Zari Gets Herself Initiated free porn video

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“Hey guys, you’ve got to see what I’ve downloaded onto my phone.” Zari heard John say while she was getting a drink. John was one of her older brothers friends, along with Shane and Tom. They were all round Wayne, Zari’s brothers, new pad. He had only moved into the one bed apartment a couple of months ago. Now it was the summer holidays. Zari was preparing to go to college having finished school that year. Her brother was heading to the local college, hence the new place to live. Two of his friends, Joel and George, were also going to college. Shane was now working in the kitchen of a local restaurant, a job he had always wanted.

Today was the same as any other day hanging around with them for Zari. She had started when she was only just thirteen. The four of them had always been nice to her, in spite of her being two years younger. Strangely enough she never actually got with any of them. Even though she would admit they were fit. It just never seemed right, and none of the gang ever tried it on with her. Probably because she was Wayne’s little sister. He was the biggest, and toughest of the four.

Zari poured her drink heading back into the sitting room. The four guys were all huddled over John’s phone. Their eyes glued to whatever was happening on the screen. Zari headed over to try and see what it was. Unfortunately she could not see past them. She could, however, hear it. From the sounds coming from the phone they were watching some kind of porn. Rather than try to push in she cheated. Knowing how ticklish Shane was she reach under his arms and started to tickle him. He curled up to protect himself, letting her move into their circle. The four of them all looked up from the screen to her. Then back to the screen, all looking suddenly very guilty.

“I guess I should switch this off.” John said moving his finger to cancel the film. Zari stopped him with her hand.

“No, why, it looks like fun.” She said focusing her gaze on the film. It was of a typical porn woman, fake tits and make up. Who was being fucked by not just one guy, but rather a number. Zari counted at least five, but there may have been more. The woman was giving a good impression of enjoying it. As the different men took turns to fuck her. At more than one point the woman had a cock in her pussy, ass, and mouth. Zari found herself getting a little turned on by the film. The idea of having more than one guy taking her at a time was a fantasy of hers. Though she had never thought of having more than two before. Now however, she could quite happily use the film as a guide for what that was like.

“That wasn’t actually too bad, was it.” Zari said, when the film finally finished. The four guys all looked at her in shock. She smiled sweetly at them, revelling in their reactions.

“You liked that?” Shane said, Zari nodded.

“Yeah, it weren’t too bad for porn. Better than some of the films Wayne’s had.” She added with a cheeky look at her brother. She was rewarded by seeing him blush with embarrassment. Of course the other three all took the chance to add to Wayne’s discomfort with their own off colour comments. The look he gave her as his friends ribbed him for his porn told her that he was so going to get her back.

“You didn’t mind it at all.” John asked, obviously still getting his mind around that idea.

“No, looked like she was enjoying herself. But who can blame her with those guys taking turns with her. I bet that was good for her.” Zari told him, “I know if that was me I’d enjoy it.” She said, again aiming to shock them. Their initial reaction was shocked. Then they glanced between themselves, before looking back at her. Now the looks in their eyes was heated, rather than shocked. Zari swallowed softly, sensing what they were all thinking.

“You mean you would want to do that?” Wayne asked, his voice flat. Zari shrugged, for a second she considered saying no. Then thought, why should she. So, she nodded instead, staring him straight in the eyes.

“Yeah, I would.” She told him, just to make sure he understood. At her words the heat in the room suddenly increased. All four of them were staring at her, like they never had before. Suddenly she was not Wayne’s little sister, instead she was a nice young girl who they might have a chance with. It was a look she recognised, having had it more than a few times before. Zari knew that she was quite good looking. With a slender figure, and a pretty face. Dark eyes, a small nose and full lips. All topped off by long, straight raven black hair. Her only physical flaw was her thinness. No matter how much she had ever ate she had never got above a size six. So she had waif like looks, including the small breasts. If she had been only a few inches higher she could have been a model, but she had never managed to climb those last few inches.

None of this had ever seemed of interest to the gang before. Now she was not the girl that had known for years. Now they were looking at her like she was a hot, sexy woman. Her thin halter neck top and short skirt did nothing to cover her from their gaze. Not that she really wanted to be hidden. Having the four of them all looking at her like this was a serious turn on. Shane with his classic surfer dude blonde hair and tanned skin. Tom with his wild mop of dark hair and almost model good looks. John was the smallest of the four guys, but still had deep intense eyes and a nice body. Even Wayne was physicaly good looking, with defined muscles and a face that matched hers. The five of them sat staring at each other for almost a minute, before Wayne spoke again.

“Do you want to do that with us.” He said, voicing the thought she could see on each of their faces. The fact that he seemed to have included himself for some reason failed to shock her as much as it should. She licked her lips, giving herself time to think. If she said yes, she could tell exactly what would happen. Part of her really wanted to say yes. Part of her was suddenly very wary. If they did this how would it alter the dynamic of their little group. Would the consequences mean that they split apart. How would Wayne handle the knowledge that the other three had fucked her. God, how would she manage if Wayne did include himself in the equation. She took a breath, now not as certain as before of her answer. She could see them hanging of her every move, waiting for her to respond. She opened her mouth, intending to say no. Then caught the look in Wayne’s eyes, a challenging look she knew so well. One he absolutely knew she could not resist.

“Yes, I do.” She said, blinking as she heard herself speaking the words. She knew exactly what Wayne had just done. She could guess why as well, pay back for her comment about his porn collection. As soon as she said the words the heat in the room went up. The four guys looked at her, their gaze burning into her. She took a deep breath in, swallowing against a throat that was suddenly dry. She licked her lips, wondering what would happen next. For about a minute nothing happened. Then Shane pushed himself up off the seat. He took hold of Zari’s hands pulling her to her feet. Moving her away from the table into the open space in the room. Zari was breathing heavily, her emotions a weird mix of fear, excitement, and anticipation. Shane lent down to kiss her, pressing his lips against hers. Not in a soft, romantic manner. Instead he seemed to be devouring her mouth. His lips crushing against hers. His tongue pushing into her mouth, twirling around it. As he kissed her, he reached up to undo the strap of her halter top. Sliding it down, exposing her naked breasts. He lent back, looking down at them. Zari did not have to look down, she knew exactly what her breasts looked like. Two small mounds of flesh pushing out from her chest. Each was topped by a large, dark nipple. Nipples that were suddenly tight and hard. Instead Zari watched Shane for his reaction. His face showed the sudden hunger the he was feeling. Zari felt her nipples tighten even more, at the same time she felt heat spreading from between legs.

