Cade And Eve, Part 1 free porn video

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Her day started off like any other. The morning alarm woke her to the beautiful sight of sun streaming in her window and the tantalising aroma of coffee from the kitchen. Man, she loved programmable coffee makers - one of the only good things to come out of her two-year long relationship with her lousy ex. Well, he was long gone, but in the 6 months she had been single, Eve didn’t think a day had gone by when she didn’t thank her lucky stars she’d manage to steal his coffee maker.

She bounded out of bed and into the little kitchen to get her first hit of coffee. She didn’t even bother to sit, just walked to the little window, leaned a hip against the wall and stared out. There were many things that had attracted her to the 28 th floor of the downtown Denver apartment building, but the view – well that was number one. A clear view from the kitchen all the way to the Rockies. It was no wonder she hadn’t bothered with drapes in any of the rooms. The only people she was likely to flash were the traffic copters and they were pretty loud in announcing themselves. Draining the cup, she decided to have a twenty minute work-out in her little home gym to clear the last of the cobwebs away before grabbing a shower, breakfast and then heading to work.

If the view was number one on her list, then proximity to work was definitely number two. The precinct was a mere 20 minutes brisk walk through the sights and sounds of downtown Denver. No cars, no buses, no jam packed light rail to contend with. Heaven!

Eve had been on the force for 5 years now and on the whole, she had to say she loved her job. Yeah it had its ups and downs like any other, but the investigating, the thrill of the chase, being in control – she loved it all. Just as she was clearing away the last of the paperwork that she had lying around, her Lieutenant stuck his head over her booth and asked her to collect a pool car and go and take follow-up witness statements from a few people in connection with an attempted robbery she was investigating.

“No probs LT,” she replied. “I’ll try not to be too long.”

“No worries if you are," he said. "Two of them are just on the outskirts, but one guy lives up in the foothills. If you finish up near the end of your shift, just drop the car in the lot and head on home.”

Add an easy-going Lieutenant to the list of reasons she loved her job!

She was fairly quick in getting statements from the first two people. Neither of them could add anything more than what they had said to the other officer on the day and she could tell they were trying to get rid of her quickly, pretty embarrassed to have been caught up in the whole affair.

“Oh well,” she thought to herself, “It’s not every day someone tries to rob an upmarket sex store.”

She had to admit to herself, she was delighted to get this case as she had been secretly dying to have a look inside the place, but could never quite bring herself to go in as a customer. Sex for her had always been pretty straightforward, one guy, one girl, no kinky stuff, no role playing, no tying up. Lately she had found herself wondering if there was more to life. Laughing out loud in the car, she gave herself a shake.

“That’s what being single for 6 months will do to a girl. I would settle for a date at the moment!”

She settled in for the journey across town to the interstate, pushing the buttons on the radio until she found some rock. Cranking the volume up and the windows down, she sang loudly along, enjoying the afternoon sunshine. The traffic wasn’t too bad at this hour so she made decent time to the interstate and started the climb into the foothills. After twenty minutes or so the sat-nav told her to take the exit and she found herself on a quieter road heading north. After a further 10 mins the polite, electronic voice told her that her destination was on the right. Puzzled, she gazed down the road – there were no houses here. Then her keen eyes spotted a shallow in-shot just up ahead. Slowing to a crawl, she realised there were high iron gates set back from the road slightly and they were tightly shut. She was just about to pull in and get out of the car and test them when she noticed the intercom to one side, so she pulled over next to it, turned the volume down on the radio and leaned out the window to press the button. After a few moments, a wonderfully rich, deep male voice came through the speaker.

“Towerdene House, can I help you?”

“Ah hi,” Eve said tentatively. “I’m not sure I have the right place. I’m looking for Mr Cade Monroe.”

“This is he,” said the voice.

“Oh, good afternoon Sir. My name is Officer Eve Whitby and I was hoping to take a follow-up statement and ask you a few more questions about the attempted robbery at Underworld on Tuesday afternoon.”

“Of course Officer, please come in,” the smooth reply came. “Feel free to leave your vehicle in front of the main steps.”

“Thank you Sir,” Eve replied as the gates started to swing silently open.

She drove on through and glanced in her rear view mirror to see them closing just as silently behind her. The driveway before her turned sharply to the right and began to climb steeply. After a few minutes of twists and turns, Eve was wondering just how big the grounds of this house were. She still could see nothing except trees on either side, and the driveway continued its steep incline in front of her. She estimated it must have been about 5 whole minutes before the trees suddenly gave way to a large manicured lawn.

The lawn continued the incline and without thinking she stopped the car as she took in the massive house that towered over the expansive lawn. ‘House’ didn’t even do it justice. It was huge! It looked more like a castle, with towers and balconies all done in a fabulous dark gray colour that called medieval tales to mind. Eve started the car moving again, the driveway skirted the lawn to the right and opened into a big turning circle in front of the main steps. She parked up and exited the car, patting her pockets to make sure she had her trusted notebook and pen.

Eve couldn’t help but feel slightly intimidated as she walked up the steps to the massive entranceway. Just as she was climbing the final few steps, the right hand portion of the large wooden door swung open. The man that stood framed in the doorway certainly matched the voice she had heard on the intercom. Eve was tall for a woman, at 5’9” but this man towered over her. He must have been at least 6’3” or possibly 6’4”. He was dressed smartly in a dark charcoal suit but wore it casually, with no tie and the white shirt unbuttoned at the collar. His raven coloured hair was slightly longer than might be considered fashionable but it added a dash of charm to his otherwise elegant demeanour. But it was the eyes that caught and held Eve’s attention. Those dark, dark eyes, almost black in colour had a power in them that she couldn’t deny. Giving herself a mental shake, she held out her hand in greeting.

“Mr Monroe?” she asked. “I’m Officer Whitby, thank you so much for agreeing to see me Sir.”

“The pleasure is all mine Officer, I assure you,” he replied, accepting her hand in a firm grip, wondering if she felt the same little jolt of electricity that he did. “Please come in and I shall endeavour to answer your questions. Would you care for some hot tea or coffee?”

“Coffee would be good if it’s not too much trouble,” Eve replied, surreptitiously rubbing her hand on her thigh. Was it just her imagination or had there been a tangible spark when their hands had met?

“It’s no trouble at all. I was just about to take a break myself. Please follow me to the kitchen and we can settle ourselves there so you can interrogate me.” His eyes flashed with amusement as he said this and turned to lead the way upstairs.

“You have a beautiful home,” Eve commented as she followed him up the broad sweep of stairs and through a long hallway leading all the way to the right of the property.

“Thank you,” Cade replied. “It’s been in my family for generations. I recently completed renovation work on it to meet my specifications. Moving the kitchen up to this floor was one of my changes. What do you think?”

Saying this, he stopped at the doorway and let her precede him into the room. Wow, was all she could think. The kitchen was huge. Pale and gleaming cabinets and stainless steel appliances stretched away to both sides, with a huge island in the middle. Beyond that, the room opened up and there was a long oak table that must have been able to seat 12 easy. Beyond that again, the room curved into a graceful bay window, which led out to one of the many balconies she had spotted from the outside.

She could see another table and chairs outside on the patio area, with a little parasol to block the worst of the sun. Eve had a sudden image of breakfasting out on the patio with Cade after a long, hard night of... hold on! Where on earth were her thoughts going? She was on duty and thinking sexual thoughts about a potential witness to a crime she was trying to solve. Flushing, she turned back to Cade, who had crossed to the coffee maker and switched it on. He was watching her carefully, his eyes amused again, almost as though he could tell what direction her thoughts had strayed in. Impossible, thought Eve, get a grip on yourself.

“It’s wonderful,” she said, aware of the inadequacy of her statement. “It’s so modern and light and airy. The house seems so imposing on the drive up, so this is ummm, refreshing.” She winced, “Sorry – I don’t mean to sound rude. It’s breathtaking, really.”

“No offence taken,” he chuckled. “The house can be pretty imposing, although I don’t necessarily find that a bad thing, depending on who my guests are.”

