Peekaboo free porn video

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My name is David, and I am 34 years old. I have a slim build and am what many people would describe as a health food nut. I have a very tight nit family and love to hike and enjoy the outdoors. I married Jennifer twelve years ago; she is 6 months younger than me, and is very pretty with long flowing black hair. Unfortunately, about seven years ago, Jennifer was in a bad car accident that left her with constant back pain. Before the accident, we loved to travel and go hiking, but now Jennifer's back pain leaves her unable to walk long distances. So our leisure time is usually spent around the house and catering to our daughter. Our only child, Sandra, is ten-years-old. We had planned to have more, but after the accident, the thought of putting Jennifer through childbirth was just incomprehensible. Jennifer and I very rarely make love any more. If we do, it has to be with Jennifer in a certain position, and during the whole experience, I can't move too much otherwise Jennifer's pain comes back... It is really not worth the hassle.

So Sandra and I do most outdoor activities together, while Jennifer stays home. As I stated before, hiking is one of my favorite hobbies. Northern California has almost unlimited hiking possibilities, and Sandra and I try to make at least two good hikes a month.

In early June of last year, Sandra and I were on one of our hikes when we had stopped to drink water and rest. We had been resting for about ten minutes when I needed to urinate. I did what I think every man in the world does... I found a tree to go behind. I was standing there relieving myself when out of the corner of my eye I caught some motion that caught my attention. Now I am usually very aware of my environment when out in the wilderness. Bears and Mountain Lions are prevalent in California, so being aware is prudent advice. I moved my head a bit to see what the motion was and I saw Sandra's hair sticking out from around a rock about ten feet from me. At first I was confused as to what she might be doing. I thought she might be relieving herself also. But as I watched, I saw her eyes peek around the rock. Now I wasn't looking directly at her, so I don't think she realized I could see her. I continued to relieve myself, with Sandra sneaking a peek at me.

When my bladder was empty, I started to zip up and realized Sandra was gone. I walked out from behind the rock and Sandra was busy gathering up all the trash into her backpack. We continued our hike and I was a bit confused as to what had just happened. Both of us were more quiet than usual. The hike ended uneventfully, and nothing was said of my suspicion that Sandra had been peeking at me.

I didn't give it another thought, and the next couple weeks passed normally. Then Sandra and I planned another hike. As we were getting out of the car and getting our equipment together, the site of Sandra's backpack brought the memory of her peeking at me back into my mind.

We hiked for about an hour until it was time for our first rest stop. We drank water as usual. I got up and stated that I had to relieve myself, so I stepped around a large tree. I proceeded to unzip and pull my penis out of my shorts, but I was also thinking about the previous hike, and without consciously thinking about it, I started slowly stroking my cock for a few seconds. I wasn't hard, but it felt nice just standing there.

I was very aware of my surroundings, and was waiting for some movement in my peripheral vision that would tell me that Sandra was watching. I wasn't to be disappointed. Within 20 seconds I noticed her peeking around a second tree about ten feet away. I hadn't started to urinate yet, and just stood there with my cock in my hand slowly caressing it while my young daughter watched. I closed my eyes and had to concentrate and within a few seconds, the stream started. I kept my eyes closed, imagining the site that Sandra could see.

When I felt my bladder starting to empty, I opened my eyes and turned my head fairly quickly toward the tree that Sandra was behind. She saw me turn and I looked right into her eyes as my urine stream started to dwindle. She was startled for a split-second, and then jumped back... she knew that she had been caught looking. I finished and zipped up and came from behind the tree.

She was flushed with a bit of embarrassment, but we didn't say anything to each other. I started gathering things up and we were on our way. She and I were quiet, just enjoying the fresh air. I thought her embarrassment was funny, and without her seeing, I was smiling.

We walked another hour, had some lunch and then started back down the mountain. At some point we again stopped to take a breather. We sat and drank without much conversation between us. I was curious how she would react after being caught the last time. So I got up and announced that I needed to urinate again. I started to walk around a tree and then said, "The matinee show is starting... did you buy a ticket?". I laughed and headed to the other side of the tree. I was still smiling and unzipped my shorts and pulled out my cock. I was about three quarters erect; it had grown to full length and girth, but was not standing up completely. I stood there for a second just massaging my organ, when Sandra came around the corner in a huff. She said, "You think you are so...", she didn't finish the thought when she saw me holding my cock. She was flustered and her face went completely white, then flushed completely red. I didn't turn away, but just stood there holding my cock.

Sandra acted like she was going to turn around, but when I didn't say anything, or make any movements, she didn't either. We stood like that for a good ten seconds, when I finally started peeing right in front of her. She was maybe four feet away from me, and her eyes were glued to my cock. My bladder wasn't that full and after 20 seconds or so, the stream started to subside. Before it finished completely, Sandra turned and walked back to her backpack. When I came out from behind the tree, she wouldn't look me in the eye. We gathered our stuff and continued the hike.

We got back to the car and neither of us had said a word. We had an hour drive in front of us and the tension between us was pretty heavy. Then Sandra looked over at me and said in a soft voice, "Sorry, daddy, I didn't mean to see you like that."

I sat there for a second or two, and then said, "Sweety, I'm not mad at you. I know you are curious about boys, and since I'm the only boy in the house, it is only natural for you to want to peek." I paused for a few seconds, and then said, "Just don't tell mom about what you saw, she wouldn't understand." She smiled at me and said, "Ok". That was all that was said about it. The tension was broken, and we had a very pleasant drive home, with Sandra napping most of the way.

The next few days seemed odd, Sandra was very quiet and didn't seem to be herself around me. I asked her a few times if she was ok, but I got the standard kid answer every time..."ya".

The following few weekends were filled with yard work and the usual family errands. It wasn't until three weeks later that I announced on Saturday afternoon that I was going to go hiking the next day. I didn't ask Sandra if she wanted to go, sensing that she might be embarrassed about the previous trip. I was gathering my stuff on Sunday morning, and Sandra came to me and asked if she could go. I said, "Of course you could go, I was afraid that you might not want to." She smiled and ran to get her backpack.

