice. Clarinet Rehearsal. Anal Practice. Ballet Recital. Dinner. Homework. It’s 4:25pm, and she’s still lively as she trots to the van. How I admire her youth. Had I gone through a full day of classes only to follow up with an intense soccer practice, I would already be physically spent. But not her. And the day is only half done. She hops into the backseat, a huge smile on her face with sweat and grass stains on her side. This was her favorite activity of the day. Maybe second...
It was a warm fall day and the boys' varsity soccer team was scrimmaging. Shirts vs. Skins. Nick was a skin. Some of my colleagues suggested I should support the sports teams, get more "school spirit". Gag. But if it meant getting to see Nick's taught, glistening abs again, well, I guess I could take one for the team. Get it? Nick spotted me and jogged over to where I was sitting. "Hey, Miss Lane. What brings you here?" he asked oh so casually. "Oh, I've always been a sports fan, especially...
Group SexIt was very difficult for my son, David, to make the boys traveling soccer team in our small, suburban town near Miami. But after many years of effort and practice he made the team. I am a family physician and agreed to be the team doctor free of charge, but he made the team before I agreed to provide medical services. The previous team physician, Maxwell, was my partner in our medical practice. He retired from all medical duties after suffering a minor stroke. Maxwell had given the boys...
IncestI live in a typical quiet neighbourhood on the edge of a busy town, my neighbours are all typical busy working families with 2.4 c***dren and mortgage, where as I am a single guy in my early thirties.Now my neighbours to the right of me, John and Lucy Bennet are that typical perfect couple I was talking about, John works in office in town for a financial company making good money, Lucy is a the perfect stay at home mom with one k** at junior school, and between bake sales and soccer practice...
So I guess being married to a Soccer mom makes me a Soccer Dad. But as we all know some Soccer moms are hot and incredibly horny and will fuck anything. Well I have always had this feeling that Soccer moms talk about everything, including their husbands and significant others, if you know what I mean. Well anyway I digress. My wife is attractive and she has mentioned to me some of the other moms think I am good looking to which I always laugh. But little did I know where that would land me. ...
MILFMy name was Josh, I was a normal 18 year old lad who lived in a quiet village with this parents. One Sunday morning I awoke as mom entered my room. She walked towards my bed in her normal morning attire, a shortish robe that looked a little worse for wear held together by a tie round the middle. My mom leant over as she was leaving a cup of coffee by the side of my bed. As she leant over her robe splayed open a little at the top allowing me to get a quick glimpse of her big tits hanging free in...
I'm not sure how this happens to me but here another true story in my life.I love playing and watching soccer (as it called in America)Every where else in the world its called FootballEvery four years they have the World Cup.Were the best 32 teams in the world compete.I was born and used to live in Germany.I know a little German but not much.I always cheer for the German Football team and Team USA.The German team (Deutschland) as its better known is very good in FootballI watched all most all...
SOCCER MOMS Part 1After having brought up her daughter by herself for the last 15 years, Sheila was rather good at it. Her husband had left her with a 3-year-old daughter. He went for some milk with the car and never came back. Neither did the car. Sheila’s daughter Linda was into a lot of sports. She was attractive, well-built and lots of fun. She was a little older than most of the girls in her class since she had missed most of one year after a skiing accident. Sheila was nearly 40, middle...
Jean and Guy Roma laid in bed discussing their teenage daughter, Vicky. They were concerned about her welfare. She had just turned 18 and was a very pretty girl, but very shy and not comfortable with boys. She was much more comfortable with girls. Her mother wanted her to be popular with the boys like she was in high school. Her mother also worried that she might end up gay if she did not learn to enjoy the company of boys. Jean, told her husband that Vicky need an experienced male to teach...
In the part of the big city, where the old neighborhoods have decayed, is a house that is owned by a group of men who use it for their hobby. It's not a nice hobby but these men are not nice. They know they're not nice. They enjoy being not nice. They're good looking men who dress well. They have money and respectable jobs and more than one pretty housewife and mother has returned the flirting smile of any one of these men as they push their carts down the aisles of a supermarket or be...
Robin is a guy from North of Sweden, moving all the way to Hustonville, KY after a guy he talked online to, Lance, suggested he would join their newly started soccer team. But Robin is in for many new experiences and will discover new sides of himself ;) This is a Reading F1lth original. Listen to part 1 on Spotify! My name is Robin. I moved from the north of Sweden to the small town off Hustonville, Kentucky. Why? To play soccer of course! It all began when I was playing FIFA on Xbox....
BisexualTo be very honest, growing up, sport didn’t interest me at all. I always remembered my high school days, when straight guys would go into raptures about the most infinitesimal aspects of some or other game, discussing it as if it were the most important historical event that ever took place. I was always bored out of my mind by these trivialities and would escape at the earliest convenient moment. Although many of these guys rang every bell in my body, I simply couldn’t endure the mindless...
Gay MaleMekala instantly caught my eye and probably the eye of every man there. She was just so energetic and vibrant. She ran down the edge of the soccer field and then did three back flips in a row to the amazement of all those watching her. As I watched her practice I realized that she was very good at soccer too. She was thirteen years old and much better built than the rest of the girls out on the field. This was the first day of practice for the fifth and sixth graders. Mekala was a sixth...
So I guess being married to a Soccer mom makes me a Soccer Dad. But as we all know some Soccer moms are hot and incredibly horny and will fuck anything. Well I have always had this feeling that Soccer moms talk about everything, including their husbands and significant others, if you know what I mean. Well anyway I digress. My wife is attractive and she has mentioned to me some of the other moms think I am good looking to which I always laugh. But little did I know where that would land me. ...
Please hit the like button sometimes! It's how I know I'm doing it right. As the end of season Battlepass completion reward for Day 3, a special route has been added, including some choices and open votes: I added some information on the Players+Coaches page below about splits, routes, and story progression. FUTA SOCCER CAMP You are Riley. You are 20 years old, a communications major at University of Florida, and one of the best...
LesbianSaturday afternoon I was at home getting bored; but then my loving hubby said he had arranged with some of his friends to go to a bar to watch a soccer match. Victor asked me if I want to go with him.When we got there the bar was really crowded.I was wearing a tight short dress and high heels.I loved to show my long legs and my cleavage, although I was not really into watching soccer…Victor moved with some friends at a corner and I managed finally to get a drink and have to stand by a high bar...
Soccer Sucks----------While I was in High School, I was not overly athletic, or I did not think I was until someone commented that my legs were like thick tree trunks. I was on the soccer team and all the running and kicking certainly has it's affect on one's legs. Strong and muscular was not tree trunks.After moving to the farm, soccer was a thing of the past. I still watched matches on the TV and kept up with the news of the my school friends when I happened to spot a name I recognized on one...
Lucy lay back on my leather sofa, her naked slim tanned legs were wide apart, showing off her wet used pussy that I had already fucked twice that day, but I wasn't finished and she seemed eager for more as well.I knelt between her legs, and then moved up until I was just inches from her, before I took hold of my almost completely hard cock, despite I had cum twice already, and then rubbed it up and down her wet slit, teasing her lips with my big bulbous head."Oh, god" she muttered flexing her...