- 3 years ago
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She was still beautiful, she knew. Violet had a sleek, tall figure; expansive, voluptuous hips capped by her firmly muscled ass. The hairdryer evaporated the water from dark bronze hair, freshly washed and styled.
"... And in other news, Customers at a McDonalds in Tallahassee were treated to a visual as well as culinary feast today." intoned the smoothly professional voice of the radio info-babe. "One of the cashiers had imbibed an unregulated breast growth potion, without understanding the parameters of the spell." A sad sigh escaped Violet's pert lips. She combed her hair and prepared her usual regimen of softeners and conditioners that were standard after she showered. The info-babe continued:
"Eyewitnesses remarked that her breasts expanded until they were 'bigger than Beach-balls' as one witness remarked. Paramedics had to struggle a bit fitting her through the door. She said that she did it because she had a crush on her manager, and wanted him to notice her. Which he most certainly did." Stories like that were not too unusual these days.
Violet took a deep breath, and thought positive; she was still a babe! And she knew it! Her skin, moist from her shower, was healthily tanned from her active lifestyle. She had a good body; her figure had always made other girls seeth with envy. She possessed high-cheek bones that shaped a face just exotic enough to be alluringly erotic, yet not so unusual as to be intimidating. Violet always thought of herself as a classical, elegant beauty.
Her deep, purple eyes gazed at her seductive reflection in the dorm room mirror. She couldn't account for them; her eyes for some reason had changed color after her 'accident'. If only she had been satisfied with what nature had given her during those turbulent, high school years.
"No Violet, you've got to think positive!" she reprimanded herself. "I am not a victim! I am in control of my life!" She practically shouted in the mirror, it was a good motivational tactic, according to the self-help books she was always reading. But it was almost time for class; so Violet turned to get dressed in something more substantial than a white towel.
"I... will take... charge!" grunted violet as she took those first steps. Damn! She forgot to close her window! Here at Madison University, most of the dorms were in close-together tower buildings; anyone from across the way had a good chance of seeing into her room! Had anyone done so, their jaw would have dropped to the floor. That girl from McDonalds wasn't alone; there were a growing number of women suffering similar magical mishaps. Ever since the Celestial Conjunction in the earlier 21st century that made magic on Earth possible again, many women saw magic as a short-cut to get the figures nature denied them. And violet was no exception.
Calling her boobs gargantuan was a gross understatement; If Violet's tits had been watermelons, the farmer that raised them would have won the County Fair Blue Ribbon. She was burdened with swaying mammaries beyond all reason or sanity. They warned her, though. The doctors said that magic was strong in her family, (they think they've found a 'magic' gene) and that she should be careful casting spells on herself. But she didn't listen, of course.
It was the same old, same old, type of story that had been going on for years. Girl likes Boy, Boy likes Girl, Boy meets second girl with magically-enhanced tits, Girl looses Boy, Girl gets insanely jealous, Girl steals illegal breast-growth potion, Girl ends up with Beachball boobs.
For years, the FDA had been warning the public about the dangers of cosmetic magic; if you combine two spells at the same time, the result is synergy; magic goes wild and becomes uncontrollable! Violet had forgotten about the spell she had used the same day to tint her hair, and the rest is history. But she'd been lucky; she had gone to the best cosmetic magicians her family could afford, and they were able to help her considerably, but not enough. She tried surgery, herbs, even more magic, but there was nothing more to be done; Using magic to reverse magic many times made the situation worse! And since her breast-growth was magical, surgery wouldn't help; her tits would simply regenerate.Violet would be stuck with colossal boobs somewhat larger than most beachballs for the forseeable future. (maybe her entire life?!)
Luckily, suitable customized bras were easier to find these days; but Violet hated the monstrosity that she had to wear. She had always been pleasantly surprised at the natural buoyancy of the jiggling mountains sprouting from her chest; they sagged far less than what one would suspect, but nonetheless, support was necessary. Without the industrial-strength seat-belt strap bra, the bouncy inertia of her Girls would cause them to sway and leap uncontrollably from their own busty weight, shattering and clobbering adjacent objects. Furthermore, the bra had a set of counter-weights that balanced out her top-heavy torso. Victoria's Secret thought of everything.
Now, after months of therapy, magical and physical,Violet could walk, even jog! Most women in her position would retire from public life, they would cloister themselves away from the giggling mobs and rarely appear outside; finding careers they could do from indoors, or just becoming homemakers. But even that was surprisingly difficult; Violet found that many men were reluctant to approach her! They just weren't sure how to talk to a woman with breasts large enough for a midget to sleep in with room to spare. Most women thought that a man who would date a girl with 'T.V. tits' was some sick, breast-freak that was only interested in women's bodies. What mature man would even think of dating a woman who's boobs could smother a polar bear? They stared. And stared. And stared. But Violet rejected those few that were desperate enough to fumble out the beginnings of a come-on line.
There! Her monster tits were almost strapped in-
*KLUNK* Whoops, there goes her alarm-clock radio; a wall of renegade titflesh had jiggled wildly, insanely wobbling as she struggled to contain her fleshy femininity, knocking her radio to the floor. Violet was a hazard around delicate objects, her Girls almost never stopped jiggling! But none of that mattered. It didn't matter if the boys thought she was some kind of sex-monster. Let them ogle her in lustful shock. So what if the girls giggled both behind and in front of her. She didn't care anymore.