We drove to an area I had been to many times, but that was a good two hour drive from our house. We gathered our stuff from the car and started walking. The day was very hot and we both were going through our water pretty fast. After the first hour of our walk, we stopped for a rest. I actually felt awkward about sitting there in the same situation that Sandra and I had been in a few weeks ago. We were both kind of quiet and were just listening to the birds. I felt my cock grow in my shorts as I thought about letting her watch again.

The anticipation finally grew to the point, that I got up and started walking towards a big rock. I didn't say anything, and just headed around the rock. I leaned against the back of the rock and pulled my cock out of my shorts. I stood there slowly stroking it. I didn't think that she would follow me, since last time she seemed embarrassed about it.

I heard a stick break and looked back towards where Sandra had been sitting. There she was, standing next to the rock watching me. I didn't say anything, but my hand didn't stop moving. I surprised myself when I said, "Well, if you are going to watch, you might as well come closer." She turned very red, but walked closer and stood right next to me.

My cock was so hard; it was difficult to get the stream of urine going. We stood there for about twenty seconds both looking down at my cock, until the first spurt of urine shot out of the tip. She made a small intake of air when that happened. My bladder wasn't incredibly full, so after a few seconds, the stream slowed to a trickle. When I was done, Sandra watched me shake the tip and then I pushed it back into my shorts.

"Ok, shows over...", I said. She giggled and then turned to get her backpack.

We started walking, but the emotions inside of me were swirling. I had never had thoughts about my daughter but the idea of her standing and watching me hold my cock was spinning my internal moral compass in new directions.

We walked for another hour, before stopping for lunch. Sandra was very quiet, and I was hoping that I hadn't gone too far. After lunch we started walking down the mountain. We were making good time, but I was distracted by the thought of Sandra. We were only about 20 minutes from the car when I said I wanted to take another break. We sat and drank some water and ate some trail mix. I wasn't sure if I should chance another encounter but I actually needed to urinate. I started getting up, and Sandra, asked, "Where are you going?". I said, "I have to go pee..." I didn't move for a few seconds and then started around a large bush.

I was half way around the bush when I heard Sandra say, "Daddy?"

I turned to look back at her and she said, "ummmmm, can I ummmm..."

The question hung in the air for a few seconds before I said, "Watch again?" She blushed and then nodded her head very slightly.

I smiled at her and then said, "Well if you are going to, you better hurry, I feel like I'm going to bust a gut." She smiled also and jumped up and ran behind me. We continued around the bush.

I stopped and turned towards Sandra. I pulled down my zipper, reached in and pulled out my cock. I was completely hard again, and I stood directly in front of Sandra with my cock out. I joked that I had better aim it away from her since I didn't want to get her all wet. She laughed at the joke and I turned away from her. She walked one step closer and stood right next to me. I was slowly stroking it, and couldn't get the stream started. I said, "Sometimes it takes a little while for things to get started." She looked up at me, smiled, and then back at my cock.

After thirty seconds or so, I was still so hard, that I was not going to be able to pee at all... but without even thinking about it, I said, "I'm not sure it is going to work, do you want to hold it and see if you can get it to pee?"

She looked up at me and her face went flush again. She didn't say anything, but just reached her hand out. Her fingertips slowly wrapped around my cock. I moved my hand, and her thumb went around the top. I was melting. The feel of her fingers was incredible. She started moving her hand back and forth just as she had seen me doing moments before. She looked up and asked, "Like this?"

I stood there letting the feeling flow through my cock... "Yes, that is just fine"

I had stopped trying to urinate and just stood reveling in the feeling that was going through me. It had been so long since someone had touched my cock that I was in heaven. I'm sure that Sandra didn't know what feelings were going through me. Her hand slowly stroking up and down my cock. I'm also sure that she didn't have the first clue when it came to male masturbation, or what that was all about.

Within a minute or so, I was ready to pop. I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer to my side, as her hand kept slowly stroking. Then, much to my surprise, I was about to cum. I closed my eyes and said, "Oh God!!"

The cum shot out of my cock. Shot after shot arced out. Sandra stopped her hand moving after the first couple of spurts. I think she was expecting to see urine and when it was something else, she was completely surprised. I pushed her hand away, and wrapped my hand around my cock and then milked it for another ten spurts. It was the most powerful orgasm I had had in a very long time.

I opened my eyes and Sandra was standing there with a confused look on her face. Her mouth agape. I could tell she had a thousand questions, but she didn't say a word.

Reality started coming back to me and I slipped my wilting cock back into my shorts. I walked around Sandra and back to the backpacks. I sat down, put my head in my hand and closed my eyes for a few minutes. Sandra came back and sat down, but neither of us said anything.

We gathered our stuff and completed the twenty minutes walk back to the car. When everything was put away and we were sitting in the car, I didn't start the engine. We sat for a minute, and I finally said, "Sweetie..." I could hardly speak.

"Sweetie... ummm... I think...", I kept fumbling.

She said, "Daddy, what happened? What was that?"

I knew I had to explain, but I didn't know where to start.

"Sweetie, I didn't expect that to happen." I said. "I need to apologize for that"

"For what daddy? What happened?", she said as she was looking at me with concern.

"Well, Sweetie, you just gave daddy an orgasm. Do you know what an orgasm is?" I asked.

"Well, kids as school have talked about them, but I didn't know what they were. Did it hurt?", she almost whispered.

"No. No... It didn't hurt at all... In fact it felt wonderful. It was the best feeling in the world". I had to be honest. "Honey, Please, Please, Please don't ever mention this to anyone, I could get in a lot of trouble. Little girls aren't supposed to be doing that to their daddies."

