Malachar's CurseChapter 14: Violet Begets Violence free porn video

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Thursday, July 27th, 2006, Boston Massachusettes

“Goddamn, I’m fucking sore,” I complained again for the hundredth time since leaving the hotel.

I twisted in my seat, trying to find a way that I could sit without putting any pressure upon my wounded shoulder. I absentmindedly watched a couple of kids zoom by on skateboards as we sat at a red light; we were driving to a gunshop across the other side of town, and my body was throbbing. It was almost noon already; it was very sunny and hot, another July scorcher, and not for the first time was I glad for the AC in the van. I was extremely grumpy because I’d wanted to be on the road to DC today, but that wasn’t even a remote possibility at this point because we still had way too much stuff to do in town.

I had only gotten two hours of broken sleep, but to be fair, only Billy had slept the night through. After briefly dealing with the cops and hotel staff at the scene, I had gathered up my clan and ordered the lead detectives to meet us at the hospital. I ended up using almost every last spark of magic that I had left by answering their questions as I spent a couple of hours in the hospital getting stitched up. It would have gone much faster, but I was ganged up on by my girls, who all insisted that I get x-rays, and bloodwork done. I gave in, figuring that at least it would go reasonably fast since my power put me at the head of every queue, part of the reason that I ended up completely drained.

It wasn’t just a couple of people that I had to use my ability on either, but two detectives, five nurses, three doctors, four administrators, six regular cops, and five hotel staff. I had deflected the fact that I was the real target and made them believe that I had merely stumbled upon an attack in progress and was assaulted simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I had them all convinced that Marv and his poor wife were who the killer had been after. I’d even finagled compensation for what had happened with an extra two nights stay in our current suite—on the house. I wanted to keep my story as believable as possible, and I figured that’s what any other patron would have asked for in my situation.

I hoped that I was careful enough in my story-telling so that our tracks were sufficiently covered, but I couldn’t be a hundred percent sure. I’d lost about two pints of blood and had been a little dizzy by the time that I had gotten treatment, so that combined with the Morphine had me pretty whacked out. Malachar assured me that I’d done well, but he didn’t know Earth that great, especially the ins and outs of how our legal system worked.

I vaguely remember having Angie blow me while I repeatedly patted her on the head, telling her what a special good girl she was and that one day she wouldn’t hate me anymore. That had been at the peak of when I’d felt the most stoned, and as a result, I’d been catching her shooting me dirty looks all morning, especially when she thought that I wasn’t looking. I was pretty sure I’d at least made certain that she’d cummed hard when she’d swallowed, but it was pretty fuzzy. Malachar said that I had, and he’d congratulated me on using her, although adding to the amount of hate that Angie felt for me was just plain stupid in my book.

By the time that we’d gotten back to our Hotel room, it had been well after three in the morning, and no one had wanted to sleep alone. Seven determined women dragged the two queen-sized mattresses from the sitting room while I was forced to watch; it had made them very upset when I had tried to carry one. I think the Morphine had still been fucking with my brain at that point. We ended up needing to send for blankets, pillows, and sheets since the floor below had been cordoned off by the police, and we could no longer access our other rooms. I was curious about what the forensics would make out of the werewolf fur that had undoubtedly been ripped off during our fight.

After all was said and done, I had five deep puncture wounds in my right shoulder, five shallow slashes on my left forearm, and five deeper ones on my left side. It had taken over three hundred stitches to sew me back up. Plus, my back was severely bruised from both landing on it and having it smashed into a wall. And oh yeah, I also had three broken knuckles from punching my old friend Steve in the head. I still couldn’t believe it; the fucking council of the burning-cocks had much to answer for.

Malachar had explained how they typically created a Lycanthrope, and it wasn’t pleasant. He figured that someone had shown up where they’d detected I’d found the first ring and had subsequently stumbled upon my buddy. Whoever it was, they had put Steve’s knowledge of me to good use since he had access to a couple of items that I’d left behind with my scent on it. That gave them all they needed to set my former friend on the hunt.

Heather had done some searching on the internet this morning, and there was a trail of unexplained bodies starting in New Orleans that led all the way straight up here to Boston. Just as what Maria had told me she’d seen on the news the other night. Worst of all, though, was who his first set of victims were. They were different from the rest because they hadn’t been savaged as if a wild animal had done it. Those victims had been his family; his Mom, Dad, two sisters, his younger brother, and his girlfriend. Apparently, they had all been restrained, repeatedly beaten and raped, and then finally strangled to death after days of abuse. Steve Robertson was a wanted man for the rape and murder of his entire family and fiancée of three years.

I hoped that I had killed him. I knew that for him to have raped not only all of his female relatives but his male relatives as well—that he was mentally gone. Steve no longer existed. Apparently, the change from Human to werewolf severely affected a person’s brain and drove them insane. They hallucinated, heard phantom voices, and were driven mad with unsatiable lust until the change was completed. What exacerbated that condition was the fact that inhuman-strength was the very first attribute a changing were-creature received; his loved ones had no chance. Louisianna state police and the FBI were hunting for him, but they had no clue that he was also the serial killer they had coined the Dog Killer.

“Aww, I wish that I could make you feel better, my sweet baby boy,” Kelly said as she glanced over at me and gave me a loving smile. Her mothering instincts had been in full bloom ever since she had first seen that I was bleeding. “You can take some more painkillers in about an hour. Would it help if one of the girls gave you a nice blowjob? I would, my love, but we’d go right off into a ditch,” she giggled.

“Ma, I’m just glad that I’m not driving, and believe it or not, but my cock is drained at the moment,” I replied wearily and yawned. “Although, I guess I should...” I mumbled as I felt my cock start to twitch.

Sheila had gently ridden me to a mutually satisfying climax this morning, but that meant that I was at one-fifth power instead of empty.

Yes, you should. You are very low on power right now—understandably so considering the events of last night, but I’m boosting your libido as we speak. Just use a small trickle of Eruxis as you’ve done before, and you’ll get a good dose with the simultaneous climaxes.

