Brendan and Tim
- 3 years ago
- 25
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The big deputy had removed my handcuffs as the sheriff had instructed and now Deputy Bluett was watching me take a shower. The water was hot anyway and it felt good as I soaped my body under the man's less than happy scrutiny. He wanted to like me as a woman, I thought, but the man just couldn't get past my smallish penis and balls and it frustrated him. So he stood there at the entrance of the small communal shower, watching my soapy hands work their way over my taut brown belly and firm round tits; along my legs and the pert curve of my ass and hips. I wasn't teasing him deliberately, but it must have seemed like I was and everytime I glanced at the deputy he was frowning.
I ignored him as best I could and washed myself thoroughly. I was grateful for it really. My body had been sticky and especially my butt needed some gentle attention. I worked a soapy finger around my anus and then inside slowly, wishing I had a way to spray water inside my rectum. This wasn't bad though and I always enjoyed washing myself there, although doing it in front of Deputy Bluett was more than a little uncomfortable. He stared at me as I did it and I imagined I must have looked like I was masturbating as much as anything else and perhaps I was. My girlish cock grew stiff despite the man's presence and I turned towards the wall to hide it, but that only presented the deputy with a clear view of my soapy finger pumping in and out of my asshole slowly. There just wasn't any way to hide myself and the embarrassment I felt only heightened the taboo excitement of fingering my boy pussy in front of a stranger.
He let me finish in my own sweet time and I managed to avoid playing with my swollen girl cock too much. I merely teased myself with a slippery fist for a minute or two and then rinsed myself thoroughly. The shower made me feel much better and actually lifted my spirits some. I only wished I had some clean clothes to put on and I frowned at my lace panties because they were very stained by then. I was in for a surprise though as Deputy Bluett told me not to bother getting dressed.
"Sir?" I blinked at him.
"I said, don't bother," he jerked his head. "I got some new clothes for you. Come on this way."
I'd dried myself off with a small and very thin towel, like the ones found in those cheap motels Mr. Davis and I had been staying in. It got the wetness off me anyway, but only barely, and I followed the fat deputy out of the showers and into a changing room of sorts where he gave me a small orange bundle of clothing folded up inside a plastic bag.
"Put this on," Deputy Bluett told me. "And put your old clothes in the bag. Shoes too."
"Um," I looked at the clothing. "Are there some panties or anything?"
"Panties?" the man almost chuckled. "I don't think so, boy."
"Oh," I nodded at that and probably should have expected it.
My new clothes were a set of thin cotton jumpers, like coveralls sort of, with Velcro instead of a zipper or buttons, and no pockets at all. There was a stencil painted on the back that said 'W.S.D.' in white letters and I wondered what they were going to do with my old clothes and especially my purse. I didn't ask about it, but only dressed quickly and it was a tight fit because apparently those jumpers were made for a boy. The height was okay, but my breasts just didn't want to fit and so I could only close the front some of the way. It left a deep V through which the swell of my breasts were plainly obvious and if i wasn't careful they'd probably spill right out. The coveralls were tight around my hips and ass too and I wondered if I wasn't going to pop a seam or something.
Deputy Bluett gave me some cheap rubber shoes for my feet, like sneakers except they were ugly orange and uncomfortable, and at least a size too big for me. I didn't even have socks, but I wasn't going to complain. I just put them on and they didn't even have laces, just Velcro again, which seemed awfully silly to me.
"Can I brush my hair? Sir?" I asked him.
"Ummm..." The deputy swallowed hard when he looked at me, seeing me standing there dressed now I think he was finding it hard to remember I had a penis.
"It's right there in my purse," I nodded. "If it wouldn't be a bother, sir."
"Yeah, it'd be okay, I guess." Deputy Bluett licked his lips and opened the plastic bag and then my purse, finding my brush and handing it to me without a word.
"Thank you, sir," I smiled, keeping my eyes down because sometimes I forgot how a proper negra should act, truth be told. Mr. Reiser had spoiled me something fierce. I found all of this a little strange, but if it got me home all the sooner, I'd wear whatever they wanted me to.
"Hey, um, Dan ... Danny..."
"Danielle, sir," I offered politely as I brushed my hair with the help of a mirror, but that was okay.
"Right, um ... How long have you been, you know..." Deputy Bluett cleared his throat.
"A girl?" I asked gently and smiled because I got that question a lot it seemed.
"A fag."
"Oh. Ever since I was born, I think," I shrugged and that word didn't bother me. "I can't do anything about how I am, inside or outside."
"Yeah, I guess so," he scratched along his double chins. "Being queer, it's uh, illegal in this state."
"Not for a slave, sir," I said. "Right?"
"Right. Yeah, I guess," the deputy said, making it sound like he thought it ought to be.
He'd watched me have sex with the sheriff, and then I'd taken a shower in front of him. Now I was standing there, wearing those tight orange jumpers, brushing my hair, and looking and talking like a pretty teenage bedroom negra. Deputy Bluett was confused and he'd never had a queer thought in his life, but I'd be willing to bet he was thinking about it now and it wasn't making him too happy.
"When do you think I can go home, sir?"
"Home?" The deputy shrugged as he took my brush back. "I wouldn't worry about that too much, the sheriff will find you one."