Shane lent down to take one breast into his mouth. Sucking hard on the nipple, licking it all over. Zari moaned softly, arching her back. As she did her head connected with the chest of someone behind her. Glancing up, she just had time to see Tom’s face before he lent down to kiss her neck. She felt him pressing against her, pushing his whole body into her as he kissed her neck and shoulders. She rubbed her hips against him, feeling how hard he was. As he kissed her she felt him undoing the back straps from her top. He pulled it off, flinging it across the room. Shane had started to suck on her other breast. Licking it as he sucked the hard nipple. Tom began to kiss the side of her neck, and shoulders. Zari was caught between them, pressed into Tom. Reaching back with her hand she began to rub her fingers along Tom's hard cock. She heard his soft hiss of pleasure. Smiling to herself she rubbed her hand along him. Then she began to use both hands to undo his jeans. Releasing his cock, feeling it wrapped in her hand.

Shane pulled back from her breasts. Zari quickly twisted round to face Tom. She dropped to her knees, slipped her lips over his cock. Drawing him into her mouth. Tom moaned deeply as she sucked him deep inside her mouth. Sliding her lips down him. She began to suck on him, moving her mouth up and down his cock. Just as she was starting to get a rhythm she felt movement beside her. Glancing over she saw Shane had pushed his jeans down. His hard cock pointing towards her. Zari wrapped her fingers around Tom's cock rubbing at him as she turned to start sucking on Shane. Sliding her lips along him, sucking him into her mouth like she had Tom. She heard someone moving behind her. Pulling away from Shane she turned to look. It was John, he too had his cock out for her. With a happy smile Zari began to suck on him as well.

She moved between them, taking turns on each of their cocks. Sucking on them deeply as she did. When she was not sucking on them she was wanking them off with her hands. For a girl who liked sucking cock, she was in heaven. Zari knew some of her friends hated it, would not do it. They considered it demeaning or dirty. Zari loved it, loved the taste, the feel of a hard cock in her mouth. She even liked the taste of a guys cum. Which made her a minority of one amongst her friends. Even the ones who did suck on their boyfriends did not let them cum in their mouths. Ok, this was the first time Zari had ever had three cocks at once. She seemed to be handling it quite well from the moans of pleasure the three lads were giving her. She was interested by the differences in the three of them. Tom was the longer of the three, John the shorter but he was thicker than the other two. Shane came somewhere in the middle, but his cock was still nice and hard in her mouth.

She would have quite happily sucked all three off, However, as she was sucking on John she felt someone lifting her by the waist. She pulled her head back to look behind her. Shane was stood behind her, pulling her panties down and lifting her short skirt up. Knowing what he was going to do to her Zari smiled. Then turned her attention back to John. Sliding her mouth down his cock. able to take almost all of him in her mouth. She felt Shane pressing his cock against her, moving it until it was pushing at her pussy. His fingers wrapped around her hip, then he thrust into her hard. Her gasp was muffled by John's cock as she felt Shane thrust inside her. Her pussy opening around the hard cock pushing into it. Shane began to push in and out of her. Sliding his cock deep into her. She gasped deeply around John's cock as she felt Shane fucking her.

“God Zari you're so wet and tight.” Shane murmured as he fucked her. His thrusts growing harder and faster. Zari lifted her head to glance back at him.

“Fuck me hard Shane.” She told him, “do me harder.” She gasped to him, urging him on. He reacted instantly, thrusting harder into her. Ramming his cock deep into her pussy. Zari gasped loudly as she felt him ramming into her. His cock piercing her, filling her. She turned back to John sliding her lips back around him. Pushing her mouth right down him. Using the motion of Shane's thrusts to help her. John moaned softly, she felt him cupping her head as she took all of him into her mouth. She sucked hard on him, licking her tongue around him. Using all of her experience to give him the best blow job she could. All the time Shane was ramming into her. Thrusting his cock as deep inside her pussy as he could.

“Fuck Zari, I'm going to cum soon.” John hissed after a short while. Zari increased the pressure on him, wanting his cum in her mouth. Reaching down she squeezed his balls with her hand. Rubbing her finger at the sensitive spot just under them. “Fuck, fuck Zari yes.” John gasped, she felt his cock throbbing in her mouth. Holding her mouth still, she sucked hard on him. His cum exploded into her mouth. Jetting to the back of her throat. She swallowed, murmuring in pleasure at the feel of him cumming. She knew that her friends might consider her a traitor for enjoying it, but did not care. She held his cock deep in her mouth until he had finished cumming. All the time rubbing his balls with her hand. Only when she felt him pulling back did she release his cock.

As he pulled away, Shane increased the power of his thrusts. Slamming his hard cock into her fast and deep. Zari cried out, deep groans of pleasure at the feel of him pounding into her. His fingers dug into her hips, pulling her back against him. She sensed that he must be close to cumming. Luckily John had not moved too far away, which allowed her to cling to him. Otherwise Shane's hard thrusts would have pushed her over. She could hear Shane grunting hard with each thrust. Ramming his cock deep into her.

“Shit, oh shit yes.” Zari cried out as the thrusts grew harder and faster.

“Zari, fuck I'm going to...” Shane grunted, “Oooohhh fuck yes, cumming.” He hissed as he rammed into her one final time. Zari gave a soft moan as she felt his cum pump into her body. His cock pushed deep into her pussy as he came inside her. She felt him shuddering with his orgasm. Pushing himself into her, holding his cock deep in her pussy. Then he released her, stepping back, gasping hard for breath. Zari had no time to recover from his fucking her. Tom grabbed her hand and pulled her across the room. He squatted down on the one chair, pulling her onto his lap. She reached down to his cock, holding it still as she climbed onto his lap. Guiding him into her, she sank down onto him with a soft moan of pleasure. Tom matched her moan with his own. She slid down him until he was totally inside her. His cock pushing up into her deeply. She was sure she could feel him pressing against her cervix. Slowly she began to move on him. Sliding herself up and down him. Feeling her pussy opening around him each time she dropped onto him. His cock pushing deep into her body. Once she became used to the feel of him inside her she began to move faster. Sliding along him, riding him with quick but deliberate movements. Simply enjoying the feel of him inside her. From the soft moans and gasps Tom was making he was enjoying her as much as she was enjoying him.