I started explaining all about the birds and the bees. Giving her the whole explanation, weaving the orgasm into my discussion. I think she understood. But her question, "Does this mean I am going to have a baby?" made me laugh, and realize just how naïve she really was. We talked for about 45 minutes, before I started the car and headed home. She was silent the whole drive home and I think I had said enough at that point, so I kept quiet as well.

We arrived more than an hour after dinnertime, and Jennifer was angry. She said that if we were going to be that late, I should have called. I apologized and tried to explain that there was a lot of traffic. Sandra didn't say a word, knowing that any other explanation would just get us in trouble.

Sandra spent the rest of the evening in her room; I didn't see her at all after dinner. I was a little concerned, and the next day when I got home from work, I went to where she was doing her homework. I asked, "Hey sweetie, how are you doing?"

She looked up at me and smiled and then said, "Fine". I knew I wasn't going to get any other answer out of her, so I just dropped it.

The next two weeks were a little weird. Sandra was a bit quiet and I couldn't say anything when Jennifer asked what was wrong with her. I just shrugged my shoulders.

I didn't mention hiking again for a few weeks, with my guilt getting the better of me. On Thursday evening of the third week, at dinner my wife was the one that brought it up again. "Hey, honey, why don't you and Sandra go on a good long hike on Sunday? I have to go to my mothers house that day, and I know Sandra doesn't want to do that..."

I looked over at Sandra and her expression was hard to read. I mumbled that I would think about it, and Sandra didn't really say anything. I was starting to get the idea that Sandra was upset about the events on our last hike.

On Sunday morning at breakfast, Sandra asked where we were going hiking that day. I wasn't sure if I was going yet, and so I asked if she was sure she wanted to go with me.

"Of course silly!" was her only response.

So we packed our lunch and off we went. I didn't want to go quite as far away this time, so I picked a mountain with a high mountain lake that I had been to a few times. It was only a 20-minute drive. The drive was quiet with Sandra watching out the window and not saying much.

We parked our car and started our hike. It was about two hours to the lake, and I had decided that I wasn't going to need to urinate during the hike. I didn't want the situation to get uncomfortable with Sandra. What had happened happened. But I didn't want Sandra to think I would expect that to happen again.

We stopped for a rest stop, and both of us were very quiet. I didn't mention needing to urinate, and I thought Sandra looked relieved.

We hiked up the rest of the way to the Lake. It was definitely out of the way, and there was no sign of other people anywhere. We sat in a small clearing surrounded by trees and rocks right on the edge of the lake. It was a nice day and we both stretched out on a small blanket I had brought. We ate our lunch with not much conversation.

We were there for at least half an hour and had completed our lunch. When I got up to pick up some trash and put it in my backpack.

Sandra said, "Daddy... ?"

"Yea sweetie?", I asked.

"Ummm... you remember... ummm... what happened last time?", she sputtered.

"Of course, honey... Please don't think I want you to do that again...", I said, thinking that I would want that to happen.

"No, no... ummm... daddy?", she said, "I was kinda wondering... ummm you know ummm if maybe..."

"What sweetie?"

"Well, ummm could I see your thing again?", she finally sputtered.

"Oh,... well... ahhh hmmmm. I'm not sure that's a good idea sweetie.", I finally said. "I mean, I think it would be better if you waited until you were older to find out about those things. I think I made a mistake last time by letting you... you know".

"Oh... but... ummm well last time I didn't know what was going on, and now I want to see you gasm again."

"The word is orgasm sweetie, and I'm not sure you seeing me have an orgasm at your age is such a good idea." I was trying my best, but I could feel my cock getting hard in my shorts.

"Please daddy, I've been thinking about it ever since, and I want to see it again." She pleaded.

"Sandra Ann... I don't know if you have a clue what you are asking of me...", I whispered under my breath. "If I let you see it one more time... you promise that you won't ask again."

"Yea! Yea! I promise!!", she giggled.

I hesitated for the longest time, then I moved over to a large rock next to where she was sitting and waited. She didn't move and neither did I. I hesitated, and then said, "Well, you need to move over here..."

She moved over to sit right in front of me and I unzipped my shorts. I unbuttoned my shorts as well and they dropped to around my knees. I reached up and pulled my underwear over my hard on and it popped into view. I stood in front of my little girl with a raging hard on, naked from my knees to my waist. I was looking right past my cock and into my little girls eyes. She was so focused on my cock; she didn't see me looking at her.

She reached up with both hands and wrapped them around my cock. It felt incredible.

The feeling was so good, I had to close my eyes and concentrate on not cumming too soon.

I was within moments of cumming, when I heard a noise of bushes rustling. I looked to my left and saw a large man in a forest ranger uniform coming through the bushes. I panicked and threw Sandra's hands off me. I reached for my shorts as fast as I could.

"Well, Well, Well, what have we here?", the man said with a laugh. He had a sidearm that he had pulled from the holster and was pointing in my direction. Sandra screamed when she saw the man.

"Settle down both of you. Pull up your pants... very slowly, don't make any fast moves.", he said. I moved very slowly, and pulled my underwear and pants up. Of course my erection was gone in a split second.

"Little girl, I want you to come over by me." Sandra did as she was told. "Just sit down right there", he said as he was pointing to the ground. Speaking to me he said,"Ok, I want you to lay down on the ground spread eagle."

I slowly moved onto the ground and lay down like he asked. When I was completely flat, he came up from behind me and placed a knee in the middle of my back and grabbed my right wrist, and then my left. He placed each hand into a plastic zip tie type handcuff. He left me there on the ground and told me not to move.

He went over to Sandra and asked if she was ok. When she said she was fine, he started asking all sorts of questions... Who was I? What relation was I to her? Was she being forced to do what he had witnessed? How many times had she done that to me?

She answered each of the questions with honest answers. He was very concerned that she had been forced into the mountains and to perform that acts that he witnessed.

When her answers of being my daughter and that she was not forced came from Sandra, he seemed a bit confused. She started crying and saying that he should let her daddy go. I was terrified. I was seeing my life, as I knew it, flash before my eyes.