"Sir?" I narrowed my eyes, not understanding what the man meant by that strange remark at all.
"Come on, he's waiting on us." Deputy Bluett wasn't going to tell me much more than he already had and he jerked his head towards the door.
"Nope. It's coming up with an error, Sheriff," the fat man shrugged.
We were in the main office and Deputy Bluett had been trying to scan my slave tattoo for five minutes, but apparently he wasn't getting any information about me. I was sitting on a chair at his desk and Mr. Davis was sitting beside another desk just a dozen feet away with the sheriff sitting on the other side of it, rocking back and forth slightly while his other deputies worked around us. They weren't saying much, but just doing their jobs and while I'd never been in a sheriff's station before, I supposed it was business as usual for them.
"Yeah, that Interstate Slave Identification System must be down again." The sheriff pinched his lips between his fingers as he regarded my former math teacher. "Well, Mr. Davis, I reckon you're free to go."
"I'm ... Free?" Mr. Davis looked at the sheriff with obvious surprise and I blinked at that.
Mr. Davis had been sitting there, talking to the sheriff when the deputy had brought me back from my shower. My teacher had given me a look, an unhappy one, and I'd turned my eyes away. It had pained me terribly to have to turn the man in like that, but what choice did I have? Mr. Davis had stolen me and I wanted to go home. I felt guilty about it and I wasn't sure how to feel with the news that the man who'd stolen me was going free.
"You're letting him go?" I asked, not sounding much like a negra at all just then and the sheriff gave me a deep frown to shut me up quick. I dropped my eyes and bit my lip and reminded myself that I wasn't back home. I was someplace else.
"Yes sir," the sheriff nodded slowly at Mr. Davis. "Our computers don't seem to be working, so I don't think we need to detain you any longer."
"But what about Dani? The negra, I mean," Mr. Davis looked at me. "I can't just leave her..."
"Is that so?" The sheriff spread his hands. "That computer could start working any time, Mr. Davis. Now you can stay if you like, but I got the feeling a busy fella like you might want to be someplace else when it does."
"What, uh, what's going to happen to her?" Mr. Davis asked slowly.
"The nigger? He's a runaway slave," the sheriff said, pointedly correcting the other man. "So we'll try and locate his rightful owner."
"Oh." Mr. Davis nodded.
"Failing that, he'll go in front of a judge and become property of the state, most likely," the sheriff looked at me. "I reckon he'll be auctioned off come Monday. Not sure what kinda man would want a boy who like that though."
"I see." Mr. Davis coughed lightly and I was staring at him but he wouldn't even glance at me then.
"Now, there's the door, Mr. Davis." The sheriff lifted a finger, pointing with it. "And Tennessee is that way."
"Yeah, okay." Mr. Davis stood up and then he did give me a look, but I couldn't really tell what he was feeling just then.
He left me there, leaving the sheriff's station, and then I really did feel very alone. I suppose I was alone before too, but I hadn't really felt like it. I'd turned myself in and these people should have been arranging to send me home. They should have arrested Mr. Davis, but none of that was happening and it confused and frightened me.
"Heh!" Deputy Bluett grinned after my teacher was gone. "I don't suppose he'll be going back home anytime soon."
"It takes all kinds, don't it?" the sheriff laughed. "Mike, bring the negra in my office and call over to the courthouse, have Stanley come around with his kit."
"Sure thing," the deputy reached for his phone.
The sheriff was standing up, taking a drink from his big ceramic coffee cup. "Time to set things right around here."
I didn't know exactly what that meant and I thought about asking the deputy, but I got the impression that sheriff didn't want me talking at all and besides, I might not have wanted the answer anyways. Deputy Bluett wasn't on the phone but for a minute and then he was leading me towards an office adjacent to the main room. The door had a brass black engraved with the name Sheriff Lyle Miller.
"Sit down right there," the deputy pointed at a chair near the sheriff's desk and I sat.
I looked around the office and it wasn't real large, but it was comfortable enough. There were pictures on the walls, some awards it looked like. A bookcase and a computer beside the desk and an old sofa against the wall. A coffee pot was dripping in the corner and the sun was shining through the blue tinted windows behind Sheriff Miller as he sat in his big leather chair and looked at me. I smiled hopefully and then looked down. The man wasn't smiling back.
"You're in a heap of trouble," the sheriff said and that brought my eyes back up. "Mr. Davis told us that he picked you up hitchhiking. That he didn't know you were a runaway slave. Said he never laid eyes on you before yesterday."
"W-What?" I shook my head slowly.
"He's just an innocent man trying to do the right thing for a pretty negra who needed a ride," Sheriff Miller smiled. "Now, that story makes a whole lot more sense than yours. About how your math teacher stole you after school so he could drive all the way to California and set you free so you could get married."
"But ... Sir! That's what happened though!" I said.
"Quiet now," the sheriff warned me gently. "I don't like being interrupted."
I nodded my head.
"I'm thinking you ran away from your benefactor, found yourself all alone and out of money, a little lost maybe, and you let this Mr. Davis pick you up." He sucked at his cheek. "Probably figured you could get a little cash, maybe get a ride for a ways and say goodbye before he ever suspected a thing."
