A Study In VioletChapter 1 free porn video

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It was mid-morning. I was headed back into my office building. Ahead of me was a young woman dragging a suitcase. She had a stack of binders resting against the extended handle and the bundle strapped together with elastic bungee cords.

I followed her through the revolving door and into the lobby. I stayed two paces behind hr, enjoying the view, which was quite pleasant. She was wearing a gray suit -- very natty, and she had brunette hair that came past her shoulders and was tied in a ponytail. Her suit's skirt had a hem that came above her knee and showed off her shapely calves.

The elevator door opened and a man with a laptop case slung across his shoulders headed toward us. His case collided with the woman's load, scattering her binders onto the terrazzo. Some popped open, spilling their contents.

She let out a groan, knelt and started picking up papers. The loaf who bumped her kept on moving.

I knelt to give her a hand. "The asshole didn't even stop to say he was sorry," I heard her mutter.

"He was so self-absorbed he probably didn't even realize he hit you," I replied. I picked up the contents of one binder and attempted to rearrange the sheets in the correct sequence. "Here," I said.

"Thank you," she replied. "At least there are still some gentlemen in this city." She looked into my face.

"Violet!" I exclaimed. "Violet West."


"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm an account executive -- fancy word for saleslady."

"Whose your client?"

"Dickson Gray."

"Dickson, huh? Do you have time for a quick coffee in the cafeteria?"

"Sorry, I don't -- My appointment's at ten."

"How about after?"

She nodded. "Okay. I should be done by ten-thirty."

"I'll meet you there -- you know where it is?"

"Of course I know where it is."

I sat at a table facing the door and checked my watch. Sure enough at ten-thirty I saw Violet approach. She was brunette, medium height with a pretty face and the biggest and saddest dark brown eyes -- though today her eyes looked happier than the first time I saw them. I got up to hold the door while she navigated her luggage into the room.

"Find a table," I said. "I'll bring a couple coffees. Black, no sugar, right?"

"You remembered."

I returned to the table and set down the drinks. "How long have you been with this outfit?" I asked.

"About a year."

"How long has Dickson been your client?"

"About six months."

"I'm surprised we haven't bumped into each other before."

"So am I -- I was beginning to think you didn't work here anymore."

"Don't you know?" I asked. "When they built this building, I was standing on the lot. They couldn't get me to move so they built it around me and gave me a permanent job."

"I am glad to see you," she replied. "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I don't think I ever thanked you for taking a chance on me."

"Oh, you thanked me -- every time you stayed late so we could get reports done on time. You saved my ass on numerous occasions." I sipped my coffee. "I was really sorry to see you go."

"I had to," she replied. "Now I'm back in town. When I took Dickson's account and realized he worked for the same firm as you ... Well, walking in here brought back some memories."

"I'll bet."

"How are things with you?" she asked.

"Same old same old," I replied.

"That's different," she said pointing to my left hand.

"What's different?"

"Your ring."

"What ring?"

"My point exactly."

"That," I said, "happened so long ago I can't remember it."

"How long ago? I thought you and Dolores were inseparable."

"Three years. It turns out we were indeed separable."

"That wasn't so long ago."

"Maybe I chose to forget." I drained my cup. "It's been really good seeing you again, Vi."

"Same here." She finished hers; then looked up at me and bit her lip. "I'm going out on a limb here, Gavin," she said. "But are you doing anything Friday night?"

"No -- I'm not doing anything any night."

"How would you like to come to my place for dinner?"

I searched my head for a good excuse to decline, but instead out came, "I'd love to."

"I take the Blue Line -- change at Government Center. How about I meet you there at five? Under the arch?"

I spotted her at the subway station and rode with her past the airport. We reached her destination and headed into a residential area of town houses converted into apartments. "Which is yours?" I asked.

"Down this way," she said, pointing. "We need to make a stop, first."

She led me to an old storefront and stepped inside. I stood, hands behind my back and waited. When the door opened again she emerged pushing a stroller whose passenger was a mixed-race little girl.

"This is Phaedra," she said.

"She's yours?"

"You don't think I'd go into a day- care and snatch someone else's kid, do you?"

"Of course not, Vi ... She's a big girl -- how old?"

"Eighteen months."