“Yes Zari, ride my cock girl.” He hissed as she began to move slightly faster on him. His hands resting on her thighs as she moved up and down. Zari bit her bottom lips softly, gasping loudly as she rode him. Enjoying the feel of his long cock pushing into her. Then she caught something out of the corner of her eyes that made her stop. Turning she looked at her brother, who was rubbing something over his cock. Some kind of liquid gel out of a tube.

“What's that?” She asked him, her voice a little shaky. Up until then she had not known if he was going to join in. Had not known if she wanted him to join in, he was her brother after all. Now it seemed like he was, she was nervous but also excited by the idea. Wayne looked at her, his eyes hot with lust.

“I'm going to make this a proper gangbang s*s.” He told her, “I'm going to fuck your ass while you're riding Tom.” Zari felt her eyes go wide in shock.

“You what?” She gasped as he moved towards her.

“You heard me Zari, I'm going to fuck your tight little ass while you ride my friend.” A shiver of fear ran through her as he knelt down behind her. He had to be joking right. When he parted her buttocks, she quickly realised he was not, . Tom had suddenly gripped her thighs, as if to hold her down. Not that Zari could move, she was frozen in shock. She felt Wayne pressing his cock against her. It felt slick from the gel on it. He pushed it against her ass. Pushing it into her slowly. Zari lent forwards burying her head into the back of the chair. Gasping hard as she felt her brother pushing his cock into her ass. He felt so thick, so hard as he slowly opened her up. A sharp jolt of sensation, almost pain, flashed up her spine. She grunted hard as he pushed against her. For a moment it seemed as if he would not be able to enter her. Then he suddenly was inside, pushing his cock up into her ass. Zari squealed loudly at the shock of him being in her. Wayne held himself inside her, his cock buried totally in her ass. He lent forwards to whisper in her ear.

“You ever had a cock up your ass before little s*s.” Zari shook her head. Not trusting herself to be able to speak. “Um so I've taken you anal virginity then.” He told her as he pulled back. Then thrust up into her again. Zari arched her head back, gasping hard as she felt him thrust into her ass. A sharp jolt of sensation flashed through her. Wayne began to thrust in and out, slowly at first. Pushing his cock deep into her ass. Zari grunted with each thrust, biting on her bottom lip to keep from squealing. Then she felt Tom thrust up into her. She gasped hard at the sudden change in sensation. The two of them began to take turns in fucking her. Wayne pushing into her ass, followed by Tom thrusting up into her pussy. Zari caught between them, caught in a mix of sensations.

The wild mix of sensation swirled in her head. Deep pleasure from Tom’s long cock pushing up into her pussy. Followed by sharp jolts of feeling flashing from Wayne’s cock pushing into her ass. She gasped, cried out, squealed as the pair began to increase the power of their thrusts. Each pushing harder, faster into her. She clung to the back of the chair, her face buried in the friendrial. Tom began to suck on her breasts as they were pushed against his face. Zari hissed, arching her head back at the added feeling it caused. Tom gripped her hips as he thrust up into her, while Wayne gripped her shoulders. The two were now fucking her hard. No longer in unison, rather they were ramming in and out wildly.

Zari was caught between them. Almost impaled upon their hard cocks as the two men fucked her hard. Slamming into her pussy and ass with deep, fast thrusts. Her brain was overwhelmed by the mix of sensations. She did not even notice when the feel of Wayne’s cock in her ass went from sharp discomfort, to even sharper pleasure. Now she was crying out in passion as they fucked her hard. Her brain so confused by the mix of sensations that it took her several seconds to realise how close to cumming she was.

“Oh shit, shit, I’m, oh yes I’m close to…” She gasped loudly as the two continued their sexual assault on her body. Tom was still moving from breast to breast. Sucking and licking on each small mound, focusing on her hard nipples. Sending added sensations flashing to her groin. Where they joined the molten heat between her legs. She felt Tom lower one hand between her thighs, pressing his thumb against her clitoris.

“Shit, shit, oh god shit.” Zari screamed as just the touch of his thumb sent her over the edge. Her orgasm blasted through her, making her whole body shudder with the feeling. She heard Tom hiss as she came. Behind her Wayne grunted hard.

“Christ.” He snarled as she shuddered around him. The two men suddenly increased their thrusts. Slamming their cocks into her hard.

“OH SHIT!” Zari screamed at the sharp increase of feeling at the very peak of her orgasm. She arched back against Wayne, gasping as their repeated thrusts seemed to send her orgasm into overdrive. Then, as if her cumming had been some sort of cue, they both came. First Tom, slamming up into her, grunting hard as he came inside her. Then Wayne, ramming his cock deep into her ass. Whispering her name in her ear as he emptied himself into her. She hung between them, pinning by their cocks inside her. Trapped tightly by their bodies as they impaled her. Emptying themselves into her body. She gasped loudly, her whole body shaking as she felt them cumming inside her.

Wayne pulled away shortly after he pumped the last of his cum into her ass. When she felt him moving she slowly lifted herself off Tom. He remained in the chair breathing hard. Zari matched him, gasping in deep gulps of air. Her body shaking from the fucking the pair had just given her. She staggered to one side, resting her hand on the sofa to try and remain standing. However, her legs were too shaky. She slid to the floor, gasping hard for breath. For a few moments she closed her eyes, just focusing on breathing. Then she felt hands behind her, pulling her back. Glancing round she saw John pulling her towards him. She felt him pressing his cock against her. Sliding it between her legs, then between her buttocks. Only then did she realise what he was about to do.

“God, you’re not going to. Shit!” She squealed as he thrust his thick cock into her ass. She felt herself opening around him. Felt him pushing himself right into her ass. He began to fuck her hard and fast. Not starting slowly, instead simply ramming his cock into her. She squealed loudly, gasping with each hard thrust into her. He reached up to grab her hair, wrapping his fingers in it. Pulling her head back, arching it towards him. All the time keeping up the repeated thrusts into her ass. Sharp jolts flashed through her with each thrust. Without the alternating sensation of a cock in her pussy she was at the mercy of the feeling his cock caused in her ass. The feeling was of sharp thrusts, almost on the edge of uncomfortably sharp. Just not quite getting that bad. If he had been as long as he was thick she knew he would have been too much. As it was she could just take him in her ass.

