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What the hell was I doing here?

Oh, I knew why I was here. The only reason I was back in school was to get a college degree that I never bothered to get because I didn't need it. I was 40 years old with almost 20 years of work experience in the field and now my employers were looking for some stupid piece of paper from a college. Now? What the hell for?

There were better things for a man my age to do than to be on a college campus with a bunch of 18 to 21 year old students. I looked old and I felt old.

What the hell was I doing here?

I morosely sat at one of the tables in the middle of the classroom. I arrived early to make sure I could find the math class. The campus was like a mouse maze. Math was my third class of the day and was in the late afternoon. My employer "graciously" was flexible with my work schedule so I could take these classes. It was the one time I wished my employer was its usual hard ass and wouldn't approve training. I didn't want the time off to go to school. Not this type of school.

Most classes on my schedule were basic requirements that I took way back in high school. I knew this shit yet I had to take the classes anyway. Stupid regulations. I was sure these rules were to force students to take more classes than they needed so the school could make more money off you.

The room started to fill. Behind me sat a too skinny girl dressed like the latest tramp starlet. My guess was the girl was as easy and as slutty as the starlet she imitated. Any boy who touched that girl better have a ready supply of penicillin. An obvious boyfriend/girlfriend couple came in. I bet they took every class together and thought it was cute. Kids! There were three older students like me in the class and while I was glad for them it didn't prevent me from feeling ancient in the midst of this sea of youth.

A girl sat down directly to my right. The teacher came in which briefly distracted me, but I couldn't help but refocus on the girl. She was a young brunette vision. She was simply stunningly beautiful. I tried not to stare as she situated herself at the table but it was difficult. Oh, if I were only a few years younger. Make that several years younger. Oh hell, if I were only her age!

She smiled. I smiled back then looked away. She was just a girl I reminded myself. She was 18 or 19 or 20 but she was just a girl. I glanced at her and turned away again.

I felt a lower stirring. Steady fella! She's too young. As much as I was interested in her, there was absolutely no way she would be interested in me. No way! Deal with it. My cock didn't listen. It became stiff and hard. Great! People will think I have a hard-on for math!

"Excuse me," a feminine voice said.

I turned my head back but it was a different girl. I scooted my chair up. The girl slipped behind and took the seat on my left. The room was almost full so there were only a few chairs left.

"Traffic," the new girl said.

I nodded understanding even though I couldn't relate.

This college girl had a face still under the siege of teenage acne. It wasn't excessively bad but most of the other college girls were cleared up by now. She was a little overweight and her long light brown hair was braided all the way down her back. Her hair would look better undone but it would probably be less manageable.

The teacher called role. The second name he said was Stephanie.

"Here," the beautiful girl on my right said.

Stephanie. I had a name.

Grrrr! So what if I had a name? What was the point? I was twice her age. I needed to get a hold of myself.

I raised my hand in acknowledgement when my name was called.

"Here," responded the girl on my left to the name Kayla.

The teacher ran through the syllabus and the class expectations. Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah. When he was done boring the students to death, he let us out early.

By the time I gathered my notebook and shoved it into my backpack, Stephanie was headed out the door. I hurried but got stuck in a logjam behind other students. When I was outside, I looked around but she was nowhere to be seen. I had no idea which direction she went. Why was I concerned anyway? If I knew where she was then what significance would it be?

Math was a Monday, Wednesday, Friday class so I didn't see Stephanie until Wednesday. The teacher was motivated today, so I stayed focused on the material presented. It's not that I didn't notice Stephanie but I had more important things to occupy my mind.

This first week of school, I was thrilled to sit near such a beautiful girl. My rational thoughts kept me in check and grounded in reality. She was a pretty girl and I was an old guy back in school.

When I arrived to class the following week, Stephanie was seated directly in front of me instead. Students had dropped the course, so there were more seating options. She talked to the girl on her right and it sounded like they knew each other. I slid into my regular seat and looked at the back of Stephanie as she chatted. My eyes lowered to the separation between her pants and blouse which showed her back skin. It wasn't sexy or anything.

However there was something of interest.

I saw thin red straps that said loud and clear to my heart and my thoughts that she wore a thong. I imagined her standing before my eager eyes. I developed an instant erection.

Stephanie had a shapely ass. Stephanie had a great ass! I noticed feminine figures all the time because I was a guy after all, but I couldn't remember seeing a nicer and better ass.

"I hate my brother," said Kayla.

"What?" I responded. I reluctantly tore my eyes away from Stephanie's ass and looked over at Kayla.

"My brother. He's so stuck up. He thinks he's so great."

"Why's that?"

"I don't know."

Of course she didn't. Why did I ask? Better yet, why would I care?

I'm tired," Kayla said.

"It's a long day," I sympathized.

"It's hard to get here from work."

"Yeah?" I said with feigned interest.

"I work at Burger Barn on Madison."

"I see," I said. "Madison?"

"You know, the one that way," she pointed.

What the hell was I doing here? It was bad enough I was back in college but I had to put up with conversations like this? I glanced at Stephanie then down at her exposed thong. Okay, I could put up with Kayla's stupid ramblings.

"I don't live near the college," I answered.

I pointed at the teacher when he came in which cut off her inanity.

Stephanie always sat in front of me and I always looked forward to seeing her red thong. She must have owned several similar pairs. Red was obviously her favorite color. Were the thongs a matching set with a same colored bra? I guessed her tits were about 34Bs. Not super-sized but a decent size for a young skinny college girl. Her tits would be a pleasing handful.

Yet it was always her ass that drew my attention. I considered myself a "tit man". I loved bigger tits but ones that weren't too big. Smaller tits on certain women looked fantastic, but my preference were tits that looked a little too big for the size of the woman. I also loved the sight of a beautiful pussy. A tastefully shorn bush accented a pussy like frilly lace on panties. That was the best look in my opinion. My thoughts returned to her ass. Stephanie's ass must look wonderful when naked. It was the perfect shape. It was the perfect ass.

