A Bisexual Midsummer's Eve Fantasy. free porn video

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The twenty-third of June, the day before Saint John's Day: Midsummer's Eve. I was in Cornwall for an old friend's housewarming. It was only midday and the party wasn't due to begin until eight that evening. I had time to kill. I decided to go to the beach and take a look at the ocean.

Just by the way they walked together, man and woman hand in hand, I knew fate had dealt them the best possible of hands. I'd always considered such people as living on borrowed time, their youth and beauty like a fish and its water, not even questioned until it's gone. Yeah, I could see their life was good, not a sign of a beat-bad hand. I watched how they walked, saw their hard-wired self-assurance, their all-the-time-in-the-world stroll across the sand as if the beach were their property. Money, looks, intelligence and taste; at that moment I saw it was all theirs.

There was no one thing, nothing I could have pointed out and said, see, there it is: that! But as they moved among that weekend's ice-cream and suntan crowds, not one person let them pass by without a double-take.

When they slowed, eventually turned to look out at the ocean together, I also drew to a halt a little way back to study them. They remained hand in hand at the water's edge, the sea so still, mountain lake calm, the gentlest of waves lapping their bare feet. The water appeared to welcome them, a homage made by the turning tide. Yes, I observed them, and for a moment it was as if they were the only two people on the planet that mattered.

And although her companion was dark and muscular, at the least six-two and inordinately handsome, the kind of man who might entice me from my natural heterosexuality, it was she who compelled my eyes. Tall for a girl, beautiful and athletically pedigree. Her copper hair burnished by the midday sun shone brighter than the metal of that name ever could, every strand made numinous in the unique seaside light of that sweltering June afternoon; it spilt furious over shoulders and down her back to tease the swell of her hips. I thought of my canvas and what I could make of her in acrylic or oil.

Her unhurried sensuality was witchcraft; it robbed me of self-determination. When they began to walk again, commenced that thoughtless meander, I couldn't help but follow. The loll of her lightly tanned butt-cheeks mesmerised me, her sensuality undisguised was there to see in her suppleness of limb, her curves, her grace. And it was there in the hue of her skin, how it contrasted with the brilliance of her white bikini bottoms, the material of which had ridden between her rubbing cheeks halves.

But it was the glance she gave me when momentarily she turned and looked over her shoulder. It stopped my heart. Had she sensed my eyes on her? They say a person knows when they are being stared at, and, from the way my eyes had drawn delight from her, how could she have done anything but know?

 Yes, because for some still unfathomable reason, she turned and looked back over her shoulder as she walked on. What did her eyes suggest when she saw how I stared? Bemused? Smug? Another victory won from a man?

She momentarily held my gaze — it seemed an eternity. Her hand went tugging at her companion's hand, sending him the signal that brought the pair to a halt. He turned to face her, his looking enquiring, and she went on tip-toe and whispered in his ear.

I had to brave it out, carry on as if they were of no concern while they stood to watch me pass.  Did they both see how spellbound I was?  Or was it only she?  Her eyes waited for an acknowledgement that I lacked the nerve to give.

Then in a voice so sure, calling my name:


I stopped dead in my tracks. It was not possible for her to know me. I turned and looked.

“It’s Laurence, isn’t it? You’re up at the house with Sally and Adrian . . . And the others,” she said, smiling, stepping toward me.

I was flabbergasted that she knew me. I had never been flabbergasted before, never in my life, had never even had need to call up such a word and put it to some purpose. But at that moment I was well and truly flabbergasted.

“How . . . ?” It was all I could muster.

“Oh, sweetheart, don’t be spooked, I recognise you from Sally’s Facebook. You're the wonderful Laurence, the artist who painted her portrait set against an ocean nightscape. Her eyes! That moon! I loved how you made her so ethereal, how you captured her essence and said everything that could be said." Turning to her companion, she said, "She really loves that painting, doesn't she, Karl?”

 I managed words: “Sally said she wanted Gothic . . .”  As I spoke, I thought of Sally, her face when she first saw what I had made of her. No false modesty please, Laurence. “Yeah, she was pleased.”

Then it was her partner who spoke. “For weeks it was nothing but Laurence’s portrait."

She turned again to face him. "For a bloke, Karl, you can be such a bitch! Sally loves it so much. It means the world to her.  Don't begrudge the pleasure it brings her."

"Just teasing, darling."

"Oh, I’m sorry Laurence, I'm getting ahead of myself. I’m Penny — Penny Machen. This is Karl; my husband.”

And all the time I am thinking, how bizarre to be talking about my art with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, here on a beach in Cornwall on a Sunday afternoon in June in twenty-eighteen.

For fifteen minutes they lavished me with small talk, and we kept having to move back up the beach as the incoming tide chased our toes over the sand.

That night, Penny and Karl were up at the house for the party with all the others. Sally and Adrian's new home was called "Gwel an Nans", a large Arts and Crafts style house set in grounds a few miles out of Penzance.  Everyone loved the place, said how fabulous it was. And it was a magnificent house. Ten bedrooms and we had the run of them all, though no one planned to sleep that night.

When people found out about their new house, there was a rumour that Sally and Adrian had bought the place because it was haunted. Even before the announcement for the party was made, I knew the real reason: a megalithic stone circle stood on land that belonged to the house, just a ten-minute walk along a winding path to the top of a pronounced knoll that overlooked the ocean. It was part of the twenty acres that came with the house.