I opened my mouth and then closed it.
"Something went wrong though, didn't it? Maybe he forced himself on you, that it? Or did Mr. Davis catch you going through his pockets?" the sheriff asked and he wasn't looking for an answer. "Made you mad, huh? Whatever that man did, you didn't like it much. And you're tired of running away anyhow. You miss your bed maybe, miss that owner of yours and that home cooking, I bet. So you figured you'd just turn yourself in and blame an innocent white man for stealing you away."
I felt myself frightened by what Sheriff Miller was saying, angry too, and I wondered how he could possibly believe such a story as that. It had holes inside the holes. I was shaking and hot all over, my eyes growing damp and I wanted to say something, to explain that what I'd told the deputy was the truth. Every last word of it. But that sheriff didn't want me saying anything, that was clear. He just wanted me sitting there and listening while he destroyed my life.
"No?" Sheriff Miller gave me a blank look. "Well, without the computer we can't tell who you are. I suppose we could call Memphis, but that's three states away. I don't really care what happens in Tennessee all that much, you know? It's a little out of my jurisdiction."
The big deputy chuckled behind me and I swallowed hard.
"Any luck with the computer, Mike?" the sheriff asked.
"Nope, sorry Sheriff. That bitch's just being stubborn today," Deputy Bluett replied.
"ISIS does get like that, just when we need her the most, seems like," Sheriff Miller nodded and it was clear to me from their smiles that there wasn't a thing wrong with the computer. "So, tomorrow morning when you go in front of Judge Hastings, it's gonna be my word against yours. I have to tell you, Danielle, old Judge Hastings isn't gonna take the word of a queer bedroom negra over mine."
"Looks like Stanley's here, Sheriff," the deputy said and the other man looked up and smiled.
"Good. Get him in here," he nodded.
"Hey Lyle, what've you got here?" a nasel voice asked.
A bookish looking man was coming into the office carrying a grey case, like a briefcase, sort of, but thicker maybe and made out of metal. He stopped halfway into the office when he got a good look at me and I could tell what he was thinking from the immediate tent in the man's trousers. He didn't have any self-control.
"Close the door, Mike," Sheriff Miller said and he looked at Stanley. "I need this slave fixed."
"Okay. Got the paperwork?" the man asked and he was evidently a clerk of some kind, at least he gave that impression.
"Off the books, Stan."
"Off the books ... Heh ... Now, Lyle, you know..." The clerk licked his lips and glanced at Deputy Bluett and then at me.
"I'll take care of you. This one's going to be worth it, believe me," Sheriff Miller promised.
"I don't like it," Stanley shook his head. "You said that the last time and I only got a couple hundred. That's not enough, Lyle. Not for my job."
"I'll give you five hundred. No percentage this time," the sheriff said. "Straight up."
"Five hundred?" The thin man rubbed his nose. "Right now? You got it?"
"Stanley, come on ... You'll get it when I get it," the sheriff told him. "You know how it works."
"Yeah," Stanley sighed. "But after this, no more. It's too big of a risk."
"Hey, when opportunity knocks, someone's gotta answer the door," Sheriff Miller chuckled, relaxing now that the other man had agreed.
"Just remember, Lyle, there's all kinds of doors and you open the wrong one..." Stanley didn't finish his thought. "Alright, make some room there."
The man set his case on the sheriff's desk and opened it with clicks and rusty creaks. There was a machine inside, a device of some sort. He removed a pad, like the sort of cuff used to take a person's blood pressure, and he was attaching wires to it.
"Give me your left arm, girl," the clerk said.
"What are you going to do, sir?" I asked, unable to help myself because my heart was jumping in my chest.
"I'm going to remove the ultraviolet ink in your skin," he said without looking at my face. "Get rid of that little bar code you're wearing. It won't hurt."
"But ... My Master ... Mr. Reiser..." I swallowed hard and stared at the cuff and then looked at the sheriff.
"Don't worry, you'll get another one tomorrow," Sheriff Miller smiled at me. "But for tonight, shoot, you're nobody at all."
"You can't do this!" I blinked rapidly. "Sir, I told you the truth! I'm owned already. My Master is looking for me!"
"Don't move so much," the clerk warned me. "It takes a minute or two."
He was pushing some buttons, flipping some switches, and I thought I felt a little buzzing in my skin, but that was just my imagination. The dye from my tattoo was permanent in the sense that it wouldn't wear away or wash off, and I'd never really thought about how it might be removed. Now I was finding out. That machine was neutralizing the chemicals in my flesh, making it like I'd never been tattooed at all. I wouldn't belong to anyone after that, not so far as anybody could ever prove.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked the sheriff, feeling my eyes growing wet with something like panic. "You're a policeman!"
"Why?" the man chuckled. "Because you're worth a lot of money, that's why. Shit. Bedroom negra like you? A lot of money!"
I realized then that this wasn't the first time these people had done this to a slave. The sheriff was going to get me in front of the judge, tell him I was a runaway and get me auctioned off. I was a thousand miles from home, maybe two thousand, and nobody was going to care what I said. The sheriff would sell me, pocketing some of the money and sharing some with this Stanley person, his deputy too, I imagined. Maybe even the judge himself. He'd done it before and all he saw looking at me was dollar signs, especially since I was unique, special in my own way. Yeah, Sheriff Miller was going to make a lot of money off me probably and I was really wishing I hadn't turned myself in like I had. I should have called home first.