"I... am not... *GRUNT*... A victim!" she proclaimed as she struggled with her tank-top. She was through hiding in abject shame from her out-sized bosoms. No more shrinking Violet! She was smart enough, healthy enough, and determined enough to suceed! Nothing would get in her way! Neither glass-ceilings nor forty-pound breasts would slow her down! She had gotten her G.E.D. (she dropped out in shame after her potion accident), and enrolled in Madison University with a Pre-med Major. She had spent months exercising her legs and back, trying to get a job to 'support' herself. (no pun intended) She was ready, and no spell would stop her!
Maybe it was her imagination, but it appeared to Violet that she was once again the strangest thing on campus; which did surprise her. Ever since the Celestial Conjunction that made magic possible; the legendary Fairy races from ancient times had returned to the Earth, seeking refuge, U.S. citizenship, and men to revitalize their weakening bloodlines. Pixies, Nymphs of all sorts, made their way to classes. Humans and Fairy creatures of all descriptions walked and flitted freely across campus.
You could tell the Fae folk when you saw them; even those that had the same anatomy as humans. They were overwhelmingly female; (the lack of men was one of the main reasons why they sought refuge on Earth) Even those that did not have wings or pointed ears were clearly inhuman. Most of them were female, but Violet didn't really think of them as women. They were too perfect; their legs were too long and svelte, their asses were too gorgeous; always that perfect heart-shape. Of course, all of them had flawless skin, and their hair never seemed to get frazzled. They were hyper-sexed charicatures of woman-hood, their impossibly willowy waist-lines and pneumatic boobs ensured that they were rarely mistaken for real women. To Violet, they seemed more like cartoons than people. It was as if some horny teenage boy, drowing in his own repressed hormones, had been given license to design a race of people.
Yet, they stared at her! Maybe it made sense; she seemed to be human, yet her tits were even larger than the bustiest of the Fae! (They had an easier time correcting back-firing spells) Conversations stopped, men on bicycles slammed painfully into walls, and necks were stretched like rubber. Let them look! So what! Violet was through being ashamed. The Fae were the real freaks, not her.
Of course, she had to admit she was jealous. Any woman that denied being jealous of the Fae was a liar. Back in high-school, Violet had been the numero-uno babe; the one who could get any boy she wanted, and she relished it. But of course, paradise was shattered when that slutty, elven cheerleader transferred to her district and set her sights on Violet's boyfriend. Just one glance from those deep, soulful, golden eyes; just one buoyant jiggle from her creamy, G-cup tits, and Violet's trophy boyfriend was stolen. How could any red-blooded male resist? And for that matter, how did that slut manage to do so much leaping with boobs that big? Well, ancient history now.
Well, she had them beat now; very few Fae allowed their breasts to approach Violet's current size. Too bad the decent guys were so unsure of themselves. Like that one, in front of the building where Violet's first class was. The boy's arousal was etched upon his gaping, freckled face, his tongue would have hit the ground had it been long enough. He was probably from some rural, podunk town, where magic is still just a distant rumor. She was getting tired of this. Narrowing her eyes, Violet strode up to the sandy-haired guy.
"I'm a 36 double-K, since you're obviously wondering! Do you have a problem with that?" she growled fiercely. She had stopped walking, but her silky mountains vibrated furiously, bobbing globes of pure tit boiling up from the open neck of the over-taxed, custom-made tank-top.
"G-gu-n-n-I ah..."
"Here, take a closer look!" Violet stepped forward, pinning the boy's face between her acres of cleavage, pushing him against the wall, muffling his confused mutterings.
"Satisfied, dick-head? Now, why don't you go jack-off in the bathroom and leave me the hell alone!" thundered the towering tit goddess. And all those now giggling over the encounter had no doubt the freshmen would do just that.
"You are a veery fiery woman, I was most impressed." Said the Satyr that was following her after class. Today had been a royal pain in the ass, (or tit) and this bozo wasn't helping any.
"I'm glad I amused you, now buzz-off." snarled Violet, trying not to sound as irritated as she was. Now this guy was a rarity; male Fae were a dying breed, and Violet rather wished he was in a nature preserve rather than trying to hit on her. Most of the legends about the Satyrs were accurate. Except that this guy didn't seem to have goat's legs exactly. His legs seemed human beneath his blue jeans, but with thick hooves for feet. Rumor had it that Satyrs were irrepressible shape-shifters. But he did have the stereotypical goatee, thick facial hair, and little horns. Otherwise he was quite handsome.
"Perhaps vee could study together, I belieeve there is much vee could help each other weeth." proposed the Satyr in his thick, exotic accent.
"You don't fool me, goat-boy. You're just some immature boob-freak that thinks I'm desperate for whatever I can get! You can go jack-off in the stall next to the first guy!" And Violet stormed away angrily; struggling to keep her balance against the swaying careen of the mightiest tits on campus.
Maybe she was being unfair; if the guys were afraid of her, that meant they were cowards, if they approached her, they must be sickos. She had to give them a chance, at least. Although Violet wasn't that worried about the Satyr; his kind had a well-known reputation, and it wasn't for chastity. Pretty crappy day for the most part; even the professors couldn't stop staring at her boobs. She wondered how long it would be before they got used to her?
*CLICK* She unlocked the door to her room, but as usual, Violet slid in backwards; usually safer that way. Even before she got a good look, she could hear stirring and rustling. Must be the room-mate they saddled her with. Well, let's get the pointing and the staring over with.
"Greetings," said a musical, feminine voice. "You must be Violet, I am to be your roo-oomaaa..."