The plan was that come dawn midsummer morning, everyone was to gather among the stones and join hands to salute the solstice sun and ask for its blessing on Sally and Adrian's new home, their new life together.  Sally had roped in a druid priest she knew to perform some rite or other. There was to be a torchlight procession from the house to the stone circle, the women in white dresses, garlands of white flowers on their head. Sally had this pagan thing going at the time. She was infamous for her spiritual enthusiasms.

All the usual people were there: the old clique, though they were outnumbered by Sally’s other friends, those people collected over ten years during her stint as the lead-singer-cum-pin-up girl with rock giants Alter-Sonic Cognate. Yeah, more people than I could ever get to know if I had three lifetimes to waste. Everyone Sally brushed up against eventually came to love her. She collected people like others might collect books or autographs.

I watched Sally greet Penny from across the far side of the house's large hall where everyone had gathered. The affection between the two women was unhidden, and I wondered if they had ever been lovers.

Sally and I had history, That is, Sally and I and her boyfriend of the time had history. The pair had seduced me ten years earlier. I had been just eighteen, she nineteen, and Rob, the dirty old man at twenty-four. It was a clumsy coming together beneath in a tent at Glastonbury.

God knows how the three of us came to make love. There had been no suggestion of sex between us beforehand. But somehow we became naked, and her softness and beauty astounded me, filled me with zest and passion. It was her beauty than eased my mind to accept Rob as a lover too. And then he was naked as well, he and Sally each side of me, each taking turns to kiss me, their hands everywhere while my thoughts became unravelled by the desire the pair had for me. We kissed each other over and over: her to him, her to me, me to him, and her to him again.

I told myself I endured Rob for Sally's sake so I might enjoy her lovely curves, her fragrant, soft flesh. Yes, I convinced myself I could stand it if it meant I would enjoy a girl as beautiful as Sally. I remember at one point, Sally on her side facing Rob and me behind her. My mouth had travelled the length of her body, and my head was between her legs, my tongue sloshing cunt as swamp from her long festival day — the tang of a slightly soiled female genitalia still does it for me every time. Then the end of Rob's cock slipping through her legs from behind to prod my chin, and me finding the tip with my tongue, flickering over it, and then back to Sally's clit. I loved it when they both moaned their appreciation.

Finally, Rob disengaged and took hold of me and drew me from Sally. My kissing mouth pulled from between her legs to find his whole hard flesh, that male apparatus I'd often considered but never been invited to taste. I couldn't bear to look at what I took into my mouth that night, could only close my eyes and take it between my lips. And as I sucked on him, Sally went down on me and sucked my cock too. I think Rob and I came together; if not then, not simultaneously, only seconds apart. I still remember the chlorax taste of his cum.

 And then Rob was gone, stolen away by Amy Whitehouse on the Pyramid Stage, and I was left with Sally all to myself, my fortitude finally rewarded. We kissed and kissed for longer than I ever thought two people would want to kiss. My fingers and tongue became slick with her moistness, hers with mine. The whispers that we shared were not words but revelations of our astonished minds, the joy that friends had momentarily become lovers. Two teenage minds were carried to somewhere unforeseen while our bodies grew together, became locked in an exquisite twist. And then the urgent thrashing of bodies beneath the canvas.

The morning after. Sally still sleeping. Me quietly dressing, leaving to find the friends Rob and Sally stole me from the night before. I left her alone sweetly sleeping, kissed her forehead before fleeing, fearing her large eyes would open and accuse me. We had all been very drunk. At the time I had felt responsible, that I had drawn them to me, done some secret magic to make them want me like that. Only now do I see how I had been seduced by Sally for Rob's pleasure-seeking end.

The way Sally looked at me when at last she found me with all the others. I wanted to explain but couldn't. I could have asked her to explain but didn't. I really should have asked Rob to explain but hadn't. Now when I look back, I think that is what she wanted, for us all to sit down and bare our souls. But we never spoke of it, was never even the elephant in the room. Sally and I became just friends again, no different than before. Neither of us saw Rob again.

Sally went on to take many lovers, male and female. She made no secret of her bisexuality — unlike me, my attraction for men a thing to be hidden quietly away, fed in the shadows. Sometimes I would ache with jealousy over all those men and girls Sally loved and left. I should have told her back then just how she had made me feel when I held her to me. I never did, though.

I watched Sally and Penny chatting together, and I became sad that neither woman was mine. Such a visible sparkle of friendship ran back and forth between the two women. Then something must have been said, and they both turned and looked my way. To have them both regarding me like that was unsettling. Penny was saying something, and Sally nodded. Then they were both walking over to me, glasses of Prosecco in hand, their eyes radiant with happiness.

“Laurence, babe. Penny tells me you two have already met,” Sally said.

“On the beach . . . You were with . . .”

For a moment his name was missing. Already his image in my mind was indistinct. It was only Penny I thought of after they had carried on their walk along the beach without me.

“— Karl. You were with Karl,” I said.

“Yes, he’s here somewhere.” I watched her scan the room anxiously as if just remembering she had mislaid something precious. Spotting him chatting to two of Sally’s band-mates, she became reassured, turned to face Sally and said, “I was telling Laurence how much I loved the portrait. She has captured your soul, Sally.”

Sally’s smile was full of pleasure. “Everyone who sees it is overwhelmed. They all comment on its otherworldliness. Laurence has the gift.”

When Sally said, I had the gift she didn’t mean I was a gifted artist — to her that was a given. No, she thought I was psychic. She often told me I could see into the fabric of people‘s minds. I no longer contradicted her, though if truth be told, I had little time for her new age mumbo-jumbo. I’d smile and let it pass.