Holy Mackeral! Although why anyone finds a common fish Holy is beyond me, but—you’re not arguing with me! Well, fuck Maria’s ass then! You owe me that!

< Dude, I meant it, no more arguing. I’m hurting, I’m exhausted, and my emotions are frazzled, but I know that I need more juice. Maria’s sweet ass will have to wait, though. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t thrust right now if you were stabbing my ass with a red hot poker, and I’d hate to have my first time experiencing her delectable bottom to be with her riding me.>

Humph. Excuses, excuses. Lemme see what I can do. I might be able to dampen your pain receptors. I know that you’re experiencing some acute pain, m’boy, but you can’t afford to let your muscles stiffen up. You need to keep limber; remember, your enemies can strike at any time. They won’t care if you’re wounded, sore, or otherwise partially incapacitated; they’ll simply rejoice and take advantage of your weakened state. I should be able to interfere with some of the messages being received in your thalamus from the pain stimuli being sent along your nerves, and at the same time, block some of the neurochemical response mediators from being dispersed. That, in conjunction with your oral medication, should have you feeling somewhat more capable shortly. So take your dosage now; in fact, I should have thought of doing this for you earlier. It could save your life if we are attacked again. I apologize for my lack of foresight.

Just because we use magic doesn’t mean that we don’t understand how things work! Jeez! We have institutes of higher learning just like Earth does, and I daresay the worst of ours are ten times the quality of your best! Besides, most spells perform optimally when the caster has a good understanding of how the thing that they want to effect works—though that isn’t a requirement. Biology, Geometry, Mathematics, History, Chemistry, and others are legitimate subjects for study in either system. It is your mechanical creations that have replaced magic, and magic is by far superior; that is the main difference between this planet and the other worlds.

Yeah, we should, but at the same time, we have no way of knowing if he had put any magical traps on them. I would’ve if I were him. Still, you could probably try wearing the cloak; I’d leave the rest alone until we find a way to test them safely.

I felt my Mom’s hand stroke my leg just below my shorts.

“You didn’t answer me, Baby. Did you want one of the girls to suck you off? Maybe that would make you feel a bit better? Release some endorphins and get some power back? You know that ever since you explained how your ability works that all of us are even more eager to keep you charged—not that we needed a reason before though. God, just thinking about doing you makes me so wet! Sheila, you’re driving on the way back so that I can be a shameless slut and suck my son’s gorgeous cock!” Kelly declared assertively as she shot me a sexy wink.

“Sure thing, Kells,” she replied huskily, “as long as I get my turn to be a shameless slut later on too!”

I looked over to see my Mom’s smoldering ice-blue eyes darting hungrily down to my crotch as she unconsciously bit her lip. I knew that I’d be getting another good dose of magical energy on the return trip. My cock twitched again at the thought.

“Yeah, I could use a blowjob, but first, let me take my meds. Malachar said that he could help to get me feeling less like an invalid as long as I combined getting stoned with whatever he can do for me from inside of my head,” I grunted.

“Okay, Baby,” Kelly replied as she shot me a mothering smile, “they’re in my purse next to you.”

I dug through her bag, found my Codeine’s, and quickly popped two, washing it down with some bottled water.

“I’ll do it, Hot Stuff! I could use a protein shake right about now,” Abby volunteered eagerly. “Besides, I haven’t sucked it since yesterday morning,” she mock complained.

“Cool, Snowflake...” I snorted as I realized my unintended pun, “you’ll have to help me with my shorts; my arm’s feeling pretty numb still. Like the Doc said, I probably have some nerve damage, but there was no way that I could wait on a specialist to be called in. Maybe in DC,” I trailed off as I grimaced in pain; every muscle I had from my waist up seemed as if it was on fire.

Adrenaline was a super beneficial chemical, but it exacted a heavy price the next day. So did getting slashed, punctured, and slammed around by an eight-foot-tall mythical beast.

“Here, let me, Jake,” Abby cooed as she flexed her body between the front two seats like a cat. I grimaced again as I raised my buttocks up, allowing her to slip my shorts and boxers down my thighs. “Mmm, let Sis suck on big brother’s cock and make you feel better.”

“That’s it! Get some caaawk, Abs!” Heather giggled mischievously, quickly followed by Stacy.

“OWW! Fuck!” Abby yelped as she spat my dick out in pain. “You pinched my ass, you little shit!” she grumped.

“Who? Me? Uh-nuh! I did nothing! BUUUUTT, if I did, it’s ‘cause I owed you one!” Heather stated as she started laughing hysterically with Stacy.

“Get her back later, Abs, I’m in serious pain here, and your elbow is digging into my thigh,” I said with gritted teeth. “My pills will take at least a few minutes to kick in.”

“Ogh! Sawee!” she mumbled from around my cock as she swallowed it down deep again and removed her elbow from my leg.

“God, that feels good,” I hissed as the pleasure shot through me; she certainly knew how to make a guy happy.

I laid my head back and closed my eyes, trying to keep the pressure off of my shoulder as my sister took me deeper and deeper until my pubes were pressed up against her lips. Maria must have been giving lessons because she started to massage me with her throat muscles, holding it there for a minute before slowly withdrawing. Abs started moaning as she made love to my man meat; she slobbered all over it, soaking my crotch with her saliva.

“Goadilawwks?” Abby grunted questioningly but didn’t stop what she was doing.

“I can’t believe that you just pulled Abby’s shorts down like that!” Stacy exclaimed.

“Touch her, go on, do it, she’ll love it,” Heather tittered from behind me.

“Are you sure?” Stacy asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, stick your fingers in, Stace, like this. Abs has got a super sexy pussy,” Heather purred, “and tasty too! Here lick my finger. See?”

I heard Stacy whimper a little and wished that I could see what was going on.