Zari gasped, mewed, squealed as he slammed into her. Her eyes closed tight against the assault on her ass. She felt someone pressing his cock against her mouth. Opening her eyes she looked up, saw Shane stood above her. His eyes flashed with lust as he pushed his cock against her mouth. Zari automatically opened her lips, letting him push into her. She sucked hard on him, sliding her lips along his cock. Taking as much of him in her mouth as she could. Reaching up to wrap her fingers around the base to hold him steady. She began to slide her mouth along him. Using the motion of John’s hard thrusts to aid her. Sucking hard on Shane, licking her tongue over him. His cock muffling her squeals as John’s thrusts grew faster and harder.

John was gripping her hip and shoulder now. Pulling her back onto him as he thrust into her. Grunting hard as he rammed inside her ass. Shane had his hand cupping the back of her head. Moaning as she sucked on him, taking his cock deep into her mouth. Lowering her lips down until they met her fingers. Sucking hard on him. Licking her tongue over him. Both of them were moaning her name, showing her how good she made them feel.

“God Zari, fuck your ass feels so good.” John moaned as he slammed into her repeatedly. Ramming his cock up into her, filling her with him.

“Oh baby, suck my cock. Yes, suck it.” Shane murmured as she lowered her lips down on him. She could feel him throbbing softly in her mouth. At the same time John’s thrusts were growing wild, hard. She knew instinctively that they were both close to cumming. Reaching up she cupped Shane’s balls, squeezing them softly as she sucked hard on him. At the same time she clenched her buttocks tight, squeezing her ass around John. Both came at almost the same time. Grunting and gasping as they emptied themselves into her mouth and ass. Zari happily swallowed Shane’s cum as it pumped into her mouth. Even as she felt John’s cum pumping into her ass. The two men moaned as they came in her, holding their cocks inside her until they had emptied themselves totally in her.

Zari sank down to the floor as soon as them pulled away. Rolling onto her back, gasping hard for breath. Her body was sore, filled totally by cum. She was covered in sweat from the repeated fucks she had been given. Her lungs all but screamed for air as she took in deep gulps. She was so shaky that she doubted she could walk for several minutes. She stared up at the ceiling gasping hard, waiting for her body to recover. She was not given that chance.

Wayne climbed on top of her. His eyes blazing with lust as he did. He pushed her thighs open, she felt his cock sliding down her leg. He felt so hard, so hot against her skin. Then he was pressed against her pussy. With a hard thrust he slammed into her. She gasped hard at the sheer power of his thrust. Then continued to gasp as he began to slam repeatedly into her. Fucking her hard, fast, deep. Ramming his cock totally into her. Shocking her body totally, rocking her to her core. She could see in his eyes that he had no intention of being loving, gentle. He was taking her hard, wildly. Fucking her with his hard cock, slamming it in and out with fast thrusts. Zari responded in kind, her body reacting on instinct. Wrapping her legs around him she pushed her groin upwards. Matching each of his thrusts with one of her own. Letting him slam his cock as deep into her as it could go. She squealed loudly at the force of his thrusts. Riding the sensations he was causing in her. Heat was growing rapidly between her legs where his cock slammed into her. Spreading out into her body in strong waves. She clawed at the carpet as he kept pounding into her. Fucking her hard, fast. Ramming his cock deep inside her. She pushed up at him, taking him totally into her body.

“Shit, oh yes, shit.” She grunted with each hard thrust. Her whole body felt like it was on fire, ready to explode around her. “Yes, yes, oh god yes. Wayne, oh b*o yes. Shit, SHIT, SHHHIITTT!” She screamed as she exploded with her orgasm. The fire turned to a blaze within her. Every nerve ending flashing as if struck by lighting. She bucked under him, only his weight keeping her pinned to the floor. He grunted hard, lowering himself down until he was resting his whole weight on her. He kissed her neck, shoulder, breasts as she came. Then wrapped his arms under her. Hooking his hands over her shoulders.

As her orgasm died he began to slam into her with even greater force. Ramming in and out, rapid, hard thrusts. Zari squealed loudly, clinging to him as he took her. Fucking her with all his strength. Slamming into her hard, his cock like a piston. Ramming in and out, hard inside her. She called out his name, clawing at his back as the force of his thrust slammed through her. Shaking her waif like body to it’s very core. She felt herself breaking under him, shattering as another orgasm began to start. Just as it did he called out her name. Ramming his cock into her and cumming. Zari shattered around him with her orgasm. If the previous one had been big, this was overwhelming. She lost all ability to speak, think, even make coherent thought. All she could do was scream with passion as her body shuddered with the power of the orgasm.

She vaguely felt Wayne climbing off her after he had emptied himself inside her. Laying on the floor her vision was glazed from the after effects of the orgasms she had experienced. She closed her eyes, waiting until she felt able to open them again. When she did she saw the four of them stood over her. Looking down at her, she smiled up at them.

“Now if this is going to end properly.” Wayne began.

“We’ve got to all cum on your face now.” John finished for him. Zari blinked up at them. Forcing herself to remember the video on John’s phone. Yes, the guys in that had all cum on the girls face at the end. Slowly she pushed herself up onto her knees in between them.

“Well if you all think you’re up for it.” She said to them, flicking her gaze between them. Instantly the four of them began to wank themselves off. Rubbing their hands along their cocks. Zari watched for a moment, then decided to help. She began to move between them. Sucking each of them into her mouth. Sliding her lips along their hard cocks. Doing her best to make them cum as quick as she could. Taking turns to slide her mouth as far down them as she could. It was not often that she took all of a guys cock in her mouth. For them she did, for this. Pushing her mouth down each of them. Until she could curl her lips around the very base of their cocks. From their moans of pleasure she guessed how effective a ploy it was. Soon enough she was proved right.