"Alright!" proclaimed Violet. "Let's get this over with." She swung around to face the girl; and sighed. They had given her a Fae for a roomie. The girl had a flawless complexion, skin with a clean, pure color, yet not so pale as to seem sickly. She had shimmering, platinum blond hair, that seemed to be flowing down past her back. Her eyes were unusually wide, like silvery pools of moist compassion. Although, her nose did seem a little long, for some reason. And strangely, a patch of skin on her forehead was colored in the shape of some sort of golden starburst. How odd, she wasn't an elf, probably not a nymph either.
But of course, she had the same ridiculously voluptuous figure that Violet had come to expect. Wide, birthing hips, impossibly willowy waist, and while Violet couldn't see her ass, she was sure that it formed a perfect, symmetrical cushion worthy of a rapper's girlfriend. Her lips were too full, too rosy, like a smooshed strawberry as they stammered in innocent chagrin. Her eyes and the brows above them were delicately upswept as though her facial features had been painted onto her skull with a calligraphy brush. The fact that her beauty was impossible to deny only made Violet all the more agitated.
But what exactly was she? Violet wasn't sure precisely. Why was her hair so long? Why was she wearing those strange, golden slippers? Well, Violet would have a semester at least to figure it out. Violet reached and unfastened the latch on her bra. She then began pulling up her tank-top.
"Wh-what are... are... ?" the Fairy girl stammered.
"I've seen this before," began Violet. "You're gonna stare at me all day, ask yourself a bunch of stupid questions about my tits, and never give me a moment's peace." Her bra loosened, she pulled off her top, and prepared for the wobbling that could throw her off her feet if unready.
"Let's get this behind us right now. Get used to these tits, They're here to stay. I know that you're going to be sneaking glances, and probably try to touch them when you think I'm asleep." Violet had to stand ram-rod straight for a few seconds, as her wobbling mounds gyrated luridly for several moments.
"I didn't mean... It's not that-"
"Yes, it is that. Let's get this curiosity out of your system now." Violet began slowly stepping forward, not wanting to move too quickly with her swaying udders. "Go ahead. Go on and grab my boobs. Fondle them, squeeze them, whatever you want. I know you'll want to, so let's just get it over with right now; so you can leave me alone later." The mammaries in question still bounced slightly; buoyant globes of incredible proportion, their ripe voluptuousness beckoned with the primal attraction of a siren song.
"I-I did not say that I-"
"SUCK MY TITS, YOU FAIRY SLUT!" Demanded the tanned goddess; buxom globes inches from the girl's face. A soft hand squeezed the right boob. A soft sigh escaped the Fae's lips as she marveled at the silken pliability of the bulging bosoms. Their size would have put the grandest Halloween Jack-O-Lantern to shame, yet they yielded to the touch with a tenderness somewhere between a pillow and a water-bed. More fingers joined the first, and soon, shot-glass-sized nipples were moistened with a delicate tongue. Violet couldn't help but smile; Her chest was an incredible burden, but she had the Fae beaten in this area. Roomie's breasts were lovely and perfect of course, but they were only a little larger than bowling balls to be honest; she seemed almost immature compared to Violet's mountains of titflesh.
Oh... oh my... Violet had almost forgotten how sensitive her Girls were! She sucked in a sharp gasp and slipped backwards onto the bed; as foreign hands, tongue, and lips all became buried within a chasm of cleavage. The Fae girl was clearly fascinated; she seemed to be loosing herself in the busomy grandeur of these feminine spheres. They were worlds away from the false, silicone tits of 20th-century strippers; as superior to them as a calculator is to an abacus.
Violet was assaulted with waves of passion! She had not permitted herself this sort of sensual pleasure in years... in fact... come to think of it... she hadn't had sex ever since she first expanded! A mischievious thrill coursed through Violet as she noticed the Fae girl removing her floral-pattern shirt. Why didn't these Fairy folk ever wear bras? No matter.
Violet normally didn't like other women, but this cartoonish slut was getting her all hot and bothered. Soon, amidst an ever-increasing wave of rubbing, fondling, squeezing, and slurping of T.V.-sized tits, The aroused human noticed that her pants and panties had been removed, revealing her moistening snatch to the lusty ministrations of her supernatural roommate. *SLAP*
The bitch just gave Violet's boobs a side-ways slap, watching them jiggle in wonder. The wobbly mounds quaked and careened in semi-circles all over the human's chest, their own fleshy inertia animating them with a dynamic sway above and beyond lesser tits. *GRUNT* The sheets beneath them were moistening with Violet's flowing fluids; as her hungering pussy drooled with fiery arousal. She felt a soft brush against these tender folds; the slut had removed her own pants now, leaving both of them slurping and fondling each other with wanton abandon; writhing animalistically upon the Fae's bed.
But wait... what the... Even through the intoxicating coital haze, Violet instantly noticed something amiss; She had thought that this Fairy girl had long, platinum-blond hair descending past her pants line... but no! The hair on her head was little more than shoulder length, but there... right above the girl's naked ass, was a soft plume of blond hair, almost like a braid or a-
"Tail?... *UNNGH*" Violet's attempts to ponder this oddity were interrupted as a hand switched from breast, to moist pussy, fingering her dripping folds as though in preparation. But her breasts were not neglected, the irrepressible Fairy began to growl savagely, and delivered a fierce love-bite with her teeth against the velvety nubs crowning the best boobs on campus.
"BIIIIITCH!!!" Shouted Violet, as she wrapped her legs around the pelvis of her lover, pulling her nude figure in closer. But as she continued her teasing torment of the mammoth mounds, again Violet noticed something odd; Her own feet were bare, as she raised them over the body of her lusty partner, but the Fae's feet were still wearing those strange, golden slippers... wait... huh? They... they were cloven through the middle!? what the... They were hooves! This girl had golden hooves instead of toes! They were shaped like the feet of a woman wearing slippers, but up close it was clear that they were bony! They were hooves like a... like a... She needed some answers.