Leaving that mysterious statement unexplained he waved a hand for her to sit at the little breakfast bar at the end of the row of cabinets. “Please sit and you can ask me your questions.”

Eve settled herself on one of the high stools at the breakfast bar and took a moment to collect her thoughts. This man was imposing enough, never mind his house. She was slightly worried she was going to come across as a babbling idiot if she didn’t pull herself together.

“Cream, milk, sugar?” queried Cade.

“A little cream would be good thanks, no sugar. I must admit, I thought you would have maids or servants to do all this for you,” she laughed. “The house has the look of a place bustling with servants.”

“I like to cook, so the kitchen is mostly my domain,” Cade replied. “Although, I have been known to occasionally have a servant or two in the past.” The unholy amusement in his eyes set Eve blushing again as she realised he was not referring to the hired help.

“Forgive me Officer, it’s endearing for me to see a capable young woman, in uniform no less, blushing. I don’t mean to tease... well, ok I do, but I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I do have domestic help a couple of times a week, just to assist with the maintenance of the place, but on the whole, I’m here alone. I do entertain a lot though, hence the kitchen and dining table. No matter where my guests and I start the evening off, we always seem to end up in here. Anyway, enough of my rather tedious social life. You have questions to ask me, please, ask away.”

Relieved to be back on track with the job at hand, Eve guided Cade through the series of follow up questions she had. He was remarkably astute and had a couple of pieces of information regarding the perpetrator that had not previously come to light, so she took notes so she could follow up any possible leads the following day. He admitted that he had not been quite as forthcoming with the officer in charge on the day, but only because the fellow had shown an uneducated contempt for those frequenting a sex store, no matter how high class and expensive its merchandise was.

“Please let me apologise on behalf of the department, Mr Monroe,” Eve said. “We aim to be professional at all times but I guess sometimes people’s personal prejudices show through.”

“No need to apologise Officer.... May I call you Eve? I’m usually on first name terms with people I discuss my sex life with.”

“Of course Sir... ummm Cade?” she replied.

“Hmmm, Sir Cade has a certain flair, I grant you, but Cade will do,” he laughed. “Ironically, the better you get to know me, the greater the chance you will be allowed to address me as Sir.”

Eve flushed, flustered as she realised what he was talking about. “I really don’t want to offend you Cade, it’s just I don’t really know anything about the lifestyle you’re referring to. If I say something inappropriate, please know it’s out of innocent ignorance rather than contempt.”

“I appreciate your honesty,” Cade said, tilting his head as if examining her. “It’s refreshing. Sex is that last big taboo. It’s so strange. Most people do it, most people enjoy it, it’s not illegal... but ask most people to discuss it and they shy away. I understand sex can be an intensely private thing for some, but we’re not asking them to video it... although, that can also be an interesting experience if done correctly.”

“Forgive me,” he laughed again as Eve blushed furiously. What was wrong with her today? “I seem to enjoy bringing that colour to your cheeks.” Reaching out a hand he gently stroked the back of his finger down her cheek where the colour had risen. “Eve,” he spoke her name quietly now. “Would you stay and have dinner with me tonight?”

The breath backed up in Eve’s lungs. Was this charismatic and let’s face it, gorgeous man actually asking her for a date?

“I can’t tonight I’m afraid,” she admitted, hoping her disappointment was evident. Once a month, on a Friday, I’m honour bound to babysit my nieces, so my sister actually gets some alone time with her husband.”

“Tomorrow then,” he pressed. “Can I take you to dinner tomorrow? There’s a place not too far from here that does a mean steak.”

A thousand reasons flashed through Eve’s mind as to why she should say no, potential witness being one of them. Cade kept his gaze steady on hers as if he could read the thoughts as they ran through her head. Just this once, thought Eve, to hell with the rules.

“I’d like that,” she said, smiling.

Saturday dawned bright and sunny and Eve got a solid hour’s work out in her gym before heading to the shower. Her sister had been so excited when she heard about Eve’s date that she had insisted on a girls’ afternoon shopping spree, successfully dumping Brian and the kids with her mother in law for the day. She’d had to practically flee from Jessie’s clutches the night before after they had returned from their date and she had still been shouting comments on ‘appropriate sexy underwear’ as Eve had bolted for her car. She was just glad the neighbours hadn’t woken up!

As she stood soaping herself under the pulsing water, Eve’s thoughts drifted to Cade. She had never been so outrageously attracted to someone she barely knew. There was an aura about him, a kind of power, for want of a better word. She thought back to the graze of his knuckle down her cheek and could almost feel her cheek tingling at the memory. As she rubbed her soapy hands over her torso she realised her nipples were erect and sensitive. God, I’m like a randy teenager, she thought. She reached a hand between her legs and sure enough it wasn’t just the shower making her wet. Groaning in sexual frustration, she removed her hand and focussed on the job at hand. She didn’t have long before she had to meet Jess and her sister would kill her if she was late. She quickly rinsed off and towel dried, pulling her long dark hair up into a messier and looser version of the serviceable bun she wore for work. She opted for comfy jeans and a t-shirt combo, knowing Jessie would probably have her trying on god knows how many outfits.

Four hours later, Eve staggered back into her apartment, laden with bags, her poor credit card abused and battered. Jessie didn’t get the chance to shop much now, with the twins and Brian, but when she was let loose, boy she really went for it.

Eve now had so many new sets of underwear she wondered if her sister had bought shares in Victoria’s Secret. She also had 3 new dresses and as much as she tried to convince herself she would take 2 of them back to the store once Jess was far, far away, she knew she wouldn’t – she loved them!

She spent a good while on her make-up but figured after being single for 6 months, she was allowed to. She never normally bothered with make-up for work – too open to sexist remarks from the male officers – but she enjoyed taking the time and was satisfied when she stood back to look critically in the mirror. Her deep green eyes stared back at her, the darker shadow giving a smoky effect, her lashes long and darkened with mascara, cheekbones subtly highlighted with shimmer. She left her lips bare of colour, just slicking some clear gloss over them and turned to choose a dress from her purchases. After a few minutes deliberating, she chose the dark purple one. It was the plainest and its hemline was definitely the most decent, but it was cut just low enough at the neck to make it a challenge to whoever happened to be sitting across from her to keep their eyes on her face. Especially, she thought smugly, with her fab new lingerie, which did interesting things her bust. She reached up and loosened the knot of her hair, which tumbled down her back in sexy waves, put on her new killer heels, grabbed her clutch bag and wrap and headed for the door.

Cade stood as Eve was ushered over to the table in the restaurant. He had seen her enter and give her name to the hostess and had felt a jolt deep in his stomach as she had looked over and caught his gaze. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was simply ravishing. He took her hand as she drew close and raised it to his lips.

“Eve, words fail me.”

“Just don’t tell the other cops about the dress, ok?” she laughed in reply, her nerves receding. “They think I live in jeans.”

“Your secret is safe with me,” Cade’s eyes twinkled as he smiled.

Dinner was wonderful and Eve was pleasantly surprised at how much they had in common. They shared similar tastes in music, literature and even sport. How can we have so much in common and yet lead such widely different lifestyles, she wondered.

“Eve, would you care to come back to mine for a night cap before you head home,” Cade asked as he settled their check.

“Sure,” she agreed, reluctant to cut the night short “but only for a little while, as I have to work tomorrow unfortunately.”

On the short drive back to Cade’s, she found herself wondering again about the lifestyle he led and resolved to find out more. They had both deliberately avoided the subject during dinner, as if testing the waters to see what other common ground they had, other than what had brought them together. At the house, they headed up to the kitchen and Cade retrieved a bottle of wine that had been chilling in the fridge. Pouring two glasses, he handed her one and led the way out through the bay window onto the patio. The clear mountain air had a little bite to it and Eve was glad of her wrap, but she forgot all about that when she saw the view the balcony afforded. She was looking due East and she could see all the way to the lights of downtown Denver. They twinkled and sparkled in the darkness and took her breath away.