Violet pushed the stroller to the intersection and then to a townhouse. She let herself in with a key, lifted Phaedra from the stroller and carried both up a flight of stairs. Once inside she set down the little girl. Phaedra toddled to a crate of toys and began picking through them.

"Can you watch her for a few minutes?" Violet asked. "I want to change into something more comfortable."

I watched as Violet disappeared into her bedroom. She emerged in a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. "Dinner will be ready shortly," she said. "I made short ribs in a slow cooker. I just have to get Phaedra's food together."

I watched Violet plunk her daughter into a high chair. She set a plate before me and opened a bottle of red wine.

"This is very good," I said.

"I like having dinner ready when we come home."

I regarded Violet's little girl. "She's adorable, Vi," I said. "Where's her father? If, that's not an inappropriate question."

"He left me."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Truth be known, I threw him out. He had poor parenting skills and couldn't handle the responsibility. It's hard enough raising one child, much less two."

We finished dinner and I helped her tidy up. "That was wonderful, Vi," I said. "Thanks for inviting me. I'd better be on my way."

"Must you? I was hoping we'd have a chance to talk, once Phaedra goes in. It's a little difficult to have an adult conversation when she's toddling around."

"I suppose you're right."

"We'll let her play for another hour; then I'll give her a bedtime snack and put her down."

I watched Phaedra as she played. She brought to me a board book and I read it to her. Then, Violet picked her up and set her on her lap. "Ready for bed-time snack?" she asked. Phaedra broke into a big grin.

Violet lifted the hem of her tank and held Phaedra to her breast. "Uhh," I said, "do you want me to make myself scarce?"

"No, Gavin," she replied. "Nursing her is a natural act. I'm not shy about it. I know how to do it without exposing anything."

"It makes me feel a bit awkward," I replied. I sat across from her and kept my gaze above her collarbone. "My daddy taught me, in a situation like this, a gentleman must look a lady in the eye."

Violet chortled. "You always were a gentleman." She shifted Phaedra to her other breast. "I really do enjoy nursing her -- I like feeling nourishment flowing from my body to hers."

"You're lucky -- you seem to have an easy time of it."

"It was hardly easy at first -- both of us had a lot to learn. I will miss it when she's fully weaned ... which isn't too far off, now. I really enjoyed it when she was little." Phaedra's eyes drifted shut and her sucking tapered off. "It looks like she's done. I'll get her ready for bed and then there is something I'll need to do in private. I won't be long."

"Take your time."

I wandered around her apartment and looked out the big, bay window at the street. Violet emerged from the nursery and headed into her bedroom. "Gavin," I heard her call.


"I think there's some wine left -- why don't you pour a couple of glasses? I'll be out in a sec."

I removed the bottle from the refrigerator, refilled our glasses and carried them to her living room. She stepped from her bedroom carrying a bottle of white fluid and set it in the fridge. "Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural act," she said, "but there's something unnatural and not too pretty about a breast pump."

"I understand completely."

She sat on the sofa beside me and picked up her glass "Whew," she exclaimed. "Now the grownups can talk."

"Do you like being a mom?"

"I love it -- but it's destroyed my social life. Do you remember what it was like before you were married ... how carefree you were?"


"Then you got married and it was good but you felt kind of tied down?"

I nodded. "Yeah..."

"It's NOTHING like how a kid ties you down, believe me!"

"Well, the divorce destroyed my social life."

"How so?"

"Dolores detested my friends, so one-by-one I lost them. We were social only with her friends. Now..." I shrugged. " ... as part of the divorce settlement, she got to keep the friends."

"Make new ones," Violet suggested. "Start dating."

"I don't think so ... I don't want to get hurt again. I'm really not into the one-night stand scene."

"I hear you," she replied. "If I want to go out for an evening, I must find a baby-sitter -- which means planning weeks ahead -- and of course the sitter wants to know when I'll be home. The bright spot of my situation is Dwayne's mother..."

"Dwayne is Phaedra's dad?"

"Yes. She's a wonderful, sweet woman who knows fully what a deadbeat her son is. She told me once, 'Vi, honey -- you need a break, ' and kept Phaedra for a whole weekend. I went clubbing with a friend from my office ... who proceeded to get violently drunk. I spent half the evening with her in the ladies room while she threw up and finally called a cab to take her home."

"Quite an evening," I remarked.