*SHLURPLE* "Wh-whoa there g-girl..." moaned Violet as agile tongue and deft fingers caressed tit and pussy respectively. *SMACK* wet lips slurped loudly in the small room. "Wh-What exactly are you supposed to be, anyway?" she asked. It took the Fae a few seconds to answer, since at the time she appeared to be attempting to suck Violet's entire left tit into her churning mouth, saucer-sized aureoles dripping with her saliva.
:*MMPH****SHHLLUUUUURRPLE* M-my name... my name is Corona, Unicorn from the Elysian Fields." she replied, finally moving away from the bobbing tit-towers and granting further attention to the throbbing cunt drooling by her own thighs. Unicorn? That was unusual. They were almost as rare as male Fae.
"*SLLLISSSLP* M-my kind h-has a natural ability... to ass... ass... assume a humanoid shape... *NNNGH*! Love your tits!" Interesting; most Unicorns got jobs as park rangers, or nature guides, not that many in higher education; they were apparently quite shy.
"*SLURP* Prefer... humanoid form... more sex this way... Y-you can call me Cori," replied the unicorn, right before her tongue plunged deeply into the sopping cunt before her, impeding further conversation. Violet quivered and gurgled with pleasure. Her breasts were practically leaping from the vibrations, Cori's grasping hands had to struggle to contain them.
With a resounding pop, the Unicorn girl removed her tongue from the throbbing womanhood before her, and gazed into those slippery depths with a look of determination.
"K-keep going, Bitch! Or I'll send you... to the glue factory!" chided Violet, gasping as a sheen of sweat covered her tanned skin. Taking no notice of the jibe, Cori closed her eyes, and a small, soft glow was seen upon the gold starburst shape on her forehead. Yes... it was swelling... there was a small protrusion... growing... lengthening... twisting... A Horn! She was growing a horn! Sure enough, in seconds a golden, conical, spiral horn about 10-inches long had emerged from Cori's forehead.
"Oh no... no you're not... there's no wayy-ay-yay-YAAAAAH!"
Yes. She did.
It was too late, the golden horn slid easily into the open pussy before it. The walls echoed with the sound of Violet's beastial howling. But... but... it was incredible! The horn... it was sharp and pointed, but instead of injury, waves of painful pleasure washed over the enraptured human.
It sort of made sense; according to ancient legend, the horn of the Unicorn had miraculous healing magic. But Cori had found another use for it. Even as the point tore into the tenderest of tender flesh within her,Violet could feel the magic healing her at the same time! Piercing, healing, tearing, and regenerating just as fast! She pulled back, and rammed her forehead into the moist chasm like a lusty piston. And the orgasms that resulted, at long last, were too much to bear.
"*SCHLUCK*Too... too late to complain human..." growled the Unicorn. *SCHLUCK*"This... is what you get! What did... you think was... was going to happen... *SCHLUCK* when you barged in here, *SCHLUCK* waving your... giant, naked tits... in my*SCHLUCK* face like that! Y-Your own fault!*SCHLUCK*"
"I-Ive no one to blame... but myself..." moaned Violet.
Gurgling with insane lust, Violet's legs encircled the thrusting unicorn girl, unable to resist. Unable to think, unable to feel anything but the conflicting sensations that sent her mind into meltdown. She could hear howls from Cori's own lips; perhaps the Horn was an erogenous zone for Unicorns. It truly was remarkable; with a smooth layer of downy hairs, giving it a velvety, felt texture as it reamed her. The shimmering blond tail above the girl's bubble-ass whipped and thrashed as she too climaxed amidst screams more animal than human.
"S-so... wh-what's your m-major? Pussy-licking?"
"Actually... it's... Veterinary Medicine..."
"Oh, that's... logical." And Violet passed out, at long last.
SEX AND VIOLET Ah, Miss Shrinking Violet, what are we to do with you? So lovely, so submissive--and yet so shy. You must learn to serve me in public as you do when we’re alone. That’s why I’ve brought you to my favorite restaurant tonight. Isn’t it elegant...these intimate tables, the long white tablecloths, the candlelight? I thought you’d like it. I’m glad to see you’ve dressed as I’ve told you; that red satin blouse looks so good with your little black skirt and red heels. In...
SEX AND VIOLET By Zen Mackie Ah, Miss Shrinking Violet, what are we to do with you? So lovely, so submissive--and yet so shy. You must learn to serve me in public as you do when we’re alone. That’s why I’ve brought you to my favorite restaurant tonight. Isn’t it elegant...these intimate tables, the long white tablecloths, the candlelight? I thought you’d like it. I’m glad to see you’ve dressed as I’ve told you; that red satin blouse looks so good with your little black skirt and red...
BDSMIt's the 21st Century, and you're about to begin life as a University student. You guess you're too young to remember what life used to like before the world forever changed, but, all been told, it was a bad place to live. War, terror and everything else was rife; listening to it in History lessons made you wonder why anyone would have wanted to live back then in the first place. But that was before the Celestial Conjunction; an event that hadn't happened in a thousand years. When the stars...
Vincent felt more than a little guilty. "I... I dunno guys, I probably... no, I shouldn't do this." "What are you talking about man," said Derek, a quintessential computer-science nerd, and close friend. "These are Fae girls! They don't mind us watching!" He leered with tangible excitement into the crystal ball, on sale at Walmart, as the magics within in revealed an image to make any red-blooded man sweat. "C'mon Vince, it's just a matter of time before some no-nothing politician...