“Oh God, she’s so warm ... and wet!” Stacy whispered excitedly. “And she does taste good,” she said shyly, her voice making her sound even younger than she was for a moment.

Abs groaned deeply, and I could tell by the vibrations spreading down my shaft that something had just made my sister feel really good.

“Put another finger in her,” Heather ordered firmly, “She loves having two or three.”

“Oh! You’re touching my boobs!” Stacy gasped.

“Mmm, yeah, I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” Heather whispered throatily.

“You guys are soooooo mean! You’re making me crazy hot, and I can’t do anything about it right now!” Sheila pouted from the back of the van.

“It’s okay; I’ll take care of you after, Hun,” Kelly replied sweetly. “But you’re right; this is super hot!”

“Yeah, put three! Go deeper and wiggle. Mmm, god, that’s so sexy! I can’t wait until we can all get together later!” Heather moaned. “Fuck her, Stace! Fuck her hard now! Pump my sister’s snatch with your fingers!”

I could tell that Abby was loving what Stacy was doing to her. She started to rock back a bit as her suction upon my rod intensified—her moaning increased loudly. Billy was definitely going to grow up with a decent sex education, I mused. Good thing that I’d used my power on him to not pay attention to us when we fucked or sucked. I could hear him laughing away as he watched one of his cartoofs as he called them.

“Oh fuck, Heath! You’re making me so tingly!” Stacy sighed dreamily.

“I love your nipples. They feel like little diamonds.”

“When you feel my first shot hit your mouth, I want you to cum hard all over Babydolls fingers, Abs,” I commanded breathily.


“Mmmm,” she moaned lustily in response, and the hand that she was using to balance herself upon my knee gripped tighter.

“Such a good sister, taking care of her brother like that. You make Mommy so proud,” Kelly murmured as we came to a stop at another red light.

When I heard our mother’s words, it hit me again at just how weird this really was. I was banging my whole family, and our Mom loved it—not just for herself but also for each of my sisters. Hell, it was still a shock that she was having my baby, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Before I’d found that ring down in New Orleans, I could never have imagined a reality where I’d be getting deepthroated by Abby while our pregnant Mom encouraged her to do it.

I felt my balls start to churn and tighten up, “Fuck, swallow me, Abs! Uhh god, I’m cumming!” I gasped. I grabbed the back of her head and held her down while I pulsed into her throat. My ass muscles clenched, and I arched my back—trying to avoid pressure on my shoulder—as I came super hard. Her muffled moans added an incredible vibration upon my whole groin area as her throat restricted itself repeatedly.

“Oh! Her pussy is clamping down crazy tight on my fingers, and she just squirted juice all over my hand!” Stacy exclaimed, shocked as Heather started giggling uncontrollably.

“She’s cumming, niña Bonita, she liked what you did with your fingers,” Maria told her, sounding slightly amused and partly aroused. “Is that your first time touching another woman?” Maria asked her curiously.

“Uh-Huh! I’ve always wanted to, but I’ve never done it before; I was too scared that people would find out and make fun of me,” Stacy replied shyly.

“Well, you don’t hafta be scared anymore, Stace, ‘cause we all like pussy up in here. In fact, this is like the ‘pussy’ van,” Heather giggled. “I can’t wait until later; last night was ruined, but tonight me and Abs are gonna show you what girl lovin’ is all about!”

“Really!” Stacy squeaked. “I can’t wait!”

Just wait until they lay entwined together upon the bed, making out and moaning while you take turns fucking their tight little assholes! You should line all your women up in order of size and have them bend over naked upon their knees, like a xylophone. Then you could play them by the sounds of their moans and screams!

I bet with sufficient practice that you could have them playing the star-spangled banner by fucking their tight little squeezeboxes!

I snorted in my brain at the ridiculous image he’d created for me.

Abby was resting her head in my lap, panting slightly as she recovered from her orgasm. I stroked her hair and sighed as I felt the drugs and whatever Malchar had been able to do for me start to kick in.

“Mmm, thanks, Abs, I needed that.”

“Welcome, Bro,” she murmured, “I love sucking my big brother’s dick and swallowing his jizz. It makes me so horny,” she said languidly as she shifted her head so that she could nuzzle my balls.

“There’s the gun store just down the block,” Kelly pointed out as we stopped at another light.

“Sweet, I’ll feel so much better when we’re all armed,” I said a bit anxiously. “Then, we just need to figure out what our best option for more roomy transportation is.”

“Oooh! I forgot before, but I did have a couple of suggestions on that, Hunny! There are three things that we could do. We could hire a limousine, or buy one or something. Or we could get one of those tour buses like rock stars use, which would be super cool cause they have beds! The third option, and the one that might be best, is kinda in between. It’s like a mini-bus, seats thirty people, and it was actually very comfortable. When I was getting my teaching degree, we went on a class field trip for one of my electives, and they had rented one,” Sheila explained enthusiastically.

“Yeah, I had the thought about a tour bus too, but those things cost a mint—like around a million or so for a good one. I guess we’d also need a driver for any of those options...”

“Yeah, that’s the downside...”

“Or that’s the upside! If we had a driver, then JJ could be having lots more blowjobs and sex and stuff with us!” Heather piped in.

I knew I liked her for more than just her hot little body, kids smart as a whip too!

I laughed.

Jackass! But ... you’ve got me there! Still, think about this, a driver with military skills would be a brilliant move, so would be finding a doctor or someone with medical training. At this point, you might want to consider using your powers to secure a couple of guards too. It really shouldn’t be hard to make them loyal, as long as you start out right.

If you can limit it to just one more day—tomorrow—then I would hope we’d be okay. But to be honest, every second could see another adversary appear out of thin air, literally. Just pray to the frozen tits of Tykhê that we find the clues that we need super fast when we’re in DC. The delay there is going to be necessary, but it could also be what stops us permanently.

Yeah, the ancient Greek Goddess of luck, and she’s a fickle bitch, cold, mean-spirited, and heartless.