I never thought about having anal sex except when I watched it in the occasional porn video. As soon as the movie was over I went back to thinking about fucking pussies and sucking tits. However Stephanie caused frequent daydreams on what it would feel like to have my cock in her ass. It must be terrific. It must be awesome.

In class, I occasionally made small talk with Stephanie but that was it. She was age 18 so a freshman. I didn't expect more from her than talk though I secretly hoped for more. I wanted to be somewhere private with my hands caressing all over her perfect ass and maybe, just maybe, with my cock in her asshole.

Sitting behind Stephanie was always the highlight of my day.

My lowlight of my day was my regular small talk with Kayla. She regularly complained about her brother, her parents, her job, and her lack of sleep.

"You could go to bed earlier?" I daringly suggested.

"I have to study," Kayla said.

"Do you have too many classes? You could drop one."

"I'm in high school."

High school? WTF?

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm earning college credits. I'm 16."

"That's cool," I said. Sixteen? No wonder she was so daft. The two or three year difference between college girls and a high school junior was significant.

"I have an English report due tomorrow that I haven't started and I also need to study for my history test."

If she dropped this college math class, she would have more time. She was busy enough with high school, but it wasn't my place to tell her she wasn't ready for college.

A month into the semester, we had our first test. We received our grades back during the following class. I got a 95 percent. When I had come out of the test, I thought the best I did was a C.

"How did you do?" Stephanie asked.

"Better than I thought I would," I said. "How about you?"

She grimaced and said, "I got a 'C' ... barely."

"At least you passed," I consoled.

"Math is so confusing. Why do I need to take this class anyway?"

"I know. I don't want to take it either but I need it to graduate."

"You got a good grade though."

"I'm pretty good with math."

"You got an 'A'." She pointed at my exposed test score. "You are great with math."

"Keep studying. You'll do better."

"I studied and studied yet all I got was a 'C"," she lamented.

An idea flashed in my mind. An idea that made me want to slap my head hard and shout loudly, "Doh!". Slapping my forehead would be a stupid thing to do, so I refrained from the action.

"What if we studied together?" I asked. My heart beat a little faster. "I'll help you."


"Sure," I said. She didn't say 'no'. I quickly tried to come up with logistics. "Um ... what days are you free?"

Crap! I should take the lead and make suggestions.

"I go to school full time," she said. "I don't work, so evenings are best."

"Tonight?" I ventured.


Too early. Too quick. "Friday?" I quickly countered. "Oh, you probably have a date."

"I'm not seeing anyone. Friday is good."

Yes! What was I happy for? She was 18. I was 40.

"Coffee shop?" I suggested. "How about The Cup?"

Stephanie interrupted, "Over on 7th? I love that place."

"It's a date then," I said.

Did I just say "date"? She didn't react to it.

"I didn't do very good on the test," Kayla said. She had listened to the interchange between Stephanie and me.

"Oh, sorry," I mechanically replied.

Wow! Friday! Stephanie and me!

Stephanie arrived at The Cup fifteen minutes late. I was mentally prepared to stay a long time with the hope she would show up.

I waved to get her attention.

"Sorry," she said as she sat down. "I didn't expect traffic to be so bad."

"It's Friday," I said.

"I'm never out on Friday."

"Never?" I questioned.

"Not never but not very much. Sometimes I go out with friends."

"On a date?" I asked.

"No," she said. "I don't have time for a boyfriend. Besides all the boys are jerks."

I'm not a jerk. At least I didn't think I was. Maybe she'd have time for me? Yeah, if I was half my age. Sigh.

"What do you want to drink?" I asked.

"I don't have money right now."

"I'm buying."

"Don't do that."

"Why not?" I asked. She didn't answer. "You can tell me what you like or I can guess. Either way I am buying you something."

"Could I get a frappezilla?" she said faltering.

It was a little more expensive than the coffees but not that much more. If that was what she liked, then that was what she would get.

"Certainly," I said. "Be right back."

Ten minutes later we sat at the table sipping our drinks and studying math. We stayed over an hour. The first half Stephanie struggled but by the time we left she had a strong grasp of the concepts.

I walked Stephanie to her car.

"Thanks for your help," she said when we reached her 15-year old Toyota.

"This was really fun. I had a good time."

"Me, too. Thanks again." She turned to unlock her door.

"Do you want to meet here again next Friday?" I asked. I felt like a shy 13-year old boy asking a girl out for the first time.

She turned back to face me.

Before she had a chance to say something, I hastily said, "We can go over whatever Mr. Marks taught that week. I'll buy you a drink again." Crap! I was pathetic. Any college boy acted more mature and more sure of himself than I acted right now. "Check your schedule and let me know." Shit! I needed to let her respond! I needed to shut the hell up.


"Great!" I said too loudly. I felt so awkward. I couldn't believe I was acting this way.

"Bye. See you Monday."

"Yeah. Okay. Bye."

I stepped away so she could back out of the parking spot. I waved as I looked at her one last time. I turned to watch the taillights disappear.

She didn't say "no". That was good. With a spring in my step, I headed to my car.

"Stupid brother," Kayla whispered under her breath as she bustled in five minutes after class started. She sat down heavily.

"Yeah?" I whispered back. I knew I should ignore her and not say anything but it was against my nature.

"He's supposed to pick me up from work. Mom had to come and bring me to school."

"At least you made it," I encouraged.

"Kyle's skipping class to go on a date."


"My parents won't let me date."

"You're only sixteen."

"It's unfair."

I pointed at the front of the classroom to advocate focusing on the teacher.

"I just won't let my parents know when I have a boyfriend," she said with determination.

I'd switch chairs if I wasn't seated directly behind Stephanie and her lovely, shapely ass.

Mr. Marks gave a test on Wednesday and Stephanie did well. A low 'A' but an 'A' nonetheless. Kayla was very pleased with her C minus.

"Would you like to meet Friday at The Cup anyway?" I asked Stephanie as soon as class was dismissed. There wouldn't be any new material to study yet. "How about if we don't talk math and just talk?"