But this whole summer solstice thing was something different. I'd seen the druids at Stonehenge on t.v. And thought being up at dawn on a megalith crowned hilltop would be an excellent source of inspiration for a painting I'd had kicking about at the back of my mind for months. It had simmered on the back burner ever since Sally mentioned there was a stone circle up the new house she and Adrain were purchasing. Since then, Sally dropped numerous hints that I might like to do her another picture, something with local character to take pride and place in their new home, and so tonight I had my sketch pad ready to go.

The booze and white powder flowed, but I was determined to keep a clear head. I wanted to have my wits about me for the Rite of Dawn, as Sally portentously called our midsummer homage to the Sun. I began to feel a fish out of water from the way the others were nocking it back. I can party with wildest from that world of rock stars, and media people, and it took real willpower for me not to indulge myself. To me in my sobriety, the party seemed to descend into a lude bacchanalian revelry. The laughter, the dancing, the couples coming and going to the bedrooms, all lent it the feel of the last days of Rome — or at least that is how it seemed to my stark, sober brain.

It was the early hours. I'd gone outside to get some air, and to escape the attention of Trixie, the sometimes backing vocalist from Alter Sonic Cognate. Years ago we'd had this thing, and she now seemed to think that us getting back together would be the best move I could now make — "at my advancing years", she'd said. Trixie was high maintenance, so needy, and when drunk, a living breathing bitch from hell. No way was I going back there.

I stood on the cliffside terrace leaning against the ancient stone balustrade — a remnant from an older house that once stood on the grounds. A dark ocean lay somewhere below, the slosh of swell on rocks occasionally rising to soothe me. But it was the moon that had my attention; almost full, waxing gibbous they call it. Its surface was like flesh, such a sarcoid hue. My mind raced through pigments and paints, trying to pigeonhole the colour for future use.

And that is when Penny found me again. Her shoes were gone, and her long ice-blue silk dress was in danger of losing a shoulder strap. She had snagged it earlier, and now it was stretched and nearly coming loose, and she had to continually keep sliding it back into place over her shoulder. I forced myself not to eye her cleavage, the caramel smoothness back again to torment me. It made my heart ache to look at her.

Tipsy now, she came to me all giggles and tease. "Laurence, Laurence, naughty painter-boy-Laurence. I saw you peeking . . ."

I turned and tried to determine just how much she'd drunk, decided there was still hope. "Peeking at what?" I asked.

"On the beach this afternoon. Following us like that, tut, tut. You were spying on us."

"I was just thinking how you'd make a good subject, that's all."

A sad mock face and play-scolding words. "That's all I'll ever be to a man like you: a 'that's all'. I wish I were like Sally: she's not 'That's all'."

"Why do you want to be like Sally?"

"Because she isn't afraid to be who she is."

"And who would you be if you dared to be that person?"

"I'd be someone like Sally."

She reached out her hand and stroked my cheek. "Sally told me about you and her. "

"Told you what about us?" I asked though I already knew. And I was so glad that Penny knew, that someone else knew. "When did she tell you? It was such a long time ago."

"Years ago, when she and I were hardly friends at all; one of those nights you sit up late and confess things that should be left a secret. Have you any drink our here?"

"No. I'm dry tonight. Anyway, where's your Karl?" I asked.

"Him? He's off chasing some fresh-faced actress he's desperate to play Juliet in his new production of the Romeo and Juliet. I think he wants to bring her into our bed later."

"That wouldn't be Allegra Fenton, by any chance?" I knew Allegra. Just eighteen, a girl desperate to succeed. I imagined Karl and Penny, the lucky Allegra between the couple.

"I don't know what to do. Do you think it'd be fun?" she asked.

I didn't know what to say. The look she gave me said she was holding back.

Then she said: "If you like, you could join us . . . later, after Sally's thingy?"

I did not need further cues. It would be a dream come true, sex with a couple as fit and sexy as Penny and Karl was a once in a lifetime opportunity I wasn't going to slip away from me.  And then there was the bonus of the gorgeous teenage Arabella. It was win-win all the way.

"I'd like nothing more in the world," I said, and went to her and held her. We stood like that for a minute or so before we kissed. I'm sure it was she who initiated that deep and lovely kiss. The softness and subtly of her lips as they moved with mine took my breath away.  And even though Penny was a little the worse for drink, she had a sweet purpose about her, not the wild abandon that drunken snogging can sometimes be, tongues too eager, lips that clamp and seal.

Our kiss was interrupted by lovely Anastasia Anasta, longtime session violinist, though practically a full-time member of Sally's band.

"Hey, guys! Sorry to interrupt but everyone's getting ready for the procession. Penny, you should hurry and change."

This night had been long in the planning, the women having sent their measurements to Sally's dressmakers months ago, each dress then specially made to fit each girl like a glove. The room housed nearly one hundred young-maiden-for-the-sacrifice pure white dresses.

I walked Penny to the room where the women were to change. She went in to find her dress while I stood for a moment on the threshold. Peeking into the room, I could sense a frenzy of activity, women slipping out of their party wear and putting on their assigned virginal white dresses. There was an almost first-night theatre buzz to the preparations — a buzz I feared that at any moment might tip over into bedlam, such was the drink fueled chatter and shrieks of wild, girlish laughter that ran back and forth among the women. I began to have doubts that Sally could pull this off, organise so many partying women, get them to behave and take on the solemnity I knew she was hoping for. I thought of the old cliche: As easy as herding cats.

Fifteen minutes later I was waiting by the megaliths. A fire was not permitted among the stones themselves, something about The Ancient Monuments Society and the care needed to preserve stone circles such as this. So the planned bonfire was set up and about to be lit on a small rise about a hundred yards to the side of the ring proper, also overlooking the sea. Already I could see firebrands being set alight and pushed into the pyre's twiggy exterior.