"Then, I was approached by a young man who had seen the commotion. We started talking and he bought me a couple martinis. The next thing I know I find myself inviting him to my place. We get here and he sees the crate of toys and asks me if I have a kid. When I say yes, he immediately remembers something he desperately needed to do and left me standing."

"Maybe you were lucky," I replied. "I know I wouldn't want to shack up with a stranger."

"You're probably right." Violet drained her wine glass. "I'm not a big drinker -- so I'm feeling it." She regarded me. "Why did you take a chance on me?"

"Now that's keeping a train of thought," I replied.

"I've always wondered. I had just finished an associate's degree in accounting; I had a not-so- great GPA and I had been in a bit of trouble. When I interviewed, you told me you wanted someone with some experience. I was floored when I got the offer."

"You looked like you had potential. You can teach skills but you can't teach talent."

"What made you think that?"

"It was something you said."

"What did I say?"

"I asked if you could do something or other -- I don't remember what. Your answer was, no but you could learn. I was impressed with the frankness of your answer."

"That clinched it?"

"Yes. And, learn you did."

"You had to explain everything to me."

"But I only had to explain it once."

"The first six months I was scared shitless," she replied. "And then -- I developed a huge crush on you."

"Really? I thought there was some chemistry. Of course there was no way you and I could be involved, Violet. For starters, Dolores was irrationally jealous. On top of that was the company rule against intra- office romances."

"Do you remember that conference I attended with you? We had separate rooms at the hotel. Part of me wished you'd come to my room, order some room-service drinks and then..."

"Talk business?" I asked.

"Yeah." She smiled. "And then get down to business."

"I was really sorry when you gave your notice, Vi."

"I had no choice -- I had to go tend to my mother and after she died I came back here. I found a job, met Dwayne, had Phaedra ... you know the rest."

"Couldn't you and Dwayne make things work?"

"Dwayne was a big mistake. He taught me there's more to a man than upper-body strength."

"You know, I see scads of women -- pretty ones -- with hunky losers and I can't understand what they see in them."

"It's pure animal magnetism, Gavin -- the same reason men are drawn to big-titted bimbos."

"Well, I'm not drawn to bimbos no matter what their bra sizes are. I like a woman with some intelligence."

"Are you saying if you had an opportunity to date a big-titted bimbo you'd turn it down?"


"I didn't think you would. Dwayne is the male version of a big-titted bimbo -- handsome, brawny, not to bright and astonishingly selfish and self-centered. That became the issue after Phaedra came along. He simply could not subordinate his own interests in favor of hers."

"Which is what you must do when you're a parent." I realized Violet's knee had been pressing against mine. I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. She brushed her toe against my foot. I knew what she wanted and I knew she knew I knew. I reached over and caressed her thigh through the fabric of her sweats. She put her hand on mine. "Violet -- your hand is shaking."

She picked up the empty wine bottle and examined it. "I think I need a little more alcohol. I have some brandy. Would you like some? Please? I can't drink alone."

"Okay -- I could use some, too."

Violet returned with a pair of glasses. We clinked rims and she downed hers in two chugs. She put her hand on her chest. "My heart's pounding," she said. "I usually don't do this sort of thing -- just so you know."

She stood with her back to me, grasped the hem of her tank and lifted off herself. Underneath she had on a sheer, black camisole.

Then, she hooked her thumbs onto the waistband of her sweats and pulled them off to reveal a matching set of tap pants.

"You were prepared," I remarked.

"I always am," she replied, "if you remember from work. I wasn't going to get my hopes up, though." Violet sat on my lap. "When you said you weren't into one-night- stands..."

"I have nothing against them ... in theory," I replied.

"I'm glad to hear you say that."

I looked into her dark eyes and caressed her cheek. We kissed and kissed again.

"My heart's starting to calm down," she said, "now that I know I haven't made a complete ass of myself." I kissed her lips again. "Oh, Gavin -- when we bumped into each other and I realized we were both..."


"Yes. It brought back the crush I had on you. I started fantasizing and decided ... This is the first time I've done something like this. Do you believe that?"

"From how your hands were shaking, I believe it."

She began unbuttoning my shirt and slipped her hand in under my placket. I traced the shape of her shoulder, down her arm and stroked the back of her hand. Violet stroked my chest.