"Ummm..." she faltered.

Damn! She was going to say "no".

" ... okay."

"Same time?" I said with excitement.


"Frappezilla?" I asked as soon as Stephanie arrived. "Or something else?"

"A frappezilla, if it's okay."

"Of course!"

I fired question after question. Stephanie enjoyed talking and answering everything I asked. Stephanie was the younger of two sisters. Older sister Sara was 22, married, and just had a baby. Stephanie spent a lot of time talking about her new 3-month old nephew, Brandon. Stephanie was very excited to be an aunt.

We met at the coffee shop over the next two weeks. Some of the time was spent on math and some of the time was spent socializing. As I learned more about Stephanie I became more personal.

"I haven't dated a whole lot," Stephanie answered my question. "I get asked out a lot but I say 'no' a lot. I'm too picky."

"Nothing wrong with that," I said. "You're being smart. When the time's right."

"It's not like I haven't done it," she said with annoyance. "I had a boyfriend I liked a lot. We did it several times and then he decided he wanted to try someone else."

"I didn't mean to say you're a virgin," I said. It was a lie. I indeed thought she was saying she was a virgin. "The guy was a jerk! You're beautiful and sexy!"

"Thanks," she said and blushed softly. "It was a long time ago. It was before last Christmas."

That was less than a year. I guess to an 18-year old that seemed like a long time.

Before we knew it, it was almost 11 PM. We talked for nearly four hours. I easily could have spent another four hours with her.

I walked Stephanie to her car again. I stayed a step or two behind so I could watch the sway of her ass in her skirt.

"What?" she said when we reached her car.

"What what?" I replied.

"Is there something on my butt?" She tried to look back as she wiped it with her hand.

I'd volunteer to rub my hand over her ass but she didn't have anything on it to justify my action.


"Then what were you looking at it?"

How did she know? How could she tell? I forgot about the sixth sense women have.

"Uh ... I had a really good time tonight." I answered with a diversion.

"I had a great time tonight," she said directly to my face with a smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I was wondering..." I said.

She filled in, "I would like to go out again. We can make it an official date."


"Tomorrow?" I asked.


"Dinner? My place?"


Wow! WOW! Fantastic!

Stephanie said, "So what were you staring at?"

"Uh ... well ... you have the perfect ass. I've never been as fascinated by a girl's ass as much as I am with yours."

"So I'm just a piece of ass?"

"No, no!" I countered.

She laughed. "Dinner tomorrow."

I leaned in. She closed her eyes and pursed her lips. We kissed. It was fifteen seconds of wonderland.

I was glad my car was an automatic. I drove home with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand caressing my hard-on through my pants.

Stephanie was dressed casually when she arrived at my house. Wow! She was in a black tank top that exposed her black bra straps and a little bit of belly. She wore dark blue shorts that fit perfectly over her perfect ass. She looked magnificent. My cock immediately grew hard.

"What?" she said to my stare. She became self-conscious.

"You are so beautiful," I said when I came out of the spell of her enchantment.

She smiled meekly.

As she followed me into the backyard I said, "I have steak on the barbecue and baked potatoes in the oven."

She followed me to the barbecue. I lifted the lid and checked on the steaks.

"How do you like yours?" I asked.

"Medium," she said. "That one looks almost done." She pointed at the smaller one.

"A little bit more," I said after I lifted the corner to check.

"What can I do to help?" she said.

Well, she could take off her shorts but I said, "You could get us drinks. The glasses are on the kitchen table. The table is all ready. We just need ice and whatever you want to drink."

"Water is okay with me," she inserted.

"Me, too," I said. "Make it two. I have bottled water on the bottom shelf of the fridge. I like extra ice."

Stephanie headed off. I watched her beautiful ass exit into the house. Why couldn't I get my eyes off her ass? I was almost obsessed with how perfect it was. Okay, I was obsessed.

When I returned with two steaks on a plate, Stephanie was doing the dishes.

"Stop that!" I chided.

"I just want to help."

"You're my guest," I replied, "and I'm not a helpless male."

My eyes dropped to her ass. It was so perfect.

"You're staring again," she said.

"Sorry," I said, feeling flustered by my lack of control.

"I like it. I'm flattered."

Even by an "old" guy like me? I kind of wanted to ask that but I also didn't want to remind her of our age difference.

At dinner, Stephanie said after a couple of bites, "This is really good."

"Thank you," I said. "And dinner is made especially good with such pretty company."

"Gag!" she replied.


"Thank you but 'gag!' all the same."

I smiled as I stared into her face. What a beautiful and wonderful girl!

Stephanie insisted on helping clean up the kitchen and remaining dishes before we retired into the den. She didn't want to leave them all to me. I said I didn't care but the stubborn girl wouldn't listen.

"I don't have to be anywhere else tonight," she said when we were done with the dishes.



My cock became raging hard.

"Do you want to go to the den or..."

" ... or go straight to somewhere else?" she finished.

"The bedroom?" I got the nerve up to stop dancing around the subject.

"I'd like that."

"You would?" I said uncertain of my ears.

"Uh-huh," she said and nodded.

I took her hand and guided her back. My cock throbbed every step of the way.

In the bedroom, she slipped out of my hand and faced me. We looked at each other with the knowledge of what we were about to do.

"Stephanie..." I said to break the awkwardness. I took a deep breath to calm my excitement. I pointed at her shirt and asked, "Do you want me to... ?" I left the rest of my question about her clothing unspoken.

"Let's kiss first," she said.


She slid onto my bed. I quickly followed. My lips sought hers. Soon she was on her back and I was half on top of her. Our moans filled the room.

I sat up and pulled on her shirt. She sat up and I took her shirt off. She lifted my shirt off then worked on my pants while I reached behind to undo her bra.

In a couple of minutes, we were fully naked with the bed covers pulled back. I was fully on top of Stephanie and between her open legs.

"Ohhh!" she moaned when my cock rubbed over her pussy while we kissed. "I'm so horny. I'm going to cum fast!"