He came over to me and pulled me to my knees.

"Ok, so you are in the habit of letting your little girl give you a hand job?" he asked mockingly.

"No, No, No! This is only the first... well second time. The first time was kind of an accident, and...", I pleaded.

"Yea right..." he scoffed.

"Honest, I wouldn't have done it again, but she asked me and I guess I just had a moment of weakness." I was starting to panic. "Please let me go, I promise I won't ever let her touch me again! Please, oh god. This is going to ruin me and my family... Please"

"You should have thought about that before you had your little girl pull on your shlong" he laughed a bit.

I pleaded some more with him. I figured that if I could somehow keep him talking, I still had a chance at being let go. I had been pleading for about ten minutes, when he put up his hand and stopped me from talking. He stepped closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"The only way I will let you go is if you get your little girl over there to do the same thing to me as she was doing to you..."

"What?" I gasped a bit.

"You heard me." He looked into my eyes from close range. "Anything less, and you are going to jail for a very long time"

He turned from me and walked over to a large rock on the other side of the clearing and sat down. He just sat there looking at me. I didn't know what to do for the longest time. I finally looked over at Sandra and called her over to me.

"Sweetie, the man told me a way that he will let us both go. But you may not like it." I said as I looked into her eyes.

"What is it daddy?"

"Well sweetie, he said that if you go and do the same thing to him that you were doing to me, he will let us go. I can't believe I am asking you to do this baby, but I don't see any other way out of this." I was so emotional, I was pleading with all my heart.

"What do you mean do the same thing to him..." she said.

"You know honey, pull his thing out of his pants and rub it like you were doing with me"

"He said he would let us go if I do that?" she said, as she turned white as a ghost. The shock on her face was horrific.

"Yes, I hate to ask you this, but I see no other way out of this..." I pleaded with all my heart.

She sat for a long while and just looked at me, and then looked over her shoulder at him. She turned back to me and then whispered, "ok, I guess I could do that."

I looked into her eyes for the longest time, and then said, "go ahead baby, just this one time it is ok"

She stood up and turned, not looking at the man as she walked across the clearing. She was about half way across when the man said, "Little girl why don't you take off that little t-shirt you have on... I would love to see you without it."

She looked back at me with a look of total shock, her jaw had dropped at the suggestion. I couldn't do anything, so after a few seconds, I said," It's ok honey, Let's just get this over with"

She stood there for the longest time and then slowly, ever so slowly, she reached for the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. From my vantage point, I couldn't see her front, I could only see her back. The man's face lit up when the shirt lifted above her head. She slowly walked over to where he was leaning against the rock. He reached up and I could tell that he was touching her chest, but I couldn't see anything.

He then touched her shoulders and told her to kneel in front of him. She did so slowly. He reached to his belt and unclipped it, along with the holster. He then reached up and unsnapped his pants and unzipped. He pushed his pants down to his knees and then told Sandra to pull his boxers down. When she did, the biggest cock I have ever seen popped into view. It was massive, and it bumped Sandra in the cheek as she lowered his boxers.

He moved his hips back and forth, and that huge cock floated in the air in front of Sandra. He told her to grab it, which she did. Both her hands looked so small compared to that monster. She started rubbing it like she had done to me.

The man told her to rub the tip of it all over her face, and she leaned forward, and I could see the tip rubbing over each cheek and across her lips. He told her to speed up the stroking and she was pounding his cock with incredible speed.

Finally after a few minutes of this, he started moving his hips and moving with her hands. I could tell he was nearing orgasm. In a quick motion, he pushed her hands off of him and he reached behind her head and grasped her hair and pulled her head so that her face was pointing straight up. He then grasped his cock with the other hand and started pumping that monster for all he was worth. In seconds, cum started pouring out, all over Sandra's face. Shot after shot hit her in the cheeks, on her chin, and all over her chest. He groaned after the last cum shots came out of his cock. He then used the tip of his dick to rub cum into her face. He did that for almost a minute as Sandra looked up at him.

He finally let go of Sandra's hair and they both fell backward. Sandra went to put her shirt on and he pulled his pants up and started buckling his belt. Sandra found some paper towels in her backpack and was rubbing the cum off her face. He finally walked over behind me and undid the zip cuffs.

He whispered, "God that was unbelievable!! If she were my little girl, she would be doing that every day and twice on Sundays!"

I hurriedly gathered up our stuff, trying to get out of the situation as fast as possible. As I was leaving, I had to ask, "What were you doing way up here anyway?"

"Oh", he chuckled, "I was looking for poachers, hunting season doesn't start for a couple of months, but a lot of guys want to start early"

We turned to leave and he called after us, "I'll be here next weekend, same time, same place", and then I could hear him laughing as we walked as fast as we could walk. When we had walked about 20 minutes, and I was sure that he wasn't behind us, I stopped Sandra and said, "Honey, I am so sorry about that. I don't know how I will ever make this up to you. I feel so ashamed of myself for letting us get caught like that, will you ever forgive me?"

I could tell she was stunned. She didn't say anything during all my blubbering. I think the whole experience was so overwhelming for her that she had no words to express herself. We continued walking and we didn't stop until we reached the car.

I don't think I've ever driven down a dirt road as fast as I did that day. I was lucky no one was coming the other way. I would have killed someone. On the way home I looked over at Sandra, and she was kind of a mess. She still had cum in her hair, and the cum that had been on her chest was soaking through her t-shirt.

I pulled in to the parking lot of a fast food restaurant and suggested that she go get cleaned up. There were still white blotches of cum sitting in her hair. She went in and cleaned herself up, while I bought some sodas. We sat in the car drinking our sodas, neither one of us saying a word. After sitting there for fifteen minutes, I started saying in a very soft voice, "Honey, I am so sorry that happened. You can't imagine how bad I feel for getting you into that situation. Can you ever forgive me?"