I traced the scoop neckline of her camisole from one shoulder strap to the other. Then, I peeled the strap off her left shoulder and slipped my finger under the fabric and stroked her breast, my skin against hers.

A thought flashed on me and I pulled back. "Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Vi -- this is my first time with a nursing mom."

"Oh, Gavin ... they're not just for Phaedra. I pumped them dry ... they're pretty empty ... and, if some does leak out it -- won't hurt anybody."

I slipped my finger under her cami again and felt the changes in the texture of her skin as I stroked her areola and nipple.

"Gavin -- I think we should move our base of operation into my bedroom. I wouldn't want Phaedra to stumble out of her crib and encounter us..."

"... In flagrante delicto?" I asked.


"Does she climb out of her crib often?"

"Only a couple of times. Do you mind if we check on her, first?"

"Not at all."

I took her hand and we peeked into the nursery. Phaedra was asleep on her back, lying spread-eagle in her pajamas and her head turned to one side. "She is adorable, Vi," I said. "What a beautiful little girl." I glanced at Violet -- she was biting her lip and I could see her swelling with pride. "I love the color of her skin -- it's like the cafe au lait they serve in New Orleans."

Violet led me by the hand to her bedroom. I slipped off my shirt and then my shoes and socks. Then I unfastened my belt.

"You took your socks off before your pants," Violet remarked.

"It's a habit. Did you ever wonder why a woman, wearing nothing but a pair of stockings is considered sexy but a man, wearing nothing but a pair of socks is considered ridiculous?"

"I hadn't thought of it ... Gavin, I'm not wearing stockings."

"And, I'm not wearing socks."

I sat on the edge of her bed and held her on my lap. We resumed kissing, this time with a little tongue play, each exploring the other's mouths.

I unbuttoned her cami and she slipped it off her shoulders. "You have a gorgeous figure, Vi," I said. "I'd never know you carried a kid."

"Being pregnant did terrible things to my body," she replied. "My breasts ballooned to twice their size. I'm normally a B-cup..."

"They look beautiful to me."

" ... my nipples got big and dark, and I had a brown line that ran from here to here." She ran her finger from her mons to her sternum. Most of that has faded but I still have a line on my belly."

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Study Break Ch 01

Author’s Note: To save you time, I’ll say right away that this is a short(ish) story for straight males with a thing for alt girls, narrated in first person perspective. There’s a long preamble, so if you just want to get to the sex right away, skip this part and go to Part 2. Enjoy. P.S. Bonus points if you can figure out which Suicide Girl I had in my head while writing this. XD # ‘This won’t do,’ Milton said to me. ‘This won’t do at all.’ ‘What are you talking about?’ I asked, taking the...

3 years ago
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Study partners study body anatomy

Andrew was a tall, older, simple city boy whom I had met in my college history class. He was also quite the character. Charming, attentive, and friendly,he listened to every thing I said and always offered his opinion in return, which I always looked forward to hearing. Just to hear him talk, be near him, see his tanned, questioning face, was fasinating. The more we talked, the more I began to like him, and Andrew and I always converesed. We’d talk about our family, our social life, our life...

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Study study

Hi friends, i am jazzy back again to share my new experience with u all. This time it was with a school teacher. Her name is pinky & she was genius. Her age was 28, she was not married and she was doing as a teacher in a school. She is the only daughter of her parents and her mother was dead. Her father was always busy in business & was eager to earn more & more money. He was a cloth merchant & he use to go faisalabad their native place on the purpose of business once in every 15 days. She...

3 years ago
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Study Centre me hi Chod Dala

Hi to all iss readers. This is tarun… from kurukshetra…. I hope all of you know this place due to recent case of prince (the one who fell down in well)…. Oh leave it if you don’t know. Well, I am tarun…. 18 years old… a real hot dude…. Loves to do sex!!! Sex!!! Sex!!! This is my first story on iss……. I hope you like it…… This story is about me and a gal named kajal… let me tell you about her…. She is a real sex bomb…. So damn hot and sexy that agar koi use ek baar dekh le to na jaane kitni baar...

1 year ago
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I had had my nose in one book or another for the past week while studying for finals. Now I was down to one and was at the town library studying. My girlfriend, Amber, came along to hurry me up. Because of my studying we hadn’t had sex all week; the longest since we first had sex. She was so hot that I didn’t want to go longer than that for sex. She was of Irish descent; where she got her long red hair and passionate nature from. She had a smooth body and light skin. She did have somewhat...