I broke our kisses and adjusted my body. My cock slid into her engorged pussy lips and I pressed forward.

"Oh, yes!" she moaned out. "Yes!"

I pushed fully in. It felt wonderful to be inside her. Stephanie slowly writhed beneath me and her moans increased in frequency and intensity. I stroked only twice before she cried out in orgasm. I stayed motionless as she gasped hard while recovering.

"Wow!" I said.

"I've never cum like that before," she said. "Sorry to cum so fast. You still feel very good inside me. Go ahead and fuck me."

"I liked seeing you like that," I said.

I started with slow strokes.

"That feels really, really wonderful," she said.

I loved my sensations being inside Stephanie but my mind drifted to something else. I guess it didn't hurt to ask. The worst that could happen was that I continued to do what I was doing which felt extremely good.

I said, "This may sound strange, but I want to fuck your ass."

I paused my motion with my cock fully deep in her pussy. My cock continued to throb as if it had a mind of its own.

She didn't answer right away. At least, she didn't instantly scream "Hell no!". I looked into her face below and gave her a weak, hopeful smile.

"I don't mean to treat your ass as a Holy Grail and I've never had anal sex before but..." I lapsed for words to explain my reasons.

"What's a Holy Grail?" she asked.

"Uh ... well ... it's a..." I struggled to define it for some reason.

"Is it something special?" she interjected.

"Very special," I agreed.

"Okay," she said. "You can fuck my ass."

"Really?" I replied. My voice sounded too high-pitched to my ears.

"I want to give something special to you."

"You already have," I affirmed. I slowly pulled out and reinserted my cock in her pussy.

"I'm okay with doing it. Maybe a little nervous."

"I'll take it easy. It's a first for both of us. At anytime you want to stop just say so."

"Okay," she said with a smile. "So what do we do first?"

Now that the "if" of whether we were going to do it was resolved, it was time to work out the mechanics.

"Get up on your hands and knees," I said as I pulled my cock out and sat up on my knees. Normally exiting a pussy before cumming was incomprehensible but tonight was ... well ... special to reuse that word.

"So like doggy-style?"


Stephanie got in position. I got behind and pushed my cock back into her pussy.

"Mmmm," she moaned, "That feels great but that's not my asshole."

"Just getting my cock nice and slick first."

"Oh, that's a good idea."

I slow fucked her pussy for about a minute then pulled out. My cock was glossy wet.

"I'm gonna put it in your ass now," I informed.

"Go ahead."

I placed the tip of my cock on her little brown ring. I pressed firmly forward. She exhaled stronger than typical which seemed to lessen her tightness. My cock head pushed in. I was excited about the progress, so I concentrated on putting more and more in her.

It happened. My cock was in her ass!

Stephanie groaned which helped me remember that I needed to be aware of her feelings too.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Please! Please, don't say "no"!

"It doesn't hurt. It just feels ... different."

She didn't say "no"! She didn't say "no"!

I looked down. Half my cock was in her ass. The constricted passage felt incredible around my manhood.

I slowly and gently began to thrust back and forth. I never took my cock out of her hole because it was evident that the hardest part of ass fucking was initial entry.

"Oh, Stephanie," I groaned in praise as the sensations filled my brain with intense pleasure. "You're so perfect."

"It feels good," she commented.


I continued my slow thrusts while I lightly gripped her hips. I wasn't sure how long I could last but I was determined to make it as long as I could.

"Ohhhh!" Stephanie moaned and sounded partially surprised. "It's feeling really good. I think it's okay to push in deeper."

I immediately took the opportunity. My strokes became longer as I entered further down into her ass.

I groaned out deeply which was another way to say, "You are so wonderful."

She said while maintaining the previous surprise in her voice, "Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! I'm gonna cum!"

My strokes became harder. The only effect it seemed to have on Stephanie was to intensify her sensations as evidenced by her moans.

"Ohhhh!" I grunted out but that was all I said because it was like my words were cut off. I held her tighter and drove in faster.

"Oh, yes," she cried out exactly like she did several minutes ago. She confirmed it with, "I'm cumming!"

"Me, too!" I groaned. I exhilarated over the knowledge that she came during anal sex.

My cock twitched hard. I held still inside her ass then gasped out as I released stream after stream into her depths.

"Oh, wow! Oh, wow!" she responded to my cum inside her hole.

I slowly pulled my cock out. I did it! I fucked Stephanie's ass! A fantasy came true!

She rolled to her back. I moved on top of her and kissed her lips. We kissed gently in post-coital bliss.

"I never expected that," she said. "I didn't expect to cum. It was amazing."

"I told you that you have the perfect ass."

She smiled at my compliment. I kissed her again. In a few moments, I broke away and slid down to kiss her tits. I had barely paid them any attention yet. A girl's tits deserved attention. I spent an indulgent amount of time kissing all over her tits and sucking on her nipples. She softly sighed to my attention. My cock rehardened.

"Do you want to go again?" I asked.

"Sure," she said happily. "Would you like to fuck my ass again?"

Honestly, it wasn't my thought even though she orgasmed and said she liked it. I imagined she would want conventional sex. But since she asked...


I got off her so she could move.

"How about this way?" she suggested. She pulled her legs back so that her ass was lifted.

It was very inviting but how long could she hold that position? I grabbed a couple of pillows to put under her ass.

When she was situated, I sat on my knees between her legs. I scooted forward so I was in range. I positioned my cock with my hand and slowly pushed back into her hole.

"Mmmmm," she moaned.

I looked down once more in awe at the sight of my cock in Stephanie's incredible ass. So perfect!

The position didn't allow deep thrusts but I could steadily stroke in her ass at a moderate rhythm. She continued to sensually moan. I knew instantly I could last longer this time because the novelty and my personal quest were gone plus her hole was already stretched to accommodate my cock. I constantly rocked back and forth and watched my shaft appear and disappear in her hole.

"Ohhhh!" Stephanie moaned a little harder.

"Feeling it?" I inquired.