It had always been about tits. The question was, what should a girl do with them? Nancy had solved the problem, she thought. Not like the rest of the human girls at Madison University. She smiled with a wicked gleam as she strutted through the Student Center Food Court. The Creatures of Fairy no longer bothered her. It was her turn now, It was Nancy's turn to make jaws drop, to cause heads to shake in dismay; and to cause cocks to harden in her wake. Ever since the Celestial Conjuction a few...
Her breasts were already large enough; the question was what to do with them. Professor Lily caressed the silky expanse of her voluptuous bosom. Her lush boobs were now slightly larger than bowling balls, her thick nipples hardened with anticipation. Fertility magic came easily to her, so much so that it was truly not a challenge, not worth her considerable intellect. She could have taught magic to the many humans struggling to learn, but for Lily, the teaching of magic itself was only a...
"The biggest tits on Campus; I guarantee!" sneered the filthy-looking Satyr as he handed over the small, glass bottle. Catalina gingerly dropped the 100$ bill into his calloused hand. She wasn't surprised as he skittered out of sight down the gloomy alley, clutching his prize and snickering to himself. And he probably should snicker; what the desperate sophomore was doing was nothing if not foolhardy. She'd been warned; they'd all been warned about the dangers of cosmetic magic. But...
"Haven't seen tits this big all week," grumbled the janitor to himself. And that was saying alot, considering the heavy workload that Jacob Renquist was putting in lately. Back when the 50-something bluecolloar wage-slave had just started this gig, the worst he had to clean up was graffitti, and dried-up wads of gum. But those day were gone forever. The dorm room Jake was cleaning was in fact a surprisingly accurate portrayal of the way the world was these days; disheveled, sloppy, and...
She was gorgeous, seemingly even more soft and flawless than the first time he had seen her. At least, gorgeous if you had a thing for pregnant gals, the way Brad did. Her floral pattern dress was far too short for her over 6-foot, statuesque frame, capped by her fertile womb, swollen with a pumpkin-sized payload of femininity. It was just as well that she wore no stockings; her sculptured legs seemed to glide across the floor of the noisy bowling alley, in spite of the obvious burden of her...
" ... And the previous reports have been confirmed, the forecasts of that PFF that's been projected has been verified. Parents are advised to keep adolescent males out of doors and away from windows. Stores are reporting record sales of erectile dysfunction drugs as..." But Lisa passed out of earshot of the female announcer on the radio. Not that it mattered to her anyway. She was past that, she was a modern pixie, in control. Not like the others. Lisa sighed to calm her nerves,...
He was naked, and her graceful hands slid suggestively down this slim, firm figure. Down... down to his cock. Depressingly limp. He moaned contentedly, but could do nothing more. She held his limp member, merely 5 inches now, and squeezed gently; sensing for an aura, an essence that no mere human could detect. No... no, he was completely exhausted; there would be no more sex... no more erections... his body rejected her magic, perhaps four or five times last night she had enchanted him with...
She was still horny; Either the humans were lying to her, or cold showers just didn't do anything for the Fae. Ever since the Celestial Conjunction in the early 21st century, the one that made magic possible, and enabled the Fairy races to return to the Earth, the sexual habits of the Fae had been criticized. Y'cynndaarielle was trying her best to adapt to life on Earth. Even though she had belonged to the famous 3rd Phane of the Leanan-Sidhe back home in the Land of Fairy, she had embraced...
"Nothing wrong with big tits," I told myself. I'd been warned about the Fae. With their huge breasts, wide hips, and raging libidos. They said you couldn't trust them; they were too frivolous and impulsive. And they had dangerous, magical powers. The people in the small town I grew up in made a special point to tell me not to stare at their tits; because they'd notice me. I decided to dismiss most of the warnings. Ever since the special Celestial Conjunction of this century, magic had...
The screams of almost any woman would have drawn Jack; he always wanted to be the gallant type. Though with his pale, scrawny, computer-nerd frame he was often more victim than victor. The fact that the girl had a figure to make the copper statue at Madison University sweat didn't factor into his decision. And the fact that she was one of the Fae races would have only spurred him on. Too many people mistreated them anyway. Ever since the Celestial Conjunction that made magic possible again,...
I lived with Amy for a year before our first roommate moved out. Amy found a new one, her name was Violet. Amy and Violet had a few classes together and sort of knew each other. We decided to go out for drinks to celebrate having a new roommate. Violet was pretty, she had long beautiful black hair. Still, Amy got all the attention at the clubs. Amy was the blond bimbo of the house. We were only at the club for a half hour probably before Amy had run off on me. I didn't like being left alone...
LesbianIntroduction: A masseuse gets the client of a lifetime. Violet. My new favorite color. Well, not new now, but new then. God I still cant believe it, and I am clinging to a foolish hope it never ends. My name is Jacob, I am of Greek decent, born in Brooklyn, moved to LA to try to become an actor. Worked odd jobs until I got a gig at a nice sport gym/spa. The tips were decent and the women, Jesus the women. So many hot trophy wives, and all loved to show it off. I made friends with one of the...
Charles is my lover. I am his gurl. I will do anything to please him sexually and he does the same for me (although to be honest, nothing turns me on more than pleasing him). We have been together almost ten months now and I have very strong feelings for him - I hesitate to use the "L" word, especially since I have begun to suspect he does not share that level of feelings for me. Whenever I broach the subject he gets defensive and it ends in an argument. And it really is mostly...
**Authors notes** A young woman is sold into slavery and brought to an island with rebel freedom fighters. This is a story that's already completed, and it's a bit of a slow burn. I'll upload chapters in 500-2000 word bits, or where chapter breaks make sense, basically. It wasn't written in the style of Chyoa, so bear with me on the Question/Answer options. Having said that, feel free to branch off from any point in the story if you want an alternate ending or want to spice things up. The...