They came in quick succession. John and Shane almost came together. Their hot cum splashing onto her face and neck. Into her open mouth, covering her. Then Wayne came, grunting as he aimed his cum onto her face. Zari had to close her eyes as it splashed over them. Finally Tom came, first aiming into her mouth. Then down to splash the last drops onto her breasts. She knelt in front of them, rubbing her fingers over her body. Rubbing their cum into her skin. Then, slowly, licking her fingers clean. She knew what she looked like. Knelt on the floor, her hair matted, her body glistening with sweat. Covered by their cum, and licking her fingers clean. She did not care because she could see the desire in their eyes.

“Maybe we should do this again some time.” She said to them. “Just not tonight.” She added quickly, the four of them nodded. Their faces showing their lust. Something in Wayne’s eyes caught her attention. She sensed that he wanted to have her one time when he was not sharing her. The heat in his eyes seemed to flash to between her legs. She knew that when he wanted her, she would be their

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Whomever it was, they were either really young, or a very petite girl. As I got closer I could make out the goth hair and clothes so I was pretty sure who I was dealing with. When I was only a few feet away I said quietly, "Wow, nice work." The painter jumped and spun around, eyes wide open. "Don't worry, I'm not going to report you. Your art is just stunning." "Uh.... thanks. I'm not used to, you know, being caught in the act." "So where did you learn to paint like this? Do...

4 years ago
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The Farmer Gets A Wife chapter 4 Learning How To Present Herself

DAY 4 JOHN It was almost 10am when I decided to wake her up; she had had a very strong cannabis cake the night before, she needed the rest. After nearly four hours of watching porn whilst high on the weed she had fallen asleep. I had headed down to the cellar, unfastened her from the chair and gently carried her to the bed; leaving her still partly dressed and chained to the bedstead by her collar; she wasn't quite ready to be trusted yet but it would soon come! As she had been a...

3 years ago
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Caitlyn Gets Her Initiation

The time had arrived for Caitlyn to become a young woman. It wasn't just a matter of hormones having kicked in and puberty turning her from a young girl into a budding young woman -- it was a family tradition that now that Caitlyn had reached her puberty and she had begun to have her monthly period, she was also prime for introduction totally into the world of being a woman. Caitlyn, a very pretty and attractive 14-year old, knew of the family traditions that occurred whenever a female member...

2 years ago
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Targets By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "Wow, you're right Aaron, this is a target rich environment," stated twenty-two-year-old Scott Daniels as several very attractive women walked past him. "I told you this was the best club," replied Aaron Davis who flashed a grin....

2 years ago
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White teacher gets black bred

This story is about a white girl that cheats on her boyfriend and gets pregnant by a BBC. Cheryl is a 31-year-old white woman, and has been dating her white boyfriend, Mike, for 5 years. She’s a skinny, tall, blonde hipster type woman that looks way younger than her age. Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, pale white skin, and perky little 34 B cup tits with pink nipples. She always shaves her pussy, and when she’s turned on and wet, her puffy fat labia lips spread open and show off her pink tender...

1 year ago
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Gina fills in and gets herself filled

‘Ok’ I said, ‘but you know I can’t write for shit!’ ‘That’s fine. All you have to do is take a tape recorder and ask them the questions that I’ll write down for you. Drink free wine in the hospitality area while watching the show! It’ll be easy.’ Said my best friend Shelly. My name is Gina and I am a 32 year old married woman. My best friend is a music journalist and she asked me to cover for her in going to see a gig and interviewing a band. She had double booked herself and wanted to go on...

2 years ago
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Gina fills in and gets herself filled

‘Ok’ I said, ‘but you know I can’t write for shit!’ ‘That’s fine. All you have to do is take a tape recorder and ask them the questions that I’ll write down for you. Drink free wine in the hospitality area while watching the show! It’ll be easy.’ Said my best friend Shelly. My name is Gina and I am a 32 year old married woman. My best friend is a music journalist and she asked me to cover for her in going to see a gig and interviewing a band. She had double booked herself and wanted to go on...

Group Sex
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JIMS wanking gets him in trouble part 6

Amanda walks into jim's room jim is still asleep amanda reaches under the covers takes hold of jims cock and slowly strokes it , jim groans in his sleep and rolls towards amanda as she strokes his cock harder and faster , jim opens his eyes 'wh wh what are you doing he asks'Amanda carrys on stroking his cock harder and faster not saying a word jims cock is rock hard now and dribbling precum amanda stops stroking and rubs her hand all over the tip of jims cock coating her fingers in precum then...

1 year ago
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Abbie gets stuck

Abbie is a 22 year old girl who has recently been dumped by her now ex boyfriend Josh! She still loved him but he was with someone else now. She left some old cloths of hers at his house that she really wanted them back and didn’t want to talk to him for them because it would be another long conversation on her trying to get him back! She found out that him and his family are going on vacation for a week leaving the house completely empty! “Yes this is my opportunity to get my things without...

3 years ago
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Autographs Devon Sawa Gets Milked

               _________________________________________                                WARNING!                This text file contains sexually explicit                material. If you do not wish to read this                type of literature, or you are under age,                PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!                _________________________________________-------------------------------------------------------- This work is copyrighted to the author ? 2007.  Please don't...

4 years ago
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Norwegian man gets invited by Horny Indian couple

I invite my horny Norweigan friend over my place and he wanted to visit India so much that it was his dream. So, Invited him to stay at my house for a couple of weeks so he could enjoy his time. He has an insatiable lust for Indian women, especially Aunties. I came across his name on a sex site and saw that he used to tribute faces of Indian Aunties and so I talked to him for some time and seems like he wants to get laid with an Indian mature Aunty and wants to take videos and pictures of...

3 years ago
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Arvil Lavigne Gets Caught

A huge roar comes from the 500 screaming fans packed into a nightclub in London. The band strike up one final cord and the lights go out. “Great show Avril,” says one of the backstage crew “Awesome mate,” Avril’s lead guitarist says patting her on the back as he hands over his guitar. “Fucking brilliant,” shouts out her drummer who takes a swig of water then goes off to find a female groupie to fuck. “Thanks guys,” Avril replies with her cute smile, “Gotta go get changed now.” Avril walks away...