"Oh, yeah," she confirmed. "You feel so good in my ass."

"I love your ass."

"I can tell," she said. I think she was going to say something more but she was interrupted by her own loud moan.

The thrill I received from watching her become more and more aroused caused me to push my cock firmer into her ass. I thrusted a little deeper, a little harder, and a little faster.

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Mom was naked, sitting across my legs with her right arm around my neck. My cock was standing up between her thighs, pulled back against her smooth pussy. Deb was sucking her left nipple, as I ran my hand across Deb’s back and down over her sexy ass. “I came out here to this very spot while y’all were shopping today.” Mom said, “Let me guess, you were playing your flute and a pretty young girl came along and she was so infatuated by your flute music, she walked over to sit with you.” “A...

1 year ago
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After the Game

It was a warm October day on the Hill and I was going to my first football game. My friends and I got to the stadium a little late so we ended up sitting near some fraternity guys. One of the pledges who kept getting sent to the concession stands was a guy whom I had met in Governor's School. For the sake of keeping it short, Governor's School is a summer program in our state for smart high schoolers, if you will. It was obvious that he was drunk because each time he would come back he would...

2 years ago
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Uncle Shaun

My aunt is my father's cousin. Her name is Terry. She is married to Shaun for 6 years, whom I call uncle Shaun. I am Kayleigh, 22 years old. Long dark brown hair, big ass and 32D size breast. Since I was a little girl, I've always came to sleep over by aunt Terry. For the past 6 years I haven't slept over so much, only once in a while. So it was going to be great spending time with my aunt again. I arrived and aunt wasn't home only uncle Shaun. I embraced him and felt my boobs press hard...

4 years ago
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TammyChapter 5

It was four weeks ago today that I met Tammy I said to myself. Four weeks of unbridled pleasure. Four weeks and one day ago I was a mess. Now I woke up every morning looking forward to the day and went to sleep every night happily thinking about how much fun I had that day. Yeah I knew about the age difference. We were in Southern Utah. Mormon country and I still wasn't used to the sidelong glances, the obvious disapproval. But that was minor when compared to the fun we had. I was packing...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriend Tricks Me Into Being Filmed in an Awkward Position

I had wanted to film my girlfriend and I having sex for months now, and she had been very resistant to the idea because she was worried that I would put the video out on the internet if we broke up. She was worried about protecting herself and her career and didn’t want to get screwed over, so we came up with the idea of a ransom video. It was basically a video that would be humiliating for me if it was released, and that wouldn’t contain any shots of her at all. Her first suggestion was me...

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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 11

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 11 – More humiliation --------------------------------- Impromptu Party --------------------- So there we were one Saturday evening, at home on our own. We’d decided to experiment with a bit of bondage and Ryan had ordered a couple of thing from the internet. Early in the evening Ryan had stripped me and put the ankle cuffs on me and attached them to a spreader bar. He also put wrist cuffs on me and joined...

4 years ago
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mom made me her sissy

"Mom! I called out as I got home from baseball practice, "I'm home!""Hello Danny, we have to talk," she responded, while exiting my room.When I saw what was in her hands, I became nervous. Some of the guys I pal around with talked me into shoplifting a few things from a department store."Please explain where these items came from."I should have told her I was sorry, and that it was just the one time,But instead I said, "Tommy made me do it. He said it was a dare. I didn't want him to think I...

3 years ago
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A Convention To Remember Pt 2

Deborah stood, took me by the hand and added, “Let’s go get comfortable.”I was pretty darn comfortable where I was, except of course the wonderful ache in my pants. Nonetheless, I stood and followed as she led me through the bar, through the lobby and to the elevator.“What floor?”“Fourth.”“Ohhh, me too,” she responded, almost gleefully.The ride up was quick. As we departed the elevator, we both turned left. She stopped and grinned. “Really? What room?”“404.”“I’m in the suite in 401 at the end....

4 years ago
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The DrifterChapter 9

Oh, the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... Darla saw me looking down between us and smiled as she raised up just a little. I put my hands on both her hips and pushed her up. She knew what I wanted and raised her body with her feet pushing down and her breasts mashed against my face. When I had her dress down far enough, I hooked my right boot in it and pushed as she wiggled. She kicked one foot free then the other until all she had on was her drawers...

1 year ago
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Tim the Teenage Part XXI

Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-One By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VI: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Campers Part 2 - The Girl's Showers (mc, mf, ff) By Tuesday, I was sick of not having a girl of my own. After that Saturday afternoon, Scooter, Paul, and Gina were constantly disappearing to have three way sex. I was still a little sore from that experience and I simply didn't have any interest in joining them. The others were taking things slow. This was fine with me, but nobody was...

2 years ago
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SeventyThree and reenergised

I walked through the rest home corridors, to my ex's room. Pat was sitting on her bed, ready to go for coffee."Hi cunt," I teased.She tutted and retaliated by calling me a 'Twat.'It was a pleasant surprise to see what Pat was wearing. Just as important as what she wasn't. My eyes told me Pat had granted my wish. I had asked her not to wear a bra. It wasn't obvious, obvious she wasn't wearing one, but I knew. I know how Pat's tits hang.It was when Pat stood, you knew for sure, The sway...

2 years ago
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Miss Cartwright 2

Miss Cartwright Part 2 Part 1 ended where I had suffered a Spanking and caning at the hand of Miss Cartwright the Art teacher for submitting a picture of her in a class project. The following week I handed in my Art homework as usual it had been a landscape and I knew that I could do that okay so I had no worries, school went on and I sat my exams and on the last day of term I once again saw Miss Cartwright. ‘Are Peter, your last day at school have you learnt your lesson in how to behave and...

3 years ago
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My School Project Mom 2

This is second part of this story to get a better understanding of it I’d suggest you read the first part. Comments are welcome. Saturday morning Sherry woke up at 7:30 AM. She felt wonderful, but then realized she was had dried cum all over her bottom. My god did I have a wet dream last night and not remembered it, went through her mind. Her pussy felt sore and stretched, and her ass hole burned a little. She just stood there looking at all the dried cum, my god can women cum that much she...