“You can see my building from here,” she said quietly, pointing it out. “I never realised we were this high above the tree line. What a view.” She fell silent again, drinking the sight in.

“Cade,” she said hesitantly, turning to him. “Can you tell me something of your lifestyle?”

His eyes looked deeply into hers for a long while before he answered. “It’s getting late to start long winded explanations Eve... how about I show you instead?”

He chuckled at the look of startled panic on her face and raised his hands in mock innocence. “A visual tour only I promise, this one time.”

He led her back to the ground floor, to a plain wooden door, tucked away in a quiet corner. “Come and see,” he invited as he opened the door and led the way down a long flight of stairs.

As she followed Cade down the stairs and into the dimly lit room the objects on display caused her to stop and look around in wonder. The room was large, Eve estimated it must take up a good part of the footprint of the house, and was dominated by an enormous mirror on the far wall which made it seem even bigger. On her left, stretching away from her was a row of deep-drawered filing cabinets and on her right she could make out a little sitting and kitchen area. Her brow wrinkled momentarily at the sight, but she soon forgot about it when she laid eyes on the table in the middle of the room.

To call the contraption something as mundane as a table was probably a slight to the manufacturer, but Eve could think of no other name for the object before her. Passing Cade, she took a few tentative steps towards it then stopped short again to examine it from a safe distance.

“My pet project...” Cade’s voice, murmured into her ear, made her jump, the low tone and underlying sexual tension sending shivers down her spine. “Go on, take a closer look,” he invited.

Eve walked slowly to the table, her eyes riveted, as she tried to take it all in. The table itself was just about waist height and covered with deep red velvet padding. Instead of the conventional rectangular shape, the table was a giant ‘X’ At each point of the X, iron loops had been built in, and a variety of loops, some with straps and buckles attached adorned the sides of the table. The X was thicker in the middle, so as to give plenty of support to a person’s torso when they were spread-eagled on it, but still, it was a blatantly sexual object and highly arousing. Eve could feel her stomach churning at all the possibilities the table represented, should one be bound and at its mercy.

As she rounded the bottom of the table, she noticed a variety of levers and looked questioningly at Cade. “Go on – give one a turn,” he said, with an amused smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Grasping the biggest handle, Eve turned it and gasped when the bottom legs of the X began to move apart. As she reached for one of the other levers, Cade stopped her with a hand on hers. “Leave the rest to the imagination for now pet,” he commanded. “Would you care for a top-up?”

“Ah... sure,” Eve said, reluctantly drawing her eyes away from the table and followed Cade to the kitchen area. She took a seat as Cade topped up their glasses with the wine he had brought down. “Why on earth do you have a kitchen down here?” she questioned. “Is the one upstairs not big enough?”

“Not at all,” Cade replied, “I sometimes spend hours at a time down here, and I find it... convenient to have certain things close to hand.” Eve’s gaze was once again drawn to the table.

“Hours...?” Just the thought of it sent her stomach jumping again and she nervously gulped the wine Cade handed to her to try and settle her nerves.

Cade settled on the couch across from her, deliberately putting a bit of distance between them. He could see the effect he, and the surroundings, were having on her and whilst he didn’t mind making her nervous, he didn’t want her to bolt for the door. The unexpected pang he felt when he thought about losing her before he could entice her onto the table was a surprise. This woman pulled something from him, and he was not quite sure what that was yet. Better to tuck that away and analyse later – he was a man used to being in control, and no sign of weakness or uncertainly would be outwardly displayed unless he meant it. Tonight was for getting to know each other a bit better. The table wasn’t going anywhere.

“Eve, please relax – I’m not going to hit you over the head and strap you into the table against your will!” It was exactly the right thing to say to calm Eve’s nerves.

“As if you could take me pal,” she scoffed.

He gave a quick delighted smile. “Now that would be a challenge I could get behind, but not tonight, and certainly not in that dress.”

Eve settled back against the deep cushions of the couch. “So, this... dungeon,” she waved her hand around, looking for the right words, “you what, bring slave girls here for bondage sessions?”

Cade barked out a laugh. “You say that in a way that makes it seem... less than what it is. Let’s just say I am sometimes accompanied here by very willing volunteers, eager to explore new scenes and sensations that may not be available to them elsewhere.”

“Very diplomatically put,” Eve remarked amused. “One would almost assume you were afraid the cops might hear you.”

“I don’t just see a cop when I look at you Eve,” Cade said, his manner sombre. “I see a woman first and foremost. One who likes to be in control and one who I suspect is wondering very much what it would feel like to relinquish that control to the right person.” He gazed at her, his intense dark eyes full of secrets and desire. “I want you to let me be that person.”

“God,” Eve breathed. “Do you know what you are asking of me? I’m 28 years old and haven’t even found someone I trust enough to take the garbage out for me! I guess I got used to relying on myself and being in control. Kinda comes with the job, you know?” She smiled ruefully.

“Eve, I always say that denial of the mind inevitably leads to denial of the body. Ask yourself why you are 28 years old and haven’t met anyway you can trust. Perhaps what you need from a lover is something that those you have previously met simply cannot provide.”

Eve stared at him, her expression thoughtful. “I’ve never thought about it that way before,” she said softly.

“Well, do us both a favour and start thinking!” Cade said, the twinkle once again back in his eye. “Now, before we get too melancholy, tell me in great detail about all these men you have not trusted in the past.”

Laughing, Eve sipped her wine again and prepared to tell the Cade of her triumph with the programmable coffee maker.


With the front door in sight, the whole evening was starting to feel a little bit like a fantasy that Eve had made up in her head. Her earlier nerves had faded completely and once she had relaxed, Cade had proved to be charming company. Watching her out the corner of his eye, Cade decided he didn’t want her too relaxed, so a few feet from the door he took her by the shoulders and slowly backed her up against the wall. Eve’s senses went into overdrive as he towered over her, millimetres away from having his whole body pressed against hers.

“Make no mistake Eve, I want you. I want to see you strapped to my table, and watch your eyes as I do things to your body that you can only imagine. I want to hear what sounds you make when your body is saturated with pleasure and you’re begging me to stop. I want you to take some time to think about it, but know this... if you come back here again, you’re mine.”

Her chin lifted at that, and her eyes blazed. “I am my own person!” She was proud that her voice didn’t tremble, although she could feel the hammering of her heart in her throat.

He lifted a finger and traced it down her neck gently. “I can feel your heart racing. I haven’t even touched you yet. Imagine the possibilities...” He let that thought trail off. “I’ll be in touch.”

With that, he stood back and walking to the door, opened it for her. She took a moment to get her breathing under control, then pushed off the wall and walked past him into the night air. The cab was waiting at the bottom of the stairs – a familiar and mundane object in what had been frankly, a bizarre night for her. As she opened the car door she glanced back up the stairs. He was still watching her. “Think of me,” his voice drifted down. She knew that was one command she would not be able to fight.


The next few days were reassuringly normal for Eve. She went to work, caught criminals, kept her dates in court, testifying against the bad guys and generally tried to keep as busy as possible to keep her mind off Cade and his ‘proposals’. But try as she might, no matter what time she returned home, she was always left alone with her thoughts and they kept returning to the man, the house and the table.

On Friday morning the alarm once again woke her and she settled into her usual place by the kitchen window with her coffee. A whole horizon to gaze at and her eyes kept returning to the same spot on the foothills she knew Cade’s house occupied. It was too far away to make out the house itself, but somehow she knew she was looking in the right spot. She sighed, resigned. She knew he would call and she had finally admitted to herself last night that she would go. She was both terrified and filled with a strange sense of calm, the two conflicting emotions battling for room in her head. Almost as if this moment were inevitable, but her brain was trying to convince itself that she still had a choice.

She drained her coffee and turned to head for the shower when the phone rang. She froze. She knew it was him. It was almost as if he knew! Knew that she had made up her mind, that she was resolved. Knew that she was waiting for him. She picked up the phone and said “Hello?”

The deep male voice both settled and awoke something in her. “Good morning Eve,” hints of amusement coming through. “I trust you have had a fruitful week?”