I tried to cling to the slim hope that maybe Mr. Davis would go back to Memphis, maybe tell someone what had happened. He could tell Mr. Reiser where I was, but he wouldn't. That would be admitting his crime and even if they weren't looking for him, Mr. Davis wouldn't ever say a word about me. He'd be thankful he could go back to his wife and kids, if he even could. Most likely the man wouldn't ever go back to Tennessee again. He couldn't take the chance, and so that left me completely alone and at the mercy of this corrupt sheriff.
"My Master is rich," I said slowly. "Really rich. His wife is Miss Corinne Ingersoll, from Mississippi."
"So?" The sheriff shrugged and that cuff buzzed in my head, feeling tighter. "Never heard of her."
"He'll pay to get me back, sir." I swallowed hard. "More than you can get from somebody else."
"And then I can just go lock myself up in my own jail?" Sheriff Miller looked at the other two men with a grin. "I don't think so."
"He'll pay a ... a reward," I said, thinking quickly. "A big one too, for finding me. No questions asked. I won't say anything about any of this, I swear. Nobody's gotta know anything except you found me."
"There, that's it." Stanley was turning off his machine. "She's clean as a whistle now."
"Please sir," I begged the sheriff and it looked like he was thinking about what I said. "I don't want any trouble. I just want to go home."
"Well, that's a good idea," the sheriff nodded and I felt a surge of hope rise beneath my breast.
"Ah, here she is now," my daddy said as I walked carefully down the stairs and I'd been pacing for fifteen minutes, so I'd at least grown accustomed to the three inch heels on those ankle boots. "Good," a white man I assumed to be Mr. Reiser answered, but he didn't look anything like I expected. He wasn't especially old, or fat or bald, or anything like that. He seemed about the same age as my father, I supposed, like forty maybe, but tall and handsome, actually, with sandy hair and...
"Do I still have to go to school?" I wondered. "Of course," Mr. Reiser laughed and he was driving us to a restaurant, even though my mom had prepared a dinner for him, for all of us. We hadn't stayed very long after Mr. Reiser had fucked me. Just long enough for me to take a shower and double check the bag my mom had packed for me. Enough time for my mom to wash the semen stains out of Mr. Reiser's trousers. He'd borrowed a clean shirt from my dad, it was a salmon colored Izod polo...
"This is nice," Mr. Reiser decided and I sighed in agreement. He knelt by a large bathtub, just off his bedroom in the master bath, and I was soaking in it, naked and enjoying the steaming water that surrounded me up to my budding breasts. It was a generous tub, the entire bath and the house around it was splendid and altogether too much for one man living alone, I thought. Mr. Reiser was washing me slowly, cupping water and letting it dribble onto my shoulders. He enjoyed looking at me,...
Joshua C. Hathaway had been a general in the War of Southern Independence and for the second time in that city's history, Chicago had burned to the ground. He'd called it payback for what Sherman had done to his beloved Atlanta during the War of Northern Aggression and so there were a lot of schools named after the man, including the one I was now attending. Hathaway High, which was a segregated school for black students only, for freeborn kids mostly, or those few slaves who wanted to go...
"Thank you, Mercy," I said, smiling and fidgeting in my seat as the woman served our dinner. She'd prepared a chicken breast, broiled I think, but I have to confess I've never been much good in the kitchen. Mercy was an excellent, however, and she was Mr. Reiser's housekeeper and cook, although only for dinner. He didn't require her to make breakfast and usually had lunch at the office, and on the weekends he liked to fend for himself. Of course, Mr. Reiser had me now and I wouldn't...
My second visit to the Owner's Club was much different from my first, mostly because I felt much more relaxed, much more confident in myself. I'd repaired my makeup in the car and it hadn't been so bad, just my lipstick had been terribly smeared from sucking Mr. Reiser's cock and then kissing him hard. I fixed it and brushed my hair. My only complaint was the semen trickling from my asshole as I walked into the plantation house, but I have to say I enjoyed the sensation of my rectum...
"Dani?" My mother blinked at me and then smiled happily, taking me into her arms. I hadn't told my parents that Mr. Reiser was allowing me to visit them every Sunday afternoon. I'd driven to their house shortly after lunch and I could stay until six or so before I returned to have supper with my Master. "Hi Mom." I smiled back as we embraced. She wanted to feel me all over, as if I might be injured, or just a mirage possibly. "Are you okay? How are you? Oh ... Come in! Ben! Dani's...
"Count backwards slowly," the man said from behind his green surgical mask. The cool air smelled funny. "... 100... 99... 98..." "... 98... 97... 90 ... Mmmm..." I awoke sometime later, wrapped up in warm sheets and feeling fuzzy all over. It seemed so quiet in that room, a yellow room, sunshine yellow and pleasant and I didn't want to move. I couldn't move and I had to find my way through a soft fog to remember where I was and what I was doing. I wondered where my Master was,...