1 year ago
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Cassie Hole Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Avery showed up at 6:00 PM and was ushered up to the executive suites, after all the staff had left except for a coveted few. She came in wearing a conservative business suit, a pair of dark heels, dark stockings, a mid-thigh skirt and business jacket, over a white blouse, a large leather bag over her shoulder; she looked altogether different than at Rave two days before. Still, Michael saw the clear milky white smooth skin of her face and plush pout...

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Blue Monday

The following story contains mention of drug use and is sexual in nature, featuring explicit terms that some may find objectionable. While some members of the LGBTQ+ community accept and use these descriptions, I am aware that some choose not to and may find them distasteful. No offence is intended. In my defence I prefer to treat every character in my story as different, with a unique personality, lifestyle, and language that I feel reflects all aspects of the community. I hope you will...

4 years ago
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General Hospital Gang 2

I got behind Nell on the couch and shoved my cock all the way into her pussy. Carly held her head in place as she tried screaming. Carly just smiled. I fucked Nell hard a few minutes and shoved my thumb up her ass. She screamed again with her mouth full of pussy. I pulled out of her pussy and lined up with her ass. I could hear her saying no, no, no into Carly's pussy. I shoved my cock slowly and steady up her raw poop chute. Jocelyn decided to rub Nells clit to help her out. She...

3 years ago
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A Mysterious Murder Part 6

Please read the previous parts of this series to know what happened previously. Hi ISS readers. Hope all are good, couples having sex. Real-life taboo people having secret relations and mostly the people who are single using their best buddy( their hands ) to satisfy their needs. I’m back after a gap. Thanks to fans who kept in touch and people who wanted me to complete the story and write again. I dedicate this story and some more to follow to all the ISS-ians and the ISS team. Swetha was...

1 year ago
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The teen play trilogy Part 1

Emma and Jenn had been best friends forever. Their mothers had been next to each other in the same ward and have been friends since then. They were now both 14. Jenn was the older of the two, she was tall, had long blond hair, green eyes and was attractively slim. Her father worked abroad and her mother worked long hours as a assistant bank manager, to make enough money to live in the posh estate were their house was. She had an older brother who had just turned 17. He studies at an all boys...

First Time
2 years ago
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More Than Friendship Material Pt 07

Todd scooted his butt out of Liz’s room, so that she could get ready for their first official date. Now, he wished he had actually planned a little further ahead. Where were they going to go? Things had gone pretty well so far with Liz, even if they were both moving into uncharted waters. But, there was some unfinished business Todd wasn’t looking forward to. He still needed to talk to Hollie. Todd had figured to go out with the cute cheerleader a couple of times just for fun and be done with...

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Father Son Banquet The Main Course

While wiping off after boning that hot guy down the aisle, I began to feel my senses returning. I again saw guys go in and out from an exit door at the head of the theater. Nothing really registered until dad said to me, “That was just an appetizer. Let’s go have some real fun.” My father and I had just completed a scene with a guy down the aisle from us at an adult theater that has gone on to become Chicago’s preeminent “sex-tination” in the parlance of travel. I was home from college and dad...

3 years ago
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Out of the Way Part II

Sorry about the delay but thanks for the comments. (Much) more coming soon, SD --- By keeping a tight hold on the leash in one hand and wrapping her other arm around his head, Jodie made Roberta watch as Sarah left with the young man. Roberta's imploring moans through the gag were drowned out by the background music playing in the club. Together they watched Sarah's ass sway from side to side sexily as the couple moved towards the exit. Roberta silently willed her to turn back or...

1 year ago
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Nina 8211 who took me first

We were having our lunch, Vishal came in, again Deepa went to him expecting him to pick her up, “Beti papa is very tired please beta let me take some rest. Paras please excuse me this new student is paying me good amount I had to be at their place by evening again, I had to prepare them for this exam.” But my experienced eyes was sensing something wrong, could not pin point it. Lunch I slept in the hall,Deepa remained with me, Nina was trying to remain calm and dossed off. After about 3 hours...

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The CavemanChapter 34

Today we hit a bit of a snag. Not so much a snag, really, as a ... an awkwardness. A problem that doesn’t have to be a problem, and I won’t let it be, but is still a little uncomfortable for me. One of the things Hugo does to keep in shape is run. And I mean he runs. I tried to go with him one day, I do some jogging of my own, but within only a few hundred yards I was so out of breath that I just collapsed and told him to keep going, that I’d walk back. Instead, almost without breaking...

2 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 8

The rest of the day passed slowly as nothing of significance happened. Mike had taken over some of the duties of assistant manager, Martin was learning how to look up orders, and Abe had finished putting up the stock. Mike’s wife, Karen, was learning her job and trying his patience at the same time. He wasn’t a good teacher and he knew it. Overall, the atmosphere at the store was better than it had been for years. Stepping out onto the front porch, Jerry looked around the neighborhood. The...

1 year ago
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Satisfying My Widowed Chachi

Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, I am back with another incident that I had in my sexual life. I am Rishi Arora, 28 from Delhi. I am a CA by profession. I am 5’11” fair and have athletic built, thanks to the sports I still play. You can give me your feedback about the sex story at I live in a joint Punjabi family, with my family and 2 of my Chacha’s family live together in the same house. 3 years back my youngest Chacha died in a car accident. It was the toughest time for our family but...

3 years ago
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My Wife And The Fixer Upper Part Seven

It had been three weeks since we decided to try her being exclusive to James and, it had gone pretty well. Yes, I missed sex with her but, every Friday; she would work me off.We seemed to be even closer than we were before and, of course; she'd tell me all about their sex life. She knew that I enjoyed hearing what they did and stuff, it made me hard all day.He would spend four nights a week at our house and so I suggested that he move back in with us. It made sense as he would be at our house...