The men now gathered on the summit of stones. I looked around but could not see Karl but had earlier caught a glimpse of Allegra in the room where the women changed. A gentle hum of male voices now echoed among the stones.

 Someone called out, "They've begun,"  and I turned and looked out into the darkness and saw in front of the house the flaring of many torches being lit. Two by two, hand in hand, the women made their way along the path leading to the circle until it seemed a snake of flames was winding its way slowly up the hillside. The women were singing, a high pitched chant that became an almost ghostly siren wail, and I thought of Penny, her beauty, how it had drawn and captured me. More women lit their brands and the procession gained in length to become a line of light that ran like a scar through the pitch darkness of the land. It was as if the earth's crust itself had split to spill its scorching blood.

The excitement among the men on the hill was tangible as they watched the slow advance of the women. There were musicians on the slope, drums that beat a steady rhythm that drew the procession to the stones like a charm. Soon the leading figures could be clearly seen, their white gowns reflecting the light thrown down from the torches they held aloft. And as they came close, the women would look about for their men among those that watched. And as they passed where I stood, in their expressions, I saw Glee and awe and bemused self-disbelief and silly laughing, and may others expressions I found hard to name but would recall and paint.

When the head of the column reached the circle it split into two, each circumnavigated the stones, one clockwise and the other anti-clockwise, until the two ends joined again. And because there were so many women, a second circle was created behind the first.

The circle stones were not like Stonehenge, most only six feet high, at most. Some had fallen, lay in moss and grass, lichen-clad. The bonfire on the hill opposite cast a glow and made darkness in the shadow of stones and revellers alike, the stones and bodies facing the fire becoming incarnadine. I spotted Penny, her flame held high, chanting with the others. Her face shone with an expectant radiance, as if on the threshold of a revelation.

The eastern horizon backlit now, a tentative glow before the sun's beams drowned out the light of torches, some were already failing, their fuel spent. There was drums and chanting, the Druid Priest reciting an interminable prayer to the emerging disc. The raw red sun all at once seemed to break from the earth to hover above the horizon. And a great cheer went up, and the men went to their women, and there were kissing and hugging. Women removing their virginal robes to stand astonished in the dawn light, their skin chilled by the damp morning breeze. Couples now began lovemaking among the stones, others descending the hill to find more secluded parts for their own celebration.

For a moment I lost sight of her, expected to find her in the arms of Karl. But no, there she was, alone and searching. We saw each other, and then it was a dash through other bodies to embrace each other like a scene from some romantic forties movie, both of us weaving through the increasing pandamonium, the shrill laughter. And all the while musicians still playing their enchanted reels, drum, fiddle and accordion to which so much naked flesh danced.

We kissed like the lovers I knew we would soon become  — for that magical evening, at least, though our love affair was stormy in months that followed.

So many couples falling into in the full act of intercourse there on the trampled grass within the circle, maybe ten pairs, men's arses rising and falling between arched knees and firm thighs. The groans of pleasure, abandon.

"I can't — not here," Penny said, then taking my hand and leading me down the hillside and back into the house. A mist had formed lower down the hill as smoke and cold air mingled in hollows and dips.

Inside the house, at the foot of the stairs, we came across Karl. He had a naked girl across his shoulder. I did not recognise the bare backside, had to walk around to see Allegra's biddable eyes coyly looking back at me.

"Hi, Laurence," she said demurely. And I thought, this is interesting.

"I was just taking her up to our room," Karl said to Penny.

"For me?"

"Don't be greedy — for us to share."

"How sweet. And I have brought Laurence for you to share — just like I said I would."

"I love you," Karl said.

They kissed sweetly. Then Penny quickly kissed each cheek of Allegra's pleasing backside.

Should we begin, then?" She said, looking at me. 

I tried to reply, but no words would come."

" Allegra's cute?"  Penny asked.

"The cutest,"  I said.

"Well, then. Why are we just standing here?"

"You have to explain!"

"We needed two people. You and Allegra are those people."

"So you two planned this?"

"That makes it sound a bit sinister, don't you think? As soon as I saw you, I said it had to be you if he was to have Allegra."

I did not know what to say, just let her lead me up the stairs behind Karl, Allegra still slung over his shoulders. As she dangled over Karl's shoulder, Allegra did not take her eyes off us. She had such a sexy expression of anticipation on her smiling face. Although Penny was my girl of choice, it was hard not to wonder if I might soon be kissing Allegra's butter-wouldn't-melt lips, now a puffy-pout of sexual keenness.

One of the bedrooms. Penny and I kissed  My arms about her, the dip and dive of her flesh sliding as my fingers sent her dress skidding about her buttocks. I wanted to be nourished by her beautiful breasts, fed her truth. And so I found the buttons that ran from upper back right down to the small of her back and undid them each in turn until her dress fell from her and I could take one breast in my mouth as we stood. And not wanting to miss a thing, soon the other I had to taste, and back and forth my mouth did go, and her gasps were a delight that stoked my desire.

Karl and Allegra already naked on the bed together, their bodies a twining knot of limbs that wrestled for the upper hand. Allegra now a girl of silliness and giggles seemed to not take Karl's attention seriously. Although not watching the pair, I sensed how her narcissistic self-regard pushed his patience. She was hardly submitting to him, did not take his advances seriously at all. Then she was up on her feet, and he was after her, a silly game of tick about the room. And when he caught her by the window, they stood in each other's arms and looked at us. She whispered, and Karl said:

"Penny! Allegra wants to play with you."