She was looking at her drink and didn't look up when she said, "Daddy, stop... Let's just not talk about it for now. Ok... Please?" I was looking at her, and although she had cleaned her hair pretty well, the cum was still soaking through her t-shirt. Most of the stain was over her left nipple. I stared at her for a few seconds with the knowledge that the stain was some strangers cum.

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Aztec EarringsChapter 7 Return to Civilization

With my earrings and jewelry box securely packed away in my travel bag, Ron and I began our trip home. We excitedly told the captain about our cave find, and he seemed very interested. He took out a detailed map of the island, and we did our best to mark the approximate location of the cave and the paintings. Even though the captain assured us that he would get a team of archaeologists to work on the blocked entrance, something told me that the secret of the Aztecs would remain hidden from...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 10

Chapter X   Lori's succulent cunt lips were stretched out so far apart it looked as if you could drive a truck between them! Ed licked his lips and knew what his oversexed wife’s girlfriend was up to. "What the hell are you doing?" Ed gasped.   "Why don't you come over here brother and find out?" Lori said.   Her naughty grin causing Ed's dick to throb as he watched her. "Where is Janice?" he asked his wife’s girlfriend as he undid his...

Wife Lovers
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Jeder Leser der kann/will - darf seinen Senf dazumischen und die Geschichte erweitern. . . FKK Geschichten rund um einen Campingplatz am See Karl Heinz setzte sich unter sein Vordach.Wie im jeden Jahr hatte er die selbe Platznummer gebucht. Ein geräumiger Wohnwagen mit Doppelbett, mit Aussicht auf die Liegewiese vor dem See. Jedes Jahr der gleiche Standort, allerdings mit wechselnden Angebot. Der 56 jährige Bauarbeiter ließ seinen Blick über die Neuen wandern. Die meisten kamen nicht nur zum...

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Virginity Gift To My Elder Sister

This is 36th story penned under the name of Sultana Sinha (name changed). I am Alok 36 yrs old male from Patna. If you like, the story please say, so on my mail or Hi, my name is Sachin form Mumbai. My family consists of my parents, my married sister Sheetal and me. My brother in law Vijay got a job in Gulf. My sister is staying with us for the period till she gets all her passport/visas cleared. For all papers and documents clearance Sheetal had to go to Immigration office almost daily....

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"You better!" A familiar voice resounded. "You got a full ride to the best technology college in the nation, and you're going to miss orientation!" "You're right, Reina." I mumbled. "Always right." "Of course I'm fucking right. You get to go to college, while I'm stuck in high school!" Reina tossed her blonde hair, parting it to her left side. "Don't let mom catch you talking like that," I tossed my blanket on the floor. "You know how she gets." Mom is the stereotypical...

4 years ago
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My name is James Kendal and I have been a thief all my life. I am very good at what I do which is why I have never been caught. I am also skilled in a mixed martial art so can more than take care of myself. The two men following me did not stand out which was unusual. I decided to confront them privately and turned in at the alley. What happened next did surprise me. Between one moment and the next a dozen space force commandoes appeared with rifles pointed at me. I held still since they could...

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Construction Workers Slave

Construction Workers' SlaveStory about a straight college k** who has a secret fantasy of being sexually dominated by a couple of guys and turned into a pussyboy sex slave. His fantasy comes true.My name is Ryan. I'm a university student, 20 years old, blonde hair,reasonably athletic looking, 5'8" tall, 160 lbs. I was just finishing up asummer job with a construction company where I was basically a foreman of aroad crew. Kyle and Brad are full time workers and on my crew, probably acouple of...

3 years ago
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My Degraded Wife

Introduction: Wife is abused by Dune Coon and his friends Ive been happily married for 10 years to my wife Andie. We have three small children and I always thought our marriage was fine. Andie is a 32 year old large breasted Italian girl with a small waist and a nice round butt. Her lips are pouty and full. Her olive skin is soft as a babies butt. Shes probably 20 pounds heavier than the average girl, but many men drool over her slutty body wherever we go. Shortly after our 10 year...

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Life Of A Pervert 8211 Part 5 Feeling Didi While She Slept

Hello ISS readers, I am back with the story about my pervert life I am Naveed, living in Bangalore, working as a manager in an IT firm. I am 5.9 inches tall, well built, and happily married. I am married to a very beautiful girl, Ayesha. This story is mine, a pervert guy who is tall, handsome, well built with thick and long dick (lund). Hereafter I will use the word lund instead of dick and chut instead of pussy which I feel is more erotic and expressible. Back to the story: At around 3 am,...

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VacationChapter 14

Day Fourteen - Sunday I woke up surrounded by soft pliant flesh. A huge breast was in my face with a massive nipple in my mouth, unreal. When I pulled my mouth off the nipple, Denise groaned, almost a whine. I could see the clock and it read eight fifteen, very late for me. My bladder would burst if I didn't do something about it so I gently untangled myself from her and slid out of bed keeping her under the covers. I pissed for fifteen or twenty minutes or at least it seemed like it, then...

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Intense Anal with Friends Little Sister

Introduction: 13 year-old redhead gets her ass plundered! Jake and I always had a pretty lax relationship. It was definitely something that was for monetary gain, hed pay for the movie tickets, the tacos, and all that, and he also had a car. I had the advantage of being pretty good-looking and having a good personality, charisma, intelligence. But besides money, there was something else that had always kept us friends, and that was his sister. Jakes sister, Kaitlyn, was the only redhead in...

2 years ago
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Strange LandsChapter 12

It was an uneventful two days as they trekked west on the path that was new to Atlanta. There were a lot more streams where they could have their fill of water while keeping their pills to quench their thirst if they didn't cross any of these brooks on their way back. Valerie watched the relationship between Ura and Atlanta grow as they made their way to The Tribe of the Horses. Ura believed they were within a week of their destination. She saw them holding hands and cooing with each other....