1 year ago
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Family threesome

Hi guys. This is Preeti here. My parents were divorced when I was very young and I used to stay with them alternately that why I and my bro didn’t meet very much in our childhood later on as my mom moved to USA I shifted with my dad and bro we didn’t have a great relation as bro and sis so we were just like two teen age people. I had a sensation about him and even he used to see my body lustily. Later when my dad used to go out for tours we used to tease each other talking about all things and...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 7

The somewhat jaded Crusader back from the Holy land had decided that he would take the youngest of the three daughters of his closest neighbor, Squire Holliday to wife because she was most likely a virgin and he desperately wanted a fresh start. The girl was terribly shy and self-conscious but in a way it was endearing to see her confusion about matters of a physical nature. He had fondled her exceeding hard in the kitchen that first day the family visited under the watchful eye of her...

2 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 28 Meet the Parents

[Sam said, “Wow! I see the gang’s all here! Gang, this is Linda’s parents, Iris and Ray Larsen and Linda’s sister, Jessica,”] Mrs. Larsen’s eyes were locked on Bob. She appeared to be deep in thought, as she walked over to Linda’s side. Bob started moving away, but Linda grabbed his hand, “Mom, this is Bob, my soulmate and soon to be lover. Please don’t try and make him leave.” Iris shook her head, “No dear, I would never do that. He just reminds me of someone I knew and loved a long time...

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As usual, this is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any accidental resemblance to any actual person is entirely unintended. This is adult material. If you are not of age, find something else to read. I read every comment. Thank you so much to everyone who left one. If you want me to reply, either post on the message boards (which I regularly read) or leave an email address on your comment. If anyone wants to make derivative works of any of my stories, you have my permission. Please...

4 years ago
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Sighs MatterChapter 14 Black in Back

Hello again, dear reader - your pal Roderick here, picking up where dear old Tess left off. She was so kind to fill in for me with a few chapters of our adventure, but now I feel rested and refreshed, and whatever intestinal bug that crawled up inside of me seems to have been flushed out of my system, so to speak. The day after my dear wife's dinner with our host and his attendants, I woke to the birds chirping in the trees, the local animals snoring peacefully in their dens, and the insects...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Kenzie Reeves 23085

It’s Kenzie Reeve’s birthday weekend … too bad her boyfriend is a complete d-bag! His spineless ass couldn’t get out of work so they and their friend Peter could all go boating for the day, even though they had it planned for weeks! After Kenzie destroys her “boyfriend” over the phone, she still wants to do something, so she and Peter head back to his place to chill. But she doesn’t want to chill; she wants birthday cock! The horny petite blonde is all over Peter’s big dick, even if he is her...

1 year ago
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Birthday Party

My husband's birthday was almost upon us and I hadn't yet found an appropriate gift for him. What do you give a man who has everything? What can you give a man who treats you like he owns you and that you are simply one more of his many possessions? What can you give a cheating bastard who fucks his secretary at lunchtime and your sister every Tuesday and Thursday night? Something special is what you give him - something very special. I marry Harry on the rebound from my first marriage,...

4 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 52 One Night on Crucible

Constance eventually left my arms. Miki was next to hold onto me. My little Japanese beauty had been the quietest over the past few hours. This did not change once I was holding her as she just clung to me and shivered. I just stroked her back and looked at the others as the pod continued to fall through the atmosphere. No one seemed interested in talking so we listened to a faint howl as we waited. Finally the motion stopped. It happened so suddenly that the silence accompanying it shocked...

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Lolas XXXMas

Daddy David brought me to this house on Sunday night (12/24). He had rented me to be his xxx-mas gift. To tie, gag, wrap and then use for his pleasure at midnight.What I didn’t know was that daddy David had also invited his friends to CUM over and use his XXXmas gift. Daddy likes to share.Daddy David picked me up, off a street corner in Queens, around 9PM. He had some erotic music playing in his car. He said it was to get me in the mood. I love erotic music. I specially love being FUCKED while...

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LKay on vacation part 2 day three and four

Pierre is a massage therapist and Cal and I were going to ask Pierre if he would give me an erotic massage while my husband, Cal, watched. Role playing fantasies made our sex life so great for the past eight years. Getting a sexual massage while on our second honeymoon was a real turn-on, for Cal. I still wasn’t quite up to it, but I was willing to try anything to make my man happy. I have to secretly admit, the thought of an erotic massage did make me a bit excited. Just as luck would...

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The Conclusion

The last two stories I told you about my first time, my first love Tyrone, his best friend Leah who is probably the sexiest woman I've ever met, and our subsequent lesbian experience. Now I'd like to conclude the whole thing. On my drive back home I kept thinking about how royal I screwed up. My boyfriend's best friend, SERIOUSLY? How was I going to tell him? How would he react? When I got home I just showerd and cried. Then Leah called freaking out. Once I got her to calm down she asked me I...

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My story

ONE It all started on a work trip. I evaluate commercial properties and determine the life expectancies of the various components of a property, cost-segregation analysis. But you don’t really care about that. I was checking out a property on the west side of Las Vegas for a client. Since Vegas has crazy hours, I had to do all my work between 10pm and 4 am. I would go back to my hotel, try to sleep, hang out by the pool some more, and then try to sleep some more before getting to work in the...

2 years ago
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The Naked WarriorChapter 6

“He is the Kumlots Humperach!” “What?” Ali looked deeply confused as she walked into the room, her brow furrowing as she looked at Opal, who was thrusting her arms into the air, her breasts heaving as she looked upwards at the ceiling, her face a mask of religious devotion. I gently put my finger against Opal’s back, pushing her. She let herself fall limply onto the bed. “I’m an orgasm bender,” I said, cheerfully. “Zuh?” Ali cocked her head. “We need to educate your girlfriend,” Opal...

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Tigress Wife

Billy was driving himself to his friend James' new job, the Zoo as a caretaker. He zig zags through the dark streets. "God my life sucks" he moaned as he pulls in the parking lot. "My wife is having an affair and my job sucks. I think I am getting passed over for a promotion." Billy got out of his car as James poked out of a doorway and waves to him "Here but be quiet! I don't want anyone finding out." The loud BEEP echoed the parking lot as Billy locked his car up. His shoes echoed...