1 year ago
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Cheating Wife Gets What She Deserves

He worked on the docks a longshoreman for 20 years, then one day he was in the right place at the right time did a favor for the right person and he had it made. He got the golden ticket; his star was on the rise rapidly moving up in the administration of the union. Why wouldn’t he be James Dunkin was raised in an upper middle-class family was taught all the social graces, was Quarter Back and Captain of the high school football team. He stood 6’3” tall, 180 lbs, brown hair, broad sholders,...

4 years ago
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Shy guy gets really lucky with my wife

We all see these guys hanging in the shadows of public places. Being afraid to make contact with a female, thinking the girl will not want talk to a guy like him. It is sad to watch this happen for no reason other than his opinion of himself. My lovely wife has always felt sorry for them. She often will smile or say hello when opportunity presents itself, just trying to brighten his day. If she is wearing a sexy top all the better for my amusement. If J wants to help a shy guy out of the...

3 years ago
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 04

October 19th – Tuesday: We sleep late and wake just short of 11am. I’m still tired. We shower and then go to brunch. When we are finished, Joan wants to hit the beach. Both John and I tell her we are too tired and we are going to relax in the room for quite awhile. Joan strips and grabs a towel and heads for the beach again. God, she’s dark as hell already. She’s going to be nearly black by the time we head home. I hope she doesn’t get skin cancer. John and I turn the TV on and sit on the...

3 years ago
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 05

October 20th – Fetish night (Wednesday) – Joan’s Submission, Collaring and the Unofficial Marriage Ceremony. We have a slow day today because of the activities planned for tonight. Joan asks for the throat fuck again but John says no. We sunbathe at the nude beach for several hours, then Joan and John swim in the Caribbean for another hour. John says he’s exhausted and tells us girls he’s going back to the room to nap. We join him in about an hour and lay down on the bed with him naked. We are...

1 year ago
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Wife gets what she has always wanted

I guess when it comes right down to it; my story is not much different than most married guys. I have a good looking wife who is much less interested in sex than I am. If I initiate sex, she will usually do it just to avoid an argument. But most of the time, she can take it or leave it when it comes to sex. At least that is what I used to think until the last few months when I discovered her "darker" side. Over the years, I've learned that she wants and enjoys sex the most when she is...

4 years ago
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Wife gets exactly what she needs

Off work a few hours early today. The drive home is quick. No traffic. I’m wondering if my wife’s home. Walking up the stairs to the front door of my house, I stop. I hear loud moaning noises coming from inside. I sneak around to the side of the house to see if I can get a peek. I move ever so stealthily to get a glance through one of the windows and the venetian blinds that partially block any view. I can see movement in what is our dinning room. All of the sudden I get a view of my wife...

1 year ago
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Chelsea Gets Cuntrolled

Chelsea Gets CuntrolledChelsea Gets a New Room?Chelsea, we need to talk.? The eighteen-year-old pretended not to hear him, her head still down, her ear buds blaring Scrillex into her ears. God! Fucking nerd! The all-wise ?Engisneer of the Year? wants to fucking talk.Straight raven-black hair streaked blue shielded her face as she rolled her eyes and sneered. Her father held out the brochure for her and tugged an ear bud free, ?Chelsea, we need to talk.? She glanced at the brochure petulantly...

3 years ago
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Babysitter Gets Caught Then Gets Schooled Lessons Two Three

Introduction: After Jimmy takes Kayleens innocence, breeds & seeds her. she gets set for another lesson- swallowing protein. Then Jimmy teaches Kayleen how a real man pounds a real woman. And then.., all hell breaks loose. Me, Beth and Kayleen took a breather to catch our breaths. Then Beth says to Kayleen, Now that my husband filled you up by shooting his pearly-white spunk deep inside your young, fertile womb, youre gonna give him a blowjob. Then I chimed in by saying, And not only are you...

2 years ago
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Tash Gets Her Punishment Again

Four weeks since we last met --- four long weeks since my last hot creampie ( both holes )--- but tonight will put that all right again --- Mister is in town and we are going to party hard -- 2 nights we have together as i have "a girlies weekend away " I turn up at the Hotel with the "special" clothes that Mister wanted me to bring . As always we meet in the bar --Fantastic welcoming kiss -- and a bottle of cold crisp white wine to chat over -- fortunately our meetings are getting more...

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jims wanking gets him in trouble with his mom and

'jim come here i want to have a chat with you now !' amanda shouts'but mom i'm busy can't it wait 'jim shouts down from upstairs'get your arse down here now do as you are told ' 'ok ok im coming keep your knickers on' jim walks down the stairs'do you think thats any way to speak to your mom ?' amanda shouts 'you are 18 you have no job you live here rent free get everything you need and you speak to me like that , well thats going to change''sorry mom what do you want ?' jim asks 'ok well for a...

3 years ago
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Nothing Gets Through Ch 03

Lani and Dee walked into the arena with about ten minutes to spare before the game started. "Wow, this place is huge!" Dee took in the all the seats with wide eyes. "They must fit a million people in here." "Oh, probably around eighteen thousand," Lani said as they walked through the portal. "I hope there's not a fire or anything," Deanne muttered. Lani laughed and her friend glared. "Fine, when there's a stampede for the exits, you're on your own." "Holy cow, Dee." Lani looked at the tickets....

Love Stories
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GF Gets Blacken

A college age girl goes to visit her boyfriend at college and stay the weekend. She is about 5'2 with brown hair, big full natural breast's, and though she is petite she has thick thighs and an ass that is thick and always gets the attention of the boys.She hasn't met his roommates yet but when she gets there she is greeted by her boyfriend and he introduces her to 4 black guys 3 of which are his roommates and one that is just visiting his 'boys'. She didn't know his new roommates were all...

1 year ago
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Amber Gets Stretched The final chapter 7

When the day of the shoot finally arrives, I decide not to even open the shop, hoping that Doug will let me on set during the filming so I can watch as Amber gets fucked senseless. When Amber arrives, I'm instantly turned on by her outfit. She is wearing a skin tight shirt that hugs her tits perfectly, not hiding anything and exposing her stomach. Her skirt is very small, showing lots of ass. "The guys are going to love you," I say with a grin. Amber pushes her blonde hair back behind her ears,...