I looked up as our Mom parked the van; we were at our first stop of the day—the Sportsman’s Den.

“Oh, JJ, before we go in, I looked up silver bullets like you asked me to. I found some articles saying that they wouldn’t fire and others saying they would, but it seems like no one makes real silver bullets. You can get fake silver ones, but just for decoration, so I don’t see the point ... Anyway, lots of people say that you can just make ‘em at home if you have the equipment. I wouldn’t bother asking in here for any; they won’t have them,” Heather informed me importantly.

“Thanks, Peanut, you did a good job,” I told her with a grateful smile. She beamed one back at my praise.

I took a look around as I entered the gun store, my entourage crowding close behind me.

“Wow! Pretty redneck,” Sheila observed with a giggle.

“Yup,” I readily agreed.

Kelly nudged me in the ribs and nodded, “When they have a picture of the President that’s bigger than a bathroom mirror, you know it’s a redneck place. I mean, look at it! I wouldn’t have a picture of my own parents that big!” Kelly chuckled.

I glanced up at George Bush Jr; it seemed as if he was smiling down upon us from the massive gilded frame that surrounded him. It hung on the wall behind the main cash register and reminded me of the giant poster of Ronald that I’d seen in some McDonald’s. I didn’t care one way or another. I’d never been very political, just don’t mess with my constitutional rights, and I was more than happy to let politics alone.

Scanning the place as we moved inside, I could see that it looked pretty much like every other stereotypical gun store that I’d seen before back when I used to go shooting with our Dad. Camouflage paint decorated the sidewalls, and the back wall behind the counter was made out of old-fashioned barnboard. Six four-foot-high aisles ran about twenty-feet long; they were full of various rifles that were all lined up on gun racks along with cases, bows, crossbows, and scopes. Hunting paraphernalia filled multiple shelves, and some hung as examples from the rafters near the walls, such as duck decoys, paper targets, and camo netting. They had a pretty large clothing section dedicated to army fatigues and hunting gear as well.

I noticed a couple of large signs declaring to the unscrupulous customer that the place was under video surveillance. There were four mounted cameras—one in each corner—that had a steady red light indicating that they were indeed doing their job.

For a late Thursday morning, the place was pretty active. An older couple was looking over some hunting rifles while a group of four military-type guys was busy checking out various assault rifles at the far counter. A portly middle-aged fellow, sporting a thick brown beard, was loudly extolling the virtues of each while periodically adjusting the Red Sox cap that he was wearing. Another older and much skinnier man who had a pair of the bushiest greyish-black eyebrows that I’d ever seen before, complete with matching droopy mustache, was helping out a couple that seemed to be around my age.

The guy was only medium height but had bulging biceps sticking out of his wife-beater that looked to be a bit bigger than mine. His girlfriend was a petit redhead with wavy hair that reached down to just below her shoulders. I couldn’t help but be drawn to her smoking hot ass that was packed into a black mini skirt. She was leaning on the counter in a way that showed the bottom inch of her asscheeks quite clearly; another half-inch and her pussy mound would be visible too. I hadn’t seen her face yet, so she could be a dog, but I was lovin’ the way that her cheeks were jiggling as she bounced restlessly upon the balls of her feet.

It seemed as if the two guys behind the counter were the only two employees, so I figured we’d be in for a bit of a wait. If it went for more than five minutes, I’d just ‘power’ my way to the front of the line, but at the moment, I was content to simply enjoy the view.

“So are we just getting the guns that we talked about earlier then? Or now that we’re here, are you thinking about browsing? Hmm, do you see anything else that you like, perhaps?” Kelly queried as she threaded her arm through mine. Her eyes flashed over at the tight butt in front of us before giving me a knowing grin.

“Just what we called and asked for, but if you feel like looking around, be my guest. And I see many things that I like,” I replied with a shrug as I grinned right back and gave her a quick kiss.

“Hey, Sparky, did you notice the store right next door?” Abby wondered as she cocked her head cutely at me.

“Uh, yeah, kinda hard to miss the big triple X neon sign out front,” I chuckled. “Lemme guess, you wanna go shopping,” I said with a smirk.

“Yep! Would you mind if Sheila, Maria, and I popped over there and got a few things? We never ended up getting the chance after we’d talked about it in Quebec,” she replied eagerly as her eyes lit up with hope. “Plus, you’d love what we get, Baby, I promise!” she purred sexily.

“As if I’m going to say no,” I smirked, “just make sure that you watch yourselves,” I stressed, locking eyes with her. “Try not to be too long, either. You probably have about a half-hour before we’ll be done in here. Go as crazy as you want though, I look forward to seeing what you deviants get,” I chuckled.

“Ooooh! Maybe I could join them, Jake-e-poo?” Kelly asked while biting her lip and batting her eyes at me sexily. She’d taken to doing that lately because she knew that it drove me crazy—especially when she wanted something.

I laughed and smacked her ass, “Go on, then, you little minx, get enough for everyone.”

Our Mom giggled like a naughty schoolgirl as she exchanged my arm for Sheila’s while blowing me a kiss.

“Can we go too!” Heather piped up excitedly.

“Nope! You and Stacy get to stay here with Angie and me. Besides, I need you two to watch Billy. You’re too young to get in there, and I don’t have the inclination to go over and make them okay with it, so you’ll both just have to be as surprised as I am with what they get,” I told them firmly.

“‘Ake! Canz I has a gunz, peease!” Billy asked as I picked him up after Sheila shooed him over to us.

“Aww,” Heather grumped a little and pouted.

“They’re not toys for little guys like you!” I told him as I tickled him, making him squeal in delight. “You’ve got a ton of toys already, Bud. When we get a chance, I’ll buy you some new Cartoon movies. How’s that?”

“Otay! Tank-yuv!”

I noticed that the tiny redhead had just as sexy a face as her ass when she turned and smiled at Billy’s shrieking laughter. I could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath her baby blue tank top; she had about an inch of side and underboob showing. She put her elbows up on the counter and leaned back; her nipples were poking through quite nicely, and I had a twinge in my cock at the thought of sucking on her decent-sized melons.