"What's wrong with you?" I asked my best friend, Sarah, taking a seat next to her in the cafeteria. "Oh. Hey, Dani." She was a pretty girl and black, like all my classmates. Sarah might have been slaveborn, but she was smart as well, which explained why her master sent her to Hathaway High School, and college after that, I was sure. She had a head for numbers and besides fucking her, Sarah's owner was going to make the girl one of his accountants at some business he owned. Or maybe...
"What is you doin' in here, girl?" Mercy asked me in her lyrical voice, frowning as I picked up a peeler and started skinning potatoes. "Cooking." I smiled at her. She was preparing some stuffing for the chicken sitting near a big roasting pan. "No, you aint. Put them taters down and gone take a bath." She leaned close, wrinkling her nose at me. "You smell like finger puddin'." "I do not!" I laughed at her. "I'll take a bath later. I've got time." "Hmph." She shook her...
"Well?" Sarah asked me as soon as I picked her up on the way to school. "Yeah. I can go." I'd thought about teasing her, but I was kind of tired. Mr. Reiser had kept me up late, but I wasn't going to complain about that. Plus, I knew that new houseboy would be there when I got home and I'd have that thought nagging at me all day long. "Really?" Sarah widened her eyes and I nodded. "That's so cool. You have the best master ever, I bet. What did he say?" So I relived that whole...
I was still in the tub when Mr. Reiser arrived home, the water tepid at best and hardly soothing, but I didn't want to move. I half expected my Master to be angry with me, but Mercy hadn't told him about my behavior yet and so I suspected that she never would. It was an affair between slaves, as some things inevitably are, and there was no need to involve Mr. Reiser. Mercy probably thought he would notice my unfriendly attitude towards Tom Henry soon enough anyway, without any help from...
"He's going to sell me," I said. "Mayhaps he will, mayhaps he won't." Mercy shrugged. "Eat your breakfast now." "What are they doing in there anyway?" I frowned, looking at the door. Beyond it, around the corner, Mr. Reiser sat in his study with his new slaves, Tom Henry and Lilah. "Suh's introducing hisself, I spose, like a genuine person oughtta," Mercy clucked her tongue and I nibbled some toast. Mercy was getting on me of course, first for the way I'd treated Tom Henry...
"Where's Lilah?" Mr. Reiser asked me as I appeared in the kitchen doorway. We were getting ready to have lunch, all of us together. The other slaves wouldn't eat dinner at our Master's table, but on weekends he took his lunch in the kitchen and enjoyed the casual company. "He's coming." I giggled and my Master gave me a look. "Lilah, come on in now." Tom Henry already sat at the table, as did Mr. Reiser, and Mercy was filling large bowls from a pot on the stove, some chicken soup...
My Master was going out for the evening without me, which he did occasionally. He had his friends and social gatherings where a slave wouldn't be welcome or appropriate, and I understood that. I didn't resent it at all, but now I did have the small and not totally unreasonable fear that Mr. Reiser would be spending some of that time looking for a wife. I'll admit I didn't completely appreciate the way having a proper family would elevate him socially and professionally, but I was just a...
Possible Worlds "What, I'm sposed to turn here? Or the next one?" I frowned, glancing at Venus, who sat on Sarah's lap, holding my school notebook. My little Mercedes wasn't made for three people. "I think ... This one?" Venus said, frowning as well because that map that Purdy had made for me sucked. "He shoulda just wrote the street address down." I took a left and we were driving slowly, looking around like there might be a neon sign saying 'Party Here!' or something. "He...
I found my Master relaxing poolside, on the large patio between the house proper and the manicured lawn behind it. That would have made me happy any other time as I often thought the man worked himself too hard. Any other time I'd have put on a sexy bikini and tempted him into the water with me, but not on this day. Not after I'd left Purdy and his white abolitionist freinds. "What's the matter, Dani?" "Master, I'm sorry," I cried, running across the stones to kneel at his feet. I...
I couldn't say for sure what it was that finally broke me. Maybe it was the tension I felt between my Master's wishes and his obligation, his unhappiness at promising me something when he wasn't of a mind to make the best choice possible. Or it could be the way Tom Henry sat so still behind me, stoic and peaceful, knowing he was going to take a real whipping shortly, for no good reason except I wanted him to. Maybe too it was just the quiet in the car, the sun still up but falling fast and...
Tom Henry and Miss Ingersoll's nigger were in the evening's second match, being the amateur cockfighters they were. That was a good thing too, because I looked forward to seeing my Master's slave grapple, now that I knew what to expect. The first match had gotten me terribly excited. I wasn't sure I'd survive watching a whole lot more before it was Tom Henry's turn. But there he was, being led out by one of those pretty negras in panties, all oiled up and handsome. Tom Henry was a good...
"How come you didn't get caught?" Tricia stared at me. "God, you're lucky!" Merry was nodding, she was a plump girl and a little naïve. She was freeborn and not a slave at all, like a number of the kids at Hathaway High whose parents couldn't afford a private school. "What do you guys mean?" I asked sitting down for lunch and I'd noticed unhappily that Sarah and Venus hadn't come to school. Neither had Purdy or any of the other guys who'd been at that party. "They're all...