“Yeah, very umm... fruitful,” was her flustered response. She knew he wouldn’t ask her, she would have to be the one to come to him. “So, I was wondering if you are free this weekend, maybe?” she asked.

“Tonight,” came the reply, still in that same amused voice. “7pm. I will cook you something to get your taste buds excited.” He chuckled now, obviously amused with his double meanings. “And Eve... don’t be late.”

“Yeah, no worries,” she muttered as she hung up the phone. She had a feeling she wouldn’t be thinking about much else in work today.

At 7pm exactly, Eve alighted from the cab and made her way up the stairs at Towerdene. She had taken the time in the cab to practice breathing techniques and get her hammering heart under control, but no matter what she did, she could feel it thumping away inside her chest. She faced down criminals every day for god’s sake. How did one man manage to turn her inside out and upside down with a few whispered promises? Taking one last deep breath she rang the bell and waited. After a short pause, the door swung inwards and the reason for her sleepless nights and current nervous disposition stood silhouetted in the door.

“Eve,” he breathed her name like a caress. “As punctual as ever and quite breathtaking.” With that he held out his hand to draw her inside, lifting her hand to his lips as she stepped to him. “I’m glad you’re here,” he said quietly. She blushed and studied the floor until his finger raised her chin and she was forced to meet his gaze. He let some of the desire he felt for her show in his dark eyes and saw when she understood he wanted this evening to happen as much as she did.

Her nerves receded and she gave him a shy smile. “So, what’s on the menu then?”

He chuckled at that. “Come upstairs my pet and see for yourself.”

As they got closer to the kitchen, Eve could make out a variety of fantastic smells. They permeated the air and reminded her just how hungry she actually was. Cade settled her at the breakfast bar with a small selection of canapés and a glass of her new favourite white wine before returning to attend to a selection of simmering pots. He was like an artist in the kitchen, Eve noted. An artist who loved his work, and took pride in it. Before long, he was carrying various dishes over to the large table where 2 places had been set in one corner. The lights of downtown Denver twinkled magically through the bay window, setting the stage for what was a truly spectacular meal.

Finally sated, Eve put down her fork, delicately wiped her mouth with her napkin and sat back. “That was wonderful,” she declared.

“I’m very pleased you liked it,” Cade said as he rose to fetch the wine. Topping off their glasses he sat back down and held his up. “To a night of firsts,” his eyes dancing with amusement in the candle light.

She clinked her glass to his. “Cheers.”

“Come on. Let’s walk off some of that dinner. I’ll show you around the place – the full guided tour!”

She rose, chuckling when he offered her his arm. “Why thank you kind sir,” she drawled in her best imitation of a southern belle. He grinned at that as he led her out of the kitchen.

The place was huge! Eve had thought so before when she first saw the building from the outside, but even that didn’t prepare her for the warren of rooms she had been led through. There was such a mix of rooms too – some seemed to have been unchanged for centuries while others had the contemporary luxury she had come to recognise as Cade’s style. She had spend a full 5 minutes in his en suite bathroom, cooing in delight over the magnificent, huge jet-spray shower and sunken bath tub that she was fairly certain it was possible to swim in.

As they returned to the ground floor, Cade stopped in front of the closed basement door and taking Eve’s shoulders turned her to face him. “Only one room left, although you have had a sneak preview. I would be honoured if you would let me show you.”

Eve said nothing for a moment, then looked at the door and nodded. “Yes please,” she said quietly.

Cade pulled open the door to the basement and stepped back to allow Eve to proceed. She hesitated at the top of the stairs and glanced at him.

“Up until you get on that table the choice is yours,” he said, “but please know this. I will never harm you. I only want the chance to show you unrivalled pleasure, and share the experience with you.”

Considering a moment longer, she then started down the stairs. With each step she could hear the blood roaring in her head louder and louder and her nerves were back and doing a crazy dance in her stomach, but in mixed in amongst all that was lust. Pure and simple lust and tonight she didn’t want to deny herself that basest of pleasures. At the bottom of the stairs she stopped, unsure of where to go or what to do, but Cade draped an arm around her shoulders and moved her closer to the table.

Stopping a few feet away from it, he turned to face her, staring into her eyes until he was happy with the resolution he saw there. “Beautiful Eve,” he murmured, lifting his hand and cupping her chin. “I feel I have been waiting an eternity for you.”

With that, he lowered his head and touched his lips to hers. Finally, screamed the voice in Eve’s head, as she opened her mouth to allow him to deepen the kiss. All her pent up emotions and feelings came swirling out and she leaned into him and kissed him back passionately, her hands coming up to frame his face. In answer his hands dived into her hair and gripped. Pulling her head back, he plundered her mouth then broke the kiss to race his lips over her throat, her eyes, her cheeks, leaving her breathless and moaning for more.

His eyes, when he broke away to gaze at her, were wild with passion. The depth of feeling and power in them caused Eve to tremble and she put up no fight when he reached around her shoulders for the zipper on her dress. He dragged it down slowly, torturously and nudging the straps off her shoulders, then leaned in to nibble at the exposed flesh there. Eve’s eyes closed in pleasure as the dress pooled at her feet. Cade feasted his eyes on the sight as Eve stood now in her simple black lace bra, matching panties and stilettos. He could see her nipples straining through the thin material and make out the outline of her beautiful pussy lips through her panties.

In a casual show of strength, he swept her up and crossing to the table sat her upon it, the height meaning she was almost eye to eye with him. Leaning forward, he again captured her mouth, softly, exploring her lips with his tongue, savouring the erotic taste of her, craving more. He trailed one finger down from her neck and traced the skin just underneath the lacy edge of her bra. As his lips followed his finger, Eve leaned back on her hands, her head once again falling back in pleasure. When he swirled his tongue under the material and grazed her nipple, she let out a gasp. Reaching behind her, he unclasped her bra, and removed it as slowly as he had the dress. As her breasts sprang free her nipples hardened even more, as the cooler air washed over them and when he bent his head to suckle, her gasps turned to moans.

Eve could not believe the feelings coursing through her. The man had only touched her breasts and already she was wet and aroused beyond belief. She had never felt her nipples this hard before, and the warm, wet, insisting tugging on them from his tongue and teeth was sending little jolts of electricity straight to her pussy. She fell back onto her elbows as his lips continued on a downwards journey, raining kisses over her stomach until he reached the top edge of her panties.

At this, he looked up at her, leaning back, flushed, eyes dark with desire. He ran his finger from one side of her stomach to the other, just under the line of her panties, causing tingles to pop out on her skin and her breathing to quicken again. He smiled knowingly and left her panties in place, continuing his downwards exploration of her body. When his lips reached her feet, he knelt down, out of her line of sight and she could feel him undoing the straps of her stilettos. When the first foot was free he pressed his mouth to her arch, sending new and thrilling sensations through her. The second stiletto followed the first and Cade slowly worked his way back up her legs, kissing her smooth calf, gently biting the tender inside of her thigh.

Straightening from his position, he hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties and gave a gentle tug. Unresisting, she lifted her hips slightly and allowed him to draw the panties down her legs, dropping them to the floor. She felt brazen and wanton, being completely naked while he was still fully clothed, but the passion was burning her blood too strong for her to care.

“Lie back Eve,” he said quietly.

His face gave nothing away, but he knew this was the final test. Once he had her restrained and under his control, he was the master and any pleas to be let loose would fall on deaf ears. This was it. Her last chance.

She leaned forward slightly, touched her lips to his and lay back on the table. Power coursed through him, making him harder than he already was. That such a strong woman would be willing to relinquish power to him was his miracle and he intended to treasure her gift and open her to a whole new world of sensations.

Walking round to the top of the table, he took her left arm and stretched it over her head, along one arm of the ‘X’. He then took one of the straps adorning the sides of the table and stretched it over her wrist, tightening the buckle until there was no chance of her wriggling out. Eve flexed her fingers – the strap wasn’t uncomfortable, due to the padding on the underside, but there was no way she was escaping it. Her right arm received the same treatment, followed by both her ankles on the bottom half of the X. For the first time ever in her adult life, Eve was entirely at someone else’s mercy.