The transport pulled up in front of Master Aristo's house. Violet recognized the place, though she'd never been inside. Ari. She remembered him from school: popular, rich, athletic... her personal tormentor. Why he picked her to single out, she never understood. Why he picked her now was also a mystery. Violet stepped out of the transport; she was met by a butler. Her guts were in a twist and she had to remind herself that she was a professional. She had volunteered to be a Civil Servant, a...
ReluctanceThe Making of Violet It happened one day I was taking the bus to the grocery store. As my roommates the pigs that they are had eaten all the food again. I looked over the list again of what they wanted and damn junk food and micro wave meals again. I thought of making a wager on which one would have a coronary first and how they could eat so much and stay so thin when I have to diet and starve myself and still cant lose any weight. At least they have girlfriends, me I'm stuck by...
"She's back," George said, "an' she's lookin' f'you." "Who?" I asked. "What are you talking about." "That there James woman, the big 'un, the adjutant major's doxie, she's back." He smiled. "I'm sure you 'member her since you nearly got yersef hanged that time." Then I recalled: the carriage with the broken wheel, the three women including little Suzy who sold her non-existent cherry repeatedly, and Lizzie James, a strong and tireless lover and then the vile rapes. I...
Our neighborhood is blessed with plenty of beautiful people that just happen to have extremely active sex lives. Whether it's secret affairs, open swinging and threesomes, or just healthy sex between husband and wife in the privacy of their own bedroom, there is never a dull moment on our block.The newest addition to our swinging community is Will & Violet, a young couple that bought the old Hatfield house at the end of the block. Violet and I go back a few years from our time working...
Senior year had just begun at Rochelle High School. This massive high school looked more like a college campus. That’s because this was one of the top boarding schools in the country and alumni loved to give money back. My friends and I sat in the luscious green grass of the main quad and reminisced on our summer escapades. My closest friends, Rich, had spent the summer at a sleep away camp on the lake as a boat instructor. He retold stories of long nights with beautiful blonds fucking in the...
Straight SexChapter 1 I’m Going Home This is it. I am hoping to hit the reset button. I can forever shed the label of Violet, the sex slave, the Chambermaid—or whatever I was for the last year—and become me again. Once I ring this doorbell I can resume my life as Brinley Avery Bishop. College student, daughter, aspiring actress, girlfriend? Maybe I will follow my agent’s advice and dye my naturally blonde locks. I could do a vibrant red, or even a deep brown. Doesn’t matter the color. The point is, if I...
I lived with Amy for a year before our first roommate moved out. Amy found a new one, her name was Violet. Amy and Violet had a few classes together and sort of knew each other. We decided to go out for drinks to celebrate having a new roommate. Violet was pretty, she had long beautiful black hair. Still, Amy got all the attention at the clubs. Amy was the blond bimbo of the house. We were only at the club for a half hour probably before Amy had run off on me. I didn’t like being left alone...
SEX AND VIOLET By Zen Mackie Ah, Miss Shrinking Violet, what are we to do with you? So lovely, so submissive–and yet so shy. You must learn to serve me in public as you do when we’re alone. That’s why I’ve brought you to my favorite restaurant tonight. Isn’t it elegant…these intimate tables, the long white tablecloths, the candlelight? I thought you’d like it. I’m glad to see you’ve dressed as I’ve told you, that red satin blouse looks so good with your little black skirt and red heels....
This is the story about my Aunt Rebecca and my sister Violet. My name is Tim, but my family calls me Timmy. I'm eighteen years old. My Aunt Rebecca just delivered her first child. Her husband is in the military. She lives next door to our family. She's my mother's sister. Her husband is on a tour of duty overseas. Rebecca is alone and taking care of her new family. My mother sends myself and my sister Violet over to help our Aunt with things. Aunt Rebecca, sometimes will be in very...
To Mistress AlexI'm an average guy, average looks, average Job, average Wife, ETC. One thing in my life I'm proud of is my Dick. It's just above average at 6.5" but it's all I have. Now for my story. I came home from work early to find a low rider Caddey in my Drive way. I sneak inside. Up the stairs in my bed is a skinny Black Dude Fucking my Wife of 10 years. I don't know what to do but I do catch a glimpse of his Cock and man it has to be 9" Long !I sneak out and come home later to my...
As soon as she entered the room, she smelled the faintest trace of lilacs. Violet closed her eyes instantly, feeling for where she knew the edge of the bed would be. Blindly, she crawled across it, fumbling for the nightstand drawer, and the blindfold safely and discreetly tucked in its corner. It didn’t take long to get it in place, but her heart pounded in her chest the entire time, screaming within her, revealing to the world her state of panicked excitement. She slipped too hastily back to...
In the western part of Maryland, I ran into a peculiar situation one day when I was scouting ahead, looking for good road that could lead us to a crossing of the Potomac. At a crossroads a sale was going on, not exactly an auction although some items were being bid on and sold to the highest bidder. I asked what provoked the sale and was told that a tobacco farmer's wife had died, leaving him with several small children and only one full-grown son so he had decided to give his children to...
THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MANHOOD by Throne Carolyn had been slipping her husband Brad the pills for three weeks now, in preparation for his two-week vacation. Of course he noticed that his penis was shrinking, and that his balls were doing the same, but he was too ashamed to say anything to his tall voluptuously built wife. She had entertained herself by inviting him, over and over, to have wild sex, and then being amused by the endless excuses he made (even the womanly,...