We were waiting for our Master, turned out in our finest clothes in the best tradition of the Old South. It was autumn, but after an especially long hot summer the slight chill was a welcome relief and we bore it comfortably. I was one month from my eighteenth birthday, or a little more perhaps. Slaves didn't observe birthdays generally and I felt little anticipation for the event, my interest was firmly on the here and now and I was playing my happy role as lady of the manor one last...
I had thoughts of telling Mr. Reiser about my teacher, but I didn't. I hid the ring Mr. Davis had given me away in my vanity, in the wide drawer where there were a number of similar boxes as I did have a lot of jewelry by that time. I was terribly spoiled. I pushed the engagement ring out of sight, towards the back of the drawer, and I hoped I could forget it, that Mr. Davis would come to his senses and remember what I'd told him. I was somewhat embarrassed by his affections, to tell the...
"Are you really going to castrate Wren, Mistress?" I asked her over dinner. "Why yes," Miss Corinne replied in her Mississippi accent, sweet and sing-song. "I most certainly am, Danielle." "Oh," I nodded. We were sitting on the roof, fifty stories up in the middle of Memphis, which seemed awfully high to me. Much of it was covered by a large canopy, almost like a circus tent, but open and airy, and the pastel canvas snapped high above our heads in the late evening breeze. It was...
I could feel the warm sperm literally dripping out of my stretched asshole. I was bound and gagged, my eyes covered by a leather mask and I'd just been fucked. I didn't know if I was frightened or excited, if I wanted to scream for help, or just feel another person's touch on my throbbing girl cock. I was confused and helpless and I gave a low muffled moan as I felt someone else behind me, taking advantage of my vulnerability with my left leg pulled high in the air, a rope bound at my...
Mr. Davis was one of those men who are neither handsome nor ugly, but unremarkable physically. He was taller than my five foot nine by four or five inches at least, and of course thicker and stronger. He had a small belly starting, a thin spare tire around his waist, which had never bothered me one way or the other. His eyes were blue and nice above a friendly smile and a strong nose. His short brown hair was unremarkable and just starting to cover his ears and thinning a little on top. He...
I was wearing my pink short-shorts with my long brown legs stretched out, my bare feet crossed at the ankles on the dashboard in front of Mr. Davis while he drove. I was leaning against the passenger door mostly, with the seatback adjusted so I was comfortable. I had a tight white t-shirt, new like my shorts, and it hugged my body closely, showing off my flat little tummy and especially my braless breasts. My thick black nipples were obvious and I was teasing my old teacher as much as I...
" ... up, Dani. Wake up, baby." I blinked in the darkness and realized Mr. Davis was talking to me, stroking my shoulder to rouse me. We were parked at a motel and it was still night and I felt so tired. My mouth was dry and I let him pull me slowly from the car, putting his arm around my waist as he unlocked the door to our room, which I was slow to realize was actually a little cabin. "Mmmm..." I laughed weakly. "The love shack." "Here, get into bed," Mr. Davis told me. "It's...
"Oh man. That was Dad checking up on me before he goes to bed," Deputy Miller's voice was full of humor as he returned to the sheriff's office where I was waiting. "He probably thinks we're fuuhhhk ... Hey." "I'm sorry, sir. But I have to go," I said and I was pointing the young man's pistol at him, one of those big black semi-automatic kind. It seemed incredibly heavy and my heart was going a hundred miles an hour. "Just, um ... put that down, okay?" He licked his lips,...
"Welcome to Tucson," Drew said softly into my ear. "Hmmm?" I blinked around sleepily and sat up with a stretch. "Oh, I fell asleep." "Just a little while," he smiled and we were stopped in a parking lot it looked like. "I was falling asleep myself. Come on we'll get a little breakfast and then get a little bed." "A big bed," I grinned with a nice stretch. "A big breakfast too." We were at a place called the Cactus Ranch, which was hardly that. It was a two floor motel...
The Indian casino was than I'd first suspected, and oddly shaped, like someone had taken four or five big buildings and just mashed them together somehow. It looked strange from the outside, but inside I had no idea what was going on. I guess casinos are like that though. A person had to walk past all the slot machines and gaming tables before they could find the other stuff, like the restaurant and bars and yeah, a little dance club too. There were a lot of people in there, inside the...
The next morning I was standing on the deck with a cup of coffee looking out over the lake when Linda came up beside me and linked her arm in mine. We stood there is silence for a moment, sipping our coffee and dwelling on our own thoughts. “Linda”, I said, “These last couple of days you’ve shown me that it really is possible to find the happiness that I’ve been seeking. I’d like to spend more time with you, but I need to get back to my place and wrap up a few things. I’ll spend the...
Yes it was dirty, but that was the driving force behind my participation, I wanted to wallow in the dirtiness of the act, the talk, the smell, the surroundings, all of it added up to the absurdity of it, it was raw at its best, even his smallness was accounted for, just to be taken and used in this manner appealed to me, this was real sex, good fucking, I felt like a woman doing her best to make him feel like a God, I held him tight inside me, a place where in the light of the day, he should in...
Things had been crazy lately and needless to say just a bit out of the norm. Again she had found herself at home caring for her sick new baby. It had seemed that the baby was sick more than not. So she and her husband were doing the best they can with their work schedules to care for the baby. But the abnormal schedules had really been a pain in the normal day to day routines and both the mother and father were tired. It seems that it had been a long time that they had spent some good quality...