Same as Malachar's Curse
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Topanga Lawrence Becomes Violet Vortex

TOPANGA LAWERENCE BECOMES THE VIOLET VORTEX Hi fans, I know most of you don?t know who the actress Danielle Fishel is but she is this hot actress who was on a terrible sitcom who grew up into a babe. I just had to put her in a story. You may be seeing another actress Monica Keena in tights [email protected]   Ms American is Mr X creation but the rest is mine. If you are a minor stop reading this awful story filled with bondage, forced sex and other adult...

4 years ago
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Luke Violet

I arrive home a few hours later. I unload my car and walk into my house. Felt good to be back home. I quickly grab a snack from the fridge and I get straight to work. I washed both of my parents cars. I mowed the lawn until the sun went down. By the time evening came, I did the front yard of the house. Tomorrow I would finish the rest of my chores. As I put the lawn mower back in the garage, I heard a car coming by. I turned to get a look. The car was a new Corvette Sting Ray convertible. As...

3 years ago
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Professors Violet

Poring over the submitted papers, I heard but the tiniest of voices from behind me. “Professor Giordano?” Sitting in my office chair I turned around slowly. Pale delicate skin, long platinum hair with a slight wave to it, stood the prize of my class, Violet Evans, a promising psychology student. Her ambitions were high and the amount of effort she put into her compositions were borderline over the top, nonetheless they were thorough and more importantly accurate. “Ms. Evans, what can I do...

3 years ago
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Luke Violet 4

Then of course getting to fuck other chicks too. I am a young horny guy partying it up on Spring Break, and it was another great memory this week. Violet had the first few days off from work but eventually had to return. Not that she complained, as she worked from home. She would spend the afternoons down by the beach with her computer and a frozen cocktail completing her work tasks. While she was busy, I did my own thing hanging out with Jacob and the guys and of course meeting other...

3 years ago
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Violet Gathers Research Material

“Mmm…mmm…mmmph!!!”A big, juicy cock rammed its way inside Violet’s mouth. Its owner moved their hips back and forth, the phallus’ head tickled the entrance to her throat. With a final thrust, the cock went all the way back. Violet gagged and pulled her face back, a single strand of spit trailed behind. She was never very good at deep throating.“I’m cumming!” With a few jerks, steamy hot jizz spurted onto her face and began to slowly trickle down her neck.“That was amazing.” Her partner, Alice,...

3 years ago
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Sex and Violet

SEX AND VIOLET     Ah, Miss Shrinking Violet, what are we to do with you?  So lovely, so submissive--and yet so shy.  You must learn to serve me in public as you do when we’re alone.  That’s why I’ve brought you to my favorite restaurant tonight.  Isn’t it elegant...these intimate tables, the long white tablecloths, the candlelight?  I thought you’d like it.      I’m glad to see you’ve dressed as I’ve told you; that red satin blouse looks so good with your little black skirt and red heels.  In...

1 year ago
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Violet Myers Twitter 9300 13m

Do you have a thing for busty brunettes with a tiny waist and an ass that just won’t quit? Well, that is the perfect description of Violet Myers! She is one of the hottest pornstars in the industry, and her attributes are not the only thing that people love. Her skills are on a whole new level, which is how she got super popular super fast.If you’ve never seen the wonderful Violet Myers in action, you are definitely missing out. She is one of a kind babe who will get you hooked in no time....

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Sex and Violet

SEX AND VIOLET By Zen Mackie Ah, Miss Shrinking Violet, what are we to do with you? So lovely, so submissive--and yet so shy. You must learn to serve me in public as you do when we’re alone. That’s why I’ve brought you to my favorite restaurant tonight. Isn’t it elegant...these intimate tables, the long white tablecloths, the candlelight? I thought you’d like it. I’m glad to see you’ve dressed as I’ve told you; that red satin blouse looks so good with your little black skirt and red...

2 years ago
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Roses and Violet

I lived with Amy for a year before our first roommate moved out. Amy found a new one, her name was Violet. Amy and Violet had a few classes together and sort of knew each other. We decided to go out for drinks to celebrate having a new roommate. Violet was pretty, she had long beautiful black hair. Still, Amy got all the attention at the clubs. Amy was the blond bimbo of the house. We were only at the club for a half hour probably before Amy had run off on me. I didn't like being left alone...

3 years ago
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Rub a Dub Dub Meeting Violet

Introduction: A masseuse gets the client of a lifetime. ​ Violet. My new favorite color. Well, not new now, but new then. God I still cant believe it, and I am clinging to a foolish hope it never ends. My name is Jacob, I am of Greek decent, born in Brooklyn, moved to LA to try to become an actor. Worked odd jobs until I got a gig at a nice sport gym/spa. The tips were decent and the women, Jesus the women. So many hot trophy wives, and all loved to show it off. I made friends with one of the...

2 years ago
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Violet Is Lonely at Her Friends Party

It was a very hectic school year. I had just graduated and my parents were letting me just relax before going to college in the fall. My parents had treated me to a cruise right after graduation. After we came back, they said I could have a party with all my friends. My parents are the coolest parents in the world. They let me have parties all the time. Whenever I have parties, all the kids have to sleep over. That’s the only rule. They know that kids of my generation always sneak alcohol and...

4 years ago
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Wannabe Sissy Part Two Who the F is Violet

Charles is my lover. I am his gurl. I will do anything to please him sexually and he does the same for me (although to be honest, nothing turns me on more than pleasing him). We have been together almost ten months now and I have very strong feelings for him - I hesitate to use the "L" word, especially since I have begun to suspect he does not share that level of feelings for me. Whenever I broach the subject he gets defensive and it ends in an argument. And it really is mostly...