Never was anything better timed than Karl's call to his wife to go to Allegra.
I was in danger of losing it. Just holding Penny in my arms had raised me to a peak of a sexual frenzy like nothing I'd ever experienced. At one point I kept thinking, keep a handle on this, Laurence, she's just a woman like all the others. But she elicited in me such a tumult of desire that I was in danger of making a fool of myself.

The sight of Penny and Allegra in each other's arms and passionately kissing was the epitome of everything I ever imagined watching two women together could be.

Karl joined his wife in caressing Allegra's naked flesh. "My girls, my two beautiful girls," Karl said. The hum and purr of arousal in his voice betrayed a self-satisfied triumph. I imagined this moment for him being the apex schemes and plots. Allegra became the focused centre of their combined attention, their synchronised mouths seeking out every slice and cranny of her flesh. Allegra stood quite still for them, allowed them all manner of intimacies while retaining her upright stance. For a moment she became statuesque, her bare pale flesh flawless in the bright morning light of the room. I saw how she savoured their palms on her flesh, hands never finding rest, every inch pawed and probed.

Allegra closed her eyes and ostentatiously threw back her head so that her hair became a cataract of translucent blonde over her shoulders. And all the time, Karl and Penny held her in their swaddling arms, plied her breasts with raucous kisses. And then they rotated her where she stood so that each could take a turn in kissing her lips. And then Karl was on his knees behind Allegra, and Penny on her knees to her front. I watched how Karl parted Allegra's butt-cheeks and buried his face between the stretched flesh. And although I could not see the deed, I imagined his tongue flickering across the tautness of Allegra's anus. And to the front, Penny's arms stretching high to pinch both Allegra's erect nipples, while her tongue slipped down over her mound to find her clit.

And it was too much for Allegra, and she gave out a great groan of surrender as her legs gave way beneath her. And then they had to leave off pleasing her, the pair standing up straight to support her. And yet they were unable to let her be, could not pry themselves from her flesh. And so to continue enjoying her body as she stood, they had to support her completely in that upright stance.

Eventually, they eased her down onto the enormous bed, spread her legs wide and arched her knees so that her swollen pedanda showed like stark pink meat beneath her triangle tuft of blonde. The glimmer of her seeping cum betrayed how their caresses had stoked and fomented her wantonness. She was no longer the silly girl of only minutes before, need having taken hold of her, her body cried out for all the attention that could by lavish on her.

Penny knelt on the bed beside Allegra and slowly inserted three fingers into her vagina, twisted them repeatedly. And when she extracted them I saw the glisten of cum, how it coated those digits, and she held them up in triumph and Karl came to her, and she placed those fingers upon his lips, and I watched him lick each one clean.

I was unsure how to proceed. Was I to join the threesome at this point? I did not know, feared their united contempt if my participating was premature. And so I watched as Karl undressed while Penny buried her head between Allegra's legs, set to work on her pussy with tongue and lips.

Karl came to me. His bulked flesh, his biceps pressing, the mass of his forearms tight across my ribs. Oh, those hands! Large fingers splayed halfway around my torso. I leaned against him, letting the slab of his chest support my dead weight. His cock began pressing into the base of my back. And I became aware of its heat, the eager enormity of it. And I wanted to turn and hold it in my palm, run my fingers up and down the stem. I was shocked at how much I desired it, ached to taste it, and not just so I could fuck Penny, but because I wanted to, craved to.

“How's this feel?" Karl whispered to me, his breath cloyingly moist on my throat.

Almost inaudibly, I said, “Fucking hot, mate.” The ability to form words was fast becoming a rumour of ancient but now lost knowledge.

The girls were all whispers and kisses. Penny's hands caressing Allegra's bare breasts, then her face nuzzling, licking, nipping, sucking. The girls still whispering, then Allegra giggling and Penny shushing her like they were schoolgirls in class. A scheme hatched, the pair stood as if on some prearranged sign and began to walk towards Karl and me. There was mischief in their eyes as they approached us hand in hand with assured and lavish promiscuity. Penny’s large eyes command me to hold her gaze, and I thought how lucky I was and how a man might give his soul to receive that glance from her. They both had an utterly filthy look on their face, telling of an assured certainty that tonight there would be no boundaries.

 Four soft, girlish hands undid my buttons and zips, helped remove my clothes, Penny stooping to help me step out of my jeans. I was so aware of Karl’s cock in the small of my bare back, smooth, meaty. Him biting my neck, his hand taking my cock, and then his other hand going lower and massaging my balls.

Allegra and Penny dropped to their knees, and I thought they were going to share my cock. But Karl manoeuvred me so that I also fell to my knees, placed me between the two girls to face his him, eye to eye with his cock.

I just stared and stared at Karl's cock, studied how it pointed up at sixty degrees, tried to comprehend how the mass of it retained its tautness, wondered how gravity did not bring it down at right angles to his abdomen. A sculptured thing, not flesh at all.

And then it was a scramble of our three heads, our mouths vying to take him first. It became like bobbing for apples, only it was Karl's cock that our mouths tried to capture, not apples floating in a barrel. And so one of us would take him, enjoy his flesh for a few seconds, and then relinquish him so that one of the others might taste and try to please him in their own unique style. At one point I licked the stem from tip to base and met Allegra's mouth travelling downwards, and we shared a kiss en passant.