3 years ago
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Study Break to Fuck a drunk Slut

This incident happened during my first year in college. It was a Thursday night, which meant that most people at my state school were out partying, drinking, and having a good time. Unfortunately, I had to take an exam the next day, so I was stuck in my dorm, studying.I was busy reading in my floor's common room until well after midnight, when all the students eventually returned from their nights of debauchery at one of the campus frat houses or wherever they had been. Most of them were, of...

1 year ago
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Study Night in the Dorms

Laura's Night In The Dorm On the bottom floor of one of the dorms at the University of Victoria, all the rooms are quite large, have queen-sized beds and come with all the other furniture as well. In the one room is an attractive young 20 year-old brunette named Laura; she is 4'10", 120 lbs., 36D chest, 34 butt — a very nice but small and voluptuous figure. She is currently alone in her room, working on an English literature essay; she is dressed in only a thin housecoat — and nothing else...

2 years ago
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Study Friend

There had been six of us at the start but as the research and material was covered people would excuse themselves and head off to work or home. We were all in Dr. Lewis's World History class. It is a required course and Dr. Lewis was very big on researching and knowing the 'real' reasons and long term consequences of events being covered. The course should have just been reading the text, discussion and then taking a test but Dr. Lewis did not see it that way. The amount of...

3 years ago
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Study Sessions

‘Pay attention! We need to get this stuff right for the exam tomorrow!’ I tell my guy. We’re supposed to be studying for the Spanish exam tomorrow, but he keeps getting distracted with his laptop. ‘Okay okay, it’s just this shit fries my brain after awhile. I need a break. We’ve been studying for hours.’ Okay, maybe we have, I’m just so anxious about it. ‘Wanna take a break?’ I smile at him. His eyes widen. ‘Yeah I do,’ he says, as his hand slides down my shorts. Mmm, feels good. We look...

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What the hell was I doing here? Oh, I knew why I was here. The only reason I was back in school was to get a college degree that I never bothered to get because I didn't need it. I was 40 years old with almost 20 years of work experience in the field and now my employers were looking for some stupid piece of paper from a college. Now? What the hell for? There were better things for a man my age to do than to be on a college campus with a bunch of 18 to 21 year old students. I looked old and...

1 year ago
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Studying Abroad

Studying Abroad ? by: Karen Elizabeth My family and I were moving to the Phoenix area where Dad had landed a very good job. John, my best friend, had graduated two years early and was now a student at the University of Phoenix majoring in Psychology. When he heard that we were moving out to the area, he asked if he could see my folks and me before we moved. Something about helping him with a research project. He said that completion of this project would mean a great deal to him...

3 years ago
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Study Buddy

Lena: Lena squirmed in her seat and tried to listen to the lecture. The ancient wooden desk-chair she sat in bit into her stomach as she tried to wiggle herself into a less painful position. Glancing around at the other students and their glazed eyes and lazy posture she was overwhelmed by frustration. Why is my fucking ass so fucking huge? She thought to herself. It was a horrible wooden chair with a little desk attachment on the front. Her huge backside was squeezed as far back in the...

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Study Buddy Ch 03

Jeff: Jeff didn’t finish up in the lab until late that night. His eyes hurt from adjusting and readjusting every microscope in the lab. Professor Williams had made him recalibrate all of the lab equipment. As a biologist, Jeff spent most of his time outside collecting data from the natural world, so staring at microscope lights for hours on end was a far cry from what he was used to. But Williams was a genius so he felt that arguing with him would be a bad idea. Jeff wanted to run straight...

3 years ago
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Study Break

Emily is a junior in college studying Chemical Engineering. She's 5'6", a little chubby, with pale white skin, a plump ass, and large breasts. Her long brown hair is usually in a braid or ponytail, but she leaves it flowing if she's going out to a bar. Her boyfriend since the summer before freshman year, Thomas, is just a hair taller than her and also on the heavier side. Emily lives alone in her dorm, but spends a lot of time at her boyfriend's apartment or in her best friend Casey's dorm...