3 years ago
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A Study in VioletChapter 1

It was mid-morning. I was headed back into my office building. Ahead of me was a young woman dragging a suitcase. She had a stack of binders resting against the extended handle and the bundle strapped together with elastic bungee cords. I followed her through the revolving door and into the lobby. I stayed two paces behind hr, enjoying the view, which was quite pleasant. She was wearing a gray suit -- very natty, and she had brunette hair that came past her shoulders and was tied in a...

1 year ago
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Violet Gets Violated Part 1

"Fucking, shit!" She cursed to herself, pulling up her hoodie and hunching over her knees, trying to cover her legs. Wearing her short black and purple skirt probably wasn't the best idea for the weather, and her legs were cold in the thin tights that stuck tight to her smooth legs. Today the forest didn't feel the same. It was cold and drab; the vibrant forest hues seemed to have gone through a strainer, draining everything of warmth and colour. The leaves that hadn't fell and rotted...

4 years ago
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Violet Says YesChapter 4 Theme and Variations

They were not long at Kalworth Hall when luncheon was announced. Violet was led by a maid into “the small parlor.” There were Lord Richard, an old woman, and a young one. “Aunt,” Lord Richard said, “may I present Miss Violet Worden? Miss Worden, Deborah, Dowager Countess Minton, Lady Deborah Minton, her grand daughter and named for her.” “Milady.” She made a curtsey to the older woman, who nodded graciously. A governess does not curtsey to her charge, and she had not yet refused the...

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Violet Rose

Sharon Byrnes hummed an old 60's tune as she walked the streets of Greenwich Village. Never mind that the song had been recorded two years before she'd been born, it always made the 27 year old feel good. And today was definitely a day for feeling good. She had been hired by a large local clothing manufacturer to set up a new computerized inventory system. Her contract with the firm had called for her to have the system up and running in four weeks. Instead, she had finished it in three,...

3 years ago
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Luke Violet 8

“Sorry you couldn’t choose the new name. We did allow you to keep Lucas with it.”Jeff tells me. I look at my phone and open up my contacts to find only one name. “Heather P.“ “So Mr. Oliver, do you have any questions for me?” Jeff asks. I shake my head as I try to adjust myself to my new reality. I spend the next four weeks in the hospital regaining my strength. I had to attend physical therapy sessions about three to four times each day. My doctor and therapist both had to help me...

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A Study in VioletChapter 2

Monday morning I sat at my desk and dug the business card Violet had given me from my wallet. "Violet West's office," came the voice on the other end of the line. "Is she in?" "I'll check. Whom may I say is calling?" "Gavin," I replied. "Gavin ... who?" "Just Gavin -- she'll know who it is." "Please hold..." Then I heard her voice. "Gavin!" "Hi, Vi. I was wondering if you were game for another go." "Oh, Gavin ... Can you hold on? I want to go into my office...

1 year ago
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Violet Starr 1500 245000

Porn is one of the top forms of entertainment available to mankind. Even a hypocritical sob can't deny the fact that seeing a beautiful chick gets fucked is pleasurable to watch. If the fucker denies it, put him in front of a screen that has a beauty like Violet Starr riding a dick to orgasm. His raging hard cock will serve enough proof of how entertaining porn is.Porn has become more accessible than ever before thanks to the innovation of the internet.Social media has also made it easier to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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My Shrieking Violet

**Authors notes** A young woman is sold into slavery and brought to an island with rebel freedom fighters. This is a story that's already completed, and it's a bit of a slow burn. I'll upload chapters in 500-2000 word bits, or where chapter breaks make sense, basically. It wasn't written in the style of Chyoa, so bear with me on the Question/Answer options. Having said that, feel free to branch off from any point in the story if you want an alternate ending or want to spice things up. The...

2 years ago
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Bought and Paid For Violet

The transport pulled up in front of Master Aristo's house. Violet recognized the place, though she'd never been inside. Ari. She remembered him from school: popular, rich, athletic... her personal tormentor. Why he picked her to single out, she never understood. Why he picked her now was also a mystery. Violet stepped out of the transport; she was met by a butler. Her guts were in a twist and she had to remind herself that she was a professional. She had volunteered to be a Civil Servant, a...

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Violet Gets Nasty

Everybody was out of the house and Violet was bored.  Both her mother and father were away for the weekend.  Her older brother went to a party.  Violet was alone and took out her teddy bear who was as big as her.  She often would fantasize that the bear was human.  She did nasty things with her bear.Violet had sex with a few boys, but mostly fantasized that her bear was her brother.  Her brother was older and mostly just treated her as his kid sister.  He was always with his girlfriend, but...

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The Making of Violet

The Making of Violet It happened one day I was taking the bus to the grocery store. As my roommates the pigs that they are had eaten all the food again. I looked over the list again of what they wanted and damn junk food and micro wave meals again. I thought of making a wager on which one would have a coronary first and how they could eat so much and stay so thin when I have to diet and starve myself and still cant lose any weight. At least they have girlfriends, me I'm stuck by...

2 years ago
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Violet Goes to the Movies Part 1 The Foyer

Violet stared absently at her coffee. Black. The calming aroma of the small riverside cafe did little to smooth her nerves. She took a sip. Bitter.Usually Violet limited her caffeine intake in the evening, but tonight she would be needing the energy. Across from her, Alice nursed a latte. Extra sugar.“I don’t know if I can do this.” Violet couldn’t tell if she was shaking from anxiety or coffee.“You only begged me for months to take you out.” Frothy milk stuck to Alice’s upper lip like a creamy...

2 years ago
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RebelChapter 54 Lizzie Violet

"She's back," George said, "an' she's lookin' f'you." "Who?" I asked. "What are you talking about." "That there James woman, the big 'un, the adjutant major's doxie, she's back." He smiled. "I'm sure you 'member her since you nearly got yersef hanged that time." Then I recalled: the carriage with the broken wheel, the three women including little Suzy who sold her non-existent cherry repeatedly, and Lizzie James, a strong and tireless lover and then the vile rapes. I...