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Spanked for LifeChapter 7

Claudia wondered how she had allowed Eddie to put her in her present blackmailed position. Claudia had outsmarted by farting around and getting her work done and one of her boss’s had caught her red handed as she was absent minded when she had forgotten all about getting the beer kegs for the bar the bar crucial anniversary celebration party. Mr. Eddie explained, “Claudia I will cover the loss if you take a spanking in my office.” “I think we both know you deserve to be spanked like a...

3 years ago
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The Bass Player and I

‘All in favor of killing Becky, raise their hands?’Four hands shot up instantly.‘It’s agreed, we kill the bitch. As soon as possible.’Oh, don’t worry, dear reader, we’re not really planning on killing someone. We’d like to, but we’re not that violent or bloodthirsty. Becky is, or was, I should say, our bass player in our band, the Pastels. So named because of our love of 80’s new wave, power pop and we all dress the part with big hair, pastels, etc. I play guitar and sing lead, Deanna plays...

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My Horny Maid Pankaja

Hi friends this is Rahul, i am staying in Bangalore with my family, i am 21 yrs. old doing M.B.A, i am 5’8 height with muscular body i am regular reader of ISS and i am big fan of incest stories and i already posted my real stories in incest where i had sex with my aunt, but this time i am happy to tell you that i had sex with my maid, her name is Pankaja 48 yrs. old with 2 children and she is a widow she lost her husband 3yrs back she is bit black in color and with 5’4 height and she is bit...

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Southern Belle Hell 2

Southern Belle Hell 2 Mom and I pulled in to Bridgeport New Jersey around Noon. It was so great to be back home away from those nut cases down south. No more Y'all and weird country accents to listen to. After unpacking I began checking many emails on my computer. I was way behind in responding to eveyrone because of the Hooter girl thing the past 10 days. It took me over 2 hours to respond to all my friends. Even though I told everyone I was gonna be gone for 2 weeks, they still...

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Mazi Katha

Nantar aamhi hi jevlo ani zoplo. Dusrya divshi sakali uthun aanghol nashta aataplyavar mi aajia aatya kuthe aah te vicharle. Aaji: te baaget kaam karat asel tu pan ja. Khel ani jasta lamb jau nakos. Mibaher padlo. Aatya gharajawalch bhaji kapat hoti. Mi jawal gelo ani tila vicharlr he kaya aahe? Aatya: hi aaushadi bhaji aahe. Mala te kahitari veglech vatle. Aatyane gharajawal bagetch bhajchi lagvad keli hoti. Tine te sarva zade kapli ani don gontyat bharli. Nantar dupari ek mhatara ghari aala....

4 years ago
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She finds what 11 Means PT3

Jessica could not believe the number of climaxes she had as he pounded her. She seemed to be in a constant state of orgasm. In her ecstasy, she was screaming, "Need your cock! Need your black cock so baaaad!"Even though he was down the hall in the guest room, Jim could hear his wife's rantings, their flesh slapping against each other, the bed banging the wall, Jessica beseeching for more and her shrieking orgasms. Marcus must have been a fuck monster the way he kept going into his wife. He...

1 year ago
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A Hot Time At My Beach House

I always loved when we’d stayed at our beach house. After a long week at the office, it was always nice just relaxing at the beach. My wife and I lived in New York City. We had a beach house in Long Beach Island, New Jersey. Our house was right on the beach. I loved having the windows open at night and just hearing the waves crash up against the jetties. The ocean waves always lulled me to sleep. But, sometimes I just couldn’t sleep. The quietness of the night was just too quiet for me. We...

Group Sex
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 278

NAG, NAG, NAG! An attorney arrived home late, after a very tough day trying to get a stay of execution. His last minute plea for clemency to the governor had failed and he was feeling worn out and depressed. As soon as he walked through the door at home, his wife started on him about, 'What time of night to be getting home is this? Where have you been? Dinner is cold and I'm not reheating it'. And on and on and on. Too shattered to play his usual role in this familiar ritual, he poured...

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Dickgirl Tyranny

In this medieval/victorian fantasy world, the physical differences between men and women(also known as dickgirls) are enormous. In comparison to their male counterparts, women are taller, stronger, and better endowed. On top of all this, a dickgirl's cum has a strange drug-like effect on males. This effect's severity is mild when applied to the skin, stronger if ingested, and even stronger if anally administered. For this reason, it is possible for males to become "cumdrunk", especially if they...

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Choose your own SexVenture Page 13

Disclaimer: This is part of a larger adventure story. If you reached this page as part of a reader’s choice from a previous page, continue below. If not, CLICK HERE to start at the beginning of the SexVenture. = = = = = Page 13 = = = = = What? An Easter Egg in erotica? How did you get to this page? There is no part in the story that directs you to this page! You must not have been following the directions nor going to the pages indicated by your choices. No, that’s not it? What happened...

1 year ago
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OnlyBlowJob Susy Gala Spanish Dick Devouring Goddess

Susy Gala is one fine piece of ass and a dick devouring goddess. She and her man Emilio Ardana have just checked into a creepily kinky hotel and the first thing on her agenda for this naughty weekend getaway is giving her man some fantastic fellatio. She rocks all of our worlds as we watch the curvy assed big tittied Spanish babe work her magic with her mouth on her man’s thick cock. This Only Blow Job premium porn video is a must. Susy’s athletic body is covered in tattoos, and...

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Lesson One0

By the time I was approaching my seventeenth birthday I had been with a couple of girlfriends and fucked a few other girls. All around my age. Quite frankly that was all I was hoping for until one day when I was returning home from my girlfriend of the time. Just as I neared the flat I lived in with my parents I was passing a lady who lived two doors away from us. She was about mid fifties I would guess and although I only knew her by her surname I knew that she knew everything about...

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The Wards of Harwell TuskerChapter 15 To Greenwich

Sir Bristow had proposed that I bring the Tusker sisters to meet with him at Greenwich. He was using, he said, the splendid Painted Hall of the Royal Greenwich Hospital for Seamen as the venue to interview those Institute members adjudged as potential beneficiaries of the Institute's bursary. There has been a deep relationship between the Institute and the Navy; so many of the innovations of the former have been of benefit to the latter. Such was the warmth of the relationship between the...