1 year ago
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Studying with Caitlyn

Spring arrived and shortly after the first rains it neared to summer. The temperatures became hot again as it slowly approached summer. I was in my last semester of my first year of varsity and it was the Monday 2 days before my first exam. I arrived by Caitlyn a bit after 9am as we planned to have a full on crunch day to prepare for our first exam. She was wearing a casual dress as She walked up to me and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and a hug. We then made our way up to her room. We...

4 years ago
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Study In Sepia A Poignant Reminder

‘How are you with cadavers?’ I had watched the young woman as she had undressed, bathed and dressed again, making note, all the while, of the way she had managed to keep her back modestly towards me when she could. It was a heady and almost seductive sort of thought, to say the least, to think that she had maintained such a sense of modestly about herself despite how open her eyes were to the ugly darkness of the world. ‘Pardon?’ she asked, her voice ringing with the very slightest hint of an...

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Study Session0

Not just any weekend either. Finally, after another year of waiting, it was Super bowl weekend and this year my parents are out of town for the weekend with some friends so I would have the whole house to myself to do whatever I pleased. Being eighteen and a senior about to graduate, this would probably be my last super bowl Sunday in my spent living at home with my parents so I decided that I needed to think of how to make this year the best one yet as kind of a high school finale sendoff...

2 years ago
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Study Break Ch 02

Author’s Note: I’m going to take a moment to recap, for two reasons. (1) A few of you may have skipped the first part just to get to the sex scene which I said would be in this chapter. (2) It’s been a solid month since I posted the first chapter, and the more patient readers would probably like to be reminded what’s happened so they don’t have to re-read. Vicky and Jonas have been dating for six months, but most of that time they’ve had to keep it secret under threat of them both being...

2 years ago
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Study Buddy Ch 02

Lena: Lena shivered, her front was oddly cold, but her back was warm. Her sleepy brain tried to figure out why, but she couldn’t seem to fight off the dregs of sleep long enough to focus on it. There was something hard poking her in the ass. That was weird. She heard a soft snore that definitely didn’t come from her. Her eyes flew open as she remembered what had happened the night before. She started to panic as she realized that she was laying on her bed in her underwear with her bra pulled...

2 years ago
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Study Break Pt1

I had been sitting at the same desk, in the same position for about three hours. This history text book was really not becoming any more interesting to me and this empty classroom was just as boring, no sounds, no company, nothing. As always, my mind got the best of me and I turned my attention to my day dream. I could picture him just then, tall, smoothed black hair, bright green eyes, a brilliant smile, muscular build that showed under the button up shirts and slacks. I wanted him,...

2 years ago
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Study And Sex With Roommate 8211 Part 2

Final Exams of 12th are about to finish. After what happened in part one me & sumit were close. If you’ve not read part 1 you can read it on the link on top. Sumit me and vishal were roommate but the gay sex story was remind between sumit and me only by that time. Sumit was so excited about sex. He wanted my dick in his tight ass but I was scared I had never been in sex with anyone and I had never imagine been in relation with a guy, after that night we had no privacy so nothing happen between...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Study Time To Bed Time

Hi everyone. This is varun and this is my 1st story. I have read many stories in iss. What i felt is many stories are very fictitious. This is a complete true story happened between me and my best friend sindhu. I am an engineering graduate from Bangalore. Im 5.9” with perfect body. Sindhu is my my classmate. She is fair and tall. 5.7” which is the best part of her beauty. Her vital stats fall around 30 26 28. She is thin but not too thin. But a perfect traditional beauty. This incident...

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Study Break Pt1

I had been sitting at the same desk, in the same position for about three hours. This history text book was really not becoming any more interesting to me and this empty classroom was just as boring, no sounds, no company, nothing. As always, my mind got the best of me and I turned my attention to my day dream. I could picture him just then, tall, smoothed black hair, bright green eyes, a brilliant smile, muscular build that showed under the button up shirts and slacks. I wanted him,...

1 year ago
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Study Break No 1

She moved in behind you nice and slow barely grazing your spine with her fingertips. Leaning over your shoulder she began to kiss on the nape of your neck and nibble slightly on your earlobe. She turned you around in your chair oh so slowly and lifted the shirt from your chest. Moving slowly toward the floor she began to unzip your pants and slowly take them off for you. This was so unexpected, so unlike anything she's ever done before...you don't know what to think about this newfound soul...