2 years ago
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Violet Says YesChapter 3 Crescendo

The days after Anne’s wedding were spent in adjusting. Violet had a future to arrange, but she was curiously unready to arrange it. She took breakfast and luncheon with Lord and Lady Montraven at Lady Montraven’s specific invitation. The Montravens dined out, and Violet took those meals in her room. It would have been easier on staff to have taken them in the dining room, but it would have been presumptuous on her part. She had enough presumptuous actions ahead of her. She had lost the...

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The Neighborhood MILF Violet

Our neighborhood is blessed with plenty of beautiful people that just happen to have extremely active sex lives. Whether it's secret affairs, open swinging and threesomes, or just healthy sex between husband and wife in the privacy of their own bedroom, there is never a dull moment on our block.The newest addition to our swinging community is Will & Violet, a young couple that bought the old Hatfield house at the end of the block. Violet and I go back a few years from our time working...

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Senior year had just begun at Rochelle High School. This massive high school looked more like a college campus. That’s because this was one of the top boarding schools in the country and alumni loved to give money back. My friends and I sat in the luscious green grass of the main quad and reminisced on our summer escapades. My closest friends, Rich, had spent the summer at a sleep away camp on the lake as a boat instructor. He retold stories of long nights with beautiful blonds fucking in the...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Violet Coast The Seduction of Melissa

Melissa made her way along the narrow little street, feeling hemmed in by the houses as she made her way towards the sea front. The daylight was fading, lights were coming on in the town square, and along the seafront. Finding an intimate and charming cafe, she decided to enter. Melissa seated herself where she could look across an open terrace. A thought crossed her mind. The view is so beautiful. This place is like a heaven. She ordered coffee and stared out to sea. In front of her over the...

3 years ago
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Violet Says YesChapter 2 Discordant Duet

Richard, Earl of Kalworth, was adamant. “James, it is time you found yourself a wife. Yes, dancing at the balls of the Season is pleasant, but the reason that we go is for you to win a girl, marry her, and begin to fill your nursery.” Unfortunately, he was ordering his brother not his son. That was unfortunate for several reasons. One, brother James had not felt obedient towards Richard since he, too, went away to school. “Why is it imperative that I start filling my nursery? I am not the...

1 year ago
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Weeping Violet

Chapter 1 I’m Going Home This is it. I am hoping to hit the reset button. I can forever shed the label of Violet, the sex slave, the Chambermaid—or whatever I was for the last year—and become me again. Once I ring this doorbell I can resume my life as Brinley Avery Bishop. College student, daughter, aspiring actress, girlfriend? Maybe I will follow my agent’s advice and dye my naturally blonde locks. I could do a vibrant red, or even a deep brown. Doesn’t matter the color. The point is, if I...

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Violet Fire0

My friend signed me up for a club called "Violet Fire" apparently it was some sort of casual sex club, almost like a brothel. He apparently knew someone that knew someone. His name was Franklin, by the way, but everyone called him Franky. Me? I'm Jefferson Daudsund, but they call me Jeff or Jeffie. Anyway one night, a saturday night, Franky and I went out to ther "club house" it was a large old looking house in the middle of no where. The house looked Victorian, but that doesn't...

4 years ago
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Violet Eyes

Violet Eyes By Bronwen Welsh Prologue My name is Sybil. I have a doctorate in philosophy and I am a reader in archaeology at a certain British university which I prefer not to identify. There is a reason for this of course. Like most transgendered people I prefer a low profile since certain people can never take you seriously once they know, or worse, they assume that you are in some way mentally fragile. I admire people like the author Jan Morris, or the brilliant computer...

2 years ago
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Violet Fire1

Did you know I would come if you spoke my name Did you lie When you said you needed the cool Of the night To caress your deepest thoughts I can hear All the darkest things you think I'm gonna make it easy Did you smile As i wandered in the black Of your eyes Now I live among the things That we see And the darkest things you fear I'm gonna make it easy Violet fire My friend signed me up for a club called "Violet Fire" apparently it was some sort of casual sex club,...

1 year ago
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Roses and Violet

I lived with Amy for a year before our first roommate moved out. Amy found a new one, her name was Violet. Amy and Violet had a few classes together and sort of knew each other. We decided to go out for drinks to celebrate having a new roommate. Violet was pretty, she had long beautiful black hair. Still, Amy got all the attention at the clubs. Amy was the blond bimbo of the house. We were only at the club for a half hour probably before Amy had run off on me. I didn’t like being left alone...

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Violets Anal Training

Author: Powerone Title: Violets Anal Training Summary: Violet is subjected to anal and sphincter training so she will beprepared for anal sex. Keywords: M/F, anal, humil, reluc, mdom, span Copyright 2003 by Powerone.  The author may be contacted at [email protected] Violets Anal Training     Michael sat in the chair as she entered.  Poweronehad described her perfectly, long black hair, green eyes, pale skin, very smallhands and fingers, DD breasts and small hips .  She had a gothic...

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Sex and Violet

SEX AND VIOLET By Zen Mackie Ah, Miss Shrinking Violet, what are we to do with you? So lovely, so submissive–and yet so shy. You must learn to serve me in public as you do when we’re alone. That’s why I’ve brought you to my favorite restaurant tonight. Isn’t it elegant…these intimate tables, the long white tablecloths, the candlelight? I thought you’d like it. I’m glad to see you’ve dressed as I’ve told you, that red satin blouse looks so good with your little black skirt and red heels....

4 years ago
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My Aunt Rebecca and My Sister Violet

This is the story about my Aunt Rebecca and my sister Violet. My name is Tim, but my family calls me Timmy. I'm eighteen years old. My Aunt Rebecca just delivered her first child. Her husband is in the military. She lives next door to our family. She's my mother's sister. Her husband is on a tour of duty overseas. Rebecca is alone and taking care of her new family. My mother sends myself and my sister Violet over to help our Aunt with things. Aunt Rebecca, sometimes will be in very...