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Sarah gets caught

Around 11 pm Peter gets home from work. It has been a longday at the gas station, working the evening shift. When he pulls up to the house he sees the lights are still on in the living room. “My girlfriend must be still awake and watching TV,” he thinks. He parks his car and walks to the back. He opens the backdoor into the kitchen and goes inside. They have like a bar between the living room and the kitchen. He looks through it and sees Sarah sitting on the couch. The TV is not on but his...

2 years ago
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My Kinky Wife Gets Nasty

My wife lets me do all this to her so you'll hear about that later. I love blowing air into her ass when we are 69ing. After I fill her ass with air she farts it back into my mouth. I also love hearing her ass queef while I anal fuck her. I love fingering her ass and playing with her shit, as long as it stays in her ass. I like when I pack her fudge and it gets on my cock though. Sometimes I tongue ehr ass and I can feel the tip of a piece of shit while she pushes to keep her ass...

3 years ago
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Nascio gets powers

It was night at my house and I was yet again with a book in my hands. I have always been smart loving math, physics and stuff but I never stopped to actually study anything. In my free time I usually was reading something science fiction fantasy and such. I’m 18 and in school anything that interested me was always easy to understand. In the start or at most middle of the explanation I already had the rest figured out. When everyone was doing the second exercise I had finished. But even then I...

1 year ago
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Jimmy gets Married

PATTY A TEASING WIFE How long will Patty leave Jimmy outside the bedroom with the doors closed tightly rubbing his little dick wondering what Patty is doing ? Or does he know what she is doing. Can he hear the vibrator as it gets her pussy off as his little dick can’t? How many times will she have an orgasm? The longer she leaves him outside waiting the more he loves it He encourages her to go in the bedroom and play with herself.He wishes she would go in and shut the doors more often. ...

4 years ago
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Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors Chapter 2

Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors - Chapter 2 I am pleased that many of you took the time to give me feedback on Chapter 1. All were encouraging and some was good constructive feedback. I already had the draft of Chapter 2 together but I reworked it some after the feedback. Where we left off: Bill Nelson's top research scientist - Tony - pushed the highly secret 3T machines too far in his lustful desires to explore the mind of one of his Iranian sex slaves. Now his...

3 years ago
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Slutty Gangbang Wife Gets Used for New Years

Lisa Got Triple Played On New Years Eveby Realgee About LisaNone of my wife’s family, friends or co-workers know she’s an adulterous slut wife. A couple of Lisa’s girlfriends have picked up on the fact that she has an unusual amount of male friends, but they don’t know that the situation extends to “friends with benefits“. One of her girlfriends knows about a man Lisa dated once a couple of years ago, but just thought she had cheated once, and really doesn‘t know the details. They rest all...

4 years ago
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 02

October 16th – Saturday at the resort. We wake up late in the morning. Joan does have a bit of a sore throat. She says she doesn’t care because last night was amazing. We all hit the showers and then head out for some brunch. After brunch and since it’s afternoon, Mandi wants to hit the nude beach so we go back to the room, strip, grab the towels and sunblock. On the beach, we spread the towels out and slather sunblock on each other. John leans over me, French kiss me and says, ‘I love you,...

2 years ago
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 03

October 17th – Sunday: We don’t get up until 11:30am. We all cuddle with each other in bed and John’s got a boner. I say, ‘Joan, do you want to take care of that?’ I’m not big on morning sex but Joan loves it. She smiles and says, ‘Yes, if I can fuck it.’ I laugh and say, ‘Sit on it, Joan.’ Joan smiles and crawls on top of John and slips his cock into her pussy. Surprise, surprise. She’s wet already. She stays wet. Not only does she have the body of a 40 something, her vagina juices up...

1 year ago
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Futa Finally Gets a Girlfriend

Amber: Kate, why do you wear shorts to the swimming pool? You know you can wear a bikini. Kate: I just don’t want anyone to see too much, you know? Amber: Well, I guess. What, afraid the boys will go wild? Kate: Actually, the girls. I’m packing. Amber: Wait, what do you mean? Kate: Well, this is what I mean. Kate stands up and lets her swim shorts stick to her body, revealing the outline of her giant futa dick. Amber: Oh my god, are you for real? Kate: Yeah. Amber: Does anyone else...

2 years ago
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Martyn Gets Comfy In Amsterdam

In college, I joined a bunch of musical societies. I met Martyn there. He was an amazing musician who had curly black hair, was crazy tall and had massive hands. You know... for playing the piano. But you knew he had a massive dick. We became fast friends and he was the first male friend I made after I came out as gay. I fell for him. Hard. It hurt. And if I had known we wouldn't be friends now, I'd have tried harder to get in those boxers!What Really Happened.When I was eighteen, I went on the...

Gay Male
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Gets Hotter When The Husband Is Watching Part 1

Hi ISS readers. My name is Yash. I am 25 years old male from Bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive and decent looks. I am going to narrate a real incident which happened to me. Thank you so much ISS for giving me this opportunity. Kindly ignore my mistakes and hope you enjoy reading it. Suggestions and corrections are always welcome. It’s a Friday night at a colleague’s place who is throwing a party, Not very crowded as there were just few people, who were working with me...

3 years ago
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A Kanker gets her man

Eddy stands in the middle of the cul-de-sac behind a Homemade Stand. It’s part of another one of his scams in action, and this Thanksgiving he’s cooked up something special. After watching a Football Game last year, and hearing an announcer talk about stuffing a Chicken inside a Duck, the stuffing it inside a Turkey, Eddy decided to make his own Entrée dish. Basically, it’s a Pigeon stuffed in a Chicken, stuffed in a Goose. Naturally, Edd a.k.a. Double D is against the idea. “This has got...

2 years ago
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Mom Gets Double Penetration In Her Bedroom

Hello friends, this is my second story on Indian sex stories (ISS). so, Read my first story “Mom making cum-tea for father” and also give me feedback about this story at end. My name is renish. i Am from middle class family. This incident happened so long ago. Due to my innocent nature, i couldn’t understand about what incident was that at that time. But, I realize it now as i am so mature teenager now. My family has four member. my father, mother ,elder sister and me.My father works in one...

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The Shy Gets Horny And Submits Herself

I am now 22 years old and the real experience which I am going to narrate is something happened some months ago. I am a party gal and was raised in Kolkata, I moved to Gurgaon after finishing my graduation and started my career with an organization in its management department. I am a 22 year old virgin, with really good figure but rather small butt. I am working under the head of my friend cum boss Danny,. He is a guy, 25 years old in a very good shape (boy, he still gives me chills). As you...