Cade stood back and admired the woman spread-eagled on the table before him. Her full breasts were beautifully displayed due to her arms being confined above her head. Her nipples were still hard as rocks and pointing straight up in the air. He placed one last strap across her belly, tightening it so that her back was not able to arch off the table. He wanted her immobile, without the feeling of being fully restrained – that would come with time.

Moving to the bottom of the table, he grasped the largest lever and turned it so that the bottom legs of the X moved further apart. Eve gasped as she felt her legs part further, and felt her pussy leaking juices as her most private parts were exposed to the colder air. Cade drank the sight in with his eyes. He longed to dive right into her pussy with his tongue, but he had learned the art of patience over many years and knew it served to heighten her pleasure as well as his own. Grazing one finger up her leg, torso and up to her breast, he walked up the length of the table and captured her mouth once again in a ravenous kiss. Breaking it off, he stared into her eyes from inches away.

“Darling Eve, I promised no harm would come to you under my watch and this you may believe. I am not going to blindfold you for our first time, nor am I going to gag you – yet – as I want, no I need to hear your moans and hear you beg and scream for release. And believe me – you will be begging and screaming before this night is over. Now hold tight, as there are a couple of items I need to retrieve before we begin.”

Eve lay helplessly as Cade walked away, out of her line of sight. The padded velvet was warm underneath her body, adding to the sensations that already swamped her. He nipples were aching to be sucked and bitten again and she could feel her juices dripping down the inside of her thigh as cool air continued to swirl around her exposed pussy... and he said he had not even started! He stomach tightened in anticipation of what was still to come.

She could hear him moving about over at the kitchen area, and then a familiar noise from behind her head... ah yes, the filing cabinet drawers being opened and closed. Try as she might, she couldn’t see what he was doing, as he had intended. He returned to her, keeping the items he was carrying down low, and placed them, unseen to her, on a shelf on the underside of the table.

“I have stated I will not harm you Eve, but I may cause you some pain. Not enough to really hurt, but there is a fine line between pain and pleasure that I love to explore and I hope you will agree.” With that, he leant over her breast and captured a puckered nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the nub and finally biting gently on it.

Eve tried to arch off the table with pleasure, but the straps held her in place, somehow heightening the sensation. Cade began to bite slightly harder on her nipple, and reached over to the other one to rub it between his thumb and forefinger, pinching it gently. He then swapped his mouth to the other nipple and changed to pinching the first one, feeling them swelling even more. Eve moaned deliriously and her head thrashed about from side to side. Considering, Cade straightened and rounding the top of the table once more, stretched a strap across her forehead and buckled it in place, effectively severely limiting her head movement. Moving back to her breasts, he continued to suckle, enjoying the sweet ripe flavour of her.

Eve was moaning loudly with the sweet torture. She could feel her pussy literally dripping juices down her thigh. She had always loved getting her nipples played with, but no-one had ever spent so much time and effort on them, especially without even going near her pussy. Cade must hold the world record for self control.

Abruptly, the gentle tugging on her nipples was gone only to be replaced by the sharp sweet bite of nipple clamps. With no way to escape the torment, Eve was forced to focus fully on the sensation, relishing in the biting pain which was sending little sparks straight to her pussy. Just as she was getting used to the sensation, she heard the low buzz of a vibrator. Cade held it before her eyes so she could examine it. Small and metal, a little bullet, not very strong, designed mostly for clitoral stimulation. Without speaking, he lowered the bullet to her skin, lightly playing it down her torso, between her breasts.

Eve shivered at this new sensation and the anticipation of where he would direct the little bullet next. Around her left breast, keeping clear of the aureole for now, and then the same around her other breast. Down over her stomach, causing her to inhale sharply, swirling round her belly button, then making its lazy way back up to her breasts. Momentarily removing the bullet, Cade leaned over and licked the top of her nipple, where it protruded from the clamp. Again the pleasure shot through her, the tips of her nipples were extremely sensitive due to the pressure of the clamps. She held her breath, knowing what was coming next.

Sure enough, Cade brought the little bullet hovering over her breast and watched her, silently. Please, her eyes begged. He continued to watch her, holding the bullet inches from contact with her nipple.

“Please,” she whispered. Just one work, quietly spoken, but it would do for now.

Cade lowered the bullet and a thousand volts seemed to flow through her breast. She could feel her pussy gush in response, the need to be taken and fucked was so great she could barely stand it.

After a couple of minutes torturing both her nipples Cade switched the bullet off and returned it to the hidden shelf. Picking up the next item on the agenda, he again lifted in front of Eve’s face so she could examine it. This time, she paled as she saw the short leather crop.

“Eve” Cade admonished gently. “I have promised to never harm you, but I want to make you aware of the pleasure your body can feel when it is opened to different sensations.” 

That’s one way of putting it, Eve thought as her whole body tensed waiting for the first strike.

Cade stepped to the bottom of the table and lightly struck the crop against the inside of her thighs. She jumped, but the stinging sensation quickly turned to heat, which turned to sheer ecstasy as his lips then followed the path that the crop took. Eve had never considered herself a pain junkie, but she found she was eagerly anticipating the sharp sting of the crop as much as the heat and the caress. Her breathing quickened as Cade put down the crop, but continued kissing and nibbling his way up the insides of her thighs. She was aching for her pussy to be touched – she could not remember ever being this aroused and being powerless to do anything about it.

Cade examined Eve’s pussy from his position between her spread-eagled legs. Her lips were puffy and a beautiful shade of pink, and her juices were dripping copiously down her thigh. Moving his face ever closer to her pussy, he continued gently biting and kissing her thighs, licking and savouring the taste of her sweet juices that had escaped her pussy. He could feel the heat emanating from her core and longed to dive his tongue right in.

He reached back to the handle controlling the position of the X’s legs and turned it a little more, to fully open her pussy to him. He could see her clitoris sticking out from under its little hood and her obvious arousal turned him on all the more. Leaning down, he blew gently on her clit, causing her to moan and jerk as much as she was able in her straps.

Cade loved the fact that Eve was so responsive to his touch. His self control was being stretched and he could go no longer without touching her beautiful pussy. He placed the thumb of his left hand just above Eve’s clit, right at the top of her dripping slit and pressed down gently on her mound with the palm of his hand. With his right hand, he then slowly inserted his index finger into her pussy, amazed at how tight, wet and hot she was.

Eve let out a delirious moan as she felt her pussy being possessed finally, which became louder when he stroked his thumb ever so gently over her throbbing clit. He inserted his finger right up to the hilt then slowly withdrew it, lifting it to his mouth to taste her sweet juices. Sucking it clean, he then inserted it once more deep into her pussy and began slowly finger fucking her. After a couple of minutes of this slow pace, Cade squeezed another finger into her and lowered his mouth to her clit. His thumb was still resting just above her clit, right at the top of her slit and he pressed down slightly and pulled up towards her stomach so that her clit popped more fully out. He lapped all around the edges of it, like a cat with cream before gently nibbling on the little nub and sucking it into his mouth.

Eve was going wild – her moans getting louder and louder, the only release she had seeing as she was firmly strapped down. Cade continued for another minute and then stopped. There was no way she was getting to cum yet. He returned to the top of the table and cut off Eve’s protesting moans with another kiss, allowing her to savour the taste of herself from his tongue. Eve had never tasted herself before and she was pleasantly surprised by her sweet tasting nectar. Breaking the kiss, he held his two pussy-soaked fingers to her mouth and watched her draw them inside, sucking and licking the juice from them. Watching her sucking on his fingers made his hard cock twitch – he was looking forward to having her lips wrapped around his rock hard cock in the near future.

Reaching down to the shelf again, Cade retrieved another item from a plastic cup. One of the perks of having a kitchen down here was the handiness of a freezer. He again held the item up to her face for inspection and her eyes widened as she looked at what she thought was a large glass dildo. Cade held it to her lips and she reached her tongue out to lick it and immediately gasped in surprise at the coldness. On closer inspection she realised that the object was made of ice. He chuckled at her consternation.