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Study Break No 2

She wakes up as she does every morning and heads straight for the coffee pot. As she pours her coffee she hears a knock at the door. Wondering who in the world could be there at 6 in the morning, she throws on her robe and heads to answer it only to find there was a beige envelope sealed with a crescent stamp and hanging from her doorknob by a single pink ribbon. Curiously she removes the envelope from her doorknob and looks around suspiciously in an effort to find the person who left this...

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Study Break No 3

...It’s already near noon and I’ve not caught a glimpse of you in such a long time! Between just knowing how truly HOT you are; and also knowing how much you enjoy sensual, sexual pleasures, I’m nearly beside myself with wanting you. As luck would have it though, when I left the office, I happened to stop at a local store. Walking down the aisle, I spotted you near the back of the store. You’re wearing that silly pink golf tee and khaki’s…and instantly my heart started pounding. The very sight...

1 year ago
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Studying with Ling

The last bell rang for Conians and I got ready to leave. There was a big test in health tommorow and I had to find my best friend, Ling, to study with. Ling is a very smart girl and she was rather nerdy, but you could still see those D-cups bulging out of her uniform. After searching in the whole school, i surely found Ling in the school yard waiting for me. We took off to my house to study like always. My parents had left to the U.S. for business, so it was only me and her in this house. It...

First Time
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Studying With Priya

Hey guys, I’ve been an avid reader of Indian sex stories and this is my first time writing here. This incidents took place couple of days back. My name is Harish 22 years old with a 6 inch dick. Been horny for as long as I can remember and a sucker for tits. Wanted to have sex but didn’t get the opportunity till now. I’ve jacked of countless times to a neighbour next door, hot girls in college, etc. Coming to the story, the name of the girl is Priya(name changed) was my pu college mate, dark...

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Studying in Singapore

University was a lot different than I expected. In movies and TV shows, there were huge parties with students drinking until they could no longer walk, blasting music so loudly it could be heard around the whole block, girls flashing their boobs and had guys take shots off their bodies, smoking weed in the kitchen amongst tons of beer cans and leftover pizza crusts, making out with someone you just met just because, and of course the police coming to shut down the party because of u******ed...

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Studying Abroad

I was in Brazil for about a month now, made a couple of friends and have gone out from time to time but nothing big. I would talk to my boyfriend on a regular basis and everything seem to be going good. My friend Raquel invited me to a club and i had nothing better to do that night, i tagged along. After a couple of drinks i was feeling pretty good and dancing with Raquel, after a while two guys started dancing with us they were about mid 20's as well handsome looking, but i didnt want to...

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Studying for Anatomy

I stare at my lab manual and my anatomy textbook, frustrated because nothing seems to be making sense. "How the hell I am going to be able to tell which muscle is which and what each muscle does?!" I sigh out loud shutting the lab manual and the textbook close. I push it off my bed and the thump of the textbook on the tiled floor almost makes me feel better. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling, tired and annoyed. "I am so going to fail that stupid Anatomy Lab Practical this Friday," I...

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Studying for an oral exam

Three days until the deadline and four thousand words to write. That's two thousand today and the rest tomorrow, then a quick re-read and edit on the last day. Although you don't want to over do it otherwise you'll never pass – so say just four hours of writing a day, then relax and watch telly for the rest – and maybe have a couple of drinks for all the hard work. Five hundred words an hour then: piece of cake! Oh yeah, and those books first... Of course, if Carman didn't spend so much time...

1 year ago
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Studying alien species0

After 20 minutes of looking around, he saw a sign that was written in a strange language. Of course, he couldn't read it. It was nothing but symbols. “Crap I can't read it. These symbols can mean anything. I'm guessing this is an alien language. Shit! If that's the case I hope they understand English. If not then I won't get anywhere sadly. I have no choice. I guess I have to go inside and see. I'll go talk to someone and ask them what is this place.” Ed went into the unidentified place...

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Studying for Anatomy 2

"Isobel!" Issack shouts after me as he jog to catch up to me. I turn around and smile as I see him jogging towards me. "Did someone die?" I ask, giggling. "What's the rush?" "I had to walk with someone beautiful and funny. And you, my dear ol' Isobel, is absolutely stunning and funny. I couldn't pass up the chance," he says flirtatiously. I blush and stare at people who walks around us in frustration, as we did, only basically stop in the middle of the sidewalk. "Uh, I think we better move," I...


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