I marvelled at Karl's self-control. Even as my tongue circled the exposed tip of his cock, I imagined how being sucked-off by two girls and a guy, would feel and knew I would not last as long as he. His cock became slathered from our mingled saliva, and as we pleased him, it adhered to our lips, our chins, the tips of our noses. Fleetingly I tasted his pre-cum; it was just for a second before Allegra displaced me. When it was my turn again, I found the subtlety still lingered and so sucked and swallowed, hoping to draw more from him, but none came. I licked his ball, and he was sodden there too.

And then he seemed to tire of us. He encouraged Allegra to stand up and go to bed with him. She was a different girl now; eager for him, coaxing him to her, urging him to enter her. And when he did, she groaned out loud in welcome and gratitude.

And he fucked her steadily with long and measured thrusts. I stared and stared, watching his cock come and go, how it plunged beneath the trimmed triangle of her gossamer pubic hairs; other times observing Allegra's face, its nuanced shift between the utter pleasure of him inside her, and the delicious discomfort his disregard for her comfort would momentarily bring. She reached up to touch his cheek as he fucked her, and as he picked up his pace, she ran her hands over his shoulders, down his sculpted biceps, gripping them as if they were the one secure thing in a world that would implode when her orgasm came.

I lay Penny down beside Karl and Allegra, was quickly between her legs, entering her. I pushed deep, moved slowly in and out of her. I tried to savour the sensation in my cock as I drew it through her enfolding muscle and tissue, and I felt her cunt gripping when I brought my cock back from its forward lunge. I went up on arms as marble pillows from where I could look down on Penny's face as I made love to her. I wanted to have her look up at me, see her large eyes grateful for what I gave her. But she did not look up with love and gratitude, she had turned to Arabella by her side, and the two girls kissed as each was fucked by Karl and me.

And I became perhaps too aware of Karl by my side as he fucked Allegra. The man was like a mechanical marvel from another age. There was such determination about how his body rose, fell and thrust. It was as if he were engaged in a task he was unwilling to relinquish until brought to a happy conclusion. And even though I was in the midst of making love to his wife, I thought about his muscled body and how he might feel if I had him in my arms.

I tried to match his pace as I fucked Penny. I quickly realised there was more than athleticism at play in his rutting; there was an irregularity in the way he thrust his hips that had not been immediately apparent. I tried to match it and failed. But my attempts at a new technique brought me to my own orgasm, and I emptied myself into Penny, my cock deep as deep can be.

I cannot remember all the combinations our four bodies moved between that night, but the moment that will stay with me forever is when I became the centre of all their combined attention. Karl was over me, his cock between my buttock cheeks, not attempting to sodomise me, just gently grazing the inside of my cheeks, in and out, pressing my anus gently. Briefly, he took his hand and guided it along the length of my arse crack. Such a sensational sensation. And all the time Penny and Allegra took turns to kiss me, sometimes breaking off to kiss each other only inches from my eyes.

And then there was when Allegra leaned over me so that her large breasts loomed and descended, her drawing them over my face, and my tongue protruding stupidly to try and give them a licking in passing. And then Penny joining in the same game so that it became a recumbent bobbing for apples.

Three mouths went questing for the secrets of my body, each taking turns to taste my nipples, balls and cock. The best was to have Allegra and Penny each take one of my nipples to nip and lick while Karl saw to the tip of my cock with a flickering tongue, his hands moving continually from my balls to my anus. I think that was my third orgasm that morning. One I'll always remember with gratitude and fondness.

I woke in the morning with only Allegra by my side. She was hungover, looked like a football team had used her all night long.

"Do you think Karl will give me the part?" she asked me out of the blue.

Her question took me by surprise. "For Juliet?"

"Of course. You're his friend now. Could you put in a good word with him?"

 I snuggled against her and was pleased to find that our earlier debauchery had not drained her libido. "Yes, I'll have a word for you," I said, turning her onto her belly, "After I've . . ." I said as I parted her butt-cheeks like heavy curtains and spat thickly into my palm, smeared my cock end, and . . . "I'm sure he'll listen to what I have to say."

 Allegra got the part of Juliet, is set for great things. As for Penny. Well?  That's a whole different story.


Same as A Bisexual Midsummer's Eve Fantasy. Videos

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Ally teaches Eve to suck cock and fuck

Erotic CouplingsEve sat on the edge of the bath and lathered the shaving cream over her pussy. She thought back to how good Ally's pussy had looked without any hair and picked up the razor. With smooth, careful strokes, she removed her own pubic hair, working studiously and fastidiously until she was able to rinse herself off and see herself completely bald.Moving to the bedroom, she picked up a hand mirror, lay on her bed and spent some time examining her pussy, touching and feeling and...

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Eve and Jenny Finally Meet Ch 2

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Eve Super desires 3 She Hulk

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The Emergence of Eve

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Eve and Jenny finally meet

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Eve and Jenny finally meet

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Cade and Eve Part 1

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Eve Gets Out of Her Depth

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Robbie Eve Im right here if you want me

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Robbie Eve Im right here if you want me

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Robbie Eve Irsquom right here if you want me

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Eve in the mens toilet Part 2

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Eve in the mens toilet Warning disgusting filth

I would never have thought to write anything like this, indeed having written it, I feel so embarrassed at having come up with anything so revoltingly disgusting. However, a number of people have suggested this theme which, I should imagine, is for a very small niche of men who enjoy the idea of treating women so appallingly. I hope that those who will be sickened by the theme, stop reading when they see the way the story is heading, and dont continue to the end and then give my tale a negative...

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Eve in the mens toilet Part 1

Introduction: Warning: Didgusting filth – only for the very few who like this sort of thing I actually wrote and published this first part some time ago. At the time I was urged by a number of people, to write a sequel, I did and shared it privately as the sequel was so disgustingly vile and filthy. Ive now, with some prompting, decided to publish the entire story in two parts. I warn people: DO NOT READ THIS UNLESS YOU LIKE VILE FILTH. I would never have thought to write anything like this,...