Penis Shrinking from ChastityAfter losing my GF Eva to her lover big black cock, I was pretty depressed. I knew that my 2 inch skinny penis was not big enough to satisfy any experienced women. Sure it was fine as a teenager fucking young girls, but in my mid thirties I figured pussy for me was likely to be rare.While reading pornography on the web I discovered stories about small penis humiliation and became entranced, seeking out more and more. Eventually I encountered stories about little...
Go on Love tell me what your deepest Fantasy is? Well I hesitated I want to watch you Fuck another Man! Kate looked at me with surprise. You want to watch another man Fuck me? Kate whispered in my ear while My Cock started to rise. She grab it and it quickly became hard and begin to throb in her fist. “Yes” was my reply. Kate and I had been married for 2 years and she was so hot that no matter where I took her the men would stare at her openly. Slowly I developed a Fantasy to watch these men...
Before I start I want to give shoutouts to Tex from, along with all those who added to said interactive that this branches off from. ALL DEPICTED CHARACTERS ARE 18 YEARS OR OLDER Also be prepared, as I tend to switch from first to second person when describing environments, just live with it. You are Davey, a 19 year old guy with a normal life, family and girlfriend. He is normally 5'10. Here is a list of teachers (will update as more teachers are added): Ms. Scott (Math): Miss...
FetishCubix: Shrinking For Everyone By Ruby Jewel Andrea It was one of those rare days in bubbletown without Dr. K ruining the peace. Connor, Abbey, Chip and Mong had won a three night stay in the Granddaddy of all toy stores. They also each received 900 dollars in spending money. They had heard that not only was this store big but cheap, so 900 dollars could buy a lot of junk. However, they still had to do chores. It was nearly 10:00 when all their work was done so they hopped...
Cubix: Shrinking For Everyone By Ruby Jewel Andrea Connie woke up first the next day. There was a note for him left by Abby. It read: Did you see that bathtub upstairs in the dollhouse? Well, I grabbed some snow from outside and had Cubix heat it up. You can now have a nice hot bath. The cabinet upstairs has the outfit I picked for you last night. Just in case you disagree with my choice of outfit, cubix has the recording from last night where you agreed to my...
This is a branching series with a focus on transformation and size changes in stories. Predominantly growing and expanding in some way, but also including shrinking, size draining, size transfer, and any other size play related fun. Size changes can happen any number of ways depending on the path you choose and who is growing and changing. Random growth spurts, stealing size from others, phone apps that let you change sizes, science experiments, medication, ancient jewelry or magic spells, the...
FetishViolet yawned and stretched before sauntering into the bedroom; her claws that she never seemed to sheathe clicked loudly across the hardwood floor signaling her arrival.Selena, however, was too busy to give her furry best friend more than a casual glance and a sly wink. That was something the strange man fucking her failed to notice. His eyes were tightly closed with a look of pleasure painted across his face. It was a look Violet had become accustomed to.Men were frequent bedroom visitors....
Quickie SexSenior year had just begun at Rochelle High School. This massive high school looked more like a college campus. That’s because this was one of the top boarding schools in the country and alumni loved to give money back. My friends and I sat in the luscious green grass of the main quad and reminisced on our summer escapades. My closest friends, Rich, had spent the summer at a sleep away camp on the lake as a boat instructor. He retold stories of long nights with beautiful blonds fucking in the...
That was spectacular, but I am pretty fucking sore now. It’s not so bad, but even if it had been substantially more painful it would still have been worth it. He was great, even though he didn’t hold back at all once he got going. It’s what I wanted, but now I feel like my whole body has been turned inside out and put back together ninety-eight percent correctly. He is still breathing hard and giggling on the floor, but I have to stay upright or I’ll hurt more than I do now. Just the...
Oral SexThat was spectacular, but I am pretty fucking sore now. It’s not so bad, but even if it had been substantially more painful it would still have been worth it. He was great, even though he didn’t hold back at all once he got going. It’s what I wanted, but now I feel like my whole body has been turned inside out and put back together ninety-eight percent correctly. He is still breathing hard and giggling on the floor, but I have to stay upright or I’ll hurt more than I do now. Just the...
Oral SexThat was spectacular, but I am pretty fucking sore now. It’s not so bad, but even if it had been substantially more painful it would still have been worth it. He was great, even though he didn’t hold back at all once he got going. It’s what I wanted, but now I feel like my whole body has been turned inside out and put back together ninety-eight percent correctly. He is still breathing hard and giggling on the floor, but I have to stay upright or I’ll hurt more than I do now. Just the...
SupernaturalFor some people, life is a hard.Alan is not one of these people. Alan's life hasn't really provided him with any struggle. He doesn't get to do anything he wants, but because of his overly supportive parents, he doesn't have to worry about much of anything either. Mainly, Alan's life is just blah. Alan is a 20-year-old virgin. His parents have a decent amount of money— more than enough to keep the bills paid, food on the table, and clothes on his back, and access to most of life's luxuries....
Welcome to the world of humanoid Pokemon! This idea originally comes from several interactive stories from, but CHYOA has much better tools to avoid requiring 20 chapters just to choose your pokemon. You can be either a trainer, being shrunk by one of your Pokemon or a Pokemon you are trying to catch, or an average citizen in the pokemon world. You can shrink unbeknownst to your pokemon or they can be the reason for your reduction in size. Most chapters I'll allow (within the...
FetishAs stated earlier the MC is either a guy, a girl or a futa. Futa's can be born futa or have operations to turn futa but said operations are extremely expensive. The MC can have one exceptional talent be it something like athleticism, creative talent, or something similar. Otherwise they are an average person who happened to survive a freak accident which gives them their power. The only thing that all MC must have is a love for size for them the bigger the better, what they like to have bigger...