“It’s amazing what one can pick up at a novelty erotic gift store.”

With that, he trailed the ice cock down her body in much the same way as he had with the little bullet. Wherever the ice touched, little goose bumps popped out on her skin so he followed the trail with his lips, licking and kissing them away with his hot mouth. The combination of the cold then the hot was sensational and Eve’s moans were starting up again as he got closer to her pussy. The tip of the ice cock had started to melt due to the warmth of her skin and was now leaving little wet trails wherever he touched it to her.

He flicked the end of it over her clit and she whimpered. He leaned closer, exhaling on her clit to warm it again. Another flick... she was panting now.

“Please,” she moaned again, a little louder than before.

He ignored her – she could do better than that. Another flick.

“Please, Cade” she gasped a little louder.

Again he ignored her, but with one hand, began to undo the buttons on his shirt. Shrugging the garment off, he moved his free hand to his trousers, quickly shedding them to release his throbbing cock.

“Tell me what you want Eve,” he commanded, stroking his large cock gently until it was its full, hard 9 inches. With the other hand, he again flicked the ice over her clit.

“I want...” she swallowed, “Oh god, I want you to fuck me.”

“Louder,” he said.

“Please,” she almost sobbed. “Please fuck me. I’ve never felt like I need to cum this badly before.”

“Do you want me to fuck you with the ice? Do you want to feel the ice plunge inside your depths, just for a moment?”

“Yes, please fuck me with the ice, with your cock, with anything!”

Cade revelled in this woman, this amazing, strong woman, begging to be fucked. Placing the head of the ice dildo at her cunt lips, he dipped inside a centimetre or two and swirled it around.

“Oh god,” moaned Eve. “More, please give me more.”

The ice was melting at a rapid rate now and Cade knew that although she would feel the shock of the cold, it would not be enough to stretch her pussy and give her the fucking that she needed. He plunged the icy dildo as far into her depths as he could and held it there, just for a second or two.

“Oh my fucking god,” Eve screamed as she felt the icy chill invade her pussy and shoot straight to her core.

Cade removed the ice and giving her clit one last flick with it, replaced what was left of it in the cup under the table.

“Do you want me to fuck you Eve?” he asked quietly, rubbing the head of his cock very gently up and down her soaking slit.

It felt like a monster to Eve, who could not see anything of Cade with her head restrained at this angle.

“Yes Cade, I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me hard.”

With those words, Cade gave one hard thrust and buried his whole nine inches deep inside her. She was so wet she needed no other lubrication but the sheer size of him took her breath away. His cock felt to her like it was on fire after the coldness of the ice, her cunt branded by his hot shaft. He gave her no time to regain her senses, but immediately started driving into her again and again, pulling out to just the tip and then plunging furiously inside her. He placed the heel of one of his hands over her clit, the movements of his hard fucking making sensations pulse through it. Eve could hold back her orgasm no longer.

Little sparks of electricity began to shoot outwards from her pussy to every part of her body. Sweat broke out on her skin as she felt the familiar haziness wash over her. All the nerve endings in her body seemed to gather at her core, tightening and intensifying before exploding everywhere as she came, screaming in the most deliciously violent orgasm of her life. Cade removed his hand from her over sensitive clit and momentarily stopped his thrusting, keeping his cock firmly embedded inside her. He could feel her cunt muscles milking his cock, the contractions a beautiful caress around his stiff prick.

After a few minutes, he started moving again slowly, in and out, building up a rhythm.

“Please no,” Eve gasped. “I can’t cum again.”

“You are not in control here Eve,” Cade said softly. “You have to learn to let go, to surrender the control.” With those words, he returned a thumb to her clit and gave it a gentle stroke.

“Oh god,” Eve moaned. “How are you doing this to me?”

She had assumed with the intensity of the previous orgasm that there was no way she could cum again so soon, but sure enough she felt the familiar sensations soon begin to swirl again as he fucked her steadily. His cock was so huge it was bottoming out against her cervix with every thrust, causing her new and bewildering feelings. She had never had such a large cock before and if she hadn’t been so aroused, she doubted she could have taken it all at once.

This time, he steered clear of her clit, with only the occasional thumb stroking gently over it. He let his cock do all the work, building her orgasm steadily with his patient fucking. She felt this orgasm come over her slowly. It felt like it started deep in her womb and then like waves breaking, rippled outwards to every part of her body. Her fingers and toes curled and clenched, the only parts of her body she could move. As Cade felt her pussy muscles clench on his cock once more he again slowed the pace down, although this time he kept thrusting in and out, ever so slowly, letting her ride it out.

He watched her come down from the high, her breathing returning to normal, and decided he didn’t want her too complacent. In a lightening flash, he removed his cock from her tight cunt and inserted the first two fingers of his right hand. His other hand pressed down just above the top of her mound and he immediately began to furiously finger fuck her, his fingers angled to hit the upper wall of her pussy. Her reaction was immediate as he could feel her straining at her bonds. She began to scream again for him to stop, finally falling silent when she realised her demands were futile.

She could feel the tension building and it was like nothing she had ever felt before. He could see her fighting against it and growled at her.

“Let go Eve. Go with the feelings. Embrace it and accept what your body is capable of.”

With that, she came in a flood of juices, her pussy squirting out fluid while contracting wildly. Her whole body clenched and her eyes rolled back in her head as she nearly passed out from the intense pleasure. Her back would have arched off the table had she not been strapped down. Cade plunged his cock back into her pussy, maintaining her orgasm. After a couple of strokes, her pussy contracted violently again, forcing his cock out and squirting another load.

Too weak even to scream, Eve finally surrendered to her body and when Cade once again forced his cock into her pussy, pounding away, she let fly with the feelings and rode them to another pussy clenching climax. As her cunt violently came, she felt Cade give one last powerful thrust and spill his hot seed deep inside her. His movements stilled and he left his shaft buried deep until the shuddering stopped and they both had their breathing under control.

Cade pulled his spent member out of Eve’s cunt and slowly walked to the top of the table. He unbuckled the strap from across her forehead and leaned down to plant a kiss there. Undone by the sudden tenderness, Eve felt her eyes tearing up. 

Jeez what’s wrong with me, she thought. The guy has literally turned my system inside out and here I am getting watery over a kiss?

“You ok,” Cade asked, kissing her eyes where the tears has escaped.

“Better than ok,” Eve smiled. “I feel marvellous! I feel like I... I don’t even have the words! I feel... reborn?”

“Come on then pet,” Cade said as he started unbuckling the rest of her restraints. “Let’s get us into the shower and then bed.” His hands stilled. “You will stay won’t you?”

Eve glanced up at him and met his serious gaze. “I’d love to,” she smiled. “I’ve been wondering what it would be like to watch the sunrise and have breakfast on that little patio of yours...”

thank you so much for taking the time to read. this is my first story. any constructive comments are welcome, as are any requests for the direction future parts should take!


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Robbie Eve Irsquom right here if you want me

Traffic on I-95 wasn’t too bad as I headed north through New Jersey toward New York. Three days of meetings and property tours around Trenton had been very productive and I had just one last client to visit outside of Boston before I could head back north to Montreal. I could have flown rather than spending time on the road, but I love driving and it allows me to drop in unannounced on properties owned by the REIT (real estate investment trust) that I work for. My surprise visits help to keep...

2 years ago
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Eve in the mens toilet Part 2

Introduction: Warning: Disgusting filth – only for the very few who like this sort of thing I wrote this continuation of Part 1, quite a while ago. I was so embarrassed about it that Ive only sent it privately to a few appreciative readers. Ive now decided however, that writing stories is pointless unless they are to be read, so I take a deep breath and send this off for publication with the following warnings: DO NOT READ THIS STORY unless you are going to be turned on by the most foul, vile,...