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Eve in the mens toilet Part 2

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Eve in the mens toilet Part 1

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All About Eve

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Cade and Eve Part 3

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Cade and Eve Part 3

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Eve Walks In A New Garden

A puzzled expression crossed Tim's thin face. He shot Caesar a look before turning to Eve as she came down the stairs. Tim knew that radiant look from the first year they were married. There was love all over.John Bull followed, carrying her overnight bag."Is this what you meant?"Caesar nodded. "Tim, I said you needed to be ready for this. Are you?"Tim looked at the glass of beer in his hand and studied the bubbles drifting upward. He and Caesar had talked about Eve going home with John...

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Wolf Eve

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Cade and Eve Part 2

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Cade and Eve Part 2

Cade and Eve - Part 2 Eve woke to find herself alone in Cade’s lake-sized bed. She lay still for a moment, the events of last night running through her mind. She felt wonderful. Her body felt alive, she felt loose and limber, the slight tenderness of her pussy the only physical reminder of last night’s fucking. She and Cade had stumbled up the stairs to his bedroom, still naked, and had indulged in a quick hot shower before they had fallen into bed. Awakened by the shower and the lust that...

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Wolf Eve

-Mark Twain, "Following the Equator" *** The door was open when Peter came home that night. Inside, a wolf was waiting for him, although of course he didn’t know it at first. At the chapel entrance, he frowned and set his pack down. Snow was tracked all the way in, but it was too dark to see anything. He was reluctant to go inside, but with the snow still falling he couldn’t stand out here in the middle of the woods all night. He lit the lantern on the table and shone it around....

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Eve Walks in the Garden and Talks

Eve Walks to the GardenIt was a warm summer evening with a reddening sky as John escorted Eve out the front door of the Foshay Hotel. John had saved her from embarrassing both of them.It was a short walk to a green oasis south of the hotel. Not a garden by any means but it had grass, trees, and benches. Eve clung to John’s arm for stability.Eve was unstable and she was angry. John could feel her tension in the way she grasped his arm. The clicking of her high heels on the cement bore audible...

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Christmas Eve

Introduction: Do you believe in angels? This is my entry to the Calling All Writers challenge located in the xnxx Sex Stories Adult Forum. For reasons of my own, and in agreement with the administration here, I no longer allow public comments nor do I make them. I hope youll join our site and comment in the forum or send me a private message. I cant become a better writer without your critique. Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didnt...

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Eve night out

Eve was sitting in front of her dressing table putting the final touches to her makeup, strange to think only 24 hours ago she and Alan were having the mother of all rows and now her she was preparing to make things up with him.She had accused him of having an affair and using the cancellation of the trains as an excuse to cover up his overnight stay with his bimbo of an assistant, who was only good for spreading her legs and sucking cock or pussy whatever was to hand. On reflection and after...

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Eve A true storyOK maybe not

Going back in time to give the first woman her first orgasm...hey, somebody had to do it...Eve (A true story...OK, maybe not)Hello people. Hope you are doing well out there in Fantasy Land. What, you say you are not in Fantasy Land? Oh you will be soon. Don't worry, because we are going deep into Fantasy Land. So deep, we may never return. And believe me, you will go to Fantasy Land with me. Even if I have to pick you up and sling you over my shoulder. So come with me, to Fantasy Land. It all...

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All About Eve

I want to tell you about a very weird chapter of my life. Why? Well, for cathartic reasons I suppose. My Mum, before she became a hopeless alcoholic, always used to tell me that it's good to talk. I'm not sure if it was sage advice passed from generation to generation in our family, or just that she heard Bob Hoskins say it in an advert and thought it sounded nice, but it became her favourite titbit of motherly help all the same. Her second favourite was that "life is like a box of...

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Eve A true story

It all started innocently enough one fine day back in the eighties. If you recall from a previous story, Rich and I ventured into the alarm business. This was in addition to our core business of telephone system installation and repair. In order to design better alarm systems we hired a guy named Carl. A real whiz kid. A bit nerdy, but a real genius. If you recall Carl invented a time machine. I being the adventurous type, was the first to try it out. Went all the way back to Chicago 1962....

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Eavesdropping on Eve

Well, two out of three wasn't bad. The boss at Waterman's was only too pleased to advance my career if I put in the hard work, he almost doubled my pay in one fell swoop but, with a team of just seventeen, most of whom were guys, something told me it was time to put career above sex life. First appearances can be so deceptive! I wasn't reckoning on the one beacon of hope on the female front, in the shapely guise of Eve Palmer, fulfiling my fantasies. She was, after all, way out of my...

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Hello people. Hope you are doing well out there in Fantasy Land. What, you say you are not in Fantasy Land? Oh you will be soon. Don't worry, because we are going deep into Fantasy Land. So deep, we may never return. And believe me, you will go to Fantasy Land with me. Even if I have to pick you up and sling you over my shoulder. So come with me, to Fantasy Land.It all started innocently enough one fine day back in the eighties. If you recall from a previous story, Rich and I ventured into the...

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Eve Enters The Extramarital Garden

Oh, God. What if Tim is right?The phrase blazed within Eve’s head as Caesar thrust inside.Six days earlier Eve chose to eat an apple from the tree of extramarital sex. John Bull offered Caesar Antonio Alexander; she picked him from a short list of men John recommended.Tim’s tender and engaging participation supported Caesar’s seduction and penetration of Eve. The two men melted her objections earlier and she left a wet mess in the sheets underneath her as evidence; Eve’s extramarital...