FetishThe organization was holding interviews for a new employee, my role for the day was after they had been interviewed to escort them up to the IT Training Centre and test their computer skills.A majority of the women were similar in both appearance and demeanor, old-school secretarial types in their 50s, who gave the impression that they weren’t best pleased about being put through their paces by a young k** who in their opinion was barely out of short trousers.I have to admit I found being in...
Chapter 1: Mandatory 'choose your path' chapter The alarm in your phone goes off and you groggily wake up with a long yawn. You actually had a good night's rest, so technically you're all in good health to face the day, though that doesn't mean you're terribly excited about it if it's some boring stuff, like one more school day. Then again, whether it's school or not, you look forward to spending more quality time with Jen, your crush. And deep down, you enjoy Lillian's endless teasing,...
FetishA single drop of morning dew dripped from the penis. Or so it would have appeared to their quarry. In fact the object dangling from the tree was a life-like, phallic replica, 8 inches long, hanging suspended from a silken cord to the pine tree. It had been painted a life-like color; that was important to the test subjects. Or so Professor Cummond had always insisted. The wiry and fit ecology professor hiked up the gentle slope to examine the penis-shaped container. His steely grey eyes...
1. THE PREVIOUS DAY “Is that really necessary?” asked Ursula, with a confused look. “This is the last, desperate measure to save your relationship. You both have been coming here for counselling for the past two years. Yet, there are no results. Everything’s going down the drain. In fact, I’m not the only person whom you have consulted; who has felt the same.” said Alexandra. There was some frustration in the shrink’s voice, as she glanced across to me and Ursula. Ursula was my first love. In...
BDSMMagazines from several weeks ago lay haphazard on the table and the hum of the ac unit was my only entertainment. Not that I was looking for any, no, I was here because I needed therapy. The wait was just another aggravation. Personally I didn’t think I needed any therapy or grief counseling but my dad thought otherwise. So he dumped me here half an hour ago and told me he would pick me up later, after the good doctor has made me feel all better. I would be so mad at him if I didn’t love...
A Visit to the Shrink Author's Notes by Bill Hart I had the idea for this while doing my last posted ReGenesis, Inc. story. It has a first for me. I've written in some comic book characters. I know some people don't like having comic book characters in the stories they read, but I hope this won't be a problem for anyone. Those who publicly archive stories may do so, provided they don't charge for its downloading or change any of the verbage. As usual, just let me know where you...
Don and the Shrink Last Friday I started wearing my sister's stuff and especially her silicone enhancements. It felt good then, as if I were in control, charting the course for a new voyage of exploration of my own self, seeing who I could become. Now it is Thursday and I feel completely powerless. I control nothing. I am stuck in this role; I am on the police records as a sexual assault victim named Dawn, not Don. Potential friends I have met this week, Zach and Maria and Emily,...
Her next planet-more correctly, theirs--was perfect in every respect: crystal clear air, sparkling water, vegetation as green and abundant as a still-life painting ... and not a trace of intelligent life. Nothing but insects and birds. After a bitter afternoon of enjoying Paradise, they shrank away on a moonlit beach, into a grain of perfect white sand. The fifth planet was even worse. Marie set them down on the outskirts of a deserted city on the west coast of the largest continent, amid...
SHRINK WRAPPED By Marcia R. Hooper A Re-imagining of my 2001 Short Story The Girl Who Came Shrink-Wrapped Adapted from the short story: HE WHO SHRANK by Henry Hasse ONE On the afternoon it began, Kellie was at the mall, shopping with two friends. It was Friday and the three planned to shop until 6 o’clock, grab a pizza at Gino’s, and then catch the 7:15 showing of Flirtation. It had been showing a month now and Michelle had already seen it twice, Tommie once, and Kellie…well, this would be...
Kellie was ravenous. Returning to a lotus position-it was so weird, no up or down or left and right; she might have been upside down for all she knew-Kellie removed the backpack and set it in her lap. Very carefully, observing the rules of weightlessness, she rummaged through the interior's contents. One item in particular caught her eye and she pulled out a small blue and white box. Well, she thought wryly, you hit that nail on the head. Kellie wondered how the professor knew. She wasn't...
I See a Shrink Some of this is true and some is fantasy. Maybe some is wishful thinking. "Michael, the doctor will see you now," said the little cutie holding open the door for me. I was more than a little nervous. Seeing a "shrink" was not my idea of a fun day. I'd had to agree in order to keep peace with the wife. "Come in Michael and have a seat. Would you rather be called Mike?" asked the woman sitting behind a large wooden desk. She appeared to be big boned, in her 50's,...
(1/3)I've been seeing a shrink for about 7 months to treat my post tramatic stress disorder which I was diagnosed with after nearly losing my leg in a car accident a few months back. Luckily for me I still had all my limbs but I had to deal with the nightmares, and pains PTSD had caused me....thats where Rebecca comes in.Rebacca, my shrink, is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met in person. Shes around 5'6, with sleek black hair, and a gorgeous face and some beautiful (Im guessing)...
Shrink By Cassandra Morgan It wasn't just that his beard was gone, although that was shocking enough. Ever since I had known Phillip Lawrence, he had a beard. It made him look wise. It made him look distinguished.It was his trademark. You have known men, as have I, who shaved their beards, and you barely noticed. Not Phillip. His beard was like Freud's. You could not imagine him without it. And it wasn't that the way he carried himself had vanished, too.. This was no longer a...