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Mias Welt

Dumm gelaufen .Ich hatte mal wieder voll den Blödsinn gemacht . Mich so dumm angestellt . Jetzt saß ich hier in einem kleinen Büro und gleichzeitig tief in der Scheiße . So ein blöder Kaufhausdetektiv hatte mich erwischt . Mich , verdammt . Ich war früher mal toll gewesen im Klauen . Jetzt nicht mehr , ganz klar . Wahrscheinlich war ich aus der Übung . Hatte es ja nicht mehr nötig . Fuck .Oh Mann , wie konnte ich so dumm sein . Ich zerdrückte fast meine Tasche die ich auf dem Schoß hatte ,...

4 years ago
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Teaching my sister 1

One thing I have to explain is that our parents are deeply religious, they aren't bad people but with time I've been finding out about stuff that they decided not to teach us, I made the error of asking once, and never again, as both of them got really angry about the question, therefore since then, I haven't talked to them about anything they didn't show me, neither has Laura. Now with the specifics, our parents did teach us about the reproductory system, the penis, the vagina, etc....

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Sonali Aunty Ki Pyaas Aur Mera Pehla Experience 8211 Part II

Hello dosto, myself Mayur frm Aurangabad (Maharashtra). Meri age 20yr hai. Kuch dino pehle surfing karte waqt ek blind link se ye site mere samne aayi, to mene socha ki me bhi meri kahani yaha post karu. Ye baat Nov 2008 ki hai jab me Dipawali ki holidays me ghar par hi tha. Meri mom ek Govt doctor hone ki vajah se din me kuch patient medicine ke liye ghar par hi aate he. Ek din meri mom meeting ke liye bahar gayi thi aur me ghar par akela hi tha.. Dopahar 12 baje door bell baji to mene door...

2 years ago
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Rob Deb and Sue ndash Playtime

You may want to read our previous post on the preparations for our summer cruise and our first swinging encounter for this all to make sense. To summarise we met Rob and Deb whilst out shopping and ended up having a great evening of sex with them.We kept in contact with Rob and Deb after our encounter and respective cruise holidays, we spoke about meeting up around Christmas for a weekend in the country however that didn’t happen. Sue and I were both back at work full time and weekends seemed...

1 year ago
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Encounter At Army Camp

A nudge and the glare from a red tinted flashlight woke Tammy from her restless sleep. A voice in the darkness whispered “Lt. Olsen. Wake up. It’s 0240. You’re on watch in twenty minutes.” “I’m up…I’m up” Tammy replied sleepily. This seemed to appease the soldier and she heard the sentry shuffling out of the tent. The young nurse sat up in her bunk and let her eyes gradually adjust to the low light. Pulling on her bulky green Army fatigues she smiled at how easy it was to dress in the dark when...

3 years ago
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My baby

Hi I am Sathish from Coimbatore I am a regular reader of iss I just want share with my beautiful moment in my life it was all happened at last 3 years back. My servant sorry my angel name is baby. She is having his parents he live with his grandma and his age of 10 his grandma was died so she was lived with us. Now she is 18 at that time I was doing my college. She is nice looking n before age attending I used to play with him in my home some time parents are went out I that time I played with...

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Reference Leading To Bed

Hi All. This is Madhu from Bangalore, age 26 with good height and physic. I am a great fan of ISS this is the first time I am sharing my real life experience on ISS. Any unsatisfied house wife and hot girls can contact me at I am on facebook too. Coming to the story my junior Deepa (name changed) called me for asking for job reference. As she was the girl I started to talk with her friendlier. This conservation continued for few days and then we decided to meet. It was final exam time for her....

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Victorias Vice

Victoria Jenkins stood nervously in the hallway outside the door of the study, unconsciously tracing arabesques on the carpet with the tip of her right shoe. Above her head a large, white-faced clock relentlessly ticked away the few minutes remaining before her latest uncomfortable appointment. It was not an unfamiliar situation for her. Pacing up and down the hallway as silently as she could, painful memories flashed through her mind; of her previous encounters in the same room; of all that...

3 years ago
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Alexandra Ch 03

The next day I woke up happy. So I’ve finally done it, I hummed, better late than never. I could smell her on my finger tips, even after I’d washed my hands. I was sure by then that she must really love me. And I thought that she must be as impatient to see me again and get intimate once more as I was So I waited for her to call with a certain amount of anticipation. Wanting to hold her and touch her again. And to make love to her. To feel her come under my fingers again would be such bliss....

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 2

When you’ve died a lot, you get almost accustomed to waking up in some other body, in another place and at a different time. I KNEW it was me in the body lying on that hospital bed, but I also knew everything else was not me. Rather than babble something that would define me as mentally suspect, I shut my mouth and opened my eyes and ears. My head was full of all kinds of extra information that had no anchor. It was just there. For instance, I knew that the lovely woman smiling down at me...

2 years ago
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The default option I

I had been on the job for a month when she started. We filed into the small meeting room at our disposal one hour Monday mornings and Ben said, “Okay, peons…”“Pee off on the peon crap,” said Harriet.“Yeah, you make, what? 55 cents more an hour than we do, so don’t get above yourself, friend,” said Fiona.“You tell’im, Miss Mtotwa,” Harriet joined in, and she and Fiona high fived.“No, you forget, I’m an engineer, you’re…what are you gonna be again, a PE teacher?”“Physical therapist, Benny...

Love Stories
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How I Lost My Virginity To A Lady I Met Online

Hi I am martin from Kerala, Ernakulum. This is my first story (real experience) forgive me if I make some mistakes, so let me tell about me! i am 20,doing my engineering in Ernakulum, handsome, i got a 7 inch dick i am happy to show it online for ladies. If any of ladies want to have fun mail me: . if you like my story please give reviews. So to my story I am always a horny type of guy, I spent almost all the time in sex sites, I was very eager to lose my virginity, so like usual I was...

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