4 years ago
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Adam and Eve Part 5

Times they are a changin So we were back home. The routine of everyday life at university, lectures, research in the library, writing up experiments was the order of the day and soon brought us back to reality and the holiday faded into a warm memory. In some ways it was a relief, we had probably indulged in too much drinking and possibly in too much sex while we were on holiday. As a memento Babs bought me a wine bottle charm for my bracelet. The climax of our relationship with...

3 years ago
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Eve in the mens toilet Warning disgusting filth

I would never have thought to write anything like this, indeed having written it, I feel so embarrassed at having come up with anything so revoltingly disgusting. However, a number of people have suggested this theme which, I should imagine, is for a very small niche of men who enjoy the idea of treating women so appallingly. I hope that those who will be sickened by the theme, stop reading when they see the way the story is heading, and dont continue to the end and then give my tale a negative...

2 years ago
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Eve in the mens toilet Part 1

Introduction: Warning: Didgusting filth – only for the very few who like this sort of thing I actually wrote and published this first part some time ago. At the time I was urged by a number of people, to write a sequel, I did and shared it privately as the sequel was so disgustingly vile and filthy. Ive now, with some prompting, decided to publish the entire story in two parts. I warn people: DO NOT READ THIS UNLESS YOU LIKE VILE FILTH. I would never have thought to write anything like this,...

2 years ago
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Eve in the mens toilet Part 2

DO NOT READ THIS STORY unless you are going to be turned on by the most foul, vile, disgustingly crude and filthy treatment of a female. YOU ARE WARNED that this story is so twisted, and repulsively filthy, that it could well make you be sick. I WARN YOU AGAIN that this sort of thing is to the taste of a very few only. DO NOT READ THIS STORY and give it a negative vote because you are so disgusted and sickened by it, you were warned not to continue. I must tell you, in defence of myself...

3 years ago
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Eve in the mens toilet Part 1

I warn people: DO NOT READ THIS UNLESS YOU LIKE VILE FILTH. I would never have thought to write anything like this, indeed having written it, I feel so embarrassed at having come up with anything so revoltingly disgusting. However, a number of people have suggested this theme which, I should imagine, is for a very small niche of men who enjoy the idea of treating women so appallingly. I hope that those who will be sickened by the theme, stop reading when they see the way the story is heading,...

4 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 13 All About Eve

Eve was the first of the two women to show up at the house. She was the Chinese girl whose father was trying to control her life. She was about as independent of a woman as Dave had ever encountered. She was also extremely attractive with long black hair, a porcelain complexion, and very fine features. She had larger breasts than Andrew had expected of an Asian woman. As had become tradition, she had moved in on a Friday afternoon while Andrew was at work. He spent the night in a hotel while...

3 years ago
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All About Eve

All About Eve - 1        Eve Collins stirred in her sleep.  She rolled over in the bed to find a more comfortable position.  As usual, she was sleeping naked and with her wrists bound behind her.  As she moved, her bound hands touched the naked hip of her sleeping bed companion. The warm smooth flesh of her lover felt good.  She positioned her self with her back to her sleeping lover so her bound hands stayed in contact with her lover’s thigh.  The man next to her was sleeping, sleeping in a...

3 years ago
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Discovering BanyaCh 3Boris Hero Of Brighton Beach Meets Eve Banya Girl

The day after the hurricane the waves were huge at Brighton Beach.  The Russian part of the population had defied the emergency evacuation order and now crossed the yellow police tape to have a look.One person stepped out of the crowd, let his robe drop, and strode proudly naked to take the plunge.  Boris rode the breakers up and down, past the jetty, accompanied by roaring applause from the appreciative group remaining on shore.Several hours later, Eve, who had witnessed the fantastic event...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Estranged Sister Eve

My life in Santa Barbara is over. I don’t know what lies ahead. All I know is that I have to go live with my estranged sister, Eve, in Michigan. My sister is much older than I am. We were never very close. She and our parents never got along, which is why she left a long time ago. I barely even know her. We’ve barely ever spoke. Our parents avoided all conversations about her and took all her photos down. I never understood why. What could she of possibly done to elicit such actions? I know...

2 years ago
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Eve Tastes a Second Apple

Eve Tastes A Second AppleHis nectar, his milk, the seed of Caesar, was inside her and wainscoted the altar of her cervix. The goddess of Eve’s biology was well pleased and rewarded her behavior with endorphins. A blissful feeling enveloped Eve; she felt complete.Caesar’s stiffness softened; his eruption and aftershocks had subsided. As he withdrew, a residue of magma dripped thickly onto the bedsheet. He rolled onto his back and Eve nestled into his arm and sighed. She had given herself to...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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The New Years Eve Party

The New Years Eve Party Every New Years Eve, my brother closes the doors of his dance club to the public and holds a by invitation only New Years Eve party. Every year, since my divorce became final five years ago, my brother has been after me to spend my New Years Eve with him. The problem always was that my current live-in lover always had other plans already made for where we were going to see the old year out and the new one in. For one reason or another, my brother never really...

3 years ago
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Cade and Eve Part 2

Cade and Eve – Part 2 Eve woke to find herself alone in Cade’s lake-sized bed. She lay still for a moment, the events of last night running through her mind. She felt wonderful. Her body felt alive, she felt loose and limber, the slight tenderness of her pussy the only physical reminder of last night’s fucking. She and Cade had stumbled up the stairs to his bedroom, still naked, and had indulged in a quick hot shower before they had fallen into bed. Awakened by the shower and the lust that...

2 years ago
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Cade and Eve Part 2

Cade and Eve - Part 2 Eve woke to find herself alone in Cade’s lake-sized bed. She lay still for a moment, the events of last night running through her mind. She felt wonderful. Her body felt alive, she felt loose and limber, the slight tenderness of her pussy the only physical reminder of last night’s fucking. She and Cade had stumbled up the stairs to his bedroom, still naked, and had indulged in a quick hot shower before they had fallen into bed. Awakened by the shower and the lust that...

3 years ago
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Eve Walks in the Garden and Talks

Eve Walks to the GardenIt was a warm summer evening with a reddening sky as John escorted Eve out the front door of the Foshay Hotel. John had saved her from embarrassing both of them.It was a short walk to a green oasis south of the hotel. Not a garden by any means but it had grass, trees, and benches. Eve clung to John’s arm for stability.Eve was unstable and she was angry. John could feel her tension in the way she grasped his arm. The clicking of her high heels on the cement bore audible...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Eve Explains Listens and Leaves the Garden

 Eve explains, listens and leaves the garden. “I didn’t do anything wrong for our marriage but I let my guard down once and Tim saw me do it. It was a charity event put on by the company he works for; a formal affair to benefit local groups.”“Are you talking about the Black and White Ball? I was there.” John cocked his head in curiosity.“Yes. It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Everyone dresses up. The women are beautiful, the men are handsome, and the atmosphere is so welcoming.” Eve brightened slightly...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

5 years ago
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Eve Walks In A New Garden

A puzzled expression crossed Tim's thin face. He shot Caesar a look before turning to Eve as she came down the stairs. Tim knew that radiant look from the first year they were married. There was love all over.John Bull followed, carrying her overnight bag."Is this what you meant?"Caesar nodded. "Tim, I said you needed to be ready for this. Are you?"Tim looked at the glass of beer in his hand and studied the bubbles drifting upward. He and Caesar had talked about Eve going home with John...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Space Colony Eve

Second story from the new colony. First Born Colonist Sideways Landing: This settlement had been here longer than the first official colony, the two original settlers crashing here in a damaged escape pod more than a year before the colonisation ship arrived. Over the years people who wanted an even simpler life than that in the new colonies had heard of it and made their way here and asked if they could set up home nearby. Dave and Lisa had just waved their arms wide and said ‘pick...

4 years ago
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Wolf Eve

Introduction: A werewolf for Christmas. Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to. -Mark Twain, Following the Equator *** It was an old forest, with ancient trees and long shadows through which kobolds and goblins might creep, and with deep hollows and still ponds and hidden caves and secrets and hazard. Peter walked with his pack and his stick and when he came to the forest he went in. It seemed a good place to be alone. He was not a priest anymore. Excommunication, they called it....