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Alice runs away with Mathew and gets herself filled

I am begining writer so please don't judge to harshly! Enjoy! I can't belive this is happening again, I thought. Why can't they just get divorced if they hate each other so much! I've lived with their stupid fighting long enough!  I was running away that night. Not for long, but for a while. I was getting awfully tired of their constant yammering. I was going to my boy friends house for the weekend, mom and dad didn't know. They wouldent care. I shoved tons of clothes into my bag;...

2 years ago
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Saffron gets hit by a car Part 02

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 I half woke up and was sure that I could hear Trisha’s voice. Opening my eyes I saw her at the foot of the bed looking up at me. “Hey,” I said, “What are you doing here?” “I’ve come to fuck your father, what do you think?” “Sorry Trisha, getting here wore me out.” “That’s okay Saffy, I see that you’ve started flashing your father already.” “No, no, I was just exercising my fingers and didn’t realise what the blanket was doing.” “Yeah right girl. I see that...

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Sissy gets a black master

Sissy Gets A Black MasterI got up wearily from my long and exhausting night being fucked andpunished by my new Black Master. As I awoke, I could scarcely believe thatall those depraved things had happened to me. One minute I had been merelyexchanging emails with a man, who could have been anywhere and the nextminute, that very man was at my door, in my home, and then inside mybody. Black Master, a man whose name I didn't even know, a man who lookedto be about ten years my junior, had taken me...

2 years ago
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Finally another girl gets involved

My eighteen year old daughter, Sadie, and I are at the supermarket - she's got an urge to stuff some fresh fruit and vegetables inside her, so we've come to find some specimens of various sizes to see how much she can take.Since her first double penetration experience a couple of days ago, she keeps wanting to stuff ever bigger items into her hot cunt and arse. Last night, she got four fingers into her cunt and three up her arse. The desperation as she was trying to get herself off was exciting...

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Sylvia gets to know Gerald

I tried to talk to Rosalie about it. All she said was:"You're a woman, a fucking sexy-ass woman now. I'm not going to tell you what to do. Al wants to give you a fucking gold mine in the sky, and all you have to do is do what you do anyway? Lots of women would jump on that so fucking fast. Sylvia, I've let myself be pimped out a little bit in my life, lots of women do. Just for myself, it didn't kill me, and I had to do a lot more than what Al is talking about..."Later that week, I got a phone...

1 year ago
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Wife gets carried away in Tahoe

I smile an approving grin as you bend over the pool table to take your shot. I had chosen your outfit for the night, and in my opinion, I had chosen very wisely...It was our second night out on this hastily planned weekend getaway. A weekend away in Lake Tahoe sounded like just the thing to escape the blistering hot weather we'd been having. I found a good deal on a nice hotel in south Lake Tahoe and off we went. Last night, weary from driving, we had a nice dinner and a few drinks at the plush...

2 years ago
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Unfinished White married couple gets BBC surprise

Jonathan & Nikki and their surprise BBC gangbangJonathan & Nikki had each always had a fascination with big black cocks. ... After it came up in their marriage and they discussed it, they agreed Nikki could try sucking one to completion. They searched for a big black dick on the internet, and after finding a massive one Nikki was very excited to try, they booked a hotel room & arranged a meeting.The night was finally upon them. It was going to happen! Nikki's first taste of big...

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Redneck who gets a few lessons in sex

She lives right next door to us, Crazy does. Aw, I guess it ain’t fair to call her that, but she has been living alone there since her mom and dad died; both of ’em got killed riding their Harley Davidson “Hog” one Saturday afternoon almost 11 years ago and she has been aloof and acting sort of funny ever since. At least, everyone in the neighborhood thinks she acts funny. Adults, think that, but most of the kids in the neighborhood think she is just another grown up kid...

2 years ago
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Whatever Gets You Through The Night

What Ever Gets You Through The Night. By Hotfeet (All location references are to the UK)   I watched the surreal landscape pass by. A mixture of ghostly fields and towns, mixed with the near white blur of hedges and trees.   It was late January. The weather had suddenly changed from surprisingly mild, to a more seasonal frosty. After three hours on the train, I had become lost in my own thoughts.   I’d almost forgotten why I was journeying down south. My life at...

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My Niece Stephanie gets a new car

Stephanie gets a new car!It has been 2 weeks since I popped Stepanie's cherry.I was sleeping late As I was up all night and couldnt sleep.Stephanie called me at 11.I picked up the phone."Hey Robbie it's Stephy My grandfather just bought me a new car for my birthday and I want you to be the first to take a ride with me"She says."That's cool But I need a few more hours sleep so come over at 3pm"I replied."Too late I am outside Your Building Mom gave me your address.I am coming up now.Will your...

4 years ago
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Sharon Gets Her Way

Francis threw open the door and said sternly to Daniel “it is unacceptable, you just forgot, so you are so going to get a spanking.”   Daniel looked up and immediately knew what she meant. Francis, his fiancé, asked him to take her library book back whilst she was at the shop. It was the last day so now she gets a fine and had made it clear, like very clear indeed, that she would put him across her lap if he forgot. Well, he did forget as he got engrossed in a game of cards with Francis’s...

1 year ago
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jims wanking gets him in trouble part 2

j'jim wake up' amanda says nudging jim'huh what whats happening what time is it ?''its 3am i bought your cup come on get up sit on the side of the bed and wank off for me' amanda hands him his cup'please mom no its really early you know i like my sleep please not now''you know my rules so come on stamd up get those pj's off wank into your cup don't keep mommy waiting' amanda smiles 'and in future i want you sleeping in the nude understood ?''yes mom' jim stands and takes off his pj's 'please...

1 year ago
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Matt and Milf Gets Deeper

As time would pass by and I got closer to Matt, I was becoming very distant from my husband. We would no longer spend time together or do anything together for that matter. All my good times and orgasms were coming from Matt and him only. I had a long conversation with my husband one night and we came to a mutual agreement that it be best if we took some time apart from one another to see if our lives get better. I started to look for an apartment since I didn’t want to stay at my house. It...

Cheating Wifes

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