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Family AffairChapter 4

George glanced at the beside clock, 1:00 A.M., and he still couldn't sleep. His mind was filled with thoughts of Cindy. His hands ached to hold her sturdy full tits again. His cock throbbed as he thought about his pleasure earlier in the day, when he finally had held that taut voluptuous body, touching every inch of that young tender skin, licking and sucking the sweet sixteen year old juices that flowed from beautiful pink cunt lips. What a pleasure it was taking her, stuffing his cock into...

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Reunted with brother

Thinking back Tara realized she still thought of him as big a little kid, not that 2 years was much of a gap between their ages…. Then Tara remembered the night she’d realized that Mark wasn’t a little boy anymore, it still made tingles run up her spine thinking about it. It had been a Friday night and as usual mum and dad had gone out, Tara was meant to stay over at her friends but there had been an argument between her friend’s parents and Tara came home, walking in the front door she...

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Sex With My Trainee

Hi, Hello everyone. This is my first story on ISS. My Name is John. Well built, tall and Fair. I am 29. Let me tell you this incident that happened to me at work. This happened with one my Trainee named RITU. her age might be 30 or 31. I am a Trainer in a big BPO. This happened with one of my trainee in the batch. I was training a new batch of about 15 trainees in which 4 females and 11 male trainees were there. Out of the 4 females 2 females were very fair and their figure was also very...

4 years ago
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Vignette Sssshhh

Vignette: Sssshhh Sssshhh. Quiet. Be still. Can you feel it? The slow, steady drag of air escaping from your parted lips, filling the expectant heavy atmosphere with the moisture of your desire. Can you feel the trembling of your skin and the fluttering of your eyelashes, as weighted by need they press down eager to caress your flesh? Can you taste the wetness pooling in your mouth as your tongue tip teases along the undulating ridge of exposed teeth before flicking further outwards to coat...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 24 Natalya Vasilyevna Antonova

September 3, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio Tasha was very quiet on the drive home from Jackson Lake, and I wasn’t sure what to say to her, so I stayed quiet as well. When we arrived at my house, we exchanged a perfunctory kiss. “Are you OK?” I asked. “Yes,” she replied. “I’ll see you tomorrow at church.” I got out of the Volvo and went into the house. I said ‘hello’ to my parents, then asked Clarissa to sit on the patio and talk with me. We went to the kitchen, got glasses of lemonade, then...

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From the first time she walked into my shop I wanted her. I love femmes, particularly older ones. And I have a definite affinity towards nicely dressed, fit, attractive ones. I know, who doesn't? You don't have to be 50, black and butch for that. My name is Serena. I'm a single lesbian living in, well, perhaps that's not important. I own and operate a shop I call "Asides". I named it that because I never have been able to decide exactly what my stock is going to be. I buy and sell...

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Noahs Summer Visit Part 11

After two years of being away I finally returned home. I had finished my sophomore year of college overseas and came home for the summer. I missed home a lot while I was gone but one of the things I have to say I missed the most was my stepmom. My mom died when I was five because of a car accident and since then my dad hasn’t been one for relationships, that is until six years ago when he met Vanessa. Vanessa was gorgeous, a 5”6 150 lbs. Latina goddess. She had hazel eyes, long black curly...

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My Wifes Subway Groping

I found this online thought it was interesting so here you are.My wife often takes the subway when attending seminars in the city. She says that fondling of women takes place constantly, but unless it gets out of hand or if there's no police around, then most women simply endure it and chock it up to everyday life and let it go. I have told my wife that the thought of strange men touching her legs and *** and even her **** without her permission is wrong, yet I tell her that the thought of her...

2 years ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 31

JANET (Friday 12/9) On the way to school, Toro and I grilled Big Brother about his date with Lucia. He didn't give us a lot of information. "Does she kiss good?" was my major question. It had been one of the best parts of my "first date." "Didn't kiss her." "Chicken!" "No, I'm taking it slow, she's got some issues." "Yeh but still..." "Besides, I'm not quite up to Toro's abilities yet. All he has to do to get a kiss is to eyeball a girl's boobs." Toro polished his...

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Courtneys ConversionChapter 16 Conclusion

If you’ve read all my tales of my wife’s tail, you’ll agree that it has been quite a time. We’ve both learned a lot from all the adventures. Some were more difficult than others but that is how life goes. Perhaps the only regret is that we didn’t start exploring our sexual capacity earlier. But then maybe we wouldn’t have been ready. What is, is, and we are making the very best of it. Some might be concerned that my wife is somehow abusing me. During all the years we have been married, we’ve...

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Fighting for FamilyChapter 3

John fiddled with the electronic meat smoker making sure that it was functioning properly. He had just finished slathering the mop sauce over the brisket. The brisket had been in the smoker since six o'clock that morning and was progressing as well as could be expected. At the least, it smelled good. Emerging from the house, Rose joined him at the smoker. She sniffed the air appreciating the scent of smoked brisket. She said, "Dad." Looking up from his efforts to inspect the smoker,...

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Start of Incest with my mom 8211 Part 4

Hi friends, here I am with the next part of my story. Thanks a ton for showing your support and love for my experience. Straight to the story, and please read the previous parts for a better view and understanding. I went back to my bed and slept for some more time. I woke up after some time and went directly to the kitchen. I saw mom busy with her kitchen work. She was still in her shorts and top. I gave her a tight hug from her back, keeping my morning bulge between her bums. She is very much...

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Stepdad and I in the beginning Part 2

After dad and I had spent most of the day sharing each other's bodies, it was getting time for mom to get home. Now I had to figure out how to get her to participate with us. I figured this shouldn't be too hard since I knew her and dad had been involved in threesomes with their friends. In fact on their wedding night, the maid of honor, Carla, joined them in bed. I just needed her to realize I was ready for this. As I said previously we had seen each other nude on several occasions. It wasn't...