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Eve Explains Listens and Leaves the Garden

 Eve explains, listens and leaves the garden. “I didn’t do anything wrong for our marriage but I let my guard down once and Tim saw me do it. It was a charity event put on by the company he works for; a formal affair to benefit local groups.”“Are you talking about the Black and White Ball? I was there.” John cocked his head in curiosity.“Yes. It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Everyone dresses up. The women are beautiful, the men are handsome, and the atmosphere is so welcoming.” Eve brightened slightly...

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Satan Eve taste of Adams Apple the FORBIDDEN FRUIT

Please take it in good humor ... here Adam, Eve & Satan are just symbolical for the aborgin people! How 'bout a fantastic fanfacy ? Eve was mighty depressed and was very very hungry. Their Manufacturer (She didn't know that He was God. Nobody told her so yet) has taken Adam out to show him the boundaries of Eden and asked him to look after the fence. They were out for last three days. Eve had nobody to talk to and no fruits to have in the near vicinity. She has already collected whatever edible...

First Time
3 years ago
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Christmas Eve

Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didn’t have the deep wrinkles of some of the seasoned officers and only had a touch of gray starting at the temples. Other than that, his wavy black hair was still full and thick. He smiled as he thought how he still wore the same size, while he buttoned his uniform shirt over his flat stomach, on his last day of walking his beat. The last day, he thought. It seemed like only yesterday when he set out...

2 years ago
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Me Eve

I work in a Danish company, and i had a meeting in my company's headquarter in Copenhagen. Denmark was quite familiar to me, since i had lived there multiple times. I remember my first time moving to Denmark, and the very first time i used Tinder. My first date from my matches was with Eve. At the time, Eve, lived also in Denmark, but in a different city. We were both open to try new things and explore our kinkyness. That spring i spent in Denmark is very clear in my mind. After several years i...

2 years ago
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MY sister EVE PART 2

Our folks kept us busy with trips out, Eve and I didn’t get a chance to enjoy each other’s ‘company’ for a long time. Every morning we looked at each other over breakfast. We could each see the desire burning in each other’s eyes, and could feel it as we stroked each other’s thighs and sex with our feet under the table every morning. But, unfortunately, this only ever lasted a few seconds as our folks would walk into the room and we stopped for fear of being caught. This quick and secret...

3 years ago
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All About Eve

ALL ABOUT EVE TV ANCHOR STEPHANIE'S TRIP TO A WOMAN'S PRISON TAKES AN UNEXPECTED TURN WHEN SHE BRINGS ALONG HER AMBITIOUS ASSISTANT, EVE.? IT'S A STRIP SEARCH TWIST ON A CLASSIC TALE. Stephanie stood in an isolated corner of the large holding cell and discreetly took the small phone out of her pocket.? It had been Eve's idea for her to go "undercover" as a prisoner in the holding area so that she could talk to the women waiting to be processed, but her assistant was supposed to...

2 years ago
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Eve and Her DadChapter 2

Eve had her laundry neatly folded in her plastic basket and secured in the trunk of her car as she drove towards home. She had much to think about. Should she move in with her Father, which she knew would lead to an incestuous relationship with the big handsome man. She would have to follow his rules and obey him in every way. That was a big commitment that Eve was unsure she was capable of agreeing to that situation. She turned left at the next intersection. She would stop by her best...

2 years ago
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Eve in the Marital Garden

Weeds in the Marital GardenWhen Eve returned from John’s condo, she and Tim hugged and cried and then spread out the spring rolls and Kung Pao chicken she’d brought. They talked openly about the secrets of his sex life. She was shocked to learn Tim masturbated daily and he’d had more orgasms with himself over the ten years of their marriage than he did with her. She fully expected he masturbated with the same frequency she did. Perhaps a couple of times a month.“Be honest with me. Why are you...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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my sister eve part 2

This quick and secret teasing occurred in every room, every time we were alone. On the couch, I would stroke her legs or her breasts, while she caressed my cock through my pants. If our parents walked in then we pretended that we where fighting over the T.V. remote. To them, our relationship hadn’t changed at all. On the eighth day after our boat trip, Eve and I had a chance to spend some time together. Our folks said that we should spend some time alone to work out our differences. Now...

4 years ago
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Tempted by Eve Part Two

Eve walked to the restaurant with her fingers intertwined within Channing’s large, strong hand. They chatted about random topics as they made their way there before arriving. The restaurant was elegantly furnished with some traditional Thai art decorating the wall which caught her attention. Telling Channing about her trip to Thailand the year before, he listened quietly. Eve had a way of speaking which captured his attention instantly and perhaps, this was how he’d fallen in love. The meal...

3 years ago
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The Story of Eve and Adam a Fable

The Story of Eve and Adam, a Fable by dkb The first human that God created was spherical, with four arms and four legs, and two faces, facing either way. Male and female created He them. And He saw that they were good. They were one completely perfect being. Having all living perfection within them they wanted for nothing and understood everything. The first human lived in contemplative bliss for an unknown period. But then they realised that there was one thing they did not...

3 years ago
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Stopping to See Eve

It was my least favorite day of the week. It was the day after payday and the day I had to stop by my ex-wife's place and hand her the child support and alimony check. I didn't begrudge the kids their child support, but it just killed me to pay Eve alimony. Especially since the divorce was caused by her and what she did, or more to the point, didn't do. I had gone through a bitter divorce and when it was final I swore off women. They were treacherous and unfaithful whores — all of them —...

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