3 years ago
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Eve and Her DadChapter 2

Eve had her laundry neatly folded in her plastic basket and secured in the trunk of her car as she drove towards home. She had much to think about. Should she move in with her Father, which she knew would lead to an incestuous relationship with the big handsome man. She would have to follow his rules and obey him in every way. That was a big commitment that Eve was unsure she was capable of agreeing to that situation. She turned left at the next intersection. She would stop by her best...

4 years ago
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The Story of Eve and Adam a Fable

The Story of Eve and Adam, a Fable by dkb The first human that God created was spherical, with four arms and four legs, and two faces, facing either way. Male and female created He them. And He saw that they were good. They were one completely perfect being. Having all living perfection within them they wanted for nothing and understood everything. The first human lived in contemplative bliss for an unknown period. But then they realised that there was one thing they did not...

4 years ago
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Wolf Eve

-Mark Twain, "Following the Equator" *** The door was open when Peter came home that night. Inside, a wolf was waiting for him, although of course he didn’t know it at first. At the chapel entrance, he frowned and set his pack down. Snow was tracked all the way in, but it was too dark to see anything. He was reluctant to go inside, but with the snow still falling he couldn’t stand out here in the middle of the woods all night. He lit the lantern on the table and shone it around....

2 years ago
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Christmas Eve

Introduction: Do you believe in angels? This is my entry to the Calling All Writers challenge located in the xnxx Sex Stories Adult Forum. For reasons of my own, and in agreement with the administration here, I no longer allow public comments nor do I make them. I hope youll join our site and comment in the forum or send me a private message. I cant become a better writer without your critique. Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didnt...

2 years ago
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Eve and Her DadChapter 8

Charlie was holding Eve close while they slow danced. She could see and smell Fat Charlie's sweat. His hands were soaking the material of her blouse. She was happy when the slow song ended and a very upbeat Beatle's tune came on. Charlie knew he couldn't even attempt a fast dance with Eve so he said "Thank you for the dance Eve." As he let go of her he let his left hand drop and casually slide across the tight material covering her ass cheeks. Before Eve could complain someone had her...

4 years ago
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Eve night out

Eve was sitting in front of her dressing table putting the final touches to her makeup, strange to think only 24 hours ago she and Alan were having the mother of all rows and now her she was preparing to make things up with him.She had accused him of having an affair and using the cancellation of the trains as an excuse to cover up his overnight stay with his bimbo of an assistant, who was only good for spreading her legs and sucking cock or pussy whatever was to hand. On reflection and after...

3 years ago
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Eve A true storyOK maybe not

Going back in time to give the first woman her first orgasm...hey, somebody had to do it...Eve (A true story...OK, maybe not)Hello people. Hope you are doing well out there in Fantasy Land. What, you say you are not in Fantasy Land? Oh you will be soon. Don't worry, because we are going deep into Fantasy Land. So deep, we may never return. And believe me, you will go to Fantasy Land with me. Even if I have to pick you up and sling you over my shoulder. So come with me, to Fantasy Land. It all...

2 years ago
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All About Eve

I want to tell you about a very weird chapter of my life. Why? Well, for cathartic reasons I suppose. My Mum, before she became a hopeless alcoholic, always used to tell me that it's good to talk. I'm not sure if it was sage advice passed from generation to generation in our family, or just that she heard Bob Hoskins say it in an advert and thought it sounded nice, but it became her favourite titbit of motherly help all the same. Her second favourite was that "life is like a box of...

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Eve and the garden A Fantasy

Eve loved her walks through the garden. Not that Eve of Adam and Eve or that garden, the garden of eden. But, where Eve walked was a beautiful place almost magical. It was more a forest than a garden, but, she called it her garden. one part of it anyway the open space by the stream where the birds sang and the a****ls gathered to drink.Eve was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair that went all the way down her back, deep blue eyes like pools of water, long legs and a striking figure. Small...

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Eve A true story

It all started innocently enough one fine day back in the eighties. If you recall from a previous story, Rich and I ventured into the alarm business. This was in addition to our core business of telephone system installation and repair. In order to design better alarm systems we hired a guy named Carl. A real whiz kid. A bit nerdy, but a real genius. If you recall Carl invented a time machine. I being the adventurous type, was the first to try it out. Went all the way back to Chicago 1962....

4 years ago
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Eavesdropping on Eve

Well, two out of three wasn't bad. The boss at Waterman's was only too pleased to advance my career if I put in the hard work, he almost doubled my pay in one fell swoop but, with a team of just seventeen, most of whom were guys, something told me it was time to put career above sex life. First appearances can be so deceptive! I wasn't reckoning on the one beacon of hope on the female front, in the shapely guise of Eve Palmer, fulfiling my fantasies. She was, after all, way out of my...

4 years ago
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Hello people. Hope you are doing well out there in Fantasy Land. What, you say you are not in Fantasy Land? Oh you will be soon. Don't worry, because we are going deep into Fantasy Land. So deep, we may never return. And believe me, you will go to Fantasy Land with me. Even if I have to pick you up and sling you over my shoulder. So come with me, to Fantasy Land.It all started innocently enough one fine day back in the eighties. If you recall from a previous story, Rich and I ventured into the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Eve Enters The Extramarital Garden

Oh, God. What if Tim is right?The phrase blazed within Eve’s head as Caesar thrust inside.Six days earlier Eve chose to eat an apple from the tree of extramarital sex. John Bull offered Caesar Antonio Alexander; she picked him from a short list of men John recommended.Tim’s tender and engaging participation supported Caesar’s seduction and penetration of Eve. The two men melted her objections earlier and she left a wet mess in the sheets underneath her as evidence; Eve’s extramarital...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Satan Eve taste of Adams Apple the FORBIDDEN FRUIT

Please take it in good humor ... here Adam, Eve & Satan are just symbolical for the aborgin people! How 'bout a fantastic fanfacy ? Eve was mighty depressed and was very very hungry. Their Manufacturer (She didn't know that He was God. Nobody told her so yet) has taken Adam out to show him the boundaries of Eden and asked him to look after the fence. They were out for last three days. Eve had nobody to talk to and no fruits to have in the near vicinity. She has already collected whatever edible...

First Time
4 years ago
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Wendy Sara and Eve part 4

Sara must be sore and tired after her first anal sex and first lesbian sex."Doug I know it's late and we're both tired, but can you come in and talk about tonight?""Sure Sara.""Will you fuck Wendy Monday night?""Yes, is that OK with you?""God yes, I wish I could be there , Wendy is soooo sexy, but I have to work till 9.""Maybe you could join us after work.""I don't know besides I think I may need a night to recover from all the sex tonight!""You WERE the center of Wendy and my attentions...

3 years ago
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Christmas Eve

Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didn’t have the deep wrinkles of some of the seasoned officers and only had a touch of gray starting at the temples. Other than that, his wavy black hair was still full and thick. He smiled as he thought how he still wore the same size, while he buttoned his uniform shirt over his flat stomach, on his last day of walking his beat. The last day, he thought. It seemed like only yesterday when he set out...

3 years ago
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Me Eve

I work in a Danish company, and i had a meeting in my company's headquarter in Copenhagen. Denmark was quite familiar to me, since i had lived there multiple times. I remember my first time moving to Denmark, and the very first time i used Tinder. My first date from my matches was with Eve. At the time, Eve, lived also in Denmark, but in a different city. We were both open to try new things and explore our kinkyness. That spring i spent in Denmark is very clear in my mind. After several years i...

2 years ago
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Eve and Her DadChapter 10

Eve knocked timidly on the old wood door. She had decided to play it like she was a scared little teenager reporting to the principal for the first time. She really wanted to rush in and jump on her 'uncle's' lap and hug him tight. Eve hadn't seen Charles in a long time and missed his firm hugs. But, she wouldn't do that as much as she wanted to. This was Uncle Charles' fantasy and Eve would do whatever she needed tro to make it a wonderful experience for him. "Come in." She heard...

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