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WatchingMyDaughterGoBlack Anna Claire Clouds Casca Akashova 06282021

Casca knew her stepdaughter was extremely disappointed with the birthday present her conservative father had given her the night before. What young lady wants roller skates? C’mon now. This stepmom knows quite well what every young girl needs – a big cock! Anna is ecstatic when the big stud her stepmom found brings out a birthday cake for her. As she blows out the candle Anna’s one wish is that her little white pussy will soon be filled with sweet dark chocolate. Stepmom Casca...

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Phone Sex

"Do it," I said forcefully. "Please no," she begged. I stopped pushing the vibrator into her sopping pussy and stared down at her naked body. It had taken me years to get to this point, where I had absolutely total control over her. "Oh no please don't stop," she wailed, her own hand moving to take control of the buzzing phallus. "Please I'm so near." "Do as you're told," I said pushing the vibrator back into her. "No please don't make me," she whimpered. I reached forward...

1 year ago
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Chhatri Ar Ami

Namoskar pathak-pathikara, arekta kahini niye esechhi. Tabe, eta amar jiboner ghatona noy. Ek “unknown persion” amake mail-e ei kahinita pathiye, amake anurodh korechhe ISS pathak-pathika der upohar dite. Ami, anurodh ta rekhe….apnader kachhe pathalam. Pore, matamath janale, bhalo lagbe….etai amader, mane, lekhokder praptir bhander purno kore. Amar id… Hi ami Sitesh. Chodoner golpo amar emnitei khub bhalo lage. Ami ei site ar akta reader holam ei soptaho khanek age. Kichhu kahini share na kore...

4 years ago
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Encounter With DestinyChapter 6

As the startled guard spun around, he nearly dropped the glowing poker at the sight of the livid fury in the American's face. "Uhh, Master Stephen! We never thought you were serious about coming back for this useless fuck-slut. Look, there's some very good bitches due in this afternoon who are much prettier than..." "PUT THAT POKER DOWN AND RELEASE MY SLAVE IMMEDIATELY!" Stephen advanced towards Alexa's torturer and felt in his jacket pocket for the small knife he always carried. This...

4 years ago
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Silly Rabbit Part 8

Silly Rabbit, part eight by Vonya Lee 'Gwen filled us in on everything that happened tonight. I don't think I could have hoped for more. I never knew his dad was capable. I guess we found Dick's hot button. I hope Chris has a scar he can feel. Gwen said the cut was on the back of his head so hair will cover it. I just think it would be nice if he could touch it as a reminder of his father's hate for him. I just hope we got it all on film.' "My poor...

1 year ago
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Dripping Oil

Tom made me do stuff again today. Tom's my brother-in-law. I live with him and my sister pam in their appartment now. I use to have my own house, but tom said I would move in with them now! It's just a sugestion really, not an order... I don't HAVE to do everything tom tells me to. You see, I'm much better off than pam is, financially speaking, not to be a snob or anything, and since I make more at the firm in one month than tom makes in a whole YEAR as a mechanic!!! I confess, i'm a...

3 years ago
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Johns Dream Girl chapters 11 through 15

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Author's Note: This novel deals with extremely taboo situations and events in a very graphic, no-holds-barred manner. It covers a myriad of...

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One More Reason I Fell In Love

I walked downstairs, and there you are, sitting on the couch, so I walked straight over to you, grabbed your hand and tried to pull you up. But I cant. ‘So, what’s up?’ you ask I climb onto your lap, straddling you, kissing you, your neck, scratching at your chest, rubbing myself against your crotch. ‘I want you. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind… Please…. I want you sooo bad’ and I climb off of you and try to get you standing again. This time you get up without hesitation We...

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WildOnCam Hyley Winters Begs For A Facial LIVE

Hyley Winters will be grabbing your attention showing off her tight little body in her sheer red lingerie. She hopes you like her boots too! They match her bra and panties with the lace detail and she wants to leave only them while you admire her pussy that she gladly spreads open so you can see how wet she is. She imagines your cock in her face fucking her mouth and gets those desires fulfilled by James Bang when he bends her over and fucks her balls deep with that big cock of his. Hyley loves...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 06

Author’s note: First, thanks to my beta readers for reading and estragon for copy edits. Thanks also to MugsyB and LettersfromTatyana for letting me borrow some characters. The next morning, Ryan stretched and rolled over in her bed, but Brody wasn’t there. She blinked awake and frowned, wondering how late it was and why he would have left. So far as she knew, he had nothing going on today. She took a deep breath, smelled food cooking, and smiled. She rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of...

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TeenSneaks Emma Starletto Horny Homework

Emma Starletto is studying in the living room while her parents are just outside gardening. Her focus is interrupted by a knock on the window. When she looks, she’s surprised to see Jay Romero, her boyfriend, waiting outside. She lets him in and they kiss deeply. They haven’t seen each other in some time, and it’s clear they want to get intimate. But Emma’s worried since her parents are right outside and they apparently HATE Jay. He doesn’t mind though and points...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 2 Chos Jealousy

Chapter 2 A fortnight had passed since Harry and Hermione’s session and Harry had thought of nothing else since. With the pressure of losing his virginity lifted, Harry felt a lot more confident around the girls and a lot happier then he’d ever been. Both Harry and Hermione were desperate for an opportunity for round 2 to happen but with the immense work-load that was piled on the 6th years, both were too busy to hook up again. Harry’s cock was aching for some more action and little did he...

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Fixed IdeaChapter 7

They never talk about what happened in the bathroom. In fact, Rory vehemently denies it ever happening. After having that strange dream the night before, Chance isn’t all too sure it did happen either. It certainly felt real, but so had the dream. At this point, he isn’t even sure the incident with the bowl of oatmeal even happened. So for the rest of the day he decides to give his sister a bit of a break. This is the first weekend that he is here and the first of a long summer. He doesn’t...

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