I was late getting out of Darwin so I pulled off the road at Katherine to grab a cup of coffee and a bite to eat to fuel me up for the long night ahead. The truck was fuelled up and with over 1000 litres in the tanks I wouldn’t have to stop for fuel until I got home. There was one other rig in the parking bay, an old and battered Louisville with 3 cattle trailers hanging behind. There were a couple of dust-covered utes complete with bull bars and a row of spotlights on a bar over the cab, a...
Vel planned to surreptitiously leak the Malshall ambassador's response to the Vengeance's remaining crew using the slaves who brought them breakfast each morning. Dent was anxious to get started but knew it would be better if they had a bit of time to think about this news and what it could mean to them. Instead of lounging around the apartment all day waiting, he decided to go to the Guild Hall for a little practice and to find out if there were any warriors available for their trip....
How do you tell someone you want to be fucked within an inch of your life without sounding like a total whore? This was my dilemma with Matt. We met my first day at Channel Five where I’m a technical advisor and Matt is the hot smarty-pants who does complicated shit that makes my head spin. If I’m to be judged cruelly, I should mention that this was my first position after leaving university. Before then my resume sparkled with puffed up work experience from Hot Dog on a Stick, Go-Go Service...
Last December, my husband and I enjoyed our usual Christmas break in Bavaria. I adore it there. Christmas is celebrated the way it should be. There is a air of joy, and Munich, although very busy, is just a very pleasant place to relax and enjoy the festivities. On our return, a Sunday, I had one day to relax before attending a hospital appointment for a consultation with a surgeon. For the past eighteen months I had been having problems with the tendons in my wrist that control my right...
LesbianArriving back at the apartment, Susan, Jeff and Andy Taylor were greeted by Colette. Jim Fletcher had just dropped her off. Although they had been introduced at the Taylors, she and Andy hadn't had a chance to talk. Holding Colette's hands in both of hers, Andy just looked deeply into her emerald-green eyes. Very softly she said, "You're another one, aren't you?" "Another one what?" Colette asked, truly puzzled. "Another perfect young woman," Andy replied simply. "I guess it's...
Author Note: I feel obliged to warn all readers as to what is going to follow Author Note: I feel obliged to warn all readers as to what is going to follow. This story is inspired by the works of an "artist" named Dolcett. If you are a fan of his works (and thus one sick puppy) you'll thoroughly enjoy this series. If you are not, and you are offended by cannibals, rough rape or torture then read no further. Otherwise enjoy! I love feedback, even negative feedback. I only ask that you...
The Corruption of Cindy By Geena Cumsalot Chapter One: Beginnings I had been living as a woman full-time for almost two years when I met Cindy. We were both working for a major insurance company. She had been a secretary there ever since graduating high school and I was an IT support person. Our friendship began when I rescued her PC from a particularly nasty virus. She hadn't backed up in a while and a lot of documents were at risk if I couldn't affect a cure. After...
I had just finished mowing my lawn when I saw Cassidy waving to me from her back yard. She was looking very nice in her two-piece yellow bikini.“Hi, Mr. McDougal,” she said, waving to me.“Hello, Cassidy,” I said, waving back.There’s a wooden fence about five feet tall that runs between our yards. It hasn’t been stained in a while so some of the boards were starting to show signs of heavy wear. I had the wood to replace it, stacked off to the side, just hadn’t got to doing it yet.Cassidy trotted...
MatureI enjoy reading other authors writings on the Medallion of Zulo, so... I thought I would take a "stab" at one. Instead of focusing on the story like others, I wondered what would happen if an adult that used Zulo was suddenly transformed into a very young baby... less than a month old? Would they be able to retain all their knowledge when they reverted back? This story is what I think could happen. Angel By Anon Allsop The pendant laid dormant in the plastic baggie next to my...
After we both went into the room, the first thing I did, was call home to explain why weren't going to be home until morning. "Hey Dad—this is Jerry," I started. "Where are you two?" he asked. "We're still in Visalia, there's not a problem, it just seemed too late to come home. It was quite the wedding..." I explained most of the events that had happened, Dad concurred then asked, "So where are you staying?" "At a Best Western a couple miles away from where the wedding was,"...
Bella is a slut that I know that whenever I am feeling down or in need of a good blowjob, well she could write books on how to make a man cum! So Friday evening around 7:00, when things were dead at work, I closed up the store and gave her a call. She said to come on by that she was up for a little fun. Now Bella had bigger tits than a porn star when she was 12, or so she says, and now that she is almost 30 they have grown to the point that I bet even nuns look at her in appreciation and a...
Yes, I'm that guy. Yes, I can control other people's thoughts and actions - been able to since I was about thirteen. Let me tell you though: It's not all it's cracked up to be. Think about it. Sure, I don't get picked on by the jerks in school, at least, not since that cafeteria incident in my freshman year, but deep down, I'm really a nice guy. At least, I think I'm a nice guy. I want to be a nice guy. I also want other people to think of me as a nice guy. Problem is, even my...