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Violet Says YesChapter 5 Violet Says Yes

The wedding was strangely moving. She had heard the service scores of times, but when she said the vows herself, they seemed quite meaningful. When Richard said them, she felt herself tear up. Not only Anne was there, but Alice and their parents and husbands. Of course, Anne’s husband stood with Richard as his brother and best man. Dorcas dressed her in the elaborate night rail and led her to the bed. When she drew back the covers, there was a stain on the bottom sheet. “It is the sheet...

2 years ago
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Domestic Violence

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Andrew and Tanya Maison were an ordinary couple. They had been married for two years, he had a small business with a home office, selling outdoor equipment that he designed himself and contracted out the production, she was a housewife who felt that she ought to have a career of her own, and resented being 'just' a housewife. She was a naturally bossy sort of person, he naturally easy going. At twenty four years old she felt that they should have been making more...

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British Naked News Cures for Violence

“Welcome, this is the BNN network, and I am your host Sarah Patel. The network that reveals all.” Her eyes widened in excitement, posing her tall frame for the full-frontal shot; she was loving being at the center of attention. She wore a well-tailored, black skirt-suit with a deep “V” neck blouse, flouting her huge chest. The logo of British Naked News hung in the background, the silhouette of two naked women. Sarah continued, “Greetings my lovers, let us get to the news! Time and again, we...

2 years ago
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Acts of Random Violets

As soon as she entered the room, she smelled the faintest trace of lilacs. Violet closed her eyes instantly, feeling for where she knew the edge of the bed would be. Blindly, she crawled across it, fumbling for the nightstand drawer, and the blindfold safely and discreetly tucked in its corner. It didn’t take long to get it in place, but her heart pounded in her chest the entire time, screaming within her, revealing to the world her state of panicked excitement. She slipped too hastily back to...

3 years ago
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INCREmental Sexual Violence

INCREmental Sexual ViolencePage 1.        Finally things appeared to be going well for me again.        I'd had a real dry spell, almost three weeks, which was pretty well a record. I was tired of jerking off and wanted the real pussy again, but every potential kidnapping victim I'd stalked, and was ready to snatch, the plans had gone off track for various and sundry reasons and I was becoming pretty pissed. And when I got that way, I could be careless, and it wasn't carelessness that was...

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Violet Goes to the Movies Part 2 The Mezzanine

In a normal theater, the mezzanine can be one of two things. One can be found in a grand opera house with multiple levels of seating and rococo interior. There, the mezzanine is the balcony sandwiched between the first and third levels. Often fancy people in fancy dress visit the opera with monocle in hand to listen to sweet notes of music in German or French. The other mezzanine refers to the front rows of balcony seating with the best view. This definition is often found at smaller venues...

4 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 13 Violet

In the western part of Maryland, I ran into a peculiar situation one day when I was scouting ahead, looking for good road that could lead us to a crossing of the Potomac. At a crossroads a sale was going on, not exactly an auction although some items were being bid on and sold to the highest bidder. I asked what provoked the sale and was told that a tobacco farmer's wife had died, leaving him with several small children and only one full-grown son so he had decided to give his children to...

1 year ago
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Violets Anal Training

Summary: Violet is subjected to anal and sphincter training so she will be prepared for anal sex. Keywords: M/F, anal, humil, reluc, mdom, span Violets Anal Training Michael sat in the chair as she entered. Powerone had described her perfectly, long black hair, green eyes, pale skin, very small hands and fingers, DD breasts and small hips. She had a gothic look to her, the black clothes standing out dramatically to her white skin. "What am I doing here?" Violet questioned, but she already knew...

1 year ago
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Sweet VioletsVerse 2 The girl told the farmer

Sweet violets, sweeter than the roses, Running all over from head to toe, Covered all over with sweet violets. Arms were surrounding her again -- his arms. They made Michelle feel safe and warm. And, combined with the orgasms she had just had, she felt better than she could remember ever feeling before. The strangeness of laying uncovered on a lawn in the afternoon shade and letting a man touch her so intimately was kept masked by the wonderful feelings. But when he released her, she felt...

1 year ago
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Violets AreChapter 5

Violet looked out the van window at the passing snow covered trees. Four days. It was like she was a time traveler. In the blink of an eye, she had been sent four days into the future. Four days of her life, gone. It could have been worse, but her mind was having a hard enough time wrapping itself around this as it was. Four days of her family thinking she was going to die ... how would her brothers and sisters react to her? How would SHE react? What the hell had happened? The Red Witch...

2 years ago
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Dragon Age Sex Violence

A/N: Be warned! there may be the occasional bad end/game over chapter in the story where either the protagonist, protagonist's party member(s) or NPC(s) die. Said chapters may just involve the character(s) dying and it may include some smut too (no necrophilia tho cuz eww, seriously) so its up 2 u whether u wanna read it. I will put in capital letters for the bad end chapters so u can avoid it if u don't wanna read a bad end/game over chapter. If you have any suggestions then feel free to PM me...

2 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 41 Violence

What was the matter with Linda Parker? For these last few years, she had been enjoying all kinds of different sex. With men. She loved to suck and to be sucked, she loved anal, she loved more than one guy... Guy. Yes. So far, guy. But... What about something... Someone... Some girl? It wasn't just thanks to Julie. Sure, when her twin sister ate her, Linda had a fantastic orgasm. One of the bests of her life. But that had nothing to do with it. She had also seen lesbian sex, just in...

1 year ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 67 The Budding of Violence

Misao (thinking): This cop... he knows Himura? (they hear screams from the village) Misao: Oh yeah--Himura! (Kenshin breaks a spear with his sword and knocks down the last of the soldiers.) (Misao: He's not even out of breath... Wow... ) Saitou (to Kenshin): Hey. What are you wasting your time here for? Kenshin: What are you doing here? Saitou: My job. One of my men informed me that Shishio was here. Since I still had some time before the subjugation forces reached Kyoto, I decided to...

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