I've always much preferred being with a man because let’s face it, I love cock. However the beauty of women has always captured me. I can’t help but admire their beauty. I've fooled around with girls in the past but I haven’t ever let myself go all the way before. I think it’s time I let myself find a pretty girl pet. My last relationship was with a submissive man, who allowed me to do as I please. I think it’s time I find a pretty girl pet to do the same. I joined a site for BDSM Lifestyle...
FemdomMy name is David, and I am 34 years old. I have a slim build and am what many people would describe as a health food nut. I have a very tight nit family and love to hike and enjoy the outdoors. I married Jennifer twelve years ago; she is 6 months younger than me, and is very pretty with long flowing black hair. Unfortunately, about seven years ago, Jennifer was in a bad car accident that left her with constant back pain. Before the accident, we loved to travel and go hiking, but now Jennifer's...
Justice For My Brother By Princess Chapter 1 She has little or no memory of her childhood. She knew she had a twin. Most official records said that she was the only child to her single mother Melissa Wisecarver. But she had a few memories of living with a brother when she was very young. Christine Wisecarver thought she was happy. She had lived a good life until around a year ago. She began having vicious nightmares of a little boy. IN her dreams the boy was very sad and...
Please comment on this story. I like a little feedback.This started back when I was in my early 20s. I was living with my girlfriend Michelle, who was 19. Her mom, Carly was 38. Carly was tall, about 5'9", and kind of big, about 200 lbs. She had longish, light brown hair,with light streaks that might have been the beginnings of gray, and an average face for her age. But she had nice, big, D-cup boobs and a really big and very round ass. Her ass cheeks looked like 2 basketballs side by side...
100% fiction! Hi I'm Josh, I'm 18 years of age and this is my story. It all started a few weeks ago. I was in my parents while they where out looking for some of my mothers used under ware which I could use as wanking material. While I was rummaging under the bed I found some old Porn DVDs and magazines. I thought that they must be my dads for when mums out. Took the mags and a pair of my mums knickers and left. A few days later I had only read one of the magazines and completely reined my mums...
IncestSome marriages get stronger as the years go on. Mine wasn't one of them. It's not that I didn't love my wife, but she has her personality and rough edges, and I've got mine. Over the years, instead of wearing each other smooth to mesh better, they left each of us with raw spots. So, here we were with our separate careers, living in separate bedrooms in an upscale two-story in the classy part of town. I suppose we could have gotten divorced, but that would have required more effort than...
Dear Readers I do not know how you have taken the tale till now and what sort of image you have formed about me, my wife and my mother in law in your mind. But I must make one thing very clear to you that the incidents which happened did not make me to take my mother in law in disrespectful manner. As I told you from very beginning that my mother in law did not marry again after the demise of her husband. She brought up her daughter very well and made herself made girl. She gave her whole life...
IncestThe frogs in the pond behind our house were giving up their last cacophony in the early morning light. Dictated by my biologic clock I suppose, I was awake early even though Jean and I had spent an intense little while on the phone with each other late the night before. As was my custom, I sleep in the nude and often awoke with an unconscious "tent pole" under the sheets. With my eyes closed and hands clasped behind my head, I was reviewing the latent imagery of the night before, of the...
My dash clock showed 4:43 when I rolled to a stop at the back corner of the apartment building. I saw the curtains move, and then Val poked her head out the door to look both ways before she came out. She ran out her door, slamming it behind her, as her small white, shorty apron flipped up over her pussy. The apron was made with a bib at the top that was barely wide enough to cover half of each breast, with a strap that looped around her neck. She had it tied at the waist in back with a big...
Lit 6 14-20 14 pick a side Max Stone, the sign read. It was being held by my best friend, Jennifer. Well, she used to be my best friend. She was about to have a real problem. Jennifer hugged me tight and asked, ‘How are you? Are you still mad at Marty?’ ‘Who me? I’m not mad. I’m just going to sue his ass off. You are going to have to pick your side on this one.’ ‘Marty has been my client since I started practicing,’ Jennifer said. ‘I have been your friend since grade school. You still have...
I untie you and move you to the bed. I restrain you to the bed by tying your hands above your head, then spreading your legs. By doing this I have great access to your ass. I look at you looking at me, waiting. I leave your nipples and cock alone for now and get to work on your ass. Using lube and a toy. I get between your legs. My nails are sharp but short. I have to really dig into your skin to scrape you and leave red marks behind. I scrape my finger nails up your inner thighs and grab your...
BDSMAuthor’s Note: Long chapter. I hope you like this one. I do. SUSAN Jay is going to be our girl’s volleyball team statistician. That’s brilliant! I know he’s going to make a good one and I’m so excited. Plus, and this is the best part, he gets to come with us when we go away for games. I was feeling great. I was finishing up my shower when the boys from the basketball team rolled in. They were surprised, to say the least. I was surprised. They were all so big. Only two of them were taller...
I have been debating whether or not to share this with the community. I have shared this with a few friends here and have gotten positive feedback to where I was encouraged to share it with the rest of you. I am certain some of you may say that the characters in this fantasy are outdated or are "have beens", still I cannot get this scenario out of my mind. Here goes....So my fiancé really has a "thing" for Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez. Not going to lie, I find Britney (Spears) to be...